Capitol Building Maryland Register

Issue Date:  October 6, 2023

Volume 50 •  Issue 20  • Pages 873 — 942



Regulatory Review and Evaluation


Special Documents

General Notices

Pursuant to State Government Article, §7-206, Annotated Code of Maryland, this issue contains all previously unpublished documents required to be published, and filed on or before September 18, 2023 5 p.m.
Pursuant to State Government Article, §7-206, Annotated Code of Maryland, I hereby certify that this issue contains all documents required to be codified as of September 18, 2023.
Gail S. Klakring
Acting Administrator, Division of State Documents
Office of the Secretary of State


Information About the Maryland Register and COMAR


   The Maryland Register is an official State publication published every other week throughout the year. A cumulative index is published quarterly.

   The Maryland Register is the temporary supplement to the Code of Maryland Regulations. Any change to the text of regulations published  in COMAR, whether by adoption, amendment, repeal, or emergency action, must first be published in the Register.

   The following information is also published regularly in the Register:

   • Governor’s Executive Orders

   • Attorney General’s Opinions in full text

   • Open Meetings Compliance Board Opinions in full text

   • State Ethics Commission Opinions in full text

   • Court Rules

   • District Court Administrative Memoranda

   • Courts of Appeal Hearing Calendars

   • Agency Hearing and Meeting Notices

   • Synopses of Bills Introduced and Enacted by the General Assembly

   • Other documents considered to be in the public interest


   The Maryland Register is cited by volume, issue, page number, and date. Example:

• 19:8 Md. R. 815—817 (April 17, 1992) refers to Volume 19, Issue 8, pages 815—817 of the Maryland Register issued on April 17, 1992.


   COMAR is the official compilation of all regulations issued by agencies of the State of Maryland. The Maryland Register is COMAR’s temporary supplement, printing all changes to regulations as soon as they occur. At least once annually, the changes to regulations printed in the Maryland Register are incorporated into COMAR by means of permanent supplements.


   COMAR regulations are cited by title number, subtitle number, chapter number, and regulation number. Example: COMAR refers to Title 10, Subtitle 08, Chapter 01, Regulation 03.


   Incorporation by reference is a legal device by which a document is made part of COMAR simply by referring to it. While the text of an incorporated document does not appear in COMAR, the provisions of the incorporated document are as fully enforceable as any other COMAR regulation. Each regulation that proposes to incorporate a document is identified in the Maryland Register by an Editor’s Note. The Cumulative Table of COMAR Regulations Adopted, Amended or Repealed, found online, also identifies each regulation incorporating a document. Documents incorporated by reference are available for inspection in various depository libraries located throughout the State and at the Division of State Documents. These depositories are listed in the first issue of the Maryland Register published each year. For further information, call 410-974-2486.


An Administrative History at the end of every COMAR chapter gives information about past changes to regulations. To determine if there have been any subsequent changes, check the ‘‘Cumulative Table of COMAR Regulations Adopted, Amended, or Repealed’’ which is found online at This table lists the regulations in numerical order, by their COMAR number, followed by the citation to the Maryland Register in which the change occurred. The Maryland Register serves as a temporary supplement to COMAR, and the two publications must always be used together. A Research Guide for Maryland Regulations is available. For further information, call 410-260-3876.


   For subscription forms for the Maryland Register and COMAR, see the back pages of the Maryland Register. Single issues of the Maryland Register are $15.00 per issue.


   Maryland citizens and other interested persons may participate in the process by which administrative regulations are adopted, amended, or repealed, and may also initiate the process by which the validity and applicability of regulations is determined. Listed below are some of the ways in which citizens may participate (references are to State Government Article (SG),

Annotated Code of Maryland):

   • By submitting data or views on proposed regulations either orally or in writing, to the proposing agency (see ‘‘Opportunity for Public Comment’’ at the beginning of all regulations appearing in the Proposed Action on Regulations section of the Maryland Register). (See SG, §10-112)

   • By petitioning an agency to adopt, amend, or repeal regulations. The agency must respond to the petition. (See SG §10-123)

   • By petitioning an agency to issue a declaratory ruling with respect to how any regulation, order, or statute enforced by the agency applies. (SG, Title 10, Subtitle 3)

   • By petitioning the circuit court for a declaratory judgment

on the validity of a regulation when it appears that the regulation interferes with or impairs the legal rights or privileges of the petitioner. (SG, §10-125)

   • By inspecting a certified copy of any document filed with the Division of State Documents for publication in the Maryland Register. (See SG, §7-213)


Maryland Register (ISSN 0360-2834). Postmaster: Send address changes and other mail to: Maryland Register, State House, Annapolis, Maryland 21401. Tel. 410-260-3876. Published biweekly, with cumulative indexes published quarterly, by the State of Maryland, Division of State Documents, State House, Annapolis, Maryland 21401. The subscription rate for the Maryland Register is $225 per year (first class mail). All subscriptions post-paid to points in the U.S. periodicals postage paid at Annapolis, Maryland and additional mailing offices.

Wes Moore, Governor; Susan C. Lee, Secretary of State; Gail S. Klakring, Administrator; Mary D. MacDonald, Senior Editor, Maryland Register and COMAR; Elizabeth Ramsey, Editor, COMAR Online, and Subscription Manager; Tami Cathell, Help Desk, COMAR and Maryland Register Online.

Front cover: State House, Annapolis, MD, built 1772—79.

Illustrations by Carolyn Anderson, Dept. of General Services


     Note: All products purchased are for individual use only. Resale or other compensated transfer of the information in printed or electronic form is a prohibited commercial purpose (see State Government Article, §7-206.2, Annotated Code of Maryland). By purchasing a product, the buyer agrees that the purchase is for individual use only and will not sell or give the product to another individual or entity.


Closing Dates for the Maryland Register

Schedule of Closing Dates and Issue Dates for the
Maryland Register .....................................................................  877


COMAR Research Aids

Table of Pending Proposals ...........................................................  878


Index of COMAR Titles Affected in This Issue

COMAR Title Number and Name                                                  Page

08        Department of Natural Resources .....................................  890

10        Maryland Department of Health ................................  886, 907

11        Department of Transportation ....................................  888, 923

13A     State Board of Education ...................................  885, 888, 924

14        Independent Agencies .......................................................  889

22        State Retirement and Pension System ...............................  936

26        Department of the Environment ........................................  889

30        Maryland Institute for Emergency Medical Services
Systems (MIEMSS) .......................................................  889

31        Maryland Insurance Administration ..................................  936



Individuals with disabilities who desire assistance in using the publications and services of the Division of State Documents are encouraged to call (410) 974-2486, or (800) 633-9657, or FAX to (410) 974-2546, or through Maryland Relay.


The Governor

EXECUTIVE ORDER 01.01.2023.13

Declaration of a State of Emergency .  881

EXECUTIVE ORDER 01.01.2023.14

Emergency Severe Storm Efforts — Hours of Service ............  881

EXECUTIVE ORDER 01.01.2023.15

Rescission of Executive Orders 01.01.2023.13 and
.  882


Regulatory Review and Evaluation



Notice of Opportunity for Comment  883


Notice of Opportunity for Comment  883


Emergency Action on Regulations



Scope and Definitions .  885

Home Environment and Equipment .........................................  885

Child Safety .  885

Health .  885


Scope and Definitions .  885

Physical Plant and Equipment  885

Safety .  885

Health .  885


Scope and Definitions .  885

Physical Plant and Equipment  885

Safety .  885

Health .  885


Scope and Definitions .  885

Home Environment and Equipment  885

Safety .  885

Health .  885


Final Action on Regulations



Adult Residential Substance Use Disorder Services .  886

Medical Day Care Services .  886

Freestanding Clinics .................................................................  886

Disposable Medical Supplies and Durable Medical


General Regulations .  887

Continuing Education .  887


Practice of Licensed Direct-Entry Midwives .  887



Motor Vehicle Fees .  888


Proof of Age, Full Name, Identity, Maryland Residence,
   Social Security Number, and Lawful Status .........................

Proof of Age, Name, Identity, and Residency for
   Federally   Noncompliant Driver Licenses and
   Identification Cards
.  888


Motor Vehicle Fees .  888


Safety Glass Replacement Standards .  888


Electric Vehicle and Low Emission Vehicle Excise Tax
   Credit .....................................................................................



General Financial Aid to Local School Systems .  888



Eligibility Standards for Enrollment in a Qualified Health
   Plan, Eligibility Standards for APTC and CSR, and
   Eligibility Standards for Enrollment in a Catastrophic
   Qualified Health Plan in the Individual Exchange
.  889

State-Based Young Adult Health Insurance Subsidies
.. 889

Hearings by the Board of Trustees ...........................................  889



Nonattainment Provisions for Major New Sources and Major
.  889



Neonatal Ambulance Service and Infant Transport  889

Specialty Care Transport Services .  889


Proposed Action on Regulations



General  890

General  901

Fish .  902

Fish .  902

Endangered and Threatened Fish Species ................................  902

Striped Bass ..............................................................................  904



Examination and Licensure ......................................................  907


Examination .  907

Inspection of Funeral Establishments ......................................  907

Fee Schedule .  907


General Licensure Regulations .  908


Continuing Education Requirements .  910


Dental Assistants .  911

Fees .  918

Continuing Education .  918



General Conditions for Movement of Oversize and
   Overweight Vehicles .............................................................



General Regulations .  924


Scope and Definitions .  927

Home Environment and Equipment  927

Child Safety .  927

Health .  927


Scope and Definitions .  927

Physical Plant and Equipment  927

Safety .  927

Health .  927


Scope and Definitions .  927

Physical Plant and Equipment  927

Safety .  927

Health .  927


Scope and Definitions .  927

Home Environment and Equipment  927

Safety .  927

Health .  927


Inspections, Complaints, and Enforcement  932

Administrative Hearings ..........................................................  932


Inspections, Complaints, and Enforcement  932

Administrative Hearings .  932


Inspections, Complaints, and Enforcement ..............................  932

Administrative Hearings .  932


Inspections, Complaints, and Enforcement  932

Administrative Hearings .  932



Applications for Service Retirement  936


General Provisions .  936

Code Compliance .  936



Credit for Reinsurance .............................................................  937


Special Documents



Water Quality Certification 22-WQC-0049 .........................  938


   CORONARY INTERVENTION SERVICES ......................



Proposed Additions to Handgun Roster and Notice of Right
   to Object or Petition
.  939


General Notices


Public Meeting .........................................................................  941


Public Meeting .  941


Public Meeting .  941


Public Meeting .........................................................................  941

Public Meeting .........................................................................  941

Public Meeting .........................................................................  941


Public Meeting .  941


Formal Start of Review ..  941

Exemption from Certificate of Need .  942

Public Meeting .  942


Public Meeting .  942


Public Meeting .........................................................................  942


Public Meeting .........................................................................  942

Public Meeting .  942


COMAR Online

        The Code of Maryland Regulations is available at as a free service of the Office of the Secretary of State, Division of State Documents. The full text of regulations is available and searchable. Note, however, that the printed COMAR continues to be the only official and enforceable version of COMAR.

        The Maryland Register is also available at

        For additional information, visit, Division of State Documents, or call us at (410) 974-2486 or 1 (800) 633-9657.


Availability of Monthly List of
Maryland Documents

        The Maryland Department of Legislative Services receives copies of all publications issued by State officers and agencies. The Department prepares and distributes, for a fee, a list of these publications under the title ‘‘Maryland Documents’’. This list is published monthly, and contains bibliographic information concerning regular and special reports, bulletins, serials, periodicals, catalogues, and a variety of other State publications. ‘‘Maryland Documents’’ also includes local publications.

        Anyone wishing to receive ‘‘Maryland Documents’’ should write to: Legislative Sales, Maryland Department of Legislative Services, 90 State Circle, Annapolis, MD 21401.






and Proposed


5 p.m.*

Notices, etc.

10:30 a.m.



10:30 a.m.


October 20

October 2

October 6**

October 11

November 3

October 16

October 23

October 25

November 17

October 30

November 6

November 8

December 1

November 13

November 20

November 22

December 15

November 27

December 4

December 6

December 29

December 11

December 18

December 20


January 12

December 22**

December 29**

January 3

January 26

January 8

January 12**

January 17

February 9

January 22

January 29

January 31

February 23

February 5

February 12

February 14

March 8

February 16**

February 26

February 28

March 22

March 4

March 11

March 13

April 5

March 18

March 25

March 27

April 19

April 1

April 8

April 10

May 3

April 15

April 22

April 24

May 17

April 29

May 6

May 8

May 31

May 13

May 20

May 22

June 14

May 24**

June 3

June 5

June 28

June 10

June 17

June 18**

July 12

June 24

July 1

July 3

July 26

July 8

July 15

July 17

August 9

July 22

July 29

July 31

August 23

August 5

August 12

August 14

September 6

August 19

August 26

August 28

September 20

August 30**

September 9

September 11

October 4

September 16

September 23

September 25

October 18

September 30

October 7

October 9

November 1

October 11**

October 21

October 23

November 15

October 28

November 4

November 6

December 2***

November 8**

November 18

November 20

December 13

November 25

December 2

December 4

December 27

December 9

December 16

December 18

   Please note that this table is provided for planning purposes and that the Division of State Documents (DSD) cannot guarantee submissions will be published in an agency’s desired issue. Although DSD strives to publish according to the schedule above, there may be times when workload pressures prevent adherence to it.

*   Also note that proposal deadlines are for submissions to DSD for publication in the Maryland Register and do not take into account the 15-day AELR review period. The due date for documents containing 8 to 18 pages is 48 hours before the date listed; the due date for documents exceeding 18 pages is 1 week before the date listed.


** Note closing date changes.

***    Note issue date changes.

The regular closing date for Proposals and Emergencies is Monday.




Cumulative Table of COMAR Regulations
Adopted, Amended, or Repealed

   This table, previously printed in the Maryland Register lists the regulations, by COMAR title, that have been adopted, amended, or repealed in the Maryland Register since the regulations were originally published or last supplemented in the Code of Maryland Regulations (COMAR). The table is no longer printed here but may be found on the Division of State Documents website at

Table of Pending Proposals

   The table below lists proposed changes to COMAR regulations. The proposed changes are listed by their COMAR number, followed by a citation to that issue of the Maryland Register in which the proposal appeared. Errata and corrections pertaining to proposed regulations are listed, followed by “(err)” or “(corr),” respectively. Regulations referencing a document incorporated by reference are followed by “(ibr)”. None of the proposals listed in this table have been adopted. A list of adopted proposals appears in the Cumulative Table of COMAR Regulations Adopted, Amended, or Repealed.


05 DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT—.11 • 50:7 Md. R. 304 (4-7-23)—.12 • 49:25 Md. R. 1054 (12-2-22)


08 DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES • 50:20 Md. R. 890 (10-6-23) • 50:20 Md. R. 901 (10-6-23)—.10,.12 • 50:18 Md. R. 803 (9-8-23),.16 • 50:18 Md. R. 803 (9-8-23) • 50:17 Md. R. 770 (8-25-23) (ibr) • 50:20 Md. R. 902 (10-6-23) • 50:20 Md. R. 902 (10-6-23)—.05 • 50:18 Md. R. 803 (9-8-23),.07,.09,.11,.12 • 50:18 Md. R. 803 (9-8-23) • 50:20 Md. R. 902 (10-6-23),.05,.07 • 50:20 Md. R. 904 (10-6-23) • 50:19 Md. R. 855 (9-22-23) • 50:18 Md. R. 809 (9-8-23)


09 MARYLAND DEPARTMENT OF LABOR • 50:18 Md. R. 810 (9-8-23)—.18 • 50:4 Md. R. 125 (2-24-23)

                                50:7 Md. R. 307 (4-7-23) (corr)

                                50:18 Md. R. 812 (9-8-23) • 50:17 Md. R. 771 (8-25-23) • 50:17 Md. R. 771 (8-25-23) • 50:15 Md. R. 684 (7-28-23) • 50:15 Md. R. 685 (7-28-23)—06 • 49:21 Md. R. 953 (10-7-22) • 50:3 Md. R. 92 (2-10-23) • 50:17 Md. R. 772 (8-25-23)




     Subtitle 09 (2nd volume),.03,.04,.07 • 50:7 Md. R. 307 (4-7-23)—.13 • 50:4 Md. R. 136 (2-24-23) • 50:18 Md. R. 814 (9-8-23),.02,.04,.06 • 50:13 Md. R. 522 (6-30-23)—.11 • 50:15 Md. R. 685 (7-28-23),.02,.06,.07,.09 • 50:6 Md. R. 227 (3-24-23) • 50:18 Md. R. 814 (9-8-23)—.06 • 50:1 Md. R. 13 (1-13-23),.04,.07 • 50:16 Md. R. 730 (8-11-23)—.06 • 50:1 Md. R. 13 (1-13-23),.04,.14,.16,.17,.22 • 50:3 Md. R. 94 (2-10-23) • 50:4 Md. R. 140 (2-24-23)—.15 • 50:16 Md. R. 732 (8-11-23)—.06 • 50:13 Md. R. 526 (6-30-23),.14,.17 • 50:16 Md. R. 737 (8-11-23),.03,.05 • 50:1 Md. R. 13 (1-13-23)—.12,.14 • 50:6 Md. R. 230 (3-24-23)


     Subtitles 10—22 (3rd volume),.04 • 50:15 Md. R. 689 (7-28-23)—.08 • 50:13 Md. R. 528 (6-30-23),.27 • 50:15 Md. R. 690 (7-28-23) • 50:13 Md. R. 530 (6-30-23)—.06 • 50:13 Md. R. 530 (6-30-23),.08 • 49:23 Md. R. 1000 (11-4-22)


     Subtitles 23—36 (4th volume)—.22 • 50:14 Md. R. 597 (7-14-23) • 50:20 Md. R. 907 (10-6-23) • 50:20 Md. R. 907 (10-6-23) • 50:20 Md. R. 907 (10-6-23) • 50:20 Md. R. 907 (10-6-23),.11,.12 • 50:20 Md. R. 908 (10-6-23)—.12 • 50:13 Md. R. 533 (6-30-23)


     Subtitles 37—52 (5th volume) • 50:17 Md. R. 772 (8-25-23) (ibr)—.08 • 50:15 Md. R. 693 (7-28-23) • 50:18 Md. R. 815 (9-8-23)—.04 • 50:16 Md. R. 738 (8-11-23),.02,.04 • 50:16 Md. R. 738 (8-11-23),.03,.05,.06 • 50:16 Md. R. 738 (8-11-23),.02,.06,.08 • 50:16 Md. R. 738 (8-11-23)—.07 • 50:16 Md. R. 738 (8-11-23),.02,.06,.08,.11,.12,.14 • 50:16 Md. R. 738 (8-11-23) • 50:16 Md. R. 738 (8-11-23)—.10 • 50:16 Md. R. 738 (8-11-23),.04 • 50:16 Md. R. 738 (8-11-23),.03,.05—.11 • 50:15 Md. R. 695 (7-28-23)—.06 • 50:20 Md. R. 910 (10-6-23)—.39 • 50:20 Md. R. 911 (10-6-23) • 50:20 Md. R. 818 (10-6-23),.04—.06,.08—.15 • 50:20 Md. R. 918 (10-6-23)


     Subtitles 53—68 (6th volume)—.16 • 50:18 Md. R. 816 (9-8-23) • 50:17 Md. R. 773 (8-25-23)—.04 • 50:17 Md. R. 773 (8-25-23),.05 • 50:18 Md. R. 816 (9-8-23),.05 • 50:4 Md. R. 143 (2-24-23) • 50:4 Md. R. 143 (2-24-23),.21 • 50:4 Md. R. 143 (2-24-23)—.16 • 50:18 Md. R. 817 (9-8-23)—04 • 50:18 Md. R. 817 (9-8-23)—.10 • 50:18 Md. R. 817 (9-8-23) • 50:16 Md. R. 732 (8-11-23) • 50:16 Md. R. 732 (8-11-23) • 50:13 Md. R. 526 (6-30-23) • 50:14 Md. R. 618 (7-14-23)




     Subtitles 01—10 • 50:20 Md. R. 923 (10-6-23)


     Subtitles 11—23 (MVA) • 50:15 Md. R. 698 (7-28-23)




13A.01.05.01—.04,.08,.10,.12 • 50:19 Md. R. 856 (9-22-23)

13A.01.07.01—.07 • 50:19 Md. R. 858 (9-22-23)

13A.07.06.01—.15 • 50:14 Md. R. 621 (7-14-23) (ibr)

13A.08.01.17 • 50:20 Md. R. 924 (10-6-23)

13A.08.04.01—.07 • 50:18 Md. R. 825 (9-8-23)

13A.12.01.01—.14 • 50:14 Md. R. 633 (7-14-23)

13A.12.02.01—.29 • 50:14 Md. R. 633 (7-14-23)

13A.12.03.01—.12 • 50:14 Md. R. 633 (7-14-23)

13A.12.04.01—.16 • 50:14 Md. R. 633 (7-14-23)

13A.12.05.01—.15 • 50:14 Md. R. 633 (7-14-23)

13A.12.06.01—.09 • 50:14 Md. R. 633 (7-14-23)

13A.12.07.01—.08 • 50:14 Md. R. 633 (7-14-23)

                                  50:15 Md. R. 707 (7-28-23) (err)

13A.15.01.02 • 50:20 Md. R. 927 (10-6-23)

13A.15.02.02 • 50:17 Md. R. 774 (8-25-23)

13A.15.05.03 • 50:20 Md. R. 927 (10-6-23)

13A.15.10.02 • 50:20 Md. R. 927 (10-6-23)

13A.15.11.04—.06 • 50:20 Md. R. 927 (10-6-23)

13A.15.13.04-1 • 50:20 Md. R. 932 (10-6-23)

13A.15.14.01,.02 • 50:20 Md. R. 932 (10-6-23)

13A.16.02.02 • 50:17 Md. R. 774 (8-25-23)

13A.16.05.11 • 50:20 Md. R. 927 (10-6-23)

13A.16.06.09-1,.10-1 • 50:17 Md. R. 776 (8-25-23)

13A.16.10.04 • 50:20 Md. R. 927 (10-6-23)

13A.16.11.04—.06 • 50:20 Md. R. 927 (10-6-23)

13A.16.17.04-1 • 50:20 Md. R. 932 (10-6-23)

13A.16.18.01,.02 • 50:20 Md. R. 932 (10-6-23)

13A.17.01.02 • 50:20 Md. R. 927 (10-6-23)

13A.17.02.02 • 50:17 Md. R. 774 (8-25-23)

13A.17.05.11 • 50:20 Md. R. 927 (10-6-23)

13A.17.10.04 • 50:20 Md. R. 927 (10-6-23)

13A.17.11.04—.06 • 50:20 Md. R. 927 (10-6-23)

13A.17.15.04-1 • 50:20 Md. R. 932 (10-6-23)

13A.17.16.01,.02 • 50:20 Md. R. 932 (10-6-23)

13A.18.01.02 • 50:20 Md. R. 927 (10-6-23)

13A.18.02.02 • 50:17 Md. R. 774 (8-25-23)

13A.18.05.11 • 50:20 Md. R. 927 (10-6-23)

13A.18.06.06-1 • 50:17 Md. R. 776 (8-25-23)

13A.18.10.04 • 50:20 Md. R. 927 (10-6-23)

13A.18.11.04—.06 • 50:20 Md. R. 927 (10-6-23)

13A.18.14.04-1 • 50:20 Md. R. 932 (10-6-23)

13A.18.15.01,.02 • 50:20 Md. R. 932 (10-6-23)




13B.08.20.02—.13 • 50:4 Md. R. 158 (2-24-23)


14 INDEPENDENT AGENCIES—.05 • 50:19 Md. R. 861 (9-22-23)—.05 • 50:19 Md. R. 864 (9-22-23) • 50:18 Md. R. 830 (9-8-23) • 50:17 Md. R. 778 (8-25-23)—.03 • 50:15 Md. R. 700 (7-28-23),.04 • 50:15 Md. R. 702 (7-28-23)


15 MARYLAND DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE,.03,.04 • 50:18 Md. R. 835 (9-8-23)


21 STATE PROCUREMENT REGULATIONS • 50:13 Md. R. 539 (6-30-23) • 50:13 Md. R. 539 (6-30-23) • 50:13 Md. R. 539 (6-30-23)


22 STATE RETIREMENT AND PENSION SYSTEM • 50:20 Md. R. 936 (10-6-23) • 50:20 Md. R. 936 (10-6-23) • 50:20 Md. R. 936 (10-6-23)




     Subtitles 01—07 (Part 1),.01-1,.20,.37 • 50:3 Md. R. 106 (2-10-23) (ibr)


     Subtitles 08—12 (Part 2)—.05 • 50:18 Md. R. 836 (9-8-23) (ibr)




33 STATE BOARD OF ELECTIONS • 50:15 Md. R. 703 (7-28-23) • 50:17 Md. R. 779 (8-25-23),.02 • 50:15 Md. R. 703 (7-28-23)—.05 • 50:15 Md. R. 705 (7-28-23) • 50:15 Md. R. 703 (7-28-23),.02 • 50:15 Md. R. 703 (7-28-23) • 50:17 Md. R. 779 (8-25-23) • 50:15 Md. R. 705 (7-28-23) • 50:17 Md. R. 779 (8-25-23)


The Governor

EXECUTIVE ORDER 01.01.2023.13

Declaration of a State of Emergency


WHEREAS, The State of Maryland is subject to a variety of hazards and disasters, including an impending emergency as defined in Section 14-101(c) of the Public Safety Article of the Maryland Code;


WHEREAS, Having been advised and informed by the Maryland Department of Emergency Management that, as a result of the impending impact of severe weather predicted for the State, including a significant risk of strong winds, tidal surge, inland flooding and isolated tornadoes, with impacts expected to begin on September 22, 2023, action may be needed to protect the lives and property of Maryland residents and visitors expected to be impacted by the severe weather;


WHEREAS, Because of the potential impacts of this severe weather and in preparation for all contingencies, an emergency exists statewide;


WHEREAS, Transportation, utilities, and other critical infrastructure may be negatively affected by the impacts of the storms including high winds and flooding;


WHEREAS, State and local government agencies may require additional resources and support to implement proactive actions and meet the public safety and welfare needs of Maryland residents who are negatively affected by the impacts of the severe weather including high winds, tidal surge, inland flooding and isolated tornadoes;


WHEREAS, Maryland residents may require direct assistance in repairing damaged homes and businesses;


WHEREAS, In order to waive certain regulations to facilitate emergency response and restoration activities, to activate certain emergency contracts, and to facilitate the deployment of requisite resources within provisions of Maryland law;


WHEREAS, Use of the resources of the Maryland National Guard may be required;


WHEREAS, An Executive Order to implement the emergency powers of the Governor is a prerequisite for potential federal emergency and disaster assistance;


WHEREAS, In order to implement the emergency powers of the Governor to facilitate the deployment of needed resources, an executive order is necessary and appropriate;




A. The Maryland Department of Emergency Management is hereby directed to coordinate the State preparedness and response to impacts of severe weather.

B. All other appropriate State authorities are hereby authorized to activate their emergency preparedness plans and engage, deploy, use, and coordinate available resources in furtherance of those plans.

C. The Maryland National Guard is hereby called into State service.

GIVEN Under My Hand and the Great Seal of the State of Maryland, in the City of Annapolis, this 22nd Day of September 2023.




Secretary of State



EXECUTIVE ORDER 01.01.2023.14

Emergency Severe Storm Efforts — Hours of Service


WHEREAS, A state of emergency has been declared for the entire State of Maryland due to the impending arrival of severe weather predicted for the State, expected to begin on September 22, 2023, in Maryland;


WHEREAS, The delivery of supplies and equipment to areas that may be stricken by this storm is vital to the preservation of life and property;


WHEREAS, The facilitated movement of these supplies and equipment is in the best interest of the citizens of Maryland;


WHEREAS, Having been advised and informed by the Maryland Department of Emergency Management that the State of Maryland is anticipating severe weather including high winds, tidal surge, inland flooding and isolated tornadoes and subsequent power outages, that an emergency exists in the State of Maryland and that resources may be requested;



1. Carriers and drivers operating under the provisions of this declaration must adhere to all roadway restrictions of the Maryland State Highway Administration, Maryland Transportation Authority and local jurisdictions regarding roadway and bridge size and weight limitations. 

2. Pursuant to the Code of Federal Regulations, 49 CFR Part 390.23, carriers and drivers of commercial motor vehicles transporting commodities related to storm relief efforts (e.g. heating oil, propane, gasoline, food, water, generators, storm debris removal equipment, etc.), carriers and drivers of commercial motor vehicles transporting debris or waste related to storm relief efforts shall be relieved from the Hours of Service (HOS) requirements of 49 CFR part 395, as adopted under Section 25-111, of the Maryland Transportation Article.  This waiver does not relieve any carrier or operator from the requirements of 49 CFR part 392.3, relating to operating a commercial motor vehicle while fatigued.

3. Nothing in this declaration relieves the carrier or driver of responsibility for the safe operation of the vehicle.

4. The provisions of this Order are not applicable to any part of the Interstate Highway System.  Such relief is strictly under the purview of and must be independently declared by the appropriate federal agency.  Any declaration so made and receiving concurrence by the Maryland Secretary of Transportation shall become a part of this Order.

5. This Order shall remain in effect until modified or rescinded by the Governor.


GIVEN Under My Hand and the Great Seal of the State of Maryland, in the City of Annapolis, this 22nd Day of September, 2023.




Secretary of State



EXECUTIVE ORDER 01.01.2023.15

Rescission of Executive Orders 01.01.2023.13 and 01.01.2023.14

WHEREAS, I, Wes Moore, Governor of the State of Maryland, issued Executive Orders 01.01.2023.13 and 01.01.2023.14 due to the threat to the public health and safety caused by the impact of severe weather throughout the State of Maryland;


WHEREAS, The emergency conditions caused by the severe weather no longer exist.




GIVEN Under My Hand and the Great Seal of the State of Maryland, in the City of Annapolis, effective this 25th Day of September 2023.




Secretary of State



Regulatory Review and Evaluation

Regulations promulgated under the Administrative Procedure Act will undergo a review by the promulgating agency in accordance with the Regulatory Review and Evaluation Act (State Government Article, §§10-130 — 10-139; COMAR 01.01.2003.20). This review will be documented in an evaluation report which will be submitted to the General Assembly’s Joint Committee on Administrative, Executive, and Legislative Review.  The evaluation reports have been spread over an 8-year period (see COMAR 01.01.2003.20 for the schedule).  Notice that an evaluation report is available for public inspection and comment will be published in this section of the Maryland Register.


Title 11


Notice of Opportunity for Comment

In accordance with the Regulatory Review and Evaluation Act, State Government Article, §§10-130 — 10-139, Annotated Code of Maryland, the Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT) is currently reviewing and evaluating the following chapters:


11.01.01     Promulgation and Adoption of Regulations — REPEALED

11.01.02     Petition for the Adoption of Regulations

11.01.03     Petition for Declaratory Rulings

11.01.04     Open Meetings

11.01.05     Board of Review of the Department of Transportation

11.01.06     Transportation Planning Process — The Action Plan

11.01.07     Transportation Professional Services Selection Board - REPEALED

11.01.08     Implementation of The Maryland Environmental Policy Act

11.01.09     Contractor's Affirmative Action Plan Review/Approval and Compliance Monitoring Process — REPEALED

11.01.10     Maryland Minority Business Enterprise/Federal Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program

11.01.11     Small Business Procurements, Construction Contracts - REPEALED

11.01.12     Implementation of the "Buy American Steel" — REPEALED

11.01.13     Release of Public Records

11.01.14     Procedure for Hearings in Contested Cases

11.01.15     Correction or Amendment of Personal Records

11.01.16     Rules of Procedure of the Board of Airport Zoning Appeals

11.01.17 Public-Private Partnership Program

11.01.18     Tax Credits Employer–Provided Commuter Benefits Expansion and Administration 49:27 Md. R. 1118 (12-30-22)


The purpose of this review and evaluation is to determine whether existing regulations continue to accomplish the purposes for which they were adopted, clarify ambiguous or unclear language, and repeal obsolete or duplicative provisions. Pursuant to this work plan, MDOT will evaluate the need to retain, amend, or repeal the regulations based on whether the regulations:


·         Continue to be necessary for public interest;

·         Continue to be supported by statutory authority and judicial opinions;

·         Are obsolete or otherwise appropriate for amendment or repeal;

·         Continue to be effective in accomplishing the intended purposes of the regulations.


MDOT would like to provide interested parties with an opportunity to participate in the review and evaluation process by submitting comments on the regulations. The comments may address any concerns about the regulations. If the comments include suggested changes to the regulations, please be as specific as possible and provide language for the suggested changes. Comments must be received by December 6, 2023. 

Comments should be directed to Stephanie Ford MDOT COMAR Coordinator, Maryland Department of Transportation, 7201 Corporate Center Drive, MS-340, Hanover, MD 21076 or by email to or call 410-865-1154.





Notice of Opportunity for Comment

In accordance with the Regulatory Review and Evaluation Act, State Government Article, §§10-130 – 10-139, Annotated Code of Maryland, the Maryland Aviation Administration (MAA) is currently reviewing and evaluating the following chapters:

11.03.01                   Baltimore/Washington International Thurgood Marshall Airport

11.03.02                   Martin State Airport

11.03.03                   Airport Noise Control Program

11.03.04                   Aeronautical Regulations

11.03.05                   Obstructions to Air Navigation

11.03.06                   Airport Zoning Regulations

11.03.07                   Maryland Air Terminal Assistance Program

11.03.08                   Maryland Assistance to Private Airports (MAPA) Program

11.03.09                   Issuance of Citations by Maryland Aviation Administration Personnel

The purpose of this review and evaluation is to determine whether existing regulations continue to accomplish the purposes for which they were adopted, clarify ambiguous or unclear language, and repeal obsolete or duplicative provisions. Pursuant to this work plan, MAA will evaluate the need to retain, amend, or repeal the regulations based on whether the regulations:

·         Continue to be necessary for public interest;

·         Continue to be supported by statutory authority and judicial opinions;

·         Are obsolete or otherwise appropriate for amendment or repeal;

·         Continue to be effective in accomplishing the intended purposes of the regulations.

AA would like to provide interested parties with an opportunity to participate in the review and evaluation process by submitting comments on the regulations. The comments may address any concerns about the regulations. If the comments include suggested changes to the regulations, please be as specific as possible and provide language for the suggested changes. Comments must be received by December 6, 2023.

Comments should be directed to Ms. Stacey Hicks-Johnson, Regulations Coordinator, Maryland Aviation Administration, P.O. Box 8766, BWI Airport, MD 21240 or email to or call 410-859-7351.



Emergency Action on Regulations

Symbol Key

   Roman type indicates text existing before emergency status was granted.

   Italic type indicates new text.

   [Single brackets] indicate deleted text.


Emergency Regulations

Under State Government Article, §10-111(b), Annotated Code of Maryland, an agency may petition the Joint Committee on Administrative, Executive, and Legislative Review (AELR), asking that the usual procedures for adopting regulations be set aside because emergency conditions exist. If the Committee approves the request, the regulations are given emergency status. Emergency status means that the regulations become effective immediately, or at a later time specified by the Committee. After the Committee has granted emergency status, the regulations are published in the next available issue of the Maryland Register. The approval of emergency status may be subject to one or more conditions, including a time limit. During the time the emergency status is in effect, the agency may adopt the regulations through the usual promulgation process. If the agency chooses not to adopt the regulations, the emergency status expires when the time limit on the emergency regulations ends. When emergency status expires, the text of the regulations reverts to its original language.


Title 13A

Notice of Emergency Action


The Joint Committee on Administrative, Executive, and Legislative Review has granted emergency status to:

(1) Amendments to Regulation .02 under COMAR 13A.15.01 Scope and Definitions;

(2) Amendments to Regulation .03 under COMAR 13A.15.05 Home Environment and Equipment;

(3) Amendments to Regulation .02 under COMAR 13A.15.10 Child Safety;

(4) Amendments to Regulations .04 and .05 and the repeal of Regulation .06 under COMAR 13A.15.11 Health;

(5) Amendments to Regulation .02 under COMAR 13A.16.01 Scope and Definitions;

(6) Amendments to Regulation .11 under COMAR 13A.16.05 Physical Plant and Equipment;

(7) Amendments to Regulation .04 under COMAR 13A.16.10 Safety;

(8) Amendments to Regulations .04 and .05 and the repeal of Regulation .06 under COMAR 13A.16.11 Health;

(9) Amendments to Regulation .02 under COMAR 13A.17.01 Scope and Definitions;

(10) Amendments to Regulation .11 under COMAR 13A.17.05 Physical Plant and Equipment;

(11) Amendments to Regulation .04 under COMAR 13A.17.10 Safety;

(12) Amendments to Regulations .04 and .05 and the repeal of Regulation .06 under COMAR 13A.17.11 Health;

(13) Amendments to Regulations .02 under COMAR 13A.18.01 Scope and Definitions;

(14) Amendments to Regulation .11 under COMAR 13A.18.05 Home Environment and Equipment;

(15) Amendments to Regulation .04 under COMAR 13A.18.10 Safety; and

(16) Amendments to Regulations .04 and .05 and the repeal of Regulation .06 under COMAR 13A.18.11 Health.


Emergency status began: August 31, 2023.

Emergency status expires: February 12, 2024.


     Editor’s Note:  The text of this document will not be printed here because it appears as a Notice of Proposed Action on pages 927—932 of this issue, referenced as [23-173-P]. 

State Superintendent of Schools



Final Action on Regulations


Symbol Key

   Roman type indicates text already existing at the time of the proposed action.

   Italic type indicates new text added at the time of proposed action.

   Single underline, italic indicates new text added at the time of final action.

   Single underline, roman indicates existing text added at the time of final action.

   [[Double brackets]] indicate text deleted at the time of final action.



Title 10


10.09.06 Adult Residential Substance Use Disorder Services

Authority: Health-General Article, §§2-104(b), 7.5-204(c), 7.5-205(d), 15-105(b), and 15-141.2, Annotated Code of Maryland

Notice of Final Action


On September 15, 2023, the Secretary of Health adopted amendments to Regulations .02, .04, .06, .07, and .09 under COMAR 10.09.06 Adult Residential Substance Use Disorder Services. This action, which was proposed for adoption in 50:11 Md. R. 448—449 (June 2, 2023), has been adopted as proposed.

Effective Date: October 16, 2023.

Secretary of Health



10.09.07 Medical Day Care Services

Authority: Health-General Article, §§2-104(b), 15-103, 15-105, and 15-111, Annotated Code of Maryland

Notice of Final Action


On September 15, 2023, the Secretary of Health adopted amendments to Regulation .08 under COMAR 10.09.07 Medical Day Care Services. This action, which was proposed for adoption in 50:7 Md. R. 309—310 (April 7, 2023), has been adopted as proposed.

Effective Date: October 16, 2023.

Secretary of Health



10.09.08 Freestanding Clinics

Authority: Health-General Article, §§2-104(b), 15-103, and 15-105, Annotated Code of Maryland

Notice of Final Action


On September 15, 2023, the Secretary of Health adopted amendments to Regulations .01—.06, .09, and .10 under COMAR 10.09.08 Freestanding Clinics. This action, which was proposed for adoption in 50:13 Md. R. 520—522 (June 30, 2023), has been adopted with the nonsubstantive changes shown below.

Effective Date: October 16, 2023.

Attorney General’s Certification

In accordance with State Government Article, §10-113, Annotated Code of Maryland, the Attorney General certifies that the following changes do not differ substantively from the proposed text. The nature of the changes and the basis for this conclusion are as follows:

The Maryland Department of Health (the Department) is updating the definition of “qualified provider” in accordance with Health-General Article, §§20-103(a) and 20-207, Annotated Code of Maryland.

Regulation .04D(1)(c): The Maryland Department of Health, in accordance with Ch. 56 (H.B. 937), Acts of 2022, is removing the requirement that providers complete and retain the “Certification of Abortion” (MDH 521) form when performing abortions.

.01 Definitions.

A. (text unchanged)

B. Terms Defined.

(1)—(20) (proposed text unchanged)

(21) “Qualified provider” means an individual [[who is licensed, certified, or otherwise authorized by law to practice in the State and for whom the performance of an abortion is within the scope of the individual’s license or certification]] that meets the definition of a qualified provider under Health-General Article, §§20-103(a) and 20-207, Annotated Code of Maryland.

(22)(23) (proposed text unchanged)

.04 Covered Services.

A.—C. (proposed text unchanged)

D. Abortion Clinic Care.

(1) To participate in the Program as an abortion clinic, the provider shall meet the requirements of Regulations .02 and .03 of this chapter and §B of this regulation and shall:

(a) Meet all applicable state and local requirements for licensure and certification in the state or jurisdiction in which the clinic is located; and

(b) Ensure abortions are performed by a qualified provider and in compliance with all applicable Program regulations[[; and]].

[[(c) Complete the “Certification of Abortion” (MDH 521) form and keep the form in the patient’s medical record for services related to the termination of pregnancy or for medical procedures necessary to voluntarily terminate a pregnancy for victims of rape or incest.]]

(2) (proposed text unchanged)

E. (proposed text unchanged)

Secretary of Health



10.09.12 Disposable Medical Supplies and Durable Medical Equipment

Authority: Health-General Article, §§2-104(b), 15-103, 15-105, and 15-129, Annotated Code of Maryland

Notice of Final Action


On September 15, 2023, the Secretary of Health adopted amendments to Regulations .06 and .07 under COMAR 10.09.12 Disposable Medical Supplies and Durable Medical Equipment. This action, which was proposed for adoption in 50:6 Md. R. 222—224 (March 24, 2023), has been adopted with the nonsubstantive changes shown below.

Effective Date: October 16, 2023.

Attorney General’s Certification

In accordance with State Government Article, §10-113, Annotated Code of Maryland, the Attorney General certifies that the following changes do not differ substantively from the proposed text. The nature of the changes and the basis for this conclusion are as follows:

Regulation .07: In response to guidance from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, the Maryland Department of Health (the Department) clarifies which Medicare rate the Department uses to establish reimbursement rates for providers under this chapter.

.07 Payment Procedures.

A.—C. (proposed text unchanged)

D. Effective July 1, 2022, the Department shall pay providers 85 percent of the lowest rural, non-rural, or competitive bidding area (CBA) Medicare rate established January 1 of each year for prosthetic devices. For prosthetic devices for which Medicare has not established a rate, the Department shall pay providers the manufacturer’s suggested retail price of the item, less 26.5 percent. The payment shall include all fitting, dispensing, and follow-up care.

E. (proposed text unchanged)

F. With the exception of items free to individuals not covered by Medicaid, the Department shall reimburse providers for the purchase of covered services at the lesser of the provider’s customary charge or:

(1) For the purchase of items for which Medicare has established a rate:

(a) Disposable medical supplies and durable medical equipment other than enteral nutritional products and enteral and parenteral therapy supplies at 85 percent of the lowest rural, non-rural, or competitive bidding area (CBA) Medicare purchase reimbursement rate established January 1 of each year;

(b)—(c) (proposed text unchanged)

(d) For medical equipment for which Medicare has established a rental rate, the purchase price shall be 10 times the [[current]] lowest rural, non-rural, or competitive bidding area (CBA) Medicare monthly rental rate.

(2) (proposed text unchanged)

F-1. (proposed text unchanged)

G. The Department shall reimburse providers for the monthly rental of covered services as follows:

(1) For items for which Medicare has established a purchase rate, 85 percent of the [[current]] lowest rural, non-rural, or competitive bidding area (CBA) Medicare purchase reimbursement rate divided over 10 months;

(2)—(3) (proposed text unchanged)

H.—Z. (proposed text unchanged)

Secretary of Health



Notice of Final Action


On September 15, 2023, the Secretary of Health adopted:

(1) Amendments to Regulations .02—.05 under COMAR 10.26.02 General Regulations; and

(2) New Regulations .01—.03 under a new chapter, COMAR 10.26.06 Continuing Education.

This action, which was proposed for adoption in 50:15 Md. R. 691—693 (July 28, 2023), has been adopted as proposed.

Effective Date: October 16, 2023.

Secretary of Health



10.64.01 Practice of Licensed Direct-Entry Midwives

Authority: Health Occupations Article, §8-205, Annotated Code of Maryland

Notice of Final Action


On September 15, 2023, the Secretary of Health adopted amendments to Regulation .15 under COMAR 10.64.01 Practice of Licensed Direct-Entry Midwives. This action, which was proposed for adoption in 50:15 Md. R. 698 (July 28, 2023), has been adopted as proposed.

Effective Date: October 16, 2023.

Secretary of Health


Title 11

Notice of Final Action


On September 26, 2023, the Motor Vehicle Administration adopted amendments to:

(1) Regulation .03 under COMAR 11.11.05 Motor Vehicle Fees;

(2) Regulation .05 under COMAR 11.17.09 Proof of Age, Full Name, Identity, Maryland Residence, Social Security Number, and Lawful Status; and

(3) Regulation .05 under COMAR 11.17.21 Proof of Age, Name, Identity, and Residency for Federally Noncompliant Driver Licenses and Identification Cards.

This action, which was proposed for adoption in 50:16 Md. R. 750—751 (August 11, 2023), has been adopted as proposed.

Effective Date: October 16, 2023.




11.11.05 Motor Vehicle Fees

Authority: Transportation Article, §12-104(b), Annotated Code of Maryland, and as cited in Regulations .02—.06 of this chapter

Notice of Final Action


On September 26, 2023, the Motor Vehicle Administration adopted amendments to Regulation .04 under COMAR 11.11.05 Motor Vehicle Fees. This action, which was proposed for adoption in 50:16 Md. R. 751— 752 (August 11, 2023), has been adopted as proposed.

Effective Date: October 16, 2023.




11.13.12 Safety Glass Replacement Standards

Authority: Commercial Law Article, §13-301; Transportation Article, §§12-104(b) and 22-406; Annotated Code of Maryland.

Notice of Final Action


On September 26, 2023, the Motor Vehicle Administration adopted amendments to Regulations .01, .04, .05, and .09 under COMAR Safety Glass Replacement Standards. This action, which was proposed for adoption in 50:16 Md. R. 752—753 (August 11, 2023), has been adopted as proposed.

Effective Date: October 16, 2023.




11.15.40 Electric Vehicle and Low Emission Vehicle Excise Tax Credit

Authority: Transportation Article, §§12-104(b), 11-103.4, and 13-815, Annotated Code of Maryland

Notice of Final Action


On September 26, 2023, the Motor Vehicle Administration adopted new Regulations .01—.04 under a new chapter, COMAR 11.15.40 Electric Vehicle and Low Emission Vehicle Excise Tax Credit. This action, which was proposed for adoption in 50:16 Md. R. 753 (August 11, 2023), has been adopted as proposed.

Effective Date: October 16, 2023.



Title 13A


13A.02.06 General Financial Aid to Local School Systems

Authority: Education Article, §§2-205, 5-202, 5-205—5-209, 5-212, 5-218, 5-222, 5-224, 5-225, 7-101, 7-101.1, 8-101—8-105, 8-403, and 8-404, Annotated Code of Maryland

Notice of Final Action


On September 26, 2023, the Maryland State Board of Education adopted amendments to Regulations .01, .02, and .05—.07 under COMAR 13A.02.06 General Financial Aid to Local School Systems. This action, which was proposed for adoption in 50:14 Md. R. 620—621 (July 14, 2023), has been adopted as proposed.

Effective Date: October 16, 2023.

State Superintendent of Schools


Title 14


14.35.07 Eligibility Standards for Enrollment in a Qualified Health Plan, Eligibility Standards for APTC and CSR, and Eligibility Standards for Enrollment in a Catastrophic Qualified Health Plan in the Individual Exchange

Authority:  Insurance Article, §31-106(c)(1)(iv), Annotated Code of Maryland

Notice of Final Action


On September 18, 2023, the Maryland Health Benefit Exchange adopted new Regulation .22 under COMAR 14.35.07 Eligibility Standards for Enrollment in a Qualified Health Plan, Eligibility Standards for APTC and CSR, and Eligibility Standards for Enrollment in a Catastrophic Qualified Health Plan in the Individual Exchange. This action, which was proposed for adoption in 50:13 Md. R. 535—536 (June 30, 2023), has been adopted as proposed.

Effective Date: October 16, 2023.

Executive Director



14.35.19 State-Based Young Adult Health Insurance Subsidies Program

Authority: Insurance Article, §31-106(c)(1)(iv), Annotated Code of Maryland

Notice of Final Action


On September 26, 2023, the Maryland Health Benefit Exchange adopted amendments to Regulation .03 under COMAR 14.35.19 State-Based Young Adult Health Insurance Subsidies Program. This action, which was proposed for adoption in 50:16 Md. R. 754 (August 11, 2023), has been adopted as proposed.

Effective Date: October 16, 2023.

Executive Director



14.35.20 Hearings by the Board of Trustees

Authority: Insurance Article, §§31-106(c)(1)(iv), 31-112, and 31-113; State Government Article, Title 10, Subtitle 2; Annotated Code of Maryland

Notice of Final Action


On September 18, 2023, the Maryland Health Benefit Exchange adopted new Regulations .01—.12 under a new chapter, COMAR 14.35.20 Hearings by the Board of Trustees. This action, which was proposed for adoption in 50:13 Md. R. 536—539 (June 30, 2023), has been adopted as proposed.

Effective Date: October 16, 2023.

Executive Director


Title 26

Subtitle 11 AIR QUALITY

26.11.17 Nonattainment Provisions for Major New Sources and Major Modifications

Authority: Environment Article, §§1-101, 1-404, 2-101—2-103, 2-301—2-303, 10-102, and 10-103, Annotated Code of Maryland

Notice of Final Action


On September 15, 2023, the Secretary of the Environment adopted amendments to Regulations .01 and .04 under COMAR 26.11.17 Nonattainment Provisions for Major New Sources and Major Modifications. This action, which was proposed for adoption in 50:11 Md. R. 455—456 (June 2, 2023), has been adopted as proposed.

Effective Date: October 16, 2023.

Secretary of the Environment


Title 30


Notice of Final Action


On September 12, 2023, the Maryland Emergency Medical Services Board adopted amendments to:

(1) Regulation .04 under COMAR 30.09.12 Neonatal Ambulance Service and Infant Transport; and

(2) Regulation .04 under COMAR 30.09.14 Specialty Care Transport Services.

This action, which was proposed for adoption in 50:13 Md. R. 541—542 (June 30, 2023), has been adopted as proposed.

Effective Date: October 16, 2023.

Executive Director


Proposed Action on Regulations


Title 08


08.02.01 General

Authority: Natural Resources Article, §4-1006.1, Annotated Code of Maryland.

Notice of Proposed Action


The Secretary of Natural Resources proposes to amend Regulation .12 under COMAR 08.02.01 General.

Statement of Purpose

The purpose of this action is to revise the Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Protection Zones. Zones are being revised using data from an annual aerial survey compiled by the Virginia Institute of Marine Sciences (VIMS).

Natural Resources Article, §4-1006.1, Annotated Code of Maryland, requires the Department to create, and update submerged aquatic vegetation protection zones every 3 years using data from the annual aerial survey compiled by the Virginia Institute of Marine Sciences (VIMS) for the annual Bay-wide Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Mapping Program. This update uses data from 2019—2021, which is the most recent 3-year dataset available through the VIMS program.

The areas to be added based on the VIMS data include areas in Herring Bay (Anne Arundel), Broomes Island (Calvert), North of Eastern Neck Island (Kent), Crab Alley Bay, and Prospect Bay (Queen Anne’s), Potomac River (downstream of Breton Bay), Potomac River (near St. George Island), Smith Creek, and Webster Field Annex (St. Mary’s), Tilghman Island (Talbot), Sinepuxent Bay, Chincoteague Bay, Rowley Cove/Tizzard Island, and Mills Island (Worcester). The areas to be removed based on the VIMS data include areas in Herring Bay (Anne Arundel), Broomes Island, Solomons Island (Calvert), Trippe Bay, Armstrong Bay, Todds Bay, Bloodsworth Island (Dorchester), North of Eastern Neck Island (Kent), Crab Alley Bay and Wye River (Queen Anne’s), Smith Island, Deal Island and Manokin River, Big Annamessex River, Daugherty Creek and Pocomoke Sound (Somerset), Smith Creek and Webster Field Annex, Potomac River (near Lake Conoy) (St. Mary’s), Miles River and Eastern Bay, Tilghman Island, Black Walnut Cove, and Harris Creek (Talbot), Sinepuxent Bay, Chincoteague Bay, and Rowley Cove/Tizzard Island (Worcester).

Estimate of Economic Impact

I. Summary of Economic Impact. The proposed action may have an indeterminable positive economic impact, resulting in larger harvest areas. The total acreage of SAV zones is decreasing by roughly 5,000 acres so that much more area will be open to clamming. Roughly 8,000 acres are being removed, and approximately 3,000 acres are being added.

II. Types of Economic Impact.

Impacted Entity

Revenue (R+/R-)




A. On issuing agency:



B. On other State agencies:



C. On local governments:







Benefit (+)

Cost (-)


D. On regulated industries or trade groups:






E. On other industries or trade groups:






F. Direct and indirect effects on public:



III. Assumptions. (Identified by Impact Letter and Number from Section II.)

D. The proposed action should have an indeterminable positive impact because there is ultimately more bottom for clammers to use due to larger harvest areas. It is not known if clammers will utilize the newly open bottom or if there are significant populations of clams in those areas, so it is not possible to know the extent of the positive impact created by the additional harvest areas available to clammers.

E. Crabbers will likely realize an indeterminable positive impact from this action because it opens additional areas for clammers to harvest razor clams. Razor clams are a primary bait for crabbers. Having additional areas to harvest razor clams will ensure the availability of that bait and potentially decrease the cost of the bait due to greater availability.

Economic Impact on Small Businesses

The proposed action has a meaningful economic impact on small businesses. An analysis of this economic impact follows:

This action impacts small businesses that harvest clams and crabs. It should lead to an indeterminable positive impact to both sectors by allowing the harvest of clams in more areas. Clammers will benefit from the additional areas to harvest clams and crabbers will benefit from increased availability of a primary bait. See Sections IID and E for additional information.

Impact on Individuals with Disabilities

The proposed action has no impact on individuals with disabilities.

Opportunity for Public Comment

Comments may be sent to Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Protection Zones, Regulatory Staff, Department of Natural Resources, 580 Taylor Avenue, E-4, Annapolis, MD 21401, or call 410-260-8300, or submit comments to Comments will be accepted through November 6, 2023. A public hearing has not been scheduled.

.12 Submerged Aquatic Vegetation (SAV) Protection Zones.

A. (text unchanged)

[B.] (proposed for repeal)

B. Submerged Aquatic Vegetation (SAV) Protection Zones.

(1) Somerset County.

(a) All of the waters of Saint Peter's Creek and Manokin River enclosed by a line beginning at a point at or near the north shore of Champ Point defined by Lat. 38° 08.725' N, Long. 75°49.161' W; then running approximately 43° True to a point at or near the shore defined by Lat. 38° 08.972' N, Long. 75°48.872' W; then running southwesterly along the shore to the point of beginning.

(b) All of the waters of Big Sound Creek, Little Sound Creek, Laws Gut and Laws Thorofare enclosed by a line beginning at a point at or near the eastern shore of Big Sound Creek defined by Lat. 38°08.453' N, Long. 75°54.454' W; then running approximately 340° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°08.841' N, Long. 75°54.631' W; then running approximately 220° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°08.596' N, Long. 75°54.895' W; then running approximately 297° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°08.689' N, Long. 75°55.120' W; then running approximately 313° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°08.915' N, Long. 75°55.431' W; then running approximately 306° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°09.000' N, Long. 75°55.580' W; then running approximately 252° True to a point at or near the shore of Laws Thorofare defined by Lat. 38°08.963' N, Long. 75°55.730' W; then running easterly along the shore to the point of beginning.

(c) All of the waters of Fishing Creek, Manokin River, Broad Creek, and Geanquakin Creek enclosed by a line beginning at a point at or near the shore at the west side of Fishing Creek defined by Lat. 38°08.383’ N, Long. 75°54.458’ W; then running approximately 175° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°08.354’ N, Long. 75°54.455’ W; then running along the southern shore to a point defined by Lat. 38°08.281’ N, Long. 75°54.370’ W; then running approximately 84° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°08.294’ N, Long. 75°54.154’ W; then running approximately 38° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°08.481’ N, Long. 75°53.970’ W; then running approximately 7° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°08.780’ N, Long. 75°53.919’ W; then running approximately 85° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°08.865’ N, Long. 75°52.885’ W; then running approximately 181° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°08.193’ N, Long. 75°52.906’ W; then running approximately 105° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°08.018’ N, Long. 75°52.083’ W; then running approximately 57° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°08.477’ N, Long. 75°51.200’ W; then running approximately 348° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°08.641’ N, Long. 75°51.245’ W; then running approximately 88° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°08.658’ N, Long. 75°50.402’ W; then running approximately 36° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°08.988’ N, Long. 75°50.105’ W; then running approximately 110° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°08.765’ N, Long. 75°49.331’ W; then running approximately 78° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°08.784’ N, Long. 75°49.216’ W; then running approximately 49° True to a point at or near the western shore of Saint Peter’s Creek defined by Lat. 38°08.850’ N, Long. 75°49.126’ W; then running westerly along the shore to the point of beginning.

(d) All of the waters of Manokin River enclosed by a line beginning at a point at or near the shore defined by Lat. 38° 08.478' N, Long. 75°48.570' W; then running approximately 304° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°08.636’ N, Long. 75°48.867’ W; then running approximately 261° True to a point at or near the south shore of Champ Point defined by Lat. 38° 08.587' N, Long. 75°49.242' W; then running easterly along the shore to the point of beginning.

(e) All of the waters of Manokin River surrounding Saint Pierre's Island enclosed by a line beginning at a point defined by Lat. 38°07.874' N, Long. 75°51.309' W; then running approximately 327° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°07.890' N, Long. 75°51.322' W; then running approximately 37° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°07.946' N, Long. 75°51.270' W; then running approximately 158° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°07.909' N, Long. 75°51.251' W; then running approximately 223° True to the point of beginning.

(f) All of the waters of Manokin River enclosed by a line beginning at a point at or near the shore defined by Lat. 38°07.851' N, Long. 75°55.424' W; then running approximately 66° True to a point at or near the southern shore of Shark Point defined by Lat. 38°07.893' N, Long. 75°55.306' W; then running westerly along the shore to the point of beginning.

(g) All of the waters of Lower Thorofare and Manokin River enclosed by a line beginning at a point at or near the southern shore of Deal Island defined by Lat. 38°07.569' N, Long. 75°55.821' W; then running approximately 122° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°07.561' N, Long. 75°55.819' W; then running approximately 80° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°07.583' N, Long. 75°55.644' W; then running approximately 4° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°07.595' N, Long. 75°55.643' W; then running northerly along the shore to a point defined by Lat. 38°07.603' N, Long. 75°55.652' W; then running approximately 341° True to a point at or near the south shore of Deal Island defined by Lat. 38°07.617' N, Long. 75°55.657' W; then running westerly along the shore to the point of beginning.

(h) All of the waters of Lower Thorofare and Tangier Sound enclosed by a line beginning at a point at or near the western shore of Little Deal Island at Webster Point defined by Lat. 38°07.128' N, Long. 75°56.782' W; then running approximately 2° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°07.394' N, Long. 75°56.773' W; then running approximately 6° True to a point at or near the western shore of the Lower Thorofare inlet defined by Lat. 38°07.611' N, Long. 75°56.743' W; then running southerly along the shore to the point of beginning.

(i) All of the waters of Manokin River enclosed by a line beginning at a point at or near the southern shore of Little Deal Island defined by Lat. 38°06.932' N, Long. 75°56.271' W; then running approximately 45° True to a point at or near the southern shore of Little Deal Island near Claw Point defined by Lat. 38°07.014' N, Long. 75°56.167' W; then running southwesterly along the shore to the point of beginning.

(j) All of the waters of Piney Creek, Manokin River and Tangier Sound enclosed by a line beginning at a point at or near the southern shore of Little Deal Island at Pin Point defined by Lat. 38°06.757' N, Long. 75°56.556' W; then running approximately 127° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°06.733' N, Long. 75°56.519' W; then running easterly along the shore to a point defined by Lat. 38°06.728' N, Long. 75°56.473' W; then running approximately 27° True to a point at the eastern shore of the entrance to Piney Creek defined by Lat. 38°06.873' N, Long. 75°56.379' W; then running westerly along the shore to the point of beginning.

(k) All of the waters of Hall Creek and Big Annemessex River enclosed by a line beginning at a point at or near Myrtle Point defined by Lat. 38°05.169' N, Long. 75°47.276' W; then running approximately 244° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°05.161' N, Long. 75° 47.298' W; then running approximately 297° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°05.172' N, Long. 75°47.326' W; then running approximately 337° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°05.273' N, Long. 75°47.380' W; then running approximately 271° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°05.275' N, Long. 75°47.442' W; then running approximately 256° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°05.252' N, Long. 75°47.552' W; then running approximately 12° True to a point at or near the shore defined by Lat. 38°05.263' N, Long. 75°47.549' W; then running easterly along the shore to the point of beginning.

(l) All of the waters of Hall Creek, Moon Bay, Crane Cove, Fords Cove, Muddy Creek, Flatland Cove, Shirtpond Cove, Mine Cove, Hazard Cove, Goose Creek, Drum Point Cove, Teague Creek, Broad Creek, Big Annemessex River and Manokin River enclosed by a line beginning at a point at or near the shore at the west side of Hall Creek defined by Lat. 38°05.129' N, Long. 75°47.498' W; then running approximately 49° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°05.181' N, Long. 75°47.429' W; then running approximately 164° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°05.048' N, Long. 75°47.378' W; then running approximately 179° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°04.661' N, Long. 75°47.368' W; then running approximately 144° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°04.399' N, Long. 75°47.131' W; then running approximately 243° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°04.188' N, Long. 75°47.669' W; then running approximately 293° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°04.421' N, Long. 75°48.381' W; then running approximately 144° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°03.882' N, Long. 75°47.903' W; then running approximately 206° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°03.657' N, Long. 75°48.048' W; then running approximately 281° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°03.722' N, Long. 75°48.468' W; then running approximately 227° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°03.506' N, Long. 75°48.761' W; then running approximately 316° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°04.096' N, Long. 75°49.469' W; then running approximately 252° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°03.958' N, Long. 75°50.012' W; then running approximately 298° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°04.252' N, Long. 75°50.718' W; then running approximately 221° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°04.031' N, Long. 75°50.967' W; then running approximately 270° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°04.036' N, Long. 75°51.353' W; then running approximately 199° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°03.575' N, Long. 75°51.545' W; then running approximately 270° True to a point at or near the southern shore of Pat Island defined by Lat. 38°03.572' N, Long. 75°52.016' W; then running northwesterly along the shore to a point at or near the southern shore of Hazard Cove defined by Lat. 38°03.960' N, Long. 75°52.335' W; then running approximately 334° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°04.540' N, Long. 75°52.700' W; then running approximately 17° True to a point at or near the western shore of Hazard Island defined by Lat. 38°04.652' N, Long. 75°52.655' W; then running approximately 21° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°05.395' N, Long. 75°52.297' W; then running approximately 22° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°06.045' N, Long. 75°51.973' W; then running approximately 46° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°07.209' N, Long. 75°50.436' W; then running approximately 13° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°07.598' N, Long. 75°50.324' W; then running approximately 54° True to a point at Cormal Point defined by Lat. 38°08.006' N, Long. 75°49.639' W; then running approximately 147° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°07.608' N, Long. 75°49.303' W; then running approximately 32° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°07.884' N, Long. 75°49.090' W; then running approximately 51° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°08.064' N, Long. 75°48.811' W; then running approximately 66° True to a point at or near the shore on the western shore of Fishing Point defined by Lat. 38°08.127' N, Long. 75°48.634' W; then running southerly along the shore to the point of beginning.

(m) All of the waters of Gales Creek and Big Annemessex River enclosed by a line beginning at a point at or near the shore defined by Lat. 38°04.598' N, Long. 75°45.961' W; then running approximately 92° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°04.605' N, Long. 75° 46.440' W; then running approximately 303° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°04.696' N, Long. 75°46.622' W; then running approximately 254° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°04.658' N, Long. 75°46.789' W; then running approximately 294° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°04.724' N, Long. 75°46.978' W; then running approximately 70° True to a point at or near the shore of Persimmon Point defined by Lat. 38°04.747' N, Long. 75°46.905' W; then running easterly along the shore to the point of beginning.

(n) All of the waters of Colbourn Creek, Ipsenancy Creek, Gales Creek and Big Annemessex River enclosed by a line beginning at a point at or near the Colbourn Creek Boat Ramp defined by Lat. 38°02.988' N, Long. 75°48.246' W; then running approximately 20° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°03.146' N, Long. 75°48.170' W; then running approximately 67° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°03.285' N, Long. 75°47.767' W; then running approximately 141° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°03.643' N, Long. 75°47.436' W; then running approximately 55° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°03.922' N, Long. 75°46.943' W; then running approximately 24° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°04.405' N, Long. 75°46.667' W; then running approximately 57° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°04.473' N, Long. 75°46.534' W; then running approximately 87° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°04.485' N, Long. 75°46.371' W; then running approximately 29° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°04.528' N, Long. 75°46.347' W; then running approximately 77° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°04.576' N, Long. 75°46.073' W; then running approximately 137° True to a point at or near the shore on the southern shore of Gales Creek defined by Lat. 38°04.514' N, Long. 75°46.001' W; then running southwesterly along the shore to the point of beginning.

(o) All of the waters of Colbourn Creek and Big Annemessex River enclosed by a line beginning at a point at or near the shore west of Long Point defined by Lat. 38°02.934' N, Long. 75°48.575' W; then running approximately 18° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°03.286' N, Long. 75° 48.428' W; then running approximately 75° True to a point defined by Lat. 38° 03.335' N, Long. 75° 48.202' W; then running approximately 170° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°03.235' N, Long. 75°48.180' W; then running approximately 217° True to a point at or near the eastern shore of Long Point defined by Lat. 38°03.071' N, Long. 75°48.333' W; then running westerly along the shore to the point of beginning.

(p) All of the waters of Colbourn Creek enclosed by a line beginning at a point at the southern shore of Colbourn Creek defined by Lat. 38°02.647' N, Long. 75°47.649' W; then running approximately 281° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°02.747' N, Long. 75° 48.318' W; then running approximately 356° True to a point at or near the eastern side of Long Point at the entrance to Colbourn Creek defined by Lat. 38°03.021' N, Long. 75°48.345' W; then running southeasterly along the shore to the point of beginning.

(q) All of the waters of Jones Creek, Joes Cove and Big Annemessex River enclosed by a line beginning at a point at or near the north shore of Jones Creek defined by Lat. 38°01.725' N, Long. 75°49.255' W; then running approximately 244° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°01.704' N, Long. 75°49.318' W; then running approximately 307° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°01.752' N, Long. 75°49.397' W; then running approximately 275° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°01.761' N, Long. 75°49.519' W; then running approximately 3° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°01.870' N, Long. 75°49.513' W; then running approximately 333° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°01.995' N, Long. 75°49.594' W; then running approximately 66° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°02.043' N, Long. 75°49.455' W; then running approximately 324° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°02.077' N, Long. 75°49.488' W; then running approximately 286° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°02.132' N, Long. 75°49.723' W; then running approximately 245° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°02.082' N, Long. 75°49.862' W; then running approximately 329° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°02.298' N, Long. 75°50.023' W; then running approximately 234° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°02.156' N, Long. 75°50.259' W; then running approximately 256° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°02.118' N, Long. 75°50.458' W; then running approximately 26° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°02.550' N, Long. 75°50.186' W; then running approximately 47° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°02.796' N, Long. 75°49.857' W; then running approximately 59° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°02.995' N, Long. 75°49.436' W; then running approximately 104° True to a point at or near the shore on the southwest side of Long Point defined by Lat. 38°02.842' N, Long. 75°48.666' W; then running southerly along the shore to the point of beginning.

(r) All of the waters of Daugherty Creek, West Creek, Back Creek, Island Gut, Janes Island Gut, Old House Gut, Old House Cove, Big Annemessex River, Rock Hole, Rock Pond, Thru Creek, Red Hole, Acre Creek, Annemessex Canal, Ward Creek, Jones Creek and Little Annemessex River enclosed by a line beginning at a point at or near the west shore of Daugherty Creek defined by Lat. 37°58.774' N, Long. 75°51.883' W; then running approximately 210° True to a point defined by Lat. 37°58.458' N, Long. 75°52.138' W; then running approximately 229° True to a point defined by Lat. 37°58.141' N, Long. 75°52.584' W; then running approximately 265° True to a point defined by Lat. 37°58.138' N, Long. 75°52.726' W; then running approximately 302° True to a point defined by Lat. 37°58.331' N, Long. 75°53.120' W; then running approximately 230° True to a point at or near the shore south of Old House Cove defined by Lat. 37°58.202' N, Long. 75°53.338' W; then running northerly along shore past James Island Point to a point along the southern shore of Rock Hole defined by Lat. 38°01.181' N, Long. 75°52.181' W; then running approximately 344° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°01.414' N, Long. 75°52.273' W; then running approximately 329° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°01.630' N, Long. 75°52.428' W; then running approximately 64° True to a point along the shore at or near the northern shore of Rock Hole defined by Lat. 38°01.652' N, Long. 75°52.391' W; then running along the shore to a point at or near Tenth Point defined by Lat. 38°02.263' N, Long. 75°51.448' W; then running approximately 32° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°02.329' N, Long. 75°51.393' W; then running approximately 105° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°02.300' N, Long. 75°51.246' W; then running approximately 115° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°02.170' N, Long. 75°50.893' W; then running approximately 144° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°02.039' N, Long. 75°50.776' W; then running approximately 175° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°01.840' N, Long. 75°50.755' W; then running approximately 238° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°01.747' N, Long. 75°50.940' W; then running approximately 263° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°01.727' N, Long. 75°51.136' W; then running approximately 174° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°01.647' N, Long. 75°51.132' W; then running approximately 87° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°01.651' N, Long. 75°51.043' W; then running approximately 164° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°01.535' N, Long. 75°51.004' W; then running approximately 38° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°01.716' N, Long. 75°50.831' W; then running approximately 81° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°01.740' N, Long. 75°50.622' W; then running approximately 27° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°01.849' N, Long. 75°50.556' W; then running approximately 55° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°02.074' N, Long. 75°50.157' W; then running approximately 101° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°02.041' N, Long. 75°49.976' W; then running approximately 156° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°01.926' N, Long. 75°49.913' W; then running approximately 66° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°02.007' N, Long. 75°49.688' W; then running approximately 164° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°01.901' N, Long. 75°49.649' W; then running approximately 129° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°01.845' N, Long. 75°49.552' W; then running approximately 187° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°01.749' N, Long. 75°49.564' W; then running approximately 102° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°01.732' N, Long. 75°49.442' W; then running approximately 138° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°01.638' N, Long. 75°49.326' W; then running approximately 253° True to a point at the western shore of Jones Creek defined by Lat. 38°01.621' N, Long. 75°49.397' W; then running along shore to the point of beginning.

(s) All of the waters of Daugherty Creek, Jenkins Creek and Little Annemessex River enclosed by a line beginning at a point at or near the southern shore of the entrance to Jenkins Creek defined by Lat. 37°57.187' N, Long. 75°51.821' W; then running approximately 354° True to a point defined by Lat. 37°57.495' N, Long. 75°51.863' W; then running approximately 344° True to a point at the shore defined by Lat. 37°57.910' N, Long. 75°52.007' W; then running northerly along the shore to a point defined by Lat. 37°57.939' N, Long. 75°52.009' W; then running approximately 20° True to a point defined by Lat. 37°58.124' N, Long. 75°51.925' W; then running approximately 26° True to a point defined by Lat. 37°58.353' N, Long. 75°51.787’ W; then running approximately 0° True to a point at or near the shore on the south side of the entrance to Somers Cove defined by Lat. 37°58.501' N, Long. 75°51.789' W; then running southerly to the point of beginning.

(t) All of the waters of Cow Point Creek, Fishing Creek, Pond Creek, Muddy Creek, Cedar Straits, Cedar Island Creek, Green Straits, Crooked Creek, Crooked Creek Gut, the Prong Broad Creek, Daugherty Creek, Little Annemessex River, Pocomoke Sound, and Tangier Sound enclosed by a line beginning at a point at or near the western shore of Daugherty Creek/Broad Creek on Cedar Island defined by Lat. 37°56.567' N, Long. 75°51.539'W; then running approximately 172° True to a point defined by Lat. 37°56.302' N, Long. 75°51.492' W; then running approximately 174° True to a point defined by Lat. 37°56.076' N, Long. 75°51.470' W; then running approximately 141° True to a point defined by Lat. 37°55.805' N, Long. 75°51.195' W; then running approximately 182° True to a point defined by Lat. 37°55.683' N, Long. 75°51.204' W; then running approximately 192° True to a point defined by Lat. 37°55.390’ N, Long. 75°51.282' W; then running approximately 220° True to a point defined by Lat. 37°55.160' N, Long. 75°51.517' W; then running approximately 239° True to a point defined by Lat. 37°54.993’ N, Long. 75°51.866’ W; then running approximately 271° True to a point defined by Lat. 37°54.995’ N, Long. 75°52.386’ W; then running approximately 190° True to a point at or near the Maryland-Virginia state line defined by Lat. 37°54.689’ N, Long. 75°52.458’ W; then running approximately 269° True to a point at or near the Maryland-Virginia state line defined by Lat. 37°54.678’ N, Long. 75°52.982’ W; then running approximately 266° True to a point at or near the Maryland-Virginia state line defined by Lat. 37°54.620’ N, Long. 75°53.834’ W; then running approximately 22° True to a point defined by Lat. 37°55.005’ N, Long. 75°53.646’ W; then running approximately 346° True to a point defined by Lat. 37°55.378’ N, Long. 75°53.760’ W; then running 33° True to a point at the northern shore of Cedar Island Creek defined by Lat. 37°55.431’ N, Long. 75°53.710’ W; then running northerly along the western shore of Cedar Island to a point defined by Lat. 37°56.548’ N, Long. 75°53.454' W; then running approximately 2° True to a point defined by Lat. 37°56.707' N, Long. 75°53.444' W; then running approximately 77° True to a point at or near the south shore of Great Point Pond defined by Lat. 37°56.708' N, Long. 75°53.428' W; then running northerly along the shore to a point along the western shore of Muddy Creek defined by Lat. 37°57.208' N, Long. 75°53.348' W; then running approximately 37° True to a point defined by Lat. 37°57.447' N, Long. 75°53.125' W; then running approximately 116° True to a point defined by Lat. 37°57.270' N, Long. 75°52.665' W; then running approximately 161° True to a point defined by Lat. 37°57.115' N, Long. 75°52.599' W; then running approximately 96° True to a point at or near the western shore of the entrance to Daugherty Creek/Broad Creek defined by Lat. 37°57.068' N, Long. 75°51.985' W; then running southeasterly along the shore to the point of beginning.

(u) All of the waters of Fishing Ditch, Broad Creek and Pocomoke Sound enclosed by a line beginning at a point at or near the western shore of Eastward Pont defined by Lat. 37°55.458' N, Long. 75°50.940' W; then running approximately 345° True to a point defined by Lat. 37°55.916' N, Long. 75°51.095' W; then running approximately 303° True to a point defined by Lat. 37°56.050' N, Long. 75°51.357' W; then running approximately 324° True to a point defined by Lat. 37°56.126' N, Long. 75°51.429' W; then running approximately 356° True to a point along the eastern shore of Daugherty Creek/Broad Creek defined by Lat. 37°56.426' N, Long. 75°51.456' W; then running easterly along the shore to a point at or near the western shore of Straight Gut defined by Lat. 37°56.343' N, Long. 75°50.970' W; the running approximately 133° True to a point along the eastern shore of Straight Gut defined by Lat. 37°56.325' N, Long. 75°50.946' W; then running southerly along the shore to the point of beginning.

(v) All of the waters of Broad Creek Gut, Cow Gap Creek, Massey Creek, Little Ware Point Creek and Pocomoke Sound enclosed by a line beginning at a point at or near the eastern shore of Eastward point defined by Lat. 37°55.455' N, Long. 75°50.917' W; then running approximately 69° True to a point defined by Lat. 37°55.579' N, Long. 75°50.513' W; then running approximately 61° True to a point defined by Lat. 37°55.820' N, Long. 75°49.968' W; then running approximately 19° True to a point defined by Lat. 37°56.201' N, Long. 75°49.803' W; then running approximately 72° True to a point along the eastern shore of Little Ware Point Creek at or near Ware Point defined by Lat. 37°56.344' N, Long. 75°49.247' W then running southwesterly along the shore to the point of beginning.

(w) All of the waters of Ware Point Creek enclosed by a line beginning at a point at or near the shore at the west side of the entrance of Ware Point Creek defined by Lat. 37°56.367' N, Long. 75°49.240' W; then running approximately 48° True to a point defined by Lat. 37°56.445' N, Long. 75°49.131' W; then running approximately 14° True to a point at or near the shore at the east side of the entrance to Ware Point Creek defined by Lat. 37°56.472' N, Long. 75°49.123' W; then running westerly along shore to the point of beginning.

(x) All of the waters of Ape Hole Creek and Pocomoke Sound enclosed by a line beginning at a point at or near the north shore of Big Island defined by Lat. 37°56.554' N, Long. 75°49.120' W; then running approximately 356° True to a point at or near Long Point defined by Lat. 37°56.774' N, Long. 75°49.137' W then running southerly along the shore to the point of beginning.

(y) All of the waters of Ape Hole Creek enclosed by a line beginning at a point at or near the shore defined by Lat. 37°57.075' N, Long. 75°49.573' W; then running approximately 352° True to a point at or near the shore defined by Lat. 37°57.245' N, Long. 75°49.604' W then running southerly along the shore to the point of beginning.

(z) All of the waters of Ape Hole Creek enclosed by a line beginning at a point at or near the shore defined by Lat. 37°57.874' N, Long. 75°49.228' W; then running approximately 39° True to a point at or near the shore defined by Lat. 37°58.027' N, Long. 75°49.070' W then running southwesterly along the shore to the point of beginning.

(aa) All of the waters of Gunby Creek and Pocomoke Sound enclosed by a line beginning at a point at or near the western shore of the island at the mouth of Gunby Creek defined by Lat. 37°58.426' N, Long. 75°46.587' W; then running approximately 307° True to a point defined by Lat. 37°58.431' N, Long. 75°46.596' W; then running approximately 354° True to a point at or near the shore defined by Lat. 37°58.522' N, Long. 75°46.609' W; then running easterly along the shore to a point at or near the shore defined by Lat. 37°58.509' N, Long. 75°46.539' W; then running approximately 198° True to a point at or near the shore of the island at the mouth of Gunby Creek defined by Lat. 37°58.428' N, Long. 75°46.574' W; then running westerly along the shore to the point of beginning.

(bb) All of the waters of Sheepshead Harbor, Goose Creek, Sedgy Point Cove, Pry Cove, Johnson Cove, Little Pungers Creek, Gunbarrel Cove, Old Ground Gut, Sound Gut, Pungers Creek, Pungers Cove, Muscle Hole Creek, Kedges Straits, Holland Straits and Tangier Sound enclosed by, a line beginning at a point at or near the eastern shore of Sheepshead Harbor defined by Lat. 38°04.384’ N, Long. 76°00.900’ W; then running approximately 292° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°04.683’ N, Long. 76° 01.819’ W; then running westerly along the southern shore of Jones Island to a point at or near Sedgy Point defined by Lat. 38°05.490’ N, Long. 76°03.330’ W; then running approximately 24° True to a point at or near the shore on the south shore of Pry Cove defined by Lat. 38°05.640’ N, Long. 76°03.243’ W; then running southeasterly along the shore to a point a defined by Lat. 38°05.461’ N, Long. 76°02.755’ W; then approximately 25° True to a point along the north shore of Pry Cove defined by Lat. 38°06.109' N, Long. 76°02.384' W; then running northerly along the shore past Johnson Point to a point along the southern shore of Johnson Cove defined by Lat. 38°06.538' N, Long. 76° 02.682' W; then running approximately 350° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°06.659' N, Long. 76°02.711' W; then running approximately 15° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°07.019' N, Long. 76°02.583' W; then running approximately 78° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°07.030' N, Long. 76°02.515' W; then running approximately 41° True to a point at or near the southern shore of Gunbarrel Cove defined by Lat. 38°07.425' N, Long. 76°02.087' W; then running approximately 37° True to a point at or near Gunbarrel Point defined by Lat. 38°07.516' N, Long. 76°01.995’ W; then running approximately 58° True to a point at or near the shore along the north shore of Gunbarrel Cove defined by Lat. 38°07.905' N, Long. 76°01.229' W; then running along the north shore of South Marsh Island to a point defined by Lat. 38°07.251' N, Long. 76°00.822' W; then running approximately 169° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°07.104' N, Long. 76°00.548' W; then running approximately 190° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°06.105' N, Long. 76°00.526' W; then running approximately 227° True to a point at or near the shore on the south side of Pungers Cove defined by Lat. 38°06.227' N, Long. 76°01.045' W; then running southerly along the shore to a point on the western shore at the entrance to Thomas Island Gut defined by Lat. 38°05.957' N, Long. 76°00.860' W; then running approximately 137° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°05.892' N, Long. 76°00.784' W; then running southerly along the shore to a point at or near the eastern shore of Muscle Hole Creek near Muscle Hole Point defined by Lat. 38°04.679' N, Long. 76°00.409' W; then running approximately 178° True to a point defined by Lat. 38° 04.661' N, Long. 76° 00.401' W; then running approximately 233° True to a point at or near the western shore of Muscle Hole Creek defined by Lat. 38°04.523' N, Long. 76°00.636' W; then running easterly along the shore to the point of beginning.

(cc) All of the waters of Big Thorofare, Shanks Creek, Tyler Creek, Parks Ditch, Sheep Pen Gut, Rhodes Point Gut, Long Branch, Little Thorofare, Jones Creek, Long Creek, Indian Creek, Tyler Ditch, Levering Creek, The Canal, Goose Harbor Cove, North End Bottom, Barnes Cove, Joes Ridge Creek, Twitch Cove, Otter Creek, Terrapin Sand Cove, Back Cove, Sawney Cove, Channel Point Gut, Lightning Knot Cove, Rock Creek, Juggling Creek, Joes Ridge Creek, Fishing Creek, Bridges Creek, Fog Point Cove, Kedges Straits, Tangier Sound and Chesapeake Bay enclosed by a line beginning at a point at or near the Maryland-Virginia line defined by Lat. 37°57.205' N, Long. 75°59.754' W; then running approximately 270° True to a point at or near the eastern shore of Tyler Creek defined by Lat. 37°57.208' N, Long. 76°00.300' W; then running along the Maryland-Virginia state line approximately 270° True to a point along the western shore of Tyler Creek defined by Lat. 37°57.209' N, Long. 76°01.068' W; then running along the Maryland-Virginia state line approximately 270° True to a point at or near the eastern shore of Shanks Creek defined by Lat. 37°57.211' N, Long. 76°01.753' W; then running along the Maryland-Virginia state line approximately 270° True to a point at or near the western shore of Shanks Creek defined by Lat. 37°57.211' N, Long. 76°02.289' W; then running along the Maryland-Virginia state line approximately 270° True to a point along the western shore of Smith Island defined by Lat. 37°57.212' N, Long. 76°02.638' W; then running northerly along the shore to a point defined by Lat. 37°57.457' N, Long. 76°02.747' W; then running approximately 336° True to a point defined by Lat. 37°58.056' N, Long. 76°03.089 W; then running approximately 0° True to a point defined by Lat. 37°59.866' N, Long. 76°03.107' W; then running approximately 290° True to a point defined by Lat. 37°59.926' N, Long. 76°03.287 W; then running approximately 1° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°00.075' N, Long. 76°03.281' W; then running approximately 73° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°00.117' N, Long. 76°03.108’ W; then running approximately 13° True to a point on the eastern shore of Smith Island defined by Lat. 38°01.190' N, Long. 76°02.812' W; then running approximately 14° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°02.074' N, Long. 76°02.526' W; then running approximately 62° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°02.454' N, Long. 76°01.653' W; then running approximately 89° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°02.443' N, Long. 76°00.765' W; then running approximately 107° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°02.202' N, Long. 75°59.740' W; then running approximately 143° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°01.433' N, Long. 75°58.998' W; then running approximately 161° True to a point defined by Lat. 37°59.332' N, Long. 75°58.075' W; then running approximately 187° True to a point defined by Lat. 37°58.598' N, Long. 75°58.187' W; then running approximately 212° True to a point at the Maryland-Virginia state line defined by Lat. 37°57.166' N, Long. 75°59.358' W; then running approximately 279° True to a point defined by Lat. 37°57.203' N, Long. 75°59.613' W; then running approximately 278° True to the point of beginning.

(2) Dorchester County.

(a) All of the waters of Chapel Creek, Todd’s Bay and Choptank River enclosed by a line beginning at a point at or near the shore defined by Lat. 38°36.668' N, Long. 76°13.390' W; then running approximately 75° True to a point at or near the shore defined by Lat. 38°37.002' N, Long. 76°11.753' W; then running westerly along the shore to the point of beginning.

(b) All of the waters of Chapel Creek, Todd’s Bay and Choptank River enclosed by a line beginning at a point at or near the shore defined by Lat. 38°36.668' N, Long. 76°13.390' W; then running approximately 335° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°37.109' N, Long. 76°13.655' W; then running approximately 324° True to a point along the shore defined by Lat. 38°37.558' N, Long. 76°14.074' W; then running southerly along the shore to the point of beginning.

(c) All of the waters of Cook's Point Cove and Choptank River enclosed by a line beginning at a point at or near the shore of Cook's Point defined by Lat. 38°37.253' N,76°16.573' W; then running approximately 110° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°37.067' N, Long. 76°15.903' W; then running approximately 60° True to a point on the shore defined by Lat. 38°37.391' N, Long. 76°15.199' W; then running westerly along the shore to the point of beginning.

(d) All of the waters of Trippe Bay, Brannock Bay, and Covey Creek enclosed by a line beginning at a point at or near Mills Point defined by Lat. 38°34.948’ N, Long. 76°17.316’ W; then running approximately 27° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°36.211’ N, Long. 76°16.492’ W; then running approximately 89° True to a point along the shore defined by Lat. 38°36.215’ N, Long. 76°16.441’ W; then running southerly along the shore to the point of beginning.

(e) All of the waters of Hooper Strait and Tangier Sound enclosed by a line beginning at a point at or near the northeastern shore of Bloodsworth Island west of Piney Island Point defined by Lat. 38°11.627’ N, Long. 76°2.335’ W; then running approximately 48° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°11.709’ N, Long. 76°2.218’ W; then running approximately 351° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°12.007’ N, Long. 76°2.281’ W; then running approximately 286° True to a point along the shore east of Fin Creek defined by Lat. 38°12.150’ N, Long. 76°2.900’ W; then running southeasterly along the shore to the point of beginning.

(f) All of the waters of Piney Island Cove and Tangier Sound enclosed by a line beginning at a point at or near the southern shore at the entrance of Piney Island Cove defined by Lat. 38°11.012’ N, Long. 76°1.807’ W; then running approximately 329° True to a point at or near the northern shore at the entrance to Piney Island Cove defined by Lat. 38°11.553’ N, Long. 76°2.212’ W; then running southerly along the shore to the point of beginning.

(g) All of the waters of Great Cove and Tangier Sound enclosed by a line beginning at a point at or near the southern shore at the entrance of Great Cove defined by Lat. 38°9.473’ N, Long. 76°1.979’ W; then running approximately 49° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°9.880’ N, Long. 76°1.392’ W; then running approximately 1° to a point at or near Great Cove Point at the northern shore of Great Cove defined by Lat. 38°10.390’ N, Long. 76°1.382’ W; then running southwesterly along the shore to the point of beginning.

(h) All of the waters of Northeast Cove, Holland Straits and Tangier Sound enclosed by a line beginning at a point at or near Cove Point along the southern shore of Bloodsworth Island defined by Lat. 38°8.864’ N, Long. 76°3.090’ W; then running approximately 152° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°8.847’ N, Long. 76°3.080’ W; then running approximately 99° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°8.823’ N, Long. 76°2.903’ W; then running approximately 90° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°8.823’ N, Long. 76°2.232’ W; then running approximately 74° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°8.854’ N, Long. 76°2.102’ W; then running approximately 46° True to a point along the shore at or near Lower Island Point defined by Lat. 38°8.901’ N, Long. 76°2.042’ W; then running westerly along the shore to the point of beginning.

(i) All of the waters of Northeast Cove, Muddy Creek, Swan Pond, Swan Pond Creek, Long Creek, Okahanikan Cove, Pone Cove, Holland Straits, Hooper Strait, and Chesapeake Bay enclosed by a line beginning at a point at or near Cove Point along the southern shore of Bloodsworth Island defined by Lat. 38°8.864’ N, Long. 76°3.090’ W; then running approximately 277° True to a point at the southern shore of Northeast Island defined by Lat. 38°8.968’ N, Long. 76°4.237’ W; then running approximately 199° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°7.827’ N, Long. 76°4.742’ W; then running approximately 322° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°7.967’ N, Long. 76°4.875’ W; then running approximately 291° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°8.143’ N, Long. 76°5.472’ W; then running approximately 0° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°8.930’ N, Long. 76°5.476’ W; then running approximately 1° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°10.307’ N, Long. 76°5.455’ W; then running approximately 2° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°11.618’ N, Long. 76°5.397’ W; then running approximately 93° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°11.537’ N, Long. 76°3.527’ W; then running approximately 136° True to a point at or near the shore defined by Lat. 38°11.506’ N, Long. 76°3.489’ W; then running southerly along the shore to the point of beginning.

(3) Talbot County.

(a) All of the waters of Shaw Bay enclosed by a line beginning at a point on the shore southeast of Bruffs Island defined by Lat. 38°51.047' N, Long. 76°11.163' W; then running approximately 50° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°51.429' N, Long. 76°10.586' W; then running approximately 13° True to a point at or near the shore defined by Lat. 38°51.607' N, Long. 76°10.536' W; then running southwesterly along the shore to the point of beginning.

(b) All of the waters of Miles River between Woodland Creek and Leeds Creek enclosed by a line beginning at a point defined by Lat. 38°48.992’ N, Long. 76°11.820’ W; then running approximately 282° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°48.998’ N, Long. 76°11.851’ W; then running approximately 12° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°49.914’ N, Long. 76°11.600’ W; then running approximately 46° True to a point at or near the southern shore of the mouth of Woodland Creek defined by Lat. 38°50.065’ N, Long. 76°11.399’ W; then running southerly along the shore to the point of beginning.

(c) All of the waters of Leeds Creek enclosed by a line beginning at a point on the northern shore of Leeds Creek defined by Lat. 38°48.558’ N, Long. 76°11.232’ W; then running approximately 188° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°48.525’ N, Long. 76°11.238’ W; then running approximately 304° True to a point near the northern shore of Leeds Creek defined by Lat. 38°48.577’ N, Long. 76°11.338’ W; then running easterly along the shore to the point of beginning.

(d) All of the waters of Leeds Creek and Blakes Cove enclosed by a line beginning at a point at or near the southern shore of Leeds Creek defined by Lat. 38°48.269' N, Long. 76°11.182' W; then running approximately 355° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°48.292' N, Long. 76°11.185' W; then running approximately 35° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°48.384' N, Long. 76°11.103' W; then running approximately 103° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°48.371' N, Long. 76°11.029' W; then running approximately 170° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°48.328' N, Long. 76°11.020' W; then running approximately 235° True to a point at or near the southern shore of Blakes Cove defined by Lat. 38°48.320' N, Long. 76°11.035' W; then running westerly along the shore to the point of beginning.

(e) All of the waters of Darmands Creek and Miles River enclosed by a line beginning at a point north of the entrance to Hunting Creek defined by Lat. 38°47.022’ N, Long. 76°10.781’ W; then running approximately 276° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°47.062’ N, Long. 76°11.240’ W; then running approximately 355° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°47.492’ N, Long. 76°11.285’ W; then running approximately 53° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°47.527’ N, Long. 76°11.223’ W; then running approximately 141° True to a point at or near the shoreline defined by Lat. 38°47.520’ N, Long. 76°11.215’ W; then running southeasterly along the shore to the point of beginning.

(f) All of the waters of Hunting Creek and Miles River enclosed by a line beginning at a point on the eastern shore of Hunting Creek defined by Lat. 38°46.814' N, Long. 76°10.183' W; then running approximately 308° True to a point at or near the shoreline defined by Lat. 38°47.020' N, Long. 76°10.524' W; then running southeasterly along the shore to the point of beginning.

(g) All of the waters of Hunting Creek and Miles River enclosed by a line beginning at a point on the northern shore of Miles River defined by then Lat. 38°46.516' N, Long. 76°09.541' W; running approximately 165° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°46.501' N, Long. 76°09.536' W; then running approximately 251° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°46.483' N, Long. 76°09.605' W; then running approximately 256° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°46.433' N, Long. 76°09.865' W; then running approximately 288° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°46.524' N, Long. 76°10.213' W; then running approximately 319° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°46.559' N, Long. 76°10.252' W; then running approximately 37° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°46.749' N, Long. 76°10.067' W; then running approximately 53° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°46.807' N, Long. 76°09.969' W; then running approximately 78° True to a point at or near the shore defined by Lat. 38°46.819' N, Long. 76°09.898' W; then running southerly along the shore to the point of beginning.

(h) All of the waters of Hunting Creek and Miles River enclosed by a line that surrounds Long Point Island beginning at a point defined by Lat. 38°46.214' N, Long. 76°10.362' W; then running approximately 314° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°46.576' N, Long. 76°10.843' W; then running approximately 15° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°46.815' N, Long. 76°10.764' W; then running approximately 66° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°46.883' N, Long. 76°10.567' W; then running approximately 141° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°46.785' N, Long. 76°10.472' W; then running approximately 151° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°46.659' N, Long. 76°10.389' W; then running approximately 163° True to a point at or near the shore northeast of Long Point defined by Lat. 38°46.373' N, Long. 76°10.279' W; then running southerly to the point of beginning.

(i) All of the waters of Oak Creek, Newcomb Creek, and Miles River enclosed by a line beginning at a point at or near the eastern shore of Oak Creek defined by Lat. 38°45.210' N, Long. 76°10.356' W; then running approximately 5° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°45.249' N, Long. 76°10.355' W; then running approximately 30° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°46.013' N, Long. 76°09.788' W; then running approximately 68° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°46.116' N, Long. 76°09.463' W; then running approximately 21° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°46.346' N, Long. 76°09.352' W; then running approximately 58° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°46.371' N, Long. 76°09.304' W; then running approximately 151° True to a point at or near the western shore of Peach Orchard Point defined by Lat. 38°46.343' N, Long. 76°09.286' W; then running southerly along the shore to the point of beginning.

(j) All of the waters of Oak Creek enclosed by a line beginning at a point at or near the eastern shore of Oak Creek defined by Lat. 38°45.097’ N, Long. 76°10.441’ W; then running approximately 1° True to a point at or near the shore defined by Lat. 38°45.198’ N, Long. 76°10.440’ W; then running northeasterly along the shore at or near the western shore of Oak Creek defined by Lat. 38°45.208’ N, Long. 76°10.428’ W; then running 98° True to a point at or near the eastern shore of Oak Creek defined by Lat. 38°45.199’ N, Long. 76°10.355’ W; then running southerly along the shore to the point of beginning.

(k) All of the waters of Miles River enclosed by a line beginning at a point at or near the shore defined by Lat. 38°46.045' N, Long. 76°11.223' W; then running approximately 310° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°46.157' N, Long. 76°11.392' W; then running approximately 262° True to a point at or near the shore defined by Lat. 38°46.140' N, Long. 76°11.548' W; then running easterly along the shore to the point of beginning.

(l) All of the waters of Spencer Creek enclosed by a line beginning at or near a point on the shore of Maiden Point defined by Lat. 38°46.379' N, Long. 76°12.070' W; then running approximately 342° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°46.451' N, Long. 76°12.100' W; then running approximately 349° True to a point at or near the shore defined by Lat. 38°46.509' N, Long. 76°12.115' W; then running approximately 21° True to a point at or near the shore defined by Lat. 38°46.535' N, Long. 76°12.102' W; then running southeasterly along the shore to a point defined by Lat. 38°46.503' N, Long. 76°12.065' W; then running approximately 68° True to a point at or near the shore of Maiden Point defined by Lat. 38°46.536' N, Long. 76°11.961' W; then running southerly along the shore to the point of beginning.

(m) All of the waters of Spencer Creek enclosed by a line beginning at a point at or near the eastern shore defined by Lat. 38°46.124' N, Long. 76°12.030' W; then running approximately 311° True to a point at or near the western shore defined by Lat. 38°46.188' N, Long. 76°12.122' W; then running southeasterly along the shore to the point of beginning.

(n) All of the waters of Miles River and Porter Creek enclosed by a line beginning at a point on the western shore of Hambleton Point defined by Lat. 38°49.195’ N, Long. 76°14.312’ W; then running approximately 310° True to a point at or near the shore of Emerson Point defined by Lat. 38°49.657’ N, Long. 76°15.016’ W; then running then running southeasterly along the shore to the point of beginning.

(o) All of the waters of Miles River and Tilghman Creek enclosed by a line beginning at a point defined by Lat. 38°49.673’ N, Long. 76°15.341’ W; then running approximately 314° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°49.769’ N, Long. 76°15.469’ W; then running approximately 24° True to a point to a point at or near the western shore of Emerson Point defined by Lat. 38°49.988’ N, Long. 76°15.347’ W; then running southeasterly along the shore to the point of beginning.

(p) All of the waters of Tilghman Creek and Eastern Bay enclosed by a line beginning at a point on the eastern shore of Rich Neck defined by Lat. 38°50.643' N, Long. 76°15.951' W; then running approximately 72° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°50.686' N, Long. 76°15.801' W; then running approximately 337° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°50.894' N, Long. 76°15.913' W; then running approximately 8° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°51.080' N, Long. 76°15.880' W; then running approximately 109° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°51.039' N, Long. 76°15.731' W; then running approximately 52° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°51.197' N, Long. 76°15.476' W; then running approximately 34° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°51.370' N, Long. 76°15.327' W; then running approximately 87° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°51.374' N, Long. 76°15.193' W; then running approximately 35° True to a point at or near the shore on the eastern shore of Tilghman Point defined by Lat. 38°51.392' N, Long. 76°15.181' W; then running southwesterly along the shore to the point of beginning.

(q) All of the water of Eastern Bay enclosed by a line beginning at a point at Wades Point defined by Lat. 38°49.668' N, Long. 76°17.730' W; then running approximately 66° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°49.876' N, Long. 76°17.131' W; then running approximately 23° True to a point at or near the midpoint of the Claiborne Jetty defined by Lat. 38°50.247' N, Long. 76°16.932' W; then running approximately 62° True to a point at or near the shore at the end of the Claiborne Jetty defined by Lat. 38°50.289' N, Long. 76°16.831' W; then running southwesterly along the shore to the point of beginning.

(r) All of the waters of Harbor Cove, Poplar Island Narrows and Eastern Bay enclosed by a line beginning at or near a point on the shore of Lowes Point defined by Lat. 38°46.565’ N, Long. 76°19.813’ W; then running approximately 11° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°46.621’ N, Long. 76°19.803’ W; then running approximately 28° True to a point at or near the shore defined by Lat. 38°48.514’ N, Long. 76°18.537’ W; then running southerly along the shore to the point of beginning.

(s) All of the waters of Ferry Cove, Cabin Cove, Poplar Island Narrows and Eastern Bay enclosed by a line beginning at or near a point on the shore of Punch Point defined by Lat. 38°45.653’ N, Long. 76°20.182’ W; then running approximately 12° True to a point at or near the shore of the southern tip of Lowes Point defined by Lat. 38°46.324’ N, Long. 76°19.997’ W; then running southerly along the shore to the point of beginning.

(t) All of the waters of Back Creek enclosed by a line beginning at a point at or near the shore near Tilghman Back Creek Park defined by Lat. 38°43.324' N, Long. 76°20.052' W; then running approximately 273° True to a point at or near the eastern shore of Anne Arundel Island defined by Lat. 38°43.328' N, Long. 76°20.138' W; then running northwest along the shore of Anne Arundel Island to a point defined by Lat. 38°43.447' N, Long. 76°20.314' W; then running approximately 17° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°43.622' N, Long. 76°20.245' W; then running approximately 42° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°43.725' N, Long. 76°20.128' W; then running approximately 101° True to a point at or near the shore defined by Lat. 38°43.723' N, Long. 76°20.113' W; then running southerly along the shore of Back Creek to the point of beginning.

(u) All of the waters of Blackwalnut Cove enclosed by a line beginning at a point at or near the west shore of Blackwalnut Cove defined by Lat. 38°40.376' N, Long. 76°20.327' W; then running approximately 38° True to a point at or near the east shore of Blackwalnut Cove defined by Lat. 38°40.790' N, Long. 76°19.913' W; then running northwesterly along the shore to the point of beginning.

(v) All of the waters of the Harris Creek and Choptank River enclosed by a line beginning at a point near Lower Bar Neck Point defined by Lat. 38°41.007’ N, Long. 76°19.384’ W; then running approximately 347° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°41.060’ N, Long. 76°19.400’ W; then running approximately 18° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°41.118’ N, Long. 76°19.375’ W; then running approximately 162° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°41.065’ N, Long. 76°19.354’ W; then running approximately 202° True to the point of beginning.

(w) All of the waters of Dogwood Harbor, Harris Creek and Choptank River enclosed by a line beginning at a point at or near the Upper Bar Neck Point defined by Lat. 38°41.446’ N, Long. 76°19.413’ W; then running approximately 330° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°41.955’ N, Long. 76°19.793’ W; then running approximately 322° True to a point at or near the shore of Tilghman Island defined by Lat. 38°42.091’ N, Long. 76°19.929’ W; then running southeasterly along the shore to the point of beginning.

(x) All of the waters of River Cove, Harris Creek, Muddy Cove and Choptank River enclosed by a line beginning at a point at or near the tip of Nelson Point defined by Lat. 38°42.551' N, Long. 76°16.288' W; then running approximately 298° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°42.889' N, Long. 76°17.109' W; then running approximately 267° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°42.850' N, Long. 76°18.170' W; then running approximately 14° True to a point at or near the shore of Turkey Neck Point defined by Lat. 38°43.607' N, Long. 76°17.938' W; then running easterly along the shore to the point of beginning.

(4) Saint Mary's County.

(a) All of the waters of Potomac River enclosed by a line beginning at a point at or near the western shore at the entrance to Flood Creek defined by Lat. 38°13.559' N, Long. 76°37.999' W; then running approximately 185° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°13.479' N, Long. 76°38.008' W; then running approximately 265° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°13.440' N, Long. 76°38.591' W; then running approximately 261° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°13.483' N, Long. 76°38.987' W; then running approximately 292° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°13.571' N, Long. 76°39.272' W; then running approximately 300° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°13.687' N, Long. 76°39.517' W; then running approximately 314° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°13.840' N, Long. 76°39.720' W; then running approximately 288° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°14.021' N, Long. 76°40.426' W; then running approximately 347° True to a point at or near the shore defined by Lat. 38°14.071' N, Long. 76°40.442' W; then running southeasterly along the shore to the point of beginning.

(b) All of the waters of Saint Mary’s River enclosed by a line beginning at a point at or near the shore at Windmill Point defined by Lat. 38°09.488’ N, Long. 76°27.142’ W; then running approximately 94° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°09.470’ N, Long. 76°26.822’ W; then running approximately 32° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°09.520’ N, Long. 76°26.784’ W; then running approximately 334° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°09.589’ N, Long. 76°26.827’ W; then running approximately 308° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°09.634’ N, Long. 76°26.899’ W; then running approximately 240° True to a point at or near the shore north of Windmill Point defined by Lat. 38°09.581’ N, Long. 76°27.018’ W; then running southerly along the shore to the point of beginning.

(c) All of the waters of St Inigoe's Creek enclosed by a line beginning at a point at or near the shore northeast of Priests Point defined by Lat. 38°09.301' N, Long. 76°26.030' W; then running approximately 28° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°09.354' N, Long. 76°25.993' W; then running approximately 72° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°09.378' N, Long. 76°25.904' W; then running approximately 41° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°09.479' N, Long. 76°25.791' W; then running approximately 57° True to a point at or near the shore defined by Lat. 38°09.519' N, Long. 76°25.712' W; then running approximately 84° True to a point at or near the western shore of Molls Cove defined by Lat. 38°09.521' N, Long. 76°25.690' W; then running southeasterly along the shore to the point of beginning.

(d) All of the waters of Saint Mary's River enclosed by a line beginning at a point at or near the eastern shore of Cherryfield Point defined by Lat. 38°07.730' N, Long. 76°27.858' W; then running approximately 141° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°07.641' N, Long. 76°27.764' W; then running approximately 40° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°07.910' N, Long. 76°27.470' W; then running approximately 342° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°08.151' N, Long. 76°27.571' W; then running approximately 335° True to a point at or near the shore north of Cherryfield Point defined by Lat. 38°08.347' N, Long. 76°27.682' W; then running southerly along the shore to the point of beginning.

(e) All of the waters of St. George’s Creek enclosed by a line beginning at a point at or near the shore on Ball Point defined by Lat. 38°07.251' N, Long. 76°28.380' W; then running approximately 305° True to a point at or near shore south of Dodson Point defined by Lat. 38°07.979' N, Long. 76°29.714' W; then running southeasterly along the shore to the point of beginning.

(f) All of the waters of Saint Mary's River and Saint George's Creek enclosed by a line beginning at a point at or near the shore at the mouth of Island Creek defined by Lat. 38°06.513' N, Long. 76°28.012' W; then running approximately 357° True to a point at or near the shore at Indigo Point defined by Lat. 38°06.551' N, Long. 76°28.015' W; then running northerly along the shore to a point near Russell Point defined by Lat. 38°07.148' N, Long. 76°28.194' W; then running approximately 41° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°07.154' N, Long. 76°28.189' W; then running approximately 117° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°07.075' N, Long. 76°27.996' W; then running approximately 179° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°06.912' N, Long. 76°27.992' W; then running approximately 146° True to a point at or near the tip of the jetty defined by Lat. 38°06.632' N, Long. 76°27.754' W; then running along the jetty to a point at or near the shore defined by Lat. 38°06.498' N, Long. 76°27.941' W; then running westerly along to shore to the point of beginning.

(g) All of the waters of Saint Mary's River enclosed by a line beginning at a point defined by Lat. 38°06.553' N, Long. 76°25.503' W; then running approximately 310° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°06.721' N, Long. 76°25.748' W; then running approximately 342° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°07.029' N, Long. 76°25.870' W; then approximately 137° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°06.794' N, Long. 76°25.590' W; then running approximately 163° True to the point of beginning.

(h) All of the waters of Calvert Bay enclosed by a line beginning at a point at or near the shore defined by Lat. 38°06.002' N, Long. 76°23.406' W; then running approximately 292° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°06.035' N, Long. 76°23.510' W; then running approximately 6° True to a point at or near the shore south of the entrance to Calvert Creek defined by Lat. 38°06.135' N, Long. 76°23.496' W; then running southeasterly along the shore to the point of beginning.

(5) Worcester County.

(a) All of the waters of Sinepuxent Bay enclosed by a line beginning at a point at or near the shore south of Ocean City Municipal Airport defined by Lat. 38°18.198' N, Long. 75° 07.016' W; then running approximately 28° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°18.346' N, Long. 75°06.915' W; then running southerly along the shore to the point of beginning.

(b) All of the waters of Snug Harbor and Sinepuxent Bay enclosed by a line beginning at a point at or near the shore south of Snug Harbor defined by Lat. 38°17.918' N, Long. 75° 07.415' W; then running approximately 67° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°18.007' N, Long. 75°07.418' W; then running approximately 9° True to a point at or near the shore south of Coffins Point defined by Lat. 38° 18.077' N, Long. 75° 07.134' W; then running southwesterly along the shore to the point of beginning.

(c) All of the waters of Sinepuxent Bay enclosed by a line beginning at a point at or near the western shore of Assateague Island National Seashore defined by Lat. 38°17.806' N, Long. 75° 06.904' W; then running approximately 355° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°17.820' N, Long. 75°06.906' W; then running approximately 18° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°18.173' N, Long. 75°06.757' W; then running approximately 26° True to a point at or near the shore defined by Lat. 38°18.244' N, Long. 75°06.713' W; then running southerly along the shore to the point of beginning.

(d) All of the waters of Grays Cove and Sinepuxent Bay enclosed by a line beginning at a point at or near Grays Cove Landing defined by Lat. 38°17.162' N, Long. 75° 08.226' W; then running approximately 175° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°16.852' N, Long. 75°08.191' W; then running approximately 121° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°16.832' N, Long. 75° 08.147' W; then running approximately 19° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°17.289' N, Long. 75°07.947' W; then running approximately 277° True to a point at or near the shore on the north side of Grays Cove defined by Lat. 38° 17.301' N, Long. 75° 08.053' W; then running southwesterly along the shore to the point of beginning.

(e) All of the waters of Sinepuxent Bay enclosed by a line beginning at a point at or near the west shore of Assateague Island National Seashore defined by Lat. 38°16.374' N, Long. 75°07.408' W; then running approximately 276° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°16.419' N, Long. 75°07.904' W; then running approximately 2° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°16.807' N, Long. 75°07.881' W; then running approximately 14° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°17.252' N, Long. 75°07.747' W; then running approximately 32° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°17.695' N, Long. 75°07.394' W; then running approximately 102° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°17.685' N, Long. 75°07.281' W; then running approximately 71° True to a point at or near the west shore of Assateague Island defined by Lat. 38°17.782' N, Long. 75°06.916' W; then running southerly along the shore to the point of beginning.

(f) All of the waters of Sinepuxent Bay enclosed by a line beginning at a point at or near the shore at Sandy Cove defined by Lat. 38°15.864' N, Long. 75°08.875' W; then running approximately 66° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°16.024' N, Long. 75°08.420' W; then running approximately 4° True to a point at or near the shore south of Grays Point defined by Lat. 38°16.275' N, Long. 75°08.398' W; then running southwesterly along the shore to the point of beginning.

(g) All of the waters of Sinepuxent Bay enclosed by a line beginning at a point at or near the shore on the north side of the MD Route 611 causeway defined by Lat. 38°14.561' N, Long. 75°08.861' W; then running approximately 39° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°15.002' N, Long. 75°08.235' W; then running approximately 4° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°15.381' N, Long 75°08.202' W; then running approximately 65° True to a point at or near the west shore of Assateague Island defined by Lat. 38°15.535' N, Long. 75°07.795' W;; then running southerly along the shore to the point of beginning.

(h) All of the waters of Sinepuxent Bay enclosed by a line beginning at a point at or near Green Point defined by Lat. 38°13.865' N, Long. 75°10.259' W; then running approximately 44° True to a point at or near the shore of Sandy Point on the south side of the MD Route 611 causeway defined Lat. 38°14.772' N, Long 75°09.138' W; then running westerly along the shore to the point of beginning.

(i) All of the waters of Newport Bay and Sinepuxent Bay enclosed by a line beginning at a point at or near South Point defined by Lat. 38°12.532' N, Long. 75°11.511' W; then running approximately 197° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°12.444' N, Long. 75°11.549' W; then running approximately 258° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°12.407' N, Long. 75°11.764' W; then running approximately 326° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°12.776' N, Long. 75°12.070' W; then running approximately 356° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°13.220' N, Long. 75°12.106' W; then running approximately 23° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°13.507' N, Long. 75°11.955' W; then running approximately 135° True to a point at or near the western shore of Lower Sinepuxent Neck defined by Lat. 38°13.467’ N, Long. 75°11.901' W; then running southeasterly along the shore to the point of beginning.

(j) All of the waters of Purnell Pond, Martin Bay and Sinepuxent Bay enclosed by a line beginning at a point at or near the shore at Martin Point defined by Lat. 38°05.716' N, Long. 75°17.890' W; then running approximately 222° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°05.580' N, Long. 75°18.047' W; then running approximately 316° True to a point at or near the eastern shore at the entrance to Purnell Pond defined by Lat. 38°06.104' N, Long. 75°18.686' W; then running easterly along the shore to a point defined by Lat. 38°05.939' N, Long. 75°17.931' W; then running approximately 172° True to the point of beginning.

(k) All of the waters of Ready Cove, Easter Opening and Chincoteague Bay enclosed by a line beginning at a point at or near the southern shore south of Big Bay Point defined by Lat. 38°04.520' N, Long. 75° 17.598' W; then running approximately 255° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°04.325' N, Long. 75°18.525' W; then running approximately 339° True to a point at or near the western tip of an island along the southern side of Ready Cove defined by Lat. 38°04.620' N, Long. 75° 18.665' W; then running approximately 339° True to a point at or near the southwestern tip of an island along the northern side of Ready Cove defined by Lat. 38°04.984' N, Long. 75° 18.844' W; then running easterly along the shore to a point at or near the eastern tip of an island defined by Lat. 38°04.905' N, Long. 75° 18.436' W; then running approximately 100° True to a point at or near Big Bay Point defined by Lat. 38°04.766' N, Long. 75° 17.474' W; then running southerly along the shore to the point of beginning.

(l) All of the waters of Johnson Bay and Rowley Cove enclosed by a line beginning at a point along the southern shore of Tizzard Island defined by Lat. 38°04.307' N, Long. 75°19.703' W; then running approximately 192° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°04.296' N, Long. 75°19.706' W; then running approximately 267° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°04.289' N, Long. 75°19.883' W; then running approximately 289° to a point defined by Lat. 38°04.459' N, Long. 75°20.491' W; then running approximately 314° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°04.613' N, Long. 75°20.688' W; then running approximately 59° True to a point at or near the western shore of Tizzard Island defined by Lat. 38°04.726' N, Long. 75°20.448' W; then running southerly along the shore of Tizzard Island to the point of beginning.

(m) All of the waters of Chincoteague Bay enclosed by a line beginning at a point at or near the shore of a cove on the east side of Mills Island defined by Lat. 38°02.736' N, Long. 75°19.996' W; then running approximately 60° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°02.885' N, Long. 75°19.668' W; then running approximately 28° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°03.170' N, Long. 75°19.479' W; then running approximately 347° True to a point at or near the shore of a cove on the east side of Mills Island defined by Lat. 38°03.196' N, Long. 75°19.486' W; then running southwesterly along the shore of Mills Island to the point of beginning.

(n) All of the waters of Chincoteague Bay enclosed by a line beginning at a point at or near the shore of a cove on the east side of Mills Island defined by Lat. 38°02.197' N, Long. 75°21.135' W; then running approximately 137° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°02.114' N, Long. 75°21.031' W; then running approximately 75° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°02.192' N, Long. 75°20.684' W; then running approximately 23° True to a point at or near the shore of a cove on the east side of Mills Island defined by Lat. 38°02.500' N, Long. 75°20.525' W; then running southwesterly along the shore of Mills Island to the point of beginning.

(o) All of the waters of Chincoteague Bay and Sinepuxent Bay enclosed by a line beginning at a point at or near the west side of Assateague Island near the Maryland-Virginia state line defined by Lat. 38°01.591' N, Long. 75°15.159' W; then running along the Maryland-Virginia state line approximately 264° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°01.414' N, Long. 75°17.127' W; then running approximately 30° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°02.048' N, Long. 75°16.661' W; then running approximately 74° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°02.110' N, Long. 75°16.392' W; then running approximately 32° to a point defined by Lat. 38°02.786' N, Long. 75°15.871' W; then running approximately 352° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°04.191' N, Long. 75°16.126' W; then running approximately 23° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°05.748' N, Long. 75°15.359' W; then running approximately 45° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°07.958' N, Long. 75°12.710' W; then running approximately 0° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°11.172' N, Long. 75°12.676' W; then running approximately 45° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°11.849' N, Long. 75°11.829' W; then running approximately 59° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°12.659' N, Long. 75°10.139' W; then running approximately 358° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°13.478' N, Long. 75°10.170' W; then running approximately 41° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°13.779' N, Long. 75°09.844' W; then running approximately 36° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°14.353' N, Long. 75°09.309' W; then running approximately 49° True to a point at or near the shore of the south side of the MD Route 611 causeway defined by Lat. 38°14.664' N, Long. 75°08.862' W; then running southerly along the west shore of Assateague Island to the point of beginning.

(6) Anne Arundel County. All of the waters of Old Colony Cove and Herring Bay enclosed by a line beginning at a point at or near the shore of Old Colony Cove at the entrance to Herrington Harbour defined by Lat. 38°43.691' N, Long. 76°32.520' W; then running northwesterly along the shore of Old Colony Cove to a point defined by Lat. 38°44.035' N, Long. 76°33.099' W; then running approximately 121° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°43.750' N, Long. 76°32.494' W; then running southwesterly along the jetty to the point of beginning.

(7) Calvert County.

(a) All of the waters of Rock Creek, Nan Cove and Patuxent River enclosed by a line beginning at a point at or near the eastern shore of the mouth of Rock Creek defined by Lat. 38°25.304' N, Long. 76°33.572' W; then running along the shore to a point on the western shore of Rock Creek defined by 38°25.307' N, Long. 76°33.680' W; then running approximately 121° True to a point defined by 38°25.235' N, Long. 76°33.525' W; then running approximately 99° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°25.209' N, Long. 76°33.310' W; then running approximately 59° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°25.254' N, Long. 76°33.215' W; then running approximately 34° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°25.334' N, Long. 76°33.147' W; then running approximately 308° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°25.354' N, Long. 76°33.178' W; then running approximately 182° True to a point at or near the western shore at the entrance of Nan Cove defined by Lat. 38°25.338' N, Long. 76°33.179' W; then running westerly along the shore to the point of beginning.

(b) All of the waters of Nan Cove, and Patuxent River enclosed by a line beginning at a point at or near the western shore of Broomes Island defined by Lat. 38°25.162' N, Long. 76°33.080' W; then running approximately 295° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°25.173' N, Long. 76°33.110' W; then running approximately 345° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°25.199' N, Long. 76°33.118' W; then running approximately 358° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°25.309' N, Long. 76°33.124' W; the running approximately 9° True to a point at or near the eastern shore at the entrance of Nan Cove defined by Lat. 38°25.345' N, Long. 76°33.117' W; then running southerly along the shore to the point of beginning.

(c) All the waters of Grapevine Cove and Patuxent River enclosed by a line beginning at a point at or near the southern shore of Grapevine Cove defined by Lat. 38°24.698' N, Long. 76°33.152' W; then running approximately 27° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°24.718' N, Long. 76°33.140' W; then running approximately 143° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°24.658' N, Long. 76°33.083' W; then running approximately 23° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°24.797' N, Long. 76°33.007' W; then running approximately 353° True to a point at or near the northern shore at the entrance of Grapevine Cove defined by Lat. 38°25.010' N, Long. 76°33.043' W; then running southerly along the shore to the point of beginning.

(d) All of the waters of Island Creek and Patuxent River enclosed by a line beginning at a point at or near the eastern shore of Broomes Island defined by Lat. 38°24.427' N, Long. 76°33.021' W; then running approximately 70° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°24.431' N, Long. 76°33.008' W; then running approximately 8° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°24.510' N, Long. 76°32.993' W; then running approximately 40° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°24.601' N, Long. 76°32.894' W; then running approximately 58° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°24.691' N, Long. 76°32.711' W; then running approximately 326° True to a point at or near the western shore at the entrance of Island Creek defined by Lat. 38°24.701' N, Long. 76°32.720' W; then running southwesterly along the shore to the point of beginning.

(e) All of the waters of Island Creek, Rattlesnake Gut and Patuxent River enclosed by a line beginning at a point at or near the shore defined by Lat. 38°24.472' N, Long. 76°32.216' W; then running approximately 273° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°24.474' N, Long. 76°32.261' W; then running approximately 0° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°24.494' N, Long. 76°32.261' W; then running approximately 288° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°24.506' N, Long. 76°32.306' W; then running approximately 346° True to a point along the shore defined by Lat. 38°24.526' N, Long. 76°32.312' W; then running easterly along the shore to a point defined by Lat. 38°24.506' N, Long. 76°32.218' W; then running approximately 165° True to a point along the shore defined by Lat. 38°24.483' N, Long. 76°32.210' W; then running southwesterly along the shore to the point of beginning.

(f) All the waters of Rattlesnake Gut and Patuxent River enclosed by a line beginning at a point at or near the shore defined by Lat. 38°24.525' N, Long. 76°32.219' W; then running approximately 73° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°24.540' N, Long. 76°32.152' W; then running approximately 334° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°24.652' N, Long. 76°32.220' W; then running approximately 248° True to a point at or near the western shore of Rattlesnake Gut defined by Lat. 38°24.649' N, Long. 76°32.228' W; then running southerly along the shore to the point of beginning.

(g) All the waters of Rattlesnake Gut and Patuxent River enclosed by a line beginning at a point at or near the shore defined by Lat. 38°24.697' N, Long. 76°32.208' W; then running approximately 160° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°24.691' N, Long. 76°32.205' W; then running approximately 58° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°24.708' N, Long. 76°32.169' W; then running approximately 32° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°24.750' N, Long. 76°32.137' W; then running approximately 10° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°24.768' N, Long. 76°32.133' W; then running approximately 315° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°24.779' N, Long. 76°32.147' W; then running approximately 218° True to a point along the shore defined by Lat. 38°24.766' N, Long. 76°32.159' W; then running southwesterly along the shore to the point of beginning.

(h) All the waters of Rattlesnake Gut and Patuxent River enclosed by a line beginning at a point at or near the shore defined by Lat. 38°24.723' N, Long. 76°31.975' W; then running approximately 210° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°24.705' N, Long. 76°31.988' W; then running approximately 303° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°24.731' N, Long. 76°32.038' W; then running approximately 9° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°24.797' N, Long. 76°32.025' W; then running approximately 338° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°24.827' N, Long. 76°32.041' W; then running approximately 289° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°24.834' N, Long. 76°32.065' W; then running approximately 340° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°24.844' N, Long. 76°32.070' W; then running southeasterly along the shore to the point of beginning.

(i) All the waters of Grammers Cove and Patuxent River enclosed by a line beginning at a point at or near the shore defined by Lat. 38°24.507' N, Long. 76°31.265' W; then running approximately 283° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°24.512' N, Long. 76°31.291' W; then running approximately 338° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°24.624' N, Long. 76°31.349' W; then running approximately 317° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°24.745' N, Long. 76°31.495' W; then running approximately 272° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°24.750' N, Long. 76°31.746' W; then running approximately 348° True to a point along the shore defined by Lat. 38°24.765' N, Long. 76°31.751' W; then running southeasterly along the shore to the point of beginning.

(j) All of the waters of Patuxent River enclosed by a line beginning at a point at or near the western shore of Hungerford Creek defined by Lat. 38°20.985' N, Long. 76°28.265' W; then running approximately 239° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°20.974' N, Long. 76°28.289' W; then running approximately 320° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°21.028' N, Long. 76°28.348' W; then running approximately 345° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°21.046' N, Long. 76°28.353' W; then running approximately 40° True to a point at or near the shore defined by Lat. 38°21.070' N, Long. 76°28.328' W; then running southeasterly along the shore to the point of beginning.

(k) All of the waters of Patuxent River enclosed by a line beginning at a point east of Ship Point defined by Lat. 38°19.450' N, Long. 76°26.701' W; then running approximately 176° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°19.428' N, Long. 76°26.698' W; then running approximately 83° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°19.478' N, and Long. 76°26.205' W; then running approximately 1° True to a point at or near the southern shore of Drum Point defined by Lat. 38°19.512' N, Long. 76°27.204' W; then running westerly along the shore to the point of beginning.

(8) Kent County.

(a) All of the waters of Rock Hall Harbor enclosed by a line beginning at a point at or near the shore at Lat. 39°07.840’N, Long. 76°14.697’W; then running approximately 280° True along the jetty to a point defined by Lat. 39°07.868’ N, Long. 76°14.856’ W; then running approximately 280° True to a point at or near the jetty defined by 39°07.876’ N, Long. 76°14.920’ W; then running northwesterly along the jetty to a point at or near the shore defined by Lat. 39°07.964’ N, Long. 76°15.008’W; then running northeasterly along the shore to the point of beginning.

(b) All of the waters of Huntingfield Creek, Rock Hall Harbor and Chesapeake Bay enclosed by a line beginning at a point at or near the shore on the north side of Huntingfield Point defined by Lat. 39°07.122’ N, Long. 76°14.827’ W; then running approximately 3° True to a point at or near the jetty defined by Lat. 39°07.850’ N, Long. 76°14.760’ W; then running approximately 103° True along the jetty to a point at or near the shore defined by Lat. 39°07.840’ N, Long. 76°14.697’ W; then running south along the shore to the point of beginning.

(c) All the waters of Chesapeake Bay, Chester River and Wilson Pond enclosed by a line beginning at a point at or near the shore on the western side of Wilson Point defined by Lat. 39°03.192’ N, Long. 76°13.635’ W; then running approximately 259° True to a point defined by Lat. 39°03.083’ N, Long. 76°14.328’ W; then running approximately 19° True to a point defined by Lat. 39°03.544’ N, Long. 76°14.122’ W; then running approximately 6° True to a point defined by Lat. 39°04.119’ N; Long. 76°14.042’ W; then running approximately 7° True to a point at or near the shore defined by Lat. 39°04.997’ N, Long. 76°13.891’ W; then running south along the shore to the point of beginning.

(d) All the waters of Long Cove, Short Cove, Eastern Neck Narrows and Chester River enclosed by a line beginning at a point at or near the shore on the eastern side of Wilson Point defined by Lat. 39°03.171’N, Long. 76°13.586’ W; then running approximately 85° True to a point defined by Lat. 39°03.174’ N, Long. 76°13.543’ W; then running approximately 25° True to a point at or near the shore defined by Lat. 39°03.306’ N, Long 76°13.465’ W; then running approximately 75° True to a point at or near the shore defined by Lat. 39°03.334’ N, Long. 76°13.330’ W; then running northwesterly along the shore to the point of beginning.

(e) All of the waters of Calfpasture Cove, Tubby Cove, Eastern Neck Narrows, and Chester River enclosed by a line beginning at a point at or near the shore on the west side of Ingleside defined by 39°02.731’ N, Long. 76°14.198’ W; then running approximately 297° True to a point defined by Lat. 39°02.817’ N, Long. 76°14.414’ W; then running approximately 49° True to a point defined by Lat. 39°02.997’ N, Long 76°14.146’ W; then running approximately 125° True to a point defined by Lat. 39°02.898’ N, Long 76°13.965’ W; then running approximately 65° True to a point defined by Lat. 39°03.015’ N, Long. 76°13.644’ W; then running approximately 39° True to a point defined by Lat. 39°03.164’ N, Long. 76°13.487’ W; then running approximately 28° True to a point defined by Lat. 39°03.285’ N, Long. 76°13.406’ W; then running approximately 79° True to a point at or near the shore south of the Eastern Neck Narrows defined by Lat. 39°03.295’ N, Long. 76°13.340’ W; then running southwesterly along the shore to the point of beginning.

(f) All of the waters of Frying Pan Cove, Eastern Neck Narrows and Chester River enclosed by a line beginning at a point at or near the shore on the north side of Eastern Neck Island defined by Lat. 39°02.909’ N, Long. 76°12.972’ W; then running approximately 11° True to a point defined by Lat. 39°03.201’ N, Long. 76°12.902’ W; then running approximately 293° True to a point defined by Lat. 39°03.312’ N, Long. 76°13.246’ W; then running approximately 264° True to a point at or near the shore along the Eastern Neck Island Road Bridge defined by Lat. 39°03.305’ N, Long. 76°13.330’ W; then running southeasterly along the shore to the point of beginning.

(g) All of the waters of Church Creek, Eastern Neck Narrows and Chester River enclosed by a line beginning at a point at or near the shore northeast of the Eastern Neck Island Bridge defined by Lat. 39°03.363’ N, Long. 76°13.308’ W; then running approximately 103° True to a point defined by Lat. 39°03.271’ N, Long. 76°12.807’ W; then running approximately 17° True to a point defined by Lat. 39°03.371’ N, Long. 76°12.770’ W; then running approximately 293° True to a point at or near the shore defined by Lat. 39°03.487’ N, Long. 76°13.124’ W; then running southwesterly along the shore to the point of beginning.

(9) Queen Anne's County.

(a) All of the waters of Crab Alley Bay enclosed by a line beginning at a point at or near the shore northwest of Normans Point defined by Lat. 38°55.478' N, Long. 76°15.870' W; then running approximately 309° True to a point at or near the shore on the southeast side of Little Creek defined by Lat. 38°56.169' N, Long. 76°16.955' W; then running easterly along the shore to the point of beginning.

(b) All of the waters of Crab Alley Bay and Eastern Bay enclosed by a line beginning at a point at or near the western shore of Normans Point defined by Lat. 38°55.156' N, Long. 76°15.481' W; then running approximately 294° True to a point at or near the shore defined by Lat. 38°55.211' N, Long. 76°15.641' W; then running easterly along the shore to the point of beginning.

(c) All of the waters of Hoghole Creek and Prospect Bay enclosed by a line beginning at a point at or near the western shore of Piney Neck defined by Lat. 38°54.620' N, Long. 76°12.301' W; then running approximately 345° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°55.957' N, Long. 76°12.766' W; then running approximately 20° True to a point at or near the south shore of Brian Point defined by Lat. 38°56.019' N, Long. 76°12.744' W; then running southeasterly along the shore to the point of beginning.

(d) All of the waters of Wye River enclosed by a line beginning at a point at or near the eastern shore of Wye Island east of Drum Point defined by Lat. 38°52.810' N, Long. 76°10.756' W; then running approximately 73° True to a point at or near the shore defined by Lat. 38°52.857' N, Long. 76°10.565' W; then running southerly along the shore to the point defined by Lat. 38°52.822' N, Long. 76°10.565' W; then running approximately 137° True to a point at or near the shore defined by Lat. 38°52.762' N, Long. 76°10.493' W; then running westerly along the shore to the point of beginning.

Secretary of Natural Resources



08.02.01 General

Authority: Natural Resources Article, §4-407, Annotated Code of Maryland

Notice of Proposed Action


The Secretary of Natural Resources proposes to amend Regulation .13 under COMAR 08.02.01 General.

Statement of Purpose

The purpose of this action is to simplify the language and prohibit the use of projectile fishing gear in all Fishery Management Areas (FMAs). Current regulations define legal projectile fishing gear as archery equipment, gig, spear, and spear gun. Current regulations prohibit the use of projectile gear in many Fishery Management Public Fishing Areas or sections of FMAs due to restrictions on public access, restrictions in trout management waters, and safety zone distance. The areas where the gear may be used legally are few, small in size, and can be difficult to identify and enforce. This has led to confusion among stakeholders and enforcement personnel.

Estimate of Economic Impact

The proposed action has no economic impact.

Economic Impact on Small Businesses

The proposed action has minimal or no economic impact on small businesses.

Impact on Individuals with Disabilities

The proposed action has no impact on individuals with disabilities.

Opportunity for Public Comment

Comments may be sent to Gear—Projectile Gear in Fishery Management Public Fishing Areas Regulations, Regulatory Staff, Department of Natural Resources, 580 Taylor Ave., E-4, Annapolis, MD 21401, or call 410-260-8300, or email to Submit comment to, no fax. . Comments will be accepted through November 6, 2023. A public hearing has not been scheduled.

.13 Fishery Management Areas.

A.—D. (text unchanged)

E. Projectile fishing gears, as described in COMAR and .03, are prohibited in all Fishery Management Areas.

Secretary of Natural Resources



08.02.05 Fish

Authority: Natural Resources Article, §4-215, Annotated Code of Maryland

Notice of Proposed Action


The Secretary of Natural Resources proposes to amend Regulation .21 under COMAR 08.02.05 Fish.

Statement of Purpose

The purpose of this action is to update the commercial quota information to reflect recent changes made by the Atlantic States Marine Fishery Commission (ASMFC) and the Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council (MAFMC). The annual total allowable landings of black sea bass for the commercial fishery is set by the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission and shall be published through a public notice. Due to changes made by ASMFC/MAFMC, the Maryland commercial black sea bass quota is no longer necessarily 11 percent of the coastal quota as currently written in COMAR. The Department will publish the quota as established by those agencies when it is available through a public notice on the Department’s website, as well as sending it out to the Department’s email listserv and social media accounts. More information about the ASMFC/MAFMC action is available here:

Estimate of Economic Impact

The proposed action has no economic impact.

Economic Impact on Small Businesses

The proposed action has minimal or no economic impact on small businesses.

Impact on Individuals with Disabilities

The proposed action has no impact on individuals with disabilities.

Opportunity for Public Comment

Comments may be sent to Black Sea Bass Regulations, Regulatory Staff, Department of Natural Resources, 580 Taylor Ave, E4, Annapolis, MD 21401, or call 410-260-8300, or submit comments to Comments will be accepted through November 6, 2023. A public hearing has not been scheduled.

.21 Black Sea Bass.

A. (text unchanged)

B. Commercial.

(1) (text unchanged)

(2) Quotas.

[(a) The annual quota for Maryland is 11 percent of the annual Atlantic coast quota determined by the National Marine Fisheries Service.]

(a) Statewide Quota.

(i) The annual total allowable landings of black sea bass for the commercial fishery is set by the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission and shall be published through a public notice issued in accordance with §F of this regulation.

(ii) Any annual overages of the quota will be deducted from the subsequent year’s quota.

(b) (text unchanged)

C.—F. (text unchanged)

Secretary of Natural Resources



Notice of Proposed Action


The Secretary of Natural Resources proposes to:

(1) Adopt new Regulation .31 under COMAR 08.02.05 Fish; and

(2) Amend Regulation .03 under COMAR 08.02.12 Endangered and Threatened Fish Species.

Statement of Purpose

The purpose of this action is to declare longnose gar as “in need of conservation” and establish a creel limit for the species. Currently, there is no creel or size limit, or season for possession, established for longnose gar in Maryland. This action proposes a creel limit of one longnose gar per person from April 15 through June 30 and a creel limit of five longnose gar per person from July 1 through April 14. This creel limit would apply to both recreational anglers and commercial harvesters. These regulations would mirror the recreational creel limits in Virginia to provide consistency with adjacent jurisdictions and provide heightened protections during the spawning period when gar are more vulnerable to harvest due to their tendency to gather in large groups to spawn.

For a species to be designated as "in need of conservation" in the tidal waters of Maryland, the Department must conduct an investigation and develop information relating to population, distribution, habitat needs, limiting factors, and other biological and ecological data to determine conservation measures necessary for the species’ continued ability to sustain itself successfully. Near the northern edge of its Atlantic coast range, longnose gar is a native species to Maryland. It is one of seven species of an ancient family of fishes that pre-date the dinosaurs and are found only in North America. In Maryland, longnose gar has been reported from southerly tidal freshwaters of the Chesapeake Bay, including the Potomac, Pocomoke, Nanticoke, Wicomico, and Choptank Rivers. Its restricted distribution in Maryland and its life history aspects can make this species particularly vulnerable to population declines and possibly extirpation if mortality rates increase. Because it is a native, top predator in Maryland's tidal freshwater, the species must be protected and managed sustainably.

Longnose gar is a member of Lepisosteidae and an endemic component of North American fish faunal assemblages. The small family of primitive fishes has existed for over 100 million years in North America, remaining nearly indistinct evolutionarily from extinct ancestors. Some evolutionarily derived characteristics, such as a special scale type called ganoid, are found only within the family and nowhere else within the over 25,000 species of bony fishes. Additionally, juveniles possess a heterocercal tail filament, which is an extension of the vertebral column, that further develops to an abbreviated heterocercal tail as it matures, making it relatively unique among all bony fishes except sturgeon and paddlefish.

The species can be characterized with a periodic life history strategist that has effectively evolved to take advantage of predictable, large-scale changes in the environment (e.g., seasons, tide) and highly variable juvenile mortality. In the Chesapeake Bay watershed, adults can be large (up to 5 feet), relatively old (up to 27 years), and reach sexual maturity after 3 (male) or 6 (female) years, with females producing a lot of eggs (average — 33,971 eggs) during a limited time span. During the spring spawning season (May — June), adults will congregate in shallow, freshwater bays for spawning. Groups of adults can lie motionless near the water's surface in slow water, bays, or coves and in waters with submerged aquatic vegetation or submerged wood to which their eggs adhere. According to research published for York River (Chesapeake Bay), longnose gar may remain in spawning areas for 1 month. Longnose gar tend to occupy mid-channel or riverside habitats for the rest of the year. These characteristics make adults highly vulnerable during a short period (May — June) and, because of their life history strategy, highly vulnerable as a species to increases in adult mortality rates and threats to environmental stability.

Anecdotally considered a "rough fish" by recreational anglers, gar has been maligned as a competitor to the game and sport fish that damages fishing gear, resulting in gar being thrown to shore to die rather than harvested as table fare. The field guide of Fishes of the Chesapeake Bay noted that longnose gar is considered to have "no food or recreational value…[and] when caught, longnose gar are often thrown on the shore to die." Gar is also a popular bowfishing target in Maryland and across the southeastern United States and can be harvested in high numbers. While the species was listed as a “species of greatest conservation need” in 2005 by the Maryland Department of Natural Resources, no regulations were adopted to prevent or limit the harvest of longnose gar in tidal waters. Because interest in longnose gar and bowfishing has not historically been widely popular in Maryland, regulations were not adopted to help protect the species.

However, the recent rise in popularity of bowfishing over the past 10 years has increased because of growing interest in shooting northern snakehead and blue catfish. Recently, the Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources reduced its creel limit of longnose gar from five fish per person during their spawning season to one fish per person. In Maryland, more anglers and archers may encounter longnose gar, and unregulated harvest of the species may seriously threaten its conservation in Maryland waters.

Often called "living fossils," gars possess characteristics that are now uncommon among fishes, making longnose gar a unique feature of the Bay's ecosystem. The species includes:

• A special tail type (i.e., abbreviate heterocercal).

• Unique scales (i.e., ganoid scales).

• A unique, highly vascularized lung-like gas bladder that enables it to "breathe air" when experiencing low dissolved oxygen.

In spite of its unique features and value to biodiversity and ecological health in North American rivers, longnose gar has historically been a target of eradication and control by both fishery managers and fishers nationwide because of its unfounded reputation as a “trash fish.” Today, the species and its family of fishes have widespread conservation interest among fishery managers but may still be called a “trash fish” by the general public. Partly, this is owed to limited commercial interest for the species. The meat is palatable but rarely consumed today. In 2022, commercial landings of longnose gar amounted to just over 1,900 pounds and only from the Nanticoke River (primarily October through December). Additive mortality owed to commercial harvest and potentially increasing recreational harvest, coupled with a restricted range of longnose gar and a lack of information on stock structure, could significantly compromise its conservation in Maryland waters.

During the spring spawning season, which can include April but mainly in May and June, adults will congregate in shallow, freshwater bays for spawning. Groups of adults can lie motionless near the water's surface in slow water, bays, or coves and in waters with submerged aquatic vegetation or submerged wood to which their eggs adhere. Because of these behaviors, many spawning longnose gar can be harvested quickly. Unfortunately, the specialized spawning season and habitat (i.e., lentic-like embayments or coves) of longnose gar are shared with invasive fishes, northern snakehead and blue catfish specifically, both of which are popular bowfishing targets. The Department continues to encourage bowfishing for those invasive fishes but believes, based on their life history and restricted range, that longnose gar require additional protection by implementing a creel limit. Similar restrictions have long been used to manage other species of conservation interest, such as largemouth bass and striped bass, to significant positive effects.

The lack of authority for the Department to promulgate regulations to protect longnose gar in tidal waters complicates management flexibility. Legislative changes for fish management are usually more difficult, can occur only once a year and do not allow the same degree of public involvement as would a regulated management change. Regulated changes can be debated within the Department advisory commissions and ad hoc work groups as data become available and necessary midcourse corrections can be made as often as necessary. The public process required for regulations also provides an open forum for discussion of proposed fish management options. The present regulatory structure is inadequate to deal with the problems of longnose gar management in Maryland. Declaring the species “in need of conservation” under Natural Resources Article, §4-2A-03, Annotated Code of Maryland, will allow the Secretary of Natural Resources to engage the fishing public in discussion about the need to “adopt limitations relating to taking, possession, transportation, exportation, processing, sale or offer for sale, or shipment necessary to conserve fish.”

Estimate of Economic Impact

I. Summary of Economic Impact. The proposed action may have a minor indeterminable negative economic impact on commercial harvesters by resulting in the harvesting of less longnose gar.

II. Types of Economic Impact.

Impacted Entity

Revenue (R+/R-)




A. On issuing agency:



B. On other State agencies:



C. On local governments:







Benefit (+)

Cost (-)


D. On regulated industries or trade groups:



Commercial licensees



E. On other industries or trade groups:



F. Direct and indirect effects on public:



Recreational anglers and the general public



III. Assumptions. (Identified by Impact Letter and Number from Section II.)

D. Since 2019, commercial licensees have reported harvesting 3 pounds (2019), 3 pounds (2020), 120 pounds (2021), and 1,922 pounds (2022) respectively. Licensees will still be allowed to harvest five gar per day from July 1 through April 1 (which covers the period when harvest was reported). It is not clear how much the catch limit will reduce commercial harvest, but the reduction is likely to be minor, especially given that commercial harvest was already very low.

F. Placing a catch limit on gar will ensure their continued ability to sustain themselves successfully in Maryland’s tidal waters. Recreational anglers will benefit by being able to pursue the species and the general public will benefit by continuing to have a native species as part of the ecosystem. There is no way to put a specific economic value on the presence of a species, but the general public has repeatedly expressed an interest in maintaining biodiversity.

Economic Impact on Small Businesses

The proposed action has minimal or no economic impact on small businesses.

Impact on Individuals with Disabilities

The proposed action has no impact on individuals with disabilities.

Opportunity for Public Comment

Comments may be sent to Longnose Gar Regulations, Regulatory Staff, Department of Natural Resources, 580 Taylor Avenue, E-4, Annapolis, MD 21401, or call 410-260-8300, or submit comments to Comments will be accepted through November 6, 2023. A public hearing has not been scheduled.


08.02.05 Fish

Authority: Natural Resources Article, §4-2A-03, Annotated Code of Maryland

.31 Longnose Gar.

A person may not catch or possess more than:

A. One longnose gar per day from April 15 through June 30; or

B. Five longnose gar per day from July 1 through April 14.


08.02.12 Endangered and Threatened Fish Species

Authority: Natural Resources Article, §4-2A-03, Annotated Code of Maryland

.03 Listing of Species.

A. The following species are listed as in need of conservation:

(1)(18) (text unchanged)

(19) Jonah crab (Cancer borealis); [and]

(20) Cobia (Rachycentron canadum)[.]; and

(21) Longnose gar (Lepisosteus osseus).

B. (text unchanged)

Secretary of Natural Resources



08.02.15 Striped Bass

Authority: Natural Resources Article, §§4-215, 4-2A-03, and 4-701, Annotated Code of Maryland

Notice of Proposed Action


The Secretary of Natural Resources proposes to amend Regulations .04, .05, and .07 under COMAR 08.02.15 Striped Bass.

Statement of Purpose

The purpose of this action is to eliminate the Chesapeake Bay common pool commercial striped bass fishery. Doing this will mean that all individuals participating in the commercial striped bass fishery in the Chesapeake Bay would then participate in the individual transferrable quota (ITQ) fishery. The Chesapeake Bay common pool fishery represents a small fraction of the striped bass commercial industry overall. This derby style fishery depends on timely harvest reporting to adhere to quotas. As the common pool has continued to get smaller over time due to fewer individuals electing this option, it has become increasingly difficult to manage the shrinking quota. The common pool fishery is a holdover for those permit holders who were extremely reluctant to join the ITQ in 2014. In 2023, the common pool fishery functions more like a “bonus fishery” for families that harvest in the ITQ fishery to add a little extra to their annual harvest. However, the smaller derby-fishery quota also increases the risk of overharvesting because there is less room for error. Eliminating the Chesapeake Bay common pool fishery will increase the Department’s ability to accurately manage the overall commercial harvest of striped bass in the Chesapeake Bay while lowering the Department’s administrative responsibilities.

Estimate of Economic Impact

I. Summary of Economic Impact. The proposed action may have an indeterminable positive or negative economic impact on individuals who have previously elected to participate in the Chesapeake Bay common pool commercial striped bass fishery. The proposed action will have an indeterminable positive impact on the Department due to less administrative responsibilities.

II. Types of Economic Impact.

Impacted Entity

Revenue (R+/R-)

Expenditure (E+/E-)


A. On issuing agency:



Department of Natural Resources



B. On other State agencies:



C. On local governments:







Benefit (+)

Cost (-)


D. On regulated industries or trade groups:



(1) Former common pool participants



(2) Former common pool participants



E. On other industries or trade groups:



F. Direct and indirect effects on public:



III. Assumptions. (Identified by Impact Letter and Number from Section II.)

A. This action will result in lower administrative burdens for the Department. By only managing one type of commercial striped bass fishery in the Chesapeake Bay, managers will only have to order one type of tags and flags for the Chesapeake Bay. Additionally, managers will no longer have to evaluate daily catch levels when the common pool is open to determine if future openings are necessary. It is not possible to determine the ultimate expenditure reduction that will be realized by simplifying the Chesapeake Bay commercial striped bass management structure.

D(1). Some former participants in the common pool fishery may experience a positive economic benefit from switching to the individual transferrable quota fishery. Individuals in the individual transferrable quota fishery are able to time their fishing efforts to when market price is most advantageous; common pool participants are only able to fish when the Department opens the season, which is not timed to the market.

D(2). Some former participants in the common pool fishery may experience a negative economic impact. This is because the benefit of the common pool was that each individual contributed the totality of their yearly allocation to the collective quota. This led to some individuals over the course of the year being able to harvest more pounds of striped bass than they had contributed to the communal pot. Those individuals will now be limited only to their yearly allocation in the individual transferrable quota fishery. The only way they will be able to catch more striped bass in the future will be to obtain additional allocation or share through a transfer, which will likely cost some amount of money.

Economic Impact on Small Businesses

The proposed action has a meaningful economic impact on small businesses. An analysis of this economic impact follows:

This action may have long-term positive impacts on small businesses that harvest, process, and deal in striped bass by allowing all commercial licensees to better time their fishing activities to market conditions.

Impact on Individuals with Disabilities

The proposed action has no impact on individuals with disabilities.

Opportunity for Public Comment

Comments may be sent to Common Pool Regulations, Regulatory Staff, Department of Natural Resources, 580 Taylor Ave E-4, Annapolis, MD 21401, or call 410-260-8300, or submit comments to Comments will be accepted through November 6, 2023. A public hearing has not been scheduled.

.04 Tidal Fish Licensee Intent to Fish.

A. (text unchanged)

B. Registration Procedures.

(1) (text unchanged)

(2) Registration Type.

(a) When registering for a striped bass permit, a commercial tidal fish licensee shall specify and may be authorized to fish in one of the following fisheries:

[(i) Chesapeake Bay common pool;]

[(ii)] (i)[(iii)] (ii) (text unchanged)

(b) (text unchanged)

[(c) A commercial tidal fish licensee may not possess striped bass permits registered in both the Chesapeake Bay common pool fishery and the Chesapeake Bay individual transferrable quota fishery.]

[(d)] (c) (text unchanged)

[(e)] (d) A striped bass permit registered in [a] the Chesapeake Bay individual transferrable quota fishery as of May 10, 2013, may not be changed to a striped bass permit registered to the Atlantic Ocean fishery.

C. (text unchanged)

D. Commercial Fisheries.

[(1) Chesapeake Bay Common Pool Fishery.

(a) In the common pool fishery, the following gear types may be used to harvest striped bass in accordance with a tidal fish license authorization as described in Natural Resources Article, §4-701, Annotated Code of Maryland:

(i) Drift gill net; and

(ii) Hook and line.

(b) An individual may only register for the common pool fishery if the individual possesses a share of the Chesapeake Bay fisheries equal to at least 0.0185 percent of the commercial quota for the Chesapeake Bay.

(c) The quota for the common pool fishery shall be the combined allocations of all permittees who register for the common pool fishery.

(d) An individual who registers more than one permit in the common pool fishery may land fish under a permit only if that individual possesses a share of the Chesapeake Bay fisheries equal to at least 0.0185 percent of the commercial quota for the Chesapeake Bay for that permit.]

[(2)] (1)—[(3)] (2) (text unchanged)

E. (text unchanged)

F. Temporary Transfers.

(1)(3) (text unchanged)

[(4) Chesapeake Bay Common Pool Fishery. A striped bass permit registered in the common pool fishery may only be temporarily transferred:

(a) Prior to the start of the quota year, from July 15 through September 15, or the next business day if September 15 falls on a weekend; or

(b) During the quota year within the time period established by public notice in accordance with §H of this regulation.]

[(5)] (4)—[(6)] (5) (text unchanged)

[(7)] (6) Allocation may not be transferred between [either of] the Chesapeake Bay [fisheries] individual transferrable quota fishery and the Atlantic Ocean fishery.

[(8) Allocation may not be transferred between the Chesapeake Bay common pool and individual transferrable quota fisheries.]

[(9)] (7)[(10)] (8) (text unchanged)

G. Permanent Transfers.

(1)—(5) (text unchanged)

(6) A commercial tidal fish licensee registered in [either of] the Chesapeake Bay [fisheries] individual transferrable quota fishery may not receive a share in a permanent transfer that would result in the transferee possessing more than 1 percent of the total commercial quota for the Chesapeake Bay [fisheries].

(7) The transfer limit described in [§G(6)(b)] §G(6) of this regulation does not apply to a transaction where the transferee also receives the transferor’s commercial tidal fish license.

(8)—(9) (text unchanged)

(10) A transferee receiving a striped bass permit registered in [a] the Chesapeake Bay individual transferrable quota fishery through a permanent transfer may not have that authorization changed to a striped bass permit registered in the Atlantic Ocean fishery.

(11) A transferee receiving a striped bass permit registered in the Atlantic Ocean fishery through a permanent transfer may not have that authorization changed to a striped bass permit registered in [a] the Chesapeake Bay individual transferrable quota fishery.

(12) A transferee receiving a share of [a] the Chesapeake Bay individual transferrable quota fishery through a permanent transfer may not transfer that share to the Atlantic Ocean fishery.

(13) A transferee receiving a share of the Atlantic Ocean fishery through a permanent transfer may not transfer that share to [a] the Chesapeake Bay individual transferrable quota fishery.

H. (text unchanged)

.05 Disposition of Catch.

A. Permits and Tags.

(1) (text unchanged)

(2) A commercial tidal fish licensee who catches striped bass for sale shall:

(a) (text unchanged)

(b) In the [Chesapeake Bay common pool and] Atlantic [fisheries] fishery, securely affix a tag issued by the Department to the licensee, as provided in §A(1) of this regulation, or a tag received through a transfer, through the mouth and one gill opening:

(i)—(iii) (text unchanged)

(c)—(d) (text unchanged)

(3)—(8) (text unchanged)

B.—C. (text unchanged)

D. Check-In.

(1) Time Requirements — [Chesapeake Bay Common Pool and] Atlantic [Fisheries] Fishery.

[(a) Except as provided in §D(1)(b) of this regulation, within] Within 3 hours of completing a fishing trip and returning to dock, and not later than 9 p.m. on the day of harvest, a commercial tidal fish licensee registered in the [Chesapeake Bay common pool fishery or the] Atlantic fishery shall have [his] their striped bass harvest counted and weighed by a Department representative at a check station.

[(b) Not later than 9 p.m. on the day of harvest or 9 a.m. on the day immediately following harvest, a commercial tidal fish licensee registered in the Chesapeake Bay common pool fishery and harvesting striped bass with a hook and line shall have his striped bass harvest counted and weighed by a Department representative at a check station.]

(2)—(3) (text unchanged)

(4) At check-in, the Department representative shall:

(a)—(c) (text unchanged)

(d) [If the commercial tidal fish licensee is registered in the Chesapeake Bay Individual Transferrable Quota fishery or the Atlantic Ocean fishery, adjust] Adjust the remaining annual allocation by subtracting the total daily harvest.

.07 Commercial Fishery.

A. Chesapeake Bay and Its Tidal Tributaries.

(1)—(2) (text unchanged)

(3) Seasons.

[(a) The commercial seasons for taking striped bass for permittees registered in the Chesapeake Bay common pool fishery are as follows:

(i) The hook and line season is June 1 through November 30; and

(ii) The drift gill net season is December 1 through the last day of February.

(b)] The commercial seasons for taking striped bass for permittees registered in the Chesapeake Bay individual transferrable quota fishery are as follows:

[(i)] (a)[(iv)] (d) (text unchanged)

(4) The Secretary shall allocate the annual target harvest for the following fisheries:

[(a) Chesapeake Bay Common Pool;]

[(b)] (a)[(c)] (b) (text unchanged)

[(5) For the common pool fishery, the Secretary may allocate the number of pounds for each month based on the:

(a) Historical distributions of quota by month; or

(b) Recommendations from the Striped Bass Ad Hoc Advisory Group.]

[(6)] (5)[(7)] (6) (text unchanged)

[(8)] (7) A flag specified by the Department shall be displayed on the vessel at least 3 feet above the surface on which it is mounted and clearly visible to approaching vessels if the individuals on board are engaged in commercial striped bass fishing to denote whether the individuals on board are participating in the [common pool or the] Chesapeake Bay individual transferrable quota [fisheries] fishery.

B. (text unchanged)

C. Drift Gill Net Fishery Limitations.

(1) (text unchanged)

(2) In the tidal waters of the Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries:

(a) (text unchanged)

(b) The total length of drift gill net aboard a boat may not exceed 3,500 yards and may not be contained in more than ten containers; and

[(c) The amount of striped bass on board a vessel participating in the Chesapeake Bay common pool fishery may not exceed 2,000 pounds on any day, regardless of the number of licensees with a striped bass permit for gill net on board the vessel; and]

[(d)] (c) (text unchanged).

(3)(4) (text unchanged)

[(5) Except for the last Saturday and Sunday of the month of February, only a permittee registered in the Chesapeake Bay Individual Transferable Quota Fishery may set a drift gill net on Saturday or Sunday.]

[(6)] (5)[(8)] (7) (text unchanged)

D. Commercial Hook and Line Fishery Limitations.

[(1) Except as provided in §D(4) of this regulation, a total of two crew members may assist a commercial tidal fish licensee registered in the Chesapeake Bay common pool fishery to catch striped bass with hook and line.

(2) Except as provided in §D(4) of this regulation, a maximum of 4 individuals, including crew members, may be present on a vessel which is engaged in commercial hook and line fishing in the Chesapeake Bay common pool fishery.

(3)] While using commercial hook and line, a person may not catch or attempt to catch striped bass:

[(a) In the Chesapeake Bay common pool fishery:

(i) Between 1 hour before sunset and 1 hour before sunrise; or

(ii) At any time on a Friday, Saturday, or Sunday; or

(b) In the Chesapeake Bay individual transferable quota fishery:]

[(i)] (1) Between [one] 1 hour after sunset and 1 hour before sunrise; or

[(ii)] (2) (text unchanged)

[(4) Children 12 years old or younger may be on board a vessel engaged in commercial hook and line fishing in addition to any crew members and licensees as described in §D(1) and (2) of this regulation.]

E. (text unchanged)

F. General.

(1)—(3) (text unchanged)

(4) [Overage Deductions.]

[(a)] If a commercial tidal fish licensee registered in the Chesapeake Bay individual transferable quota or Atlantic fishery exceeds the licensee’s allocation, that overage may be deducted from the allocation the licensee receives in the next practicable quota year.

[(b) If the participants in the Chesapeake Bay common pool fishery exceed the common pool allocation in a quota year, the total overage shall be averaged among the licensees who reported catch in the Chesapeake Bay common pool fishery and deducted from those licensees in the next practicable quota year.]

(5)(6) (text unchanged)

Secretary of Natural Resources


Title 10


10.27.01 Examination and Licensure

Authority: Health Occupations Article, §§8-205, 8-206, 8-302, 8-304, and
8-308, Annotated Code of Maryland

Notice of Proposed Action


The Secretary of Health proposes to amend Regulation .05 under COMAR 10.27.01 Examination and Licensure. At this time, the Secretary of Health also withdraws the amendments to Regulation .05 under COMAR 10.27.01 Examination and Licensure that were proposed in 50:13 Md. R. 532—533 (June 30, 2023).

Statement of Purpose

The purpose of this action is to revise the English language proficiency examinations accepted by the Maryland Board of Nursing and to outline overall and minimum passing section scores.

Estimate of Economic Impact

The proposed action has no economic impact.

Economic Impact on Small Businesses

The proposed action has minimal or no economic impact on small businesses.

Impact on Individuals with Disabilities

The proposed action has no impact on individuals with disabilities.

Opportunity for Public Comment

Comments may be sent to Jourdan Green, Director, Office of Regulation and Policy Coordination, Maryland Department of Health, 201 West Preston Street, Room 512, Baltimore, MD 21201, or call 410-767-6499 (TTY 800-735-2258), or email to Comments will be accepted through November 6, 2023. A public hearing has not been scheduled.

.05 Qualifications of Applicants for Examination.

A.—B. (text unchanged)

C. Applicants who are unable to prove written and oral competency in the English language in accordance with Health Occupation Article, §8-302(e)(2) or (4), Annotated Code of Maryland, shall submit evidence of proficiency in listening, reading, speaking, and writing the English language by obtaining a minimum passing score on one of the following Board-approved English language competency examinations:

(1) Test of English as a Foreign Language Internet Based Test (TOEFL iBT) with minimum passing scores of:

(a) Listening — [22] 21;

(b) Reading — [22] 19;

(c) Speaking — 26; [and]

(d) Writing — [24; or] 19; and

(e) Overall score of at least 84;

(2) International English Language Testing System (IELTS) with minimum passing scores of:

(a)—(b) (text unchanged)

(c) Speaking — [7] 6;

(d) (text unchanged)

(e) Overall score of at least 6.5[.];

(3) Michigan English Test (MET) with minimum passing scores of:

(a) Listening — 53;

(b) Reading — 53;

(c) Speaking — 53; and

(d) Writing — 53;

(4) Pearson Test of English (PTE) Academic with minimum passing scores of:

(a) Listening — 50;

(b) Reading — 50;

(c) Speaking — 50;

(d) Writing — 50; and

(e) Overall score of at least 55; or

(5) Occupational English Test (OET) with minimum passing scores of:

(a) Listening — 300;

(b) Reading — 300;

(c) Speaking — 300; and

(d) Writing — 300.

D. (text unchanged)

Secretary of Health



Notice of Proposed Action


The Secretary of Health proposes to amend:

(1) Regulation .03 under COMAR 10.29.02 Examination;

(2) Regulation .03 under COMAR 10.29.03 Inspection of Funeral Establishments; and

(3) Regulation .03 under COMAR 10.29.04 Fee Schedule.

This action was considered by the Board of Morticians and Funeral Directors at a public meeting held on October 12, 2022, notice of which was given by publication on the Board’s website at pursuant to General Provisions Article, §3–302(c), Annotated Code of Maryland.

Statement of Purpose

The purpose of this action is to:

(1) Remove the incorrect examination fee from COMAR;

(2) Add language that the requirements for a funeral establishment license must be completed within 6 months of application submission;

(3) Add a provision for application extension requests;

(4) Correct the inaccurate cross references in COMAR; and

(5) Add a provision that application fees are non-refundable.

Estimate of Economic Impact

The proposed action has no economic impact.

Economic Impact on Small Businesses

The proposed action has minimal or no economic impact on small businesses.

Impact on Individuals with Disabilities

The proposed action has no impact on individuals with disabilities.

Opportunity for Public Comment

Comments may be sent to Jourdan Green, Director, Office of Regulation and Policy Coordination, Maryland Department of Health, 201 West Preston Street, Room 512, Baltimore, MD 21201, or call 410-767-6499 (TTY 800-735-2258), or email to Comments will be accepted through November 6, 2023. A public hearing has not been scheduled.


10.29.02 Examination

Authority: Health Occupations Article, §7-304, Annotated Code of Maryland

.03 Requirements for Examination.

An applicant shall:

A.—B. (text unchanged)

C. Pay to the Board [a $100] the examination fee set forth under COMAR


10.29.03 Inspection of Funeral Establishments

Authority: Health Occupations Article, §§7-101, 7-205, and 7-310, Annotated Code of Maryland

.03 Funeral Establishment Requirements.

A. (text unchanged)

B. The Board shall issue a funeral establishment license to a funeral establishment that has:

(1) Complied with all applicable federal, State, and local laws, including the requirements set forth in this chapter;

(2) Except as provided in §C of this regulation, completed all requirements specified in this chapter within 6 months of application submission;

[(2)] (3) (text unchanged)

[(3)] (4) Paid the non-refundable application fee and, when applicable, the family security trust fund fee; and

[(4)] (5) (text unchanged)

C. Application Extension Request. To obtain approval from the Board for an application extension, a funeral establishment shall:

(1) Submit, in writing to the Board, a one-time application extension request not to exceed 90 days; and

(2) Explain the reason for the extension request.

[C.] D.[H.] I. (text unchanged)


10.29.04 Fee Schedule

Authority: Health Occupations Article, §§7-205, 7-206, 7-303(b)(6), 7-304(e), 7-305(b)(1), 7-306(c), 7-308(a)(4), 7-308.1, 7-309(b)(4), 7-310(b)(1)(ii),
7-311(a)(4), 7-314(c)(2), 7-315(a)(3), and 7-321, Annotated Code of Maryland

.03 Terms.

A. Licensees shall pay to the Board of Morticians the fees set forth in:

(1) Regulation [.02A(3)] .02C of this chapter by April 30 of every year ending with an even number;

(2) Regulation [.02A(5)] .02E of this chapter annually;

(3) Regulation [.02A(6), (9), (12), and (14)] .02F, I, L, and N of this chapter by November 30 of every year ending with an even number; and

(4) Regulation [.02A(8)] .02H of this chapter by November 30 of every year ending with an even number;

B. The Board of Morticians and Funeral Directors shall prorate the fees set forth in Regulation [.02A(2), (7), (8), (10), and (12)] .02A, B, G, H, J, and L of this chapter in 1-year intervals until the date of expiration.

C. All application fees are non-refundable.

Secretary of Health



10.32.01 General Licensure Regulations

Authority: Health Occupations Article, §14-207, 14-317, 14-320, and
Annotated Code of Maryland

Notice of Proposed Action


The Secretary of Health proposes to amend Regulations .05, .11, and .12 under COMAR 10.32.01 General Licensure Regulations.

Statement of Purpose

The purpose of this action is to establish regulations for the policy and procedures regarding initial application, renewal, reinstatement, and fees for emeritus license status, an honorary license status for physicians, and to update/restructure outdated fees.

Estimate of Economic Impact

I. Summary of Economic Impact. The Board anticipates an annual revenue increase of approximately $100,000 by increasing current application fees and creating a new fee-based application.

II. Types of Economic Impact.

Impacted Entity






A. On issuing agency:



Maryland Board of



B. On other State agencies:



C. On local governments:







Benefit (+)

Cost (-)


D. On regulated industries or trade groups:



E. On other industries or trade groups:



F. Direct and indirect effects on public:



III. Assumptions. (Identified by Impact Letter and Number from Section II.)

A. The approximately $100,000 increase to the Board’s annual application fee revenue is based on the following assumptions:

(1) The inactive licensure status application revenue will phase out as physicians opt to apply for the newly created emeritus status;

(2) Approximately 35 physicians will apply for emeritus status each year ($4,200);

(3) The approximate number of physicians applying for inactive status will drop from 40 to 5 each year ($1,100);

(4) Approximately 30 percent of the existing physicians with inactive licenses will apply to renew their status or reinstate their license ($74,200); and

(5) Reinstatement of medical licensure application revenue will increase as approximately 150 physicians a year are subject to the application fee increase ($15,000).

The Board’s most significant application fee changes affect the small population of physicians who are no longer practicing in Maryland but want to retain an honorary title.

Economic Impact on Small Businesses

The proposed action has minimal or no economic impact on small businesses.

Impact on Individuals with Disabilities

The proposed action has no impact on individuals with disabilities.

Opportunity for Public Comment

Comments may be sent to Jourdan Green, Director, Office of Regulation and Policy Coordination, Maryland Department of Health, 201 West Preston Street, Room 512, Baltimore, MD 21201, or call 410-767-6499 (TTY 800-735-2258), or email to Comments will be accepted through November 6, 2023. A public hearing has not been scheduled.

.05 Inactive and Emeritus Licensure.

A. Inactive Status.

[A.] (1) A licensee in good standing who [wishes to maintain the licensee’s medical license but who does not wish to] will not practice medicine in this State may apply for inactive status.

[B.] (2) (text unchanged)

[C.] (3) A licensee may apply for inactive status if the licensee has an unrestricted active license to practice medicine in this State [and may also apply] or is within 60 days of the expiration of the licensee’s [medical] unrestricted active license.

(4) Renewal.

(a) An inactive status shall be renewed every 2 years.

(b) At the end of 2 years, a licensee with inactive status shall complete the renewal application, and pay the renewal fee, and any charges set by the Board.

(c) If the licensee fails to renew their inactive license for any reason, the license will expire.

[D.] (5) (text unchanged)

[E.] (6) A licensee on inactive status shall have the duty to inform the Board by [electronic] email or first-class mail of any of the circumstances listed in Regulation .03H(1) and (2) of this chapter within 30 days of the occurrence of or notification about these circumstances.

[F.] (7) (text unchanged)

[G.] (8) [A physician whose license is on inactive status and who wishes to practice medicine in Maryland shall apply for reinstatement on a form supplied by the Board and meet requirements for reinstatement in Regulation .11 of this chapter, including the continuing medical education requirements. The physician is not licensed to practice medicine until the license is reinstated.] To reinstate a license to active status, a licensee on inactive status shall apply for reinstatement on a form supplied by the Board and meet the requirements for reinstatement in Regulation .11 of this chapter, including the continuing medical education requirements. The physician may not practice medicine until the license is reinstated to active status.

B. Emeritus Status.

(1) A licensee who meets the requirements under §B(3) of this regulation, who will not practice medicine in this State, and who is retired from practicing medicine in this State may apply for emeritus status.

(2) A licensee applying for emeritus status shall complete the emeritus application and pay the application fee as set by the Board.

(3) A licensee may apply for emeritus status if the licensee:

(a) Has practiced medicine in Maryland for at least 10 years;

(b) Has an active, unrestricted license to practice medicine in Maryland or is within 60 days of the expiration of an active, unrestricted license;

(c) Has never been the subject of disciplinary action that has resulted in revocation or suspension of a medical license in any jurisdiction in which they have been licensed to practice medicine;

(d) Is not under investigation by the Board; and

(e) Is in good standing.

(4) A licensee with emeritus status may not:

(a) Practice, offer to practice, or attempt to practice medicine within Maryland;

(b) Delegate medical acts within Maryland;

(c) Prescribe medication within Maryland; or

(d) Conduct peer review of physicians within Maryland.

(5) A licensee with emeritus status shall complete the renewal application and pay the emeritus renewal fee and any charges set by the Board every third renewal cycle.

(6) A licensee on emeritus status shall have the duty to inform the Board by email or first-class mail of any of the circumstances listed in Regulation .03H(1) and (2) of this chapter, including a change of address, within 30 days of the occurrence of or notification about these circumstances.

(7) The emeritus status of a licensee does not deprive the Board of authority to institute or continue a disciplinary proceeding against a licensee.

(8) To reinstate a license to active status, a physician whose license is on emeritus status shall apply for reinstatement on a form supplied by the Board and meet the requirements for reinstatement in Regulation .11 of this chapter, including the continuing medical education requirements. The physician may not practice medicine until the license is reinstated to active status.

.11 Reinstatement of Expired, Emeritus, or Inactive Licenses.

A. A physician [whose license has been placed on inactive status or] who has failed to renew a license by the license expiration date [who wishes to practice medicine in Maryland] and whose license has been placed on inactive status or whose license has been placed on emeritus status shall apply for reinstatement on a form supplied by the Board in order to resume the practice of medicine in this State.

B.—E. (text unchanged)

[F. A physician applying for reinstatement shall also provide a full, written explanation to the Board detailing the reasons why the license was allowed to expire and why reinstatement is now sought.]

[G.] F.[H.] G. (text unchanged)

.12 Fees.

The fees are as follows:

[A. Examination fee for the United States Medical Licensing Examination, Step 3 … $555;]

[B.] A. Application fees.

(1) Original physician or osteopath licensure application, American and foreign school graduate ... [$260] $310;

[(2) Original physician or osteopath licensure application, foreign school graduate … $260;

(3) Foreign credentials evaluation … $100;]

[(4)] (2) Conceded eminence application … [$300] $1,090;

[(5)] (3) (text unchanged)

[(6) Physician rehabilitation program … $50]

[(7)] (4) Physician inactive license …[$50] $218;

[(8)] (5) (text unchanged)

(6) Physician emeritus license … $120;

[C.] B. Renewal fees:

(1) Physician biennial license renewal ... [$436] $486;

[(2) Physician rehabilitation program fee … $50;

(3) Late renewal fee … $100;]

(2) Inactive biennial renewal fee … $218;

(3) Physician emeritus renewal fee … $120;

[D.] C. [Reinstatement fees:] Physician reinstatement fee … $700;

[(1) Physician reinstatement for applicants who were eligible for renewal in the previous year ... $650;

(2) Physician reinstatement for applicants who were not eligible for renewal in the previous year… $550;

(3) Physician rehabilitation program … $50;]

[E.] D. Other fees:

[(1) Replacement of wall license … $75;]

[(2)] (1) Replacement of [registration card] license for a name change ... $25;

[(3) Registration of professional corporation … $50;]

[(4)] (2) [(5)] (3) (text unchanged)

[(6) Yearly subscription to Facility Page … $1,000;

(7) CD-ROM of Board order … $700;]

[(8)] (4) [Tapes, diskettes, and mailing labels] Electronic records ... $45 plus $0.05 per record.

Secretary of Health



10.43.10 Continuing Education Requirements

Authority: Health Occupations Article, §§3-308 and 3-313, Annotated Code of Maryland

Notice of Proposed Action


The Secretary of Health proposes to amend Regulations .01—.05 and adopt new Regulation .06 under COMAR 10.43.10 Continuing Education Requirements. This action was considered by the Board of Chiropractic Examiners at a public meeting held on November 4, 2021, notice of which was given by publication on the Board’s website at Maryland Department of Health State Board of Chiropractic Examiners pursuant to General Provisions Article, §3–302(c), Annotated Code of Maryland.

Statement of Purpose

The purpose of this action is to:

(1) Add chiropractic assistants (registrants) to the chapter;

(2) Clarify the definition of “credit hour” and define “provider”;

(3) Clarify license renewal requirements and add registration renewal requirements;

(4) Add instructor qualifications as a criteria for accreditation and Board approval for continuing education courses and programs;

(5) Provide for a term of approval for a continuing education course or program; and

(6) Add reinstatement requirements for licensees and registrants.

Estimate of Economic Impact

The proposed action has no economic impact.

Economic Impact on Small Businesses

The proposed action has minimal or no economic impact on small businesses.

Impact on Individuals with Disabilities

The proposed action has no impact on individuals with disabilities.

Opportunity for Public Comment

Comments may be sent to Jourdan Green, Director, Office of Regulation and Policy Coordination, Maryland Department of Health, 201 West Preston Street, Room 512, Baltimore, MD 21201, or call 410-767-6499 (TTY 800-735-2258), or email to Comments will be accepted through November 6, 2024. A public hearing has not been scheduled.

.01 Scope.

This chapter governs continuing education for all individuals licensed to practice chiropractic or registered to practice as a chiropractic assistant in Maryland.

.02 Definitions.

A. (text unchanged)

B. Terms Defined.

(1) (text unchanged)

(2) "Credit hour" means 1 course or program hour.

(3)—(4) (text unchanged)

(5) “Provider” means an individual or group who designs and develops continuing education courses or programs.

(6) “Registrant” means a chiropractic assistant who is registered by the Board to perform duties authorized under COMAR 10.43.07.

.03 [License] Renewal Requirements.

A. License Renewal.

[A.] (1) A licensee shall satisfactorily complete 48 hours of continuing education in the 2-year period before each renewal and provide verification to the Board if requested.

[B.] (2) The licensee shall [obtain]:

(a) Obtain a minimum of:

[(1)] (i) 3 hours in approved communicable-disease education, which includes AIDS/HIV, and sanitary procedures;

[(2)] (ii) 1 hour in diversity or cultural competency education;

[(3)] (iii) (text unchanged)

[(4)] (iv) 1 hour in professional ethics or jurisprudence[.];

(b) Pay a renewal fee as set forth in COMAR 10.43.06; and

(c) Submit to the Board a renewal application accompanied by a continuing education form that the Board requires.

B. Registration Renewal.

(1) A registrant shall satisfactorily complete 10 hours of continuing education in the 2-year period before each renewal and provide verification to the Board, if requested.

(2) The registrant shall:

(a) Pay a renewal fee as set forth in COMAR 10.43.06; and

(b) Submit to the Board a renewal application accompanied by a continuing education form that the Board requires.

C. Hours may be in-person, home study, or online format.

D. Exemptions, Waivers, and Extensions.

(1) Individuals issued initial licensure or registration within 12 months of the renewal date are exempt from the continuing education (CEU) requirements under this chapter for the first renewal cycle.

(2) Licensees and registrants with documented hardships seeking an exemption, waiver, or extension from CEU requirements under this chapter shall petition the Board in writing at least 90 days before the renewal date.

(3) The Board shall review the petition for an exemption, waiver, or extension, and respond in writing to the licensee or registrant within 30 days of the Board’s decision.

[C.] E. The Board may [refuse to renew] deny the license or registration renewal of any chiropractor or chiropractic assistant who fails to comply with this chapter.

[D.] F. The Board shall conduct an audit of licensees and registrants before or during the renewal period to ensure compliance with this chapter.

[E. Hours may be in live, home study, or online format.]

G. Continuing education hours may not be carried over from one renewal period to the next.

.04 Accreditation and Approval of Continuing Education.

A. The Board shall:

(1) Base accreditation and approval of continuing education courses and programs [solely upon] on their content and instructor qualifications; and

(2) Ensure that continuing education courses and programs are directed toward improvement, advancement, and extension of professional skill and knowledge related to chiropractic.

B. Pre-Approved Providers.

(1) Pre-approved providers shall submit continuing education courses or programs to the Board within 30 days before commencement of the course or program date.

[(1)] (2)—[(2)] (3) (text unchanged)

C. Non-Pre-Approved Providers.

(1) [Non pre-approved] Non-pre-approved providers shall submit continuing education courses or programs to the Board [within] 60 days [before] prior to commencement of course or program date for review.

(2)—(3) (text unchanged)

(4) The Board shall post the list of approved courses or programs from non-pre-approved providers on the Board's website for public view.

D. For license renewal credit, the Board may approve a course or program consisting of one of the following subjects or a combination of these subjects:

(1)—(14) (text unchanged)

E. Term of Approval.

(1) The Board shall approve a course or program for a period of 5 years.

(2) At the expiration of the 5-year approval period, the provider:

(a) May resubmit the course or program; and

(b) Shall meet the approval requirements of this regulation.

F. A licensee may:

(1) Submit a request for review of continuing education from the Board if the:

(a) Continuing education is not already approved or disapproved by the Board; and

(b) Licensee submits a request to the Board at least 60 days prior to the commencement of the course or program containing, but not exclusive to, information set forth in this chapter; and

(2) Achieve up to 12 hours for verified participation as an instructor, volunteer, or mentor under structured, sponsored courses or programs reviewed and approved by the Board.

G. A continuing education processing review fee shall be paid in accordance with COMAR

[E.] H. [Continuing medical] A continuing education [courses] course may not exceed 12 hours during any renewal period.

[F. A Licensee may achieve up to 12 hours for verified participation as an instructor, volunteer, or mentor under structured, sponsored programs reviewed and approved by the Board.

G. The Continuing Education Course processing review fee shall be paid in accordance with COMAR 10.43.06.]

[H.] I. In addition to the [48] required hours of continuing education set forth in this chapter, a licensee or registrant shall maintain a current CPR certification at the healthcare provider level from a Board-approved CPR provider for each renewal period.

[I.] J. (text unchanged)

.05 Substantiation of Credits.

A. The licensee or registrant shall keep accurate records of attendance at approved continuing education courses or programs and be able to substantiate those records upon request.

B. The Board shall conduct a random audit before or during the license or registration renewal period to ensure compliance with this chapter.

C. The Board shall disallow the continuing education credits for a licensee or registrant who is unable to substantiate the credits and may [refuse to renew] deny the license or registration renewal if credits are disallowed.

D. The Board may require additional verification [or verify independently] for any information received regarding content and certification of, and attendance at, a continuing education course or program.

E. The Board may grant an extension of time for the licensee or registrant to obtain required continuing education credits if the licensee or registrant presents evidence satisfactory to the Board that failure to comply was due to circumstances beyond the licensee's or registrant’s control.

F. (text unchanged)

G. The Board shall renew a license or registration for the first renewal period following the issuance of the original license or registration without requiring continuing education credits if the original license or registration was issued 1 year or less before the expiration date of the license or registration.

H. A licensee or registrant shall maintain complete and accurate records of the licensee's or registrant’s continuing education credits for the preceding 4 years and present them to the Board upon request.

I. Upon licensee or registrant petition, the Board may waive the continuing education requirements when it determines that the licensee or registrant was unable to comply due to hardship.

J. The Board may institute disciplinary action, pursuant to Health Occupations Article, §3-313, Annotated Code of Maryland, against a chiropractor or chiropractic assistant who submits fraudulent information to the Board.

K. Failure to substantiate continuing education hours if requested by the Board shall result in denial of:

(1) License or registration renewal; or

(2) Reinstatement of a license or registration.

.06 Reinstatement Requirements.

A. A licensee shall satisfactorily complete a minimum of 48 continuing education hours as set forth under Regulation .03A(2)(a) of this chapter in the 2-year period immediately preceding reinstatement.

B. A registrant shall satisfactorily complete a minimum of 10 continuing education hours as set forth under Regulation .03B of this chapter in the 2-year period immediately preceding reinstatement.

Secretary of Health



10.44.01 Dental Assistants

Authority: Health Occupations Article, §4-205, Annotated Code of Maryland

Notice of Proposed Action


The Secretary of Health proposes to repeal existing Regulations .01—.08 and adopt new Regulations .01—.39 under COMAR 10.44.01 Dental Assistants. This action was considered by the Board of Dental Examiners at a public meeting held on November 2, 2022, notice of which was given under the Notice of Public Meetings link on the Board’s website pursuant to General Provisions Article, §3-302(c), Annotated Code of Maryland.

Statement of Purpose

The purpose of this action is to establish a new regulatory scheme to recognize and certify orthodontic expanded function dental assistants and general duties expanded function dental assistants in accordance with Ch. 364 (H.B. 968), Acts of 2022, Health Occupations — Dental Assistants — Certification and Regulation. The chapter specifies the intraoral procedures that require certification, establishes initial educational requirements, continuing education requirements, and requirements for certification renewal. The chapter also specifies those intraoral procedures that do not require certification.

Estimate of Economic Impact

The proposed action has no economic impact.

Economic Impact on Small Businesses

The proposed action has minimal or no economic impact on small businesses.

Impact on Individuals with Disabilities

The proposed action has no impact on individuals with disabilities.

Opportunity for Public Comment

Comments may be sent to Jourdan Green, Director, Office of Regulation and Policy Coordination, Maryland Department of Health, 201 West Preston Street, Room 512, Baltimore, MD 21201, or call 410-767-6499 (TTY 800-735-2258), or email to Comments will be accepted through November 6, 2023. A public hearing has not been scheduled.

.01 Definitions.

A. In this chapter, the following terms have the meanings indicated.

B. Terms Defined.

(1) “Board” means the Maryland State Board of Dental Examiners.

(2) “Board-approved course” means a course that is expressly approved by the Dental Board after an entity has applied to the Dental Board for Dental Board approval on a form provided by the Dental Board.

(3) “Central Repository” means the Criminal Justice Information System Central Repository of the Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services.

(4) “Dental assistant” means an individual, other than an individual licensed in the State as a dentist or a dental hygienist, who directly assists a dentist in the practice of dentistry.

(5) “Dental Assisting National Board (DANB)” means the national certification and credentialing agency for dental assistants that will examine and certify qualified individuals as orthodontic expanded function dental assistants and general duties expanded function dental assistants.

(6) “Direct supervision” means that the supervising dentist is in the dental office, personally diagnoses the condition to be treated, personally authorizes the procedure, and, before dismissal of the patient, personally evaluates the performance of the dental assistant.

(7) “General duties EFDA” means an individual who is certified by the Board to perform the intraoral procedures of a general duties expanded function dental assistant as set forth in this chapter.

(8) “General supervision” means the supervision of a dental assistant by a dentist where the dentist may or may not be present when the dental assistant performs the dental assisting procedures.

(9) “Level one dental assistant” means a dental assistant who may perform the duties of a level one dental assistant as provided in this chapter without being certified by the Board.

(10) “Orthodontic EFDA” means an individual who is certified by the Board to perform the intraoral procedures of an orthodontic expanded function dental assistant as set forth in this chapter.

.02 Classification of Dental Assistant Qualified in Orthodontics No Longer Recognized by the Dental Board.

A. The Dental Board no longer recognizes the classification “dental assistant recognized as qualified in orthodontics”.

B. A dental assistant previously recognized by the Dental Board as a “dental assistant recognized as qualified in orthodontics” shall obtain certification from the Dental Board as an orthodontic EFDA before the dental assistant may perform any of the duties of an orthodontic EFDA as set forth in Regulation .33 of this chapter.

.03 Classification of Dental Assistant Recognized as Qualified in General Duties No Longer Recognized by the Dental Board.

A. The Dental Board no longer recognizes the classification “dental assistant recognized as qualified in general duties”.

B. A dental assistant previously recognized by the Dental Board as a “dental assistant recognized as qualified in general duties” may, under the direct supervision of a licensed dentist, perform the duties of a level one dental assistant as set forth in Regulation .32 of this chapter without obtaining certification from the Board.

.04 Dental Assisting National Board.

The Dental Assisting National Board shall:

A. Make applicants aware of the time and place of expanded function dental assisting examinations;

B. In consultation with the Board, determine the subjects, scope, form, and passing score for expanded function dental assisting examinations; and

C. Determine the grading method.

.05 Vacant.

.06 Qualifications for Orthodontic Expanded Function Dental Assistants.

A. To qualify for a Dental Board certification to be an orthodontic EFDA, an applicant shall:

(1) Be of good moral character;

(2) Be at least 18 years old;

(3) Be a high school graduate or have attained a high school equivalency;

(4) Submit to a State criminal history records check; and

(5) Have successfully completed an in-person Board-approved course of at least 45 hours related to Maryland orthodontic expanded function dental assisting, of which at least 10 hours shall include clinical training.

B. The course identified in §A(5) of this regulation shall adequately prepare the student to competently and safely perform each of the orthodontic procedures that an orthodontic EFDA may perform under Regulation .33 of this chapter.

C. The course of study required under §A(5) of this regulation shall be part of a:

(1) U.S. Department of Labor Jobs Corps Dental Assisting Program;

(2) Dental assisting program located within an institution of postsecondary education that is accredited by an accrediting institution recognized by the U.S. Department of Education;

(3) Dental assisting program that is located within a high school and is recognized by an accrediting body recognized by the U.S. Department of Education accrediting body of a state; or

(4) Dental assisting program that is accredited by the Council on Dental Accreditation, or a successor organization.

D. In addition to the requirements of this regulation, the applicant shall:

(1) Have the appropriate orthodontic expanded function dental assistant certification from the Dental Assisting National Board; and

(2) Submit proof of having passed the Maryland Jurisprudence Examination on Dental Assisting with a score of at least 75 or greater in each required section.

E. An applicant shall apply to the Central Repository for a State criminal history records check.

F. An individual shall submit to the Central Repository:

(1) Two complete sets of legible fingerprints taken on forms approved by the Director of the Central Repository and the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation; and

(2) The fee authorized under Criminal Procedure Article, §10-221(b)(7), Annotated Code of Maryland, for access to State criminal history records.

G. In accordance with Criminal Procedure Article, §§10–201—10–229, Annotated Code of Maryland, the Central Repository shall forward to the Board and to the individual the criminal history record information of the individual.

H. If criminal history record information is reported to the Central Repository after the date of the initial criminal history records check, the Central Repository shall provide to the Board and the individual a revised printed statement of the individual’s State criminal history record.

I. Information obtained from the Central Repository under this section:

(1) Is confidential;

(2) May not be redisseminated; and

(3) May be used only for the licensing purpose authorized by this title.

J. The subject of a criminal history records check under this section may contest the contents of the printed statement issued by the Central Repository as provided in Criminal Procedure Article, §10–223, Annotated Code of Maryland.

K. Subject to the notice and hearing provisions set forth in Health Occupations Article, §4-318, Annotated Code of Maryland, the Board may deny certification under this chapter if the applicant has been convicted of or has plead guilty or nolo contendere to a felony or to a crime involving moral turpitude, whether or not any appeal or other proceeding is pending to have the conviction or plea set aside.

.07 Application for Dental Board Certification for Orthodontic Expanded Function Dental Assistants.

A. To apply to obtain a Dental Board certification as an orthodontic EFDA, an applicant shall:

(1) Submit to the Dental Board an application on a form provided by the Board;

(2) Submit a recent photograph of the applicant not to exceed 3 inches by 3 inches accompanied by a notarized statement attesting to the photograph’s authenticity;

(3) Pay the application fee set by the Board in COMAR 10.44.20;

(4) Provide evidence satisfactory to the Board that the applicant meets the qualifications for Dental Board certification as an orthodontic EFDA as set forth in Regulation .06 of this chapter; and

(5) Provide any other pertinent documents or information requested by the Board.

B. The applicant shall include with the application proof of completion of a 45-hour Board-approved course of instruction in orthodontic expanded function dental assisting in the form of a letter from one of the institutions referenced in Regulation .06 indicating that the applicant has successfully completed the course.

C. The letter referenced in §B of this regulation shall:

(1) Be on the letterhead of one of the institutions referenced in Regulation .06 of this chapter;

(2) Contain a raised embossed school seal or institution seal; and

(3) Contain the original signature of either:

(a) The dean or principal of the school or program; or

(b) The head of the department.

D. The Board may issue a Dental Board certification as an orthodontic EFDA after the Board’s review of:

(1) The applicant’s application;

(2) The applicant’s qualifications;

(3) The applicant’s criminal history check; and

(4) Any other pertinent documents or information that may affect the applicant’s ability to safely provide dental assistant duties.

.08 Dental Assistants Recognized as Qualified in Orthodontics Prior to the Effective Date of this Chapter.

A. Except as otherwise provided in this regulation, in order to perform the intraoral procedures of an orthodontic EFDA, a dental assistant recognized by the Dental Board as qualified in orthodontics prior to the effective date of this chapter shall:

(1) Apply to the Dental Board for certification to become an orthodontic EFDA;

(2) Submit a recent photograph of the applicant not to exceed 3 inches by 3 inches accompanied by a notarized statement attesting to the photograph’s authenticity;

(3) Pay the appropriate fee; and

(4) Meet all of the qualifications to become an orthodontic EFDA set forth in Regulation .06 of this chapter.

B. A dental assistant recognized by the Dental Board as qualified in orthodontics prior to the effective date of this chapter is not required to take the Board-approved course or take the DANB orthodontic EFDA examination.

C. In order to renew their orthodontic EFDA certification, a dental assistant recognized by the Dental Board as qualified in orthodontics prior to the effective date of this chapter who becomes an orthodontic EFDA shall meet all of the requirements for renewal of their certification set forth in Regulation .15 of this chapter.

D. Grace Period.

(1) A dental assistant recognized by the Dental Board as qualified in orthodontics prior to the effective date of this chapter may lawfully perform the duties of an orthodontic EFDA for 90 days after the effective date of this chapter.

(2) A dental assistant recognized by the Dental Board as qualified in orthodontics prior to the effective date of this chapter who has not become an orthodontic EFDA within 90 days of the effective date of this chapter may not perform the duties of either a dental assistant recognized as qualified in orthodontics or an orthodontic EFDA.

.09 Out-of-State EFDA.

A. Orthodontic EFDA. A dental assistant holding an active certification or who is otherwise recognized in another state as an orthodontic expanded function dental assistant or its equivalent may be granted certification as an orthodontic expanded function dental assistant in Maryland without taking the Board-approved course or taking the DANB EFDA examination if the dental assistant:

(1) Is at least 18 years old;

(2) Is a high school graduate or has attained a high school equivalency;

(3) Holds the appropriate or substantially similar certification from DANB;

(4) Submits to a State criminal history records check as set forth in Regulation .06E—K of this chapter;

(5) Submits proof of having passed the Maryland Jurisprudence Examination on Dental Assisting with a score of at least 75 or greater in each required section; and

(6) Has an unencumbered license, certification, or permit in their home state.

B. General Duties EFDA. A dental assistant holding an active certification or who is otherwise recognized in another state as a general duties expanded function dental assistant or its equivalent may be granted certification as a general duties expanded function dental assistant in Maryland without taking the Board-approved course or taking the DANB general duties examination if the dental assistant:

(1) Is at least 18 years old;

(2) Is a high school graduate or has attained a high school equivalency;

(3) Holds the appropriate or substantially similar certification from DANB, which shall include a nitrous oxide monitoring component;

(4) Submits to a State criminal history records check as set forth in Regulation .06E—K of this chapter;

(5) Submits proof of having passed the Maryland Jurisprudence Examination on Dental Assisting with a score of at least 75 or greater in each required section; and

(6) Has an unencumbered license, certification, or permit in their home state.

C. For the purposes of this regulation, an encumbered license, certificate, or permit does not include a reprimand issued more than 5 years prior to the date of application.

.10 Vacant.

.11 Qualifications for General Duties Expanded Function Dental Assistants.

A. To qualify for a Dental Board certification to be a general duties EFDA, an applicant shall:

(1) Be of good moral character;

(2) Be at least 18 years old;

(3) Be a high school graduate or have attained a high school equivalency;

(4) Submit to a State criminal history records check; and

(5) Have successfully completed an in-person Board-approved course of at least 60 hours related to Maryland general duties expanded function dental assisting, which shall include:

(a) At least 15 hours of clinical training apart from the clinical training required by §B(2) of this regulation; and

(b) 10 hours of training related to nitrous oxide monitoring as described in §B of this regulation.

B. The 60 hour Board-approved course identified in §A(5) of this regulation shall consist of at least 10 hours of instruction on nitrous oxide monitoring and shall include but not be limited to the following:

(1) 8 hours of didactic training, including at least the following:

(a) The history, philosophy, and psychology of nitrous oxide minimal sedation;

(b) The definition and descriptions of the physiological and psychological aspects of pain and anxiety;

(c) Concepts and management of pain and anxiety;

(d) Indications and contraindications for nitrous oxide sedation;

(e) Anatomy and physiology of pediatric and adult respiration;

(f) Medical assessment of a patient before nitrous oxide administration by a dentist or a dental hygienist;

(g) Moderate sedation, deep sedation, and general anesthesia versus nitrous oxide;

(h) Pharmacological and physiological effects of nitrous oxide, including drug interactions;

(i) A description of the stages of drug induced central nervous system depression through all levels of consciousness and unconsciousness with emphasis on the distinction between the conscious and unconscious state;

(j) Monitoring of a patient to whom nitrous oxide has been administered, including the monitoring of a patient’s vital functions;

(k) Recognition and management of complications and medical emergencies;

(l) Occupational exposure; and

(m) Preventing, recognizing, and managing possible complications of inhalation sedation; and

(2) 2 hours of clinical training, including the direct observation of the performance of procedures.

C. The course identified in §A(5) of this regulation shall adequately prepare the student to competently and safely perform each of the intraoral procedures that a general duties EFDA may perform under Regulation .34 of this chapter.

D. The course of study required in §A(5) of this regulation shall be part of:

(1) A U.S. Department of Labor Jobs Corps Dental Assisting Program;

(2) A dental assisting program located within an institution of postsecondary education that is accredited by an accrediting institution recognized by the U.S. Department of Education;

(3) A dental assisting program that is located within a high school and is recognized by an accrediting body recognized by the U.S. Department of Education accrediting body of a state; or

(4) A dental assisting program that is accredited by the Council on Dental Accreditation, or a successor organization.

E. In addition to the requirements of this regulation, the applicant shall:

(1) Have the appropriate general duties EFDA certification from the Dental Assisting National Board; and

(2) Submit proof of having passed the Maryland Jurisprudence Examination on Dental Assisting with a score of 75 or greater in each required section.

F. An applicant shall apply to the Central Repository for a State criminal history records check.

G. An individual shall submit to the Central Repository:

(1) Two complete sets of legible fingerprints taken on forms approved by the Director of the Central Repository and the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation; and

(2) The fee authorized under Criminal Procedure Article, §10-221(b)(7), Annotated Code of Maryland, for access to State criminal history records.

H. In accordance with Criminal Procedure Article, §§10–201—10–229, Annotated Code of Maryland, the Central Repository shall forward to the Board and to the individual the criminal history record information of the individual.

I. If criminal history record information is reported to the Central Repository after the date of the initial criminal history records check, the Central Repository shall provide to the Board and the individual a revised printed statement of the individual’s State criminal history record.

J. Information obtained from the Central Repository under this section:

(1) Is confidential;

(2) May not be redisseminated; and

(3) May be used only for the licensing purpose authorized by this title.

K. The subject of a criminal history records check under this section may contest the contents of the printed statement issued by the Central Repository as provided in Criminal Procedure Article, §10–223, Annotated Code of Maryland.

L. Subject to the notice and hearing provisions set forth in Health Occupations Article, §4-318, Annotated Code of Maryland, the Board may deny certification under this chapter if the applicant has been convicted of or has plead guilty or nolo contendere to a felony or to a crime involving moral turpitude, whether or not any appeal or other proceeding is pending to have the conviction or plea set aside.

.12 Application for Dental Board Certification for General Duties Expanded Function Dental Assistants.

A. To apply to obtain a Dental Board certification as a general duties EFDA, an applicant shall:

(1) Submit to the Dental Board an application on a form provided by the Board;

(2) Submit a recent photograph of the applicant not to exceed 3 inches by 3 inches accompanied by a notarized statement attesting to the photograph’s authenticity.

(3) Pay the application fee set by the Board in COMAR 10.44.20;

(4) Provide evidence satisfactory to the Board that the applicant meets the qualifications for Dental Board certification as a general duties EFDA as set forth in Regulation .34 of this chapter; and

(5) Provide any other pertinent documents or information requested by the Board.

B. The applicant shall include with the application proof of completion of a 60-hour Board-approved course of instruction in general duties expanded function dental assisting in the form of a letter from one of the institutions referenced in Regulation .12 indicating that the applicant has successfully completed the course.

C. The letter referenced in §B of this regulation shall:

(1) Be on the letterhead of one of the institutions referenced in Regulation .10 of this chapter;

(2) Contain a raised embossed school seal or institution seal; and

(3) Contain the original signature of either:

(a) The dean or principal of the school or program; or

(b) The head of the department.

D. The Board may issue a Dental Board certification as a general duties EFDA after the Board’s review of:

(1) The applicant’s application;

(2) The applicant’s qualifications;

(3) The applicant’s criminal history check; and

(4) Any other pertinent documents or information that may affect the applicant’s ability to safely provide dental assistant duties.

.13 Vacant.

.14 Dental Board Issuance of Orthodontic Expanded Function Dental Assistant and General Duties Expanded Function Dental Assistant Certificates.

A. The Board shall issue an appropriate certificate to an applicant who meets the requirements of Health Occupations Article, Title 4, Annotated Code of Maryland, this chapter, and any other applicable laws or regulations.

B. The Board shall include on each certificate that the Board issues:

(1) The designation of the certificate as either orthodontic expanded function or general duties expanded function;

(2) The name of the certified individual;

(3) The date the certificate was issued;

(4) A serial number or certificate number;

(5) The signatures of the President and Secretary of the Board which may be electronic; and

(6) The seal of the Board.

.15 Term and Renewal of EFDA Certificates — Generally.

A. A certification as an orthodontic EFDA or a general duties EFDA shall expire on October 31 of the second year following the effective date of the certificate unless it is renewed for an additional 2-year term as provided in this regulation.

B. At least 1 month before a certificate expires, the Board shall send to the expanded function dental assistant, by electronic means or first-class mail to the last known electronic or physical address of the dental assistant, a renewal notice that states:

(1) The date on which the current certificate expires;

(2) The date by which the application shall be received by the Board for the renewal to be issued and mailed before the certificate expires; and

(3) The amount of the renewal fee set by the Board in COMAR 10.44.20.

C. Before a certification as an orthodontic EFDA or a general duties EFDA expires, the individual so certified may renew the certification for an additional 2 years if the individual:

(1) Applies for renewal of the certification on a form provided by the Board;

(2) Pays to the Board a renewal fee set by the Board in COMAR 10.44.20; and

(3) Successfully completes the required continuing education requirements set forth in Regulation .26 of this chapter.

D. An individual who uses continuing education credits to renew their certificate after the expiration date of their certificate may not use the same continuing education credits for the renewal period preceding the renewal period in which the continuing education credits were used.

.16 Renewal of Expired Certificates Held for 30 Days or Less.

After the expiration date of a certificate to practice expanded function dental assisting in the State, the certificate holder may renew the certificate within 30 days of its expiration if the certificate holder:

A. Is otherwise entitled to be issued a certificate;

B. Submits to the Board a completed renewal application on a form provided by the Board; and

C. Pays the Board the renewal fee and late fee set forth in COMAR 10.44.20.

.17 Reinstatement of Expired Certificates.

An individual holding an expired orthodontic EFDA certificate or an individual holding an expired general duties EFDA certificate may apply for reinstatement if the individual:

A. Has held an expired orthodontic EFDA certificate or an expired general duties EFDA certificate for more than 30 days but less than 3 years;

B. Is otherwise entitled to be reinstated;

C. Completes the appropriate reinstatement application;

D. Provides proof of completion of 15 hours of dental assisting continuing education from Board-approved courses of which 3 hours shall be in infection control; and

E. Pays to the Board a certification reinstatement fee set by the Board in COMAR 10.44.20.

.18 Certificates Expired for 3 or More Years.

A. An individual holding an expired orthodontic EFDA certificate or an expired general duties EFDA certificate which has been expired for 3 years or more may not apply for reinstatement.

B. An individual holding an expired orthodontic EFDA certificate or an expired general duties EFDA certificate which has been expired for 3 years or more shall meet the qualifications for initial certification set forth in either Regulation .06 of this chapter for orthodontic expanded function dental assistants, or Regulation .11 of this chapter for general duties expanded function dental assistants.

.19 Expanded Function Dental Assistant Practicing After Certificate Has Expired.

A supervising dentist who allows an expanded function dental assistant to practice expanded function dental assisting duties after their certificate has expired may be found guilty of unprofessional conduct under Health Occupations Article, §4-315(a)(16), Annotated Code of Maryland.

.20 Vacant.

.21 Lost or Destroyed Certificates.

The Board shall issue a certificate to replace a lost or destroyed certificate if the expanded function dental assistant pays a fee set by the Board in COMAR 10.44.20 that approximates the actual cost of replacing the certificate.

.22 Posting.

The supervising dentist in charge of a dental office where an orthodontic EFDA or a general duty EFDA performs intraoral procedures shall post a copy of these regulations and the list of Board-approved dental assistant duties in a conspicuous place in the office for the information of office personnel.

.23 Retention of Certification and Qualification Documents.

A. An orthodontic EFDA and a general duties EFDA shall keep their original Dental Board certification and their original current renewal document in the office where the dental assistant is employed for the greatest number of hours.

B. An orthodontic EFDA and a general duties EFDA who work in more than one dental office shall keep a copy of their original Dental Board certification and a copy of their current renewal document in all other offices in which the dental assistant is employed.

.24 Simultaneous Certification.

A dental assistant may be simultaneously certified as an orthodontic EFDA, a general duties EFDA, or a dental radiation technologist, or any combination thereof.

.25 Vacant.

.26 Continuing Education.

A. In addition to the requirements set forth in Regulation .16 of this chapter, an orthodontic EFDA or a general duties EFDA seeking certification renewal shall complete:

(1) Not less than 15 hours of Board-approved continuing education specifically designed to enhance their clinical knowledge and ability to perform their duties; and

(2) A 3-hour Board-approved course on infection control which shall count toward the required 15 hours of continuing education.

B. A clock hour constitutes 1 hour of continuing education.

C. Certificate holders shall have a 2-year period to complete the required continuing education.

D. The 2-year period in which the continuing education shall be completed is the 2-year period preceding the expiration date of the immediately preceding certificate.

.27 Continuing Education Certificates of Completion.

A. A Board-approved continuing education sponsor shall, at a minimum, issue a hard copy of a Continuing Education Certificate of Completion to an expanded function dental assistant who successfully completes a Board-approved continuing education course.

B. The Certificate of Completion set forth in §A of this regulation shall contain at least the following:

(1) The exact name of the course sponsor as approved by the Dental Board;

(2) The full business address of the course sponsor;

(3) The exact name of the course as approved by the Dental Board;

(4) An indication whether the course was taught in person or electronically;

(5) The full name of the student recipient;

(6) The number of credit hours obtained;

(7) The name of the course instructors;

(8) The signature of the course instructors which may be electronic; and

(9) The Dental Board’s course approval number.

.28 Requirements for Instructors of Orthodontic Expanded Function Dental Assistant and General Duties Expanded Function Dental Assistant Courses.

A. Board-approved orthodontic EFDA courses and general duties EFDA courses shall be taught by either a Maryland licensed dentist or a Maryland licensed dental hygienist.

B. Dentists and dental hygienist instructors shall:

(1) Be qualified by education and experience to provide instruction in the subject matter;

(2) Provide instruction in a competent manner;

(3) Have held a valid license in Maryland or another state for at least 5 consecutive years; and

(4) Have been actively engaged in the practice of dentistry or dental hygiene for at least 850 hours on average per year for the 5 years immediately preceding the instructor appointment.

C. If the Board-approved course is taught by a dental hygienist, a Maryland licensed dentist shall supervise the dental hygienist instructor and be physically present in the classroom during clinical instruction.

D. Encumbered License.

(1) An instructor may not have an encumbered license.

(2) For the purposes of this regulation, an encumbered license does not include a reprimand issued more than 5 years prior to the date of instructing a Board-approved course.

.29 Assessment of Board-Approved Courses.

A. At least once every calendar year, each Board-approved orthodontic EFDA course and each Board-approved general duties EFDA course shall be assessed by a Maryland licensed dentist other than the dentist who is either the instructor or the dentist who supervises a dental hygienist instructor.

B. The results of the assessment shall be entered on a form provided by the Board and maintained by the dentist performing the assessment and the entity presenting the course.

C. If an assessment indicates that there are course deficiencies, the deficiencies shall be corrected immediately and the Board advised of the deficiencies and the corrective measures in writing along with a copy of the assessment within 5 working days.

D. All assessments shall be maintained by the dentist conducting the assessment and the entity presenting the course for at least 5 years and be made available to the Board upon written request within 5 working days of the request.

.30 Rescission of Dental Board-Approved Course Approval.

A. The Board may rescind approval of a previously approved orthodontic EFDA course or a general duties EFDA course if the Board determines that the course:

(1) Does not meet the requirements of this chapter;

(2) Does not meet its stated objectives; or

(3) The sponsor has committed fraud or made other misrepresentations to the Board.

B. On its own initiative or on a written complaint filed with the Board by any person, the Board may conduct an investigation of the:

(1) Sponsor of the orthodontic EFDA course or the general duties EFDA course;

(2) Course site; or

(3) Instructors of the course.

.31 Vacant.

.32 Level One Dental Assistants.

A. A Level one dental assistant shall be at least 18 years old.

B. A dentist may use the services of a level one dental assistant to perform the following intraoral procedures under the direct supervision of a licensed dentist without first receiving certification from the Board:

(1) Rinsing and aspiration of the oral cavity;

(2) Retraction of the lips, cheeks, tongue, and flaps;

(3) Placement and removal of the materials for the isolation of the dentition, provided that the material is not retained by the dentition;

(4) Instructing on oral hygiene;

(5) Taking alginate or digital impressions for study models or diagnostic casts;

(6) Constructing athletic mouthguards on models;

(7) Applying topical anesthetic;

(8) Light curing;

(9) Checking for loose bands;

(10) Assisting in performing intraoral photography, other than conventional or digital X-ray, under the general supervision of a licensed dentist who reviews the photography and authorizes the treatment plan;

(11) Placing and removing cotton rolls;

(12) Delivery of restorative material with dentist at chairside;

(13) Fluoride application — rinse or foam tray or fluoride varnish;

(14) Taking and recording vital signs, including blood pressure and pulse readings;

(15) Performing vitality tests;

(16) Taking alginate impressions for intraoral appliances;

(17) Taking digital and electronic impressions;

(18) Applying desensitizing agents;

(19) Placing or removing a rubber dam;

(20) Fabricating indirect restorations in a dental office;

(21) Placing or removing a matrix band;

(22) Drying a root canal;

(23) Preparing and fitting stainless steel crowns;

(24) Placing or removing a retraction cord;

(25) Fabricating temporary crowns;

(26) Cementing temporary crowns or restorations;

(27) Removing temporary crowns;

(28) Removing excess cement;

(29) Removing or replacing a periodontal dressing (except placing the original periodontal dressing);

(30) Removing sutures;

(31) Fabricating on models:

(a) Athletic mouthguards;

(b) Bleaching trays;

(c) Fluoride trays;

(d) Impression trays; and

(e) Nightguards;

(32) Bite registration;

(33) Placing temporary restorations; and

(34) Placing and removing wedges.

D. A level one dental assistant may perform duties under this regulation if a licensed dentist:

(1) Provides the level one dental assistant with specific instructions to perform the intraoral procedure; and

(2) Directly supervises the level one dental assistant performing the intraoral procedure.

.33 Procedures Permitted to be Performed by Orthodontic Expanded Function Dental Assistants.

A. Except for an individual licensed as a dentist or a dental hygienist under Health Occupations Article, Title 4, Annotated Code of Maryland, an individual shall be expressly certified by the State Board of Dental Examiners as an orthodontic EFDA before the individual may perform any of the following intraoral procedures:

(1) Preparing and fitting orthodontic bands;

(2) Placing and removing arch wires;

(3) Cementing of orthodontic bands, placement of bonded attachments, or removal of cemented or bonded orthodontic bands and attachments;

(4) Placing elastics and ligatures; and

(5) Selecting headgear.

B. In addition to the intraoral procedures listed in §A of this regulation, an orthodontic EFDA may perform the following intraoral procedures:

(1) Acid etching; and

(2) Apply bonding agents.

C. In addition to the intraoral procedures set forth in §§A and B of this regulation, an orthodontic EFDA may perform the intraoral procedures of a level one dental assistant set forth in Regulation .31 of this chapter.

D. An orthodontic EFDA may perform the intraoral procedures set forth in Regulation .32 of this chapter if a licensed dentist:

(1) Provides the orthodontic EFDA with specific instructions to perform the intraoral procedure; and

(2) Directly supervises the orthodontic EFDA performing the intraoral procedure.

.34 Procedures Permitted to be Performed by General Duties Expanded Function Dental Assistants.

A. Except for an individual licensed as a dentist or a dental hygienist under Health Occupations Article, Title 4, Annotated Code of Maryland, an individual shall be expressly certified by the State Board of Dental Examiners as a general duties EFDA before the individual may perform any of the following intraoral procedures:

(1) Placing dental sealants;

(2) Coronal polishing only to remove stain or biofilm, in connection with a dental prophylaxis:

(a) As determined necessary and appropriate, secondary to the more complex dental procedures of a dental prophylaxis, such as removal of hard and soft deposits and stain of the tooth crown, root surfaces, and periodontal pockets; and

(b) If applicable, in consultation with the treating dental hygienist or before a dentist performs an esthetic or cementation procedure;

(3) Applying silver diamine fluoride;

(4) Monitoring nitrous oxide by observing a patient;

(a) During the flow of nitrous oxide;

(b) During the reduction of the flow of nitrous oxide;

(c) During the shutting off of equipment controlling the flow of nitrous oxide; and

(d) At all times in between the start of the flow of nitrous oxide until the nitrous oxide has been terminated and the patient has fully awoken and is coherent;

(5) Acid etching; and

(6) Applying bonding agents.

B. In addition to the intraoral procedures set forth in §A of this regulation, a general duties EFDA may perform the intraoral procedures of level one dental assistant set forth in Regulation .32 of this chapter.

C. A general duties expanded function dental assistant may perform the intraoral procedures set forth in Regulation .32 of this chapter if a licensed dentist:

(1) Provides the general duties EFDA specific instructions to perform the intraoral procedure; and

(2) Directly supervises the general duties EFDA performing the intraoral procedure.

.35 Radiographs.

A dentist may not permit a dental assistant to place and expose radiographs unless the dental assistant is a dental assistant certified to practice dental radiation technology.

.36 Dental Sealant Program Exception — General Supervision.

A. Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, a level one dental assistant may provide the following dental assisting duties under the general supervision of a dentist for a dental sealant program:

(1) Instructing on oral hygiene;

(2) Cleaning and disinfecting environmental surfaces and equipment;

(3) Preparing materials for the application of sealants;

(4) Retracting lips, cheek, and tongue;

(5) Placing and removing materials for the isolation of the dentition, if the material is not retained by the dentition;

(6) Transferring instruments and sealants to a dentist or dental hygienist;

(7) Rinsing and aspirating of the oral cavity; and

(8) Sterilizing instruments.

B. Under the general supervision of a dentist, a level one dental assistant may only perform the duties enumerated in §A of this regulation:

(1) For a facility that has been granted a waiver of on-site supervision for a dental hygienist under COMAR 10.44.21; and

(2) While assisting a dental hygienist who has received a waiver of on-site supervision under COMAR 10.44.21.

C. A level one dental assistant who provides dental assistant duties under this regulation shall maintain cardiopulmonary resuscitation certification from one of the following programs:

(1) The American Heart Association's Basic Life Support for Healthcare Providers;

(2) The American Red Cross's Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation for Professional Rescuers; or

(3) An equivalent program approved by the Board.

D. A level one dental assistant who provides dental assistant duties under this regulation shall have at least 400 hours of dental assisting clinical practice in direct patient care.

E. An orthodontic expanded function dental assistant who provides dental assistant duties under this regulation shall successfully complete a Board-approved course of at least 3 hours in infection control every renewal cycle.

F. A level one dental assistant who provides dental assistant duties under this regulation shall successfully complete a Board-approved course with at least 3 hours in infection control before providing dental assistant duties under this regulation, and within every 2 calendar years thereafter.

G. A facility that uses a level one dental assistant to provide dental assistant duties under this regulation shall ensure that there is a written agreement between the supervising dentist and the dental assistant practicing under general supervision that clearly sets forth the terms and conditions under which the dental assistant may practice, including a statement that the dental assistant may provide dental assistant duties without the supervising dentist on the premises.

H. Each facility that uses the services of a level one dental assistant to provide dental assistant duties under this regulation shall maintain for 5 years for inspection by the Board:

(1) The name of the dentist providing general supervision to the dental assistant;

(2) The name and current address of the dental assistant;

(3) The name and address of each institution where the dental assistant provided dental assistant duties; and

(4) The date the dental assistant provided dental assistant duties.

I. This regulation does not affect the duties a level one dental assistant may lawfully perform under the direct supervision of a dentist under this chapter.

J. A violation of this regulation may result in:

(1) Revocation of the facility's right to operate under a waiver of on-site supervision for dental hygienists; or

(2) Revocation of the facility's right to utilize the services of a dental assistant under this regulation.

K. Penalties.

(1) For violations of this regulation, a dentist and a dental hygienist is subject to the penalties set forth in Regulation .38 of this chapter.

(2) A dentist or a dental hygienist who uses the services of a dental assistant who is not qualified or for purposes other than what are permitted under this regulation may be found guilty of:

(a) Unprofessional conduct under Health Occupations Article, §4-315, Annotated Code of Maryland; or

(b) Violating any rule or regulation adopted by the Board under Health Occupations Article, §4-315, Annotated Code of Maryland.

.37 Vacant.

.38 Violations.

A dentist who uses the services of a dental assistant who is not qualified or for purposes other than what is permitted may be found guilty of:

A. Unprofessional conduct under Health Occupations Article, §4-315(a)(16), Annotated Code of Maryland;

B. Violating any rule or regulation adopted by the Board under Health Occupations Article, §4-315(a)(20), Annotated Code of Maryland;

C. Allowing a dental assistant to assist in the practice of dentistry in violation of Health Occupations Article, §4-315(a)(38), Annotated Code of Maryland;

D. Violating COMAR 10.44.23; or

E. Violating any other applicable law or regulation.

.39 Severability.

If any provision of this chapter or its application to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the invalidity does not affect other provisions or applications of this chapter which can be given effect without the invalid provision or application, and to this end the provisions of this chapter are severable.

Secretary of Health



Notice of Proposed Action


The Secretary of Health proposes to:

(1) Amend Regulation .02 under COMAR 10.44.20 Fees; and

(2) Amend Regulations .02, .04—.06, and .08, adopt new Regulations .09, .10, and .14, recodify existing Regulations .09—.11 and .13 to be Regulations .11—.13 and .15, respectively, and repeal existing Regulations .12 and .14 under COMAR 10.44.22 Continuing Education.

This action was considered by the Board of Dental Examiners at a public meeting held on July 19, 2023, notice of which was given under the Notice of Public Meetings link on the Board’s website pursuant to State Government Article, §10-506(c), Annotated Code of Maryland.

Statement of Purpose

The purpose of this action is to update COMAR 10.44.22 Continuing Education to: (1) Delineate acceptable continuing education programs and the hours permitted under those programs; (2) Increase the number of hours of the Board’s required infection control course from 2 to 3 hours as a condition of license renewal; (3) Allow dentists and dental hygienists to receive up to 2 continuing education hours per renewal cycle for attendance at regularly scheduled open session Board meetings; (4) Alter the dates upon which licensees must complete continuing education programs as a condition of license renewal; (5) Allow dentists and dental hygienists to receive continuing education credit for completing a required course on implicit bias training; (6) Amend the list of automatically approved sponsors of continuing education; (7) Provide a mechanism for approval of continuing education sponsors who are not automatically approved; (8) Accept for continuing education credit those courses that have been approved by certain credentialing agencies; (9) Delineate the contents of continuing education certificates of completion; and (10) Amend the existing procedures for conducting continuing education audits. Additionally, the purpose of COMAR 10.44.20 Fees is to establish a fee for a continuing education sponsor who applies for Board approval of a continuing education program.

Estimate of Economic Impact

I. Summary of Economic Impact. The proposed action will establish a new regulatory scheme in Maryland for those who wish to become expanded function dental assistants. The State Dental Board presently recognizes only qualified general duties dental assistants, qualified orthodontic dental assistants, and on-the-job trained dental assistants. The Board will cease to issue recognitions for dental assistants qualified in general duties and recognitions for dental assistants qualified in orthodontics. Under the proposed regulations the Board will recognize general duties expanded function dental assistants and orthodontic expanded function dental assistants. On the job trained dental assistants may continue to perform certain duties. Expanded function dental assistants will be permitted to perform duties that qualified dental assistants are not permitted to perform, thereby increasing the scope of practice for dental assistants, and making dental care more available for the State’s citizens. The Board anticipates charging a modest fee of $35 for an initial 2-year expanded function dental assistant certification. There is a fiscal impact on dental assistants who are presently recognized as qualified in orthodontics and those who are presently recognized as qualified in general duties if they wish to become expanded function dental assistants. Based on the assumptions and information contained in this fiscal impact statement, the estimated fiscal impact for the year proceeding the effective date of these regulations are: to the public, an estimated $59,935 net cost; and to the State Dental Board an estimated $59,935 in revenue. (See Section III for assumption used in the fiscal impact calculations.) The proposed action is not expected to have significant impact on any other entity.

II. Types of Economic Impact.

Impacted Entity

Revenue (R+/R-)

Expenditure (E+/E-)


A. On issuing agency:



Maryland Board of Dental Examiners



B. On other State agencies:



C. On local governments:







Benefit (+)

Cost (-)


D. On regulated industries or trade groups:



E. On other industries or trade groups:





$59, 935

F. Direct and indirect effects on public:



III. Assumptions. (Identified by Impact Letter and Number from Section II.)

A. This amount assumes:

(1) Individuals qualified in general duties who convert to general duties expanded function dental assistants: On average, 83 individuals become general duties dental assistants each year. Assuming workforce participation for 15 years, there are approximately 1,245 general duties dental assistants in the present workforce. Assuming that 80 percent of those in the workforce will become general duties expanded function dental assistants within 1 year of the effective date of these regulations, 996 individuals who are now recognized as qualified in general duties will apply to become general duties expanded function dental assistants: 996 x $35 initial certification fee = $34,860 revenue to the Dental Board.

(2) Individuals with no prior dental assisting experience who enter the workforce as general duties expanded function dental assistants: It is estimated that approximately 120 individuals who have no prior dental assisting experience will enter the workforce as general duties expanded function dental assistants within 1 year of the effective date of these regulations. 120 x $35 = $4,200.

(3) Loss of Revenue to the Board as a result of deletion of examination fee for dental assistants recognized as qualified in general duties: It is estimated that approximately 120 individuals who have no prior dental assisting experience will enter the workforce as general duties expanded function dental assistants within 1 year of the effective date of these regulations. Under existing regulations there is a $20 examination fee for applicants who wish to be recognized as qualified in general duties. The fee will be deleted resulting in a loss of Board income. 120 x $20 = $2,400.

     (a) Additional revenue from existing recognized as qualified in general duties dental assistants who convert to general duties expanded function dental assistants: $34,860.

     (b) Additional revenue from individuals with no prior dental assisting experience who enter the workforce as general duties expanded function dental assistants: 120 x $35 = $4,200.

     (c) Loss of revenue from dental assistants who under existing regulations would have become dental assistants recognized as qualified in general duties but instead become general duties expanded function dental assistants. 120 x $20 = $2,400. (d) Subtotal: general duties expanded function dental assistants: $34,860 + $4,200 - $2,400 = $36,660 revenue.

(4) Individuals qualified in orthodontics who convert to orthodontic expanded function dental assistants: On average, 30 individuals become orthodontic dental assistants each year. Assuming workforce participation for 15 years, there are approximately 450 general duties dental assistants in the present workforce. Assuming that 80 percent of those in the workforce will become orthodontic expanded function dental assistants within 1 year of the effective date of these regulations, 360 individuals who are now recognized as qualified in orthodontics will apply to become orthodontic expanded function dental assistants: 360 x $35 initial certification fee = $12,600 revenue to the Dental Board.

(5) Individuals with no prior dental assisting experience who enter the workforce as orthodontic expanded function dental assistants: It is estimated that approximately 45 individuals who have no prior dental assisting experience will enter the workforce as orthodontic expanded function dental assistants within 1 year of the effective date of these regulations. 45 x $35 = $1,575.

(6) Loss of Revenue to the Board as a result of deletion of examination fee for dental assistants recognized as qualified in orthodontics: It is estimated that approximately 45 individuals who have no prior dental assisting experience will enter the workforce as orthodontic expanded function dental assistants within 1 year of the effective date of these regulations. The Dental Board will cease to issue the recognition qualified in orthodontics. Under existing regulations there is a $20 examination fee to applicants who wish to be recognized as qualified in orthodontics. The fee will be deleted resulting in a loss of Board income. 45 x $20 = $900.

     (a) Additional revenue from existing recognized as qualified in orthodontics dental assistants who convert to general duties expanded function dental assistants: 360 x $35 = $12,600.

     (b) Additional revenue from individuals with no prior dental assisting experience who enter the workforce as orthodontic expanded function dental assistants: 45 x $35 = $1,575.

     (c) Loss of revenue from dental assistants who under existing law would have become dental assistants recognized as qualified in orthodontics but instead become orthodontic expanded function dental assistants. 45 x $20 = $900.

     (d) Subtotal: orthodontic expanded function dental assistants: $12,600 + $1,575 - $900 = $13,275 revenue.

(7) Historically the Board processes approximately 100 applications a year for continuing education program approval from sponsors. Therefore, 100 applications x $100 = $10,000 revenue. Total revenue: $36,660 + 13,275 + $10,000 = $59,935.

E. See A above.

Economic Impact on Small Businesses

The proposed action has minimal or no economic impact on small businesses.

Impact on Individuals with Disabilities

The proposed action has no impact on individuals with disabilities.

Opportunity for Public Comment

Comments may be sent to Jourdan Green, Director, Office of Regulation and Policy Coordination, Maryland Department of Health, 201 West Preston Street, Room 512, Baltimore, MD 21201, or call 410-767-6499 (TTY 800-735-2258), or email to Comments will be accepted through November 6, 2023. A public hearing has not been scheduled.


10.44.20 Fees

Authority: Health Occupations Article, §§4-205, 4-207, 4-304, 4-505, and 12-102.1, Annotated Code of Maryland; Ch.469, Acts of 2006

.02 Fee Schedule.

The following fees are established by the Board:

A.—G. (text unchanged)

H. Dental radiation technologist certification fee:

(1) (text unchanged)

[(2) For the renewal period ending March 1, 2017, a one-time 1-year certificate for dental radiation technologists whose certificates end in an even number . . . $34;]

[(3)] (2) (text unchanged)

[(4) For the period March 2, 2017 through April 1, 2017, for the 2017 renewal period, a late renewal fee for dental radiation technologists whose certificates end in an even number . . . $25;

(5) On and after April 2, 2017, for the 2017 renewal period, a certification reinstatement fee for dental radiation technologists whose certificates end in an even number . . . $59;

(6) For the period March 2, 2018 through April 1, 2018, for the 2018 renewal period, a late renewal fee for dental radiation technologists whose certificates end in an even number . . . $25;

(7) On and after April 2, 2018, for the 2018 renewal period, a certification reinstatement fee for dental radiation technologists whose certificates end in an even number . . . $59;]

[(8)] (3)[(9)] (4) (text unchanged)

I. Initial application fee for expanded function dental assistants:

(1) Initial application fee for orthodontic expanded function dental assistants…$35;

(2) Initial application fee for general duties expanded function dental assistants…$35;

J. Certificate renewal fee for expanded function dental assistants:

(1) Certificate renewal fee for orthodontic expanded function dental assistants…$68;

(2) Certificate renewal fee for general duties expanded function dental assistants…$68;

K. Late renewal fee for expanded function dental assistants:

(1) Late renewal fee for orthodontic expanded function dental assistants…$50;

(2) Late renewal fee for general duties expanded function dental assistants…$50;

L. Reinstatement fee for expanded function dental assistants:

(1) Reinstatement fee for orthodontic expanded function dental assistants…$118;

(2) Reinstatement fee for general duties expanded function dental assistants…$118;

[I.] M.[M.] Q. (text unchanged)

[N. Dental assistant examination fee . . . $20;]

[O.] R.—[P.] S. (text unchanged)

[P-1. Conversion of parenteral sedation administration permit to a Class II permit . . . $300;

P-2. Conversion of a general anesthesia administration permit to a Class III permit . . . $600;]

[Q.] T.—[FF.] II. (text unchanged)

[GG.] JJ. Jurisprudence Examination . . . $50; [and]

[HH.] KK. Copy of Maryland Laws and Regulations on computer disc or booklet . . . $25[.];

LL. Application fee for approval of a continuing education program of studies…$100.


10.44.22 Continuing Education

Authority: Health Occupations Article, §4-205, Annotated Code of Maryland

.02 Definitions.

A. (text unchanged)

B. Terms Defined.

(1)—(6) (text unchanged)

(7) “Significant change” means a change in a Board-approved continuing education program that in the sole discretion of the Board produces a measurable change in the course material or course objectives.

[(7)] (8) (text unchanged)

(9) “Webinar” means a live seminar or other presentation for continuing education credit that takes place on the Internet, allowing participants in different locations to see and hear the presenter and ask questions and receive responses in real time.

.04 Requirements.

A. All continuing education credits shall be pre-approved by the Board.

B. A licensee seeking renewal shall complete at least 30 full hours of Board-approved continuing education.

C. Of the 30 hours of Board-approved continuing education, a minimum of 13 hours shall be completed with attendance at:

(1) In-person Board-approved courses or programs; or

(2) Webinars.

D. To be considered for Board approval, a webinar shall:

(1) Be designed to enhance the licensee’s clinical knowledge and ability to treat dental patients;

(2) Be presented in real time;

(3) Allow all participants an opportunity to interact with the instructor; and

(4) Allow the participants an ample opportunity to ask questions and receive responses in real time.

E. A pre-recorded webinar viewed by a licensee that otherwise meets the requirements of this chapter may be considered by the Board for continuing education credit toward the 17 hours that do not require in-person attendance.

F. A maximum of 17 hours of Board-approved continuing education may be earned for self-study activities, including:

(1) Preparing and presenting table clinics;

(2) Preparing lectures; and

(3) Preparing articles for publication in dental journals.

G. Continuing education courses and programs shall meet the criteria established in Regulation .06 of this chapter.

H. A licensee shall maintain written documentation of successful completion of continuing education programs for 5 years.

I. A licensee may not receive continuing education credit for a course or program that was:

(1) Not Board-approved; or

(2) Completed before the course or program gained Board approval.

J. Unless otherwise provided in this chapter, the Board may not accept a submission for continuing education credit of less than 1 hour.

[A.] K. (text unchanged)

[B.] L. A licensee seeking renewal shall complete [not less than 30 full hours of continuing education, including] a Board-approved course of 2 hours [of] in infection control.

M. A licensee seeking renewal in 2025 and thereafter shall complete a Board-approved course of 3 hours in infection control every renewal cycle.

[C.] N. A licensee seeking renewal [in 2011 and thereafter] shall complete a Board-approved course of 2 hours in abuse and neglect.

[D.] O. The 2-hour, Board-approved course in abuse and neglect required by [§C] §N of this regulation shall:

(1)—(3) (text unchanged)

[E.] P. A dentist seeking renewal [in 2015 and thereafter] shall complete a 2-hour Board-approved course on proper prescribing and disposal of prescription drugs[. This course], which shall count toward the 30 full hours of required continuing education.

[F.] Q. The 2-hour Board-approved course on proper prescribing and disposal of prescription drugs required by [§E] §P of this regulation shall be completed by each dentist every other renewal cycle.

[G.] R. (text unchanged)

[H.] S. Cultural Competency, Military Culture, and Implicit Bias Training. A licensee may receive up to a combined total of 4 continuing education hours for Board-approved courses on [cultural competency.]:

(1) Cultural competency;

(2) Military culture; or

(3) Implicit bias training.

[I.] T. (text unchanged)

U. A study club course shall first receive Board approval before attendees may receive continuing education credit for attendance at the study club meeting.

V. Dentists and dental hygienists may receive 1 continuing education credit for attending a regularly scheduled open session Board meeting in its entirety.

W. The Board shall issue a certificate of completion to dentists and dental hygienists who attend a regularly scheduled open session Board meeting in its entirety.

X. A dentist or a dental hygienist may earn up to 2 continuing education credits per renewal period for attendance at regularly scheduled open session Board meetings.

[J.] Y.[L.] AA. (text unchanged)

BB. The infection control course identified in §M of this regulation shall be a single 3-hour course which teaches the practices contained in the document Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Summary of Infection Prevention Practices in Dental Settings: Basic Expectations for Safe Care, Atlanta, GA: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, US Dept. of Health and Human Services; October 2016, or its successor document.

.05 Time Frame for Completing Continuing Education.

A. The period for completing continuing education requirements extends for a 2-year period from [January 1] July 1 through [December 31] June 30 of the second year following [year] the effective date of the license.

B. The 2-year period in which the continuing education shall be completed ends on [December 31] June 30 of the year in which the license is due for renewal.

C. For the renewal period beginning on June 1, 2025, only, the period for completing continuing education requirements extends for the period January 1, 2023, through June 30, 2025.

.06 Course and Program Eligibility.

A. Eligibility Guidelines.

(1) (text unchanged)

(2) Abuse and Neglect Courses, Cultural Competency Courses, Military Culture Courses, Implicit Bias Training Courses, and Pro Bono Programs. To qualify for continuing education credit for license renewal:

(a) The mandatory course in abuse and neglect identified in Regulation [.04C and D] .04N and O of this chapter:

(i) [Do] Does not need to be designed to enhance the licensee’s clinical knowledge and ability to treat dental patients; and

(ii) (text unchanged)

(b) Cultural competency courses:

(i) (text unchanged)

(ii) Shall be offered by a Board-approved sponsor; [and]

(c) Military culture courses:

(i) Do not need to enhance the licensee’s clinical knowledge; and

(ii) Shall be offered by a Board-approved sponsor;

(d) Implicit bias training courses:

(i) Do not need to be designed to enhance the licensee’s clinical knowledge and ability to treat dental patients; and

(ii) Shall be approved by the Maryland Office of Minority Health and Health Disparities.

[(c)] (d) (text unchanged)

B. Excluded Courses and Programs. Courses and programs that are not approved for continuing education credit for license renewal include, but are not limited to, the subjects of:

(1)—(3) (text unchanged)

(4) With the exception of those courses or programs on cultural competency, military culture, and implicit bias training courses, cultural subjects;

(5)—(8) (text unchanged)

.08 Automatically Approved Sponsors [and Equivalents].

A. (text unchanged)

[B. The Board may approve other sponsors of continuing education credits according to the following:

(1) Sponsors not identified in §A(2) of this regulation may petition the Board for approval of continuing education that they offer; and

(2) The Board shall evaluate the sponsors in §B(1) of this regulation and may, at its discretion, set standards and criteria.

C. If the subject matter of a course, program, or activity satisfies the requirements of Regulation .06 of this chapter, a licensee may petition the Board to accept as the equivalent of an eligible continuing education course or program offered by an approved sponsor:

(1) Courses or programs offered by other sponsors; or

(2) Time spent in any of the following activities:

(a) Preparing and presenting table clinics;

(b) Preparing lectures;

(c) Preparing articles for publication in dental journals; or

(d) Attending study clubs or other meetings involved with clinical dentistry.

D. The Board may accept from any licensee up to 17 hours of continuing education credits for self-study activities for the following:

(1) Courses or programs from approved sponsors identified in §A(2) of this regulation that are designed to enhance the licensee's clinical knowledge and ability to treat dental patients; and

(2) Courses or programs from sponsors not identified in §A(2) of this regulation if the:

(a) Sponsor has petitioned the Board for and received approval of the sponsor's continuing education course or program; and

(b) Continuing education activities qualify under §C of this regulation.]

B. The Board approves for credit any course or program that is designed to enhance the licensee’s clinical knowledge and ability to treat dental patients and is approved by any one of the following credentialing agencies:

(1) The American Dental Association Commission for Continuing Education Recognition Program (CERP);

(2) The Academy of General Dentistry Program Approval for Continuing Education (PACE);

(3) The American Association of Dental Boards Accredited Continuing Education Program (ACE); and

(4) The American Academy of Dental Hygiene (AADH).

.09 Approval and Rescission of Continuing Education Programs for Sponsors Who Are Not Automatically Approved.

A. The Board may approve individual programs of sponsors who are not automatically approved sponsors of continuing education credits under Regulation .08 of this chapter.

B. Applicants meeting the requirements of this chapter, who are not automatically approved to sponsor continuing education programs may apply to the Board at least 90 days before the scheduled program for authorization to sponsor a program.

C. The Board shall provide the applicant with an application form.

D. An applicant shall provide the following information on the application which shall be submitted to the Board along with a processing fee as set forth in COMAR 10.44.20:

(1) Full name, business address, and contact information of the sponsor;

(2) Full name of the program for which approval is sought;

(3) A program description;

(4) Program objectives;

(5) A detailed syllabus of the course;

(6) Continuing education hours requested;

(7) An overview of any examinations that shall be passed as a condition of program completion; and

(8) A sample of the certificate of completion that will be provided to program participants.

E. In addition to the requirements of §D of this regulation, the applicant shall provide the following to the Board regarding the program presenter or speaker:

(1) Full name, business address, and contact information;

(2) Current curriculum vitae;

(3) Educational background and all professional degrees earned;

(4) A list of all professional licenses or certifications held;

(5) A brief description of any other professional programs taught; and

(6) A copy of any public disciplinary orders issued by any health occupational board, including the Maryland Dental Board.

F. The Board shall give notice to the applicant that the applicant has been approved or disapproved, including a statement whether the number of approved continuing education hours is different from the number requested.

G. If a program is disapproved, the Board shall advise the applicant of the reasons for disapproval.

H. An approval of a particular program is an approval of the program and the presenter or speaker of that program.

I. A sponsor shall resubmit an application and pay a processing fee for approval of the program if:

(1) The presenter or speaker changes; or

(2) There is a significant change in the course material or course objectives.

J. Fees for approval of a continuing education program are nonrefundable.

K. A licensee or certificate holder under a Board order may not present a continuing education course or program during the pendency of their Board order.

L. A sponsor of a Board-approved continuing education program shall:

(1) Maintain records of all attendees for at least 5 years;

(2) Provide copies of program attendance to the Board upon request;

(3) Provide attendees with an opportunity to complete a program evaluation at the conclusion of the program, which shall be provided to the Board upon request; and

(4) Allow the Board to audit the program upon payment of any applicable program fees.

M. The Board may rescind approval of a continuing education course or program if it determines that:

(1) The course or program:

(a) Does not meet the requirements of Regulations .06 and .07 of this chapter; or

(b) In the Board’s sole discretion, does not meet its stated objectives; or

(2) The sponsor has committed fraud or made other misrepresentations to the Board.

.10 Certificates of Completion.

Legible certificates of program completion shall be provided to those who complete the program and shall contain at least:

A. The full name of the sponsor;

B. The full name of the program;

C. The dates of program presentation;

D. The location of the program, including whether the program was presented electronically;

E. The number of continuing education hours awarded, which may not exceed those approved by the Board;

F. The printed name and signature of the presenter or speaker;

G. A statement that the program is approved by the Board;

H. The Board’s program approval number; and

I. A statement that the sponsor maintains responsibility for the program.

.14 Audit of Continuing Education Records.

A. A dentist or dental hygienist who has completed the continuing education requirements shall attest to the completion on a form supplied by the Board as part of the application for license renewal, reinstatement, or reactivation.

B. The Board may request verification of compliance with this chapter through inspection of continuing education records maintained by licensees in accordance with Regulation .03A of this chapter.

C. Except as provided in this regulation, the Board shall audit a percentage of dentists and dental hygienists, selected by the Board for each renewal cycle.

D. A licensee who receives notice of a continuing education audit shall verify compliance with this chapter by the date specified in the notice and submit to the Board a report of the continuing education hours required for renewal on a form approved by the Board along with the appropriate documentation.

E. Documentation. A dentist or dental hygienist shall provide to the Board:

(1) A certificate of completion for approved courses or programs;

(2) Current CPR certification as specified under Regulation .04 of this chapter;

(3) If applicable, proof of Board-approved pro bono dental or dental hygiene services provided; and

(4) If a certificate of completion is not available, satisfactory proof of time spent preparing and presenting table clinics, lectures, articles for publications in dental or medical journals, or attending study clubs, or other meetings involved with performing clinical dentistry.

F. A dentist or a dental hygienist may request an extension of time to comply with the requirements of this chapter.

G. A request for an extension of time under §F of this regulation shall:

(1) Be made in writing;

(2) Detail and document the reasons the licensee was not able to complete the continuing education requirements within the allotted time; and

(3) Provide a period of time requested by the licensee to complete the required continuing education.

H. The grant of an extension and the period of the extension is within the sole discretion of the Board.

I. A dentist or dental hygienist who requests and is granted an extension of time by the Board shall be audited at the next renewal cycle.

J. A dentist or dental hygienist granted an extension of time shall attest to completion of continuing education requirements by the end of the extension period.

K. Failure to submit the required attestation or failure to meet continuing education requirements by the end of the extension period may subject the licensee to disciplinary action.

L. The Board’s staff shall conduct a preliminary review and evaluation of the documentation submitted to the Board and report their findings to the Board.

M. After the Board’s review of the submitted documentation, the Board may find one or both of the following:

(1) That the dentist or dental hygienist has not met the Board’s continuing education requirements; or

(2) That the dentist or dental hygienist has submitted courses or programs that have not been Board-approved.

N. The Board may require a dentist or a dental hygienist who has not met the Board’s continuing education requirements or who has submitted courses or programs that have not been Board-approved to take additional continuing education courses or programs in order to meet the Board’s continuing education requirements.

O. Penalties for Violation.

(1) A false, misleading, or deceptive statement on a renewal, reinstatement, or reactivation form may constitute unprofessional conduct and may result in disciplinary action against the licensee as set forth in Health Occupations Article, §4-315, Annotated Code of Maryland.

(2) Failure to complete continuing education requirements within the time period specified under Regulation .05 of this chapter or any applicable extension constitutes unprofessional conduct and may result in disciplinary action against the licensee as set forth in Health Occupations Article, §4-315, Annotated Code of Maryland.

Secretary of Health


Title 11


11.04.02 General Conditions for Movement of Oversize and Overweight Vehicles

Authority: Transportation Article, §§2-103(b), 4-204, 4-205(f), 8-204(b)—(d) and (i), 24-109, 24-112, [and] 24-113, 24-113.2, and 24-113.3, Annotated Code of Maryland

Notice of Proposed Action


The Maryland Transportation Authority proposes to amend Regulation .05 under COMAR 11.04.02 General Conditions for Movement of Oversize and Overweight Vehicles. This action was considered by the MDTA Board at their open meeting on May 25, 2023, and unanimously approved.

Statement of Purpose

The purpose of this action is to amend COMAR for the new Governor Harry W. Nice Memorial/Senator Thomas “Mac” Middleton Bridge to accommodate the movement of any oversize or overweight vehicle. COMAR changes are needed to remove the existing restrictions for oversize vehicles. It is important to note that oversize vehicles would still be required to utilize the Maryland One permitting system and comply with existing State law and COMAR for hauling permits with oversized loads.

Estimate of Economic Impact

The proposed action has no economic impact.



Economic Impact on Small Businesses

The proposed action has minimal or no economic impact on small businesses.

Impact on Individuals with Disabilities

The proposed action has no impact on individuals with disabilities.

Opportunity for Public Comment

Comments may be sent to Bradley Ryon, Manager of Government Relations, MDTA, 2310 Broening Highway, Baltimore, MD 21224, or call 410-387-5253, or email to Comments will be accepted through November 6, 2023. A public hearing has not been scheduled.

.05 Movement on or Across Toll Facilities.

A. The following restrictions apply to the movement of any oversize or overweight vehicle on or through the following Authority highways:

(1)—(2) (text unchanged)

(3) Harry W. Nice Memorial/Thomas “Mac” Middleton Bridge (Potomac River Bridge, U.S. 301);

(4)—(9) (text unchanged)

B.—C. (text unchanged)

[D. Any vehicle and load together exceeding 12 feet in width, or 14 feet, 6 inches in height is prohibited from crossing the Harry W. Nice Memorial Bridge (Potomac River Bridge, U.S. 301), unless in the case of vehicles and loads exceeding 12 feet in width, special written permission is obtained in advance from the superintendent of the bridge.]

[E.] D.—[H.] G. (text unchanged)

Executive Director


Title 13A

Subtitle 08 STUDENTS

13A.08.01 General Regulations

Authority: Education Article, §§2-205, 7-101, 7-101.1, 7-301, 7-301.1,
7-303—7-305, 7-305.1, 7-307, 7-308, and 8-404, Annotated Code of Maryland; Ch. 273, Acts of 2016; Federal Statutory Reference: 20 U.S.C. §§1232g and 7912

Notice of Proposed Action


The State Board of Education proposes to amend Regulation .17 under COMAR 13A.08.01 General Regulations.

Statement of Purpose

The purpose of this action is to align COMAR 13A.08.01.17 with the statutory language of Education Article, §§7-303 and 7-305, Annotated Code of Maryland, to provide a definition of "reportable offenses" and to clarify necessary school and local school system actions related to educational programs and safety when there is a student facing community-based charges.

Estimate of Economic Impact

The proposed action has no economic impact.

Economic Impact on Small Businesses

The proposed action has minimal or no economic impact on small businesses.

Impact on Individuals with Disabilities

The proposed action has an impact on individuals with disabilities as follows:

The proposed regulation provides additional protections for students with disabilities by applying portions of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), including manifestation determination reviews and the provision of a free appropriate public education, to removals for a reportable offense.

Opportunity for Public Comment

Comments may be sent to Mary L. Gable, Assistant State Superintendent, Maryland State Department of Education, 200 West Baltimore Street, Baltimore, MD 21201, or call 410-767-0472, or email to Comments will be accepted through November 6, 2023. A public hearing has not been scheduled.

.17 School Use of Reportable Offenses.

A. Terms Defined. In this regulation the following terms have the meanings indicated:

(1) (text unchanged)

(2) “Criminal [gang] organization” has the meaning stated in Criminal Law Article, §9-801, Annotated Code of Maryland.

(3)—(5) (text unchanged)

(6) “Regular school program” means the courses, classes, and related services the student is enrolled in by a local school system at the time of the student’s reportable offense.

[(6)] (7) (text unchanged)

[(7)] (8) "Reportable offense" means an offense that:

[(a) A crime of violence, as defined in Criminal Law Article, §14-101, Annotated Code of Maryland;

(b) Any of the offenses enumerated in Courts and Judicial Proceedings Article, §3-8A-03(d)(4), Annotated Code of Maryland;

(c) A violation of Criminal Law Article §4-101, 4-102, 4-203 or 4-204, Annotated Code of Maryland;

(d) A violation of Criminal Law Article, §5-602—5-609, 5-612—5-614, 5-617, 5-618, 5-627 or 5-628, Annotated Code of Maryland;

(e) A violation of Criminal Law Article, §4-503, 9-504 or 9-505, Annotated Code of Maryland;

(f) A violation of Criminal Law Article §6-102, 6-103, 6-104 or 6-105, Annotated Code of Maryland;

(g) A violation of Criminal Law Article §9-802 or 9-803, Annotated Code of Maryland;

(h) A violation of Criminal Law Article §3-203, Annotated Code of Maryland;

(i) A violation of Criminal Law Article §6-301, Annotated Code of Maryland;

(j) A violation of Criminal Law Article §9-302, 9-303 or 9-305, Annotated Code of Maryland;

(k) A violation of Criminal Law Article §7-105, Annotated Code of Maryland; or

(l) An offense related to membership in a criminal gang.]

(a) Occurred off school premises;

(b) Did not occur at an event sponsored by the school; and

(c) Involved any of the following:

(i) A crime of violence, as defined in Criminal Law Article, §14–101, Annotated Code of Maryland;

(ii) Any of the offenses enumerated in Courts and Judicial Proceedings Article, §3–8A–03(e)(4), Annotated Code of Maryland;

(iii) A violation of Criminal Law Article, §4–101, 4–102, 4–203, or 4–204, Annotated Code of Maryland;

(iv) A violation of Criminal Law Article, §5–602, 5–603, 5–604, 5–605, 5–606, 5–607, 5–608, 5–608.1, 5–609, 5–612, 5–613, 5–614, 5–617, 5–618, 5–627, or 5–628, Annotated Code of Maryland;

(v) A violation of Criminal Law Article, §4–503, 9–504, or 9–505, Annotated Code of Maryland;

(vi) A violation of Criminal Law Article, §6–102, 6–103, 6–104, or 6–105, Annotated Code of Maryland;

(vii) A violation of Criminal Law Article, §9–802 or 9–803, Annotated Code of Maryland;

(viii) A violation of Criminal Law Article, §3–203, Annotated Code of Maryland;

(ix) A violation of Criminal Law Article, 6–301, Annotated Code of Maryland;

(x) A violation of Criminal Law Article, §9–302, 9–303, or 9–305, Annotated Code of Maryland;

(xi) A violation of Criminal Law Article, §7–105, Annotated Code of Maryland;

(xii) A violation of Criminal Law Article, §6–202, Annotated Code of Maryland; or

(xiii) A violation of Criminal Law Article, §10–606, Annotated Code of Maryland.

[(8)] (9) (text unchanged)

[(9)] (10) “School security officer” means an individual designated to maintain the security and safety of a school.

(a) School security officer includes:

(i)—(ii) (text unchanged)

(iii) Other individual employed by a local school system or a local government who is designated by the [county] local superintendent or a school principal to help maintain the security and safety of a school.

(b) (text unchanged)

[(10)] (11) (text unchanged)

[B. Administrative Procedures.

(1) Promptly, upon receipt of information from a law enforcement agency of an arrest of a student for a reportable offense, the local superintendent shall provide the school principal of the school in which the student is enrolled with the arrest information, including the charges. If the student who has been arrested is an identified student with disabilities who has been enrolled by the public school system in a nonpublic school program, the local superintendent shall provide the principal of the nonpublic school with the arrest information, including the charges.

(2) The school principal with appropriate staff members shall immediately develop a plan that addresses appropriate educational programming and related services for the student and that maintains a safe and secure school environment for all students and school personnel. The school principal shall request that the student’s parent or guardian:

(a) Participate in the development of the plan; and

(b) Submit information that is relevant to developing the plan.

(3) If the plan results in a change to the student's educational program, the school principal shall promptly schedule a conference to inform the parent or guardian of the plan. The plan shall be implemented not later than 5 school days after receipt of the arrest information.

(4) The school principal and appropriate staff shall review the plan and the student's status and make adjustments as appropriate:

(a) Immediately upon notification from the State's Attorney of the disposition of the reportable offense; or

(b) Pending notification from the State's Attorney, at a minimum on a quarterly basis.

(5) The parent or guardian shall be informed of any adjustments to the plan.

(6) Each local school system shall provide a review process to resolve any disagreement that arises in the implementation of this regulation.

C. General Provisions.

(1) Except by order of a juvenile court or other court upon good cause shown or as provided in §C(2) of this regulation, the reportable offense information is confidential and may not be redisclosed by subpoena or otherwise and may not be made part of the student's permanent educational record.

(2) If the disposition of the reportable offense was a conviction, an adjudication of delinquency, or the criminal charge or delinquency petition is still pending, a local superintendent or school principal may transmit the information obtained under this regulation as a confidential file to the local superintendent of another public school system or to another nonpublic school in the state in which the student has enrolled or has transferred, to carry out the purposes of this regulation.

(3) A local superintendent or school principal who transmits information about a student under §C(2) of this regulation shall include in the confidential transmittal information on any educational programming and related services provided to the student.

(4) A fee may not be charged to the student or parent or guardian for the alternative educational programming or related services that are developed for the student.

(5) Notice of the reportable offense charge alone may not be the basis for suspension or expulsion of the student. However, nothing in this regulation is intended to limit the manner in which a school obtains information or uses information obtained by any lawful means other than through notice of the arrest.

(6) Appropriate educational programming and related services shall be provided to an identified student with disabilities in accordance with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and State special education law and regulations, including COMAR 13A.05.01.

(7) The reportable offense information obtained by a local superintendent, school principal or school security officer shall be:

(a) Transmitted only to school personnel of the school in which the student is enrolled as necessary to carry out the purposes set forth in this regulation; and

(b) Destroyed when the first of the following occurs:

(i) The student graduates;

(ii) The student otherwise permanently leaves school;

(iii) The student turns 22 years old;

(iv) The criminal case involving the reportable offense is dismissed;

(v) The student is found not guilty of the reportable offense; or

(vi) The student pleads to a lesser offense that is not a reportable offense.

(8) Reportable offense involving rape or a sexual offense.

(a) Except as otherwise provided in paragraph §C(8)(b) of this regulation, the local superintendent and the school principal shall consider prohibiting a student who is arrested for a reportable offense involving rape or a sexual offense from attending the same school or riding on the same school bus as the alleged victim of the reportable offense if such action is necessary or appropriate to protect the physical or psychological well-being of the alleged victim.

(b) If a student is arrested for a reportable offense involving rape or a sexual offense and is convicted of or adjudicated delinquent for the rape or sexual offense, the student may not attend the same school or ride on the same school bus as the victim.

(9) Nothing in this regulation is intended to limit the manner in which a local school obtains information or uses information obtained by any lawful means other than that set forth in §C(2) of this regulation.

(10) Each public school that enrolls students in grades six through 12 in the State shall designate at least one school security officer.]

B. Notification by Law Enforcement. If a student is arrested for a reportable offense or an offense that is related to the student's membership in a criminal organization, the law enforcement agency making the arrest:

(1) Shall notify the following individuals of the arrest and the charges within 24 hours of the arrest or as soon as practicable:

(a) The local superintendent;

(b) The school principal; and

(c) For a school that has a school security officer, the school security officer; and

(2) May notify the State's Attorney of the arrest and charges.

C. Safety Determination Procedures and Plan.

(1) Promptly, upon receipt of information from a law enforcement agency or another verified source of an arrest of a student for a reportable offense:

(a) The local superintendent shall provide the school principal of the school in which the student is enrolled with the arrest information, including the charges; and

(b) If the student who has been arrested is an identified student with disabilities who has been enrolled by the public school system in a nonpublic school program, the local superintendent shall provide the principal of the nonpublic school with the arrest information, including the charges.

(2) The school principal, in consultation with appropriate staff members, shall consider whether the student’s presence presents a risk to the safety of other students and staff.

(3) If the school principal believes the student presents a safety risk, the school principal shall immediately develop a plan that:

(a) Addresses appropriate educational programming and related services for the student; and

(b) Maintains a safe and secure school environment for all students and staff.

(4) The school principal shall request that the student’s parent or guardian:

(a) Participate in the development of the plan; and

(b) Submit information that is relevant to developing the plan.

(5) If the student has an attorney, the school principal shall invite the student’s attorney to participate in any meeting with the student’s parent or guardian to discuss the plan.

D. Removal from Regular School Program.

(1) A student may not be removed from the student’s regular school program unless the student presents an imminent threat of serious harm to other students or staff.

(2) If the plan developed in §C(3) of this regulation includes removal of the student from the student’s regular school program, the school principal shall promptly inform the local superintendent in writing.

(3) Upon receipt of a written report from a school principal requesting a removal from the regular school program, and no later than 10 school days from the notification of the reportable offense, the local superintendent shall:

(a) Promptly hold a conference with the student, the student’s parent or guardian, and if the student has an attorney, the student’s attorney; and

(b) Make a determination as to whether the student poses an imminent threat of serious harm to other students or staff necessitating a removal.

(4) Implementation of the plan shall occur by the 10th school day following notification of the reportable offense.

(5) If after the conference, the local superintendent finds that a removal from the regular school program is warranted, the student or the student's parent or guardian may appeal the removal to the local board within 15 calendar days after the determination.

(6) If an appeal is filed, the local board or its designated committee or hearing officer shall have 45 calendar days from the date the appeal was received to hear the appeal and issue a decision, as follows:

(a) This timeline period may be extended if the student’s parent, guardian, or representative requests additional time; and

(b) This timeline shall also apply if the local board elects to use a hearing examiner.

(7) If due to extraordinary circumstances or unusual complexity of a particular appeal, the local board determines that it will be unable to hear an appeal and issue a decision within 45 calendar days, it may petition the State Superintendent for an extension of time.

(8) The student or the student's parent, guardian, or representative:

(a) Shall be provided with the school system's witness list and a copy of the documents that the school system will present at the hearing no later than 5 business days before the hearing; and

(b) May bring counsel and witnesses to the hearing.

(9) Unless a public hearing is requested by the parent or guardian of the student, a hearing shall be held out of the presence of all individuals except those whose presence is considered necessary or desirable by the local board.

(10) The appeal to the local board does not stay the decision of the local superintendent.

(11) The decision of the local board is final.

E. Review Procedures.

(1) With the input of the school principal, appropriate staff, the student, and the student’s parent or guardian, the local superintendent shall review the plan and the student's status and make adjustments as appropriate:

(a) Immediately upon notification from the State's Attorney of the disposition of the reportable offense; or

(b) Pending notification from the State's Attorney, at a minimum every 45 school days.

(2) If the student has an attorney, the local superintendent shall invite the student’s attorney to participate in any meeting with the student or the student’s parent or guardian to discuss the review of the plan.

(3) The student and the student’s parent or guardian shall be provided in writing with the local superintendent’s review decision.

(4) If the student or the student’s parent or guardian disagrees with the local superintendent’s review decision, the student or the student’s parent or guardian may appeal the decision consistent with §D(5)—(11) of this regulation.

F. Confidentiality of Information and Retention of Documents.

(1) Except by order of a juvenile court or other court upon good cause shown or as provided in §F(2) of this regulation, the reportable offense information is confidential and may not be redisclosed by subpoena or otherwise and may not be made part of the student's permanent educational record.

(2) If the disposition of the reportable offense was a conviction, an adjudication of delinquency, or the criminal charge or delinquency petition is still pending, a local superintendent or school principal may transmit the information obtained under this regulation as a confidential file to the local superintendent of another local school system or to another nonpublic school in the state in which the student has enrolled or has transferred, to carry out the purposes of this regulation.

(3) A local superintendent or school principal who transmits information about a student under §F(2) of this regulation shall include in the confidential transmittal information on any educational programming and related services provided to the student.

(4) Nothing in this regulation is intended to limit the manner in which a local school obtains information or uses information obtained by any lawful means.

(5) The reportable offense information obtained by a local superintendent, school principal, or school security officer shall be:

(a) Transmitted only to school personnel of the school in which the student is enrolled and as necessary to carry out the purposes set forth in this regulation; and

(b) Destroyed when the first of the following occurs:

(i) The student graduates;

(ii) The student otherwise permanently leaves school;

(iii) The student turns 22 years old;

(iv) The criminal case involving the reportable offense is dismissed;

(v) The student is found not guilty of the reportable offense; or

(vi) The student pleads to a lesser offense that is not a reportable offense.

G. Students with Disabilities.

(1) Appropriate educational programming and related services shall be provided to an identified student with disabilities in accordance with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and State special education law and regulations, including COMAR 13A.05.01.

(2) Removal of a student with a disability resulting in a change of placement under COMAR 13A.08.03.05 shall be conducted in conformance with the requirements of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, and State special education law and regulations, including requirements related to a manifestation determination.

(3) If the student has an attorney, the attorney shall be invited to attend any meeting to discuss the manifestation determination.

H. Reportable Offense Involving Rape or a Sexual Offense.

(1) Except as otherwise provided in §H(2) of this regulation, the local superintendent and the school principal shall consider prohibiting a student who is arrested for a reportable offense involving rape or a sexual offense from attending the same school or riding on the same school bus as the alleged victim of the reportable offense if such action is necessary or appropriate to protect the physical or psychological well-being of the alleged victim.

(2) If a student is arrested for a reportable offense involving rape or a sexual offense and is convicted of or adjudicated delinquent for the rape or sexual offense, the student may not attend the same school or ride on the same school bus as the victim.

(3) Consistent with Criminal Procedure Article, §11-722(e), Annotated Code of Maryland, a student who is required to register with the Maryland Sex Offender Registry may receive an education in accordance with State law in any of the following locations:

(a) A location other than a public or nonpublic elementary or secondary school, including by:

(i) Participating in the Home and Hospital Teaching Program for Students; or

(ii) Participating in or attending a program approved by a local board;

(b) A Regional Institute for Children and Adolescents; or

(c) A nonpublic educational program as provided by Education Article, §8-406, Annotated Code of Maryland, if:

(i) The registrant has notified an agent or employee of the nonpublic educational program that the registrant is required to register under this subtitle; and

(ii) The registrant has been given specific written permission by an agent or employee of the nonpublic educational program to attend the nonpublic educational program.

I. General Provisions.

(1) Each public school that enrolls students in grades six through 12 in the State shall designate at least one school security officer.

(2) A fee may not be charged to the student or parent or guardian for the alternative educational programming or related services that are developed for the student.

J. Data Collection. Each year the local school system shall provide to the Department the following information for each reportable offense for which the local school received information under this regulation:

(1) The nature of the reportable offense;

(2) Verification that the offense occurred off school premises;

(3) Action taken by the local school and local board after being notified of the reportable offense;

(4) The race, ethnicity, gender, and disability status of the student arrested for the reportable offense;

(5) The grade of the student arrested for the reportable offense;

(6) The regular school program of the student arrested for the reportable offense;

(7) Whether the student’s regular school program was altered as a result of the reportable offense;

(8) If the student was removed from the student’s regular school program as a result of the reportable offense:

(a) The amount of time during which the student was removed; and

(b) The student’s placement and educational programming during the period of removal; and

(9) If removed from the student’s regular school program, the student’s academic performance during the time period the student was removed, including attendance, grades, and standardized test scores, and any additional disciplinary actions.

State Superintendent of Schools


Notice of Proposed Action


The State Board of Education proposes to:

(1) Amend Regulation .02 under COMAR 13A.15.01 Scope and Definitions;

(2) Amend Regulation .03 under COMAR 13A.15.05 Home Environment and Equipment;

(3) Amend Regulation .02 under COMAR 13A.15.10 Child Safety;

(4) Amend Regulations .04 and .05 and repeal Regulation .06 under COMAR 13A.15.11 Health;

(5) Amend Regulation .02 under COMAR 13A.16.01 Scope and Definitions;

(6) Amend Regulation .11 under COMAR 13A.16.05 Physical Plant and Equipment;

(7) Amend Regulation .04 under COMAR 13A.16.10 Safety;

(8) Amend Regulations .04 and .05 and repeal Regulation .06 under COMAR 13A.16.11 Health;

(9) Amend Regulation .02 under COMAR 13A.17.01 Scope and Definitions;

(10) Amend Regulation .11 under COMAR 13A.17.05 Physical Plant and Equipment;

(11) Amend Regulation .04 under COMAR 13A.17.10 Safety;

(12) Amend Regulations .04 and .05 and repeal Regulation .06 under COMAR 13A.17.11 Health;

(13) Amend Regulations .02 under COMAR 13A.18.01 Scope and Definitions;

(14) Amend Regulation .11 under COMAR 13A.18.05 Home Environment and Equipment;

(15) Amend Regulation .04 under COMAR 13A.18.10 Safety; and

(16) Amend Regulations .04 and .05 and repeal Regulation .06 under COMAR 13A.18.11 Health.

This action was considered by the State Board of Education at their June 27, 2023, meeting.

Statement of Purpose

The purpose of this action is to amend regulations to: (1) prevent inappropriate exposure to or ingestion of cannabis; and (2) specify that biocontaminants and biohazards shall be disposed of in a clean and sanitary manner, consistent with this proposal’s purpose to prevent children from being exposed to hazardous items.

Estimate of Economic Impact

The proposed action has no economic impact.

Economic Impact on Small Businesses

The proposed action has minimal or no economic impact on small businesses.

Impact on Individuals with Disabilities

The proposed action has no impact on individuals with disabilities.

Opportunity for Public Comment

Comments may be sent to Keisha Maxwell, Administrator of Policy and Special Projects, Division of Early Childhood, Maryland State Department of Education, 200 West Baltimore Street, Baltimore, MD 21201, or call 410-767-7852, or email to Comments will be accepted through November 6, 2023. A public hearing has not been scheduled.

Open Meeting

Final action on the proposal will be considered by the State Board of Education during a public meeting to be held on December 5, 2023 at 9 a.m., at 200 West Baltimore Street, Baltimore, MD 21201.



13A.15.01 Scope and Definitions

Authority: Education Article, §§9.5-301—9.5-308, 9.5-310—9.5-312,
9.5-320, 9.5-321 and 9.5-414; Family Law Article, §§5-550—5-558; General Provisions Article, §4-333; Human Services Article, §1-202; Annotated Code of Maryland
Agency Note: Federal Statutory Reference — Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. §12101 et seq.); Pro-Children Act of 1994 (20 U.S.C. §6081 et seq.); Child Care Development Block Grant (45 CFR Parts 98 and 99 and 42 U.S.C. 9858 et seq.); Social Security Act §418 (42 U.S.C. 618)

.02 Definitions.

A. (text unchanged)

B. Terms Defined.

(1)—(7) (text unchanged)

(7-1) Cannabis.

(a) “Cannabis” means the plant cannabis sativa L. and any part of the plant, including:

(i) All derivatives;

(ii) Extracts;

(iii) Cannabinoids;

(iv) Isomers;

(v) Acids;

(vi) Salts; and

(vii) Salts of isomers, whether growing or not, with a delta–9–tetrahydrocannabinol concentration greater than 0.3 percent on a dry weight basis.

(b) “Cannabis” includes any product that is composed of cannabis, cannabis concentrate, or cannabis extract including but not limited to cannabis vaporizing devices, concentrated cannabis products, edible cannabis products, and any usable cannabis products.

(c) “Cannabis” does not include hemp or hemp products, as defined in Agriculture Article, §14-101, Annotated Code of Maryland.

(8)—(35) (text unchanged)

(35-1) “Vaping” means using a device that can deliver aerosolized or vaporized products, including but not limited to nicotine and cannabis, to an individual inhaling from the device.

(36) (text unchanged)


13A.15.05 Home Environment and Equipment

Authority: Education Article, §§9.5-301—9.5-308, 9.5-310—9.5-312,
9.5-320, and 9.5-321; General Provisions Article, §4-333; Human Services Article, §1-202; Annotated Code of Maryland
Agency Note: Federal Statutory Reference — Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. §12101 et seq.); Pro-Children Act of 1994 (20 U.S.C. §6081 et seq.); Child Care Development Block Grant (45 CFR Parts 98 and 99 and 42 U.S.C. 9858 et seq.); Social Security Act §418 (42 U.S.C. 618)

.03 Cleanliness and Sanitation.

A.—F. (text unchanged)

G. Biocontaminants and biohazards shall be disposed of in a clean and sanitary manner.


13A.15.10 Child Safety

Authority: Education Article, §§9.5-301—9.5-308, 9.5-310—9.5-312,
9.5-320, and 9.5-321; General Provisions Article, §4-333; Human Services Article, §1-202; Annotated Code of Maryland
Agency Note: Federal Statutory Reference — Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. §12101 et seq.); Pro-Children Act of 1994 (20 U.S.C. §6081 et seq.); Child Care Development Block Grant (45 CFR Parts 98 and 99 and 42 U.S.C. 9858 et seq.); Social Security Act §418 (42 U.S.C. 618)

.02 Potentially Hazardous Items.

The provider shall properly store, and keep inaccessible to the children in care, all potentially harmful items, including, but not limited to, knives, sharp tools, firearms, matches, [alcoholic beverages,] alcohol, tobacco, cannabis, cannabis edibles, and smoking and vaping paraphernalia and byproducts, petroleum, flammable products, cleaning agents, and poisonous products.


13A.15.11 Health

Authority: Education Article, §§9.5-301—9.5-308, 9.5-310—9.5-312,
9.5-320, and 9.5-321; General Provisions Article, §4-333; Human Services Article, §1-202; Annotated Code of Maryland
Agency Note: Federal Statutory Reference — Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. §12101 et seq.); Pro-Children Act of 1994 (20 U.S.C. §6081 et seq.); Child Care Development Block Grant (45 CFR Parts 98 and 99 and 42 U.S.C. 9858 et seq.); Social Security Act §418 (42 U.S.C. 618)

.04 Medication Administration and Storage.

A.—G. (text unchanged).

H. Medical Cannabis.

(1) The administration of medical cannabis by a caregiver to a child who is a qualifying medical cannabis patient is governed by COMAR 10.62.01—10.62.37.

(2) The administration of medical cannabis that includes smoking or vaping is prohibited.

.05 [Smoking.] Alcohol, Tobacco, Cannabis, and Other Drugs.

A. If a resident of the family child care home smokes [cigarettes, cigars, or pipes] or vapes any substance, including but not limited to tobacco or cannabis, the provider shall make this known in advance to parents who are considering placing their children in the provider's care.

[B. smoking Restrictions.

(1) A provider and any other individual who has child care responsibilities may not smoke in the immediate presence of a child in care.

(2) During the family child care home's approved hours of operation, if an enrolled child is or will be on the premises, the provider may not smoke or permit smoking anywhere inside the home.

C. The provider or substitute shall ensure that all cigarettes, cigars, pipes, ashes, and butts are kept out of the reach of the children in care.]

B. A resident may not consume alcohol during the family child care home’s approved hours of operation.

C. A provider and any other individual may not consume alcohol during the family child care home’s approved hours of operation.

D. During the family child care home's hours of operation, if an enrolled child is or will be on the premises, the provider or any other individual may not smoke or vape or permit smoking or vaping anywhere inside the home or any outdoor area approved for child care use.

E. A provider and any other individual may not consume or be under the influence of alcohol, cannabis, or an illegal or nonprescribed controlled dangerous substance while:

(1) Present at the family child care home during the home’s hours of operation; or

(2) Providing or assisting with the care of children on or away from the premises of the family child care home or during transport.

F. A provider and any other individual shall ensure that all alcohol, tobacco, cannabis, cannabis edibles, and smoking and vaping paraphernalia and byproducts are kept out of the reach of the children in care.



13A.16.01 Scope and Definitions

Authority: Education Article, §§9.5-401, 9.5-404—9.5-411, and 9.5-413—9.5-418; Family Law Article, §§5-550—5-558; General Provisions Article, §4-333; Human Services Article, §1-202; Annotated Code of Maryland
Agency Note: Federal Statutory Reference — Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. §12101 et seq.); Pro-Children Act of 1994 (20 U.S.C. §6081 et seq.); Child Care Development Block Grant (45 CFR Parts 98 and 99 and 42 U.S.C. 9858 et seq.); Social Security Act §418 (42 U.S.C. 618)

.02 Definitions.

A. In this [chapter] subtitle, the following terms have the meanings indicated.

B. Terms Defined.

(1)—(11) (text unchanged)

(11-1) Cannabis.

(a) “Cannabis” means the plant cannabis sativa L. and any part of the plant, including:

(i) All derivatives;

(ii) Extracts;

(iii) Cannabinoids;

(iv) Isomers;

(v) Acids;

(vi) Salts; and

(vii) Salts of isomers, whether growing or not, with a delta–9–tetrahydrocannabinol concentration greater than 0.3 percent on a dry weight basis.

(b) “Cannabis” includes any product that is composed of cannabis, cannabis concentrate, or cannabis extract, including but not limited to cannabis vaporizing devices, concentrated cannabis products, edible cannabis products, and any usable cannabis products.

(c) “Cannabis” does not include hemp or hemp products, as defined in Agriculture Article, §14-101, Annotated Code of Maryland.

(12)—(59) (text unchanged)

(59-1) “Vaping” means using a device that can deliver aerosolized or vaporized products, including but not limited to nicotine and cannabis, to an individual inhaling from the device.

(60) (text unchanged)

13A.16.05 Physical Plant and Equipment

Authority: Education Article, §§9.5-401, 9.5-404—9.5-411, and 9.5-413—9.5-418; General Provisions Article, §4-333; Human Services Article, §1-202; Annotated Code of Maryland
Agency Note: Federal Statutory Reference — Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. §12101 et seq.); Pro-Children Act of 1994 (20 U.S.C. §6081 et seq.); Child Care Development Block Grant (45 CFR Parts 98 and 99 and 42 U.S.C. 9858 et seq.); Social Security Act §418 (42 U.S.C. 618)

.11 General Cleanliness and Disposal of Refuse.

A.—C. (text unchanged)

D. Disposal of Refuse.

(1)—(4) (text unchanged)

(5) Biocontaminants and biohazards shall be disposed of in a clean and sanitary manner.


13A.16.10 Safety

Authority: Education Article, §§9.5-401, 9.5-404—9.5-411, and 9.5-413—9.5-418; General Provisions Article, §4-333; Human Services Article, §1-202; Annotated Code of Maryland
Agency Note: Federal Statutory Reference — Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. §12101 et seq.); Pro-Children Act of 1994 (20 U.S.C. §6081 et seq.); Child Care Development Block Grant (45 CFR Parts 98 and 99 and 42 U.S.C. 9858 et seq.); Social Security Act §418 (42 U.S.C. 618)

.04 Potentially Hazardous Items.

A. An operator shall store all potentially harmful items, including but not limited to the items described in §§B—[E] F of this regulation, in locations which are inaccessible to children in care.

B.—E. (text unchanged)

F. Alcohol, tobacco, cannabis, cannabis edibles, and smoking and vaping paraphernalia and byproducts shall be stored in an approved manner.

[F.] G.[I.] J. (text unchanged)


13A.16.11 Health

Authority: Education Article, §§9.5-401, 9.5-404—9.5-411, and 9.5-413—9.5-418; General Provisions Article, §4-333; Human Services Article, §1-202; Annotated Code of Maryland
Agency Note: Federal Statutory Reference — Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. §12101 et seq.); Pro-Children Act of 1994 (20 U.S.C. §6081 et seq.); Child Care Development Block Grant (45 CFR Parts 98 and 99 and 42 U.S.C. 9858 et seq.); Social Security Act §418 (42 U.S.C. 618)

.04 Medication Administration and Storage.

A.—H. (text unchanged)

I. Medical Cannabis.

(1) The administration of medical cannabis by a caregiver to a child who is a qualifying medical cannabis patient is governed by COMAR 10.62.01—10.62.37.

(2) The administration of medical cannabis that includes smoking or vaping is prohibited.

.05 [Smoking] Alcohol, Tobacco, Cannabis, and Other Drugs.

[A. Except as specified in §B of this regulation, smoking is prohibited:

(1) At all times in any indoor area of a child care center; and

(2) During the center's hours of operation, in any outdoor area of the center which is approved for child care use.

B. In a small center located in a private residence, smoking is prohibited during the center's hours of operation in any indoor or outdoor area approved for child care use.]

A. If a resident smokes or vapes any substance, including but not limited to tobacco or cannabis, the provider shall make this known in advance to parents who are considering placing their children in the center’s care.

B. A resident may not consume alcohol during the center’s approved hours of operation.

C. A provider and any other individual may not consume alcohol during the center’s approved hours of operation.

D. During the center’s hours of operation, if an enrolled child is or will be on the premises, the provider or any other individual may not smoke or vape or permit smoking or vaping in any indoor or outdoor area approved for child care use.

E. A provider and any other individual may not consume or be under the influence of alcohol, cannabis, or an illegal or nonprescribed controlled dangerous substance while:

(1) Present at the child care center during the center’s hours of operation; or

(2) Providing or assisting with the care of children during an off-site program activity or during transport.

F. A provider and any other individual shall ensure that all alcohol, tobacco, cannabis, cannabis edibles, and smoking and vaping paraphernalia and byproducts are kept out of the reach of the children in care.



13A.17.01 Scope and Definitions

Authority: Education Article, §§9.5-401, 9.5-404, 9.5-405, 9.5-409, [905-411] 9.5-411, and 9.5-413—9.5-418; Family Law Article, §§5-550—5-558; General Provisions Article, §4-333; Human Services Article, §1-202; Annotated Code of Maryland
Agency Note: Federal Statutory Reference — Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. §12101 et seq.); Pro-Children Act of 1994 (20 U.S.C. §6081 et seq.); Child Care Development Block Grant (45 CFR Parts 98 and 99 and 42 U.S.C. 9858 et seq.); Social Security Act §418 (42 U.S.C. 618)

.02 Definitions.

A. (text unchanged).

B. Terms Defined.

(1)—(6) (text unchanged)

(6-1) Cannabis.

(a) “Cannabis” means the plant cannabis sativa L. and any part of the plant, including:

(i) All derivatives;

(ii) Extracts;

(iii) Cannabinoids;

(iv) Isomers;

(v) Acids;

(vi) Salts; and

(vii) Salts of isomers, whether growing or not, with a delta–9–tetrahydrocannabinol concentration greater than 0.3 percent on a dry weight basis.

(b) “Cannabis” includes any product that is composed of cannabis, cannabis concentrate, or cannabis extract, including but not limited to cannabis vaporizing devices, concentrated cannabis products, edible cannabis products, and any usable cannabis products.

(c) “Cannabis” does not include hemp or hemp products, as defined in Agriculture Article, §14-101, Annotated Code of Maryland.

(7)—(45) (text unchanged)

(45-1) “Vaping” means using a device that can deliver aerosolized or vaporized products, including but not limited to nicotine and cannabis, to an individual inhaling from the device.

(46) (text unchanged)


13A.17.05 Physical Plant and Equipment

Authority: Education Article, §§9.5-401, 9.5-404, 9.5-405, 9.5-409, [905-411] 9.5-411, and 9.5-413—9.5-418; General Provisions Article, §4-333; Human Services Article, §1-202; Annotated Code of Maryland
Agency Note: Federal Statutory Reference — Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. §12101 et seq.); Pro-Children Act of 1994 (20 U.S.C. §6081 et seq.); Child Care Development Block Grant (45 CFR Parts 98 and 99 and 42 U.S.C. 9858 et seq.); Social Security Act §418 (42 U.S.C. 618)

.11 General Cleanliness and Disposal of Refuse.

A.—B. (text unchanged)

C. Disposal of Refuse.

(1)—(3) (text unchanged)

(4) Biocontaminants and biohazards shall be disposed of in a clean and sanitary manner.


13A.17.10 Safety

Authority: Education Article, §§9.5-401, 9.5-404, 9.5-405, 9.5-409, [905-411] 9.5-411, and 9.5-413—9.5-418; General Provisions Article, §4-333; Human Services Article, §1-202; Annotated Code of Maryland
Agency Note: Federal Statutory Reference — Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. §12101 et seq.); Pro-Children Act of 1994 (20 U.S.C. §6081 et seq.); Child Care Development Block Grant (45 CFR Parts 98 and 99 and 42 U.S.C. 9858 et seq.); Social Security Act §418 (42 U.S.C. 618)

.04 Potentially Hazardous Items.

A. An operator shall store all potentially harmful items, including but not limited to the items described in §§B—[E] F of this regulation, in locations which are inaccessible to children in care.

B.—E. (text unchanged)

F. Alcohol, tobacco, cannabis, cannabis edibles, and smoking and vaping paraphernalia and byproducts shall be stored in an approved manner.

[F.] G.[I.] J. (text unchanged)


13A.17.11 Health

Authority: Education Article, §§9.5-401, 9.5-404, 9.5-405, 9.5-409, [905-411] 9.5-411, and 9.5-413—9.5-418; General Provisions Article, §4-333; Human Services Article, §1-202; Annotated Code of Maryland
Agency Note: Federal Statutory Reference — Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. §12101 et seq.); Pro-Children Act of 1994 (20 U.S.C. §6081 et seq.); Child Care Development Block Grant (45 CFR Parts 98 and 99 and 42 U.S.C. 9858 et seq.); Social Security Act §418 (42 U.S.C. 618)

.04 Medication Administration and Storage.

A.—H. (text unchanged)

I. Medical Cannabis.

(1) The administration of medical cannabis by a caregiver to a child who is a qualifying medical cannabis patient is governed by COMAR 10.62.01—10.62.37.

(2) The administration of medical cannabis that includes smoking or vaping is prohibited.

.05 [Smoking] Alcohol, Tobacco, Cannabis, and Other Drugs.

[Smoking or is prohibited:

A. At all times in any indoor area of the child care facility; and

B. During the facility's hours of operation, in any outdoor area of the facility which is approved for child care use.]

A. If a resident smokes or vapes any substance, including but not limited to tobacco or cannabis, the provider shall make this known in advance to parents who are considering placing their children in the facility’s care.

B. A resident may not consume alcohol during the facility’s approved hours of operation.

C. A provider and any other individual may not consume alcohol during the facility’s approved hours of operation.

D. During the facility’s hours of operation, if an enrolled child is or will be on the premises, the provider or any other individual may not smoke or vape or permit smoking or vaping in any indoor or outdoor area approved for child care use.

E. A provider and any other individual may not consume or be under the influence of alcohol, cannabis, or an illegal or nonprescribed controlled dangerous substance while:

(1) Present at the facility during the facility’s hours of operation; or

(2) Providing or assisting with the care of children during an off-site program activity or during transport.

F. The provider and any other individual shall ensure that all alcohol, tobacco, cannabis, cannabis edibles, and smoking and vaping paraphernalia and byproducts are kept out of the reach of the children in care.



13A.18.01 Scope and Definitions

Authority: Education Article, §§9.5-301—9.5-308, 9.5-310—9.5-312,
9.5-320, 9.5-321 and 9.5-414; Family Law Article §§5-550—5-558; General Provisions Article, §4-333; Human Services Article, §1-202; Annotated Code of Maryland
Agency Note: Federal Statutory Reference — Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. §12101 et seq.); Pro-Children Act of 1994 (20 U.S.C. §6081 et seq.); Child Care Development Block Grant (45 CFR Parts 98 and 99 and 42 U.S.C. 9858 et seq.); Social Security Act §418 (42 U.S.C. 618)

.02 Definitions.

A. In this [chapter] subtitle, the following terms have the meanings indicated.

B. Terms Defined.

(1)—(7) (text unchanged)

(7-1) Cannabis.

(a) “Cannabis” means the plant cannabis sativa L. and any part of the plant, including:

(i) All derivatives;

(ii) Extracts;

(iii) Cannabinoids;

(iv) Isomers;

(v) Acids;

(vi) Salts; and

(vii) Salts of isomers, whether growing or not, with a delta–9–tetrahydrocannabinol concentration greater than 0.3 percent on a dry weight basis.

(b) “Cannabis” includes any product that is composed of cannabis, cannabis concentrate, or cannabis extract, including but not limited to cannabis vaporizing devices, concentrated cannabis products, edible cannabis products, and any usable cannabis products.

(c) “Cannabis” does not include hemp or hemp products, as defined in Agriculture Article, §14-101, Annotated Code of Maryland.

(8)—(48) (text unchanged)

(48-1) “Vaping” means using a device that can deliver aerosolized or vaporized products, including but not limited to nicotine and cannabis, to an individual inhaling from the device.

(49) (text unchanged)


13A.18.05 Home Environment and Equipment

Authority: Education Article, §§9.5-301—9.5-308, 9.5-310—9.5-312,
9.5-320, and 9.5-321; General Provisions Article, §4-333; Human Services Article, §1-202; Annotated Code of Maryland
Agency Note: Federal Statutory Reference — Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. §12101 et seq.); Pro-Children Act of 1994 (20 U.S.C. §6081 et seq.); Child Care Development Block Grant (45 CFR Parts 98 and 99 and 42 U.S.C. 9858 et seq.); Social Security Act §418 (42 U.S.C. 618)

.11 Cleanliness and Sanitation.

A.—B. (text unchanged)

C. Disposal of Refuse.

(1)—(4) (text unchanged)

(5) Biocontaminants and biohazards shall be disposed of in a clean and sanitary manner.


13A.18.10 Safety

Authority: Education Article, §§9.5-301—9.5-308, 9.5-310—9.5-312,
9.5-320, and 9.5-321; General Provisions Article, §4-333; Human Services Article, §1-202; Annotated Code of Maryland
Agency Note: Federal Statutory Reference — Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. §12101 et seq.); Pro-Children Act of 1994 (20 U.S.C. §6081 et seq.); Child Care Development Block Grant (45 CFR Parts 98 and 99 and 42 U.S.C. 9858 et seq.); Social Security Act §418 (42 U.S.C. 618)

.04 Potentially Hazardous Items.

A. A provider shall store all potentially harmful items, including but not limited to the items described in §§B—[E] F of this regulation, in locations which are inaccessible to children in care.

B.—E. (text unchanged)

F. Alcohol, tobacco, cannabis, cannabis edibles, and smoking and vaping paraphernalia and byproducts shall be stored in an approved manner.

[F.] G.[H.] I. (text unchanged)


13A.18.11 Health

Authority: Education Article, §§9.5-301—9.5-308, 9.5-310—9.5-312,
9.5-320, and 9.5-321; General Provisions Article, §4-333; Human Services Article, §1-202; Annotated Code of Maryland
Agency Note: Federal Statutory Reference — Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. §12101 et seq.); Pro-Children Act of 1994 (20 U.S.C. §6081 et seq.); Child Care Development Block Grant (45 CFR Parts 98 and 99 and 42 U.S.C. 9858 et seq.); Social Security Act §418 (42 U.S.C. 618)

.04 Medication Administration and Storage.

A.—H. (text unchanged).

I. Medical Cannabis.

(1) The administration of medical cannabis by a caregiver to a child who is a qualifying medical cannabis patient is governed by COMAR 10.62.01—10.62.37.

(2) The administration of medical cannabis that includes smoking or vaping is prohibited.

.05 [Smoking] Alcohol, Tobacco, Cannabis, and Other Drugs.

[Smoking is prohibited in any indoor or outdoor area approved for child care use during the child care home's hours of operation].

A. If a resident smokes or vapes any substance, including but not limited to tobacco or cannabis, the provider shall make this known in advance to parents who are considering placing their children in the large family child care home’s care.

B. A resident may not consume alcohol during the large family child care home’s approved hours of operation.

C. A provider and any other individual may not consume alcohol during the large family child care home’s approved hours of operation.

D. During the large family child care home’s hours of operation, if an enrolled child is or will be on the premises, the provider or any other individual may not smoke or vape or permit smoking or vaping in any indoor or outdoor area approved for child care use.

E. A provider and any other individual may not consume or be under the influence of alcohol, cannabis, or an illegal or nonprescribed controlled dangerous substance while:

(1) Present at the large family child care home during the home’s hours of operation; or

(2) Providing or assisting with the care of children during an off-site program activity or during transport.

F. The provider and any other individual shall ensure that all alcohol, tobacco, cannabis, cannabis edibles, and smoking and vaping paraphernalia and byproducts are kept out of the reach of the children in care.

State Superintendent of Schools


Notice of Proposed Action


The State Board of Education proposes to:

(1) Adopt new Regulation .04-1 under COMAR 13A.15.13 Inspections, Complaints, and Enforcement;

(2) Amend Regulations .01 and .02 under COMAR 13A.15.14 Administrative Hearings;

(3) Adopt new Regulation .04-1 under COMAR 13A.16.17 Inspections, Complaints, and Enforcement;

(4) Amend Regulations .01 and .02 under COMAR 13A.16.18 Administrative Hearings;

(5) Adopt new Regulation .04-1 under COMAR 13A.17.15 Inspections, Complaints, and Enforcement;

(6) Amend Regulations .01 and .02 under COMAR 13A.17.16 Administrative Hearings;

(7) Adopt new Regulation .04-1 under COMAR 13A.18.14 Inspections, Complaints, and Enforcement; and

(8) Amend Regulations .01 and .02 under COMAR 13A.18.15 Administrative Hearings.

This action was considered by the State Board of Education at their May 23, 2023, meeting.

Statement of Purpose

The purpose of this action is to authorize the Maryland State Department of Education, Office of Child Care (OCC), to issue intermediate sanctions on an emergency basis upon determining that a child care provider has violated child care regulations and that action is necessary to protect the health, safety, or welfare of children in care. The emergency intermediate sanctions that will be available to the OCC include restricting the ages of children in care; reducing the number of children in care; limiting the spaces, rooms, or areas that may be used for child care; prohibiting an employee, staff member, substitute, or volunteer who has successfully passed all required background checks from being alone with a child or group of children pending an open child protective services or criminal investigation; requiring the provider or staff to participate in training; and increasing the frequency of monitoring. Since emergency intermediate sanctions will go into effect immediately upon issuance, providers will be notified in writing and given appeal rights, including the right to an expedited hearing before the Office of Administrative Hearings. This action will allow the OCC to take immediate action, as appropriate, without necessarily suspending a child care program in its entirety, which is the only option available on an emergency basis under current regulations.

Estimate of Economic Impact

I. Summary of Economic Impact. While the emergency suspension of a child care program negatively impacts revenue for the program, the proposed action could lessen that impact if an intermediate sanction such as the closing of a room or limiting capacity is imposed instead. Under current regulation, a suspension is the only option available when emergency action is necessary. When programs are closed during the period of suspension, it may result in families seeking care elsewhere and potentially not returning. In addition, depending on the contract between the program and the families served, some programs are required to refund families a portion of tuition fees already paid. The proposed action will benefit child care programs because they may lose fewer families if care can continue in rooms that are not affected by the emergency situation and they may only need to refund tuition for the room or children impacted, rather than the entire program. The proposed action will not have an impact on the OCC because the agency will be able to implement the regulations using existing resources.

II. Types of Economic Impact.

Impacted Entity

Revenue (R+/R-)

Expenditure (E+/E-)


A. On issuing agency:



B. On other State agencies:



C. On local governments:







Benefit (+)

Cost (-)


D. On regulated industries or trade groups:



Child care centers



E. On other industries or trade groups:



F. Direct and indirect effects on public:



Child care centers



III. Assumptions. (Identified by Impact Letter and Number from Section II.)

D. Family Child Care Homes, Child Care Centers, Letters of Compliance (LOC), and Large Family Child Care Homes may sustain less of an economic impact from the proposed action because, instead of suspending an entire program, the Office of Child Care will have the option to only close a room/portion of the program, as appropriate. As a result, the program’s loss of revenue will be limited to the room/families involved.

F. The proposed action will decrease the impact on families served at family child care homes, child care centers, letters of compliance, and large family child care homes where the Office of Child Care has identified noncompliance. Currently, when a program is suspended as a result of an emergency, all the families served are displaced until further notice, even if the health and safety concern might be able to be limited to particular rooms or staff. As a result, families have to seek care elsewhere, which consists of paying new and potentially increased enrollment and tuition fees, taking unscheduled leave from work due to a lack of child care options, uprooting a child from a familiar setting to an unknown location, and the inconvenience of getting mandated forms submitted and changing pick-up and drop-off routines. These inconveniences usually result in some families remaining at the new location.

Economic Impact on Small Businesses

The proposed action has a meaningful economic impact on small businesses. An analysis of this economic impact follows:

The proposed action will allow child care programs that are small businesses, based on their size or capacity, to remain open in those instances where noncompliance requires emergency action, but the OCC has determined that the cause for concern can be reasonably contained and addressed with a lesser sanction than suspension. Smaller programs often do not have the same financial resources as a lot of the larger programs, resulting in them exhausting reserve funds, if any, to bounce back after a period of suspension. This leads to a decrease in the number of smaller programs, which are often the child care program families prefer. The proposed action will decrease the economic strain on these programs.

Impact on Individuals with Disabilities

The proposed action has no impact on individuals with disabilities.

Opportunity for Public Comment

Comments may be sent to Keisha Maxwell, Administrator of Policy and Special Projects, Division of Early Childhood, Maryland State Department of Education, 200 West Baltimore Street, Baltimore, MD 21201, or call 410-767-7852, or email to Comments will be accepted through November 6, 2023. A public hearing has not been scheduled.

Open Meeting

Final action on the proposal will be considered by the State Board of Education during a public meeting to be held on December 5, 2023, at 9 a.m., at 200 West Baltimore Street, Baltimore, MD 21201.



13A.15.13 Inspections, Complaints, and Enforcement

Authority: Education Article, §§9.5-301—9.5-308, 9.5-310—9.5-312,
9.5-320, and 9.5-321; General Provisions Article, §4-333; Human Services Article, §1-202, Annotated Code of Maryland
Agency Note: Federal Statutory Reference – Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. §12101 et seq.); Pro-Children Act of 1994 (20 U.S.C. §6081 et seq.); Child Care Development Block Grant (45 CFR Parts 98 and 99 and 42 U.S.C. 9858 et seq.); Social Security Act §418 (42 U.S.C. 618)

.04-1 Emergency Intermediate Sanctions.

A. Upon determining that a provider has violated the regulations in this subtitle and that action is required to protect the health, safety, or welfare of children in care, the Office may:

(1) Restrict the ages of children in care;

(2) Reduce the number of children in care;

(3) Limit the spaces, rooms, or areas that may be used for child care;

(4) Prohibit an employee, staff member, substitute, or volunteer who has successfully passed all checks under COMAR 13A.15.02.02 or .03 from being alone with a child or group of children pending an open child protective services or criminal investigation;

(5) Require the provider or staff to participate in training in a specified content area;

(6) Increase the frequency of monitoring of the home during a specified period of time;

(7) Enter into an agreement with the provider detailing requirements for remedying violations and achieving compliance; and

(8) Notify, or require the provider to notify, a parent of a child who may be affected by the situation for which an emergency intermediate sanction has been imposed.

B. The Office shall hand deliver written notice of the emergency intermediate sanction to the provider stating:

(1) The regulatory basis for the sanction;

(2) That the provider shall immediately implement the sanction;

(3) That the provider is entitled to a hearing before the Office of Administrative Hearings within 7 calendar days of the provider’s request for a hearing;

(4) That the Office of Administrative Hearings shall issue a decision concerning the sanction within 7 calendar days of the hearing;

(5) That if the sanction is upheld, implementation of the sanction at the child care home shall continue until it is determined that the health, safety, or welfare of children in the home is no longer threatened;

(6) That the sanction may lead to suspension or revocation of the provider’s registration, if the Office determines that a provider has violated a condition or requirement of the sanction; and

(7) That the provider may continue to provide child care, except as limited by the sanction.

C. If unable to hand deliver a written notice to the provider, the Office may send notice by regular and certified mail or by electronic mail, read receipt requested, to the provider’s address on file.


13A.15.14 Administrative Hearings

Authority: Education Article, §§9.5-301—9.5-308, 9.5-310—9.5-312, 9.5-320, and 9.5-321; General Provisions Article, §4-333; Human Services Article, §1-202, Annotated Code of Maryland
Agency Note: Federal Statutory Reference – Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. §12101 et seq.); Pro-Children Act of 1994 (20 U.S.C. §6081 et seq.); Child Care Development Block Grant (45 CFR Parts 98 and 99 and 42 U.S.C. 9858 et seq.); Social Security Act §418 (42 U.S.C. 618)

.01 Scope.

A. This chapter applies to hearings concerning actions taken by the Office of Child Care which adversely impact family child care registrations, such as registration denials, revocations, and suspensions, reductions in capacity, limitations on the ages or numbers of children who may be admitted to a family child care home, limitations on the spaces, rooms, or areas that may be used for child care, restrictions on which individuals can be alone with children in care pending open child protective services or criminal investigations, and the imposition of civil penalties for providing or advertising unregistered family child care services without a valid family child care certificate of registration.

B. (text unchanged)

.02 Definitions.

A. (text unchanged)

B. Terms Defined.

(1)—(6) (text unchanged)

(7) Emergency Action.

(a) (text unchanged)

(b) “Emergency action” may include an emergency suspension, an immediate reduction in capacity, [and] an immediate limitation on the ages or numbers of children who may be admitted to care, an immediate limitation on the spaces, rooms, or areas that may be used for child care, or an immediate restriction on which individuals can be alone with children in care.

(8)—(15) (text unchanged)



13A.16.17 Inspections, Complaints, and Enforcement

Authority: Education Article, §§9.5-401, 9.5-404—9.5-411, and 9.5-413—9.5-418; General Provisions Article, §4-333; Human Services Article, §1-202, Annotated Code of Maryland
Agency Note: Federal Statutory Reference – Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. §12101 et seq.); Pro-Children Act of 1994 (20 U.S.C. §6081 et seq.); Child Care Development Block Grant (45 CFR Parts 98 and 99 and 42 U.S.C. 9858 et seq.); Social Security Act §418 (42 U.S.C. 618)

.04-1 Emergency Intermediate Sanctions.

A. Upon determining that an operator has violated the regulations in this subtitle and that action is required to protect the health, safety, or welfare of children in care, the Office may:

(1) Restrict the ages of children in care;

(2) Reduce the number of children in care;

(3) Limit the spaces, rooms, or areas that may be used for child care;

(4) Prohibit an employee, staff member, substitute, or volunteer who has successfully passed all checks under COMAR 13A.16.02.01I from being alone with a child or group of children pending an open child protective services or criminal investigation;

(5) Require the operator or center staff to participate in training in a specified content area;

(6) Increase the frequency of monitoring of the center during a specified period of time;

(7) Enter into an agreement with the operator detailing requirements for remedying violations and achieving compliance; and

(8) Notify, or require the operator to notify, a parent of a child who may be affected by the situation for which an emergency intermediate sanction has been imposed.

B. The Office shall hand deliver written notice of the emergency intermediate sanction to the operator stating:

(1) The regulatory basis for the sanction;

(2) That the operator shall immediately implement the sanction;

(3) That the operator is entitled to a hearing before the Office of Administrative Hearings within 7 calendar days of the operator's request for a hearing;

(4) That the Office of Administrative Hearings shall issue a decision concerning the sanction within 7 calendar days of the hearing;

(5) That if the sanction is upheld, implementation of the sanction at the child care center shall continue until it is determined that the health, safety, or welfare of children in the facility is no longer threatened;

(6) That the sanction may lead to suspension or revocation of the operator’s license, if the Office determines that an operator has violated a condition or requirement of the sanction; and

(7) That the operator may continue to provide child care, except as limited by the sanction.

C. If unable to hand deliver a written notice to the operator, the Office may send notice by regular and certified mail or by electronic mail, read receipt requested, to the operator’s address on file.


13A.16.18 Administrative Hearings

Authority: Education Article, §§9.5-401, 9.5-404—9.5-411, and 9.5-413—9.5-418; General Provisions Article, §4-333; Human Services Article, §1-202, Annotated Code of Maryland Agency Note: Federal Statutory Reference – Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. §12101 et seq.); Pro-Children Act of 1994 (20 U.S.C. §6081 et seq.); Child Care Development Block Grant (45 CFR Parts 98 and 99 and 42 U.S.C. 9858 et seq.); Social Security Act §418 (42 U.S.C. 618)

.01 Scope.

A. This chapter applies to hearings concerning actions taken by the Office of Child Care which adversely impact child care center licenses and letters of compliance. These actions include denials, suspensions, or revocations of licenses or letters of compliance, reductions in capacity, limitations on the ages or numbers of children who may be admitted to the child care center, limitations on the spaces, rooms, or areas that may be used for child care, restrictions on which individuals can be alone with children in care pending open child protective services or criminal investigations, the imposition of civil penalties for providing or advertising unlicensed child care services without a valid child care license, and employment exclusions pursuant to COMAR 13A.16.06.03A or B.

B. (text unchanged)

.02 Definitions.

A. (text unchanged)

B. Terms Defined.

(1)—(6) (text unchanged)

(7) Emergency Action.

(a) (text unchanged)

(b) “Emergency action” may include an emergency suspension, an immediate reduction in capacity, an immediate limitation on the ages or numbers of children who may be admitted to care, an immediate limitation on the spaces, rooms, or areas that may be used for child care, an immediate restriction on which individuals can be alone with children in care, or an employment exclusion pursuant to COMAR 13A.16.06.03A or B.

(8)—(15) (text unchanged)



13A.17.15 Inspections, Complaints, and Enforcement

Authority: Education Article, §§9.5-401, 9.5-404, 9.5-405, 9.5-409, [905-411] 9.5-411, and 9.5-413—9.5-418; General Provisions Article, §4-333; Human Services Article, §1-202, Annotated Code of Maryland
Agency Note: Federal Statutory Reference – Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. §12101 et seq.); Pro-Children Act of 1994 (20 U.S.C. §6081 et seq.); Child Care Development Block Grant (45 CFR Parts 98 and 99 and 42 U.S.C. 9858 et seq.); Social Security Act §418 (42 U.S.C. 618)

.04-1 Emergency Intermediate Sanctions.

A. Upon determining that an operator has violated the regulations in this subtitle and that action is required to protect the health, safety, or welfare of children in care, the Office may:

(1) Restrict the ages of children in care;

(2) Reduce the number of children in care;

(3) Limit the spaces, rooms, or areas that may be used for child care;

(4) Prohibit an employee, staff member, substitute, or volunteer who has successfully passed all checks under COMAR 13A.17.02.01C from being alone with a child or group of children pending an open child protective services or criminal investigation;

(5) Require the operator or facility staff to participate in training in a specified content area;

(6) Increase the frequency of monitoring of the facility during a specified period of time;

(7) Enter into an agreement with the operator detailing requirements for remedying violations and achieving compliance; and

(8) Notify, or require the operator to notify, a parent of a child who may be affected by the situation for which an emergency intermediate sanction has been imposed.

B. The Office shall hand deliver written notice of the emergency intermediate sanction to the operator stating:

(1) The regulatory basis for the sanction;

(2) That the operator shall immediately implement the sanction;

(3) That the operator is entitled to a hearing before the Office of Administrative Hearings within 7 calendar days of the operator's request for a hearing;

(4) That the Office of Administrative Hearings shall issue a decision concerning the sanction within 7 calendar days of the hearing;

(5) That if the sanction is upheld, implementation of the sanction at the facility shall continue until it is determined that the health, safety, or welfare of children in the facility is no longer threatened;

(6) That the sanction may lead to suspension or revocation of the operator’s license, if the Office determines that an operator has violated a condition or requirement of the sanction; and

(7) That the operator may continue to provide child care, except as limited by the sanction.

C. If unable to hand deliver a written notice to the operator, the Office may send notice by regular and certified mail or by electronic mail, read receipt requested, to the operator’s address on file.


13A.17.16 Administrative Hearings

Authority: Education Article, §§9.5-401, 9.5-404, 9.5-405, 9.5-409, [905-411] 9.5-411, and 9.5-413—9.5-418; General Provisions Article, §4-333; Human Services Article, §1-202, Annotated Code of Maryland
Agency Note: Federal Statutory Reference – Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. §12101 et seq.); Pro-Children Act of 1994 (20 U.S.C. §6081 et seq.); Child Care Development Block Grant (45 CFR Parts 98 and 99 and 42 U.S.C. 9858 et seq.); Social Security Act §418 (42 U.S.C. 618)

.01 Scope.

A. This chapter applies to hearings concerning actions taken by the Office of Child Care which adversely impact child care center licenses and letters of compliance. These actions include denials, suspensions, and revocations of licenses or letters of compliance, as well as reductions in capacity, limitations on the ages or numbers of children who may be admitted to the child care center, limitations on the spaces, rooms, or areas that may be used for child care, restrictions on which individuals can be alone with children in care pending open child protective services or criminal investigations, the imposition of civil penalties for providing or advertising child care services without a valid letter of compliance, and employment exclusions pursuant to COMAR 13A.17.06.03A or B.

B. (text unchanged)

.02 Definitions.

A. (text unchanged)

B. Terms Defined.

(1)—(6) (text unchanged)

(7) Emergency Action.

(a) (text unchanged)

(b) “Emergency action” may include an emergency suspension, an immediate reduction in capacity, an immediate limitation on the ages or numbers of children who may be admitted to care, an immediate limitation on the spaces, rooms, or areas that may be used for child care, an immediate restriction on which individuals can be alone with children in care, and an employment exclusion pursuant to COMAR 13A.17.06.03A or B.

(8)—(16) (text unchanged)



13A.18.14 Inspections, Complaints, and Enforcement

Authority: Education Article, §§9.5-301—9.5-308, 9.5-310—9.5-312,
9.5-320, and 9.5-321; General Provisions Article, §4-333; Human Services Article, §1-202; Annotated Code of Maryland
Agency Note: Federal Statutory Reference — Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. §12101 et seq.); Pro-Children Act of 1994 (20 U.S.C. §6081 et seq.); Child Care Development Block Grant (45 CFR Parts 98 and 99 and 42 U.S.C. 9858 et seq.); Social Security Act §418 (42 U.S.C. 618)

.04-1 Emergency Intermediate Sanctions.

A. Upon a determination that a provider has violated the regulations in this subtitle and that action is required to protect the health, safety, or welfare of children in care, the Office may:

(1) Restrict the ages of children in care;

(2) Reduce the number of children in care;

(3) Limit the spaces, rooms, or areas that may be used for child care;

(4) Prohibit an employee, staff member, substitute, or volunteer who has successfully passed all checks under COMAR 13A.18.02.01I from being alone with a child or group of children pending an open child protective services or criminal investigation;

(5) Require the provider or staff to participate in training in a specified content area;

(6) Increase the frequency of monitoring of the home during a specified period of time;

(7) Enter into an agreement with the provider detailing requirements for remedying violations and achieving compliance; and

(8) Notify, or require the provider to notify, a parent of a child who may be affected by the situation for which an emergency intermediate sanction has been imposed.

B. The Office shall hand deliver written notice of the emergency intermediate sanction to the provider stating:

(1) The regulatory basis for the sanction;

(2) That the operator shall immediately implement the sanction;

(3) That the operator is entitled to a hearing before the Office of Administrative Hearings within 7 calendar days of the provider’s request for a hearing;

(4) That the Office of Administrative Hearings shall issue a decision concerning the sanction within 7 calendar days of the hearing;

(5) That if the sanction is upheld, implementation of the sanction at the child care home shall continue until it is determined that the health, safety, or welfare of children in the facility is no longer threatened;

(6) That the sanction may lead to suspension or revocation of the provider’s registration, if the Office determines that a provider has violated a condition or requirement of the sanction; and

(7) That the provider may continue to provide child care, except as limited by the sanction.

C. If unable to hand deliver a written notice to the provider, the Office may send notice by regular and certified mail or by electronic mail, read receipt requested, to the provider’s address on file.


13A.18.15 Administrative Hearings

Authority: Education Article, §§9.5-301—9.5-308, 9.5-310—9.5-312,
9.5-320, and 9.5-321; General Provisions Article, §4-333; Human Services Article, §1-202; Annotated Code of Maryland
Agency Note: Federal Statutory Reference — Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. §12101 et seq.); Pro-Children Act of 1994 (20 U.S.C. §6081 et seq.); Child Care Development Block Grant (45 CFR Parts 98 and 99 and 42 U.S.C. 9858 et seq.); Social Security Act §418 (42 U.S.C. 618)

.01 Scope.

A. This chapter applies to hearings concerning actions taken by the Office of Child Care which adversely impact child care home registrations, such as registration denials, revocations, and suspensions, reductions in capacity, limitations on the ages or numbers of children who may be admitted to a child care home, limitations on the spaces, rooms, or areas that may be used for child care, restrictions on which individuals can be alone with children in care pending open child protective services or criminal investigations, the imposition of civil penalties for providing or advertising unregistered family child care services without a valid large family child care certificate of registration, and employment exclusions pursuant to COMAR 13A.18.06.03A or B [of this subtitle].

B. (text unchanged)

.02 Definitions.

A. (text unchanged)

B. Terms Defined.

(1)—(6) (text unchanged)

(7) Emergency Action.

(a) (text unchanged)

(b) “Emergency action” may include an emergency suspension, an immediate reduction in capacity, an immediate limitation on the ages or numbers of children who may be admitted to care, an immediate limitation on the spaces, rooms, or areas that may be used for child care, an immediate restriction on which individuals can be alone with children in care, or an employment exclusion pursuant to [Chapter 06.03A or B of this subtitle] COMAR 13A.18.06.03A or B.

(8)—(15) (text unchanged)

State Superintendent of Schools


Title 22

Notice of Proposed Action


The Board of Trustees for the State Retirement and Pension System proposes to amend:

(1) Regulation .02 under COMAR 22.01.14 Applications for Service Retirement;

(2) Regulation .02 under COMAR 22.07.01 General Provisions; and

(3) Regulation .01 under COMAR 22.07.02 Code Compliance.

This action was considered by the Board of Trustees for the State Retirement and Pension System at an open meeting held on June 20, 2023, notice of which was given by publication on the website for the Maryland State Retirement and Pension System pursuant to General Provisions Article, §3-302(c), Annotated Code of Maryland.

Statement of Purpose

The purpose of this action is to provide a new definition in COMAR 22.01.14, concerning applications for service retirement, and in COMAR 22.07.01, concerning compliance with the Internal Revenue Code, to advise that the required beginning date means the applicable date by which the distribution of a plan benefit “must commence in accordance with the Internal Revenue Code, 26 U.S.C. §401(a)(9)(C).” By referencing the Internal Revenue Code and not specifying the starting age, the proposed regulation in COMAR 22.07.02 allows for compliance with any future changes to §401(a)(9)(C) without the need for a further corresponding regulatory amendment.

Estimate of Economic Impact

The proposed action has no economic impact.

Economic Impact on Small Businesses

The proposed action has minimal or no economic impact on small businesses.

Impact on Individuals with Disabilities

The proposed action has no impact on individuals with disabilities.

Opportunity for Public Comment

Comments may be sent to Anne Gawthrop, Esq., Director, Legislative Affairs, Maryland State Retirement Agency, State Retirement and Pension System, 120 E. Baltimore Street, Baltimore, MD 21202, or call 410-625-5602, or email to Comments will be accepted through November 6, 2023. A public hearing has not been scheduled.

Open Meeting

Final action on the proposal will be considered by the Board of Trustees for the State Retirement and Pension System during a public meeting to be held on November 22, 2023, at 9:30 a.m., at 120 East Baltimore Street, 16th Floor, Baltimore, MD 21202.



22.01.14 Applications for Service Retirement

Authority: State Personnel and Pensions Article, §21-110, Annotated Code of Maryland

.02 Definitions.

A. (text unchanged)

B. Terms Defined.

(1) (text unchanged)

(2) “Required beginning date” means the applicable date by which the distribution of a service retirement allowance must commence in accordance with the Internal Revenue Code, 26 U.S.C. §401(a)(9)(C)[, which is the April 1 of the calendar year that follows the calendar year in which the former member attains age 70 1/2, or separates from employment, whichever is later].

(3)—(4) (text unchanged)



22.07.01 General Provisions

Authority: State Personnel and Pensions Article, §§21-110 and 21-603, Annotated Code of Maryland

.02 Definitions.

A. (text unchanged)

B. Terms Defined.

(1)(5) (text unchanged)

(6) “Required beginning date” means the applicable date by which the distribution of a plan benefit must commence in accordance with the Internal Revenue Code, 26 U.S.C. §401(a)(9)(C).

[(6)] (7) (text unchanged)


22.07.02 Code Compliance

Authority: State Personnel and Pensions Article, §§21-110 and 21-603, Annotated Code of Maryland

.01 Compliance with the Internal Revenue Code, 26 U.S.C §401(a)(9) for Required Minimum Distributions.

A. (text unchanged)

B. Each State system is subject to the following provisions:

(1) Distribution of a member's benefit shall begin by the required beginning date[, which is the later of the April 1 following the calendar year in which the member attains age 70-1/2 or April 1 of the year following the calendar year in which the member retires];

(2)—(8) (text unchanged)

Executive Director


Title 31


31.05.08 Credit for Reinsurance

Authority: Insurance Article, §§1-101(jj), 2-109, 2-205, 2-209, and 5-901—
5-917, Annotated Code of Maryland

Notice of Proposed Action


The Insurance Commissioner proposes to amend Regulation .28 under COMAR 31.05.08 Credit for Reinsurance.

Statement of Purpose

The purpose of this action is to amend COMAR 31.05.08 Credit for Reinsurance to lessen the Commissioner’s authority to remove reciprocal jurisdictions, in accordance with Insurance Article §5-917(b), Annotated Code of Maryland. This action repeals the Commissioner’s authority to remove from the list of reciprocal jurisdictions approved by the Commissioner a reciprocal jurisdiction that is the subject of a covered agreement between the US and that reciprocal jurisdiction.

Estimate of Economic Impact

The proposed action has no economic impact.

Economic Impact on Small Businesses

The proposed action has minimal or no economic impact on small businesses.

Impact on Individuals with Disabilities

The proposed action has no impact on individuals with disabilities.

Opportunity for Public Comment

Comments may be sent to Jessica Blackmon, Law Clerk, Maryland Insurance Administration, 200 Saint Paul Place, Suite 2700 Baltimore, MD 21202, or call 410-468-2019, or email to Comments will be accepted through November 6, 2023. A public hearing has not been scheduled.

.28 Credit for Reinsurance — Reciprocal Jurisdictions.

A. — C. (text unchanged)

D. List of Reciprocal Jurisdictions

(1) — (2) (text unchanged)

(3) The Commissioner may remove a jurisdiction from the list of reciprocal jurisdictions upon a determination that the jurisdiction no longer meets one or more of the requirements of a reciprocal jurisdiction, as provided by applicable law, regulation, or in accordance with a process published through the NAIC Committee process, except that the Commissioner may not remove from the list a reciprocal jurisdiction as defined under [§B] §B(1) and (2) of this regulation. Upon removal of a reciprocal jurisdiction from this list, credit for reinsurance ceded to an assuming insurer domiciled in that jurisdiction shall be allowed, if otherwise allowed pursuant to Insurance Article, Title 5, Subtitle 9, Annotated Code of Maryland.

E. — H. (text unchanged)

Insurance Commissioner


Special Documents




Water Quality Certification 22-WQC-0049


Town of Ocean City

301 Baltimore Avenue

Ocean City, MD 21842


Add’l. Info: Pursuant to COMAR, The Maryland Department of the Environment is providing notice of its issuance of a Water Quality Certification 22-WQC-0049


Location: Between 10th and 125th Streets, Ocean City, MD 21842


The purpose of the project is to provide for deeper water for navigation.


Description of Authorized Work:


1. Maintenance dredge by mechanical method a 81,292 square foot area to 4.0 feet mean low water and a 77,122.16 square foot area to 3.0 feet mean low water(Canals 8, 18.A, 23); new dredge by mechanical method a 86,503.10 square foot area to 6.0 feet mean low water and a 157,031.54 square foot area to 4.0 feet mean low water (Canal 2), and a 739,754.69 square foot area to 4.0 feet mean low water and a 781,312.33 square foot area to 3.0 feet mean low water (Canals 4, 22,

25, 27, 32, 33, 34A, 44B, 45, 48, 51, 52), and transport approximately 33,559 cubic yards of dredged material to an approved site at 12008 Saint Martins Neck Road, Bishopville in Worcester County or Parcel 185 Friendship Road, Berlin in Worcester County.


2. Provide for subsequent maintenance dredging for a period of 6 years.


The WQC and its attachments may be viewed at the following link:


Appeal of Final Decision. This Water Quality Certification is a final agency decision. Any person aggrieved by the Department’s decision to issue this WQC may appeal such decision in accordance with COMAR A request for appeal shall be filed with the Department within 30 days of publication of the final decision and specify in writing the reason why the final decision should be reconsidered. A request for appeal shall be submitted to: Secretary of the Environment, Maryland Department of the Environment, 1800 Washington Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21230. Any request for an appeal does not stay the effectiveness of this WQC.


Contact: Miles Simmons at or at 410-901-4044.





     The Maryland Health Care Commission provides the following schedule for the review of applications for Certificates of Ongoing Performance of percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) services. 

     Applications must be submitted no later than the published due date and will only be received and reviewed in accordance with this published schedule.  All applications, including the required number of copies, must be received at the offices of the Maryland Health Care Commission, 4160 Patterson Avenue, Baltimore, Maryland 21215, no later than 4:30 p.m. on the scheduled date of submission.  For further information about the review schedules or procedures, contact Eileen Fleck, Chief, Acute Care Policy and Planning, at or 410-764-3287.


Percutaneous Coronary Intervention Services




Submission Date

Carroll Hospital Center

MedStar Union Memorial Hospital

April 5, 2024

Sinai Hospital

TidalHealth Peninsula Regional

University of Maryland St. Joseph Medical Center

University of Maryland Medical Center

June 7, 2024


     Note: The application submission dates for other hospitals’ PCI programs will be published in a subsequent notice because the submission dates are over six months away.





Proposed Additions to Handgun Roster and Notice of Right to Object or Petition

     The following is a list of handguns that the Handgun Roster Board proposes to add to the official handgun roster. These handguns will be officially placed on the Handgun Roster if no timely objection is received or if all timely objections are dismissed.

     Under the Public Safety Article, §5-405, Annotated Code of Maryland and COMAR and .14, any person may object to the placement of any of those handguns on the Handgun Roster. Objections must be filed within 30 days after October 6, 2023. In addition, any person may petition for the placement of an additional handgun on the Handgun Roster. Forms for objections or petitions may be obtained from: Rachel Rosenberg, Administrator, Handgun Roster Board, 1201 Reisterstown Road, Baltimore, Maryland 21208 (Phone: 410-653-4247).





Additional Comments



9 mm

Model addition


Honey B

22 LR, 380 ACP, 9 mm, 38 Spl

Model addition


MC 1911 S XLV

45 ACP

Model addition



10 mm

Caliber addition


Settler Mare’s Leg

22 LR



LC Charger

5.7X28 mm



Palmetto Dagger Micro

9 mm

Model addition

ISSC (Blue Line Solutions)


22 LR

Model addition



9 mm

Model addition



44 Mag

Caliber addition



357 Mag

Caliber addition



357 Mag, 45 ACP/45 LC

Caliber addition

CTE Firearms

CTE 15

5.56 NATO, 223 Rem



Defiant Gold Match

10 mm, 9 mm, 45 ACP, 40 S&W, 38 SA

Model addition



45 ACP

Model addition



10 mm

Model addition


G3 C

40 S&W

Caliber addition


1911 Spartan

10 mm

Model addition



5.7X28 mm

Model addition



300 BLK




9 mm



M&P 22 Magnum

22 WMR




9 mm



Judge Home Defender

45 LC/410 Gauge



Reflex MRD

9 mm

Model addition


P-10 F Competition-Ready

9 mm

Model addition


SR1911 GT25

10 mm

Model addition



9 mm

Model addition



9 mm

Caliber addition



22 WMR

Caliber addition



45 ACP

Model addition


UT9-M Mini

9 mm


Gunsite Academy / Glock

Gunsite Glock Service Pistol 45 MOS

9 mm

Model addition



9 mm


Hill Country Handguns (JEM Enterprises)


10 mm


Parkwest Arms


9 mm




45-70 Gov't




45 ACP




5.56 NATO




9 mm




10 mm

Caliber addition



9 mm

Model addition



9 mm

Caliber addition


Witness 2311

9 mm, 45 ACP, 10 mm

Model addition



380 ACP

Model addition



380 ACP

Model addition



380 ACP

Model addition


Angel Eyes 1858 Rem

45 LC

Model addition


DWX Compact

9 mm

Model addition


Thunder 380 Combat Plus

380 ACP

Model addition


Thunder 380 Plus

380 ACP

Model addition


Performance Center 627-5

357 Mag

Model addition


545 MRD

45 ACP

Model addition


510 MRD

10 mm

Model addition



7.62X25 mm

Model addition


Px4 Storm SD Type F

45 ACP

Model addition



45 ACP

Model addition



38 Super

Caliber addition



9 mm

Model addition


YC9 Yeet Cannon

9 mm

Model addition


CZ Shadow 2 Compact

9 mm

Model addition



38 SPL+P

Model addition



8.6 Blackout




300 BLK

Caliber addition



9 mm

Model addition


EP9 Gen 2

9 mm

Model addition


AXE FS Hatchet

9 mm

Model addition



5.56 NATO

Model addition

S.A.M. (Global Defense)


45 ACP



1911 Commander

45 ACP

Model addition



General Notices


Notice of ADA Compliance

   The State of Maryland is committed to ensuring that individuals with disabilities are able to fully participate in public meetings.  Anyone planning to attend a meeting announced below who wishes to receive auxiliary aids, services, or accommodations is invited to contact the agency representative at least 48 hours in advance, at the telephone number listed in the notice or through Maryland Relay.



Subject: Public Meeting

Date and Time: November 15, 2023, 3 — 6 p.m.

Place: Chesapeake Bay Trust, 108 Severn Ave., Annapolis, MD

Contact: Jana Davis 410-974-2941




Subject: Public Meeting

Date and Time: October 25, 2023, 9 a.m. — 12 p.m.

Place: Dept. of the Environment, 1800 Washington Blvd., Baltimore, MD

Contact: Taj Goodlow 410-537-4466




Subject: Public Meeting

Date and Time: November 2, 2023, 9 a.m. — 1 p.m.

Place: Virtual meeting — please see details below.

Add’l. Info: Please be advised that the November 3, 2023, Pharmacy and Therapeutics (P&T) Committee public meeting will be conducted virtually by way of a Webinar.

     As soon as available, classes of drugs to be reviewed, speaker registration guidelines, and procedure to register to attend the virtual meeting will be posted on the Maryland Pharmacy Program website at

     Submit questions to:

Contact: Deborah Washington  (410) 767-1455




Subject: Public Meeting

Date and Time: September 12, 2023, 10 a.m. — 12 p.m.

Place: 100 Community Pl., 1st Fl. Conf. Rm. B, Crownsville, MD

Add’l. Info: Radio Control Board System Managers Meeting

Contact: Cindy Cole (410) 697-9639




Subject: Public Meeting

Date and Time: September 12, 2023, 12 — 1 p.m.

Place: 100 Community Pl., 1st Fl. Conf. Rm. B, Crownsville, MD

Add’l. Info: Radio Control Board System Users Committee

Contact: Cindy Cole (410) 697-9639




Subject: Public Meeting

Date and Time: September 20, 2023, 1 — 3 p.m.

Place: 100 Community Pl., 1st Fl. Conf. Rm. B, Crownsville, MD

Contact: Cindy Cole 410-697-9639




Subject: Public Meeting

Date and Time: October 26, 2023, 10 a.m. — 12 p.m.

Place: Montgomery Business Park, 1800 Washington Blvd., Ste. 330, Baltimore, MD

Add’l. Info: The Commission meeting will be held in person at Lottery Headquarters and via livestream. Access will be available the day of the meeting at

Contact: Kathy Lingo 410-230-8790




Subject: Formal Start of Review

Add’l. Info: The Maryland Health Care Commission (MHCC) hereby gives notice of docketing of the following application for Certificate of Need:

     Hope Health Psychiatric Hospital — Docket No.  23-03-2465 — Establish a 16-bed psychiatric hospital for children and adolescents to be located at 1726 Whitehead Road, Woodlawn. Proposed Cost: The total cost to the parent organization is $6,007,140, with $1,395,000 in working capital startup costs for the proposed hospital operations and $4,612,140 in total costs due to renovation related expenses.

     MHCC shall review the applications under Health-General Article, §19-101 et seq., Annotated Code of Maryland, COMAR 10.24.01, and the applicable State Health Plan standards.

     Any affected person may make a written request to the Commission to receive copies of relevant notices concerning the application. All further notices of proceedings on the application will be sent only to affected persons who have registered as interested parties.

     Persons desiring to become interested parties in the Commission’s review of the above-referenced application must meet the requirements of COMAR and (20) and must also submit written comments to the Commission no later than close of business November 6, 2023. These comments must state with particularity the State Health Plan standards or review criteria that you believe have not been met by the applicant as stated in COMAR

     Please refer to the Docket Number listed above in any correspondence on the application. Copies of the application are available for review in the office of MHCC during regular business hours by appointment. All correspondence should be addressed to Wynee Hawk, Director, Center for Health Care Facilities and Planning, Maryland Health Care Commission, 4160 Patterson Avenue, Baltimore, Maryland 21215.

Contact: Ruby Potter 410-764-3276




Subject: Exemption from Certificate of Need

Add’l. Info: The Maryland Health Care Commission (MHCC) hereby gives notice of the formal start of review of the following Exemption Request from Certificate of Need:

     CommuniCare Health Services — (Prince George’s Co.) — Docket No.  23-16-EX015 — Relocation of 46 beds from Clinton Health Care Center (reducing this nursing home to 184) to Fort Washington Health Center, increasing Fort Washington to 196-beds. This project will enable Fort Washington to eliminate all quad rooms, making all rooms single or double-bedded rooms.

     A copy of the complete Exemption Request is available, for review, in the office of the MHCC, during regular business hours by appointment, or on the Commission’s website at

     All correspondence should be addressed to Wynee Hawk, Director, Center for Health Care Facilities Planning & Development, Maryland Health Care Commission, 4160 Patterson Avenue, Baltimore, Maryland 21215-2299.

Contact: Ruby Potter 410-764-3276




Subject: Public Meeting

Date and Time: October 19, 2023, 1 — 4 p.m.

Place: 4160 Patterson Ave., Rm. 100, Baltimore, MD

Add’l. Info: Meeting will be held virtually. Please register to attend in advance on the Commission website,

Contact: Valerie Wooding 410-764-3570




Subject: Public Meeting

Date and Time: October 18, 2023, 9 — 11 a.m.

Place: Via livestream at

Add’l. Info: The meeting will be livestreamed on the Sports Wagering Application Review Commission website,

Contact: James Butler 410-230-8781




Subject: Public Meeting

Date and Time: May 17, 2023, 10:30 a.m.

Place: 29449 Charlotte Hall Rd., Charlotte Hall, MD 20622

Add’l. Info: The meeting will be held in Murphy Hall at Charlotte Hall Veterans Home.

Contact: Sharon Murphy 240-298-0295




Subject: Public Meeting

Date and Time: October 26, 2023, 9:30 — 11:30 a.m.

Place: 10 E. Baltimore St., Baltimore, MD

Add’l. Info: Portions of this meeting may be held in closed session.

Contact: Amy S. Lackington 410-864-5300




Subject: Public Meeting

Date and Time: October 26, 2023, 12 — 3 p.m.

Place: Via MS Teams — please see details below.

Add’l. Info: Medical Fee Guide Committee meeting — continuation of prescription fee guide discussion.

     Teams Meeting information:

     Meeting ID:  212 519 183 131

     Passcode:  o3zowS

     Toll number:  +1 443-961-6421

     Conference ID:  446 801 597#

Contact: Janet Vanderpuije 410-864-5326
