Capitol Building Maryland Register

Issue Date:  May 3, 2024

Volume 51  •  Issue 9  • Pages 383 — 502



General Assembly




Special Documents

General Notices

Pursuant to State Government Article, §7-206, Annotated Code of Maryland, this issue contains all previously unpublished documents required to be published, and filed on or before April 15, 2024 5 p.m.
Pursuant to State Government Article, §7-206, Annotated Code of Maryland, I hereby certify that this issue contains all documents required to be codified as of April 15, 2024.
Gail S. Klakring
Administrator, Division of State Documents
Office of the Secretary of State


Information About the Maryland Register and COMAR


   The Maryland Register is an official State publication published every other week throughout the year. A cumulative index is published quarterly.

   The Maryland Register is the temporary supplement to the Code of Maryland Regulations. Any change to the text of regulations published in COMAR, whether by adoption, amendment, repeal, or emergency action, must first be published in the Register.

   The following information is also published regularly in the Register:

   • Governor’s Executive Orders

   • Attorney General’s Opinions in full text

   • Open Meetings Compliance Board Opinions in full text

   • State Ethics Commission Opinions in full text

   • Court Rules

   • District Court Administrative Memoranda

   • Courts of Appeal Hearing Calendars

   • Agency Hearing and Meeting Notices

   • Synopses of Bills Introduced and Enacted by the General Assembly

   • Other documents considered to be in the public interest


   The Maryland Register is cited by volume, issue, page number, and date. Example:

• 19:8 Md. R. 815—817 (April 17, 1992) refers to Volume 19, Issue 8, pages 815—817 of the Maryland Register issued on April 17, 1992.


   COMAR is the official compilation of all regulations issued by agencies of the State of Maryland. The Maryland Register is COMAR’s temporary supplement, printing all changes to regulations as soon as they occur. At least once annually, the changes to regulations printed in the Maryland Register are incorporated into COMAR by means of permanent supplements.


   COMAR regulations are cited by title number, subtitle number, chapter number, and regulation number. Example: COMAR refers to Title 10, Subtitle 08, Chapter 01, Regulation 03.


   Incorporation by reference is a legal device by which a document is made part of COMAR simply by referring to it. While the text of an incorporated document does not appear in COMAR, the provisions of the incorporated document are as fully enforceable as any other COMAR regulation. Each regulation that proposes to incorporate a document is identified in the Maryland Register by an Editor’s Note. The Cumulative Table of COMAR Regulations Adopted, Amended or Repealed, found online, also identifies each regulation incorporating a document. Documents incorporated by reference are available for inspection in various depository libraries located throughout the State and at the Division of State Documents. These depositories are listed in the first issue of the Maryland Register published each year. For further information, call 410-974-2486.


An Administrative History at the end of every COMAR chapter gives information about past changes to regulations. To determine if there have been any subsequent changes, check the ‘‘Cumulative Table of COMAR Regulations Adopted, Amended, or Repealed’’ which is found online at This table lists the regulations in numerical order, by their COMAR number, followed by the citation to the Maryland Register in which the change occurred. The Maryland Register serves as a temporary supplement to COMAR, and the two publications must always be used together. A Research Guide for Maryland Regulations is available. For further information, call 410-260-3876.


   For subscription forms for the Maryland Register and COMAR, see the back pages of the Maryland Register. Single issues of the Maryland Register are $15.00 per issue.


   Maryland citizens and other interested persons may participate in the process by which administrative regulations are adopted, amended, or repealed, and may also initiate the process by which the validity and applicability of regulations is determined. Listed below are some of the ways in which citizens may participate (references are to State Government Article (SG),

Annotated Code of Maryland):

   • By submitting data or views on proposed regulations either orally or in writing, to the proposing agency (see ‘‘Opportunity for Public Comment’’ at the beginning of all regulations appearing in the Proposed Action on Regulations section of the Maryland Register). (See SG, §10-112)

   • By petitioning an agency to adopt, amend, or repeal regulations. The agency must respond to the petition. (See SG §10-123)

   • By petitioning an agency to issue a declaratory ruling with respect to how any regulation, order, or statute enforced by the agency applies. (SG, Title 10, Subtitle 3)

   • By petitioning the circuit court for a declaratory judgment

on the validity of a regulation when it appears that the regulation interferes with or impairs the legal rights or privileges of the petitioner. (SG, §10-125)

   • By inspecting a certified copy of any document filed with the Division of State Documents for publication in the Maryland Register. (See SG, §7-213)


Maryland Register (ISSN 0360-2834). Postmaster: Send address changes and other mail to: Maryland Register, State House, Annapolis, Maryland 21401. Tel. 410-260-3876. Published biweekly, with cumulative indexes published quarterly, by the State of Maryland, Division of State Documents, State House, Annapolis, Maryland 21401. The subscription rate for the Maryland Register is $225 per year (first class mail). All subscriptions post-paid to points in the U.S. periodicals postage paid at Annapolis, Maryland, and additional mailing offices.

Wes Moore, Governor; Susan C. Lee, Secretary of State; Gail S. Klakring, Administrator; Mary D. MacDonald, Senior Editor, Maryland Register and COMAR; Elizabeth Ramsey, Editor, COMAR Online, and Subscription Manager; Tami Cathell, Help Desk, COMAR and Maryland Register Online.

Front cover: State House, Annapolis, MD, built 1772—79.

Illustrations by Carolyn Anderson, Dept. of General Services


     Note: All products purchased are for individual use only. Resale or other compensated transfer of the information in printed or electronic form is a prohibited commercial purpose (see State Government Article, §7-206.2, Annotated Code of Maryland). By purchasing a product, the buyer agrees that the purchase is for individual use only and will not sell or give the product to another individual or entity.


Closing Dates for the Maryland Register

Schedule of Closing Dates and Issue Dates for the
Maryland Register ................................................................  387


COMAR Research Aids

Table of Pending Proposals .......................................................  388


Index of COMAR Titles Affected in This Issue

COMAR Title Number and Name                                               Page

08       Department of Natural Resources ...................................  443

09       Maryland Department of Labor ......................................  444

10       Maryland Department of Health .............................  440, 444

14       Independent Agencies ............................................  441, 444



Individuals with disabilities who desire assistance in using the publications and services of the Division of State Documents are encouraged to call (410) 974-2486, or (800) 633-9657, or FAX to (410) 974-2546, or through Maryland Relay.


The Governor

EXECUTIVE ORDER 01.01.2024.13

Authorizing the Secretary of Natural Resources to Modify
   Rules for the Operation of Vessels in Close Proximity to the
   Francis Scott Key Bridge Area ..........................................

EXECUTIVE ORDER 01.01.2024.14

Prohibiting Certain Intercepts of Temporary Economic and
   Financial Assistance Relief Related to the Francis Scott Key
   Bridge Collapse
.  391


The General Assembly

SYNOPSIS NO. 1 .  393


The Judiciary


DISCIPLINARY PROCEEDINGS ................................  439


Final Action on Regulations



Certification of Electronic Health Networks and Medical Care
   Electronic Claims Clearinghouses
.  440

Health Information Exchanges: Privacy and Security of
   Protected Health Information
.  440



Definitions .  441

General  441

Executive Director  441

Petitions .  441

Elections .  441

Denial or Revocation of Certification .  441

Unfair Labor Practices .  441

Permissible Labor-Related Activities .  441

Collective Bargaining .  441

Impasse Procedures .  441

Hearings ..............................................................................  441

Procedures Governing Employee Information .  441


Definitions .  441

Board Policy .  441

General Course and Method of Operation .  441

Filing .  441

Computation of Time Periods .  441

Requests for and Inspection of Board Documents .  441

Petition for Adoption of Regulation .  441

Procedures Applicable to All Proceedings .  441

Unfair Labor Practice Proceedings .  441

Representation Elections ......................................................  441

Decertification Elections .  441

Petitions for Unit Clarification .  441

Collective Bargaining .  441

Impasse Procedures for Collective Bargaining .  441

Negotiability Disputes .  441


Withdrawal of Regulations



Maryland Energy Efficiency Standards .  442


Proposed Action on Regulations



Yellow Perch .  443



Continuing Education .  444



Definitions .  444

General Regulations .  444

Certifying Providers .  444

Patient and Caregiver Registry .  444

Written Certifications .  444

Patient and Caregiver Identification Cards  444

New Condition Approval Process .  444

Medical Cannabis Grower  444

Medical Cannabis Grower Agent  444

Medical Cannabis Grower Premises .  444

Medical Cannabis Growing Controls .  444

Inventory Control by Grower ...............................................  444

Medical Cannabis Shipment Packaging .  444

Licensed Grower Dispensary Facility .  444

Medical Cannabis Grower Quality Control  444

Independent Testing Laboratory Registration .  444

Complaints, Adverse Events, and Recall  444

Registration of Ancillary Businesses and Security Guard
.  444

Medical Cannabis Processor License .  444

Medical Cannabis Processor Agent .......................................  444

Medical Cannabis Processor Premises .  444

Medical Cannabis Processor Operations  444

Medical Cannabis Concentrates and Medical Cannabis-
   Infused Products
.  444

Medical Cannabis Finished Products Packaging ....................  444

Medical Cannabis Dispensary License .  444

Registered Dispensary Agent  444

Licensed Dispensary Premises .  444

Licensed Dispensary Operations .  444

Licensed Dispensary Packaging and Labeling for
.  444

Dispensing Medical Cannabis .  444

Licensed Dispensary Clinical Director  444

Records .  444

Inspection .  444

Discipline and Enforcement  444

Fee Schedule .  444

Academic Research .  444

Edible Cannabis Products .  444



Definitions .  444

General Regulations .  444

Social Equity .  444

Medical Cannabis Program ..  444

Application Process and Issuance of Licenses .  444

Standard Cannabis Licenses .................................................  444

Micro Cannabis Licenses .  444

Laboratory Registration and Operations .  444

Other Cannabis Businesses  444

Cannabis Grower Operations .  444

Cannabis Processor Operations .  444

Cannabis Dispensary Operations .  444

Cannabis Products .  444

Complaints, Enforcement, Record Keeping, and Inspections of Cannabis Businesses    444

Cannabis Business Agents .  444

Cannabis Business Owners  444

Receivership .  444

Finished Product Packaging .  444

Cannabis Research .  444

Prohibited Acts .  444

Fees .  444

Hearing Procedures .  444



COMAR 14.30 ........................................................................  497


Special Documents



Projects Approved for Consumptive Uses of Water  498

Grandfathering (GF) Registration Notice .  499


Water Quality Certification 24-WQC-0003 .  499

Tentative Determination to Issue Stormwater Permit —
   Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway
   Administration — NO. 24-DP-3313, GENERAL NPDES
   NO. MD0068276
.  500


General Notices


Public Meeting .  501


Public Meeting .  501


Public Meeting .  501


Public Meeting .  501

Formal Start of Review ..  501


Public Meeting ....................................................................  501



COMAR Online

        The Code of Maryland Regulations is available at as a free service of the Office of the Secretary of State, Division of State Documents. The full text of regulations is available and searchable. Note, however, that the printed COMAR continues to be the only official and enforceable version of COMAR.

        The Maryland Register is also available at

        For additional information, visit, Division of State Documents, or call us at (410) 974-2486 or 1 (800) 633-9657.


Availability of Monthly List of
Maryland Documents

        The Maryland Department of Legislative Services receives copies of all publications issued by State officers and agencies. The Department prepares and distributes, for a fee, a list of these publications under the title ‘‘Maryland Documents’’. This list is published monthly, and contains bibliographic information concerning regular and special reports, bulletins, serials, periodicals, catalogues, and a variety of other State publications. ‘‘Maryland Documents’’ also includes local publications.

        Anyone wishing to receive ‘‘Maryland Documents’’ should write to: Legislative Sales, Maryland Department of Legislative Services, 90 State Circle, Annapolis, MD 21401.






and Proposed


5 p.m.*

Notices, etc.

10:30 a.m.



10:30 a.m.


May 17

April 29

May 6

May 8

May 31

May 13

May 20

May 22

June 14

May 24**

June 3

June 5

June 28

June 10

June 17

June 18**

July 12

June 24

July 1

July 3

July 26

July 8

July 15

July 17

August 9

July 22

July 29

July 31

August 23

August 5

August 12

August 14

September 6

August 19

August 26

August 28

September 20

August 30**

September 9

September 11

October 4

September 16

September 23

September 25

October 18

September 30

October 7

October 9

November 1

October 11**

October 21

October 23

November 15

October 28

November 4

November 6

December 2***

November 8**

November 18

November 20

December 13

November 25

December 2

December 4

December 27

December 9

December 16

December 18

   Please note that this table is provided for planning purposes and that the Division of State Documents (DSD) cannot guarantee submissions will be published in an agency’s desired issue. Although DSD strives to publish according to the schedule above, there may be times when workload pressures prevent adherence to it.

*   Also note that proposal deadlines are for submissions to DSD for publication in the Maryland Register and do not take into account the 15-day AELR review period. The due date for documents containing 8 to 18 pages is 48 hours before the date listed; the due date for documents exceeding 18 pages is 1 week before the date listed.


** Note closing date changes.

***   Note issue date changes.

The regular closing date for Proposals and Emergencies is Monday.



Cumulative Table of COMAR Regulations
Adopted, Amended, or Repealed

   This table, previously printed in the Maryland Register lists the regulations, by COMAR title, that have been adopted, amended, or repealed in the Maryland Register since the regulations were originally published or last supplemented in the Code of Maryland Regulations (COMAR). The table is no longer printed here but may be found on the Division of State Documents website at

Table of Pending Proposals

   The table below lists proposed changes to COMAR regulations. The proposed changes are listed by their COMAR number, followed by a citation to that issue of the Maryland Register in which the proposal appeared. Errata and corrections pertaining to proposed regulations are listed, followed by “(err)” or “(corr),” respectively. Regulations referencing a document incorporated by reference are followed by “(ibr)”. None of the proposals listed in this table have been adopted. A list of adopted proposals appears in the Cumulative Table of COMAR Regulations Adopted, Amended, or Repealed.


08 DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES • 51:8 Md. R. 371 (4-19-24) • 51:9 Md. R. 443 (5-3-24)—.06 • 51:1 Md. R. 30 (1-12-24) • 51:7 Md. R. 336 (4-5-24)


09 MARYLAND DEPARTMENT OF LABOR • 50:25 Md. R. 1093 (12-15-23) • 50:25 Md. R. 1093 (12-15-23) • 51:9 Md. R. 444 (5-3-24),.53 • 50:24 Md. R. 1046 (12-1-23) • 50:26 Md. R. 1136 (12-29-23) • 50:25 Md. R. 1095 (12-15-23) • 50:25 Md. R. 1097 (12-15-23) • 50:26 Md. R. 1136 (12-29-23) • 50:25 Md. R. 1099 (12-15-23) • 50:26 Md. R. 1137 (12-29-23) • 50:26 Md. R. 1138 (12-29-23) • 50:26 Md. R. 1139 (12-29-23)—.09 • 50:25 Md. R. 1100 (12-15-23) • 50:17 Md. R. 772 (8-25-23) • 50:25 Md. R. 1101 (12-15-23)




     Subtitles 01—08 (1st volume)—.65 • 51:6 Md. R. 272 (3-22-24)


     Subtitle 09 (2nd volume),.07 • 50:24 Md. R. 1048 (12-1-23) (ibr) • 51:1 Md. R. 36 (1-12-24),.08 • 51:2 Md. R. 78 (1-26-24) • 51:2 Md. R. 79 (1-26-24)—.12 • 51:3 Md. R. 159 (2-9-24)—.06 • 51:2 Md. R. 82 (1-26-24),.07,.12 • 51:2 Md. R. 79 (1-26-24) • 50:18 Md. R. 814 (9-8-23) • 51:3 Md. R. 161 (2-9-24),.04 • 51:4 Md. R. 203 (2-23-24) • 50:18 Md. R. 814 (9-8-23),.06 • 50:24 Md. R. 1049 (12-1-23),.13 • 51:2 Md. R. 79 (1-26-24),.15,.21,.23 • 51:3 Md. R. 162 (2-9-24) • 51:4 Md. R. 204 (2-23-24) • 51:4 Md. R. 205 (2-23-24),.05 • 51:4 Md. R. 206 (2-23-24),.04,.10,.14—.17,.19,.21,.22 • 51:4 Md. R. 207 (2-23-24)—.09 • 51:3 Md. R. 164 (2-9-24),.11,.12 • 51:4 Md. R. 209 (2-23-24),.05,.08 • 51:1 Md. R. 37 (1-12-24) • 51:4 Md. R. 210 (2-23-24),.05 • 51:1 Md. R. 38 (1-12-24)


     Subtitles 10—22 (3rd volume)—.06 • 51:1 Md. R. 39 (1-12-24),.02,.04—.26 • 51:5 Md. R. 234 (3-8-24),.03,.05,.10,.11 • 51:2 Md. R. 82 (1-26-24) (ibr)—.03 • 51:3 Md. R. 166 (2-9-24),.08,.10 • 51:3 Md. R. 166 (2-9-24)—.20 • 51:4 Md. R. 211 (2-23-24)—.06 • 51:3 Md. R. 167 (2-9-24)


     Subtitles 23—36 (4th volume) • 51:8 Md. R. 372 (4-19-24) • 51:7 Md. R. 337 (4-5-24) • 50:20 Md. R. 907 (10-6-23) • 51:2 Md. R. 83 (1-26-24)—.03 • 51:2 Md. R. 84 (1-26-24) • 51:5 Md. R. 247 (3-8-24)


     Subtitles 37—52 (5th volume)—.04 • 50:16 Md. R. 738 (8-11-23),.02,.04 • 50:16 Md. R. 738 (8-11-23),.03,.05,.06 • 50:16 Md. R. 738 (8-11-23),.02,.06,.08 • 50:16 Md. R. 738 (8-11-23)—.07 • 50:16 Md. R. 738 (8-11-23),.02,.06,.08,.11,.12,.14 • 50:16 Md. R. 738 (8-11-23) • 50:16 Md. R. 738 (8-11-23)—.10 • 50:16 Md. R. 738 (8-11-23),.04 • 50:16 Md. R. 738 (8-11-23)—.39 • 50:20 Md. R. 911 (10-6-23)—.12 • 50:24 Md. R. 1051 (12-1-23) • 50:20 Md. R. 918 (10-6-23),.04—.06,.08—.15 • 50:20 Md. R. 918 (10-6-23)—.04 • 51:2 Md. R. 85 (1-26-24)


     Subtitles 53—68 (6th volume) • 50:17 Md. R. 773 (8-25-23)—.04 • 50:17 Md. R. 773 (8-25-23),.05 • 50:18 Md. R. 816 (9-8-23),.09 • 50:25 Md. R. 1102 (12-15-23)—.05 • 50:25 Md. R. 1102 (12-15-23) • 51:9 Md. R. 444 (5-3-24)—.05 • 51:9 Md. R. 444 (5-3-24)—.03 • 51:9 Md. R. 444 (5-3-24)—.06 • 51:9 Md. R. 444 (5-3-24),.02 • 51:9 Md. R. 444 (5-3-24)—.07 • 51:9 Md. R. 444 (5-3-24)—.06 • 51:9 Md. R. 444 (5-3-24)—.14 • 51:9 Md. R. 444 (5-3-24)—.09 • 51:9 Md. R. 444 (5-3-24)—.08 • 51:9 Md. R. 444 (5-3-24)—.04 • 51:9 Md. R. 444 (5-3-24)—.09 • 51:9 Md. R. 444 (5-3-24),.02• 51:9 Md. R. 444 (5-3-24),.02• 51:9 Md. R. 444 (5-3-24)—.07 • 51:9 Md. R. 444 (5-3-24)—.06 • 51:9 Md. R. 444 (5-3-24)—.04 • 51:9 Md. R. 444 (5-3-24)—.10 • 51:9 Md. R. 444 (5-3-24)—.12 • 51:9 Md. R. 444 (5-3-24)—.09 • 51:9 Md. R. 444 (5-3-24)—.07 • 51:9 Md. R. 444 (5-3-24)—.06 • 51:9 Md. R. 444 (5-3-24)—.06 • 51:9 Md. R. 444 (5-3-24)• 51:9 Md. R. 444 (5-3-24)—.13 • 51:9 Md. R. 444 (5-3-24)—.09 • 51:9 Md. R. 444 (5-3-24)—.10 • 51:9 Md. R. 444 (5-3-24)—.06 • 51:9 Md. R. 444 (5-3-24),.02 • 51:9 Md. R. 444 (5-3-24)—.10 • 51:9 Md. R. 444 (5-3-24) • 51:9 Md. R. 444 (5-3-24)—.03 • 51:9 Md. R. 444 (5-3-24)—.08 • 51:9 Md. R. 444 (5-3-24)—.09 • 51:9 Md. R. 444 (5-3-24) • 51:9 Md. R. 444 (5-3-24)—.06 • 51:9 Md. R. 444 (5-3-24)—.21 • 51:9 Md. R. 444 (5-3-24) • 51:3 Md. R. 168 (2-9-24),.21 • 51:3 Md. R. 168 (2-9-24),.03,.05,.11 • 51:3 Md. R. 173 (2-9-24),.09 • 51:2 Md. R. 86 (1-26-24)—.09 • 51:2 Md. R. 86 (1-26-24)—.06 • 51:2 Md. R. 86 (1-26-24)—.04 • 51:2 Md. R. 86 (1-26-24),.02 • 51:2 Md. R. 86 (1-26-24)—.06 • 51:2 Md. R. 86 (1-26-24) • 51:3 Md. R. 164 (2-9-24) • 51:3 Md. R. 174 (2-9-24),.03-2,.15,.19,.19-4 • 51:3 Md. R. 174 (2-9-24) • 50:24 Md. R. 1049 (12-1-23) • 51:3 Md. R. 174 (2-9-24) • 51:3 Md. R. 164 (2-9-24),.26-3,.27,.30 • 51:3 Md. R. 174 (2-9-24) • 50:24 Md. R. 1049 (12-1-23) • 51:3 Md. R. 174 (2-9-24)




     Subtitles 11—23 (MVA) • 50:15 Md. R. 698 (7-28-23)






13A.08.01.02-3 • 51:7 Md. R. 337 (4-5-24)

13A.08.01.17 • 50:20 Md. R. 924 (10-6-23)

13A.16.08.03 • 51:2 Md. R. 95 (1-26-24)

13A.16.10.02 • 51:2 Md. R. 95 (1-26-24)

13A.17.10.02 • 51:2 Md. R. 95 (1-26-24)


14 INDEPENDENT AGENCIES • 51:7 Md. R. 338 (4-5-24) • 51:9 Md. R. 444 (5-3-24)—.04 • 51:9 Md. R. 444 (5-3-24) (ibr)—.04 • 51:9 Md. R. 444 (5-3-24)—.09 • 51:9 Md. R. 444 (5-3-24)—.08 • 51:9 Md. R. 444 (5-3-24)—.10 • 51:9 Md. R. 444 (5-3-24)—.08 • 51:9 Md. R. 444 (5-3-24)—.07 • 51:9 Md. R. 444 (5-3-24)—.04 • 51:9 Md. R. 444 (5-3-24)—.09 • 51:9 Md. R. 444 (5-3-24)—.19 • 51:9 Md. R. 444 (5-3-24)—.11 • 51:9 Md. R. 444 (5-3-24)—.11 • 51:9 Md. R. 444 (5-3-24)—.06 • 51:9 Md. R. 444 (5-3-24)—.05 • 51:9 Md. R. 444 (5-3-24)—.05 • 51:9 Md. R. 444 (5-3-24)—.07 • 51:9 Md. R. 444 (5-3-24)—.07 • 51:9 Md. R. 444 (5-3-24)—.05 • 51:9 Md. R. 444 (5-3-24),.02 • 51:9 Md. R. 444 (5-3-24),.02• 51:9 Md. R. 444 (5-3-24)—.12 • 51:9 Md. R. 444 (5-3-24),.12 • 51:7 Md. R. 339 (4-5-24) • 51:7 Md. R. 339 (4-5-24)—.10 • 51:5 Md. R. 248 (3-8-24)—.06 • 51:2 Md. R. 109 (1-26-24)—.22 • 51:2 Md. R. 109 (1-26-24)—.07 • 51:2 Md. R. 109 (1-26-24)—.06 • 51:2 Md. R. 109 (1-26-24)—.05 • 51:2 Md. R. 109 (1-26-24)—.03 • 51:2 Md. R. 109 (1-26-24) • 51:2 Md. R. 109 (1-26-24) • 51:2 Md. R. 109 (1-26-24)—.03 • 51:2 Md. R. 110 (1-26-24) • 51:2 Md. R. 110 (1-26-24) • 51:2 Md. R. 110 (1-26-24)—.17 • 51:2 Md. R. 110 (1-26-24)—.12 • 51:2 Md. R. 110 (1-26-24)—.04 • 51:2 Md. R. 110 (1-26-24)—.32 • 51:6 Md. R. 308 (3-22-24) (ibr)


15 MARYLAND DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE • 50:25 Md. R. 1103 (12-15-23)


20 PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION • 51:8 Md. R. 373 (4-19-24) • 51:8 Md. R. 373 (4-19-24),.06,.07,.09,.10,.12—.14 • 51:7 Md. R. 340 (4-5-24)




     Subtitles 01—07 (Part 1),.01-1,.20,.31 • 51:6 Md. R. 309 (3-22-24) (ibr)


     Subtitles 08—12 (Part 2) • 51:8 Md. R. 374 (4-19-24) • 51:8 Md. R. 375 (4-19-24) (ibr)


     Subtitles 19—28 (Part 4)—.03 • 50:25 Md. R. 1104 (12-15-23) (ibr)—.05 • 50:25 Md. R. 1104 (12-15-23),.02 • 50:25 Md. R. 1104 (12-15-23)—.03 • 50:25 Md. R. 1104 (12-15-23)


30 MARYLAND INSTITUTE FOR EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES SYSTEMS (MIEMSS) • 50:24 Md. R. 1061 (12-1-23),.06—.09 • 50:24 Md. R. 1061 (12-1-23) • 51:2 Md. R. 117 (1-26-24) • 51:2 Md. R. 117 (1-26-24)


33 STATE BOARD OF ELECTIONS,.07 • 51:8 Md. R. 375 (4-19-24)—.03 • 51:8 Md. R. 375 (4-19-24)


34 DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING,.08,.09 • 51:6 Md. R. 311 (3-22-24)


36 MARYLAND STATE LOTTERY AND GAMING CONTROL AGENCY • 50:26 Md. R. 1149 (12-29-23),.12—.14,.16,.17 • 50:26 Md. R. 1149 (12-29-23),.05—.07,.10 • 50:26 Md. R. 1149 (12-29-23) • 50:26 Md. R. 1149 (12-29-23),.04 • 50:26 Md. R. 1149 (12-29-23),.20,.21,.34 • 50:26 Md. R. 1149 (12-29-23) • 50:26 Md. R. 1149 (12-29-23) • 50:26 Md. R. 1149 (12-29-23),.02 • 50:26 Md. R. 1149 (12-29-23),.18 • 50:26 Md. R. 1149 (12-29-23) • 50:26 Md. R. 1149 (12-29-23),.14 • 50:26 Md. R. 1149 (12-29-23),.04 • 50:26 Md. R. 1149 (12-29-23)—.06 • 50:26 Md. R. 1149 (12-29-23),.02 • 50:26 Md. R. 1149 (12-29-23)—.07,.09,.11 • 50:26 Md. R. 1149 (12-29-23) • 50:26 Md. R. 1149 (12-29-23),34,.40,.41 • 50:26 Md. R. 1149 (12-29-23),.06 • 50:26 Md. R. 1149 (12-29-23),.04 • 50:26 Md. R. 1149 (12-29-23) • 50:26 Md. R. 1149 (12-29-23)


The Governor

EXECUTIVE ORDER 01.01.2024.13

Authorizing the Secretary of Natural Resources to Modify Rules for the Operation of Vessels in Close Proximity to the Francis Scott Key Bridge Area


WHEREAS, On March 26, 2024, a cargo ship collided with the Francis Scott Key Bridge (the “Key Bridge”) in Baltimore, causing the collapse of the Key Bridge;


WHEREAS, On March 26, 2024, Executive Order 01.01.2024.09 was issued, declaring a State of Emergency to respond to the collapse of the Key Bridge, and that State of Emergency still exists;


WHEREAS, To ensure the safe and efficient passage of recreational vessels operating in proximity to the Key Bridge area, it is necessary to authorize the Secretary of Natural Resources to coordinate rules of operation with the United States Coast Guard.



A. In order to protect the public health, safety, and welfare, the Secretary of Natural Resources is directed to coordinate the rules for the operation of vessels in proximity to the Key Bridge area with the United States Coast Guard.

B. The Secretary of Natural Resources is hereby authorized to issue any modifications to current Maryland law or regulation necessary for that coordination with the Coast Guard through a public notice to be published on the Department of Natural Resources’ website and disseminated through various media to provide an affected individual a reasonable opportunity to be informed.

C. This Executive Order remains effective until the State of Emergency has been terminated, or until rescinded, superseded, amended, or revised by additional orders.

D. The effect of any statute, rule, or regulation of an agency of the State or a political subdivision inconsistent with this Order is hereby suspended to the extent of the inconsistency.


GIVEN Under My Hand and the Great Seal of the State of Maryland, in the City of Annapolis this 15th Day of April 2024.




Secretary of State



EXECUTIVE ORDER 01.01.2024.14

Prohibiting Certain Intercepts of Temporary Economic and Financial Assistance Relief Related to the Francis Scott Key Bridge Collapse


WHEREAS, On March 26, 2024, a cargo ship collided with the Francis Scott Key Bridge (the “Key Bridge”) in Baltimore, causing the collapse of the Key Bridge;


WHEREAS, On March 26, 2024, Executive Order 01.01.2024.09 was issued, declaring a State of Emergency to respond to the collapse of the Key Bridge, and that State of Emergency still exists;


WHEREAS, To address the significant economic, financial and workforce-related impacts of the collapse of the Key Bridge, the General Assembly passed, and I signed into law, the Maryland Protecting Opportunities and Regional Trade (“PORT”) Act, Chapter 3 of the Acts of the General Assembly of 2024, Senate Bill 1188/House Bill 1526;


WHEREAS, The PORT Act establishes temporary economic and financial relief programs to assist individuals and businesses most affected by the collapse of the Key Bridge and disruption to the operations of the Port of Baltimore;


WHEREAS, It is necessary to prohibit certain requests for intercepts of the emergency economic and financial relief assistance paid to individuals and businesses under the PORT Act, to ensure that Maryland workers and businesses may use the full benefit of that financial assistance to recover from the economic and financial injury caused by the collapse of the Key Bridge.



A. Definition. As used herein:

“PORT Act Relief Funds” means funds provided to eligible individuals or businesses from the temporary economic and financial relief programs established and administered under the Maryland Protecting Opportunities and Regional Trade (“PORT”) Act, Chapter 3 of the Acts of the General Assembly of 2024, Senate Bill 1188/House Bill 1526.

B. Prohibition on Intercept.

Except as otherwise provided by this Order, it being necessary to protect the public health, safety, or welfare, the Comptroller of Maryland shall not honor a request to intercept a payment of PORT Act Relief Funds made to an individual or a business under § 13-918(b) of the Tax-General Article.

C. Exclusions.

Section B of this Executive Order shall not apply to any request to intercept a payment made:

(1) by the United States Department of the Treasury; or

(2) under Title 10, Subtitle 1, Part II of the Family Law Article.

D. General Provisions.

(1) This Executive Order remains effective until the State of Emergency has been terminated, or until rescinded, superseded, amended, or revised by additional orders.

(2) The effect of any statute, rule, or regulation of an agency of the State or a political subdivision inconsistent with this Order is hereby suspended to the extent of the inconsistency.

(3) If any provision of this Order or its application to any person, entity, or circumstance is held invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction, all other provisions or applications of the Order shall remain in effect to the extent possible without the invalid provision or application.  To achieve this purpose, the provisions of this Order are severable.


GIVEN Under My Hand and the Great Seal of the State of Maryland, in the City of Annapolis, this 15th Day of April 2024.




Secretary of State




The General Assembly

For additional up-to-date information concerning bills introduced in the General Assembly, log on to and click on Bill Information and Status.  You may then enter a specific bill number for information about that bill.  You may also click on Senate Synopsis or House Synopsis for the most recent synopsis list for each house, or click on Synopsis Index for a listing of all bill synopses since the beginning of the legislative session.



House Bills

HB0001  Del Boyce, et al.  Maryland Paint Stewardship.

HB0002  Del Boyce, et al.  Baltimore City - Property Taxes - Authority to Set a Special Rate for Vacant and Abandoned Property.

HB0003  Del Stewart.  Land Use - Expedited Development Review Processes for Affordable Housing - Requirements.

HB0004  Del J. Lewis.  Institutions of Higher Education – Admissions Standards – Prohibition on Consideration of Legacy Preference.

HB0005  Del Crosby.  Criminal Law - Indecent Exposure Within the Presence of a Minor.

HB0006  Del Grammer, et al.  Public Safety - Law Enforcement - Quotas (Community-Oriented Policing Act).

HB0007  Del Stewart.  Housing Innovation Pilot Program and Housing Innovation Fund - Establishment (Housing Innovation Pilot Program Act of 2024).

HB0008  Del Fraser-Hidalgo.  Maryland Police Training and Standards Commission - Police Officer Certification - Eligibility.

HB0009  Del Crosby.  State Retirement and Pension System - Forfeiture of Benefits.

HB0010  Del Attar.  Criminal Injuries Compensation Board - Eligible Individuals and Direct Reimbursement for Mental Health Services.

HB0011  Del J. Lewis.  Workforce Development and Adult Learning - Leasing Training Program - Establishment.

HB0012  Del Ruth, et al.  Property Tax Credit - Retail Service Station Conversions.

HB0013  Del R. Lewis.  Residential Property - Affordable Housing Land Trusts - Authority to Establish Condominium Regimes.

HB0014  Chr W&M (Dept).  Election Law - Revisions.

HB0015  Del Cardin.  Police Discipline - Order to Show Cause.

HB0016  Del Kaiser.  Tax Sales - Homeowner Protection Program - Funding.

HB0017  Chr ENT (Dept).  Charter Counties - Comprehensive Plans - Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing.

HB0018  Del R. Long.  Education - Reporting Arrests of Students - Alterations.

HB0019  Del T. Morgan.  Natural Resources - Northern Snakehead - Common Name.

HB0020  Chr W&M (Dept).  Real Property Assessments – Revaluation of Property on Transfer After Appeal.

HB0021  Del Attar.  Criminal Procedure - Warrantless Arrest - Straw Purchase Participant.

HB0022  Del Ruth, et al.  Agriculture - Pollinator Habitat Plan - Requirements for State Highway Administration.

HB0023  Chr HGO (Dept).  Maryland Health Benefit Exchange - Qualified Health Plans - Dental Coverage.

HB0024  Del Boyce.  Environment - Impact of Environmental Permits and State Agency Actions.

HB0025  Del Mangione.  Public Schools - Sexually Explicit Materials - Prohibited in Libraries and Media Centers.

HB0026  Chr W&M (Dept).  Small, Minority, and Women-Owned Businesses Account - Alterations.

HB0027  Del Acevero.  No–Knock Warrants.

HB0028  Del R. Lewis.  Passenger, Truck, and Multipurpose Vehicles - Annual Registration Fees (Pedestrian Fatality Prevention Act of 2024).

HB0029  Del Hill, et al.  Real Property - Transfer to Heir - Exemption From Prepayment.

HB0030  Chr HGO (Dept).  Health Insurance – Conformity With Federal Law.

HB0031  Del Cardin.  Juvenile Law - Electronic Harassment and Bullying - Inquiry by Intake Officer.

HB0032  Del Harrison.  Income Tax - Caregiver Tax Credit.

HB0033  Del J. Lewis.  Economic Development - Entrepreneurial Leave Tax Credit Program.

HB0034  Del Kerr.  Interstate Social Work Licensure Compact.

HB0035  Chr W&M (Dept).  Property Tax - Submission of Building Permits to Supervisor of Assessments - Estimated Construction Cost.

HB0036  Chr ECM (Dept).  Insurance - Protections After Loss or Damage to Property.

HB0037  Del Bartlett.  Reentry Services for Women - Commission and Pilot Program - Establishment.

HB0038  Del Edelson.  Baltimore City - Off-Street Parking Requirements Near Mass Transit Stations.

HB0039  Del R. Lewis.  Residential Service Agencies - Reimbursement - Personal Assistance Services (Homecare Worker Rights Act of 2024).

HB0040  Del Kaiser.  Election Law - Postelection Tabulation Audits - Risk-Limiting Audits.

HB0041  Del Mangione.  Crimes – Firearms – Penalties and Procedures (Violent Firearms Offender Act of 2024).

HB0042  Chr HGO (Dept).  Public Health - Public Health Services and Protections - Revisions.

HB0043  Del Stewart.  Motor Vehicle Registration - Exceptions for Golf Carts - Authorization.

HB0044  Del Charkoudian.  Renters' Property Tax Relief and Homeowners' Property Tax Credit Programs - Gross Income and Assessed Value Limitations - Alterations.

HB0045  Chr ENT (Dept).  Natural Resources - Sale, Barter, or Exchange of Mounted Specimens From Decedent's Estate.

HB0046  Del Mangione.  Transportation Investment Program - County Referendum - Authorization.

HB0047  Del Szeliga, et al.  Education - Interscholastic and Intramural Junior Varsity and Varsity Teams - Designation Based on Sex (Fairness in Girls' Sports Act).

HB0048  Del Cardin.  Courts - Justices and Judges - Selection and Retention.

HB0049  Dels Taveras and T. Morgan.  Vehicle Laws - Unauthorized Registration Plates - Prohibition.

HB0050  Del Acevero.  Commission on History, Culture, and Civics in Education.

HB0051  Del Rosenberg.  Maryland Pediatric Cancer Fund - Modifications.

HB0052  Del Stewart.  State Employees - Parental Bereavement Leave.

HB0053  Del Wu.  Task Force to Study E-Commerce Monopolies in the State (E-Commerce Antimonopoly Study of 2024).

HB0054  Del Atterbeary.  Property Tax - Transfer to Heir - Payment Plans.

HB0055  Del Pruski.  Maryland Commission on Veterans and Military Families.

HB0056  Del Hartman.  Worcester County - Motor Home and Recreational Trailer Shows - Out-of-State Dealers.

HB0057  Chr HGO (Dept).  Prescription Drug Monitoring Program – Dispensers – Veterinarians.

HB0058  Del Guyton.  Baltimore County - Speed Monitoring Systems - Residential Districts.

HB0059  Del Mangione.  Crimes of Violence - Motor Vehicle Theft.

HB0060  Del Guyton.  Rehabilitation Services - Disability - Definition.

HB0061  Dels Taveras and Taylor.  Correctional Services - Formerly Incarcerated Individuals and Individuals on Probation - Re-Entry Services.

HB0062  Del Simpson.  State Employee Rights and Protections - Personnel Actions and Harassment - Investigation of Complaints.

HB0063  Del Pruski.  Property Tax - Credit for Dwelling House of Disabled Veterans - Alterations.

HB0064  Del J. Lewis.  Motor Vehicle Excise Tax - Tax Credit for Electric Vehicles - Eligibility.

HB0065  Del Miller.  Public Schools - Medical and Psychological Treatment in School-Based Health Centers and Public Schools - Parental Notice.

HB0066  Del Charkoudian.  Property Tax Credits - Public School Employees, Health and Safety Improvements, and Property Used for Local Housing Programs.

HB0067  Chr ECM (Dept).  Insurance - Penalties - Unauthorized Insurers, Insurance Producers, and Public Adjusters.

HB0068  Del Stein.  Continuing Care Retirement Communities - Governing Bodies, Grievances, and Entrance Fees.

HB0069  Del Amprey.  Community Development Administration - Live Near Where You Teach Program - Establishment.

HB0070  Del Hill.  Criminal Law - Interference With a Public Safety Answering Point - Penalties.

HB0071  Del Edelson.  Education - Holocaust Education Assistance Grant Program - Established.

HB0072  Chr ENT (Dept).  Vehicle Registration - Fee Due to Outstanding Warrant - Repeal.

HB0073  Del Bartlett.  Criminal Procedure - Expungement - Completion of Sentence.

HB0074  Del Guyton.  Public Schools - Lifesaver Schools Program - Establishment.

HB0075  Del Ebersole.  Higher Education - Teacher Development and Retention Program - Definition.

HB0076  Del Lopez.  Health Occupations - Pharmacists - Administration of Vaccines.

HB0077  Del Munoz.  Motor Vehicles - Parking - Armed Forces Special Registration Plates.

HB0078  Chr APP (Dept).  Maryland Environmental Service – Governance and Requirements.

HB0079  Del Williams.  Family Law – Child Custody – Determinations.

HB0080  Del Boyce.  Election Law - Party and Elected Public Offices - Prohibition.

HB0081  Del Bouchat.  Constitutional Amendment - Form of County Government - Requirement to Adopt Charter Home Rule.

HB0082  Dels Wu and T. Morgan.  Post College and Career Readiness Pathways - Cost to Student - Alteration.

HB0083  Del Ziegler, et al.  Civil Actions - Noneconomic Damages - Personal Injury and Wrongful Death.

HB0084  Del Kerr.  Hospitals and Urgent Care Centers - Sepsis Protocol (Lochlin's Law).

HB0085  Del Lehman, et al.  Department of Agriculture - Spay/Neuter Fund.

HB0086  Del Boyce, et al.  Public and Nonpublic Schools - Auto-Injectable Epinephrine and Bronchodilators - Use, Availability, Training, and Policies.

HB0087  Del Mangione.  Criminal Law - Death Penalty.

HB0088  Chr APP (Dept).  State Retirement and Pension System - Immediate Vesting.

HB0089  Del R. Lewis.  Income Tax - Credit for Individuals Without Motor Vehicles (One Less Car Act of 2024).

HB0090  Chr ECM (Dept).  Insurance - Hearing Representation.

HB0091  Del Foley.  Fossil Fuel-Powered Lawn and Garden Care Equipment - State Purchase, Use, and Contracts - Prohibition.

HB0092  Del Amprey.  Resources and Education for All Prisons (REAP) Act.

HB0093  Del Mireku-North.  Landlord and Tenant - Termination of Residential Lease - Limitation of Liability for Rent.

HB0094  Del Pasteur.  Correctional Services - Inmate Employment - Agricultural Work.

HB0095  Del Mangione.  Workgroup to Study School Bus Safety (Maryland School Bus Safety Act of 2024).

HB0096  Del T. Morgan.  Health - Newborn Screening Program - Krabbe Leukodystrophy.

HB0097  Dels Taveras and Pasteur.  Baby Food - Toxic Heavy Metals - Testing and Labeling.

HB0098  Del Kaufman, et al.  Office of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing - Deafblind Co-Navigation Services Program - Established.

HB0099  Del Bartlett.  Criminal Law – Sexual Solicitation of a Minor Through Child Pornography – Prohibition.

HB0100  Del Cardin.  Inheritance Tax Rate – Beneficiaries of Limited Means.

HB0101  Del Charkoudian.  State Highway Projects - Removal, Relocation, and Adjustment of Utility Facilities - Notification, Work Plans, and Compliance.

HB0102  Del Miller.  Motor Vehicles - Motorcycles - Passenger Restrictions.

HB0103  Del Bagnall.  Maryland Medical Assistance Program - Dental Services - Coverage and Rate Study.

HB0104  Del Harrison.  Healthy Working Families Act - Railroad Employees - Unpaid Leave.

HB0105  Del Atterbeary.  Drunk Driving Offenses – Ignition Interlock System Program.

HB0106  Chr APP (Dept).  Human Services - Public Assistance to Entrepreneurship (PA2E) Program - Establishment.

HB0107  Del R. Lewis.  Vehicle Laws - Bus Lane Obstruction - Monitoring Systems Expansion and Workgroup (Better Bus Service Act of 2024).

HB0108  Del Pasteur.  Baltimore County Board of Education - Nonstudent Member Compensation and Student Member Scholarships - Alterations.

HB0109  Chr ENT (Dept).  Natural Resources - Submerged Aquatic Vegetation - Alteration or Removal Requirements.

HB0110  Del Charkoudian.  Health Insurance - Utilization Review - Private Review Agents.

HB0111  Del D. Jones.  Bicycles, Play Vehicles, and Unicycles - Authorizations and Requirements.

HB0112  Chr W&M (Dept).  Persons Doing Public Business – Disclosure Requirements.

HB0113  Del Lehman, et al.  Vehicle Laws - Horse Riding - Helmet Requirement for Minors.

HB0114  Del J. Lewis, et al.  Arbitration Reform for State Employees Act of 2024.

HB0115  Del Kaufman, et al.  Criminal Procedure - Victims' Rights - Notification of Release From Confinement (Jaycee Webster Victims' Rights Act).

HB0116  Del Kerr.  Teacher Degree Apprenticeship.

HB0117  Chr ENT (Dept).  Department of Natural Resources - Maryland Geological Survey Fund - Establishment.

HB0118  Del Bartlett.  Correctional Services - Geriatric and Medical Parole.

HB0119  Chr HGO (Dept).  Public Health - Giving Infants a Future Without Transmission (GIFT) Act.

HB0120  Del T. Morgan.  Economic Development – Maryland Watermen’s Microloan Program – Eligibility.

HB0121  Del Amprey.  Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services - Training Facilities With an Outdoor Firearm Range - Location.

HB0122  Del Queen.  General Provisions – Commemorative Month – Small Business Month.

HB0123  Chr JUD (Dept).  Division of Parole and Probation - Criteria for Earned Compliance Credit - Exception for Supervision Fees.

HB0124  Dels Taveras and Ruth.  Alcoholic Beverages - License Applications - Residency Requirements.

HB0125  Del Rogers.  Courts – Military Records – Recordation and Inspection.

HB0126  Del Taveras.  Prince George's County - Board of Education - Family Life and Human Sexuality Instruction.

HB0127  Chr HGO (Dept).  Public Health - Nonoccupational Postexposure Prophylaxis (nPEP) Standing Order Program - Establishment.

HB0128  Dels Rosenberg and Kipke.  Crimes - Interfering With a Legislative Proceeding.

HB0129  Del Williams.  Criminal Procedure - Location Information - Exigent Circumstances (Kelsey Smith Act for Maryland).

HB0130  Chr ENT (Dept).  Department of General Services - State Buildings and Facilities - Energy Conservation and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reductions.

HB0131  Del Stewart.  Housing Development Permit Applications - Local Reporting Requirements.

HB0132  Del Cardin.  Sports Wagering Campaign Contributions Parity Act of 2024.

HB0133  Del Bouchat, et al.  Commission to Study African American Civil War Soldiers in Maryland.

HB0134  Del Mangione.  Juvenile Law - Juvenile Court Jurisdiction - Age of Child.

HB0135  Del Charkoudian.  Transportation - Maryland Transportation Authority - Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety and Accessibility.

HB0136  Chr ECM (Dept).  Employment Standards, Prevailing Wage, and Living Wage - Employer Adverse Actions - Prohibition.

HB0137  Del Grammer.  Civil Actions - Civil Immunity - Educator Intervention.

HB0138  Del Amprey.  Education - Financial Literacy Curriculum (Financial Literacy for All Act).

HB0139  Del Charkoudian.  Landlord and Tenant - Office of Home Energy Programs - Financial Assistance.

HB0140  Del Rogers.  State Personnel - Spouses of Active Duty Service Members - Hiring Preferences.

HB0141  Dels Pippy and Simpson.  Criminal Procedure - Child Abuse Victim - Testimony Taken Outside the Courtroom.

HB0142  Del R. Long.  Election Law - Polling Places - Establishing Voter Identity (Voter Privacy Act of 2024).

HB0143  Del Foley.  Condominiums - Sales Contracts - Asbestos Disclosure.

HB0144  Chr APP (Dept).  Public Employee Relations Act – Alterations.

HB0145  Dels Pippy and Simpson.  Criminal Law - Revenge Porn - Visual Representation.

HB0146  Chr HGO (Dept).  Health Occupations Boards – Reciprocal Licensure and Certification.

HB0147  Del Hartman.  Tobacco Tax Stamp Refunds - Loss Due to Theft.

HB0148  Del Ebersole, et al.  Department of Transportation - Human Trafficking Awareness, Training, and Response (See Someone, Save Someone Act).

HB0149  Dels Pippy and Kerr.  Medical Records - Destruction - Authorization.

HB0150  Del Fraser-Hidalgo.  Vehicle Emissions Inspection Program and Diesel Vehicle Emissions Control Program - Fees and Fines.

HB0151  Del Patterson.  Charles County Board of Education - Vacancy Procedures - Timing and Video Streaming and Archiving.

HB0152  Del Boyce, et al.  Department of the Environment - Study on Deathcare and Funeral Practices.

HB0153  Dels Rosenberg and Stein.  Medical Records - Fees - Attorneys Representing Patients.

HB0154  Chr W&M (Dept).  Homeowners' Property Tax Credit - Application Filing Deadline - Extension for Homeowner Protection Program Enrollees.

HB0155  Del J. Lewis.  Maryland Energy Administration - Carbon Capture Opportunity Program - Establishment.

HB0156  Del R. Lewis.  Transportation - Electric Bicycle Rebate and Voucher Program - Establishment.

HB0157  Del Griffith.  Public Schools - Appropriations for School Safety Expenditures - Increase (School Safety Enhancement Act of 2024).

HB0158  Del Cardin, et al.  Courts - Prohibited Indemnity and Defense Liability Agreements.

HB0159  Del Korman.  Common Ownership Communities - Electric Vehicle Recharging Equipment (Electric Vehicle Recharging Equipment Act of 2024).

HB0160  Del Acevero.  Elementary and Secondary Schools - Workplace Readiness Week - Establishment.

HB0161  Chr ENT (Dept).  Vehicle Laws - Driver's Licenses, Learner's Instructional Permits, and Identification Cards.

HB0162  Dels Cardin and Moon.  Courts - Prohibited Liability Agreements - Recreational Facilities.

HB0163  Del Charkoudian.  Food Waste and Solid Waste Reduction - Grants, Fund, and Surcharge.

HB0164  Del R. Long.  Election Law - Voter Registration List - Absentee Voters (Absentee Ballot Transparency Act of 2024).

HB0165  Del J. Lewis.  Local Government – Annual Audit Reporting Requirements – Alterations.

HB0166  Del Stewart, et al.  Renewable Energy Portfolio Standard - Eligible Sources - Alterations (Reclaim Renewable Energy Act of 2024).

HB0167  Del Harrison.  Public Schools - Student Health - Certificate of Dental Health.

HB0168  Del Terrasa, et al.  Environment - Plastic Products - Postconsumer Recycled Content Program.

HB0169  Del Acevero.  Custodial Interrogation of Minors - Admissibility of Statements.

HB0170  Del Williams.  State Finance - Prohibited Appropriations - Magnetic Levitation Transportation System.

HB0171  Del Guyton.  State Board of Pharmacy - Membership - Veterinary Pharmacist.

HB0172  Chr JUD (Dept).  Department of State Police - Professional Occupations - Application Process.

HB0173  Del Lehman, et al.  State Buildings and State Highways - Collection of Yard Waste.

HB0174  Chr W&M (Dept).  Property Tax Assessment - Appeals to Maryland Tax Court - Filing Fee.

HB0175  Del Harrison.  Occupational Licensing and Certification – Criminal History – Prohibited Disclosures and Predetermination Review Process.

HB0176  Del Foley.  Vehicle Towing or Removal - Insurer of Record - Electronic Notification.

HB0177  Del R. Lewis.  Hospitals - Care of Infants After Discharge.

HB0178  Del Griffith.  Vehicle Laws - Disabled Veteran Registration Plates - Issuance.

HB0179  Del J. Lewis.  Indigenous Peoples' Day - Rule of Interpretation and Replacement of Columbus Day.

HB0180  Del Kerr.  State Board of Cosmetologists – Licensing – Eyelash Extensions.

HB0181  Del Hill, et al.  Failure to Pay Rent Proceedings - Prohibition on Rent Increases and Shielding of Court Records.

HB0182  Del Bouchat.  Districting - Single Member Districts and Legislative and Congressional Redistricting and Apportionment Convention.

HB0183  Chr APP (Dept).  Human Services – Food Supplement Program (Summer SNAP for Children Act).

HB0184  Del Acevero.  Public Health - Healthy Maryland Program - Establishment.

HB0185  Del Bartlett.  Correctional Services - Medical Parole - Life Imprisonment.

HB0186  Del Hartman.  Eastern Shore Code Counties - Maximum Hotel Rental Tax Rate - Alteration.

HB0187  Del Ruth, et al.  Task Force to Study Aggressive and Reckless Driving.

HB0188  Del Cardin.  Public Safety - Police Accountability - Time Limit for Filing Administrative Charges.

HB0189  Del R. Lewis.  Maryland Medical Assistance Program - Provider Agencies and Personal Care Aides - Reimbursement and Wage Reports (Homecare Workers Employment Act of 2024).

HB0190  Del Hill.  Workers' Compensation - Occupational Disease Presumptions - First Responders.

HB0191  Del Mireku-North.  Correctional Services - Pregnancy and Postpartum Support (Prevention of Forced Infant Separation Act).

HB0192  Del R. Long.  Elections - In-Person Voting - Proof of Identity.

HB0193  Dels Lehman and Pena-Melnyk.  Anne Arundel County - Speed Limits - Establishment.

HB0194  Del Edelson.  Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program - Seniors - State Supplement.

HB0195  Del Guyton, et al.  Public Safety - Missing Persons With Cognitive Impairment - Purple Alert Program.

HB0196  Del Taveras, et al.  Motor Vehicles - School Buses - Seat Belts.

HB0197  Chr ECM (Dept).  Unemployment Insurance - Work Search Requirement - Exemption for Federal Civilian Employees During a Federal Government Shutdown.

HB0198  Dels Korman and J. Lewis.  Transportation - WMATA Operating Assistance - Alteration (Maryland Metro Funding Act of 2024).

HB0199  Del Wu, et al.  Multifamily Dwellings - Smoking Policies.

HB0200  Del Wilkins.  Community Schools - Alterations.

HB0201  Del Taveras, et al.  Commercial Driver's Licenses - Knowledge Test - English and Spanish.

HB0202  Del R. Long.  Election Law - Absentee Ballots - Signature Requirements and Verification.

HB0203  Chr JUD (Dept).  Correctional Services - Local Detention Centers - Reporting on Opioid Use Disorder.

HB0204  Del Attar, et al.  Education – Coaches – Mental Health Training.

HB0205  Del Charkoudian.  Unemployment Insurance Modernization Act of 2024.

HB0206  Del R. Long.  Education - Student Behavior - Parent and Guardian Notice and Required Counseling (Parent and Guardian Accountability Act).

HB0207  Del Edelson.  Motor Vehicles - Reckless Driving and Aggressive Driving - Penalties.

HB0208  Chr W&M (Dept).  County Public Libraries - Overdue Library Materials - Minors.

HB0209  Del Amprey.  Prison Education Delivery Reform Commission.

HB0210  Del Acevero.  Maryland Building Performance Standards – Fossil Fuel Use and Electric–Ready Standards.

HB0211  Del Taveras.  Business Regulation - Contractors, Subcontractors, and Brokers - Prohibited Conduct.

HB0212  Del Palakovich Carr, et al.  Vehicle Laws - Noise Abatement Monitoring Systems - Authorization.

HB0213  Del Attar.  Education - Maryland STEM Program - Established.

HB0214  Dels Boyce and Grammer.  Family Law – Adoption of an Adult.

HB0215  Chr HGO (Dept).  Human Services - Attendant Care Program - Ongoing Additional Supports.

HB0216  Del Charkoudian.  Condominiums - Common Elements - Clean Energy Equipment.

HB0217  Del R. Long.  Vehicle Laws - Cannabis Use in Motor Vehicle With Minor Occupant - Prohibition.

HB0218  Del Stewart.  Income Tax - Credit for Long-Term Care Premiums (Long-Term Care Relief Act of 2024).

HB0219  Dels Guyton and Ruth.  Natural Resources - Removal of Trees or Shrubs - Notice and Objection.

HB0220  Del R. Long.  Homestead Property Tax Credit - Calculation of Credit for Dwelling Purchased by First-Time Homebuyer.

HB0221  Del Wu, et al.  Education - Funding for General Education Programs - Definition Alterations.

HB0222  Chr JUD (Dept).  Correctional Services - Division of Pretrial Detention and Services - Facilities.

HB0223  Del Queen.  Commercial Law - Mortgage Loans - Verification of Ability to Repay.

HB0224  Chr W&M (Dept).  Sports Wagering - Sports Wagering Assistance Fund - Repeal.

HB0225  Chr ENT (Dept).  Smart Growth Subcabinet - Membership and Duties.

HB0226  Chr W&M (Dept).  Property Tax Credit - Permanent Supportive Housing - Established.

HB0227  Chr HGO (Dept).  State Government - Information Technology - Major Information Technology Development Projects.

HB0228  Chr ENT and Chr APP (Dept).  Natural Resources - Maryland State Parks - Funds and Plan Alterations.

HB0229  Chr ECM (Dept).  Vehicle Laws - Motor Vehicle Insurance Companies - Requirements.

HB0230  Chr HGO (Dept).  Motor Vehicle Administration - Death Certificates - Issuance of Copies.

HB0231  Chr ENT (Dept).  Vehicle Laws - Special Registration Plates - Gold Star and Next of Kin Families.

HB0232  Chr HGO (Dept).  Physicians and Allied Health Professions - Reorganization and Revisions.

HB0233  Chr ENT (Critical Area Commission).  Chesapeake and Atlantic Coastal Bays Critical Area Protection Program – Climate, Equity, and Administrative Provisions.

HB0234  Chr ENT (Dept).  Department of Agriculture - Licensing, Registration, Fees and Penalties, and Regulation.

HB0235  Chr HGO (Dept).  Department of Natural Resources - Pay-For-Success Contracts - Procurement Exemption.

HB0236  Chr ECM (Dept).  Public Service Commission - Electricity Supply and Consumer Protections - Regulations and Orders.

HB0237  Chr ENT (Dept).  Commercial Northern Snakehead License – Gear.

HB0238  Chr ECM (Dept).  Public Health - Clean Indoor Air Act - Revisions.

HB0239  Chr ENT (Dept).  Natural Resources - State Boat Act - Alterations.

HB0240  Chr HGO (Dept).  Health Insurance - Cancellation of Individual Health Benefit Plans - Restriction.

HB0241  Chr ENT (Dept).  Housing and Community Development - Just Community Designation.

HB0242  Chr ECM (Dept).  State Amusement Ride Safety Advisory Board - Sunset Extension.

HB0243  Chr W&M (Dept).  Property Tax - Tax Sales - Revisions.

HB0244  Chr ECM (Dept).  Maryland Occupational Safety and Health Act - Civil Penalties - Alterations.

HB0245  Chr ENT (Dept).  Department of the Environment - Fees, Penalties, Funding, and Regulation.

HB0246  Chr ECM (Dept).  Commercial Law - Credit Regulation - Earned Wage Access and Credit Modernization.

HB0247  Chr ENT (Dept).  Real Property - Residential Foreclosures - Procedures.

HB0248  Chr W&M (Dept).  Property Tax - Assessment Appeal Boards and Supervisors - Regional Organization.

HB0249  Chr JUD (Dept).  Public Safety - Statewide DNA Database System, DNA Collection, and Penalties - Alterations.

HB0250  Chr ECM (Dept).  Financial Institutions - Third-Party Service Providers - Examinations.

HB0251  Chr ECM (Dept).  Unemployment Insurance - Covered Employment - Employees of Governmental Entities or Charitable, Educational, or Religious Organizations.

HB0252  Chr ECM (Dept).  Insurance - Holding Companies - Group Capital Calculation and Liquidity Stress Test.

HB0253  Chr ECM (Maryland Cannabis Administration.  Cannabis Reform - Alterations.

HB0254  Chr ECM (Dept).  Commercial Law - Credit Regulation - Predatory Loan Prevention (True Lender Act).

HB0255  Chr HGO (Dept).  Interagency Committee on Aging Services – Repeal.

HB0256  Del D. Jones.  Waterway Incident Notification System (WINS) Workgroup.

HB0257  Del Qi.  Election Law - Affiliating With a Party and Voting - Unaffiliated Voters.

HB0258  Del Qi.  Renewable Energy - Customer-Sited Solar Program.

HB0259  Del Chang.  District Court - Traffic Cases - Surcharges.

HB0260  Del Chang.  State Personnel - Collective Bargaining - Supervisory Employees.

HB0261  Del Palakovich Carr, et al.  Unemployment Insurance - Benefits - Election Judges.

HB0262  Del Palakovich Carr.  Consumer Protection - Consumer Reporting Agencies - Information in Consumer Credit Reports.

HB0263  Del Qi.  State Highway Administration - Sidewalks and Bicycle Pathways - Maintenance and Repair.

HB0264  Del Crosby.  Criminal Law - Manslaughter by Vehicle or Vessel - Increased Penalties (Jamari's Law).

HB0265  Del Qi.  Insurance - Producer Licensing Requirements - Education and Experience.

HB0266  Del Holmes.  Residential Owners in Common Ownership Communities - Bill of Rights.

HB0267  Del Crosby.  Electricity and Gas - Retail Supply - Regulation and Consumer Protection.

HB0268  Del Grammer.  Criminal Procedure - Expungement of Records - Definitions.

HB0269  Del Grammer.  Criminal Procedure - Disclosure of Expunged Records - Alterations.

HB0270  Del Grammer.  Criminal Procedure - Expungement - Failure to Obey a Court Order to Report to Confinement.

HB0271  Del Grammer.  Limited Liability Companies - Articles of Organization - Required Information.

HB0272  Del Grammer.  Cannabis Licensing and Registration - Use of Straw Ownership - Prohibition.

HB0273  Del Holmes.  Real Property - Regulation of Common Ownership Community Managers.

HB0274  Del Simpson, et al.  Intercepted Communications - Penalty.

HB0275  Cecil County Delegation.  Motor Vehicle Registration - Exception for Golf Carts - Town of Charlestown.

HB0276  Del Grammer.  Health - Abortion Data - Submission to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

HB0277  Del Kerr.  Frederick County - Local Gaming and Authorization for Electronic Tip Jar Dispensers.

HB0278  Del Kerr.  Urban State Highways - Speed Limits - Exceptions.

HB0279  Del Holmes.  Common Ownership Communities - Local Commissions - Requirements.

HB0280  Del Holmes.  Local Government - Condominium and Homeowners Associations - Repair and Rehabilitation Funds.

HB0281  Del Holmes.  Cooperative Housing Corporations, Condominiums, and Homeowners Associations - Funding of Reserve Accounts.

HB0282  Del Kerr.  Speed Monitoring Systems - Agencies - Statements and Certificates of Violations.

HB0283  Del Palakovich Carr.  Housing and Community Development - Affordable Housing - Identifying Suitable Property.

HB0284  Del Palakovich Carr.  Education - Provision of Maryland Youth Crisis Hotline Telephone Number - Alteration.

HB0285  Del Holmes, et al.  Task Force on Property Appraisal and Valuation Equity - Alterations.

HB0286  Del Holmes, et al.  Task Force on Common Ownership Communities.

HB0287  Del Charkoudian.  Tax Credits – Homeowners and Renters – Income Calculation.

HB0288  Del Pippy, et al.  Criminal Law - Visual Surveillance With Prurient Intent - Private Place and Minor Victim.

HB0289  Del Kerr.  State Contracts - Prohibited Provisions.

HB0290  Dels Grammer and Bartlett.  Crimes - Interception of Wire, Oral, or Electronic Communications - Exception for Imminent Danger.

HB0291  Del Palakovich Carr.  County Boards of Education - Bid Advertisement Threshold and Electronic Posting of Hearing Notices and Bid Advertisements.

HB0292  Del Kerr.  State Procurement - Maryland State Board of Contract Appeals - Attorney's Fees.

HB0293  Del Arentz, et al.  State Boat Act - Abandoned or Sunken Recreational Vessels - Identification and Removal.

HB0294  Del Arentz, et al.  Estates and Trusts - Vessel Transfers - Excise Tax and Title Fee Exemption.

HB0295  Del J. Long, et al.  Overdose Awareness Day.

HB0296  Del Grammer.  Firearms - Right to Purchase, Own, Possess, and Carry.

HB0297  Del Davis, et al.  Office of the Attorney General - Correctional Ombudsman Unit.

HB0298  Del Munoz.  Vehicle Laws - Lanes of Travel - Slower Traffic and Overtaking and Passing (MOVE GET OUT THE WAY Act).

HB0299  Del Grammer.  Public Safety - Militia - Active Duty Combat (Defend the Guard).

HB0300  Del Toles, et al.  Family Law - Marriage Ceremony - Designation of Deputy Clerk.

HB0301  Del Embry, et al.  Correctional Services - Diminution of a Term of Confinement - First-Degree Rape and First-Degree Sexual Offense (Pava Marie LaPere Act).

HB0302  Del Embry, et al.  Law Enforcement Officers, Correctional Employees, and Court-Ordered Services Providers - Prohibition on Sexual Activity - Penalties and Registry.

HB0303  Dels Grammer and Young.  Public Safety - Persistent Aerial Surveillance.

HB0304  Del Munoz, et al.  Gun Theft Felony Act of 2024.

HB0305  Dels Wilkins and Charkoudian.  Outdoor Lighting - Standards and Use of State Funds.

HB0306  Prince George's County Delegation.  Prince George's County - Economic Development - Independent Innovation Agency of Prince George's County - Establishment PG 402-24.

HB0307  Prince George's County Delegation.  Prince George's County - Alcoholic Beverages Licenses - Nonprofit Organizations PG 304-24.

HB0308  Del Healey.  Public Safety - Missing Person Reports - Collection and Publication.

HB0309  Del Healey.  Cooperative Housing Corporations - Dispute Settlement.

HB0310  Del Buckel, et al.  Safe Communities Act of 2024.

HB0311  Dels Simpson and Taylor.  Child Support - Suspension of Driver's Licenses.

HB0312  Del Bagnall.  Physician Assistants - Collaboration Agreements.

HB0313  Del Attar.  Juvenile Law - Probation.

HB0314  Del Attar.  Juvenile Law – Probation – Technical Violations.

HB0315  Del Bartlett.  Regulated Firearms - Department of State Police - Reporting Requirements.

HB0316  Del Valentine, et al.  Crimes and Corrections - Penalties and Procedures (Violent Firearms Offender Act of 2024).

HB0317  Del Williams.  Criminal Procedure - Postconviction Review - Motion for Reduction of Sentence.

HB0318  Del Solomon, et al.  Criminal Law - Theft - Mail and Mail Depository Key.

HB0319  Del Kipke, et al.  Juvenile Justice Restoration Act of 2024.

HB0320  Del Pippy, et al.  Criminal Procedure - Stops and Searches - Cannabis Odor and Admission of Evidence (Drug-Free Roadways Act of 2024).

HB0321  Del Attar.  Criminal Law - Crimes of Arson - Prohibitions and Penalties.

HB0322  Del Attar.  Juvenile Law - Complaints - Forwarding to State's Attorney.

HB0323  Del Guyton.  Environment - Commission on Climate Change Membership - Addition.

HB0324  Del Cardin.  Maryland Uniform Transfers to Minors Act - Transfers as Custodian for the Benefit of a Minor - Authorization of Court.

HB0325  Del Cardin.  Estates and Trusts - Interested Person - Definition.

HB0326  Del Cardin.  Estates and Trusts - Appointment of Personal Representative - Objections.

HB0327  Del Bagnall.  Anne Arundel County - Board of Community College Trustees - Membership Alterations and Appointment Requirements.

HB0328  Del Lopez, et al.  Hospitals - Financial Assistance Policies - Revisions.

HB0329  Dels Grammer and Simmons.  Public Safety - Handgun Permits - Expiration and Renewal Periods for Retired Law Enforcement Officer.

HB0330  Del Rosenberg, et al.  Courts - Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation.

HB0331  Del Guyton, et al.  Election Law - Candidate Expenditures - Campaign-Related Child Care Expenses.

HB0332  Del Addison, et al.  Baltimore City - Out-of-State Vehicles - Improper Registration.

HB0333  Dels Rosenberg and Wilkins.  Election Law - Election Disinformation on Large Social Media Platforms and Influence Related to Voting.

HB0334  Del Solomon, et al.  Higher Education - MPowering Joint Steering Council - Funding.

HB0335  Dels Addison and Young.  Baltimore City - Alcoholic Beverages - B-D-7 Licenses - Hours of Sale.

HB0336  Del Forbes, et al.  Maryland Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) Program - Materials for Individualized Education Program Meetings.

HB0337  Del Love, et al.  Vehicle Laws - Bike Lanes and Shoulders - Yielding Right-of-Way (Sarah Debbink Langenkamp Memorial Act).

HB0338  Del Moon, et al.  Criminal Procedure – Facial Recognition Technology – Requirements, Procedures, and Prohibitions.

HB0339  Del Vogel, et al.  Unemployment Insurance - Disqualification - Stoppage of Work Caused by Labor Dispute.

HB0340  Dels Cullison and White Holland.  Prescription Drug Affordability Board - Authority for Upper Payment Limits and Funding (The Lowering Prescription Drug Costs For All Marylanders Now Act).

HB0341  Del Solomon.  Higher Education - Cost-of-Living Adjustment - Non-State-Supported Employees.

HB0342  Del Bagnall.  State Procurement - Prompt Payment of Suppliers.

HB0343  Del Munoz.  Environment - Cox Creek Citizens Oversight Committee - Membership.

HB0344  Del Palakovich Carr, et al.  Transportation - Vision Zero Advisory Commission - Establishment.

HB0345  Del Palakovich Carr, et al.  Fish and Wildlife - Endangered and Threatened Species - Definitions, Petitions, and Regulations.

HB0346  Dels Moon and Clippinger.  Criminal Law - Controlled Dangerous Substances and Firearms.

HB0347  Dels Palakovich Carr and Griffith.  General Assembly Vacancy - Political Party Central Committees - Procedures.

HB0348  Del Smith.  University of Baltimore - Schaefer Center for Public Policy - Funding.

HB0349  Del Cullison.  Department of Aging - Long-Term Care Insurance - Study.

HB0350  The Spkr (Admin).  Budget Bill (Fiscal Year 2025).

HB0351  The Spkr (Admin).  Creation of a State Debt - Maryland Consolidated Capital Bond Loan of 2024, and the Maryland Consolidated Capital Bond Loans of 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023.

HB0352  The Spkr (Admin).  Budget Reconciliation and Financing Act of 2024.

HB0353  Del Cullison.  Maryland Department of Health - 2-1-1 Maryland - Oversight.

HB0354  Del Cullison.  Maryland Pathway to Nursing Program and Advisory Committee - Establishment.

HB0355  Del Cullison.  Health Occupations – Licensed Direct–Entry Midwives – Previous Cesarean Section.

HB0356  Del Moon, et al.  School Bus Stops – Monitoring Cameras and Safety Measures.

HB0357  Del Terrasa, et al.  Agriculture - Confinement of Egg-Laying Hens in Commercial Egg Production - Prohibitions.

HB0358  Prince George's County Delegation.  Prince George's County - Workgroup on Health and Wellness PG 409-24.

HB0359  Del J. Long, et al.  Petition for Guardianship of the Property of Alleged Disabled Person - Stay of Civil Actions and Proceedings.

HB0360  Prince George's County Delegation.  Prince George's County - Retail Service Station Dealers - Fuel Service PG 410-24.

HB0361  Del Jackson.  Property Tax Exemption for Community Solar Energy Generating Systems - Limitation on Generating Capacity - Alteration.

HB0362  Del Ghrist, et al.  Caroline County - Alcoholic Beverages - Barbershop and Beauty Salon License.

HB0363  Del Ghrist, et al.  Caroline County – Alcoholic Beverages – Beer, Wine, and Liquor Tasting License.

HB0364  Prince George's County Delegation.  Prince George's County - Traffic Control Device Monitoring Systems - Authorization PG 301-24.

HB0365  Del Ghrist, et al.  School Construction - Local Cost-Share - Alterations.

HB0366  Del Smith.  Restrictions on Use - Solar Collector Systems - Alteration.

HB0367  Del Smith, et al.  Community Colleges - Contraception - Access Requirements.

HB0368  Del Cullison.  Human Relations - Discrimination by a Place of Public Accommodation.

HB0369  Del Vogel.  Income Tax - Senior Tax Credit - Alterations.

HB0370  Del Vogel.  Maryland Department of Health - Study on the Effects of and Preparedness for Long COVID-19.

HB0371  Del Grossman.  Election Law - Recounts - Procedures.

HB0372  Dels Harris and Stewart.  Montgomery County and Prince George's County - Rent Court Workforce Solutions Pilot Program.

HB0373  Del Vogel.  Election Law - Voting Age - Board of Education Elections.

HB0374  Prince George's County Delegation.  Prince George's County - Alcoholic Beverages - Cigar Lounge License PG 303-24.

HB0375  Del Korman, et al.  Port of Baltimore - Renaming.

HB0376  Prince George's County Delegation.  Study on the Feasibility of Relocating the Prince George's County Public School System Headquarters PG 501-24.

HB0377  Del Mireku-North, et al.  Therapeutic Child Care Grant Program - Funding - Alterations.

HB0378  Del Guzzone.  State Board of Dietetic Practice - Dietician-Nutritionists - Licensure Requirements.

HB0379  Del Love, et al.  Wildlife - Traveling Animal Acts - Prohibition.

HB0380  Del Solomon, et al.  State Emergency Medical Services Board - Licenses and Certificates - Application Requirements.

HB0381  Del Hill.  State Board of Examiners in Optometry - Criminal History Records Checks.

HB0382  Del Schmidt, et al.  Criminal and Civil Trespass - Professional Land Surveyors - Exception.

HB0383  Dels Smith and Shetty.  Cosmetology Licensure Compact.

HB0384  Prince George's County Delegation.  Prince George’s County – Business Improvement Districts – Sale of Commercial Property PG 403–24.

HB0385  Del J. Long, et al.  Wage Payment and Collection - Pay Stubs and Pay Statements - Required Information.

HB0386  Del Feldmark.  Maryland Meals for Achievement In-Classroom Breakfast Program - Alterations (Maryland Meals for Achievement Flexibility Act of 2024).

HB0387  Baltimore City Delegation.  Public Information Act – Surveillance Images – Illegal Dumping in Baltimore City.

HB0388  Prince George's County Delegation.  Prince George's County - Law Enforcement - Sound Level Meters PG 305-24.

HB0389  Del Healey, et al.  State Highways - Sidewalks and Bicycle Pathways - Maintenance and Repair.

HB0390  Del Henson.  Commission on African American History and Culture - Museum Name Change .

HB0391  Del T. Morgan, et al.  Corporations and Associations - Protestant Episcopal Church, Diocese of Washington.

HB0392  Dels Stewart and Young.  Evidence - Wiretapping and Electronic Surveillance - Fair Housing Testing.

HB0393  Del Bagnall.  Higher Education - Maryland Dent-Care Program - Eligibility.

HB0394  Del Guzzone, et al.  Human Relations - Commission on Civil Rights - Appeal of Final Orders.

HB0395  Prince George's County Delegation.  Prince George's County - Early Childhood Education Program and High School Child Care Centers - Established PG 504-24.

HB0396  Prince George's County Delegation.  Prince George's County - Sales and Use Tax on Energy and Fuel - Use of Revenue PG 407-24.

HB0397  Del Charkoudian.  Public Utilities – Thermal Energy Network Systems – Authorization and Establishment (Working for Accessible Renewable Maryland Thermal Heat (WARMTH) Act).

HB0398  Prince George's County Delegation.  Prince George's County - Sales and Use Tax on Telecommunications Services - Use of Revenue PG 406-24.

HB0399  Prince George's County Delegation.  Prince George's County - High School Metal Detector Program - Established PG 302-24.

HB0400  Del Woods, et al.  Maryland Medical Assistance Program and Health Insurance - Annual Behavioral Health Wellness Visits - Coverage and Reimbursement.

HB0401  Del Qi.  Property Tax Exemption - Rental Income - Reporting Requirement.

HB0402  Del Grammer.  Real Property - Nuisance and Breach of Lease Actions - Rodent Harborage.

HB0403  Del Hill, et al.  End-of-Life Option Act (The Honorable Elijah E. Cummings and the Honorable Shane E. Pendergrass Act).

HB0404  Del Woods, et al.  Law Enforcement - Wellness Checks - Requirements (Gabriel's Law).

HB0405  Del Kaufman, et al.  Family Law - Child Custody Evaluators - Qualifications and Training.

HB0406  Del Simpson, et al.  Marriage – Confidential Communication – Criminal Charge.

HB0407  Del Kaufman, et al.  Food Supplement Benefits - Students - Eligibility (SNAP for Students).

HB0408  Del Bagnall, et al.  Mental Health Law - County Mental Health Advisory Committees - Membership.

HB0409  Del Kaufman, et al.  Public Utilities - Street Lighting Equipment - Acquisitions and Reporting (County and Municipal Street Lighting Investment Act).

HB0410  Del Atterbeary.  Maryland Technology Development Corporation - Equitech Growth Fund - Alterations.

HB0411  Del Kipke.  Public Health - Opioid Overdose Reversal Drugs - Standing Orders.

HB0412  Del Foley, et al.  General Assembly – Special Election to Fill a Vacancy in Office.

HB0413  Montgomery County Delegation.  Montgomery County - Speed Monitoring Systems - Publication of Notice MC 19-24.

HB0414  Del Forbes.  Education - Maryland Council on Economic Education - Funding.

HB0415  Del Forbes (Chr Jt Com on Pnsns).  State Police Retirement System and Law Enforcement Officers’ Pension System – Deferred Retirement Option Program – Technical Correction.

HB0416  Dels Solomon and Atterbeary.  Public Schools - Active Shooter Safety Drills or Trainings - Requirements.

HB0417  Del Grammer, et al.  Baltimore County - Nuisance Actions - Community Association.

HB0418  Del Stein.  Grant Applications and Reporting - Maryland Efficient Grant Application Council - Alterations.

HB0419  Del Lehman, et al.  Business Regulation - Automatic Tip Prompt Screen - Requirements.

HB0420  Del Lehman, et al.  State and Local Parks - Play Area Accessibility - Communication Boards.

HB0421  Del Attar.  Criminal Law - Use or Possession of a Machine Gun in the Commission or Attempted Commission of a Felony.

HB0422  Del Attar.  Criminal Law – Crime of Violence – Definition.

HB0423  Montgomery County Delegation.  Montgomery County – Voting Methods MC 1–24.

HB0424  Montgomery County Delegation.  Montgomery County - Housing Opportunities Commission - Alterations MC 3-24.

HB0425  Del Rosenberg.  Advanced Practice Registered Nurse Compact.

HB0426  Del Bhandari.  Places of Public Accommodation - Motion Picture Houses - Captioning.

HB0427  Del D. Jones.  Higher Education - Community College Facilities Renewal Grant Program - Alterations.

HB0428  Del Stewart.  Community Schools - Rental Assistance for Community School Families Program and Fund - Establishment.

HB0429  Del Attar.  Maryland Historical Trust - Arbitration.

HB0430  Del Hill, et al.  Firearms - Liability Insurance - Public Wearing and Carrying.

HB0431  Del Pruski, et al.  Department of Veterans Affairs - Renaming and Deputy Secretary of Military Family Policy and Programs.

HB0432  Del Kaufman, et al.  Courts and Judicial Proceedings and Criminal Procedure - Technical Corrections - References to Intellectual Disability.

HB0433  Del Fraser-Hidalgo.  Chesapeake Bay Trust - Authority to Retain Outside Counsel.

HB0434  Del Atterbeary.  Persons Providing Lobbyist Compensation – Statement of Political Contributions – Exemption for Nonprofits.

HB0435  Chr JUD (Dept).  Child Support - Incarcerated Obligors.

HB0436  Del Fair, et al.  Election Law - Voter Registration - Age and Notification to Minors.

HB0437  Dels Wivell and Valentine.  Maryland Zero Emission Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Council - Membership.

HB0438  Dels Hornberger and D. Jones.  Fishing Licenses and Stamps - Fee Exemptions - Residents Eligible for Assistance Programs.

HB0439  Del Taylor.  Criminal Law - First-Degree Assault - Assault With a Firearm.

HB0440  Charles County Delegation.  Motor Vehicle Registration - Exceptions for Golf Carts - Cobb Island.

HB0441  Del Davis.  Criminal Law - Cannabis-Related Offenses - Civil Penalties.

HB0442  Del Edelson.  Inheritance Tax - Exemptions - Maximum Property Value.

HB0443  Del Otto.  Somerset County - Alcoholic Beverages - Class C Veterans' Organization or Club License.

HB0444  Del Otto.  Environment - Duck Nest Boxes - Wetlands License Requirements.

HB0445  Del Simpson.  Minors Convicted as Adults - Sentencing - Transfer to Juvenile Court.

HB0446  Del Roberson, et al.  Courts - Jury Service - Disqualification.

HB0447  Del Ziegler, et al.  Income Tax Credit - Venison Donation.

HB0448  Del Watson, et al.  Korean American Day.

HB0449  Del Ivey, et al.  Comprehensive Flood Management Grant Program - Funding for Underserved and Overburdened Communities.

HB0450  Del Martinez, et al.  State Department of Education - Soccer Opportunities Program - Establishment.

HB0451  The Spkr (Office of the Comptroller).  Tax Assistance for Low-Income Marylanders - Funding.

HB0452  The Spkr (Office of the Comptroller).  Individual Tax Preparers - Code of Ethics, Notification of Actions, Enforcement, and Penalties (Stop Scam Tax Preparers Act).

HB0453  The Spkr (Office of the Comptroller).  Income Tax – Technical Corrections.

HB0454  The Spkr (Office of the Comptroller).  Disclosure of Tax Information - Tax Compliance Activity and Binding Data Use Agreements.

HB0455  The Spkr (Office of the Comptroller).  Comptroller - Electronic Tax and Fee Return Filing Requirements.

HB0456  Del Fair, et al.  County Boards of Education - Student Members - Voting Rights and Participation in Executive Sessions.

HB0457  Del Lehman, et al.  Environment - Synthetic Turf - Chain of Custody.

HB0458  Del Phillips, et al.  Criminal Procedure - Protection of Identity of Minor Victim.

HB0459  Del D. Jones.  Election Administration – State Administrator, Local Boards, and Election Directors.

HB0460  Del Martinez, et al.  State Highway Administration - Dynamic Message Sign System - Maryland's Helpline.

HB0461  Del Martinez, et al.  Health - State Advisory Council on Quality Care at the End of Life - Renaming.

HB0462  Del Martinez, et al.  Funding for Wages and Benefits for Nursing Home Workers (Nursing Home Staffing Crisis Funding Act of 2024).

HB0463  Del Kerr.  Maryland Higher Education Commission – Demographic Data Collection – Parental Status.

HB0464  Del Martinez.  Health Occupations – Practice Audiology – Definition.

HB0465  Del Boafo, et al.  Workplace Fraud and Prevailing Wage - Violations - Penalties and Referrals.

HB0466  Del Ivey, et al.  Maryland Emergency Management Agency, Department of Transportation, and Department of the Environment - Flood Mitigation Comprehensive Study - Montgomery County and Prince George's County.

HB0467  Del Boafo, et al.  Food Service Facilities and Tipped Workers - Service Fees and Tip Credits (One Fair Wage Act of 2024).

HB0468  Dels Love and Boyce.  Commission to Advance Lithium-Ion Battery Safety in Maryland.

HB0469  Del Fair.  Employment Discrimination - Exceptions - Religious Activities of Religious Employers.

HB0470  Del Palakovich Carr.  County Income Tax - Rate and Income Brackets - Alterations.

HB0471  Dels Fair and Pruski.  Election Law - Postelection Procedures.

HB0472  Del Atterbeary, et al.  Education - School Mapping Data Program - Established.

HB0473  Del Pasteur, et al.  Higher Education - Undocumented Students - Out-of-State Tuition Exemption Eligibility.

HB0474  Del Young, et al.  Criminal Procedure - Probation, Parole, and Pretrial Release.

HB0475  Del Korman, et al.  Education - Open-Source Phonics Matching Grant Program - Establishment (Open-Source Phonics Matching Grant Program Act).

HB0476  Del Bartlett, et al.  Criminal Procedure – Forensic Genetic Genealogical DNA Analysis and Search – Applicability for Deceased and Missing Children.

HB0477  Dels Wilkins and Stewart.  Landlord and Tenant - Residential Leases and Holdover Tenancies - Local Just Cause Termination Provisions.

HB0478  Del Sample-Hughes.  Motor Vehicles - School Vehicle Drivers - Medical Examinations.

HB0479  Del Palakovich Carr.  Election Law - Deadline for Selection of Lieutenant Governor.

HB0480  Del Taylor, et al.  Real Property - Land Installment Contracts - Requirements and Vendor Duties and Limitations.

HB0481  Del Hutchinson, et al.  Natural Resources - Antlerless Deer Hunting Programs - Authorization.

HB0482  Del Simpson, et al.  Criminal Injuries Compensation Board - Victims of Nonfatal Strangulation.

HB0483  Del Attar.  Juvenile Court – Jurisdiction.

HB0484  Del Mangione, et al.  Constitutional Amendment - Fee or Tax Rate Increases - Yea and Nay Vote of General Assembly Required (Taxpayer Disclosure and Protection Act).

HB0485  Del Fair, et al.  Public Health - Prohibition on Transfer of Human Immunodeficiency Virus - Repeal.

HB0486  Del Fair, et al.  Residential Property Sales - Contract Disclosures - Superfund Sites.

HB0487  Del Adams, et al.  Corporations and Associations - Electric Cooperatives - Nonescheat Capital Credits.

HB0488  Del Ruff, et al.  Qualifying Nonprofit Organizations - Training and Reentry Services - Funding.

HB0489  Del D. Jones, et al.  Education - State Library Resource Center - Funding.

HB0490  Del D. Jones, et al.  Income Tax - Subtraction Modification for Donations to Diaper Banks and Other Charitable Entities - Sunset Repeal.

HB0491  Dels Fair and Boafo.  State Department of Assessments and Taxation and Department of General Services - Property Appraisal Aids - Geographic Images.

HB0492  Del Rosenberg, et al.  Baltimore City - Speed Monitoring Systems on Interstate 83 - Unpaid and Overdue Citations.

HB0493  Del Foley, et al.  State Personnel - Collective Bargaining - Faculty, Part-Time Faculty, Post Doctoral Associates, and Graduate Assistants.

HB0494  Del Palakovich Carr.  Campaign Finance – Political Organizations – Prohibitions and Disclosures.

HB0495  Del Pasteur.  Education - Baltimore County School Board Nominating Commission - Records and Meetings Requirements.

HB0496  Del Shetty, et al.  Criminal Law - Sexual Crimes - Definition of Consent and Repeal of Force.

HB0497  Dels Hornberger and D. Jones.  Hunting - Nonresident Sika Deer Stamp - Fee Alteration.

HB0498  Del Cardin.  Real Property - Access to Counsel in Evictions Program - Mandated Reports.

HB0499  Del Bagnall.  Health Occupations - Private Dental Offices - Infection Control.

HB0500  Del Wivell, et al.  Institutions of Higher Education - Dually Enrolled Students - Alterations.

HB0501  Del Fennell, et al.  Charter Counties - Enforcement of Local Laws.

HB0502  Del J. Long, et al.  Public Safety - Fire Dampers, Smoke Dampers, Combination Fire Smoke Dampers, and Smoke Control Systems.

HB0503  Dels Stein and Holmes.  Public Safety - Corrugated Stainless Steel Tubing for Fuel Gas Piping Systems - Requirements and Prohibitions.

HB0504  Del Watson.  Department of Planning - Maryland Humanities Council - Appropriation to the Marilyn Hatza Memorial Strengthening the Humanities Investment in Nonprofits for Equity (SHINE) Grantmaking Initiative.

HB0505  Del Charkoudian.  Limitations on Cost Recovery by Public Service Companies and Reports on Votes Cast at Meetings of Regional Transmission Organizations (Utility Transparency and Accountability Act).

HB0506  Dels Boyce and Embry.  Sexual Harassment Prevention Training - Morgan State University - Training Format.

HB0507  Dels Buckel and Hinebaugh.  Allegany and Garrett Counties - Property and Income Taxes - Credits for Construction and Purchase of Housing.

HB0508  Del Embry.  Children - Labor Trafficking.

HB0509  Del Kaiser, et al.  Developmental Disabilities - Community Providers - Federal Participation for Local Funds.

HB0510  Del Stewart.  Business Facade Improvement Program - Eligible Funding Recipients.

HB0511  Dels Boyce and Embry.  Vehicle Laws - Bicycles - Operation at Intersections.

HB0512  Del Boyce.  Natural Resources - Fish and Fisheries - Reporting Requirements.

HB0513  The Spkr (Admin), et al.  Motor Vehicles - Work Zone Speed Control Systems - Revisions (Maryland Road Worker Protection Act of 2024).

HB0514  Dels Allen and Boyce.  Commercial Law - Statutory Liens - Motor Vehicles Towed or Removed From Parking Lots.

HB0515  Del J. Long.  Workgroup to Study the Fiscal and Operational Viability of Public-Private Partnerships for Calvert County Public Schools.

HB0516  Del Fennell, et al.  Climate Crisis and Environmental Justice Act of 2024.

HB0517  Del Bagnall.  State Personnel - Whistleblower Law - Procedures and Remedies (First Amendment and Public Employee Protection Act).

HB0518  Dels Taveras and Woods.  Public Service Commission - Performance-Based Regulation - Study.

HB0519  Dels M. Morgan and T. Morgan.  St. Mary's County - Board of Education - Civil Rights Data Collection and Reporting.

HB0520  Del A. Johnson.  State Real Estate Commission - Complaints - Advertising Violations.

HB0521  St. Mary's County Delegation.  St. Mary’s County – Public Ethics – Prohibition on Campaign Contributions From Individual Registered Lobbyists.

HB0522  Dels D. Jones and Fair.  Public Schools - Student Telehealth Appointments - Policy and Access.

HB0523  Del Ruff, et al.  Criminal Procedure – Expungement of Records – Good Cause.

HB0524  Dels Edelson and Young.  Living Classrooms Foundation - Required Appropriation.

HB0525  Del Wilkins, et al.  Employment Discrimination - Use of Cannabis Products.

HB0526  Dels Buckel and Wilkins.  Sports Wagering - Licenses and Application of Minority Business Enterprise Program Requirements.

HB0527  Del Solomon.  Legacy Admissions.

HB0528  Del Buckel.  Orphans' Court Judges - Restriction on Practicing Law.

HB0529  Del Crosby.  Edward T. and Mary A. Conroy Memorial Scholarship Program - Veterans - Number of Eligible Recipients.

HB0530  Del Boyce.  Maryland Trails Advisory Committee and the Maryland Office of Trails - Establishment (Great Maryland Trails Act).

HB0531  Del Embry, et al.  Correctional Services – Parole Supervision Fees and Drug and Alcohol Abuse Test Payment – Repeal.

HB0532  Del Vogel.  Education – Driver’s Education Assistance Grant Program – Established.

HB0533  Del Ruff, et al.  County Police Accountability Boards – Investigation of Complaints of Police Misconduct.

HB0534  Del Ruff, et al.  Community Development Administration - Live Near Your School Program - Funding and Extension.

HB0535  Del Vogel, et al.  Maryland Task Force on Educator Housing.

HB0536  Del Mireku-North.  Correctional Services Apprenticeship Start–Up Grant Program – Establishment.

HB0537  Dels Attar and Stein.  Income Tax - Credit for Nonpublic School Student Bus Transportation Expenses.

HB0538  The Spkr (Admin), et al.  Land Use – Affordable Housing – Zoning Density and Permitting (Housing Expansion and Affordability Act of 2024).

HB0539  Del Henson, et al.  Public Institutions of Higher Education - Student Withdrawal Policy - Reimbursement of Tuition and Fees (Cameron Carden Act of 2024).

HB0540  Del Moon, et al.  Education - School Bus Stops - Prohibited Locations.

HB0541  Del Henson, et al.  Anne Arundel County - Student Loan Assistance Repayment Program for Educators - Established.

HB0542  Del Vogel, et al.  Department of Human Services - Children in Foster Care - Luggage.

HB0543  Del Henson, et al.  Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program - Seniors - State Supplement.

HB0544  Del Atterbeary, et al.  Criminal Law - Sexual Extortion, Stalking, and Revenge Porn - Statute of Limitations and In Banc Review.

HB0545  Del Mireku-North.  Janet L. Hoffman Loan Assistance Repayment Program - Nancy Grasmick Public School Professional Award - Public School Nurses.

HB0546  Del Williams.  Handgun Permits - Accidental Discharge and Training Requirements - Maryland State Police Gun Center (Firearm Safety Act of 2024).

HB0547  Del Alston, et al.  Crime of Violence - Educational Facilities, Medical Facilities, and Places of Worship - Penalty (Sacred Places Safety Act).

HB0548  Del Guzzone, et al.  Task Force on Responsible Use of Natural Psychedelic Substances.

HB0549  Del Embry, et al.  Statute of Limitations - Prosecution or Enforcement of Local Consumer Protection Codes.

HB0550  Del Williams.  Criminal Procedure - Partial Expungement.

HB0551  Del Henson.  Maryland Transportation Authority - Video Tolls (Maryland Toll Relief and Accountability Act).

HB0552  Del Boyce.  Vehicle Laws - Automated Enforcement Citations and Notices - Mailing Addresses.

HB0553  Del Miller, et al.  Family Law - Fundamental Parental Rights.

HB0554  Del Charkoudian.  Public Utilities - Investor-Owned Utilities - Prevailing Wage.

HB0555  Del A. Johnson, et al.  Criminal Law - Unauthorized Dissemination of Personal Identifying Information - Prohibition.

HB0556  Del Attar.  Juvenile Law - Violations of Electronic Monitoring - Notification.

HB0557  Del Adams, et al.  Sales and Use Tax Exemption - Aircraft Parts and Equipment - Repeal of Reporting Requirement and Sunset.

HB0558  Del Atterbeary.  Primary and Secondary Education - Comprehensive Health Education Framework - Established.

HB0559  Dels Stewart and Hornberger.  State Employees - Four-Day Workweek - Implementation.

HB0560  Dels A. Johnson and S. Johnson.  Harford County Board of Education - Appointed Members - Alterations.

HB0561  Del Watson.  Tree Expert Licenses - Workers' Compensation Insurance Requirements and Application and Renewal Fee Alterations.

HB0562  Dels Hornberger and D. Jones.  Special Chesapeake Bay and Coastal Sport Fishing License - Nonresidents - License Fee.

HB0563  Del Mireku-North.  Election Law - Local Boards of Elections - Language-Related Assistance.

HB0564  Del Taveras, et al.  Real Property - Residential Leases - Renter's Insurance Requirement.

HB0565  Del Simmons, et al.  Maryland Deaths in Custody Oversight Board.

HB0566  Del Grossman, et al.  State and Local Government - Real Property - Confederate Naming Prohibited.

HB0567  Del Love, et al.  Maryland Online Data Privacy Act of 2024.

HB0568  Dels Bagnall and R. Lewis.  Community Health Worker Appreciation Day.

HB0569  Del Solomon.  Higher Education - Credit Eligibility and Transfer of Credits - English as a Second Language Courses (Credit for All Language Learning (CALL) Act).

HB0570  Del Kipke.  Health Maintenance Organizations - Payments to Nonparticipating Providers - Reimbursement Rate.

HB0571  Del Qi, et al.  Family and Medical Leave Insurance Program - Modifications.

HB0572  Dels Embry and Allen.  Criminal Procedure - Admission of Out-of-Court Statements - Assault in the Second Degree.

HB0573  Del Simmons, et al.  Citizens Committee for the Enhancement of Communities Surrounding Baltimore-Washington International Thurgood Marshall Airport - Membership.

HB0574  Del Fraser-Hidalgo.  Commercial Financing - Small Business Truth in Lending Act.

HB0575  The Spkr (Admin), et al.  Criminal Procedure - Victim Compensation - Alterations (Victim Compensation Reform Act of 2024).

HB0576  The Spkr (Admin), et al.  Mental Health - Emergency Evaluation and Involuntary Admission Procedures and Assisted Outpatient Treatment Programs.

HB0577  Del Grossman, et al.  Department of Housing and Community Development - Homeless Shelter Licensing Program - Establishment.

HB0578  Frederick County Delegation.  Sheriff of Frederick County - Salary - Workgroup.

HB0579  The Spkr (Admin), et al.  Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity and Related Approvals – Definition of Generating Station (Critical Infrastructure Streamlining Act of 2024).

HB0580  The Spkr (Admin), et al.  Time to Serve Act of 2024.

HB0581  The Spkr (Admin), et al.  State Government - Permits, Licenses, and Certificates - Processing (Transparent Government Act of 2024).

HB0582  The Spkr (Admin), et al.  Economic Development - Entrepreneurial Innovation Programs - Establishment (Pava LaPere Legacy of Innovation Act of 2024).

HB0583  The Spkr (Admin), et al.  Center for Firearm Violence Prevention - Establishment.

HB0584  The Spkr (Admin), et al.  Workers' Compensation - Occupational Disease Presumptions - First Responders (Caring for Public Employees in the Safety Professions - CAPES Act).

HB0585  The Spkr (Admin), et al.  Protecting Election Officials Act of 2024.

HB0586  Frederick County Delegation.  Frederick County - Alcoholic Beverages - Weinberg Center/New Spires Arts Stages Beer, Wine, and Liquor License.

HB0587  Frederick County Delegation.  Frederick County - Alcoholic Beverages - Manufacturer's Limited Beer, Wine, and Liquor Permit.

HB0588  Frederick County Delegation.  Frederick County - Alcoholic Beverages - Municipal Golf Course License.

HB0589  Dorchester County Delegation.  Dorchester County - County Applicants - Polygraph Examination.

HB0590  Del Hutchinson, et al.  Boating - Migratory Waterfowl Season - Prohibited Acts.

HB0591  Del Clippinger.  Real Property - Transfer to Heir or Legatee - Exemption From Payment.

HB0592  Del Clippinger, et al.  Prince George's County - Judgeships - Circuit Courts.

HB0593  Del Hutchinson, et al.  Criminal Law - Destroying Funerary Objects - Statute of Limitations.

HB0594  Dorchester County Delegation.  Legal Advertisement or Legal Notice - Publication in Newspaper or Newspaper in General Circulation - Digital Newspapers.

HB0595  Chr JUD (Atty Gen Ofc).  Civil Enforcement Actions Brought by the Attorney General - Statute of Limitations.

HB0596  Dorchester County Delegation.  Dorchester County - County Property Leases - Notice Exemptions.

HB0597  The Spkr (Admin), et al.  Growing Apprenticeships and the Public Safety Workforce (GAPS) Act.

HB0598  Del Boafo, et al.  Discrimination - Military Status - Prohibition.

HB0599  The Spkr (Admin), et al.  Maryland Community Investment Corporation - Establishment (Housing and Community Development Financing Act of 2024).

HB0600  Del Palakovich Carr.  Education - Child Care Career and Professional Development Fund - Alterations.

HB0601  Del Lehman, et al.  Street Racing and Exhibition Driving – Prohibited Acts, Enforcement, and Penalties.

HB0602  The Spkr and Del Clippinger.  Employment Discrimination – Sexual Orientation.

HB0603  Del Solomon, et al.  Consumer Protection - Online Products and Services - Data of Children (Maryland Kids Code).

HB0604  The Spkr (Admin), et al.  Families Serve Act of 2024.

HB0605  Del Stein.  Motor Vehicles - Recreational Vehicle Dealer Agreements.

HB0606  Dels Szeliga and Sample-Hughes.  Sales and Use Tax - Baby Products - Exemption.

HB0607  Del Harris.  Community Colleges - Maryland Community College Promise Scholarship - Requirements.

HB0608  Del Wilkins.  Earned Income Tax Credit - Individuals Without Qualifying Children - Eligibility.

HB0609  Del Solomon, et al.  Education - Public Libraries - Collective Bargaining (Library Workers Empowerment Act).

HB0610  Del M. Morgan, et al.  Food Service Facilities - Food Containing Insect Flour - Labeling.

HB0611  Del Harrison.  Electronic Transactions Protection Act - Repeal.

HB0612  Montgomery County Delegation.  Montgomery County - Highways - Maximum Speed Limits MC 10-24.

HB0613  Del Boyce.  Natural Resources - Recreational Catching of Oysters or Clams - Requirements.

HB0614  Del Smith, et al.  Criminal Law – Private Home Detention Monitoring – Notification.

HB0615  Del Ruth, et al.  Education - Prohibited Behavior on School Grounds and Property - Application.

HB0616  Dels Munoz and Miller.  Agricultural Land - Adversarial Foreign Governments - Restrictions on Property Interests.

HB0617  Dels Munoz and Miller.  State Information Technology - Prohibited Applications and Websites.

HB0618  Dels Munoz and Toles.  Police Recruitment and Retention Workgroup.

HB0619  Del Ruth, et al.  Public Health - Commission on Universal Health Care.

HB0620  Del S. Johnson, et al.  Education - Sexual Abuse and Assault Awareness and Prevention Program - Human and Sex Trafficking.

HB0621  Dels S. Johnson and A. Johnson.  Harford County - Alcoholic Beverages - Stadium License Annual Fee.

HB0622  Del Healey.  Consumer Reporting Agencies - Records of Criminal Proceedings - Prohibition.

HB0623  Harford County Delegation.  Harford County - Alcoholic Beverages - Class L License.

HB0624  Del Barnes.  Next Generation Scholars of Maryland Program - Program Administrator - Alterations.

HB0625  Del Forbes (Chr Jt Com on Pnsns).  State Retirement and Pension System – Personal Statement of Benefits – Authorized Format.

HB0626  Del Schmidt, et al.  Income Tax - Subtraction Modification - Public Safety Volunteers.

HB0627  Del Wilkins.  Election Law - Automatic Voter Registration - State Correctional Facilities.

HB0628  Del S. Johnson.  Health Occupations - Clinical Marriage and Family Therapists - Reciprocal Licensure Requirements.

HB0629  Del Forbes (Chr Jt Com on Pnsns).  State Retirement and Pension System - Consumer Price Index - Definition.

HB0630  Del Forbes (Chr Jt Com on Pnsns).  State Retirement and Pension System - Transfers of Service.

HB0631  Del Allen, et al.  Natural Resources - Protection of Beaver Population and Habitat - County Authority (Beaver Believer Act).

HB0632  Harford County Delegation.  Harford County - Alcoholic Beverages Licenses - Golf Simulator Facility.

HB0633  Harford County Delegation.  Harford County - Alcoholic Beverages - Barbershop and Beauty Salon License.

HB0634  Del Smith.  Maryland Longitudinal Data System Center – Student Information – United States Census Bureau.

HB0635  Harford County Delegation.  Harford County - Alcoholic Beverages - Performing Arts Nonprofit Organization License.

HB0636  Allegany County Delegation.  Allegany County - Property Tax Credit - Evergreen Heritage Center.

HB0637  Del Jackson.  Alcoholic Beverages – Sale or Delivery for Off–Premises Consumption.

HB0638  Del Ruth.  State Transfer Tax – Rates and Distribution of Revenue – Alterations.

HB0639  Del Wivell, et al.  Vehicle Laws - Protective Headgear Requirement - Exception (In Remembrance of Gary "Pappy" Boward).

HB0640  Del Ziegler, et al.  Property Tax - Improvements on Agricultural Land - Assessment.

HB0641  Dels Williams and Wilkins.  Election Law - Curbside Voting.

HB0642  Del Harrison.  Apprenticeships in Licensed Occupations Act of 2024.

HB0643  Del Smith.  School Construction Revolving Loan Fund - Maryland School for the Blind - Eligibility.

HB0644  Del Crutchfield.  Family Law - Caretaker Bill of Rights.

HB0645  Del J. Lewis, et al.  Social Media Platforms - Vloggers and Video Content Featuring Minors.

HB0646  Del Simmons, et al.  Income Tax - Subtraction Modification - Police Auxiliary and Reserve Volunteers.

HB0647  Del Guyton.  Property and Casualty Insurance – Pet Insurance – Regulation.

HB0648  Del Crutchfield, et al.  Family Law - Child Support - Actual Income.

HB0649  Del White Holland, et al.  Labor and Employment - Equal Pay for Equal Work - Wage Range Transparency.

HB0650  Del Boafo.  Labor and Employment - Apprenticeship Standards - Ratio of Apprentices to Journeypersons.

HB0651  St. Mary's County Delegation.  St. Mary's County - Alcoholic Beverages - Beer, Wine, and Liquor Tasting Permit.

HB0652  Del Fraser-Hidalgo.  Vehicle Laws - Electric Vehicles - Weight Limits.

HB0653  St. Mary's County Delegation.  St. Mary's County - Motor Vehicle Registration - Exception for Golf Carts.

HB0654  St. Mary's County Delegation.  St. Mary’s County – Alcoholic Beverages – Nonprofit Performing Arts Theater License.

HB0655  Del Stein.  Environment - State Wetlands - Shoreline Stabilization Measures.

HB0656  Del Ivey.  Family Law - Victims of Domestic Violence Program - Certification and Grant Fund.

HB0657  Del Healey, et al.  Public Institutions of Higher Education - Pregnant and Parenting Students - Policy.

HB0658  Del Moon, et al.  Criminal Procedure – Automated Expungement, Waiting Periods, and Adverse Actions (Clean Slate Act of 2024).

HB0659  Del Munoz.  Criminal Law - Theft of a Handgun.

HB0660  Del Charkoudian.  Green and Renewable Energy for Nonprofit Organizations Loan Program and Fund.

HB0661  Del Charkoudian.  Consumer Protection and Debt Collection - Exemptions From Attachment and Requirements on Judgment Creditors.

HB0662  Del Guyton, et al.  Large Family Child Care Homes and Child Care Centers - Child Care Teachers - Minimum Age.

HB0663  Del Ebersole.  Alcoholic Beverage Tax - Ready-to-Drink Cocktails.

HB0664  Del Clippinger, et al.  Court Personnel - Protection of Personal Information (Judge Andrew F. Wilkinson Judicial Security Act).

HB0665  Montgomery County Delegation.  Montgomery County - Speed Monitoring Systems - High-Risk Highways MC 15-24.

HB0666  Del Shetty, et al.  Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program - State Supplement.

HB0667  Del Embry, et al.  Criminal Law - Crimes Relating to Animals - Conviction and Sentencing.

HB0668  Del Pruski.  Anne Arundel County - Sheriff - Salary.

HB0669  Del Pruski.  Workers' Compensation - Benefits - Hearing Loss.

HB0670  Del Grammer, et al.  State Prescription Drug Benefits - Retirees.

HB0671  Del Grammer, et al.  Criminal Law - Display of Obscene Material to Minors - Prohibition.

HB0672  Del Grammer, et al.  Criminal Law - Display of Obscene Materials to Minors - Age Verification.

HB0673  Del Embry, et al.  Real Property - Contract Liens - Medical Debt.

HB0674  Del Grammer, et al.  Income Tax - Subtraction Modification - Retirement Income.

HB0675  Del Grammer, et al.  Primary and Secondary Education - Education Savings Account Program - Established (Maryland Universal School Choice Act).

HB0676  Del M. Morgan, et al.  Right to Try Act - Individualized Investigational Treatments.

HB0677  Del Cardin.  Orphans' Court Judges - Elections.

HB0678  Dels Harris and Boafo.  Public Higher Education - Communities of Interest - Targeted Recruitment and Outreach Efforts.

HB0679  Del Jackson.  Security Systems Technicians - Applicants - Authority to Practice.

HB0680  Dels T. Morgan and J. Long.  Environment - Nuclear Power Plants - Emergency Preparedness (Radiation and Emergency Preparedness and Protection Act).

HB0681  Baltimore City Delegation.  Motor Vehicle Administration Records - Access to Digital Photographic Images and Signatures - Baltimore City Agencies.

HB0682  Del Atterbeary.  Energy Generation Projects - Labor and Minority Business Enterprise Requirements.

HB0683  Dels Munoz and Miller.  Homicide or Life-Threatening Injury by Motor Vehicle or Vessel - Parole Eligibility and Penalties.

HB0684  Del Grammer.  Criminal Law - Prohibitions on Wearing, Carrying, or Transporting a Handgun - Penalties.

HB0685  Dels Harris and Chang.  Economic Development - Maryland Aerospace and Technology Commission.

HB0686  Del Simmons, et al.  Youth Sports Programs - Venue-Specific Emergency Action Plans - Requirements.

HB0687  Charles County Delegation.  Charles County – Governing Bodies of Common Ownership Communities – Member Training.

HB0688  Del Barnes.  Maryland Historical Trust - Historical and Cultural Museum Assistance Program - Funding.

HB0689  Del Fraser-Hidalgo, et al.  Electric Vehicles – Repeal of Excise Tax Credit and Establishment of Rebate Program.

HB0690  Charles County Delegation.  Charles County - Adult Protective Services Review Board - Membership.

HB0691  Del Moon, et al.  Legally Protected Health Care - Gender-Affirming Treatment.

HB0692  Del Qi, et al.  Economic Development - County or Municipality Economic Development Authority - Powers and Use of Proceeds.

HB0693  The Spkr (Dept), et al.  Renters' Rights and Stabilization Act of 2024.

HB0694  The Spkr (Admin), et al.  Governor's Office for Children - Engaging Neighborhoods, Organizations, Unions, Governments, and Households (ENOUGH) Grant Program (ENOUGH Act of 2024).

HB0695  Del Bagnall.  Consumer Protection - Notice to Consumers by Manufacturers and Dealers of Motor Vehicles.

HB0696  Del Palakovich Carr, et al.  Primary and Secondary Education - Breakfast and Lunch Programs - Universal Expansion.

HB0697  Del Griffith.  Real Estate Brokers – Commercial Transactions – Buyer’s Rights.

HB0698  Dels Bartlett and Pena-Melnyk.  Estates and Trusts - Guardianship of the Person of a Disabled Person - Expedited Proceedings.

HB0699  Del Vogel.  Criminal Law - Hate Crimes - Notice and Removal of Item or Symbol (Hate Crimes Graffiti Removal Act).

HB0700  Dels D. Jones and Fair.  Election Law - Election Judges - Revisions.

HB0701  Del Wilson.  Commercial Law - Consumer Protection - Sale and Resale of Tickets.

HB0702  Del Wilson.  Wage and Hour Law - Minor League Baseball Players - Exemption.

HB0703  Del Embry.  Juvenile Law - Police Record Concerning a Child - Confidentiality Exception.

HB0704  Del Wivell, et al.  Primary and Secondary Education – Education Savings Account Program – Established.

HB0705  Del Terrasa.  Real Property - Cooperative Housing Corporations, Condominiums, and Homeowners Associations - Virtual Meetings.

HB0706  Del Cardin.  Drug Paraphernalia for Administration - Decriminalization .

HB0707  Del Simmons, et al.  Public Safety – Law Enforcement – Use of Body–Worn Cameras.

HB0708  Dels Lopez and Griffith.  Institutions of Postsecondary Education - Institutional Debt - Report.

HB0709  Dels Rogers and Schmidt.  Licensed Real Estate Brokers - Branch Offices - Designation of Managers.

HB0710  Del Rogers, et al.  Business Regulation – Household Goods Movers – Special Fund and Fees.

HB0711  Del Wilson.  Consolidated Transportation Program - Indian Head Highway - Conversion Into Limited Access Highway.

HB0712  Del Rosenberg.  Public Information Act - Denials - Confidential Information.

HB0713  Del Griffith, et al.  Income Tax - Subtraction Modification for Military Retirement Income - Individuals Under the Age of 55.

HB0714  Del Griffith, et al.  Income Tax - Subtraction Modification - Public Safety Employee Retirement Income.

HB0715  Del Griffith, et al.  Fishing and Hunting Licenses and Trout Stamps - Complimentary Licenses and Stamp Exemption - Veterans Determined to Be Unemployable.

HB0716  Del Griffith, et al.  Motor Vehicle Registration - Fee Exemption - Unemployable Disabled Veterans.

HB0717  Del J. Long, et al.  Income Tax - Credit for Employers Providing Parental Engagement Leave.

HB0718  Del J. Long, et al.  Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program - Seniors - Minimum Benefit.

HB0719  Del J. Long, et al.  Income Tax - Credit for Parent and Guardian Volunteers in Elementary and Secondary Schools.

HB0720  Carroll County Delegation.  Carroll County – Deputy Clerk or Deputy Sheriff – Oath of Office.

HB0721  Del Boyce.  Baltimore City - Tax Sales - Owner-Occupied Residential Property.

HB0722  Del Arikan, et al.  Health – Minors – Gender and Sex Transition Procedures.

HB0723  The Spkr (Atty Gen Ofc).  Office of the Attorney General - Rights of Residents of Health Care Facilities - Injunctive Relief.

HB0724  Del Pasteur, et al.  Criminal Procedure - Petition to Reduce Sentence.

HB0725  Del Jacobs, et al.  Oysters, Striped Bass, and Crabs - Commercial Authorizations - Suspensions and Revocations.

HB0726  Del Kipke, et al.  Pharmacy Benefits Managers - Definition of Purchaser and Alteration of Application of Law.

HB0727  Del Conaway.  Juvenile Law - Custodial Interrogation - In-Person Attorney Consultation Requirement.

HB0728  Del Cullison, et al.  Health Insurance - Qualified Resident Enrollment Program (Access to Care Act).

HB0729  Del Hill, et al.  Department of the Environment - Nontidal Wetlands - Protection of Vernal Pools (Vernal Pool Wetlands Protection Act of 2024).

HB0730  Del Conaway, et al.  Education - Public Middle Schools - Instructive Program on Collateral Consequences of a Criminal Conviction.

HB0731  Del Embry, et al.  Natural Gas - Strategic Infrastructure Development and Enhancement (Ratepayer Protection Act).

HB0732  Baltimore City Delegation.  Baltimore City – Control Over Powers of Police Commissioner.

HB0733  Baltimore City Delegation.  Baltimore City - Alcoholic Beverages - Licensing Fees.

HB0734  Del Mireku-North, et al.   Municipalities - Vagrancy - Repeal of Authority to Prohibit.

HB0735  Del Terrasa, et al.  Maryland Beverage Container Recycling Refund and Litter Reduction Program.

HB0736  Del Vogel, et al.  Health Insurance and Maryland Medical Assistance Program - Coverage - Opioid Reversal Drugs and Products (NARCAN Price Cap Act).

HB0737  Del J. Long, et al.  Vehicle Laws - Slow Moving Vehicles - Right-Hand Lane.

HB0738  Del Wims, et al.  Business Regulation - Licensed Home Improvement Contractors - Liability Insurance.

HB0739  Del Vogel.  Maryland Department of Health - List of Diet Pills (Weight Loss Supplement Identification).

HB0740  Frederick County Delegation.  Frederick County - Property Tax Credit for Property Located in Historic District - Alterations.

HB0741  Baltimore County Delegation.  Northwest Baltimore County Sports Tourism Facility - Feasibility Study.

HB0742  Frederick County Delegation.  Frederick County - Alcoholic Beverages - Stadium License.

HB0743  Frederick County Delegation.  Frederick County - Alcoholic Beverages - Promoter's Permit.

HB0744  Del Chang.  Income Tax - Biotechnology Investment Incentive Tax Credit Program - Pass-Through Entities.

HB0745  Del Shetty, et al.  Family Law - Protective Orders - Stalking and Permanent Protective Orders.

HB0746  Del Miller.  Education - Maryland Office of the Inspector General for Education - Powers and Notifications.

HB0747  Del Terrasa.  Products That Contain Mercury - Fluorescent Lamps - Prohibition.

HB0748  Del Cardin, et al.  State Government – Commission on Hate Crime Response and Prevention – Code of Conduct.

HB0749  Del Amprey.  Corporations and Associations – Definitions, Emergencies, and Outstanding Stock – Revisions.

HB0750  Del Ziegler, et al.  Vehicle Laws - Obscured or Modified Registration Plates.

HB0751  Del Amprey.  Sale of Residential Real Property - Offers to Purchase and Transfer Tax.

HB0752  Del Hutchinson.  Environment - Tidal Wetland Permit - Ownership of Land.

HB0753  Del Young.  Economic Development - Maryland Technology Development Corporation - Application and Reporting Requirements.

HB0754  Del Wells.  Vehicle Excise Tax - Trade-In Allowance - Repeal.

HB0755  Del Bhandari.  State Board of Social Work Examiners - Board Membership and Certified Social Worker Licenses.

HB0756  Del Hutchinson, et al.  General Provisions - State Flag - Casket of an Eligible Decedent.

HB0757  Del R. Lewis, et al.  State Board of Physicians - Supervised Medical Graduates and Cardiovascular Invasive Specialists (Bridge to Medical Residency Act).

HB0758  Del Hutchinson, et al.  Criminal Law – Crime of Violence – Second Degree Assault of a School Employee or Subcontractor (School Assault Reduction and Prevention Act).

HB0759  Del Alston.  Advanced Practice Registered Nurses - Professional Liability Insurance Coverage - Notification Requirements.

HB0760  Dels Palakovich Carr and Hornberger.  Office of Legislative Audits - Local School Systems - Report.

HB0761  Montgomery County Delegation.  Montgomery County - School Bus Stops MC 6-24.

HB0762  Montgomery County Delegation.  Montgomery County - Alcoholic Beverages - Class B Beer, Wine, and Liquor License - Off-Premises Consumption MC 9-24.

HB0763  Del Attar, et al.  Commission on Hate Crime Response and Prevention - Membership.

HB0764  Del Shetty, et al.  State Lottery Fund - Bus Rapid Transit Fund Distribution and Prince George's County Blue Line Corridor Facility Fund - Alterations.

HB0765  Del Wells.  Property Tax - Credit for Hotel or Residential Development Projects.

HB0766  Calvert County Delegation.  Calvert County - Roadside Solicitation of Money or Donations - Prohibition.

HB0767  Del Kipke.  Maryland Medical Assistance Program - Adult and Pediatric Dental Services - Reimbursement Rates.

HB0768  Del D. Jones.  Judges' Retirement System - Special Death Benefit.

HB0769  Del Feldmark, et al.  Local Public Campaign Financing - Expansion to Additional Offices.

HB0770  Dels Schmidt and Simmons.  Operating a Vessel While Under the Influence of Alcohol - Enforcement (Nick's Law).

HB0771  Del Henson.  Public Senior Higher Education Institutions - Pregnant and Parenting Students - Plan Requirements (Pregnant and Parenting Support Act).

HB0772  Del Henson.  Internet–Connected Devices and Internet Service Providers – Default Filtering of Obscene Content (Maryland Online Child Protection Act).

HB0773  Del D. Jones, et al.  Human Services - Individuals With Disabilities and Service-Disabled Veterans Boating Fund.

HB0774  Del Hornberger, et al.  Motor Vehicles - Certificate of Title Fees - Zero-Emission Plug-In Electric Drive Vehicles.

HB0775  Del Feldmark, et al.  Election Law - Voters With Disabilities - Electronic Ballot Return.

HB0776  Del Feldmark.  Maryland Technology Development Corporation - Authority.

HB0777  Del Boyce.  Baltimore City - Unpaid Water and Sewer Charges - Tax Sales of Non-Owner-Occupied Residential Property.

HB0778  Del Hornberger, et al.  Natural Resources - Sunday Hunting - Migratory Game Birds.

HB0779  Del Hornberger, et al.  Handgun Qualification Licenses - Personally Identifying Information - Deletion and Destruction.

HB0780  Del Embry, et al.  Competitive Sealed Proposals - Security Contracts.

HB0781  Del Hornberger, et al.  Transportation – State Highways – Rubber Modified Asphalt.

HB0782  Del Stein.  Vehicle Laws - Lighting - Privately Owned Vehicles.

HB0783  Del Holmes.  Homeowners Associations - Restriction on Long-Term Rentals - Prohibition.

HB0784  Del Bhandari.  Task Force on Reducing Emergency Department Wait Times.

HB0785  Del D. Jones, et al.  Freedom to Read Act.

HB0786  Del Bagnall, et al.  Health Occupations – Limited License to Practice Dentistry – Services for Adults.

HB0787  Del Buckel, et al.  Allegany County - Allegany Regional Recreational Economic Development Authority - Established.

HB0788  Del Alston, et al.  Human Relations - Protections Against Discrimination - Criminal Records.

HB0789  Del Feldmark, et al.  Primary and Secondary Education - Public School Employees - Salaries.

HB0790  Del Buckel, et al.  Medical Cannabis - Employees in Health Care Settings Caring for Qualifying Patients.

HB0791  Del Ghrist, et al.  Operating Budget - Funding - Scholarships for Nonpublic School Students.

HB0792  Del D. Jones.  Election Law - Campaign Finance - Draft Committees and Exploratory Committees.

HB0793  Del Holmes, et al.  Real Property - Governing Bodies of Common Ownership Communities - Member Training.

HB0794  Del Moon, et al.  Regulated Firearms - Maryland Voluntary Do Not Sell Firearm Process.

HB0795  Del Bhandari.  Education – Curriculum Content Standards – Peace and Conflict Studies (Peace and Conflict Studies Education Act).

HB0796  Carroll County Delegation.  Carroll County - Public Facilities Bond.

HB0797  Del Lopez, et al.  Criminal Law – Money Laundering.

HB0798  Montgomery County Delegation.  Montgomery County – Alcoholic Beverages – Class D Beer and Wine License – Farm Breweries and Limited Wineries MC 17–24.

HB0799  Del R. Long, et al.  Correctional Services - Home Detention - Removal.

HB0800  Del Smith.  Maryland Voting Rights Act of 2024 – Counties and Municipalities.

HB0801  Del Kaufman, et al.  Criminal Procedure - Committed Persons - Release Proceedings.

HB0802  Del Vogel, et al.  Labor and Employment - Mandatory Meetings on Religious or Political Matters - Employee Attendance and Participation (Protecting Workers From Captive Audience Meetings Act).

HB0803  Del Buckel, et al.  Income Tax - Alteration of Brackets and Rates (Economic Prosperity Act of 2024).

HB0804  Del Grammer, et al.  Certificate of Need - Psychiatric Health Care Facilities and Psychiatric and Mental Health Services - Exemption.

HB0805  Del Wilson.  Cannabis - Licensee Locations - Restrictions.

HB0806  Del Kerr, et al.  Physician Assistants - Revisions (Physician Assistant Modernization Act of 2024).

HB0807  Del Stein, et al.  Natural Resources – Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Surveys.

HB0808  Del Atterbeary.  Alcoholic Beverages – Retail Delivery – Local Delivery Service Permit.

HB0809  Del Vogel, et al.  Members of Boards, Committees, Commissions, Task Forces, or Workgroups – Removal or Suspension.

HB0810  The Spkr.  Criminal Law - Rapid-Fire Activator - Switch/Auto-Sear.

HB0811  Del Wolek, et al.  Higher Education - Financial Well-Being Pilot Program - Establishment.

HB0812  Del J. Long, et al.  Tri–County Council for Southern Maryland – Southern Maryland Agricultural Development Commission – Funding.

HB0813  Del Toles, et al.  Driver's Licenses - Suspension for Child Support Arrearages - Exception.

HB0814  The Spkr and Del Clippinger.  Juvenile Law - Reform.

HB0815  Del Spiegel, et al.  Economic Development - Maryland Financial Empowerment Center Network Pilot Program - Establishment.

HB0816  Prince George's County Delegation.  Prince George's County - Alcoholic Beverages - License Renewal PG 308-24.

HB0817  Prince George's County Delegation.  Prince George's County - Alcoholic Beverages - Issuance of License Near a Place of Worship or School PG 307-24.

HB0818  Prince George's County Delegation.  Prince George’s County – Income Tax – Credit for Employers Providing Parental Engagement Leave PG 412–24.

HB0819  Del Rogers, et al.  State Finance – Catastrophic Event Account and Federal Government Shutdown Employee Assistance Loan Fund – Noncivilian Federal Employees.

HB0820  Del Wu, et al.  Nuclear Energy Development Task Force.

HB0821  Prince George's County Delegation.  Prince George's County - Student Support - Specialist Networks and Success Action Plans (Student Supports and Success Act) PG 502-24.

HB0822  Del Cullison, et al.  Maryland Medical Assistance Program - Employed Individuals With Disabilities.

HB0823  Del Charkoudian, et al.  Fire Protection and Prevention - Residential Rental Property - Requirements (Melanie Nicholle Diaz Fire Safety Act).

HB0824  Del A. Johnson.  Maryland Self-Service Storage Act - Sale of Personal Property in Satisfaction of Liens - Means of Advertising.

HB0825  Del Adams, et al.  Libraries - Regional Resource Centers - Governing Board Membership.

HB0826  Del Stewart.  Real Property – Taxation of Vacant Property, Certification of Company Representatives, and Short–Term Rentals.

HB0827  Del Qi, et al.  Maryland Insurance Administration – Professional Employer Organizations – Study.

HB0828  Del Adams.  Abandoned Cemeteries Fund - Establishment and Income Tax Checkoff.

HB0829  Del Alston, et al.  Public Health - Service Sector Employees - Mental Health Awareness and Skills Building Training.

HB0830  Del Stein.  Environment - Covered Electronic Devices Recycling Program - Establishment.

HB0831  Del Feldmark, et al.  Common Ownership Communities and Zoning Authorities - Operation of Family Child Care Homes - Limitations.

HB0832  Del Stewart.  General Provisions - Damages or Losses - Definition.

HB0833  Del Williams, et al.  Parents in Substance Use Disorder Treatment - Children in Need of Assistance and Treatment Facilities.

HB0834  Calvert County Delegation.  Calvert County - Ethics - Conflict of Interest and Commissioner Expulsion.

HB0835  Calvert County Delegation.  Calvert County - Procurement - Local Preference.

HB0836  Del Edelson, et al.  Major Highway Capacity Expansion Projects - Impact Assessments and Workgroup (Transportation and Climate Alignment Act of 2024).

HB0837  Del Wu, et al.  More Opportunities for Career-Focused Students Act of 2024.

HB0838  Prince George's County Delegation.  Prince George's County Family Child Care Home Expansion Grant Program - Establishment PG 505-24.

HB0839  Carroll County Delegation.  Carroll County - Contracts and Purchasing.

HB0840  Del Hartman.  Vehicle Laws - Annual Vehicle Shows - Motor and Trailer Homes.

HB0841  Del Ruth, et al.  Environment - Plastic Bottle Waste Reduction - Water Bottle Filling Stations and Reporting.

HB0842  Del Taveras, et al.  Environmental Justice - Investment in Infrastructure Construction Projects.

HB0843  Cecil County Delegation.  Cecil County - Board of License Commissioners - Inspections of Licensed Cannabis Businesses.

HB0844  Del Boafo.  Business Regulation - Cigarette, Other Tobacco Product, and Electronic Smoking Device Retailers - Nicotine Replacement Therapy Products (Make Quitting Convenient Act).

HB0845  The Spkr (Office of the Comptroller).  Income Tax - Individual Income Tax Credit Eligibility Awareness Campaign.

HB0846  The Spkr (State Treasurer).  State Investment Portfolio and Local Government Investment Guidelines - Investment Standards.

HB0847  Del Amprey.  Alcoholic Beverages - Class A License - Food Retailers.

HB0848  Del McComas, et al.  Family Law - Child Custody - Determinations.

HB0849  Del Acevero, et al.  Human Services - Universal Basic Income for Transition-Age Youth - Establishment.

HB0850  Del Tomlinson, et al.  State Procurement - Small Business Preference Procurement.

HB0851  Del Acevero, et al.  State Government – Maryland Reparations Commission – Establishment (Maryland Repair Act).

HB0852  Del Alston.  State Procurement - Leases and Construction Contracts - Performance Suspension Pending Audit.

HB0853  Del Allen, et al.  Residential Leases - Late Payment Penalties - Calculation.

HB0854  Del Bartlett.  Sex Offenders - Required Registration - Locations.

HB0855  Dels Bartlett and J. Lewis.  Juvenile Law - Restrictive Housing - Limitations.

HB0856  Del Alston.  Procurement - Minority Business Enterprise Program - Work Performed by a Regulated Lobbyist or Government Relations Firm.

HB0857  Del D. Jones.  Shellfish Aquaculture - Harvest Hours.

HB0858  Del Ciliberti, et al.  Health - Abortion - Ultrasound and Waiting Period.

HB0859  Del A. Johnson.  Real Estate Brokers - Licensing - License Renewals and Continuing Education.

HB0860  Dels Allen and Boafo.  Housing and Community Development - Community Action Boards.

HB0861  Del Allen, et al.  Procurement - Preferences - Veteran-Owned Small Business Enterprise Program.

HB0862  Del Allen, et al.  Property Tax Exemption - Disabled Veterans - Service Connected Disability.

HB0863  Del Alston.  State Board of Nursing - Technology Upgrade Study.

HB0864  Dels Crosby and Qi.  Energy Efficiency and Conservation Plans.

HB0865  Del Martinez, et al.  Maryland Medical Assistance Program and Health Insurance - Coverage for Prostheses (So Every Body Can Move Act).

HB0866  Del Buckel.  Off–Highway Recreational Vehicle Trail Fund and Off–Highway Recreational Vehicle Recreation Oversight Board – Alterations and Establishment.

HB0867  Del Alston, et al.  Criminal Procedure - Expungement and Shielding - Probation Before Judgment for Driving While Impaired or Under the Influence.

HB0868  Del Ebersole, et al.  Sales and Use Tax - Taxable Price - Exemption for Trade-in Value of Portable Electronics.

HB0869  Del Bartlett.  Public Safety – Firearm Background Checks, Victim Notification, and the Maryland State Police Gun Center.

HB0870  Del Grossman.  Washington County - Abandoned Cemetery - Acquisition and Disposition.

HB0871  Del Jackson.  Business Regulation - Detached Catalytic Converters - Record-Keeping Requirements.

HB0872  Del Kaiser, et al.  Election Law – Campaign Materials – Disclosure of Use of Synthetic Media.

HB0873  Del Taylor.  Appraisal Gap From Historic Redlining Financial Assistance Program – Alterations.

HB0874  Del Pena-Melnyk, et al.  State Board of Long-Term Care Administrators - Requirements for Assisted Living Managers.

HB0875  Del Allen, et al.  Veterans - Persons Providing Veterans Benefits Services and Veterans Benefits Appeals Services - Fees and Compensation.

HB0876  Del S. Johnson, et al.  Health Insurance - Pharmacy Benefits Managers - Specialty Drugs.

HB0877  Del Phillips, et al.  Board of Public Works - Transparency Data Dashboard.

HB0878  Del Bartlett, et al.  Public Officials - Public Disclosure of Personal Information.

HB0879  Del S. Johnson, et al.  Health Benefit Plans - Calculation of Cost Sharing Contribution - Requirements.

HB0880  Dels S. Johnson and A. Johnson.  Pharmacy Benefits Administration - Maryland Medical Assistance Program and Pharmacy Benefits Managers.

HB0881  Del Henson, et al.  Anne Arundel County – Public Schools – Innovative Scheduling Pilot Program.

HB0882  Del Rosenberg.  Business Regulation - Sale of Motor Fuel - Pricing Signage (Gas Price Clarity Act).

HB0883  Del Bhandari.  Department of Information Technology - Evaluation of Emerging Technologies (Maryland Artificial Intelligence in Governmental Services Act).

HB0884  Del Miller, et al.  Public Health - Pregnancy - Coercion (Protecting Pregnant Women Against Coercive Abuse and Human Trafficking).

HB0885  Del Chisholm, et al.  Agricultural Land and Programs - People's Republic of China.

HB0886  Del Chisholm, et al.  Confined Aquatic Disposal Task Force - Established.

HB0887  Del Pena-Melnyk, et al.  Maryland Department of Health - Health Commissions and Maryland Insurance Administration - Study.

HB0888  Del Amprey.  Corporations and Associations - Ratification of Defective Corporate Acts - Alterations.

HB0889  Del Terrasa, et al.  Building Code - Construction and Significant Renovation of Housing Units - Electric Vehicle Parking Spaces.

HB0890  Del Kaufman, et al.  Public Schools - Discipline-Related Data - Collection and Publication.

HB0891  Del Holmes.  Seed Community Development Anchor Institution Fund - Alterations.

HB0892  Del Kaufman, et al.  Criminal Law - Benefits Exploitation.

HB0893  Del Hill, et al.  Primary and Secondary Students - Vision and Hearing Studies and Evaluations.

HB0894  Del Chisholm, et al.  Procurement - Scrutinized Entities - Prohibition.

HB0895  Del Embry.  Maryland Tort Claims Act - Sheriffs and Deputy Sheriffs - County Responsibility.

HB0896  Del Stewart.  Consumer Protection - Retail Sales of Gift Cards (Gift Card Scams Prevention Act of 2024).

HB0897  Baltimore City Delegation.  Baltimore Convention and Tourism Redevelopment and Operating Organization Task Force.

HB0898  Del Acevero, et al.  Maryland People's Fund - Establishment.

HB0899  Del D. Jones, et al.  Higher Education - Charles W. Riley Firefighter and Ambulance and Rescue Squad Member Scholarship - Alterations.

HB0900  Del Solomon, et al.  Employment Standards - Firefighters - Payment of Overtime and Payroll Information.

HB0901  Del Wolek, et al.  Higher Education - Part-Time Senatorial and Delegate Scholarships - Alterations.

HB0902  Del Ghrist, et al.  Prekindergarten - Ulysses Currie Head Start Program - Eligibility for State Funds.

HB0903  Del Atterbeary, et al.  Education - Access to Attorneys, Advocates, and Consultants for Special Education Program and Fund - Established.

HB0904  Del Hinebaugh.  Community Colleges - Capital Projects - State Share Adjustment.

HB0905  Del Charkoudian.  Sales and Use Tax Exemption – Qualified Data Center Personal Property – Eligibility.

HB0906  Del Hinebaugh.  Garrett County – Sheriff’s Salary – Alteration.

HB0907  Del Hinebaugh.  Garrett County - Procurement - Bids and Contracts.

HB0908  Del Amprey.  Environment - Suppliers of Water - Notification Requirements.

HB0909  Del Hinebaugh.  Education – Local Share of Major Education Aid – Nonrecurring Costs Exclusion.

HB0910  Del Hinebaugh.  Deep Creek Lake - Lower Lake Levels - Requirement and Impact Study.

HB0911  Del Valentine, et al.  Peace Orders - Visual Surveillance.

HB0912  Del Young.  Public Safety - Safe Neighborhoods Pilot Program.

HB0913  Dels Fraser-Hidalgo and Stein.  Motor Vehicles – Registration – Annual Surcharge.

HB0914  Dels D. Jones and Pippy.  Winery and Vineyard Economic Development Grant Program - Modifications.

HB0915  Del Pruski.  Workers’ Compensation – Uninsured Employers’ Fund – Timely Payment of Awards.

HB0916  Del Hinebaugh.  Garrett County - Hotel Rental Tax - Alterations.

HB0917  Dels Healey and Pruski.  Department of Transportation and Maryland Transportation Authority - Utilities Installation - Data Submission.

HB0918  The Spkr (State Treasurer).  State Treasurer and Comptroller - Membership Responsibilities.

HB0919  Del Fair.  Property Tax - County Authority to Set Special Rates.

HB0920  Washington County Delegation.  Washington County - Alcoholic Beverages - Multi-Use Sports and Events Facility Beer, Wine, and Liquor License.

HB0921  Washington County Delegation.  Washington County – Board of License Commissioners and Board of Community College Trustees – Membership.

HB0922  The Spkr (Atty Gen Ofc).  State Government - Public Welfare Actions - Determinations and Settlements.

HB0923  Del Griffith.  State Department of Education - Study on Transfer and Awarding of Advanced Placement Course Credits and Military Students.

HB0924  Del Spiegel, et al.  Transportation – Regional Transportation Authorities.

HB0925  Del Fair.  Vehicle Excise Tax - Rate Increase.

HB0926  Del Griffith.  Maryland Building Performance Standards – Local Requests for Guidance – Religious Considerations.

HB0927  Del Attar.  Juvenile Law - Expedited Pretrial Status Hearing.

HB0928  Washington County Delegation.  Washington County - Procurement - Vehicles.

HB0929  Washington County Delegation.  Agriculture – Nuisance Insects.

HB0930  Del Wilson.  Primary and Secondary Education - Public School Attendance - Children of Judges.

HB0931  Del Hutchinson.  Environment – Tidal Wetlands – Construction of Piers.

HB0932  Del Cullison, et al.  Health Insurance - Utilization Review - Revisions.

HB0933  Del Feldmark, et al.  Behavioral Health Crisis Response Services - 9-8-8 Trust Fund Fees.

HB0934  Del Hutchinson, et al.  State Board of Physicians - Performance of X-Ray Duties Without a License.

HB0935  Del Mireku-North, et al.  Comprehensive Community Safety Funding Act.

HB0936  Del R. Long.  Department of Natural Resources - Issuance of Salvage Title for Abandoned or Sunken Vessels - Authorization.

HB0937  Del McComas, et al.  Child Abuse and Neglect - Reports and Records - Disclosure.

HB0938  Del Crosby, et al.  State–Owned Nursing Homes – Deficiencies, Citations, and Fines – Reporting Requirements.

HB0939  Del Palakovich Carr.  Health Insurance - Epinephrine Injectors - Limits on Cost Sharing (Epinephrine Cost Reduction Act of 2024).

HB0940  Del Arentz, et al.  Local Government - Authorized Uses of Revenues From Development Impact Fees.

HB0941  Del Rosenberg.  Criminal Law - Threats and Stalking - Recklessness.

HB0942  Del Young.  Criminal Procedure – Crime Solvers Reward Fund – Establishment.

HB0943  Del Embry.  Courts – Expunged Cases and Judicial Actions – Disclosure and Public Access.

HB0944  Del Griffith.  Cecil County and Harford County - Outdoor Seating at Restaurants, Breweries, and Bars.

HB0945  Del Ebersole, et al.  Education - Initial Teacher Certification - Requirements.

HB0946  Del Toles.  Criminal Law - Theft - Mail and Packages (Porch Piracy Act of 2024).

HB0947  Del Phillips, et al.  Civil Actions - Public Nuisances - Firearm Industry Members (Gun Industry Accountability Act of 2024).

HB0948  Del Toles, et al.  Criminal Law - Organized Retail Theft.

HB0949  Del Vogel.  State Employees - Cancer Screening Leave.

HB0950  Del Edelson, et al.  Maryland Transit Administration - Locally Operated Transit Systems - Mandatory Funding.

HB0951  Del Fair.  County Boards of Education - Voter Registration Link - Posting Requirement.

HB0952  Del Rogers, et al.  Income Tax - Subtraction Modification - Military Retirement (Keep Our Heroes Home Act).

HB0953  Del Pena-Melnyk, et al.  Maryland Health Benefit Exchange - State-Based Young Adult Health Insurance Subsidies Pilot Program - Amount of Annual Subsidies.

HB0954  Del Patterson, et al.  Gaming - Electronic Instant Bingo Machines - Paper Tickets Option.

HB0955  Del M. Morgan, et al.  Motor Fuel Tax Rates - Consumer Price Index Adjustment - Repeal.

HB0956  Del Solomon.  Public-Private Partnership (P3) Oversight and Accountability Act.

HB0957  Del Hornberger, et al.  Natural Resources - Hunting - Tundra Swans.

HB0958  Del Allen, et al.  State Designations – State Natural History Museum – Natural History Society of Maryland.

HB0959  Del Bhandari, et al.  Health Occupations - Certified Dialysis Technicians - Continuing Education Requirement.

HB0960  Frederick County Delegation.  City of Frederick - Assignment of Offenders to Road Work - Repeal.

HB0961  Del Taveras, et al.  State Government - Commission on New Americans - Established.

HB0962  Del Phillips, et al.  State Procurement - Small Business Reserve Program - Goals and Outreach Program.

HB0963  Dels Taveras and Pena-Melnyk.  Criminal Law - Sexual Solicitation of a Minor, Human Trafficking, and Drug Distribution - Sensitive Locations.

HB0964  Del Boafo, et al.  Landlords and Prospective Tenants - Residential Leases - Criminal History Review (Maryland Fair Chance in Housing Act).

HB0965  Del Queen, et al.  Maryland Department of Health - Breast Cancer Program - Eligibility and Public Awareness Campaign.

HB0966  Del Forbes (Chr Jt Com on Pnsns).  Law Enforcement Officers' Pension System - Reemployment as Sheriff.

HB0967  Dels Wivell and Valentine.  Town of Keedysville - Parking of Vehicles - Restrictions.

HB0968  Del Wivell, et al.  Condominiums and Homeowners Associations - Reserve Studies - Exemptions.

HB0969  Del Bartlett, et al.  Death Certificates - Cause or Manner of Death Determinations - Requirements After Change or Correction (Katherine Morris Death Reclassification Act).

HB0970  Del Wells.  Real Property - Residential Leases - Rent Increase Prohibition.

HB0971  Dels Grossman and Wims.  Washington County - Interscholastic Athletics - Student Eligibility Waiver and School Classification.

HB0972  Del Boyce.  Motor Vehicles - Off-Highway Vehicles - Clarifications and Revisions.

HB0973  Del Valentine, et al.  Public Safety - Law Enforcement Agencies - Positive Community Feedback.

HB0974  Prince George's County Delegation.  Prince George's County - Speed Monitoring Systems - Indian Head Highway PG 306-24.

HB0975  Del Otto.  Somerset County – Fire, Rescue, and Emergency Medical Services.

HB0976  Del Otto.  Somerset County - Fire Companies - Appropriations.

HB0977  Del Otto.  Somerset County – Sale of Property – Revells Neck Road.

HB0978  Del Young, et al.  Courts - Maryland Judicial Public Text Messaging System - Report.

HB0979  Del Foley, et al.  Agriculture - Invasive Plant Species - Regulation (Biodiversity and Agriculture Protection Act).

HB0980  Del Rosenberg, et al.  Public Health - Opioid Restitution Advisory Council and Fund - Revisions.

HB0981  Del Martinez, et al.  Principal Departments - Individuals With Limited English Proficiency - Access to Public Services.

HB0982  Del Kipke.  Genetic Testing - Prohibitions on Disability, Life, and Long-Term Care Insurance (Genetic Testing Protection Act of 2024).

HB0983  Del Guzzone, et al.  State Personnel - Maryland Department of Health - Pay Rates.

HB0984  Del Guzzone, et al.  State Procurement - Apprenticeship Preference Program.

HB0985  Del R. Lewis.  Maryland Medical Assistance Program - Coverage for Fertility Treatment and Preservation Services - Study.

HB0986  Del R. Lewis.  Maryland Medical Assistance Program - Coverage for the Treatment of Obesity - Required Study.

HB0987  Del Acevero, et al.  State Government - Equal Access to Public Services for Individuals With Limited English Proficiency - Modifications.

HB0988  Montgomery County Delegation.  Montgomery County Board of Education - Vacancy Procedures - Alterations MC 5-24.

HB0989  PG Co Deleg and Mont Co Deleg.  Montgomery County – Subdivision Plats – Conditions PG/MC 111–24.

HB0990  Del Stein.  Environment - Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reductions - Manufacturers.

HB0991  Del Love, et al.  Agriculture - Food Processing Residuals Utilization Permit - Establishment.

HB0992  Del Stein.  Environment - Delegated Authorities - Well and Septic Program Permits.

HB0993  Del Stein.  Commemorative Weeks - Maryland Climate Education Week.

HB0994  Del Adams.  State Finance and Procurement - Retention Proceeds.

HB0995  Washington County Delegation.  Washington County Board of Education - Members - Residency Requirement.

HB0996  Del White Holland.  Consumer Protection - Consumer Council - Name Change.

HB0997  Del Wolek, et al.  Green Schools - Model Professional Development Facilities - Designation.

HB0998  Dels Adams and Fisher.  Maryland Department of Labor – Unemployment Insurance – Study on Actively Seeking Work Requirements.

HB0999  Del Hill, et al.  Workgroup on Establishing a Science and Technology Best Practices and Innovation Network.

HB1000  Del Ruff.  Real Property - Residential Contracts of Sale - Buyer Privacy Rights.

HB1001  Del Love.  Motor Vehicles - Automated Enforcement Programs - Privacy Protections.

HB1002  Chr HGO (Atty Gen Ofc), et al.  Office of the Attorney General - Investigative Authority - Health Care Fraud.

HB1003  PG Co Deleg and Mont Co Deleg.  Montgomery County - Clerk of the Circuit Court - Plat Recordation PG/MC 110-24.

HB1004  Del Forbes (Chr Jt Com on Pnsns).  State Retirement and Pension System - Average Final Compensation - Compensation Adjustments.

HB1005  Del McCaskill.  Correctional Officers' Retirement System - Membership.

HB1006  Del Guzzone, et al.  Hospitals and Ambulatory Surgical Facilities - Surgical Technologists.

HB1007  Del Palakovich Carr, et al.  Fair Share for Maryland Act of 2024.

HB1008  Del Stein.  Fossil Fuel Transportation Fee and Mitigation Fund (Climate Pollution Reduction Fund Act).

HB1009  Del Chang.  Public Health – Federally Qualified Health Centers Grant Program – Recovery of Funding.

HB1010  Del Terrasa, et al.  Condominiums and Homeowners Associations - Governing Documents - Electric Vehicle Recharging Equipment.

HB1011  Del Arentz, et al.  Vessel Transfers - Excise Tax and Title Fee Exemption and Transfer-on-Death Beneficiary Designation.

HB1012  The Spkr (State Treasurer).  State Officers and Employees – Required Surety Bonds – Insurance Policies Authorized.

HB1013  Del Wolek, et al.  State Employees - Paid Sick Leave - Certificate of Illness or Disability Signed by a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor.

HB1014  Dels Adams and Ghrist.  Maryland Estate Tax - Unified Credit.

HB1015  Frederick County Delegation.  Frederick County – Gaming – Acceptance of Credit as Payment.

HB1016  Frederick County Delegation.  Frederick County - School Construction Master Plan Workgroup.

HB1017  Frederick County Delegation.  Boundary of the Frederick County Soil Conservation District - Alteration.

HB1018  Del Qi.  Manufacturing Business Personal Property Tax - Exemption.

HB1019  Del Alston, et al.  Mental Health Law - Petitions for Emergency Evaluation.

HB1020  Del Wolek, et al.  Universities at Shady Grove Regional Higher Education Center – Designation as Community of Innovation.

HB1021  Washington County Delegation.  Washington County - Public Facilities Bonds.

HB1022  Del Wilkins.  Election Law - Incarcerated Individuals - Voting Eligibility and Access (Voting Rights for All Act).

HB1023  PG Co Deleg and Mont Co Deleg.  Prince George's County and Montgomery County - The Washington Suburban Transit Commission Reform Act PG/MC 103-24.

HB1024  PG Co Deleg and Mont Co Deleg.  Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission - Connection Pipe Emergency Replacement Loan Program - Expansion PG/MC 101-24.

HB1025  Del M. Morgan, et al.  Transportation - Motor Fuel Tax Rates, Vehicle-Miles-Traveled Tax, and Farebox Recovery Requirement (Transportation Equity, Fairness, and Privacy Act of 2024).

HB1026  Del Patterson, et al.  Armed Forces - Support of Military Families and Addition of Space Force.

HB1027  Del Fisher, et al.  Education - Primary and Secondary Schools - Alternative School Options (Right to Learn Act).

HB1028  Del Allen.  Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment Workgroup.

HB1029  Del Allen.  Gaming – Problem Gambling – Prevalence Study and Fund Revenue.

HB1030  Del Allen.  Agriculture - Roosters - Restrictions.

HB1031  Del J. Lewis.  Correctional Services - Medication-Assisted Treatment.

HB1032  Del Solomon, et al.  Highways – Tourist Area and Corridor Signage Program.

HB1033  Del Mireku-North, et al.  Business Regulation - Electronic Smoking Devices Manufacturers - Certifications.

HB1034  Balt City Deleg (By Request).  Baltimore City Sheriff - Staffing.

HB1035  Del Rosenberg, et al.  Real Property - Insufficient Condominium Reserve Account Grant Fund - Establishment.

HB1036  Del Smith.  Maryland Medical Assistance Program - Maternal Fetal Medicine Services - Reimbursement.

HB1037  Del Taylor, et al.  Task Force on the Creation of a Division of Returning Citizens and Expanded Reentry Services - Establishment.

HB1038  Del Stein.  Motor Vehicles - Emergency Medical Services - Registration Surcharge.

HB1039  Del Terrasa, et al.  Condominiums and Homeowners Associations – Resale Contracts – Notice Requirements.

HB1040  Del Woods, et al.  Maryland Medical Assistance Program - Limited Behavioral Health Services.

HB1041  Del Cardin, et al.  Criminal Law - Hate Crimes - Religion and Disability.

HB1042  Del Guzzone.  Maryland Agricultural BMP Best in Show Program - Established.

HB1043  Del Cullison.  Maryland Medical Assistance Program and Health Insurance - Individuals With Intellectual Disabilities - Study.

HB1044  Del Solomon.  State Agency Workforce Policy for the 21st Century Act.

HB1045  Del Crutchfield.  Family Law – Child Support – Multifamily Adjustment.

HB1046  Del Clippinger.  Public Utilities - Distributed Generation Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity.

HB1047  Del Bartlett, et al.  Consumer Protection – Self–Administered Sexual Assault Evidence Collection Kits.

HB1048  Chr HGO (Dept).  Behavioral Health Advisory Council and Commission on Behavioral Health Care Treatment and Access - Alterations.

HB1049  Del Pruski.  Consumer Protection - Automatic Renewals.

HB1050  Del Pruski.  Workers' Compensation - Modification of Award - Extension.

HB1051  Del White Holland, et al.  Maternal Health – Assessments, Referrals, and Reporting (Maryland Maternal Health Act of 2024).

HB1052  Del Clippinger, et al.  Baltimore City - Alcoholic Beverages - 46th Alcoholic Beverages District - Revisions.

HB1053  Del Kaiser, et al.  State Board of Nursing - Executive Director Qualifications.

HB1054  Dels Hill and Simmons.  Physicians - Licensing - Foreign Practicing Physicians.

HB1055  Del Qi, et al.  Environment – Highways – Salt Application.

HB1056  Del Guzzone, et al.  State Board of Pharmacy - Prohibition on Discrimination Against 340B Drug Distribution.

HB1057  Del Ruth.  Task Force to Study the Use and Possession of De Minimis Quantities of Controlled Dangerous Substances.

HB1058  Del Young.  Law Enforcement Officers’ Pension System – Participating Governmental Units – Baltimore City School Police Force.

HB1059  PG Co Deleg and Mont Co Deleg.  Prince George's County - Qualifying Municipal Corporation - Land Use PG/MC 105-24.

HB1060  Carroll County Delegation.  Carroll County – Sheriff – Salary.

HB1061  Del Young.  School Construction - Public Charter School Facility Fund - Establishment.

HB1062  Del Lopez.  Deep Fake Representations and Revenge Porn.

HB1063  Del Williams, et al.  Criminal Organizations - Underlying Crime.

HB1064  Del Hartman, et al.  Income Tax Subtraction Modification – Death Benefits – Law Enforcement Officers and Fire Fighters.

HB1065  Del Clippinger.  Public Safety - Maryland Entertainment District Security Grant Program.

HB1066  Del Henson.  African American Heritage Preservation Grant Fund - Alterations.

HB1067  Del Feldmark.  Digital Advertising Gross Revenues Tax - Assessments - Appeals and Corrections.

HB1068  Del Feldmark.  Income Tax - Opportunity for Filers to Register to Make Anatomical Gift.

HB1069  Del Kaufman, et al.  Workgroup for the Deaf, Deafblind, and Hard of Hearing - Established.

HB1070  Del Korman.  Maryland Transportation Authority - Tolls - Collection and Use (Maryland Toll Rate Reform Act of 2024).

HB1071  Del Alston, et al.  Family Law - Grandparent Visitation.

HB1072  Del Barnes.  Sales and Use Tax - Alcoholic Beverages - Rate Alteration.

HB1073  Del Barnes.  Tobacco Tax - Cigarettes - Rate Alteration.

HB1074  Del Bagnall, et al.  Health Insurance - Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Benefits - Sunset Repeal and Modification of Reporting Requirements.

HB1075  Dels Young and R. Lewis.  Sales and Use Tax - Electric Bicycles and Electric Low Speed Scooters - Exemption.

HB1076  Del Roberts, et al.  Education - Blind and Visually Impaired Students - Textbook Equity.

HB1077  Del Ruth, et al.  Office of Small, Minority, and Women Business Affairs – Small Business Climate Change Coordinator – Establishment.

HB1078  Del Woods, et al.  Maryland Medical Assistance Program - Remote Ultrasound Procedures and Remote Fetal Nonstress Tests.

HB1079  Del Phillips, et al.  Courts and Judicial Proceedings - Jury Examination.

HB1080  Carroll County Delegation.  Carroll County - Office of Permits and Inspections - Denial of Permit or License for Unpaid Personal Property Taxes.

HB1081  Del Phillips, et al.  Public Safety - Automatic License Plate Readers - Captured Plate Data Storage and Upload.

HB1082  Dels Smith and Toles.  Blueprint for Maryland's Future Implementation - Funding for Implementation Coordinators.

HB1083  Del Pruski.  Alcoholic Beverages - Class 4 Limited Winery License - Requirements and Authorizations.

HB1084  Del Martinez, et al.  Employee Autoimmune Disorder Protection Act.

HB1085  Del Cullison.  Maryland Insurance Administration - Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Reporting Requirements - Revisions and Sunset Repeal.

HB1086  Chr JUD (Atty Gen Ofc).  Compensation for Individuals Erroneously Convicted - Alterations.

HB1087  Del Queen.  Institutions of Higher Education - Online Gambling - Prohibition.

HB1088  Del Feldmark.  Election Law - Automatic Voter Registration - Alterations.

HB1089  Del Clippinger (BCA).  Baltimore City - Alcoholic Beverages - Class B Beer, Wine, and Liquor Licenses.

HB1090  Del Queen, et al.  Revitalizing Neighborhoods Through Homeownership Program and Fund – Established.

HB1091  Del Vogel, et al.  Public Safety - Reproductive Health Care Clinic Security Grant Program - Establishment (Protecting Reproductive Health Care Clinics Act).

HB1092  Del White Holland, et al.  9-1-1 Trust Fund - Purposes - Training in Telecommunications Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation.

HB1093  Del Bagnall.  Anne Arundel County - Human Relations Commission - Subpoena Enforcement.

HB1094  Del Lopez.  Public Health - Overdose Prevention Site Pilot Program.

HB1095  Dels Vogel and Foley.  Economic Development – Local Journalism Sustainability Grant Program.

HB1096  Del Pena-Melnyk, et al.  Public Health - Overdose and Infectious Disease Prevention Services Program.

HB1097  Del Guyton, et al.  State Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners - Veterinary Technicians and Veterinary Assistants.

HB1098  Del Alston, et al.  Public Health - Prohibited Ingredients in Food.

HB1099  Del Guyton.  Veterinary Practitioners and Veterinary Technicians - Compounding Prescription Drugs - Authorization and Requirements.

HB1100  Del Cardin.  Health - Child Advocacy Centers - Reporting Requirements and Investigations.

HB1101  Del Love, et al.  Standing - Environmental and Natural Resources Protection Proceedings (Clean Water Justice Act of 2024).

HB1102  Del Wolek.  Maryland Green Schools - Website Update and Maintenance.

HB1103  Del Wolek, et al.  Miriam Kelty Aging and Senior Social Connection Hub and Spoke Pilot Program.

HB1104  PG Co Deleg and Mont Co Deleg.  Prince George's County - Zoning and Land Use - Fairness in Zoning PG/MC 106-24.

HB1105  Del Woods, et al.  Advanced Practice Registered Nurses - Certification Requirement and Exceptions.

HB1106  PG Co Deleg and Mont Co Deleg.  Prince George's County - Zoning Amendment - Prohibition PG/MC 115-24.

HB1107  Del Rose, et al.  Income Tax - Credit for Spaying and Neutering Dogs and Cats.

HB1108  Del Boyce.  Real Property - Residential Leases - Fee in Lieu of a Security Deposit.

HB1109  Del Ruth, et al.  Election Law – Registered Voter List and Petitions (Ballot Petition Modernization Act).

HB1110  Dels Kerr and Simpson.  Maryland Intrastate Emergency Management Assistance Compact - City of Frederick.

HB1111  Del Wims.  Criminal Law - Reckless Endangerment - Use of Motor Vehicle.

HB1112  Del Charkoudian.  Public Service Commission - Energy Storage Devices - Acquisition and Deployment.

HB1113  Del Rosenberg.  Environment - Dust-Lead Hazard Standards and Dust-Lead Clearance Levels - Adoption.

HB1114  Del Terrasa, et al.  Real Property - Landlord and Tenant - Procedures for Failure to Pay Rent, Breach of Lease, and Tenant Holding Over.

HB1115  Dels Solomon and Palakovich Carr.  County Boards of Education – Budgets – Notice (Transparency in Education Spending Act).

HB1116  Del Harrison.  Business Regulation - Restaurants and Traders - Licensing Requirements.

HB1117  Del Stewart, et al.  Landlord and Tenant - Failure to Repair Serious and Dangerous Defects - Tenant Remedies (Tenant Safety Act of 2024).

HB1118  Harford County Delegation.  Harford County – Alcoholic Beverages – Performing Arts Theater License.

HB1119  Del Rosenberg.  Algorithmic Addiction Fund - Establishment.

HB1120  Del Woods, et al.  State Board of Social Work Examiners – Continuing Education Programs – Approval of Authorized Sponsors.

HB1121  Dels Vogel and Tomlinson.  Public Health - Opioids and Opioid Overdose Reversal Drugs - Information.

HB1122  Del Kerr, et al.  Maryland Health Care Commission – Nursing Homes – Acquisitions.

HB1123  Del Kerr.  Maryland Health Care Commission – Health Care Facilities – Cybersecurity for Hospitals.

HB1124  Del Acevero.  Civil Actions - Nonprofit Organizations - Unauthorized Support of Israeli Settlement Activity (Not on Our Dime Act).

HB1125  Del Kerr, et al.  Certified Nursing Assistants - Licensing Requirements and Administrative Updates.

HB1126  Del Buckel.  Public Nuisance - Common Carriers - Damage to Public Infrastructure.

HB1127  Del Bartlett, et al.  Sexual Assault Forensic Examinations Conducted Through Telehealth - Reimbursement and Study.

HB1128  Chr ECM (Dept).  Labor and Employment – Workforce Development – Talent Innovation Program and Fund.

HB1129  Del Ruth, et al.  Wildlife - Protections and Highway Crossings.

HB1130  Del Martinez, et al.  Criminal Procedure - U Nonimmigrant Status Petition - Statute of Limitations.

HB1131  Del Bagnall.  Environment - Managed Aquifer Recharge Pilot Program - Establishment.

HB1132  Del M. Morgan, et al.  Drugs, Biological Products, and Devices - Off-Label Use - Promotion.

HB1133  Dels Wims and Mireku-North.  Public Utilities - Transportation Network Service - Assessment Cap Increase.

HB1134  Dels Bagnall and Lopez.  Hospitals and Related Institutions – Residential Treatment Centers – Accreditation.

HB1135  Del Wells.  Financial Institutions - Community Benefit Plan Act of 2024.

HB1136  Del Boafo, et al.  Human Services - Youth Services Bureaus - Funding (Youth Services Bureau Restoration Act).

HB1137  Del Woods, et al.  Maryland Medical Assistance Program and Health Insurance - Required Coverage for Calcium Score Testing.

HB1138  Del Rosenberg, et al.  State Facilities - Procedures for Changes and Closures - Definition and Reporting.

HB1139  Del Solomon.  Growing Family Child Care Opportunities Pilot Program – Permanent Establishment.

HB1140  Del Smith.  Education – Virtual Tutoring Services – Applicant Review.

HB1141  Del Kerr, et al.  Department of Information Technology - Evaluation and Development of a 3-1-1 Portal Using Artificial Intelligence.

HB1142  Dels Martinez and Williams.  Montgomery County and Prince George’s County – Enforcement of Local Vacant Property Laws.

HB1143  Del Bhandari, et al.  Emergency Medical Services - Maryland Emergency Department Wait Time Reduction Commission - Establishment.

HB1144  Del Phillips, et al.  Corrections - Segregated Housing - Limitations.

HB1145  Del Rogers, et al.  Workers' Compensation - Occupational Disease Presumptions - Hypertension.

HB1146  Del Stein.  Courts - Unenforceable Indemnity and Costs of Defense Agreements.

HB1147  Del Guyton, et al.  Environment - Playground Surfacing Materials - Prohibitions.

HB1148  The Spkr (Atty Gen Ofc).  Health Care Facilities – Notice to Consumers – Out–of–Network Status (Health Care Provider Out–of–Network Information Act).

HB1149  The Spkr (Atty Gen Ofc).  Hospitals and Related Institutions - Outpatient Facility Fees.

HB1150  The Spkr (State Treasurer).  Maryland Uniform Disposition of Abandoned Property Act – Maryland 529 Program – Exemption.

HB1151  Del Phillips.  State Procurement - Preferred Providers - Removal of Maryland Correctional Enterprises.

HB1152  PG Co Deleg and Mont Co Deleg.  Prince George's County District Council - Community Benefits Agreements - Authorization (Community Empowerment Act) PG/MC 107-24.

HB1153  Del Love, et al.  Environment – Water Pollution Control – Protecting State Waters From PFAS Pollution (Protecting State Waters From PFAS Pollution Act).

HB1154  Del Rosenberg, et al.  Maryland Department of Emergency Management – Office of Domestic Terrorism Response.

HB1155  Del Stewart, et al.  Hospitals - Opioid Overdose and Opioid-Related Emergency Medical Conditions - Treatment.

HB1156  Dels Stewart and Griffith.  Commercial Law - Consumer Wire Transfers - Liability (Elder Fraud Prevention Act of 2024).

HB1157  Del Wilkins.  Grow Your Own Educators Grant Program - Established.

HB1158  Dels Kerr and Bagnall.  State Government – Attorney General – Reports.

HB1159  Del Ebersole.  State Lottery - Instant Ticket Lottery Machines - Veterans' and Fraternal Organizations.

HB1160  Del Wims.  Motor Vehicles - Allowing Unauthorized Use of a Motor Vehicle and Reckless, Negligent, and Aggressive Driving.

HB1161  Dorchester County Delegation.  Dorchester County - Sanitary Commission - Transfer of Powers to County Council.

HB1162  Del Rogers, et al.  9-1-1 Specialist Recruitment and Retention Workgroup.

HB1163  Del Atterbeary.  State Department of Education - Division of Rehabilitation Services - Funding.

HB1164  Dels Smith and Toles.  Nonpublic Schools – Transcripts – Prohibition on Punitive Measures Related to Student Debt.

HB1165  Del Love, et al.  Watershed, Stream, and Floodplain Restoration - Chesapeake and Atlantic Coastal Bays Restoration and Stream and Floodplain Restoration Funding (Whole Watershed Act).

HB1166  Del Hinebaugh.  Handguns - Wear, Carry, and Transport Laws - Handbook Publication.

HB1167  Del Foley, et al.  Maryland Center for School Safety - Secure Schools Emergency Response Grant Program - Established.

HB1168  Del Kaiser, et al.  Human Remains - Alkaline Hydrolysis and Natural Organic Reduction (Green Death Care Options Act).

HB1169  Del Hinebaugh.  Education - Minimum School Funding - Waiver.

HB1170  Del Hinebaugh.  Garrett County - State's Attorney - Salary Alterations.

HB1171  Del Williams, et al.  Nonprescription Drugs and Devices – Provision by Registered Nurses and Sale of Contraceptives Through Automatic Devices.

HB1172  Del Lopez.  Federal Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program - Employee Certification and Awareness Materials.

HB1173  Del Qi.  Tobacco Product Manufacturers - Escrow Act - Alterations.

HB1174  Del Hill, et al.  State Government - Technology Advisory Commission - Established.

HB1175  Del Feldmark.  Education – Public School Employers and Employees – Subcontracting for Services.

HB1176  Del Cullison.  Home- and Community-Based Services Waiver - Eligibility.

HB1177  Del Hill, et al.  Continuing Care Retirement Communities - Subscriber Rights and Provider Duties.

HB1178  Del Hornberger, et al.  Handgun Permit Holders - Authority to Carry Handguns in State Parks and Forests.

HB1179  Del Stein, et al.  Housing and Community Development - Pets in Housing Developments.

HB1180  Del Wilson.  Cigarettes, Other Tobacco Products, and Electronic Smoking Devices - Revisions (Tobacco Retail Modernization Act of 2024).

HB1181  Del Wilson.  Education – Curriculum Standards – Antihate and Holocaust Education (Educate to Stop the Hate Act).

HB1182  Chr ECM (Atty Gen Ofc).  Commercial Law - Maryland Antitrust Act - Enforcement Remedies.

HB1183  Del Addison, et al.  Criminal Procedure - District Court Commissioners and False Statements.

HB1184  Del Metzgar, et al.  State Procurement - Preferences - Historically Underutilized Business Zone Businesses.

HB1185  Del Metzgar, et al.  Criminal Procedure - Plea Agreements - Crime of Violence.

HB1186  Del Metzgar.  Vehicle Laws – Interstate Highways – Interstate Speed Monitoring Systems.

HB1187  Del McComas.  Reserve Funding Assistance Program - Establishment.

HB1188  Del Kaiser, et al.  Information Technology - Modernization of Information Technology Projects.

HB1189  Del Rose, et al.  Public Schools - Mathematics Credit - College Preparatory Computer Science or Computer Programming Course.

HB1190  Del Ruth.  Pesticides - PFAS Chemicals - Prohibitions.

HB1191  Del Mireku-North.  Interstate Teacher Mobility Compact.

HB1192  Del Feldmark, et al.  Video Lottery Facility Operations - Crimes of Moral Turpitude and Value of Table Game Chips - Alterations.

HB1193  Del Lehman, et al.  Environment - Coal Combustion By-Products.

HB1194  Del White Holland, et al.  Hospitals - Patient's Bill of Rights Training and Clinical Staffing Committees and Plans (Safe Staffing Act of 2024).

HB1195  Del Palakovich Carr.  Child Care Providers - Anaphylactic Food Allergies - Guidelines and Indemnity (Elijah's Law).

HB1196  Del Rose, et al.  Real Property - Contracts of Sale - Title Report Requirement.

HB1197  Del Rogers.  Business Regulation - Electronic Smoking Devices Manufacturers - Certifications.

HB1198  Del Amprey.  Baltimore City – Alcoholic Beverages – 40th Alcoholic Beverages District – Revisions.

HB1199  Del Edelson, et al.  Transportation - MobilityLink Paratransit Service Improvements - Study.

HB1200  Del Rose, et al.  Primary and Secondary Education - Full-Time Equivalent Enrollment Count - Alterations (Truancy Reduction Act of 2024).

HB1201  Del Buckel, et al.  Occupational and Professional Licensing - Military Training and Military Spouses.

HB1202  Del Fisher, et al.  Amendments Convention Called Under Article V of the U.S. Constitution - Delegation to the Convention.

HB1203  Del Smith.  Economic Development - Strategic Infrastructure Revolving Loan Program and Tax Increment Financing.

HB1204  Del Feldmark.  Economic Development Tax Credit Programs - Qualified Position and Qualified Employee - Definitions.

HB1205  Allegany County Delegation.  Allegany County - Alcoholic Beverages - Class BWLT Beer, Wine, and Liquor Tasting Permit.

HB1206  Del Kerr, et al.  Maryland-Ireland Trade Commission - Establishment.

HB1207  Del Pippy.  Condominiums - Mandatory Homeowners Insurance Coverage - Detached Units.

HB1208  Del Adams, et al.  Common Ownership Communities - Reserve Studies - Exemptions.

HB1209  Del Cardin.  Criminal Law - Drug Paraphernalia - Penalties.

HB1210  Del Rose, et al.  Income Tax - Credit for Cybersecurity Measures Undertaken by Small Businesses.

HB1211  Del Adams, et al.  Employees' and Teachers' Retirement and Pension Systems - Reemployment of Retirees.

HB1212  Del J. Lewis.  State Retirement Agency - Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion and Governance Program.

HB1213  Baltimore County Delegation.  Baltimore County - Sheriff - Salary.

HB1214  Del Fraser-Hidalgo.  Energy Storage Systems - Income Tax Credit and Grant Program - Sunset Extension.

HB1215  Del Korman.  Transportation Financing - Retail Delivery Fee and Transportation Network Company Impact Fee (Transportation Funding Act of 2024).

HB1216  Del Rose, et al.  High-Risk Pregnancy Reimbursement Fund - Establishment.

HB1217  Del Kerr.  Alcoholic Beverages - Breweries, Wineries, and Distilleries - Direct Delivery.

HB1218  Del Patterson, et al.  State Lottery – Internet Sales Authorization and Distribution of Proceeds.

HB1219  Del Feldmark, et al.  Public and Nonpublic Middle and High Schools - Venue-Specific Emergency Action Plans for Athletic Facilities (The Bailey Bullock Act).

HB1220  Del Vogel, et al.  Maryland Clean Energy Center - Climate Technology Founder's Fund.

HB1221  Del Jacobs, et al.  Battery Storage and Solar Arrays Safety Training Grant Program and Fund.

HB1222  Del Adams, et al.  Local Boards of Elections - Maintenance and Public Disclosure of Election Records.

HB1223  Dels Adams and Jacobs.  Tidal Fish Licenses - Oyster Authorizations - Reinstatement.

HB1224  Dels McCaskill and Henson.  Housing – Community Development Program Act – Funding.

HB1225  Del Holmes.  Ground Leases – Application for Redemption – Procedures.

HB1226  Del Foley.  Maryland Predictable Scheduling Act.

HB1227  Dels Holmes and Arentz.  Condominiums - Mandatory Insurance Coverage - Detached Units.

HB1228  Del Stewart.  Consumer Protection - Telephone Solicitation - Exemptions and Remedies.

HB1229  Del A. Jones, et al.  Public Health - Kratom Consumer Protection Act.

HB1230  Del Pena-Melnyk, et al.  Public Health - Tianeptine Consumer Protection Act.

HB1231  Del Adams, et al.  Natural Resources - Fisheries - Oyster Management.

HB1232  Del Jacobs, et al.  Fisheries - Striped Bass or Rockfish - Juvenile Survey.

HB1233  Del Metzgar, et al.  Public Health - Abortion.

HB1234  Del Metzgar, et al.  County Boards of Education - Volunteer Aides - School Chaplain.

HB1235  Dels Addison and Young.  Baltimore City – Alcoholic Beverages – License Extensions.

HB1236  Del Wilson.  Commercial Law - Consumer Protection - Sale and Resale of Tickets.

HB1237  Del Miller, et al.  State Department of Education - Task Force to Study the Maryland Online Special Education System.

HB1238  Del Jacobs.  Fisheries - Striped Bass - Closed Season.

HB1239  Del Boafo.  Real Estate Brokers - Brokerage Agreements - Requirements.

HB1240  Del Rose, et al.  Fossil Fuel-Powered Appliances and Vehicles - Installation, Use, and Fees.

HB1241  Del Ruth.  Environment - Polyvinyl Chloride and Chlorinated Polyvinyl Water Piping - Prohibition.

HB1242  Del Ruth.  Public Utilities - Lead Telecommunications Cables - Regulations and Report.

HB1243  Del Miller.  Cannabis - Packaging Requirements - Prohibition on Purchase of Empty Packaging.

HB1244  Del Smith, et al.  Maryland Higher Education Commission - Academic Program Approval and Institutional Mission Statements - Requirements.

HB1245  Del Tomlinson, et al.  Criminal Law - Distribution of Heroin or Fentanyl Causing Serious Bodily Injury or Death (Victoria and Scottie's Law).

HB1246  Prince George's County Delegation.  Prince George's County - Income Tax Credit for Parent and Guardian Volunteers in Elementary and Secondary Schools PG 411-24.

HB1247  Del Adams, et al.  Environment – Advanced Clean Cars II Program – Application and Enforcement.

HB1248  Del Metzgar.  Juvenile Law - Questioning of a Juvenile - Crime of Violence or Crime Involving a Firearm.

HB1249  Del Metzgar, et al.  Maryland Aviation Administration - Martin State Airport - Study on Commercial Air Travel.

HB1250  Del Lehman, et al.  Environment - Wood Vaults - Authorization and Permit Requirements.

HB1251  Del Metzgar, et al.  Property Tax - Credit for Longtime Residents to Offset Property Tax Rate Increase.

HB1252  Dels Metzgar and Hornberger.  Gaming - Study on Video Lottery Terminals at Baltimore-Washington International Thurgood Marshall Airport.

HB1253  Del Metzgar, et al.  Health Care Facilities - Access to Telephones.

HB1254  Del Wells.  Child Care Providers - Criminal History Records Checks and Abuse and Neglect Clearances - Requirements.

HB1255  Del Bartlett.  Labor and Employment - Automated Employment Decision Tools - Prohibition.

HB1256  Del Fraser-Hidalgo.  Electricity – Tariffs, Distributed Energy Resources, and Electric Distribution System Support Services (Distributed Renewable Integration and Vehicle Electrification (DRIVE) Act).

HB1257  Del Pasteur, et al.  Public Schools - Restorative Practices Schools - Comprehensive Plan.

HB1258  Del Embry.  Estates and Trusts - Estate Administration - Publication of Notice.

HB1259  Del Alston, et al.  Health Insurance - Breast and Lung Cancer Screening - Coverage Requirements.

HB1260  Dels Adams and Hutchinson.  State Government - Permits, Licenses, and Certificates - Reimbursement.

HB1261  Del Guyton, et al.  Commission on Access to High-Quality Early Childhood Education and Child Care for Children Three Years Old and Younger.

HB1262  Del Hartman, et al.  Common Ownership Communities - Reserve Studies - Alterations.

HB1263  Del Pasteur, et al.  Assisted Living Programs - Assisted Living Referrers - Requirements and Prohibitions.

HB1264  Del Allen.  Reservoir, Dam, or Waterway Obstruction Construction Permits - Conditions for Exemption.

HB1265  Del Fraser-Hidalgo.  Local Government – Building Permits for Residential Solar Energy and Residential Energy Storage Systems – Required Platform and Inspections.

HB1266  Del Stein.  Clean Water Commerce Account - Contracts for the Purchase of Environmental Outcomes.

HB1267  Del R. Lewis, et al.  Public Safety - Extreme Risk Protective Orders - Review of Court Records.

HB1268  Dels Vogel and Ivey.  Educational Institutions – Opioid Overdose–Reversing Medications – Policy Requirements.

HB1269  Baltimore County Delegation.  Baltimore County - Alcoholic Beverages - License Applications - Notice.

HB1270  Del Guzzone, et al.  Health Benefit Plans - Prescription Drugs - Rebates and Calculation of Cost Sharing Requirements.

HB1271  Del J. Lewis, et al.  Information Technology - Artificial Intelligence - Policies and Procedures (Artificial Intelligence Governance Act of 2024).

HB1272  Del Stein.  Department of the Environment - Cap-and-Invest Program - Establishment.

HB1273  Del Pruski.  Vehicle Laws - Manufacturers and Dealers - Delivery of Vehicles.

HB1274  Del Wells.  Landlord and Tenant – Failure to Pay Rent – Evidence of Notice to Tenant.

HB1275  Del Amprey.  Vehicle Laws – Manufacturers and Dealers – Standing of Dealer Associations.

HB1276  Del Wells.  Public Works Contracts – Apprenticeship Requirements (Maryland Workforce Apprenticeship Utilization Act).

HB1277  Dels Embry and Amprey.  Business Occupations and Professions - Security Guards - Use of Force Reporting, Standards, and Certifications.

HB1278  Del Metzgar.  Baltimore County - Light-Emitting Diode (LED) Stop Signs - Pilot Program.

HB1279  Del Boafo, et al.  Maryland Building Performance Standards - Fossil Fuel Use, Energy Conservation, and Electric- and Solar-Ready Standards (Better Buildings Act of 2024).

HB1280  Del Miller, et al.  Sales and Use Tax – Electricity to Charge Electric Vehicles – Transportation Trust Fund.

HB1281  Del Hartman, et al.  Economic Development - Tourism Zones - Designation and Benefits.

HB1282  Del Hartman, et al.  Corporate Income Tax - Rate Reduction (Economic Competitiveness Act of 2024).

HB1283  Del Martinez, et al.  Insurance - Discrimination - Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity.

HB1284  Del Terrasa, et al.  Wetlands and Waterways Program - Stream Restoration Projects.

HB1285  Del McComas.  Workers' Compensation - Rehabilitation Practitioners - Licensed Social Workers.

HB1286  Del McComas.  Task Force to Propose the Maryland State Song.

HB1287  The Spkr, et al.  School Leadership Training Program - Alterations.

HB1288  Del McComas.  Election Law - Initiative Process.

HB1289  Del McComas.  State Board of Social Work Examiners - Practice Social Work - Definition and Scope of Authority.

HB1290  Del McComas, et al.  Protective Orders - Coercive Control.

HB1291  Del Attar.  Sports Wagering - Independent Evaluation of Sports Wagering Content - Required.

HB1292  Del Stonko, et al.  Optometrists - Prescriptions for Glasses and Contact Lenses - Pupillary Distance Measurement.

HB1293  Del Woods, et al.  Maryland Department of Health - Public Education Campaign on Prostate, Lung, and Breast Cancer Prevention.

HB1294  Del Young.  Artificial Intelligence Tools - Income Tax Credit and Sales and Use Tax.

HB1295  Del Lehman, et al.  Real Property - Residential Rental Apartments - Air-Conditioning Requirements.

HB1296  Dels Wilson and Crosby.  Electricity - Offshore Wind Projects - Alterations.

HB1297  Del Young.  Education - Artificial Intelligence - Study and Regulations.

HB1298  Del Young.  Family Law - Paternity - Surname (Maryland Paternal Naming Rights Act).

HB1299  Chr ECM (Atty Gen Ofc).  Consumer Protection - Maryland Consumer Protection Act - Trade or Commerce Violations.

HB1300  Montgomery County Delegation.  Montgomery County - Restriction on Use of Real Property - Limitation MC 8-24.

HB1301  Del Baker, et al.  Wearing, Carrying, or Transporting Firearms – Business Sign Posting Requirements.

HB1302  Dels Valderrama and Harrison.  Cosmetologists - Esthetic Services - Definition.

HB1303  Dels Grossman and Kaufman.  Election Law - Local Boards of Elections - Compensation.

HB1304  Del Kaiser, et al.  Maryland Department of Health and Department of Aging - Earned Income Tax Credit - Distribution of Information and Training.

HB1305  Washington County Delegation.  State Personnel - Correctional Services - Employee Pay and Benefits.

HB1306  Del Fair.  Admissions and Amusement Tax - Food and Beverages.

HB1307  Del Phillips, et al.  Family Law – Child Custody and Visitation – Visitation Reevaluations and Remedies.

HB1308  Dels Wivell and Valentine.  Real Property - Recordation of Instrument With False Information - Penalties and Actions to Quiet Title.

HB1309  Del Lopez.  Transportation - State Highways - Project Approval.

HB1310  Del Attar.  Baltimore City Coordinated Youth Violence Review and Response Team.

HB1311  Del McComas.  Criminal Law - Obscene Material - Device Filters.

HB1312  Del Anderton.  Wicomico County - Vehicle Laws - Prohibition on Roadway Solicitations.

HB1313  Del Anderton.  Law Enforcement Officers' Pension System - Membership - 9-1-1 Specialists.

HB1314  Del Chisholm, et al.  Corporations and Associations - Annual Reports - Filing Fees (Right to Start Act).

HB1315  Del Chisholm, et al.  Public Service Commission - Electricity Generation Facilities - Premature Retirement (Keep the Lights On Act).

HB1316  Del Chisholm, et al.  Real Property – Holding Over – Expedited Hearing and Service of Summons for Active Duty Service Member.

HB1317  Del Atterbeary.  Maryland Medical Assistance Program - Use of Reimbursement Funds by Schools.

HB1318  Del Boyce, et al.  Wasted Food Reduction and Diversion Fund and Grant Programs - Established.

HB1319  Del Atterbeary.  Internet Gaming - Authorization and Implementation.

HB1320  Del Stein, et al.  Bay Restoration Fund - Disbursement and Use of Fund.

HB1321  Charles County Delegation.  Land Use - Southern Maryland Code Counties - Subdivision Regulations - Property Dedication and Fee.

HB1322  Del Fisher, et al.  Sales and Use Tax - Precious Metal Bullion or Coins - Exemption.

HB1323  Dels Wivell and Valentine.  Courts - Immunity From Liability - Maryland Safe Haven Program.

HB1324  Del Wivell, et al.  Homestead Property Tax Credit - Eligible Properties - Alteration.

HB1325  Del Addison.  Individuals Experiencing Homelessness - Address Requirements - Prohibition.

HB1326  Del Atterbeary.  Primary and Secondary Education - Teachers - Retention and Support Policies, Guidelines, and Training.

HB1327  Del Martinez, et al.  Maryland Department of Health - Body Altering Aesthetics Advisory Committee.

HB1328  Dels Ziegler and Crosby.  Solar Energy and Energy Storage - Development and State Procurement.

HB1329  Del Attar.  Division of Parole and Probation – Private Home Detention Monitoring – Earned Compliance Credits.

HB1330  Allegany County Delegation.  Allegany County - Alcoholic Beverages - Underage Employees.

HB1331  Del Taveras.  Health Insurance - Massage Therapy - Required Coverage and Prohibited Cost Sharing.

HB1332  Del Valentine, et al.  Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services - Study on Location of Individuals Prior to and Following Incarceration.

HB1333  Del Pena-Melnyk, et al.  Public Health - Maryland Commission on Health Equity and Commission on Public Health - Revisions.

HB1334  Del Smith.  Housing and Community Development – Continuing the CORE Partnership Fund – Extension.

HB1335  Del Szeliga.  Reckless and Negligent Driving - Death of Another - Must-Appear Violation (Sherry's and Christian's Law).

HB1336  Del Ghrist.  Public Schools - Appropriations for School Safety Expenditures - School Security Employees.

HB1337  Del Woods, et al.  Health Insurance - Appeals and Grievances Process - Reporting Requirements.

HB1338  Howard County Delegation.  Howard County Agricultural Preservation Advisory Board - Term Length - Alteration Ho. Co. 15-24.

HB1339  Del Reilly, et al.  Health Insurance - Hearing Aids for Adults - Coverage.

HB1340  Del Anderton.  Wicomico County - Alcoholic Beverages - Monopoly of Liquor Control Board and Dispensary - Repeal.

HB1341  Del Anderton.  Wicomico County - Alcoholic Beverages - Class B Beer, Wine, and Liquor Licenses - Purchases From Licensed Wholesalers and Self-Distribution.

HB1342  Del Feldmark.  Elections – Ballot Questions – Publication of Proposed Laws and Plain Language Summary.

HB1343  Del Attar.  Election Law - Petitions and Ballot Questions - Plain Language Requirement.

HB1344  Del Howard, et al.  Income Tax - Credit for Long-Term Care Premiums.

HB1345  Harford County Delegation.  Higher Education - Harford Community College Board of Trustees - Alterations.

HB1346  Dels Clippinger and Pena-Melnyk.  Competency Evaluations and Commitment Orders - Modification.

HB1347  Del Hinebaugh, et al.  State Lakes Protection and Restoration Fund - Alteration and Extension.

HB1348  Del Feldmark.  Homestead Property Tax Credit - Calculation of Credit Percentage - Social Security Benefits.

HB1349  Del Arentz.  Estates and Trusts - Elective Share of Surviving Spouse - Exclusion of Inherited Property.

HB1350  Howard County Delegation.  Howard County Board of Education - Board Member Terms and Compensation Commission Ho. Co. 2-24.

HB1351  Del Howard, et al.  Health Insurance - Lyme Disease and Related Tick-Borne Illnesses - Long-Term Antibiotic Treatment.

HB1352  Howard County Delegation.  Howard County – Public Campaign Financing – Board of Education Ho. Co. 1–24.

HB1353  Howard County Delegation.  Howard County - Board of Education Elections - Ranked-Choice Voting Ho. Co. 6-24.

HB1354  Del Howard, et al.  Public Schools - Veterans' Day - Authorized Public School Holiday.

HB1355  Del Hill, et al.  Environment - Office of Recycling - Mattress Stewardship Program - Establishment.

HB1356  Howard County Delegation.  Candidates for Village Board or Columbia Council in a Village of Columbia – Reports of Donations and Disbursements Ho. Co. 10–24.

HB1357  Howard County Delegation.  Howard County - Payment in Lieu of Taxes Agreements - Moderate Income Housing Ho. Co. 8-24.

HB1358  Del Ruff, et al.  Natural Resources - Gwynns Falls State Park - Focus Group, Advisory Committee, and Report.

HB1359  Del Rosenberg, et al.  Facilities - Disabilities and Juveniles - Community Relations Plans.

HB1360  Del Howard, et al.  School Bus Transition - Propane-Powered School Buses - Grant Program, Fund, and Purchase.

HB1361  Del Wu, et al.  Task Force to Study Various Aspects of Changing Contributory Negligence to Comparative Negligence Act.

HB1362  Del Valderrama, et al.  State Board of Cosmetologists - Membership - Alteration.

HB1363  Dels Valderrama and Wu.  Education - Public Schools - Asian American History Curriculum Requirement.

HB1364  PG Co Deleg and Mont Co Deleg.  Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission - Montgomery County - People's Counsel for Land Use Planning PG/MC 112-24.

HB1365  Dels Valderrama and Boafo.  State and Private Construction Contracts and State Procurement Contracts - Prompt Payment and Interest Requirements.

HB1366  Del Roberson, et al.  State Correctional Facilities – Incarcerated Individuals – Costs of Telephone Communications.

HB1367  Del Valderrama.  Public Utilities - Certificates of Public Convenience and Necessity - Energy Storage Devices.

HB1368  Del Martinez.  Health Insurance Carriers and Pharmacy Benefits Managers – Clinician–Administered Drugs and Related Services.

HB1369  Montgomery County Delegation.  Montgomery County - Speed Monitoring Systems - Maryland Route 200 (Intercounty Connector) MC 11-24.

HB1370  Montgomery County Delegation.  Montgomery County Public Schools - School Personnel Training - Religious Discrimination Prevention MC 22-24.

HB1371  Del Wu.  Off–Shore Banking Zone and International Financial Center Task Force.

HB1372  Del Martinez.  Health and Taxation - Digital Social Media Services and the Mental Health Care Fund for Children and Youth.

HB1373  Del Fisher.  Calvert County Public Schools - Extracurricular Activities for Homeschooled Students - Pilot Program and Workgroup.

HB1374  Dels Embry and Boyce.  Environment - Crematory - Setback Requirements and Permits.

HB1375  Del Rosenberg.  Environmental Justice - Identification of and Investment in Overburdened and Underserved Communities - Report.

HB1376  Del Rosenberg.  Maryland Medical Assistance Program, Maryland Children's Health Program, and Health Insurance - Special Pediatric Hospitals.

HB1377  Del Pippy.  Frederick County - Alcoholic Beverages - Brewery and Distillery Licenses.

HB1378  Del Wivell, et al.  Task Force on Washington County Regional Water and Wastewater Governance.

HB1379  Dels Adams and Arentz.  Department of General Services - Renewable Natural Gas Pilot Program - Establishment.

HB1380  Del Fisher.  Calvert County - Board of Education - Civil Rights Data Collection and Reporting.

HB1381  Del Reilly.  Education - Publicly Funded Prekindergarten - Payments to Private Providers and Building Use.

HB1382  Del Fisher.  Corporations and Associations - Methodist Church Trust Requirement - Repeal.

HB1383  Howard County Delegation.  Howard County Board of Education - Liquidated Damages - Policy and Requirements Ho. Co. 3-24.

HB1384  Calvert County Delegation.  Calvert County - County Treasurer - Removal From Office.

HB1385  Del Feldmark.  Early Childhood Education - Prekindergarten Providers - Resident and Conditional Teaching Certificates.

HB1386  Del Atterbeary, et al.  Education - School Employee Antibias Training - Requirements.

HB1387  Del Adams, et al.  Private Passenger Motor Vehicle Insurance - Premium Increases - Collisions With Wild Animals.

HB1388  Del Hill, et al.  Labor and Employment - Noncompete and Conflict of Interest Clauses for Veterinary and Health Care Professionals and Study of the Health Care Market.

HB1389  Del Lehman.  Public Safety Officer - Performance of Duties - Death Benefit.

HB1390  Del Harris.  Public Schools - Public School Construction - Funding and Administration.

HB1391  Del Valderrama, et al.  Video Lottery Terminals - Distribution of Local Impact Grants - Town of Forest Heights.

HB1392  Del Tomlinson, et al.  Courts - Impaired Operation of Vehicle or Vessel - Expert Witnesses and Evidence.

HB1393  Del Crosby.  Electric System Planning - Scope and Funding.

HB1394  Del Crosby.  Education - Provision of 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline and Safe Schools Maryland Telephone Numbers.

HB1395  Del Howard, et al.  Anne Arundel County Board of Education - Ombudsman - Establishment.

HB1396  Del Howard, et al.  Maryland Department of Health - Substance Use Disorder Treatment and Recovery Levels of Care - Study.

HB1397  Del Simmons, et al.  Civil Rights - Discrimination Based on Protected Characteristics and Reproductive Freedom.

HB1398  Del Chang, et al.  Higher Education – Janet L. Hoffman Loan Assistance Repayment Program – Eligibility.

HB1399  Del Kaiser.  Corporations and Associations - Resident Agent - Public Information.

HB1400  Del Tomlinson, et al.  Public Schools - Student Use of Force - Authorization.

HB1401  Del Reilly, et al.  State Department of Education - School Psychologist Recruitment Program.

HB1402  Montgomery County Delegation.  Montgomery County – State’s Attorney’s Office Personnel – Application of County Personnel Laws and Collective Bargaining MC 12–24.

HB1403  Del McCaskill.  Family Child Care Homes and Large Family Child Care Homes - Age of Children in Care - Alterations.

HB1404  Del Ghrist, et al.  Environment – Storage of Dissolved Air Flotation By–Products – Local Authority.

HB1405  Del Metzgar.  Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services - Incarcerated Individual Apprenticeship Program.

HB1406  Del Roberson.  Vehicle Laws - Drunk and Drugged Driving - Points Assessments.

HB1407  Del Wilson.  County Tier 1 Renewable Sources – Generating Systems, Capacity, and Generation – Prohibition, Studies, and Plans.

HB1408  Del Rosenberg.  Residential Property – Assignment of Contracts of Sale – Disclosure Requirements and Rescission.

HB1409  Dorchester County Delegation.  Dorchester County - Definition of Public School Employee - Alteration.

HB1410  Del Howard, et al.  Anne Arundel County – Department of Housing and Community Development – Anne Arundel County Committee of Individuals With Lived Experience to Impact Policy on Homelessness.

HB1411  Del Howard.  Correctional Facilities - Correctional Nursery Program - Establishment.

HB1412  Del Lopez.  Abortion Care Access Grant Program and Fund - Establishment.

HB1413  Del Alston, et al.  Prince George's County - Development Authority - Established.

HB1414  Del Fair.  Electronic Smoking Devices - Licensure, Indoor Use, and Taxation - Alterations.

HB1415  Del Smith.  Education - Community Schools - Report.

HB1416  Del Rosenberg, et al.  Economic Development - Maryland Stadium Authority - Creation of Pimlico Site Community Development Plan.

HB1417  Del Amprey.  Economic Justice and Racial Reconciliation Act.

HB1418  Del Miller.  Public Middle and High Schools – Start Time for Instruction – Requirement.

HB1419  Del Amprey.  Criminal Law - Deed Fraud - Prohibition and Deed Fraud Prevention Grant Fund.

HB1420  Del Kaiser.  Cybersecurity - Office of People's Counsel, Public Service Companies, Public Service Commission, and Maryland Cybersecurity Council.

HB1421  Dels S. Johnson and A. Johnson.  Food, Drugs, and Cosmetics - Gene Structure- and Function-Modifying Products - Labeling.

HB1422  Dels S. Johnson and A. Johnson.  Human Relations – Protections Against Discrimination – Genetic Procedures.

HB1423  Dels S. Johnson and A. Johnson.  Maryland Medical Assistance Program and Health Insurance - Step Therapy, Fail-First Protocols, and Prior Authorization - Prescription Drugs to Treat Serious Mental Illness.

HB1424  Del Fraser-Hidalgo.  Alcoholic Beverages - Issuance of Class A Licenses.

HB1425  Del Fraser-Hidalgo.  Commercial Law - Earned Wage Access Services.

HB1426  Chr W&M.  Education - Blueprint for Maryland's Future - Alterations.

HB1427  Del Amprey.  Economic Development - West North Avenue Development Authority - Alterations.

HB1428  Del Miller.  Public Safety - Electric Vehicle Charging Station Safety Commission.

HB1429  Del Amprey, et al.  Criminal Procedure - Evidence - Protecting the Admissibility of Creative Expression (PACE Act).

HB1430  Del Miller, et al.  Education - Public Schools - Parents' Rights (Education Bill of Rights for Families Act).

HB1431  Del Fisher, et al.  Calvert County Board of Education - Annual Compensation - Increase.

HB1432  Del Miller, et al.  Education - Prekindergarten and Withholding of County Board Funding (Blueprint Accountability and Flexibility Act of 2024).

HB1433  Del Miller.  Primary and Secondary Education - Career Ladder Qualifications - Teachers With Relevant Degrees.

HB1434  Del R. Lewis.  Department of Human Services - Electronic Benefits Transfer Cards - Restoration of Benefits.

HB1435  Del Fraser-Hidalgo, et al.  Renewable Energy - Net Energy Metering Aggregation, Solar Renewable Energy Credits, and Taxes on Solar Energy Generating Systems (Brighter Tomorrow Act).

HB1436  Dels S. Johnson and A. Johnson.  Municipal Incorporation - County Commissioners or County Council - Required Approval of Referendum Request.

HB1437  Del Grammer.  Juvenile Law - Juvenile Crime Reform.

HB1438  Del Fraser-Hidalgo, et al.  Responding to Emergency Needs From Extreme Weather (RENEW) Act of 2024.

HB1439  Del Shetty, et al.  Emergency Services - Funding.

HB1440  Howard County Delegation.  Howard County Public Schools - Differences in Capital Budget Proposals - Report Ho. Co. 16-24.

HB1441  Del Atterbeary, et al.  Early Childhood Education - Publicly Funded Prekindergarten Programs - Alterations.

HB1442  Howard County Delegation.  Workgroup to Study the Fiscal and Operational Viability of Public-Private Partnerships for Howard County Public Schools - Established Ho. Co. 14-24.

HB1443  Del Hornberger, et al.  Consumer and Display Fireworks – Regulation and Tax.

HB1444  Del Guyton.  Vehicle Laws - Speed Monitoring Systems - Residential Districts.

HB1445  Del Schmidt.  Landlord and Tenant - Actions for Possession - Service of Process by a Private Detective.

HB1446  Del Stein.  Railroads - Safety Requirements (Maryland Railway Safety Act of 2024).

HB1447  Del J. Lewis.  Motor Vehicles - Autonomous Vehicles - Standards, Requirements, and Prohibited Acts.

HB1448  Del Conaway.  Motor Vehicle Administration - Driving Records - Expungement.

HB1449  Del Lehman.  Zoning – Board of Appeals Decisions or Zoning Actions – Judicial Review.

HB1450  Howard County Delegation.  Howard County Task Force to Study Revenue Options for School Capital Needs Ho. Co. 18-24.

HB1451  Del Embry.  Arts Incubator Workgroup - Established.

HB1452  Howard County Delegation.  Columbia Association - Lease Requirements and Governing Documents Ho. Co. 4-24.

HB1453  Del Guyton.  Foster Care Families Child Care Assistance Program and Fund - Establishment.

HB1454  Del Atterbeary.  Property Tax - Credit to Offset Increases in Local Tax Revenue.

HB1455  Del Solomon.  Public Prekindergarten and Child Care Providers - Waiver Action Plan and Assistance Hubs.

HB1456  Del Lopez.  Vehicle Laws - Licenses, Identification Cards, and Moped Operator's Permits - Identification of Nonapparent Disability.

HB1457  Del Holmes.  Common Ownership Communities - Ombudsman Unit, Governing Document Database, and Local Commissions.

HB1458  Del Bhandari.  Workgroup to Study Extreme Risk Protective Orders (Sagar Ghimire Act).

HB1459  Del Acevero, et al.  Vehicle Registration - Fee Exemptions - Military Honorees.

HB1460  Del Acevero, et al.  Criminal Law – Personal Identifying Information and Images of Minors – Dissemination.

HB1461  Del Allen.  Abandoned or Sunken Vessels and Waterway Improvement Fund Grants.

HB1462  Calvert County Delegation.  Calvert County - Procurement - Competitive Bidding.

HB1463  Del Edelson.  Enoch Pratt Free Library - Capital Project Funding.

HB1464  Del Amprey.  Baltimore City - Alcoholic Beverages - Board of License Commissioners.

HB1465  Del Wims.  Soil Conservation Districts - Small Ponds - Plan Review Fees.

HB1466  Del Jacobs.  Anaerobic Digestion Technology - Coordination and Guidance.

HB1467  Del Fraser-Hidalgo.  Income Tax - Subtraction Modification - State Law Enforcement Officers.

HB1468  Del Fraser-Hidalgo.  State Board of Education - Membership - School Principal.

HB1469  Dels Schmidt and Simmons.  Criminal Law - Second Degree Assault - Sports Official.

HB1470  Del Cardin.  Criminal Procedure - Incompetency to Stand Trial Dismissal.

HB1471  Del Tomlinson.  Procurement Contracts - Disclosures to Secretary of State - Beneficial Ownership.

HB1472  Del D. Jones, et al.  Professional and Volunteer Firefighter Innovative Cancer Screening Technologies Program - Funding.

HB1473  Del Stewart.  Hunting - Lead and Lead-Based Ammunition - Phase-Out.

HB1474  Dels Jackson and Allen.  Maryland Cannabis Administration - Cannabis Licensing - Protests of Renewal.

HB1475  Del Cullison.  Health Facilities - Delegation of Inspection Authority - Related Institutions and Nursing Homes.

HB1476  Del Kerr.  State Board of Examiners for Audiologists, Hearing Aid Dispensers, Speech-Language Pathologists, and Music Therapists - Appointment of Members.

HB1477  Del Ebersole.  Baltimore County – Property Taxes – Authority to Set a Special Rate for Vacant and Abandoned Property.

HB1478  Del Pippy.  Bay Restoration Fund - Authorized Uses - Decommission of Wastewater Treatment Lagoon.

HB1479  Frederick County Delegation.  Frederick County - Juveniles - Truancy Reduction Pilot Program.

HB1480  Frederick County Delegation.  Frederick and Washington Counties - Bow Hunting - Openly Carrying Handguns.

HB1481  Del A. Johnson.  Consumer Protection - Credit or Debit Card Surcharges - Limitation.

HB1482  Del Fraser-Hidalgo.  Uninsured Driving Penalties - Funding for the Maryland Automobile Insurance Fund, Driver Education, and Transportation to Field Trips.

HB1483  Del Fraser-Hidalgo.  Insurance - Maryland Automobile Insurance Fund - Assessments.

HB1484  Del R. Lewis.  Cannabis - Community Reinvestment and Repair Fund - Distribution and Use of Funds for Baltimore City.

HB1485  Del Toles.  Public Schools - Water Safety and Swimming Course - Established.

HB1486  Del Forbes.  Economic Development – Cyber Maryland Fund and Program – Alterations.

HB1487  Chr W&M (Dept).  Maryland Entertainment Council - Alterations.

HB1488  Del Atterbeary.  Property Tax - Appeals - Definition of "Taxpayer".

HB1489  Del Wilkins.  Election Law - Absentee Ballot Application - Sending to Eligible Voters Before Primary Elections.

HB1490  Del Wells.  Economic Development - Business Diversity Incubator Program and Fund - Established.

HB1491  Del Rogers.  General Provisions - Commemorative Days - Prince Hall Day.

HB1492  Del Rogers.  Education - Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery - Student Information.

HB1493  Del Mangione, et al.  Public and Nonpublic Schools – Child Sex Offenders – Prohibition on In–Person Attendance.

HB1494  Del Nawrocki, et al.  Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine - Funding.

HB1495  Del Nawrocki, et al.  Baltimore County - Out-of-State Vehicles - Improper Registration.

HB1496  Del J. Long.  Maryland Condominium Act - Amendments to the Declaration.

HB1497  Del Pena-Melnyk, et al.  State Board of Massage Therapy Examiners - Scope of Practice, Reinstatements, and Examinations by Health Care Providers.

HB1498  Del Pena-Melnyk.  State Board of Massage Therapy Examiners - Aiding or Abetting Unauthorized Practice - Prohibition.

HB1499  Del Clippinger.  Family Law - Kinship Care.

HB1500  Dorchester County Delegation.  Dorchester County - Sunday Hunting - Repeal of Time Restrictions.

HB1501  Chr Joint Audit and Evaluation Committee.  State Government - Office of Legislative Audits - Performance Audits.

HB1502  Del Stein.  Baltimore County - Speed Monitoring Systems - Interstate 695.

HB1503  Del Roberts.  Election Law - Campaign Finance Activities - State Treasurer.

HB1504  Del Ebersole.  Maryland National Guard - Tricare Premium Reimbursement Program - Alterations.

HB1505  Del Szeliga, et al.  Correctional Services - Transfers to Federal Authorities - Undocumented Immigrants (Protecting Marylanders From Violent Crime Act of 2024).

HB1506  Del Rosenberg.  Tax Clinics for Low-Income Marylanders - Funding.

HB1507  Del Addison, et al.  Transportation - Major Change in Bus Service - Publication on Website.

HB1508  Chr W&M (Dept).  Department of Commerce - Employer Tax Credit Programs - Alterations and Establishment.

HB1509  Del Stein, et al.  Baltimore Regional Water Governance Model Workgroup - Established.

HB1510  Cecil County Delegation.  Cecil County - Annual Financial Report - Filing Date.

HB1511  Del Love.  Forest Conservation Act – Modifications.

HB1512  Dels Adams and Hutchinson.  Bay Restoration Fund - Use of Funds - Municipal Wastewater Facilities - Sunset Repeal.

HB1513  Del Smith.  Economic Action Maryland – Securing Older Adult Resources Program – Appropriation.

HB1514  Del Fair.  Elections - Ranked-Choice Voting - Contests for Presidential Nomination.

HB1515  Del Moon.  Sales and Use Tax - Rate Reduction and Services.

HB1516  Chr W&M (Dept).  Real Property Assessments - Notice of Change in Value or Classification - Time Period.

HB1517  Del Terrasa.  Common Ownership Communities - Annual Registration With Department of Housing and Community Development - Requirements.

HB1518  Del Rosenberg.  Estates and Trusts - Interpretation of Wills - Extrinsic Evidence of Intent (Granny's Law).

HB1519  Del Kerr.  Procurement - University System of Maryland, Morgan State University, and St. Mary's College of Maryland.

HB1520  Dels Solomon and Edelson.  State Personnel - Transfer of Employees in the Department of Transportation Human Resources Management System to the State Personnel Management System.

HB1521  Chr HGO (Dept).  Maryland Children's Health Program - Eligibility and Administration.

HB1522  Del Toles, et al.  University of Maryland Eastern Shore - Land-Grant Institution - Funding (Land-Grant Equity and Accountability Act).

HB1523  Del Howard.  Veterans - Persons Providing Veterans Benefits Services and Veterans Benefits Appeals Services - Fees and Compensation.

HB1524  Chr W&M (Maryland Thoroughbred Racetrack.  Horse Racing - Racing Facility Ownership and Construction - Racing Operations.

HB1525  Chr APP (Dept).  Maryland Stadium Authority - Camden Yards Football Sports Facility Special Funds - Established.

HB1526  Del Clippinger, et al.  Maryland Protecting Opportunities and Regional Trade (PORT) Act.



Senate Bills

SB0001  Sen Augustine.  Electricity and Gas - Retail Supply - Regulation and Consumer Protection.

SB0002  Sen Carter.  Juvenile Law - Child in Need of Supervision - Mandatory Petition (NyKayla Strawder Memorial Act).

SB0003  Sen Jackson.  Health Occupations - Service Members, Veterans, and Military Spouses - Temporary Licensure, Certification, Registration, and Permitting.

SB0004  Sen Waldstreicher.  Criminal Procedure - Victims' Rights - Notification of Release From Confinement (Jaycee Webster Victims' Rights Act).

SB0005  Sen Augustine.  Higher Education - University System of Maryland, Morgan State University, and St. Mary's College of Maryland - Guaranteed Admissions.

SB0006  Sen Gile, et al.  Property Tax - Credit for Dwelling House of Disabled Veterans - Alterations.

SB0007  Sen Bailey.  Public Safety - Law Enforcement Agencies - Positive Community Feedback.

SB0008  Sen Watson.  State and Local Retirement and Pension Systems - Service Credit - Returned Peace Corps Volunteers.

SB0009  Sen Watson.  Prince George's County - Alcoholic Beverages Licenses - Nonprofit Organizations.

SB0010  Sen Kagan.  Vehicle Laws - Damaged, Obscured, or Modified Registration Plates.

SB0011  Sen Carter.  Criminal Procedure - Partial Expungement.

SB0012  Sen Ellis.  College of Southern Maryland - Board of Trustees Membership - Alterations.

SB0013  Sen Jackson.  Maryland Pediatric Cancer Fund - Modifications.

SB0014  Sen Jackson.  Economic Development - Tourism Zones - Designation and Benefits.

SB0015  Sen West.  Cooperative Housing Corporations - Dispute Settlement.

SB0016  Sen Kagan.  Election Law - Campaign Finance - Draft Committees and Exploratory Committees.

SB0017  Sen West.  Criminal Law - Crimes Relating to Animals - Conviction and Sentencing.

SB0018  Sens Augustine and Lam.  Health Occupations - Pharmacists - Administration of Vaccines.

SB0019  Sen Sydnor.  Failure to Pay Rent Proceedings - Prohibition on Rent Increases and Shielding of Court Records.

SB0020  Sen Simonaire.  Environment - Cox Creek Citizens Oversight Committee - Membership.

SB0021  Sen A. Washington.  Education - Public School Stadium Grant Program and Study - Established.

SB0022  Sen Hayes.  Baltimore City - Alcoholic Beverages - Board of License Commissioners.

SB0023  Sen West.  Orphans’ Court Judges – Elections.

SB0024  Sen Kagan.  Consumer Protection - Retail Sales - Return and Exchange Policy (Right to Refund Information Act).

SB0025  Sen Klausmeier.  Property Tax Credit - Disabled or Fallen Law Enforcement Officer or Rescue Worker - Alterations.

SB0026  Sen Bailey.  Criminal Law - Manslaughter by Vehicle or Vessel - Increased Penalties (Jamari's Law).

SB0027  Sen Gile, et al.  Cosmetology Licensure Compact.

SB0028  Sen Folden, et al.  Crimes and Corrections - Penalties and Procedures (Violent Firearms Offender Act of 2024).

SB0029  Sen Kagan.  Special Elections - Procedures and General Assembly Vacancies and Ties.

SB0030  Sen Ellis.  Maryland Economic Development Assistance Authority and Fund - High Impact Development Project Program.

SB0031  Sen West.  Courts - Prohibited Indemnity and Defense Liability Agreements.

SB0032  Sen Bailey.  Economic Development - Maryland Watermen's Microloan Program - Eligibility.

SB0033  Sen Rosapepe.  More Opportunities for Career–Focused Students Act of 2024.

SB0034  Sen Carter.  Courts - Jury Service - Disqualification.

SB0035  Sen McCray.  Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program - State Supplement.

SB0036  Sen Benson.  Maryland Deaths in Custody Oversight Board.

SB0037  Sen Waldstreicher.  Public Utilities - Street Lighting Equipment - Acquisitions and Reporting (County and Municipal Street Lighting Investment Act).

SB0038  Sen A. Washington.  Wage Payment and Collection - Pay Stubs and Pay Statements - Required Information.

SB0039  Sen Ready, et al.  Gun Theft Felony Act of 2024.

SB0040  Sen Watson.  State Department of Education - Driver Education and Career and Technical Education - Funding (Driver Education and Career Education Act of 2024).

SB0041  Sen Lam.  Consumer Protection - Consumer Reporting Agencies - Information in Consumer Credit Reports.

SB0042  Sen Kelly.  Vehicle Laws - Horse Riding - Helmet Requirement for Minors.

SB0043  Sen Hayes.  Maryland Historical Trust - Arbitration.

SB0044  Sen Folden, et al.  Safe Communities Act of 2024.

SB0045  Sen McCray.  Baltimore City - Alcoholic Beverages - B-D-7 Licenses - Hours of Sale.

SB0046  Sen Waldstreicher.  Condominiums - Sales Contracts - Asbestos Disclosure.

SB0047  Sen Benson.  Public Health - Sale of Diet Pills to Minors - Prohibition (Protecting Teenagers From Unregulated Diet Pills).

SB0048  Sen Kagan.  Maryland Police Training and Standards Commission - Police Officer Certification - Eligibility.

SB0049  Sen Elfreth.  Restrictions on Use - Solar Collector Systems - Alteration.

SB0050  Sen Lam, et al.  Human Relations - Commission on Civil Rights - Appeal of Final Orders.

SB0051  Sen Rosapepe.  Prince George's County - Alcoholic Beverages - License Renewal.

SB0052  Sen Folden, et al.  Juvenile Justice Restoration Act of 2024.

SB0053  Sen Kelly.  Real Property - Transfer to Heir - Exemption From Prepayment.

SB0054  Sen Carter.  Occupational Licensing and Certification - Criminal History - Prohibited Disclosures and Predetermination Review Process.

SB0055  Sen Smith.  Vehicle Laws - Disabled Veteran Registration Plates - Issuance.

SB0056  Sen Hester.  Food Waste and Solid Waste Reduction – Grants, Fund, and Surcharge.

SB0057  Sen Sydnor.  Evidence - Wiretapping and Electronic Surveillance - Fair Housing Testing.

SB0058  Sen Brooks.  Income Tax - Senior Credit - Alterations.

SB0059  Sen Ellis.  Safe Sleep for Infants - Awareness and Certification.

SB0060  Sen Carozza.  Worcester County – Motor Home and Recreational Trailer Shows – Out–of–State Dealers.

SB0061  Sen A. Washington.  Higher Education - Disciplinary Records - Use in Admissions and Disciplinary Proceedings.

SB0062  Sen Ellis.  Health Occupations - Licensed Direct-Entry Midwives - Previous Cesarean Section.

SB0063  Sen Bailey.  Motor Vehicles - School Vehicle Drivers - Medical Examinations.

SB0064  Sen Benson.  Income Tax - Credit for Employers Providing Parental Engagement Leave.

SB0065  Sen James.  Criminal Law - Child Pornography - Prohibitions and Penalties.

SB0066  Sen Rosapepe.  Prince George's County - Alcoholic Beverages - Issuance of License Near a Place of Worship or School.

SB0067  Sen Brooks.  Property Tax Credit – Retail Service Station Conversions.

SB0068  Sen Carozza, et al.  Reckless and Negligent Driving - Death of Another - Must-Appear Violation (Sherry's and Christian's Law).

SB0069  Anne Arundel County Senators.  Anne Arundel County - Board of Community College Trustees - Membership Alterations and Appointment Requirements.

SB0070  Sen McCray.  Transportation - Change in Bus Service - Impacts Report.

SB0071  Sen Carter.  Correctional Services - Pregnancy and Postpartum Support (Prevention of Forced Infant Separation Act).

SB0072  Sens McCray and Lam.  Tobacco Tax Stamp Refunds - Loss Due to Theft.

SB0073  Sen Watson, et al.  Department of Juvenile Services - Firearm Offenses - Reporting.

SB0074  Sen Ellis.  State Designations - State Fruit - Persimmon.

SB0075  Sen West.  Maryland Uniform Transfers to Minors Act - Transfers as Custodian for the Benefit of a Minor - Authorization of Court.

SB0076  Sens Lam and Hettleman.  Continuing Care Retirement Communities - Governing Bodies, Grievances, and Entrance Fees.

SB0077  Sen Waldstreicher.  Bicycles, Play Vehicles, and Unicycles - Authorizations and Requirements.

SB0078  Sen Sydnor.  Education - Baltimore County School Board Nominating Commission - Records and Meetings Requirements.

SB0079  Sen A. Washington.  State Finance - Prohibited Appropriations - Magnetic Levitation Transportation System.

SB0080  Sen West.  Estates and Trusts - Appointment of Personal Representative - Objections.

SB0081  Sen Ellis.  Higher Education - College of Southern Maryland - Budget.

SB0082  Sen McCray.  Baltimore City - Arrest Warrants for Violation of Probation - Time Frame.

SB0083  Sen Muse.  Video Lottery Terminals - Distribution of Local Impact Grants - Town of Forest Heights.

SB0084  Sen Rosapepe.  Teacher Degree Apprenticeship.

SB0085  Sen M. Washington.  Corporations and Associations - Limited Worker Cooperative Associations - Authorization (Maryland Limited Cooperative Association Act).

SB0086  Sen Klausmeier.  Income Tax - Credit for Long-Term Care Premiums (Long-Term Care Relief Act of 2024).

SB0087  Sen Carozza, et al.  Homicide or Life-Threatening Injury by Motor Vehicle or Vessel - Parole Eligibility and Penalties.

SB0088  Sen Gile, et al.  Maryland Commission on Veterans and Military Families.

SB0089  Sen James.  Child Abuse and Neglect - Reports and Records - Disclosure.

SB0090  Sen Hayes.  Community Development Administration - Live Near Your School Program - Funding and Extension.

SB0091  Sen McCray.  Workforce Development and Adult Learning – Leasing Training Program – Establishment.

SB0092  Sen Brooks.  Places of Public Accommodation - Motion Picture Houses - Captioning.

SB0093  Sen Augustine.  Health Insurance – Utilization Review – Private Review Agents.

SB0094  Sen Watson, et al.  Juvenile Law - Intake and Probation.

SB0095  Sen Carozza.  Eastern Shore Code Counties - Maximum Hotel Rental Tax Rate - Alteration.

SB0096  Sen Jackson.  Environment - Impact of Environmental Permits and State Agency Actions.

SB0097  Sen Hester.  Vehicle Laws - Special Registration Plates - Maryland Horse Industry.

SB0098  Sen Salling.  Department of Housing and Community Development - Food Desert Study.

SB0099  Sen Kagan.  Election Law - Affiliating With a Party and Voting - Unaffiliated Voters.

SB0100  Sen Watson, et al.  Criminal Law - Organized Retail Theft.

SB0101  Sen McCray.  University of Baltimore - Schaefer Center for Public Policy - Funding.

SB0102  Sens Carozza and Jackson.  Public Safety - Handgun Permits - Expiration and Renewal Periods for Retired Law Enforcement Officer.

SB0103  Sen Jackson.  Overdose Awareness Day.

SB0104  Sen A. Washington.  Unemployment Insurance Modernization Act of 2024.

SB0105  Sen Ellis.  Burial Sites of Enslaved Persons - Protection and Access (Emancipation for the Maryland Deceased Enslaved Act).

SB0106  Sen Kelly.  State Board of Social Work Examiners - Board Membership and Certified Social Worker Licenses.

SB0107  Sen James.  Commercial Law - Statutory Liens - Motor Vehicles Towed or Removed From Parking Lots.

SB0108  Sen Bailey.  Income Tax - Subtraction Modification - Police Auxiliary and Reserve Volunteers.

SB0109  Sen Gile.  State Employees - Parental Bereavement Leave.

SB0110  Sen Hershey.  School Construction - Local Cost-Share - Alterations.

SB0111  Sen Sydnor.  Criminal Procedure - Protection of Identity of Minor Victim.

SB0112  Sen Salling.  County Boards of Education - Student Cellular Phone Use - Policy Required.

SB0113  Sen Kelly.  Criminal Law - Sexual Solicitation of a Minor Through Child Pornography - Prohibition.

SB0114  Sen Jackson.  Workgroup to Study the Fiscal and Operational Viability of Public-Private Partnerships for Calvert County Public Schools.

SB0115  Sen Kagan.  Election Law – Recounts – Procedures.

SB0116  Sen West.  Orphans' Court Judges - Restriction on Practicing Law.

SB0117  Sen Bailey.  Health - Newborn Screening Program - Krabbe Leukodystrophy.

SB0118  Sens Muse and Hettleman.  Criminal Procedure - Expungement and Shielding - Probation Before Judgment for Driving While Impaired or Under the Influence.

SB0119  Sen Lam, et al.  Legally Protected Health Care - Gender-Affirming Treatment.

SB0120  Sen Watson, et al.  Juvenile Law - Custodial Interrogation - Parental Consultation.

SB0121  Sen Ellis.  College of Southern Maryland - Funding and Responsibilities - La Plata Pool.

SB0122  Sen Augustine.  Education - Provision of Maryland Youth Crisis Hotline Telephone Number - Alteration.

SB0123  Sen Carter.  Criminal Procedure - Petition to Reduce Sentence.

SB0124  Sen Augustine.  Maryland Medical Assistance Program and Health Insurance - Annual Behavioral Health Wellness Visits - Coverage and Reimbursement.

SB0125  Sens Lewis Young and Folden.  Residential Property Sales - Contract Disclosures - Superfund Sites.

SB0126  Sens Augustine and Feldman.  Transportation - WMATA Operating Assistance - Alteration (Maryland Metro Funding Act of 2024).

SB0127  Sen Watson, et al.  Maryland Center for School Safety - Firearm Detection Platforms - Evaluation (Maryland Firearm Detection Platform Act).

SB0128  Sen Hettleman.  Correctional Services - Geriatric and Medical Parole.

SB0129  Sen Kagan.  Election Law - Election Costs and Administration.

SB0130  Sen Bailey.  Criminal Law - Indecent Exposure Within the Presence of a Minor.

SB0131  Sen Ellis.  Transportation - Consolidated Transportation Program - Categorization and Equitable Distribution of Projects.

SB0132  Sen Carter.  Correctional Services – Medical Parole – Life Imprisonment.

SB0133  Sen Klausmeier.  State Employee Rights and Protections - Personnel Actions and Harassment - Investigation of Complaints.

SB0134  Sen Hettleman.  Office of the Attorney General - Correctional Ombudsman Unit.

SB0135  Sens Ellis and McKay.  Workgroup to Study Funding for the Westernport Wastewater Treatment Facility - Establishment.

SB0136  Sen Jackson.  Family Law - Marriage Ceremony - Designation of Deputy Clerk.

SB0137  Sen Rosapepe.  Registered Nurse Degree Apprenticeship Program Workgroup.

SB0138  Sen Hayes.  Baltimore City – Property Taxes – Authority to Set a Special Rate for Vacant and Abandoned Property.

SB0139  Sen Watson.  Driver's Licenses - Suspension for Child Support Arrearages - Exception.

SB0140  Sen Lam.  General Assembly Vacancy - Political Party Central Committees - Procedures.

SB0141  Sen A. Washington.   Multifamily Dwellings - Smoking Policies.

SB0142  Sen Klausmeier.  Genetic Testing - Prohibitions on Disability, Life, and Long-Term Care Insurance (Genetic Testing Protection Act of 2024).

SB0143  Sen Gallion.  Teachers' Retirement and Pension Systems - Reemployment.

SB0144  Sens Hettleman and Gile.  Medical Records - Fees - Attorneys Representing Patients.

SB0145  Sen Benson.  Criminal Procedure – Petition to Modify or Reduce Sentence (Maryland Second Look Act).

SB0146  Sen Lewis Young, et al.  Renewable Energy Portfolio Standard - Eligible Sources - Alterations (Reclaim Renewable Energy Act of 2024).

SB0147  Sen West.  Real Property - Access to Counsel in Evictions Program - Mandated Reports.

SB0148  Sen A. Washington.  Comprehensive Flood Management Grant Program - Funding for Underserved and Overburdened Communities.

SB0149  Sen Waldstreicher.  Vehicle Towing or Removal – Insurer of Record – Electronic Notification.

SB0150  Chr Joint Audit and Evaluation Committee.  State Government - Office of Legislative Audits - Performance Audits.

SB0151  Sen Muse.  Prince George's County - Workgroup on Health and Wellness.

SB0152  Sen Bailey.  Fishing Licenses and Stamps - Fee Exemptions - Residents Eligible for Assistance Programs.

SB0153  Sen Jackson.  Maryland Department of Transportation - Child Exploitation and Human Trafficking Awareness, Training, and Response.

SB0154  Sen Salling.  State Procurement - Preferences - Historically Underutilized Business Zone Businesses.

SB0155  Sen A. Washington.  Vehicle Laws - Noise Abatement Monitoring Systems - Authorization.

SB0156  Sen Salling.  Port of Baltimore - Renaming.

SB0157  Sen Ellis.  Domestic Animals - Penalties for Abandonment and Microchip Requirements for Dogs.

SB0158  Sen Bailey.  Cannabis Licensing - Zoning Requirements - Alteration.

SB0159  Sen Gile, et al.  Courts - Military Records - Recordation and Inspection.

SB0160  Sens Ellis and McCray.  Labor and Employment - Payment of Minimum Wage - Tipped Employees.

SB0161  Sen A. Washington.  Community Schools - Alterations.

SB0162  Sen Waldstreicher.  Landlord and Tenant - Termination of Residential Lease - Limitation of Liability for Rent.

SB0163  Sen Ellis.  Charles County Public Library - Imagination Library Program - Funding.

SB0164  Sen West.  Estates and Trusts - Interested Person - Definition.

SB0165  Sen Hettleman, et al.  Education – Coaches – Mental Health Training.

SB0166  Sen Bailey.  Waterway Incident Notification System (WINS) Workgroup.

SB0167  Sen Carozza.  Physician Assistants - Revisions (Physician Assistant Modernization Act of 2024).

SB0168  Sen Sydnor.  Task Force to Study Aggressive and Reckless Driving.

SB0169  Sen Kagan.  Green and Renewable Energy for Nonprofit Organizations Loan Program and Fund.

SB0170  Sen Gallion.  County Boards of Education - Hearing Notices and Bid Advertisements - Electronic Posting.

SB0171  Sen Augustine.  Landlord and Tenant – Office of Home Energy Programs – Financial Assistance.

SB0172  Sen Bailey.  Private Passenger Motor Vehicle Insurance - Premium Increases - Collisions With Wild Animals.

SB0173  Sen Ellis.  Consolidated Transportation Program - Indian Head Highway - Conversion Into Limited Access Highway.

SB0174  Sen Muse.  Child Support - Suspension of Driver's Licenses.

SB0175  Sen Augustine.  State Board of Examiners in Optometry - Criminal History Records Checks.

SB0176  Sen Brooks.  Sales and Use Tax - Tax-Free Day - Veterans' Day.

SB0177  Sen Muse.  Law Enforcement Officers, Correctional Employees, and Court-Ordered Services Providers - Prohibition on Sexual Activity - Penalties and Registry.

SB0178  Sen Klausmeier.  Agriculture – Pollinator Habitat Plan – Requirements for State Highway Administration.

SB0179  Sen Watson, et al.  Crimes and Corrections - Penalties and Procedures (Violent Firearms Offender Act of 2024).

SB0180  Sen Hester.  Public and Nonpublic Schools - Auto-Injectable Epinephrine and Bronchodilators - Use, Availability, Training, and Policies.

SB0181  Sen McCray.  Qualifying Nonprofit Organizations - Training and Reentry Services - Funding.

SB0182  Sen Sydnor.  Criminal Procedure - Facial Recognition Technology - Requirements, Procedures, and Prohibitions.

SB0183  Sen Bailey.  State Procurement - Prompt Payment of Suppliers.

SB0184  Sen Klausmeier.  Baltimore County - Abandoned Vehicles.

SB0185  Sen M. Washington.  Office of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing - Deafblind Co-Navigation Services Program - Established.

SB0186  Sen Watson.  Prince George's County - Alcoholic Beverages - Cigar Lounge License.

SB0187  Sen Sydnor.  Correctional Services - Inmate Employment - Agricultural Work.

SB0188  Sen McCray.  Arbitration Reform for State Employees Act of 2024.

SB0189  Sen Ellis.  Public Schools - Inclusive and Diverse English Language Arts - Development of Content Standards and Implementation.

SB0190  Sen Muse.  Law Enforcement - Wellness Checks - Requirements.

SB0191  Sen A. Washington.  Prince George's County - Property Tax Credit - Public School Employees PG 503-24.

SB0192  Sen Kramer.  State Personnel - Collective Bargaining - Supervisory Employees.

SB0193  Sen Lewis Young.  Agriculture - Confinement of Egg-Laying Hens in Commercial Egg Production - Prohibitions.

SB0194  Sens Hayes and M. Washington.  State Procurement - Maryland Correctional Enterprises - Waiver.

SB0195  Sen Watson, et al.  Juveniles - Arrest by Law Enforcement - Report to Local Department of Social Services.

SB0196  Sen Gallion.  Soil Conservation Districts - Small Ponds - Plan Review Fees.

SB0197  Sen Ellis.  Residential Service Agencies - Reimbursement - Personal Assistance Services.

SB0198  Sen Benson.  Income Tax - Credit for Parent and Guardian Volunteers in Elementary and Secondary Schools.

SB0199  Sen Waldstreicher.  Residential Property - Affordable Housing Land Trusts - Authority to Establish Condominium Regimes.

SB0200  Sen Ellis.  Counties - Construction of Sidewalks and Crosswalks - Safe Alternative Routes to Public Schools.

SB0201  Sen Watson.  Public Health - Childbirth - Paternity Test.

SB0202  Sen Benson.  Income Tax – Caregiver Tax Credit.

SB0203  Sen Waldstreicher.  Housing Innovation Pilot Program and Housing Innovation Fund - Establishment (Housing Innovation Pilot Program Act of 2024).

SB0204  Sen Benson.  Interstate Social Work Licensure Compact.

SB0205  Sen Hayes.  University System of Maryland - Board of Regents - Membership.

SB0206  Sen Smith.  Condominiums - Common Elements - Clean Energy Equipment.

SB0207  Sen Bailey.  Natural Resources - Northern Snakehead - Common Name.

SB0208  Sen Benson.  Maryland Medical Assistance Program - Provider Agencies and Personal Care Aides - Reimbursement and Wages.

SB0209  Chr FIN (Dept).  Economic Development – Maryland Economic Development Commission – Alterations.

SB0210  Chr FIN (Dept).  Emergency Medical Services - Paramedics - Immunization Administration - Effective Date.

SB0211  Chr FIN (Dept).  Public Health - Giving Infants a Future Without Transmission (GIFT) Act.

SB0212  Chr FIN (Dept).  Behavioral Health Advisory Council and Commission on Behavioral Health Care Treatment and Access - Alterations.

SB0213  Chr FIN (Dept).  Human Services - Food Supplement Program (Summer SNAP for Children Act).

SB0214  Chr FIN (Dept).  Maryland Military Installation Council - Membership.

SB0215  Chr FIN (Dept).  Small, Minority, and Women-Owned Businesses Account - Alterations.

SB0216  Chr FIN (Dept).  Workers' Compensation - Failure to Insure - Penalties.

SB0217  Chr FIN (Dept).  Health Insurance - Conformity With Federal Law.

SB0218  Chr FIN (Dept).  Physicians and Allied Health Professions - Reorganization and Revisions.

SB0219  Chr FIN (Dept).  Senior Prescription Drug Assistance Program – Sunset Extension.

SB0220  Chr FIN (Dept).  Public Health – Public Health Services and Protections – Revisions.

SB0221  Chr FIN (Dept).  Health Occupations Boards – Reciprocal Licensure and Certification.

SB0222  Chr FIN (Dept).  State Board of Environmental Health Specialists – Quorum, Examination, and Apprenticeships.

SB0223  Chr FIN (Dept).  Interagency Committee on Aging Services – Repeal.

SB0224  Chr FIN (Dept).  Cemeteries - Burial-Transit Permits - Required Information.

SB0225  Chr FIN (Dept).  Occupational Safety and Health Advisory Board – Sunset Extension.

SB0226  Chr FIN (Dept).  Human Services - Attendant Care Program - Ongoing Additional Supports.

SB0227  Chr FIN (Dept).  Health Insurance – Cancellation of Individual Health Benefit Plans – Restriction.

SB0228  Chr FIN (Dept).  Maryland Health Benefit Exchange - Qualified Health Plans - Dental Coverage.

SB0229  Chr FIN (Dept).  Insurance - Penalties - Unauthorized Insurers, Insurance Producers, and Public Adjusters.

SB0230  Chr FIN (Dept).  Insurance - Hearing Representation.

SB0231  Chr FIN (Dept).  Insurance – Protections After Loss or Damage to Property.

SB0232  Chr FIN (Dept).  Public Employee Relations Act - Alterations.

SB0233  Chr FIN (Dept).  Employment Standards, Prevailing Wage, and Living Wage - Employer Adverse Actions - Prohibition.

SB0234  Chr FIN (Dept).  Unemployment Insurance - Work Search Requirement - Exemption for Federal Civilian Employees During a Federal Government Shutdown.

SB0235  Chr FIN (Dept).  Prescription Drug Monitoring Program - Dispensers - Veterinarians.

SB0236  Chr FIN (Dept).  State Acupuncture Board – Sunset Extension.

SB0237  Chr FIN (Dept).  State Board for Certification of Residential Child Care Program Professionals - Sunset Extension.

SB0238  Chr FIN (Dept).  State Board of Dietetic Practice – Sunset Extension.

SB0239  Chr FIN (Dept).  State Board of Occupational Therapy Practice – Sunset Extension.

SB0240  Chr FIN (Dept).  State Board of Examiners in Optometry – Sunset Extension.

SB0241  Chr FIN (Dept).  State Board of Examiners of Psychologists - Sunset Extension.

SB0242  Chr FIN (Dept).  State Board of Social Work Examiners - Sunset Extension.

SB0243  Chr FIN (Dept).  State Board of Professional Counselors and Therapists - Behavior Analyst Advisory Committee - Sunset Extension.

SB0244  Chr FIN (Dept).  Public Health - Clean Indoor Air Act - Revisions.

SB0245  Chr FIN (Dept).  Maryland Community Health Resources Commission – Sunset Extension and Program Evaluation.

SB0246  Chr FIN (Dept).  Public Health - Nonoccupational Postexposure Prophylaxis (nPEP) Standing Order Program - Establishment.

SB0247  Chr Education, Energy, and the Environment.  Information Technology - Modernize Maryland Oversight Commission - Membership, Responsibilities, and Staffing.

SB0248  Chr Education, Energy, and the Environment.  Libraries - Regional Resource Centers - Governing Board Membership.

SB0249  Chr Education, Energy, and the Environment.  Environment - Membership and Duties of Cox Creek Citizens Oversight Committee - Alterations.

SB0250  Chr Education, Energy, and the Environment.  County Public Libraries - Overdue Library Materials - Minors.

SB0251  Chr JPR (Dept).  Correctional Services - Division of Pretrial Detention and Services - Facilities.

SB0252  Chr Education, Energy, and the Environment.  Public Safety - 9-1-1 Trust Fund - Alterations.

SB0253  Chr B&T (Dept).  Department of Natural Resources - Pay-For-Success Contracts - Procurement Exemption.

SB0254  Chr JPR (Dept).  Vehicle Laws - Motor Vehicle Insurance Companies - Requirements.

SB0255  Chr Education, Energy, and the Environment.  Public Safety - Volunteer Company Assistance Fund - Alterations.

SB0256  Chr JPR (Dept).  Public Safety - Maryland Police Training and Standards Commission - Revisions.

SB0257  Chr FIN (Dept).  State Board of Physical Therapy Examiners - Sunset Extension.

SB0258  Chr Education, Energy, and the Environment.  Department of General Services - State Buildings and Facilities - Energy Conservation and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reductions.

SB0259  Chr B&T (Dept).  Natural Resources - Maryland State Parks - Funds and Plan Alterations.

SB0260  Chr JPR (Dept).  Division of Parole and Probation - Criteria for Earned Compliance Credit - Exception for Supervision Fees.

SB0261  Chr Education, Energy, and the Environment.  State Board of Barbers - Sunset Extension.

SB0262  Chr JPR (Dept).  Charitable Organizations - Late Fees and Registration - Suspension and Cancellation Requirements.

SB0263  Chr B&T (Dept).  Real Property Assessments - Revaluation of Property on Transfer After Appeal.

SB0264  Chr Education, Energy, and the Environment.  State Board of Cosmetologists - Sunset Extension.

SB0265  Chr JPR (Dept).  Human Services - Public Assistance to Entrepreneurship (PA2E) Program - Establishment.

SB0266  Chr B&T (Dept).  State Retirement and Pension System - Immediate Vesting.

SB0267  Chr JPR (Dept).  Motor Vehicle Administration - Death Certificates - Issuance of Copies.

SB0268  Chr Education, Energy, and the Environment.  Chesapeake and Atlantic Coastal Bays Critical Area Program - Enforcement.

SB0269  Chr B&T (Dept).  Property Tax Credit - Permanent Supportive Housing - Established.

SB0270  Chr JPR (Dept).  Adult Protective Services - Review Boards - Membership and Terms.

SB0271  Chr Education, Energy, and the Environment.  Election Law - Revisions.

SB0272  Chr B&T (Dept).  Sports Wagering - Sports Wagering Assistance Fund - Repeal.

SB0273  Chr JPR (Dept).  State and Local Correctional Facilities - Operation of Unmanned Aircraft - Image Recording and Delivery of Contraband.

SB0274  Chr Education, Energy, and the Environment.  Charter Counties - Comprehensive Plans - Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing.

SB0275  Chr JPR (Dept).  Vehicle Laws - Special Registration Plates - Gold Star and Next of Kin Families.

SB0276  Chr B&T (Dept).  Property Tax - Submission of Building Permits to Supervisor of Assessments - Estimated Construction Cost.

SB0277  Chr JPR (Dept).  Vehicle Laws - Driver's Licenses, Learner's Instructional Permits, and Identification Cards.

SB0278  Chr Education, Energy, and the Environment.  Department of Agriculture - Licensing, Registration, Fees and Penalties, and Regulation.

SB0279  Chr B&T (Dept).  Property Tax Assessment - Appeals to Maryland Tax Court - Filing Fee.

SB0280  Chr JPR (Dept).  Notarial Acts - Protest Form Requirement - Repeal.

SB0281  Chr Education, Energy, and the Environment.  Natural Resources - Submerged Aquatic Vegetation - Alteration or Removal Requirements.

SB0282  Chr JPR (Dept).  Correctional Services - Local Detention Centers - Reporting on Opioid Use Disorder.

SB0283  Chr B&T (Dept).  Homeowners' Property Tax Credit - Application - Attestation of Gross Income.

SB0284  Chr Education, Energy, and the Environment.  Natural Resources - Sale, Barter, or Exchange of Mounted Specimens From Decedent's Estate.

SB0285  Chr JPR (Dept).  Vehicle Registration - Fee Due to Outstanding Warrant - Repeal.

SB0286  Chr B&T (Dept).  Homeowners' Property Tax Credit - Application Filing Deadline - Extension for Homeowner Protection Program Enrollees.

SB0287  Chr JPR (Dept).  Department of State Police - Professional Occupations - Application Process.

SB0288  Chr Education, Energy, and the Environment.  State Board of Individual Tax Preparers - Sunset Extension.

SB0289  Chr B&T (Dept).  State Department of Assessments and Taxation - Office of the Director - Administrative Expenses.

SB0290  Chr Education, Energy, and the Environment.  Certified Local Farm and Fish Program - Annual Waiver Reports - Alterations.

SB0291  Chr Education, Energy, and the Environment.  Persons Doing Public Business - Disclosure Requirements.

SB0292  Chr Education, Energy, and the Environment.  State Government - Deputy Secretary of State - Title.

SB0293  Chr Education, Energy, and the Environment.  Maryland Environmental Service - Governance and Requirements.

SB0294  Chr Education, Energy, and the Environment.  State Government - Information Technology - Major Information Technology Development Projects.

SB0295  Chr Education, Energy, and the Environment.  Department of Planning - Inventory Responsibilities.

SB0296  Chr Education, Energy, and the Environment.  State Board for Professional Land Surveyors - Sunset Extension.

SB0297  Chr Education, Energy, and the Environment.  State Board for Professional Engineers - Engineer Members - Qualifications.

SB0298  Chr Education, Energy, and the Environment.  State Board of Electricians - Licensing - Penalties.

SB0299  Chr Education, Energy, and the Environment.  Coast Smart Council - Duties and Authority.

SB0300  Chr Education, Energy, and the Environment.  Natural Resources - Wildland Areas - Belt Woods Wildland.

SB0301  Chr Education, Energy, and the Environment.  Aquaculture - Placement of Shellfish, Bags, Nets, and Structures on Submerged Aquatic Vegetation - Extension.

SB0302  Chr Education, Energy, and the Environment.  Commercial Northern Snakehead License - Gear.

SB0303  Chr Education, Energy, and the Environment.  Aquaculture - Definition of Shellfish - Alteration.

SB0304  Chr Education, Energy, and the Environment.  Natural Resources - State Boat Act - Alterations.

SB0305  Chr Education, Energy, and the Environment.  Department of Natural Resources - Maryland Geological Survey Fund - Establishment.

SB0306  Chr Education, Energy, and the Environment.  Chesapeake and Atlantic Coastal Bays Critical Area Protection Program - Climate, Equity, and Administrative Provisions.

SB0307  Chr Education, Energy, and the Environment.  Public Safety - Board of Boiler Rules - Sunset Extension.

SB0308  Chr Education, Energy, and the Environment.  Housing and Community Development - Just Community Designation.

SB0309  Chr Education, Energy, and the Environment.  Sustainable Growth Subcabinet and Repeal of the Office of Smart Growth.

SB0310  Chr Education, Energy, and the Environment.  Department of Planning - State Repository and Clearinghouse for Federal and State Financial and Technical Assistance.

SB0311  Sen West.  Agriculture - Maryland Food and Agricultural Resiliency Mechanism Grant Program - Expansion.

SB0312  Sen Folden.  Public Information Act - Personnel Records of Elected Officials and Joint Ethics Committee Records.

SB0313  Sen Folden.  Maryland Wiretap and Electronic Surveillance Reform Workgroup.

SB0314  Sen Benson.  Juvenile Law - Willful Misconduct of a Minor - Civil Liability of a Parent, Legal Guardian, or Custodian (Parental Accountability Act).

SB0315  Sen Kelly.  Vehicle Laws - Bike Lanes and Shoulders - Yielding Right-of-Way (Sarah Debbink Langenkamp Memorial Act).

SB0316  Sen Bailey.  Motor Vehicle Registration - Exceptions for Golf Carts - Authorization.

SB0317  Sen Bailey.  Oysters, Striped Bass, and Crabs - Commercial Authorizations - Suspensions and Revocations.

SB0318  Sen West.  Criminal Procedure - Postconviction Review - Motion for Reduction of Sentence.

SB0319  Sen West.  Regulated Firearms - Department of State Police - Reporting Requirements.

SB0320  Sen Jackson (Chr Jt Com on Pnsns).  State Police Retirement System and Law Enforcement Officers’ Pension System – Deferred Retirement Option Program – Technical Correction.

SB0321  Sen Jackson.  Property Tax - Credit for Hotel or Residential Development Projects.

SB0322  Sen Jackson.  Maryland Teachers and State Employees Supplemental Retirement Plans - Automatic Enrollment.

SB0323  Sen Jackson.  Income Tax - Subtraction Modification - Public Safety Volunteers.

SB0324  Sen McCray.  Handgun Permits - Accidental Discharge and Training Requirements - Maryland State Police Gun Center (Firearm Safety Act of 2024).

SB0325  Sens Brooks and West.  Maryland Paint Stewardship.

SB0326  Sen Carozza, et al.  Juvenile Law - Questioning of a Juvenile - Crime of Violence or Crime Involving a Firearm.

SB0327  Sen West.  Family Law - Child Custody - Determinations.

SB0328  Sen Rosapepe.  Funding for Wages and Benefits for Nursing Home Workers (Nursing Home Staffing Crisis Funding Act of 2024).

SB0329  Sen Beidle.  Chesapeake Bay Trust - Authority to Retain Outside Counsel.

SB0330  Sen Beidle.  State Board of Dietetic Practice - Dietician-Nutritionists - Licensure Requirements.

SB0331  Sens Lewis Young and Charles.  Task Force to Study Paratransit in Maryland.

SB0332  Sens Lewis Young and Guzzone.  Hospitals and Urgent Care Centers - Sepsis Protocol (Lochlin's Law).

SB0333  Sen Hettleman.  Housing and Community Development - Affordable Housing - Identifying Suitable Property.

SB0334  Sen Klausmeier.  Higher Education - Maryland Dent-Care Program - Eligibility.

SB0335  Sen Klausmeier.  Health Occupations - Private Dental Offices - Infection Control.

SB0336  Sen Klausmeier.  Insurance – Producer Licensing Requirements – Education and Experience.

SB0337  Sen Feldman.  Environment - Commission on Climate Change Membership - Addition.

SB0338  Sen Carozza.  Somerset County - Alcoholic Beverages - Class C Veterans' Organization or Club License.

SB0339  Sen Carozza.  Environment - Duck Nest Boxes - Wetlands License Requirements.

SB0340  Sen King.  Property Tax - Credit to Offset Increases in Local Tax Revenue.

SB0341  Sen McCray.  Commission on African American History and Culture - Museum Name Change.

SB0342  Sen McCray.  Tax Credits – Homeowners and Renters – Income Calculation.

SB0343  Sen McCray.  Renters’ Property Tax Relief and Homeowners’ Property Tax Credit Programs – Gross Income and Assessed Value Limitations – Alterations.

SB0344  Sen Waldstreicher.  Criminal and Civil Trespass - Professional Land Surveyors - Exception.

SB0345  Sen Waldstreicher.  Transportation - Vision Zero Advisory Commission - Establishment.

SB0346  Sen Elfreth, et al.  Income Tax - Subtraction Modification - Military Retirement Income (Keep Our Heroes Home Act).

SB0347  Sen McKay.  Medical Cannabis - Employees in Health Care Settings Caring for Qualifying Patients.

SB0348  Sen McKay.  Firearms - Right to Purchase, Own, Possess, and Carry.

SB0349  Sen McKay.  State Prescription Drug Benefits - Retirees.

SB0350  Sen McKay.  Motor Vehicles - Recreational Vehicle Dealer Agreements.

SB0351  Sen Watson.  Criminal Law - First-Degree Assault - Assault With a Firearm.

SB0352  Sen Watson.  Maryland Building Performance Standards – Apartment Building Height Allowances – Study and Alterations.

SB0353  Sen Simonaire.  Confined Aquatic Disposal Task Force.

SB0354  Sens Waldstreicher and Jackson.  Montgomery County and Prince George's County - Rent Court Workforce Solutions Pilot Program.

SB0355  Sen Salling.  Criminal Law - Display of Obscene Material to Minors - Prohibition.

SB0356  Sen Muse.  Land Use – Expedited Development Review Processes for Affordable Housing – Requirements.

SB0357  Sen McCray.  Baltimore City - Out-of-State Vehicles - Improper Registration.

SB0358  Sen McCray.  Economic Development - Maryland Technology Development Corporation - Application and Reporting Requirements.

SB0359  Sen Hayes.  Advanced Practice Registered Nurse Compact.

SB0360  The Pres (Admin).  Budget Bill (Fiscal Year 2025).

SB0361  The Pres (Admin).  Creation of a State Debt - Maryland Consolidated Capital Bond Loan of 2024, and the Maryland Consolidated Capital Bond Loans of 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023.

SB0362  The Pres (Admin).  Budget Reconciliation and Financing Act of 2024.

SB0363  Sen Ready.  Procurement Contracts - Disclosures to Secretary of State - Beneficial Ownership.

SB0364  Sens Ready and Carozza.  Election Law - Casting General Election Ballot in Multiple States - Prohibition.

SB0365  Sen Carozza, et al.  Family Law - Child Custody Evaluators - Qualifications and Training.

SB0366  Sens Mautz and Bailey.  Teachers' Pension System - Reemployment of Retirees.

SB0367  Sen Mautz.  Natural Resources - Antlerless Deer Hunting Programs - Authorization.

SB0368  Sens Waldstreicher and Gile.  State Retirement and Pension System - Military Service Credit - Eligibility.

SB0369  Sen Hettleman.  Property Tax Exemption – Rental Income – Reporting Requirement.

SB0370  Sen Hettleman.  Community Schools - Rental Assistance for Community School Families Program and Fund - Establishment.

SB0371  Sen Lam.  Maryland Medical Assistance Program - Provider Agencies and Personal Care Aides - Reimbursement and Wage Reports (Homecare Workers Livable Wage Act of 2024).

SB0372  Sens Feldman and Kagan.  Election Law - Deadline for Selection of Lieutenant Governor.

SB0373  Sen Waldstreicher.  Criminal Law – Theft – Mail and Mail Depository Key.

SB0374  Sen Waldstreicher.  State Emergency Medical Services Board - Licenses and Certificates - Application Requirements.

SB0375  Sen King.  State Contracts - Prohibited Provisions.

SB0376  Sen King.  Higher Education – MPowering Joint Steering Council – Funding.

SB0377  Sen King.  Higher Education - Teacher Development and Retention Program - Definition.

SB0378  Sen West, et al.  Criminal Law - Theft of a Handgun.

SB0379  Sen West, et al.  Task Force to Study Crime Classification - Renaming, Membership, and Duties.

SB0380  Sen West, et al.  Police Recruitment and Retention Workgroup.

SB0381  Sen Carozza, et al.  Education - Interscholastic and Intramural Junior Varsity and Varsity Teams - Designation Based on Sex (Fairness In Girls' Sports Act).

SB0382  Sen Salling.  Criminal Law - Display of Obscene Materials to Minors - Age Verification.

SB0383  Sen Salling.  Baltimore County - Nuisance Actions - Community Association.

SB0384  Sens Lewis Young and Muse.  Maryland Energy Administration - Carbon Capture Opportunity Program - Establishment.

SB0385  Sen Lewis Young, et al.  Education - Funding for General Education Programs - Definition Alterations.

SB0386  Sen Lewis Young, et al.  County Boards of Education - Student Members - Voting Rights and Participation in Executive Sessions.

SB0387  Sens Lam and Hester.  Korean American Day.

SB0388  Sen Gile, et al.  Prescription Drug Affordability Board - Authority for Upper Payment Limits and Funding (Lowering Prescription Drug Costs for All Marylanders Act of 2024).

SB0389  Sen West, et al.  Criminal Procedure - Incarcerated Seniors - Motion to Reduce the Duration of a Sentence.

SB0390  Sen Kelly.  Family Law - Child Support - Actual Income.

SB0391  Sens Kelly and Carozza.  Criminal Law - Sexual Extortion, Stalking, and Revenge Porn - Statute of Limitations and In Banc Review.

SB0392  Sen Gallion.  Agricultural Land - Adversarial Foreign Governments - Restrictions on Property Interests.

SB0393  Sen King.  Higher Education - Community College Facilities Renewal Grant Program - Alterations.

SB0394  Sen Hester.  Catalytic Revitalization Project Tax Credit - Alterations.

SB0395  Sens Augustine and Rosapepe.  Higher Education - Credit Eligibility and Transfer of Credits - English as a Second Language Courses (Credit for All Language Learning (CALL) Act).

SB0396  Sen Folden, et al.  Criminal Procedure - Stops and Searches - Cannabis Odor and Admission of Evidence (Drug-Free Roadways Act of 2024).

SB0397  Sen Folden, et al.  Vehicle Laws - Military Vehicles - Registration and Operation.

SB0398  Sen Folden, et al.  Criminal Injuries Compensation Board - Victims of Nonfatal Strangulation.

SB0399  Sen West.  Cannabis - Advertising - Prohibited Locations.

SB0400  Sens West and Waldstreicher.  Corporations and Associations – Definitions, Emergencies, and Outstanding Stock – Revisions.

SB0401  Sen Kagan.  Department of Transportation and Maryland Transportation Authority - Utilities Installation - Data Submission.

SB0402  Sen McKay.  Correctional Training Commission - Membership - Alterations.

SB0403  Sen Klausmeier.  Hospitals and Related Institutions - Residential Treatment Centers - Accreditation.

SB0404  Sen Smith.  Criminal Law - Controlled Dangerous Substances and Firearms.

SB0405  Sen Smith.  Outdoor Lighting - Standards and Use of State Funds.

SB0406  Sen Smith.  School Bus Stops - Monitoring Cameras and Safety Measures.

SB0407  Sen McKay.  Community Colleges - Capital Projects - State Share Adjustment.

SB0408  Sen Klausmeier.  Public Health - Opioid Overdose Reversal Drugs - Standing Orders.

SB0409  Sens Klausmeier and Gile.  Health Occupations - Clinical Marriage and Family Therapists - Reciprocal Licensure Requirements.

SB0410  Sen Benson.  Vehicle Laws - Unauthorized Registration Plates - Prohibition.

SB0411  Sen Gile, et al.  Department of Veterans Affairs - Renaming and Deputy Secretary of Military Family Policy and Programs.

SB0412  Sen Gile, et al.  Mental Health Law - County Mental Health Advisory Committees - Membership.

SB0413  Sen Gile, et al.  Discrimination - Military Status - Prohibition.

SB0414  Sen Zucker, et al.  Education - Maryland Council on Economic Education - Funding.

SB0415  Sen Lewis Young.  Frederick County - Local Gaming and Authorization for Electronic Tip Jar Dispensers.

SB0416  Sen Lewis Young.  Renewable Energy - Customer-Sited Solar Program.

SB0417  Sen Hayes.  Election Administration - State Administrator, Local Boards, and Election Directors.

SB0418  Sen Watson.  Seed Community Development Anchor Institution Fund - Alterations.

SB0419  Sens King and Zucker.  Therapeutic Child Care Grant Program - Funding - Alterations.

SB0420  Sens Hayes and M. Washington.  State Procurement - Preferred Providers - Removal of Maryland Correctional Enterprises.

SB0421  Sen Waldstreicher, et al.  Drunk Driving Offenses - Ignition Interlock System Program.

SB0422  Sen Rosapepe.  Income Tax - Subtraction Modification - Foreign Service Retirement Income.

SB0423  Sen James.  Real Property - Recordation - Procedures.

SB0424  Sen James.  Criminal Procedure - Admission of Out-of-Court Statements - Assault in the Second Degree.

SB0425  Sen Hettleman, et al.  Maryland Meals for Achievement In-Classroom Breakfast Program - Alterations (Maryland Meals for Achievement Flexibility Act of 2024).

SB0426  Sen Hettleman, et al.  Education - Maryland STEM Program - Established.

SB0427  Sen Hettleman, et al.  Public Health – Overdose and Infectious Disease Prevention Services Program.

SB0428  Sen McKay.  Garrett County Alcoholic Beverages Act of 2024.

SB0429  Sen Bailey.  Corporations and Associations - Protestant Episcopal Church, Diocese of Washington.

SB0430  Sen M. Washington.  Community Health and Safety Works Grant Program and Fund - Establishment.

SB0431  Sen Waldstreicher, et al.  Workers' Compensation - Occupational Disease Presumption - Long COVID (Home of the Brave Act of 2024).

SB0432  Sens Kagan and Feldman.  Public Schools - Active Shooter Safety Drills or Trainings - Requirements.

SB0433  Sen King.  State Department of Education - Soccer Opportunities Program - Establishment.

SB0434  Sen King, et al.  Education - State Library Resource Center - Funding.

SB0435  Sens Gallion and Folden.  Criminal Law – Crimes of Arson – Prohibitions and Penalties.

SB0436  Sen Gile, et al.  Workplace Fraud and Prevailing Wage - Violations - Penalties and Referrals.

SB0437  Carroll County Senators.  Carroll County - Contracts and Purchasing.

SB0438  Sen Ready, et al.  Family Law - Fundamental Parental Rights.

SB0439  Sen Elfreth, et al.  Family Law - Victims of Domestic Violence Program - Certification and Grant Fund.

SB0440  Sen Elfreth, et al.  Income Tax Credit - Venison Donation.

SB0441  Sen Beidle.  Janet L. Hoffman Loan Assistance Repayment Program - Nancy Grasmick Public School Professional Award - School Nurses.

SB0442  Sen Beidle, et al.  Street Racing and Exhibition Driving - Prohibited Acts, Enforcement, and Penalties.

SB0443  Sen Waldstreicher, et al.  End-of-Life Option Act (The Honorable Elijah E. Cummings and the Honorable Shane E. Pendergrass Act).

SB0444  Sen Zucker.  Maryland Longitudinal Data System Center - Student Information - United States Census Bureau.

SB0445  Sens Zucker and Augustine.  Maryland Department of Health - 2-1-1 Maryland - Oversight.

SB0446  Sen Muse.  Local Government - Condominium and Homeowners Associations - Repair and Rehabilitation Funds.

SB0447  Sen Muse.  Residential Owners in Common Ownership Communities - Bill of Rights.

SB0448  Sen Muse.  Commission to Study African American Civil War Soldiers in Maryland.

SB0449  Sen Muse.  Criminal Procedure – Incompetency to Stand Trial Dismissal.

SB0450  Sen Brooks, et al.  Baltimore County - Speed Monitoring Systems - Residential Districts.

SB0451  Sens Brooks and Hettleman.  Baltimore County Board of Education - Nonstudent Member Compensation and Student Member Scholarships - Alterations.

SB0452  Sen Carter.  Courts - Prohibited Liability Agreements - Recreational Facilities.

SB0453  The Pres (Admin), et al.  Mental Health - Emergency Evaluation and Involuntary Admission Procedures and Assisted Outpatient Treatment Programs.

SB0454  Sen Carter.  Criminal Procedure - Expungement - Completion of Sentence.

SB0455  Sen A. Washington.  College Preparatory Programs and College Admissions Applications – Fees – Prohibition.

SB0456  Sen A. Washington.  Alcoholic Beverages – Retail Delivery – Local Delivery Service Permit.

SB0457  Sen A. Washington.  Maryland Technology Development Corporation - Equitech Growth Fund - Alterations.

SB0458  Sen Kagan.  Campaign Finance - Political Organizations - Prohibitions and Disclosures.

SB0459  Sen Kagan.  Grant Applications and Reporting - Maryland Efficient Grant Application Council - Alterations.

SB0460  Sen Kagan.  Unemployment Insurance - Benefits - Election Judges.

SB0461  Sen Watson.  State Real Estate Commission - Complaints - Advertising Violations.

SB0462  Sen Watson.  Licensed Real Estate Brokers - Branch Offices - Designation of Managers.

SB0463  Sen Salling.  Vehicle Laws - Special Registration Plates - Submarine Warfare.

SB0464  Sen Jackson.  Urban State Highways - Speed Limits - Exceptions.

SB0465  Sen Kelly.  Common Ownership Communities - Electric Vehicle Recharging Equipment (Electric Vehicle Recharging Equipment Act of 2024).

SB0466  Sen Beidle.  Wage and Hour Law - Minor League Baseball Players - Exemption.

SB0467  Sen McCray.  General Provisions - Commemorative Days - Prince Hall Day.

SB0468  Sen McCray (BCA).  Criminal Law - Private Home Detention Monitoring - Notification.

SB0469  Sen McCray.  Maryland Cannabis Administration – Cannabis Licensing – Protests of Renewal.

SB0470  The Pres (Admin), et al.  Growing Apprenticeships and the Public Safety Workforce (GAPS) Act.

SB0471  The Pres (Admin), et al.  Criminal Procedure - Victim Compensation - Alterations (Victim Compensation Reform Act of 2024).

SB0472  The Pres (Admin), et al.  State Government - Permits, Licenses, and Certificates - Processing (Transparent Government Act of 2024).

SB0473  The Pres (Admin), et al.  Economic Development - Entrepreneurial Innovation Programs - Establishment (Pava LaPere Legacy of Innovation Act of 2024).

SB0474  The Pres (Admin), et al.  Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity and Related Approvals - Definition of Generating Station (Critical Infrastructure Streamlining Act of 2024).

SB0475  The Pres (Admin), et al.  Center for Firearm Violence Prevention - Establishment.

SB0476  The Pres (Admin), et al.  Workers' Compensation - Occupational Disease Presumptions - First Responders (Caring for Public Employees in the Safety Professions - CAPES Act).

SB0477  The Pres (Admin), et al.  Time to Serve Act of 2024.

SB0478  The Pres (Admin), et al.  Families Serve Act of 2024.

SB0479  The Pres (Admin), et al.  Motor Vehicles - Work Zone Speed Control Systems - Revisions (Maryland Road Worker Protection Act of 2024).

SB0480  The Pres (Admin), et al.  Protecting Election Officials Act of 2024.

SB0481  The Pres (Admin), et al.  Renters' Rights and Stabilization Act of 2024.

SB0482  The Pres (Admin), et al.  Governor's Office for Children - Engaging Neighborhoods, Organizations, Unions, Governments, and Households (ENOUGH) Grant Program (ENOUGH Act of 2024).

SB0483  The Pres (Admin), et al.  Maryland Community Investment Corporation - Establishment (Housing and Community Development Financing Act of 2024).

SB0484  The Pres (Admin), et al.  Land Use - Affordable Housing - Zoning Density and Permitting (Housing Expansion and Affordability Act of 2024).

SB0485  Sen Hayes.  Family and Medical Leave Insurance Program - Modifications.

SB0486  Sens Hayes and M. Washington.  Correctional Services – Maryland Correctional Enterprises Management Council – Report.

SB0487  Sen Lam.  Health Maintenance Organizations - Payments to Nonparticipating Providers - Reimbursement Rate.

SB0488  Sens Waldstreicher and Smith.  Civil Actions - Public Nuisances - Firearm Industry Members (Gun Industry Accountability Act of 2024).

SB0489  Sen Jackson (Chr Jt Com on Pnsns).  State Retirement and Pension System - Personal Statement of Benefits - Authorized Format.

SB0490  Sen Jackson (Chr Jt Com on Pnsns).  State Retirement and Pension System - Consumer Price Index - Definition.

SB0491  Sen Jackson (Chr Jt Com on Pnsns).  State Retirement and Pension System - Transfers of Service.

SB0492  Sen Kagan.  Public Schools - Student Telehealth Appointments - Policy and Access.

SB0493  Sen Kagan.  Elections – Ranked–Choice Voting – Contests for Presidential Nomination in 2028.

SB0494  Sen Kagan.  Election Law - Postelection Procedures.

SB0495  Sen Kagan.  Election Law - Petitions and Ballot Questions - Plain Language Requirement.

SB0496  Sen Kagan.  Criminal Law - Interference With a Public Safety Answering Point - Penalties.

SB0497  Sen Gile.  Health Insurance and Maryland Medical Assistance Program - Coverage - Opioid Reversal Drugs and Products.

SB0498  Sen Gile.  Income Tax - Senior Tax Credit - Alterations.

SB0499  Sen M. Washington.  State Department of Education - School Psychologist Recruitment Program.

SB0500  Sen M. Washington.  Education - Child Care Career and Professional Development Fund - Alterations.

SB0501  Sen McKay.  Handguns - Wear, Carry, and Transport Laws - Handbook Publication.

SB0502  Sen McKay.  Allegany County – Property Tax Credit – Evergreen Heritage Center.

SB0503  Sen McKay, et al.  Vehicle Laws - Protective Headgear Requirement - Exception (In Remembrance of Gary "Pappy" Boward).

SB0504  Sen McKay.  Motor Vehicles – Recreational Vehicle Dealer Agreements.

SB0505  Sen Kramer.  Public Utilities - Transportation Network Service - Assessment Cap Increase.

SB0506  Sen West.  State Board of Physicians - Discipline - Administrative Expungement.

SB0507  Sen Bailey.  Special Chesapeake Bay and Coastal Sport Fishing License - Nonresidents - License Fee.

SB0508  Sen Bailey.  Hunting - Nonresident Sika Deer Stamp - Fee Alteration.

SB0509  Sen Kramer.  Commercial Financing - Small Business Truth in Lending Act.

SB0510  Sens Hershey and Mautz.  Corporations and Associations - Electric Cooperatives - Nonescheat Capital Credits.

SB0511  Sen A. Washington.  Labor and Employment - Apprenticeship Standards - Ratio of Apprentices to Journeypersons.

SB0512  Sen A. Washington.  Education - Prohibited Behavior on School Grounds and Property - Application.

SB0513  Sen A. Washington.  Employment Discrimination - Use of Cannabis Products.

SB0514  Sen A. Washington.  State Highways - Sidewalks and Bicycle Pathways - Maintenance and Repair.

SB0515  Sen A. Washington.  Elections - Voter Registration Age - Alteration.

SB0516  Sen A. Washington.  Economic Development - Maryland Aerospace and Technology Commission.

SB0517  Sen A. Washington.  Next Generation Scholars of Maryland Program - Program Administrator - Alterations.

SB0518  Sen A. Washington.  Task Force on Property Appraisal and Valuation Equity - Alterations.

SB0519  Sen McCray.  Baltimore City - Tax Sales - Owner-Occupied Residential Property.

SB0520  Sen McCray.  Consumer Protection - Credit or Debit Card Surcharges - Limitation.

SB0521  Sen McKay.  Garrett County - Sheriff's Salary - Alteration.

SB0522  Sen Augustine.  Charter Counties - Enforcement of Local Laws.

SB0523  Sen M. Washington.  Election Law - Postelection Tabulation Audits - Risk-Limiting Audits.

SB0524  Sen M. Washington.  General Assembly - Committee Chairs and Vice Chairs - Gender-Neutral Language.

SB0525  Sens Kelly and Gile.  Labor and Employment – Equal Pay for Equal Work – Wage Range Transparency.

SB0526  Sen Lam.  Health Insurance - Pharmacy Benefits Managers - Specialty Drugs Dispensed by a Physician.

SB0527  Sens Kelly and Kagan.  Community Colleges - Contraception - Access Requirements.

SB0528  Sen Hettleman, et al.  Income Tax - Credit for Nonpublic School Student Bus Transportation Expenses.

SB0529  Caroline County Senators.  Caroline County - Alcoholic Beverages - Beer, Wine, and Liquor Tasting License.

SB0530  Cecil County Senators.  Cecil County – Annual Financial Report – Filing Date.

SB0531  Caroline County Senators.  Caroline County - Alcoholic Beverages - Barbershop and Beauty Salon License.

SB0532  Sen Gallion.  Commission to Advance Lithium–Ion Battery Safety in Maryland.

SB0533  Sen Gallion.  Fishing and Hunting Licenses and Trout Stamps - Complimentary Licenses and Stamp Exemption - Veterans Determined to Be Unemployable.

SB0534  Sen Jackson.  Electronic Transactions Protection Act - Repeal.

SB0535  Sen Ready, et al.  Health Insurance - Labor and Delivery Services - Cost-Sharing Requirements.

SB0536  Sen Jackson.  Environment - Nuclear Power Plants - Emergency Preparedness (Radiation and Emergency Preparedness and Protection Act).

SB0537  Sen Feldman.  Cannabis - Licensee Locations - Restrictions.

SB0538  Sen Waldstreicher, et al.  Civil Actions - Noneconomic Damages - Personal Injury and Wrongful Death.

SB0539  Sen Gile, et al.  Commercial Law – Consumer Protection – Sale and Resale of Tickets.

SB0540  Sen Gile, et al.  Education - School Mapping Data Program - Established.

SB0541  Sen Gile, et al.  Maryland Online Data Privacy Act of 2024.

SB0542  Sen Brooks.  Real Estate Brokers - Brokerage Agreements - Requirements.

SB0543  Sen Brooks.  Institutions of Higher Education - Admissions Standards - Prohibition on Consideration of Legacy Preference.

SB0544  Sens Waldstreicher and West.  Corporations and Associations - Ratification of Defective Corporate Acts - Alterations.

SB0545  Sen Elfreth, et al.  Primary and Secondary Education - Public School Employees - Salaries.

SB0546  Sen Elfreth, et al.  Environment - State Wetlands - Shoreline Stabilization Measures.

SB0547  Sen Elfreth, et al.  Wildlife - Traveling Animal Acts - Prohibition.

SB0548  Sen Sydnor.  Natural Gas - Strategic Infrastructure Development and Enhancement (Ratepayer Protection Act).

SB0549  Sen Sydnor.  Criminal Procedure - Forensic Genetic Genealogical DNA Analysis and Search - Applicability for Deceased and Missing Children.

SB0550  Sen Sydnor.  Children - Labor Trafficking.

SB0551  Sen Sydnor.  Criminal Procedure - Committed Persons - Release Proceedings.

SB0552  Sen Corderman, et al.  Operating Budget - Funding - Scholarships for Nonpublic School Students.

SB0553  Sen Corderman.  Maryland Zero Emission Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Council - Membership.

SB0554  Sen Corderman.  Criminal Procedure - Not Criminally Responsible Verdict - Term of Commitment.

SB0555  Sens Waldstreicher and Folden.  Criminal Law - Visual Surveillance With Prurient Intent - Private Place and Minor Victim.

SB0556  Sen Salling.  Procurement – Construction Contingency Fund and Contract Modification.

SB0557  Sen Augustine.  Election Law – Polling Place Procedures – Individual Assisting a Voter.

SB0558  Sen McKay.  Garrett County - Procurement - Bids and Contracts.

SB0559  Sen Beidle.  Business Regulation - Household Goods Movers - Special Fund and Fees.

SB0560  Frederick County Senators.  Frederick County - Alcoholic Beverages - Municipal Golf Course License.

SB0561  Frederick County Senators.  Frederick County - Alcoholic Beverages - Manufacturer's Limited Beer, Wine, and Liquor Permit.

SB0562  Frederick County Senators.  Sheriff of Frederick County - Salary - Workgroup.

SB0563  Frederick County Senators.  Frederick County - Alcoholic Beverages - Weinberg Center/New Spires Arts Stages Beer, Wine, and Liquor License.

SB0564  Sen Watson.  Real Estate Brokers - Licensing - License Renewals and Continuing Education.

SB0565  Sen Watson.  Expansion of Commercial Gaming - Internet Gaming Referendum.

SB0566  Sen Watson.  Education - Transporting Students and Jobs That Require Driving - Authorization and Requirements (Drivers Education for Good Jobs Act of 2024).

SB0567  Sen Muse.  Public Institutions of Higher Education - Student Withdrawal Policy - Reimbursement of Tuition and Fees (Cameron Carden Act of 2024).

SB0568  Sen Hettleman.  Courts - Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation.

SB0569  Sen Hettleman.  State Employees - Four-Day Workweek - Implementation.

SB0570  Sen Hester.  Public Utilities - Thermal Energy Network Systems - Authorization and Establishment (Working for Accessible Renewable Maryland Thermal Heat (WARMTH) Act).

SB0571  Sen Kramer, et al.  Consumer Protection – Online Products and Services – Data of Children (Maryland Kids Code).

SB0572  Sen M. Washington.  Environment - Collection and Reporting of Drinking Water and Wastewater Documents, Data, and Information - Requirements.

SB0573  Sen Corderman.  General Provisions - State Flag - Casket of an Eligible Decedent.

SB0574  Sen Corderman.  Sales and Use Tax Exemption - Aircraft Parts and Equipment - Repeal of Reporting Requirement and Sunset.

SB0575  Sen Corderman (Md Jud Conf), et al.  Court Personnel - Protection of Personal Information (Judge Andrew F. Wilkinson Judicial Security Act).

SB0576  Sen King.  Property Tax - Assessment Appeal Boards and Supervisors - Regional Organization.

SB0577  Sen King.  Maryland Revised Uniform Anatomical Gift Act - Donors - Registration by Tax Return Checkoff.

SB0578  Sen Guzzone.  Professional and Volunteer Firefighter Innovative Cancer Screening Technologies Program - Funding.

SB0579  Sen Guzzone.  Primary and Secondary Education - Breakfast and Lunch Programs - Universal Expansion.

SB0580  Sen Guzzone.  Sales and Use Tax - Nonprofit Organizations Maintaining Memorials - Exemption.

SB0581  Sen Guzzone.  School Construction Revolving Loan Fund - Maryland School for the Blind - Eligibility.

SB0582  Sen Gile.  Business Regulation - Cigarette, Other Tobacco Product, and Electronic Smoking Device Retailers - Nicotine Replacement Therapy Products (Making Quitting Convenient Act).

SB0583  Sen Gile.  Public Utilities - Investor-Owned Utilities - Prevailing Wage.

SB0584  Sen Simonaire, et al.  Motor Vehicles - Parking - Armed Forces Special Registration Plates.

SB0585  Sen Simonaire, et al.  Boating Accidents - Duty to Remain at the Scene, Render Assistance, and Provide Information - Penalties.

SB0586  Sen Brooks, et al.  Public Safety - Corrugated Stainless Steel Tubing for Fuel Gas Piping Systems - Requirements and Prohibitions.

SB0587  Sen McCray.  Procurement - Minority Business Participation - Real Property Title Services Reporting.

SB0588  Sens Bailey and Jackson.  Income Tax – Subtraction Modification – Public Safety Employee Retirement Income.

SB0589  Sen Bailey, et al.  Tri-County Council for Southern Maryland - Southern Maryland Agricultural Development Commission - Funding.

SB0590  Sens Lam and Kelly.  Human Relations - Discrimination - Protected Characteristics (Equal Opportunity for All Marylanders Act).

SB0591  Sen Lam, et al.  Education - Public Libraries - Collective Bargaining (Library Workers Empowerment Act).

SB0592  Sen Zucker, et al.  Maryland Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) Program - Materials for Individualized Education Program Meetings.

SB0593  Sen Waldstreicher.  Transportation - Maryland Transportation Authority - Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety and Accessibility.

SB0594  Sen Hershey.  Maryland Medical Assistance Program – Coverage for the Treatment of Obesity.

SB0595  Sen Hershey.  Health Benefit Plans - Calculation of Cost Sharing Contribution - Requirements and Prohibitions.

SB0596  Sen Guzzone.  Department of Planning - Maryland Humanities Council - Appropriation to the Marilyn Hatza Memorial Strengthening the Humanities Investment in Nonprofits for Equity (SHINE) Grantmaking Initiative.

SB0597  Sen Guzzone.  Human Services - Individuals With Disabilities and Service-Disabled Veterans Boating Fund.

SB0598  Sens Kramer and Jackson.  State Board of Education - Membership - School Principal.

SB0599  Sen Kramer.  Developmental Disabilities – Community Providers – Federal Participation for Local Funds.

SB0600  Sen Kramer.  Maryland Medical Assistance Program - Dental Services - Coverage and Rate Study.

SB0601  Sen Folden.  Minors Convicted as Adults - Sentencing - Transfer to Juvenile Court.

SB0602  Sen McKay, et al.  Criminal Procedure - Automated Expungement, Waiting Periods, and Adverse Actions (Clean Slate Act of 2024).

SB0603  Sen Watson.  Internet Gaming - Authorization and Implementation.

SB0604  Sen Corderman.  Judges' Retirement System - Special Death Benefit.

SB0605  Sen M. Washington.  Election Law - Automatic Voter Registration - Alterations.

SB0606  Sen Folden, et al.  Police Discipline - Order to Show Cause.

SB0607  Sen Folden, et al.  Public Safety - Police Accountability and Discipline - Summary Punishment.

SB0608  Sen Folden, et al.  Public Safety - Police Accountability - Time Limit for Filing Administrative Charges.

SB0609  Sen Folden, et al.  Criminal Law - Hate Crimes - Law Enforcement Officers.

SB0610  Sens Folden and Salling.  Crimes – Interception of Wire, Oral, or Electronic Communications – Exception for Imminent Danger.

SB0611  Sen Folden, et al.  Frederick and Washington Counties – Bow Hunting – Openly Carrying Handguns.

SB0612  Sen Salling.  County Boards of Education - Volunteer Aides - School Chaplain.

SB0613  Sen Beidle.  State Board of Long-Term Care Administrators - Requirements for Assisted Living Managers.

SB0614  Sens Beidle and Elfreth.  Maryland Medical Assistance Program and Health Insurance - Coverage for Orthoses and Prostheses.

SB0615  Sen Simonaire, et al.  General Provisions - Commemorative Days - Maryland Veterans Suicide Awareness Day.

SB0616  Sen Guzzone.  Maryland Historical Trust - Historical and Cultural Museum Assistance Program - Funding.

SB0617  Sens Sydnor and Smith.  Task Force to Study Transparency Standards for State's Attorneys and the State's Attorney Case Management System Grant Fund.

SB0618  Sen Carter.  Economic Development - Maryland Stadium Authority - Creation of Pimlico Site Master Plan.

SB0619  Sen Carter.  Criminal Law - Cannabis-Related Offenses - Civil Penalties.

SB0620  Sen Carter.  Resources and Education for All Prisons (REAP) Act.

SB0621  Sen Carter.  County Police Accountability Boards - Investigation of Complaints of Police Misconduct.

SB0622  Sen Carter.  Community Reinvestment and Repair Fund - Funding (Maryland Reparations Act of 2024).

SB0623  Sen Carter.  Prison Education Delivery Reform Commission.

SB0624  Sen Carter.  Task Force to Study Public Information Act Requests Made to Law Enforcement – Establishment.

SB0625  Sen McCray.  Baltimore City – Unpaid Water and Sewer Charges – Tax Sales of Non–Owner–Occupied Residential Property.

SB0626  Sen Ready, et al.  Pharmacy Benefits Managers - Definition of Purchaser and Alteration of Application of Law.

SB0627  Sen McKay.  Horse Racing - Satellite Simulcast Betting - Alterations.

SB0628  Sen Gile, et al.  State Finance – Catastrophic Event Account and Federal Government Shutdown Employee Assistance Loan Fund – Noncivilian Federal Employees.

SB0629  Sen Gile.  State Board of Cosmetologists - Membership - Alteration.

SB0630  Sen Kelly.  Real Property - Contract Liens - Medical Debt.

SB0631  Sen Kelly.  Department of Aging - Long-Term Care Insurance - Study.

SB0632  Sen Corderman, et al.  Peace Orders - Visual Surveillance.

SB0633  Sen Klausmeier.  Maryland Self-Service Storage Act - Sale of Personal Property in Satisfaction of Liens - Means of Advertising.

SB0634  Sen Klausmeier.  Maryland Technology Development Corporation - Authority.

SB0635  Sen West.  Landlords and Prospective Tenants - Residential Leases - Criminal History Review (Maryland Fair Chance in Housing Act).

SB0636  Sen West, et al.  Juvenile Law – Commission to Study the Ability of the Department of Juvenile Services to Provide Effective Social Services to Juvenile Offenders.

SB0637  Sens Brooks and Hettleman.  Higher Education - Undocumented Students - Out-of-State Tuition Exemption Eligibility.

SB0638  Sens Brooks and Klausmeier.  Education - Student Service Hours - Financial Literacy Course.

SB0639  Sen Brooks.  Property Tax Exemption - Disabled Veterans - Service Connected Disability.

SB0640  Sen Brooks.  Property Tax Exemption for Community Solar Energy Generating Systems - Limitation on Generating Capacity - Alteration.

SB0641  Sen Brooks.  Department of Agriculture - Spay/Neuter Fund.

SB0642  Sen Brooks, et al.  Maryland Beverage Container Recycling Refund and Litter Reduction Program.

SB0643  Sen Carter (BCA).  Public Information Act - Surveillance Images - Illegal Dumping in Baltimore City.

SB0644  Sen Muse, et al.  Landlord and Tenant - Residential Leases and Holdover Tenancies - Local Just Cause Termination Provisions.

SB0645  Sen Elfreth.  Maryland Trails Advisory Committee and the Maryland Office of Trails - Establishment (Great Maryland Trails Act).

SB0646  Sens Carter and McCray.  General Provisions – Commemorative Days – Hip Hop Day of Service.

SB0647  Sen Ellis.  Abandoned Cemeteries Fund - Establishment and Income Tax Checkoff.

SB0648  Sen Ellis.  Business Regulation - Contractors, Subcontractors, and Brokers - Prohibited Conduct.

SB0649  Sen Kagan.  9-1-1 Trust Fund - Purposes - Training in Telecommunications Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation.

SB0650  Sen Kagan.  Criminal Law - Hate Crimes - Notice and Removal of Item or Symbol.

SB0651  Sen Kagan.  Business Regulation - Sale of Motor Fuel - Pricing Signage (Gas Price Clarity Act).

SB0652  Sen McCray.  Department of Juvenile Services – Report on Shootings (Department of Juvenile Services Transparency Act of 2024).

SB0653  Sen Augustine, et al.  Standing - Environmental and Natural Resources Protection Proceedings (Clean Water Justice Act of 2024).

SB0654  Sen A. Washington.  Prince George's County - Student Support and School Facilities and Public Safety Surcharges and Report - Sunset Extension.

SB0655  Anne Arundel County Senators.  Anne Arundel County - Alcoholic Beverages - Part-Time Deputy Chief Inspector.

SB0656  Anne Arundel County Senators.  Anne Arundel County – Board of License Commissioners – Membership.

SB0657  Anne Arundel County Senators.  Anne Arundel County - Student Loan Assistance Repayment Program for Educators - Established.

SB0658  Anne Arundel County Senators.  Anne Arundel County - Sheriff - Salary.

SB0659  Sen Augustine.  Prince George's Gateway Development Authority - Modifications.

SB0660  Sen Sydnor.  Maryland Voting Rights Act of 2024 - Counties and Municipalities.

SB0661  Sen Sydnor.  Public Safety - Law Enforcement - Use of Body-Worn Cameras.

SB0662  Sen Charles.  Criminal Procedure - Evidence - Admissibility of Creative Expression.

SB0663  Sen Charles.  Child Custody - Rebuttable Presumption of Joint Custody.

SB0664  Sen Charles.  Real Property - Land Installment Contracts - Requirements and Vendor Duties and Limitations.

SB0665  Sen Charles.  Maryland Condominium Act - Amendments to the Declaration.

SB0666  Sen Charles.  Maryland Commission on Civil Rights - Monetary Relief.

SB0667  Sen Charles.  State Procurement - Maryland State Board of Contract Appeals - Attorney's Fees.

SB0668  Sen Charles, et al.  Department of Human Services - Children in Foster Care - Luggage.

SB0669  Sen Charles.  State Government - Attorney General - Reports.

SB0670  Sen Charles.  Child Custody and Visitation - Best Interest of the Child.

SB0671  Sen Charles.  Foreclosure Proceedings - Residential Mortgagors and Grantors - Access to Counsel.

SB0672  Sen Charles.  Vehicle Laws - Automated Enforcement Citations and Notices - Mailing Addresses.

SB0673  Sen Charles.  State Procurement - Small Business Reserve Program - Goals and Outreach Program.

SB0674  Sen Elfreth, et al.  Abandoned or Sunken Vessels and Waterway Improvement Fund Grants.

SB0675  The Pres (Office of the Comptroller).  Individual Tax Preparers - Code of Ethics, Notification of Actions, Enforcement, and Penalties (Stop Scam Tax Preparers Act).

SB0676  The Pres (Office of the Comptroller).  Tax Assistance for Low-Income Marylanders - Funding.

SB0677  The Pres (Office of the Comptroller).  Comptroller - Electronic Tax and Fee Return Filing Requirements.

SB0678  The Pres (Office of the Comptroller).  Income Tax - Technical Corrections.

SB0679  The Pres (Office of the Comptroller).  Disclosure of Tax Information - Tax Compliance Activity and Binding Data Use Agreements.

SB0680  The Pres (Atty Gen Ofc).  State Government - Attorney General - Determinations and Settlements.

SB0681  Sens Lam and Gile.  Major Highway Capacity Expansion Projects - Impact Assessments and Workgroup (Transportation and Climate Alignment Act of 2024).

SB0682  Sen Hester.  Electric Companies - Regional Transmission Organizations - Report (Utility Transparency and Accountability Act).

SB0683  Sen Hester.  Tree Expert Licenses - Application and Renewal Fee Alterations and Insurance Requirements.

SB0684  Sen Augustine.  Health Insurance – Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Benefits – Sunset Repeal and Modification of Reporting Requirements.

SB0685  Sen Augustine.  Program Open Space - Use of Property - Renewable Energy and Storage.

SB0686  Sen Augustine.  Environment - Covered Electronic Devices Recycling Program - Establishment.

SB0687  Sen Smith (Md Jud Conf).  Criminal Procedure - Bail Bonds - Seventh Judicial Circuit.

SB0688  Sen Smith (Md Jud Conf).  Prince George's County - Judgeships - Circuit Courts.

SB0689  Sen Smith.  Fire Protection and Prevention – Residential Rental Property – Requirements (Melanie Nicholle Diaz Fire Safety Act).

SB0690  Sen Guzzone.  Community Colleges - Collective Bargaining - Supervisory Employees.

SB0691  Sen Augustine.  Higher Education - Charles W. Riley Firefighter and Ambulance and Rescue Squad Member Scholarship - Alterations.

SB0692  Sen Jennings, et al.  Cybersecurity - Workgroup to Study Data Security - Establishment.

SB0693  Carroll County Senators.  Carroll County - Public Facilities Bond.

SB0694  Sen Feldman.  Maryland Department of Health – Health Commissions and Maryland Insurance Administration – Study.

SB0695  Sen Feldman.  Building Code - Construction and Significant Renovation of Housing Units - Electric Vehicle Parking Spaces.

SB0696  Sen Feldman.  Energy Generation Projects - Labor and Minority Business Enterprise Requirements.

SB0697  Sen Gile, et al.  Maryland National Guard - Tricare Premium Reimbursement Program - Alterations.

SB0698  Sen M. Washington.  Accountability and Implementation Board - Scope of Authority - Alterations.

SB0699  Sen M. Washington.  Cannabis – Community Reinvestment and Repair Fund – Distribution and Use of Funds for Baltimore City.

SB0700  Sen Carozza.  Law Enforcement Officers' Pension System - Membership - 9-1-1 Specialists.

SB0701  Sen Beidle.  Maryland Health Benefit Exchange – State–Based Young Adult Health Insurance Subsidies Pilot Program – Amount of Annual Subsidies.

SB0702  Sen Beidle.  Income Tax - Biotechnology Investment Incentive Tax Credit Program - Pass-Through Entities.

SB0703  Sens Hayes and Charles.  Board of Public Works - Transparency Data Dashboard.

SB0704  Sen Hayes.  Appraisal Gap From Historic Redlining Financial Assistance Program - Alterations.

SB0705  Sens Hayes and Lam.  Health Insurance - Qualified Resident Enrollment Program (Access to Care Act).

SB0706  Sen Jackson (Chr Jt Com on Pnsns).  Law Enforcement Officers' Pension System - Reemployment as Sheriff.

SB0707  Sen Jackson, et al.  Armed Forces – Support of Military Families and Addition of Space Force.

SB0708  Chr JPR (Departmental).  Family Law - Kinship Care.

SB0709  Sen Kagan.  Election Law - Absentee Ballots - Internet-Delivered Absentee Ballot Study.

SB0710  Sen M. Washington.  Water Utilities Shutoff Protections.

SB0711  Sen Bailey.  Fisheries – Striped Bass or Rockfish – Juvenile Survey.

SB0712  Sen Bailey.  State-Owned Nursing Homes - Deficiencies, Citations, and Fines - Reporting Requirements.

SB0713  Sen Kramer.  Security Systems Technicians - Applicants - Authority to Practice.

SB0714  Sens Kramer and Hershey.  State Board of Examiners for Audiologists, Hearing Aid Dispensers, Speech-Language Pathologists, and Music Therapists - Appointment of Members.

SB0715  Sen Kramer, et al.  State and Private Construction Contracts and State Procurement Contracts – Prompt Payment and Interest Requirements.

SB0716  Sen Hettleman.  Maryland Medical Assistance Program - Maternal Fetal Medicine Services - Reimbursement.

SB0717  Sen Rosapepe.  Income Tax - Subtraction Modification - Losses From Theft or Fraud.

SB0718  Sens Lam and McKay.  Maryland Pathway to Nursing Pilot Program and Advisory Committee - Establishment.

SB0719  Sen Benson.  Criminal Law - Crimes Against Minors - Sensitive Locations.

SB0720  Sen Benson.  Correctional Services - Formerly Incarcerated Individuals and Individuals on Probation - Re-Entry Services.

SB0721  Sen Benson.  Prince George's County - Income Tax - Credit for Employers Providing Parental Engagement Leave.

SB0722  Sen Benson.  Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program - Seniors - State Supplement.

SB0723  Sen Benson.  Baby Food - Toxic Heavy Metals - Testing and Labeling (Rudy's Law).

SB0724  Sen Benson.  Motor Vehicles - School Buses - Seat Belts.

SB0725  Sen Benson.  Real Property - Residential Leases - Renter's Insurance Requirement.

SB0726  Sen Lewis Young.  Bay Restoration Fund - Authorized Uses - Decommission of Wastewater Treatment Lagoon.

SB0727  Sen Carter (BCA).  Motor Vehicle Administration Records - Access to Digital Photographic Images and Signatures - Baltimore City Agencies.

SB0728  Sen Carter.  Correctional Services - Parole Supervision Fees and Drug and Alcohol Abuse Test Payment - Repeal.

SB0729  Sen Carter.  Business Occupations and Professions - Security Guards - Use of Force Reporting, Standards, and Certifications.

SB0730  Sen Carter.  Motor Vehicles - Motorcycles - Passenger Restrictions.

SB0731  Sen Carter.  State Facilities – Procedures for Changes and Closures – Definition and Reporting.

SB0732  Sen Carter.  Department of Juvenile Services and Maryland Department of Health – Inpatient Program for Children.

SB0733  Sen Carter.  Task Force to Study Transparency in Tax Incentives.

SB0734  Harford County Senators.  Harford County - Alcoholic Beverages - Performing Arts Nonprofit Organization License.

SB0735  Harford County Senators.  Harford County - Alcoholic Beverages - Class L License.

SB0736  Harford County Senators.  Harford County - Alcoholic Beverages Licenses - Golf Simulator Facility.

SB0737  Harford County Senators.  Higher Education - Harford Community College Board of Trustees - Alterations.

SB0738  Sen King, et al.  Freedom to Read Act.

SB0739  Sen Hester.  Algorithmic Addiction Fund - Establishment.

SB0740  Sen Gile, et al.  Operating a Vessel While Under the Influence of Alcohol - Enforcement (Nick's Law).

SB0741  Sens Gile and M. Washington.  Public Senior Higher Education Institutions - Pregnant and Parenting Students - Policy Requirements (Pregnant and Parenting Support Act).

SB0742  Anne Arundel County Senators.  Anne Arundel County - Alcoholic Beverages - Fees for Class C Per Diem Licenses.

SB0743  Sen Waldstreicher.  Family Law - Protective Orders - Crimes of Violence and Stalking.

SB0744  The Pres, et al.  Juvenile Law - Reform.

SB0745  Sen Jennings.  Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine - Funding.

SB0746  Sen Guzzone.  Winery and Vineyard Economic Development Grant Program - Modifications.

SB0747  Sens Guzzone and Benson.  Local Government - Annual Audit Reporting Requirements - Alterations.

SB0748  Sen Corderman, et al.  Income Tax - Alteration of Brackets and Rates (Economic Prosperity Act of 2024).

SB0749  Sen Corderman.  Institutions of Higher Education - Dually Enrolled Students - Alterations.

SB0750  Sen Corderman.  Labor and Employment - Workers' Compensation - Exceptions to Exclusivity of Liability.

SB0751  Sen Klausmeier.  Public Health – Opioid Restitution Advisory Council and Fund – Revisions.

SB0752  Sen Hettleman, et al.  Regulated Firearms - Maryland Voluntary Do Not Sell Firearm Process.

SB0753  Sen Hettleman.  Public Safety - Firearm Background Checks, Victim Notification, and the Maryland State Police Gun Center.

SB0754  Sen Hettleman.  Health Insurance Carriers and Pharmacy Benefits Managers - Clinician-Administered Drugs and Related Services.

SB0755  Sen Hettleman, et al.  Maryland Department of Emergency Management - Office of Domestic Terrorism Response.

SB0756  Sen Hester.  Primary and Secondary Education - School Safety and Student Well-Being - Examination of Policies and Funding.

SB0757  Sen Carozza, et al.  State Information Technology - Prohibited Applications and Websites.

SB0758  Sen Kelly, et al.  Criminal Law - Sexual Crimes - Definition of Consent and Repeal of Force.

SB0759  Sens Kelly and Beidle.  Estates and Trusts - Guardianship of the Person of a Disabled Person - Expedited Proceedings.

SB0760  Sen Kramer.  Consumer Protection - Retail Sales of Gift Cards (Gift Card Scams Prevention Act of 2024).

SB0761  Sen Kramer, et al.  Testing Facilities That Use Animals - Licensing and Regulation.

SB0762  Sens Kagan and Ready.  Education - Maryland Civic Excellence Program - Established.

SB0763  Sen Carozza.  Somerset County – Sale of Property – Revells Neck Road.

SB0764  Sens Hayes and Kagan.  Arts Incubator Workgroup - Established.

SB0765  Sen Hayes.  Economic Development - Business Diversity Incubator Program and Fund - Established.

SB0766  Sen Hettleman, et al.  Fair Share for Maryland Act of 2024.

SB0767  Frederick County Senators.  Frederick County - Alcoholic Beverages - Promoter's Permit.

SB0768  Sen Folden.  Vehicle Laws - Lanes of Travel - Slower Traffic and Overtaking and Passing (Highway Left Lane Safety Act).

SB0769  Frederick County Senators.  Frederick County - Property Tax Credit for Property Located in Historic District - Alterations.

SB0770  Frederick County Senators.  Frederick County – Alcoholic Beverages – Stadium License.

SB0771  Sen M. Washington.  Education - Initial Teacher Certification - Requirements.

SB0772  Sen Ready, et al.  Elections - In-Person Voting - Proof of Identity.

SB0773  Sen Waldstreicher.  Homeowners Associations – Restriction on Long–Term Rentals – Prohibition.

SB0774  Sen Ferguson, et al.  Public Safety - Maryland Entertainment District Security Grant Program.

SB0775  The Pres (State Treasurer).  State Officers and Employees - Required Surety Bonds - Insurance Policies Authorized.

SB0776  The Pres (State Treasurer).  State Investment Portfolio and Local Government Investment Guidelines - Investment Standards.

SB0777  The Pres (State Treasurer).  State Treasurer and Comptroller - Membership Responsibilities.

SB0778  Sen Gallion.  Health Insurance - Hearing Aids for Adults - Coverage.

SB0779  Sen Lewis Young.  Real Property - Taxation of Vacant Property, Certification of Company Representatives, and Short-Term Rentals.

SB0780  Sen Muse.  Internet-Connected Devices and Internet Service Providers - Default Filtering of Obscene Content (Maryland Online Child Protection Act).

SB0781  Sen James.  Economic Development - Regional Additive Manufacturing Partnership of Maryland - Alterations.

SB0782  Sen Hershey.  Motor Fuel Tax Rates - Consumer Price Index Adjustment - Suspension by Board of Public Works.

SB0783  Sen Elfreth, et al.  Public Utilities - Solar Energy Systems and Programs, Maryland Strategic Energy Investment Fund, and Prevailing Wage (Brighter Tomorrow Act).

SB0784  Sen Elfreth, et al.  Comprehensive Community Safety Funding Act.

SB0785  Sen McKay.  Public Nuisance - Common Carriers - Damage to Public Infrastructure.

SB0786  Sen McKay.  Task Force on Access to Pharmacy Services and the Impact of Telepharmacy in Maryland.

SB0787  Sen McKay.  Garrett County - Hotel Rental Tax - Alterations.

SB0788  Sen McKay.  Battery Storage and Solar Arrays Safety Training Grant Program and Fund.

SB0789  Sen Klausmeier.  Workers' Compensation - Uninsured Employers' Fund - Timely Payment of Awards.

SB0790  Sens Klausmeier and Ellis.  Maryland Medical Assistance Program - Employed Individuals With Disabilities.

SB0791  Sen Klausmeier.  Health Insurance - Utilization Review - Revisions.

SB0792  Sen West, et al.  Juvenile Law - Juvenile Justice Reform - Juvenile Court Jurisdiction.

SB0793  Sen West.  Maryland Tort Claims Act - Sheriffs and Deputy Sheriffs - County Responsibility.

SB0794  Sen West.  State Board of Social Work Examiners – Continuing Education Programs – Approval of Authorized Sponsors.

SB0795  Sen Gile, et al.  Health Occupations - Practice Audiology - Definition.

SB0796  Sen Simonaire, et al.  Maryland Disability Service Animal Program - Established.

SB0797  Sen Hester, et al.  Education - Access to Attorneys, Advocates, and Consultants for Special Education Program and Fund - Established.

SB0798  Sen Hester.  Stream Restoration Contractors Licensing Board, Stream Restoration Contractors, and Stream Restoration Project Requirements.

SB0799  Sens McKay and Guzzone.  Health Occupations – Limited License to Practice Dentistry – Services for Adults.

SB0800  The Pres (State Treasurer).  Maryland Uniform Disposition of Abandoned Property Act – Maryland 529 Program – Exemption.

SB0801  Sen Jackson.  Correctional Services – Medication–Assisted Treatment.

SB0802  Sen Brooks, et al.  Election Law - Voters With Disabilities - Electronic Ballot Return.

SB0803  Sen Brooks.  Education - Local Share of Major Education Aid - Nonrecurring Costs Exclusion.

SB0804  Sen Brooks.  Northwest Baltimore County Sports Tourism Facility – Feasibility Study.

SB0805  Sens Brooks and Klausmeier.  Nuclear Energy Development Task Force.

SB0806  Sens Zucker and Feldman.  Business Regulation – Licensed Home Improvement Contractors – Liability Insurance.

SB0807  Sen Carozza.  Somerset County - Fire, Rescue, and Emergency Medical Services.

SB0808  Sen Carozza, et al.  Anaerobic Digestion Technology - Coordination and Guidance.

SB0809  Sen Mautz.  Dorchester County - County Applicants - Polygraph Examination.

SB0810  Sen Mautz.  Dorchester County - County Property Leases - Notice Exemptions.

SB0811  Sen Mautz.  Legal Advertisement or Legal Notice - Publication in Newspaper or Newspaper in General Circulation - Digital Newspapers.

SB0812  Sen Ellis.  Election Law - Party and Elected Public Offices - Prohibition.

SB0813  Sen Salling.  Health Care Facilities – Access to Telephones.

SB0814  Sen M. Washington.  Public Utilities - Definition of Qualified Offshore Wind Project - Alteration.

SB0815  Sen M. Washington.  Cannabis - Community Reinvestment Impact Districts - Establishment.

SB0816  Sen Hester.  Economic Development – Cyber Maryland Fund and Program – Alterations.

SB0817  Sens Ellis and Waldstreicher.  Public Safety - Missing Persons - Purple Alert Program.

SB0818  Sen Hester, et al.  Information Technology - Artificial Intelligence - Policies and Procedures (Artificial Intelligence Governance Act of 2024).

SB0819  Sen Jennings, et al.  Public Schools - School Resource Officers - Firearms Required.

SB0820  Sen McCray (BCA).  Hospitals - Care of Infants After Discharge.

SB0821  Sen Feldman.  Maryland Insurance Administration - Professional Employer Organizations - Study.

SB0822  Sen Kramer, et al.  Income Tax - Subtraction Modification - State Law Enforcement Officers.

SB0823  Sen Kramer, et al.  State Personnel - Collective Bargaining - Faculty, Part-Time Faculty, Post Doctoral Associates, and Graduate Assistants.

SB0824  Sen Kramer.  Election Law – Absentee Ballot Application – Sending to Eligible Voters Before Primary Elections.

SB0825  Sen Kramer.  Health Facilities - Delegation of Inspection Authority - Nursing Homes.

SB0826  Sen Smith.  Vehicle Laws - Bicycles - Operation at Intersections.

SB0827  Sen Smith.  Courts and Judicial Proceedings - Jury Examination and Workgroup to Study the Voir Dire Process.

SB0828  Sen Benson.  Public Institutions of Higher Education - Student Withdrawal Policy - Reimbursement of Tuition and Fees (Cameron Carden Act of 2024).

SB0829  Sen Carozza.  Somerset County - Fire Companies - Appropriations.

SB0830  Sen Klausmeier.  State Board of Physicians - Performance of X-Ray Duties Without a License.

SB0831  Sen Klausmeier.  Veterans - Persons Providing Veterans Benefits Services and Veterans Benefits Appeals Services - Fees and Compensation.

SB0832  Sen Klausmeier.  State Designations - State Natural History Museum - Natural History Society of Maryland.

SB0833  Sen Klausmeier.  Alcoholic Beverages - Sale or Delivery for Off-Premises Consumption.

SB0834  Sen Hester.  Consumer Protection - Scam Awareness Pilot Program - Establishment (Don't Scam Maryland Act of 2024).

SB0835  Sen Hester.  Environment - Delegated Authorities - Well and Septic Program Permits.

SB0836  Sen McKay.  Washington County - Abandoned Cemetery - Acquisition and Disposition.

SB0837  Sen McKay.  Deep Creek Lake - Lower Lake Levels - Requirement and Impact Study.

SB0838  Sens Gallion and Folden.  Vehicle Laws - Lighting - Privately Owned Vehicles.

SB0839  Sen Sydnor.  General Provisions - Damages or Losses - Definition.

SB0840  Sen Sydnor.  Public Safety - Automatic License Plate Readers - Captured Plate Data Storage and Upload.

SB0841  Sen Ready, et al.  Transportation - Motor Fuel Tax Rates, Vehicle-Miles-Traveled Tax, and Farebox Recovery Requirements (Transportation Equity, Fairness, and Privacy Act of 2024).

SB0842  Sen Ready, et al.  Criminal Law - Second Degree Assault - Sports Official.

SB0843  Sen Klausmeier.  Workers' Compensation - Benefits - Hearing Loss.

SB0844  Sen Klausmeier.  Workers' Compensation - Occupational Disease Presumptions - Hypertension.

SB0845  Sen Klausmeier.  Workers' Compensation - Temporary Partial Disability - Concurrent Employment.

SB0846  Sen Klausmeier.  Maryland Department of Labor - Unemployment Insurance - Study on Actively Seeking Work Requirements.

SB0847  Sen Mautz.  Dorchester County - Sunday Hunting - Repeal of Time Restrictions.

SB0848  Sen M. Washington.  Enoch Pratt Free Library - Capital Project Funding.

SB0849  Sen Corderman.  Local Government Tort Claims Act - Hagerstown Multi-Use Sports and Events Facility, Inc..

SB0850  Sen Corderman.  State Personnel - Line-of-Duty Death and Funeral Benefits.

SB0851  Sens Corderman and McKay.  Public Schools – Interscholastic Athletics – Student Eligibility Waiver and School Classification.

SB0852  Washington County Senators.  Washington County Board of Education - Members - Residency Requirement.

SB0853  Washington County Senators.  Washington County - Alcoholic Beverages - Multi-Use Sports and Events Facility Beer, Wine, and Liquor License.

SB0854  Washington County Senators.  Agriculture – Nuisance Insects.

SB0855  Washington County Senators.  Washington County - Board of License Commissioners - Membership.

SB0856  Sen McKay.  Education - Minimum School Funding - Waiver.

SB0857  Sen McKay.  Off-Highway Recreational Vehicle Trail Fund and Off-Highway Recreational Vehicle Recreation Oversight Board - Alterations and Establishment.

SB0858  Sen Hester, et al.  Revenge Porn - Civil Action and Reporting Requirement.

SB0859  Sens Zucker and Guzzone.  State Department of Education - Division of Rehabilitation Services - Funding.

SB0860  Sen Corderman.  Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services - Study on Location of Individuals Prior to and Following Incarceration.

SB0861  Sens Lewis Young and Watson.  Public Utilities - High-Energy-Use Facilities - Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reductions.

SB0862  Sen Carozza, et al.  Public Health - Pregnancy - Coercion (Protecting Pregnant Women Against Coercive Abuse and Human Trafficking).

SB0863  The Pres (Atty Gen Ofc).  Office of the Attorney General - Rights of Residents of Health Care Facilities - Injunctive Relief and Penalties.

SB0864  Sen King, et al.  Universities at Shady Grove Regional Higher Education Center – Designation as Community of Innovation.

SB0865  Sen King, et al.  Juveniles - Truancy Reduction Pilot Program - Expansion.

SB0866  Sen Ready.  Health - Small Halfway Houses and Small Private Group Homes - County Zoning.

SB0867  Sen Ready, et al.  General Assembly - Fiscal Notes - Family Impact Statements.

SB0868  Sen Ready, et al.  Civil Actions – Injury to or Death of Pet – Damages.

SB0869  Sen Guzzone, et al.  Property Tax - Improvements on Agricultural Land - Assessment.

SB0870  Sen Kelly.  Vehicle Laws - Electric Vehicles - Weight Limits.

SB0871  Sen Kramer.  Unemployment Insurance - Disqualification - Stoppage of Work Caused by Labor Dispute.

SB0872  Sen Kramer.  Criminal Law - Animal Abuse or Neglect - Penalties.

SB0873  Sen McKay.  Courts - Immunity From Liability - Maryland Safe Haven Program.

SB0874  Sen West.  Hospitals and Ambulatory Surgical Facilities - Surgical Technologists.

SB0875  Sen Kelly.  Miriam Kelty Aging and Senior Social Connection Hub and Spoke Pilot Program.

SB0876  Sen A. Washington.  Maryland Medical Assistance Program – Limited Behavioral Health Services.

SB0877  Sen Klausmeier.  Sales and Use Tax - Taxable Price - Exemption for Trade-In Value of Portable Electronics.

SB0878  Sen Klausmeier.  Gaming – Problem Gambling – Prevalence Study and Fund Revenue.

SB0879  Sen Klausmeier, et al.  Shellfish Aquaculture - Harvest Hours.

SB0880  Sen Jackson (Chr Jt Com on Pnsns).  State Retirement and Pension System - Average Final Compensation - Compensation Adjustments.

SB0881  Sen Zucker.  Public Health – Federally Qualified Health Centers Grant Program – Recovery of Funding.

SB0882  Sen King.  Growing Family Child Care Opportunities Pilot Program – Permanent Establishment.

SB0883  Sen King, et al.  Education - Virtual Tutoring Services - Background Checks and Fingerprinting.

SB0884  Sen James.  Real Property - Recordation - Procedures.

SB0885  Sen Folden.  Residential Leases - Termination Due to Medical Conditions - Limitation of Liability for Rent.

SB0886  Sen Folden.  State and Local Parks - Playgrounds - Safety Standards (Our Kids Play Safe Playground Safety Act of 2024).

SB0887  Sens Folden and Gile.  Veterans Affairs - Responses to Arrested Veterans and Veterans in Crisis.

SB0888  Sen Hayes.  Health - Local Behavioral Health Authorities and Oversight of Behavioral Health Programs.

SB0889  Chr JPR (Atty Gen Ofc).  Civil Actions - Enforcement Actions by the Attorney General - Statutes of Limitations.

SB0890  Chr JPR (Atty Gen Ofc).  Compensation for Individuals Erroneously Convicted - Alterations.

SB0891  Sen McCray.  Transportation - MobilityLink Paratransit Service Improvements - Study.

SB0892  Sen McCray, et al.  School Construction - Public Charter School Facility Fund - Establishment.

SB0893  Sens M. Washington and Elfreth.  Environment - Siting Requirements for Crematories and Crematory Incinerators - Areas III and IV.

SB0894  Sen Carter.  Baltimore City - Control Over Powers of Police Commissioner.

SB0895  Sen Carter (BCA).  Baltimore City - Alcoholic Beverages - Licensing Fees.

SB0896  Sen Carter (BCA).  Baltimore Convention and Tourism Redevelopment and Operating Authority Task Force.

SB0897  Sen Carozza, et al.  Income Tax Subtraction Modification – Death Benefits – Law Enforcement Officers and Fire Fighters.

SB0898  Sen Waldstreicher.  Condominiums and Homeowners Associations - Resale Contracts - Notice Requirements.

SB0899  Sen Waldstreicher.  Constitutional Officers – Public Disclosure of Personal Information.

SB0900  Sen Corderman.  Higher Education – Janet L. Hoffman Loan Assistance Repayment Program – Eligibility.

SB0901  Sen West.  Ground Leases – Application for Redemption – Procedures.

SB0902  Sen Lewis Young.  Wildlife – Protections and Highway Crossings.

SB0903  Sen Muse.  Prince George’s County – Mobile Sports Wagering Proceeds – Local Impact Grant.

SB0904  Sen Hayes.  Baltimore City - Alcoholic Beverages - Class B Beer, Wine, and Liquor Licenses.

SB0905  Sen Kelly, et al.  Public Safety – Extreme Risk Protective Orders – Review of Court Records.

SB0906  Sen Augustine, et al.  Housing and Community Development - Conversion of Commercial Buildings for Residential Use - Report.

SB0907  Sen Augustine.  Motor Vehicles - Disability Parking Placards - Photo Identification.

SB0908  Sen Augustine.  Income Tax - Addition Modification - Interest for and Depreciation of Residential Rental Property.

SB0909  Anne Arundel County Senators.  Anne Arundel County - Public Schools - Innovative Scheduling Pilot Program.

SB0910  Sen Rosapepe.  Governor's Workforce Development Board - Study on Advancing Skills-Based Hiring.

SB0911  Sen McKay.  Food, Drugs, and Cosmetics - Gene Structure- and Function-Modifying Products - Labeling.

SB0912  Sen McKay.  Courts - Immunity From Liability - Maryland Safe Haven Program.

SB0913  Sen McKay.  Election Law - Approval Voting - Authorization for County Elections.

SB0914  Sen McKay.  Human Relations - Protections Against Discrimination - Genetic Procedures.

SB0915  Sen Brooks.  Agriculture – Invasive Plant Species – Regulation (Biodiversity and Agriculture Protection Act).

SB0916  Sen Brooks.  Fish and Wildlife - Endangered and Threatened Species - Definitions, Petitions, and Regulations.

SB0917  Sen Brooks.  Public Schools – Restorative Practices Schools – Establishment.

SB0918  Sen Brooks.  Retail Choice Customer Education and Protection Fund - Purposes and Uses.

SB0919  Sen Klausmeier.  Workers' Compensation - Modification of Award - Extension.

SB0920  Sen Hester.  State Government - Maryland Electric Transmission Authority - Established.

SB0921  Sens Mautz and Carozza.  State Finance and Procurement - Retention Proceeds.

SB0922  Sens Mautz and Bailey.  Natural Resources – Fisheries – Oyster Management.

SB0923  Sen Mautz.  Corporate Income Tax - Rate Reduction (Economic Competitiveness Act of 2024).

SB0924  Sen Mautz.  Boating - Migratory Waterfowl Season - Prohibited Acts.

SB0925  Sen Mautz, et al.  Tidal Fish Licenses - Oyster Authorizations - Reinstatement.

SB0926  Sens Mautz and Hershey.  State Government – Permits, Licenses, and Certificates – Reimbursement.

SB0927  Sen Mautz.  Criminal Law - Crime of Violence - Second Degree Assault of a School Employee or Subcontractor (School Assault Reduction and Prevention Act).

SB0928  Sen Mautz.  Maryland Estate Tax – Unified Credit.

SB0929  Sen Rosapepe.  Sex Offender Registration - Local Law Enforcement Units - Registration Locations.

SB0930  Sen Rosapepe.  Commercial Law – Consumer Wire Transfers – Liability (Elder Fraud Prevention Act of 2024).

SB0931  Sen Klausmeier.  Workers’ Compensation – Rehabilitation Practitioners – Licensed Social Workers.

SB0932  Sen Elfreth, et al.  Maryland Agricultural BMP Priority Environmental Stewardship Program - Established.

SB0933  Harford County Senators.  Harford County - Alcoholic Beverages - Performing Arts Theater License.

SB0934  Sen Brooks, et al.  Baltimore County - Sheriff - Salary.

SB0935  Sen Gallion.  Department of General Services - Renewable Natural Gas Pilot Program - Establishment.

SB0936  Sen Gallion.  Environment - Wood Vaults - Authorization and Permit Requirements.

SB0937  Sen Augustine.  Grow Your Own Educators Grant Program - Established.

SB0938  Sens Augustine and A. Washington.  Maryland Department of Health - Public Education Campaign on Prostate, Lung, and Breast Cancer Prevention.

SB0939  Sen King.  Criminal Law - Reckless Endangerment - Use of Motor Vehicle.

SB0940  Sen King.  Motor Vehicles - Allowing Unauthorized Use of a Motor Vehicle and Reckless, Negligent, and Aggressive Driving.

SB0941  Sen Mautz.  Wicomico County - Alcoholic Beverages - Class B Beer, Wine, and Liquor Licenses - Purchases From Licensed Wholesalers and Self-Distribution.

SB0942  Sen Gile.  Environment - Managed Aquifer Recharge Pilot Program - Establishment.

SB0943  Sens Kelly and Lam.  Vehicle Laws - Bus Obstruction Monitoring Systems (Better Bus Service Act of 2024).

SB0944  Sen Kelly.  Nonprescription Drugs and Devices - Provision by Registered Nurses and Sale of Contraceptives Through Automatic Devices.

SB0945  Sen Kelly.  Maryland Medical Assistance Program and Health Insurance - Individuals With Intellectual Disabilities - Study.

SB0946  Sen Kelly.  Landlord and Tenant - Failure to Repair Serious and Dangerous Defects - Tenant Remedies (Tenant Safety Act of 2024).

SB0947  Sen Kelly.  Abortion Care Access Grant Program and Fund - Establishment.

SB0948  Sens Waldstreicher and Carter.  State Correctional Facilities - Incarcerated Individuals - Costs of Telephone Communications.

SB0949  Sen Hettleman.  Consumer Protection - Self-Administered Sexual Assault Evidence Collection Kits.

SB0950  Sen Hettleman.  Sexual Assault Forensic Examinations Conducted Through Telehealth - Reimbursement and Study.

SB0951  Sen Hettleman.  Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment Workgroup.

SB0952  Sen Hettleman.  Assisted Living Programs - Assisted Living Referrers - Requirements and Prohibitions.

SB0953  Sen Sydnor.  Housing - Community Development Program Act - Funding.

SB0954  Sen Sydnor.  Corporations and Associations - Transparency - Beneficial Ownership.

SB0955  Sen Sydnor.  State Government - Technology Advisory Commission - Established.

SB0956  Sen Hester.  Environment - Water Pollution Control - Protecting State Waters From PFAS Pollution (Protecting State Waters From PFAS Pollution Act).

SB0957  Sen Hester.  Labor and Employment – Automated Employment Decision Tools – Prohibition.

SB0958  Sen Hester, et al.  Responding to Emergency Needs From Extreme Weather (RENEW) Act of 2024.

SB0959  Sen Feldman.  Electricity - Tariffs, Distributed Energy Resources, and Electric Distribution System Support Services (Distributed Renewable Integration and Vehicle Electrification (DRIVE) Act).

SB0960  Sen Feldman.  Maryland Clean Energy Center - Climate Technology Founder's Fund.

SB0961  Sens Carozza and Mautz.  Wicomico County - Vehicle Laws - Prohibition on Roadway Solicitations.

SB0962  Sen Ready.  Real Property – Contracts of Sale – Title Report Requirement.

SB0963  Carroll County Senators.  Carroll County - Office of Permits and Inspections - Denial of Commercial Permit or License for Unpaid Assessed Personal Property Taxes.

SB0964  Sen Ready.  Carroll County – Alcoholic Beverages Licenses – Alcohol Awareness Training.

SB0965  Carroll County Senators.  Carroll County - Sheriff - Salary.

SB0966  Sens Zucker and McCray.  Prior Authorizations of State Debt - Alterations.

SB0967  Sen Zucker, et al.  Higher Education - Part-Time Senatorial and Delegate Scholarships - Alterations.

SB0968  Sen Waldstreicher.  Vehicle Laws - Manufacturers and Dealers - Standing of Dealer Associations.

SB0969  Sen Elfreth, et al.  Watershed, Stream, and Floodplain Restoration - Chesapeake and Atlantic Coastal Bays Restoration and Stream and Floodplain Restoration Funding (Whole Watershed Act).

SB0970  Sen Guzzone.  Energy Storage Systems – Income Tax Credit and Grant Program – Sunset Extension.

SB0971  Sen Guzzone.  Howard County - Class D Alcoholic Beverages Licenses - Delivery.

SB0972  Sen Guzzone.  Correctional Officers' Retirement System - Membership.

SB0973  Sen Guzzone.  Hospitals - Private Hospital Grant Program - Funding.

SB0974  Sen Guzzone.  Behavioral Health Crisis Response Services - 9-8-8 Trust Fund Fees.

SB0975  Sen Elfreth, et al.  Maryland Department of Health - Reproductive Health Care Clinic Security Grant Program - Establishment (Supporting Reproductive Health Care Clinics Act).

SB0976  Sens Carozza and West.  Vehicle Laws - Annual Vehicle Shows - Motor and Trailer Homes.

SB0977  Sen Jackson.  African American Heritage Preservation Grant Fund - Alterations.

SB0978  Sen Hester.  Election Law - Synthetic Media - Disclosure and Regulation.

SB0979  Sen Hester.  Education - Artificial Intelligence - Guidelines and Pilot Program.

SB0980  Sen Hester.  Education - Computer Science - Content Standards and Requirements.

SB0981  Sen Hester.  Local Cybersecurity Preparedness and Local Cybersecurity Support Fund - Alterations.

SB0982  Sen Hester, et al.  Information Technology - Modernization of Information Technology Projects.

SB0983  Sen Lewis Young.  Hunting - Lead and Lead-Based Ammunition - Phase-Out.

SB0984  Sen Lewis Young.  Blueprint for Maryland's Future - Alterations.

SB0985  Sen Lewis Young.  Economic Development - County or Municipality Economic Development Authority - Powers and Use of Proceeds.

SB0986  Sen Lam.  State Board of Pharmacy - Prohibition on Discrimination Against 340B Drug Distribution.

SB0987  Sen Lam.  Business Regulation – Electronic Smoking Devices Manufacturers – Certifications.

SB0988  Sen Lam.  Maryland Medical Assistance Program - Self-Directed Mental Health Services - Pilot Program.

SB0989  Sen Lam, et al.  Health Insurance - Epinephrine Injectors - Limits on Cost Sharing (Epinephrine Cost Reduction Act of 2024).

SB0990  Sen Lam.  Maryland Medical Assistance Program and Health Insurance - Step Therapy, Fail-First Protocols, and Prior Authorization - Prescription Drugs to Treat Serious Mental Illness.

SB0991  Sen Lam.  Behavioral Health - Language Assistance Services Pilot Program.

SB0992  Sen Benson.  Real Property - Landlord and Tenant - Procedures for Failure to Pay Rent, Breach of Lease, and Tenant Holding Over.

SB0993  Sen Benson.  Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission - System Development Charge - Review and Credit for Construction of Facility.

SB0994  Sen Benson.  Maryland Predictable Scheduling Act.

SB0995  Sen Klausmeier.  Health - Laser Hair Removal - Requirements (Laser Hair Removal Act).

SB0996  Sen Klausmeier.  Advanced Practice Registered Nurses - Professional Liability Insurance Coverage - Notification Requirements.

SB0997  Sen Klausmeier.  Health - Vital Records - Electronic Filing and Storage.

SB0998  Sen Klausmeier.  Commercial Law - Earned Wage Access Services.

SB0999  Sen Beidle.  Certified Nursing Assistants - Licensing Requirements and Administrative Updates.

SB1000  Sen Beidle.  Maryland Health Care Commission - Nursing Homes - Acquisitions.

SB1101  Sen Smith, et al.  Higher Education - Maryland Police Officers and Probation Agents Scholarship Program - Alterations.

SB1102  The Pres (Accountability and Implementation.  Education – Blueprint for Maryland’s Future – Alterations.

SB1103  The Pres (Atty Gen Ofc).  Hospitals and Related Institutions – Outpatient Facility Fees.

SB1104  The Pres (Atty Gen Ofc).  Health Care Facilities – Notice to Consumers – Out–of–Network Status (Health Care Provider Out–of–Network Information Act).

SB1105  The Pres (Office of the Comptroller).  Income Tax - Individual Income Tax Credit Eligibility Awareness Campaign.

SB1106  The Pres (DLS).  Annual Corrective Bill.

SB1107  Sen M. Washington, et al.  Housing and Community Development - Study on the Establishment of a Homeless Shelter Licensing Program.

SB1108  Carroll County Senators.  Carroll County - Deputy Clerk or Deputy Sheriff - Oath of Office.

SB1109  Sen Ready.  Cannabis - Sale and Distribution - Hemp-Derived Compounds and Cannabinoids.

SB1110  Sen Muse.  Health – Child Advocacy Centers – Reporting Requirements and Investigations.

SB1111  Sen Muse.  Criminal Organizations - Criminal Prohibitions, Civil Actions, and Forfeiture.

SB1112  Sen Zucker.  Gaming – Electronic Instant Bingo Machines – Paper Tickets Option.

SB1113  Sens Hershey and Klausmeier.  Commercial Law - Consumer Protection - Event Ticket Sales.

SB1114  Sen Carozza.  State Retirement and Pension System - Transfers of Service.

SB1115  Sen Zucker.  Income Tax - Subtraction Modification for Donations to Diaper Banks and Other Charitable Entities - Sunset Repeal.

SB1116  Sen Zucker.  State Lottery Fund - Bus Rapid Transit Fund Distribution - Alterations.

SB1117  Sen Kramer.  Employment Standards - Firefighters - Payment of Overtime and Payroll Information.

SB1118  Sen Guzzone.  Natural Resources - Fish and Fisheries - Reporting Requirements.

SB1119  Sen Sydnor.  Baltimore County - Property Taxes - Authority to Set a Special Rate for Vacant and Abandoned Property.

SB1120  Chr B&T (Dept).  University System of Maryland – Academic Facilities Bonding Authority.

SB1121  Sen Jackson.  Law Enforcement Officers' Pension System - Benefits.

SB1122  Sen Jackson.  Environment - Coal Combustion By-Products.

SB1123  Sen Jackson.  Prince George's County - School Facilities and Public Safety Surcharges and Report - Sunset Extension.

SB1124  Sen Jackson.  Calvert County - Ethics - Conflict of Interest and Commissioner Expulsion.

SB1125  Sen Jackson.  Maryland Transit Administration - Locally Operated Transit Systems - Mandatory Funding.

SB1126  Sen King.  Transportation – Regional Transportation Authorities.

SB1127  Howard County Senators.  Candidates for Village Board or Columbia Council in a Village of Columbia – Reports of Donations and Disbursements Ho. Co. 10–24.

SB1128  Howard County Senators.  Howard County Agricultural Preservation Advisory Board - Term Length - Alteration Ho. Co. 15-24.

SB1129  Howard County Senators.  Howard County - Board of Education Elections - Ranked-Choice Voting Ho. Co. 6-24.

SB1130  Howard County Senators.  Howard County – Public Campaign Financing – Board of Education Ho. Co. 1–24.

SB1131  Howard County Senators.  Howard County Board of Education - Board Member Terms and Compensation Commission Ho. Co. 2-24.

SB1132  Howard County Senators.  Howard County Public Schools - Differences in Capital Budget Proposals - Report.

SB1133  Sen McKay.  Allegany County - Alcoholic Beverages - Class BWLT Beer, Wine, and Liquor Tasting Permit.

SB1134  Sen McKay.  Allegany County - Allegany Regional Recreational Economic Development Authority - Established.

SB1135  Sen McCray.  Baltimore City - Traffic Control Signal and Speed Monitoring Systems - Impoundment.

SB1136  Sen Benson.  Public Health - Prohibited Ingredients in Food.

SB1137  Sen Benson.  Maryland Department of Health - List of Diet Pills (Weight Loss Supplement Identification).

SB1138  Sen Benson.  Public Works Contracts - Apprenticeship Requirements (Maryland Workforce Apprenticeship Utilization Act).

SB1139  Sen Hayes.  Alcoholic Beverages - Class A License - Food Retailers.

SB1140  Sen Mautz.  Natural Resources - Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Surveys.

SB1141  Sens Lewis Young and Rosapepe.  Community Colleges - Maryland Community College Promise Scholarship - Requirements.

SB1142  Sens Zucker and Guzzone.  Tax Clinics for Low-Income Marylanders - Funding.

SB1143  Sen Kagan.  Persons Providing Lobbyist Compensation - Statement of Political Contributions - Exemption for Nonprofits.

SB1144  Sens Guzzone and Elfreth.  Clean Water Commerce Account - Contracts for the Purchase of Environmental Outcomes.

SB1145  Sen Salling, et al.  Public and Nonpublic Schools - Child Sex Offenders - Prohibition on In-Person Attendance.

SB1146  Howard County Senators.  Columbia Association - Lease Requirements and Governing Documents Ho. Co. 4-24.

SB1147  Howard County Senators.  Howard County - Payment in Lieu of Taxes Agreements - Moderate Income Housing Ho. Co. 8-24.

SB1148  Sens Kramer and West.  Criminal Law - Cruelty to Law Enforcement Animals - Recklessness.

SB1149  Sen Mautz.  Environment - Storage of Dissolved Air Flotation By-Products - Local Authority.

SB1150  Sen Folden.  Crime of Violence - Educational Facilities, Medical Facilities, and Places of Worship - Penalty (Sacred Places Safety Act).

SB1151  Frederick County Senators.  Frederick County - Gaming - Acceptance of Credit as Payment.

SB1152  Frederick County Senators.  Frederick County - School Construction Master Plan Workgroup.

SB1153  Frederick County Senators.  Boundary of the Frederick Soil Conservation District - Alteration.

SB1154  Frederick County Senators.  City of Frederick - Assignment of Offenders to Road Work - Repeal (Frederick City Road Gang Injustice Repeal Act).

SB1155  Howard County Senators.  Workgroup to Study the Fiscal and Operational Viability of Public-Private Partnerships for Howard County Public Schools - Established Ho. Co. 14-24.

SB1156  Howard County Senators.  Howard County Board of Education - Liquidated Damages - Model Policy and Requirements Ho. Co. 3-24.

SB1157  Sen Carozza.  Cooperative Housing Corporations, Condominiums, and Homeowners Associations - Funding of Reserve Accounts.

SB1158  Sen Muse.  Crime of Violence - Educational Facilities, Medical Facilities, and Places of Worship - Penalty (Sacred Places Safety Act).

SB1159  Sen Muse.  Criminal Law - Unruly Social Events - Prohibition.

SB1160  Sen Carter (BCA).  Baltimore City Sheriff - Staffing.

SB1161  Sens Feldman and Hester.  Electricity - Offshore Wind Projects - Alterations.

SB1162  Sen Lam.  Social Media Platforms - Vloggers and Video Content Featuring Minors.

SB1163  Sen Smith.  Education - School Bus Stops - Prohibited Locations.

SB1164  Sen Jennings.  Baltimore County - Out-of-State Vehicles - Improper Registration.

SB1165  Sen Lewis Young.  Public Health - Prohibition on Transfer of Human Immunodeficiency Virus - Repeal.

SB1166  Sen Folden.  Frederick County - Scenic Byways - Signs.

SB1167  Sen Benson.  Real Property - Residential Leases - Fee in Lieu of a Security Deposit.

SB1168  Sen Hershey.  State Boat Act – Abandoned or Sunken Recreational Vessels – Identification and Removal.

SB1169  Sen Hershey.  Real Estate Brokers - Commercial Transactions - Buyer's Rights.

SB1170  Sen Hershey.  Local Government – Authorized Uses of Revenues From Development Impact Fees.

SB1171  Sen Hayes.  Alcoholic Beverages - Issuance of Class A Licenses.

SB1172  Sens Muse and Jackson.  Criminal Procedure - Domestic Violence Offender Registry.

SB1173  Sen Mautz.  Bay Restoration Fund - Use of Funds - Municipal Wastewater Facilities - Sunset Repeal.

SB1174  Sen McCray (BCA).  Baltimore Regional Water Authority Governance Workgroup - Established.

SB1175  Sen Lam.  Hospitals - Emergency Medical Conditions - Procedures (Maryland Lifesaving Treatment Access and Abortion Protection Act).

SB1176  Sen McKay.  Allegany County - Alcoholic Beverages - Underage Employees.

SB1177  Sen McCray (BCA).  Housing Authority of Baltimore City - Subsidiary Entities - Tax and Special Assessment Exemptions.

SB1178  Sen Bailey, et al.  Higher Education - Douglas J. J. Peters Veterans of the Afghanistan and Iraq Conflicts Scholarship - Repeal of Service Terminal Date.

SB1179  Sen Jackson.  Procurement - University System of Maryland, Morgan State University, and St. Mary's College of Maryland.

SB1180  Sen Simonaire.  Criminal Law - Threats Against Government Officials and Employees - Expansion.

SB1181  Sen Jennings.  Real Property - Recovery of Possession - Filing of Sworn Affidavit.

SB1182  Sen Jennings.  Labor and Employment - Noncompete and Conflict of Interest Clauses - Veterinary and Health Care Professionals.

SB1183  Sen Carter (BCA).  Natural Resources - Gwynns Falls State Park - Focus Group, Advisory Committee, and Report.

SB1184  Sen Rosapepe.  Prince George's County - Alcoholic Beverages - College Athletic Event Venue Concessionaire Beer, Wine, and Liquor License.

SB1185  Sen Rosapepe.  Apprenticeships in Licensed Occupations Act of 2024.

SB1186  Howard County Senators.  Howard County Task Force to Study Revenue Options for School Capital Needs Ho. Co. 18-24.

SB1187  Sens Simonaire and Salling.  State of Emergency – Restoration, Repair, or Replacement of Critical Infrastructure – Suspension of State or Local Law.

SB1188  Sens Ferguson and Salling.  Maryland Protecting Opportunities and Regional Trade (PORT) Act.




CH0001  Executive Order 01.01.2024.06  Governor Wes Moore.  Reorganization of State Government – Establishing the Governor’ Office for Children and Governor’s Office of Crime Prevention and Policy

CH0002  HB1526 (Amended)  Del Clippinger, et al.  Maryland Protecting Opportunities and Regional Trade (PORT) Act.

CH0003  SB1188 (Enrolled)  Sens Ferguson and Salling.  Maryland Protecting Opportunities and Regional Trade (PORT) Act.

CH0004  HB0375  Del Korman, et al.  Port of Baltimore - Renaming.

CH0005  SB0156 (Amended)  Sen Guzzone, et al.  Port of Baltimore - Renaming.

CH0006  SB0478 (Enrolled)  The Pres (Admin), et al.  Families Serve Act of 2024.

CH0007  HB0580  The Spkr (Admin), et al.  Time to Serve Act of 2024.

CH0008  SB0477  The Pres (Admin), et al.  Time to Serve Act of 2024.

CH0009  HB0055 (Amended)  Del Pruski, et al.  Maryland Commission on Veterans and Military Families.

CH0010  SB0088 (Amended)  Sen Gile, et al.  Maryland Commission on Veterans and Military Families.

CH0011  SB0411 (Amended)  Sen Gile, et al.  Department of Veterans Affairs - Renaming and Deputy Secretary of Military Family Policy and Programs.

CH0012  HB0431  Del Pruski, et al.  Department of Veterans Affairs - Renaming and Deputy Secretary of Military Family Policy and Programs.

CH0013  HB0584  The Spkr (Admin), et al.  Workers' Compensation - Occupational Disease Presumptions - First Responders (Caring for Public Employees in the Safety Professions - CAPES Act).

CH0014  SB0476 (Amended)  The Pres (Admin), et al.  Workers' Compensation - Occupational Disease Presumptions - First Responders (Caring for Public Employees in the Safety Professions - CAPES Act).

CH0015  HB0646  Del Simmons, et al.  Income Tax - Subtraction Modification - Police Auxiliary and Reserve Volunteers.

CH0016  SB0108 (Amended)  Sen Bailey, et al.  Income Tax - Subtraction Modification - Police Auxiliary and Reserve Volunteers.

CH0017  HB0513 (Enrolled)  The Spkr (Admin), et al.  Motor Vehicles - Work Zone Speed Control Systems - Revisions (Maryland Road Worker Protection Act of 2024).

CH0018  SB0628  Sen Gile, et al.  State Finance – Catastrophic Event Account and Federal Government Shutdown Employee Assistance Loan Fund – Noncivilian Federal Employees.

CH0019  HB0819  Del Rogers, et al.  State Finance – Catastrophic Event Account and Federal Government Shutdown Employee Assistance Loan Fund – Noncivilian Federal Employees.

CH0020  SB0480 (Enrolled)  The Pres (Admin), et al.  Protecting Election Officials Act of 2024.

CH0021  HB0585 (Enrolled)  The Spkr (Admin), et al.  Protecting Election Officials Act of 2024.

CH0022  HB0112  Chr W&M (Dept).  Persons Doing Public Business – Disclosure Requirements.

CH0023  SB0291  Chr Education, Energy, and the Environment.  Persons Doing Public Business - Disclosure Requirements.

CH0024  HB0231 (Amended)  Chr ENT (Dept), et al.  Vehicle Laws - Special Registration Plates - Gold Star and Next of Kin Families.

CH0025  SB0275 (Amended)  Chr JPR (Dept).  Vehicle Laws - Special Registration Plates - Gold Star and Next of Kin Families.

CH0026  SB0707 (Amended)  Sen Jackson, et al.  Armed Forces – Support of Military Families and Addition of Space Force.

CH0027  HB1026 (Amended)  Del Patterson, et al.  Armed Forces - Support of Military Families and Addition of Space Force.

CH0028  HB0418 (Amended)  Del Stein, et al.  Grant Applications and Reporting - Maryland Efficient Grant Application Council - Alterations.

CH0029  SB0459 (Amended)  Sen Kagan.  Grant Applications and Reporting - Maryland Efficient Grant Application Council - Alterations.

CH0030  SB0183 (Amended)  Sen Bailey.  State Procurement - Prompt Payment of Suppliers.

CH0031  HB0342 (Amended)  Del Bagnall, et al.  State Procurement - Prompt Payment of Suppliers.

CH0032  HB0146 (Amended)  Chr HGO (Dept).  Health Occupations Boards – Reciprocal Licensure and Certification.

CH0033  SB0221 (Amended)  Chr FIN (Dept).  Health Occupations Boards – Reciprocal Licensure and Certification.

CH0034  HB0215  Chr HGO (Dept).  Human Services - Attendant Care Program - Ongoing Additional Supports.

CH0035  SB0226  Chr FIN (Dept).  Human Services - Attendant Care Program - Ongoing Additional Supports.

CH0036  HB0060  Del Guyton.  Rehabilitation Services - Disability - Definition.

CH0037  HB0662  Del Guyton, et al.  Large Family Child Care Homes and Child Care Centers - Child Care Teachers - Minimum Age.

CH0038  HB0678 (Amended)  Dels Harris and Boafo.  Public Higher Education - Communities of Interest - Targeted Recruitment and Outreach Efforts.

CH0039  HB0760 (Amended)  Dels Palakovich Carr and Hornberger.  Office of Legislative Audits - Local School Systems - Report.

CH0040  SB1007 (Amended)  Sen Hayes.  State Government - Executive Appointments.

CH0041  HB1048 (Amended)  Chr HGO (Dept).  Behavioral Health Advisory Council and Commission on Behavioral Health Care Treatment and Access - Alterations.

CH0042  SB0212 (Enrolled)  Chr FIN (Dept).  Behavioral Health Advisory Council and Commission on Behavioral Health Care Treatment and Access - Alterations.

CH0043  HB0380  Del Solomon, et al.  State Emergency Medical Services Board - Licenses and Certificates - Application Requirements.

CH0044  SB0374  Sen Waldstreicher.  State Emergency Medical Services Board - Licenses and Certificates - Application Requirements.

CH0045  HB0628  Del S. Johnson.  Health Occupations - Clinical Marriage and Family Therapists - Reciprocal Licensure Requirements.

CH0046  SB0409  Sens Klausmeier and Gile.  Health Occupations - Clinical Marriage and Family Therapists - Reciprocal Licensure Requirements.

CH0047  HB1521  Chr HGO (Dept).  Maryland Children's Health Program - Eligibility and Administration.

CH0048  SB0219  Chr FIN (Dept).  Senior Prescription Drug Assistance Program – Sunset Extension.

CH0049  SB0222  Chr FIN (Dept).  State Board of Environmental Health Specialists – Quorum, Examination, and Apprenticeships.

CH0050  SB0243  Chr FIN (Dept).  State Board of Professional Counselors and Therapists - Behavior Analyst Advisory Committee - Sunset Extension.

CH0051  HB0144  Chr APP (Dept).  Public Employee Relations Act – Alterations.

CH0052  SB0232  Chr FIN (Dept).  Public Employee Relations Act - Alterations.

CH0053  HB0088  Chr APP (Dept).  State Retirement and Pension System - Immediate Vesting.

CH0054  SB0266  Chr B&T (Dept).  State Retirement and Pension System - Immediate Vesting.

CH0055  HB0825  Del Adams, et al.  Libraries - Regional Resource Centers - Governing Board Membership.

CH0056  SB0248  Chr Education, Energy, and the Environment.  Libraries - Regional Resource Centers - Governing Board Membership.

CH0057  SB0341 (Amended)  Sen McCray, et al.  Commission on African American History and Culture - Museum Name Change.

CH0058  HB0390 (Amended)  Del Henson, et al.  Commission on African American History and Culture - Museum Name Change .

CH0059  HB0284  Del Palakovich Carr.  Education - Provision of Maryland Youth Crisis Hotline Telephone Number - Alteration.

CH0060  SB0122  Sen Augustine.  Education - Provision of Maryland Youth Crisis Hotline Telephone Number - Alteration.

CH0061  HB0386  Del Feldmark.  Maryland Meals for Achievement In-Classroom Breakfast Program - Alterations (Maryland Meals for Achievement Flexibility Act of 2024).

CH0062  SB0425 (Amended)  Sen Hettleman, et al.  Maryland Meals for Achievement In-Classroom Breakfast Program - Alterations (Maryland Meals for Achievement Flexibility Act of 2024).

CH0063  HB0634  Del Smith.  Maryland Longitudinal Data System Center – Student Information – United States Census Bureau.

CH0064  SB0444  Sen Zucker.  Maryland Longitudinal Data System Center - Student Information - United States Census Bureau.

CH0065  SB0143 (Amended)  Sen Gallion.  Teachers' Retirement and Pension Systems - Reemployment.

CH0066  HB1211 (Amended)  Del Adams, et al.  Employees' and Teachers' Retirement and Pension Systems - Reemployment of Retirees.

CH0067  SB0366 (Amended)  Sens Mautz and Bailey.  Employees' and Teachers' Retirement and Pension Systems - Reemployment of Retirees.

CH0068  HB0026 (Amended)  Chr W&M (Dept).  Small, Minority, and Women-Owned Businesses Account - Alterations.

CH0069  SB0215 (Amended)  Chr FIN (Dept).  Small, Minority, and Women-Owned Businesses Account - Alterations.

CH0070  HB1487 (Amended)  Chr W&M (Dept).  Maryland Entertainment Council - Alterations.

CH0071  SB0209  Chr FIN (Dept).  Economic Development – Maryland Economic Development Commission – Alterations.

CH0072  SB0214  Chr FIN (Dept).  Maryland Military Installation Council - Membership.

CH0073  HB0229 (Amended)  Chr ECM (Dept).  Vehicle Laws - Motor Vehicle Insurance Companies - Requirements.

CH0074  SB0254 (Amended)  Chr JPR (Dept).  Vehicle Laws - Motor Vehicle Insurance Companies - Requirements.

CH0075  SB0210 (Amended)  Chr FIN (Dept).  Emergency Medical Services - Paramedics - Immunization Administration - Effective Date.

CH0076  SB0252  Chr Education, Energy, and the Environment.  Public Safety - 9-1-1 Trust Fund - Alterations.

CH0077  SB0255  Chr Education, Energy, and the Environment.  Public Safety - Volunteer Company Assistance Fund - Alterations.

CH0078  SB0216 (Amended)  Chr FIN (Dept).  Workers' Compensation - Failure to Insure - Penalties.

CH0079  SB0283  Chr B&T (Dept).  Homeowners' Property Tax Credit - Application - Attestation of Gross Income.

CH0080  SB0268  Chr Education, Energy, and the Environment.  Chesapeake and Atlantic Coastal Bays Critical Area Program - Enforcement.

CH0081  HB0045  Chr ENT (Dept).  Natural Resources - Sale, Barter, or Exchange of Mounted Specimens From Decedent's Estate.

CH0082  SB0284  Chr Education, Energy, and the Environment.  Natural Resources - Sale, Barter, or Exchange of Mounted Specimens From Decedent's Estate.

CH0083  HB0109  Chr ENT (Dept).  Natural Resources - Submerged Aquatic Vegetation - Alteration or Removal Requirements.

CH0084  SB0281  Chr Education, Energy, and the Environment.  Natural Resources - Submerged Aquatic Vegetation - Alteration or Removal Requirements.

CH0085  HB0117  Chr ENT (Dept).  Department of Natural Resources - Maryland Geological Survey Fund - Establishment.

CH0086  SB0305  Chr Education, Energy, and the Environment.  Department of Natural Resources - Maryland Geological Survey Fund - Establishment.

CH0087  HB0235  Chr HGO (Dept).  Department of Natural Resources - Pay-For-Success Contracts - Procurement Exemption.

CH0088  SB0253  Chr B&T (Dept).  Department of Natural Resources - Pay-For-Success Contracts - Procurement Exemption.

CH0089  SB0274  Chr Education, Energy, and the Environment.  Charter Counties - Comprehensive Plans - Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing.

CH0090  HB0017  Chr ENT (Dept).  Charter Counties - Comprehensive Plans - Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing.

CH0091  HB0225 (Amended)  Chr ENT (Dept), et al.  Sustainable Growth Subcabinet and Repeal of the Office of Smart Growth.

CH0092  SB0309  Chr Education, Energy, and the Environment.  Sustainable Growth Subcabinet and Repeal of the Office of Smart Growth.

CH0093  SB0295  Chr Education, Energy, and the Environment.  Department of Planning - Inventory Responsibilities.

CH0094  SB0310  Chr Education, Energy, and the Environment.  Department of Planning - State Repository and Clearinghouse for Federal and State Financial and Technical Assistance.

CH0095  SB0280  Chr JPR (Dept).  Notarial Acts - Protest Form Requirement - Repeal.

CH0096  SB0292  Chr Education, Energy, and the Environment.  State Government - Deputy Secretary of State - Title.

CH0097  HB0123  Chr JUD (Dept).  Division of Parole and Probation - Criteria for Earned Compliance Credit - Exception for Supervision Fees.

CH0098  SB0260  Chr JPR (Dept).  Division of Parole and Probation - Criteria for Earned Compliance Credit - Exception for Supervision Fees.

CH0099  HB0222  Chr JUD (Dept).  Correctional Services - Division of Pretrial Detention and Services - Facilities.

CH0100  SB0251  Chr JPR (Dept).  Correctional Services - Division of Pretrial Detention and Services - Facilities.

CH0101  SB0273 (Amended)  Chr JPR (Dept).  State and Local Correctional Facilities - Operation of Unmanned Aircraft - Image Recording and Delivery of Contraband.

CH0102  HB0197  Chr ECM (Dept).  Unemployment Insurance - Work Search Requirement - Exemption for Federal Civilian Employees During a Federal Government Shutdown.

CH0103  SB0234  Chr FIN (Dept).  Unemployment Insurance - Work Search Requirement - Exemption for Federal Civilian Employees During a Federal Government Shutdown.

CH0104  HB0244 (Amended)  Chr ECM (Dept).  Maryland Occupational Safety and Health Act - Civil Penalties - Alterations.

CH0105  HB0251  Chr ECM (Dept).  Unemployment Insurance - Covered Employment - Employees of Governmental Entities or Charitable, Educational, or Religious Organizations.

CH0106  SB0224  Chr FIN (Dept).  Cemeteries - Burial-Transit Permits - Required Information.

CH0107  SB0297 (Amended)  Chr EEE (Dept).  State Board for Professional Engineers - Engineer Members - Qualifications.

CH0108  SB0298 (Amended)  Chr EEE (Dept).  State Board of Electricians - Licensing - Penalties.

CH0109  HB0237  Chr ENT (Dept).  Commercial Northern Snakehead License – Gear.

CH0110  SB0302  Chr Education, Energy, and the Environment.  Commercial Northern Snakehead License - Gear.

CH0111  SB0299  Chr Education, Energy, and the Environment.  Coast Smart Council - Duties and Authority.

CH0112  SB0300 (Amended)  Chr EEE (Dept).  Natural Resources - Wildland Areas - Belt Woods Wildland.

CH0113  SB0301 (Amended)  Chr Education, Energy, and the Environment.  Aquaculture - Placement of Shellfish, Bags, Nets, and Structures on Submerged Aquatic Vegetation - Extension.

CH0114  SB0303 (Amended)  Chr Education, Energy, and the Environment.  Aquaculture - Definition of Shellfish - Alteration.

CH0115  HB0023  Chr HGO (Dept).  Maryland Health Benefit Exchange - Qualified Health Plans - Dental Coverage.

CH0116  SB0228  Chr FIN (Dept).  Maryland Health Benefit Exchange - Qualified Health Plans - Dental Coverage.

CH0117  HB0030 (Amended)  Chr HGO (Dept).  Health Insurance – Conformity With Federal Law.

CH0118  SB0217 (Amended)  Chr FIN (Dept).  Health Insurance - Conformity With Federal Law.

CH0119  HB0067  Chr ECM (Dept).  Insurance - Penalties - Unauthorized Insurers, Insurance Producers, and Public Adjusters.

CH0120  SB0229  Chr FIN (Dept).  Insurance - Penalties - Unauthorized Insurers, Insurance Producers, and Public Adjusters.

CH0121  HB0252 (Amended)  Chr ECM (Dept).  Insurance - Holding Companies - Group Capital Calculation and Liquidity Stress Test.





This is to certify that by an Order of this Court dated March 19, 2024, JEFFREY STEPHEN GOLDSTEIN (CPF# 8706010163), as of March 19, 2024, Jeffrey Stephen Goldstein has been disbarred, effective March 31, 2024 and his name has been stricken from the register of attorneys in this Court. Notice of this action is given in accordance with Maryland Rule 19-761(b).



Final Action on Regulations


Symbol Key

   Roman type indicates text already existing at the time of the proposed action.

   Italic type indicates new text added at the time of proposed action.

   Single underline, italic indicates new text added at the time of final action.

   Single underline, roman indicates existing text added at the time of final action.

   [[Double brackets]] indicate text deleted at the time of final action.








    The Notice of Final Action docketed as 23-193-F in 51:8 Md. R. 366 (April 19, 2024) was published with the incorrect effective date of April 29, 2024. The correct effective date is December 31, 2024.



Title 10


10.25.07 Certification of Electronic Health Networks and Medical Care Electronic Claims Clearinghouses

Authority: Health-General Article, §§4-302.1, 4-302.5, 19-103(c)(2), (9), and (10), 19-109(a)(1), 19-134, and 19-135(a) and (b), Annotated Code of Maryland

Notice of Final Action


On April 18, 2024, the Maryland Health Care Commission adopted amendments to Regulations .02, .04, .05, and .09 under COMAR 10.25.07 Certification of Electronic Health Networks and Medical Care Electronic Claims Clearinghouses. This action, which was proposed for adoption in 51:1 Md. R. 41—43 (January 12, 2024), has been adopted as proposed.

Effective Date: May 13, 2024.




10.25.18 Health Information Exchanges: Privacy and Security of Protected Health Information

Authority: Health-General Article, §§4-301, 4-302.2, 4-302.3, 4-302.5, 4-304, 19-101, and 19-143, Annotated Code of Maryland

Notice of Final Action


On April 18, 2024, the Maryland Health Care Commission adopted amendments to Regulations .01—.04, .06, .07, and .09—.11 under COMAR 10.25.18 Health Information Exchanges: Privacy and Security of Protected Health Information. This action, which was proposed for adoption in 51:1 Md. R. 43—50 (January 12, 2024), has been adopted as proposed.

Effective Date: May 13, 2024.



Title 14


Notice of Final Action


On April 10, 2024, the Public Employee Relations Board adopted the repeal of the following existing regulations under the existing subtitle, Subtitle 30 State Higher Education Labor Relations Board:

(1) Regulation .01 under COMAR 14.30.01 Definitions;

(2) Regulations .01—.05 under COMAR 14.30.02 General;

(3) Regulation .01 under COMAR 14.30.03 Executive Director;

(4) Regulations .01—.12 under COMAR 14.30.04 Petitions;

(5) Regulations .01—.17 under COMAR 14.30.05 Elections;

(6) Regulation .01 under COMAR 14.30.06 Denial or Revocation of Certification;

(7) Regulations .01—.04 under COMAR 14.30.07 Unfair Labor Practices;

(8) Regulations .01—.03 under COMAR 14.30.08 Permissible Labor-Related Activities;

(9) Regulations .01—.03 under COMAR 14.30.09 Collective Bargaining;

(10) Regulations .01—.04 under COMAR 14.30.10 Impasse Procedures;

(11) Regulations .01—.27 under COMAR 14.30.11 Hearings; and

(12) Regulation .01 under COMAR 14.30.12 Procedures Governing Employee Information.

At the same time, the Public Employee Relations Board adopted the following new regulations under a new subtitle, Subtitle 30 Public Employee Relations Board:

(1) New Regulation .01 under a new chapter, COMAR 14.30.01 Definitions;

(2) New Regulation .01 under a new chapter, COMAR 14.30.02 Board Policy;

(3) New Regulations .01 and .02 under a new chapter, COMAR 14.30.03 General Course and Method of Operation;

(4) New Regulations .01 and .02 under a new chapter, COMAR 14.30.04 Filing;

(5) New Regulations .01—.04 under a new chapter, COMAR 14.30.05 Computation of Time Periods;

(6) New Regulations .01 and .02 under a new chapter, COMAR 14.30.06 Requests for and Inspection of Board Documents;

(7) New Regulation .01 under a new chapter, COMAR 14.30.07 Petition for Adoption of Regulation;

(8) New Regulations .01—.26 under a new chapter, COMAR 14.30.08 Procedures Applicable to All Proceedings;

(9) New Regulations .01 and .02 under a new chapter, COMAR 14.30.09 Unfair Labor Practice Proceedings;

(10) New Regulations .01—.24 under a new chapter, COMAR 14.30.10 Representation Elections;

(11) New Regulations .01—.05 under a new chapter, COMAR 14.30.11 Decertification Elections;

(12) New Regulations .01—.05 under a new chapter, COMAR 14.30.12 Petitions for Unit Clarification;

(13) New Regulation .01 under a new chapter, COMAR 14.30.13 Collective Bargaining;

(14) New Regulations .01—.05 under a new chapter, COMAR 14.30.14 Impasse Procedures for Collective Bargaining; and

(15) New Regulations .01 and .02 under a new chapter, COMAR 14.30.15 Negotiability Disputes.

This action, which was proposed for adoption in 51:2 Md. R. 97—109 (January 26, 2024), has been adopted with the nonsubstantive changes shown below.

Effective Date: May 13, 2024.

Attorney General’s Certification

In accordance with State Government Article, §10-113, Annotated Code of Maryland, the Attorney General certifies that the following changes do not differ substantively from the proposed text. The nature of the changes and the basis for this conclusion are as follows:

COMAR Language was changed from “certain employees” to “certain employees or job classifications”. This is not a substantive change as it is a clarification and does not change the meaning or requirements stated in the remaining part of the regulation.

COMAR The words “if available” were added to the end of this sentence. This is not a substantive change as it is only a clarification and does not add any additional requirements to or change the meaning of the remainder of the regulation.


14.30.12 Petitions for Unit Clarification

Authority: State Government Article, §22-306(e), Annotated Code of Maryland

.01 Petition.

A. A unit clarification petition alleges that an employee organization is currently recognized by the public employer as the representative of employees in the unit, but the petitioner seeks clarification of the placement of certain employees or job classifications in that unit.

B. (proposed text unchanged)

C. Content.

(1)—(2) (proposed text unchanged)

(3) A certified employee organization shall also submit a copy of the certification for the unit if available.

(4) (proposed text unchanged)

D. (proposed text unchanged)

Executive Director


Withdrawal of Regulations

Title 14


14.26.03 Maryland Energy Efficiency Standards

Authority: State Government Article, §9-2006, Annotated Code of Maryland

Notice of Withdrawal


The Maryland Energy Administration withdraws the proposal to amend Regulations .01—.13 under COMAR 14.26.03 Maryland Efficiency Standards, as published in 50:26 Md. R. 1142—1147 (December 29, 2023).




Proposed Action on Regulations



Title 08


08.02.21 Yellow Perch

Authority: Natural Resources Article, §§4-215 and 4-215.2, Annotated Code of Maryland

Notice of Proposed Action


The Secretary of Natural Resources proposes to amend Regulation .03 under COMAR 08.02.21 Yellow Perch.

Statement of Purpose

The purpose of this action is to modify the commercial yellow perch season to start a month earlier than the current regulation establishes.

The fishery has been opened December 1 by public notice for several years to allow for fish potters, and others, to harvest yellow perch against the commercial quota. This has been beneficial to commercial yellow perch permit holders, but has not created any overages in the yellow perch quota.

Estimate of Economic Impact

I. Summary of Economic Impact. The proposed action may have a minor indeterminable positive economic impact on commercial harvesters by allowing them to harvest yellow perch when the fish are present and the harvesters have a market.

II. Types of Economic Impact.

Impacted Entity

Revenue (R+/R-)

Expenditure (E+/E-)


A. On issuing agency:



B. On other State agencies:



C. On local governments:







Benefit (+)

Cost (-)


D. On regulated industries or trade groups:



Commercial harvesters



E. On other industries or trade groups:



F. Direct and indirect effects on public:



III. Assumptions. (Identified by Impact Letter and Number from Section II.)

D. The Department has opened the yellow perch fishery on December 1 for the last three seasons to allow commercial harvesters additional harvest opportunities when fish are present and harvesters have a market for the fish. Moving the opening of the season to December 1 in regulation will allow harvesters to better plan their fishing activities by having the certainty of the start date. How much this will economically benefit harvesters is indeterminable.

Economic Impact on Small Businesses

The proposed action has a meaningful economic impact on small businesses. An analysis of this economic impact follows:

This action may have a positive economic impact for commercial harvesters by providing certainty that the season will start on December 1. The actual impact is indeterminable because it is not known how much harvest will occur in December that would otherwise have occurred in January—March, or how the market in December compares to the market in January—March. The intention is to allow small businesses additional flexibilities in when they will harvest the fish, ideally when markets are best. This will lead to some indeterminable positive benefit.

Impact on Individuals with Disabilities

The proposed action has no impact on individuals with disabilities.

Opportunity for Public Comment

Comments may be sent to Yellow Perch—Commercial Season, Regulatory Staff, Maryland Department of Natural Resources, 580 Taylor Avenue, E-4, Annapolis, MD 21401, or call 410-260-8300, or email to Comments will be accepted through June 3, 2024. A public hearing has not been scheduled.

.03 Commercial.

A. Season.

(1) The commercial season for harvesting yellow perch is [January] December 1 through March 31, inclusive.

(2) (text unchanged)

B.—J. (text unchanged)

Secretary of Natural Resources


Title 09


09.09.02 Continuing Education 

Authority: Business Occupations and Professions Article, §§6-205,
6-310(c)(3) and (4), and 6-311(b)(3), Annotated Code of Maryland

Notice of Proposed Action


The Maryland Board of Electricians proposes to amend Regulation .01 under COMAR 09.09.02 Continuing Education. This action was considered at a public meeting of the Maryland Board of Electricians held on January 23, 2024, notice of which was provided by posting on the Board of Electricians’ website, pursuant to General Provisions Article, §3-302(c)(3)(ii), Annotated Code of Maryland.

Statement of Purpose

The purpose of this action is to clarify the distinction between an uninsured electrician authorized to work and not authorized to work based on compliance with continuing education requirements.

Estimate of Economic Impact

The proposed action has no economic impact.

Economic Impact on Small Businesses

The proposed action has minimal or no economic impact on small businesses.

Impact on Individuals with Disabilities

The proposed action has no impact on individuals with disabilities.

Opportunity for Public Comment

Comments may be sent to John Bull, Executive Director, Maryland Department of Labor, 1100 North Eutaw Street, Fifth Floor, Baltimore, MD 21201, or call 410-230-6160, or email to Comments will be accepted through June 3, 2024. A public hearing has not been scheduled.

Open Meeting

Final action on the proposal will be considered by Maryland Board of Electricians during a public meeting to be held on June 25, 2024, at 10 a.m., at Maryland Department of Labor, 1100 North Eutaw Street, Fifth Floor Conference Room, Baltimore, MD 21201 or using video conferencing go to and telephone by dialing (‪US)‪+1 321-465-5183, PIN: ‪457 489 090#.

.01 Required Hours of Continuing Education.

A. (text unchanged)

B. A State licensed electrician on uninsured status who:

(1) Has completed the continuing education required by §A of this regulation will be issued a license with the designation “[insured] authorized to work” in accordance with Business Occupations and Professions Article, §§6-311(d)(3)(iv) and 6-604(i), Annotated Code of Maryland; or

(2) Has not completed the continuing education required by §A of this regulation will be issued a license with the designation “not [insured] authorized to work” in accordance with Business Occupations and Professions Article, §§6-311(d)(3)(iv) and 6-604(i), Annotated Code of Maryland.

C.—D. (text unchanged)

Maryland Board of Electricians


Title 14


Notice of Proposed Action


The Maryland Cannabis Administration proposes to repeal the following existing regulations under COMAR 10.62 Natalie M. LaPrade Medical Cannabis Commission:

(1) Regulation .01 under COMAR 10.62.01 Definitions;

(2) Regulations .01—.05 under COMAR 10.62.02 General Regulations;

(3) Regulations .01—.03 under COMAR 10.62.03 Certifying Providers;

(4) Regulations .01—.06 under COMAR 10.62.04 Patient and Caregiver Registry;

(5) Regulations .01 and .02 under COMAR 10.62.05 Written Certifications;

(6) Regulations .01—.07 under COMAR 10.62.06 Patient and Caregiver Identification Cards;

(7) Regulations .01—.06 under COMAR 10.62.07 New Condition Approval Process;

(8) Regulations .01—.14 under COMAR 10.62.08 Medical Cannabis Grower;

(9) Regulations .01—.09 under COMAR 10.62.09 Medical Cannabis Grower Agent;

(10) Regulations .01—.08 under COMAR 10.62.10 Medical Cannabis Grower Premises;

(11) Regulations .01—.04 under COMAR 10.62.11 Medical Cannabis Growing Controls;

(12) Regulations .01—.09 under COMAR 10.62.12 Inventory Control by Grower;

(13) Regulations .01 and .02 under COMAR 10.62.13 Medical Cannabis Shipment Packaging;

(14) Regulations .01 and .02 under COMAR 10.62.14 Licensed Grower Dispensary Facility;

(15) Regulations .01—.07 under COMAR 10.62.15 Medical Cannabis Grower Quality Control;

(16) Regulations .01—.06 under COMAR 10.62.16 Independent Testing Laboratory Registration;

(17) Regulations .01—.04 under COMAR 10.62.17 Complaints, Adverse Events, and Recall;

(18) Regulations .01—.10 under COMAR 10.62.18 Registration of Ancillary Businesses and Security Guard Agencies;

(19) Regulations .01—.12 under COMAR 10.62.19 Medical Cannabis Processor License;

(20) Regulations .01—.09 under COMAR 10.62.20 Medical Cannabis Processor Agent;

(21) Regulations .01—.07 under COMAR 10.62.21 Medical Cannabis Processor Premises;

(22) Regulations .01—.06 under COMAR 10.62.22 Medical Cannabis Processor Operations;

(23) Regulations .01—.06 under COMAR 10.62.23 Medical Cannabis Concentrates and Medical Cannabis-Infused Products;

(24) Regulation .01 under COMAR 10.62.24 Medical Cannabis Finished Products Packaging;

(25) Regulations .01—.13 under COMAR 10.62.25 Medical Cannabis Dispensary License;

(26) Regulations .01—.09 under COMAR 10.62.26 Registered Dispensary Agent;

(27) Regulations .01—.10 under COMAR 10.62.27 Licensed Dispensary Premises;

(28) Regulations .01—.06 under COMAR 10.62.28 Licensed Dispensary Operations;

(29) Regulations .01 and .02 under COMAR 10.62.29 Licensed Dispensary Packaging and Labeling for Distribution;

(30) Regulations .01—.10 under COMAR 10.62.30 Dispensing Medical Cannabis;

(31) Regulation .01 under COMAR 10.62.31 Licensed Dispensary Clinical Director;

(32) Regulations .01—.03 under COMAR 10.62.32 Records;

(33) Regulations .01—.08 under COMAR 10.62.33 Inspection;

(34) Regulations .01—.09 under COMAR 10.62.34 Discipline and Enforcement;

(35) Regulation .01 under COMAR 10.62.35 Fee Schedule;

(36) Regulations .01—.06 under COMAR 10.62.36 Academic Research; and

(37) Regulations .01—.21 under COMAR 10.62.37 Edible Cannabis Products.

Also at this time, the Maryland Cannabis Administration proposes to adopt the following new regulations under a new subtitle, COMAR 14.17 Maryland Cannabis Administration:

(1) New Regulation .01 under a new chapter, COMAR 14.17.01 Definitions;

(2) New Regulations .01—.04 under a new chapter, COMAR 14.17.02 General Regulations;

(3) New Regulations .01—.04 under a new chapter, COMAR 14.17.03 Social Equity;

(4) New Regulations .01—.09 under a new chapter, COMAR 14.17.04 Medical Cannabis Program;

(5) New Regulations .01—.08 under a new chapter, COMAR 14.17.05 Application Process and Issuance of Licenses;

(6) New Regulations .01—.10 under a new chapter, COMAR 14.17.06 Standard Cannabis Licenses;

(7) New Regulations .01—.08 under a new chapter, COMAR 14.17.07 Micro Cannabis Licenses;

(8) New Regulations .01—.07 under a new chapter, COMAR 14.17.08 Laboratory Registration and Operations;

(9) New Regulations .01—.04 under a new chapter, COMAR 14.17.09 Other Cannabis Businesses;

(10) New Regulations .01—.09 under a new chapter, COMAR 14.17.10 Cannabis Grower Operations;

(11) New Regulations .01—.19 under a new chapter, COMAR 14.17.11 Cannabis Processor Operations;

(12) New Regulations .01—.11 under a new chapter, COMAR 14.17.12 Cannabis Dispensary Operations;

(13) New Regulations .01—.11 under a new chapter, COMAR 14.17.13 Cannabis Products;

(14) New Regulations .01—.06 under a new chapter, COMAR 14.17.14 Complaints, Enforcement, Record Keeping, and Inspections of Cannabis Businesses;

(15) New Regulations .01—.05 under a new chapter, COMAR 14.17.15 Cannabis Business Agents;

(16) New Regulations .01—.05 under a new chapter, COMAR 14.17.16 Cannabis Business Owners;

(17) New Regulations .01—.07 under a new chapter, COMAR 14.17.17 Receivership;

(18) New Regulations .01—.07 under a new chapter, COMAR 14.17.18 Finished Product Packaging;

(19) New Regulations .01—.05 under a new chapter, COMAR 14.17.19 Cannabis Research;

(20) New Regulations .01 and .02 under a new chapter, COMAR 14.17.20 Prohibited Acts;

(21) New Regulations .01 and .02 under a new chapter, COMAR 14.17.21 Fees; and

(22) New Regulations .01—.12 under a new chapter, COMAR 14.17.22 Hearing Procedures.

Statement of Purpose

The purpose of this action is to replace the Maryland Cannabis Administration’s (the Administration) emergency regulations effective July 1, 2024. Specifically, the action repeals existing provisions under the Maryland Department of Health title (COMAR Title 10) and replaces them, largely intact, under the Maryland Cannabis Administration subtitle (COMAR 14.17). It clarifies and updates existing requirements and processes for certifying providers, licensees, and registrants to enhance compliance with State law or reduce administrative burdens. In some cases, this action establishes new provisions that were not included in the emergency action published in 50:14 Md. R. 559—591(July 14, 2023), such as for micro dispensaries and the compassionate use fund.

Estimate of Economic Impact

The proposed action has no economic impact.

Economic Impact on Small Businesses

The proposed action has minimal or no economic impact on small businesses.

Impact on Individuals with Disabilities

The proposed action has no impact on individuals with disabilities.

Opportunity for Public Comment

Comments may be sent to Policy & Government Affairs, Maryland Cannabis Administration, 849 International Drive, Linthicum, MD 21090, or call 443-462-6225, or email to Comments will be accepted through June 3, 2024. A public hearing has not been scheduled.


Editor’s Note on Incorporation by Reference

     Pursuant to State Government Article, §7-207, Annotated Code of Maryland, the Maryland Cannabis Administration’s Technical Authority for Cannabis Testing (Effective January 2024) has been declared a document generally available to the public and appropriate for incorporation by reference. For this reason, it will not be printed in the Maryland Register or the Code of Maryland Regulations (COMAR). Copies of this document are filed in special public depositories located throughout the State. A list of these depositories was published in 51:1 Md. R. 8 (January 12, 2024), and is available online at The document may also be inspected at the office of the Division of State Documents, 16 Francis Street, Annapolis, Maryland 21401.


14.17.01 Definitions

Authority: Alcoholic Beverages and Cannabis Article, §36-101, Annotated Code of Maryland

.01 Definitions.

A. In this subtitle, the following terms have the meanings indicated.

B. Terms Defined

(1) “Administration” means the Maryland Cannabis Administration established under Alcoholic Beverages and Cannabis Article, §36-201, Annotated Code of Maryland.

(2) “Advisory Council” means the Cannabis Public Health Advisory Council established under Health-General Article, §13–4502, Annotated Code of Maryland.

(3) Agent.

(a) “Agent” means an employee, a volunteer, or any other authorized person who acts for or at the direction of a cannabis licensee or cannabis registrant.

(b) “Agent” includes:

(i) Cannabis licensee agent;

(ii) Cannabis registrant agent;

(iii) Owners; and

(iv) Management companies or individuals who are employees, volunteers, or otherwise authorized by a management company.

(4) Cannabis.

(a) “Cannabis” means the plant cannabis sativa l. and any part of the plant, including all non-synthetically derived, extracts, cannabinoids, isomers, acids, salts, and salts of isomers, whether growing or not, with a delta–9–tetrahydrocannabinol concentration greater than 0.3 percent on a dry weight basis.

(b) “Cannabis” includes cannabis products, seeds, seedlings, immature plants, and clones.

(c) “Cannabis” does not include hemp or hemp products, as defined in Agriculture Article, §14–101, Annotated Code of Maryland.

(5) Cannabis Product.

(a) “Cannabis product” means a product that is composed of cannabis, cannabis concentrate, cannabis extract, or any other ingredient and is intended for use or consumption.

(b) “Cannabis product” includes any product produced and regulated under this subtitle, including:

(i) Cannabis vaporizing devices;

(ii) Concentrated cannabis products;

(iii) Edible cannabis products; and

(iv) Usable cannabis products.

(6) Cannabis Vaporizing Device.

(a) “Cannabis vaporizing device” means a device that can be used to deliver aerosolized or vaporized cannabis or cannabis products to an individual inhaling from the device.

(b) “Cannabis vaporizing device” includes:

(i) A vape pen;

(ii) Vaping liquid; and

(iii) Any component, part, or accessory of such a device regardless of whether it is sold separately, including a concentrated or infused cannabis liquid, for the purposes of heating and producing a vapor.

(7) Canopy.

(a) “Canopy” means the total square footage of space used by a licensee to produce flowering cannabis plants.

(b) “Canopy” includes each layer of flowering cannabis plants grown on any rack or shelving.

(c) “Canopy” does not include square footage used for:

(i) Mother stock;

(ii) Propagation;

(iii) Immature or nonflowering plants;

(iv) Processing;

(v) Drying;

(vi) Curing;

(vii) Trimming;

(viii) Storage;

(ix) Offices;

(x) Hallways;

(xi) Pathways;

(xii) Work areas; or

(xiii) Other administrative and nonproduction uses.

(8) “Capsules” means a solid preparation containing a single serving of tetrahydrocannabinol or other cannabinoid that:

(a) Is intended to be swallowed whole;

(b) Not formulated to be chewable, dispersible, effervescent, orally disintegrating, used as a suspension, or consumed in a manner other than swallowed whole; and

(c) Does not contain any added natural or artificial flavor or sweetener.

(9) Caregiver.

(a) “Caregiver” means an individual who has agreed to assist with a qualifying patient’s medical use of cannabis.

(b) “Caregiver” means, for a qualifying patient younger than 18 years old:

(i) A parent or legal guardian; and

(ii) Not more than two additional adults designated by the parent or legal guardian.

(c) “Caregiver” does not include any designated school personnel authorized to administer medical cannabis to a student in accordance with the guidelines established under Education Article, §7-446, Annotated Code of Maryland.

(10) “Certifying provider” has the meaning stated in Alcoholic Beverages and Cannabis Article, §36-101, Annotated Code of Maryland.

(11) “Clinical director” means an individual who:

(a) Is appointed by a licensed dispensary to provide information on medical cannabis to qualifying patients, registered caregivers, and dispensary agents;

(b) Meets the requirements of COMAR; and

(c) Is registered with the Administration.

(12) Concentrated Cannabis Product.

(a) “Concentrated cannabis product” means a product derived from cannabis that has undergone a process to concentrate one or more active cannabinoids.

(b) “Concentrated cannabis product” includes:

(i) Kief;

(ii) Hashish;

(iii) Bubble hash;

(iv) Oil;

(v) Wax;

(vi) Shatter;

(vii) Resin; or

(viii) Any other product produced by extracting cannabinoids from the plant using solvents, carbon dioxide, heat, screens, presses or steam distillation.

(c) “Concentrated cannabis product” does not include any cannabis vaporizing device as defined in this regulation.

(13) “Conditional license” means a temporary preapproval for a cannabis license issued pending satisfactory completion of the requirements for licensing under COMAR 14.17.05.

(14) “Consumer” means an individual 21 years old or older who purchases cannabis or a cannabis product from a licensed dispensary or on-site consumption establishment.

(15) Control.

(a) “Control” means:

(i) The decision–making authority over the management, operations, or policies that either guide a business or guide authority over the operation of the technical aspects of a business; or

(ii) Authority over the operation of the technical aspects of the business.

(b) “Control” includes:

(i) Holding a right to veto significant events;

(ii) The right or authority to make or veto decisions regarding operations and strategic planning, capital allocations, acquisitions, and divestments;

(iii) The right or authority to appoint or remove directors, corporate-level officers, or their equivalent;

(iv) The right or authority to make major marketing, production, and financial decisions; and

(v) The right or authority to execute exclusive contracts or significant contracts in the aggregate of $10,000 or greater on behalf of the licensee.

(16) “Criminal history record check” means a State and national criminal history records check in accordance with Alcoholic Beverages and Cannabis Article, §36-505, Annotated Code of Maryland.

(17) “Data network” means the interface with the seed-to-sale tracking system that enables licensees to identify qualifying patients and registered caregivers and monitor patient allotments.

(18) “Delivery service” means a licensee authorized to deliver cannabis in accordance with a micro license to operate a dispensary.

(19) Dispensary.

(a) “Dispensary” means an entity licensed under Alcoholic Beverages and Cannabis Article, §36-401, Annotated Code of Maryland, that acquires, possesses, repackages, transports, sells, distributes, or dispenses cannabis or cannabis products, including tinctures, aerosols, oils, and ointments, related supplies, and educational materials for use by qualifying patients, caregivers, or consumers through a storefront or through a delivery service, based on license type.

(b) “Dispensary” includes standard and micro license types.

(20) “Disproportionately impacted area” means a geographic area identified by the Office of Social Equity that has had above 150 percent of the State’s 10-year average for cannabis possession charges.

(21) Edible Cannabis Product.

(a) “Edible cannabis product” means a cannabis product intended for human consumption by oral ingestion, in whole or in part.

(b) “Edible cannabis product” includes a cannabis product that dissolves or disintegrates in the mouth.

(c) “Edible cannabis product” does not include any concentrated cannabis products, infused non-edible cannabis products, or capsules or tinctures that do not contain any food or food ingredients.

(22) “Electronic manifest” means the comprehensive report created by a licensee within the Administration’s designated seed-to-sale tracking system to record the chain of custody of a cannabis transfer or delivery.

(23) “Green waste” means unauthorized, misbranded, contaminated, unused, surplus, returned, or out-of-date cannabis or product containing cannabis.

(24) Grower.

(a) “Grower” means an entity licensed under Alcoholic Beverages and Cannabis Article, §36-401, Annotated Code of Maryland, that cultivates or packages cannabis and is authorized by the Administration to provide cannabis to other licensees and registered independent testing laboratories.

(b) “Grower” includes standard and micro license types.

(25) High Potency Product.

(a) “High potency product” means a product that exceeds the maximum potency for consumers, as established by the Administration, and may only be sold or distributed to a qualifying patient or registered caregiver.

(b) “High potency product” includes:

(i) A concentrated cannabis product that exceeds 1 gram in total weight; and

(ii) An edible cannabis product, capsule, tincture, or infused non-edible product that exceeds 10 milligrams THC per serving and 100 milligrams THC per package.

(26) Home Cultivation Product.

(a) “Home cultivation product” means the clones, seeds, seedlings, stalks, roots, and stems of the cannabis plant for home cultivation.

(b) “Home cultivation product” does not include any plant that is:

(i) Wider than 8 inches;

(ii) Taller than 8 inches; or

(iii) Otherwise in a vegetative or flowering state.

(27) “Incubator space” means a facility where a micro licensee may operate in accordance with Alcoholic Beverages and Cannabis Article, §36-406, Annotated Code of Maryland.

(28) “Independent testing laboratory” means a facility, entity, or site that is:

(a) Registered with the Administration to perform tests on cannabis or cannabis products;

(b) Independent of any entity licensed under Alcoholic Beverages and Cannabis Article, §36-401, Annotated Code of Maryland, to grow, process or dispense cannabis; and

(c) Accredited as operating to International Organization for Standardization (ISO) standard 17025 by an accreditation body:

(i) Operating in accordance with ISO standard ISO/IEC 17011; and

(ii) That is a signatory to the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC) Mutual Recognition Arrangement (MRA).

(29) “Infused non-edible cannabis product” means ointment, salve, suppository, dermal patch, cartridge, or any other product containing cannabis that has been processed so that the dried leaves and flowers are integrated into other material that is not intended for human consumption by oral ingestion.

(30) “Law enforcement agency” means a governmental police force, sheriff’s office, security force, or law enforcement organization of the State, a county, or a municipal corporation that by statute, ordinance, or common law is authorized to enforce the general criminal laws of the State.

(31) Licensee.

(a) “Licensee” means a business licensed by the Administration in accordance with Alcoholic Beverages and Cannabis Article, §36-401, Annotated Code of Maryland.

(b) “Licensee” includes any:

(i) Micro grower;

(ii) Micro processor;

(iii) Micro dispensary;

(iv) Standard grower;

(v) Standard processor;

(vi) Standard dispensary;

(vii) Incubator space; and

(viii) On-site consumption establishment.

(32) Liquid Edible Product.

(a) “Liquid edible product” means an edible cannabis product that is a liquid beverage or liquid food-based product for which the intended use is oral consumption.

(b) “Liquid edible product” excludes a tincture as defined in this section.

(33) “Micro license” means a license to operate a cannabis business that does not exceed the limits established in Alcoholic Beverages and Cannabis Article, §36-401(c)(2), Annotated Code of Maryland.

(34) “Neutral age screen” means a mechanism to verify a user's age by requiring them to enter their date of birth to gain access to areas of a website that are not designed for children.

(35) “On-site consumption establishment” means an entity licensed by the Administration to distribute cannabis or cannabis products for on-site consumption other than by smoking indoors.

(36) “Owner” means a person with an ownership interest in a cannabis license.

(37) “Ownership interest” means a direct or indirect equity interest in a cannabis license, including in its shares or stock.

(38) “Passive investor” means an individual or an entity that:

(a) Holds an aggregate ownership interest of less than 5 percent in a cannabis licensee; and

(b) Does not have control of the cannabis licensee.

(39) “Personal use amount” means an amount of:

(a) Cannabis that does not exceed 1.5 ounces;

(b) Concentrated cannabis that does not exceed 12 grams; or

(c) Cannabis products containing no more than 750 milligrams of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol.

(40) “Principal officer” means a board member, a president, a vice president, a secretary, a treasurer, a partner, an officer, a managing member, or any other individual with a profit sharing, financial interest, or revenue sharing arrangement, including an individual with the authority to control a cannabis license.

(41) “Processing” means the manufacture of usable cannabis into a cannabis concentrate or manufacture of a cannabis-infused product.

(42) Processor.

(a) “Processor” means an entity licensed by the Administration in accordance with Alcoholic Beverages and Cannabis Article, §36-401, Annotated Code of Maryland, that:

(i) Transforms cannabis into another product, or an extract, and packages and labels the cannabis product; and

(ii) Is authorized by the Administration to provide cannabis to licensed dispensaries and registered independent testing laboratories.

(b) “Processor” includes standard and micro license types.

(43) “Qualifying patient” means an individual who:

(a) Has been provided with a valid written certification by an Administration-registered certifying provider in accordance with a bona fide provider–patient relationship; and

(b) If younger than 18 years old, has a caregiver.

(44) Registrant.

(a) “Registrant” means a business registered by the Administration to operate in the cannabis industry.

(b) “Registrant” includes:

(i) Independent testing laboratory;

(ii) Transporter business;

(iii) Security guard company; and

(iv) Waste disposal company.

(45) Residence.

(a) “Residence” means a house, condominium, apartment, or any other dwelling unit under legal control of an individual.

(b) “Residence” does not mean a dormitory or other on-campus college or university housing.

(c) “Residence” does not mean a short-term rental, hotel, hostel, or other property being occupied for a period of less than 90 days.

(46) “Seed-to-sale tracking system” means a software system procured by the Administration that tracks cannabis from either the seed or immature plant stage, until the cannabis is sold to a patient, caregiver, or consumer.

(47) “Serious adverse event” means an undesirable experience associated with the use of cannabis where the outcome was death, life-threatening, hospitalization, disability or permanent damage, congenital anomaly or birth defect or any other important medical event.

(48) “Social equity applicant” means an applicant for a cannabis license or cannabis registration that:

(a) Has at least 65 percent ownership and control held by one or more individuals who:

(i) Have lived in a disproportionately impacted area for at least 5 of the 10 years immediately preceding the submission of the application;

(ii) Attended a public school in a disproportionately impacted area for at least 5 years; or

(iii) For at least 2 years, attended a 4-year institution of higher education in the State where at least 40 percent of the individuals who attend the institution of higher education are eligible for a Pell Grant; or

(b) Meets any other criteria established by the Administration.

(49) Social Equity Licensee.

(a) “Social equity licensee” means a social equity applicant who has been awarded a cannabis license.

(b) “Social equity licensee” includes a grower, processor, or dispensary that:

(i) Held a Stage One Preapproval for a license before October 1, 2022; and

(ii) Was not operational before October 1, 2022.

(50) “Social Equity Partnership Grant” means a program within the Office of Social Equity that awards grants to promote qualifying partnerships between operational licensees and social equity licensees.

(51) “Standard license” means a license to operate a cannabis business that complies with the limits established in Alcoholic Beverages and Cannabis Article, §36-401(c)(1), Annotated Code of Maryland.

(52) “State Cannabis Testing Laboratory” means the laboratory operated by the Administration in accordance with Alcoholic Beverages and Cannabis Article, §36-204, Annotated Code of Maryland.

(53) “Tetrahydrocannabinol” or “THC”, unless otherwise specified, means any:

(a) Tetrahydrocannabinol, including delta-8-tetrahydrocannabinol, delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol, and delta-10-tetrahydrocannabinol, regardless of how derived;

(b) Other cannabinoid, other than cannabidiol that the Administration determines to cause intoxication; and

(c) Other chemically similar compound, substance, derivative, or isomer of tetrahydrocannabinol, as identified by the Administration.

(54) “Tincture” means a solution that is:

(a) Dissolved in alcohol, glycerin, or vegetable oil; and

(b) Distributed in a dropper bottle of 4 ounces or less.

(55) Usable Cannabis.

(a) “Usable cannabis” means the dried leaves and flowers of the cannabis plant.

(b) “Usable cannabis” does not include seedlings, seeds, stems, stalks, or roots of the plant or the weight of any noncannabis ingredients combined with cannabis, such as ingredients added to prepare a topical administration.

(56) Usable Cannabis Product.

(a) “Usable cannabis product” means a prepackaged product containing usable cannabis.

(b) “Usable cannabis product” includes:

(i) A pre-rolled amount of usable cannabis;

(ii) Securely stored, sealed, and labeled amount of usable cannabis; and

(iii) Any other type or amount of usable cannabis that has been wrapped, rolled, or otherwise encased for the purposes of smoking.

(57) Visitor.

(a) “Visitor” means a guest at a licensed or registered premises who is not a registered agent employed by the licensee or registrant.

(b) “Visitor” does not include:

(i) A qualifying patient, registered caregiver, adult-use consumer, or any children who accompany a qualifying patient, registered caregiver, or adult use consumer for the sole purpose of purchasing cannabis or cannabis products; or

(ii) An Administration investigator.

(58) “Written certification” means a certification that:

(a) Is issued by a certifying provider to a qualifying patient with whom the provider has a bona fide provider–patient relationship;

(b) Includes a written statement certifying that, in the certifying provider’s professional opinion, after having completed an assessment of the patient’s medical history and current medical condition, the patient has a condition:

(i) That meets the inclusion criteria and does not meet the exclusion criteria of the certifying provider’s application; and

(ii) For which the potential benefits of the medical use of cannabis would likely outweigh the health risks for the patient; and

(c) May include a written statement certifying that, in the certifying provider’s professional opinion, a 30–day supply of medical cannabis would be inadequate to meet the medical needs of the qualifying patient.


14.17.02 General Regulations

Authority: Alcoholic Beverages and Cannabis Article, §§36-201, 36-401, and 36-403, Annotated Code of Maryland

.01 Succession of the Maryland Medical Cannabis Commission.

A. The Maryland Cannabis Administration is the successor entity to the Natalie M. LaPrade Medical Cannabis Commission.

B. Any bulletin, final order, notice of violation, or formal changes issued by the Natalie M. LaPrade Medical Cannabis Commission remains valid and stands as authorized by the Maryland Cannabis Administration.

C. Except as otherwise provided in this subtitle or Alcoholic Beverages and Cannabis Article, Title 36, Annotated Code of Maryland, a registration issued by the Natalie M. LaPrade Medical Cannabis Commission shall be valid until the stated expiration date for each:

(1) Patient or caregiver;

(2) Certifying provider;

(3) Clinical director;

(4) Agent;

(5) Independent testing laboratory; and

(6) Other business registrants.

D. The Maryland Cannabis Administration may rescind, revoke, correct, or reissue any bulletin, final order, notice of violation, or formal changes issued by the Natalie M. LaPrade Medical Cannabis Commission.

.02 Single Supply Chain for Cannabis Products.

A. Except as otherwise provided in this subtitle, all cannabis grown, harvested, processed, transported, delivered, produced, manufactured, or sold in Maryland shall follow the regulations in this subtitle.

B. A licensee shall accurately track, tag, or otherwise record inventory in the seed-to-sale tracking system designated by the Administration as specified:

(1) Throughout this subtitle; and

(2) In guidance issued by the Administration or its vendor.

.03 Conversion of Medical Cannabis License.

A. This regulation applies to each licensee required to pay a conversion fee under Alcoholic Beverages and Cannabis Article, §36-403, Annotated Code of Maryland.

B. The conversion fee shall be based on the gross revenue of a licensee and calculated by the Administration using the State’s seed-to-sale tracking system for calendar year 2022.

C. Licensees choosing to convert their license shall, on or before July 1, 2023:

(1) Pay the conversion fee as calculated by the Administration in full; or

(2) Enter into a payment plan with the Administration.

D. The payment plan under §C(2) of this regulation shall establish:

(1) The conversion fee as calculated by Administration;

(2) The exact payment amount required under each payment installment; and

(3) Payment due dates as directed by the Administration for four equal payment installments over an 18-month period.

E. On or before January 1, 2025, a licensee shall pay the installment payment in full in accordance with §D of this regulation.

F. A licensee that does not meet a payment deadline is subject to:

(1) An administrative hold on their ability to transfer cannabis or cannabis products to another licensee or distribute or dispense cannabis or cannabis products to a qualifying patient, registered caregiver, or consumer until payment is remitted to the Administration;

(2) A fine of up to $5,000 for each day past the deadline that the payment is not received; and

(3) After a period of 30 days, license suspension or revocation.

G. A converted license shall be valid for a period of 5 years, beginning on July 1, 2023.

H. A converted license is not transferrable prior to July 1, 2028, except as provided under Alcoholic Beverages and Cannabis Article, §36-503, Annotated Code of Maryland.

.04 Technical Authority.

The Maryland Cannabis Administration’s Technical Authority for Cannabis Testing (Effective January 2024), or Technical Authority, is incorporated by reference.


14.17.03 Social Equity

Authority: Alcoholic Beverages and Cannabis Article, §1-309.1, Annotated Code of Maryland

.01 Scope.

This chapter applies to the Office of Social Equity, an independent office that functions within the Maryland Cannabis Administration, whose mission is to promote and encourage participation in the regulated cannabis industry by people from communities that have previously been disproportionately impacted by cannabis prohibition and enforcement.

.02 Definitions.

A. In this chapter, the following terms have the meanings indicated.

B. Terms Defined.

(1) “Operational cannabis licensee” means a licensee that was operational prior to October 1, 2022.

(2) “Qualifying partnership” means a meaningful partnership between a social equity licensee and an operational cannabis licensee that supports or advises the social equity licensee.

.03 Social Equity Partnership Grant Program.

A. The Social Equity Partnership Grant Program shall promote qualifying partnerships between operational cannabis licensees and social equity licensees.

B. The Office of Social Equity shall implement and administer the grant program, including approving qualifying partnerships.

C. The Office of Social Equity may approve a qualifying partnership where a cost or other fee is imposed by an operational cannabis licensee, if it determines the cost or other fee is substantially reduced from the market value.

D. If an operational cannabis licensee has a license that was converted under Alcoholic Beverages and Cannabis Article, §36-401(b)(1)(ii), Annotated Code of Maryland, the total amount of grants issued to the licensee may not exceed the lesser of:

(1) The cost of the conversion fee that was paid by the licensee to date; or

(2) $250,000 per year per qualifying partnership.

E. Qualifying partnerships under this regulation may not:

(1) Explicitly or implicitly transfer, including through convertible debt, any ownership or control from the social equity licensee to the operational cannabis licensee;

(2) Require the social equity licensee to conform with any branding, messaging, standard operating procedures, or other infringement on the social equity licensees’ operations; or

(3) Otherwise restrict, hinder, exploit, or unfairly treat the social equity licensee to benefit the operational cannabis licensee.

F. In addition to any other applicable penalties established in this subtitle, including suspending, fining, restricting, or revoking a license, an operational cannabis licensee found in violation of §E of this regulation may be subject to any of the following sanctions:

(1) Restriction, revocation, or invalidation of any qualifying partnership approved by the Office of Social Equity;

(2) Rescission or invalidation of any attempted transfer of ownership or control; or

(3) Repayment of any grant funding received by the operational cannabis licensee.

.04 Reporting Requirements.

Within 30 days of a written request, a cannabis licensee shall provide any data and information required by the Office of Social Equity to:

A. Complete statutorily mandated reports;

B. Evaluate the diversity and equity of ownership, management, employment, and contracted goods and services in the legal cannabis economy in Maryland; and

C. Operate and evaluate the Social Equity Partnership Grant Program.


14.17.04 Medical Cannabis Program

Authority: Alcoholic Beverages and Cannabis Article, §§36-201, 36-301, 36-302, 36-410, and 36-601, Annotated Code of Maryland

.01 Certifying Providers.

A. Provider Registration.

(1) A provider seeking registration as a certifying provider shall submit an application in the manner specified by the Administration.

(2) The Administration may approve certifying provider applications to treat:

(a) A chronic or debilitating disease or medical condition that results in a patient being admitted into hospice or receiving palliative care; or

(b) A chronic or debilitating disease or medical condition or the treatment of a chronic or debilitating disease or medical condition that produces:

(i) Cachexia, anorexia, or wasting syndrome;

(ii) Severe or chronic pain;

(iii) Severe nausea;

(iv) Seizures;

(v) Severe or persistent muscle spasms;

(vi) Glaucoma;

(vii) Post-traumatic stress disorder; or

(viii) Any other condition that is severe and for which other medical treatments have been ineffective if the symptoms reasonably can be expected to be relieved by the medical use of cannabis.

(3) A certifying provider may apply to amend the approval at any time.

(4) The application shall be deemed approved unless the Administration notifies the applicant that the application has been denied.

B. A certifying provider may discuss the use of medical cannabis with a patient, including but not limited to:

(1) Contraindications;

(2) Dosage;

(3) Problem use; and

(4) Harm reduction and safety precautions.

C. Certifying Provider Registration Renewal.

(1) An approval is valid for 2 years.

(2) A certifying provider shall apply to renew a registration to certify at the time of renewal of the provider’s license.

(3) The Administration shall provide a certifying provider with notice of renewal 90 business days before expiration of the registration.

(4) The Administration shall grant the application for renewal of registration if:

(a) The certifying provider attests that:

(i) The certifying provider’s license to practice in Maryland is active, unrestricted, and in good standing; and

(ii) The certifying provider’s registration by the State to prescribe controlled dangerous substances is valid; and

(b) The certifying provider has otherwise complied with this chapter.

(5) If a certifying provider fails to obtain a renewal of a registration to issue written certifications, the certifying provider may not issue written certifications.

D. A certifying provider may not receive compensation, including promotion, recommendation, advertising, subsidized rent, or anything of value, from a licensee.

E. Action Against a Provider.

(1) After a written notice and a hearing in accordance with COMAR 14.17.22 if such hearing is properly requested, the Administration may deny a certifying provider’s application for registration, or revoke registration to certify if the provider:

(a) Fraudulently applies for approval;

(b) Fraudulently issues a written certification; or

(c) Fails to comply with this chapter.

(2) The Administration shall report any finding to the provider’s State licensing board and may refer any allegation of fraud or conduct that threatens public health by a certifying provider.

.02 Patient and Caregiver Registry.

A. The Administration shall maintain a registry of qualifying patients and caregivers.

B. Patient Registration.

(1) An individual seeking to become a qualifying patient shall complete the online registration process established by the Administration.

(2) The Administration shall issue a unique patient identifier to each person who registers as a qualifying patient.

C. Caregiver Registration.

(1) A qualifying patient, or a parent or legal guardian of a qualifying patient younger than 18 years old, may designate:

(a) For a qualifying patient 18 years old or older, up to two caregivers; and

(b) For a qualifying patient younger than 18 years old, up to four caregivers, including the patient’s parent or legal guardian.

(2) An individual seeking to become a caregiver shall complete the online registration process established by the Administration.

(3) The Administration shall issue a unique caregiver identifier to each person who registers with the Administration.

D. To designate the relationship between a qualifying patient and a registered caregiver, a qualifying patient or a parent or legal guardian of a qualifying patient younger than 18 years old shall designate the caregiver using the caregiver’s unique identifier through the Administration’s website.

E. A qualifying patient, or a parent or guardian of a qualifying patient younger than 18 years old, may terminate a caregiver by completing the online process established by the Administration.

F. The Administration shall provide access to the Administration’s registry to a Maryland law enforcement agency on a real-time basis only for just cause to verify that a patient or caregiver is registered with the Administration.

G. Patient or Caregiver Identification Cards.

(1) A qualifying patient or registered caregiver may purchase an identification card by paying the fee in COMAR 14.17.21.

(2) The identification card fee is waived for a qualifying patient enrolled in the:

(a) Maryland Medical Assistance Program; or

(b) Veterans Administration Maryland Health Care System.

(3) If an identification card is lost, destroyed, or stolen, the cardholder shall, within 72 hours of becoming aware of the loss, destruction, or theft, report the loss, destruction, or theft to the Administration.

(4) Misuse of Identification Card.

(a) If an individual other than the qualifying patient or caregiver to whom an identification card has been issued attempts to use an identification card, a registered dispensary agent to whom it is offered shall confiscate it and initiate the return of the card to the Administration within 5 business days.

(b) The Administration may notify the certifying provider and revoke the identification card of a qualifying patient or caregiver who allows another person to use an identification card which has been issued to the qualifying patient or caregiver.

H. If there is any change in the qualifying patient or the caregiver name or address, the qualifying patient or caregiver shall:

(1) Notify the Administration within 30 days; and

(2) If seeking a replacement identification card, pay the identification card replacement fee to obtain a new identification card.

.03 Written Certification.

A. Issuing a Written Certification.

(1) A certifying provider may determine that a patient qualifies for a written certification only if the:

(a) Qualifying patient:

(i) Has registered with the Administration;

(ii) Meets the certifying provider’s inclusion criteria; and

(iii) Does not meet the certifying provider's exclusion criteria; and

(b) Certifying provider:

(i) Has a bona fide provider-patient relationship with the qualifying patient; and

(ii) Has determined that the potential benefits of the medical use of cannabis likely outweigh the health risks for the patient.

(2) If a certifying provider determines that a patient qualifies for a written certification, the certifying provider shall:

(a) Issue a written certification in the form required by the Administration;

(b) Transmit the written certification to the Administration using the designated online process; and

(c) If requested, provide a copy of the written certification to the qualifying patient.

(3) A written certification shall include the:

(a) Provider’s name, Maryland Board of Physicians, Board of Dental Examiners, Board of Podiatric Medical Examiners, or Board of Nursing license number, and office telephone number;

(b) Qualifying patient’s name, date of birth, address, and county of residence;

(c) Medical condition requiring medical cannabis; and

(d) The date of qualification as a qualifying patient.

(4) A written certification may contain, if applicable, a written statement certifying that, in the provider’s professional opinion, a 30-day supply of medical cannabis would be inadequate to meet the medical needs of the qualifying patient.

(5) A certifying provider shall terminate a written certification if:

(a) The qualifying patient meets the provider’s exclusion criteria;

(b) Treatment with medical cannabis is no longer necessary for the qualifying patient;

(c) Adverse effects of medical cannabis outweigh the benefits to the qualifying patient’s health; or

(d) There is evidence that the qualifying patient engaged in diversion of medical cannabis.

(7) A certifying provider may terminate a written certification if the qualifying patient demonstrates misuse of any substance.

(8) A certifying provider shall notify the Administration within 1 business day of the termination of a written certification.

(9) A qualifying patient shall have only one certifying provider at any time.

B. Written Certification Renewal.

(1) A qualifying patient may seek renewal of a written certification not less than 30 calendar days after it was issued by notifying the patient’s certifying provider.

(2) A certifying provider may renew the written certification for a qualifying patient if the certifying provider determines the patient still meets the criteria set forth in §A(1) of this regulation.

(3) Upon renewing a written certification for a qualifying patient, a certifying provider shall notify the Administration.

(4) Prior to renewing a written certification, a certifying provider shall conduct a full assessment of the qualifying patient within 365 days before the reissuance.

(5) The full assessment in §B(4) of this regulation may be conducted via telehealth as defined by the certifying provider’s licensing board.

.04 Product Reservation for Qualifying Patients.

A dispensary may only sell or dispense high potency products to a qualified patient or registered caregiver, as specified in COMAR

.05 Accommodations for Qualifying Patients.

A. A standard dispensary licensed under COMAR shall:

(1) Provide exclusive access to the licensed premises to qualifying patients and registered caregivers for at least 1 hour per day that the dispensary is operational or a dedicated service line to serve only qualifying patients and caregivers for the duration of the licensed premises’ operating hours;

(2) Conspicuously display information about the reserved hours or dedicated service line for qualifying patients and registered caregivers, whichever is applicable on:

(a) The front of the licensed premises; and

(b) If applicable, the licensed dispensary’s social media accounts and public-facing website;

(3) If providing reserved hours, maintain a consistent schedule; and

(4) If providing a dedicated service line, shall make a good faith effort to prioritize qualifying patients and registered caregivers.

B. A standard dispensary may offer additional time and accommodation for qualifying patients and registered caregivers beyond the requirements in §A of this regulation, including reserving for qualifying and registered caregivers:

(1) Priority access to the dispensary service area; and

(2) Parking spaces near the entrance of the dispensary, if applicable.

.06 Compassionate Use Fund.

A. The purpose of the Compassionate Use Fund is to reduce the cost of obtaining a medical assessment to determine the appropriateness of treatment with cannabis or reduce the cost of medical cannabis for individuals enrolled in the Maryland Medical Assistance Program or in the Veterans Affairs Maryland Health Care System.

B. Eligibility for Compassionate Use Fund.

(1) A patient enrolled in the Maryland Medical Assistance Program or in the Veterans Affairs Maryland Health Care System may attest to a certifying provider eligibility for the Compassionate Use Fund due to their coverage status.

(2) A certifying provider shall verify the individual’s eligibility for the Compassionate Use Fund due to their coverage status and provide documentation of eligibility status to the Administration.

(3) A certifying provider shall reverify patient enrollment in the Maryland Medical Assistance Program or in the Veterans Affairs Maryland Health Care System annually.

C. Reimbursement of Written Certification.

(1) A certifying provider may submit to the Administration for reimbursement of the written certification for individuals enrolled in the Maryland Medical Assistance Program or in the Veterans Affairs Maryland Health Care System.

(2) In order to submit for reimbursement under this section, a certifying provider shall:

(a) Verify a patient’s active enrollment in the Maryland Medical Assistance Program or the Veterans Affairs Maryland Health Care System at the time the written certification is given;

(b) Conspicuously display a standard assessment and evaluation fee to be paid by the patient to obtain a written certification;

(c) Offer a discount of $50 off the provider’s fee to provide written certifications to patients eligible under §B of this regulation; and

(d) Charge an assessment and evaluation fee not to exceed the amount conspicuously displayed in §C(2)(b) of this regulation to obtain a written certification to all patients, regardless of eligibility under §B of this regulation.

(3) Nothing in this section prohibits a certifying provider from offering a discount above $50 off the provider’s fee to provide written certifications to patients eligible under §B of this regulation.

D. Reimbursement.

(1) On a monthly basis, a certifying provider may request reimbursement from the Administration for the discounted prices offered to eligible patients under this regulation.

(2) A certifying provider may submit a request for reimbursement by the 15th of the following month, in the manner specified by the Administration.

(3) To request reimbursement, a certifying provider shall provide the Administration with detailed records of the discounts provided, including:

(a) A list of qualifying patients who obtained discounts in the past month, and whether the patient was enrolled in the Maryland Medical Assistance Program or the Veterans Affairs Maryland Health Care System;

(b) An itemized account of the discounts provided to eligible patients in the past month, indicating:

(i) The full price of the written certification; and

(ii) Reduced cost paid by the eligible patient; and

(c) Any additional information requested by the Administration.

(4) To the extent funds are available within the Compassionate Use Fund, the Administration shall reimburse a certifying provider for eligible expenses.

(5) If the Compassionate Use Fund lacks sufficient funds to reimburse a certifying provider:

(a) The Administration shall cease providing reimbursements; and

(b) A certifying provider is no longer required to provide discounts pursuant to this regulation.

.07 New Condition Approval Process.

A. Petition.

(1) To suggest a medical condition, medical treatment, or disease for Administration consideration, a person shall submit a petition to the Administration in a format determined by the Administration.

(2) A petition shall include:

(a) The severity of a condition or the treatments thereof;

(b) The degree to which other medical treatments have been ineffective to alleviate pain, suffering, disability or the symptoms of the condition or the treatment thereof;

(c) Evidence that supports a finding that the use of medical cannabis alleviates pain, suffering, disability or symptoms of the condition or the treatment thereof;

(d) Any information or studies regarding any beneficial or adverse effects from the use of medical cannabis in patients with the medical condition, medical treatment, or disease that is the subject of the petition; and

(e) Letters of support from providers or other licensed health care professionals knowledgeable about the condition, treatment, or disease.

B. As needed, the Administration shall conduct a public hearing to evaluate any petition to consider other medical conditions, medical treatments, or diseases that may be treated by using medical cannabis and included in certifying provider applications.

C. The Administration may refer a petition for consideration to the:

(1) Cannabis Public Health Advisory Council; or

(2) Advisory Board on Medical and Adult-use Cannabis.

D. If the Advisory Council or the Advisory Board on Medical and Adult-use Cannabis considers a petition to add a medical condition, treatment, or disease for approved medical cannabis use, the Advisory Council or the Advisory Board on Medical and Adult-use Cannabis shall study and make recommendations to the Administration on whether to approve or deny the petition.

E. Summary Denial. The Administration may deny a petition, without submitting it for public comment, if the petition:

(1) Is facially insubstantial; or

(2) Pertains to a medical condition, medical treatment, or disease that has been previously considered or rejected by the Administration, unless scientific research not previously considered in a prior review is included in the petition.

F. Upon consideration of recommendations and any additional information, the Administration may conclude that providers will be encouraged to apply to register with the Administration to treat the medical condition or disease upon a determination that:

(1) The medical condition or disease is debilitating;

(2) The pain, suffering, and disability of the medical condition or disease can reasonably be expected to be relieved by medical cannabis; and

(3) Other medical treatments have been ineffective in providing relief.

.08 Clinical Directors.

A. A licensed dispensary shall appoint at least one individual to function as clinical director who:

(1) Is eligible to serve as a certifying provider, as defined in COMAR 14.17.01;

(2) Is a licensed pharmacist in good standing with the State Board of Pharmacy; or

(3) Has substantial education, training, and experience in the medical use of cannabis, as determined by the Administration and is a:

(a) Registered nurse in good standing with the State Board of Nursing; or

(b) Licensed naturopathic doctor in good standing with the State Board of Physicians.

B. During the hours of operation, a licensed dispensary shall have a clinical director:

(1) On-site; or

(2) Available via electronic communication.

C. A clinical director shall:

(1) Register as a clinical director with the Administration;

(2) Complete at least one training course each year that is approved by the Administration, which includes:

(a) The latest scientific research on medical cannabis;

(b) The risks and benefits of medical cannabis; and

(c) Other information considered necessary by the Administration;

(3) Educate qualifying patients and caregivers on:

(a) Treatment of the qualifying patient’s medical condition with medical cannabis;

(b) Potential drug-to-drug interactions, including interactions with alcohol, prescription drugs, non-prescription drugs, and supplements;

(c) Possible side effects or contraindications of medical cannabis use;

(d) The potential for differing strengths and effects of medical cannabis strains; and

(e) Different methods, forms, and routes of medical cannabis administration; and

(4) Provide training to dispensary agents on:

(a) Guidelines for providing information to qualifying patients related to risks, benefits, and side effects associated with medical cannabis;

(b) Recognizing signs and symptoms of substance abuse; and

(c) Guidelines for refusing to provide medical cannabis to an individual who appears to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

D. A clinical director for a licensed dispensary may not provide a written certification for medical cannabis to any qualifying patient.

E. A standard dispensary is not subject to §§A—C of this regulation until the licensee has been licensed and operational for a period of at least 24 months.

F. A micro dispensary is not subject to §§A—C of this regulation.

.09 Tax Exemption of Medical Cannabis.

Medical cannabis sold to qualifying patients or registered caregivers under this chapter shall be exempt from any sales and use tax assessment.


14.17.05 Application Process and Issuance of Licenses

Authority: Alcoholic Beverages and Cannabis Article, §§36-202, 36-401, 36-404, and 36-505, Annotated Code of Maryland

.01 Scope.

This chapter applies to the distribution of any cannabis licenses through a lottery system, including a:

A. Standard grower license;

B. Standard processor license;

C. Standard dispensary license;

D. Micro grower license;

E. Micro processor license;

F. Micro dispensary license;

G. On-site consumption establishment license; and

H. Incubator space license.

.02 Application Requirements.

A. An applicant shall submit an application to the Administration for a license.

B. A submitted application shall conform with the requirements established under Alcoholic Beverages and Cannabis Article, §36-404, Annotated Code of Maryland.

C. An application shall be:

(1) Completed on a form designated by the Administration; and

(2) Accompanied by the application fee as specified in COMAR 14.17.21.

D. An applicant, including any individual or entity that holds an ownership interest in or control of the applicant, may only be listed on:

(1) One application per license type per application round; and

(2) Two applications for any license type per application round.

E. Any applicant that violates §D of this regulation may not be considered by the Administration for licensure.

F. The Administration may not require an applicant to possess or own any property or facility to operate a cannabis business at the time of the application.

G. The Administration may verify an applicant’s status as a social equity applicant prior to the initial application and licensure.

H. Any information an applicant submits in support of their social equity status in §G of this regulation is considered part of the application and is subject to verification by the Administration.

.03 Application Notification, Submission, and Review.

A. The Administration shall announce an application round at least 60 days prior to the acceptance of applications. The announcement shall include:

(1) Types of licenses available during the licensing round;

(2) Number of licenses available by license type;

(3) Beginning and closing day of the application period; and

(4) Any regional, jurisdictional, or other geographical considerations in the licensing round.

B. The Administration shall accept applications for a period of 30 calendar days.

C. The Administration shall conduct extensive outreach to small, minority, and women business owners and potential social equity applicants prior to accepting applications.

D. Upon the closing of any application period, the Administration shall announce the number of applications submitted and the maximum number of licenses that may be awarded within each license category and pool of applications.

E. Application Review.

(1) The burden of proving an applicant’s qualifications rests on the applicant.

(2) The Administration may:

(a) Deny an application that:

(i) Is not complete in every material detail;

(ii) Contains a material misstatement, omission, misrepresentation, or untruth;

(iii) Does not meet the minimum qualifications for the lottery; or

(iv) Is not submitted by the established deadline;

(b) Request any additional information from any applicant, if it deems the information necessary to review or process the application; and

(c) If the applicant does not provide the additional requested information within 10 calendar days, deny the application.

(3) The Administration shall determine whether a submitted application meets the minimum qualifications for the lottery on a pass-fail basis by reviewing:

(a) A detailed operational plan for the safe, secure, and effective operation of the business;

(b) A business plan demonstrating a likelihood of success and sufficient ability and experience on the part of the applicant, and providing for appropriate employee working conditions;

(c) A detailed diversity plan; and

(d) For the first round of licensing and otherwise as required under Alcoholic Beverages and Cannabis Article, §36-404, Annotated Code of Maryland, for any subsequent round of licensing, documentation that the applicant meets the requirements of a social equity applicant.

F. Minimum qualifications in §E(3) of this regulation shall be established by the Administration and communicated to prospective applicants prior to the application period.

G. The Administration may award fewer licenses than authorized under law in any licensing round.

H. The Administration may require an applicant, or any individual or entity that holds an ownership interest in or control of the applicant, to complete an attestation demonstrating the applicant meets the requirements for award established in Alcoholic Beverages and Cannabis Article, Title 36, Subtitle 4, Annotated Code of Maryland.

.04 Lottery Award and Conditional License.

A. Lottery.

(1) The Administration shall conduct a lottery that is impartial, random, and in a format selected by the Administration.

(2) Any applicant that meets the minimum qualifications for licensing shall be placed in the lottery.

(3) Subsequent to the lottery, the Administration shall notify all applicants of whether their application was selected in the lottery.

(4) The Administration may request any additional information or supporting documentation from an applicant selected in the lottery necessary to verify aspects of the application, including but not limited to additional information and supporting documentation related to the:

(a) Operational plan for the safe, secure, and effective cultivation, manufacture, or dispensing of cannabis;

(b) Business plan demonstrating a likelihood of success and sufficient business ability and experience on the part of the applicant, and providing for appropriate employee working conditions;

(c) Detailed diversity plan; and

(d) Ownership and control of the applicant.

(5) The Administration may deny issuing a conditional license to an applicant selected in the lottery if:

(a) The applicant fails to provide any additional information or supporting documentation requested pursuant to §A(4) of this regulation within 10 calendar days;

(b) Any additional information or supporting documentation submitted by the applicant demonstrates the applicant is not eligible for a license under this subtitle or Alcoholic Beverages and Cannabis Article, Title 36, Annotated Code of Maryland; or

(c) The Administration determines that the applicant violated Regulation .02D of this chapter.

(6) The Administration shall notify an applicant who has been awarded a conditional license within 5 calendar days of the award.

B. Conditional License.

(1) A conditional licensee shall complete a supplemental license application.

(2) A supplemental license application shall require a conditional licensee to:

(a) Undergo a criminal history records check in accordance with Alcoholic Beverages and Cannabis Article, §36-505, Annotated Code of Maryland;

(b) Complete a financial background investigation conducted by the Administration;

(c) Verify any information or supporting documentation provided in the application;

(d) Disclose any adverse action taken against a professional or business license held in any jurisdiction by the applicant or any individual or entity holding an ownership interest in the applicant;

(e) Waive any contractual, statutory, or common law obligation of confidentiality and authorize any government agency in any jurisdiction to release to the Administration all information the conditional licensee has provided to any other jurisdiction while seeking a cannabis-related license in that other jurisdiction, as well as the information obtained by that other jurisdiction during any investigation it may have conducted regarding the applicant;

(f) Release all financial institutions, fiduciaries, and other parties from any contractual, statutory, or common law obligation of confidentiality to provide financial, personal and background information relevant to the conditional licensee’s capacity to manage a licensed facility; and

(g) Identify and demonstrate legal control of the proposed site, through lease, purchase, or other means, for the cannabis business.

C. Any conditional license not awarded due to circumstances in §A of this regulation may be awarded by lottery using the same pool of applicants as the initially selected application.

.05 Issuance of a License or Rescission of a Conditional License.

A. Conditional License Period.

(1) The conditional license period:

(a) Begins on the day that a conditional license is issued to the selected applicant; and

(b) Expires 18 months after the day that conditional license was issued or at the end of an extension granted by the Administration.

(2) A conditional licensee may apply for an extension of the conditional license.

(3) The Administration may approve a one-time extension of up to 6 months, if the Administration determines the conditional licensee has made consistent good faith efforts to establish a cannabis business.

(4) During the conditional license period, a conditional licensee shall:

(a) Complete a supplemental license application;

(b) Establish legal control of the proposed site, through lease, purchase, or other means, for the cannabis business;

(c) Notify the Administration of establishment of legal control of the proposed site;

(d) Within 6 months of being issued a conditional license, demonstrate adequate capitalization to enable the business to become operational;

(e) Gain zoning or planning approval from a political subdivision, if applicable; and

(f) Register the business with the State Department of Assessment and Taxation.

(5) During a conditional license period, a conditional licensee may not:

(a) Engage in purchasing, possessing, cultivating, manufacturing, or selling cannabis or cannabis products;

(b) Make any transfer of an ownership interest that causes a change in the individual or entity that holds the controlling ownership interest;

(c) Make any transfer of control, as defined in COMAR 14.17.01; and

(d) If the conditional licensee qualified as a social equity applicant, make any transfer of an ownership interest that causes the conditional licensee to no longer comply with the social equity applicant definition in COMAR 14.17.01.

(6) During a conditional license period, a conditional licensee may obtain additional resources by adding:

(a) Grants and loans from new or existing financial sources not listed in the initial application; and

(b) Owners and passive investors.

(7) Any additional resources obtained by a conditional licensee made under §A(6) of this regulation may not violate this subtitle or Alcoholic Beverages and Cannabis Article, Title 36, Subtitle 4, Annotated Code of Maryland.

B. Rescission of a Conditional License. The Administration may rescind a conditional license if a conditional licensee, or any individual or entity included in the supplemental license application:

(1) Has been convicted of or pleaded nolo contendere to a crime involving moral turpitude, whether or not any appeal or other proceeding is pending to have conviction or plea set aside;

(2) Fraudulently or deceptively attempts to obtain a license;

(3) Is ineligible to hold an ownership interest in or control of a business licensed under Alcoholic Beverages and Cannabis Article, Title 36, Subtitle 4, Annotated Code of Maryland;

(4) Fails to reveal any material fact pertaining to the conditional licensee’s qualification for a license;

(5) Fails to submit a complete supplemental license application;

(6) Fails to become licensed and operational within:

(a) 18 months after the day the conditional license was issued; or

(b) If granted an extension, the day after the expiration of any extension granted by the Administration;

(7) Violates §A(5) of this regulation;

(8) Is not registered or in good standing with the State Department of Assessment and Taxation; or

(9) Has taxes in arrears in any jurisdiction.

C. The Administration may award a license on a determination that:

(1) The conditional licensee has submitted a complete supplemental license application;

(2) The supplemental license application, including any individual or entity included in the application, does not violate §B of this regulation;

(3) The license fee specified in COMAR 14.17.21 has been paid;

(4) All inspections are passed, and all the conditional licensee’s operations conform to the specifications of the application as approved pursuant to this chapter; and

(5) The proposed premises:

(a) Are under the legal control of the conditional licensee; and

(b) Comply with all zoning and planning requirements.

D. A licensed business may not grow, process, distribute, dispense, or otherwise begin business operations without approval of written documentation under §C of this regulation by the Administration.

E. The Administration may not award a license to a business who has registered with the State Department of Assessment and Taxation using a legal name that:

(1) Uses the terms “cannabis”, “marijuana”, or other synonym related to controlled substances;

(2) Suggests the use of cannabis as an intoxicant; or

(3) Incorporates any copyrighted material or trademark or service mark attributable to another entity.

F. The Administration may suspend, fine, restrict, or revoke a license if:

(1) A licensee has fraudulently or deceptively submitted written documentation to the Administration;

(2) A licensee has violated Alcoholic Beverages and Cannabis Article, Title 36, Subtitle 11, Annotated Code of Maryland;

(3) A licensee began operations prior to Administration approval; or

(4) It is determined that a licensee has not complied with statements in the application, including statements about standards of operation or employment practices related to diversity, equity, and inclusion.

.06 Application Retention.

A. Upon notification that an applicant was not selected by the lottery, the applicant may request the Administration retain the application for subsequent licensure application rounds.

B. The Administration shall retain any application requested for retention by the applicant for a period of 1 year.

C. The Administration may contact an applicant with a retained application for any additional information required for subsequent licensing rounds.

D. Any application retained by the Administration that meets the specifications and requirements of a subsequent licensing round within the 1-year retention period shall be automatically entered into the lottery if:

(1) The applicant has properly amended the application if requested by the Administration under §C of this regulation; and

(2) Any additional information requested by the Administration has been updated.

E. The Administration may not enter a retained application into a subsequent lottery round if:

(1) Any individual included in the application is associated with additional applications in the licensing round that exceed the restrictions in Regulation .02D of this chapter;

(2) Any individual included in the application is in violation of ownership restrictions under COMAR 14.17.16, or the awarding of a license would place the individual in violation of ownership restrictions under COMAR 14.17.16; and

(3) Any individual associated with the application has been found to be in violation of Alcoholic Beverages and Cannabis Article, Title 36, Subtitle 11, Annotated Code of Maryland.

.07 Hearing Rights of Applicants.

A. Records Review.

(1) An applicant not entered into the lottery by the Administration may request a records review of the submitted application within 10 days of notification that their application does not meet the minimum qualifications for the lottery on a pass-fail basis.

(2) A records review shall consist of an opportunity for the applicant to examine the applicant’s records received by the Administration and verify the basis on which the application was deemed ineligible for the lottery.

(3) No applicant may gain access to records submitted by any other applicant through the records review process.

B. A selected applicant or an applicant who applies pursuant to Regulation .06 of this chapter who subsequently has their application denied by the Administration or a conditional licensee who has their conditional license rescinded pursuant to Regulation .05B of this chapter may request a hearing under COMAR 14.17.22.

C. An applicant who meets the minimum qualifications for the lottery, but is not selected in the lottery, may not appeal or request a hearing. The application shall be retained by the Administration in accordance with Regulation .06 of this chapter.

.08 Lottery Exemption.

A. Pigford v. Glickman Class Members.

(1) The Administration may issue up to five conditional grower licenses to recognized class members of Pigford v. Glickman, 185 32 F.R.D. 82 (D.D.C. 1999), or In Re Black Farmers Litig., 856 F. Supp. 2d 1 (D.D.C. 2011) who:

(a) Were awarded damages related to farming operations in Maryland;

(b) Have provided evidence to the Administration that they have not been fully compensated for discrimination and continue to experience challenges due to past or present discrimination; and

(c) Meet all other application criteria established by the Administration under this chapter.

(2) If there are more qualified applications than the number of licenses available, the Administration shall conduct a lottery for all applicants that meet the minimum qualifications for licensing established under §A(1) of this regulation.

(3) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, a license issued under this regulation is in addition to and not subject to the limitations on the total number of licenses that the Administration may issue under Alcoholic Beverages and Cannabis Article, Title 36, Subtitle 4, Annotated Code of Maryland.

B. A business awarded a grower license pursuant to Ch. 598, Acts of 2018, may be awarded a standard dispensary license, if the grower:

(1) Submits an application that meets the minimum qualifications for a standard dispensary license, as determined by the Administration; and

(2) Including any individual or entity that holds an ownership interest in or control of the grower, does not own or control a dispensary license.


14.17.06 Standard Cannabis Licenses

Authority: Alcoholic Beverages and Cannabis Article, §§36-202, 36-203, 36-401, 36-405—36-407, 36-503, and 36-802, Annotated Code of Maryland

.01 Scope.

This chapter applies to all standard cannabis licenses, including:

A. Standard grower, processor, and dispensary licenses authorized under Alcoholic Beverages and Cannabis Article, §36-401(c)(1), Annotated Code of Maryland;

B. Converted licenses under Alcoholic Beverages and Cannabis Article, §36-403, Annotated Code of Maryland;

C. Converted micro licenses under COMAR;

D. Incubator space licenses, authorized under Alcoholic Beverages and Cannabis Article, §36-406, Annotated Code of Maryland; and

E. On-site consumption licenses, authorized under Alcoholic Beverages and Cannabis Article, §36-407, Annotated Code of Maryland.

.02 Term of License and License Renewal.

A. Licenses converted under Alcoholic Beverages and Cannabis Article, §36-403, Annotated Code of Maryland, are valid for 5 years from the date of the initial conversion fee payment to the Administration.

B. As a condition of licensure, a licensee shall comply with all subregulatory guidance issued by the Administration, including but not limited to bulletins, notices, resolutions, seed-to-sale tracking system guidance, and technical authorities posted to the Administration’s website.

C. A cannabis license under this chapter is valid for:

(1) 5 years on initial licensure; and

(2) 5 years on renewal.

D. At least 90 calendar days before the expiration of a license, the Administration shall notify the licensee of the:

(1) Date on which the license expires;

(2) Process and the fee required to renew the license; and

(3) Consequences of a failure to renew the license.

E. At least 30 calendar days before a license expires, a licensee seeking approval shall submit:

(1) The renewal application in the form designated by the Administration;

(2) Proof that fingerprints have been submitted to Criminal Justice Information System and the Federal Bureau of Investigation for each agent and any owner with an ownership interest of 5 percent or more;

(3) To a full inspection of the licensed premises as described in COMAR, unless a full inspection was satisfactorily completed within 3 months before the date of the license expiration; and

(4) Payment of the fee specified in COMAR 14.17.21.

F. The Administration may renew a license that meets the requirements for renewal as stated in §E of this regulation.

G. If a licensee fails the inspection or submits a deficient application for renewal, the licensee may apply for reinstatement by:

(1) Submitting a plan to correct the deficiencies noted during an inspection; and

(2) Amending the application for renewal.

H. The Administration may deny a license renewal if:

(1) The plan to correct deficiencies identified in an inspection is deficient;

(2) The amended application for renewal is deficient;

(3) The licensee is repeatedly found in violation of health and safety regulations during the license period; or

(4) The licensee is repeatedly found in violation of this subtitle or Title 36, Alcoholic Beverages and Cannabis Article, Annotated Code of Maryland.

I. A licensee who fails to apply for license renewal by the date specified by the Administration, or whose license was not renewed by the Administration:

(1) Shall cease operations at all premises; and

(2) May not provide cannabis to any entity or individual.

J. A license may be reinstated upon:

(1) Payment of the reinstatement fee specified in COMAR 14.17.21; and

(2) Submission of a reinstatement application approved by the Administration.

K. A licensee may not register with the State Department of Assessment and Taxation using a legal name that:

(1) Uses the terms “cannabis”, “marijuana”, or other synonym related to controlled substances;

(2) Suggests the use of cannabis as an intoxicant; or

(3) Incorporates any copyrighted material or trademark or service mark attributable to another entity.

.03 Change of Location.

A. A licensee may apply to change the location of the licensee’s operation.

B. The licensee shall apply for a change of location in the form designated by the Administration along with the fee specified in COMAR 14.17.21.

C. A licensee may not begin cultivation, processing, or dispensing of cannabis at a new location until the Administration approves the change.

D. A dispensary may only change location within the county that the dispensary was awarded a license.

.04 Transfer of Ownership Interest in a License.

A. A cannabis licensee, including a cannabis licensee whose license was converted in accordance with Alcoholic Beverages and Cannabis Article, §36-401, Annotated Code of Maryland, is not transferable except as provided under Alcoholic Beverages and Cannabis Article, §36-503, Annotated Code of Maryland.

B. If a proposed transfer is for less than 5 percent of a cannabis licensee and the proposed transfer will not result in the transferee holding 5 percent or more of the licensee, then the proposed transfer does not require review and approval by the Administration.

C. The Administration may approve a transfer or assignment of ownership if:

(1) The Administration receives notice of the intent of the owner of the interest, or of the estate of the owner of the interest, to transfer or assign an ownership interest in a license to another party, in a form prescribed by the Administration;

(2) The proposed transfer does not violate Alcoholic Beverages and Cannabis Article, Title 36, Annotated Code of Maryland;

(3) The transferee has paid the required fee specified in COMAR 14.17.21; and

(4) The transferee has provided criminal history record and financial information to the Administration.

D. The Administration shall deny transfer of an interest for any proposed transferee:

(1) If the payment of taxes due in any jurisdiction is in arrears;

(2) If the transfer violates COMAR 14.17.16;

(3) If the transfer would convey a controlling interest in the license prior to the cannabis licensee being licensed and operational for a period of at least 5 years, and is not proposed due to death, disability, incapacity, bankruptcy, or receivership in accordance with a lending agreement of a cannabis licensee or court order; or

(4) If, prior to the cannabis licensee being licensed and operational for a period of at least 5 years, the transfer would convey to the transferee the right or authority to obtain a controlling interest in the license at a later date.

E. The Administration may deny transfer of an interest for any proposed transferee if the transferee or an individual with ownership or control of the transferee has been convicted of or pleaded nolo contendere to a crime involving moral turpitude, whether or not any appeal or other proceeding is pending to have the conviction or plea set aside.

F. The Administration may deny transfer of a controlling interest in a license or in an ownership interest of 5 percent or more if the Administration finds good cause to deny the proposed transfer.

G. Any individual or entity identified as having ownership or control of a license may not hold an ownership interest that exceeds the limitations set forth in Alcoholic Beverages and Cannabis Article, §36-401(e), Annotated Code of Maryland.

H. If the Administration approves a transfer of an ownership interest of a license and subsequently the Administration finds that such a transfer violates State, local, or federal law, the Administration may:

(1) Issue a fine against any parties involved in the transfer;

(2) Declare the transfer void; and

(3) Rescind the license.

I. Prior to the transfer, the licensee shall conduct a full inventory of all cannabis and cannabis products, in a manner prescribed by the Administration.

J. Employee Stock Options.

(1) A licensee may issue employee stock options as part of an employee compensation plan.

(2) Prior to issuing employee stock options under this section, a licensee shall:

(a) Submit to the Administration a detailed employee stock option plan for each employee to whom it intends to issue stock, in a manner prescribed by the Administration;

(b) Pay the fee established in COMAR 14.17.21 for each registered agent to be issued stock; and

(c) Obtain Administration approval of the employee stock option plan.

(3) The Administration may deny the employee stock option plan if:

(a) The plan is not complete in every material detail; or

(b) The plan would otherwise violate:

(i) This regulation;

(ii) This chapter;

(iii) This subtitle;

(iv) Alcoholic Beverages and Cannabis Article, Title 36, Annotated Code of Maryland.

(4) A licensee with an approved plan under this section may issue employee stock options to employees of the licensee in accordance with the approved plan without prior approval from the Administration.

(5) Stocks issued to employees under this section may not:

(a) Exceed 5 percent total ownership to any one individual; or

(b) Change the control structure of the license.

(6) A licensee shall submit an annual report to the Administration of stocks issued, held, and transferred under the approved plan, in a manner prescribed by the Administration.

.05 Management Agreements.

A. Definition.

(1) In this regulation, the following term has the meaning indicated.

(2) Term Defined. “Management company” means an entity that provides management services to a licensed entity.

B. A management company shall be:

(1) Registered by the Administration, in a manner prescribed by the Administration; and

(2) In good standing with the State Department of Assessments and Taxation.

C. A licensee shall provide a copy of a management agreement to the Administration and include:

(1) Information detailing any compensation paid in exchange for the management services;

(2) Criminal history record and financial information of the third party providing the management services; and

(3) Any other information relevant to the management agreement requested by the Administration.

D. A management agreement may not take effect unless the Administration has:

(1) Received proper notice of the management agreement, as specified in §C of this regulation;

(2) Received the required fee specified in COMAR 14.17.21; and

(3) Approved the management agreement.

E. The Administration may deny a management agreement:

(1) If the management agreement constitutes an invalid transfer of an ownership interest in a license, as specified in Regulation .04 of this chapter;

(2) If the criminal history record information or the background investigation reveals the personnel of a third party providing the management services has been convicted of or pleaded nolo contendere to a crime involving moral turpitude, whether or not any appeal or other proceeding is pending to have the conviction or plea set aside;

(3) If the management agreement transfers control of a license:

(a) In violation of Alcoholic Beverages and Cannabis Article, §36-503, Annotated Code of Maryland; or

(b) As established in §H of this regulation;

(4) If the licensee fails to produce additional documentation requested by the Administration;

(5) If the management agreement is found to be in violation of §G of this regulation; or

(6) For any other good cause.

F. In the case of material change to a management agreement, including but not limited to a change of ownership or control of the management company, the licensee shall:

(1) Provide any relevant records, files, or information to the Administration; and

(2) Receive Administration approval prior to the material change to the management agreement taking effect.

G. A management agreement under this regulation may not require a licensee to:

(1) Operate the business under a marketing plan or system that is associated with the trademark, service mark, trade name, logotype, advertising, or other commercial symbol that designates the licensee as same or similar to the management company;

(2) Offer, sell, or distribute cannabis or cannabis products under a marketing plan or system prescribed in substantial part by the entity providing the management agreement;

(3) Limit the offerings of cannabis or cannabis products to another licensed entity holding a direct or indirect financial relationship to the management company; or

(4) Sell or transfer ownership interest in the license at a later date to the management company.

H. A management agreement may constitute a transfer of control if it conveys to a management company:

(1) Unilateral control as defined in COMAR 14.17.01; or

(2) The right or authority to make major marketing, production, and financial decisions, including:

(a) The right or authority to operate the business under a trademark, service mark, trade name, logotype, or other commercial symbol that is the same as the management company or another licensee;

(b) The right or authority to purchase a controlling interest in, or control of, the license at a later date; or

(c) The right to or actual payment from the licensee over the course of a calendar year exceeding the greater of:

(i) 25 percent of the licensee’s gross revenue;

(ii) 50 percent of the licensee’s net profits; or

(iii) $250,000.

.06 Standard Grower License.

A. A standard grower license authorizes the licensee to:

(1) Cultivate or package cannabis; and

(2) Provide cannabis, or usable cannabis, to other licensees and registered independent testing laboratories.

B. A standard grower’s canopy may not exceed the canopy restrictions as established in Alcoholic Beverages and Cannabis Article, §36-402, Annotated Code of Maryland.

C. On or before October 1 of each year a standard grower shall report to the Administration the square footage of indoor and outdoor canopy as defined in COMAR 14.17.01. The Administration may:

(1) Inspect the licensed premise to verify the standard grower’s annual submission of canopy square footage; and

(2) Restrict, reduce, fine, or otherwise sanction any standard grower who misrepresents canopy square footage.

D. For any standard grower found in violation of §B of this regulation, the Administration may:

(1) Reduce the canopy of the standard grower by the same percentage as it exceeds the authorized canopy; and

(2) Seize, destroy, confiscate, or place an administrative hold on any flowering cannabis plants produced in the excess of the canopy restrictions.

E. For the purposes of calculating canopy under §§B—D of this regulation, canopy that is rented, leased, operated, or otherwise controlled by a standard grower other than its owner shall only be attributed to the standard grower in control of the square footage.

F. For the purposes of calculating canopy under §§B—D of this regulation, 1 square foot of indoor canopy is equal to 4 square feet of outdoor canopy.

G. A standard grower licensed under this regulation shall operate in accordance with COMAR 14.17.10.

.07 Standard Processor License.

A. A standard processor license authorizes the licensee to:

(1) Transform cannabis into another product or an extract and package and label the cannabis product; and

(2) Provide cannabis to licensed dispensaries and independent testing laboratories.

B. A standard processor licensed under this regulation shall operate in accordance with COMAR 14.17.11.

.08 Standard Dispensary License.

A. A standard dispensary license authorizes the licensee operating a store at a physical location to acquire, possess, sell, or dispense cannabis products and related materials in accordance with Alcoholic Beverages and Cannabis Article, §36-401(c)(1), Annotated Code of Maryland, including for use by qualifying patients or consumers through a physical storefront.

B. A standard dispensary may not operate a delivery service as defined in COMAR 14.17.01, unless the standard dispensary:

(1) Has a qualifying partnership with a micro dispensary under Alcoholic Beverages and Cannabis Article, §1-323, Annotated Code of Maryland, to conduct delivery services on behalf of the standard dispensary; or

(2) Otherwise partners or contracts with a micro dispensary to conduct delivery services for the standard dispensary.

C. A standard dispensary licensed under this regulation shall operate in accordance with COMAR 14.17.12.

.09 Incubator Space License.

A. An incubator space license authorizes the licensee to operate a facility within which a micro licensee may operate in accordance with Alcoholic Beverages and Cannabis Article, §36-406, Annotated Code of Maryland.

B. Any individual with ownership or control of an incubator space license may not have any ownership or control any other cannabis license type.

C. Prior to the issuance of incubator space licenses, the Maryland Economic Development Corporation shall identify regional sites in accordance with Chs. 254 (H.B. 556) and 255 (S.B. 516), §13, Acts of 2023.

.10 On-Site Consumption License.

A. An on-site consumption establishment license authorizes the licensee to operate a licensed premises in which cannabis may be consumed in accordance with Alcoholic Beverages and Cannabis Article, §36-407, Annotated Code of Maryland.

B. An on-site consumption establishment may operate only if the county or, if applicable, the municipality, where the business is located has issued a permit or license that expressly allows the operation of the on-site consumption establishment subject to the limitations in Alcoholic Beverages and Cannabis Article, §36-405, Annotated Code of Maryland.

C. An on-site consumption license does not authorize the holder of the license to:

(1) Cultivate cannabis;

(2) Process cannabis or cannabis–infused products; or

(3) Add cannabis to food prepared or served on the premises.

D. Any individual or entity who holds an ownership interest in or control of an on-site consumption license may not have any ownership interest or control in any other cannabis license.

E. An on-site consumption establishment may apply to change the location of the on-site consumption establishment’s operation.

F. The on-site consumption establishment shall submit an application to the Administration along with the fee specified in COMAR 14.17.21.

G. The application shall include documentation:

(1) Of approval from the jurisdiction where the on-site consumption establishment plans to relocate; and

(2) That the proposed premises:

(a) Is under legal control of the applicant; and

(b) Comply with all zoning and planning requirements.

H. The Administration may not award licenses for on-site consumption establishments prior to May 1, 2024.

I. No other cannabis licensee may authorize or permit on-site consumption at the licensed premise, or at any space owned or controlled by the licensee.

J. Prior to operating a facility where the consumption of cannabis is permitted on the premises, a person shall obtain an on-site consumption licensed.

K. An on-site consumption establishment may obtain cannabis and cannabis products from licensed growers, processors, and standard dispensaries.


14.17.07 Micro Cannabis Licenses

Authority: Alcoholic Beverages and Cannabis Article, §§36-202, 36-203, 36-401, and 36-503, Annotated Code of Maryland

.01 Scope.

This chapter applies to all micro licenses authorized under Alcoholic Beverages and Cannabis Article, §36-401(c)(2), Annotated Code of Maryland.

.02 Term of License and License Renewal.

A. In addition to §§B—D of this regulation, terms of license and license renewal for micro licenses are as established in COMAR—K.

B. A micro licensee may not exceed growing, processing or dispensing operational restrictions set forth in Alcoholic Beverages and Cannabis Article, §36-401(c)(2), Annotated Code of Maryland.

C. The Administration may verify compliance with the operational restrictions under §B of this regulation within the first 24 months of a micro licensee’s operations by:

(1) For growers, measuring and inspecting the canopy owned or otherwise controlled by the licensed micro grower;

(2) For processors, querying the seed-to-sale tracking system for the prior 12 months of operations; and

(3) For dispensaries, investigating or otherwise verifying that the licensee:

(a) Operates only in the region in which the license was awarded or authorized;

(b) Employs fewer than ten individuals; and

(c) Does not operate a physical storefront.

D. The Administration may restrict, reduce, fine, or otherwise sanction any micro licensee who is found to be in violation of §B of this regulation.

.03 Change of Location.

A. Change of location procedures and requirements are as established in COMAR

B. A petition to expand the authorized service area of a micro dispensary does not constitute a change of location under this regulation.

.04 Ownership, Control, and Management Agreements for Micro Licenses.

A. Transfer of ownership interest requirements and procedures for micro licenses are established in COMAR

B. Management agreement requirements and procedures for micro licenses are established in COMAR

.05 Micro Grower License.

A. A micro grower license authorizes the licensee to:

(1) Cultivate or package cannabis; and

(2) Provide cannabis to other licensees and registered independent testing laboratories.

B. A micro grower’s canopy may not exceed the restrictions as established in Alcoholic Beverages and Cannabis Article, §36-401(c)(2)(i), Annotated Code of Maryland.

C. On or before October 1 of each year, micro growers shall report to the Administration the square footage of indoor and outdoor canopy as defined in COMAR 14.17.01.

D. The Administration may:

(1) Inspect the licensed premise to verify the micro grower’s annual submission of canopy square footage; and

(2) Restrict, reduce, fine, or otherwise sanction any micro grower who misrepresents canopy square footage.

E. For any micro grower found in violation of §B of this regulation, the Administration may:

(1) Reduce the canopy of the micro grower by the same percentage as it exceeds the authorized canopy; and

(2) Seize, destroy, confiscate, or place an administrative hold on any flowering cannabis plants produced in the excess of the canopy.

F. For the purposes of calculating canopy under §§B—E of this regulation, canopy that is rented, leased, operated, or otherwise controlled by one micro grower to another micro grower shall only be attributed to the micro grower in control of the square footage.

G. A micro grower licensed under this regulation shall operate in accordance with COMAR 14.17.10.

H. A micro grower licensed under this regulation may convert to a standard grower license under COMAR in accordance with Regulation .08 of this chapter.

.06 Micro Processor License.

A. A micro processor license authorizes the licensee to:

(1) Transform cannabis into another product or an extract and package and label the cannabis product; and

(2) Provide cannabis to licensed dispensaries and independent testing laboratories.

B. A micro processor licensed under this chapter may not exceed the restrictions as established in Alcoholic Beverages and Cannabis Article, §36-401(c)(2)(ii), Annotated Code of Maryland, for the processing of cannabis products.

C. A micro processor licensed under this regulation shall operate in accordance with COMAR 14.17.11.

D. A micro processor licensed under this regulation may convert to a standard processor license under COMAR in accordance with Regulation .08 of this chapter.

.07 Micro Dispensary License.

A. A micro dispensary license authorizes the licensee to operate a delivery service as defined in COMAR 14.17.01.

B. A micro dispensary may not:

(1) Operate a physical storefront; or

(2) Employ more than 10 individuals.

C. A micro dispensary licensed under this regulation shall only deliver cannabis products to residences and medical facilities in the authorized service area under §D of this regulation.

D. Authorized Service Area.

(1) A micro dispensary may only make deliveries of cannabis or cannabis products:

(a) In the region in which its license was awarded; and

(b) As specifically permitted by the Administration in §D(3) of this regulation, its expanded authorized service area.

(2) A micro dispensary may submit a petition to expand its authorized service area in the manner specified by the Administration.

(3) The Administration may approve, deny, or issue temporary approval of a petition to expand a micro dispensary’s authorized service area.

(4) The authorized service area shall be entirely within the State of Maryland.

(5) A micro dispensary may:

(a) Store cannabis in a facility outside of the authorized service area in accordance with COMAR; or

(b) Transit outside the authorized service area:

(i) For the purpose of stocking or restocking inventory; or

(ii) When it is most efficient, as part of a planned delivery route.

E. A micro dispensary licensed under this regulation shall operate in accordance with COMAR—.11.

F. A micro dispensary licensed under this regulation may convert to a standard dispensary license under COMAR in accordance with Regulation .08 of this chapter.

.08 Conversion to Standard License.

A. A micro licensee in good standing may apply to the Administration to convert to a standard license once it has been operational for at least 24 months, in a manner determined by the Administration.

B. The Administration may deny the micro licensee for conversion to a standard license if the micro licensee:

(1) Has been operational for 24 or fewer months;

(2) Has been found to violate any operational restrictions in Regulation .02B of this chapter;

(3) Would be in violation of the ownership or control restrictions in COMAR 14.17.16;

(4) Does not provide adequate notice to the Administration; or

(5) For any other good cause determined by the Administration.

C. A micro license converted under §§A and B of this regulation to a standard license shall be valid through the date of the initial micro license.

D. Prior to the conversion of micro license to a standard license the licensee shall pay in full a pro-rated license fee.

E. The pro-rated license fee required under §D of this regulation shall be calculated by the Administration by:

(1) Subtracting any previous license fee paid for the valid micro license that is being converted into the standard license from the standard fee under COMAR 14.17.21; and

(2) Pro-rating the remaining license fee total by months remaining on the initial 5-year term of the micro license.

F. A micro license converted under this regulation:

(1) Shall be forfeited by the licensee as a condition of conversion and the Administration may award the forfeited license in a subsequent licensing round;

(2) Shall only be for the corresponding standard license type; and

(3) May not be converted to an incubator space license under COMAR or on-site consumption license under COMAR

G. The Administration shall reserve enough standard licenses, by license type, to allow a reasonable number of micro licenses to convert to a standard license.


14.17.08 Laboratory Registration and Operations

Authority: Alcoholic Beverages and Cannabis Article, §§36-202—36-204, and 36-408, Annotated Code of Maryland

.01 Definitions.

A. In this chapter, the following terms have the meanings indicated.

B. Terms Defined.

(1) “Accreditation body” means a nonprofit, impartial organization that requires conformance to 17025 ISO/IEC requirements and is a signatory to the international laboratory accreditation cooperation (ILAC) mutual recognition arrangement for testing.

(2) “Cannabis industry” means all cannabis registrants, licensees, and their agents in Maryland.

.02 Independent Testing Laboratory Registration.

A. An independent testing laboratory shall register with the Administration.

B. To register, an independent laboratory shall:

(1) Submit a completed independent laboratory registration form;

(2) Pay the registration fee specified in COMAR 14.17.21;

(3) Submit a copy of the certificate of accreditation accompanied by the scope of accreditation; and

(4) Submit the name, address, date of birth, and Social Security Number or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number of each independent testing laboratory employee and a copy of the application form completed by each independent testing laboratory employee.

C. The Administration may issue a provisional registration to an independent testing laboratory that has not yet been issued a certificate of accreditation in Maryland if the independent testing laboratory submits:

(1) A copy of the contract with the accreditation body with which it is applying to become accredited and a copy of the proposed scope of the accreditation;

(2) Evidence the independent testing laboratory has been accredited by the accreditation body in another jurisdiction; and

(3) All other required components listed in §B of this regulation.

D. Once it has obtained a certificate of accreditation, a provisionally registered independent testing laboratory shall apply to be registered, subject to the following terms:

(1) The term of the registration may not exceed the term of the provisional registration; and

(2) No additional registration fee need be paid for that term.

.03 Standards of Care.

A. The independent testing laboratory shall:

(1) Follow the methodologies, ranges and parameters which are contained in the scope of the accreditation for testing cannabis or cannabis products;

(2) Establish standard operating procedures and method validation or verification, if applicable, for testing that are approved by the accrediting body and the Administration;

(3) Establish and follow written procedures for verifying the experience and education of laboratory employees;

(4) Before an independent testing laboratory employee works or volunteers for the independent testing laboratory, register the employee with the Administration;

(5) Upon termination of the independent testing laboratory’s association with a registered independent testing laboratory employee:

(a) Obtain any keys or other entry devices from the terminated independent testing laboratory employee;

(b) Ensure the terminated independent laboratory employee can no longer gain access to the laboratory premises; and

(c) Within 1 business day of the termination of independent laboratory employee, notify the Administration of the termination;

(6) Notify the Administration within 1 business day after the independent testing laboratory obtains notice of any kind that its accreditation has been denied, suspended, or revoked;

(7) Implement the testing requirements established in Regulation .05 of this chapter and identified in the Administration’s Technical Authority for cannabis testing;

(8) Maintain a continuous or motion-activated video surveillance recording system that:

(a) Records all activity high quality and high resolution images capable of clearly revealing facial detail;

(b) Operates 24 hours a day, 365 days a year without interruption;

(c) Provides a date and time stamp for every recorded frame; and

(d) Captures activity at each area where cannabis is tested, disposed of, or stored;

(9) Store and retain all recordings of security video surveillance in a format that can be easily accessed for investigational purposes for a minimum of 90 calendar days;

(10) Make any security video surveillance recording available to the Administration or law enforcement agency for just cause as requested within 48 hours;

(11) Conspicuously display its laboratory registration at the registered premises; and

(12) Maintain a log of all visitors to the premises for 2 years.

B. Violation.

(1) Failure to provide the Administration with any video surveillance recording within 48 hours of a request from the Administration is a violation of COMAR

(2) Each day of recording within the minimum timeframe stated in §A(9) of this regulation that a licensee fails to provide to the Administration constitutes a separate violation.

.04 Term and Renewal.

A. The registration is valid for 2 years.

B. An independent testing laboratory may renew its registration by submitting to the Administration:

(1) A copy of the independent testing laboratory registration form;

(2) Payment of the registration fee specified in COMAR 14.17.21; and

(3) Submission of copies of the most recent:

(a) Assessment from the accreditation body; and

(b) Proficiency testing results obtained by the independent testing laboratory.

.05 Independent Testing Laboratory Responsibilities.

A. An independent testing laboratory shall:

(1) Establish and follow statistically valid sampling methods to obtain samples from licensees;

(2) Adopt standard operating procedures that are approved by the Administration to test cannabis, cannabis concentrate, and any other product that contains more than 0.5 milligrams of THC per serving and 2.5 milligrams of THC per package;

(3) Perform testing and analysis of cannabis and cannabis products in accordance with the Administration’s Technical Authority;

(4) In the event of a test result which falls out of specification:

(a) Follow standard operating procedure to confirm or refute the original result; and

(b) Notify the Administration of the failed test result within 24 hours of the determination;

(5) Issue to the licensee a certificate of analysis for each batch, with supporting data, to report concentrations of compounds, presences of contaminants, and whether the batch is within specifications for certain characteristics, as required by the Technical Authority; and

(6) After the analysis is complete, weigh, document, and destroy all green waste in accordance with a standard operating procedure approved by the Administration.

B. An independent testing laboratory may only handle, test, or analyze cannabis or cannabis products if it:

(1) Has been registered by the Administration;

(2) Is independent from all other persons and entities involved in the cannabis industry;

(3) Is accredited by an accreditation body or has a provisional registration from the Administration;

(4) Has established standard operating procedures that provide for adequate chain of custody controls for samples transferred to the independent testing laboratory for testing, which are approved by the Administration; and

(5) Enters timely and accurate data into the seed-to-sale tracking system that identifies and tracks samples.

C. Upon request, in a format determined by the Administration, independent testing laboratories shall:

(1) Provide materials to the State Cannabis Testing Laboratory to conduct the activities under Regulation .07B of this chapter; and

(2) As part of a licensee inspection, analyze samples for deviation from specification and provide a written report to the Administration.

.06 Transportation of Products Containing Cannabis.

A. A registered independent testing laboratory may transport samples of cannabis and products containing cannabis from the premises of a licensed grower, processor, or dispensary to the independent testing laboratory.

B. A registered independent testing laboratory shall transport samples of cannabis and products containing cannabis:

(1) With oversight by at least one independent testing laboratory employee registered with the Administration; and

(2) Using a vehicle that:

(a) Meets the criteria specified in COMAR; and

(b) Is registered with the Administration.

.07 State Cannabis Testing Laboratory.

A. The Administration shall operate a State Cannabis Testing Laboratory under Alcoholic Beverages and Cannabis Article, §36-204, Annotated Code of Maryland.

B. The Administration shall operate a State Cannabis Testing Laboratory to:

(1) Prepare, conduct, and analyze proficiency testing events for independent testing laboratories registered under this chapter;

(2) Develop cannabis testing methodologies;

(3) Conduct compliance testing on cannabis samples;

(4) Establish and verify standard operating procedures for independent testing laboratories;

(5) Develop and facilitate quality assurance and compliance controls for micro growers and micro processors;

(6) Remediate problems with registered independent testing laboratories and recommend Administration sanctions; and

(7) Test products for adverse event reporting, research, and other purposes deemed necessary by the Administration, including:

(a) Licensed cannabis products produced and sold in accordance with this subtitle;

(b) Unlicensed cannabis products produced or sold in violation of this subtitle;

(c) Hemp derived products; and

(d) Any other products required to be tested for the public health or public safety of Maryland.

C. Pilot Programs.

(1) The State Cannabis Testing Laboratory may establish pilot programs for the purposes of:

(a) Improving public health and safety;

(b) Reviewing existing regulatory standards; or

(c) Developing new regulatory standards.

(2) As part of a pilot program established under this section, the Administration may waive, reduce, or amend existing testing standards.

(3) Participation in a pilot program will be determined by the Administration, in a manner prescribed by the Administration.


14.17.09 Other Cannabis Businesses

Authority: Alcoholic Beverages and Cannabis Article, §§36-202, 36-203, 36-401, and 36-409, Annotated Code of Maryland

.01 Scope.

This chapter applies to any registrant who conducts transportation, disposal, or security services for any cannabis licensee in Maryland.

.02 Cannabis Registrants.

A. A registrant shall be registered with the Administration prior to providing any transportation, disposal, or security services for any cannabis licensee in Maryland.

B. To register, a cannabis business shall submit:

(1) A completed registration form;

(2) The name, address, date of birth, and Social Security number of each agent for the cannabis business;

(3) A security plan, including emergency protocol;

(4) A copy of the articles of incorporation and authorization to do business in Maryland;

(5) The registration fee specified in COMAR 14.17.21;

(6) Any secure cannabis transport vehicle for inspection by the Administration; and

(7) Proof that fingerprints have been submitted to CJIS and the FBI for every cannabis agent.

C. The Administration may approve a cannabis registration if the business:

(1) Submits a complete and accurate registration form;

(2) Is authorized to do business in Maryland; and

(3) Pays the required fee specified in COMAR 14.17.21.

D. The Administration may deny a registration for any good cause as determined by the Administration.

E. The Administration may collect demographic information from applicants at the time of registration.

F. The Administration may deny or revoke a cannabis business registration if any agent or individual with ownership interest in the business is convicted of or pleads nolo contendere to a crime involving moral turpitude, whether or not any appeal or other proceeding is pending to have the conviction or plea set aside.

G. The registration is valid for 2 years.

H. The business may renew its registration by submitting to the Administration:

(1) A copy of the registration form;

(2) Proof that fingerprints have been submitted to CJIS and the FBI for every cannabis agent; and

(3) Proof that each secure transport vehicle has been inspected by the Administration.

I. A licensee may only contract with Administration-registered cannabis businesses for the provisions of services under this regulation.

.03 Transport Operations.

A. This regulation governs the transport of cannabis or cannabis products by a licensed grower, processor, dispensary, or a registered transporter business between the premises of licensees, independent testing laboratories, the State Cannabis Testing Laboratory, and for green waste disposal.

B. A licensee or registrant shall ensure:

(1) Agents have on their person their current, active driver’s license;

(2) Agents have on their person Administration-issued proof of:

(a) The licensee’s or registrant’s current licensure or registration; and

(b) Their own registration;

(3) While in transit, agents do not wear any clothing or symbols that may indicate ownership or possession of cannabis;

(4) Each vehicle used to transport cannabis is operated by at least one registered agent; and

(5) All cannabis is transported in one or more locked and secure storage containers which may not be accessible while in transit.

C. A vehicle used to transport cannabis:

(1) Shall have and display current vehicle registration;

(2) Shall be insured as required by law;

(3) Shall be equipped with locked and secure storage containers anchored to the inside of the vehicle;

(4) Shall conceal storage containers so they are not visible or identifiable from outside of the vehicle; and

(5) May not display any sign or illustration related to cannabis or a licensee.

D. The requirements in §C(2) and (3) do not apply to a registrant that only disposes of green waste.

E. Electronic Manifest.

(1) A shipping licensee shall create an electronic manifest to record the chain of custody for each cannabis shipment.

(2) The electronic manifest shall record:

(a) The name and address of the shipping licensee;

(b) The shipping licensee’s shipment identification number;

(c) The weight and description of each individual package that is part of the shipment, and the total number of individual packages;

(d) The name of the registered grower agent, processor agent, or dispensary agent that prepared the shipment;

(e) The name and address of the receiving licensee or other receiving party if applicable; and

(f) Any handling or storage instructions.

(3) The electronic manifest shall contain the following entries as points in the chain of custody:

(a) An entry by a registered grower agent, registered processor agent, or registered dispensary agent who has prepared the shipment, including the date and time of preparation;

(b) An entry by a registered grower agent, processor agent, or dispensary agent of the date and time of the placement of the shipment into the secure cannabis transport vehicle;

(c) An entry by the receiving licensee’s agent receiving the shipment, including the date and time of the acceptance; and

(d) If any other person had custody or control of the shipment, that person’s identity, the circumstances, duration, and disposition.

F. Delivering and Receiving Cannabis Shipments.

(1) Upon arrival of a secure cannabis transport vehicle, the shipping licensee agent who delivers the shipment shall notify an appropriate receiving licensee agent to continue the chain of custody in the electronic manifest of the shipment of cannabis or cannabis products.

(2) An agent of the receiving licensee shall:

(a) Log into the seed-to-sale tracking system;

(b) Take custody of a shipment of products containing cannabis;

(c) Confirm that:

(i) The agent who delivers the shipment is carrying appropriate identification;

(ii) The packaging is secure, undamaged, and appropriately labeled;

(iii) Each package in the shipment is labeled as described in the electronic manifest; and

(iv) The contents of the shipment are as described in the electronic manifest;

(d) Record the confirmations in the electronic manifest;

(e) Obtain in the electronic manifest the signature or identification number of the agent who delivers the shipment;

(f) Record in the electronic manifest the date and time the receiving licensee agent takes custody of the shipment;

(g) Enter the products containing cannabis into the seed-to-sale tracking system;

(h) Segregate the items in the shipment from the inventory until the item can be inspected;

(i) Inspect each item to ensure that the packaging of each item is undamaged, accurate, and complete; and

(j) Upon determining the item passes inspection, release the item into the stock.

(3) The agent who delivers the shipment shall provide a copy of the electronic manifest for the shipment to the receiving licensee.

(4) The agent who delivers the shipment shall provide the completed electronic manifest to the shipping licensee.

(5) The shipping licensee shall retain the electronic manifest for the shipment for 2 years.

(6) Discrepancy in the Shipment.

(a) A discrepancy between the electronic manifest and the shipment, identified by an agent who delivers the shipment or a receiving agent, shall be reported by each agent to the agent’s supervisor.

(b) If a discrepancy can be immediately rectified, the accepting processor supervisor shall record the rectification in the electronic manifest.

(c) A discrepancy that cannot be immediately rectified shall be reported to the Administration by the receiving licensee within 24 hours of the observation of the discrepancy and the shipping licensee shall initiate an investigation of the discrepancy.

(d) The shipping licensee shall submit to the Administration:

(i) Within 7 calendar days of the observation of the discrepancy, a preliminary report of an investigation of a discrepancy; and

(ii) Within 30 calendar days, a final report of the investigation.

G. Licensees and registrants transporting or receiving edible cannabis products shall comply with COMAR

H. A registered transporter business may not deliver cannabis to qualifying patients, registered caregivers, or adult-use consumers.

.04 Incubator Spaces.

A. An incubator space may provide one or more of the following:

(1) Secure storage of cannabis or cannabis products for licensed micro dispensaries;

(2) Commercial kitchen space for the processing and production of cannabis products by licensed micro processors; or

(3) Space for the cultivation of cannabis by licensed micro growers.

B. An incubator space shall comply with the requirements of COMAR 14.17.10, 14.17.11, and 14.17.12 for the:

(1) Security of the premises;

(2) Sanitation of any cannabis or cannabis product produced at the incubator space;

(3) Safety of any cannabis cultivated at the incubator space, including the use of pesticides;

(4) Storage of cannabis and cannabis products; and

(5) Use of the seed-to-sale tracking system.

C. The incubator space licensee shall make a good faith effort to:

(1) Secure any cannabis, cannabis products, inventory, equipment, or other materials on the licensed premise; and

(2) Prevent theft or diversion of any cannabis, cannabis products, inventory, equipment, or other materials by license holders, agents, or members of the public.

D. The incubator space licensee holder may assess a fair market rent for the use or storage of the facility.

E. The incubator space licensee may not accept or receive any equity stake, ownership share, or control of a micro license facility as a condition of rent or use of the space.


14.17.10 Cannabis Grower Operations

Authority: Alcoholic Beverages and Cannabis Article, §§36-202, 36-203, 36-401, 36-402, and 36-410, Annotated Code of Maryland

.01 Scope.

A. Unless otherwise specified this chapter applies to a business licensed to grow cannabis under COMAR and

B. This chapter applies to all cannabis grown in Maryland intended for either adult-use or medical-use sales.

.02 Cannabis Grower Premises.

A. A grower premises shall:

(1) Be located within Maryland;

(2) Conform to local zoning and planning requirements; and

(3) Conspicuously display an Administration-issued grower license at the licensed premises.

B. Additional Provisions for Field or Greenhouse Cultivation Premises.

(1) A grower premises for field cultivation of cannabis shall be situated to maintain the greatest achievable level of privacy and security.

(2) An area of cultivation shall be securely surrounded by fencing and gates constructed to prevent unauthorized entry.

(3) Fencing and gates shall be equipped with a security alarm system that:

(a) Covers the entire perimeter;

(b) Is continuously monitored; and

(c) Is capable of detecting power loss.

(4) The premises shall be protected by a video surveillance recording system to ensure:

(a) Surveillance of the entire perimeter of the area of cultivation;

(b) Surveillance over all portions of the security fence and all gates; and

(c) Adherence to the video surveillance requirements of this chapter.

(5) A video surveillance system shall be supported by adequate security lighting which may be modified as necessary to include motion control sensors to protect light-dark cycles for proper cultivation.

C. A grower may not make modifications or renovations:

(1) Without prior approval by the Maryland Cannabis Administration in a manner prescribed by the Administration; or

(2) That increase a standard grower’s capacity to greater than the canopy limits prescribed in Alcoholic Beverages and Cannabis Article, §36-402(b), Annotated Code of Maryland.

D. A grower facility premises shall be constructed to prevent unauthorized entry.

E. Security Lighting.

(1) The grower shall design and install lighting fixtures to ensure proper surveillance.

(2) This provision does not apply to lighting in areas of a grower’s premises that are used to cultivate cannabis.

F. Security Alarm Systems.

(1) A grower shall maintain a security alarm system that covers all:

(a) Perimeter entry points and portals at all premises;

(b) Rooms that hold cannabis;

(c) Locations where records are stored on-site; and

(d) Locations where records are stored off-site.

(2) A security system shall:

(a) Be continuously monitored;

(b) Be capable of detecting smoke and fire;

(c) Be capable of detecting power loss;

(d) Include panic alarm devices mounted at convenient, readily accessible locations throughout the licensed premises;

(e) Remain operational until a licensed premises no longer has any cannabis, seeds, or cuttings on the premises; and

(f) Be equipped with auxiliary power sufficient to maintain operation for at least 48 hours.

G. Video Surveillance Requirements.

(1) A grower shall maintain a motion-activated video surveillance recording system at all premises that:

(a) Records all activity in images of high quality and high resolution capable of clearly revealing facial detail;

(b) Operates 24-hours a day, 365 days a year without interruption; and

(c) Provides a date and time stamp for every recorded frame.

(2) A grower shall post appropriate notices advising visitors of the video surveillance.

(3) A surveillance camera shall be located and operated to capture each exit from the premises.

(4) A surveillance camera shall capture activity at each:

(a) Entrance to an area where cannabis is grown, tested, cured, manufactured, processed, or stored; and

(b) Area where cannabis is trimmed, packaged, cured, or stored.

(5) The storage of all recordings of security video surveillance shall be:

(a) Access-limited;

(b) Secured by a security alarm system that is independent of the main premises security alarm system;

(c) In a format that can be easily accessed for investigational purposes; and

(d) Retained for a minimum of 90 calendar days.

(6) Any recording of security video surveillance shall be made available to the Administration or law enforcement agency for just cause as requested within 48 hours.

(7) Violation.

(a) Failure to provide the Administration with any recording of video surveillance within 48 hours of a request from the Administration is a violation of COMAR

(b) Each day of recording within the timeframe in §G(5)(d) of this regulation that a grower fails to provide to the Administration constitutes a separate violation.

H. Handwashing Sinks. A grower shall:

(1) Ensure that agents engaged in creating usable cannabis products have easy access to a handwashing sink that provides warm water of sufficient volume under pressure for effective handwashing procedures; and

(2) Maintain at least one handwashing sink for the following number of agents who are engaged in creating usable cannabis products while on duty at the same time:

(a) Every 15 agents; and

(b) Any fraction of 15 agents.

I. Visitor to the Premises.

(1) When a visitor is admitted to the licensed premises, a registered agent shall:

(a) Log the visitor in and out;

(b) Retain with the log a photocopy of the visitor’s government-issued identification;

(c) Continuously, physically supervise the visitor while they are on the premises; and

(d) Ensure that the visitor does not touch any cannabis.

(2) An Administration investigator is not subject to the visitor requirements established in §I(1) of this regulation.

(3) The grower shall maintain a log of all visitors for 2 years.

J. Micro growers may not operate a facility greater than the limits established in Alcoholic Beverages and Cannabis Article, §36-401(c)(2)(i), Annotated Code of Maryland.

.03 Cannabis Grower Controls.

A. Receipt of Material.

(1) A grower shall quarantine material that is received to produce cannabis.

(2) A grower shall inspect material for defects, contamination, and compliance with a grower’s specifications.

(3) Material may not be released from quarantine by a grower until the material:

(a) Passes inspection; and

(b) Is determined to be acceptable for use as intended.

B. Growing Cannabis.

(1) Horticultural Controls.

(a) Water. The grower shall keep a record of water quality testing on-site and make it available for inspection.

(b) Fertilizer. As part of the standard operating procedure, a grower shall:

(i) Adopt a nutrient management plan prepared by a certified nutrient management consultant;

(ii) Use fertilizer or hydroponic solution of a type, formulation, and at a rate, to support healthy growth of cannabis; and

(iii) Maintain records of the type and amounts of fertilizer and any growth additives used.

(c) Unless the cannabis is field grown, a grower shall install, as part of the standard operating procedure, a system to monitor, record, and regulate:

(i) Temperature;

(ii) Humidity;

(iii) Ventilation; and

(iv) Lighting, if used.

(d) Unless the cannabis is field grown, a grower shall seal or screen the premises ventilation system with a mesh or filtering system fine enough to exclude most plant pests.

(e) Pest Monitoring. A grower shall use integrated pest management practices and techniques to identify and manage plant pathogen and pest problems, including:

(i) A door control system sufficient to prevent pest entry;

(ii) Regular visual inspection of plants and growing areas for the presence of pests;

(iii) The use of sticky cards in growing areas; and

(iv) Identification and recording of all pests or pathogens detected and the measures taken for control.

(f) Pest Control. Pesticide applicators and applications shall follow State and federal pesticide requirements for any pesticide applied.

(g) Sanitation. Sanitation shall comply with the grower’s standard operating procedures.

(h) Green Waste. A grower shall weigh, document, and destroy all green waste in accordance with the standard operating procedures.

(2) Equipment. A grower shall:

(a) Maintain equipment that comes in contact with cannabis to prevent contamination;

(b) Maintain cleaning and equipment maintenance logs;

(c) Ensure all scales are National Type Evaluation Program-approved;

(d) Have any scale, balance, or other measurement device, and any automatic, mechanical, or electronic equipment:

(i) Annually calibrated by a calibration laboratory accredited to International Organization for Standardization (ISO) standard 17025 ISO/IEC by an accreditation body that is a signatory to the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC) Mutual Recognition Arrangement; and

(ii) Checked at least once per month to ensure accuracy; and

(e) Make records and certifications required under §B(2)(c) and (d) of this regulation available to the Administration available upon request.

C. Inventory Controls.

(1) A grower shall enter timely and accurate data into the Administration’s designated seed-to-sale tracking system to track the grower’s stock of cannabis from the time the cannabis is propagated from seed or cutting to the time it is delivered to a:

(a) Licensed processor; or

(b) Licensed dispensary.

(2) Upon receipt of raw material for cultivation, a grower shall record in the seed-to-sale tracking system:

(a) The date delivered; and

(b) The number of cuttings or seeds delivered or the weight of the seeds for each variety in the shipment.

(3) Requirements for Receipt of Material. A grower:

(a) Shall quarantine material that is received to be used to produce cannabis;

(b) Shall inspect material for defects, contamination, and compliance with a grower’s specifications; and

(c) May not release material from quarantine until it:

(i) Passes inspection; and

(ii) Is determined acceptable for use as intended.

(4) Plant Tagging and Entry into Seed-to-Sale Tracking System.

(a) For each plant, as soon as practical, a grower shall:

(i) Create a unique identifier for each plant;

(ii) Assign each plant to a batch;

(iii) Enter information regarding the plant into the seed-to-sale tracking system;

(iv) Create a tag with the unique identifier and batch number; and

(v) Securely attach the tag to a plant container or plant.

(b) A tag shall be:

(i) Indelible and tamper-evident; and

(ii) Made of a material that resists variation in temperature and moisture.

(5) Control of Harvested Cannabis. A grower shall:

(a) Upon completion of curing or drying of each batch, weigh cannabis to update the seed-to-sale tracking system for the batch; and

(b) At least monthly, conduct a physical inventory of the stock and compare the physical inventory of stock with the stock reflected in seed-to-sale tracking system.

D. Quality Controls.

(1) Production and Process Controls.

(a) A grower shall cultivate each plant and produce each batch of cannabis in conformity with standard operating procedures.

(b) A grower shall record the cultivation process in accordance with standard operating procedures to ensure:

(i) Consistency of the batch with the variety; and

(ii) Accuracy of the day-to-day production.

(c) A grower shall record any deviation defined as a material change from the standard operating procedure which would impact the quality of the batch in the log.

(d) A grower may not release any batch of cannabis if there was any deviation in production of the batch from the standard operating procedure unless:

(i) After independent testing of the batch in accordance with the criteria set forth in COMAR, the grower determines, as a result of such testing, that the batch meets the specification for the variety; and

(ii) The determination is recorded.

(2) During the process of cultivation, a grower shall regularly inspect each plant to ensure proper growth and absence of pests and disease.

(3) A grower shall hold cannabis in secure, segregated storage until released for distribution.

(4) A grower shall use an Administration-registered independent testing laboratory to test each batch of cannabis and obtain a certificate of analysis.

(5) Batch Release Controls.

(a) If a grower, upon review of the certificate of analysis, determines that a batch meets the specification for the variety, the grower may:

(i) Assign an expiration date to the batch;

(ii) Release the batch for distribution; and

(iii) Revise the status of the batch in the seed-to-sale tracking system.

(b) If a grower receives test results that do not meet specifications, the grower:

(i) Shall notify the Administration of the determination within 24 hours of receiving the test results;

(ii) May rework or reprocess the batch according to their standard operating procedure; and

(iii) If applicable, shall ensure the reworked or reprocessed batch is resampled and retested by the independent testing laboratory to confirm that all required specifications are met.

(c) If a batch is being transferred to a licensed processor for processing, the grower may release the batch for distribution without having a certificate of analysis or being sampled or tested by an independent testing laboratory.

(d) All cannabis products shall have a certificate of analysis, as specified in COMAR, prior to transfer to a licensed dispensary.

(6) A grower shall retain every certificate of analysis.

(7) Stability Testing and Retention Sampling.

(a) A grower shall provide a sample from each released batch to an independent testing laboratory sufficient to perform stability testing at 6-month intervals to:

(i) Ensure product potency and purity; and

(ii) Provide support for expiration dating.

(b) Retention samples retained from each released batch shall be:

(i) Tested by a registered independent testing laboratory other than the original certifying laboratory following an adverse event reported to the Administration;

(ii) Properly stored by the grower; and

(iii) Properly discarded 6 months after the expiration date of the batch.

E. Sanitation.

(1) Scales, surfaces, and other equipment use for the purposes of creating usable cannabis products shall be cleaned and sanitized:

(a) Between shifts;

(b) Between packaging, repackaging, or otherwise creation of usable cannabis products with different usable cannabis batches;

(c) Before beginning any packaging, repackaging, or other creation of usable cannabis products; and

(d) After the completion of any packaging or creation of usable cannabis products.

(2) A grower shall maintain an accurate log of cleaning and sanitation required under §E(1) of this regulation.

.04 Micro Grower Premises and Operations.

A micro grower’s canopy may not exceed the restrictions established in Alcoholic Beverages and Cannabis Article, §36-401(c)(2)(i), Annotated Code of Maryland.

.05 Product Returned for Destruction and Disposal of Green Waste.

A. A grower shall accept any product returned for destruction and record as green waste.

B. A grower shall otherwise destroy any other product recorded as green waste with standard operating procedures.

.06 Product Reservations and Trade Practices.

A. Except as specified in §C of this regulation, a grower licensed under COMAR shall make a good faith effort to transfer at least 10 percent of cannabis grown to:

(1) Licensed processors and dispensaries that have no common ownership interest or control with the grower; or

(2) Social equity licensees as defined in COMAR 14.17.01 .

B. In fulfilling the requirement in §A of this regulation, a grower shall to the extent practicable:

(1) Prioritize social equity licensees; and

(2) Ensure that approximately equal amounts of cannabis are transferred to licensed processors and dispensaries.

C. A social equity grower licensee shall make a good faith effort to transfer at least 10 percent of cannabis grown to licensed processors and dispensaries that have no common ownership interest or control with the social equity grower licensee.

D. The Administration may query the seed-to-sale tracking system to ensure compliance with this regulation.

E. If a grower is found in violation of this regulation, the Administration may:

(1) Issue a fine; and

(2) Restrict, suspend, or revoke the license.

.07 Visitor to the Premises.

A. When a visitor is admitted to the premises, an agent shall:

(1) Log the visitor in and out;

(2) Retain with the log a photocopy of the visitor’s government-issued identification;

(3) Continuously, physically supervise the visitor while they are on the premises; and

(4) Ensure that the visitor does not touch any cannabis.

B. An Administration investigator is not subject to the visitor requirements established in §A of this regulation.

C. The grower shall maintain a log of all visitors for 2 years.

.08 Discrepancy, Theft, and Diversion Reporting.

A. Discrepancy Reporting.

(1) If a grower discerns a discrepancy between the inventory of stock and the seed-to-sale tracking system outside of normal weight loss due to moisture loss and handling, the grower shall commence an investigation of the discrepancy within 1 business day.

(2) Failure to report a discrepancy within 1 business day may be used as evidence of diversion.

B. Theft or Diversion. If the grower finds evidence of a theft or diversion, the grower shall report the theft or diversion to the Administration and to the law enforcement agency with jurisdiction in the grower’s area within 1 business day.

C. Within 30 business days of discovering the theft, diversion, or discrepancy, the grower shall:

(1) Complete an investigation;

(2) Amend its standard operating procedures, if necessary; and

(3) Send a report of the investigation to the Administration.

.09 Standard Operating Procedures.

A. A grower shall establish written standard operating procedures in accordance with this subtitle to include all aspects of:

(1) Inventory control, including:

(a) Identifying and tracking the grower’s stock of cannabis in the seed-to-sale tracking system; and

(b) Monthly physical inventory;

(2) Receiving material used to produce cannabis;

(3) Shipping and transporting cannabis or products containing cannabis;

(4) Sanitation, including:

(a) Storage of cannabis;

(b) Maintaining the sanitation of equipment that comes into contact with cannabis; and

(c) Good hygiene practices and the wearing of protective clothing by agents;

(5) Equipment maintenance and calibration;

(6) Handling, packaging, and labeling of cannabis products and byproducts;

(7) Rework or reprocessing;

(8) Green waste procedures;

(9) Non-green waste procedures;

(10) Security and visitor procedures, including theft and diversion prevention;

(11) Storage, handling, and disposal of recalled materials.

(12) Irrigation, propagation, cultivation, fertilization, including the use of growing media or hydroponic solution;

(13) Recording the cultivation process;

(14) Pest monitoring and management;

(15) Harvesting, drying, curing; and

(16) Research and development procedures.

B. A grower’s standard operating procedures shall:

(1) Be available to each agent in a form the agent understands;

(2) Be available on-site for inspection by the Administration; and

(3) Accurately reflect the procedures used at the premises.


14.17.11 Cannabis Processor Operations

Authority: Alcoholic Beverages and Cannabis Article, §§36-202, 36-203, and 36-401, Annotated Code of Maryland

.01 Scope.

Unless otherwise specified, this chapter applies to a business licensed to process cannabis under COMAR and COMAR

.02 Cannabis Processor Premises.

A. A processor premises shall:

(1) Be located within Maryland;

(2) Conform to local zoning and planning requirements; and

(3) Conspicuously display a processor license at the licensed premises.

B. A processor may not make modifications or renovations to a processor premises without prior approval by the Administration in a manner prescribed by the Administration.

C. A processor facility premises shall be constructed to prevent unauthorized entry.

D. The processor shall design and install lighting fixtures to ensure proper surveillance.

E. Security Alarm Systems.

(1) A processor shall maintain a security alarm system that covers all:

(a) Perimeter entry points and portals at all premises;

(b) Rooms that hold cannabis;

(c) Locations where records are stored on-site; and

(d) Locations where records are stored off-site.

(2) A security system shall:

(a) Be continuously monitored;

(b) Be capable of detecting smoke and fire;

(c) Be capable of detecting power loss;

(d) Include panic alarm devices mounted at convenient, readily accessible locations throughout the licensed premises;

(e) Remain operational until a licensed premises no longer has any cannabis, seeds, or cuttings on the premises; and

(f) Be equipped with auxiliary power sufficient to maintain operation for at least 48 hours.

F. Video Surveillance Requirements.

(1) A processor shall maintain a motion-activated video surveillance recording system at all premises that:

(a) Records all activity in images of high quality and high resolution capable of clearly revealing facial detail;

(b) Operates 24-hours a day, 365 days a year without interruption; and

(c) Provides a date and time stamp for every recorded frame.

(2) A processor shall post appropriate notices advising visitors of the video surveillance.

(3) A surveillance camera shall be located and operated to capture each exit from the premises.

(4) A surveillance camera shall capture activity at each:

(a) Entrance to an area where cannabis is processed, tested, packaged, or stored; and

(b) Area where cannabis is processed, packaged, or stored.

(5) The storage of all recordings of security video surveillance shall be:

(a) Access-limited;

(b) Secured by a security alarm system that is independent of the main premises security alarm system;

(c) In a format that can be easily accessed for investigational purposes; and

(d) Retained for a minimum of 90 calendar days.

(6) Any recording of security video surveillance shall be made available to the Administration or law enforcement agency for just cause as requested within 48 hours.

(7) Violation.

(a) Failure to provide the Administration with any recording of video surveillance within 48 hours of a request from the Administration is a violation of COMAR

(b) Each day of recording within the time frame stated in §F(5)(d) of this regulation that a processor fails to provide to the Administration constitutes a separate violation.

G. Handwashing Sinks. A processor shall:

(1) Ensure that agents engaged in creating usable cannabis products have easy access to a handwashing sink that provides warm water of sufficient volume under pressure for effective handwashing procedures; and

(2) Maintain at least one handwashing sink for the following number of agents who are engaged in creating usable cannabis products while on duty at the same time:

(a) Every 15 agents; and

(b) Any fraction of 15 agents.

.03 Cannabis Processor Facility Operations.

A. A processor shall:

(1) Create and enter timely and accurate data into the seed-to-sale tracking system to identify and track the processor’s stock of cannabis from the time it is delivered or produced to the time it is delivered to another licensee; and

(2) At least monthly, conduct a physical inventory of the stock and compare the physical inventory of stock with the stock reflected in the seed-to-sale tracking system.

B. Receipt of Products Containing Cannabis.

(1) A processor may not:

(a) Acquire cannabis from an individual or entity in Maryland other than a licensee;

(b) Acquire cannabis from outside of Maryland unless authorized by the Administration; or

(c) Transport cannabis to any place outside of Maryland.

(2) Hemp.

(a) A processor may acquire hemp, as defined in Agriculture Article, §14-101, Annotated Code of Maryland, from a person licensed to produce hemp by:

(i) The Maryland Department of Agriculture;

(ii) The Secretary of the U.S. Department of Agriculture; or

(iii) An agency of another state pursuant to a hemp production plan that has been approved by the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

(b) Any product derived from hemp shall comply with:

(i) The testing standards established in COMAR 14.17.08 and the Technical Authority;

(ii) The relevant manufacturing standards established in this chapter and COMAR 14.17.13; and

(iii) The relevant packaging and labeling standards established in COMAR 14.17.18.

(c) A licensed processor shall follow the process for receiving cannabis established in this regulation.

C. Sanitary Storage of Cannabis. A processor shall:

(1) Maintain the cleanliness of any building or equipment used to store or display cannabis;

(2) Ensure cannabis is free from contamination;

(3) Require a processor agent to report any personal health condition that might compromise the cleanliness or quality of the cannabis the processor agent might handle;

(4) Dispose and segregate storage of any cannabis:

(a) That is outdated, damaged, deteriorated, misbranded, or adulterated; or

(b) Whose containers or packages have been improperly or accidentally opened.

D. Equipment Sanitation, Accuracy, and Maintenance of Logs. A processor shall:

(1) Maintain the sanitation of equipment that comes in contact with cannabis;

(2) Ensure all scales are National Type Evaluation Program-approved;

(3) Ensure that any scale, balance, or other measurement device and any automatic, mechanical, or electronic equipment is:

(a) Annually calibrated by a calibration laboratory accredited to International Organization for Standardization (ISO) standard 17025 ISO/IEC by an accreditation body that is signatory to the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC) Mutual Recognition Arrangement; and

(b) Checked at least once each month to ensure accuracy;

(4) Maintain an accurate log recording the:

(a) Cleaning of equipment;

(b) The maintenance of equipment; and

(c) The calibration of equipment; and

(5) Make records and certifications required under §D(2) and (3) of this regulation available to the Administration available upon request.

E. Sanitation.

(1) Scales, surfaces, and other equipment use for the purposes of creating usable cannabis products shall be cleaned and sanitized:

(a) Between shifts;

(b) Between packaging, repackaging, or otherwise creation of usable cannabis products with different usable cannabis batches;

(c) Before beginning any packaging, repackaging, or otherwise creation of usable cannabis products; and

(d) After the completion of any packaging or creation of usable cannabis products.

(2) A processor shall maintain an accurate log of cleaning and sanitation required under §E(1) of this regulation.

.04 Cannabis Product Processing.

A. Controls for Processing of Cannabis Concentrates and Cannabis-Infused Products.

(1) A licensed processor of cannabis concentrates and cannabis-infused products shall:

(a) Develop standard operating procedures in accordance with COMAR, good manufacturing practices, and a training plan before producing cannabis concentrates and cannabis-infused products;

(b) Require that any person involved in processing cannabis concentrates and cannabis-infused products:

(i) Is appropriately trained in accordance with their job description to safely operate and maintain the system used for processing;

(ii) Has direct access to applicable material safety sheets and labels; and

(iii) Follows OSHA protocols for handling and storage of all chemicals;

(c) Assign a unique lot number to each lot of cannabis concentrate or cannabis-infused product;

(d) If using a solvent-based extraction method, ensure solvents are at least 99 percent pure;

(e) Require:

(i) The use of solvents in a professional grade, closed-loop extraction system designed to recover the solvents;

(ii) Work in a spark-free environment with proper ventilation; and

(iii) Following all applicable OSHA regulations, and local fire, safety, and building codes in the processing and storage of the solvents; and

(f) If using carbon dioxide gas extraction, ensure:

(i) Every vessel is rated to a minimum of 900 pounds per square inch;

(ii) The use of a professional grade, closed-loop system; and

(iii) The use of carbon dioxide that is at least 99 percent pure.

(2) A licensed processor may use heat, screens, presses, steam distillation, ice water, and other methods to produce cannabis concentrates.

B. Upon successful completion of a validation process, the licensed processor shall use an Administration-registered independent testing laboratory to test each unique lot of cannabis concentrate or cannabis-infused product and obtain a certificate of analysis.

C. Batch Release Controls.

(1) If a licensed processor, upon review of the certificate of analysis, determines that a lot meets the specification for the product, the licensed processor may:

(a) Assign an expiration date to the lot;

(b) Release the lot for distribution; and

(c) Revise the status of the lot in the seed-to-sale tracking system.

(2) If a licensed processor receives test results that the lot does not meet specifications, the licensed processor:

(a) Shall notify the Administration of the determination within 24 hours of the receiving the test results;

(b) May rework or reprocess the lot according to their standard operating procedure; and

(c) If applicable, shall ensure the reworked or reprocessed lot is resampled and retested by the independent testing laboratory to meet all required specifications.

(3) A licensed processor shall retain every certificate of analysis.

(4) All cannabis products shall have a certificate of analysis, as specified in COMAR, prior to transfer to a licensed dispensary.

D. Stability Testing and Retention Sampling.

(1) A processor shall provide a sample from each unique lot to an independent testing laboratory sufficient to perform stability testing at 6-month intervals to:

(a) Ensure product potency and purity; and

(b) Provide support for expiration dating.

(2) Retention samples retained from each released lot shall be:

(a) Tested by the State Cannabis Testing Laboratory following an adverse event reported to the Administration;

(b) Properly stored by the licensed processor; and

(c) Properly discarded 6 months after the expiration date of the lot.

.05 Edible Cannabis Product Processing.

A. A processor that produces edible cannabis products as defined in COMAR 14.17.01 shall maintain facilities and manufacture and transport edible products in accordance with this regulation, Regulations .06—.14 of this chapter, and COMAR

B. Issuance of Permit.

(1) Before engaging in the business of possessing, processing, packaging, labeling, transferring, transporting, selling, or distributing edible cannabis products, a processor shall obtain a permit from the Administration.

(2) To obtain a permit, a processor shall:

(a) Submit a completed permit application;

(b) Pay the registration fee specified in COMAR 14.17.21;

(c) Make available all edible cannabis product processing standard operating procedures required by Regulation .19 of this chapter;

(d) Pass a pre-operation inspection; and

(e) Conspicuously post applicable State and local licenses at the licensed premises.

(3) The processor may apply for a permit to manufacture edible cannabis products at:

(a) The processor’s premises; or

(b) A facility under the legal control of the processor that meets:

(i) All zoning and planning requirements; and

(ii) The requirements of this chapter.

(4) The Administration may deny a permit if the processor:

(i) Violates or fails to meet the requirements of this chapter; or

(ii) Fraudulently or deceptively attempts to obtain a permit.

C. Trade Secrets.

(1) A processor shall provide the Administration with the recipe for each edible cannabis product prior to offering the product for distribution or sale to a licensed dispensary.

(2) A processor shall notify the Administration of any ingredient or recipe that the processor considers a trade secret.

(3) The Administration shall maintain the confidentiality of trade secret information in accordance with State Government Article, §10-617, and Health-General Article, §21-259, Annotated Code of Maryland.

(4) If the Administration determines that the information about an ingredient or recipe is necessary to conduct a disease outbreak investigation, the Administration may disclose the trade secret to the appropriate investigators.

.06 Edible Cannabis Product Processing — Definitions.

A. In Regulations .05—.14 of this chapter, the following terms have the meaning indicated.

B. Terms Defined.

(1) “Approved source” means a source of:

(a) Cannabis approved, licensed, and regulated by the Administration; or

(b) Food ingredients regulated by an approving authority.

(2) “Approving authority” means the agency designated in the laws of Maryland, another state, or another country to license or permit a food processing plant.

(3) “Commercially sterile” means the condition achieved by the:

(a) Application of heat, pressure, or other energy or matter that renders a food ingredient free of:

(i) Microorganisms capable of reproducing in the food ingredient under normal non-refrigerated conditions of storage and distribution; and

(ii) Viable microorganisms, including spores, that cause disease; or

(b) Control of water activity and the application of heat, pressure, or other energy or matter that renders the food ingredient free of microorganisms capable of reproducing in the food ingredient under normal non-refrigerated conditions of storage and distribution.

(4) “Cookware” means items used during the processing of ingredients or edible cannabis products, including pots, pans, utensils, and containers.

(5) “Critical control point” means a point in the receiving, storage, processing, or distribution of ingredients or edible cannabis products where there is a reasonable likelihood that improper control may cause, allow, or contribute to a hazard to public health.

(6) Critical Item.

(a) “Critical item” means a safety requirement that if violated requires:

(i) Immediate correction;

(ii) Destruction of any ingredients or edible cannabis products which may be affected;

(iii) The cessation of some or all processing operations; or

(iv) Closure of the licensed premises.

(b) “Critical item” includes the following requirements:

(i) Food ingredients be obtained from an approved source and approved for human consumption by an approving authority;

(ii) Cannabis ingredients be obtained from an approved source;

(iii) All ingredients and edible cannabis products be protected from contamination;

(iv) All processes provide safe edible cannabis products with proper control at critical control points;

(v) Licensed processor sanitation be adequate, provide safety, and prevent illness transmissible through edible cannabis products or ingredients;

(vi) Equipment allows for proper processing and sanitation;

(vii) Edible cannabis products be packaged and labeled for safety;

(viii) A sufficient volume of potable hot and cold water supply under adequate pressure be available to facilitate proper handwashing procedures outlined in this chapter; and

(ix) Sewage be discharged in compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

(7) “Food” means any substance that is used as food or drink for human beings or as a component of food or drink for human beings.

(8) “Food ingredient” means a substance that is used as a component of food, including:

(a) Flavoring;

(b) Food coloring; and

(c) Preservatives.

(9) “Ingredient” means any component of an edible cannabis product that is intended for human consumption, approved by the Administration, and composed of:

(a) Food or food ingredients; or

(b) Cannabis.

(10) “Permit” means a permit issued by the Administration to a licensed processor for the purpose of manufacturing edible cannabis products.

(11) “Permittee” means a licensed processor authorized by the Administration to manufacture edible cannabis products.

(12) Potentially Hazardous Edible Cannabis Product.

(a) “Potentially hazardous edible cannabis product” means an edible cannabis product that requires temperature control because the product is in a form capable of supporting:

(i) The rapid and progressive growth of infectious or toxigenic microorganisms; or

(ii) The growth and toxin production of Clostridium botulinum.

(b) “Potentially hazardous edible cannabis product” does not include products with a water activity (aw) value of 0.85 or less.

(13) Potentially Hazardous Ingredient.

(a) “Potentially hazardous ingredient” means a natural or synthetic component of food or an edible cannabis product intended for human consumption that requires temperature control because the ingredient is in a form capable of supporting the:

(i) Rapid and progressive growth of infectious or toxigenic microorganisms; or

(ii) Growth and toxin production of Clostridium botulinum.

(b) “Potentially hazardous ingredient” does not include an ingredient with a:

(i) Water activity (aw) value of 0.85 or less;

(ii) Commercially sterile ingredient in a hermetically sealed container.

(14) “Quarantine area” means an area within a licensed premise in which ingredients, cannabis, or cannabis finished products that may be contaminated are temporarily stored prior to disposal or collection by a public health agency.

.07 Edible Cannabis Product Processing — General Premises Requirements.

A. The premises and operations shall conform to all local zoning and planning requirements.

B. A permittee shall conspicuously display at the premises a permit to process edible cannabis products.

C. No modifications or renovations to licensed processor premises shall be undertaken without prior approval by the Maryland Cannabis Administration.

D. The premises shall be completely separated from an area used as living quarters by solid, impervious floors, walls, and ceilings with no connecting openings.

E. A room or area in which ingredients or edible cannabis products are processed or stored, or in which cookware equipment is cleaned, sanitized, or stored, shall:

(1) Be separated from other rooms or areas at the licensed premises by tight walls, ceilings, and self-closing doors;

(2) Be refrigerated or mechanically ventilated using exhaust and supply fans to:

(a) Remove grease vapors, steam, condensation, heat, and odor;

(b) Provide filtered air and positive air pressure to the room; and

(c) Prevent condensation and grease from accumulating on surfaces and equipment;

(3) Have a floor, ceiling, and walls that are smooth, washable, and impervious to water;

(4) Have floor-wall joints that are coved and impervious to water; and

(5) Prevent overhead pipes, ducts, conduits, evaporators, and other structures required to manufacture edible cannabis products from:

(a) Being located over ingredient or edible cannabis product storage, preparation, manufacturing, packaging, or labeling areas; and

(b) Leaking on or contaminating ingredients, edible cannabis products, cookware, or packaging or labeling materials.

F. Artificial Lighting.

(1) A room or area in which ingredients or edible cannabis products are processed or stored, or in which cookware or equipment are cleaned, sanitized, or stored, shall have artificial lights that provide at a minimum:

(a) 40-foot candles of light on all work surfaces used for processing and warewashing; and

(b) 20-foot candles of light on surfaces used solely for storage.

(2) The artificial lighting shall consist of:

(a) Shatter-resistant bulbs; or

(b) Light shields that protect exposed light bulbs or fixtures from breakage and prevent glass fragments from contacting ingredients, edible cannabis products, or contact surfaces.

G. Floor Drains.

(1) The permittee shall:

(a) If a floor receives water because of processing or cleaning, install and maintain floor drains at a rate of one floor drain for every 400 square feet of floor area; and

(b) Ensure that the floor is sloped to one or more floor drains at a pitch of 1/8 to 1/4 inch per foot.

(2) Pooling or standing water is not allowed.

H. Lavatories.

(1) The premises shall be constructed to include:

(a) A separate, gender-segregated lavatory for men and women, or a gender-neutral lavatory; and

(b) One toilet for the following number of agents who are on duty at the same time:

(i) Every 15 agents; and

(ii) Any fraction of 15 agents.

(2) A lavatory may not open directly into an area in which:

(a) Ingredients or edible cannabis products are stored, processed, packaged, or labeled; or

(b) Cookware or equipment is washed or stored.

(3) Each lavatory shall be equipped with:

(a) Ventilation with mechanical air exhaust at the rate of 2 cubic feet per minute of air for each square foot of floor area or a screened window that allows the entrance of outside air;

(b) Easily cleanable and durable walls and ceiling;

(c) A smooth, impervious, and easily cleanable floor;

(d) Artificial lighting that provides 20-foot candles of light when measured 30 inches above the floor;

(e) A handwashing sink;

(f) Soap;

(g) Paper towels or warm air hand drying devices;

(h) Warm water of sufficient volume under pressure for effective handwashing; and

(i) A covered trash receptacle.

I. Non-Green Waste.

(1) The premises shall include non-green waste containers that are:

(a) Adequate in number to maintain sanitary conditions;

(b) Accessible to agents at locations where non-green waste is generated;

(c) Labeled as not suitable for any green waste;

(d) Easily cleanable; and

(e) Placed on a hard and impermeable surface.

(2) Non-green waste containers located inside shall be leak-proof and emptied and cleaned at least daily.

(3) Non-green waste containers located outdoors shall be:

(a) Impervious to leaks, vermin, and insects;

(b) Equipped with a drain that conveys wastewater from the container directly into a sewerage system that meets all applicable State and local codes and properly disposes of the wastewater;

(c) Large enough to hold waste until the waste is taken off-site; and

(d) Covered.

J. In any event where the permittee is unable to ensure adequate sanitation, such as during an electrical outage or water shut-off, the permittee shall:

(1) Cease all edible cannabis processing;

(2) Conduct a risk analysis to determine whether any ingredients, edible cannabis products, or packaging or labeling materials were contaminated; and

(3) Notify the Administration within 24 hours of the event.

.08 Edible Cannabis Product Processing — Receipt of Ingredients.

A. Ingredients and other supplies necessary to process edible cannabis products shall be received in a designated area identified in the standard operating procedures.

B. This regulation does not apply to the receipt of cannabis, cannabis concentrates, or cannabis-infused products that are not intended to be used as an ingredient in edible cannabis products.

C. Each receiving area shall have a barrier that reasonably prevents the entry of:

(1) Insects;

(2) Vermin;

(3) Pathogenic microorganisms;

(4) Toxic or deleterious chemicals;

(5) Foreign matter;

(6) Dust; or

(7) Animals.

D. Any dock or overhead door may only be open when ingredients, edible cannabis products, waste, or other items are:

(1) Received;

(2) Removed from the premises; or

(3) Moved between receiving areas.

E. Upon receipt of each delivery, a permittee shall:

(1) Inspect the delivery for damage and potential contamination;

(2) Inspect the delivery for potentially hazardous ingredients;

(3) Enter timely and accurate temperature data for potentially hazardous ingredients; and

(4) Confirm that each:

(a) Delivery is not damaged or contaminated; or

(b) Damaged or contaminated item is recorded in the receiving log.

F. All ingredients shall be clearly labeled by the permittee with the:

(1) Name of the ingredient;

(2) Batch or lot number;

(3) Date of receipt; and

(4) Expiration or use-by date.

G. A permittee shall maintain for at least 2 years a log of the:

(1) Date and time of each delivery of ingredients;

(2) Name and quantity of ingredients received;

(3) Batch or lot number of each ingredient received;

(4) Temperature data required under §E(3) of this regulation;

(5) Name of the product manufacturer or licensee and, if different, the name of the shipping company; and

(6) Name of processor agent responsible for receiving the shipment.

H. All food ingredients shall be produced by a commercial manufacturer that is licensed by an approving authority.

I. Spoiled, unwholesome, vermin-infested, or insect-infested ingredients are not allowed onto the premises and shall be:

(1) Removed immediately from the premises and properly disposed of;

(2) If it is not practicable to remove immediately, placed in a quarantine area temporarily until proper disposal; or

(3) If deemed necessary as part of an investigation by the Administration or other State, local, or federal regulatory agency, placed in a quarantine area until collection.

.09 Edible Cannabis Product Processing — Storage of Ingredients and Edible Cannabis Products.

A. All ingredients and edible cannabis products shall be kept in a secure controlled environment that:

(1) Meets the requirements set forth in this chapter; and

(2) Is a dry storage area, refrigerated storage area, or freezer storage area.

B. Storage standard operating procedures shall preserve freshness, prevent contamination, and maintain cannabinoid content of any ingredients or edible cannabis products.

C. Food ingredients may not be stored in the same areas as cannabis unless as outlined in standard operating procedures and approved by the Administration.

D. Storage equipment shall be positioned so that:

(1) Storage surfaces are at least 6 inches:

(a) Above the floors; and

(b) Away from the walls; and

(2) Ingredient contact surfaces are at least 18 inches above the floor.

E. Dry Storage Area.

(1) A dry storage area shall be maintained between 50°F and 70°F.

(2) A dry storage area shall have:

(a) Adequate ventilation to remain below 60 percent relative humidity; and

(b) A thermometer and hygrometer in plain sight that are calibrated based on the manufacturer’s recommendations to ensure accuracy.

F. Refrigerated Storage Area.

(1) A refrigerated storage area shall:

(a) Be maintained at or below 40°F; and

(b) Have thermometers that are easily readable and accurate to plus or minus 2°F.

(2) A permittee shall:

(a) Position a temperature sensor to register the warmest air in the temperature-controlled space; or

(b) Have several thermometers throughout the area to ensure accuracy, consistency, and adequate cooling.

(3) A refrigerator unit shall have doors that close tightly and seal fully.

(4) In the case of a power outage, if the refrigerator unit:

(a) Remains below 40°F for the duration of the power outage, the refrigerator contents are considered safe; and

(b) Rises above 40°F for more than 2 hours, then:

(i) Any ingredients or edible cannabis products shall be discarded; and

(ii) The permittee shall notify the Administration within 24 hours.

G. If any ingredients or edible cannabis products that were stored in the refrigerator do not require temperature control for safety, a permittee may conduct a risk analysis to determine whether the ingredients or edible cannabis products remain safe for human consumption.

H. The permittee shall maintain a record of any risk analysis conducted, the agent responsible for the risk analysis, and any ingredients or edible cannabis products that the permittee determines remain safe for human consumption.

I. Freezer Storage Area.

(1) A freezer storage area shall:

(a) Be maintained at or below 0°F; and

(b) Have thermometers that are easily readable and accurate to plus or minus 2°F.

(2) A permittee shall:

(a) Position a temperature sensor to register the warmest air in the temperature-controlled space; or

(b) Have several thermometers throughout the area to ensure accuracy, consistency, and adequate cooling.

(3) A freezer unit shall have doors that close tightly and seal fully.

(4) In the case of a power outage, if the freezer unit:

(a) Remains at or below 0°F for the duration of the power outage, its contents are considered safe; and

(b) Rises above 0°F for more than 2 hours, then:

(i) Any ingredients or edible cannabis products that were stored in the freezer shall be discarded; and

(ii) The permittee shall notify the Administration within 24 hours.

(5) If any ingredients or edible cannabis products that were stored in the freezer do not require temperature control for safety, a permittee may conduct a risk analysis to determine whether the ingredients or edible cannabis products remain safe for human consumption.

(6) The permittee shall maintain a record of any risk analysis conducted, the agent responsible for the risk analysis, and any ingredients or edible cannabis products that the permittee determines remain safe for human consumption.

J. Potentially Hazardous Ingredients.

(1) The internal temperature of a potentially hazardous ingredient shall:

(a) Be kept at 41°F or less, or 135°F or greater; and

(b) For ingredients with a non-proteolytic Clostridium botulinum potential hazard, be kept at 38°F or less during refrigerated storage.

(2) When the internal temperature of a potentially hazardous ingredient is kept at temperatures other than specified in §J(1) of this regulation:

(a) A scheduled process approved by the Administration, specifying the temperature and amount of time at that temperature, shall be used; and

(b) Documentation of any corrective action taken and the agent responsible for monitoring the corrective action plan shall be kept for a minimum of 2 years and made available to the Administration upon request.

K. All ingredients and edible cannabis products shall be clearly labeled and stored in a manner that:

(1) Facilitates first-expired, first-out (FEFO) procedures; and

(2) Is approved by the Administration.

L. Each temperature-controlled equipment unit shall have a temperature sensor visible from outside of the temperature-controlled equipment unit.

M. For each dry storage area, refrigerator storage area, and freezer storage area, a permittee shall:

(1) Monitor the temperature 24 hours a day, 365 days a year without interruption;

(2) Document the temperature at least two times a day, 365 days a year without interruption; and

(3) If outside the specified temperature range, document the time, date, any appropriate corrective action, and the agent responsible for monitoring the corrective action plan.

N. Poisonous or Toxic Materials.

(1) A permittee shall ensure that any poisonous or toxic materials are:

(a) Kept in the original bulk container before use;

(b) Prominently and distinctively marked or labeled for easy identification;

(c) Used in accordance with manufacturer’s guidelines; and

(d) Not used or stored in a way that is likely to contaminate cannabis, ingredients, edible cannabis products, or packaging and labeling materials.

(2) A permittee shall make a safety data sheet that is specific to any poisonous or toxic material available to each agent in a form that the agent understands.

.10 Edible Cannabis Product Processing — Equipment.

A. General Requirements.

(1) The permittee shall prevent any ingredient or edible cannabis product from coming into contact with a surface or substance other than a clean and sanitary surface or substance intended for food contact or incorporation into food.

(2) Any heating and cooling equipment in close contact with ingredients or edible cannabis products shall be:

(a) Food grade;

(b) Approved for use in food processing areas; or

(c) Designed to prevent any contact with any ingredient or edible cannabis product.

(3) The permittee shall ensure that:

(a) The warewashing area includes a three-compartment sink able to hold and wash cookware and equipment in the kitchen;

(b) Larger cookware or equipment that cannot have at least 50 percent of its contact surface submerged in the three-compartment sink complies with approved standard operating procedures for cleaning and sanitizing the cookware or equipment;

(c) Agents are trained to clean the larger cookware and equipment according to the standard operating procedures; and

(d) A log is maintained for 2 years detailing the date, time, and agent responsible for cleaning and sanitizing the larger cookware or equipment.

(4) Equipment used to process ingredients and edible cannabis products shall be:

(a) Maintained in a sanitary and working condition;

(b) Tested and calibrated according to the equipment manufacturer’s instructions to ensure accuracy; and

(c) Positioned in a manner that does not impede proper cleaning and sanitation procedures.

(5) Equipment used to process ingredients and edible cannabis products shall meet design standards intended for food production equipment, such as those established by the:

(a) National Sanitation Foundation (NSF);

(b) Bakery Industry Sanitation Standards Committee;

(c) National Automatic Merchandising Association;

(d) International Association of Milk and Food Sanitarians;

(e) American Society of Mechanical Engineers; or

(f) U.S. Department of Agriculture.

(6) A thermometer used to monitor the temperature of any ingredient, edible cannabis product, or storage area shall be:

(a) Validated at least once per month using standard operating procedures approved by the Administration; and

(b) Calibrated based on the manufacturer’s recommendations to ensure accuracy, and at a minimum:

(i) Annually; or

(ii) When validation procedures identify a thermometer is not accurate to plus or minus 2°F.

B. Contact Surfaces.

(1) Materials used as contact surfaces of equipment or cookware shall be:

(a) Nontoxic;

(b) Inert to ingredients;

(c) Nonporous and nonabsorbent;

(d) Corrosion-resistant;

(e) Durable;

(f) If stainless steel, made of stainless steel of American Iron and Steel Institute Type 304, or equivalent; and

(g) Maintained in good condition.

(2) Contact surfaces of equipment or cookware shall be designed, constructed, and maintained to be:

(a) Smooth;

(b) Easily cleanable;

(c) Free of difficult-to-clean internal surfaces;

(d) Self-emptying or self-draining if an interior surface;

(e) Visible for inspection or readily disassembled for inspection;

(f) If manually cleaned:

(i) Readily accessible for cleaning without tools; or

(ii) If not readily accessible, readily disassembled for cleaning with the use of simple tools kept available near the equipment; and

(g) If cleaned and sanitized by pressurized cleaning-in-place system, readily accessible to the cleaning and sanitizing solutions without disassembly.

.11 Edible Cannabis Product Processing — Cleaning and Sanitation Procedures.

A. General Requirements.

(1) A permittee shall establish standard operating procedures for cleaning and sanitizing any surface, cookware, or equipment that comes into contact with ingredients or edible cannabis products that:

(a) Ensure proper sanitation throughout the premises;

(b) Are available to each agent in a form the agent understands; and

(c) Are approved by the Administration.

(2) Any surface that comes into contact with ingredients or edible cannabis products shall be cleaned and sanitized:

(a) In accordance with cleaning and sanitation procedures for food contact surfaces of cookware and equipment specified in COMAR 10.15.03;

(b) After preparing potentially hazardous ingredients; and

(c) When there is an interruption in processing of greater than 2 hours.

(3) The permittee shall use a cleaning and sanitizing schedule and procedure demonstrated by scientific evidence to kill pathogens and be safe for use on surfaces that come into contact with ingredients and edible cannabis products.

(4) Any surface that only comes into contact with fully processed edible cannabis products shall be cleaned and sanitized:

(a) Each time more than 8 hours elapse between the start of processing and the previous cleaning and sanitizing;

(b) If processing more than one type of edible cannabis product, at a frequency sufficient to prevent cross-contamination of allergens or different dosage forms;

(c) After processing has been completed;

(d) When there is an interruption in processing of greater than 2 hours; and

(e) As often as needed during processing to prevent contamination of edible cannabis products.

B. Any surface, utensil, or equipment that does not contact ingredients or edible cannabis products shall be cleaned:

(1) According to COMAR 10.15.04; and

(2) As often as necessary to maintain sanitary conditions.

C. Vermin and insects shall be eliminated so that there is minimal potential for contamination of ingredients or edible cannabis products.

D. Pesticides may not be used to exterminate vermin unless:

(1) Approved for use in food processing areas; or

(2) The permittee:

(a) Applies the pesticides only in areas not used for storage or processing of ingredients or edible cannabis products; and

(b) Accurately enters the data into the seed-to-sale tracking system.

.12 Edible Cannabis Product Processing — Agent Sanitation.

A. The permittee shall ensure that each agent:

(1) Practices good personal hygiene and does not contaminate ingredients or edible cannabis products;

(2) Wears clean outerwear and, if necessary, a hair or beard covering, or both;

(3) Wears gloves when handling any cannabis plant material or cannabis concentrate;

(4) If wearing gloves:

(a) Uses gloves that are intended for food contact;

(b) Washes their hands thoroughly before putting on the gloves; and

(c) Washes their hands and replaces the gloves in accordance with COMAR and after an activity that:

(i) Is likely to soil the gloves; or

(ii) Damages the gloves;

(5) If not wearing gloves, washes their hands and the exposed portions of their arms:

(a) Frequently, and after an activity that is likely to soil their hands;

(b) Immediately upon entrance to any area containing ingredients or edible cannabis products;

(c) Immediately before engaging in preparation for the production of edible cannabis products;

(d) After using the lavatory;

(e) After coughing, sneezing, or using a handkerchief or disposable tissue;

(f) After using tobacco;

(g) After eating or drinking;

(h) After handling soiled linens, equipment, or cookware;

(i) During preparation for production of edible cannabis products, as often as necessary to remove soil and contamination and to prevent cross-contamination when changing tasks;

(j) When switching between working with ingredients or unfinished edible cannabis products and working with fully processed edible cannabis products;

(k) Before donning gloves for working with edible cannabis products or ingredients; and

(l) After engaging in any other activities that may contaminate the hands;

(6) If handling ingredients or edible cannabis products, maintains trim and clean fingernails and does not wear artificial fingernails; and

(7) Is excluded from working with ingredients or edible cannabis products, packaging materials, labeling materials, clean equipment, clean utensils, or clean linens:

(a) If the agent has any disease caused by:

(i) Entamoeba histolytica;

(ii) Vibrio cholera;

(iii) Staphylococcus aureus;

(iv) Escherichia coli O157:H7or other Enterohemorrhagic or Shiga-toxin producing Escherichia coli;

(v) Hepatitis A;

(vi) Salmonella spp.;

(vii) Shigella spp.;

(viii) Norovirus;

(ix) Group A beta-hemolytic Streptococcus; or

(x) Salmonella Typhi, typhoid-like fever or carrier thereof;

(b) If the agent has an:

(i) Illness transmissible through food or edible cannabis products; or

(ii) Exposed and open sore or cut; or

(c) If the agent is experiencing:

(i) Persistent sneezing, coughing, or a runny nose that causes discharges from the eyes, nose, or mouth;

(ii) Fever;

(iii) Diarrhea, unless a physician has certified the agent as noninfectious;

(iv) Vomiting; or

(v) Jaundice, unless a physician has certified the agent as noninfectious.

B. The premises shall ensure good personal hygiene by providing:

(1) Lockers or similar storage facilities for the secure storage of personal items in a designated non-working area;

(2) Adequate hand-washing facilities as set forth in this chapter;

(3) Signage in each lavatory that instructs agents to wash their hands before returning to work;

(4) A water fountain or other water dispenser that provides potable water without the use of reusable cups;

(5) An area for agents to consume food and beverages that is not used in conjunction with the processing or storage of:

(a) Ingredients;

(b) Edible cannabis products;

(c) Packaging and labeling materials; or

(d) Cookware; and

(6) If necessary, to ensure safety and sanitation, sanitizer foot baths, footwear covers, or hand dips.

C. The permittee shall:

(1) Ensure that each agent who handles ingredients or edible cannabis products successfully completes a food handler certificate course, from an entity accredited by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) or an equivalent food safety accrediting body:

(a) Within 90 days of commencing employment at the premises; and

(b) Every 3 years during employment; and

(2) Maintain a log of agent training in ingredient and edible cannabis product handling.

.13 Edible Cannabis Product Processing — Manufacture.

A. Potentially hazardous edible cannabis products may not be manufactured unless approved by the Administration.

B. A permittee shall ensure:

(1) The consistent and safe manufacture of edible cannabis products;

(2) Pathogenic microorganisms are excluded or eliminated from edible cannabis products before being offered for human consumption;

(3) All edible cannabis products undergo thermal processing or another process scientifically proven to kill pathogenic microorganisms that pose a threat to human health, as outlined in applicable standard operating procedures and approved by the Administration;

(4) The heating, cooling, or re-heating of ingredients or edible cannabis products use methods that prevent contamination; and

(5) All edible cannabis products are safe for human consumption.

C. The permittee shall provide a shelf-life study in accordance with the Administration’s Technical Authority for cannabis testing, to prove the manufacturing processes prevent contamination of edible cannabis products or premature degradation of therapeutic compounds.

.14 Transport of Edible Cannabis Products.

A. If transporting or shipping edible cannabis products that require temperature control for safety and stability, a permittee shall ensure the vehicle or transportation equipment:

(1) Provides adequate temperature control to prevent the edible cannabis products from becoming unsafe during transport; and

(2) Complies with the requirements established in 21 CFR §1.908(c).

B. A permittee shall maintain a detailed log of the temperature of the edible cannabis products at the time of departure for at least 2 years.

C. The receiving licensee shall maintain a detailed log of the temperature of the edible cannabis products at the time of arrival at the licensed dispensary for at least 2 years.

D. If any edible cannabis products are declined upon arrival to the licensed dispensary due to contamination, damage, or an unsafe temperature, the permittee shall, within 24 hours:

(1) Document the declination and the reason for the declination in the seed-to-sale tracking system; and

(2) Dispose of the rejected material in accordance with the permittee’s approved green waste disposal plan.

.15 Micro Processor Premise and Operations.

Micro processors may not process more cannabis than the limits established in Alcoholic Beverages and Cannabis Article, §36-401(c)(2)(ii), Annotated Code of Maryland.

.16 Product Returned for Destruction and Disposal of Green Waste.

A. A processor shall accept any product returned for destruction and record as green waste.

B. A processor shall otherwise destroy any other product recorded as green waste in accordance with standard operating procedures.

.17 Visitor to the Premises.

A. When a visitor is admitted to the premises, a registered agent shall:

(1) Log the visitor in and out;

(2) Retain with the log a photocopy of the visitor’s government-issued identification;

(3) Continuously, physically supervise the visitor while they are on the premises; and

(4) Ensure that the visitor does not touch any cannabis.

B. An Administration investigator is not subject to the visitor requirements established in §A of this regulation.

C. The processor shall maintain a log of all visitors for 2 years.

.18 Discrepancy, Theft, and Diversion Reporting.

A. Discrepancy Reporting.

(1) If a processor discerns a discrepancy between the inventory of stock and the seed-to-sale tracking system outside of normal weight loss due to moisture loss and handling, the processor shall commence an investigation of the discrepancy within 1 business day.

(2) Failure to report a discrepancy within 1 business day may be used as evidence of diversion.

B. Theft or Diversion. If the processor finds evidence of a theft or diversion, the processor shall report the theft or diversion to the Administration and to the law enforcement agency with jurisdiction in the processor’s area within 1 business day.

C. Within 30 business days of discovering the theft, diversion, or discrepancy, the processor shall:

(1) Complete an investigation;

(2) Amend its standard operating procedures, if necessary; and

(3) Send a report of the investigation to the Administration.

.19 Standard Operating Procedures.

A. A processor shall establish standard operating procedures for all aspects of:

(1) Inventory control, including:

(a) Identifying and tracking the processor’s stock of cannabis in the seed-to-sale tracking system; and

(b) Monthly physical inventory;

(2) Receiving, shipping, and transporting cannabis or products containing cannabis;

(3) Sanitation, including:

(a) Storage of cannabis;

(b) Maintaining the sanitation of equipment that comes into contact with cannabis; and

(c) Good hygiene practices and the wearing of protective clothing by agents;

(4) Equipment maintenance and calibration;

(5) Handling, packaging, and labeling cannabis and cannabis products;

(6) Reworking or reprocessing a lot if the processor receives a test result that the lot does not meet specifications;

(7) Green waste procedures;

(8) Security and visitor procedures, including theft and diversion procedures;

(9) Storage, handling, and disposing of recalled materials;

(10) Producing cannabis concentrates and cannabis-infused products, including:

(a) Methods, equipment, solvents, and gases when processing cannabis concentrates and cannabis-infused products;

(b) Use of solvents in a professional grade, closed-loop extraction system designed to recover the solvents;

(c) Work in a spark-free environment with proper ventilation;

(d) Following all applicable OSHA regulations, and local fire, safety, and building codes in the processing and storage of the solvents; and

(e) If applicable, carbon dioxide extraction; and

(11) If applicable, producing edible cannabis products, including receipt of ingredients, storage, equipment maintenance, sanitation, manufacture, and transport.

B. A processor’s standard operating procedures shall:

(1) Be available to each agent in a form the agent understands;

(2) Be available on-site for inspection by the Administration; and

(3) Accurately reflect the procedures used at the premises.


14.17.12 Cannabis Dispensary Operations

Authority: Alcoholic Beverages and Cannabis Article, §§36-202, 36-203, 36-401, and 36-410, Annotated Code of Maryland

.01 Scope.

Unless otherwise specified, this chapter applies to all business licensed to dispense cannabis under COMAR or COMAR

.02 Standard Cannabis Dispensary.

A. A dispensary licensed under COMAR shall:

(1) Be located in Maryland;

(2) Conform to all local zoning and planning requirements;

(3) Conspicuously display valid proof of dispensary licensure; and

(4) Provide accommodations for qualifying patients and registered caregivers in accordance with COMAR

B. A dispensary may not make modifications or renovations to the standard dispensary premises licensed under COMAR without the prior approval of Maryland Cannabis Administration.

C. The Administration may require a dispensary licensed under this regulation to conspicuously display:

(1) Minimum purchase age and identification requirements; and

(2) Other information related to health and safety provided by the Administration.

D. Any display required by the Administration under §C of this regulation shall be in a manner and size determined by the Administration.

E. A dispensary shall restrict access to the licensed premises to only:

(1) Qualifying patients;

(2) Registered caregivers; and

(3) Individuals 21 years old or older.

F. Notwithstanding §E of this regulation, a dispensary may allow children younger than 8 years old to enter the licensed premises if they are accompanied for the duration of their visit by a:

(1) Qualifying patient; or

(2) Registered caregiver.

G. A standard dispensary premises shall:

(1) Be constructed to prevent unauthorized entry; and

(2) Contain a secure room to store the cannabis inventory, which:

(a) Shall be constructed of concrete or similar building material that prevents unauthorized entry;

(b) May not be placed adjacent to an exterior wall of the premises; and

(c) Shall have only one entrance door that:

(i) Prevents unauthorized entry;

(ii) Is equipped with a cipher or chip-activated keyed lock or equivalent; and

(iii) Is not visible from public areas of the premises.

H. A dispensary shall store its cannabis inventory in the secure room other than while the licensed dispensary is open for business and 2 hours before and 2 hours after.

I. A dispensary may request an exemption to §H of this regulation for the purposes of conducting inventory review. Requests for an exemption shall be:

(1) Made in a manner prescribed by the Administration; and

(2) Explicitly authorized by the Administration prior to the exemption.

J. The licensed dispensary shall design and install lighting fixtures to ensure proper surveillance.

K. Security Alarm Systems.

(1) A dispensary shall maintain a security alarm system that covers all:

(a) Perimeter entry points and portals at all premises;

(b) Rooms that hold cannabis;

(c) Locations where records are stored on-site; and

(d) Locations where records are stored off-site.

(2) A security system shall:

(a) Be continuously monitored;

(b) Be capable of detecting smoke and fire;

(c) Be capable of detecting power loss;

(d) Include panic alarm devices mounted at convenient, readily accessible locations throughout the licensed premises;

(e) Remain operational until a licensed premises no longer has any cannabis, seeds, or cuttings on the premises; and

(f) Be equipped with auxiliary power sufficient to maintain operation for at least 48 hours.

L. Video Surveillance Requirements.

(1) A dispensary shall maintain a motion-activated video surveillance recording system at all premises that:

(a) Records all activity in images of high quality and high resolution capable of clearly revealing facial detail;

(b) Operates 24-hours a day, 365 days a year without interruption; and

(c) Provides a date and time stamp for every recorded frame.

(2) A dispensary shall post appropriate notices advising visitors of the video surveillance.

(3) A surveillance camera shall be located and operated to capture each exit from the premises.

(4) A surveillance camera shall capture activity at each:

(a) Entrance to an area where cannabis is processed, tested, packaged, or stored; and

(b) Area where cannabis is processed, packaged, or stored.

(5) Recordings of security video surveillance shall be:

(a) Access-limited;

(b) Secured by a security alarm system that is independent of the main premises security alarm system;

(c) In a format that can be easily accessed for investigational purposes; and

(d) Retained for a minimum of 90 calendar days.

(6) Any recording of security video surveillance shall be made available to the Administration or law enforcement agency for just cause as requested within 48 hours.

(7) Violation.

(a) Failure to provide the Administration with any recording of video surveillance within 48 hours of a request from the Administration is a violation of COMAR

(b) Each day of recording within the timeframe stated in §L(5)(d) that a dispensary fails to provide to the Administration constitutes a separate violation.

M. Standard Dispensary Premises Organization.

(1) A dispensary premises shall be divided into a public zone and an operations zone.

(2) Public Zone.

(a) The public zone shall have:

(i) A waiting area open to the general public; and

(ii) A service area in which an adult-use consumer, qualifying patient, or caregiver may consult with a dispensary agent and receive cannabis.

(b) The dispensary shall restrict entry into the service area to verified adult-use consumers, qualifying patients, and registered caregivers.

(c) The dispensary’s hours of business shall be displayed at the entrance to the public zone.

(3) Operations Zone.

(a) All operations other than consulting with adult-use consumers, qualifying patients, and registered caregivers and dispensing cannabis shall be carried out in the operations zone.

(b) The operations zone shall be appropriately divided into separate areas for:

(i) Cannabis storage;

(ii) Cannabis preparation and packaging;

(iii) Use by dispensary agents for breaks; and

(iv) Changing clothing and dispensary agent lockers.

(c) Tamper-evident logbooks or electronic identification logs shall document the movement of persons to and from the operations zone.

(4) Appropriate signage shall clearly delineate the separate zones.

(5) Doors and other access points between zones shall be secured.

(6) Security alarms systems and video surveillance, as described in §§K and L of this regulation, shall be used to monitor the separation between zones.

(7) All cannabis, other than that being displayed, packaged, or dispensed during business hours, shall be kept in a secure room.

(8) No individual other than a dispensary agent may handle the inventory in a display case or elsewhere in the dispensary until dispensed.

N. Visitors.

(1) When a visitor is admitted to the operations zone of the premises, a registered dispensary agent shall:

(a) Log the visitor in and out;

(b) Retain with the log a photocopy of the visitor’s government-issued identification;

(c) Continuously, physically supervise the visitor while they are on the premises; and

(d) Ensure that the visitor does not touch any cannabis.

(2) The dispensary shall maintain a log of all visitors to the operations zone for 2 years.

(3) An Administration investigator is not subject to the visitor requirements in this section.

O. To provide drive-through dispensing services, a standard dispensary shall:

(1) Dispense through a window or other opening in the exterior wall of a dispensary that enables a registered dispensary agent to serve an adult-use consumer, a qualifying patient, or a registered caregiver who drives a vehicle to the dispensary without a:

(a) Registered dispensary agent leaving the dispensary service area; or

(b) Qualifying patient, registered caregiver, or adult-use consumer leaving their vehicle;

(2) Pass a pre-operation inspection before use;

(3) Meet all other requirements for a dispensary service area, including:

(a) The window or opening in the exterior wall shall be constructed to prevent unauthorized entry;

(b) Security lighting, alarms systems, and video surveillance, as described in this regulation;

(c) Displaying the licensed dispensary’s license and hours of operation shall be displayed at the entrance to the drive-through dispensing zone; and

(d) Doors and other access points between public and operations zones shall be secured; and

(4) Adhere to its standard operating procedures and requirements for dispensing cannabis established in COMAR Regulation .04 of this chapter.

P. To provide curbside pick-up, a standard dispensary shall:

(1) Designate curbside pick-up parking spots within 100 feet from the dispensary’s main entrance and ensure that dispensary agents only deliver cannabis or cannabis products to the designated parking spots;

(2) Capture the on-site delivery on its motion-activated video surveillance recording system as required in §L of this regulation;

(3) Adhere to:

(a) Its standard operating procedures;

(b) Dispensing requirements in Regulation .04 of this chapter; and

(c) If fulfilling an online order, Regulation .08 of this chapter.

.03 Micro Dispensary.

A. A micro dispensary may store its inventory in:

(1) A storage facility that it controls and operates, in accordance with §C of this regulation;

(2) A storage facility controlled and operated by a licensed grower, processor, or incubator space, in accordance with §C of this regulation; or

(3) A storage facility controlled and operated by a licensed standard dispensary, in accordance with Regulation .02 of this chapter.

B. A micro dispensary shall ensure any cannabis or cannabis product has been transferred within the seed-to-sale tracking system to the control of the micro dispensary as prescribed in COMAR prior to:

(1) Any delivery of the cannabis or cannabis product;

(2) Any transportation of the cannabis or cannabis product to a storage facility; and

(3) Any receipt of cannabis or cannabis product to a storage facility.

C. If a micro dispensary operates its own storage facility, the micro dispensary shall adhere to the following requirements:

(1) The storage facility shall:

(a) Be located in Maryland;

(b) Maintain relevant and current building codes and standards;

(c) Be constructed to prevent unauthorized entry;

(d) In areas where cannabis is stored, provide adequate lighting, ventilation, temperature, humidity, space, and equipment to maintain product quality;

(e) Be maintained in a clean and orderly condition; and

(f) Be free from infestation by insects, rodents, birds, and pests of any kind.

(2) The micro dispensary shall:

(a) Prohibit access to the storage facility to anyone other than:

(i) The micro dispensary owner;

(ii) The micro dispensary agents; and

(iii) If applicable, the owner and agents of the licensee that controls or operates the storage facility;

(b) Ensure the storage facility is securely locked and protected from entry, except for the actual time required to remove, replace, or repackage cannabis;

(c) Design and install lighting fixtures to ensure proper surveillance;

(d) Maintain a security alarm system that covers all:

(i) Perimeter entry points and portals at all premises;

(ii) Rooms that hold cannabis;

(iii) Locations where records are stored on-site; and

(iv) Locations where records are stored off-site;

(e) Ensure that the security system in §C(2)(d) of this regulation shall:

(i) Be continuously monitored;

(ii) Be capable of detecting smoke and fire;

(iii) Be capable of detecting power loss;

(iv) Include panic alarm devices mounted at convenient, readily accessible locations throughout the licensed premises;

(v) Remain operational until a licensed premises no longer has any cannabis, seeds, or cuttings on the premises; and

(vi) Be equipped with auxiliary power sufficient to maintain operation for at least 48 hours;

(f) Maintain a motion-activated video surveillance recording system that:

(i) Records all activity in images of high quality and high resolution capable of clearly revealing facial detail;

(ii) Operates 24-hours a day, 365 days a year without interruption;

(iii) Provides a date and time stamp for every recorded frame;

(iv) Shall capture activity at each area and entrance to an area where cannabis is packaged, stored, or prepared for transport; and

(g) Keep all locks and security equipment, including video surveillance and alarm systems, in good working order.

D. Delivery Operations.

(1) A micro dispensary shall verify that the individual placing the order is a consumer is at least 21 years old, a qualifying patient, or a registered caregiver prior to order placement, using an ordering system that complies with Regulation .08 of this chapter.

(2) A micro dispensary shall only travel:

(a) Between licensees, registrants, or from one delivery address to another delivery address; and

(b) In Maryland.

(3) A micro dispensary shall only make deliveries to residences as defined in COMAR 14.17.01 and medical facilities in the authorized service area.

(4) Agents conducting deliveries shall have on their person:

(a) Their current, active driver’s license; and

(b) Administration-issued proof of the micro dispensary’s licensure and their own registration.

(5) Agents conducting deliveries shall wear a body camera that records surveillance for the duration of the time they are operating a delivery vehicle that contains cannabis or cannabis products.

(6) While in transit, delivery agents may not wear any clothing or symbols that may indicate ownership or possession of cannabis.

(7) Each secure cannabis transport vehicle shall be operated by at least one registered agent.

(8) Only registered agents may occupy the delivery vehicle while the vehicle contains cannabis or cannabis products.

(9) All cannabis shall be transported in one or more locked and secure storage containers which may not be accessible while in transit.

(10) A micro dispensary agent shall transport cannabis or cannabis products in an enclosed vehicle that:

(a) Has and displays a current vehicle registration;

(b) Is insured as required by law;

(c) Is equipped with:

(i) A global positioning system (GPS) that enables the micro dispensary to monitor the vehicle’s location for the entirety of its delivery routes;

(ii) Locked and secure storage containers anchored to the inside of the vehicle; and

(iii) A motion-activated video-surveillance system that captures activity around all storage containers that contain cannabis or cannabis products;

(d) Conceals storage containers so they are not visible or identifiable from outside of the vehicle; and

(e) Does not display any sign or illustration related to cannabis, cannabis products, or a cannabis licensee.

E. When purchasing cannabis from another licensee, a micro dispensary shall coordinate with the licensee to create an electronic manifest to record the chain of custody for each cannabis shipment in accordance with COMAR and F.

F. A micro dispensary shall:

(1) Ensure that its stock of cannabis is timely and accurately tracked in the seed-to-sale tracking system from the time it is acquired by the micro dispensary to the time it is delivered and dispensed to a qualifying patient, registered caregiver, or adult-use consumer;

(2) At least daily, monitor video surveillance recorded by the delivery agent’s body camera and the camera installed inside the delivery vehicle; and

(3) At least daily, monitor the GPS records of all delivery vehicles, including stops made along the delivery route.

G. A micro dispensary licensed to dispense cannabis under COMAR may not:

(1) Transport cannabis or cannabis products not associated with an active invoice, order, or product manifest;

(2) Transport cannabis or cannabis products in any vehicle noncompliant with §D(10) of this regulation;

(3) Dispense cannabis or cannabis products without a prior order submitted to the licensed business;

(4) Dispense cannabis or cannabis products from the storage facility premises; or

(5) Carry cannabis or cannabis products in the delivery vehicle with a value in excess of $5,000 at any time.

H. For the purposes §G(5) of this regulation, the value of cannabis goods shall be determined using the current retail price of all cannabis or cannabis products carried by or within the delivery vehicle.

I. A micro dispensary owner shall be a registered agent.

J. Video Surveillance Requirements.

(1) Recordings of security video surveillance as required in this regulation shall be:

(a) Access-limited;

(b) In a format that can be easily accessed for investigational purposes;

(c) Retained for a minimum of 90 calendar days; and

(d) Made available to the Administration or law enforcement agency for just cause as requested within 48 hours.

(2) Violation.

(a) Failure to provide the Administration with any recording of video surveillance within 48 hours of a request from the Administration is a violation of COMAR

(b) Each day of recording within the timeframe stated in §J(1)(c) of this regulation that a micro dispensary fails to provide to the Administration constitutes a separate violation.

.04 Dispensary Operations.

A. Dispensing Medical Cannabis.

(1) A dispensary agent shall dispense medical cannabis only from the service area or other area as designated by the Administration in Regulations .02 and .03 of this chapter to a qualifying patient or caregiver who has presented:

(a) An Administration-issued patient or caregiver identification number; and

(b) A valid government-issued photo identification.

(2) Before any distribution of medical cannabis, a dispensary agent shall query the Administration data network using a unique log-in that identifies the registered dispensary agent and verify:

(a) That the qualifying patient or caregiver is currently registered;

(b) That a certifying provider issued a valid written certification to the qualifying patient;

(c) That the amount of medical cannabis that has already been dispensed pursuant to the written certification; and

(d) Whether a qualifying patient is actively enrolled in the Maryland Medical Assistance Program or in the Veterans Affairs Maryland Health Care System, and therefore, eligible for discounted medical cannabis pursuant to COMAR

(3) A dispensary agent may provide information on:

(a) The available types of medical cannabis, cannabis varieties, and medical cannabis finished products;

(b) Methods by which medical cannabis can be taken; and

(c) How unused cannabis may be returned for disposal.

(4) 30-Day Supply.

(a) A qualifying patient or caregiver may obtain a portion of a 30-day supply at any time once the written certification is presented to a licensed dispensary, provided the portion being sought when added to portions previously obtained does not exceed a 30-day supply.

(b) The dispensary agent shall enter the weight of usable cannabis or the weight of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) dispensed in the Administration data network.

(5) A dispensary agent may decline to dispense medical cannabis to a qualifying patient or caregiver if, in the dispensary agent’s professional opinion, the patient or caregiver appears to be currently under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

(6) A dispensary may not distribute a sample of medical cannabis.

(7) If not used to purchase medical cannabis within 120 days of issuance, a written certification becomes null and void.

(8) Any dispensing to a qualified patient or registered caregiver shall be recorded by the dispensary agent as a sale of medical cannabis using the seed-to-sale tracking system.

B. Dispensing Adult-Use Cannabis.

(1) A dispensary agent shall dispense cannabis only from the service area or other area as designated by the Administration in Regulations .02 and .03 of this chapter to a consumer who has presented a government-issued photo identification card that is valid, unexpired, and contains the consumer’s birth date.

(2) A government-issued identification card under §B(1) of this regulation includes:

(a) State driver’s license;

(b) U.S. passport;

(c) U.S. passport card;

(d) Non-driver’s state photo ID card;

(e) Foreign passport;

(f) U.S. military ID card; and

(g) Tribal card.

(3) A government-issued photo identification card does not include a student identification card issued by a public institution or university.

(4) Before any distribution of cannabis, a dispensary agent shall log in to the Administration data network using a unique log-in that identifies the dispensary agent.

(5) At the point of sale, a dispensary agent shall verify that the consumer is 21 years old or older using the consumer’s government-issued photo identification.

(6) A dispensary agent may provide information on:

(a) The available types of cannabis, cannabis varieties, and cannabis finished products;

(b) Methods of cannabis administration; and

(c) How to return unused cannabis for disposal.

(7) Sales Limits.

(a) A dispensary agent may not knowingly dispense to an individual an amount of cannabis or cannabis products greater than the personal use amount under Criminal Law Article, §5-101, Annotated Code of Maryland, in a single day.

(b) For the purposes of calculating the personal use amount of cannabis that can be dispensed, an individual may not purchase more than:

(i) 1.5 ounces of usable cannabis products as defined in COMAR 14.17.01;

(ii) 12 grams of concentrated cannabis products; or

(iii) Edible cannabis products, capsules, and tinctures that do not exceed 750 milligrams of tetrahydrocannabinol.

(c) For the purpose of determining sales limits under this subsection, cannabis vaporizing devices shall be weighed and considered as concentrated cannabis products.

(8) A dispensary agent may decline to dispense cannabis to a consumer if, in the dispensary agent’s professional opinion, the consumer appears to be:

(a) Currently under the influence of drugs or alcohol;

(b) Attempting to purchase cannabis products for resale or diversion; or

(c) Obtaining an amount of cannabis products greater than the personal use amounts under §B(7) of this regulation.

(9) Consumers purchasing cannabis under this section may purchase:

(a) Usable cannabis products as specified in COMAR;

(b) Cannabis vaporizing devices as specified in COMAR;

(c) Concentrated cannabis products as specified in COMAR;

(d) Home cultivation products;

(e) Infused non-edible cannabis products;

(f) Edible cannabis products under COMAR and capsules, and tinctures under COMAR with up to:

(i) 10 milligrams of THC per serving; and

(ii) 100 milligrams of THC per container.

(10) Consumer Profiles. A dispensary may not:

(a) Use an adult-use consumer’s personal information, including records of their purchases, to create or maintain a customer profile without the consumer’s express permission; or

(b) Deny an adult-use consumer the opportunity to purchase adult-use cannabis exclusively on the basis that the customer does not consent to the storage and use of their personal information.

C. Dispensing Controls.

(1) A dispensary may not sell, transfer, or deliver cannabis or cannabis products unless the licensee verifies by means of a valid driver’s license or other government–issued photo identification containing the bearer’s date of birth, in accordance with Alcoholic Beverages and Cannabis Article, §36-1101(a), Annotated Code of Maryland.

(2) A dispensary shall use the seed-to-sale tracking system to track its stock of cannabis from the time it is received by the dispensary to the time it is delivered or dispensed to another licensee, a registrant, a qualifying patient, registered caregiver, or adult-use consumer.

(3) A dispensary may not distribute samples of cannabis or cannabis products to consumers.

(4) A dispensary agent or owner may not dispense cannabis to themselves.

(5) If a dispensary offers reduced cost or discount cannabis or cannabis products to an agent, the reduced cost or discount available shall be distributed in accordance with the standard operating procedure.

D. At least monthly, a dispensary shall conduct a physical inventory of its stock of cannabis and compare the physical inventory of stock with the stock reflected in seed-to-sale tracking system.

.05 Coordination of Enforcement Efforts Between Maryland Cannabis Administration and the Comptroller of Maryland.

A. The Administration may query the seed-to-sale tracking system and shall, upon request from the Comptroller of Maryland, provide information from the seed-to-sale tracking system to the Comptroller of Maryland to ensure proper compliance, collection, and assessment of the sales and use tax by dispensaries and on-site consumption establishments.

B. If a dispensary fails to pay a tax to the Office of the Comptroller when due under Tax-General Article, Annotated Code of Maryland, the Administration may:

(1) Levy a fine; and

(2) Restrict, suspend, or revoke the cannabis license.

.06 Product Reservations and Trade Practices.

A. Products not authorized for adult-use consumers under Regulation .04B of this chapter shall only be sold, distributed, or otherwise dispensed to qualifying patients and caregivers.

B. Except as specified in §D of this regulation, a dispensary licensed under COMAR or COMAR shall make a good faith effort to allow for at least 25 percent of product available for retail sales to be products grown, manufactured, extracted, or otherwise produced by:

(1) Licensees that have no common ownership interest or control with the dispensary licensee; or

(2) Social equity licensees as defined in COMAR 14.17.01.

C. In fulfilling the requirement in §B of this regulation, a dispensary shall prioritize social equity licensees.

D. Social equity dispensary licensees shall make a good faith effort to allow for at least 25 percent of product available for retail sales to be products grown, manufactured, extracted, or otherwise produced by licensees that have no common ownership interest or control with the dispensary licensee.

E. The Administration may query the seed-to-sale tracking system to ensure compliance with this regulation.

F. If a dispensary is found in violation of this regulation, the Administration may:

(1) Issue a fine; and

(2) Restrict, suspend, or revoke the license.

.07 Product Returned for Destruction and Disposal of Green Waste.

A. Product Returned for Destruction. A dispensary shall:

(1) Accept and record the return of any cannabis from an adult-use consumer, qualifying patient, or a registered caregiver; and

(2) Destroy the returned cannabis.

B. Disposal of Green Waste. A dispensary may either:

(1) Ship any cannabis that is surplus or out of date or that is waste from processing or repackaging to a licensed grower for disposal; or

(2) Dispose of such material in accordance with the dispensary’s approved waste disposal plan.

.08 Online, Telephone, or Other Remote Ordering.

A. A dispensary may use an online, telephone or other remote order system to place pre-orders for:

(1) Pick-up at a standard dispensary; and

(2) Delivery by a micro dispensary.

B. To fulfill an order, a dispensary shall comply with dispensing requirements in Regulation .04 of this chapter.

C. An ordering system for cannabis or cannabis products shall:

(1) Prior to order placement, validate the individual is 21 years old or older, a qualifying patient, or a registered caregiver by:

(a) Employing a neutral age screen to verify the individual is 21 years old or older or an alternative screening mechanism to verify the individual is a qualifying patient, or a registered caregiver; or

(b) Using another method to validate that the individual is 21 years old or older, a qualifying patient, or a registered caregiver;

(2) Include a notice that a valid, government-issued photo identification card as set forth in Regulation .04B(2) of this chapter is required to receive the order of cannabis or cannabis products; and

(3) Collect the name and date of birth of the individual submitting the order.

D. Until the consumer, qualifying patient, or registered caregiver presents valid identification as set forth in Regulation .04A(1) or B(2) of this chapter, whichever applies, and the dispensary agent confirms that the identification card displays a name and date of birth that matches the information collected in §C(3) of this regulation, a dispensary may not:

(1) Dispense cannabis products; or

(2) Collect payment.

E. A dispensary may not sell or otherwise transfer any cannabis or cannabis products to a consumer through an unlicensed third party, intermediary business, broker, or any other business or entity.

F. Only a micro dispensary may deliver cannabis to qualifying patients, registered caregivers, or adult-use consumers in accordance with Regulation .03 of this chapter.

.09 Hours of Operations.

A dispensary may not conduct sales before 8 a.m. or past 11 p.m.

.10 Discrepancy, Theft, or Diversion.

A. Discrepancy Reporting.

(1) If a dispensary discerns a discrepancy between the inventory of stock and the seed-to-sale tracking system outside of normal weight loss due to moisture loss and handling, the dispensary shall commence an investigation of the discrepancy within 1 business day.

(2) Failure to report a discrepancy within 1 business day may be used as evidence of diversion.

B. Theft or Diversion. If the dispensary finds evidence of a theft or diversion, the dispensary shall report the theft or diversion to the Administration and to the law enforcement agency with jurisdiction in the dispensary’s area within 1 business day.

C. Within 30 business days of discovering the theft, diversion, or discrepancy, the dispensary shall:

(1) Complete an investigation;

(2) Amend its standard operating procedures, if necessary; and

(3) Send a report of the investigation to the Administration.

.11 Standard Operating Procedures.

A. A dispensary shall establish standard operating procedures in accordance with this subtitle for all aspects of:

(1) Inventory control, including:

(a) Tracking the dispensary’s stock of cannabis in the seed-to-sale tracking system from the time it is received by the dispensary to the time it is delivered or dispensed to another licensee, a registrant, a qualifying patient, a registered caregiver, or an adult-use consumer; and

(b) Monthly physical inventory;

(2) Receiving cannabis or products containing cannabis;

(3) Receipt, storage, and distribution of edible cannabis products;

(4) Safe and sanitary storage of cannabis;

(5) Equipment cleaning, maintenance, calibration;

(6) Handling, packaging, and labeling cannabis and cannabis products;

(7) Green waste procedures;

(8) Security and visitor procedures, including theft and diversion prevention;

(9) Storage, handling, and disposing of recalled materials;

(10) Dispensing cannabis and cannabis products to qualifying patients, registered caregivers, and adult-use consumers; and

(11) If applicable:

(a) Delivering cannabis to a qualifying patient, a registered caregiver, or an adult-use consumer;

(b) Repackaging cannabis into usable cannabis products;

(c) Providing reduced cost or discount cannabis or cannabis products to its agents;

(d) Drive-through dispensing; and

(e) Curbside dispensing.

B. A dispensary’s standard operating procedures shall:

(1) Be available to each agent in a form the agent understands;

(2) Be available on-site for inspection by the Administration; and

(3) Accurately reflect the procedures used at the premises.


14.17.13 Cannabis Products

Authority: Alcoholic Beverages and Cannabis Article, §§36-202, 36-203, and 36-203.1, Annotated Code of Maryland

.01 Definitions.

A. In this chapter, the following terms have the meanings indicated.

B. Terms Defined.

(1) “Current Good Manufacturing Practices” or “cGMP” means a manufacturing process that complies with 21 CFR Part 111 or 21 CFR Part 210.

(2) “Food” means any substance that is used as food or drink for human beings or as a component of food or drink for human beings.

(3) “Food ingredient” means a substance that is used as a component of food, including:

(a) Flavoring;

(b) Food coloring; and

(c) Preservatives.

(4) “Ingredient” means any component of an edible cannabis product that is intended for human consumption, approved by the Administration, and composed of:

(a) Food or food ingredients; or

(b) Cannabis.

(5) “Permittee” means a licensed processor authorized by the Administration to manufacture edible cannabis products.

.02 Finished Products for Retail Sale.

A. A dispensary is only authorized to dispense a finished product that has been sealed, labeled, and packaged in accordance with COMAR 14.17.18.

B. Except as described in Regulation .11 of this chapter, a dispensary shall only obtain finished cannabis products from a licensed grower or processor.

.03 Product Reservations.

A. Medical Cannabis Products.

(1) The Administration shall require that certain finished cannabis products be dispensed only to qualifying patients or registered caregivers to:

(a) Ensure adequate supply of medical cannabis products; and

(b) Reserve high potency products for medical patients.

(2) No part of this section may be construed to prohibit the dispensing of other finished cannabis products to qualifying patients in accordance with COMAR, including:

(a) Cannabis vaporizing devices;

(b) Home cultivation products;

(c) Usable cannabis products; and

(d) Edible cannabis products containing less than:

(i) 10 milligrams of tetrahydrocannabinol per serving; or

(ii) 100 milligrams of tetrahydrocannabinol per package.

B. Adult-Use Cannabis Products. Individuals purchasing cannabis products for adult-use may purchase:

(1) Cannabis vaporizing devices;

(2) Concentrated cannabis products with a total weight of 1 gram or less;

(3) Home cultivation products;

(4) Usable cannabis products;

(5) Infused non-edible cannabis products; and

(6) Edible cannabis products, tinctures, and capsules containing equal to or less than:

(a) 10 milligrams of tetrahydrocannabinol per serving; and

(b) 100 milligrams of tetrahydrocannabinol per package.

C. Infused pre-rolls are not subject to the weight limit in §B(2) of this regulation.

D. Licensed dispensaries shall otherwise provide products for retail sale in accordance with COMAR

.04 Product Testing.

A. Finished cannabis products for retail sale shall be tested by an independent testing laboratory authorized by the Administration in accordance with COMAR 14.17.08 prior to any sale, distribution, or dispensing.

B. Testing, sampling, and other laboratory protocols shall be performed by the independent testing laboratory in accordance with the Administration’s Technical Authority.

.05 Edible Cannabis Products.

A. General Requirements.

(1) Before engaging in the business of possessing, processing, packaging, labeling, transferring, transporting, selling, or distributing edible cannabis products to a dispensary, a licensed processor shall obtain a permit from the Administration in accordance with COMAR

(2) Prior to offering the products for distribution or sale to a licensed dispensary, a permittee shall obtain approval from the Administration for all edible cannabis products by submitting a request in in a manner prescribed by the Administration.

(3) A permittee seeking approval to offer an edible cannabis product shall submit:

(a) A photograph, digital image, or digital rendering of the product, labeling, and packaging;

(b) The varying levels of potency and dosing of the edible cannabis product;

(c) The recipe, including the production process, for manufacturing the edible cannabis product; and

(d) Any scientific studies or laboratory testing results supporting the stability and approximate expiration date of the edible cannabis product.

(4) The Administration shall review and approve each edible cannabis product before the product may be commercially manufactured or sold by a permittee, to ensure the:

(a) Product complies with the requirements of this chapter; and

(b) Safety of minors.

B. Dosage Requirements.

(1) Unless expressly authorized by the Administration, an edible cannabis product may not contain more than:

(a) 10 milligrams of THC per serving; and

(b) 100 milligrams of THC per package.

(2) Each single serving contained in a package of a multiple-serving edible cannabis product shall be physically separated in a way that enables an individual to determine how much of the edible cannabis product constitutes a single serving.

(3) An intact product form containing multiple servings does not meet the requirements of §B(2) of this regulation if it has demarcations or delineations on the product to indicate individual servings.

(4) The Administration may approve a request to manufacture a high potency edible cannabis product containing more than 10 milligrams of THC per serving or 100 milligrams of THC per package if:

(a) A permittee submits a request in a form prescribed by the Administration; and

(b) The request complies with §G of this regulation.

(5) An edible cannabis product consisting of multiple servings shall be homogenized so that each serving contains the same concentration of THC.

C. Appearance of Edible Cannabis Products.

(1) A permittee shall only manufacture or distribute solid edible cannabis product in geometric shapes.

(2) A permittee may not manufacture an edible cannabis product that due to its shape, design, or flavor is likely to appeal to minors.

(3) The manufacture or sale of edibles in the following shapes is prohibited:

(a) Human, animal, toy, or fruit;

(b) A shape that bears the likeness or contains characteristics of a realistic or fictional human, animal, or fruit, including artistic, caricature, or cartoon renderings; and

(c) A commercially available food or beverage product that targets or is primarily marketed to minors.

D. Liquid Edible Product Requirements.

(1) A liquid edible product container may not contain more than a single serving per container.

(2) A single serving of a liquid edible product may not exceed 10 milligrams of THC per container.

(3) A liquid edible product shall otherwise comply with this regulation.

E. Prohibited Products.

(1) Edible cannabis products may not contain:

(a) Meat;

(b) Seafood;

(c) Unpasteurized eggs; or

(d) Unpasteurized dairy of any type.

(2) The following types of products may not be sold:

(a) Alcoholic beverages, as defined in Alcoholic Beverage and Cannabis Article, §1-101, Annotated Code of Maryland; and

(b) Any product containing any non-cannabis additive that would increase potency or toxicity, or that would create an unsafe combination with other psychoactive substances, including nicotine and caffeine.

(3) The prohibition in §E(2)(b) of this regulation does not apply to products containing naturally occurring caffeine, such as coffee, tea, or chocolate.

F. Compliance with State and Federal Food Safety Requirements. In addition to the other requirements set forth in this chapter, a permittee shall comply with all applicable food safety regulations, including:

(1) 21 CFR, as amended;

(2) 21 U.S.C. §343, as amended;

(3) 21 U.S.C. §§451—471, as amended; and

(4) 21 U.S.C. §§601—695, as amended.

G. High Potency Edible Cannabis Products.

(1) Edible products produced with approval by the Administration under §B(4) of this regulation shall comply with Current Good Manufacturing Practices under 21 CFR Part 111 or 21 CFR Part 210.

(2) A permittee shall submit to the Administration a third-party certification that demonstrates compliance with §G(1) of this regulation.

(3) Demonstration of compliance required under §G(2) of this regulation shall include:

(a) Proof of the third party’s accreditation to certify for Current Good Manufacturing Practices that complies with 21 CFR Part 111 or 21 CFR Part 210;

(b) An attestation that the third party performed a facility audit of the licensed processor’s facility using an audit checklist within the scope of accreditation that complies with 21 CFR Part 111 or 21 CFR Part 210;

(c) The audit checklist for cGMP 21 CFR Part 111 or 21 CFR Part 210, facility score, the audit checklist score scale, and a corrective plan to remediate any deficiencies identified during the audit; and

(d) Documentation that the dosage form is recognized by the United States Pharmacopeia, the National Formulary, or the Food and Drug Administration.

(4) Edible products produced with approval by the Administration under §B(4) of this regulation may not:

(a) Be a liquid edible product as described in §D of this regulation; or

(b) Contain more than:

(i) 40 milligrams of THC per serving; and

(ii) 400 milligrams of THC per package.

(5) A dispensary shall only sell or dispense high potency edible products to qualified patients and registered caregivers.

(6) A processor shall label high potency edible products in accordance with COMAR

H. The Administration shall maintain permittee trade secrets in conformity with COMAR

.06 Capsule and Tincture Products.

A. A tincture shall:

(1) Contain no additional non-cannabis ingredients except potable water, unless approved by the Administration; and

(2) For vegetable oil tinctures, be manufactured in accordance with the regulation of edible cannabis products under Regulation .05E—H of this chapter and COMAR—.14, except for COMAR; and

(3) Be dispensed in a container that:

(a) Has a resealing, child-resistant cap, or closure; and

(b) Includes a dropper measuring device within the package.

B. A licensee is encouraged to manufacture varying levels of potency for each tincture or capsule product the permittee distributes, including products containing:

(1) 2.5 milligrams of THC per serving; and

(2) 5 milligrams of THC per serving.

C. A dispensary shall only sell or dispense capsule and tincture products with more than 10 milligrams of tetrahydrocannabinol per serving and 100 milligrams tetrahydrocannabinol per package to qualifying patients or registered caregivers.

.07 Home Cultivation Products.

A. A licensed dispensary is authorized to sell and distribute home cultivation products intended to assist with the home cultivation of cannabis.

B. A licensed dispensary may sell up to:

(1) Two actively growing plants or seedlings to an adult use consumer; and

(2) Four actively growing plants or seedlings to a qualifying patient who is 21 years old or older or to a registered caregiver.

C. Seedlings not sold by a dispensary shall be destroyed and recorded as green waste in accordance with standard operating procedures if the plant is:

(1) Taller than 8 inches;

(2) Wider than 8 inches; or

(3) Otherwise in a flowering or vegetative state.

D. A licensed dispensary may not cultivate cannabis plants.

E. A licensed dispensary shall only acquire home cultivation products under this regulation from a licensed grower.

.08 Cannabis Vaporizing Devices.

A. A dispensary may sell cannabis vaporizing devices to:

(1) Individuals 21 years old or older; or

(2) Registered patients and qualifying caregivers.

B. A cannabis vaporizing device may include a cartridge containing a concentrated or infused cannabis liquid for the purposes of heating and producing a vapor.

C. A cartridge that contains more than 1 gram of a concentrated cannabis product may only be sold to qualifying patients or registered caregivers.

D. Cannabis vaporizing devices may not include:

(1) Vitamin E Acetate; or

(2) Any other solvent, solution, or other substance deemed to be a risk to public health or safety by the Administration according to COMAR

.09 Infused Non-Edible Products.

A. A dispensary shall only sell or dispense infused non-edible products that contain more than 10 milligrams tetrahydrocannabinol per serving and 100 milligrams tetrahydrocannabinol per package, including the allowable permitted in the Technical Authority, to qualifying patients or registered caregivers.

B. Infused non-edible products containing more than 10 milligrams tetrahydrocannabinol per serving or 100 milligrams tetrahydrocannabinol per package shall be labeled in accordance with COMAR

.10 Concentrated Cannabis Products.

A. A dispensary shall only sell or dispense concentrated cannabis products with a total weight that exceeds 1 gram to qualifying patients or registered caregivers.

B. Concentrated cannabis products with a total weight that exceeds 1 gram shall be labeled in accordance with COMAR

.11 Usable Cannabis Products.

A. Usable cannabis products may be sold to:

(1) Individuals 21 years old or older; or

(2) Qualifying patients and registered caregivers.

B. A licensed dispensary may package, repackage, wrap, roll, or otherwise create usable cannabis products from usable cannabis in accordance with §§C and D of this regulation.

C. Repackaging Requirements.

(1) Handwashing Sinks.

(a) A dispensary shall ensure that agents engaged in creating usable cannabis products have easy access to a handwashing sink that provides warm water of sufficient volume under pressure for effective handwashing procedures.

(b) A dispensary shall maintain at least one handwashing sink for the following number of agents who are engaged in repackaging while on duty at the same time:

(i) Every 15 agents; and

(ii) Any fraction of 15 agents.

(2) Scales.

(a) A scale used by a licensed dispensary for the creation of usable cannabis products shall be:

(i) A National Type Evaluation Program approved device;

(ii) Calibrated and recertified annually.

(b) A licensed dispensary shall make records and certifications required under §C(2)(a) of this regulation available to the Administration available upon request.

(3) Sanitation.

(a) Scales, surfaces, and other equipment use for the purposes of creating usable cannabis products shall be cleaned and sanitized:

(i) Between shifts;

(ii) Between packaging, repackaging, or otherwise creation of usable cannabis products with different usable cannabis batches;

(iii) Before beginning any packaging, repackaging, or otherwise creation of usable cannabis products; and

(iv) After the completion of any packaging, repackaging, or otherwise creation of usable cannabis products.

(b) Licensed dispensaries shall maintain an accurate log of cleaning and sanitation required under §C(3)(a) of this regulation.

D. Products produced by dispensaries under this regulation shall be packaged and labeled in accordance with COMAR 14.17.18.

E. Transfer limits and Inventory Controls on Usable Cannabis.

(1) Usable cannabis transferred from a licensed grower to a licensed dispensary for the purposes of creation of usable cannabis products may not exceed:

(a) 1 pound in a single package; or

(b) 50 pounds in a single transfer.

(2) A licensed dispensary shall have no more than 50 pounds of usable cannabis in inventory at a given time for the purposes of creating usable cannabis products.

(3) The Administration may query the seed-to-sale tracking system to ensure compliance with this section.

F. A dispensary may not weigh, package, repackage, or create usable cannabis products at the point of sale, or conduct deli-style sales.


14.17.14 Complaints, Enforcement, Record Keeping, and Inspections of Cannabis Businesses

Authority: Alcoholic Beverages and Cannabis Article, §§36-202, 36-203, and 36-901, Annotated Code of Maryland

.01 Complaints, Adverse Events, and Recall.

A. The Administration, licensees, and certifying providers shall establish a procedure to receive, organize, store, and respond to all oral, written, electronic, or other complaints regarding any cannabis product and severe adverse events.

B. In the event a licensee or certifying provider receives a complaint regarding the quality or safety of a product, including a report of a serious adverse event, the licensee or certifying provider shall report the complaint within 24 hours to:

(1) The Administration;

(2) If applicable, the licensed grower or processor from which the cannabis originated; and

(3) If applicable, the licensed dispensary that dispensed the cannabis.

C. Complaint Investigation Process.

(1) After notifying the Administration about a complaint as required in §B of this regulation, a licensee or certifying provider shall:

(a) Promptly identify the batch number or lot number of the cannabis or cannabis product, or any other product that is the subject of the complaint;

(b) Investigate the production of the batch or lot to determine if there was a deviation from the standard operating procedure in the production of the batch or lot to determine if there was a deviation from the standard operating procedure in the production of the batch or lot;

(c) Send part of the retention sample of the batch or lot to an independent testing laboratory to determine if it meets quality and safety standards; and

(d) If there is reasonable cause to suspect communicable disease transmission from or by an agent, collect morbidity history from any suspected agents.

(2) If the sample analysis conducted under §C(1) of this regulation reveals that the batch or lot fails to meet quality and safety standards, the licensee shall:

(a) Order a recall of all products derived from or included in the batch or lot;

(b) To the extent possible, notify all adult-use consumers, patients, caregivers, and dispensaries who may have obtained cannabis products from such a batch or lot of the recall; and

(c) Pay reimbursement for any returned cannabis.

(3) In the case of a report of a serious adverse event, if the investigation reveals a deviation from the standard operating procedure in the production of the batch or lot, the licensee shall:

(a) Order a recall of all products derived from or included in the batch or lot;

(b) Notify all adult-use consumers, patients, caregivers, and dispensaries who may have obtained cannabis from such a batch or lot of the recall; and

(c) Pay reimbursement for any returned cannabis.

(4) If the licensee’s investigation reveals there is reasonable cause to suspect communicable disease transmission from or by an agent, the licensee shall ensure that appropriate follow-up action is taken, whenever applicable, including but not limited to:

(a) Immediately excluding any indicated agent from the licensed facility;

(b) Issuing an order to recall all products derived from, or included in, any affected batch or lot;

(c) To the extent possible, notifying all adult-use consumers, patients, caregivers, and dispensaries who may have obtained cannabis from any affected batch or lot of the recall;

(d) Reimbursing for any returned cannabis;

(e) Immediately closing the licensed premises until medical and epidemiological evidence shows that the likelihood of further disease transmission is low; and

(f) In accordance with COMAR 10.06.01, conducting an investigation, a report, and control of a communicable disease outbreak.

D. Custody of Returned Recalled Cannabis Products.

(1) The licensee shall develop a procedure to ensure cannabis that is recalled is stored and segregated until disposal of recalled material is authorized by the Administration.

(2) Within 24 hours of the receipt of notice from the Administration that the disposal of recalled cannabis is authorized, the licensee shall dispose of the recalled cannabis according to its standard operating procedure.

.02 Records.

A. A licensee shall maintain, independent of the seed-to-sale tracking system, a searchable, secure, tamper-evident record of each distribution that contains:

(1) If applicable, the name and address of the patient;

(2) The quantity delivered; and

(3) The product name, strength, batch number, and lot number.

B. A licensee shall maintain:

(1) To ensure uniformity, for each batch and lot:

(a) Records of production and distribution; and

(b) Daily checklists;

(2) A record of test methods and test results for each batch and lot, including graphs, charts, or spectra from laboratory instrumentation;

(3) A log of individuals visiting each premises; and

(4) A duplicate set of all records at a secure, off-site location.

F. Unless otherwise specified, a licensee, or a certifying provider shall retain a record for a period of 2 years.

.03 Inspections.

A. Definition.

(1) In this regulation, the following term has the meaning indicated.

(2) Term Defined. “Investigator” means any Administration employee or contractor designated by the Administration to carry out an inspection under this regulation.

B. Submission of an application to be a licensee or registrant irrevocably gives the Administration consent to conduct all inspections to ensure compliance with State law and regulations.

C. The Administration may inspect all of a cannabis business applicant’s premises and operations to ensure conformity with its application, State law, and regulations.

D. In the case of an inspection before the issuance of a license, the Administration shall arrange the inspection to take place at a mutually agreeable time.

E. Announced and Unannounced Inspections.

(1) The Administration may conduct announced and unannounced inspections of a licensee or registrant subject to the Administration’s regulation, mission, and function, to determine compliance with statute and regulations.

(2) Failure by a licensee or registrant to provide the Administration with immediate access to any part of a premises, requested material, information, or agent as part of an inspection may result in the imposition of a civil fine, suspension of license, or revocation of license.

(3) During an inspection, the Administration may:

(a) Review and make copies of any and all records, including but not limited to financial data, sales data, employment data, or other material that would otherwise be considered proprietary;

(b) Enter any place, including but not limited to vehicles in which cannabis is held, dispensed, sold, produced, tested, delivered, transported, manufactured, or otherwise disposed of;

(c) Inspect all equipment, raw and processed material, containers, and labeling;

(d) Inventory any cannabis;

(e) Inspect any equipment, instruments, tools, or machinery used to process:

(i) Cannabis; or

(ii) Cannabis product;

(f) Investigate complaints; and

(g) Question personnel present at the location and any agent of the licensee.

(4) During an inspection, a material misstatement, omission, misrepresentation, or untruth by the cannabis business applicant, licensee, registrant, or agent may result in:

(a) Denial of the application;

(b) The imposition of a civil fine;

(c) Suspension of a license or registration; or

(d) Revocation of a license or registration.

F. Sample Collection and Testing as Part of Inspection.

(1) During an inspection, the Administration may obtain samples for testing of any:

(a) Cannabis;

(b) Cannabis product;

(c) Media used to grow cannabis;

(d) Chemicals or solvents used to process cannabis concentrate;

(e) Labels or containers for cannabis;

(f) Paraphernalia;

(g) Environmental swabs;

(h) Any waste material; and

(i) Raw or processed material.

(2) An investigator may contract with an independent testing laboratory or the State Cannabis Testing Laboratory to analyze the samples for any deviation from specification questioned by the investigator.

G. Investigative Actions.

(1) In the event that an investigator has cause to suspect an operational failure or conditions that create a likelihood of diversion, contamination, or a risk to the public health:

(a) An investigator may:

(i) Suspend the distribution of some or all cannabis from the cannabis licensee;

(ii) Order immediate evacuation of the premises and seal the entry door; or

(iii) Quarantine some or all cannabis;

(b) The Administration shall undertake a review of the inspection findings and may:

(i) Request a recall of the cannabis;

(ii) Request independent testing of affected cannabis;

(iii) Approve a procedure to reprocess the cannabis;

(iv) Notify law enforcement if diversion is suspected; or

(v) Order the destruction of contaminated or substandard cannabis; and

(c) The Administration may notify the local fire department or police department, or appropriate regulatory agency, regarding a risk to public health and safety.

(2) During an inspection or any investigation, a licensee, registrant, or agent, or employee shall comply with an Administration request to:

(a) Appear for a sworn statement; or

(b) Submit documents responsive to any Administration request.

H. The Administration shall leave a receipt and create a documented chain of custody for anything removed from the premises during an inspection.

I. Report of an Inspection and Letter of Non-Compliance.

(1) An investigator shall:

(a) Prepare an investigative report; and

(b) Deliver a copy of the report and obtain a receipt for the delivery.

(2) Within 10 business days from the receipt of a letter of non-compliance imposing a fine or demanding corrective action, a licensee shall:

(a) Respond in writing to each demand for corrective action;

(b) Set forth a plan for corrective action to be taken and the timetable for correction; and

(c) Pay the fine set forth in the letter of non-compliance.

(3) Upon receipt of a letter of non-compliance, a licensee or registrant may request an evidentiary hearing on the same provided such request is made in writing within 30 days of receipt of the letter of non-compliance in accordance with COMAR 14.17.22.

(4) If a licensee or registrant does not submit a request for a hearing in writing within the 30-day period, the agency action becomes a final determination and is not subject to appeal.

.04 Discipline and Enforcement.

A. Diversion.

(1) A licensee, registrant, or agent may not:

(a) Divert cannabis or cannabis products for any unauthorized sale or distribution;

(b) Fail to maintain records in accordance with this subtitle or the licensee’s standard operating procedures;

(c) Fail to accurately track, tag, or otherwise record inventory in the seed-to-sale tracking system; or

(d) Sell or dispense cannabis or cannabis products in a manner that:

(i) Exceeds the personal use amount of cannabis or cannabis products;

(ii) Is reasonably expected to be in violation of the personal use amount; or

(iii) Could otherwise reasonably give rise to any other violation of law.

(2) A licensee, registrant, or agent may not conduct a series of transactions that would be in violation of §A(1)(d) of this regulation.

B. Health Endangerment.

(1) A licensee, registrant, or agent may not:

(a) Apply any contaminant to cannabis or cannabis products;

(b) Handle cannabis or cannabis products in a manner that would endanger health and safety;

(c) Store cannabis or cannabis products in a manner that would endanger health and safety; or

(d) Otherwise risk the health and safety of a patient or consumer.

(2) A licensee, registrant, or agent may not sell, dispense, or otherwise distribute cannabis or cannabis products to an individual younger than 21 years old unless the individual is a qualifying patient 18 years old or older.

C. A licensee or registrant may not substantially deviate or demonstrate a pattern of deviation from:

(1) Its standard operating procedures;

(2) Its application; or

(3) State, federal, or local:

(a) Law;

(b) Regulations; or

(c) Ordinances.

D. The Administration may fine, suspend, restrict, revoke, or otherwise sanction any cannabis licensee or registrant for:

(1) Any violation of Alcoholic Beverages and Cannabis Article, Title 36, Annotated Code of Maryland;

(2) Any violation of this subtitle;

(3) Restricting, limiting, or otherwise impeding an inspection or investigation by the Administration;

(4) A material misstatement, omission, misrepresentation, or untruth by the licensee, registrant, registered agent, or other employee; or

(5) Any other violation of State, federal, or local:

(a) Law;

(b) Regulations; or

(c) Ordinances.

.05 Fines and Suspension Proceedings.

A. Definitions.

(1) In this regulation, the following terms have the meanings indicated.

(2) Terms Defined.

(a) “Letter of non-compliance” means a written communication from the Administration to a licensee or registrant that imposes a fine or demands corrective action.

(b) “Respondent” means a licensee, registrant, or selected applicant who is issued a letter of non-compliance, notice of intent to summarily suspend, or order of summary suspension.

(c) “Show cause hearing” means a non-evidentiary hearing to provide the parties involved with an opportunity for oral argument on a notice of intent to summarily suspend or a summary suspension.

B. A licensee, registrant, or agent who violates Regulation .04 of this chapter or COMAR 14.17.20 is subject to a fine of up to $10,000 per violation.

C. Each day a violation continues is a separate violation under this section.

D. The licensee, registrant, or agent assessed a fine under this regulation may:

(1) Elect to pay the imposed fine; or

(2) Request an evidentiary hearing in accordance with COMAR 14.17.22 not later than 30 days after the receipt of the notice of the fine.

E. If a respondent does not submit a request for an evidentiary hearing within 30 days from receipt of the letter of non-compliance or administrative charges, the agency determination becomes final and is not subject to appeal.

F. The Administration may impose late fees on respondents who do not pay fines by the date indicated in a Letter of Non-Compliance or in a final agency determination, as described in COMAR

G. The Administration shall remit any penalty collected under this regulation to the:

(1) Medical Cannabis Compassionate Use Fund;

(2) Cannabis Business Assistance Fund;

(3) Community Reinvestment and Repair Fund; or

(4) Cannabis Public Health Fund.

H. Funds from fines remitted under §F of this regulation shall be distributed at the discretion of the Administration by evaluating:

(1) Available fund balances;

(2) Uses of the fund; and

(3) Future needs of the fund.

I. Summary Suspension.

(1) The Administration shall order the summary suspension of a license or registration if the Administration determines that the threat to public health, safety, or welfare requires immediate suspension of a license or registration.

(2) The Administration shall promptly give the licensee or registrant:

(a) Written notice of the suspension, the findings, and the reasons that support the findings; and

(b) An opportunity for a hearing before the Administration.

(3) Service of notice of intent shall be made by:

(a) Serving the notice of intent via hand delivery to the point of contact on file;

(b) Sending the notice of intent via certified mail to the address the licensee or registrant is required to maintain with the Administration; or

(c) Other reasonable means to effect service.

(4) A licensee or registrant aggrieved by the action of the Administration under this regulation may request a show cause hearing by filing a written request for a hearing not later than 30 days after receipt of notice of the Administration's action.

J. Notice of Intent to Summarily Suspend a License or Registration.

(1) The Administration may issue a Notice of Intent to Summarily Suspend a cannabis license or registration if the Administration determines that a suspension of a license or registration is necessary to protect the health and welfare of the public.

(2) The Administration shall promptly give the licensee or registrant:

(a) Written notice of the suspension, the findings, and the reasons that support the findings; and

(b) An opportunity for a hearing before the Administration.

(3) Service shall be made by:

(a) Serving the Notice of Intent via hand delivery to the point of contact on file;

(b) Sending the Notice of Intent via certified mail to the address the licensee or registrant is required to maintain with the Administration; or

(c) Other reasonable means to effect service.

(4) A licensee or registrant aggrieved by the action of the Administration under this regulation may request a show cause hearing by filing a request for a hearing in writing not later than 30 days after receipt of notice of the Administration's action.

K. Show Cause Hearing.

(1) If requested in writing, the show cause hearing shall be held promptly within a reasonable time after the effective date of the action.

(2) The show cause hearing shall be conducted before the Administration’s director or a designee who:

(a) Shall determine procedural issues;

(b) May impose reasonable time limits on each party’s oral argument; and

(c) Shall make rulings reasonably necessary to facilitate the effective and efficient operation of the show cause hearing.

(3) At the conclusion of the show cause hearing, the Administration director or a designee may:

(a) Affirm the order of summary suspension or notice of intent to summarily suspend;

(b) Rescind the order of summary suspension;

(c) Enter into a consent order with the respondent on behalf of the Administration; or

(d) Enter into an interim order with the respondent on behalf of the Administration warranted by the circumstances of the case, including one providing for a stay of the summary suspension, subject to certain conditions.

(4) After the show cause hearing, if the Administration Director or a designee decides to continue the summary suspension, the licensee or registrant aggrieved by the decision may pursue a hearing in accordance with COMAR 14.17.22.

(5) Contesting a summary suspension or notice of intent to summarily suspend through a show cause hearing does not toll or otherwise excuse the requirement that an aggrieved party request a hearing within 30 days of notice of intent to summarily suspend, as set forth in §I(4) or §J(4) of this regulation.

(6) If the licensee or registrant against whom the action is contemplated does not appear, the Administration may hear and determine the matter.

(7) A show cause hearing is not subject to the hearing procedures set forth in COMAR 14.17.22.

.06 Advertising.

A. All advertisements for cannabis products, businesses, licensees, or other cannabis-related services shall comply with the requirements of Alcoholic Beverages and Cannabis Article, §§36-901—36-903, Annotated Code of Maryland.

B. A standard licensee, registrant, agent, or employee who violates §A of this regulation:

(1) Is subject to a fine not exceeding:

(a) $1,000 for the first violation;

(b) $10,000 for the second violation occurring within 24 months after the first violation;

(c) $25,000 the third violation occurring within 24 months after the second violation; and

(d) $50,000 for each subsequent violation occurring within 24 months after the preceding violation; and

(2) May elect to:

(a) Pay the imposed fine; or

(b) Request a hearing not later than 30 days from the receipt of the fine.

C. Any violations that occurred between May 3, 2023, and the effective date of these regulations count for purposes of calculating the appropriate fine.

D. In accordance with the hearing provisions in Regulation .05 of this chapter, the Administration may deny, suspend, or revoke the license or registration of a licensee, registrant, agent, or employee who violates §A of this regulation.


14.17.15 Cannabis Business Agents

Authority: Alcoholic Beverages and Cannabis Article, §§36-202, 36-203, 36-501, and 36-1001—36-1003, Annotated Code of Maryland

.01 Scope.

A. This chapter applies to agents as defined in COMAR 14.17.01.

B. This chapter applies to individuals who are employed, volunteer, or work for management companies as defined in COMAR

.02 Registration.

A. To volunteer or work for a licensee or registrant, an individual shall be registered with the Administration as an agent.

B. Agent registration shall be conducted pursuant to Alcoholic Beverages and Cannabis Article, §36-501, Annotated Code of Maryland.

C. A licensee shall apply to register an agent by submitting to the Administration:

(1) The name, address, date of birth, and Social Security Number or Individual Tax Identification Number of an agent;

(2) Documentation of the submission of fingerprints of the agent of to the Criminal Justice Information System’s Central Repository in accordance with Alcoholic Beverages and Cannabis Article, §36-505, Annotated Code of Maryland;

(3) The request for the criminal history record information of the agent to be forwarded to the Administration.

D. As a condition of registration, an agent shall report to the Administration a conviction of or plea of nolo contendere to a crime involving moral turpitude within 14 days of the conviction or plea.

E. The Administration may:

(1) Disqualify as an agent an individual who has been convicted of or pleaded nolo contendere to a crime involving moral turpitude, whether or not any appeal or other proceeding is pending to have the conviction or plea set aside; and

(2) Revoke the registration of an agent who is convicted of or pleads nolo contendere to a crime involving moral turpitude, whether or not any appeal or other proceeding is pending to have the conviction or plea set aside.

F. The Administration may not deny a cannabis agent registration based on any cannabis-related offense occurring before July 1, 2023.

.03 Registered Agent Identification Cards.

A. The Administration shall issue to each registered agent an identification card which includes a photograph of the face of the registered agent taken no more than 6 months before the date of the application.

B. At all times every registered agent at a licensed or registered premises shall visibly wear the identification card issued to the registered agent by the Administration.

C. The agent shall apply for renewal of the identification card every 2 years.

D. If a registered agent’s identification card is lost, destroyed, or stolen, within 24 hours of becoming aware of the loss, destruction or theft, the licensee shall:

(1) Report the loss, destruction, or theft to the Administration;

(2) Apply for a replacement card; and

(3) Pay a replacement card fee specified in COMAR 14.17.21.

E. An identification card remains the property of the Administration and the Administration may order the return or seizure of an identification card if the registration is revoked or expires.

F. If a registered agent’s identification card is lost, destroyed, or stolen, a copy of the notification to the Administration shall be evidence of registration until a new card is obtained from the Administration.

.04 Termination.

A. Within 30 days of the termination of a registered agent, the licensee or registrant shall:

(1) Take custody of the terminated registered agent’s identification card;

(2) Obtain any keys or other entry devices from the terminated registered agent; and

(3) Ensure the terminated registered agent can no longer gain access to the licensed premises.

B. Within 1 business day of the termination of a registered agent, a licensee or registrant shall:

(1) Notify the Administration:

(a) Of the termination and the circumstance of the termination; and

(b) Whether the terminated registered agent has returned the agent’s identification card; and

(2) Initiate delivery of the terminated registered agent’s identification card to the Administration.

C. The Administration shall revoke the registration of an agent upon receiving notification that an agent is no longer associated with a licensee.

D. If a registered agent did not return the agent’s identification card within 30 days of the termination, the Administration shall notify the law enforcement agency with jurisdiction in the licensee’s area.

.05 Training.

A. The licensee shall train all registered agents on:

(1) Federal and State cannabis laws and regulation and other laws and regulations pertinent to the agent’s responsibilities;

(2) Standard operating procedures;

(3) The State alcohol and drug free workplace policy, as identified in COMAR;

(4) Detection and prevention of diversion of cannabis;

(5) Security procedures; and

(6) Safety procedures including responding to:

(a) A medical emergency;

(b) A fire;

(c) A chemical spill; and

(d) A threatening event such as:

(i) An armed robbery;

(ii) An invasion;

(iii) A burglary; and

(iv) Any other criminal incident.

B. The licensee shall retain training materials and attendance records and make the training materials available for inspection by the Administration.

C. A registered agent employed by cannabis licensee shall complete a responsible vendor training program that:

(1) Meets the minimum requirements under Alcoholic Beverages and Cannabis Article, §§36-1001—36-1003, Annotated Code of Maryland; and

(2) Is registered with the Administration in accordance with §E(3) of this regulation.

D. A responsible vendor training program required under §E of this regulation shall be in addition to the training requirements under §A of this regulation.

E. Responsible Vendor Training Program.

(1) To offer a responsible medical or adult-use cannabis vendor, server, and seller training program, a person shall submit an application to the Administration. (2) To be considered for approval, the proposed training program application shall meet the minimum educational standards established in Alcoholic Beverages and Cannabis Article, §36-1001(c), Annotated Code of Maryland.

(2) Applications approved by the Administration shall be registered with the Administration for a period of 3 years from the date of approval.

(3) The Administration shall assess a fee for the application, registration, and renewal of a responsible vendor training program under this regulation as specified in COMAR 14.17.21.

(4) A person offering a responsible vendor training program under this paragraph may not have ownership or control of any cannabis license.

(5) A person offering a responsible vendor training program shall:

(a) Maintain records for at least 4 years; and

(b) Make these records available to the Administration upon request.


14.17.16 Cannabis Business Owners

Authority: Alcoholic Beverages and Cannabis Article, §§36-202, 36-501—36-504, and 36-801, Annotated Code of Maryland

.01 Conditions of Ownership and Control.

A. An individual who holds any amount of ownership interest or control in a cannabis licensee shall be 21 years old or older.

B. The requirement in §A of this regulation does not apply to beneficiaries of ownership interests held in a trust if:

(1) The trustee is 21 years old or older; and

(2) Ownership interests do not vest prior to the beneficiary’s 21st birthday.

C. The Administration may force divestiture of an individual with ownership interest or control from the licensed business if they are convicted or plead nolo contendere to a crime involving moral turpitude, whether or not any appeal or other proceeding is pending to have the conviction or plea set aside.

D. Transfers.

(1) A person wishing to hold an ownership interest of greater than 5 percent or control in a cannabis license shall comply with the application requirements under Alcoholic Beverages and Cannabis Article, §36-502, Annotated Code of Maryland.

(2) A license issued, regulated, or otherwise authorized under this subtitle shall only be transferred in accordance with Alcoholic Beverages and Cannabis Article, §36-503, Annotated Code of Maryland.

(3) Applicants and transferees under this chapter shall submit to a criminal history record check in accordance with Alcoholic Beverages and Cannabis Article, §36-505, Annotated Code of Maryland.

.02 Disclosure of Ownership and Control.

A. Each licensee shall submit to the Administration a table of organization, ownership, and control in a manner designated by the Administration:

(1) On or before July 1 of each year;

(2) Within 10 business days of any change in ownership interest greater than 5 percent; and

(3) Upon request by the Administration.

B. The table of organization, ownership, and control shall identify the management structure, ownership, and control of the licensee, including but not limited to the:

(1) Name of each owner or principal officer and any other individual or entity with the authority to control the licensee;

(2) The office or position held, if any; and

(3) The percentage of ownership interest, if any.

C. The identification of ownership shall include:

(1) The name and percentage of ownership interest of each individual or business entity with ownership of more than 5 percent of the voting shares of the entity, to the extent such information is known or contained in 13D or 13G Securities and Exchange Division filings; and

(2) To the extent known, the names and percentage of interest of ownership of persons who are relatives of one another and who together exercise control over or own more than 10 percent of the voting shares of the entity.

D. A licensee that is owned or controlled, in whole or in part, by another entity shall disclose to the Administration:

(1) The relationship between the licensee and the parent or affiliate; and

(2) Each owner, board member, or officer and any other individual with control or management authority over those entities owning or controlling the license.

E. Any individual identified as having ownership or control of a license may not have other ownership interest that exceeds the limitations set forth in Alcoholic Beverages and Cannabis Article, §36-401(e), Annotated Code of Maryland.

.03 Annual Report on Minority Owners and Employees.

On or before August 1 of each year, each licensee shall submit a report in a manner determined by the Administration regarding the licensee’s minority owners and employees.

.04 Mandatory Reporting of Legal Actions.

A. The required reporting under this regulation applies to a legal action whether in Maryland or another jurisdiction.

B. Notification.

(1) A licensee or its parent, affiliate, or any subsidiary shall notify and provide a description to the Administration within 30 days of any of the following events:

(a) The filing of any administrative, civil, or criminal action against the licensee or its parent, affiliate, or subsidiary by any governmental entity, private entity, or individual;

(b) The disposition of any administrative, civil, or criminal action against the licensee or its parent, affiliate, or subsidiary by any governmental entity, private entity, or individual, whether by judgment, final order, consent order, or other negotiated resolution; or

(c) The filing for bankruptcy of the licensee or its parent, affiliate, or subsidiary, the entry of a court order for the placement into receivership, or the date of an assignment for the benefit of creditors.

(2) An individual with ownership interest or control greater than 5 percent shall notify and provide a description to the Administration within 30 days of any of the following events:

(a) The filing for bankruptcy of the licensee or its parent, affiliate, or subsidiary, the entry of a court order for the placement into receivership, or the date of an assignment for the benefit of creditors; or

(b) An owner’s conviction of or plea of nolo contendere to a crime involving moral turpitude whether or not any appeal or other proceeding is pending to have the conviction or plea set aside.

(3) The notification and description of the event required under §B(1) and (2) of this regulation shall be provided to the Administration within 14 calendar days after receiving:

(a) Proper service of process in accordance with the rules of civil or criminal procedure of a court of competent jurisdiction; or

(b) Formal written notice in accordance with the administrative rules of an administrative agency with jurisdiction.

C. The description under §B(3) of this regulation shall include the following:

(1) Title and docket number;

(2) Name and location of the court;

(3) Names of the parties;

(4) General nature and scope of the legal action; and

(5) Any judgment, final order, consent order, or other negotiated resolution.

.05 Prohibited Acts.

A. A licensee may not transfer ownership of the license for the purpose of:

(1) Improperly shielding the license or the value of the license from any judgement or liability; or

(2) Furthering any action or plan of action that violates any State, local or federal law.

B. Except as authorized under Alcoholic Beverages and Cannabis Article, Title 36, Annotated Code of Maryland, a licensee may not be:

(1) A member of the General Assembly;

(2) An employee of the Administration; or

(3) Otherwise in violation of Alcoholic Beverages and Cannabis Article, §36-504, Annotated Code of Maryland.

C. An individual, group of individuals or persons may not own multiple, non-majority or unreported shares or interests in a cannabis license unless every holding is a passive interest that:

(1) Has an aggregate ownership interest of less than 5 percent; and

(2) Does not have control over the license.

D. Owners found in violation of this regulation by the Administration may be subject to any of the following sanctions:

(1) Fine;

(2) Suspension or revocation of the licensed business; or

(3) Forced divestiture of the owner from the licensed business.

14.17.17 Receivership.

Authority: Alcoholic Beverages and Cannabis Article, §§36-202, 36-203, and 36-503, Annotated Code of Maryland

.01 Definitions.

A. In this chapter, the following terms have the meanings indicated.

B. Terms Defined.

(1) “Licensee” means a licensed grower, processor, or dispensary.

(2) “Secured creditor” means a lending institution defined under Financial Institutions Article, §1-101, Annotated Code of Maryland, that has been approved by the Administration to obtain a security interest in the proceeds from an Administration -approved sale of a grower, processor, or dispensary license.

.02 Notice of Receivership Action Involving Cannabis Licensee.

A. Any person who files any receivership or trustee action involving any cannabis licensee shall provide the Administration with original notice of the action in a manner specified by the Administration.

B. The Administration will find a licensee compliant with this chapter only if it receives original notice of the action and the receiver is selected consistent with Administration requirements.

.03 Selection of an Eligible Receiver.

A. Subject to approval by the Administration under Regulation .04 of this chapter, a creditor may select an eligible receiver who is a third party to oversee the disposition of a cannabis license, including the licensee’s assets, if the licensee:

(1) Is the subject of an order requiring appointment of a receiver;

(2) Becomes insolvent; or

(3) Otherwise materially breaches or defaults on its material obligations secured by the associated license.

B. Not later than 10 business days before the Administration approves the receiver, the creditor who selects a prospective receiver for approval under Regulation .04 of this chapter shall submit the following information to the Administration:

(1) Proof of the creditor’s secured interest in the proceeds from a sale of the license of the associated licensee;

(2) Proof of an order requiring appointment of a receiver, insolvency, or evidence of the licensee’s material breach or default on its material obligations, as set forth in the associated Administration-approved security agreement; and

(3) Any additional information requested by the Administration.

.04 Application for Receivership.

A. A prospective receiver shall apply for and receive approval from the Administration to serve as a receiver under this chapter.

B. The applicant for receivership shall submit to the Administration a completed application, in a form developed by the Administration, accompanied by the following:

(1) Documentation establishing the applicant’s qualifications and ability to oversee the orderly disposition of the secured license in a manner that facilitates continuity of the licensee’s operations to the extent possible.

(2) A list of all owners and principal officers of the applicant and supporting documentation, including:

(a) Certificate of incorporation;

(b) Bylaws;

(c) Articles of organization;

(d) Operating agreements;

(e) Certificate of limited partnership;

(f) Resolution of a board of directors; or

(g) Other similar business formation documents;

(3) Documentation establishing that the individual or entity is eligible to do business in Maryland throughout the term of the receivership;

(4) Criminal history record information demonstrating that the applicant for receivership does not have any disqualifying criminal conviction applicable to licensees under this subtitle;

(5) Financial records, including a record of tax payments in all jurisdictions in which an applicant has operated a business for the 3 years before the filing of the application;

(6) An affidavit confirming that the applicant does not have a financial or ownership interest in any licensee in Maryland;

(7) A disposition of license plan, subject to Administration approval, which includes:

(a) A detailed description of the plan for the orderly disposition of the license and associated business assets to satisfy the security interest in the right to the proceeds from the sale of the license; and

(b) A proposed timeline for the orderly disposition of the license of the associated licensee; and

(8) Any additional information requested by the Administration.

C. The application shall be accompanied by a non-refundable receivership application fee specified in COMAR 14.17.21.

D. Administration Determination of Receivership.

(1) Upon receipt of a completed receiver application and associated fee, the Administration shall either approve, deny, or request additional information from the applicant.

(2) If the applicant fails to provide any additional requested information to the Administration within 30 days of the request, the application shall be considered denied.

(3) The approved receiver:

(a) Shall maintain compliance with the eligibility requirements under this chapter, as evidenced by submitting an annual report to the Administration attesting to continued compliance beginning 1 calendar year after the date the receiver is approved;

(b) Shall be a third party that is not affiliated with a creditor that has or asserts rights regarding a Maryland cannabis licensee; and

(c) May not have a financial or ownership interest in any Maryland cannabis licensee during the period the receiver is actively carrying out its responsibilities under this chapter.

.05 Receiver’s Responsibilities.

A. A receiver shall comply with the provisions in this subtitle and Alcoholic Beverages and Cannabis Article, Title 36, Annotated Code of Maryland, governing a Maryland cannabis licensee that is subject to the receivership.

B. Material Violation.

(1) In the event of a material violation by the receiver, the Administration shall provide the creditor associated with the receivership with written notice of the violation and an opportunity to cure within 45 days after receipt of the written notice, unless the Administration determines that the violation is an imminent threat to public health and safety, in which case the Administration shall terminate the receivership immediately.

(2) The Administration shall terminate the receivership if after providing notice and the opportunity to cure, the material violation is not cured within the 45-day period.

(3) Whenever the Administration terminates a receivership under this regulation, the creditor may select another prospective receiver for Administration approval under Regulation .04 of this chapter.

(4) If a court is overseeing the matter for which a receiver has been appointed, the Administration shall provide notice to the court of a material violation by the receiver.

(5) If the violation is an imminent threat to public health and safety, the Administration shall terminate the receivership immediately and notify the court within 1 business day of terminating the receivership.

.06 Disposition of a Cannabis License.

A. A receiver appointed under this chapter shall initiate and oversee the orderly disposition of a license and associated business assets in accordance with a disposition of license plan submitted to the Administration that includes:

(1) A detailed description of the plan for the orderly disposition of the license and associated business assets; and

(2) A proposed timeline for the orderly disposition of the license of the associated licensed grower, processor, or dispensary.

B. Notification. A receiver shall:

(1) Issue public notice of the method, manner, time, place, and other terms of the disposition in a newspaper of general circulation in the jurisdiction in which the licensee is located and authorized to do business at least 60 days prior to the planned disposition, including the following information in clear, bold type:

(a) Name and contact information of the secured creditor;

(b) Name of licensee, and doing business as (d/b/a) or trade name, if applicable;

(c) License number;

(d) License classification;

(e) Date, time, and location of planned disposition;

(f) Deadline for obtaining pre-approval from the Administration to qualify as an eligible bidder at the planned disposition; and

(g) Terms and conditions imposed by the secured creditor on the disposition process and on the successful bidder; and

(2) Provide a copy of the information in §B(1) of this regulation to the Administration for the purpose of posting on the Administration’s website.

C. To qualify as an eligible bidder seeking to obtain the cannabis license, an individual, or in the case of an entity, each individual who would acquire an ownership interest of 5 percent or more of the cannabis license that is the subject of the disposition, shall provide the following information to the Administration not later than 30 days before the deadline for obtaining Administration approval to qualify as a bidder at the planned disposition of the license:

(1) Name and contact information;

(2) Criminal history record information;

(3) Completed ownership and control attestation form provided by the Administration for each individual who intends to hold an ownership interest of 5 percent or more;

(4) Evidence of immediately available financial resources sufficient to pay the deposit at the planned disposition and to close the transaction within 10 days of the ratified and final disposition;

(5) Demonstration that the bidder meets all material requirements for licensure; and

(6) Any additional information requested by the Administration.

D. Process for Final Disposition.

(1) Upon completion of the planned disposition, the successful bidder shall prepare and submit to the Administration, within 3 days after the conclusion of the planned disposition, the necessary documentation to obtain final approval for the transfer and sale of the license, including a completed request to transfer ownership of a cannabis license provided by the Administration.

(2) Upon receipt of final approval of the transfer and sale of the license by the Administration, the disposition shall be considered ratified and final.

E. To facilitate the orderly disposition of a secured license and associated assets, the provisions set forth in Alcoholic Beverages and Cannabis Article, §36-503, Annotated Code of Maryland, do not apply to the sale or transfer of the license pursuant to this chapter.

F. Notwithstanding §E of this regulation, the sale or transfer of a license in accordance with this chapter shall be conducted in good faith, and the provisions of this chapter may not be used as a mechanism to circumvent the sale or transfer of ownership requirements under Alcoholic Beverages and Cannabis Article, §36-503, Annotated Code of Maryland.

G. All cannabis, as defined in Alcoholic Beverages and Cannabis Article, §36-101, Annotated Code of Maryland, shall be disposed of in accordance with this subtitle and Alcoholic Beverages and Cannabis Article, Title 36, Annotated Code of Maryland.

H. Termination of Receivership.

(1) Upon ratified and final disposition of the cannabis license and associated assets:

(a) The receivership terminates; and

(b) The receiver shall be immediately released of any responsibility associated with the receivership, and from liability for any actions or omissions that occur after the termination of the receivership.

(2) Nothing in this regulation shall be construed as limiting the liability of the receiver for any actions or omissions that occurred during the period that the receivership was in effect.

.07 Administration Approval Required.

Notwithstanding any provision of this regulation, a cannabis license may not be transferred or operated without express approval of the Administration.


14.17.18 Finished Product Packaging

Authority: Alcoholic Beverages and Cannabis Article, §§36-202, 36-203, and 36-203.1, Annotated Code of Maryland

.01 Definitions.

A. In this chapter, the following terms have the meanings indicated.

B. Terms Defined.

(1) “Cartoon” means a drawing showing the features of the subject in a simplified or exaggerated way.

(2) “Child resistant” means with respect to packaging of cannabis or cannabis product ready for retail sale, designed or constructed to be significantly difficult for a typical child younger than 5 years old to open and not to be significantly difficult for a typical adult to open, and complies with 16 CFR §1700.15(B)(1).

(3) “Exit packaging” means an opaque bag, pouch, or other container that cannabis, cannabis products and/or cannabis seeds and plants are placed after a retail sale and before the purchased items leave the licensed premise.

(4) “Lot” means all of a cannabis finished product that is uniform, that is intended to meet specifications, and that is manufactured, packaged, or labeled together during a specified time period according to a single lot record.

(5) “Marketing layer” means the outermost layer of a retail sale container, which is most predominantly apparent and visible. If the container consists of only a single layer, then the outer surface of the container is the marketing layer.

(6) “Tamper evident” means with respect to a device or process, bearing a seal, a label or a marking that makes unauthorized access to or tampering with a package, product, or container easily detectable.

.02 General Packaging Requirements.

A. All items shall be individually packaged by a licensed grower or processor prior to distribution to any licensed dispensary for retail sale.

B. Packaging Requirements.

(1) All packaging of any cannabis product for retail sale shall be:

(a) Tamper evident;

(b) Child resistant; and

(c) Plain and opaque.

(2) Tamper evident packaging required under this section:

(a) For soft sided packaging:

(i) Shall be sealed at the opening in a way that indicates if the container has been opened or tampered with; and

(ii) Once opened shall remain clear that the package has previously been opened; or

(b) For a rigid container shall:

(i) Contain a tamper evident seal; or

(ii) Have an adhesive band or seal on the lid or enclosure that indicates the package has previously been opened.

(3) Any soft sided package shall be 4 mil or greater in thickness.

(4) Any package containing multiple servings shall be resealable.

.03 General Labeling Requirements.

A. All cannabis and cannabis products for retail sale shall be properly labeled in accordance with this regulation.

B. Labels required under this regulation shall:

(1) Except as specifically authorized, be printed directly on, or on a label or sticker affixed directly to, the marketing layer;

(2) Use text no smaller than size 6 font or 1/12 an inch; and

(3) Use text clearly written and printed in the English language.

C. Warning Statements.

(1) All products sold for retail shall include all of the following warning statements in a manner that complies with §B of this regulation:

(a) “The contents may only be lawfully consumed by a consumer 21 years old or older, or a registered medical cannabis patient.”

(b) “Consumption of cannabis may impair your ability to drive a car or operate machinery. Please use extreme caution.”

(c) “There may be health risks associated with cannabis use, especially if pregnant or breastfeeding.”

(d) “This package contains cannabis. Keep out of reach of children and animals.”

(2) Any product intended for topical application shall include a statement identifying that the product is not intended for human consumption, ingestion, or inhalation.

(3) Any product for retail sale shall include the Maryland Poison Center emergency telephone number.

D. Product Information.

(1) All products sold for retail shall include the following product information in a manner that complies with §B of this regulation:

(a) Net weight of the cannabis, or cannabis product;

(b) Finished product lot number;

(c) Name of the licensee that packaged the product;

(d) Name and phone number of the licensee that manufactured the product to report an adverse event;

(e) An itemization, including weight, of all cannabinoid and terpene ingredients specified for the product, with concentrates of any cannabinoid of less than 1 percent printed with a leading zero before the decimal point;

(f) If applicable, a list of all major allergens contained in and used to manufacture the cannabis finished product in accordance with the Food Allergen Labeling and Consumer Protection Act of 2004, 21 U.S.C. §343 (2010), specifically milk, eggs, fish, crustacean shellfish, tree nuts, peanuts, wheat, and soybeans;

(g) A list of all noncannabis ingredients;

(h) A list of any solvents used to produce the product; and

(i) Dates corresponding to the date that:

(i) The product was harvested, packaged, or produced; and

(ii) The product would be considered expired by, or best used by.

(2) Cannabinoid and terpene itemization required under §D(1)(e) of this regulation may be printed on an inner layer of a label.

E. A certificate of analysis completed by an independent testing laboratory in accordance with COMAR 14.17.08 and the Technical Authority shall be made available on the package through a link or QR code.

F. Universal Symbol.

(1) Packages shall display the universal symbol:

(a) On the front or most predominantly displayed area of the package;

(b) In an area no smaller than ½ inch by ½ inch;

(c) In the form provided by the Administration and may not be modified, recreated, stylized, stretched, or otherwise distorted; and

(d) On a background where the symbol is clearly distinguishable and identifiable.

(2) The following symbol shall be the only symbol used on packages under this regulation:


.04 Medical Cannabis Product Packaging and Labeling.

A. Unless otherwise stated, product regulations under Regulations .02 and .03 of this chapter apply to medical cannabis products.

B. In addition to the packaging and labeling requirements under Regulations .02 and .03 of this chapter, medical cannabis products shall:

(1) Maintain space for a licensed dispensary to attach a personalized label for the qualifying patient; and

(2) Notwithstanding the exemption in §D(2) of this regulation, bear a clear warning that it is illegal:

(a) For any person to possess or consume the contents of the package other than the qualifying patient; and

(b) To transfer the package or contents to any person other than a transfer by a caregiver to a qualifying patient.

C. High potency products that are only authorized for sale to qualifying patients under COMAR shall maintain the requirements under §B of this regulation on the product packaging from the licensed grower or processor.

D. For products that are authorized for sale to either qualifying patients or adult use consumers, the warnings required under §B(2) of this regulation:

(1) May be applied to a sticker or label that can be attached to the product at the point of sale, such as the personalized label under §E of this regulation; and

(2) Do not need to be included on a product sold to an adult-use consumer.

E. All products dispensed to a qualifying patient under COMAR shall include a personalized label for the qualifying patient, which shall include:

(1) The name of the qualifying patient;

(2) The name of the certifying provider;

(3) The name of the licensee where the product was dispensed;

(4) The date that the medical cannabis was dispensed;

(5) The name of the product;

(6) The strength of applicable cannabinoid and terpene compounds:

(a) Displayed in units appropriate to the dosage form; and

(b) Concentrations of any cannabinoid of less than 1 percent shall be printed with a leading zero before the decimal point;

(7) The quantity of medical cannabis dispensed, displayed in units appropriate to the dosage form;

(8) Any directions for use of the product; and

(9) The instructions for proper storage or handling of the product.

.05 Edible Cannabis Product Packaging.

A. Unless otherwise stated, product regulations under Regulations .02—.04 of this chapter apply to edible cannabis products and tinctures.

B. All edible cannabis product packaging shall include:

(1) Milligrams per single serving of total THC, total CBD, and any other marketed cannabinoid;

(2) Milligrams per package of total THC, total CBD, and any other marketed cannabinoid;

(3) The number of servings per package and, if applicable, the recommended size of a serving;

(4) A nutritional fact panel consistent with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration Standards;

(5) A list of all active and inactive ingredients in descending order of predominance by weight in the cannabis product; and

(6) A warning label that states, “Effects of this product may be delayed by 4 or more hours.”

C. The nutritional fact panel required in §B(4) of this regulation may be printed on an inner layer of a label or made available on the package through a link or QR code.

D. Any edible cannabis product containing multiple servings shall:

(1) Be resealable;

(2) Contain no greater than 10 milligrams of THC per serving;

(3) Contain no greater than 100 milligrams of THC per package;

(4) Clearly indicate the size of a serving; and

(5) Include within the package a measuring device that is appropriate for the product form, such as a dropper for liquids or a measuring spoon for powders.

E. Multiple, individually packaged single serving products may be packaged together by a licensed processor using a marketing layer if the marketing layer:

(1) Contains the necessary labels, warnings, and standards under this chapter; and

(2) Does not combine products the THC content of which exceeds 100 milligrams.

.06 Packaging and Labeling Requirements of Cannabis Seeds and Plants.

A. This regulation applies only to cannabis seeds and plants for home cultivation regulated under

B. Products sold under this regulation are exempt from Regulations .02—.05 of this chapter.

C. Cannabis Seeds. Packaging for cannabis seeds for sale to consumers shall:

(1) Keep cannabis seeds dry;

(2) Prevent germination of the seeds in the packaging; and

(3) Not impart any deleterious substances into the cannabis seeds.

D. Labeling Requirements. All cannabis seeds or plants for home cultivation shall display on the marketing layer:

(1) The name of the licensed facility where the cannabis seeds were derived or propagated;

(2) The name of the licensed dispensary where the product is being sold to an individual for home cultivation;

(3) The net weight of the product, or the number of individual seeds; and

(4) A warning label that states, “For home cultivation only. Must be 21 years old or older or a registered patient for home cultivation.”

.07 Prohibited Packaging and Labeling.

A. Cannabis products packaging and labeling may not bear any:

(1) Image that may appeal to minors, including:

(a) Resemblance to the trademarked, characteristic, or product-specialized packaging of any commercially available candy, snack, baked good or beverage;

(b) Images of food, candy, baked goods, cereal, fruit, beverages, or the words “candy” or “candies”;

(c) Images, graphics, features, or likeness to images, graphics, or features that are popularly used to advertise to children, such as cartoons, animals, neon colors, celebrities, mascots, or phrases;

(2) Statement, artwork, or design that could reasonably mislead any person to believe that the package contains anything other than a cannabis finished product;

(3) Seal, flag, crest, coat of arms, or other insignia that could reasonably mislead any person to believe that the product has been endorsed, manufactured, or used by any State, county or municipality or any agency thereof;

(4) Depiction of any form of consumption of cannabis or cannabis products;

(5) Depiction of overconsumption or intoxicating effects of cannabis or cannabis products;

(6) Claims regarding health or physical benefits to the consumer; or

(7) False or misleading statements;

B. Labels, marketing layers or any other aspect of the product package are prohibited from obscuring any warnings, statements, or information required under this chapter.

C. Products are prohibited from targeting or being designed to appeal to any individuals younger than 21 years old.


14.17.19 Cannabis Research

Authority: Alcoholic Beverages and Cannabis Article, §§36-202, 36-701, and 36-702, Annotated Code of Maryland

.01 Academic Research.

A. An entity eligible to register with the Administration for the purpose of conducting a bona fide research project relating to the uses, properties, or composition of cannabis includes:

(1) An institution of higher education;

(2) A related medical facility; or

(3) An affiliated biomedical research firm.

B. Academic research institutions and entities shall operate in accordance with Alcoholic Beverages and Cannabis Article, §36-701, Annotated Code of Maryland.

C. Registration.

(1) An entity qualified under §A of this regulation shall submit an application to the Administration that includes:

(a) The name of the primary researcher;

(b) The expected duration of the research project;

(c) The primary objectives of the research project, scope of work, and potential application(s) of the research findings;

(d) An application fee as specified in COMAR 14.17.21; and

(e) If applicable, a detailed budget.

(2) Registrations under this regulation shall be valid until:

(a) There is a change in the research project;

(b) The institution withdraws the registration; or

(c) 30 days have elapsed from the expected duration of the research project and the Administration has not been notified of any change or extension to the research project.

D. Modifications.

(1) The registered entity shall report any modifications to the scope, researcher, or any other information submitted as part of the application within 30 days to the Administration.

(2) The registered entity may continue to conduct research under this regulation while awaiting Administration approval of any modifications.

.02 Research and Development.

A. The Administration may register an entity to grow, process, test, or transfer cannabis for the purposes of research and development.

B. An entity under §A of this regulation shall conduct research and development only for the purposes under Alcoholic Beverages and Cannabis Article, §36-702, Annotated Code of Maryland.

C. Registration.

(1) An entity shall submit an application to the Administration that includes:

(a) The name of the primary researcher or entity;

(b) The address the research will be primarily taking place;

(c) The research purpose; and

(d) An application fee as specified in COMAR 14.17.21.

(2) Registrations under this regulation shall be valid for 2 years and may be renewed for additional 2 year terms in a manner determined by the Administration.

D. Research and development entities under this regulation shall otherwise comply with Alcoholic Beverages and Cannabis Article, §36-702, Annotated Code of Maryland, and the following requirements:

(1) The study shall be conducted in conformity with study protocols provided and any additional Administration guidance;

(2) The entity shall notify the Administration of any adverse events reported by study participants within 48 hours of the study’s primary researcher being made aware of the adverse event;

(3) Within 30 days, the entity or primary researcher shall update the Administration with any changes to the study protocols, including but not limited to:

(a) Scope;

(b) Researcher;

(c) Number of participants;

(d) Study duration; and

(e) Products used;

(4) The entity may continue to conduct research under this regulation while awaiting Administration approval of any changes to the study protocols;

(5) The entity or primary researcher shall provide documentation of Institutional Review Board or Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee, whichever is applicable, approval prior to the beginning of the study;

(6) An entity shall track the cannabis used for research and development in the seed-to-sale tracking system;

(7) A batch or lot of cannabis originally used or processed for research and development purposes:

(a) May not be used in the processing of cannabis sold to a licensed dispensary; and

(b) Shall be destroyed and logged as green waste; and

(8) An entity shall maintain a record of all research and development tests for at least 2 years and provide copies of the test results to the Administration, upon request.

E. Edible Cannabis Product Development. An entity that processes edible cannabis products for research and development shall:

(1) Quarantine each batch or lot in a quarantine area and label each batch or lot with a distinctive label; and

(2) Process the cannabis for research and development during a time that does not overlap with the processing of any cannabis that will be intended for distribution.

F. Limited Testing for Edible Cannabis Product Development.

(1) An entity may conduct the research and development testing on the entity’s premises or through an independent testing laboratory.

(2) If an independent testing laboratory conducts the research and development testing on the edible cannabis product, the laboratory shall clearly mark any certificate of analysis or reporting of test results with “R&D TESTING ONLY” on the header and footer of the report in 20-point white font and a red background.

(3) The cannabis product shall be categorized as “Work in Process” in the seed-to-sale tracking system.

(4) Any edible cannabis product transferred from the premises for research and development testing shall:

(a) Be packaged in accordance with COMAR;

(b) Be labeled with the statements:


(ii) “This product has not been approved by the Administration and is intended for research and development purposes only.”;

(c) Identify the name and telephone number of the entity who manufactured the product; and

(d) Include a unique identifying number.

.03 Inspections and Controls.

A. The Administration may inspect entities registered under this chapter to ensure compliance with:

(1) Alcoholic Beverages and Cannabis Article, Title 36, Annotated Code of Maryland;

(2) This subtitle;

(3) Any other violation of State, federal, or local:

(a) Law;

(b) Regulations; or

(c) Ordinances.

B. Inspections under this regulation may be announced or unannounced.

C. The Administration may issue identification cards for individuals associated with research entities registered under this chapter.

.04 Reporting Requirements.

A. The registrant shall submit to the Administration:

(1) An annual report on the progress and status of any research project; and

(2) A final report of the findings of the research project to the Administration within 30 days of the completion of the research project.

B. The final report shall include a summary of the research findings and their applications.

C. A published article or document on the research project may serve as the final report.

D. Approval is required by the Administration prior to publication of any findings.

.05 Prohibitions.

A. Entities registered under this regulation may not dispense, sell, sample, or otherwise distribute cannabis or cannabis products to individuals outside of the scope the defined research project.

B. Entities registered under this regulation may not otherwise operate in a manner that gives the appearance of the growing, processing, or dispensing of cannabis or cannabis products by a licensee.

C. Entities registered under this regulation may not perform research activities outside of Maryland.


14.17.20 Prohibited Acts

Authority: Alcoholic Beverages and Cannabis Article, §§36-202, 36-203, and 36-1101, Annotated Code of Maryland

.01 Definition.

A. In this chapter, the following term has the meaning indicated.

B. Defined Term. “Naturally occurring biologically active chemical constituent” means a chemical compound, component, or other material found naturally in the Cannabis Sativa L. plant and recognized by the Administration.

.02 Prohibitions.

A. A licensee may not:

(1) Sell, transfer, or deliver cannabis to an individual who is visibly intoxicated;

(2) Offer cannabis or cannabis products as a prize, premium or consideration for a lottery, contest, game of chance, game of skill, or competition of any kind;

(3) Conduct direct-to-consumer internet sales of adult-use cannabis or cannabis products on or before July 1, 2025; or

(4) Violate any part of:

(a) Alcoholic Beverages and Cannabis Article, Title 36, Annotated Code of Maryland;

(b) This subtitle;

(c) Any other violation of State, federal, or local:

(i) Law;

(ii) Regulation; or

(iii) Ordinances.

B. Persons not registered or licensed under this subtitle may not:

(1) Operate a business or establishment that could reasonably be interpreted to be a licensee; or

(2) Sell or distribute a product intended for human consumption or inhalation that contains more than:

(a) 0.5 milligrams of THC per serving; or

(b) 2.5 milligrams of THC per package.

C. Exemptions.

(1) Persons are exempt from §B(2) of this regulation if they sell or distribute a hemp-derived tincture that complies with Alcoholic Beverages and Cannabis Article, §36-1102(d), Annotated Code of Maryland.

(2) Products exempted under this subsection shall be tested by an Independent Testing Lab under COMAR

D. Sales Restrictions.

(1) Naturally Occurring Biologically Active Chemical Constituents.

(a) A person, registered agent, or licensed business may not sell or distribute a cannabinoid that is not derived from naturally occurring biological active chemical constituents.

(b) A licensed business may submit to the State Cannabis Testing Laboratory, in a manner determined by the Administration, other compounds to be considered for sale, distribution, and regulation.

(2) Businesses licensed under this subtitle may not:

(a) Have a license to sell alcoholic beverages under Alcoholic Beverages and Cannabis Article, Title 1 or 2, Annotated Code of Maryland; or

(b) Allow another business to sell alcoholic beverages within its licensed premises.

(3) A licensee may not distribute any cannabis to any person if the licensee knows, or may have reason to know, that the distribution of cannabis or cannabis products to an individual does not comply with any provision of Alcoholic Beverages and Cannabis Article, Annotated Code of Maryland, or this subtitle.

(4) A licensee may not distribute any cannabis to any person if the licensee knows, or may have reason to know, that the cannabis or cannabis products itself does not comply with any provision of Alcoholic Beverages and Cannabis Article, Annotated Code of Maryland, or this subtitle.

E. Samples.

(1) A licensed business may not provide samples of cannabis or cannabis product unless authorized by this section.

(2) Under this section, samples are only authorized from a licensed business to:

(a) Another licensed business;

(b) An employee, owner, or agent of another licensed business; or

(c) An employee, owner, or agent of the licensed business.

(3) Trade Samples.

(a) Trade samples shall only be provided by a licensed growers and processors and shall be:

(i) Provided solely for the purpose of business-to-business marketing;

(ii) Recorded in the Administration’s seed-to-sale system;

(iii) Packaged and labeled in accordance with COMAR 14.17.18;

(iv) Tested in accordance with COMAR 14.17.08; and

(v) Compliant with product requirements under COMAR 14.17.13.

(b) Trade samples under this subsection may not be:

(i) Sold to another licensed business, patient, caregiver, or consumer;

(ii) Consumed on any licensed premises; or

(iii) A cannabis plant.

(4) Employee Samples.

(a) Employee samples shall only be provided by a licensed business to an employee of the licensed business and shall be:

(i) Provided solely for the purpose of employee education;

(ii) Recorded in the Administration’s seed-to-sale system;

(iii) Packaged and labeled in accordance with COMAR 14.17.18;

(iv) Tested in accordance with COMAR 14.17.08; and

(v) Compliant with product requirements under COMAR 14.17.13.

(b) Employee samples under this subsection may not be:

(i) Sold to another licensed business, patient, caregiver, or consumer;

(ii) Consumed on any licensed premises; or

(iii) A cannabis plant.


14.17.21 Fees

Authority: Alcoholic Beverages and Cannabis Article, §§36-202, 36-205, and 36-403, Annotated Code of Maryland

.01 Scope.

The following fees are established by the Administration.

.02 Fees.

A. Application fees:

(1) For a standard license, on-site consumption license, or incubator space– $5,000; and

(2) For a micro license — $1,000.

B. Licensing fees:

(1) For a standard license, on-site consumption license, or incubator space issued under COMAR 14.17.06, the licensing fees for initial licensure or renewal shall be:

(a) Grower license — $50,000;

(b) Processor license — $25,000;

(c) Dispensary license — $25,000;

(d) Incubator space license — $10,000; and

(e) On-site consumption license — $10,000.

(2) For a micro license issued under COMAR 14.17.07:

(a) Grower license — $10,000;

(b) Processor license — $10,000; and

(c) Dispensary license — $10,000.

(3) Licensing fees required under this section shall be valid for a 5-year period.

(4) A licensed social equity licensee shall have the licensing fees in §B(1) and (2) of this regulation reduced by 50 percent by the Administration for each license type held by the social equity licensees.

C. Registration fees:

(1) Cannabis agent fees:

(a) Registration fee to be paid every 2 years — $50; and

(b) Replacement identification card fee — $50.

(2) Independent testing laboratory fees:

(a) Laboratory registration fee to be paid every 2 years — $5,000;

(b) Employee registration fee to be paid every 2 years — $50; and

(c) Replacement employee identification card fee — $50.

(3) Registrant:

(a) Annual business registration fee — $100;

(b) Agent registration fee to be paid every 2 years — $50; and

(c) Replacement agent identification card fee — $50.

(4) Research and development fees:

(a) Academic research institution fees:

(i) Registration fee — $500;

(ii) Renew fee for each subsequent or modified research project — $100;

(iii) Academic research representative registration fee — $50; and

(iv) Academic research representative card replacement fee — $50.

(b) Research and development entity fees:

(i) Registration fee — $1,000;

(ii) Renewal fee for each subsequent or modified research project — $500;

(iii) Research and development representative registration fee — $50; and

(iv) Research and development representative card replacement fee — $50.

(5) Responsible vendor training program fees:

(i) Registration fee — $500; and

(ii) Renewal fee — $250.

D. Qualifying patient and caregiver fees:

(1) Identification card base fee — $25; and

(2) Replacement identification card fee — $50.

E. Micro license conversion fees:

(1) A micro licensee who wishes to convert the micro license into a standard license shall pay a pro-rated amount based on:

(a) The number of whole months remaining on the initial micro license; and

(b) The fee amount difference between a standard and micro license of the license type.

(2) The conversion fee in this section shall be calculated by the Administration using:

(a) For growers:

(i) $50,000 for a full 5-year license term; or

(ii) A pro-rated amount for each remaining whole month the initial micro license is valid.

(b) For processors:

(i) $25,000 for a full 5-year license term; or

(ii) A pro-rated amount for each remaining whole month the initial micro license is valid.

(c) For dispensaries:

(i) $25,000 for a full 5-year license term; or

(ii) A pro-rated amount for each remaining whole month the initial micro license is valid.

(3) The conversion fee calculated under this section shall be paid in full within 18 months of the date the conversion is in effect.

F. Edible cannabis product permit fees:

(1) Application fee — $1,000; and

(2) Annual permit fee — $500.

G. Miscellaneous fees:

(1) Transfer of ownership interest in or control of a grower, processor, dispensary, on-site consumption, or incubator space license with entity transferee — $1,000;

(2) Transfer of ownership interest in a grower, processor, dispensary, on-site consumption, or incubator space license with individual transferee — $500 per person;

(3) Change in the location of a grower, processor, or dispensary premises – $500;

(4) License reinstatement fee — $2,000;

(5) Receivership application fee — $1,000; and

(6) Management agreement fee — $1,000.

H. At its discretion, the Administration may waive or reduce the fees established in this regulation.


14.17.22 Hearing Procedures

Authority: Alcoholic Beverages and Cannabis Article, §36-202, Annotated Code of Maryland

.01 Scope.

A. This chapter applies to hearings that the Administration is required to conduct by statute or regulation except for those hearings for which specific procedural regulations have been promulgated.

B. These procedures are intended to supplement the procedures required by law under State Government Article, §10-201 et seq., Annotated Code of Maryland. They are not to be construed as creating rights not set out by law. In the event of conflict, statutory provisions take precedence over this chapter.

C. The right to a hearing under this regulation is granted to a licensee, registrant, agent, owner, or selected applicant that has been subject to an action by the Administration other than a notice of intent to summarily suspend or summary suspension as set forth in COMAR

.02 Definitions.

A. In this chapter, the following terms have the meanings indicated.

B. Terms Defined.

(1) “Hearing” means a presentation or other preceding as defined by the Administrative Procedure Act, State Government Article, §10-201 et seq., Annotated Code of Maryland.

(2) “Hearing officer” means a designee empowered by statute to render a decision as defined by the Administrative Procedure Act, State Government Article, §10-201 et seq., Annotated Code of Maryland.

(3) “Notice of agency action” means a document issued by the Administration, including:

(a) Granting a license or registration;

(b) Denying a license or registration;

(c) Letter of non-compliance;

(d) Issuance of a fine;

(e) Remedial action certification;

(f) Issuance of administrative charges; or

(g) Revocation.

(4) “Party” means a licensee, registrant, selected applicant, or the Administrative Prosecutor.

.03 Notice of Agency Action.

A. The Administration shall provide notice of agency action and a statement of the right to a hearing required by law when it takes an agency action. The notice shall contain the information required by State Government Article, §§10-207 and 10-208, Annotated Code of Maryland.

B. The Administration may delegate hearing authority under State Government Article, §10-205, Annotated Code of Maryland, and any delegated hearings shall be conducted in accordance with this chapter.

.04 Request for a Hearing.

A. A party may file a request for a hearing within 30 days of the date of the notice of agency action.

B. If a party does not submit a request for a hearing within the 30-day period, the agency action becomes final and is not subject to appeal.

C. The Administration may delegate a contested case regarding Administration determination to the Office of Administrative Hearings, as permitted and consistent with State Government Article, §10-205, Annotated Code of Maryland.

.05 Postponement.

A. A hearing officer shall consider a request for postponement only if the requesting party can establish good cause for the postponement.

B. Except as provided in §D of this regulation, a request for postponement shall be made in writing and be received by the Administration no fewer than 5 business days before the scheduled hearing.

C. The hearing officer may require documentation of the reasons for the postponement request from the party.

D. Emergency Request for Postponement.

(1) For purposes of this paragraph, "emergency" means a sudden, unforeseen occurrence requiring immediate attention which arises within 5 business days of the hearing.

(2) In an emergency, a request for postponement may be made by telephone.

(3) The hearing officer may require documentation of the reasons for the emergency postponement request from a party.

.06 Prehearing Conference and Case Resolution.

A. Before a hearing, the hearing officer may:

(1) Hold a prehearing conference; and

(2) Review or request materials relevant to the proceedings.

B. If all parties agree at a prehearing conference, a hearing officer may dispose of an issue by stipulation or settlement stating whether the disposition is with or without prejudice.

C. Case Resolution.

(1) The Administration may initiate a case resolution process with parties after the request of a hearing.

(2) Any cases that are not resolved through case resolution shall proceed with a hearing in accordance with this chapter.

.07 Scheduling a Hearing.

A. After receipt of a timely request for a hearing, the Administration shall schedule a hearing as soon as practicable.

B. The hearing officer shall notify the party:

(1) Of the date, time, and location of hearing;

(2) Of the statutory and regulatory authority of the Administration’s action or proposed action;

(3) That the party may present witnesses and documents at the hearing;

(4) That the failure to appear for the scheduled hearing shall be treated as a withdrawal of the request for the hearing; and

(5) If the hearing is by telephone, video, or other electronic means, of instructions on how to appear for the hearing.

C. Upon request a party, witness, or representative who cannot hear, speak, or understand the spoken or written English language, the Administration shall provide a qualified interpreter during the proceeding in which the party, witness, or representative is participating as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act.

.08 Filing.

Unless otherwise provided by law:

A. An initial pleading is deemed to be filed on the earlier of the date that a request for hearing, along with all required fees, necessary documents, and other information, is postmarked or received by the Administration, if required to be filed with the Administration;

B. Other pleadings are deemed to be filed on the earliest of the date on which they are addressed to the Administration and postmarked; and

C. Non-postmarked documents delivered or electronically transmitted to the Administration after 5 p.m. are deemed to be filed on the Administration’s next business day.

.09 Hearings.

A. Procedures.

(1) The Administration shall record all hearings and provide a copy of that recording upon request.

(2) A party may produce witnesses and documents in support of the party’s position.

B. Written Subpoenas.

(1) A party may request that the hearing officer issue subpoenas for witnesses or documents necessary for the hearing.

(2) A party shall make the request in writing, no later than 21 days before the hearing, explaining why the subpoena is necessary.

(3) The hearing officer may:

(a) Question any witnesses;

(b) In accordance with State Government Article, §10-219(a), Annotated Code of Maryland, consult with any employee of the Administration before making a decision in a case; or

(c) Decline to issue the subpoena.

C. Evidence.

(1) The hearing officer shall consider evidence of the type and in the manner prescribed by State Government Article, §10-213, Annotated Code of Maryland.

(2) Copies of documents may be admitted, although the Administration’s hearing officer may require production of originals.

(3) The Administration shall retain documentary or other evidence for at least 60 days after a final order has been issued and all appeal rights have been exhausted or waived. The evidence may then be destroyed unless the owner or person producing it makes a written request for its return.

D. Burden of Proof.

(1) The standard of proof in a hearing shall be a preponderance of evidence.

(2) In the hearing of a contested case involving allegations that the party violated a law or regulation, the presenter of evidence for the Administration shall bear the burden of proving that the party committed the violations that resulted in the Administration’s action against a party.

(3) In the hearing of a contested case resulting from the denial, or proposed denial, of a license, registration, or permit, the applicant shall have the burden of establishing the applicant's entitlement to the license, registration, or permit.

E. Hearings Conducted by Electronic Means.

(1) A hearing officer may conduct all or part of a hearing by telephone, video conferencing, or other electronic means, with the consent of all parties.

(2) All substantive and procedural rights applicable to hearings described in this regulation apply to telephone, video, or other electronic hearings, subject only to the limitations of the physical arrangement.

(3) For a telephone, video, or other electronic hearing, a party shall provide documentary evidence to be offered to all parties so that each party and the hearing officer receive it within the time specified by the hearing officer or, if not specified, no less than 15 days before the scheduled hearing.

(4) For a telephone, video, or other electronic hearing, the following may be considered a failure to appear and result in the assessment or denial of the application for refund becoming final and not subject to appeal:

(a) Failure to answer the telephone for 15 minutes from the time set for the hearing;

(b) Failure to free the telephone for a hearing;

(c) Any other failure without good cause to be ready to proceed with the hearing as scheduled.

.10 Final Determination.

A. The hearing officer shall issue, in writing, either a final determination or a proposed determination on behalf of the Administration, depending on the nature of the delegation issued by the Administration.

B. If the Administration does not preside over hearing, it may make changes, modifications, or amendments to the proposed decision in accordance with State Government Article, §10-216, Annotated Code of Maryland.

C. The notice of final determination shall summarize:

(1) Findings of fact and conclusions of law;

(2) Any adjustments to the determination of fines or penalties and the reasons for the Administration’s action;

(3) The deadline for payment of a fine or penalty; and

(4) In the case that the Administration orders a suspension or revocation of a license as a result of the reason for the Administration's action.

D. The final determination exhausts all administrative remedies.

.11 Record.

The hearing officer shall create and maintain a record that includes the information set forth in State Government Article, §10-218, Annotated Code of Maryland.

.12 Judicial Review.

A. A party may appeal the final determination of the Administration to a Maryland circuit court if done so within 30 days of receipt of the final determination.

B. For purposes of an appeal, the venue in the Circuit Court of Anne Arundel County shall be proper as that is where the Administration resides and carries on its regular business in Anne Arundel County.

Maryland Cannabis Administration




COMAR 14.30

     In 51:2 Md. R. (January 26, 2024), the text at the following locations is corrected by this erratum:

         (1) Page 97, column 2, line 23 from the bottom;

         (2) Page 98, column 1, line 5 from the top;

         (3) Page 98, column 1, line 16 from the top;

         (4) Page 98, column 1, line 23 from the bottom;

         (5) Page 98, column 1, line 12 from the bottom;

         (6) Page 98, column 2, line 21 from the top;

         (7) Page 98, column 2, line 21 from the bottom;

         (8) Page 98, column 2, line 11 from the bottom;

         (9) Page 101, column 2, line 13 from the bottom;

         (10) Page 102, column 2, line 27 from the bottom;

         (11) Page 106, column 2, line 7 from the bottom;

         (12) Page 107, column 1, line 15 from the bottom;

         (13) Page 108, column 1, line 2 from the top;

         (14) Page 108, column 1, line 27 from the bottom; and

         (15) Page 109, column 2, line 18 from the top.


     For:       Authority: State Government Article, §§22-306(e)22-205(e), Annotated

     Read:     Authority: State Government Article, §22-306(e), Annotated



Special Documents




Projects Approved for Consumptive Uses of Water


AGENCY:  Susquehanna River Basin Commission.


ACTION:  Notice.


SUMMARY:  This notice lists Approvals by Rule for projects by the Susquehanna River Basin Commission during the period set forth in DATES.


DATES:   March 1-31, 2024.


ADDRESSES:  Susquehanna River Basin Commission, 4423 North Front Street, Harrisburg, PA  17110-1788.


FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:  Jason E. Oyler, General Counsel and Secretary to the Commission, telephone:  (717) 238-0423, ext. 1312; fax:  (717) 238-2436; e-mail:  Regular mail inquiries may be sent to the above address.


SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:  This notice lists the projects, described below, receiving approval for the consumptive use of water pursuant to the Commission’s approval by rule process set forth in 18 CFR §806.22 (f) for the time period specified above.


Water Source Approval — Issued Under 18 CFR §806.22(f):

RENEWAL - Repsol Oil & Gas USA, LLC; Pad ID: Hickok-114; ABR-201903003.R1; Canton Township, Bradford County, Pa.; Consumptive Use of Up to 6.0000 mgd; Approval Date: March 11, 2024.

RENEWAL - Repsol Oil & Gas USA, LLC; Pad ID: KLINE (01 125) R; ABR-201903002.R1; Springfield Township, Bradford County, Pa.; Consumptive Use of Up to 6.0000 mgd; Approval Date: March 11, 2024.

RENEWAL - SWN Production Company, LLC; Pad ID: PEASE; ABR-201202016.R2; Jackson Township, Susquehanna County, Pa.; Consumptive Use of Up to 4.9990 mgd; Approval Date: March 11, 2024.

RENEWAL - Coterra Energy Inc.; Pad ID: TeddickM P1; ABR-201203016.R2; Brooklyn Township, Susquehanna County, Pa.; Consumptive Use of Up to 5.0000 mgd; Approval Date: March 17, 2024.

RENEWAL - Repsol Oil & Gas USA, LLC; Pad ID: ALDERFER (03 109) H; ABR-201203007.R2; Columbia Township, Bradford County, Pa.; Consumptive Use of Up to 6.0000 mgd; Approval Date: March 17, 2024.

RENEWAL - Seneca Resources Company, LLC; Pad ID: Gamble Pad O; ABR-201903009.R1; Hepburn Township, Lycoming County, Pa.; Consumptive Use of Up to 4.0000 mgd; Approval Date: March 17, 2024.

RENEWAL - SWN Production Company, LLC; Pad ID: ASNIP-ABODE; ABR-201202005.R2; Orwell & Herrick Townships, Bradford County, Pa.; Consumptive Use of Up to 4.9990 mgd; Approval Date: March 17, 2024.

RENEWAL - Chesapeake Appalachia, L.L.C.; Pad ID: Floydie; ABR-201203019.R2; Tuscarora Township, Bradford County, Pa.; Consumptive Use of Up to 7.5000 mgd; Approval Date: March 21, 2024.

RENEWAL - Chesapeake Appalachia, L.L.C.; Pad ID: Maggie; ABR-201203020.R2; Tuscarora Township, Bradford County, Pa.; Consumptive Use of Up to 7.5000 mgd; Approval Date: March 21, 2024.

RENEWAL - Coterra Energy Inc.; Pad ID: AbbottM P1; ABR-201903004.R1; Bridgewater Township, Susquehanna County, Pa.; Consumptive Use of Up to 5.0000 mgd; Approval Date: March 21, 2024.

RENEWAL - SWN Production Company, LLC; Pad ID: EASTMAN; ABR-201203004.R2; New Milford Township, Susquehanna County, Pa.; Consumptive Use of Up to 4.9990 mgd; Approval Date: March 21, 2024.

RENEWAL - Repsol Oil & Gas USA, LLC; Pad ID: CHOCONUT VALLEY FARMS (07 090); ABR-201403007.R2; Choconut Township, Susquehanna County, Pa.; Consumptive Use of Up to 6.0000 mgd; Approval Date: March 25, 2024.

RENEWAL - Repsol Oil & Gas USA, LLC; Pad ID: Parker 727; ABR-201203022.R2; Liberty Township, Tioga County, Pa.; Consumptive Use of Up to 6.0000 mgd; Approval Date: March 25, 2024.

RENEWAL - SWN Production Company, LLC; Pad ID: JOHN GOOD WEST LU9 PAD; ABR-201403008.R2; Jackson Township, Lycoming County, Pa.; Consumptive Use of Up to 4.9990 mgd; Approval Date: March 25, 2024.

RENEWAL - BKV Operating, LLC; Pad ID: Trecoske South Pad; ABR-201201024.R2; Silver Lake Township, Susquehanna County, Pa.; Consumptive Use of Up to 5.0000 mgd; Approval Date: March 26, 2024.

RENEWAL - Chesapeake Appalachia, L.L.C.; Pad ID: Ober Drilling Pad #1; ABR-201203026.R2; Asylum Township, Bradford County, Pa.; Consumptive Use of Up to 7.5000 mgd; Approval Date: March 26, 2024.

RENEWAL - Coterra Energy Inc.; Pad ID: BennerJ P1; ABR-201903005.R1; Forest Lake Township, Susquehanna County, Pa.; Consumptive Use of Up to 5.0000 mgd; Approval Date: March 26, 2024.

RENEWAL - JKLM Energy, LLC; Pad ID: Headwaters 141; ABR-201903008.R1; Ulysses Township, Potter County, Pa.; Consumptive Use of Up to 3.0000 mgd; Approval Date: March 26, 2024.

RENEWAL - Seneca Resources Company, LLC; Pad ID: Clermont Pad D; ABR-201403009.R2; Jones Township, Elk County; Sergeant Township, McKean County; and Shippen Township, Cameron County, Pa.; Consumptive Use of Up to 4.0000 mgd; Approval Date: March 26, 2024.

RENEWAL - SWN Production Company, LLC; Pad ID: WY-08 LEBER PAD; ABR-201903007.R1; North Branch Township, Wyoming County, Pa.; Consumptive Use of Up to 4.9990 mgd; Approval Date: March 26, 2024.

RENEWAL - Chesapeake Appalachia, L.L.C.; Pad ID: L. KINGSLEY NORTH UNIT PAD; ABR-201703008.R1; Overton Township, Bradford County, Pa.; Consumptive Use of Up to 7.5000 mgd; Approval Date: March 30, 2024.

RENEWAL - Range Resources - Appalachia, LLC; Pad ID: Porter, Stephen; ABR-201203028.R2; Cogan House Township, Lycoming County, Pa.; Consumptive Use of Up to 4.0000 mgd; Approval Date: March 30, 2024.

RENEWAL - Chesapeake Appalachia, L.L.C.; Pad ID: Circle Z BRA; ABR-201203031.R2; Wilmot Township, Bradford County, Pa.; Consumptive Use of Up to 7.5000 mgd; Approval Date: March 31, 2024.

RENEWAL - Chesapeake Appalachia, L.L.C.; Pad ID: Hattie BRA; ABR-201203030.R2; Wilmot Township, Bradford County, Pa.; Consumptive Use of Up to 7.5000 mgd; Approval Date: March 31, 2024.

RENEWAL - Chesapeake Appalachia, L.L.C.; Pad ID: Rainbow BRA; ABR-201203033.R2; Terry Township, Bradford County, Pa.; Consumptive Use of Up to 7.5000 mgd; Approval Date: March 31, 2024.


AUTHORITY: Public Law 91-575, 84 Stat. 1509 et seq., 18 CFR parts 806 and 808.


DATED: April 9, 2024


General Counsel and Secretary to the Commission




Grandfathering (GF) Registration Notice


AGENCY:  Susquehanna River Basin Commission.


ACTION:  Notice.


SUMMARY:  This notice lists Grandfathering Registration for projects by the Susquehanna River Basin Commission during the period set forth in DATES.


DATES: March 1—31, 2024.


ADDRESSES:  Susquehanna River Basin Commission, 4423 North Front Street, Harrisburg, PA  17110-1788.


FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:  Jason E. Oyler, General Counsel and Secretary to the Commission, telephone:  (717) 238-0423, ext. 1312; fax:  (717) 238-2436; e-mail: Regular mail inquiries may be sent to the above address.


SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:  This notice lists GF Registration for projects described below, pursuant to 18 CFR Part 806, Subpart E, for the time period specified above:


Pennsylvania Department of Human Services – Selinsgrove Center, GF Certificate No. GF-202403271, Penn Township, Snyder County, Pa.; Wells 3 and 7; Issue Date:  March 8, 2024.

Spring Glen Fresh Foods, Inc. – Ephrata Plant, GF Certificate No. GF-202403272, Ephrata Township, Lancaster County, Pa.; consumptive use; Issue Date:  March 8, 2024.

The Club at Shepherd Hills, LLC, GF Certificate No  GF-202403273, Village of Waverly, Tioga County, N.Y.; consumptive use; Issue Date:  March 8, 2024.

Down River Golf and Country Club, Inc. dba Down River Golf Course, GF Certificate No.  GF-202403274, Everett Borough, Bedford County, Pa.; consumptive use; Issue Date:  March 11, 2024.

Tallman Family Farms, L.L.C., GF Certificate No. GF-202403275, Porter Township, Schuylkill County, and Washington Township, Dauphin County, Pa.; Wiconisco Creek #2, Bohr Pond, and Wiconisco Creek GET ZIM; Issue Date:  March 11, 2024.

U. S. Silica Company – Mapleton Plant, GF Certificate No. GF-202403276, Brady Township, Huntingdon County, Pa.; Juniata River, Quarry Sump, and consumptive use; Re-Issue Date:  March 18, 2024. 


AUTHORITY: Public Law 91-575, 84 Stat. 1509 et seq., 18 CFR parts 806 and 808.


DATED:  April 9, 2024


General Counsel and Secretary to the Commission




Water Quality Certification 24-WQC-0003


Hillsmere Shores Improvement Association

133 Lee Dr

Annapolis, MD 21403


Add’l. Info: Pursuant to COMAR, The Maryland Department of the Environment is providing notice of its issuance of a Water Quality Certification 24-WQC-0003.


Location: Hillsmere Shores community marina/sand spit at 133C E Bay View Dr., Annapolis, MD 21403


The purpose of the project is to stabilize an eroding shoreline by:

1. Constructing a living shoreline consisting of: two low profile stone groins, measuring 40-feet long and 18-feet wide, and 50-feet long by 21-feet wide; and

2. Two stone breakwaters, measuring 103-feet long by 25-feet wide and 93-feet long by 23-feet wide, sand containment structures; and

3. Fill and grade with 2,475 cubic yards of sand/cobble mixture along 650 feet of eroding shoreline and plant with 10,910 square feet of high marsh and 4,542 square feet of low marsh vegetation; and

4. To incorporate coarse woody debris and 63 clusters of 4 reef balls to create habitat, to be marked by navigational buoys.

5. All work to take place within a maximum of 76 feet channelward of the mean high water line.


The WQC and its attachments may be viewed at the following link:


Appeal of Final Decision: This Water Quality Certification is a final agency decision. Any person aggrieved by the Department’s decision to issue this WQC may appeal such decision in accordance with COMAR A request for appeal shall be filed with the Department within 30 days of publication of the final decision and specify in writing the reason why the final decision should be reconsidered. A request for appeal shall be submitted to: Secretary of the Environment, Maryland Department of the Environment, 1800 Washington Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21230. Any request for an appeal does not stay the effectiveness of this WQC.


Contact:  Mel Throckmorton at or 410-375-2803.




Tentative Determination to Issue Stormwater Permit
Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration
NO. 24-DP-3313, GENERAL NPDES NO. MD0068276


The Maryland Department of the Environment, Water and Science Administration (Department) has reached a tentative determination to issue a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit to the Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration (MDOT SHA) for Discharges from Large Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (Discharge Permit No. 24-DP-3313, NPDES No. MD0068276. The Department has drafted a permit designed to comply with the United States Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) regulations and to control stormwater pollutant discharges from the MDOT SHA’s storm drain system.  The permit is issued for five years.


Under the conditions of the permit, MDOT SHA is required to possess the legal authority to control storm drain system pollutants, maintain its storm sewer system, monitor stormwater discharges, and develop and implement comprehensive management programs.  The permit also sets new requirements for impervious area treatment, property management and maintenance, and options for comprehensive water quality monitoring.  MDOT SHA is also required to develop and implement plans to address wasteload allocations established under EPA approved total maximum daily loads. Penalties for failure to comply with the terms of the permit are provided.


In 2022, revisions to Maryland’s law require applicants who are applying for a permit that requires public notice to use the Department’s Environmental Justice (EJ) Screening Tool to develop an EJ Score for census tracts in the applicant’s permit area.  The Department is required to review the submitted EJ scores and census tracts to verify the applicant’s information.  MDOT SHA submitted this information, and the Department verified the scores by comparing the reported scores to the EJ Screening Tool. For more information on these EJ scores, stormwater management in Maryland, or to view this permit, go to: or contact Mr. Stewart Comstock at 410-537-3543 or 1-800-633-6101 or at  Copies of the document may be procured at a cost of 36¢ per page.


The Department will hold a public hearing concerning this tentative determination from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM on June 4, 2024 at the Department’s Aeris and Aqua Conference Rooms at 1800 Washington Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21230.  Any hearing-impaired person may request an interpreter at the hearing by contacting the Office of Fair Practices at 410-537-3964 at least ten working days prior to the scheduled hearing date.  TTY users should contact the Maryland Relay Service at 1-800-201-7165.


Written comments should be directed to Mr. Stewart Comstock, Maryland Department of the Environment, Water and Science Administration, Stormwater, Dam Safety, and Flood Management Program, 1800 Washington Blvd., STE 440, Baltimore, Maryland 21230-1708. Written comments concerning this tentative determination will be accepted through July 18, 2024.  This comment period already incorporates the additional 60 day extension period provided in Environment Article §1-606(d)(1)(ii).



General Notices


Notice of ADA Compliance

   The State of Maryland is committed to ensuring that individuals with disabilities are able to fully participate in public meetings.  Anyone planning to attend a meeting announced below who wishes to receive auxiliary aids, services, or accommodations is invited to contact the agency representative at least 48 hours in advance, at the telephone number listed in the notice or through Maryland Relay.



Subject: Public Meeting

Date and Time: May 16, 2024, 10 a.m. — 12 p.m.

Place: Via Google Meet — please visit the Board's website at for details.

Contact: Lenelle Cooper (410) 764-4733




Subject: Public Meeting

Date and Time: May 22, 2024, 9 a.m.

Place: Via Google Hangouts and Google Meet and in person at 1800 Washington Blvd., Baltimore MD 21230

Add’l. Info: A portion of this meeting will be held in closed session.

Contact: Amanda Redmiles 410-537-4466




Subject: Public Meeting

Date and Time: May 23, 2024, 10 a.m. — 12 p.m.

Place: Via livestream and in person at Montgomery Business Park, 1800 Washington Blvd., Ste. 330, Baltimore, MD

Add’l. Info: The May 23rd Commission meeting will be held in person and via a livestream, available the day of the meeting at

Contact: Kathy Lingo 410-230-8790




Subject: Public Meeting

Date and Time: May 16, 2024, 1 — 4 p.m.

Add’l. Info: Meeting will be held virtually. Please register to attend in advance on the Commission website,

Contact: Valerie Wooding 410-764-3570




Subject: Formal Start of Review

Add’l. Info: The Maryland Health Care Commission (MHCC) hereby gives notice of docketing of the following application for Certificate of Need:

     Sterling Care Hillhaven — Docket No.  24-16-2469 — Construction and the addition of 32 skilled nursing home beds from the MHCC Bed Need Projections for Comprehensive Care Facility (32 beds in Prince George’s County for the Target Year 2022). Two private rooms in the new addition will replace the semiprivate room that will be removed to create a connection to the new addition. At project completion, Hillhaven will operate 98 total CCF beds, 44 private and 54 semi-private; Proposed Cost:  $7,500,000.

     MHCC shall review the applications under Health-General Article, §19-101 et seq., Annotated Code of Maryland, COMAR 10.24.01, and the applicable State Health Plan standards.

     Any affected person may make a written request to the Commission to receive copies of relevant notices concerning the application. All further notices of proceedings on the application will be sent only to affected persons who have registered as interested parties.

     Persons desiring to become interested parties in the Commission’s review of the above-referenced application must meet the requirements of COMAR and (20) and must also submit written comments to the Commission no later than close of business June 3, 2024. These comments must state with particularity the State Health Plan standards or review criteria that you believe have not been met by the applicant as stated in COMAR

     Please refer to the Docket Number listed above in any correspondence on the application. Copies of the application are available for review in the office of MHCC during regular business hours by appointment. All correspondence should be addressed to Wynee Hawk, Director, Center for Health Care Facilities and Planning, Maryland Health Care Commission, 4160 Patterson Avenue, Baltimore, Maryland 21215.

Contact: Ruby Potter 410-764-3276



Subject: Public Meeting

Date and Time: May 16, 2024, 10 a.m. — 12 p.m.

Place: Online via Google Chat — please visit the Board’s webpage at for meeting details.

Add’l. Info: A portion of this meeting may be held in closed session

Contact: J. Martin Fuhr 410-537-3588
