Capitol Building Maryland Register

Issue Date:  May 31, 2024

Volume 51  •  Issue 11  • Pages 545 — 604


General Assembly



Special Documents

General Notices

Pursuant to State Government Article, §7-206, Annotated Code of Maryland, this issue contains all previously unpublished documents required to be published, and filed on or before May 13, 2024 5 p.m.
Pursuant to State Government Article, §7-206, Annotated Code of Maryland, I hereby certify that this issue contains all documents required to be codified as of May 13, 2024.
Gail S. Klakring
Acting Administrator, Division of State Documents
Office of the Secretary of State


Information About the Maryland Register and COMAR


   The Maryland Register is an official State publication published every other week throughout the year. A cumulative index is published quarterly.

   The Maryland Register is the temporary supplement to the Code of Maryland Regulations. Any change to the text of regulations published in COMAR, whether by adoption, amendment, repeal, or emergency action, must first be published in the Register.

   The following information is also published regularly in the Register:

   • Governor’s Executive Orders

   • Attorney General’s Opinions in full text

   • Open Meetings Compliance Board Opinions in full text

   • State Ethics Commission Opinions in full text

   • Court Rules

   • District Court Administrative Memoranda

   • Courts of Appeal Hearing Calendars

   • Agency Hearing and Meeting Notices

   • Synopses of Bills Introduced and Enacted by the General Assembly

   • Other documents considered to be in the public interest


   The Maryland Register is cited by volume, issue, page number, and date. Example:

• 19:8 Md. R. 815—817 (April 17, 1992) refers to Volume 19, Issue 8, pages 815—817 of the Maryland Register issued on April 17, 1992.


   COMAR is the official compilation of all regulations issued by agencies of the State of Maryland. The Maryland Register is COMAR’s temporary supplement, printing all changes to regulations as soon as they occur. At least once annually, the changes to regulations printed in the Maryland Register are incorporated into COMAR by means of permanent supplements.


   COMAR regulations are cited by title number, subtitle number, chapter number, and regulation number. Example: COMAR refers to Title 10, Subtitle 08, Chapter 01, Regulation 03.


   Incorporation by reference is a legal device by which a document is made part of COMAR simply by referring to it. While the text of an incorporated document does not appear in COMAR, the provisions of the incorporated document are as fully enforceable as any other COMAR regulation. Each regulation that proposes to incorporate a document is identified in the Maryland Register by an Editor’s Note. The Cumulative Table of COMAR Regulations Adopted, Amended or Repealed, found online, also identifies each regulation incorporating a document. Documents incorporated by reference are available for inspection in various depository libraries located throughout the State and at the Division of State Documents. These depositories are listed in the first issue of the Maryland Register published each year. For further information, call 410-974-2486.


An Administrative History at the end of every COMAR chapter gives information about past changes to regulations. To determine if there have been any subsequent changes, check the ‘‘Cumulative Table of COMAR Regulations Adopted, Amended, or Repealed’’ which is found online at This table lists the regulations in numerical order, by their COMAR number, followed by the citation to the Maryland Register in which the change occurred. The Maryland Register serves as a temporary supplement to COMAR, and the two publications must always be used together. A Research Guide for Maryland Regulations is available. For further information, call 410-260-3876.


   For subscription forms for the Maryland Register and COMAR, see the back pages of the Maryland Register. Single issues of the Maryland Register are $15.00 per issue.


   Maryland citizens and other interested persons may participate in the process by which administrative regulations are adopted, amended, or repealed, and may also initiate the process by which the validity and applicability of regulations is determined. Listed below are some of the ways in which citizens may participate (references are to State Government Article (SG),

Annotated Code of Maryland):

   • By submitting data or views on proposed regulations either orally or in writing, to the proposing agency (see ‘‘Opportunity for Public Comment’’ at the beginning of all regulations appearing in the Proposed Action on Regulations section of the Maryland Register). (See SG, §10-112)

   • By petitioning an agency to adopt, amend, or repeal regulations. The agency must respond to the petition. (See SG §10-123)

   • By petitioning an agency to issue a declaratory ruling with respect to how any regulation, order, or statute enforced by the agency applies. (SG, Title 10, Subtitle 3)

   • By petitioning the circuit court for a declaratory judgment

on the validity of a regulation when it appears that the regulation interferes with or impairs the legal rights or privileges of the petitioner. (SG, §10-125)

   • By inspecting a certified copy of any document filed with the Division of State Documents for publication in the Maryland Register. (See SG, §7-213)


Maryland Register (ISSN 0360-2834). Postmaster: Send address changes and other mail to: Maryland Register, State House, Annapolis, Maryland 21401. Tel. 410-260-3876. Published biweekly, with cumulative indexes published quarterly, by the State of Maryland, Division of State Documents, State House, Annapolis, Maryland 21401. The subscription rate for the Maryland Register is $225 per year (first class mail). All subscriptions post-paid to points in the U.S. periodicals postage paid at Annapolis, Maryland, and additional mailing offices.

Wes Moore, Governor; Susan C. Lee, Secretary of State; Gail S. Klakring, Administrator; Mary D. MacDonald, Senior Editor, Maryland Register and COMAR; Elizabeth Ramsey, Editor, COMAR Online, and Subscription Manager; Tami Cathell, Help Desk, COMAR and Maryland Register Online.

Front cover: State House, Annapolis, MD, built 1772—79.

Illustrations by Carolyn Anderson, Dept. of General Services


     Note: All products purchased are for individual use only. Resale or other compensated transfer of the information in printed or electronic form is a prohibited commercial purpose (see State Government Article, §7-206.2, Annotated Code of Maryland). By purchasing a product, the buyer agrees that the purchase is for individual use only and will not sell or give the product to another individual or entity.


Closing Dates for the Maryland Register

Schedule of Closing Dates and Issue Dates for the
Maryland Register .....................................................................  548


COMAR Research Aids

Table of Pending Proposals ...........................................................  549


Index of COMAR Titles Affected in This Issue

COMAR Title Number and Name                                                  Page

08        Department of Natural Resources .............................  580, 581

09        Maryland Department of Labor .........................................  580

11        Department of Transportation ............................................  585

13A     State Board of Education ...................................................  585

14        Independent Agencies ...............................................  580, 591

25        Office of the State Treasurer .............................................  577

34        Department of Planning .............................................  580, 593

35        Maryland Department of Veterans Affairs ........................  597



Individuals with disabilities who desire assistance in using the publications and services of the Division of State Documents are encouraged to call (410) 974-2486, or (800) 633-9657, or FAX to (410) 974-2546, or through Maryland Relay.


The General Assembly

SYNOPSIS NO. 2 .  552


Emergency Action on Regulations



Local Government Investment Guidelines and Reporting
.  577

Policy Regarding the Investment of Public Money .  577


Final Action on Regulations



Severn River Vessel Management Area ..................................  580



General Regulations .  580



General Regulations .  580

Criminal Offenses and Seriousness Categories .......................  580



Maryland Historical Trust African American Heritage
   Preservation Program ............................................................


Proposed Action on Regulations



Striped Bass .  581

Gear  581



Baltimore/Washington International Thurgood Marshall



Terms of Employment  585


General Regulations .................................................................  587



Prescription Drug Affordability Fund ......................................  591


General Provisions ...................................................................  591

Eligibility Standards for Enrollment in a Qualified Health
   Plan, Eligibility Standards for APTC and CSR, and
   Eligibility Standards for Enrollment in a Catastrophic
   Qualified Health Plan in the Individual Exchange
.  591

Carrier Certification Standards .  591


Administration of the Public School Construction

Correction to Notice of Open Meeting ................................  593



Maryland Historical Trust Historic Preservation Loan
..  593



Purpose; Definitions .  597



COMAR 10.63 .  598


Special Documents



Commission Meeting .  599

Projects Approved for Consumptive Uses of Water  599

General Permit Notice .  600

Grandfathering (GF) Registration Notice .  600


Informational Public Meeting Announcement: Maryland’s
   Draft 2024 Integrated Report of Surface Water
.  601

Water Quality Certification 24-WQC-0001 .  601

Water Quality Certification 24-WQC-0007 .  602

Water Quality Certification 23-WQC-0047 .  602


General Notices


Public Meeting .........................................................................  603

Public Hearing .  603


Public Meeting .  603

Public Meeting .  603

Public Meeting .  603

Public Meeting .  603


Public Meeting .  603


Public Hearing ..........................................................................  603

Public Hearing .  603


Public Meeting .  603


Public Meeting .  603


Public Hearing ..........................................................................  604


Notice of Receipt of a Letter of Intent and Review for
   Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Intermediate Care Facility
.  604


Public Meeting .  604



COMAR Online

        The Code of Maryland Regulations is available at as a free service of the Office of the Secretary of State, Division of State Documents. The full text of regulations is available and searchable. Note, however, that the printed COMAR continues to be the only official and enforceable version of COMAR.

        The Maryland Register is also available at

        For additional information, visit, Division of State Documents, or call us at (410) 974-2486 or 1 (800) 633-9657.


Availability of Monthly List of
Maryland Documents

        The Maryland Department of Legislative Services receives copies of all publications issued by State officers and agencies. The Department prepares and distributes, for a fee, a list of these publications under the title ‘‘Maryland Documents’’. This list is published monthly, and contains bibliographic information concerning regular and special reports, bulletins, serials, periodicals, catalogues, and a variety of other State publications. ‘‘Maryland Documents’’ also includes local publications.

        Anyone wishing to receive ‘‘Maryland Documents’’ should write to: Legislative Sales, Maryland Department of Legislative Services, 90 State Circle, Annapolis, MD 21401.






and Proposed


5 p.m.*

Notices, etc.

10:30 a.m.



10:30 a.m.


June 14

May 24**

June 3

June 5

June 28

June 10

June 17

June 18**

July 12

June 24

July 1

July 3

July 26

July 8

July 15

July 17

August 9

July 22

July 29

July 31

August 23

August 5

August 12

August 14

September 6

August 19

August 26

August 28

September 20

August 30**

September 9

September 11

October 4

September 16

September 23

September 25

October 18

September 30

October 7

October 9

November 1

October 11**

October 21

October 23

November 15

October 28

November 4

November 6

December 2***

November 8**

November 18

November 20

December 13

November 25

December 2

December 4

December 27

December 9

December 16

December 18

   Please note that this table is provided for planning purposes and that the Division of State Documents (DSD) cannot guarantee submissions will be published in an agency’s desired issue. Although DSD strives to publish according to the schedule above, there may be times when workload pressures prevent adherence to it.

*   Also note that proposal deadlines are for submissions to DSD for publication in the Maryland Register and do not take into account the 15-day AELR review period. The due date for documents containing 8 to 18 pages is 48 hours before the date listed; the due date for documents exceeding 18 pages is 1 week before the date listed.


** Note closing date changes.

***    Note issue date changes.

The regular closing date for Proposals and Emergencies is Monday.



Cumulative Table of COMAR Regulations
Adopted, Amended, or Repealed

   This table, previously printed in the Maryland Register lists the regulations, by COMAR title, that have been adopted, amended, or repealed in the Maryland Register since the regulations were originally published or last supplemented in the Code of Maryland Regulations (COMAR). The table is no longer printed here but may be found on the Division of State Documents website at

Table of Pending Proposals

   The table below lists proposed changes to COMAR regulations. The proposed changes are listed by their COMAR number, followed by a citation to that issue of the Maryland Register in which the proposal appeared. Errata and corrections pertaining to proposed regulations are listed, followed by “(err)” or “(corr),” respectively. Regulations referencing a document incorporated by reference are followed by “(ibr)”. None of the proposals listed in this table have been adopted. A list of adopted proposals appears in the Cumulative Table of COMAR Regulations Adopted, Amended, or Repealed.


08 DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES • 51:10 Md. R. 532 (5-17-24) (ibr) • 51:10 Md. R. 533 (5-17-24) • 51:8 Md. R. 371 (4-19-24),.26,.27 • 51:10 Md. R. 534 (5-17-24) • 51:10 Md. R. 535 (5-17-24),.10 • 51:10 Md. R. 536 (5-17-24),.09,.12 • 51:11 Md. R. 581 (5-31-24) • 51:9 Md. R. 443 (5-3-24) • 51:10 Md. R. 534 (5-17-24) • 51:11 Md. R. 581 (5-31-24)—.06 • 51:1 Md. R. 30 (1-12-24)


09 MARYLAND DEPARTMENT OF LABOR • 51:9 Md. R. 444 (5-3-24),.53 • 50:24 Md. R. 1046 (12-1-23) • 50:26 Md. R. 1137 (12-29-23)—.09 • 50:25 Md. R. 1100 (12-15-23) • 50:17 Md. R. 772 (8-25-23) • 50:25 Md. R. 1101 (12-15-23)




     Subtitles 01—08 (1st volume)—.65 • 51:6 Md. R. 272 (3-22-24)


     Subtitle 09 (2nd volume),.07 • 50:24 Md. R. 1048 (12-1-23) (ibr) • 51:1 Md. R. 36 (1-12-24),.08 • 51:2 Md. R. 78 (1-26-24) • 51:2 Md. R. 79 (1-26-24)—.06 • 51:2 Md. R. 82 (1-26-24),.07,.12 • 51:2 Md. R. 79 (1-26-24) • 50:18 Md. R. 814 (9-8-23) • 51:3 Md. R. 161 (2-9-24),.04 • 51:4 Md. R. 203 (2-23-24) • 50:18 Md. R. 814 (9-8-23),.06 • 50:24 Md. R. 1049 (12-1-23),.13 • 51:2 Md. R. 79 (1-26-24),.15,.21,.23 • 51:3 Md. R. 162 (2-9-24) • 51:4 Md. R. 204 (2-23-24) • 51:4 Md. R. 205 (2-23-24),.05 • 51:4 Md. R. 206 (2-23-24),.04,.10,.14—.17,.19,.21,.22 • 51:4 Md. R. 207 (2-23-24)—.09 • 51:3 Md. R. 164 (2-9-24),.11,.12 • 51:4 Md. R. 209 (2-23-24),.05,.08 • 51:1 Md. R. 37 (1-12-24) • 51:4 Md. R. 210 (2-23-24),.05 • 51:1 Md. R. 38 (1-12-24)


     Subtitles 10—22 (3rd volume)—.06 • 51:1 Md. R. 39 (1-12-24),.02,.04—.26 • 51:5 Md. R. 234 (3-8-24),.03,.05,.10,.11 • 51:2 Md. R. 82 (1-26-24) (ibr)—.03 • 51:3 Md. R. 166 (2-9-24),.08,.10 • 51:3 Md. R. 166 (2-9-24)—.20 • 51:4 Md. R. 211 (2-23-24)—.06 • 51:3 Md. R. 167 (2-9-24)


     Subtitles 23—36 (4th volume) • 51:8 Md. R. 372 (4-19-24) • 51:7 Md. R. 337 (4-5-24) • 50:20 Md. R. 907 (10-6-23) • 51:2 Md. R. 83 (1-26-24),.03,.07,.10 • 51:10 Md. R. 537 (5-17-24)—.03 • 51:2 Md. R. 84 (1-26-24) • 51:5 Md. R. 247 (3-8-24)


     Subtitles 37—52 (5th volume)—.04 • 50:16 Md. R. 738 (8-11-23),.02,.04 • 50:16 Md. R. 738 (8-11-23),.03,.05,.06 • 50:16 Md. R. 738 (8-11-23),.02,.06,.08 • 50:16 Md. R. 738 (8-11-23)—.07 • 50:16 Md. R. 738 (8-11-23),.02,.06,.08,.11,.12,.14 • 50:16 Md. R. 738 (8-11-23) • 50:16 Md. R. 738 (8-11-23)—.10 • 50:16 Md. R. 738 (8-11-23),.04 • 50:16 Md. R. 738 (8-11-23)—.39 • 50:20 Md. R. 911 (10-6-23)—.12 • 50:24 Md. R. 1051 (12-1-23) • 50:20 Md. R. 918 (10-6-23),.04—.06,.08—.15 • 50:20 Md. R. 918 (10-6-23)—.04 • 51:2 Md. R. 85 (1-26-24)


     Subtitles 53—68 (6th volume) • 50:17 Md. R. 773 (8-25-23)—.04 • 50:17 Md. R. 773 (8-25-23),.05 • 50:18 Md. R. 816 (9-8-23),.09 • 50:25 Md. R. 1102 (12-15-23)—.05 • 50:25 Md. R. 1102 (12-15-23) • 51:9 Md. R. 444 (5-3-24)—.05 • 51:9 Md. R. 444 (5-3-24)—.03 • 51:9 Md. R. 444 (5-3-24)—.06 • 51:9 Md. R. 444 (5-3-24),.02 • 51:9 Md. R. 444 (5-3-24)—.07 • 51:9 Md. R. 444 (5-3-24)—.06 • 51:9 Md. R. 444 (5-3-24)—.14 • 51:9 Md. R. 444 (5-3-24)—.09 • 51:9 Md. R. 444 (5-3-24)—.08 • 51:9 Md. R. 444 (5-3-24)—.04 • 51:9 Md. R. 444 (5-3-24)—.09 • 51:9 Md. R. 444 (5-3-24),.02• 51:9 Md. R. 444 (5-3-24),.02• 51:9 Md. R. 444 (5-3-24)—.07 • 51:9 Md. R. 444 (5-3-24)—.06 • 51:9 Md. R. 444 (5-3-24)—.04 • 51:9 Md. R. 444 (5-3-24)—.10 • 51:9 Md. R. 444 (5-3-24)—.12 • 51:9 Md. R. 444 (5-3-24)—.09 • 51:9 Md. R. 444 (5-3-24)—.07 • 51:9 Md. R. 444 (5-3-24)—.06 • 51:9 Md. R. 444 (5-3-24)—.06 • 51:9 Md. R. 444 (5-3-24)• 51:9 Md. R. 444 (5-3-24)—.13 • 51:9 Md. R. 444 (5-3-24)—.09 • 51:9 Md. R. 444 (5-3-24)—.10 • 51:9 Md. R. 444 (5-3-24)—.06 • 51:9 Md. R. 444 (5-3-24),.02 • 51:9 Md. R. 444 (5-3-24)—.10 • 51:9 Md. R. 444 (5-3-24) • 51:9 Md. R. 444 (5-3-24)—.03 • 51:9 Md. R. 444 (5-3-24)—.08 • 51:9 Md. R. 444 (5-3-24)—.09 • 51:9 Md. R. 444 (5-3-24) • 51:9 Md. R. 444 (5-3-24)—.06 • 51:9 Md. R. 444 (5-3-24)—.21 • 51:9 Md. R. 444 (5-3-24),.03,.05,.11 • 51:3 Md. R. 173 (2-9-24),.09 • 51:2 Md. R. 86 (1-26-24)—.09 • 51:2 Md. R. 86 (1-26-24)—.06 • 51:2 Md. R. 86 (1-26-24)—.04 • 51:2 Md. R. 86 (1-26-24),.02 • 51:2 Md. R. 86 (1-26-24)—.06 • 51:2 Md. R. 86 (1-26-24) • 51:3 Md. R. 164 (2-9-24) • 51:3 Md. R. 174 (2-9-24),.03-2,.15,.19,.19-4 • 51:3 Md. R. 174 (2-9-24) • 50:24 Md. R. 1049 (12-1-23) • 51:3 Md. R. 174 (2-9-24) • 51:3 Md. R. 164 (2-9-24),.26-3,.27,.30 • 51:3 Md. R. 174 (2-9-24) • 50:24 Md. R. 1049 (12-1-23) • 51:3 Md. R. 174 (2-9-24)




     Subtitles 01—10 • 51:11 Md. R. 585 (5-31-24)


     Subtitles 11—23 (MVA) • 50:15 Md. R. 698 (7-28-23)




13A.07.02.01 • 51:11 Md. R. 585 (5-31-24)

13A.08.01.02-3 • 51:7 Md. R. 337 (4-5-24)

13A.08.01.17 • 51:11 Md. R. 587 (5-31-24)

13A.16.08.03 • 51:2 Md. R. 95 (1-26-24)

13A.16.10.02 • 51:2 Md. R. 95 (1-26-24)

13A.17.10.02 • 51:2 Md. R. 95 (1-26-24)


14 INDEPENDENT AGENCIES • 51:11 Md. R. 591 (5-31-24) • 51:7 Md. R. 338 (4-5-24) • 51:9 Md. R. 444 (5-3-24)—.04 • 51:9 Md. R. 444 (5-3-24) (ibr)—.04 • 51:9 Md. R. 444 (5-3-24)—.09 • 51:9 Md. R. 444 (5-3-24)—.08 • 51:9 Md. R. 444 (5-3-24)—.10 • 51:9 Md. R. 444 (5-3-24)—.08 • 51:9 Md. R. 444 (5-3-24)—.07 • 51:9 Md. R. 444 (5-3-24)—.04 • 51:9 Md. R. 444 (5-3-24)—.09 • 51:9 Md. R. 444 (5-3-24)—.19 • 51:9 Md. R. 444 (5-3-24)—.11 • 51:9 Md. R. 444 (5-3-24)—.11 • 51:9 Md. R. 444 (5-3-24)—.06 • 51:9 Md. R. 444 (5-3-24)—.05 • 51:9 Md. R. 444 (5-3-24)—.05 • 51:9 Md. R. 444 (5-3-24)—.07 • 51:9 Md. R. 444 (5-3-24)—.07 • 51:9 Md. R. 444 (5-3-24)—.05 • 51:9 Md. R. 444 (5-3-24),.02 • 51:9 Md. R. 444 (5-3-24),.02• 51:9 Md. R. 444 (5-3-24)—.12 • 51:9 Md. R. 444 (5-3-24) • 51:11 Md. R. 591 (5-31-24) • 51:11 Md. R. 591 (5-31-24) • 51:11 Md. R. 591 (5-31-24)—.32 • 51:6 Md. R. 308 (3-22-24) (ibr)


15 MARYLAND DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE • 50:25 Md. R. 1103 (12-15-23)


20 PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION • 51:8 Md. R. 373 (4-19-24) • 51:8 Md. R. 373 (4-19-24),.06,.07,.09,.10,.12—.14 • 51:7 Md. R. 340 (4-5-24)




     Subtitles 01—07 (Part 1),.01-1,.20,.31 • 51:6 Md. R. 309 (3-22-24) (ibr)


     Subtitles 08—12 (Part 2) • 51:8 Md. R. 374 (4-19-24)—.06,.09—.11 • 51:10 Md. R. 538 (5-17-24) • 51:8 Md. R. 375 (4-19-24) (ibr)


     Subtitles 19—28 (Part 4)—.03 • 50:25 Md. R. 1104 (12-15-23) (ibr)—.05 • 50:25 Md. R. 1104 (12-15-23),.02 • 50:25 Md. R. 1104 (12-15-23)—.03 • 50:25 Md. R. 1104 (12-15-23)


29 DEPARTMENT OF STATE POLICE • 51:10 Md. R. 542 (5-17-24)




33 STATE BOARD OF ELECTIONS,.07 • 51:8 Md. R. 375 (4-19-24)—.03 • 51:8 Md. R. 375 (4-19-24)


34 DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING—.11,.13 • 51:11 Md. R. 593 (5-31-24)


35 DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS,.05 • 51:11 Md. R. 597 (5-31-24)


The General Assembly

For additional up-to-date information concerning bills introduced in the General Assembly, log on to and click on Bill Information and Status.  You may then enter a specific bill number for information about that bill.  You may also click on Senate Synopsis or House Synopsis for the most recent synopsis list for each house, or click on Synopsis Index for a listing of all bill synopses since the beginning of the legislative session.




CH0408  SB0482 (Enrolled)  The Pres (Admin), et al.  Governor's Office for Children Engaging Neighborhoods, Organizations, Unions, Governments, and Households (ENOUGH) Grant Program (ENOUGH Act of 2024).

CH0409  HB1206 (Amended)  Del Kerr, et al.  MarylandIreland Trade Commission Establishment.

CH0410  HB1524 (Enrolled)  Chr W&M (Maryland Thoroughbred Racetrack.  Horse Racing Racing Facility Ownership and Construction Racing Operations.

CH0411  SB0474 (Enrolled)  The Pres (Admin), et al.  Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity and Related Approvals Definition of Generating Station (Critical Infrastructure Streamlining Act of 2024).

CH0412  HB0581 (Enrolled)  The Spkr (Admin), et al.  State Government Permits, Licenses, and Certificates Processing (Transparent Government Act of 2024).

CH0413  SB0472 (Enrolled)  The Pres (Admin), et al.  State Government Permits, Licenses, and Certificates Processing (Transparent Government Act of 2024).

CH0414  HB0664 (Amended)  Del Clippinger, et al.  Court Personnel Protection of Personal Information (Judge Andrew F. Wilkinson Judicial Security Act).

CH0415  SB0575 (Amended)  Sen Corderman (Md Jud Conf), et al.  Court Personnel Protection of Personal Information (Judge Andrew F. Wilkinson Judicial Security Act).

CH0416  HB1064 (Enrolled)  Del Hartman, et al.  Income Tax Subtraction Modification – Death Benefits – Law Enforcement Officers and Fire Fighters.

CH0417  SB0897 (Amended)  Sen Carozza, et al.  Income Tax Subtraction Modification – Death Benefits – Law Enforcement Officers and Fire Fighters.

CH0418  SB0740 (Amended)  Sen Gile, et al.  Operating a Vessel While Under the Influence of Alcohol Enforcement (Nick’s Law).

CH0419  HB0052 (Enrolled)  Del Stewart.  State Employees Parental Bereavement Leave.

CH0420  SB0109 (Enrolled)  Sen Gile.  State Employees Parental Bereavement Leave.

CH0421  HB1128 (Enrolled)  Chr ECM (Dept).  Labor and Employment – Workforce Development – Talent Innovation Program and Fund.

CH0422  HB0250 (Enrolled)  Chr ECM (Dept).  Financial Institutions ThirdParty Service Providers Examinations.

CH0423  SB0258  Chr Education, Energy, and the Environmen.  Department of General Services State Buildings and Facilities Energy Conservation and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reductions.

CH0424  HB0233 (Enrolled)  Chr ENT (Critical Area Commission).  Chesapeake and Atlantic Coastal Bays Critical Area Protection Program – Climate, Equity, and Administrative Provisions.

CH0425  HB0078 (Enrolled)  Chr APP (Dept).  Maryland Environmental Service – Governance and Requirements.

CH0426  HB0183 (Amended)  Chr APP (Dept).  Human Services Food Supplement Program and Human Services Careers Scholarships Alterations.

CH0427  HB0435  Chr JUD (Dept).  Child Support Incarcerated Obligors.

CH0428  SB0270  Chr JPR (Dept).  Adult Protective Services Review Boards Membership and Terms.

CH0429  SB0708 (Amended)  Chr JPR (Departmental).  Family Law Kinship Care.

CH0430  SB0271 (Enrolled)  Chr EEE (Dept).  Election Law Revisions.

CH0431  HB1296 (Enrolled)  Dels Wilson and Crosby.  Electricity Offshore Wind Projects Alterations.

CH0432  HB0622  Del Healey.  Consumer Reporting Agencies Records of Criminal Proceedings Prohibition.

CH0433  SB0375 (Enrolled)  Sen King.  State Contracts Prohibited Provisions.

CH0434  SB0448 (Enrolled)  Sen Muse, et al.  Commission to Study African American Civil War Soldiers in Maryland.

CH0435  HB0918 (Amended)  The Spkr (State Treasurer).  State Treasurer and Comptroller Membership Responsibilities.

CH0436  SB0777 (Enrolled)  The Pres (State Treasurer).  State Treasurer and Comptroller Membership Responsibilities.

CH0437  HB1012  The Spkr (State Treasurer).  State Officers and Employees – Required Surety Bonds – Insurance Policies Authorized.

CH0438  SB0775  The Pres (State Treasurer).  State Officers and Employees Required Surety Bonds Insurance Policies Authorized.

CH0439  HB1158  Dels Kerr and Bagnall.  State Government – Attorney General – Reports.

CH0440  SB0669 (Enrolled)  Sen Charles.  State Government Attorney General Reports.

CH0441  SB0524  Sen M. Washington.  General Assembly Committee Chairs and Vice Chairs GenderNeutral Language.

CH0442  SB1084 (Amended)  Sen M. Washington.  Workgroup for the Deaf, Deafblind, and Hard of Hearing Established.

CH0443  HB1069 (Amended)  Del Kaufman, et al.  Workgroup for the Deaf, Deafblind, and Hard of Hearing Established.

CH0444  HB0432  Del Kaufman, et al.  Courts and Judicial Proceedings and Criminal Procedure Technical Corrections References to Intellectual Disability.

CH0445  SB0808 (Enrolled)  Sen Carozza, et al.  Anaerobic Digestion Technology Coordination and Guidance.

CH0446  HB0840 (Amended)  Del Hartman.  Vehicle Laws Annual Vehicle Shows Motor and Trailer Homes.

CH0447  HB0437 (Amended)  Del Wivell, et al.  Maryland Zero Emission Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Council Membership.

CH0448  HB0999 (Amended)  Del Hill, et al.  Workgroup on Establishing a Science and Technology Best Practices and Innovation Network.

CH0449  HB1203 (Amended)  Del Smith.  Economic Development Strategic Infrastructure Revolving Loan Program and Tax Increment Financing.

CH0450  SB1068 (Amended)  Sen Kagan.  Department of Information Technology Evaluation and Development of a 311 Portal Using Artificial Intelligence.

CH0451  HB0882 (Amended)  Del Rosenberg.  Business Regulation Sale of Motor Fuel Pricing Signage (Gas Price Clarity Act).

CH0452  SB0951 (Enrolled)  Sen Hettleman.  Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment Workgroup.

CH0453  HB1028 (Enrolled)  Del Allen.  Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment Workgroup.

CH0454  HB0567 (Enrolled)  Del Love, et al.  Maryland Online Data Privacy Act of 2024.

CH0455  SB0541 (Enrolled)  Sen Gile, et al.  Maryland Online Data Privacy Act of 2024.

CH0456  SB0539 (Amended)  Sen Gile, et al.  Commercial Law – Consumer Protection – Sale and Resale of Tickets.

CH0457  HB1511 (Enrolled)  Del Love.  Forest Conservation Act – Modifications.

CH0458  HB1032 (Amended)  Del Solomon, et al.  Highways – Tourist Area and Corridor Signage Program.

CH0459  HB1044 (Amended)  Del Solomon.  State Agency Workforce Policy for the 21st Century Act.

CH0460  SB0571 (Enrolled)  Sen Kramer, et al.  Consumer Protection – Online Products and Services – Data of Children (Maryland Kids Code).

CH0461  HB0603 (Amended)  Del Solomon, et al.  Consumer Protection Online Products and Services Data of Children (Maryland Kids Code).

CH0462  SB1056 (Enrolled)  Sen Kramer.  Cigarettes, Other Tobacco Products, and Electronic Smoking Devices Revisions (Tobacco Retail Modernization Act of 2024).

CH0463  SB0760 (Enrolled)  Sen Kramer.  Consumer Protection Retail Sales of Gift Cards (Gift Card Scams Prevention Act of 2024).

CH0464  HB0337 (Amended)  Del Love, et al.  Vehicle Laws Bike Lanes and Shoulders Yielding RightofWay (Sarah Debbink Langenkamp Memorial Act).

CH0465  SB0315 (Amended)  Sen Kelly.  Vehicle Laws Bike Lanes and Shoulders Yielding RightofWay (Sarah Debbink Langenkamp Memorial Act).

CH0466  SB0042 (Amended)  Sen Kelly.  Vehicle Laws Horse Riding Helmet Requirement for Minors.

CH0467  HB0113 (Amended)  Del Lehman, et al.  Vehicle Laws Horse Riding Helmet Requirement for Minors.

CH0468  HB0193  Dels Lehman and PenaMelnyk.  Anne Arundel County Speed Limits Establishment.

CH0469  HB0809 (Amended)  Del Vogel, et al.  Members of Boards, Committees, Commissions, Task Forces, or Workgroups – Removal or Suspension.

CH0470  SB0781  Sen James.  Economic Development Regional Additive Manufacturing Partnership of Maryland Alterations.

CH0471  HB0573  Del Simmons, et al.  Citizens Committee for the Enhancement of Communities Surrounding BaltimoreWashington International Thurgood Marshall Airport Membership.

CH0472  HB0178  Del Griffith.  Vehicle Laws Disabled Veteran Registration Plates Issuance.

CH0473  SB0055 (Amended)  Sens Smith and James.  Vehicle Laws Disabled Veteran Registration Plates Issuance.

CH0474  SB0960 (Amended)  Sen Feldman.  Maryland Clean Energy Center Climate Technology Founder’s Fund.

CH0475  SB0959 (Amended)  Sen Feldman.  Electricity Tariffs, Distributed Energy Resources, and Electric Distribution System Support Services (Distributed Renewable Integration and Vehicle Electrification (DRIVE) Act).

CH0476  HB1256 (Amended)  Del FraserHidalgo.  Electricity – Tariffs, Distributed Energy Resources, and Electric Distribution System Support Services (Distributed Renewable Integration and Vehicle Electrification (DRIVE) Act).

CH0477  HB0323 (Amended)  Del Guyton, et al.  Environment Commission on Climate Change Membership Addition.

CH0478  SB0337 (Amended)  Sen Feldman, et al.  Environment Commission on Climate Change Membership Additions.

CH0479  SB0850  Sen Corderman.  State Personnel LineofDuty Death and Funeral Benefits.

CH0480  SB0573 (Amended)  Sen Corderman.  General Provisions State Flag Casket of an Eligible Decedent.

CH0481  HB0756 (Amended)  Del Hutchinson, et al.  General Provisions State Flag Casket of an Eligible Decedent.

CH0482  HB0996 (Amended)  Del White Holland.  Consumer Protection Consumer Council Name Change.

CH0483  HB0764 (Enrolled)  Del Shetty, et al.  State Lottery Fund Bus Rapid Transit Fund Distribution and Prince George’s County Blue Line Corridor Facility Fund Alterations.

CH0484  HB0871 (Amended)  Del Jackson.  Business Regulation Detached Catalytic Converters RecordKeeping Requirements.

CH0485  HB0768 (Enrolled)  Del D. Jones.  Judges’ Retirement System Special Death Benefit.

CH0486  SB0604 (Amended)  Sen Corderman, et al.  Judges’ Retirement System Special Death Benefit.

CH0487  HB1097 (Enrolled)  Del Guyton, et al.  State Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners Veterinary Technicians and Veterinary Assistants.

CH0488  HB1147 (Amended)  Del Guyton, et al.  Environment Playground Surfacing Materials Prohibitions.

CH0489  SB0533 (Enrolled)  Sen Gallion.  Fishing and Hunting Licenses and Trout Stamps Complimentary Licenses and Stamp Exemption Veterans Determined to Be Unemployable.

CH0490  HB0715 (Enrolled)  Del Griffith, et al.  Fishing and Hunting Licenses and Trout Stamps Complimentary Licenses and Stamp Exemption Veterans Determined to Be Unemployable.

CH0491  SB0316 (Amended)  Sen Bailey.  Motor Vehicle Registration Exceptions for Golf Carts Authorization.

CH0492  HB0043 (Enrolled)  Del Stewart, et al.  Motor Vehicle Registration Exceptions for Golf Carts Authorization.

CH0493  SB0616 (Enrolled)  Sen Guzzone.  Maryland Historical Trust Historical and Cultural Museum Assistance Program Funding.

CH0494  HB0688 (Amended)  Del Barnes.  Maryland Historical Trust Historical and Cultural Museum Assistance Program Funding.

CH0495  HB1212 (Enrolled)  Del J. Lewis.  State Retirement Agency Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion and Governance Program.

CH0496  SB0818 (Enrolled)  Sen Hester, et al.  Information Technology Artificial Intelligence Policies and Procedures (Artificial Intelligence Governance Act of 2024).

CH0497  SB0982 (Enrolled)  Sen Hester, et al.  Information Technology Modernization of Information Technology Projects.

CH0498  HB0165 (Enrolled)  Del J. Lewis.  Local Government – Annual Audit Reporting Requirements – Alterations.

CH0499  SB0747 (Enrolled)  Sens Guzzone and Benson.  Local Government Annual Audit Reporting Requirements Alterations.

CH0500  HB0990 (Enrolled)  Del Stein.  Environment Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reductions Manufacturers.

CH0501  SB1144 (Amended)  Sens Guzzone and Elfreth.  Clean Water Commerce Account Contracts for the Purchase of Environmental Outcomes.

CH0502  HB1266 (Amended)  Del Stein.  Clean Water Commerce Account Contracts for the Purchase of Environmental Outcomes.

CH0503  HB1509 (Amended)  Del Stein, et al.  Baltimore Regional Water Governance Model Workgroup Established.

CH0504  HB0700 (Enrolled)  Dels D. Jones and Fair.  Election Law Election Judges Revisions.

CH0505  HB0914 (Amended)  Dels D. Jones and Pippy.  Winery and Vineyard Economic Development Grant Program Modifications.

CH0506  SB0746  Sen Guzzone.  Winery and Vineyard Economic Development Grant Program Modifications.

CH0507  HB0504 (Amended)  Del Watson.  Department of Planning Maryland Humanities Council Appropriation to the Marilyn Hatza Memorial Strengthening the Humanities Investment in Nonprofits for Equity (SHINE) Grantmaking Initiative.

CH0508  SB0596  Sen Guzzone.  Department of Planning Maryland Humanities Council Appropriation to the Marilyn Hatza Memorial Strengthening the Humanities Investment in Nonprofits for Equity (SHINE) Grantmaking Initiative.

CH0509  SB0816 (Enrolled)  Sen Hester.  Economic Development – Cyber Maryland Fund and Program – Alterations.

CH0510  SB0683 (Amended)  Sen Hester.  Tree Expert Licenses Application and Renewal Fee Alterations and Insurance Requirements.

CH0511  HB0561 (Enrolled)  Del Watson.  Tree Expert Licenses Application and Renewal Fee Alterations and Insurance Requirements.

CH0512  HB0807 (Enrolled)  Del Stein, et al.  Natural Resources – Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Surveys.

CH0513  HB0434  Del Atterbeary.  Persons Providing Lobbyist Compensation – Statement of Political Contributions – Exemption for Nonprofits.

CH0514  HB0410 (Amended)  Del Atterbeary.  Maryland Technology Development Corporation Equitech Growth Fund Alterations.

CH0515  SB0457 (Amended)  Sen A. Washington.  Maryland Technology Development Corporation Equitech Growth Fund Alterations.

CH0516  SB0148 (Enrolled)  Sen A. Washington, et al.  Comprehensive Flood Management Grant Program Funding for Underserved and Overburdened Communities.

CH0517  HB0449 (Amended)  Del Ivey, et al.  Comprehensive Flood Management Grant Program Funding for Underserved and Overburdened Communities.

CH0518  HB0613 (Enrolled)  Del Boyce, et al.  Natural Resources Recreational Catching of Oysters or Clams Requirements.

CH0519  HB0512 (Amended)  Del Boyce, et al.  Natural Resources Fish and Fisheries Reporting Requirements.

CH0520  SB1118 (Amended)  Sen Guzzone.  Natural Resources Fish and Fisheries Reporting Requirements.

CH0521  HB0782  Del Stein.  Vehicle Laws Lighting Privately Owned Vehicles.

CH0522  SB0838  Sens Gallion and Folden.  Vehicle Laws Lighting Privately Owned Vehicles.

CH0523  SB0196 (Amended)  Sen Gallion, et al.  Soil Conservation Districts Small Ponds Plan Review Fees.

CH0524  HB1465  Del Wims.  Soil Conservation Districts Small Ponds Plan Review Fees.

CH0525  HB0605  Del Stein.  Motor Vehicles Recreational Vehicle Dealer Agreements.

CH0526  SB0504  Sen McKay.  Motor Vehicles – Recreational Vehicle Dealer Agreements.

CH0527  SB1134  Sen McKay.  Allegany County Allegany Regional Recreational Economic Development Authority Established.

CH0528  HB0787  Del Buckel, et al.  Allegany County Allegany Regional Recreational Economic Development Authority Established.

CH0529  SB0806  Sens Zucker and Feldman.  Business Regulation – Licensed Home Improvement Contractors – Liability Insurance.

CH0530  HB0738  Del Wims, et al.  Business Regulation Licensed Home Improvement Contractors Liability Insurance.

CH0531  HB0991 (Enrolled)  Del Love, et al.  Agriculture Food Processing Residuals Utilization Permit Establishment.

CH0532  SB1074 (Enrolled)  Sen Ready, et al.  Agriculture Food Processing Residuals Utilization Permit Establishment.

CH0533  SB0126 (Amended)  Sens Augustine and Feldman.  Transportation WMATA Operating Assistance Alteration (Maryland Metro Funding Act of 2024).

CH0534  HB0198 (Amended)  Dels Korman and J. Lewis.  Transportation WMATA Operating Assistance Alteration (Maryland Metro Funding Act of 2024).

CH0535  HB1101 (Enrolled)  Del Love, et al.  Standing Environmental and Natural Resources Protection Proceedings (Clean Water Justice Act of 2024).

CH0536  SB0653 (Amended)  Sen Augustine, et al.  Standing Environmental and Natural Resources Protection Proceedings (Clean Water Justice Act of 2024).

CH0537  SB0001 (Enrolled)  Sen Augustine.  Electricity and Gas Retail Supply Regulation and Consumer Protection.

CH0538  SB0659 (Amended)  Sen Augustine.  Prince George’s Gateway Development Authority Modifications.

CH0539  HB0864 (Enrolled)  Dels Crosby and Qi.  Energy Efficiency and Conservation Plans.

CH0540  HB1393 (Enrolled)  Del Crosby.  Electric System Planning Scope and Funding.

CH0541  HB0481  Del Hutchinson, et al.  Natural Resources Antlerless Deer Hunting Programs Authorization.

CH0542  SB0367  Sen Mautz.  Natural Resources Antlerless Deer Hunting Programs Authorization.

CH0543  HB1231 (Amended)  Del Adams, et al.  Natural Resources Fisheries Oyster Management.

CH0544  SB0922 (Amended)  Sens Mautz and Bailey.  Natural Resources – Fisheries – Oyster Management.

CH0545  HB1512  Dels Adams and Hutchinson.  Bay Restoration Fund Use of Funds Municipal Wastewater Facilities Sunset Repeal.

CH0546  HB0256 (Amended)  Del D. Jones, et al.  Waterway Incident Notification System (WINS) Study.

CH0547  SB0166 (Enrolled)  Sen Bailey.  Waterway Incident Notification System (WINS) Study.

CH0548  HB0973 (Amended)  Del Valentine, et al.  Public Safety Law Enforcement Agencies Positive Community Feedback.

CH0549  SB0007 (Enrolled)  Sen Bailey.  Public Safety Law Enforcement Agencies Positive Community Feedback.

CH0550  HB0857  Del D. Jones.  Shellfish Aquaculture Harvest Hours.

CH0551  SB0879  Sen Klausmeier, et al.  Shellfish Aquaculture Harvest Hours.

CH0552  SB0178 (Amended)  Sen Klausmeier.  Agriculture – Pollinator Habitat Plan – Requirements for State Highway Administration.

CH0553  HB0022 (Amended)  Del Ruth, et al.  Agriculture Pollinator Habitat Plan Requirements for State Highway Administration.

CH0554  HB0062  Del Simpson.  State Employee Rights and Protections Personnel Actions and Harassment Investigation of Complaints.

CH0555  SB0133 (Enrolled)  Sen Klausmeier.  State Employee Rights and Protections Personnel Actions and Harassment Investigation of Complaints.

CH0556  HB1153 (Enrolled)  Del Love, et al.  Environment – Water Pollution Control – Protecting State Waters From PFAS Pollution (Protecting State Waters From PFAS Pollution Act).

CH0557  SB0956 (Enrolled)  Sen Hester.  Environment Water Pollution Control Protecting State Waters From PFAS Pollution (Protecting State Waters From PFAS Pollution Act).

CH0558  HB1165 (Enrolled)  Del Love, et al.  Watershed, Stream, and Floodplain Restoration Chesapeake and Atlantic Coastal Bays Restoration and Stream and Floodplain Restoration Funding (Whole Watershed Act).

CH0559  SB0969 (Enrolled)  Sen Elfreth, et al.  Watershed, Stream, and Floodplain Restoration Chesapeake and Atlantic Coastal Bays Restoration and Stream and Floodplain Restoration Funding (Whole Watershed Act).

CH0560  SB0674 (Amended)  Sen Elfreth, et al.  Abandoned or Sunken Vessels and Waterway Improvement Fund Grants.

CH0561  SB0835 (Enrolled)  Sen Hester.  Environment Delegated Authorities Well and Septic Program Permits.

CH0562  HB0992  Del Stein.  Environment Delegated Authorities Well and Septic Program Permits.

CH0563  SB0570 (Amended)  Sen Hester.  Public Utilities Thermal Energy Network Systems Authorization and Establishment (Working for Accessible Renewable Maryland Thermal Heat (WARMTH) Act).

CH0564  HB0397 (Enrolled)  Del Charkoudian.  Public Utilities – Thermal Energy Network Systems – Authorization and Establishment (Working for Accessible Renewable Maryland Thermal Heat (WARMTH) Act).

CH0565  HB0710  Del Rogers, et al.  Business Regulation – Household Goods Movers – Special Fund and Fees.

CH0566  SB0559  Sen Beidle.  Business Regulation Household Goods Movers Special Fund and Fees.

CH0567  HB0457 (Enrolled)  Del Lehman, et al.  Environment Synthetic Turf Disclosure and Study.

CH0568  HB0420 (Amended)  Del Lehman, et al.  State and Local Parks Play Area Accessibility Recreation Communication Boards Pilot Program.

CH0569  HB0601 (Enrolled)  Del Lehman, et al.  Street Racing and Exhibition Driving – Prohibited Acts, Enforcement, and Penalties.

CH0570  SB0442 (Enrolled)  Sen Beidle, et al.  Street Racing and Exhibition Driving Prohibited Acts, Enforcement, and Penalties.

CH0571  SB0207 (Amended)  Sens Bailey and Jennings.  Natural Resources Northern Snakehead Common Name.

CH0572  HB0019 (Amended)  Del T. Morgan, et al.  Natural Resources Northern Snakehead Common Name.

CH0573  SB0032 (Amended)  Sens Bailey and Klausmeier.  Economic Development Maryland Agricultural and ResourceBased Industry Development Corporation Loans.

CH0574  HB0120 (Enrolled)  Del T. Morgan, et al.  Economic Development Maryland Agricultural and ResourceBased Industry Development Corporation Loans.

CH0575  SB0589 (Enrolled)  Sen Bailey, et al.  TriCounty Council for Southern Maryland Southern Maryland Agricultural Development Commission Funding.

CH0576  HB0812 (Amended)  Del J. Long, et al.  Tri–County Council for Southern Maryland – Southern Maryland Agricultural Development Commission – Funding.

CH0577  HB0737 (Amended)  Del J. Long, et al.  Vehicle Laws Slow Moving Vehicles RightHand Lane.

CH0578  SB0194 (Amended)  Sens Hayes and M. Washington.  State Procurement Preferred Provider Requirements Waiver.

CH0579  SB0417 (Amended)  Sen Hayes.  Election Administration State Administrator, Local Boards, and Election Directors.

CH0580  HB0877 (Amended)  Del Phillips, et al.  Board of Public Works Transparency Data Dashboard.

CH0581  SB0703 (Amended)  Sens Hayes and Charles.  Board of Public Works Transparency Data Dashboard.

CH0582  SB0673 (Amended)  Sen Charles.  State Procurement Small Business Reserve Program Goals and Outreach Program.

CH0583  HB0962 (Amended)  Del Phillips, et al.  State Procurement Small Business Reserve Program Goals and Outreach Program.

CH0584  SB1014 (Enrolled)  Sen Charles.  State Procurement Procurement Forecast and Outreach.

CH0585  SB0672  Sen Charles.  Vehicle Laws Automated Enforcement Citations and Notices Mailing Addresses.

CH0586  HB0552  Del Boyce.  Vehicle Laws Automated Enforcement Citations and Notices Mailing Addresses.

CH0587  HB0001  Del Boyce, et al.  Maryland Paint Stewardship.

CH0588  SB0325  Sens Brooks and West.  Maryland Paint Stewardship.

CH0589  SB0915 (Enrolled)  Sen Brooks.  Agriculture – Invasive Plant Species – Regulation (Biodiversity and Agriculture Protection Act).

CH0590  HB0979 (Amended)  Del Foley, et al.  Agriculture Invasive Plant Species Regulation (Biodiversity and Agriculture Protection Act).

CH0591  SB0508 (Amended)  Sens Bailey and Hester.  Hunting Nonresident Sika Deer Stamp Fee Alteration.

CH0592  HB0497 (Amended)  Del Hornberger, et al.  Hunting Nonresident Sika Deer Stamp Fee Alteration.

CH0593  HB0562  Dels Hornberger and D. Jones.  Special Chesapeake Bay and Coastal Sport Fishing License Nonresidents License Fee.

CH0594  SB0507 (Amended)  Sens Bailey and Hester.  Special Chesapeake Bay and Coastal Sport Fishing License Nonresidents License Fee.

CH0595  SB0783 (Enrolled)  Sen Elfreth, et al.  Public Utilities Solar Energy Systems and Programs, Maryland Strategic Energy Investment Fund, and Prevailing Wage (Brighter Tomorrow Act).

CH0596  SB0547 (Enrolled)  Sen Elfreth, et al.  Wildlife Traveling Animal Acts Prohibition.

CH0597  HB0379 (Enrolled)  Del Love, et al.  Wildlife Traveling Animal Acts Prohibition.

CH0598  SB0368  Sens Waldstreicher and Gile.  State Retirement and Pension System Military Service Credit Eligibility.

CH0599  SB1028 (Amended)  Sen Waldstreicher.  Human Remains Alkaline Hydrolysis and Natural Organic Reduction (Green Death Care Options Act).

CH0600  HB1168 (Amended)  Del Kaiser, et al.  Human Remains Alkaline Hydrolysis and Natural Organic Reduction (Green Death Care Options Act).

CH0601  SB0149  Sen Waldstreicher.  Vehicle Towing or Removal – Insurer of Record – Electronic Notification.

CH0602  HB0176  Del Foley.  Vehicle Towing or Removal Insurer of Record Electronic Notification.

CH0603  SB0345 (Enrolled)  Sen Waldstreicher.  Transportation Vision Zero Implementation.

CH0604  SB0544  Sens Waldstreicher and West.  Corporations and Associations Ratification of Defective Corporate Acts Alterations.

CH0605  HB0888  Del Amprey.  Corporations and Associations Ratification of Defective Corporate Acts Alterations.

CH0606  SB0344  Sen Waldstreicher.  Criminal and Civil Trespass Professional Land Surveyors Exception.

CH0607  HB0382  Del Schmidt, et al.  Criminal and Civil Trespass Professional Land Surveyors Exception.

CH0608  HB0749  Del Amprey.  Corporations and Associations – Definitions, Emergencies, and Outstanding Stock – Revisions.

CH0609  SB0400  Sens West and Waldstreicher.  Corporations and Associations – Definitions, Emergencies, and Outstanding Stock – Revisions.

CH0610  SB0793 (Amended)  Sen West.  Maryland Tort Claims Act Sheriffs and Deputy Sheriffs County Responsibility.

CH0611  HB0895  Del Embry.  Maryland Tort Claims Act Sheriffs and Deputy Sheriffs County Responsibility.

CH0612  HB0780 (Amended)  Del Embry, et al.  Competitive Sealed Proposals Security Contracts.

CH0613  HB1451 (Enrolled)  Del Embry.  Arts Incubator Workgroup Established.

CH0614  SB0764 (Amended)  Sens Hayes and Kagan.  Arts Incubator Workgroup Established.

CH0615  SB0804 (Amended)  Sen Brooks.  Northwest Baltimore County Sports Tourism Facility – Feasibility Study.

CH0616  HB0741 (Amended)  Baltimore County Delegation.  Northwest Baltimore County Sports Tourism Facility Feasibility Study.

CH0617  HB0261 (Amended)  Del Palakovich Carr, et al.  Unemployment Insurance Benefits Election Judges.

CH0618  HB0262  Del Palakovich Carr.  Consumer Protection Consumer Reporting Agencies Information in Consumer Credit Reports.

CH0619  SB0041  Sen Lam.  Consumer Protection Consumer Reporting Agencies Information in Consumer Credit Reports.

CH0620  HB0345 (Amended)  Del Palakovich Carr, et al.  Fish and Wildlife Endangered and Threatened Species Definitions, Petitions, and Regulations.

CH0621  SB0916 (Amended)  Sen Brooks.  Fish and Wildlife Endangered and Threatened Species Definitions, Petitions, and Regulations.

CH0622  HB0685 (Amended)  Dels Harris and Chang.  Economic Development Maryland Aerospace and Technology Commission.

CH0623  SB0516 (Enrolled)  Sen A. Washington.  Economic Development Maryland Aerospace and Technology Commission.

CH0624  HB0212 (Enrolled)  Del Palakovich Carr, et al.  Vehicle Laws Noise Abatement Monitoring Systems Pilot Program.

CH0625  SB0155 (Amended)  Sen A. Washington.  Vehicle Laws Noise Abatement Monitoring Systems Pilot Program.

CH0626  SB0634  Sen Klausmeier.  Maryland Technology Development Corporation Authority.

CH0627  HB0776  Del Feldmark.  Maryland Technology Development Corporation Authority.

CH0628  HB1192 (Enrolled)  Del Feldmark, et al.  Video Lottery Facility Operations Crimes of Moral Turpitude and Value of Table Game Chips Alterations.

CH0629  SB0633 (Amended)  Sen Klausmeier.  Maryland SelfService Storage Act Sale of Personal Property in Satisfaction of Liens Means of Advertising.

CH0630  SB1080 (Enrolled)  Sen McCray, et al.  State Personnel Maryland Department of Health Pay Rates.

CH0631  HB0983 (Enrolled)  Del Guzzone, et al.  State Personnel Maryland Department of Health Pay Rates.

CH0632  SB0587 (Amended)  Sen McCray.  Procurement Minority Business Participation Real Property Title Insurance Services Reporting.

CH0633  HB0753  Del Young.  Economic Development Maryland Technology Development Corporation Application and Reporting Requirements.

CH0634  SB0358  Sen McCray.  Economic Development Maryland Technology Development Corporation Application and Reporting Requirements.

CH0635  SB0896 (Enrolled)  Sen Carter (BCA).  Baltimore Convention and Tourism Redevelopment and Operating Authority Task Force.

CH0636  SB0730  Sen Carter.  Motor Vehicles Motorcycles Passenger Restrictions.

CH0637  HB0102  Del Miller.  Motor Vehicles Motorcycles Passenger Restrictions.

CH0638  HB0211 (Amended)  Del Taveras.  Business Regulation Contractors, Subcontractors, and Brokers Prohibited Conduct.

CH0639  SB0648 (Amended)  Sen Ellis.  Business Regulation Contractors, Subcontractors, and Brokers Prohibited Conduct.

CH0640  SB0135 (Enrolled)  Sens Ellis and McKay.  Workgroup to Study Funding for the Westernport Wastewater Treatment Facility Establishment.

CH0641  HB1116 (Enrolled)  Del Harrison.  Business Regulation Restaurants and Traders Licensing Requirements.

CH0642  HB0611  Del Harrison.  Electronic Transactions Protection Act Repeal.

CH0643  SB0534  Sen Jackson.  Electronic Transactions Protection Act Repeal.

CH0644  HB0680  Dels T. Morgan and J. Long.  Environment Nuclear Power Plants Emergency Preparedness (Radiation and Emergency Preparedness and Protection Act).

CH0645  SB0536  Sen Jackson.  Environment Nuclear Power Plants Emergency Preparedness (Radiation and Emergency Preparedness and Protection Act).

CH0646  HB1199 (Enrolled)  Del Edelson, et al.  Transportation MobilityLink Paratransit Service Improvements Study.

CH0647  SB0891 (Enrolled)  Sen McCray.  Transportation MobilityLink Paratransit Service Improvements Study.

CH0648  HB0332 (Amended)  Del Addison, et al.  OutofState Motor Vehicles Improper Registration Report.

CH0649  HB1507 (Amended)  Del Addison, et al.  Transportation Major Change in Bus Service Publication on Website.

CH0650  SB0070 (Enrolled)  Sen McCray.  Transportation Major Change in Bus Service Publication on Website.

CH0651  HB0038 (Amended)  Del Edelson.  Baltimore City Motor Vehicle OffStreet Parking Requirements Near Mass Transit Stations.

CH0652  HB0950  Del Edelson, et al.  Maryland Transit Administration Locally Operated Transit Systems Mandatory Funding.

CH0653  HB0850 (Enrolled)  Del Tomlinson, et al.  State Procurement Small Business Preference Procurement.

CH0654  SB0556 (Amended)  Sen Salling.  Procurement – Construction Contingency Fund.

CH0655  HB1503  Del Roberts.  Election Law Campaign Finance Activities State Treasurer.

CH0656  HB0981 (Amended)  Del Martinez, et al.  Principal Departments Individuals With Limited English Proficiency Access to Public Services.

CH0657  HB1013  Del Wolek, et al.  State Employees Paid Sick Leave Certificate of Illness or Disability Signed by a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor.

CH0658  HB1273 (Amended)  Del Pruski.  Vehicle Laws Manufacturers and Dealers Delivery of Vehicles.

CH0659  SB1003 (Amended)  Sen Folden.  Vehicle Laws Manufacturers and Dealers Delivery of Vehicles.

CH0660  HB1501  Chr Joint Audit and Evaluation Committee.  State Government Office of Legislative Audits Performance Audits.

CH0661  SB0150  Chr Joint Audit and Evaluation Committee.  State Government Office of Legislative Audits Performance Audits.

CH0662  HB0415 (Amended)  Del Forbes (Chr Jt Com on Pnsns).  State Retirement and Pension System Administration Clarification and Technical Correction.

CH0663  SB0320 (Amended)  Sen Jackson (Chr Jt Com on Pnsns).  State Retirement and Pension System Administration Clarification and Technical Correction.

CH0664  SB0489 (Amended)  Sen Jackson (Chr Jt Com on Pnsns).  State Retirement and Pension System Board of Trustees Responsibilities and Duties.

CH0665  HB0625 (Amended)  Del Forbes (Chr Jt Com on Pnsns).  State Retirement and Pension System Board of Trustees Responsibilities and Duties.

CH0666  HB0629  Del Forbes (Chr Jt Com on Pnsns).  State Retirement and Pension System Consumer Price Index Definition.

CH0667  SB0490  Sen Jackson (Chr Jt Com on Pnsns).  State Retirement and Pension System Consumer Price Index Definition.

CH0668  SB0491 (Enrolled)  Sen Jackson (Chr Jt Com on Pnsns).  State Retirement and Pension System Service Credit.

CH0669  HB0630 (Enrolled)  Del Forbes (Chr Jt Com on Pnsns).  State Retirement and Pension System Service Credit.

CH0670  HB0966 (Amended)  Del Forbes (Chr Jt Com on Pnsns).  Law Enforcement Officers’ Pension System Reemployment as Sheriff.

CH0671  SB0706 (Amended)  Sen Jackson (Chr Jt Com on Pnsns).  Law Enforcement Officers’ Pension System Reemployment as Sheriff.

CH0672  SB0880 (Amended)  Sen Jackson (Chr Jt Com on Pnsns).  State Retirement and Pension System Average Final Compensation Compensation Adjustments.

CH0673  HB1004 (Amended)  Del Forbes (Chr Jt Com on Pnsns).  State Retirement and Pension System Average Final Compensation Compensation Adjustments.

CH0674  HB0690  Charles County Delegation.  Charles County Adult Protective Services Review Board Membership.

CH0675  HB1321  Charles County Delegation.  Land Use Southern Maryland Code Counties Subdivision Regulations Property Dedication and Fee.

CH0676  HB0761 (Enrolled)  Montgomery County Delegation.  Montgomery County School Bus Stops MC 624.

CH0677  HB0306 (Enrolled)  Prince George’s County Delegation.  Prince George’s County Economic Development Workgroup on Independent Innovation in Prince George’s County Establishment PG 40224.

CH0678  HB0364 (Enrolled)  Prince George’s County Delegation.  Prince George’s County Stop Sign Monitoring Systems Authorization PG 30124.

CH0679  HB1024  PG Co Deleg and Mont Co Deleg.  Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission Connection Pipe Emergency Replacement Loan Program Expansion PG/MC 10124.

CH0680  HB0929  Washington County Delegation.  Agriculture – Nuisance Insects.

CH0681  SB0854  Washington County Senators.  Agriculture – Nuisance Insects.

CH0682  HB0766  Calvert County Delegation.  Calvert County Roadside Solicitation of Money or Donations Prohibition.

CH0683  HB0835  Calvert County Delegation.  Calvert County Procurement Local Preference.

CH0684  HB0796  Carroll County Delegation.  Carroll County Public Facilities Bond.

CH0685  HB0839 (Amended)  Carroll County Delegation.  Carroll County Contracts and Purchasing.

CH0686  SB0437 (Amended)  Carroll County Senators.  Carroll County Contracts and Purchasing.

CH0687  SB0530  Cecil County Senators.  Cecil County – Annual Financial Report – Filing Date.

CH0688  HB0594 (Amended)  Dorchester County Delegation.  Legal Advertisement or Legal Notice in Dorchester County Publication in Newspaper or Newspaper in General Circulation Digital Newspapers.

CH0689  HB0277  Del Kerr.  Frederick County Local Gaming and Authorization for Electronic Tip Jar Dispensers.

CH0690  SB0415  Sen Lewis Young.  Frederick County Local Gaming and Authorization for Electronic Tip Jar Dispensers.

CH0691  HB1017 (Amended)  Frederick County Delegation.  Boundary of the Frederick County Soil Conservation District Alteration.

CH0692  SB0558  Sen McKay.  Garrett County Procurement Bids and Contracts.

CH0693  HB0907  Del Hinebaugh.  Garrett County Procurement Bids and Contracts.

CH0694  HB1338  Howard County Delegation.  Howard County Agricultural Preservation Advisory Board Term Length Alteration Ho. Co. 1524.

CH0695  HB0989  PG Co Deleg and Mont Co Deleg.  Montgomery County – Subdivision Plats – Conditions PG/MC 111–24.

CH0696  HB1003  PG Co Deleg and Mont Co Deleg.  Montgomery County Clerk of the Circuit Court Plat Recordation PG/MC 11024.

CH0697  HB1023  PG Co Deleg and Mont Co Deleg.  Prince George’s County and Montgomery County The Washington Suburban Transit Commission Reform Act PG/MC 10324.

CH0698  HB0977  Del Otto.  Somerset County – Sale of Property – Revells Neck Road.

CH0699  SB0763  Sen Carozza.  Somerset County – Sale of Property – Revells Neck Road.

CH0700  HB0967  Dels Wivell and Valentine.  Town of Keedysville Parking of Vehicles Restrictions.

CH0701  HB0928  Washington County Delegation.  Washington County Procurement Vehicles.

CH0702  HB1021  Washington County Delegation.  Washington County Public Facilities Bonds.

CH0703  HB0576 (Enrolled)  The Spkr (Admin), et al.  Mental Health Assisted Outpatient Treatment Programs.

CH0704  SB0453 (Amended)  The Pres (Admin), et al.  Mental Health Assisted Outpatient Treatment Programs.

CH0705  HB0575 (Amended)  The Spkr (Admin), et al.  Criminal Procedure Victim Compensation Alterations (Victim Compensation Reform Act of 2024).

CH0706  HB0583 (Enrolled)  The Spkr (Admin), et al.  Center for Firearm Violence Prevention and Intervention Establishment.

CH0707  SB0475 (Enrolled)  The Pres (Admin), et al.  Center for Firearm Violence Prevention and Intervention Establishment.

CH0708  SB0470 (Amended)  The Pres (Admin), et al.  Growing Apprenticeships and the Public Safety Workforce (GAPS) Act.

CH0709  HB0597 (Amended)  The Spkr (Admin), et al.  Growing Apprenticeships and the Public Safety Workforce (GAPS) Act.

CH0710  HB0582 (Amended)  The Spkr (Admin), et al.  Economic Development Entrepreneurial Innovation Programs Establishment (Pava LaPere Legacy of Innovation Act of 2024).

CH0711  SB0473 (Amended)  The Pres (Admin), et al.  Economic Development Entrepreneurial Innovation Programs Establishment (Pava LaPere Legacy of Innovation Act of 2024).

CH0712  SB1098  Sen Smith.  Correctional Services Diminution Credits Sexual Offenses.

CH0713  HB0810 (Enrolled)  The Spkr.  Criminal Law RapidFire Activator Switch/AutoSear.

CH0714  HB0947 (Amended)  Del Phillips, et al.  Civil Actions Public Nuisances Firearm Industry Members (Gun Industry Accountability Act of 2024).

CH0715  HB0105 (Enrolled)  Del Atterbeary.  Drunk Driving Offenses Expungement and the Ignition Interlock System Program.

CH0716  SB0360 (Enrolled)  The Pres (Admin).  Budget Bill (Fiscal Year 2025).

CH0717  SB0362 (Enrolled)  The Pres (Admin).  Budget Reconciliation and Financing Act of 2024.

CH0718  HB1439 (Amended)  Del Shetty, et al.  Emergency Services Funding.

CH0719  SB1092 (Enrolled)  Sen Guzzone.  Emergency Services Funding.

CH0720  SB0361 (Enrolled)  The Pres (Admin).  Creation of a State Debt Maryland Consolidated Capital Bond Loan of 2024, and the Maryland Consolidated Capital Bond Loans of 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023.

CH0721  SB1120  Chr B&T (Dept).  University System of Maryland – Academic Facilities Bonding Authority.

CH0722  SB0966 (Enrolled)  Sens Zucker and McCray.  Prior Authorizations of State Debt Alterations.

CH0723  HB0453  The Spkr (Office of the Comptroller).  Income Tax – Technical Corrections.

CH0724  SB0678  The Pres (Office of the Comptroller).  Income Tax Technical Corrections.

CH0725  HB0845 (Amended)  The Spkr (Office of the Comptroller).  Income Tax Individual Income Tax Credit Eligibility Awareness Campaign.

CH0726  SB1105 (Amended)  The Pres (Office of the Comptroller).  Income Tax Individual Income Tax Credit Eligibility Awareness Campaign.

CH0727  HB0451 (Amended)  The Spkr (Office of the Comptroller).  Tax Assistance for LowIncome Marylanders Funding.

CH0728  HB0454 (Amended)  The Spkr (Office of the Comptroller).  Disclosure of Tax Information Tax Compliance Activity and Binding Data Use Agreements.

CH0729  HB0455 (Amended)  The Spkr (Office of the Comptroller).  Comptroller Electronic Tax and Fee Return Filing Requirements.

CH0730  SB0677 (Amended)  The Pres (Office of the Comptroller).  Comptroller Electronic Tax and Fee Return Filing Requirements.

CH0731  HB0452 (Amended)  The Spkr (Office of the Comptroller).  Individual Tax Preparers Code of Ethics, Notification of Actions, Enforcement, and Penalties (Stop Scam Tax Preparers Act).

CH0732  SB0675 (Amended)  The Pres (Office of the Comptroller).  Individual Tax Preparers Code of Ethics, Notification of Actions, Enforcement, and Penalties (Stop Scam Tax Preparers Act).

CH0733  HB0204 (Amended)  Del Attar, et al.  Education – Coaches – Mental Health Training.

CH0734  SB0165 (Amended)  Sen Hettleman, et al.  Education – Coaches – Mental Health Training.

CH0735  HB0814 (Enrolled)  The Spkr and Del Clippinger.  Juvenile Law Reform.

CH0736  SB0652 (Amended)  Sen McCray.  Department of Juvenile Services – Report on Shootings (Department of Juvenile Services Transparency Act of 2024).

CH0737  HB0172 (Amended)  Chr JUD (Dept).  Department of State Police Professional Occupations Application Process.

CH0738  SB0287 (Amended)  Chr JPR (Dept).  Department of State Police Professional Occupations Application Process.

CH0739  HB0195 (Amended)  Del Guyton, et al.  Public Safety Missing Persons Purple Alert Program.

CH0740  HB0647 (Amended)  Del Guyton.  Property and Casualty Insurance – Pet Insurance – Regulation.

CH0741  HB0315 (Amended)  Del Bartlett.  Regulated Firearms Maryland Judiciary Reporting Requirements.

CH0742  SB0319 (Amended)  Sen West.  Regulated Firearms Maryland Judiciary Reporting Requirements.

CH0743  HB0404 (Enrolled)  Del Woods, et al.  Public Safety Wellness Checks Requirements (Gabriel’s Law).

CH0744  HB0823 (Amended)  Del Charkoudian, et al.  Fire Protection and Prevention Residential Rental Property Requirements (Melanie Nicholle Diaz Fire Safety Act).

CH0745  SB0697 (Amended)  Sen Gile, et al.  Maryland National Guard Tricare Premium Reimbursement Program Alterations.

CH0746  HB1065 (Amended)  Del Clippinger.  Public Safety Maryland Entertainment District Security Grant Program.

CH0747  SB0774 (Amended)  Sen Ferguson, et al.  Public Safety Maryland Entertainment District Security Grant Program.

CH0748  HB1229 (Amended)  Del A. Jones, et al.  Public Health Kratom Consumer Protection Act.

CH0749  HB1076 (Enrolled)  Del Roberts, et al.  Education Blind and Visually Impaired Students Textbook Equity.

CH0750  SB1091 (Enrolled)  Sen Watson, et al.  Education – Blind and Visually Impaired Students – Textbook Equity.

CH0751  SB0943 (Enrolled)  Sens Kelly and Lam.  Vehicle Laws Bus Lane Obstruction Monitoring Systems Expansion and Workgroup (Better Bus Service Act of 2024).

CH0752  HB0119 (Enrolled)  Chr HGO (Dept).  Public Health Giving Infants a Future Without Transmission (GIFT) Act.

CH0753  HB0127 (Amended)  Chr HGO (Dept).  Public Health Nonoccupational Postexposure Prophylaxis (nPEP) Standing Order Program Establishment.

CH0754  HB0238 (Enrolled)  Chr ECM (Dept).  Public Health Clean Indoor Air Act Revisions.

CH0755  SB0244 (Amended)  Chr FIN (Dept).  Public Health Clean Indoor Air Act Revisions.

CH0756  SB0688  Sen Smith (Md Jud Conf).  Prince George’s County Judgeships Circuit Courts.

CH0757  HB0592  Del Clippinger, et al.  Prince George’s County Judgeships Circuit Courts.

CH0758  HB0115 (Amended)  Del Kaufman, et al.  Criminal Procedure Victims’ Rights Notification of Release From Confinement (Jaycee Webster Victims’ Rights Act).

CH0759  HB0801 (Amended)  Del Kaufman, et al.  Criminal Procedure Committed Persons Release Proceedings.

CH0760  SB0551 (Amended)  Sen Sydnor.  Criminal Procedure Committed Persons Release Proceedings.

CH0761  HB0496 (Enrolled)  Del Shetty, et al.  Criminal Law Sexual Crimes Definition of Consent and Repeal of Force.

CH0762  SB0687  Sen Smith (Md Jud Conf).  Criminal Procedure Bail Bonds Seventh Judicial Circuit.

CH0763  SB1095 (Amended)  Sens Smith and Elfreth.  Workgroup on Home Detention Monitoring.

CH0764  SB1099 (Enrolled)  Sen Smith, et al.  Emergency Services Automated External Defibrillator and Naloxone CoLocation Initiative Requirements for Public Buildings.

CH0765  HB0042 (Enrolled)  Chr HGO (Dept).  Public Health Public Health Services and Protections Revisions.

CH0766  SB0220 (Enrolled)  Chr FIN (Dept).  Public Health – Public Health Services and Protections – Revisions.

CH0767  SB0439 (Amended)  Sen Elfreth, et al.  Family Law Victims of Domestic Violence Program Certification and Grant Fund.

CH0768  SB0975 (Enrolled)  Sen Elfreth, et al.  Maryland Department of Health Reproductive Health Care Clinic Security Grant Program Establishment (Supporting Reproductive Health Care Clinics Act).

CH0769  SB0440 (Enrolled)  Sen Elfreth, et al.  Income Tax Credit Venison Donation.

CH0770  HB0447 (Amended)  Del Ziegler, et al.  Income Tax Credit Venison Donation.

CH0771  HB0054 (Enrolled)  Del Atterbeary.  Property Tax Transfer to Heir or Legatee Payment Plans.

CH0772  SB0391 (Amended)  Sen Kelly, et al.  Criminal Law Sexual Extortion, Stalking, and Revenge Porn Statute of Limitations and In Banc Review.

CH0773  HB0544 (Amended)  Del Atterbeary, et al.  Criminal Law Sexual Extortion, Stalking, and Revenge Porn Statute of Limitations and In Banc Review.

CH0774  HB0808 (Amended)  Del Atterbeary.  Alcoholic Beverages – Retail Delivery – Local Delivery Service Permit.

CH0775  SB0456 (Enrolled)  Sen A. Washington.  Alcoholic Beverages – Retail Delivery – Local Delivery Service Permit.

CH0776  SB0191 (Enrolled)  Sen A. Washington.  Prince George’s County Public School Employees Property Tax Credit and Office of Integrity and Compliance PG 50324.

CH0777  HB0986 (Amended)  Del R. Lewis.  Maryland Medical Assistance Program Coverage for the Treatment of Obesity Required Study.

CH0778  SB0594 (Enrolled)  Sen Hershey.  Maryland Medical Assistance Program Coverage for the Treatment of Obesity Required Study.

CH0779  HB0149 (Amended)  Del Pippy, et al.  Medical Records Destruction Notice and Retrieval.

CH0780  HB0933 (Amended)  Del Feldmark, et al.  Behavioral Health Crisis Response Services 988 Trust Fund Fees.

CH0781  SB0974 (Amended)  Sen Guzzone.  Behavioral Health Crisis Response Services 988 Trust Fund Fees.

CH0782  SB0578 (Amended)  Sen Guzzone, et al.  Professional and Volunteer Firefighter Innovative Cancer Screening Technologies Program Funding.

CH0783  HB1472  Del D. Jones, et al.  Professional and Volunteer Firefighter Innovative Cancer Screening Technologies Program Funding.

CH0784  HB0490 (Amended)  Del D. Jones, et al.  Income Tax Subtraction Modification for Donations to Diaper Banks and Other Charitable Entities Sunset Extension.

CH0785  HB0874 (Enrolled)  Del PenaMelnyk, et al.  State Board of LongTerm Care Administrators Requirements for Assisted Living Managers.

CH0786  SB0613 (Enrolled)  Sen Beidle.  State Board of LongTerm Care Administrators Requirements for Assisted Living Managers.

CH0787  HB1333 (Amended)  Del PenaMelnyk, et al.  Public Health Maryland Commission on Health Equity and Commission on Public Health Revisions.

CH0788  HB1497 (Amended)  Del PenaMelnyk, et al.  State Board of Massage Therapy Examiners Scope of Practice, Reinstatements, and Examinations by Health Care Providers.

CH0789  HB1498  Del PenaMelnyk.  State Board of Massage Therapy Examiners Aiding or Abetting Unauthorized Practice Prohibition.

CH0790  SB0973 (Enrolled)  Sen Guzzone.  Hospitals Private Hospital Grant Program Funding.

CH0791  SB0580 (Amended)  Sen Guzzone, et al.  Sales and Use Tax Nonprofit Organizations Maintaining Memorials Exemption.

CH0792  HB0548 (Amended)  Del Guzzone, et al.  Task Force on Responsible Use of Natural Psychedelic Substances.

CH0793  SB1009 (Amended)  Sen Feldman.  Task Force on Responsible Use of Natural Psychedelic Substances.

CH0794  SB0694  Sen Feldman.  Maryland Department of Health – Health Commissions and Maryland Insurance Administration – Study.

CH0795  HB0887  Del PenaMelnyk, et al.  Maryland Department of Health Health Commissions and Maryland Insurance Administration Study.

CH0796  HB0827 (Amended)  Del Qi, et al.  Maryland Insurance Administration – Professional Employer Organizations – Study.

CH0797  SB0821 (Amended)  Sen Feldman.  Maryland Insurance Administration Professional Employer Organizations Study.

CH0798  SB1059 (Amended)  Sen Ellis.  Maternal Health – Assessments, Referrals, and Reporting (Maryland Maternal Health Act of 2024).

CH0799  HB1051 (Amended)  Del White Holland, et al.  Maternal Health – Assessments, Referrals, and Reporting (Maryland Maternal Health Act of 2024).

CH0800  HB1092 (Amended)  Del White Holland, et al.  911 Trust Fund Purposes Training in Telecommunications Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation.

CH0801  SB0649 (Amended)  Sen Kagan.  911 Trust Fund Purposes Training in Telecommunications Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation.

CH0802  HB1009 (Amended)  Del Chang.  Public Health – Federally Qualified Health Centers Grant Program – Recovery of Funding.

CH0803  SB0881 (Amended)  Sen Zucker.  Public Health – Federally Qualified Health Centers Grant Program – Recovery of Funding.

CH0804  SB1142 (Enrolled)  Sens Zucker and Guzzone.  Tax Assistance for LowIncome Marylanders Funding.

CH0805  SB0615 (Amended)  Sen Simonaire, et al.  General Provisions Commemorative Days Maryland Veterans Suicide Prevention Day.

CH0806  SB0020 (Amended)  Sen Simonaire.  Environment Cox Creek Citizens Oversight Committee Alterations.

CH0807  HB0343 (Enrolled)  Del Munoz.  Environment Dredged Material Containment, Redeposit, and Oversight.

CH0808  SB0182 (Enrolled)  Sen Sydnor.  Criminal Procedure Facial Recognition Technology Requirements, Procedures, and Prohibitions.

CH0809  HB0338 (Enrolled)  Del Moon, et al.  Criminal Procedure – Facial Recognition Technology – Requirements, Procedures, and Prohibitions.

CH0810  SB0522  Sen Augustine.  Charter Counties Enforcement of Local Laws.

CH0811  HB0501  Del Fennell, et al.  Charter Counties Enforcement of Local Laws.

CH0812  SB0938 (Amended)  Sens Augustine and A. Washington.  Maryland Department of Health Public Education Campaign on Prostate, Lung, and Breast Cancer Prevention.

CH0813  HB1293 (Amended)  Del Woods, et al.  Maryland Department of Health Public Education Campaign on Prostate, Lung, and Breast Cancer Prevention.

CH0814  HB0381 (Amended)  Del Hill, et al.  State Board of Examiners in Optometry Criminal History Records Checks.

CH0815  SB0175 (Amended)  Sen Augustine.  State Board of Examiners in Optometry Criminal History Records Checks.

CH0816  SB1000 (Amended)  Sen Beidle.  Maryland Health Care Commission Nursing Homes Acquisitions.

CH0817  HB1122 (Enrolled)  Del Kerr, et al.  Maryland Health Care Commission – Nursing Homes – Acquisitions.

CH0818  HB1125 (Amended)  Del Kerr, et al.  Certified Nursing Assistants Licensing Requirements and Administrative Updates.

CH0819  SB0999 (Amended)  Sen Beidle.  Certified Nursing Assistants Licensing Requirements and Administrative Updates.

CH0820  HB0292 (Amended)  Del Kerr, et al.  State Procurement Maryland State Board of Contract Appeals Attorney’s Fees.

CH0821  SB0667 (Amended)  Sen Charles.  State Procurement Maryland State Board of Contract Appeals Attorney’s Fees.

CH0822  HB0865 (Amended)  Del Martinez, et al.  Maryland Medical Assistance Program and Health Insurance Coverage for Prostheses (So Every Body Can Move Act).

CH0823  SB0614 (Amended)  Sen Beidle, et al.  Maryland Medical Assistance Program and Health Insurance Coverage for Prostheses (So Every Body Can Move Act).

CH0824  SB1001 (Amended)  Sen Beidle.  Alcoholic Beverages Class 4 Limited Winery License Requirements and Authorizations.

CH0825  HB1083 (Amended)  Del Pruski.  Alcoholic Beverages Class 4 Limited Winery License Requirements and Authorizations.

CH0826  HB0036 (Enrolled)  Chr ECM (Dept).  Insurance Protections After Loss or Damage to Property.

CH0827  HB0090 (Amended)  Chr ECM (Dept).  Insurance Hearing Representation.

CH0828  SB0230 (Enrolled)  Chr FIN (Dept).  Insurance Hearing Representation.

CH0829  HB0969 (Amended)  Del Bartlett, et al.  Death Certificates Cause or Manner of Death Determinations Requirements After Change or Correction (Katherine Morris Death Reclassification Act).

CH0830  HB0476 (Amended)  Del Bartlett, et al.  Criminal Procedure Forensic Genetic Genealogical DNA Analysis and Search Applicability for Deceased and Missing Individuals.

CH0831  SB0549 (Amended)  Sen Sydnor.  Criminal Procedure Forensic Genetic Genealogical DNA Analysis and Search Applicability for Deceased and Missing Individuals.

CH0832  HB1127 (Amended)  Del Bartlett, et al.  Sexual Assault Forensic Examinations Conducted Through Telehealth Reimbursement and Study.

CH0833  SB0950 (Amended)  Sen Hettleman.  Sexual Assault Forensic Examinations Conducted Through Telehealth Reimbursement and Study.

CH0834  SB0113 (Amended)  Sen Kelly, et al.  Criminal Law Sexual Solicitation of a Minor Through Child Pornography Prohibition.

CH0835  HB0099  Del Bartlett.  Criminal Law – Sexual Solicitation of a Minor Through Child Pornography – Prohibition.

CH0836  SB0134 (Enrolled)  Sen Hettleman, et al.  Office of the Correctional Ombudsman Establishment and Funding.

CH0837  SB0144  Sens Hettleman and Gile.  Medical Records Fees Attorneys Representing Patients.

CH0838  HB0153 (Enrolled)  Del Rosenberg, et al.  Medical Records Fees Attorneys Representing Patients.

CH0839  SB0952 (Enrolled)  Sen Hettleman.  Assisted Living Programs Assisted Living Referrers Requirements and Prohibitions.

CH0840  HB0353 (Enrolled)  Del Cullison, et al.  Maryland Department of Health 211 Maryland Oversight.

CH0841  SB0705 (Amended)  Sens Hayes and Lam.  Health Insurance Qualified Resident Enrollment Program (Access to Care Act).

CH0842  HB0728 (Amended)  Del Cullison, et al.  Health Insurance Qualified Resident Enrollment Program (Access to Care Act).

CH0843  HB0959 (Amended)  Del Bhandari, et al.  Health Occupations Certified Dialysis Technicians Continuing Education Requirement.

CH0844  HB1143 (Enrolled)  Del Bhandari, et al.  Emergency Medical Services Maryland Emergency Department Wait Time Reduction Commission Establishment.

CH0845  SB0790 (Enrolled)  Sens Klausmeier and Ellis.  Maryland Medical Assistance Program Employed Individuals With Disabilities.

CH0846  HB0822 (Amended)  Del Cullison, et al.  Maryland Medical Assistance Program Employed Individuals With Disabilities.

CH0847  HB0932 (Enrolled)  Del Cullison, et al.  Health Insurance Utilization Review Revisions.

CH0848  SB0791 (Enrolled)  Sen Klausmeier.  Health Insurance Utilization Review Revisions.

CH0849  SB0408 (Amended)  Sen Klausmeier.  Maryland Department of Health Reports on Standing Orders and Opioid Overdose Reversal Drugs.

CH0850  HB0411 (Amended)  Del Kipke, et al.  Maryland Department of Health Reports on Standing Orders and Opioid Overdose Reversal Drugs.

CH0851  SB0751 (Amended)  Sen Klausmeier.  Public Health – Opioid Restitution Advisory Council and Fund – Revisions.

CH0852  HB0980 (Amended)  Del Rosenberg, et al.  Public Health Opioid Restitution Advisory Council and Fund Revisions.

CH0853  HB1134  Dels Bagnall and Lopez.  Hospitals and Related Institutions – Residential Treatment Centers – Accreditation.

CH0854  SB0403  Sen Klausmeier.  Hospitals and Related Institutions Residential Treatment Centers Accreditation.

CH0855  HB1053 (Amended)  Del Kaiser, et al.  State Board of Nursing Executive Director Qualifications.

CH0856  HB0016 (Enrolled)  Del Kaiser.  Tax Sales Homeowner Protection Program Funding.

CH0857  HB1482 (Enrolled)  Del FraserHidalgo.  Uninsured Driving Penalties Funding for the Maryland Automobile Insurance Fund, Driver Education, and Transportation to Field Trips.

CH0858  HB0005  Del Crosby.  Criminal Law Indecent Exposure Within the Presence of a Minor.

CH0859  SB0130 (Amended)  Sen Bailey, et al.  Criminal Law Indecent Exposure Within the Presence of a Minor.

CH0860  SB0712 (Amended)  Sen Bailey.  StateOwned Nursing Homes Deficiencies, Citations, and Fines Reporting Requirements.

CH0861  HB0938 (Amended)  Del Crosby, et al.  State–Owned Nursing Homes – Deficiencies, Citations, and Fines – Reporting Requirements.

CH0862  SB0429 (Enrolled)  Sen Bailey.  Corporations and Associations Protestant Episcopal Church, Diocese of Washington.

CH0863  SB0119  Sen Lam, et al.  Legally Protected Health Care GenderAffirming Treatment.

CH0864  SB0371 (Amended)  Sen Lam.  Maryland Medical Assistance Program Personal Care Aides Wage Reports.

CH0865  HB0189 (Enrolled)  Del R. Lewis, et al.  Maryland Medical Assistance Program Personal Care Aides Wage Reports.

CH0866  SB0718 (Enrolled)  Sens Lam and McKay.  Maryland Pathway to Nursing Pilot Program and Advisory Committee Establishment.

CH0867  SB0991 (Enrolled)  Sen Lam.  Behavioral Health Language Assistance Services Pilot Program.

CH0868  HB1259 (Amended)  Del Alston, et al.  Health Insurance Breast and Lung Cancer Screening Coverage Requirements.

CH0869  HB0759  Del Alston.  Advanced Practice Registered Nurses Professional Liability Insurance Coverage Notification Requirements.

CH0870  SB0996  Sen Klausmeier.  Advanced Practice Registered Nurses Professional Liability Insurance Coverage Notification Requirements.

CH0871  SB0830 (Enrolled)  Sen Klausmeier.  State Board of Physicians Performance of XRay Duties Without a License.

CH0872  HB0934 (Enrolled)  Del Hutchinson, et al.  State Board of Physicians Performance of XRay Duties Without a License.

CH0873  SB0336 (Amended)  Sen Klausmeier.  Insurance Producer Licensing Requirements Education and Experience.

CH0874  HB0265 (Amended)  Del Qi.  Insurance Producer Licensing Requirements Education and Experience.

CH0875  HB1081 (Amended)  Del Phillips, et al.  Public Safety Automatic License Plate Readers Captured Plate Data Storage and Upload.

CH0876  SB0840 (Enrolled)  Sen Sydnor.  Public Safety Automatic License Plate Readers Captured Plate Data Storage and Upload.

CH0877  SB0111 (Enrolled)  Sen Sydnor.  Criminal Procedure Protection of Identity of Minor Victim.

CH0878  HB0458 (Amended)  Del Phillips, et al.  Criminal Procedure Protection of Identity of Minor Victim.

CH0879  SB0059 (Amended)  Sen Ellis, et al.  Hospitals Care of Infants After Discharge (Safe Sleep Act of 2024).

CH0880  HB0177 (Amended)  Del R. Lewis, et al.  Hospitals Care of Infants After Discharge (Safe Sleep Act of 2024).

CH0881  HB0039 (Enrolled)  Del R. Lewis.  Residential Service Agencies Reimbursement Personal Assistance Services (Homecare Worker Rights Act of 2024).

CH0882  SB0197 (Enrolled)  Sen Ellis.  Residential Service Agencies Reimbursement Personal Assistance Services (Homecare Worker Rights Act of 2024).

CH0883  SB0839  Sen Sydnor.  General Provisions Damages or Losses Definition.

CH0884  HB0832 (Enrolled)  Del Stewart.  General Provisions Damages or Losses Definition.

CH0885  HB1155 (Enrolled)  Del Stewart, et al.  Hospitals Opioid Overdose and OpioidRelated Emergency Medical Conditions Treatment.

CH0886  SB1071 (Enrolled)  Sen McKay.  Hospitals Opioid Overdose and OpioidRelated Emergency Medical Conditions Treatment.

CH0887  SB0187  Sen Sydnor.  Correctional Services Inmate Employment Agricultural Work.

CH0888  HB0094  Del Pasteur.  Correctional Services Inmate Employment Agricultural Work.

CH0889  HB1078  Del Woods, et al.  Maryland Medical Assistance Program Remote Ultrasound Procedures and Remote Fetal Nonstress Tests.

CH0890  HB1105  Del Woods, et al.  Advanced Practice Registered Nurses Certification Requirement and Exceptions.

CH0891  HB1337 (Amended)  Del Woods, et al.  Health Insurance Appeals and Grievances Process Reporting Requirements.

CH0892  SB0181 (Amended)  Sen McCray, et al.  Qualifying Nonprofit Organizations Training and Reentry Services Funding.

CH0893  SB0468 (Amended)  Sen McCray (BCA).  Criminal Law Private Home Detention Monitoring Notification.

CH0894  HB0186  Del Hartman.  Eastern Shore Code Counties Maximum Hotel Rental Tax Rate Alteration.

CH0895  HB0147 (Amended)  Del Hartman.  Tobacco Tax Stamp Refunds Loss Due to Theft.

CH0896  SB0072 (Amended)  Sens McCray and Lam.  Tobacco Tax Stamp Refunds Loss Due to Theft.

CH0897  HB0066  Del Charkoudian.  Property Tax Credits Public School Employees, Health and Safety Improvements, and Property Used for Local Housing Programs.

CH0898  HB0287 (Amended)  Del Charkoudian, et al.  Property Tax Renters’ Property Tax Relief Program Assets Calculation.

CH0899  SB0342 (Amended)  Sen McCray.  Property Tax Renters’ Property Tax Relief Program Assets Calculation.

CH0900  SB0402  Sen McKay.  Correctional Training Commission Membership Alterations.

CH0901  HB0786 (Amended)  Del Bagnall, et al.  Health Occupations – Limited License to Practice Dentistry – Services for Adults.

CH0902  SB0799 (Amended)  Sens McKay and Guzzone.  Health Occupations – Limited License to Practice Dentistry – Services for Adults.

CH0903  SB0600  Sen Kramer.  Maryland Medical Assistance Program Dental Services Coverage and Rate Study.

CH0904  HB0103  Del Bagnall.  Maryland Medical Assistance Program Dental Services Coverage and Rate Study.

CH0905  HB0499 (Amended)  Del Bagnall, et al.  Health Occupations Private Dental Offices Infection Control.

CH0906  SB0412  Sen Gile, et al.  Mental Health Law County Mental Health Advisory Committees Membership.

CH0907  HB0408  Del Bagnall, et al.  Mental Health Law County Mental Health Advisory Committees Membership.

CH0908  SB0822 (Amended)  Sen Kramer, et al.  Income Tax Subtraction Modification State Law Enforcement Officers.

CH0909  HB1476  Del Kerr.  State Board of Examiners for Audiologists, Hearing Aid Dispensers, SpeechLanguage Pathologists, and Music Therapists Appointment of Members.

CH0910  SB0714  Sens Kramer and Hershey.  State Board of Examiners for Audiologists, Hearing Aid Dispensers, SpeechLanguage Pathologists, and Music Therapists Appointment of Members.

CH0911  HB1162 (Enrolled)  Del Rogers, et al.  911 Specialist Recruitment and Retention Workgroup.

CH0912  SB1034 (Amended)  Sen Carozza, et al.  9–1–1 Specialist Recruitment and Retention Workgroup.

CH0913  SB0159 (Amended)  Sen Gile, et al.  Courts Military Records Recordation and Inspection.

CH0914  HB0125 (Amended)  Del Rogers, et al.  Courts – Military Records – Recordation and Inspection.

CH0915  HB0461  Del Martinez, et al.  Health State Advisory Council on Quality Care at the End of Life Renaming.

CH0916  SB0006 (Amended)  Sen Gile, et al.  Property Tax Credit for Dwelling House of Disabled Veterans Alterations.

CH0917  HB0063 (Enrolled)  Del Pruski.  Property Tax Credit for Dwelling House of Disabled Veterans Alterations.

CH0918  SB1041 (Enrolled)  Sens Gile and Folden.  Alcoholic Beverages Breweries, Wineries, and Distilleries Direct Delivery.

CH0919  SB0167 (Amended)  Sen Carozza.  Physician Assistants Revisions (Physician Assistant Modernization Act of 2024).

CH0920  HB0806 (Enrolled)  Del Kerr, et al.  Physician Assistants Revisions (Physician Assistant Modernization Act of 2024).

CH0921  HB1110  Dels Kerr and Simpson.  Maryland Intrastate Emergency Management Assistance Compact City of Frederick.

CH0922  HB0084 (Amended)  Del Kerr, et al.  Hospitals and Urgent Care Centers Sepsis Protocol (Lochlin’s Law).

CH0923  SB0332 (Amended)  Sens Lewis Young and Guzzone.  Hospitals and Urgent Care Centers Sepsis Protocol (Lochlin’s Law).

CH0924  HB0051 (Enrolled)  Del Rosenberg, et al.  Public Health Maryland Pediatric Cancer Fund and Commission.

CH0925  SB0013 (Enrolled)  Sen Jackson.  Public Health Maryland Pediatric Cancer Fund and Commission.

CH0926  SB0136 (Amended)  Sens Jackson and Muse.  Family Law Marriage Ceremony Designation of Deputy Clerk.

CH0927  HB0300  Del Toles, et al.  Family Law Marriage Ceremony Designation of Deputy Clerk.

CH0928  HB0531  Del Embry, et al.  Correctional Services – Parole Supervision Fees and Drug and Alcohol Abuse Test Payment – Repeal.

CH0929  SB0905 (Enrolled)  Sen Kelly, et al.  Public Safety – Extreme Risk Protective Orders – Review of Court Records.

CH0930  HB0755  Del Bhandari.  State Board of Social Work Examiners Board Membership and Certified Social Worker Licenses.

CH0931  SB0106  Sen Kelly.  State Board of Social Work Examiners Board Membership and Certified Social Worker Licenses.

CH0932  SB0944 (Enrolled)  Sen Kelly.  Nonprescription Drugs and Devices Provision by Registered Nurses and Sale of Contraceptives Through Automatic Devices.

CH0933  HB1171 (Enrolled)  Del Williams, et al.  Nonprescription Drugs and Devices – Provision by Registered Nurses and Sale of Contraceptives Through Automatic Devices.

CH0934  HB1063 (Amended)  Del Williams, et al.  Criminal Organizations Underlying Crime.

CH0935  SB0379 (Enrolled)  Sen West, et al.  Task Force to Study Crime Classification Renaming, Membership, and Duties.

CH0936  SB1036 (Amended)  Sen West.  Task Force on the Creation of a Division of Returning Citizens and Expanded Reentry Services Establishment.

CH0937  HB1037 (Enrolled)  Del Taylor, et al.  Task Force on the Creation of a Division of Returning Citizens and Expanded Reentry Services Establishment.

CH0938  HB1329  Del Attar.  Division of Parole and Probation – Private Home Detention Monitoring – Earned Compliance Credits.

CH0939  HB0763 (Enrolled)  Del Attar, et al.  Commission on Hate Crime Response and Prevention Membership.

CH0940  SB0011 (Enrolled)  Sen Carter.  Criminal Procedure Expungement Vendor Contracts.

CH0941  SB0452 (Amended)  Sen Carter.  Courts Prohibited Liability Agreements Recreational Facilities.

CH0942  SB0729 (Amended)  Sen Carter.  Business Occupations and Professions Security Guards Use of Force Reporting, Standards, and Certifications.

CH0943  SB0620 (Amended)  Sen Carter.  Resources and Education for All Prisons (REAP) Act.

CH0944  HB0092 (Enrolled)  Del Amprey.  Resources and Education for All Prisons (REAP) Act.

CH0945  HB0209 (Amended)  Del Amprey, et al.  Prison Education Delivery Reform Commission.

CH0946  SB0623 (Amended)  Sen Carter.  Prison Education Delivery Reform Commission.

CH0947  HB0732 (Enrolled)  Baltimore City Delegation.  Baltimore City – Control Over Powers of Police Commissioner.

CH0948  SB0894 (Amended)  Sen Carter.  Baltimore City Control Over Powers of Police Commissioner.

CH0949  SB0532 (Enrolled)  Sen Gallion.  Commission to Advance Lithium–Ion Battery Safety in Maryland.

CH0950  HB0468 (Enrolled)  Dels Love and Boyce.  Commission to Advance LithiumIon Battery Safety in Maryland.

CH0951  HB1339 (Amended)  Del Reilly, et al.  Health Insurance Hearing Aids for Adults Coverage.

CH0952  SB0778 (Amended)  Sen Gallion.  Health Insurance Hearing Aids for Adults Coverage.

CH0953  HB0097 (Enrolled)  Del Taveras, et al.  Baby Food Toxic Heavy Metals Testing and Labeling (Rudy’s Law).

CH0954  SB0723 (Enrolled)  Sen Benson.  Baby Food Toxic Heavy Metals Testing and Labeling (Rudy’s Law).

CH0955  SB0036 (Amended)  Sen Benson.  Correctional Services Investigation of Suspected Homicide Reporting.

CH0956  HB0565 (Amended)  Del Simmons, et al.  Correctional Services Investigation of Suspected Homicide Reporting.

CH0957  HB0557 (Amended)  Del Adams, et al.  Sales and Use Tax Exemption Aircraft Parts and Equipment Repeal of Reporting Requirement and Extension of Sunset.

CH0958  SB0574 (Enrolled)  Sen Corderman, et al.  Sales and Use Tax Exemption Aircraft Parts and Equipment Repeal of Reporting Requirement and Extension of Sunset.

CH0959  HB0328 (Enrolled)  Del Lopez, et al.  Hospitals Financial Assistance Policies Revisions.

CH0960  HB0676 (Amended)  Del M. Morgan, et al.  Right to Try Act Individualized Investigational Treatments.

CH0961  HB0378 (Amended)  Del Guzzone.  State Board of Dietetic Practice DietitianNutritionists Application Requirements.

CH0962  HB1056 (Amended)  Del Guzzone, et al.  State Board of Pharmacy Prohibition on Discrimination Against 340B Drug Distribution.

CH0963  HB1244 (Enrolled)  Del Smith, et al.  Maryland Higher Education Commission Academic Program Approval and Institutional Mission Statements Requirements.

CH0964  HB1340 (Amended)  Del Anderton.  Wicomico County Alcoholic Beverages Monopoly of Liquor Control Board and Dispensary Repeal.

CH0965  HB1358 (Amended)  Del Ruff, et al.  Natural Resources Gwynns Falls State Park Focus Group, Advisory Committee, and Report.

CH0966  SB0769  Frederick County Senators.  Frederick County Property Tax Credit for Property Located in Historic District Alterations.

CH0967  HB1357  Howard County Delegation.  Howard County Payment in Lieu of Taxes Agreements Moderate Income Housing Ho. Co. 824.

CH0968  HB1402 (Amended)  Montgomery County Delegation.  Montgomery County – State’s Attorney’s Office Personnel – Application of County Personnel Laws and Collective Bargaining MC 12–24.

CH0969  HB0396  Prince George’s County Delegation.  Prince George’s County Sales and Use Tax on Energy and Fuel Use of Revenue PG 40724.

CH0970  HB0398 (Amended)  Prince George’s County Delegation.  Prince George’s County Taxes on Telecommunications Services Use of Revenue PG 40624.

CH0971  HB0035  Chr W&M (Dept).  Property Tax Submission of Building Permits to Supervisor of Assessments Estimated Construction Cost.

CH0972  HB0154 (Enrolled)  Chr W&M (Dept).  Homeowners’ and Homestead Property Tax Credits Application Filing Deadline Extension.

CH0973  SB0286 (Enrolled)  Chr B&T (Dept).  Homeowners’ and Homestead Property Tax Credits Application Filing Deadline Extension.

CH0974  HB0507 (Amended)  Dels Buckel and Hinebaugh.  Allegany and Garrett Counties Property Tax Credit for Construction of Housing.

CH0975  HB0636  Allegany County Delegation.  Allegany County Property Tax Credit Evergreen Heritage Center.

CH0976  SB0502  Sen McKay.  Allegany County – Property Tax Credit – Evergreen Heritage Center.

CH0977  HB0358 (Enrolled)  Prince George’s County Delegation.  Prince George’s County Workgroup on Health and Wellness PG 40924.

CH0978  SB0151 (Amended)  Sen Muse.  Prince George’s County Workgroup on Health and Wellness.

CH0979  HB0668  Del Pruski.  Anne Arundel County Sheriff Salary.

CH0980  SB0658  Anne Arundel County Senators.  Anne Arundel County Sheriff Salary.

CH0981  HB0906 (Enrolled)  Del Hinebaugh.  Garrett County – Sheriff’s Salary – Alteration.

CH0982  SB0521  Sen McKay.  Garrett County Sheriff’s Salary Alteration.

CH0983  HB0960  Frederick County Delegation.  City of Frederick Assignment of Offenders to Road Work Repeal.

CH0984  HB0975  Del Otto.  Somerset County – Fire, Rescue, and Emergency Medical Services.

CH0985  SB0807  Sen Carozza.  Somerset County Fire, Rescue, and Emergency Medical Services.

CH0986  HB0976  Del Otto.  Somerset County Fire Companies Appropriations.

CH0987  SB0829  Sen Carozza.  Somerset County Fire Companies Appropriations.

CH0988  HB1060 (Amended)  Carroll County Delegation.  Carroll County – Sheriff – Salary.

CH0989  HB1093 (Amended)  Del Bagnall.  Anne Arundel County Human Relations Commission Subpoena Enforcement.

CH0990  SB1038 (Amended)  Anne Arundel County Senators.  Anne Arundel County Human Relations Commission Subpoena Enforcement.

CH0991  HB1213 (Amended)  Baltimore County Delegation.  Baltimore County Sheriff Salary.

CH0992  HB1450 (Amended)  Howard County Delegation.  Howard County Task Force to Study Revenue Options for School Capital Needs Ho. Co. 1824.

CH0993  SB1039  Frederick County Senators.  Frederick County Juveniles Truancy Reduction Pilot Program.

CH0994  HB0307 (Enrolled)  Prince George’s County Delegation.  Prince George’s County Alcoholic Beverages Licenses Nonprofit Organizations PG 30424.

CH0995  SB0009 (Amended)  Sen Watson.  Prince George’s County Alcoholic Beverages Licenses Nonprofit Organizations.

CH0996  HB0335 (Enrolled)  Dels Addison and Young.  Baltimore City Alcoholic Beverages BD7 Licenses Hours of Sale.

CH0997  SB0045 (Amended)  Sen McCray.  Baltimore City Alcoholic Beverages BD7 Licenses Hours of Sale.

CH0998  HB0362  Del Ghrist, et al.  Caroline County Alcoholic Beverages Barbershop and Beauty Salon License.

CH0999  SB0531  Caroline County Senators.  Caroline County Alcoholic Beverages Barbershop and Beauty Salon License.

CH1000  HB0363  Del Ghrist, et al.  Caroline County – Alcoholic Beverages – Beer, Wine, and Liquor Tasting License.

CH1001  SB0529  Caroline County Senators.  Caroline County Alcoholic Beverages Beer, Wine, and Liquor Tasting License.

CH1002  HB0586  Frederick County Delegation.  Frederick County Alcoholic Beverages Weinberg Center/New Spires Arts Stages Beer, Wine, and Liquor License.

CH1003  SB0563  Frederick County Senators.  Frederick County Alcoholic Beverages Weinberg Center/New Spires Arts Stages Beer, Wine, and Liquor License.

CH1004  HB0587 (Amended)  Frederick County Delegation.  Frederick County Alcoholic Beverages Manufacturer’s Limited Beer, Wine, and Liquor Permit.

CH1005  SB0561 (Enrolled)  Frederick County Senators.  Frederick County Alcoholic Beverages Manufacturer’s Limited Beer, Wine, and Liquor Permit.

CH1006  HB0588  Frederick County Delegation.  Frederick County Alcoholic Beverages Municipal Golf Course License.

CH1007  SB0560  Frederick County Senators.  Frederick County Alcoholic Beverages Municipal Golf Course License.

CH1008  HB0621 (Enrolled)  Harford County Delegation.  Harford County Alcoholic Beverages Stadium License Annual Fee.

CH1009  HB0632  Harford County Delegation.  Harford County Alcoholic Beverages Licenses Golf Simulator Facility.

CH1010  SB0736  Harford County Senators.  Harford County Alcoholic Beverages Licenses Golf Simulator Facility.

CH1011  HB0635 (Enrolled)  Harford County Delegation.  Harford County Alcoholic Beverages Performing Arts Nonprofit Organization License.

CH1012  SB0734 (Enrolled)  Harford County Senators.  Harford County Alcoholic Beverages Performing Arts Nonprofit Organization License.

CH1013  HB0651  St. Mary’s County Delegation.  St. Mary’s County Alcoholic Beverages Beer, Wine, and Liquor Tasting Permit.

CH1014  HB0654 (Amended)  St. Mary’s County Delegation.  St. Mary’s County – Alcoholic Beverages – Nonprofit Performing Arts Theater License.

CH1015  HB0733  Baltimore City Delegation.  Baltimore City Alcoholic Beverages Licensing Fees.

CH1016  SB0895  Sen Carter (BCA).  Baltimore City Alcoholic Beverages Licensing Fees.

CH1017  HB0742  Frederick County Delegation.  Frederick County Alcoholic Beverages Stadium License.

CH1018  SB0770  Frederick County Senators.  Frederick County – Alcoholic Beverages – Stadium License.

CH1019  HB0743 (Amended)  Frederick County Delegation.  Frederick County Alcoholic Beverages Promoter’s Permit.

CH1020  SB0767 (Amended)  Frederick County Senators.  Frederick County Alcoholic Beverages Promoter’s Permit.

CH1021  HB0762  Montgomery County Delegation.  Montgomery County Alcoholic Beverages Class B Beer, Wine, and Liquor License OffPremises Consumption MC 924.

CH1022  HB0817 (Amended)  Prince George’s County Delegation.  Prince George’s County Alcoholic Beverages Issuance of License Near a Place of Worship or School PG 30724.

CH1023  SB0066 (Amended)  Sen Rosapepe.  Prince George’s County Alcoholic Beverages Issuance of License Near a Place of Worship or School.

CH1024  HB0920  Washington County Delegation.  Washington County Alcoholic Beverages MultiUse Sports and Events Facility Beer, Wine, and Liquor License.

CH1025  SB0853  Washington County Senators.  Washington County Alcoholic Beverages MultiUse Sports and Events Facility Beer, Wine, and Liquor License.

CH1026  HB1052 (Enrolled)  Del Clippinger, et al.  Baltimore City Alcoholic Beverages 46th Alcoholic Beverages District Revisions.

CH1027  SB1100 (Enrolled)  Sen Ferguson.  Baltimore City Alcoholic Beverages 46th Alcoholic Beverages District Revisions.

CH1028  HB1089 (Enrolled)  Del Clippinger (BCA).  Baltimore City Alcoholic Beverages Class B Beer, Wine, and Liquor Licenses.

CH1029  SB0904  Sen Hayes.  Baltimore City Alcoholic Beverages Class B Beer, Wine, and Liquor Licenses.

CH1030  HB1118 (Amended)  Harford County Delegation.  Harford County – Alcoholic Beverages – Performing Arts Theater License.

CH1031  SB0933 (Amended)  Harford County Senators.  Harford County Alcoholic Beverages Performing Arts Theater License.

CH1032  HB1198 (Enrolled)  Del Amprey.  Baltimore City – Alcoholic Beverages – 40th Alcoholic Beverages District – Revisions.

CH1033  SB1008 (Enrolled)  Sen Hayes.  Baltimore City Alcoholic Beverages 40th Alcoholic Beverages District Revisions.

CH1034  HB1205  Allegany County Delegation.  Allegany County Alcoholic Beverages Class BWLT Beer, Wine, and Liquor Tasting Permit.

CH1035  HB1235 (Enrolled)  Dels Addison and Young.  Baltimore City – Alcoholic Beverages – License Extensions.

CH1036  SB1079 (Amended)  Sen McCray.  Baltimore City Alcoholic Beverages License Extensions.

CH1037  HB1269 (Amended)  Baltimore County Delegation.  Baltimore County Alcoholic Beverages License Applications Notice.

CH1038  HB1330  Allegany County Delegation.  Allegany County Alcoholic Beverages Underage Employees.

CH1039  HB1341  Del Anderton.  Wicomico County Alcoholic Beverages Class B Beer, Wine, and Liquor Licenses Purchases From Licensed Wholesalers and SelfDistribution.

CH1040  SB0941  Sen Mautz.  Wicomico County Alcoholic Beverages Class B Beer, Wine, and Liquor Licenses Purchases From Licensed Wholesalers and SelfDistribution.

CH1041  HB1377 (Amended)  Del Pippy.  Frederick County Alcoholic Beverages Brewery and Distillery Licenses.

CH1042  SB0022 (Amended)  Sen Hayes.  Baltimore City Alcoholic Beverages Board of License Commissioners.

CH1043  SB0051  Sen Rosapepe.  Prince George’s County Alcoholic Beverages License Renewal.

CH1044  SB0428  Sen McKay.  Garrett County Alcoholic Beverages Act of 2024.

CH1045  SB0964 (Amended)  Sen Ready.  Carroll County – Alcoholic Beverages Licenses – Alcohol Awareness Training.

CH1046  SB1010  Sen Klausmeier.  Baltimore County Alcoholic Beverages Individual Storage Permits.

CH1047  SB1184 (Amended)  Sen Rosapepe.  Prince George’s County Alcoholic Beverages College Athletic Event Venue Concessionaire Beer, Wine, and Liquor License.

CH0408  SB0482 (Enrolled)  The Pres (Admin), et al.  Governor's Office for Children Engaging Neighborhoods, Organizations, Unions, Governments, and Households (ENOUGH) Grant Program (ENOUGH Act of 2024).

CH0409  HB1206 (Amended)  Del Kerr, et al.  MarylandIreland Trade Commission Establishment.

CH0410  HB1524 (Enrolled)  Chr W&M (Maryland Thoroughbred Racetrack.  Horse Racing Racing Facility Ownership and Construction Racing Operations.

CH0411  SB0474 (Enrolled)  The Pres (Admin), et al.  Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity and Related Approvals Definition of Generating Station (Critical Infrastructure Streamlining Act of 2024).

CH0412  HB0581 (Enrolled)  The Spkr (Admin), et al.  State Government Permits, Licenses, and Certificates Processing (Transparent Government Act of 2024).

CH0413  SB0472 (Enrolled)  The Pres (Admin), et al.  State Government Permits, Licenses, and Certificates Processing (Transparent Government Act of 2024).

CH0414  HB0664 (Amended)  Del Clippinger, et al.  Court Personnel Protection of Personal Information (Judge Andrew F. Wilkinson Judicial Security Act).

CH0415  SB0575 (Amended)  Sen Corderman (Md Jud Conf), et al.  Court Personnel Protection of Personal Information (Judge Andrew F. Wilkinson Judicial Security Act).

CH0416  HB1064 (Enrolled)  Del Hartman, et al.  Income Tax Subtraction Modification – Death Benefits – Law Enforcement Officers and Fire Fighters.

CH0417  SB0897 (Amended)  Sen Carozza, et al.  Income Tax Subtraction Modification – Death Benefits – Law Enforcement Officers and Fire Fighters.

CH0418  SB0740 (Amended)  Sen Gile, et al.  Operating a Vessel While Under the Influence of Alcohol Enforcement (Nick’s Law).

CH0419  HB0052 (Enrolled)  Del Stewart.  State Employees Parental Bereavement Leave.

CH0420  SB0109 (Enrolled)  Sen Gile.  State Employees Parental Bereavement Leave.

CH0421  HB1128 (Enrolled)  Chr ECM (Dept).  Labor and Employment – Workforce Development – Talent Innovation Program and Fund.

CH0422  HB0250 (Enrolled)  Chr ECM (Dept).  Financial Institutions ThirdParty Service Providers Examinations.

CH0423  SB0258  Chr Education, Energy, and the Environmen.  Department of General Services State Buildings and Facilities Energy Conservation and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reductions.

CH0424  HB0233 (Enrolled)  Chr ENT (Critical Area Commission).  Chesapeake and Atlantic Coastal Bays Critical Area Protection Program – Climate, Equity, and Administrative Provisions.

CH0425  HB0078 (Enrolled)  Chr APP (Dept).  Maryland Environmental Service – Governance and Requirements.

CH0426  HB0183 (Amended)  Chr APP (Dept).  Human Services Food Supplement Program and Human Services Careers Scholarships Alterations.

CH0427  HB0435  Chr JUD (Dept).  Child Support Incarcerated Obligors.

CH0428  SB0270  Chr JPR (Dept).  Adult Protective Services Review Boards Membership and Terms.

CH0429  SB0708 (Amended)  Chr JPR (Departmental).  Family Law Kinship Care.

CH0430  SB0271 (Enrolled)  Chr EEE (Dept).  Election Law Revisions.

CH0431  HB1296 (Enrolled)  Dels Wilson and Crosby.  Electricity Offshore Wind Projects Alterations.

CH0432  HB0622  Del Healey.  Consumer Reporting Agencies Records of Criminal Proceedings Prohibition.

CH0433  SB0375 (Enrolled)  Sen King.  State Contracts Prohibited Provisions.

CH0434  SB0448 (Enrolled)  Sen Muse, et al.  Commission to Study African American Civil War Soldiers in Maryland.

CH0435  HB0918 (Amended)  The Spkr (State Treasurer).  State Treasurer and Comptroller Membership Responsibilities.

CH0436  SB0777 (Enrolled)  The Pres (State Treasurer).  State Treasurer and Comptroller Membership Responsibilities.

CH0437  HB1012  The Spkr (State Treasurer).  State Officers and Employees – Required Surety Bonds – Insurance Policies Authorized.

CH0438  SB0775  The Pres (State Treasurer).  State Officers and Employees Required Surety Bonds Insurance Policies Authorized.

CH0439  HB1158  Dels Kerr and Bagnall.  State Government – Attorney General – Reports.

CH0440  SB0669 (Enrolled)  Sen Charles.  State Government Attorney General Reports.

CH0441  SB0524  Sen M. Washington.  General Assembly Committee Chairs and Vice Chairs GenderNeutral Language.

CH0442  SB1084 (Amended)  Sen M. Washington.  Workgroup for the Deaf, Deafblind, and Hard of Hearing Established.

CH0443  HB1069 (Amended)  Del Kaufman, et al.  Workgroup for the Deaf, Deafblind, and Hard of Hearing Established.

CH0444  HB0432  Del Kaufman, et al.  Courts and Judicial Proceedings and Criminal Procedure Technical Corrections References to Intellectual Disability.

CH0445  SB0808 (Enrolled)  Sen Carozza, et al.  Anaerobic Digestion Technology Coordination and Guidance.

CH0446  HB0840 (Amended)  Del Hartman.  Vehicle Laws Annual Vehicle Shows Motor and Trailer Homes.

CH0447  HB0437 (Amended)  Del Wivell, et al.  Maryland Zero Emission Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Council Membership.

CH0448  HB0999 (Amended)  Del Hill, et al.  Workgroup on Establishing a Science and Technology Best Practices and Innovation Network.

CH0449  HB1203 (Amended)  Del Smith.  Economic Development Strategic Infrastructure Revolving Loan Program and Tax Increment Financing.

CH0450  SB1068 (Amended)  Sen Kagan.  Department of Information Technology Evaluation and Development of a 311 Portal Using Artificial Intelligence.

CH0451  HB0882 (Amended)  Del Rosenberg.  Business Regulation Sale of Motor Fuel Pricing Signage (Gas Price Clarity Act).

CH0452  SB0951 (Enrolled)  Sen Hettleman.  Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment Workgroup.

CH0453  HB1028 (Enrolled)  Del Allen.  Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment Workgroup.

CH0454  HB0567 (Enrolled)  Del Love, et al.  Maryland Online Data Privacy Act of 2024.

CH0455  SB0541 (Enrolled)  Sen Gile, et al.  Maryland Online Data Privacy Act of 2024.

CH0456  SB0539 (Amended)  Sen Gile, et al.  Commercial Law – Consumer Protection – Sale and Resale of Tickets.

CH0457  HB1511 (Enrolled)  Del Love.  Forest Conservation Act – Modifications.

CH0458  HB1032 (Amended)  Del Solomon, et al.  Highways – Tourist Area and Corridor Signage Program.

CH0459  HB1044 (Amended)  Del Solomon.  State Agency Workforce Policy for the 21st Century Act.

CH0460  SB0571 (Enrolled)  Sen Kramer, et al.  Consumer Protection – Online Products and Services – Data of Children (Maryland Kids Code).

CH0461  HB0603 (Amended)  Del Solomon, et al.  Consumer Protection Online Products and Services Data of Children (Maryland Kids Code).

CH0462  SB1056 (Enrolled)  Sen Kramer.  Cigarettes, Other Tobacco Products, and Electronic Smoking Devices Revisions (Tobacco Retail Modernization Act of 2024).

CH0463  SB0760 (Enrolled)  Sen Kramer.  Consumer Protection Retail Sales of Gift Cards (Gift Card Scams Prevention Act of 2024).

CH0464  HB0337 (Amended)  Del Love, et al.  Vehicle Laws Bike Lanes and Shoulders Yielding RightofWay (Sarah Debbink Langenkamp Memorial Act).

CH0465  SB0315 (Amended)  Sen Kelly.  Vehicle Laws Bike Lanes and Shoulders Yielding RightofWay (Sarah Debbink Langenkamp Memorial Act).

CH0466  SB0042 (Amended)  Sen Kelly.  Vehicle Laws Horse Riding Helmet Requirement for Minors.

CH0467  HB0113 (Amended)  Del Lehman, et al.  Vehicle Laws Horse Riding Helmet Requirement for Minors.

CH0468  HB0193  Dels Lehman and PenaMelnyk.  Anne Arundel County Speed Limits Establishment.

CH0469  HB0809 (Amended)  Del Vogel, et al.  Members of Boards, Committees, Commissions, Task Forces, or Workgroups – Removal or Suspension.

CH0470  SB0781  Sen James.  Economic Development Regional Additive Manufacturing Partnership of Maryland Alterations.

CH0471  HB0573  Del Simmons, et al.  Citizens Committee for the Enhancement of Communities Surrounding BaltimoreWashington International Thurgood Marshall Airport Membership.

CH0472  HB0178  Del Griffith.  Vehicle Laws Disabled Veteran Registration Plates Issuance.

CH0473  SB0055 (Amended)  Sens Smith and James.  Vehicle Laws Disabled Veteran Registration Plates Issuance.

CH0474  SB0960 (Amended)  Sen Feldman.  Maryland Clean Energy Center Climate Technology Founder’s Fund.

CH0475  SB0959 (Amended)  Sen Feldman.  Electricity Tariffs, Distributed Energy Resources, and Electric Distribution System Support Services (Distributed Renewable Integration and Vehicle Electrification (DRIVE) Act).

CH0476  HB1256 (Amended)  Del FraserHidalgo.  Electricity – Tariffs, Distributed Energy Resources, and Electric Distribution System Support Services (Distributed Renewable Integration and Vehicle Electrification (DRIVE) Act).

CH0477  HB0323 (Amended)  Del Guyton, et al.  Environment Commission on Climate Change Membership Addition.

CH0478  SB0337 (Amended)  Sen Feldman, et al.  Environment Commission on Climate Change Membership Additions.

CH0479  SB0850  Sen Corderman.  State Personnel LineofDuty Death and Funeral Benefits.

CH0480  SB0573 (Amended)  Sen Corderman.  General Provisions State Flag Casket of an Eligible Decedent.

CH0481  HB0756 (Amended)  Del Hutchinson, et al.  General Provisions State Flag Casket of an Eligible Decedent.

CH0482  HB0996 (Amended)  Del White Holland.  Consumer Protection Consumer Council Name Change.

CH0483  HB0764 (Enrolled)  Del Shetty, et al.  State Lottery Fund Bus Rapid Transit Fund Distribution and Prince George’s County Blue Line Corridor Facility Fund Alterations.

CH0484  HB0871 (Amended)  Del Jackson.  Business Regulation Detached Catalytic Converters RecordKeeping Requirements.

CH0485  HB0768 (Enrolled)  Del D. Jones.  Judges’ Retirement System Special Death Benefit.

CH0486  SB0604 (Amended)  Sen Corderman, et al.  Judges’ Retirement System Special Death Benefit.

CH0487  HB1097 (Enrolled)  Del Guyton, et al.  State Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners Veterinary Technicians and Veterinary Assistants.

CH0488  HB1147 (Amended)  Del Guyton, et al.  Environment Playground Surfacing Materials Prohibitions.

CH0489  SB0533 (Enrolled)  Sen Gallion.  Fishing and Hunting Licenses and Trout Stamps Complimentary Licenses and Stamp Exemption Veterans Determined to Be Unemployable.

CH0490  HB0715 (Enrolled)  Del Griffith, et al.  Fishing and Hunting Licenses and Trout Stamps Complimentary Licenses and Stamp Exemption Veterans Determined to Be Unemployable.

CH0491  SB0316 (Amended)  Sen Bailey.  Motor Vehicle Registration Exceptions for Golf Carts Authorization.

CH0492  HB0043 (Enrolled)  Del Stewart, et al.  Motor Vehicle Registration Exceptions for Golf Carts Authorization.

CH0493  SB0616 (Enrolled)  Sen Guzzone.  Maryland Historical Trust Historical and Cultural Museum Assistance Program Funding.

CH0494  HB0688 (Amended)  Del Barnes.  Maryland Historical Trust Historical and Cultural Museum Assistance Program Funding.

CH0495  HB1212 (Enrolled)  Del J. Lewis.  State Retirement Agency Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion and Governance Program.

CH0496  SB0818 (Enrolled)  Sen Hester, et al.  Information Technology Artificial Intelligence Policies and Procedures (Artificial Intelligence Governance Act of 2024).

CH0497  SB0982 (Enrolled)  Sen Hester, et al.  Information Technology Modernization of Information Technology Projects.

CH0498  HB0165 (Enrolled)  Del J. Lewis.  Local Government – Annual Audit Reporting Requirements – Alterations.

CH0499  SB0747 (Enrolled)  Sens Guzzone and Benson.  Local Government Annual Audit Reporting Requirements Alterations.

CH0500  HB0990 (Enrolled)  Del Stein.  Environment Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reductions Manufacturers.

CH0501  SB1144 (Amended)  Sens Guzzone and Elfreth.  Clean Water Commerce Account Contracts for the Purchase of Environmental Outcomes.

CH0502  HB1266 (Amended)  Del Stein.  Clean Water Commerce Account Contracts for the Purchase of Environmental Outcomes.

CH0503  HB1509 (Amended)  Del Stein, et al.  Baltimore Regional Water Governance Model Workgroup Established.

CH0504  HB0700 (Enrolled)  Dels D. Jones and Fair.  Election Law Election Judges Revisions.

CH0505  HB0914 (Amended)  Dels D. Jones and Pippy.  Winery and Vineyard Economic Development Grant Program Modifications.

CH0506  SB0746  Sen Guzzone.  Winery and Vineyard Economic Development Grant Program Modifications.

CH0507  HB0504 (Amended)  Del Watson.  Department of Planning Maryland Humanities Council Appropriation to the Marilyn Hatza Memorial Strengthening the Humanities Investment in Nonprofits for Equity (SHINE) Grantmaking Initiative.

CH0508  SB0596  Sen Guzzone.  Department of Planning Maryland Humanities Council Appropriation to the Marilyn Hatza Memorial Strengthening the Humanities Investment in Nonprofits for Equity (SHINE) Grantmaking Initiative.

CH0509  SB0816 (Enrolled)  Sen Hester.  Economic Development – Cyber Maryland Fund and Program – Alterations.

CH0510  SB0683 (Amended)  Sen Hester.  Tree Expert Licenses Application and Renewal Fee Alterations and Insurance Requirements.

CH0511  HB0561 (Enrolled)  Del Watson.  Tree Expert Licenses Application and Renewal Fee Alterations and Insurance Requirements.

CH0512  HB0807 (Enrolled)  Del Stein, et al.  Natural Resources – Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Surveys.

CH0513  HB0434  Del Atterbeary.  Persons Providing Lobbyist Compensation – Statement of Political Contributions – Exemption for Nonprofits.

CH0514  HB0410 (Amended)  Del Atterbeary.  Maryland Technology Development Corporation Equitech Growth Fund Alterations.

CH0515  SB0457 (Amended)  Sen A. Washington.  Maryland Technology Development Corporation Equitech Growth Fund Alterations.

CH0516  SB0148 (Enrolled)  Sen A. Washington, et al.  Comprehensive Flood Management Grant Program Funding for Underserved and Overburdened Communities.

CH0517  HB0449 (Amended)  Del Ivey, et al.  Comprehensive Flood Management Grant Program Funding for Underserved and Overburdened Communities.

CH0518  HB0613 (Enrolled)  Del Boyce, et al.  Natural Resources Recreational Catching of Oysters or Clams Requirements.

CH0519  HB0512 (Amended)  Del Boyce, et al.  Natural Resources Fish and Fisheries Reporting Requirements.

CH0520  SB1118 (Amended)  Sen Guzzone.  Natural Resources Fish and Fisheries Reporting Requirements.

CH0521  HB0782  Del Stein.  Vehicle Laws Lighting Privately Owned Vehicles.

CH0522  SB0838  Sens Gallion and Folden.  Vehicle Laws Lighting Privately Owned Vehicles.

CH0523  SB0196 (Amended)  Sen Gallion, et al.  Soil Conservation Districts Small Ponds Plan Review Fees.

CH0524  HB1465  Del Wims.  Soil Conservation Districts Small Ponds Plan Review Fees.

CH0525  HB0605  Del Stein.  Motor Vehicles Recreational Vehicle Dealer Agreements.

CH0526  SB0504  Sen McKay.  Motor Vehicles – Recreational Vehicle Dealer Agreements.

CH0527  SB1134  Sen McKay.  Allegany County Allegany Regional Recreational Economic Development Authority Established.

CH0528  HB0787  Del Buckel, et al.  Allegany County Allegany Regional Recreational Economic Development Authority Established.

CH0529  SB0806  Sens Zucker and Feldman.  Business Regulation – Licensed Home Improvement Contractors – Liability Insurance.

CH0530  HB0738  Del Wims, et al.  Business Regulation Licensed Home Improvement Contractors Liability Insurance.

CH0531  HB0991 (Enrolled)  Del Love, et al.  Agriculture Food Processing Residuals Utilization Permit Establishment.

CH0532  SB1074 (Enrolled)  Sen Ready, et al.  Agriculture Food Processing Residuals Utilization Permit Establishment.

CH0533  SB0126 (Amended)  Sens Augustine and Feldman.  Transportation WMATA Operating Assistance Alteration (Maryland Metro Funding Act of 2024).

CH0534  HB0198 (Amended)  Dels Korman and J. Lewis.  Transportation WMATA Operating Assistance Alteration (Maryland Metro Funding Act of 2024).

CH0535  HB1101 (Enrolled)  Del Love, et al.  Standing Environmental and Natural Resources Protection Proceedings (Clean Water Justice Act of 2024).

CH0536  SB0653 (Amended)  Sen Augustine, et al.  Standing Environmental and Natural Resources Protection Proceedings (Clean Water Justice Act of 2024).

CH0537  SB0001 (Enrolled)  Sen Augustine.  Electricity and Gas Retail Supply Regulation and Consumer Protection.

CH0538  SB0659 (Amended)  Sen Augustine.  Prince George’s Gateway Development Authority Modifications.

CH0539  HB0864 (Enrolled)  Dels Crosby and Qi.  Energy Efficiency and Conservation Plans.

CH0540  HB1393 (Enrolled)  Del Crosby.  Electric System Planning Scope and Funding.

CH0541  HB0481  Del Hutchinson, et al.  Natural Resources Antlerless Deer Hunting Programs Authorization.

CH0542  SB0367  Sen Mautz.  Natural Resources Antlerless Deer Hunting Programs Authorization.

CH0543  HB1231 (Amended)  Del Adams, et al.  Natural Resources Fisheries Oyster Management.

CH0544  SB0922 (Amended)  Sens Mautz and Bailey.  Natural Resources – Fisheries – Oyster Management.

CH0545  HB1512  Dels Adams and Hutchinson.  Bay Restoration Fund Use of Funds Municipal Wastewater Facilities Sunset Repeal.

CH0546  HB0256 (Amended)  Del D. Jones, et al.  Waterway Incident Notification System (WINS) Study.

CH0547  SB0166 (Enrolled)  Sen Bailey.  Waterway Incident Notification System (WINS) Study.

CH0548  HB0973 (Amended)  Del Valentine, et al.  Public Safety Law Enforcement Agencies Positive Community Feedback.

CH0549  SB0007 (Enrolled)  Sen Bailey.  Public Safety Law Enforcement Agencies Positive Community Feedback.

CH0550  HB0857  Del D. Jones.  Shellfish Aquaculture Harvest Hours.

CH0551  SB0879  Sen Klausmeier, et al.  Shellfish Aquaculture Harvest Hours.

CH0552  SB0178 (Amended)  Sen Klausmeier.  Agriculture – Pollinator Habitat Plan – Requirements for State Highway Administration.

CH0553  HB0022 (Amended)  Del Ruth, et al.  Agriculture Pollinator Habitat Plan Requirements for State Highway Administration.

CH0554  HB0062  Del Simpson.  State Employee Rights and Protections Personnel Actions and Harassment Investigation of Complaints.

CH0555  SB0133 (Enrolled)  Sen Klausmeier.  State Employee Rights and Protections Personnel Actions and Harassment Investigation of Complaints.

CH0556  HB1153 (Enrolled)  Del Love, et al.  Environment – Water Pollution Control – Protecting State Waters From PFAS Pollution (Protecting State Waters From PFAS Pollution Act).

CH0557  SB0956 (Enrolled)  Sen Hester.  Environment Water Pollution Control Protecting State Waters From PFAS Pollution (Protecting State Waters From PFAS Pollution Act).

CH0558  HB1165 (Enrolled)  Del Love, et al.  Watershed, Stream, and Floodplain Restoration Chesapeake and Atlantic Coastal Bays Restoration and Stream and Floodplain Restoration Funding (Whole Watershed Act).

CH0559  SB0969 (Enrolled)  Sen Elfreth, et al.  Watershed, Stream, and Floodplain Restoration Chesapeake and Atlantic Coastal Bays Restoration and Stream and Floodplain Restoration Funding (Whole Watershed Act).

CH0560  SB0674 (Amended)  Sen Elfreth, et al.  Abandoned or Sunken Vessels and Waterway Improvement Fund Grants.

CH0561  SB0835 (Enrolled)  Sen Hester.  Environment Delegated Authorities Well and Septic Program Permits.

CH0562  HB0992  Del Stein.  Environment Delegated Authorities Well and Septic Program Permits.

CH0563  SB0570 (Amended)  Sen Hester.  Public Utilities Thermal Energy Network Systems Authorization and Establishment (Working for Accessible Renewable Maryland Thermal Heat (WARMTH) Act).

CH0564  HB0397 (Enrolled)  Del Charkoudian.  Public Utilities – Thermal Energy Network Systems – Authorization and Establishment (Working for Accessible Renewable Maryland Thermal Heat (WARMTH) Act).

CH0565  HB0710  Del Rogers, et al.  Business Regulation – Household Goods Movers – Special Fund and Fees.

CH0566  SB0559  Sen Beidle.  Business Regulation Household Goods Movers Special Fund and Fees.

CH0567  HB0457 (Enrolled)  Del Lehman, et al.  Environment Synthetic Turf Disclosure and Study.

CH0568  HB0420 (Amended)  Del Lehman, et al.  State and Local Parks Play Area Accessibility Recreation Communication Boards Pilot Program.

CH0569  HB0601 (Enrolled)  Del Lehman, et al.  Street Racing and Exhibition Driving – Prohibited Acts, Enforcement, and Penalties.

CH0570  SB0442 (Enrolled)  Sen Beidle, et al.  Street Racing and Exhibition Driving Prohibited Acts, Enforcement, and Penalties.

CH0571  SB0207 (Amended)  Sens Bailey and Jennings.  Natural Resources Northern Snakehead Common Name.

CH0572  HB0019 (Amended)  Del T. Morgan, et al.  Natural Resources Northern Snakehead Common Name.

CH0573  SB0032 (Amended)  Sens Bailey and Klausmeier.  Economic Development Maryland Agricultural and ResourceBased Industry Development Corporation Loans.

CH0574  HB0120 (Enrolled)  Del T. Morgan, et al.  Economic Development Maryland Agricultural and ResourceBased Industry Development Corporation Loans.

CH0575  SB0589 (Enrolled)  Sen Bailey, et al.  TriCounty Council for Southern Maryland Southern Maryland Agricultural Development Commission Funding.

CH0576  HB0812 (Amended)  Del J. Long, et al.  Tri–County Council for Southern Maryland – Southern Maryland Agricultural Development Commission – Funding.

CH0577  HB0737 (Amended)  Del J. Long, et al.  Vehicle Laws Slow Moving Vehicles RightHand Lane.

CH0578  SB0194 (Amended)  Sens Hayes and M. Washington.  State Procurement Preferred Provider Requirements Waiver.

CH0579  SB0417 (Amended)  Sen Hayes.  Election Administration State Administrator, Local Boards, and Election Directors.

CH0580  HB0877 (Amended)  Del Phillips, et al.  Board of Public Works Transparency Data Dashboard.

CH0581  SB0703 (Amended)  Sens Hayes and Charles.  Board of Public Works Transparency Data Dashboard.

CH0582  SB0673 (Amended)  Sen Charles.  State Procurement Small Business Reserve Program Goals and Outreach Program.

CH0583  HB0962 (Amended)  Del Phillips, et al.  State Procurement Small Business Reserve Program Goals and Outreach Program.

CH0584  SB1014 (Enrolled)  Sen Charles.  State Procurement Procurement Forecast and Outreach.

CH0585  SB0672  Sen Charles.  Vehicle Laws Automated Enforcement Citations and Notices Mailing Addresses.

CH0586  HB0552  Del Boyce.  Vehicle Laws Automated Enforcement Citations and Notices Mailing Addresses.

CH0587  HB0001  Del Boyce, et al.  Maryland Paint Stewardship.

CH0588  SB0325  Sens Brooks and West.  Maryland Paint Stewardship.

CH0589  SB0915 (Enrolled)  Sen Brooks.  Agriculture – Invasive Plant Species – Regulation (Biodiversity and Agriculture Protection Act).

CH0590  HB0979 (Amended)  Del Foley, et al.  Agriculture Invasive Plant Species Regulation (Biodiversity and Agriculture Protection Act).

CH0591  SB0508 (Amended)  Sens Bailey and Hester.  Hunting Nonresident Sika Deer Stamp Fee Alteration.

CH0592  HB0497 (Amended)  Del Hornberger, et al.  Hunting Nonresident Sika Deer Stamp Fee Alteration.

CH0593  HB0562  Dels Hornberger and D. Jones.  Special Chesapeake Bay and Coastal Sport Fishing License Nonresidents License Fee.

CH0594  SB0507 (Amended)  Sens Bailey and Hester.  Special Chesapeake Bay and Coastal Sport Fishing License Nonresidents License Fee.

CH0595  SB0783 (Enrolled)  Sen Elfreth, et al.  Public Utilities Solar Energy Systems and Programs, Maryland Strategic Energy Investment Fund, and Prevailing Wage (Brighter Tomorrow Act).

CH0596  SB0547 (Enrolled)  Sen Elfreth, et al.  Wildlife Traveling Animal Acts Prohibition.

CH0597  HB0379 (Enrolled)  Del Love, et al.  Wildlife Traveling Animal Acts Prohibition.

CH0598  SB0368  Sens Waldstreicher and Gile.  State Retirement and Pension System Military Service Credit Eligibility.

CH0599  SB1028 (Amended)  Sen Waldstreicher.  Human Remains Alkaline Hydrolysis and Natural Organic Reduction (Green Death Care Options Act).

CH0600  HB1168 (Amended)  Del Kaiser, et al.  Human Remains Alkaline Hydrolysis and Natural Organic Reduction (Green Death Care Options Act).

CH0601  SB0149  Sen Waldstreicher.  Vehicle Towing or Removal – Insurer of Record – Electronic Notification.

CH0602  HB0176  Del Foley.  Vehicle Towing or Removal Insurer of Record Electronic Notification.

CH0603  SB0345 (Enrolled)  Sen Waldstreicher.  Transportation Vision Zero Implementation.

CH0604  SB0544  Sens Waldstreicher and West.  Corporations and Associations Ratification of Defective Corporate Acts Alterations.

CH0605  HB0888  Del Amprey.  Corporations and Associations Ratification of Defective Corporate Acts Alterations.

CH0606  SB0344  Sen Waldstreicher.  Criminal and Civil Trespass Professional Land Surveyors Exception.

CH0607  HB0382  Del Schmidt, et al.  Criminal and Civil Trespass Professional Land Surveyors Exception.

CH0608  HB0749  Del Amprey.  Corporations and Associations – Definitions, Emergencies, and Outstanding Stock – Revisions.

CH0609  SB0400  Sens West and Waldstreicher.  Corporations and Associations – Definitions, Emergencies, and Outstanding Stock – Revisions.

CH0610  SB0793 (Amended)  Sen West.  Maryland Tort Claims Act Sheriffs and Deputy Sheriffs County Responsibility.

CH0611  HB0895  Del Embry.  Maryland Tort Claims Act Sheriffs and Deputy Sheriffs County Responsibility.

CH0612  HB0780 (Amended)  Del Embry, et al.  Competitive Sealed Proposals Security Contracts.

CH0613  HB1451 (Enrolled)  Del Embry.  Arts Incubator Workgroup Established.

CH0614  SB0764 (Amended)  Sens Hayes and Kagan.  Arts Incubator Workgroup Established.

CH0615  SB0804 (Amended)  Sen Brooks.  Northwest Baltimore County Sports Tourism Facility – Feasibility Study.

CH0616  HB0741 (Amended)  Baltimore County Delegation.  Northwest Baltimore County Sports Tourism Facility Feasibility Study.

CH0617  HB0261 (Amended)  Del Palakovich Carr, et al.  Unemployment Insurance Benefits Election Judges.

CH0618  HB0262  Del Palakovich Carr.  Consumer Protection Consumer Reporting Agencies Information in Consumer Credit Reports.

CH0619  SB0041  Sen Lam.  Consumer Protection Consumer Reporting Agencies Information in Consumer Credit Reports.

CH0620  HB0345 (Amended)  Del Palakovich Carr, et al.  Fish and Wildlife Endangered and Threatened Species Definitions, Petitions, and Regulations.

CH0621  SB0916 (Amended)  Sen Brooks.  Fish and Wildlife Endangered and Threatened Species Definitions, Petitions, and Regulations.

CH0622  HB0685 (Amended)  Dels Harris and Chang.  Economic Development Maryland Aerospace and Technology Commission.

CH0623  SB0516 (Enrolled)  Sen A. Washington.  Economic Development Maryland Aerospace and Technology Commission.

CH0624  HB0212 (Enrolled)  Del Palakovich Carr, et al.  Vehicle Laws Noise Abatement Monitoring Systems Pilot Program.

CH0625  SB0155 (Amended)  Sen A. Washington.  Vehicle Laws Noise Abatement Monitoring Systems Pilot Program.

CH0626  SB0634  Sen Klausmeier.  Maryland Technology Development Corporation Authority.

CH0627  HB0776  Del Feldmark.  Maryland Technology Development Corporation Authority.

CH0628  HB1192 (Enrolled)  Del Feldmark, et al.  Video Lottery Facility Operations Crimes of Moral Turpitude and Value of Table Game Chips Alterations.

CH0629  SB0633 (Amended)  Sen Klausmeier.  Maryland SelfService Storage Act Sale of Personal Property in Satisfaction of Liens Means of Advertising.

CH0630  SB1080 (Enrolled)  Sen McCray, et al.  State Personnel Maryland Department of Health Pay Rates.

CH0631  HB0983 (Enrolled)  Del Guzzone, et al.  State Personnel Maryland Department of Health Pay Rates.

CH0632  SB0587 (Amended)  Sen McCray.  Procurement Minority Business Participation Real Property Title Insurance Services Reporting.

CH0633  HB0753  Del Young.  Economic Development Maryland Technology Development Corporation Application and Reporting Requirements.

CH0634  SB0358  Sen McCray.  Economic Development Maryland Technology Development Corporation Application and Reporting Requirements.

CH0635  SB0896 (Enrolled)  Sen Carter (BCA).  Baltimore Convention and Tourism Redevelopment and Operating Authority Task Force.

CH0636  SB0730  Sen Carter.  Motor Vehicles Motorcycles Passenger Restrictions.

CH0637  HB0102  Del Miller.  Motor Vehicles Motorcycles Passenger Restrictions.

CH0638  HB0211 (Amended)  Del Taveras.  Business Regulation Contractors, Subcontractors, and Brokers Prohibited Conduct.

CH0639  SB0648 (Amended)  Sen Ellis.  Business Regulation Contractors, Subcontractors, and Brokers Prohibited Conduct.

CH0640  SB0135 (Enrolled)  Sens Ellis and McKay.  Workgroup to Study Funding for the Westernport Wastewater Treatment Facility Establishment.

CH0641  HB1116 (Enrolled)  Del Harrison.  Business Regulation Restaurants and Traders Licensing Requirements.

CH0642  HB0611  Del Harrison.  Electronic Transactions Protection Act Repeal.

CH0643  SB0534  Sen Jackson.  Electronic Transactions Protection Act Repeal.

CH0644  HB0680  Dels T. Morgan and J. Long.  Environment Nuclear Power Plants Emergency Preparedness (Radiation and Emergency Preparedness and Protection Act).

CH0645  SB0536  Sen Jackson.  Environment Nuclear Power Plants Emergency Preparedness (Radiation and Emergency Preparedness and Protection Act).

CH0646  HB1199 (Enrolled)  Del Edelson, et al.  Transportation MobilityLink Paratransit Service Improvements Study.

CH0647  SB0891 (Enrolled)  Sen McCray.  Transportation MobilityLink Paratransit Service Improvements Study.

CH0648  HB0332 (Amended)  Del Addison, et al.  OutofState Motor Vehicles Improper Registration Report.

CH0649  HB1507 (Amended)  Del Addison, et al.  Transportation Major Change in Bus Service Publication on Website.

CH0650  SB0070 (Enrolled)  Sen McCray.  Transportation Major Change in Bus Service Publication on Website.

CH0651  HB0038 (Amended)  Del Edelson.  Baltimore City Motor Vehicle OffStreet Parking Requirements Near Mass Transit Stations.

CH0652  HB0950  Del Edelson, et al.  Maryland Transit Administration Locally Operated Transit Systems Mandatory Funding.

CH0653  HB0850 (Enrolled)  Del Tomlinson, et al.  State Procurement Small Business Preference Procurement.

CH0654  SB0556 (Amended)  Sen Salling.  Procurement – Construction Contingency Fund.

CH0655  HB1503  Del Roberts.  Election Law Campaign Finance Activities State Treasurer.

CH0656  HB0981 (Amended)  Del Martinez, et al.  Principal Departments Individuals With Limited English Proficiency Access to Public Services.

CH0657  HB1013  Del Wolek, et al.  State Employees Paid Sick Leave Certificate of Illness or Disability Signed by a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor.

CH0658  HB1273 (Amended)  Del Pruski.  Vehicle Laws Manufacturers and Dealers Delivery of Vehicles.

CH0659  SB1003 (Amended)  Sen Folden.  Vehicle Laws Manufacturers and Dealers Delivery of Vehicles.

CH0660  HB1501  Chr Joint Audit and Evaluation Committee.  State Government Office of Legislative Audits Performance Audits.

CH0661  SB0150  Chr Joint Audit and Evaluation Committee.  State Government Office of Legislative Audits Performance Audits.

CH0662  HB0415 (Amended)  Del Forbes (Chr Jt Com on Pnsns).  State Retirement and Pension System Administration Clarification and Technical Correction.

CH0663  SB0320 (Amended)  Sen Jackson (Chr Jt Com on Pnsns).  State Retirement and Pension System Administration Clarification and Technical Correction.

CH0664  SB0489 (Amended)  Sen Jackson (Chr Jt Com on Pnsns).  State Retirement and Pension System Board of Trustees Responsibilities and Duties.

CH0665  HB0625 (Amended)  Del Forbes (Chr Jt Com on Pnsns).  State Retirement and Pension System Board of Trustees Responsibilities and Duties.

CH0666  HB0629  Del Forbes (Chr Jt Com on Pnsns).  State Retirement and Pension System Consumer Price Index Definition.

CH0667  SB0490  Sen Jackson (Chr Jt Com on Pnsns).  State Retirement and Pension System Consumer Price Index Definition.

CH0668  SB0491 (Enrolled)  Sen Jackson (Chr Jt Com on Pnsns).  State Retirement and Pension System Service Credit.

CH0669  HB0630 (Enrolled)  Del Forbes (Chr Jt Com on Pnsns).  State Retirement and Pension System Service Credit.

CH0670  HB0966 (Amended)  Del Forbes (Chr Jt Com on Pnsns).  Law Enforcement Officers’ Pension System Reemployment as Sheriff.

CH0671  SB0706 (Amended)  Sen Jackson (Chr Jt Com on Pnsns).  Law Enforcement Officers’ Pension System Reemployment as Sheriff.

CH0672  SB0880 (Amended)  Sen Jackson (Chr Jt Com on Pnsns).  State Retirement and Pension System Average Final Compensation Compensation Adjustments.

CH0673  HB1004 (Amended)  Del Forbes (Chr Jt Com on Pnsns).  State Retirement and Pension System Average Final Compensation Compensation Adjustments.

CH0674  HB0690  Charles County Delegation.  Charles County Adult Protective Services Review Board Membership.

CH0675  HB1321  Charles County Delegation.  Land Use Southern Maryland Code Counties Subdivision Regulations Property Dedication and Fee.

CH0676  HB0761 (Enrolled)  Montgomery County Delegation.  Montgomery County School Bus Stops MC 624.

CH0677  HB0306 (Enrolled)  Prince George’s County Delegation.  Prince George’s County Economic Development Workgroup on Independent Innovation in Prince George’s County Establishment PG 40224.

CH0678  HB0364 (Enrolled)  Prince George’s County Delegation.  Prince George’s County Stop Sign Monitoring Systems Authorization PG 30124.

CH0679  HB1024  PG Co Deleg and Mont Co Deleg.  Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission Connection Pipe Emergency Replacement Loan Program Expansion PG/MC 10124.

CH0680  HB0929  Washington County Delegation.  Agriculture – Nuisance Insects.

CH0681  SB0854  Washington County Senators.  Agriculture – Nuisance Insects.

CH0682  HB0766  Calvert County Delegation.  Calvert County Roadside Solicitation of Money or Donations Prohibition.

CH0683  HB0835  Calvert County Delegation.  Calvert County Procurement Local Preference.

CH0684  HB0796  Carroll County Delegation.  Carroll County Public Facilities Bond.

CH0685  HB0839 (Amended)  Carroll County Delegation.  Carroll County Contracts and Purchasing.

CH0686  SB0437 (Amended)  Carroll County Senators.  Carroll County Contracts and Purchasing.

CH0687  SB0530  Cecil County Senators.  Cecil County – Annual Financial Report – Filing Date.

CH0688  HB0594 (Amended)  Dorchester County Delegation.  Legal Advertisement or Legal Notice in Dorchester County Publication in Newspaper or Newspaper in General Circulation Digital Newspapers.

CH0689  HB0277  Del Kerr.  Frederick County Local Gaming and Authorization for Electronic Tip Jar Dispensers.

CH0690  SB0415  Sen Lewis Young.  Frederick County Local Gaming and Authorization for Electronic Tip Jar Dispensers.

CH0691  HB1017 (Amended)  Frederick County Delegation.  Boundary of the Frederick County Soil Conservation District Alteration.

CH0692  SB0558  Sen McKay.  Garrett County Procurement Bids and Contracts.

CH0693  HB0907  Del Hinebaugh.  Garrett County Procurement Bids and Contracts.

CH0694  HB1338  Howard County Delegation.  Howard County Agricultural Preservation Advisory Board Term Length Alteration Ho. Co. 1524.

CH0695  HB0989  PG Co Deleg and Mont Co Deleg.  Montgomery County – Subdivision Plats – Conditions PG/MC 111–24.

CH0696  HB1003  PG Co Deleg and Mont Co Deleg.  Montgomery County Clerk of the Circuit Court Plat Recordation PG/MC 11024.

CH0697  HB1023  PG Co Deleg and Mont Co Deleg.  Prince George’s County and Montgomery County The Washington Suburban Transit Commission Reform Act PG/MC 10324.

CH0698  HB0977  Del Otto.  Somerset County – Sale of Property – Revells Neck Road.

CH0699  SB0763  Sen Carozza.  Somerset County – Sale of Property – Revells Neck Road.

CH0700  HB0967  Dels Wivell and Valentine.  Town of Keedysville Parking of Vehicles Restrictions.

CH0701  HB0928  Washington County Delegation.  Washington County Procurement Vehicles.

CH0702  HB1021  Washington County Delegation.  Washington County Public Facilities Bonds.

CH0703  HB0576 (Enrolled)  The Spkr (Admin), et al.  Mental Health Assisted Outpatient Treatment Programs.

CH0704  SB0453 (Amended)  The Pres (Admin), et al.  Mental Health Assisted Outpatient Treatment Programs.

CH0705  HB0575 (Amended)  The Spkr (Admin), et al.  Criminal Procedure Victim Compensation Alterations (Victim Compensation Reform Act of 2024).

CH0706  HB0583 (Enrolled)  The Spkr (Admin), et al.  Center for Firearm Violence Prevention and Intervention Establishment.

CH0707  SB0475 (Enrolled)  The Pres (Admin), et al.  Center for Firearm Violence Prevention and Intervention Establishment.

CH0708  SB0470 (Amended)  The Pres (Admin), et al.  Growing Apprenticeships and the Public Safety Workforce (GAPS) Act.

CH0709  HB0597 (Amended)  The Spkr (Admin), et al.  Growing Apprenticeships and the Public Safety Workforce (GAPS) Act.

CH0710  HB0582 (Amended)  The Spkr (Admin), et al.  Economic Development Entrepreneurial Innovation Programs Establishment (Pava LaPere Legacy of Innovation Act of 2024).

CH0711  SB0473 (Amended)  The Pres (Admin), et al.  Economic Development Entrepreneurial Innovation Programs Establishment (Pava LaPere Legacy of Innovation Act of 2024).

CH0712  SB1098  Sen Smith.  Correctional Services Diminution Credits Sexual Offenses.

CH0713  HB0810 (Enrolled)  The Spkr.  Criminal Law RapidFire Activator Switch/AutoSear.

CH0714  HB0947 (Amended)  Del Phillips, et al.  Civil Actions Public Nuisances Firearm Industry Members (Gun Industry Accountability Act of 2024).

CH0715  HB0105 (Enrolled)  Del Atterbeary.  Drunk Driving Offenses Expungement and the Ignition Interlock System Program.

CH0716  SB0360 (Enrolled)  The Pres (Admin).  Budget Bill (Fiscal Year 2025).

CH0717  SB0362 (Enrolled)  The Pres (Admin).  Budget Reconciliation and Financing Act of 2024.

CH0718  HB1439 (Amended)  Del Shetty, et al.  Emergency Services Funding.

CH0719  SB1092 (Enrolled)  Sen Guzzone.  Emergency Services Funding.

CH0720  SB0361 (Enrolled)  The Pres (Admin).  Creation of a State Debt Maryland Consolidated Capital Bond Loan of 2024, and the Maryland Consolidated Capital Bond Loans of 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023.

CH0721  SB1120  Chr B&T (Dept).  University System of Maryland – Academic Facilities Bonding Authority.

CH0722  SB0966 (Enrolled)  Sens Zucker and McCray.  Prior Authorizations of State Debt Alterations.

CH0723  HB0453  The Spkr (Office of the Comptroller).  Income Tax – Technical Corrections.

CH0724  SB0678  The Pres (Office of the Comptroller).  Income Tax Technical Corrections.

CH0725  HB0845 (Amended)  The Spkr (Office of the Comptroller).  Income Tax Individual Income Tax Credit Eligibility Awareness Campaign.

CH0726  SB1105 (Amended)  The Pres (Office of the Comptroller).  Income Tax Individual Income Tax Credit Eligibility Awareness Campaign.

CH0727  HB0451 (Amended)  The Spkr (Office of the Comptroller).  Tax Assistance for LowIncome Marylanders Funding.

CH0728  HB0454 (Amended)  The Spkr (Office of the Comptroller).  Disclosure of Tax Information Tax Compliance Activity and Binding Data Use Agreements.

CH0729  HB0455 (Amended)  The Spkr (Office of the Comptroller).  Comptroller Electronic Tax and Fee Return Filing Requirements.

CH0730  SB0677 (Amended)  The Pres (Office of the Comptroller).  Comptroller Electronic Tax and Fee Return Filing Requirements.

CH0731  HB0452 (Amended)  The Spkr (Office of the Comptroller).  Individual Tax Preparers Code of Ethics, Notification of Actions, Enforcement, and Penalties (Stop Scam Tax Preparers Act).

CH0732  SB0675 (Amended)  The Pres (Office of the Comptroller).  Individual Tax Preparers Code of Ethics, Notification of Actions, Enforcement, and Penalties (Stop Scam Tax Preparers Act).

CH0733  HB0204 (Amended)  Del Attar, et al.  Education – Coaches – Mental Health Training.

CH0734  SB0165 (Amended)  Sen Hettleman, et al.  Education – Coaches – Mental Health Training.

CH0735  HB0814 (Enrolled)  The Spkr and Del Clippinger.  Juvenile Law Reform.

CH0736  SB0652 (Amended)  Sen McCray.  Department of Juvenile Services – Report on Shootings (Department of Juvenile Services Transparency Act of 2024).

CH0737  HB0172 (Amended)  Chr JUD (Dept).  Department of State Police Professional Occupations Application Process.

CH0738  SB0287 (Amended)  Chr JPR (Dept).  Department of State Police Professional Occupations Application Process.

CH0739  HB0195 (Amended)  Del Guyton, et al.  Public Safety Missing Persons Purple Alert Program.

CH0740  HB0647 (Amended)  Del Guyton.  Property and Casualty Insurance – Pet Insurance – Regulation.

CH0741  HB0315 (Amended)  Del Bartlett.  Regulated Firearms Maryland Judiciary Reporting Requirements.

CH0742  SB0319 (Amended)  Sen West.  Regulated Firearms Maryland Judiciary Reporting Requirements.

CH0743  HB0404 (Enrolled)  Del Woods, et al.  Public Safety Wellness Checks Requirements (Gabriel’s Law).

CH0744  HB0823 (Amended)  Del Charkoudian, et al.  Fire Protection and Prevention Residential Rental Property Requirements (Melanie Nicholle Diaz Fire Safety Act).

CH0745  SB0697 (Amended)  Sen Gile, et al.  Maryland National Guard Tricare Premium Reimbursement Program Alterations.

CH0746  HB1065 (Amended)  Del Clippinger.  Public Safety Maryland Entertainment District Security Grant Program.

CH0747  SB0774 (Amended)  Sen Ferguson, et al.  Public Safety Maryland Entertainment District Security Grant Program.

CH0748  HB1229 (Amended)  Del A. Jones, et al.  Public Health Kratom Consumer Protection Act.

CH0749  HB1076 (Enrolled)  Del Roberts, et al.  Education Blind and Visually Impaired Students Textbook Equity.

CH0750  SB1091 (Enrolled)  Sen Watson, et al.  Education – Blind and Visually Impaired Students – Textbook Equity.

CH0751  SB0943 (Enrolled)  Sens Kelly and Lam.  Vehicle Laws Bus Lane Obstruction Monitoring Systems Expansion and Workgroup (Better Bus Service Act of 2024).

CH0752  HB0119 (Enrolled)  Chr HGO (Dept).  Public Health Giving Infants a Future Without Transmission (GIFT) Act.

CH0753  HB0127 (Amended)  Chr HGO (Dept).  Public Health Nonoccupational Postexposure Prophylaxis (nPEP) Standing Order Program Establishment.

CH0754  HB0238 (Enrolled)  Chr ECM (Dept).  Public Health Clean Indoor Air Act Revisions.

CH0755  SB0244 (Amended)  Chr FIN (Dept).  Public Health Clean Indoor Air Act Revisions.

CH0756  SB0688  Sen Smith (Md Jud Conf).  Prince George’s County Judgeships Circuit Courts.

CH0757  HB0592  Del Clippinger, et al.  Prince George’s County Judgeships Circuit Courts.

CH0758  HB0115 (Amended)  Del Kaufman, et al.  Criminal Procedure Victims’ Rights Notification of Release From Confinement (Jaycee Webster Victims’ Rights Act).

CH0759  HB0801 (Amended)  Del Kaufman, et al.  Criminal Procedure Committed Persons Release Proceedings.

CH0760  SB0551 (Amended)  Sen Sydnor.  Criminal Procedure Committed Persons Release Proceedings.

CH0761  HB0496 (Enrolled)  Del Shetty, et al.  Criminal Law Sexual Crimes Definition of Consent and Repeal of Force.

CH0762  SB0687  Sen Smith (Md Jud Conf).  Criminal Procedure Bail Bonds Seventh Judicial Circuit.

CH0763  SB1095 (Amended)  Sens Smith and Elfreth.  Workgroup on Home Detention Monitoring.

CH0764  SB1099 (Enrolled)  Sen Smith, et al.  Emergency Services Automated External Defibrillator and Naloxone CoLocation Initiative Requirements for Public Buildings.

CH0765  HB0042 (Enrolled)  Chr HGO (Dept).  Public Health Public Health Services and Protections Revisions.

CH0766  SB0220 (Enrolled)  Chr FIN (Dept).  Public Health – Public Health Services and Protections – Revisions.

CH0767  SB0439 (Amended)  Sen Elfreth, et al.  Family Law Victims of Domestic Violence Program Certification and Grant Fund.

CH0768  SB0975 (Enrolled)  Sen Elfreth, et al.  Maryland Department of Health Reproductive Health Care Clinic Security Grant Program Establishment (Supporting Reproductive Health Care Clinics Act).

CH0769  SB0440 (Enrolled)  Sen Elfreth, et al.  Income Tax Credit Venison Donation.

CH0770  HB0447 (Amended)  Del Ziegler, et al.  Income Tax Credit Venison Donation.

CH0771  HB0054 (Enrolled)  Del Atterbeary.  Property Tax Transfer to Heir or Legatee Payment Plans.

CH0772  SB0391 (Amended)  Sen Kelly, et al.  Criminal Law Sexual Extortion, Stalking, and Revenge Porn Statute of Limitations and In Banc Review.

CH0773  HB0544 (Amended)  Del Atterbeary, et al.  Criminal Law Sexual Extortion, Stalking, and Revenge Porn Statute of Limitations and In Banc Review.

CH0774  HB0808 (Amended)  Del Atterbeary.  Alcoholic Beverages – Retail Delivery – Local Delivery Service Permit.

CH0775  SB0456 (Enrolled)  Sen A. Washington.  Alcoholic Beverages – Retail Delivery – Local Delivery Service Permit.

CH0776  SB0191 (Enrolled)  Sen A. Washington.  Prince George’s County Public School Employees Property Tax Credit and Office of Integrity and Compliance PG 50324.

CH0777  HB0986 (Amended)  Del R. Lewis.  Maryland Medical Assistance Program Coverage for the Treatment of Obesity Required Study.

CH0778  SB0594 (Enrolled)  Sen Hershey.  Maryland Medical Assistance Program Coverage for the Treatment of Obesity Required Study.

CH0779  HB0149 (Amended)  Del Pippy, et al.  Medical Records Destruction Notice and Retrieval.

CH0780  HB0933 (Amended)  Del Feldmark, et al.  Behavioral Health Crisis Response Services 988 Trust Fund Fees.

CH0781  SB0974 (Amended)  Sen Guzzone.  Behavioral Health Crisis Response Services 988 Trust Fund Fees.

CH0782  SB0578 (Amended)  Sen Guzzone, et al.  Professional and Volunteer Firefighter Innovative Cancer Screening Technologies Program Funding.

CH0783  HB1472  Del D. Jones, et al.  Professional and Volunteer Firefighter Innovative Cancer Screening Technologies Program Funding.

CH0784  HB0490 (Amended)  Del D. Jones, et al.  Income Tax Subtraction Modification for Donations to Diaper Banks and Other Charitable Entities Sunset Extension.

CH0785  HB0874 (Enrolled)  Del PenaMelnyk, et al.  State Board of LongTerm Care Administrators Requirements for Assisted Living Managers.

CH0786  SB0613 (Enrolled)  Sen Beidle.  State Board of LongTerm Care Administrators Requirements for Assisted Living Managers.

CH0787  HB1333 (Amended)  Del PenaMelnyk, et al.  Public Health Maryland Commission on Health Equity and Commission on Public Health Revisions.

CH0788  HB1497 (Amended)  Del PenaMelnyk, et al.  State Board of Massage Therapy Examiners Scope of Practice, Reinstatements, and Examinations by Health Care Providers.

CH0789  HB1498  Del PenaMelnyk.  State Board of Massage Therapy Examiners Aiding or Abetting Unauthorized Practice Prohibition.

CH0790  SB0973 (Enrolled)  Sen Guzzone.  Hospitals Private Hospital Grant Program Funding.

CH0791  SB0580 (Amended)  Sen Guzzone, et al.  Sales and Use Tax Nonprofit Organizations Maintaining Memorials Exemption.

CH0792  HB0548 (Amended)  Del Guzzone, et al.  Task Force on Responsible Use of Natural Psychedelic Substances.

CH0793  SB1009 (Amended)  Sen Feldman.  Task Force on Responsible Use of Natural Psychedelic Substances.

CH0794  SB0694  Sen Feldman.  Maryland Department of Health – Health Commissions and Maryland Insurance Administration – Study.

CH0795  HB0887  Del PenaMelnyk, et al.  Maryland Department of Health Health Commissions and Maryland Insurance Administration Study.

CH0796  HB0827 (Amended)  Del Qi, et al.  Maryland Insurance Administration – Professional Employer Organizations – Study.

CH0797  SB0821 (Amended)  Sen Feldman.  Maryland Insurance Administration Professional Employer Organizations Study.

CH0798  SB1059 (Amended)  Sen Ellis.  Maternal Health – Assessments, Referrals, and Reporting (Maryland Maternal Health Act of 2024).

CH0799  HB1051 (Amended)  Del White Holland, et al.  Maternal Health – Assessments, Referrals, and Reporting (Maryland Maternal Health Act of 2024).

CH0800  HB1092 (Amended)  Del White Holland, et al.  911 Trust Fund Purposes Training in Telecommunications Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation.

CH0801  SB0649 (Amended)  Sen Kagan.  911 Trust Fund Purposes Training in Telecommunications Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation.

CH0802  HB1009 (Amended)  Del Chang.  Public Health – Federally Qualified Health Centers Grant Program – Recovery of Funding.

CH0803  SB0881 (Amended)  Sen Zucker.  Public Health – Federally Qualified Health Centers Grant Program – Recovery of Funding.

CH0804  SB1142 (Enrolled)  Sens Zucker and Guzzone.  Tax Assistance for LowIncome Marylanders Funding.

CH0805  SB0615 (Amended)  Sen Simonaire, et al.  General Provisions Commemorative Days Maryland Veterans Suicide Prevention Day.

CH0806  SB0020 (Amended)  Sen Simonaire.  Environment Cox Creek Citizens Oversight Committee Alterations.

CH0807  HB0343 (Enrolled)  Del Munoz.  Environment Dredged Material Containment, Redeposit, and Oversight.

CH0808  SB0182 (Enrolled)  Sen Sydnor.  Criminal Procedure Facial Recognition Technology Requirements, Procedures, and Prohibitions.

CH0809  HB0338 (Enrolled)  Del Moon, et al.  Criminal Procedure – Facial Recognition Technology – Requirements, Procedures, and Prohibitions.

CH0810  SB0522  Sen Augustine.  Charter Counties Enforcement of Local Laws.

CH0811  HB0501  Del Fennell, et al.  Charter Counties Enforcement of Local Laws.

CH0812  SB0938 (Amended)  Sens Augustine and A. Washington.  Maryland Department of Health Public Education Campaign on Prostate, Lung, and Breast Cancer Prevention.

CH0813  HB1293 (Amended)  Del Woods, et al.  Maryland Department of Health Public Education Campaign on Prostate, Lung, and Breast Cancer Prevention.

CH0814  HB0381 (Amended)  Del Hill, et al.  State Board of Examiners in Optometry Criminal History Records Checks.

CH0815  SB0175 (Amended)  Sen Augustine.  State Board of Examiners in Optometry Criminal History Records Checks.

CH0816  SB1000 (Amended)  Sen Beidle.  Maryland Health Care Commission Nursing Homes Acquisitions.

CH0817  HB1122 (Enrolled)  Del Kerr, et al.  Maryland Health Care Commission – Nursing Homes – Acquisitions.

CH0818  HB1125 (Amended)  Del Kerr, et al.  Certified Nursing Assistants Licensing Requirements and Administrative Updates.

CH0819  SB0999 (Amended)  Sen Beidle.  Certified Nursing Assistants Licensing Requirements and Administrative Updates.

CH0820  HB0292 (Amended)  Del Kerr, et al.  State Procurement Maryland State Board of Contract Appeals Attorney’s Fees.

CH0821  SB0667 (Amended)  Sen Charles.  State Procurement Maryland State Board of Contract Appeals Attorney’s Fees.

CH0822  HB0865 (Amended)  Del Martinez, et al.  Maryland Medical Assistance Program and Health Insurance Coverage for Prostheses (So Every Body Can Move Act).

CH0823  SB0614 (Amended)  Sen Beidle, et al.  Maryland Medical Assistance Program and Health Insurance Coverage for Prostheses (So Every Body Can Move Act).

CH0824  SB1001 (Amended)  Sen Beidle.  Alcoholic Beverages Class 4 Limited Winery License Requirements and Authorizations.

CH0825  HB1083 (Amended)  Del Pruski.  Alcoholic Beverages Class 4 Limited Winery License Requirements and Authorizations.

CH0826  HB0036 (Enrolled)  Chr ECM (Dept).  Insurance Protections After Loss or Damage to Property.

CH0827  HB0090 (Amended)  Chr ECM (Dept).  Insurance Hearing Representation.

CH0828  SB0230 (Enrolled)  Chr FIN (Dept).  Insurance Hearing Representation.

CH0829  HB0969 (Amended)  Del Bartlett, et al.  Death Certificates Cause or Manner of Death Determinations Requirements After Change or Correction (Katherine Morris Death Reclassification Act).

CH0830  HB0476 (Amended)  Del Bartlett, et al.  Criminal Procedure Forensic Genetic Genealogical DNA Analysis and Search Applicability for Deceased and Missing Individuals.

CH0831  SB0549 (Amended)  Sen Sydnor.  Criminal Procedure Forensic Genetic Genealogical DNA Analysis and Search Applicability for Deceased and Missing Individuals.

CH0832  HB1127 (Amended)  Del Bartlett, et al.  Sexual Assault Forensic Examinations Conducted Through Telehealth Reimbursement and Study.

CH0833  SB0950 (Amended)  Sen Hettleman.  Sexual Assault Forensic Examinations Conducted Through Telehealth Reimbursement and Study.

CH0834  SB0113 (Amended)  Sen Kelly, et al.  Criminal Law Sexual Solicitation of a Minor Through Child Pornography Prohibition.

CH0835  HB0099  Del Bartlett.  Criminal Law – Sexual Solicitation of a Minor Through Child Pornography – Prohibition.

CH0836  SB0134 (Enrolled)  Sen Hettleman, et al.  Office of the Correctional Ombudsman Establishment and Funding.

CH0837  SB0144  Sens Hettleman and Gile.  Medical Records Fees Attorneys Representing Patients.

CH0838  HB0153 (Enrolled)  Del Rosenberg, et al.  Medical Records Fees Attorneys Representing Patients.

CH0839  SB0952 (Enrolled)  Sen Hettleman.  Assisted Living Programs Assisted Living Referrers Requirements and Prohibitions.

CH0840  HB0353 (Enrolled)  Del Cullison, et al.  Maryland Department of Health 211 Maryland Oversight.

CH0841  SB0705 (Amended)  Sens Hayes and Lam.  Health Insurance Qualified Resident Enrollment Program (Access to Care Act).

CH0842  HB0728 (Amended)  Del Cullison, et al.  Health Insurance Qualified Resident Enrollment Program (Access to Care Act).

CH0843  HB0959 (Amended)  Del Bhandari, et al.  Health Occupations Certified Dialysis Technicians Continuing Education Requirement.

CH0844  HB1143 (Enrolled)  Del Bhandari, et al.  Emergency Medical Services Maryland Emergency Department Wait Time Reduction Commission Establishment.

CH0845  SB0790 (Enrolled)  Sens Klausmeier and Ellis.  Maryland Medical Assistance Program Employed Individuals With Disabilities.

CH0846  HB0822 (Amended)  Del Cullison, et al.  Maryland Medical Assistance Program Employed Individuals With Disabilities.

CH0847  HB0932 (Enrolled)  Del Cullison, et al.  Health Insurance Utilization Review Revisions.

CH0848  SB0791 (Enrolled)  Sen Klausmeier.  Health Insurance Utilization Review Revisions.

CH0849  SB0408 (Amended)  Sen Klausmeier.  Maryland Department of Health Reports on Standing Orders and Opioid Overdose Reversal Drugs.

CH0850  HB0411 (Amended)  Del Kipke, et al.  Maryland Department of Health Reports on Standing Orders and Opioid Overdose Reversal Drugs.

CH0851  SB0751 (Amended)  Sen Klausmeier.  Public Health – Opioid Restitution Advisory Council and Fund – Revisions.

CH0852  HB0980 (Amended)  Del Rosenberg, et al.  Public Health Opioid Restitution Advisory Council and Fund Revisions.

CH0853  HB1134  Dels Bagnall and Lopez.  Hospitals and Related Institutions – Residential Treatment Centers – Accreditation.

CH0854  SB0403  Sen Klausmeier.  Hospitals and Related Institutions Residential Treatment Centers Accreditation.

CH0855  HB1053 (Amended)  Del Kaiser, et al.  State Board of Nursing Executive Director Qualifications.

CH0856  HB0016 (Enrolled)  Del Kaiser.  Tax Sales Homeowner Protection Program Funding.

CH0857  HB1482 (Enrolled)  Del FraserHidalgo.  Uninsured Driving Penalties Funding for the Maryland Automobile Insurance Fund, Driver Education, and Transportation to Field Trips.

CH0858  HB0005  Del Crosby.  Criminal Law Indecent Exposure Within the Presence of a Minor.

CH0859  SB0130 (Amended)  Sen Bailey, et al.  Criminal Law Indecent Exposure Within the Presence of a Minor.

CH0860  SB0712 (Amended)  Sen Bailey.  StateOwned Nursing Homes Deficiencies, Citations, and Fines Reporting Requirements.

CH0861  HB0938 (Amended)  Del Crosby, et al.  State–Owned Nursing Homes – Deficiencies, Citations, and Fines – Reporting Requirements.

CH0862  SB0429 (Enrolled)  Sen Bailey.  Corporations and Associations Protestant Episcopal Church, Diocese of Washington.

CH0863  SB0119  Sen Lam, et al.  Legally Protected Health Care GenderAffirming Treatment.

CH0864  SB0371 (Amended)  Sen Lam.  Maryland Medical Assistance Program Personal Care Aides Wage Reports.

CH0865  HB0189 (Enrolled)  Del R. Lewis, et al.  Maryland Medical Assistance Program Personal Care Aides Wage Reports.

CH0866  SB0718 (Enrolled)  Sens Lam and McKay.  Maryland Pathway to Nursing Pilot Program and Advisory Committee Establishment.

CH0867  SB0991 (Enrolled)  Sen Lam.  Behavioral Health Language Assistance Services Pilot Program.

CH0868  HB1259 (Amended)  Del Alston, et al.  Health Insurance Breast and Lung Cancer Screening Coverage Requirements.

CH0869  HB0759  Del Alston.  Advanced Practice Registered Nurses Professional Liability Insurance Coverage Notification Requirements.

CH0870  SB0996  Sen Klausmeier.  Advanced Practice Registered Nurses Professional Liability Insurance Coverage Notification Requirements.

CH0871  SB0830 (Enrolled)  Sen Klausmeier.  State Board of Physicians Performance of XRay Duties Without a License.

CH0872  HB0934 (Enrolled)  Del Hutchinson, et al.  State Board of Physicians Performance of XRay Duties Without a License.

CH0873  SB0336 (Amended)  Sen Klausmeier.  Insurance Producer Licensing Requirements Education and Experience.

CH0874  HB0265 (Amended)  Del Qi.  Insurance Producer Licensing Requirements Education and Experience.

CH0875  HB1081 (Amended)  Del Phillips, et al.  Public Safety Automatic License Plate Readers Captured Plate Data Storage and Upload.

CH0876  SB0840 (Enrolled)  Sen Sydnor.  Public Safety Automatic License Plate Readers Captured Plate Data Storage and Upload.

CH0877  SB0111 (Enrolled)  Sen Sydnor.  Criminal Procedure Protection of Identity of Minor Victim.

CH0878  HB0458 (Amended)  Del Phillips, et al.  Criminal Procedure Protection of Identity of Minor Victim.

CH0879  SB0059 (Amended)  Sen Ellis, et al.  Hospitals Care of Infants After Discharge (Safe Sleep Act of 2024).

CH0880  HB0177 (Amended)  Del R. Lewis, et al.  Hospitals Care of Infants After Discharge (Safe Sleep Act of 2024).

CH0881  HB0039 (Enrolled)  Del R. Lewis.  Residential Service Agencies Reimbursement Personal Assistance Services (Homecare Worker Rights Act of 2024).

CH0882  SB0197 (Enrolled)  Sen Ellis.  Residential Service Agencies Reimbursement Personal Assistance Services (Homecare Worker Rights Act of 2024).

CH0883  SB0839  Sen Sydnor.  General Provisions Damages or Losses Definition.

CH0884  HB0832 (Enrolled)  Del Stewart.  General Provisions Damages or Losses Definition.

CH0885  HB1155 (Enrolled)  Del Stewart, et al.  Hospitals Opioid Overdose and OpioidRelated Emergency Medical Conditions Treatment.

CH0886  SB1071 (Enrolled)  Sen McKay.  Hospitals Opioid Overdose and OpioidRelated Emergency Medical Conditions Treatment.

CH0887  SB0187  Sen Sydnor.  Correctional Services Inmate Employment Agricultural Work.

CH0888  HB0094  Del Pasteur.  Correctional Services Inmate Employment Agricultural Work.

CH0889  HB1078  Del Woods, et al.  Maryland Medical Assistance Program Remote Ultrasound Procedures and Remote Fetal Nonstress Tests.

CH0890  HB1105  Del Woods, et al.  Advanced Practice Registered Nurses Certification Requirement and Exceptions.

CH0891  HB1337 (Amended)  Del Woods, et al.  Health Insurance Appeals and Grievances Process Reporting Requirements.

CH0892  SB0181 (Amended)  Sen McCray, et al.  Qualifying Nonprofit Organizations Training and Reentry Services Funding.

CH0893  SB0468 (Amended)  Sen McCray (BCA).  Criminal Law Private Home Detention Monitoring Notification.

CH0894  HB0186  Del Hartman.  Eastern Shore Code Counties Maximum Hotel Rental Tax Rate Alteration.

CH0895  HB0147 (Amended)  Del Hartman.  Tobacco Tax Stamp Refunds Loss Due to Theft.

CH0896  SB0072 (Amended)  Sens McCray and Lam.  Tobacco Tax Stamp Refunds Loss Due to Theft.

CH0897  HB0066  Del Charkoudian.  Property Tax Credits Public School Employees, Health and Safety Improvements, and Property Used for Local Housing Programs.

CH0898  HB0287 (Amended)  Del Charkoudian, et al.  Property Tax Renters’ Property Tax Relief Program Assets Calculation.

CH0899  SB0342 (Amended)  Sen McCray.  Property Tax Renters’ Property Tax Relief Program Assets Calculation.

CH0900  SB0402  Sen McKay.  Correctional Training Commission Membership Alterations.

CH0901  HB0786 (Amended)  Del Bagnall, et al.  Health Occupations – Limited License to Practice Dentistry – Services for Adults.

CH0902  SB0799 (Amended)  Sens McKay and Guzzone.  Health Occupations – Limited License to Practice Dentistry – Services for Adults.

CH0903  SB0600  Sen Kramer.  Maryland Medical Assistance Program Dental Services Coverage and Rate Study.

CH0904  HB0103  Del Bagnall.  Maryland Medical Assistance Program Dental Services Coverage and Rate Study.

CH0905  HB0499 (Amended)  Del Bagnall, et al.  Health Occupations Private Dental Offices Infection Control.

CH0906  SB0412  Sen Gile, et al.  Mental Health Law County Mental Health Advisory Committees Membership.

CH0907  HB0408  Del Bagnall, et al.  Mental Health Law County Mental Health Advisory Committees Membership.

CH0908  SB0822 (Amended)  Sen Kramer, et al.  Income Tax Subtraction Modification State Law Enforcement Officers.

CH0909  HB1476  Del Kerr.  State Board of Examiners for Audiologists, Hearing Aid Dispensers, SpeechLanguage Pathologists, and Music Therapists Appointment of Members.

CH0910  SB0714  Sens Kramer and Hershey.  State Board of Examiners for Audiologists, Hearing Aid Dispensers, SpeechLanguage Pathologists, and Music Therapists Appointment of Members.

CH0911  HB1162 (Enrolled)  Del Rogers, et al.  911 Specialist Recruitment and Retention Workgroup.

CH0912  SB1034 (Amended)  Sen Carozza, et al.  9–1–1 Specialist Recruitment and Retention Workgroup.

CH0913  SB0159 (Amended)  Sen Gile, et al.  Courts Military Records Recordation and Inspection.

CH0914  HB0125 (Amended)  Del Rogers, et al.  Courts – Military Records – Recordation and Inspection.

CH0915  HB0461  Del Martinez, et al.  Health State Advisory Council on Quality Care at the End of Life Renaming.

CH0916  SB0006 (Amended)  Sen Gile, et al.  Property Tax Credit for Dwelling House of Disabled Veterans Alterations.

CH0917  HB0063 (Enrolled)  Del Pruski.  Property Tax Credit for Dwelling House of Disabled Veterans Alterations.

CH0918  SB1041 (Enrolled)  Sens Gile and Folden.  Alcoholic Beverages Breweries, Wineries, and Distilleries Direct Delivery.

CH0919  SB0167 (Amended)  Sen Carozza.  Physician Assistants Revisions (Physician Assistant Modernization Act of 2024).

CH0920  HB0806 (Enrolled)  Del Kerr, et al.  Physician Assistants Revisions (Physician Assistant Modernization Act of 2024).

CH0921  HB1110  Dels Kerr and Simpson.  Maryland Intrastate Emergency Management Assistance Compact City of Frederick.

CH0922  HB0084 (Amended)  Del Kerr, et al.  Hospitals and Urgent Care Centers Sepsis Protocol (Lochlin’s Law).

CH0923  SB0332 (Amended)  Sens Lewis Young and Guzzone.  Hospitals and Urgent Care Centers Sepsis Protocol (Lochlin’s Law).

CH0924  HB0051 (Enrolled)  Del Rosenberg, et al.  Public Health Maryland Pediatric Cancer Fund and Commission.

CH0925  SB0013 (Enrolled)  Sen Jackson.  Public Health Maryland Pediatric Cancer Fund and Commission.

CH0926  SB0136 (Amended)  Sens Jackson and Muse.  Family Law Marriage Ceremony Designation of Deputy Clerk.

CH0927  HB0300  Del Toles, et al.  Family Law Marriage Ceremony Designation of Deputy Clerk.

CH0928  HB0531  Del Embry, et al.  Correctional Services – Parole Supervision Fees and Drug and Alcohol Abuse Test Payment – Repeal.

CH0929  SB0905 (Enrolled)  Sen Kelly, et al.  Public Safety – Extreme Risk Protective Orders – Review of Court Records.

CH0930  HB0755  Del Bhandari.  State Board of Social Work Examiners Board Membership and Certified Social Worker Licenses.

CH0931  SB0106  Sen Kelly.  State Board of Social Work Examiners Board Membership and Certified Social Worker Licenses.

CH0932  SB0944 (Enrolled)  Sen Kelly.  Nonprescription Drugs and Devices Provision by Registered Nurses and Sale of Contraceptives Through Automatic Devices.

CH0933  HB1171 (Enrolled)  Del Williams, et al.  Nonprescription Drugs and Devices – Provision by Registered Nurses and Sale of Contraceptives Through Automatic Devices.

CH0934  HB1063 (Amended)  Del Williams, et al.  Criminal Organizations Underlying Crime.

CH0935  SB0379 (Enrolled)  Sen West, et al.  Task Force to Study Crime Classification Renaming, Membership, and Duties.

CH0936  SB1036 (Amended)  Sen West.  Task Force on the Creation of a Division of Returning Citizens and Expanded Reentry Services Establishment.

CH0937  HB1037 (Enrolled)  Del Taylor, et al.  Task Force on the Creation of a Division of Returning Citizens and Expanded Reentry Services Establishment.

CH0938  HB1329  Del Attar.  Division of Parole and Probation – Private Home Detention Monitoring – Earned Compliance Credits.

CH0939  HB0763 (Enrolled)  Del Attar, et al.  Commission on Hate Crime Response and Prevention Membership.

CH0940  SB0011 (Enrolled)  Sen Carter.  Criminal Procedure Expungement Vendor Contracts.

CH0941  SB0452 (Amended)  Sen Carter.  Courts Prohibited Liability Agreements Recreational Facilities.

CH0942  SB0729 (Amended)  Sen Carter.  Business Occupations and Professions Security Guards Use of Force Reporting, Standards, and Certifications.

CH0943  SB0620 (Amended)  Sen Carter.  Resources and Education for All Prisons (REAP) Act.

CH0944  HB0092 (Enrolled)  Del Amprey.  Resources and Education for All Prisons (REAP) Act.

CH0945  HB0209 (Amended)  Del Amprey, et al.  Prison Education Delivery Reform Commission.

CH0946  SB0623 (Amended)  Sen Carter.  Prison Education Delivery Reform Commission.

CH0947  HB0732 (Enrolled)  Baltimore City Delegation.  Baltimore City – Control Over Powers of Police Commissioner.

CH0948  SB0894 (Amended)  Sen Carter.  Baltimore City Control Over Powers of Police Commissioner.

CH0949  SB0532 (Enrolled)  Sen Gallion.  Commission to Advance Lithium–Ion Battery Safety in Maryland.

CH0950  HB0468 (Enrolled)  Dels Love and Boyce.  Commission to Advance LithiumIon Battery Safety in Maryland.

CH0951  HB1339 (Amended)  Del Reilly, et al.  Health Insurance Hearing Aids for Adults Coverage.

CH0952  SB0778 (Amended)  Sen Gallion.  Health Insurance Hearing Aids for Adults Coverage.

CH0953  HB0097 (Enrolled)  Del Taveras, et al.  Baby Food Toxic Heavy Metals Testing and Labeling (Rudy’s Law).

CH0954  SB0723 (Enrolled)  Sen Benson.  Baby Food Toxic Heavy Metals Testing and Labeling (Rudy’s Law).

CH0955  SB0036 (Amended)  Sen Benson.  Correctional Services Investigation of Suspected Homicide Reporting.

CH0956  HB0565 (Amended)  Del Simmons, et al.  Correctional Services Investigation of Suspected Homicide Reporting.

CH0957  HB0557 (Amended)  Del Adams, et al.  Sales and Use Tax Exemption Aircraft Parts and Equipment Repeal of Reporting Requirement and Extension of Sunset.

CH0958  SB0574 (Enrolled)  Sen Corderman, et al.  Sales and Use Tax Exemption Aircraft Parts and Equipment Repeal of Reporting Requirement and Extension of Sunset.

CH0959  HB0328 (Enrolled)  Del Lopez, et al.  Hospitals Financial Assistance Policies Revisions.

CH0960  HB0676 (Amended)  Del M. Morgan, et al.  Right to Try Act Individualized Investigational Treatments.

CH0961  HB0378 (Amended)  Del Guzzone.  State Board of Dietetic Practice DietitianNutritionists Application Requirements.

CH0962  HB1056 (Amended)  Del Guzzone, et al.  State Board of Pharmacy Prohibition on Discrimination Against 340B Drug Distribution.

CH0963  HB1244 (Enrolled)  Del Smith, et al.  Maryland Higher Education Commission Academic Program Approval and Institutional Mission Statements Requirements.

CH0964  HB1340 (Amended)  Del Anderton.  Wicomico County Alcoholic Beverages Monopoly of Liquor Control Board and Dispensary Repeal.

CH0965  HB1358 (Amended)  Del Ruff, et al.  Natural Resources Gwynns Falls State Park Focus Group, Advisory Committee, and Report.

CH0966  SB0769  Frederick County Senators.  Frederick County Property Tax Credit for Property Located in Historic District Alterations.

CH0967  HB1357  Howard County Delegation.  Howard County Payment in Lieu of Taxes Agreements Moderate Income Housing Ho. Co. 824.

CH0968  HB1402 (Amended)  Montgomery County Delegation.  Montgomery County – State’s Attorney’s Office Personnel – Application of County Personnel Laws and Collective Bargaining MC 12–24.

CH0969  HB0396  Prince George’s County Delegation.  Prince George’s County Sales and Use Tax on Energy and Fuel Use of Revenue PG 40724.

CH0970  HB0398 (Amended)  Prince George’s County Delegation.  Prince George’s County Taxes on Telecommunications Services Use of Revenue PG 40624.

CH0971  HB0035  Chr W&M (Dept).  Property Tax Submission of Building Permits to Supervisor of Assessments Estimated Construction Cost.

CH0972  HB0154 (Enrolled)  Chr W&M (Dept).  Homeowners’ and Homestead Property Tax Credits Application Filing Deadline Extension.

CH0973  SB0286 (Enrolled)  Chr B&T (Dept).  Homeowners’ and Homestead Property Tax Credits Application Filing Deadline Extension.

CH0974  HB0507 (Amended)  Dels Buckel and Hinebaugh.  Allegany and Garrett Counties Property Tax Credit for Construction of Housing.

CH0975  HB0636  Allegany County Delegation.  Allegany County Property Tax Credit Evergreen Heritage Center.

CH0976  SB0502  Sen McKay.  Allegany County – Property Tax Credit – Evergreen Heritage Center.

CH0977  HB0358 (Enrolled)  Prince George’s County Delegation.  Prince George’s County Workgroup on Health and Wellness PG 40924.

CH0978  SB0151 (Amended)  Sen Muse.  Prince George’s County Workgroup on Health and Wellness.

CH0979  HB0668  Del Pruski.  Anne Arundel County Sheriff Salary.

CH0980  SB0658  Anne Arundel County Senators.  Anne Arundel County Sheriff Salary.

CH0981  HB0906 (Enrolled)  Del Hinebaugh.  Garrett County – Sheriff’s Salary – Alteration.

CH0982  SB0521  Sen McKay.  Garrett County Sheriff’s Salary Alteration.

CH0983  HB0960  Frederick County Delegation.  City of Frederick Assignment of Offenders to Road Work Repeal.

CH0984  HB0975  Del Otto.  Somerset County – Fire, Rescue, and Emergency Medical Services.

CH0985  SB0807  Sen Carozza.  Somerset County Fire, Rescue, and Emergency Medical Services.

CH0986  HB0976  Del Otto.  Somerset County Fire Companies Appropriations.

CH0987  SB0829  Sen Carozza.  Somerset County Fire Companies Appropriations.

CH0988  HB1060 (Amended)  Carroll County Delegation.  Carroll County – Sheriff – Salary.

CH0989  HB1093 (Amended)  Del Bagnall.  Anne Arundel County Human Relations Commission Subpoena Enforcement.

CH0990  SB1038 (Amended)  Anne Arundel County Senators.  Anne Arundel County Human Relations Commission Subpoena Enforcement.

CH0991  HB1213 (Amended)  Baltimore County Delegation.  Baltimore County Sheriff Salary.

CH0992  HB1450 (Amended)  Howard County Delegation.  Howard County Task Force to Study Revenue Options for School Capital Needs Ho. Co. 1824.

CH0993  SB1039  Frederick County Senators.  Frederick County Juveniles Truancy Reduction Pilot Program.

CH0994  HB0307 (Enrolled)  Prince George’s County Delegation.  Prince George’s County Alcoholic Beverages Licenses Nonprofit Organizations PG 30424.

CH0995  SB0009 (Amended)  Sen Watson.  Prince George’s County Alcoholic Beverages Licenses Nonprofit Organizations.

CH0996  HB0335 (Enrolled)  Dels Addison and Young.  Baltimore City Alcoholic Beverages BD7 Licenses Hours of Sale.

CH0997  SB0045 (Amended)  Sen McCray.  Baltimore City Alcoholic Beverages BD7 Licenses Hours of Sale.

CH0998  HB0362  Del Ghrist, et al.  Caroline County Alcoholic Beverages Barbershop and Beauty Salon License.

CH0999  SB0531  Caroline County Senators.  Caroline County Alcoholic Beverages Barbershop and Beauty Salon License.

CH1000  HB0363  Del Ghrist, et al.  Caroline County – Alcoholic Beverages – Beer, Wine, and Liquor Tasting License.

CH1001  SB0529  Caroline County Senators.  Caroline County Alcoholic Beverages Beer, Wine, and Liquor Tasting License.

CH1002  HB0586  Frederick County Delegation.  Frederick County Alcoholic Beverages Weinberg Center/New Spires Arts Stages Beer, Wine, and Liquor License.

CH1003  SB0563  Frederick County Senators.  Frederick County Alcoholic Beverages Weinberg Center/New Spires Arts Stages Beer, Wine, and Liquor License.

CH1004  HB0587 (Amended)  Frederick County Delegation.  Frederick County Alcoholic Beverages Manufacturer’s Limited Beer, Wine, and Liquor Permit.

CH1005  SB0561 (Enrolled)  Frederick County Senators.  Frederick County Alcoholic Beverages Manufacturer’s Limited Beer, Wine, and Liquor Permit.

CH1006  HB0588  Frederick County Delegation.  Frederick County Alcoholic Beverages Municipal Golf Course License.

CH1007  SB0560  Frederick County Senators.  Frederick County Alcoholic Beverages Municipal Golf Course License.

CH1008  HB0621 (Enrolled)  Harford County Delegation.  Harford County Alcoholic Beverages Stadium License Annual Fee.

CH1009  HB0632  Harford County Delegation.  Harford County Alcoholic Beverages Licenses Golf Simulator Facility.

CH1010  SB0736  Harford County Senators.  Harford County Alcoholic Beverages Licenses Golf Simulator Facility.

CH1011  HB0635 (Enrolled)  Harford County Delegation.  Harford County Alcoholic Beverages Performing Arts Nonprofit Organization License.

CH1012  SB0734 (Enrolled)  Harford County Senators.  Harford County Alcoholic Beverages Performing Arts Nonprofit Organization License.

CH1013  HB0651  St. Mary’s County Delegation.  St. Mary’s County Alcoholic Beverages Beer, Wine, and Liquor Tasting Permit.

CH1014  HB0654 (Amended)  St. Mary’s County Delegation.  St. Mary’s County – Alcoholic Beverages – Nonprofit Performing Arts Theater License.

CH1015  HB0733  Baltimore City Delegation.  Baltimore City Alcoholic Beverages Licensing Fees.

CH1016  SB0895  Sen Carter (BCA).  Baltimore City Alcoholic Beverages Licensing Fees.

CH1017  HB0742  Frederick County Delegation.  Frederick County Alcoholic Beverages Stadium License.

CH1018  SB0770  Frederick County Senators.  Frederick County – Alcoholic Beverages – Stadium License.

CH1019  HB0743 (Amended)  Frederick County Delegation.  Frederick County Alcoholic Beverages Promoter’s Permit.

CH1020  SB0767 (Amended)  Frederick County Senators.  Frederick County Alcoholic Beverages Promoter’s Permit.

CH1021  HB0762  Montgomery County Delegation.  Montgomery County Alcoholic Beverages Class B Beer, Wine, and Liquor License OffPremises Consumption MC 924.

CH1022  HB0817 (Amended)  Prince George’s County Delegation.  Prince George’s County Alcoholic Beverages Issuance of License Near a Place of Worship or School PG 30724.

CH1023  SB0066 (Amended)  Sen Rosapepe.  Prince George’s County Alcoholic Beverages Issuance of License Near a Place of Worship or School.

CH1024  HB0920  Washington County Delegation.  Washington County Alcoholic Beverages MultiUse Sports and Events Facility Beer, Wine, and Liquor License.

CH1025  SB0853  Washington County Senators.  Washington County Alcoholic Beverages MultiUse Sports and Events Facility Beer, Wine, and Liquor License.

CH1026  HB1052 (Enrolled)  Del Clippinger, et al.  Baltimore City Alcoholic Beverages 46th Alcoholic Beverages District Revisions.

CH1027  SB1100 (Enrolled)  Sen Ferguson.  Baltimore City Alcoholic Beverages 46th Alcoholic Beverages District Revisions.

CH1028  HB1089 (Enrolled)  Del Clippinger (BCA).  Baltimore City Alcoholic Beverages Class B Beer, Wine, and Liquor Licenses.

CH1029  SB0904  Sen Hayes.  Baltimore City Alcoholic Beverages Class B Beer, Wine, and Liquor Licenses.

CH1030  HB1118 (Amended)  Harford County Delegation.  Harford County – Alcoholic Beverages – Performing Arts Theater License.

CH1031  SB0933 (Amended)  Harford County Senators.  Harford County Alcoholic Beverages Performing Arts Theater License.

CH1032  HB1198 (Enrolled)  Del Amprey.  Baltimore City – Alcoholic Beverages – 40th Alcoholic Beverages District – Revisions.

CH1033  SB1008 (Enrolled)  Sen Hayes.  Baltimore City Alcoholic Beverages 40th Alcoholic Beverages District Revisions.

CH1034  HB1205  Allegany County Delegation.  Allegany County Alcoholic Beverages Class BWLT Beer, Wine, and Liquor Tasting Permit.

CH1035  HB1235 (Enrolled)  Dels Addison and Young.  Baltimore City – Alcoholic Beverages – License Extensions.

CH1036  SB1079 (Amended)  Sen McCray.  Baltimore City Alcoholic Beverages License Extensions.

CH1037  HB1269 (Amended)  Baltimore County Delegation.  Baltimore County Alcoholic Beverages License Applications Notice.

CH1038  HB1330  Allegany County Delegation.  Allegany County Alcoholic Beverages Underage Employees.

CH1039  HB1341  Del Anderton.  Wicomico County Alcoholic Beverages Class B Beer, Wine, and Liquor Licenses Purchases From Licensed Wholesalers and SelfDistribution.

CH1040  SB0941  Sen Mautz.  Wicomico County Alcoholic Beverages Class B Beer, Wine, and Liquor Licenses Purchases From Licensed Wholesalers and SelfDistribution.

CH1041  HB1377 (Amended)  Del Pippy.  Frederick County Alcoholic Beverages Brewery and Distillery Licenses.

CH1042  SB0022 (Amended)  Sen Hayes.  Baltimore City Alcoholic Beverages Board of License Commissioners.

CH1043  SB0051  Sen Rosapepe.  Prince George’s County Alcoholic Beverages License Renewal.

CH1044  SB0428  Sen McKay.  Garrett County Alcoholic Beverages Act of 2024.

CH1045  SB0964 (Amended)  Sen Ready.  Carroll County – Alcoholic Beverages Licenses – Alcohol Awareness Training.

CH1046  SB1010  Sen Klausmeier.  Baltimore County Alcoholic Beverages Individual Storage Permits.

CH1047  SB1184 (Amended)  Sen Rosapepe.  Prince George’s County Alcoholic Beverages College Athletic Event Venue Concessionaire Beer, Wine, and Liquor License.


Emergency Action on Regulations

Symbol Key

   Roman type indicates text existing before emergency status was granted.

   Italic type indicates new text.

   [Single brackets] indicate deleted text.


Emergency Regulations

Under State Government Article, §10-111(b), Annotated Code of Maryland, an agency may petition the Joint Committee on Administrative, Executive, and Legislative Review (AELR), asking that the usual procedures for adopting regulations be set aside because emergency conditions exist. If the Committee approves the request, the regulations are given emergency status. Emergency status means that the regulations become effective immediately, or at a later time specified by the Committee. After the Committee has granted emergency status, the regulations are published in the next available issue of the Maryland Register. The approval of emergency status may be subject to one or more conditions, including a time limit. During the time the emergency status is in effect, the agency may adopt the regulations through the usual promulgation process. If the agency chooses not to adopt the regulations, the emergency status expires when the time limit on the emergency regulations ends. When emergency status expires, the text of the regulations reverts to its original language.


Title 25


Notice of Emergency Action


The Joint Committee on Administrative, Executive, and Legislative Review has granted emergency status to:

(1) Amendments to Regulations .01—.06 and .09 under COMAR 25.03.03 Local Government Investment Guidelines and Reporting Requirements; and

(2) New Regulations .01—.06 under new a new chapter, COMAR 25.03.04 Policy Regarding the Investment of Public Money.

Emergency status began: April 25, 2024.

Emergency status expires: October 22, 2024.

Estimate of Economic Impact

The emergency action has no economic impact.

Economic Impact on Small Businesses

The emergency action has minimal or no economic impact on small businesses.


25.03.03. Local Government Investment Guidelines and Reporting Requirements

Authority: [Article 95, §22F] Local Government Article, Title 17, Subtitle 2; State Finance and Procurement Article, §6-222, Annotated Code of Maryland

.01 Purpose.

This chapter requires local government units to adopt policies to be followed when investing public [funds, to submit] money and submitting the adopted policies to the State Treasurer for [acceptance, and certain local government units to submit periodic reports on investment activities to the State Treasurer] acceptance.

.02 Definitions.

A. (text unchanged)

B. Terms Defined.

(1) (text unchanged)

(2) “Adopted policy” means a local government investment policy which has been properly adopted by the local government unit in accordance with the requirements of [both] local law, [and] Regulation .05 of this chapter, and COMAR 24.03.04.

(3)—(5) (text unchanged)

[(6) “Certificate of deposit” means an interest-bearing negotiable instrument of fixed maturity issued by a commercial bank.

(7) “Chief Executive” has the meaning stated in Article 95, §22F, Annotated Code of Maryland.]

[(8)] (6) (text unchanged)

[(9)] (7) “Community college” [has the meaning stated in Article 95, §22F, Annotated Code of Maryland] means a community college other than the Baltimore City Community College and a regional community college established under Education Article, Title 16, Subtitle 2, Annotated Code of Maryland.

[(10) “Direct federal obligation” means a security issued by the United States Treasury, the principal and interest of which are guaranteed by the full faith and credit of the United States.

(11) “Federal agency obligation” means securities issued by entities that are United States government agencies or by a federal instrumentality created by Congress to advance federal policy through the issuance of securities, such as the Government National Mortgage Association, the Federal National Mortgage Association, the Federal Home Loan Bank, the Federal Farm Credit Bank, and the Student Loan Marketing Association.]

(8) “Financial officer” has the meaning stated in Local Government Article, §17-201, Annotated Code of Maryland.

[(12)] (9) (text unchanged)

[(13)] (10) “Governing body” has the meaning stated in [Article 95, §22F,] Local Government Article, §1-101, Annotated Code of Maryland.

[(14) “Investment manager” has the meaning stated in Article 95, §22F, Annotated Code of Maryland.

(15) “Local government investment pool” has the meaning stated in Article 95, §22G, Annotated Code of Maryland.]

[(16)] (11) “Local government unit” [has the meaning stated in Article 95, §22F, Annotated Code of Maryland] means a county, a municipality, a community college, the Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission, a public corporation authorized to issue debt, and an authority of the State authorized to issue debt.

[(17)] (12) (text unchanged)

[(18)] (13) “Money market mutual [funds] fund” means a mutual fund registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission under the Investment Company Act of 1940, 15 U.S.C. [§80(A)] §80a-1 et seq., as amended, and operated in accordance with Rule 2A-7 promulgated under the Investment Company Act of 1940, 17 CFR §270.2A-7, as amended.

[(19) “Municipal securities” means debt issued by state and local governments and their agencies.

(20) “Municipal Treasurer’s Association” means the Municipal Treasurers’ Association of the United States and Canada.

(21) “Net asset value” means the bid price of a mutual fund share.]

[(22)] (14) “Public [funds] money” has the meaning stated in [Article 95, §22F, Annotated Code of Maryland] COMAR 25.03.04.

[(23)] (15) (text unchanged)

[(24)”Reverse repurchase agreement” means a method of borrowing using a security as collateral for a loan when the owner sells the security for a stated term with an agreement to repurchase the security at the sales price and an agreed-upon interest rate.]

[(25)] (16) (text unchanged)

.03 General Requirements for Adoption of Local Government Investment Policy.

A. The governing body of each local government unit shall adopt by resolution a written investment policy that:

(1) Complies with State and local law, including:

(a) State Finance and Procurement Article, §6-222, Annotated Code of Maryland[, and];

(b) [Article 95, §22F] Local Government Article, §17-201 et seq., Annotated Code of Maryland; and

(c) COMAR 25.03.04; and

(2) (text unchanged)

B. The State Treasurer recognizes the standards published by the following nationally recognized financial management organizations:

(1) (text unchanged)

(2) [Municipal Treasurer’s Association] Association of Public Treasurers of the United States and Canada.

C. (text unchanged)

.04 State Law Requirements for Adoption of Local Government Investment Policy.

A. At a minimum, each adopted policy shall:

(1) Allow local government units to invest in only those types of securities authorized by:

(a) State Finance and Procurement Article, [§ 6-222(a)] §6-222(b), Annotated Code of Maryland[, or];

(b) [Article 95, 22—22N] Local Government Article, §17-201 et seq., Annotated Code of Maryland; and

(c) COMAR 25.03.04;

(2) Require that investments made by local government units comply with the standards of [State Finance and Procurement Article, §6-222(d)] COMAR 25.03.04;

(3) (text unchanged)

(4) Require that the local government unit’s [investment manager] financial officer not invest public [funds] money of the local government unit in a manner inconsistent with its adopted policy.

B. (text unchanged)

[C. In addition to A and B of this regulation, the adopted policy of a board of education or a board of library trustees shall comply with the provisions of the adopted policy for the county in which the board of education or board of library trustees is located.]

.05 Adoption of Local Government Investment Policy and Submission for Acceptance.

A. [By September 1, 1995, the] The governing body of each local government unit shall adopt by resolution a written local government investment policy that:

(1) (text unchanged)

(2) Satisfies the requirements of Regulations .03 and .04 of this chapter and COMAR 25.03.04; and

(3) (text unchanged)

B. (text unchanged)

.06 Check by State Treasurer of Local Government Investment Policy.

A. Upon receipt, the State Treasurer shall have each adopted policy checked for compliance with this chapter and COMAR 25.03.04, and shall either:

(1)—(2) (text unchanged)

B. (text unchanged)

.09 Enforcement.

[A.] The State Treasurer shall notify a local government unit to seek compliance if the:

[(1)] A. Local government unit has not sent the State Treasurer an adopted policy in accordance with Regulation .05B of this chapter; [or]

[(2)] B. State Treasurer determines that the adopted policy is not an accepted policy in accordance with Regulation .06A of this chapter[.]; or

C. State Treasurer determines that an accepted policy is no longer in compliance with the provisions of:

(1) State Finance and Procurement Article, §6-222, Annotated Code of Maryland;

(2) Local Government Article, §17-201 et seq., Annotated Code of Maryland; or

(3) COMAR 25.03.04.

[B. The State Treasurer periodically shall send a written list of the local government units which have failed to comply with this chapter to the Joint Committee on the Management of Public Funds, which may take further action in accordance with Article 95, §22F, Annotated Code of Maryland.]


25.03.04 Policy Regarding the Investment of Public Money

Authority: State Finance and Procurement Article, §6-222, Annotated Code of Maryland

.01 Purpose.

The purpose of this Policy is to ensure that public money is invested in a manner that will:

A. Provide the highest investment return with the maximum security while meeting the anticipated daily cash flow requirements of the State and each local government unit;

B. Conform to all State laws governing the investment of public money; and

C. Set requirements and thresholds for the investment of public money by the State and each local government unit.

.02 Definitions.

A. In this chapter, the following terms have the meanings indicated.

B. Terms Defined.

(1) “Financial officer” means:

(a) With respect to the State, the State’s Chief Investment Officer and any other person authorized by the State Treasurer to invest unexpended or surplus money over which the State Treasurer has custody; and

(b) With respect to a local government unit, the State Treasurer or other financial officer of a local government unit who is responsible for the investment of public money.

(2) “Local government unit” means a county, a municipality, a community college, the Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission, a public corporation authorized to issue debt, and an authority of the State authorized to issue debt.

(3) “Public money”:

(a) With respect to the State, means unexpended or surplus money over which the State Treasurer has custody; and

(b) With respect to a local government unit, has the meaning stated in Local Government Article, §17-201, Annotated Code of Maryland.

(4) “State Treasurer” means the Treasurer of Maryland.

.03 Requirements for Financial Officers.

A financial officer shall make investments:

A. With the care, skill, prudence, and diligence under the circumstances then prevailing that a prudent person acting in a like capacity and familiar with such matters would use in the conduct of an enterprise of a like character and with like aims;

B. In a manner designed to reasonably match anticipated cash flow needs so that sufficient funds are available to pay obligations upon proper presentation for payment;

C. So that a reasonable amount of cash or cash equivalents is available for unanticipated cash needs;

D. With due regard for minimizing risk while maximizing return;

E. Using competitive purchasing practices except when impractical;

F. In accordance with a written investment policy;

G. So that the securities and collateral may continue to be priced on a marked-to-market basis; and

H. To avoid the enhancement of the personal financial position of the financial officer or any employee of the State Treasurer or local government unit who has responsibilities for such investments.

.04 Diversification.

A. Subject to the requirements in §B of this regulation, public money may be invested in the securities authorized by State Finance and Procurement Article, §6-222(b), Annotated Code of Maryland.

B. A financial officer may invest public money in a given type of security not more than the following percentage of the overall investment portfolio over which the financial officer manages:

(1) For an obligation for which the United States has pledged its faith and credit for the payment of the principal and interest, 100 percent;

(2) For an obligation that a federal agency or a federal instrumentality has issued in accordance with an act of Congress, 100 percent with no more than 33 percent dedicated to a single issuer;

(3) For an obligation issued and unconditionally guaranteed by a supranational issuer denominated in United States dollars and eligible to be sold in the United States, 40 percent;

(4) For a repurchase agreement collateralized in an amount not less than 102 percent of the principal amount by an obligation of the United States, its agencies, or instrumentalities, provided the collateral is held by a custodian other than the seller designated by the buyer, 75 percent with no more than 30 percent  of the total amount held by one counterparty;

(5) For bankers’ acceptances guaranteed by a financial institution with a short-term debt rating in the highest letter and numerical rating by at least one nationally recognized statistical rating organization as designated by either the United States Securities and Exchange Commission or the State Treasurer, 20 percent;

(6) For securities permitted by State Finance and Procurement Article, §6-222(b)(vi), Annotated Code of Maryland, 25 percent;

(7) For commercial paper that has received the highest letter and numerical rating by at least two nationally recognized statistical rating organizations as designated by the United States Securities and Exchange Commission, 35 percent with no more than 10 percent from a single issuer;

(8) For money market mutual funds meeting the requirements of State Finance and Procurement Article, §6-222(b)(viii), Annotated Code of Maryland, 50 percent; and

(9) For any investment portfolio created under the Maryland Local Government Investment Pool, 100 percent , subject to the limit of the General Fund allocation.

.05 Credit Rating.

A. A financial officer shall prioritize investing in securities of high credit quality and marketability.

B. All securities shall be reviewed using the numeric and letter grading of the Securities and Exchange Commission’s Nationally Recognized Statistical Rating Organizations.

C. Securities permitted by State Finance and Procurement Article, §6-222(b)(1)(v), Annotated Code of Maryland, shall have:

(1) For maturities of 1 year or less, at least two A-1/P1/F-1 ratings by S&P Global Ratings, Moody’s Investors Service, Inc., or Fitch Ratings, respectively; and

(2) For maturities of more than 1 year but less than 5 years, at least two AA/Aa/AA ratings by S&P Global Ratings, Moody’s Investors Service, Inc., or Fitch Ratings, respectively.

D. Securities permitted by State Finance and Procurement Article, §6-222(b)(1)(vi), Annotated Code of Maryland, shall have at least two A-/A3/A- ratings Nationally Recognized Statistical Rating Organizations, one of which shall be either S&P Global Ratings, Moody’s Investors Service, Inc., or Fitch Ratings.

E. Commercial paper shall have at least two A-1/P-1/F-1 ratings by S&P Global Ratings, Moody’s Investors Service, or Fitch Ratings, respectively.

F. If a catastrophic event occurs that could dramatically shift credit ratings on any of the assets in the portfolio, the State Treasurer may:

(1) Make investment decisions inconsistent with this chapter that are in the best interest of the State; and

(2) Approve in writing a request from a local government unit to make investment decisions inconsistent with this chapter.

.06 Additional Requirements.

A. The State Treasurer may adopt additional requirements for the State investment portfolio and for the investment policies of local government units.

B. A local government unit shall comply with any additional requirements adopted under this regulation.

C. The State Treasurer shall post on the State Treasurer’s Office website and notify local government units of any additional requirements implemented in accordance with this regulation.

State Treasurer


Final Action on Regulations


Symbol Key

   Roman type indicates text already existing at the time of the proposed action.

   Italic type indicates new text added at the time of proposed action.

   Single underline, italic indicates new text added at the time of final action.

   Single underline, roman indicates existing text added at the time of final action.

   [[Double brackets]] indicate text deleted at the time of final action.



Title 08


08.18.24 Severn River Vessel Management Area

Authority: Natural Resources Article, §§8-703 and 8-704, Annotated Code of Maryland
Notice of Final Action


On May 21, 2024, the Secretary of Natural Resources adopted amendments to Regulation .01 under COMAR 08.18.24 Severn River Vessel Management Area. This action, which was proposed for adoption in 51:7 Md. R. 336 (April 5, 2024), has been adopted as proposed.

Effective Date: June 10, 2024.

Secretary of Natural Resources


Title 09


09.24.01 General Regulations

Authority: Business Occupations and Professions Article, §§2-102, 2-207,
2-209, 2-304—2-307, 2-309, 2-311, 2-313, 2-315, 2-410, and 2-416, Annotated Code of Maryland

Notice of Final Action


On April 2, 2024, the Maryland Board of Public Accountancy adopted amendments to Regulation .09 under COMAR 09.24.01 General Regulations. This action, which was proposed for adoption in 50:26 Md. R. 1138—1139 (December 29, 2023), has been adopted as proposed.

Effective Date: June 10, 2024.

Executive Director


Title 14


Notice of Final Action


On May 21, 2024, the Maryland State Commission on Criminal Sentencing Policy adopted amendments to:

(1) Regulations .10 and .12 under COMAR 14.22.01 General Regulations; and

(2) Regulation .02 under COMAR 14.22.02 Criminal Offenses and Seriousness Categories.

This action, which was proposed for adoption in 51:7 Md. R. 339—340 (April 5, 2024), has been adopted as proposed.

Effective Date: June 10, 2024.

Executive Director


Title 34


34.04.09 Maryland Historical Trust African American Heritage Preservation Program

Authority: State Finance and Procurement Article, §§5-203, 5A-318, and
5A-330, Annotated Code of Maryland

Notice of Final Action


On May 8, 2024, the Department of Planning adopted amendments to Regulations .06, .08, and .09 under COMAR 34.04.09 Maryland Historical Trust African American Heritage Preservation Program. This action, which was proposed for adoption in 51:6 Md. R. 311—312 (March 22, 2024), has been adopted as proposed.

Effective Date: June 10, 2024.

Secretary of Planning



Proposed Action on Regulations


Title 08


Notice of Proposed Action


The Secretary of Natural Resources proposes to:

(1) Repeal Regulation .08 and amend Regulations .09 and .12 under COMAR 08.02.15 Striped Bass; and

(2) Amend Regulation .03 under COMAR 08.02.25 Gear.

Statement of Purpose

The purpose of this action is to eliminate the recreational and charter boat spring season for striped bass, also known as the Trophy Season (May 1—May 15), eliminate the early season in the Susquehanna Flats, Susquehanna River, and Northeast River from the recreational and charter boat summer and fall striped bass fishery in the Chesapeake Bay and its tidal tributaries (May 16—May 31), prohibit the targeting of striped bass in the areas which are being closed by this action, extend gear requirements to the new time frames, and require that no more than two fillets per legal fish are possessed on board a charter boat where striped bass have been filleted. This action is necessary to reduce mortality on the striped bass spawning stock biomass. The bulk of this action was undertaken in an emergency action that is currently in effect.

Maryland typically has its greatest access to the striped bass spawning stock during the spring spawning season; generally those fish otherwise live in the Atlantic Ocean and migrate up and down the coast. This is an especially sensitive period for spawning striped bass, which are dependent on a number of environmental conditions to have a successful spawn. Due to declines in the spawning stock biomass and poor recruitment of juvenile fish over the last 5 years, actions have been taken both at the state level and at the coastwide level to reduce
mortality on those fish. In Maryland, since 2020, the month of April has been closed to the targeting of striped bass in the Chesapeake Bay and its tidal tributaries. This action will extend that “no targeting” closure throughout the Chesapeake Bay to May 15. Additionally, the “early season” on the Susquehanna Flats, Susquehanna River, and Northeast River, which traditionally ran from May 16 through May 31 and allowed for one fish between 19” and 26” to be kept, is being eliminated. Anglers will also be prohibited from targeting striped bass in those areas at those times. The Department believes that taking this action will help to increase the spawning stock and enhance the odds of successful spawning when environmental conditions are favorable.

In order to achieve the stated outcome, the Department is repealing Regulation .08 and amending Regulations .09 and .12. Regulation .08 is the Spring (Trophy) Season regulation. Because that season will be closed, the regulation is extraneous. The areas described as open in Regulation .08 are being added to Regulation .09 as areas which are open to fishing. The areas currently in Regulation .09 are described as “in addition to” the areas in Regulation .08, so combining all of them in Regulation .09 will clearly designate the areas in which people may fish for striped bass. The open area in the Susquehanna Flats, Susquehanna River, and Northeast River is being removed as that area is being closed. Regulation .12 is being amended to prohibit the targeting of striped bass throughout the Chesapeake Bay and its tidal tributaries from May 1 through and including May 15, and in the Susquehanna Flats, Susquehanna River, and Northeast River from May 16 through and including May 31. All waters of the Chesapeake Bay and its tidal tributaries will open on June 1. Due to the changes in these seasons, the prohibition on trolling which was already in place from April 1 through April 30 will be extended to May 15, as well as the requirement that J-style hooks used for bait have a gap of ½ inch or less.

Additionally, to maintain compliance with actions taken by the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission, the filleting provision in Regulation .12 is being amended to require legal striped bass to be cut into no more than two fillets per legal fish. This will aid in catch limit enforcement by making it obvious how many fish were retained and filleted. Previously, fillets could have been cut into pieces, making it harder to clearly account for the number of fillets present.

Estimate of Economic Impact

I. Summary of Economic Impact. The proposed action may have a short-term negative impact on charter operators and a long-term positive impact on all participants in the striped bass fishery. If the action discourages individuals from purchasing recreational fishing licenses, it may also have a short-term negative impact on the agency.

II. Types of Economic Impact.

Impacted Entity

Revenue (R+/R-)

Expenditure (E+/E-)


A. On issuing agency:



Department of Natural Resources



B. On other State agencies:



C. On local governments:







Benefit (+)

Cost (-)


D. On regulated industries or trade groups:



(1) Fishing Guides — Short Term



(2) All Stripes Bass Fishery Participants — Long Term



E. On other industries or trade groups:



Bait and Tackle Shops and Marinas



F. Direct and indirect effects on public:



III. Assumptions. (Identified by Impact Letter and Number from Section II.)

A. This action may result in the short-term loss of license revenue for the Department. The spring (trophy) season is a popular time for individuals to fish for striped bass. Eliminating the trophy season throughout the Chesapeake Bay and the early season in the Susquehanna Flats, Susquehanna River, and Northeast River may result in some loss of revenue. However, many participants in these seasons are either on a charter boat (so are not required to purchase a recreational fishing license) or on a private boat that engages in fishing activities throughout the year, not just in the affected seasons. While the actual impact of this action on agency revenues is indeterminable, it is not likely to be significant.

D(1). There will likely be some negative impacts on the charter fleet in the Chesapeake Bay. Over the last 3 years, an average of 636 charter trips were taken in the Chesapeake Bay from May 1 through May 15. The majority of those trips were likely for striped bass, although some may have been for catfish, snakehead, perch, crappie, or other fish. It is likely that the majority of those trips, therefore, will not be taken in that time frame due to the prohibition on targeting striped bass, but it is not possible to know exactly how many trips will be lost due to this action. Additionally, there were an average of approximately 79 trips taken in the Upper Bay from May 16 through May 31 over the last 3 years. Some percentage of those trips will also not be taken due to the prohibition on targeting striped bass in the Susquehanna Flats, Susquehanna River, and Northeast River during that time period. Depending on the time of year and duration of the trip, charter captains usually charge between $600 and $1,000 per trip.

D(2). The Department anticipates a long-term positive impact for all participants in the striped bass fishery based on this action. Protecting the spawning stock will result in a long-term increase in the population of striped bass. That increase will provide more resilience to fishing pressure and potentially more opportunity for participants. It is not possible to know the nature of those opportunities and how they will ultimately benefit participants, but charter captains, recreational anglers, and commercial harvesters all will ultimately benefit from a properly managed, healthy spawning stock of striped bass.

E. Bait and tackle shops and marinas may experience minor negative impacts due to the closing of the spring season throughout the previously open area and the additional closing of the Susquehanna Flats, Susquehanna River, and Northeast River in the early summer season. It is not exactly known to what extent these closures will affect these businesses during these time periods, but it is likely to have some negative impact. With regards to the early summer closure in the Upper Bay, those impacts would be felt more locally in the Upper Bay region; the impacts felt by the spring closure are more likely to be felt throughout the Maryland tidewater counties.

Economic Impact on Small Businesses

The proposed action has a meaningful economic impact on small businesses. An analysis of this economic impact follows:

This action may have short-term negative impacts on charter captains, bait and tackle shops, and marinas while having long-term positive impacts on all small businesses that participate in the striped bass fishery. See the Economic Impact Statement assumptions, IIID and E, for additional details.

Impact on Individuals with Disabilities

The proposed action has no impact on individuals with disabilities.

Opportunity for Public Comment

Comments may be sent to Striped Bass — Changes to Seasons, Regulatory Staff, Department of Natural Resources, 580 Taylor Ave., E-4, Annapolis, MD 21401, or call 410-260-8300, or submit comments to Comments will be accepted through July 1, 2024. A public hearing has not been scheduled.


08.02.15 Striped Bass

Authority: Natural Resources Article, §§4-215, 4-2A-03, and 4-732, Annotated Code of Maryland

.09 Recreational and Charter Boat Summer and Fall Fishery in the Chesapeake Bay and Its Tidal Tributaries.

A. Early Season.

(1) (text unchanged)

[(2) Chesapeake Bay and Its Tidal Tributaries.

(a) The areas subject to the provisions of §A(2) of this regulation are:

(i) The areas described in Regulation .08D(1) and (2) of this chapter;

(ii) All of the waters of the Chesapeake Bay enclosed by a line beginning at a point at or near North Point, defined by Lat. 39°11.71'N and Long. 76°26.53'W; then running approximately 156° True to a point at or near Buoy “2B” at the mouth of the Patapsco River, defined by Lat. 39°10.71'N and Long. 76°25.95'W; then running approximately 111° True to a point at or near Buoy “10”, defined by Lat. 39°10.35'N and Long. 76°24.74'W; then running approximately 110° True to a point at or near Buoy “8”, defined by Lat. 39°10.00'N and Long. 76°23.51'W; then running approximately 112° True to a point at or near Buoy “6”, defined by Lat. 39°09.61'N and Long. 76°22.30'W; then running approximately 111° True to a point at or near Buoy “4”, defined by Lat. 39°09.24'N and Long. 76°21.08'W; then running approximately 111° True to a point at or near Buoy “2BE”, defined by Lat. 39°08.92'N and Long. 76°19.98'W; then running approximately 90° True to a point at or near Buoy “12”, defined by Lat. 39°08.91'N and Long. 76°19.15'W; then running approximately 91° True to a point at or near Swan Point, defined by Lat. 39°08.88'N and Long. 76°16.69'W, then running northerly along the shore of Kent County to a point at or near the end of Maryland Route 21 at Tolchester, defined by Lat. 39°12.91'N and Long. 76°14.63'W; then running approximately 282° True to a point at or near the south corner of the Hart-Miller Island dike, defined by Lat. 39°14.23'N and Long. 76°22.44'W; then running north and west along the Hart-Miller shoreline to a point at or near the west end of Hart-Miller Island, defined by Lat. 39°14.36'N and Long. 76°23.19'W; then running approximately 206° True to a point at or near the east end of Pleasure Island, defined by Lat. 39°14.23'N and Long. 76°23.27'W; then running southwesterly along the Chesapeake Bay shoreline to a point at or near the West end of Pleasure Island, defined by Lat. 39°13.85'N and Long. 76°23.65'W; then running approximately 245° True to a point at or near the east end of Patapsco River Neck, defined by Lat. 39°13.76'N and Long. 76°23.91'W; then running southwesterly along shore to a point at or near the east entrance of Shallow Creek, defined by Lat. 39°12.25'N and Long. 76°25.95'W; then running approximately 251° True to a point at or near the west entrance of Shallow Creek, defined by Lat. 39°12.19'N and Long. 76°26.20'W; then running southwesterly along shore to the point of beginning, defined by Lat. 39°11.72'N and Long. 76°26.53'W;

(iii) Chester River: All of the waters of Chester River and its tributaries upstream of a line beginning at a point at or near Love Point, defined by Lat. 39°02.40'N and Long. 76°18.16'W; then running approximately 83° True to a point at or near the northwesterly point of Eastern Neck Island, defined by Lat. 39°02.77'N and Long. 76°14.05'W; and downstream of a line beginning at a point at or near Hail Point, defined by Lat. 39°00.76'N and Long. 76°12.00'W; then running approximately 216° True to a point at or near Long Point, defined by Lat. 38°58.81'N and Long. 76°13.80'W; then running approximately 271° True to a point at or near Ferry Point, defined by Lat. 38°58.82'N and Long. 76°14.60'W;

(iv) Choptank River: All of the waters of the Choptank River and its tributaries upstream of a line beginning at a point at or near Cook Point, defined by Lat. 38°37.73'N and Long. 76°17.35'W; then running approximately 317° True to a point at or near Blackwalnut Point, defined by Lat. 38°40.24'N and Long. 76°20.37'W; and downstream of a line beginning at a point at or near Holland Point at the west entrance of Irish Creek, defined by Lat. 38°41.88'N and Long. 76°13.61'W; then running approximately 174° True to a point at or near a point of land at the west entrance of Chapel Creek, defined by Lat. 38°36.59'N and Long. 76°12.91'W; and

(v) Patuxent River: All of the waters of the Patuxent River and its tributaries upstream of a line beginning at a point at or near Drum Point, defined by Lat. 38°19.14'N and Long. 76°25.27'W; then running approximately 119° True to a point at or near Hog Point, defined by Lat. 38°18.59'N and Long. 76°23.99'W; and downstream of a line beginning at a point at or near Point Patience, defined by Lat. 38°19.73'N and Long. 76°29.04'W; then running approximately 236° True to a point at or near the west point of land at the entrance of Little Kingston Creek, defined by Lat. 38°19.40'N and Long. 76°29.67'W.

(b) Catch Restrictions.

(i) A person may not catch or possess more than one striped bass per day.

(ii) A person may not catch or possess striped bass less than 19 inches in total length.

(3) Susquehanna Flats and Northeast River.

(a) The areas subject to the provisions of §A(3) of this regulation are:

(i) Susquehanna Flats, upstream of a line from a point at or near Sandy Point, defined by Lat. 39°26.96'N and Long. 76°03.63'W; then running in an easterly direction to a point at or near Turkey Point, defined by Lat. 39°27.13'N and Long. 76°00.70'W and the Susquehanna River downstream from a line connecting a point at or near the Susquehanna State Park boat ramp in Lapidum, defined by Lat. 39°35.86'N and Long. 76°07.67'W; then running in a northeasterly direction to a point at or near Twin Rocks, defined by Lat. 39°36.17'N and Long. 76°07.56'W; then running in a northeasterly direction to a point at or near Tomes Wharf in Port Deposit, defined by Lat. 39°36.23'N and Long. 76°06.99'W; and

(ii) Northeast River.

(b) Catch Restrictions.

(i) A person may not catch or possess more than one striped bass per day.

(ii) A person may not use eels as bait.

(iii) A person may catch and possess one striped bass between 19 and 26 inches, inclusive, total length.]

(2) Catch Restrictions.

(a) A person may not catch or possess more than one striped bass per day.

(b) A person may not catch or possess striped bass less than 19 inches in total length.

(3) Open Areas. A person may only catch or possess striped bass during the recreational and charter boat early summer and fall season in the following areas:

(a) Chesapeake Bay north of the William Preston Lane Jr. Memorial Bridge northern span, with the following boundaries:

(i) Western boundary — east of a line beginning at a point at or near the west end of the north span of the William Preston Lane Jr. Memorial Bridge, defined by Lat. 39°00.52'N and Long. 76°24.24'W; then running northerly along the shore to a point at or near Persimmon Point, defined by Lat. 39°03.16'N and Long. 76°26.33'W; then running approximately 34° True to a point at or near Mountain Point, defined by Lat. 39°03.55'N and Long. 76°25.99'W; then running northerly along the shore to a point at or near Bodkin Point, defined by Lat. 39°07.98'N and Long. 76°25.83'W; then running approximately 358° True to a point at or near Buoy “2B” at the mouth of Patapsco River, defined by Lat. 39°10.71'N and Long. 76°25.95'W;

(ii) Northern boundary — south of a line beginning at a point at or near Buoy “2B” at the mouth of the Patapsco River, defined by Lat. 39°10.71'N and Long. 76°25.95'W; then running approximately 111° True along the Brewerton Channel to a point at or near Buoy “10”, defined by Lat. 39°10.35'N and Long. 76°24.74'W; then running approximately 110° True to a point at or near Buoy “8”, defined by Lat. 39°10.00'N and Long. 76°23.51'W; then running approximately 112° True to a point at or near Buoy “6”, defined by Lat. 39°09.61'N and Long. 76°22.30'W; then running approximately 111° True to a point at or near Buoy “4”, defined by Lat. 39°09.25'N and long. 76°21.08'W; then running approximately 111° True to a point at or near Buoy “2BE” at the east end of the Brewerton Channel, defined by Lat. 39°08.92'N and Long. 76°19.98'W; then running approximately 90° True to a point at or near Buoy “12”, defined by Lat. 39°08.91'N and Long. 76°19.15'W; then running approximately 91° True to a point at or near Swan Point, defined by Lat. 39°08.89'N and Long. 76°16.69'W; and

(iii) Eastern and southern boundary — west of a line beginning at a point at or near Swan Point, defined by Lat. 39°08.89'N and Long. 76°16.69'W; then running approximately 141° True to a point at or near Huntingfield Point, defined by Lat. 39°07.13'N and Long. 76°14.85'W; then running southerly along the shore of Eastern Neck to a point at or near Wilson Point, defined by Lat. 39°03.19'N and Long. 76°13.66'W; then running approximately 216° True to a point at or near the northwest point of Eastern Neck Island, defined by Lat. 39°02.77'N and Long. 76°14.05'W; then running approximately 263° True to a point at or near Love Point, defined by Lat. 39°02.40'N and Long. 76°18.16'W; then running southerly along the shore of Kent Island to a point at or near the east end of the north span of the William Preston Lane Jr. Memorial Bridge, defined by Lat. 38°59.08'N and Long. 76°20.41'W; then running westerly along the north span of the William Preston Lane Jr. Memorial Bridge to a point at or near the west end of the north span of the William Preston Lane Jr. Memorial Bridge, defined by Lat. 39°00.52'N and Long. 76°24.24'W.

(b) Additional areas open north of the William Preston Lane Jr. Memorial Bridge northern span:

(i) All of the waters of the Chesapeake Bay enclosed by a line beginning at a point at or near North Point, defined by Lat. 39°11.71'N and Long. 76°26.53'W; then running approximately 156° True to a point at or near Buoy “2B” at the mouth of the Patapsco River, defined by Lat. 39°10.71'N and Long. 76°25.95'W; then running approximately 111° True to a point at or near Buoy “10”, defined by Lat. 39°10.35'N and Long. 76°24.74'W; then running approximately 110° True to a point at or near Buoy “8”, defined by Lat. 39°10.00'N and Long. 76°23.51'W; then running approximately 112° True to a point at or near Buoy “6”, defined by Lat. 39°09.61'N and Long. 76°22.30'W; then running approximately 111° True to a point at or near Buoy “4”, defined by Lat. 39°09.24'N and Long. 76°21.08'W; then running approximately 111° True to a point at or near Buoy “2BE”, defined by Lat. 39°08.92'N and Long. 76°19.98'W; then running approximately 90° True to a point at or near Buoy “12”, defined by Lat. 39°08.91'N and Long. 76°19.15'W; then running approximately 91° True to a point at or near Swan Point, defined by Lat. 39°08.88'N and Long. 76°16.69'W, then running northerly along the shore of Kent County to a point at or near the end of Maryland Route 21 at Tolchester, defined by Lat. 39°12.91'N and Long. 76°14.63'W; then running approximately 282° True to a point at or near the south corner of the Hart-Miller Island dike, defined by Lat. 39°14.23'N and Long. 76°22.44'W; then running north and west along the Hart-Miller shoreline to a point at or near the west end of Hart-Miller Island, defined by Lat. 39°14.36'N and Long. 76°23.19'W; then running approximately 206° True to a point at or near the east end of Pleasure Island, defined by Lat. 39°14.23'N and Long. 76°23.27'W; then running southwesterly along the Chesapeake Bay shoreline to a point at or near the West end of Pleasure Island, defined by Lat. 39°13.85'N and Long. 76°23.65'W; then running approximately 245° True to a point at or near the east end of Patapsco River Neck, defined by Lat. 39°13.76'N and Long. 76°23.91'W; then running southwesterly along shore to a point at or near the east entrance of Shallow Creek, defined by Lat. 39°12.25'N and Long. 76°25.95'W; then running approximately 251° True to a point at or near the west entrance of Shallow Creek, defined by Lat. 39°12.19'N and Long. 76°26.20'W; then running southwesterly along shore to the point of beginning, defined by Lat. 39°11.72'N and Long. 76°26.53'W;

(ii) Chester River. All of the waters of Chester River and its tributaries upstream of a line beginning at a point at or near Love Point, defined by Lat. 39°02.40'N and Long. 76°18.16'W; then running approximately 83° True to a point at or near the northwesterly point of Eastern Neck Island, defined by Lat. 39°02.77'N and Long. 76°14.05'W; and downstream of a line beginning at a point at or near Hail Point, defined by Lat. 39°00.76'N and Long. 76°12.00'W; then running approximately 216° True to a point at or near Long Point, defined by Lat. 38°58.81'N and Long. 76°13.80'W; then running approximately 271° True to a point at or near Ferry Point, defined by Lat. 38°58.82'N and Long. 76°14.60'W;

(c) Between the William Preston Lane Jr. Memorial Bridge northern span and the Maryland-Virginia state line excluding all bays, sounds, tributaries, creeks, and rivers, except Tangier Sound and Pocomoke Sound and as provided in §A(3)(d)—(f) of this regulation.

(d) Choptank River. All of the waters of the Choptank River and its tributaries upstream of a line beginning at a point at or near Cook Point, defined by Lat. 38°37.73'N and Long. 76°17.35'W; then running approximately 317° True to a point at or near Blackwalnut Point, defined by Lat. 38°40.24'N and Long. 76°20.37'W; and downstream of a line beginning at a point at or near Holland Point at the west entrance of Irish Creek, defined by Lat. 38°41.88'N and Long. 76°13.61'W. then running approximately 174° True to a point at or near a point of land at the west entrance of Chapel Creek, defined by Lat. 38°36.59'N and Long. 76°12.91'W; and

(e) Patuxent River. All of the waters of the Patuxent River and its tributaries upstream of a line beginning at a point at or near Drum Point, defined by Lat. 38°19.14'N and Long. 76°25.27'W; then running approximately 119° True to a point at or near Hog Point, defined by Lat. 38°18.59'N and Long. 76°23.99'W; and downstream of a line beginning at a point at or near Point Patience, defined by Lat. 38°19.73'N and Long. 76°29.04'W; then running approximately 236° True to a point at or near the west point of land at the entrance of Little Kingston Creek, defined by Lat. 38°19.40'N and Long. 76°29.67'W.

(f) All of the Maryland waters of the Potomac River, and its tidal tributaries, downstream of a line beginning at a point at or near the east end of the Nice Memorial Bridge (U.S. 301), defined by Lat. 38°21.55'N and Long. 77°00.90'W; then running approximately 80° True to a point at or near the west end of the Nice Memorial Bridge, defined by Lat. 38°21.81'N and Long. 76°59.00'W; and upstream of a line beginning at a point at or near the shore at the north side of the north jetty at Smith Point, defined by Lat. 37°53.40'N and Long. 76°14.23'W; then running approximately 335° True to a point at or near Point Lookout, defined by Lat. 38°02.25'N and Long. 76°19.34'W.

B.—C. (text unchanged)

.12 General Restrictions.

A.—B. (text unchanged)

C. Filleting Striped Bass.

(1) (text unchanged)

(2) A licensed charter boat captain or mate may fillet striped bass taken on a vessel displaying a current commercial charter boat decal under the following conditions:

(a) (text unchanged)

(b) An individual may not possess more than two fillets per legal fish on board a vessel;

[(b)] (c)[(c)] (d) (text unchanged)

D.—H. (text unchanged)

I. Seasonal Restrictions for the Recreational and Charter Boat Fishery.

(1)—(3) (text unchanged)

(4) During the period April 1 through [April 30] May 15, a person may not target striped bass or striped bass hybrids in the Chesapeake Bay or its tidal tributaries.

(5) During the period May [1] 16 through May 31, except as provided in [Regulations .08 and] Regulation .09 of this chapter and §I(6) of this regulation, a person may not target striped bass or striped bass hybrids in the striped bass spawning rivers and areas listed in Regulation .03B of this chapter.

(6) During the period May [1] 16 through May 31, a person authorized in accordance with Natural Resources Article, §4-745, Annotated Code of Maryland, to recreationally angle for finfish may hook striped bass and shall immediately release the striped bass unharmed to the water from which the striped bass was taken in that area of the Chester River on the north side of Kent Narrows and bounded on the southern side by the southernmost edge of the old Route 50 bridge and, on the northern side, by a line beginning at a point (east tip of Ferry Point) defined by Lat. 38°58.820'N and Long. 76°14.627'W; then running approximately 92° True to a point (northwest tip of Long Point) defined by Lat. 38°58.798'N and Long. 76°13.825'W.

(7) (text unchanged)


08.02.25 Gear

Authority: Natural Resources Article, §§4-215 and 4-221, Annotated Code of Maryland

.03 Recreational Gear — Tidal Waters.

A. (text unchanged)

B. Hook Requirements — Chesapeake Bay and Its Tidal Tributaries.

(1)—(3) (text unchanged)

(4) During the period April 1 through [April 30] May 15, a person recreationally angling in the Chesapeake Bay or its tidal tributaries:

(a)—(b) (text unchanged)

(5) During the period May [1] 16 through December 31, except as required by §§B(1) and (2) of this regulation, when using fish, crabs, or worms as bait, or processed bait, a person recreationally angling in the Chesapeake Bay or its tidal tributaries shall only use a:

(a)—(b) (text unchanged)

C.—D. (text unchanged)

E. Active Line Fishing Gear.

(1)—(5) (text unchanged)

(6) During the period April 1 through [April 30] May 15, a person recreationally angling in the Chesapeake Bay or its tidal tributaries may not attempt to catch fish by trolling.

F.—I. (text unchanged)

Secretary of Natural Resources


Title 11


11.03.01 Baltimore/Washington International Thurgood Marshall Airport

Authority: Transportation Article, §§5-204, 5-208, and 5-426, Annotated Code of Maryland

Notice of Proposed Action


The Maryland Aviation Administration  proposes to amend Regulation .09 under COMAR 11.03.01 Baltimore/Washington International Thurgood Marshall Airport. This action was considered by the Maryland Aviation Commission in an open meeting on February 21, 2024, notice of which was given, pursuant to General Provisions Article, §3-302, Annotated Code of Maryland.

Statement of Purpose

The purpose of this action is to establish a fee for replacing identification badges and a fee for employers who fail to retrieve identification badges from former employees and return them to the Maryland Aviation Administration.

Estimate of Economic Impact

The proposed action has no economic impact.

Economic Impact on Small Businesses

The proposed action has minimal or no economic impact on small businesses.

Impact on Individuals with Disabilities

The proposed action has no impact on individuals with disabilities.

Opportunity for Public Comment

Comments may be sent to Stacey Hicks-Johnson, Regulations Coordinator, Maryland Aviation Administration, P.O. Box 8766, BWI Airport, MD 21240, or call 410-859-7351, or email to Comments will be accepted through July 1, 2024. A public hearing has not been scheduled.

.09 Airport Security.

A.—C. (text unchanged)

D. [Security] Identification Badge.

(1) An individual entering the air operations area at the Airport shall display an [authorized employee] identification badge or be properly escorted by an individual displaying an [authorized employee] identification badge issued by the Administration.

(2) (text unchanged)

(3) The type of plastic laminate on the identification badge shall be such that, if tampered with, any photograph and identification [card] badge would be mutilated.

(4) [If an identification badge is lost or stolen, the employee] An individual shall give prompt notice to the Airport Security Office if their identification badge is lost or stolen.  The Administration may charge the individual a fee to replace an identification badge. The fees are:

(a) First replacement — $50;

(b) Second replacement — $100; and

(c) Each successive replacement — $250.

(5) [The] An employer shall [collect] immediately collect and forward to the Airport Security Office the identification badge of an employee [upon] that is no longer employed by the [termination of employment] employer. The Administration may charge a $100 fee to an employer for the failure to return an identification badge to the Administration.

(6)—(15) (text unchanged)

Executive Director
Maryland Aviation Administration


Title 13A


13A.07.02 Terms of Employment

Authority: Education Article, §§2-205, 4-103, 4-204(a), 6-201, 6-202, and
6-302; State Personnel and Pensions Article, §§22-406 and 23-407; Annotated Code of Maryland

Notice of Proposed Action


The State Board of Education proposes to amend Regulation .01 under COMAR 13A.07.02 Terms of Employment. This action was considered by the State Board of Education at their March 26, 2024, meeting.

Statement of Purpose

The purpose of this action is to remove references to “certificate” and “certificated” and replace them with references to “license” and “licensed” in accordance with the amendments to COMAR 13A.12 Educator Licensure.

Estimate of Economic Impact

The proposed action has no economic impact.

Economic Impact on Small Businesses

The proposed action has minimal or no economic impact on small businesses.

Impact on Individuals with Disabilities

The proposed action has no impact on individuals with disabilities.

Opportunity for Public Comment

Comments may be sent to Kelly Meadows, Assistant State Superintendent, Maryland State Department of Education, Division of Educator Effectiveness, 200 West Baltimore Street, Baltimore, MD 21201, or call 410-767-0386, or email to Comments will be accepted through July 1, 2024. A public hearing has not been scheduled.

Open Meeting

Final action on the proposal will be considered by the State Board of Education during a public meeting to be held on July 23, 2024, at 9 a.m., at 200 West Baltimore Street, Baltimore, MD 21201.

.01 Contracts.

A. Contracts To Be In Writing. All contracts with [certificated] licensed professional employees shall be in writing and on contract forms prescribed by the State Board of Education. The contract shall be signed by the [certificated] licensed professional employee and the secretary of the local board of education, and when so signed shall be filed by the secretary in the office of the Board.

B. Regular (Teacher’s) Contract.

(1) Except as provided in §C of this regulation, for employees who hold professional [certificates] licenses, the form entitled “Regular Contract” shall be used and others may not be recognized.

(2) The following is the approved form:




STATE OF MARYLAND, COUNTY OF ___________________


IT IS HEREBY AGREED by and between the LOCAL BOARD OF EDUCATION OF _____________ COUNTY and _____________ that the said [certificated] licensed employee shall be and is hereby employed in the public schools of the said County subject to assignment by the Local Superintendent or transfer to some other position with the County, provided that if the transfer be made during the school year or after the opening of the school for any year, the salary shall not be reduced for the remainder of the year. The salary of said [certificated] licensed employee shall be fixed by the Local Board of Education which salary shall be not less than the minimum salary provided by law.

The term “school year” as used in this contract means the period of time the [certificated] licensed employee is obligated to perform duties (teaching and nonteaching) under his or her assignment for a local school system.

AND IT IS FURTHER AGREED that the [certificated] licensed employee named herein shall become a member of the Teachers’_____________________________________* of the State of Maryland, if eligible, as of date on which his/her service begins.

AND IT IS FURTHER AGREED that the said [certificated] licensed employee will not rescind an employment contract with the local school system after July 15 except in case of emergency, of which the Local Board of Education shall exercise judgment on a reasonable basis.

AND IT IS FURTHER AGREED that the said [certificated] licensed employee will perform all duties required by the rules and regulations of the Local Board of Education and the State Board of Education.


(a) Except as provided in subparagraphs (c)—(d) below, the probationary period of employment of a [certificated] licensed employee in a local school system shall be three years from the date of employment.

(b) Either of the parties to this contract may terminate it at the end of the first, second, or third school year or on the first, second, or third anniversary date of employment in regard to employees hired after January 1 following the commencement of a school year by giving notice in writing to the other, as of the following dates:

(i) In the case of employees employed before January 1 following the commencement of a school year, not later than May 1;

(ii) In the case of employees employed on or after January 1 following the commencement of a school year, not later than June 15, or not later than sixty (60) days prior to the first, second, or third anniversary date at the discretion of the Local Board of Education. Notwithstanding (i) above to the contrary, in the case in which the Board of Education must effect a reduction in force because a position must be abolished as a result of budgetary action by the local appropriating authority on or after May 1, notice must be given to the employee within 15 days following final action by the appropriating authority or June 30, whichever is earlier.

(c) A [certificated] licensed employee who has achieved tenure in a local school system and moves to another local school system shall retain tenure in the new local school system under the following conditions:

(i) The employee’s contract is renewed after one year of probationary employment in the local school system to which the employee relocated;

(ii) The employee’s final evaluation rating in the local school system from which the employee departed is “satisfactory” or better; and

(iii) There has been no break in the employee’s service between the two local school systems of longer than one year.

(d) A [certificated] licensed employee’s probationary period in a new local school system, specified in subparagraph (c) above, may be extended for a second year from the date of employment if:

(i) The employee does not qualify for tenure at the end of the first year based on established performance evaluation criteria; and

(ii) The employee demonstrates a strong potential for improvement.

AND IT IS FURTHER AGREED that if the [certificated] licensed employee named herein wishes to vacate his or her position after becoming tenured, thirty days’ notice in writing shall be given the Local Board of Education prior to the beginning of his or her next school year but not later than July 15, except in case of emergency, of which the Local Board of Education shall exercise judgment on a reasonable basis.

If any of the conditions of this contract shall be violated by the [certificated] licensed employee named herein, salary already accrued will be forfeited, in the discretion of the Local Board of Education.

This contract shall continue from year to year, subject to the aforegoing conditions. The Local Board of Education, pursuant to the provisions of §6-202 of the Education Article of the Annotated Code of Maryland, as amended, may suspend or dismiss the employee at any time, upon the recommendation of the Local Superintendent, for immorality; misconduct in office, including knowingly failing to report suspected child abuse in violation of §5-701 et seq. of the Family Law Article; insubordination; incompetency; or willful neglect of duty, provided that the charge or charges be stated, in writing, to the employee, and that the employee be given an opportunity to be heard by the Local Board of Education upon not less than 10 days’ notice with the right to bring counsel and witnesses, if so desired. An appeal may be made to the State Board of Education within 30 days of the decision of the Local Board of Education.

This contract shall automatically terminate if the employee ceases to hold a professional [certificate] license.

This contract is made in accordance with the provisions of the School Law, and is subject to §§2-205, 4-103, 4-204(a), 6-201, 6-202, and 6-302 of the Education Article of the Annotated Code of Maryland, and any amendments thereto, and will be filed among the records of the Local Board of Education.

The said [certificated] licensed employee on his or her part hereby accepts said employment, to take effect on the ___day of __________________, 20___. Date of signing this contract __________________, 20___.





Secretary, Local Board of Education



[Certificated] Licensed Employee


C. Provisional Contract. For employees who hold conditional or resident teacher [certificates] licenses the form entitled “Provisional Contract For Conditional or Resident Teacher [Certificate] License Holders” shall be used, and no others shall be recognized. The following is the approved form:




STATE OF MARYLAND, COUNTY OF ____________________


IT IS HEREBY AGREED by and between the LOCAL BOARD OF EDUCATION of COUNTY and that the said [certificated] licensed employee shall be and is hereby employed in the public schools of the said County as subject to assignment by the Local Superintendent or transfer in some other position within the County, provided that if the transfer be made during the school year or after the opening of the school for the term herein designated, the salary shall not be reduced for the remainder of the year. The salary of said [certificated] licensed employee shall be fixed by the Local Board of Education, which salary shall not be less than the minimum salary provided by law.

The term of this contract shall extend from the date of its signing until the thirtieth day of June next succeeding said date of signing, and this contract shall automatically terminate and expire on the thirtieth day of June next succeeding the date of its signing.

AND IT IS FURTHER AGREED that the teacher named herein shall become a member of the Teachers’ * of the State of Maryland as of date on which his/her teaching service begins.

AND IT IS FURTHER AGREED that the said [certificated] licensed employee will not vacate the position to which assigned during any school year, except in case of emergency, of which the Local Board of Education shall judge.

AND IT IS FURTHER AGREED that the said [certificated] licensed employee will perform all duties required by the rules and regulations of the Local Board of Education and the State Board of Education.

If any of the conditions of this contract shall be violated by the [certificated] licensed employee named herein, salary already accrued will be forfeited, in the discretion of the Local Board of Education. The Local Board of Education, pursuant to the provisions of §6-202 of the Education Article of the Annotated Code of Maryland, as amended, may suspend or dismiss the employee at any time, upon the recommendation of the Local Superintendent, for immorality; misconduct in office, including knowingly failing to report suspected child abuse in violation of §5-701 et seq. of the Family Law Article; insubordination; incompetency; or willful neglect of duty, provided that the charge or charges be stated, in writing, to the employee, and that the employee be given an opportunity to be heard by the Local Board of Education upon not less than 10 days’ notice, with the right to bring counsel and witnesses, if so desired. An appeal may be made to the State Board of Education within 30 days of the decision of the Local Board of Education.

Anything to the contrary notwithstanding, this contract shall terminate if the employee [ceasees] ceases to hold or fails to comply with the requirements for maintaining a teacher’s Conditional or Resident Teacher [Certificate] License. However, if the employee is provided a Professional [Certificate] License during the school year for which this contract is in effect, the employee’s employment shall continue to be governed by the terms of this contract until its June 30th termination date. If the local board employer determines to offer the employee for the subsequent school year a regular contract then in force according to the regulations as promulgated by the State Board of Education, the employee shall be given credit toward tenure for years served as a conditional or resident teacher employee.

The said [certificated] licensed employee on his or her part hereby agrees to abide by the terms and restrictions of this contract and accepts said appointment, to take effect on the ___ day of __________________, 20___. Date of signing this contract ___________________________, 20___.





Secretary, Local Board of Education



[Certificated] Licensed Employee


*Type “Retirement System” or “Pension Plan System”, as applicable.

State Superintendent of Schools


Subtitle 08 STUDENTS

13A.08.01 General Regulations

Authority: Education Article, §§2-205, 7-101, 7-101.1, 7-301, 7-301.1,
7-303—7-305, 7-305.1, 7-307, 7-308, and 8-404, Annotated Code of Maryland; Ch. 273, Acts of 2016; Federal Statutory Reference: 20 U.S.C. §§1232g and 7912

Notice of Proposed Action


The State Board of Education proposes to amend Regulation .17 under COMAR 13A.08.01 General Regulations. This action was considered by the State Board of Education at their March 26, 2024, meeting.

Also at this time, the State Board of Education is withdrawing the proposal to amend Regulation .17 under COMAR 13A.08.01 General Regulations that was published in 50:20 Md. R 924—927 (October 6, 2024).

Statement of Purpose

The purpose of this action is to align COMAR 13A.08.01.17 with the statutory language of Education Article, §§7-303 and 7-305, Annotated Code of Maryland, to provide a definition of  “reportable offenses” and to clarify necessary school and local school system actions related to educational programs and safety when there is a student facing community-based charges.

Estimate of Economic Impact

The proposed action has no economic impact.

Economic Impact on Small Businesses

The proposed action has minimal or no economic impact on small businesses.

Impact on Individuals with Disabilities

The proposed action has an impact on individuals with disabilities as follows:

The proposed regulation provides additional protections for students with disabilities by applying portions of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), including manifestation determination reviews and the provision of a free appropriate public education, to removals for a reportable offense.

Opportunity for Public Comment

Comments may be sent to Mary L. Gable, Assistant State Superintendent, Maryland State Department of Education, 200 West Baltimore Street, Baltimore, MD 21201, or call 410-767-0472, or email to Comments will be accepted through July 1, 2024. A public hearing has not been scheduled.

Open Meeting

Final action on the proposal will be considered by the State Board of Education during a public meeting to be held on July 23, 2024 at 9 a.m., at 200 West Baltimore Street, Baltimore, MD 21201.

.17 School Use of Reportable Offenses.

A. Terms Defined. In this regulation the following terms have the meanings indicated:

(1) (text unchanged)

(2) “Criminal [gang] organization” has the meaning stated in Criminal Law Article, §9-801, Annotated Code of Maryland.

(3)—(5) (text unchanged)

(6) “Regular school program” means the courses, classes, and related services the student is enrolled in by a local school system at the time of the student’s reportable offense.

[(6)] (7) “Related services” means any supportive intervention that is available through the local school system.

[(7)] (8) “Reportable offense” means an offense that:

[(a) A crime of violence, as defined in Criminal Law Article, §14-101, Annotated Code of Maryland;

(b) Any of the offenses enumerated in Courts and Judicial Proceedings Article, §3-8A-03(d)(4), Annotated Code of Maryland;

(c) A violation of Criminal Law Article §4-101, 4-102, 4-203 or 4-204, Annotated Code of Maryland;

(d) A violation of Criminal Law Article, §5-602—5-609, 5-612—5-614, 5-617, 5-618, 5-627 or 5-628, Annotated Code of Maryland;

(e) A violation of Criminal Law Article, §4-503, 9-504 or 9-505, Annotated Code of Maryland;

(f) A violation of Criminal Law Article §6-102, 6-103, 6-104 or 6-105, Annotated Code of Maryland;

(g) A violation of Criminal Law Article §9-802 or 9-803, Annotated Code of Maryland;

(h) A violation of Criminal Law Article §3-203, Annotated Code of Maryland;

(i) A violation of Criminal Law Article §6-301, Annotated Code of Maryland;

(j) A violation of Criminal Law Article §9-302, 9-303 or 9-305, Annotated Code of Maryland;

(k) A violation of Criminal Law Article §7-105, Annotated Code of Maryland; or

(l) An offense related to membership in a criminal gang.]

(a) Occurred off school premises;

(b) Did not occur at an event sponsored by the school; and

(c) Involved any of the following:

(i) A crime of violence, as defined in Criminal Law Article, §14–101, Annotated Code of Maryland;

(ii) Any of the offenses enumerated in Courts and Judicial Proceedings Article, §3–8A–03(e)(4), Annotated Code of Maryland;

(iii) A violation of Criminal Law Article, §4–101, 4–102, 4–203, or 4–204, Annotated Code of Maryland;

(iv) A violation of Criminal Law Article, §5–602, 5–603, 5–604, 5–605, 5–606, 5–607, 5–608, 5–608.1, 5–609, 5–612, 5–613, 5–614, 5–617, 5–618, 5–627, or 5–628, Annotated Code of Maryland;

(v) A violation of Criminal Law Article, §4–503, 9–504, or 9–505, Annotated Code of Maryland;

(vi) A violation of Criminal Law Article, §6–102, 6–103, 6–104, or 6–105, Annotated Code of Maryland;

(vii) A violation of Criminal Law Article, § 9–802 or 9–803, Annotated Code of Maryland;

(viii) A violation of Criminal Law Article, §3–203, Annotated Code of Maryland;

(ix) A violation of Criminal Law Article, §6–301, Annotated Code of Maryland;

(x) A violation of Criminal Law Article, §9–302, 9–303, or 9–305, Annotated Code of Maryland;

(xi) A violation of Criminal Law Article, §7–105, Annotated Code of Maryland;

(xii) A violation of Criminal Law Article, §6–202, Annotated Code of Maryland; or

(xiii) A violation of Criminal Law Article, §10–606, Annotated Code of Maryland.

[(8)] (9) (text unchanged)

[(9)] (10) School Security Officer.

(a) “School security officer” means an individual designated to maintain the security and safety of a school.

[(a)] (b) School security officer includes:

(i)—(ii) (text unchanged)

(iii) Other individual employed by a local school system or a local government who is designated by the [county] local superintendent or a school principal to help maintain the security and safety of a school.

[(b)] (c) (text unchanged)

[(10)] (11) (text unchanged)

(12) “Student with a disability” means a student eligible under the Individuals with Disabilities Act or Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.

[B. Administrative Procedures.

(1) Promptly, upon receipt of information from a law enforcement agency of an arrest of a student for a reportable offense, the local superintendent shall provide the school principal of the school in which the student is enrolled with the arrest information, including the charges. If the student who has been arrested is an identified student with disabilities who has been enrolled by the public school system in a nonpublic school program, the local superintendent shall provide the principal of the nonpublic school with the arrest information, including the charges.

(2) The school principal with appropriate staff members shall immediately develop a plan that addresses appropriate educational programming and related services for the student and that maintains a safe and secure school environment for all students and school personnel. The school principal shall request that the student’s parent or guardian:

(a) Participate in the development of the plan; and

(b) Submit information that is relevant to developing the plan.

(3) If the plan results in a change to the student’s educational program, the school principal shall promptly schedule a conference to inform the parent or guardian of the plan. The plan shall be implemented not later than 5 school days after receipt of the arrest information.

(4) The school principal and appropriate staff shall review the plan and the student’s status and make adjustments as appropriate:

(a) Immediately upon notification from the State’s Attorney of the disposition of the reportable offense; or

(b) Pending notification from the State’s Attorney, at a minimum on a quarterly basis.

(5) The parent or guardian shall be informed of any adjustments to the plan.

(6) Each local school system shall provide a review process to resolve any disagreement that arises in the implementation of this regulation.

C. General Provisions.

(1) Except by order of a juvenile court or other court upon good cause shown or as provided in §C(2) of this regulation, the reportable offense information is confidential and may not be redisclosed by subpoena or otherwise and may not be made part of the student’s permanent educational record.

(2) If the disposition of the reportable offense was a conviction, an adjudication of delinquency, or the criminal charge or delinquency petition is still pending, a local superintendent or school principal may transmit the information obtained under this regulation as a confidential file to the local superintendent of another public school system or to another nonpublic school in the state in which the student has enrolled or has transferred, to carry out the purposes of this regulation.

(3) A local superintendent or school principal who transmits information about a student under §C(2) of this regulation shall include in the confidential transmittal information on any educational programming and related services provided to the student.

(4) A fee may not be charged to the student or parent or guardian for the alternative educational programming or related services that are developed for the student.

(5) Notice of the reportable offense charge alone may not be the basis for suspension or expulsion of the student. However, nothing in this regulation is intended to limit the manner in which a school obtains information or uses information obtained by any lawful means other than through notice of the arrest.

(6) Appropriate educational programming and related services shall be provided to an identified student with disabilities in accordance with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and State special education law and regulations, including COMAR 13A.05.01.

(7) The reportable offense information obtained by a local superintendent, school principal or school security officer shall be:

(a) Transmitted only to school personnel of the school in which the student is enrolled as necessary to carry out the purposes set forth in this regulation; and

(b) Destroyed when the first of the following occurs:

(i) The student graduates;

(ii) The student otherwise permanently leaves school;

(iii) The student turns 22 years old;

(iv) The criminal case involving the reportable offense is dismissed;

(v) The student is found not guilty of the reportable offense; or

(vi) The student pleads to a lesser offense that is not a reportable offense.

(8) Reportable offense involving rape or a sexual offense.

(a) Except as otherwise provided in paragraph §C(8)(b) of this regulation, the local superintendent and the school principal shall consider prohibiting a student who is arrested for a reportable offense involving rape or a sexual offense from attending the same school or riding on the same school bus as the alleged victim of the reportable offense if such action is necessary or appropriate to protect the physical or psychological well-being of the alleged victim.

(b) If a student is arrested for a reportable offense involving rape or a sexual offense and is convicted of or adjudicated delinquent for the rape or sexual offense, the student may not attend the same school or ride on the same school bus as the victim.

(9) Nothing in this regulation is intended to limit the manner in which a local school obtains information or uses information obtained by any lawful means other than that set forth in §C(2) of this regulation.

(10) Each public school that enrolls students in grades six through 12 in the State shall designate at least one school security officer.]

B. Notification by Law Enforcement. If a student is arrested for a reportable offense or an offense that is related to the student’s membership in a criminal organization, the law enforcement agency making the arrest:

(1) Shall notify the following individuals of the arrest and the charges within 24 hours of the arrest or as soon as practicable:

(a) The local superintendent;

(b) The school principal; and

(c) For a school that has a school security officer, the school security officer; and

(2) May notify the State’s Attorney of the arrest and charges.

C. Safety Determination Procedures and Plan.

(1) Promptly, upon receipt of information from a law enforcement agency or another verified source of an arrest of a student for a reportable offense:

(a) The local superintendent shall provide the school principal of the school in which the student is enrolled with the arrest information, including the charges; or

(b) If the student who has been arrested is an identified student with disabilities who has been enrolled by the public school system in a nonpublic school program, the local superintendent shall provide the principal of the nonpublic school with the arrest information, including the charges.

(2) The school principal, in consultation with appropriate staff members, shall consider whether the student’s presence presents a risk to the safety of other students and staff.

(3) If the school principal believes the student presents a safety risk, the school principal shall immediately develop a plan that:

(a) Addresses appropriate educational programming and related services for the student; and

(b) Maintains a safe and secure school environment for all students and staff.

(4) The school principal shall request that the student’s parent or guardian:

(a) Participate in the development of the plan; and

(b) Submit information that is relevant to developing the plan.

(5) If the student has an attorney, the school principal shall invite the student’s attorney to participate in any meeting with the student’s parent or guardian to discuss the plan.

D. Removal from Regular School Program.

(1) A student may not be removed from the student’s regular school program unless the student presents an imminent threat of serious harm to other students or staff. 

(2) Notice of the arrest for a reportable offense may not be the sole basis for a change in the student’s regular school program.

(3) If the plan developed in §C(3) of this regulation includes removal of the student from the student’s regular school program, the school principal shall promptly inform the local superintendent in writing.

(4) Upon receipt of a written report from a school principal requesting a removal from the regular school program, and no later than 10 school days from the notification of the reportable offense, the local superintendent shall:

(a)  Promptly hold a conference with the student, the student’s parent or guardian, and, if the student has an attorney, the student’s attorney; and

(b)  Make a determination as to whether the student poses an imminent threat of serious harm to other students or staff necessitating a removal.

(5) Implementation of the plan must occur by the tenth school day following notification of the reportable offense.

(6) If after the conference, the local superintendent finds that a removal from the regular school program is warranted, the student or the student’s parent or guardian may appeal the removal to the local board within 15 calendar days after the receipt of the written determination and notice of appeal rights.

(7) If an appeal is filed, the local board or its designated committee or hearing officer shall have 45 calendar days from the date the appeal was received to hear the appeal and issue a decision, as follows:

(a) This timeline period may be extended if the parent, guardian, or representative requests additional time; and

(b) This timeline shall also apply if the local board elects to use a hearing examiner.

(8) If, due to extraordinary circumstances or unusual complexity of a particular appeal, the local board determines that it will be unable to hear an appeal and issue a decision within 45 calendar days, it may petition the State Superintendent for an extension of time.

(9) The student or the student’s parent, guardian, or representative:

(a) Shall be provided with the school system’s witness list and a copy of the documents that the school system will present at the hearing no later than 5 business days before the hearing; and

(b) May bring counsel and witnesses to the hearing.

(10) Unless a public hearing is requested by the parent or guardian of the student, a hearing shall be held out of the presence of all individuals except those whose presence is considered necessary or desirable by the local board.

(11) The appeal to the local board does not stay the decision of the local superintendent.

(12) The decision of the local board is final.

E. Review Procedures.

(1) With the input of the school principal, appropriate staff, the student, and the student’s parent or guardian, the local superintendent shall review the plan and the student’s status and make adjustments as appropriate:

(a) Immediately upon notification from the State’s Attorney of the disposition of the reportable offense; or

(b) Pending notification from the State’s Attorney, at a minimum every 45 school days.

(2) If the student has an attorney, the local superintendent shall invite the student’s attorney to participate in any meeting with the student or the student’s parent or guardian to discuss the review of the plan.

(3) The student and the student’s parent or guardian shall be provided in writing with the local superintendent’s review decision.

(4) If the student or the student’s parent or guardian disagrees with the local superintendent’s review decision, the student or the student’s parent or guardian may appeal the decision consistent with §D(5)—(11) of this regulation.

F.  Confidentiality of Information and Retention of Documents.

(1) Except by order of a juvenile court or other court upon good cause shown or as provided in §F(2) of this regulation, the reportable offense information is confidential and may not be redisclosed by subpoena or otherwise and may not be made part of the student’s permanent educational record.

(2) If the disposition of the reportable offense was a conviction or an adjudication of delinquency, or the criminal charge or delinquency petition is still pending, a local superintendent or school principal may transmit the information obtained under this regulation as a confidential file to the local superintendent of another local school system or to another nonpublic school in the state in which the student has enrolled or has transferred, to carry out the purposes of this regulation.

(3) A local superintendent or school principal who transmits information about a student under §F(2) of this regulation shall include in the confidential transmittal information on any educational programming and related services provided to the student.

(4) Nothing in this regulation is intended to limit the manner in which a local school obtains information or uses information obtained by any lawful means.

(5) The reportable offense information obtained by a local superintendent, school principal, or school security officer shall be:

(a) Transmitted only to school personnel of the school in which the student is enrolled and as necessary to carry out the purposes set forth in this regulation; and

(b) Destroyed when the first of the following occurs:

(i) The student graduates;

(ii) The student otherwise permanently leaves school;

(iii) The student turns 22 years old;

(iv) The criminal case involving the reportable offense is dismissed;

(v) The student is found not guilty of the reportable offense; or

(vi) The student pleads to a lesser offense that is not a reportable offense.

G. Students with Disabilities.

(1) Appropriate educational programming and related services shall be provided to an identified student with a disability in accordance with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and State special education law and regulations, including COMAR 13A.05.01.

(2) Removal of a student with a disability resulting in a change of placement shall be conducted in conformance with the requirements of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and State special education law and regulations, including requirements related to a manifestation determination.

(3) If the student has an attorney, the attorney shall be invited to attend any meeting to discuss the manifestation determination.

H. Reportable Offense Involving Rape or a Sexual Offense.

(1) Except as otherwise provided in §H(2) of this regulation, the local superintendent and the school principal shall consider prohibiting a student who is arrested for a reportable offense involving rape or a sexual offense from attending the same school or riding on the same school bus as the alleged victim of the reportable offense if such action is necessary or appropriate to protect the physical or psychological well-being of the alleged victim.

(2) If a student is arrested for a reportable offense involving rape or a sexual offense and is convicted of or adjudicated delinquent for the rape or sexual offense, the student may not attend the same school or ride on the same school bus as the victim.

(3) Consistent with Criminal Procedure Article, §11-722(e), Annotated Code of Maryland, a student who is required to register with the Maryland Sex Offender Registry may receive an education in accordance with State law in any of the following locations:

(a) A location other than a public or nonpublic elementary or secondary school, including by:

(i) Participating in the Home and Hospital Teaching Program for Students; or

(ii) Participating in or attending a program approved by a local board;

(b) A Regional Institute for Children and Adolescents; or

(c) A nonpublic educational program as provided by Education Article, §8-406, Annotated Code of Maryland, if:

(i) The registrant has notified an agent or employee of the nonpublic educational program that the registrant is required to register under this subtitle; and

(ii) The registrant has been given specific written permission by an agent or employee of the nonpublic educational program to attend the nonpublic educational program.

I. General Provisions.

(1) Each public school that enrolls students in grades six through 12 in the State shall designate at least one school security officer.

(2) A fee may not be charged to the student or parent or guardian for the alternative educational programming or related services that are developed for the student.

J. Data Collection.

(1) Each year, the local school system shall provide to the Department the following information for each reportable offense for which the local school received information under this regulation:

(a) The nature of the reportable offense;

(b) Verification that the offense occurred off school premises;

(c) Action taken by the local school and local board after being notified of the reportable offense;

(d) The race, ethnicity, gender, and disability status of the student arrested for the reportable offense;

(e) The grade of the student arrested for the reportable offense;

(f) The regular school program of the student arrested for the reportable offense;

(g) Whether the student’s regular school program was altered as a result of the reportable offense;

(h) If the student was removed from the student’s regular school program as a result of the reportable offense:

(i) The amount of time during which the student was removed; and

(ii) The student’s placement and educational programming during the period of removal; and

(i) If removed from the student’s regular school program, the student’s academic performance during the time period the student was removed, including attendance, grades, and standardized test scores, and any additional disciplinary actions.

State Superintendent of Schools


Title 14


14.01.02 Prescription Drug Affordability Fund

Authority: Health-General Article, §§21-2C-03(f)(1) and 21-2C-11, Annotated Code of Maryland

Notice of Proposed Action


The Maryland Prescription Drug Affordability Board proposes to amend Regulations .02 under COMAR 14.01.02 Prescription Drug Affordability Fund. This action was considered and approved by the Maryland Prescription Drug Affordability Board at a public meeting held on March 25, 2024, notice of which was provided by publication on the PDAB's website at, as required under General Provisions Article, §3-302(c), Annotated Code of Maryland.

Statement of Purpose

The purpose of this action is to (1) authorize staff to perform maintenance on the list of assessed entities throughout the year, and (2) modify the circumstances under which entities may be added or removed from the list, allowing for a more efficient assessment process.

Estimate of Economic Impact

The proposed action has no economic impact.

Economic Impact on Small Businesses

The proposed action has minimal or no economic impact on small businesses.

Impact on Individuals with Disabilities

The proposed action has no impact on individuals with disabilities.

Opportunity for Public Comment

Comments may be sent to Christina Shaklee, Health Policy Analyst Advanced, Maryland Prescription Drug Affordability Board, 16900 Science Drive, Suite 112—114, Bowie, MD 20715, or call 410-703-7015, or email to Comments will be accepted through July 1, 2024. A public hearing has not been scheduled.

.02 Fee Assessment, Exemption, Waiver, and Collection.

A.—D. (text unchanged)

E. Maintenance of Assessment List.

(1) (text unchanged)

(2) At any time, Board staff [shall] may:

(a) Review the list [on], but staff shall review the list on at least an annual basis;

(b) Add additional entities [when] reported by or obtained from other agencies or identified by staff; and

(c) Remove entities [when] if the entity:

(i) (text unchanged)

(ii) [Has not been required to pay the assessment for 3 consecutive years] Has been determined to be exempt from assessment.

Executive Director



Notice of Proposed Action


The Maryland Health Benefit Exchange proposes to:

(1) Amend Regulation .02 under COMAR 14.35.01 General Provisions;

(2) Adopt new Regulation .23 under COMAR 14.35.07 Eligibility Standards for Enrollment in a Qualified Health Plan, Eligibility Standards for APTC and CSR, and Eligibility Standards for Enrollment in a Catastrophic Qualified Health Plan in the Individual Exchange; and

(3) Amend Regulation .05 under COMAR 14.35.15 Carrier Certification Standards.

This proposal was considered at the April 15, 2024, meeting of the Maryland Health Benefit Exchange (MHBE) Board of Trustees.

Statement of Purpose

The purpose of this action is to  codify MHBE's existing re-enrollment process, align MHBE's re-enrollment hierarchy with that of the Federally Facilitated Exchange for enrollees enrolled in Bronze plans who are eligible for a more generous plan at the same or lower monthly cost, and update related regulations to ensure carrier awareness and to define a key term.

Estimate of Economic Impact

The proposed action has no economic impact.

Economic Impact on Small Businesses

The proposed action has minimal or no economic impact on small businesses.

Impact on Individuals with Disabilities

The proposed action has no impact on individuals with disabilities.

Opportunity for Public Comment

Comments may be sent to Becca Lane, Senior Health Policy Analyst, Maryland Health Benefit Exchange, 750 E Pratt St., Baltimore, MD 21202, or call 410-547-7371, or email to Comments will be accepted through July 1, 2024. A public hearing has not been scheduled.


14.35.01 General Provisions

Authority: Insurance Article, §31-106(c)(1)(iv), Annotated Code of Maryland

.02 Definitions.

A. (text unchanged)

B. Terms Defined.

(1)—(44) (text unchanged)

(45) “Provider network” has the same meaning as “provider panel” as stated in COMAR

[(45)] (46)—[(55)] (56) (text unchanged)


14.35.07 Eligibility Standards for Enrollment in a Qualified Health Plan, Eligibility Standards for APTC and CSR, and Eligibility Standards for Enrollment in a Catastrophic Qualified Health Plan in the Individual Exchange

Authority: Insurance Article, §31-106(c)(1)(iv), Annotated Code of Maryland

.23 QHP Re-Enrollments—In General.

A. The Exchange shall redetermine the eligibility of a qualified individual on an annual basis as specified in 45 CFR §155.335.

B. The Exchange shall provide a qualified individual with an annual redetermination notice as specified in 45 CFR §155.335(c) that adheres to the timing specified in 45 CFR §155.335(d).

C. If an enrollee remains eligible for enrollment in a QHP through the Exchange upon annual redetermination, the Exchange shall re-enroll the enrollee according to 45 CFR §155.335(j), except as provided for in §E of this regulation.

D. Consumers eligible for re-enrollment may:

(1) Change their plan during open enrollment;

(2) If ineligible for automatic re-enrollment, manually re-enroll coverage by:

(a) Re-enrolling online through the Maryland Health Connection Consumer Portal;

(b) Re-enrolling with the assistance of an Individual Exchange Navigator, certified application counselor, or insurance producer; or

(c) Calling the MHC call center; or

(3) Decline re-enrollment.

E. Re-Enrollment into Higher Value Plans.

(1) Unless the enrollee terminates coverage, including termination of coverage in connection with voluntarily selecting a different QHP in accordance with 45 CFR §155.430, the exchange shall follow the procedure detailed in §E(2) of this regulation to re-enroll an enrollee into a plan other than the enrollee's original plan or plan identified by the carrier pursuant to §F of this regulation if the enrollee:

(a) Remains eligible for enrollment in a QHP through the Exchange upon annual redetermination;

(b) Is determined, upon annual redetermination, eligible for cost-sharing reductions in accordance with 45 CFR §155.305(g);

(c) Is currently enrolled in a bronze level QHP that is not a high deductible health plan compatible with a health savings account as defined in 26 U.S.C. §223; and

(d) Would be re-enrolled in a bronze level QHP that is not a high deductible health plan compatible with a health savings account as defined in 26 U.S.C. §223 under §B of this regulation.

(2) The Exchange shall re-enroll enrollees that meet the criteria of §E(1) of this regulation in the QHP:

(a) With the highest actuarial value available;

(b) Within the same product;

(c) With the same provider network; and

(d) Which, compared to the original bronze level QHP into which the Exchange would otherwise re-enroll the enrollee under §B of this regulation, and after the application of advance payment of the premium tax credit and young adult subsidy under COMAR 14.35.19, has a premium that is:

(i) Lower; or

(ii) Equivalent.

F. For QHPs that carriers plan to discontinue, enrollees in those QHPs shall be re-enrolled into QHPs determined by carrier-submitted plan re-enrollment templates according to COMAR


14.35.15 Carrier Certification Standards

Authority: Insurance Article, §31-106(c)(1)(iv), Annotated Code of Maryland

.05 Conditions for Participation—Authorized Carrier Conduct.

A.—N. (text unchanged)

O. Designation of Plans for Re-Enrollment.

(1) If a carrier terminates a plan in accordance with 45 CFR 147.106(c), the carrier shall submit to the Exchange a template that designates a plan that is an appropriate substitute for the plan that will no longer be available in the next plan year.

(2) The substitute plan designated by the carrier shall be determined in accordance with COMAR

Executive Director



14.39.02 Administration of the Public School Construction Program

Authority: Education Article, §§4-126, 5-112, and 5-303; State Finance and Procurement Article, §5-7B-07; Annotated Code of Maryland


Correction to Notice of Open Meeting

     The Notice of Open Meeting that appeared in 51:6 Md. R. 308 (March 22, 2024) has been changed to correct the date, as follows:

Open Meeting

     Final action on the proposal will be considered by the Interagency Commission on School Construction during a public meeting to be held on June 13, 2024, at 9 a.m., at

Executive Director


Title 34


34.04.02 Maryland Historical Trust Historic Preservation Loan Program

Authority: State Finance and Procurement Article, [§§5-7B-01—5-7B-10] §§5-203, 5A-318 [and], 5A-327and 5A-331, Annotated Code of Maryland[; Executive Orders 01.01.1992.27C and 01.01.1998.04]

Notice of Proposed Action


The Secretary of the Department of Planning proposes to amend Regulations .01—.11 and .13 under COMAR 34.04.02 Maryland Historical Trust Historic Preservation Loan Program.

Statement of Purpose

The purpose of this action is to comply with the changes enacted by Ch. 203, Acts of 2023, which altered the uses of the Historic Preservation Loan Fund and authorized the Maryland Historic Trust to transfer funds from the Fund to a qualified cooperating nonprofit organization for certain purposes.

Estimate of Economic Impact

The proposed action has no economic impact.

Economic Impact on Small Businesses

The proposed action has minimal or no economic impact on small businesses.

Impact on Individuals with Disabilities

The proposed action has no impact on individuals with disabilities.

Opportunity for Public Comment

Comments may be sent to Anne B. Raines, Deputy Director, Maryland Historical Trust, 100 Community Place, 3rd Floor, Crownsville, MD 21032-2023, or call 410-697-9584, or email to Comments will be accepted through July 1, 2024. A public hearing has not been scheduled.

.01 General.

These regulations prescribe the policies, procedures, and authorizations for administering the Historic Preservation Loan Program and providing loans and transfers from the Historic Preservation Loan Fund of the Maryland Historical Trust, an agency within the Division of Historical and Cultural Programs of the Department of Planning.

.02 Objective.

The objective of the Program is to provide a source of funding to assist and encourage efforts to acquire and preserve historic properties, including loans to local jurisdictions, nonprofit organizations, business entities, and individuals, and [to assist and encourage efforts to acquire and preserve historic properties] transfers to qualified cooperating nonprofit organizations.

.03 Definitions.

A. (text unchanged)

B. Terms Defined.

(1) — (2) (text unchanged)

(3) “Administrative costs” means indirect costs for common or joint objectives that cannot be readily identified with an individual project, including a transferee’s costs of day-to-day general operations associated with carrying out a transfer and restoring or rehabilitating historic properties owned by a transferee for resale or lease.

[(3)] (4) [(7)] (8) (text unchanged)

(9) “Expenditure” means a disbursement of money from the Fund to the Trust for the acquisition of historic property or the restoration or rehabilitation of historic properties owned by the Trust.

[(8)] (10) (text unchanged)

[(9)] (11) “Historic property” means a district, site, building, structure, monument, or object that is significant in the prehistory, history, upland and underwater archaeology, architecture, engineering, and culture of the State, and which, for loans only, is listed in or is eligible for listing in the Maryland Register of Historic Properties.

[(10)] (12) “Loan” means the disbursement of a loan [made] from the Fund.

[(11)] (13) [(14)] (16) (text unchanged)

(17) “Preparation costs” has the meaning stated in State Finance and Procurement Article, §5A-322, Annotated Code of Maryland, as amended.

[(15)] (18) (text unchanged)

(19) “Programmatic expenses” means direct costs, excluding preparation costs, that can be specifically identified with the process of developing and implementing a subloan program, or a program for acquiring and rehabilitating historic properties for resale or lease, with the proceeds of a transfer.

[(16)] (20) (text unchanged)

(21) “Qualified cooperating nonprofit organization” means a nonprofit organization in good standing with the State Department of Assessments and Taxation that:

(a) Is based in the State;

(b) Operates Statewide; and

(c) Has demonstrated experience in:

(i) Rehabilitating historic structures;

(ii) Managing preservation funds; and

(iii) Holding preservation easements.

[(17)] (22) [(20)] (25) (text unchanged)

(26) “Subloan” means a transferee’s disbursement of the proceeds of a transfer as a loan under Regulation .05C(1)(d) and (e) of this chapter.

(27) “Transfer” means a disbursement of money from the Fund to a qualified cooperating nonprofit organization for one or more of the purposes identified in Regulation .05C(1)(a)—(c) of this chapter.

(28) “Transferee” means a qualified cooperating nonprofit organization that applies for and receives a transfer through the Program.

[(21)] (29) [(22)] (30) (text unchanged)

.04 Eligible [Borrowers] Applicants.

A. Eligible Loan Applicants. The following are eligible borrowers under the Program:

(1) — (4) (text unchanged)

B. Eligible Transfer Applicants. To be eligible for a transfer, an applicant shall be a qualified cooperating nonprofit organization.

[B.] C. [Nonprofit] To be eligible for a loan or transfer under the Program, nonprofit organizations and business entities shall be in good standing, registered or qualified to do business in Maryland, and shall also have the legal capacity and all necessary legal authority to incur the obligations involved in the loans and transfers provided under the Program.

.05 Eligible Activities.

A. Loans. The Trust may provide loans from the Fund to an eligible borrower for:

(1) — (4) (text unchanged)

(5) [Predevelopment] Preparation costs that are directly related to work required or recommended by the Trust or the State Historic Preservation Officer through the review of a construction project in the State under Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended, or State Finance and Procurement Article, §§5A-325 and 5A-326, Annotated Code of Maryland, provided that the:

(a) Term of the loan may not exceed 24 months[,]; and

(b) Borrower has evidence of permanent financing to serve as the source of repayment of the loan[, and

(c) Predevelopment costs are for studies, surveys, tests, plans and specifications, or other reasonable fees, as determined by the Director, for architectural, design, engineering, and other special services directly associated with the historic preservation nature of the project].

B. Trust [Project] Expenditures.

(1) The Trust may directly expend moneys in an amount up to 50 percent of those moneys available in the Fund which are derived from repayments or prepayments of loans made from the Fund or the proceeds from the resale or lease of any properties originally acquired with moneys from the Fund for the:

(a) (text unchanged)

(b) Restoration or rehabilitation of historic properties owned by the Trust, which may include [predevelopment costs directly related to restoration or rehabilitation such as the cost of studies, surveys, tests, plans and specifications, and architectural, design, engineering, or other special services] preparation costs.

(2) — (3) (text unchanged)

C. Transfers.

(1) The Trust may provide transfers from the Fund to a transferee:

(a) To pay for the transferee to acquire historic properties or interests in historic properties for resale or lease;

(b) To pay costs, including preparation costs, directly related to the rehabilitation or restoration of historic properties owned by the transferee for resale or lease;

(c) To pay administrative costs incurred to restore or rehabilitate historic properties owned by the transferee for resale or lease, to the extent permitted under Regulation .08D(3) of this chapter;

(d) To make subloans to other nonprofit organizations, political subdivisions, and business entities to acquire, rehabilitate, restore, or refinance historic properties;

(e) To make subloans to individuals to rehabilitate or restore historic properties recognized by the National Park Service as national historic landmarks; or

(f) To pay necessary administrative costs and programmatic expenses associated with the transfer of funds, to the extent permitted under Regulation .08D(3) of this chapter.

(2) Transfers under this section are not considered loans as defined in these regulations.

.06 Application and Processing Procedures.

A. Application Solicitation. [At least once during each] Each fiscal year the Trust will solicit applications for loans and transfers through the issuance of a public announcement of the availability of funds under the Program. The Trust shall [endeavor to send direct mail announcements to preservation organizations and local jurisdictions Statewide] post the announcement on its website and [to] issue a press release containing the announcement.

B. Funds Allocation. It is the intent of the Trust that Program funds be distributed Statewide. Funds [generally] shall be [available on a first-come, first-served basis] loaned or transferred based upon the satisfaction of application requirements and selection criteria contained in this regulation[, especially the readiness of the project to initiate activity]. If [a project] an application is submitted but funding is not then available under the Program, the Trust in its discretion may continue to process the application until such time as funding is available and then may authorize the loan or transfer without the necessity of a new application.

C. Application Forms and Documentation. Applications shall be made on standard forms prescribed by the Trust.

(1) Each loan application shall include sufficient information and documentation to:

[(1)] (a) [(6)] (f) (text unchanged)

[(7)] (g) Evaluate the administrative capability of the applicant [and project sponsor];

[(8)] ( h) [(9)] (i) (text unchanged)

(2) Each transfer application shall include sufficient information and documentation to evaluate:

(a) Whether the applicant is a qualified cooperating nonprofit organization as defined in Regulation .03B(21) of this chapter;

(b) The nature and cost of the project that the applicant proposes to pursue with the proceeds of a transfer if known at the time of the application; and

(c) The extent to which the application meets the criteria set forth in §D of this regulation.

(3) All applications for loans or transfers shall be received by the Trust by the application deadline identified in the solicitation required under §A of this regulation.

D. Selection Criteria. The Trust shall review and evaluate loan and transfer applications in accordance with the following selection criteria:

(1) — (3) (text unchanged)

[(4) Inclusion of long term preservation measures that will protect the resource to be treated;]

[(5)] (4) [(6)] (5) (text unchanged)

[(7)] (6) Administrative, professional, and financial capability of the applicant[ and project sponsor];

[(8)] (7) [(12)] (11) (text unchanged)

E. [Application] Loan Processing Fee. The Trust may require applicants for loans to pay [an application] a fee to cover [some] a portion of the cost of processing the loan [including any credit reports].

F. Notification Letter. Upon receipt of all documentation necessary to assess the feasibility of a project, the Trust shall issue a written notification letter to the applicant, which will detail conditions which [must] shall be met in order for the Trust to recommend approval of a loan or transfer to the Trustees and the Secretary.

G. Commitment Letter. After the approval process in Regulation .07 of this chapter has been satisfied, the Director is authorized to issue a commitment letter for [an approved loan setting forth the amount of the loan and the terms and conditions under which it shall be made.]:

(1) An approved loan setting forth the amount of the loan and the terms and conditions under which it shall be made; or

(2) An approved transfer setting forth the total amount of the transfer, the amount of the transfer that is funded with the proceeds of a sale of State general obligation bonds, and the terms and conditions under which the transfer shall be made.

H. Expiration of Commitment.

(1) The Trust shall specify in the loan commitment letter a time limit within which the [execution] closing on the loan and recording of the loan documents shall occur, which time limit may be extended in the Trust’s sole discretion. [If execution of the loan documents does not occur within the time limit specified by the Trust, the commitment shall expire and the Trust may withdraw the moneys encumbered for the project and use them for any other project authorized by the Act.]

(2) The Trust shall specify in the transfer commitment letter a time limit within which the transferee shall sign and return the transfer document, which time limit may be extended in the Trust’s sole discretion.

(3) If the loan or transfer documents are not executed and returned to the Trust by the date stated in the commitment letter, the commitment shall expire and the Trust may withdraw the funds committed to the project and use them for any other project authorized by the Act.

I. Rejection of Applications.

(1) If the Trustees determine not to recommend approval of a [project for a] loan or transfer, or if the Secretary does not approve a loan or transfer, the Trust shall issue a written notice of rejection.

(2) (text unchanged)

(3) If the Secretary disapproves a loan or transfer recommended by the Trustees, the Secretary’s decision is final.

(4) (text unchanged)

J. Withdrawal of Application.

(1) An applicant for a loan may withdraw an application at any time before closing of the loan by written notice to the Trust. The applicant shall bear any costs incurred [for items other than internal processing], including, but not limited to, title examinations, credit reports, and appraisals.

(2) An applicant for a transfer may withdraw an application at any time before funds have been transferred.

K. Inspections. The Trust may conduct inspections of the historic property as set forth below:

(1) (text unchanged)

(2) Payment and Progress Inspections. The Trust may conduct periodic inspections during the construction of the project to:

(a) (text unchanged)

(b) Ensure conformance with any applicable standards established by the Trust, including, without limitation, the standards for acquisition, rehabilitation, and restoration referred to in Regulation .08A(9) of this chapter; and

(c) Verify percentage of completed work before releasing draws[; and

(d) Assist in resolution of any disputes between the borrower and a contractor].

L. (text unchanged)

.07 Approvals.

A. Departmental Approval.

(1) After analysis by the Trust staff, the Trustees shall review each proposed loan, transfer, or expenditure from the Fund, including the general terms of the [expenditure] disbursement as well as any special terms and conditions for the project.

(2) The Trustee’s recommendations with regard to [expenditures] disbursements shall be forwarded to the Secretary.

(3) Upon receipt of the recommendations the Secretary shall approve or disapprove each [expenditure] disbursement.

B. Board of Public Works Approval. The Secretary shall submit to the Board of Public Works for final approval action:

(1) Loans or transfers which are to be funded with the proceeds of a sale of State general obligation bonds; and

(2) All [Trust direct] expenditures under Regulation .05B(1) of this chapter for acquisition, restoration, or rehabilitation.

C. Inapplicable Provisions. [Loan projects] Loans and transfers submitted to the Board of Public Works for approval in accordance with §B(1) of this regulation are not subject to the provisions of the State Finance and Procurement Article, Titles 4 and 5, Annotated Code of Maryland, or otherwise subject to review by the Department of General Services or any other State unit.

.08 [Loan] Terms and Requirements for Loans and Transfers.

A. General Requirements for Loans. Loans shall meet the following requirements:

(1) — (3) (text unchanged)

(4) Term. Except as otherwise provided in Regulation [.05A(4)(a)] .05A(5)(a) of this chapter regarding loans for [predevelopment] preparation costs, the term of each loan may not exceed 20 years.

(5) Loan Repayment.

(a) — (b) (text unchanged)

(6) (text unchanged)

(7) Security.

(a) [Financial assistance] Loans from the Trust may be secured, at the discretion of the Trust, by collateral acceptable to the Trust; and

(b) (text unchanged)

(8) (text unchanged)

(9) Plans and Specifications.

(a) The plans and specifications for borrower’s rehabilitation and restoration projects under Regulation .05A(2) and (3) of this chapter or for a [predevelopment] preparation cost project under Regulation [.05A(4)].05A(5) of this chapter shall be subject to review and approval by the Trust.

(b) [Projects] All work carried out on projects shall [conform to standards for acquisition, rehabilitation, and restoration established by the Trust as well as any other applicable standards and requirements established by the Trust.] comply with:

(i) The Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties (36 CFR Part 68); and

(ii) Standards for acquisition, rehabilitation, and restoration established by the Trust as well as any other applicable standards and requirements established by the Trust.

(10) — (11) (text unchanged)

(12) Acceleration of Loan. In accordance with the terms of the loan documents, the Trust may accelerate the payment of the entire principal and interest due if the:

(a) (text unchanged)

(b) Encumbrance of the deed of easement referred to in [§C(4)] §C(5) of this regulation is extinguished by the foreclosure of a prior lien or otherwise; or

(c) Deed of easement referred to in [§C(4)] §C(5) of this regulation or the preservation agreement referred to in §A(8) of this regulation is determined not to be legally enforceable by the Trust for any reason.

(13) — (15) (text unchanged)

B. (text unchanged)

C. Real Property Requirements for Loans. In addition to the conditions and requirements of §§A and B of this regulation, when real property secures or is assisted by the loan, the loan shall meet the following requirements:

(1) — (2) (text unchanged)

(3) Title Insurance.

(a) [For loans in amounts of $15,000 or greater, in its discretion the] The Trust may require the borrower to provide a standard American Land Title Association Loan Policy —[2006] 2021, as amended, which [policy] shall

(i) — (vi) (text unchanged)

(b) [For loans in amounts up to $15,000, in] In its discretion the Trust may require the borrower to provide an attorney’s certificate of title or other evidence of title acceptable to the Trust, which[;]:

(i) — (iii) (text unchanged)

(4) Appraisals. [For loans of $25,000 or greater, the] The Trust, in its discretion, may require:

(a) (text unchanged)

(b) An appraisal of other real property that secures a loan, showing the property has sufficient value, taking into account all senior liens, to secure the lien at [a] an 80 percent loan to value ratio.

(5) (text unchanged)

D. General Requirements for Transfers. Transfers shall meet the following requirements:

(1) A transferee receiving a transfer from the Trust to make one or more subloans, in consultation with the Director, shall adopt appropriate guidelines to carry out the purposes enumerated in Regulation .05C(d) and (e) of this chapter.

(2) A transferee shall make the following information about subloans available on its website:

(a) The guidelines established under §D(1) of this regulation;

(b) The availability of funds; and

(c) Information on projects receiving financial assistance from a transfer.

(3) Use of Transfers for Administrative Costs and Programmatic Expenses.

(a) A transfer may be used to pay:

(i) Eligible administrative costs; and

(ii) Eligible programmatic expenses.

(b) The administrative costs and programmatic expenses of transferee’s staff who perform both administrative and programmatic functions shall be allocated between the two different expense types and evidenced by accurate time reports.

(c) Administrative costs and programmatic expenses may not be paid with any portion of a transfer that consists of State general obligation bond funds.

(d) Administrative costs and programmatic expenses may be paid with any portion of a transfer that consists of special funds if:

(i) The administrative costs and programmatic expenses are related to the restoration or rehabilitation of historic properties owned by the transferee for resale or lease, or are necessary to carry out the transfer of funds; and

(ii) The total administrative costs and programmatic expenses do not exceed 10 percent of the portion of a transfer that consists of special funds.

(4) Insurance.

(a) A transferee shall cause historic property that it acquires, restores, or rehabilitates for resale or lease with transfer funds to be insured against loss or damage by fire and other hazards, casualties, and contingencies through a policy that complies with the requirements set out in §C(2)(b) of this regulation.

(b) A transferee whose project involves the operation of a preservation loan fund program may be required to carry director and officer liability or employee dishonesty insurance policies, satisfactory to the Trust, which cover all individuals responsible for the security and control of the transfer.

(5) Deed of Easement. The transferee, as a condition of the sale or lease of historic property that it has acquired, restored, or rehabilitated with proceeds of a transfer, shall require the purchaser or lessee to:

(a) Enter into a preservation agreement with the transferee, or another entity approved by the Trust, to preserve and maintain the historic property in such manner and for such duration as is acceptable to the Trust; or

(b) Convey to the transferee, or another entity approved by the Trust, a deed of easement containing preservation covenants applicable to the real property, in form, substance, and duration satisfactory to the Trust, which shall be recorded in the land records of the political subdivision in which the real property is located.

(6)  Plans and Specifications.

(a) The plans and specifications for projects involving a transferee’s rehabilitation and restoration of its own property for resale or lease funded under Regulation .05C(1)(b) of this chapter, including preparation costs, shall be subject to review and approval by the Trust.

(b) All work carried out on projects involving a transferee’s rehabilitation and restoration of its own property for resale or lease shall:

(i) Comply with the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties (36 CFR Part 68); and

(ii) Conform to standards for acquisition, rehabilitation, and restoration established by the Trust as well as any other applicable standards and requirements established by the Trust.

(7) Maximum Transfer Amount. The Trust shall establish a maximum transfer amount for any proposed project, including a maximum transfer amount proportionate to the value of any historic property to be assisted by a transfer, less any preexisting indebtedness secured by the historic property.

(8) Disbursement. Disbursement of a transfer will be made as a one-time disbursement based upon a request for disbursement submitted by the transferee in a form satisfactory to the Trust.

(9) Appraisals. For transfers to acquire, restore, or rehabilitate historic property, the Trust, in its discretion, may require an appraisal of the assisted historic real property, showing the property’s value after completion of any scheduled restoration or rehabilitation.

(10) Other Requirements. The Trust may establish other terms and conditions of the transfer, including disbursement requirements and default and remedy provisions, as considered reasonable and necessary by the Trust.

.09 [Loan ]Administration of Loans and Transfers.

A. Books and Records.

(1) Borrowers, contractors, [and] subcontractors, and transferees shall maintain those books, accounts, and records and shall file with the Trust those financial and other reports as the Trust may from time to time require. All of these books, accounts, and records shall be open to the inspection of representatives of the Trust or other agencies of the State during reasonable working hours before, during, or after the term of the loan or transfer. Borrowers and transferees shall make their administrative offices and personnel, whether full-time, part-time, consultants, or volunteers, available to the Trust upon request before, during, or after the term of the loan or transfer.

(2) Books, accounts, and records of contractors and subcontractors shall be maintained and made available for inspection for up to 3 years after:

(a) With respect to loans, either the date of the borrower’s final draw of loan proceeds or the termination of the contractual relationship between the contractor and the borrower, whichever is later[.]; or

(b) With respect to transfers, the date of the transfer.

B. Reports.

(1) Borrowers shall submit a final report, [and] interim reports, and supporting materials as may be required by the Trust, documenting project progress and evaluating project effectiveness.

(2) On or before June 30 each year, a transferee shall provide an annual report to the Trust outlining all funds transferred to it, describing how proceeds of a transfer were expended, and confirming that the funds were used for their intended purpose and in compliance with Regulation .08D of this chapter. The annual report shall distinguish between administrative costs and programmatic expenses.

(3) At the Trust’s request, a transferee shall provide a copy of the organization’s annual financial review or audit.

C. Nondiscrimination.

(1) Borrowers and transferees may not discriminate on the basis of age (except with respect to residents in elderly projects), race, color, religion, ancestry or national origin, sex, marital status, [or physical or mental handicap] familial status, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, or source of income in leasing or otherwise providing dwelling accommodations or in any other aspect of the development, administration, or operation of any project financed or assisted under the Program, or in any aspect of employment by any borrower, developer, or contractor of any project financed under the Program.

(2) Each borrower and transferee shall comply with all applicable federal, State, and local laws and Departmental policies and programs regarding discrimination and equal opportunity in employment, housing, and credit practices including:

(a) — (d) (text unchanged)

.10 Default.

A. Modification.

(1) — (2) (text unchanged)

(3) The Trust may modify a transfer in any manner to achieve the purposes of the Program, subject to the approval of the Trustees and the Secretary for modifications that change the use of a transfer.

B. (text unchanged)

C. Recapture of Transfers.  In the event that a transferee fails to comply with the terms and conditions of a transfer, subject to the approval of the Trustees and the Secretary, the Trust may revoke the transfer and require that the transferee reimburse all or a portion of the transfer.

.11 Program Administration.

A. Except for waivers, any action or decision required or permitted to be taken or made by the Trust under these regulations may be taken or made by the Director of the Trust, or [his] the Director’s designee.

B. The Trust may terminate a loan or transfer, or refuse to make additional disbursements under the loan documents, if it finds that the borrower or transferee is not complying with any of the requirements of the Program or the loan or transfer documents.

C. — (D) (text unchanged)

.13 False Statements.

A. A person may not knowingly make or cause to be made any material misstatement of fact, including an understatement or overstatement of financial condition, in a statement or report in or regarding an application for a loan or transfer or affecting a loan or transfer already made.

B. A person who violates any provision of this regulation is:

(1) (text unchanged)

(2) Subject to immediate:

(a) [cancellation] Cancellation and acceleration of the loan[.]; or

(b) Revocation of the transfer and the requirement to reimburse the transfer.

Secretary of Planning

Title 35

Subtitle 01 GENERAL

35.01.01 Purpose; Definitions

Authority: General Provisions Article, §1-109.1; State Government Article, §§9-901, 9-902, 9-906, and 9-907[,]; Annotated Code of Maryland

Notice of Proposed Action


The Maryland Department of Veterans Affairs proposes to amend Regulation .02 and adopt new Regulation .05 under COMAR 35.01.01 Purpose; Definitions.

Statement of Purpose

The purpose of this action is to establish procedures to assist honorably discharged veterans in obtaining the benefits, rights, and privileges from the State of Maryland.

Estimate of Economic Impact

The proposed action has no economic impact.

Economic Impact on Small Businesses

The proposed action has minimal or no economic impact on small businesses.

Impact on Individuals with Disabilities

The proposed action has no impact on individuals with disabilities.

Opportunity for Public Comment

Comments may be sent to Morgan Murphy, Director of Intergovernmental and Legislative Affairs, Maryland Department of Veterans Affairs, 16 Francis St., 4th Floor, Annapolis, MD 21401, or call 443-960-3538, or email to Comments will be accepted through July 1, 2024. A public hearing has not been scheduled.

.02 Definitions.

A. (text unchanged)

B. Terms Defined.

(1)—(2) (text unchanged)

(3) “Honorable discharge”, for the purposes of determining State program benefits, rights, or privileges, includes a discharge that is less than honorable:

(a) Solely due to the sexual orientation or gender identity of the individual being discharged; or

(b) Based on a statement or consensual act of the discharged individual related to the individual’s sexual orientation or gender identity if the statement or consensual act was prohibited by the military or naval service at the time of discharge.

[(3)] (4)[(5)] (6) (text unchanged)

C.—D. (text unchanged)

.05 Restoration of Benefits Application Procedures.

A veteran shall submit to the Secretary:

A. Documentation providing the basis for the veteran’s discharge; and

B. Any additional documentation requested by the Department.

Secretary of Veterans Affairs



COMAR 10.63

At 51:10 Md. R. 526 (May 17, 2024), column 1, line 23 from the bottom:

For:        COMMUNITY





Special Documents




Commission Meeting


AGENCY: Susquehanna River Basin Commission.


ACTION: Notice.


SUMMARY: The Susquehanna River Basin Commission will conduct its regular business meeting on June 13, 2024 in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Details concerning the matters to be addressed at the business meeting are contained in the Supplementary Information section of this notice. Also the Commission published a document in the Federal Register on April 9, 2024, concerning its public hearing on May 2, 2024, in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.


DATES: The meeting will be held on Thursday, June 13, 2024, at 9 a.m.


ADDRESSES: This public meeting will be conducted in person and digitally from the Susquehanna River Basin Commission,4423 N. Front Street, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.


FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Jason E. Oyler, General Counsel and Secretary to the Commission, telephone: 717-238-0423; fax: 717-238-2436.


SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The business meeting will include actions or presentations on the following items: (1) election of Commission officers for FY2025; (2) reconciliation of FY 2025 budget; (3) approval of contracts, grants and agreements; (4) action on proposed rulemaking for agency procurement, bid protest procedures and other changes to Part 801, and a draft policy entitled “SRBC Procurement Procedures”; (5) adoption of the proposed 2025-2027 Water Resources Program; and (6) actions on 19 regulatory program projects.

     This agenda is complete at the time of issuance, but other items may be added, and some stricken without further notice. The listing of an item on the agenda does not necessarily mean that the Commission will take final action on it at this meeting. When the Commission does take final action, notice of these actions will be published in the Federal Register after the meeting. Any actions specific to projects will also be provided in writing directly to project sponsors.

     The meeting will be conducted both in person at the Susquehanna River Basin Commission, 4423 N. Front Street, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania and digitally.

     The public is invited to attend the Commission’s business meeting. You can access the Business Meeting remotely via Zoom: Meeting ID 892 9200 0071; Passcode: SRBC4423! or via telephone: 305-224-1968 or 309-205-3325; Meeting ID 892 9200 0071.

     Written comments pertaining to items on the agenda at the business meeting may be mailed to the Susquehanna River Basin Commission, 4423 North Front Street, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17110-1788, or submitted electronically at the link Business Meeting Comments. The draft rulemaking and policy can be viewed on the Commission’s website at Comments are due to the Commission for all items on the business meeting agenda on or before June 10, 2024. Comments will not be accepted at the business meeting noticed herein.


AUTHORITY: Pub. L. 91-575, 84 Stat. 1509 et seq., 18 CFR Parts 806, 807, and 808.


DATED: May 9, 2024.

General Counsel and Secretary to the Commission




Projects Approved for Consumptive Uses of Water


AGENCY: Susquehanna River Basin Commission.


ACTION: Notice.


SUMMARY: This notice lists Approvals by Rule for projects by the Susquehanna River Basin Commission during the period set forth in DATES.


DATES: April 1-30, 2024.


ADDRESSES: Susquehanna River Basin Commission, 4423 North Front Street, Harrisburg, PA 17110-1788.


FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Jason E. Oyler, General Counsel and Secretary to the Commission, telephone: (717) 238-0423, ext. 1312; fax: (717) 238-2436; e-mail: Regular mail inquiries may be sent to the above address.


SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This notice lists the projects described below, receiving approval for the consumptive use of water pursuant to the Commission’s approval by rule process set forth in 18 CFR §806.22 (e) and 18 CFR §806.22 (f) for the period specified above.


Water Source Approval – Issued Under 18 CFR §806.22(e):

The Hershey Company - Hershey Plant (Reese Avenue); ABR-202404001; Derry Township, Dauphin County, Pa.; Consumptive Use of Up to 0.0500 mgd; Approval Date: April 2, 2024.

Penn State Health Holy Spirit Medical Center – Holy Spirit Medical Center; ABR-202404002; East Pennsboro Township, Cumberland County, Pa.; Consumptive Use of Up to 0.2070 mgd; Approval Date: April 2, 2024.

Church & Dwight Co., Inc. - Davies Facility; ABR-202404003; Jackson Township, York County, Pa.; Consumptive Use of Up to 0.9990 mgd; Approval Date: April 18, 2024.


Water Source Approval - Issued Under 18 CFR §806.22(f):

Coterra Energy Inc.; Pad ID: FrystakC P2; ABR-202404004; Bridgewater Township, Susquehanna County, Pa.; Consumptive Use of Up to 5.0000 mgd; Approval Date: April 15, 2024.

RENEWAL - Chesapeake Appalachia, LLC; Pad ID: Garrison; ABR-201403012.R2; Washington Township, Wyoming County, Pa.; Consumptive Use of Up to 7.5000 mgd; Approval Date: April 15, 2024.

RENEWAL - Chesapeake Appalachia, LLC; Pad ID: Leh Drilling Pad #1; ABR-201204002.R2; Burlington Township, Bradford County, Pa.; Consumptive Use of Up to 7.5000 mgd; Approval Date: April 15, 2024.

RENEWAL - Chesapeake Appalachia, LLC; Pad ID: TA; ABR-201403011.R2; Colley Township, Sullivan County, Pa.; Consumptive Use of Up to 7.5000 mgd; Approval Date: April 15, 2024.

RENEWAL - EQT ARO LLC; Pad ID: COP Tract 231 (1000); ABR-20090406.R3; Snow Shoe Township, Centre County, Pa.; Consumptive Use of Up to 4.0000 mgd; Approval Date: April 15, 2024.

RENEWAL - Pennsylvania General Energy Company, LLC; Pad ID: SGL 75 Pad F; ABR-201403005.R2; McHenry Township, Lycoming County, Pa.; Consumptive Use of Up to 2.5000 mgd; Approval Date: April 15, 2024.

RENEWAL - Seneca Resources Company, LLC; Pad ID: PHC 3H; ABR-20090424.R3; Lawrence Township, Clearfield County, Pa.; Consumptive Use of Up to 4.0000 mgd; Approval Date: April 15, 2024.

RENEWAL - SWN Production Company, LLC; Pad ID: Fiondi - 1; ABR-20090404.R3; Middletown Township, Susquehanna County, Pa.; Consumptive Use of Up to 4.9990 mgd; Approval Date: April 15, 2024.

RENEWAL - SWN Production Company, LLC; Pad ID: Holbrook # 1; ABR-20090402.R3; Bridgewater Township, Susquehanna County, Pa.; Consumptive Use of Up to 4.9990 mgd; Approval Date: April 15, 2024.

RENEWAL - SWN Production Company, LLC; Pad ID: Turner - 1; ABR-20090403.R3; Liberty Township, Susquehanna County, Pa.; Consumptive Use of Up to 4.9990 mgd; Approval Date: April 15, 2024.

RENEWAL - SWN Production Company, LLC; Pad ID: Webster - 1; ABR-20090401.R3; Franklin Township, Susquehanna County, Pa.; Consumptive Use of Up to 2.9990 mgd; Approval Date: April 15, 2024.

RENEWAL - Chesapeake Appalachia, LLC; Pad ID: Manning; ABR-201204009.R2; Cherry Township, Sullivan County, Pa.; Consumptive Use of Up to 7.5000 mgd; Approval Date: April 25, 2024.

RENEWAL - Seneca Resources Company, LLC; Pad ID: Edkin 499; ABR-201304018.R2; Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pa.; Consumptive Use of Up to 4.0000 mgd; Approval Date: April 25, 2024.

RENEWAL - Seneca Resources Company, LLC; Pad ID: Flack 502; ABR-201304014.R2; Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pa.; Consumptive Use of Up to 4.0000 mgd; Approval Date: April 25, 2024.

RENEWAL - Seneca Resources Company, LLC; Pad ID: Hepler 235; ABR-201204008.R2; Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pa.; Consumptive Use of Up to 4.0000 mgd; Approval Date: April 25, 2024.

RENEWAL - Chesapeake Appalachia, LLC; Pad ID: I. Harvey Drilling Pad; ABR-201404006.R2; Elkland Township, Sullivan County, Pa.; Consumptive Use of Up to 7.5000 mgd; Approval Date: April 30, 2024.

RENEWAL - Chesapeake Appalachia, LLC; Pad ID: SGL 12 D DRILLING PAD; ABR-201704002.R1; Leroy Township, Bradford County, Pa.; Consumptive Use of Up to 7.5000 mgd; Approval Date: April 30, 2024.

RENEWAL - Pennsylvania General Energy Company, LLC; Pad ID: SGL75 Pad A; ABR-201404007.R2; McHenry Township, Lycoming County, Pa.; Consumptive Use of Up to 2.5000 mgd; Approval Date: April 30, 2024.


AUTHORITY: Public Law 91-575, 84 Stat. 1509 et seq., 18 CFR parts 806 and 808.


DATED: May 9, 2024

General Counsel and Secretary to the Commission




General Permit Notice


AGENCY: Susquehanna River Basin Commission.


ACTION: Notice.


SUMMARY: This notice lists General Permits issued for projects by the Susquehanna River Basin Commission during the period set forth in DATES.


DATES: April 1-30, 2024.


ADDRESSES: Susquehanna River Basin Commission, 4423 North Front Street, Harrisburg, PA 17110-1788.


FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Jason E. Oyler, General Counsel and Secretary to the Commission, telephone: (717) 238-0423, ext. 1312; fax: (717) 238-2436; e-mail: . Regular mail inquiries may be sent to the above address.


SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This notice lists General Permits for projects described below, pursuant to 18 CFR Part § 806.17, for the time period specified above:

1.  International Business Machines Corporation – Endicott Facility, General Permit Approval of Coverage No. GP-01-20240405, Village of Endicott, Broome County, N.Y.; groundwater remediation system withdrawal approved up to 0.300 mgd (30-day average); Approval Date: April 23, 2024.


AUTHORITY: Public Law 91-575, 84 Stat. 1509 et seq., 18 CFR parts 806 and 808.


DATED: May 9, 2024

General Counsel and Secretary to the Commission




Grandfathering (GF) Registration Notice


AGENCY: Susquehanna River Basin Commission.


ACTION: Notice.


SUMMARY: This notice lists Grandfathering Registration for projects by the Susquehanna River Basin Commission during the period set forth in DATES.


DATES: April 1-30, 2024.


ADDRESSES: Susquehanna River Basin Commission, 4423 North Front Street, Harrisburg, PA 17110-1788.


FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Jason E. Oyler, General Counsel and Secretary to the Commission, telephone: (717) 238-0423, ext. 1312; fax: (717) 238-2436; e-mail: . Regular mail inquiries may be sent to the above address.


SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This notice lists GF Registration for projects described below, pursuant to 18 CFR Part 806, Subpart E, for the time period specified above:


H. H. Knoebel Sons, Inc. dba Knoebels Amusement Resort, GF Certificate No. GF 202404277, Ralpho Township, Northumberland County, and Cleveland Township, Columbia County, Pennsylvania; South Branch Roaring Creek and consumptive use; Issue Date: April 16, 2024.


AUTHORITY: Public Law 91-575, 84 Stat. 1509 et seq., 18 CFR parts 806 and 808.


DATED: May 9, 2024


General Counsel and Secretary to the Commission




Informational Public Meeting Announcement:
Maryland’s Draft 2024 Integrated Report of Surface Water Quality


The Federal Clean Water Act requires that States assess the quality of their waters every two years and publish a list of waters not meeting the water quality standards set for them. This list of impaired waters is included in the State’s biennial Integrated Report (IR) of Surface Water Quality. Waters identified in Category 5 of the IR are impaired and may require the development of Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs). The Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) is announcing the availability of the Draft 2024 IR for public review and comment. The 2024 IR includes the 303(d) 2025-2032 Vision, which provides a long-term vision for assessment, restoration, and protection under the Clean Water Act Section 303(d). Maryland’s 2025-2032 Vision focuses on TMDL prioritization for current impairments. The Vision is being released for public review and comment along with the 2024 IR.


The public review and comment period for both the IR and the 2025-2032 Vision will run from May 31, 2024 — July 1, 2024. The Draft IR is posted on MDE’s website at Hard copies of the Draft IR may be requested by calling Becky Monahan at (410) 537-3947. Please note that the Department charges a fee to cover printing and shipping costs. Public comments or questions on the IR and the 2025-2032 Vision may be directed in writing to Becky Monahan, MDE, Water and Science Administration, 1800 Washington Blvd., Baltimore, Maryland 21230, or emailed to, on or before July 1, 2024.


The Department is hosting a virtual informational public meeting for both the IR and the 2025-2032 Vision at 6 pm on Thursday, June 13, 2024. Please register for the virtual meeting at Any hearing-impaired person may request a closed caption option for the meeting in advance. An in-person meeting may also be requested in advance, if necessary. The virtual meeting will be recorded, and a copy will be posted on the IR webpage. After addressing all comments received during the public review period, a final IR will be prepared and submitted to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for approval. Please contact Becky Monahan at or (410) 537-3947 with any meeting requests or questions.


Public Meeting Announcement

Date: June 13, 2024.

Start Time: 6:00 p.m.

Virtual Registration:

Phone Number: United States 1 209-850-2368
Attendee Pin: 383 350 004#




Water Quality Certification 24-WQC-0001



C/o Jose Suarez

PO Box 366218

Bonita Springs, FL 24136


Add’l. Info: Pursuant to COMAR, The Maryland Department of the Environment is providing notice of its issuance of a Water Quality Certification 24-WQC-0001.


Location: 27129 Otwell Rd Oxford, MD 21654 in Talbot County


The purpose of this project is shoreline erosion control. The Certificate Holder applied to construct a 155-foot long low profile stone, sand containment sill; and fill and grade with 38 cubic yards of sand extending a maximum of 47 feet channelward of the mean high water line. Construct 325 feet of low profile stone edging a maximum of 15 feet channelward of the mean high water line, and plant with marsh vegetation as needed. Construct 300 feet of riprap revetment within a maximum of 10 feet channelward of the mean high water line. Construct 200 feet of low profile stone edging extending a maximum of 13 feet channelward of the mean high water line of an eroding marsh edge, and plant with marsh vegetation. Construct a 750- linear foot low profile stone, sand containment sill; and fill and grade with 464 cubic yards of sand and plant with marsh vegetation extending a maximum of 24 feet channelward of the mean high water line. Construct 85 feet of low profile stone edging extending a maximum of 17 feet channelward of the mean high water line of an eroding marsh edge, and plant with marsh vegetation. Construct a 295-linear foot low profile stone, sand containment sill; and fill and grade with 204 cubic yards of sand and plant with marsh vegetation extending a maximum of 25 feet channelward of the mean high water line. Construct 90 feet of low profile stone edging extending a maximum of 14 feet channelward of the mean high water line of an eroding marsh edge, and plant with marsh vegetation. Construct a 750-linear foot low profile stone, sand containment sill; and fill and grade with 528 cubic yards of sand and plant with marsh vegetation extending a maximum of 16 feet channelward of the mean high water line. Construct 420 feet of low profile stone edging a maximum of 5 feet channelward of the mean high water line.


The WQC and its attachments may be viewed at the following link:


Appeal of Final Decision. This Water Quality Certification is a final agency decision. Any person aggrieved by the Department’s decision to issue this WQC may appeal such decision in accordance with COMAR A request for appeal shall be filed with the Department within 30 days of publication of the final decision and specify in writing the reason why the final decision should be reconsidered. A request for appeal shall be submitted to: Secretary of the Environment, Maryland Department of the Environment, 1800 Washington Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21230. Any request for an appeal does not stay the effectiveness of this WQC. 


Contact: Michaela Harrington at or 410-537-4182




Water Quality Certification 24-WQC-0007


Martha’s Landing LLC

c/o Brian Tinkler

12911 Sunset Ave

Ocean City, MD 21842


Add’l. Info: Pursuant to COMAR, The Maryland Department of the Environment is providing notice of its issuance of a Water Quality Certification 24-WQC-0007


Location: 12806, Ocean City, MD 21842


The purpose of the project is to improve navigable access.


Description of Authorized Work:

     1. New dredge by mechanical method a 13,100 square foot area to a maximum depth of 5 feet at mean low water, a 40,000 square foot area to a maximum depth of 6 feet at mean low water, and a 8,700 square foot area to a maximum depth of 8 feet at mean low water and transport approximately 3,390 cubic yards of dredge material to an approved upland disposal site at Parcel 185 Friendship Road, Berlin in Worcester County;

     2. Provide for subsequent maintenance dredging for a period of six years.


The WQC and its attachments may be viewed at the following link:


Appeal of Final Decision. This Water Quality Certification is a final agency decision. Any person aggrieved by the Department’s decision to issue this WQC may appeal such decision in accordance with COMAR A request for appeal shall be filed with the Department within 30 days of publication of the final decision, and specify in writing the reason why the final decision should be reconsidered. A request for appeal shall be submitted to: Secretary of the Environment, Maryland Department of the Environment, 1800 Washington Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21230. Any request for an appeal does not stay the effectiveness of this WQC.


Contact: Miles Simmons at or at 410-901-4044.



Water Quality Certification 23-WQC-0047


Port Annapolis Associates LP

7046 Bembe Beach Rd

Annapolis, MD 21403


Add’l. Info: Pursuant to COMAR, The Maryland Department of the Environment is providing notice of its issuance of a Water Quality Certification 23-WQC-0047.


Location: 7046 Bembe Beach Rd., Annapolis, MD 21403


The purpose of the project is to provide shoreline stabilization and improve navigable access by:

     1. Replacing 460 linear feet of bulkhead within 18 inches of existing.

     2. Expanding an existing marina including the removal of all finger piers from Docks G, H, and I and proposing the following:

          a. Access dock “G” — constructing a 40-foot long by 8-foot wide pier extension with a 8-foot wide by 216-foot wide “T-head” platform, two 50-foot long by 6-foot wide finger piers, one 70-foot long by 6-foot wide finger pier, five 50-foot long by 3-foot wide finger piers, three 70-foot long by 3-foot wide finger piers, and, emplace 16 new mooring piles and replace-in-kind 10 mooring piles; and,

          b. Dock “H” — construct four 35-foot long by 3-foot wide finger piers, three 30-foot long by 3-foot wide finger piers, two 45-foot long by 3-foot wide finger piers, three 50-foot long by 3-foot wide finger piers, eight boat lifts with associated pilings, and emplace 18 mooring piles; and,

          c. Dock “I” — construct seven 27-foot long by 3-foot wide finger piers, and fifteen boatlifts with associated pilings, with all work to take place within 357 feet channelward of the mean high water line.

     3.Mechanically dredge a 10,390 square foot area to a depth of 8 feet, and a 14,284 square foot area to a depth of 7 feet, to deposit approximately 1,429 cubic yards of dredged material at an upland disposal site located at 5360 Brown’s Way Rd., Churchton, MD 20733; and to provide for periodic maintenance dredging for six years.


The WQC and its attachments may be viewed at the following link:


Appeal of Final Decision: This Water Quality Certification is a final agency decision. Any person aggrieved by the Department’s decision to issue this WQC may appeal such decision in accordance with COMAR A request for appeal shall be filed with the Department within 30 days of publication of the final decision and specify in writing the reason why the final decision should be reconsidered. A request for appeal shall be submitted to: Secretary of the Environment, Maryland Department of the Environment, 1800 Washington Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21230. Any request for an appeal does not stay the effectiveness of this WQC.


Contact: Mel Throckmorton at or 410-375-2803.




General Notices


Notice of ADA Compliance

   The State of Maryland is committed to ensuring that individuals with disabilities are able to fully participate in public meetings.  Anyone planning to attend a meeting announced below who wishes to receive auxiliary aids, services, or accommodations is invited to contact the agency representative at least 48 hours in advance, at the telephone number listed in the notice or through Maryland Relay.



Subject: Public Meeting

Date and Time: June 11, 2024, 9 a.m. — 12 p.m.

Place: Via Google Meet — please see details below.

Add’l. Info: Google Meet joining info:

     (US) +1 314-666-1864

     PIN: 334 472 909#

Contact: Christopher Dorsey 4102306318




Subject: Public Hearing

Date and Time: June 11, 2024, 10:30 am — 11:30 am

Place: Via Google Meet — please see details below.

Add’l. Info: Google Meet joining info:

     (US) +1 314-666-1864

     PIN: 334 472 909#

Contact: Christopher Dorsey 4102306318




Subject: Public Meeting

Date and Time: September 20, 2024, 10 a.m. — 1 p.m.

Place: 10090 Wades Point Rd., McDaniel, MD

Contact: Jana Davis 410-974-2941




Subject: Public Meeting

Date and Time: November 20, 2024, 3 — 6 p.m.

Place: 108 Severn Ave., Annapolis, MD

Contact: Jana Davis 410-974-2941




Subject: Public Meeting

Date and Time: February 19, 2025, 3 — 6 p.m.

Place: 108 Severn Ave., Annapolis, MD

Contact: Jana Davis 410-974-2941




Subject: Public Meeting

Date and Time: May 21, 2025, 3 — 6 p.m.

Place: 108 Severn Ave., Annapolis, MD

Contact: Jana Davis 410-974-2941




Subject: Public Meeting

Date and Time: June 18, 2024, 11 a.m.

Place: Roland E. Powell Convention Center, Mezzanine Board Rd., 4001 Coastal Hwy., Ocean City, MD

Add’l. Info: Portions of the meeting may be held in closed session.

Contact: Heidi Ritchie 301-766-3888




Subject: Public Hearing

Date and Time: June 18, 2024, 1 — 2 p.m.

Place: Waiver Amendment Hearing #1 will be held virtually.

     Video call link:; Or dial:

     (US) +1 507-690-2033

     PIN: 921 706 284#

Add’l. Info: This hearing is the first of two opportunities for the public to provide meaningful comment on MHBE’s 1332 waiver amendment application pursuant to Maryland Senate Bill 705/House Bill 728. If approved, the amendment would allow Maryland residents to qualify to enroll in private plans on-Exchange, regardless of immigration status. To request accommodations for this meeting, please contact Becca Lane at

Contact: Becca Lane (410) 547-7371




Subject: Public Hearing

Date and Time: July 3, 2024, 1— 2pm

Place: 6th Annual Reinsurance Forum + 2nd Waiver Amendment Hearing

     Video call link:

     Or dial:

     (US) +1 252-922-0052

     PIN: 331 679 290#

Add’l. Info: This 6th Annual Forum for Maryland’s State Reinsurance Program will also be the second of two opportunities for the public to provide meaningful comment on MHBE’s 1332 waiver amendment application pursuant to Maryland Senate Bill 705/House Bill 728. If approved, the amendment would allow Maryland residents to qualify to enroll in private plans on-Exchange, regardless of immigration status. To request accommodations for this meeting, please contact Becca Lane at

Contact: Becca Lane (410) 547-7371




Subject: Public Meeting

Date and Time: June 4, 2024, 3 — 6 p.m.

Place: Virtual meeting — please register at the link provided below.

Add’l. Info: The Office of Health Care Quality (OHCQ) is seeking informal public comments as it reviews and revises the regulations under COMAR 10.21.12 and 10.21.13. A public meeting is being held to provide the opportunity for stakeholders to propose changes to the regulations.

     Please register using the link below:

Contact: Alexandra Baldi 410-402-8013




Subject: Public Meeting

Date and Time: June 26, 2024, 1 — 3 p.m.

Place: 100 Community Pl., 1st Fl. Conf. Rm. B, Crownsville, MD

Contact: Cindy Cole (410) 697-9639




Subject: Public Hearing

Date and Time: Wednesday June 12, 2024, 1 — 4 p.m.

Add’l. Info: The Maryland Insurance Administration will conduct a public hearing on specific rate increase requests being made by certain Long-Term Care Insurance carriers operating in Maryland. The hearing will focus on several rate increase requests before the Maryland Insurance Administration. In the individual long-term care market, these include requests from Allianz Life Insurance Company of North America, LifeSecure Insurance Company, and MedAmerica Insurance Company. The purpose of the hearing is for insurance company officials to explain the reasons for the rate increases and for the MIA to consider whether the proposed rate increase complies with Maryland’s laws and regulations relating to long-term care insurance. Interested stakeholders will also have the opportunity to provide comments at the hearing. Prior to the hearing, copies of each company’s actuarial memorandum will be posted to the Maryland Insurance Administration’s website.


     The hearing will be held in a hybrid format, both in-person, and concurrently via Zoom.


     The in-person portion of the hearing will be held at the following time and location:

     Wednesday, June 12, 2024

     1 — 4 p.m.

     Maryland Insurance Administration,

     24th Floor, Hearing Room

     200 St. Paul Place

     Baltimore, MD 21202


     Or join via Zoom:

     Zoom Gov link:

     Dial-in: (646) 828-7666 US

     Webinar ID: 160 130 7033


     Information about the Maryland Relay Service can be found at

     If you wish to provide oral testimony, please RSVP to Nancy Muehlberger. Testimony will only be heard from those who have RSVP’d in advance of the public hearing. Written comments and RSVPs should be sent to Nancy Muehlberger by June 7, 2024, either by email to or by mail to 200 St. Paul Place, Suite 2700, Baltimore, Md. 21202 or by fax to 410-468-2038.

     Any questions regarding this matter should be directed to Nancy Muehlberger, Actuarial Analyst, by June 7, 2024, by email to

     For more information on the hearing, please see the following link:

Contact: Nancy Muehlberger, 410-468-2050




Subject: Notice of Receipt of a Letter of Intent and Review for Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Intermediate Care Facility Beds

Add’l. Info: On May 17, 2024, the Maryland Health Care Commission (MHCC or Commission) received a Letter of Intent from Foundations Inpatient LLC to establish a 90-bed, Level III.7 Medically Monitored Intensive Inpatient (Level III.7 MMII) program at 7131 Rutherford Road, Windsor, MD 21244.

     Pursuant to COMAR, the Commission hereby initiates a 30-day period in which additional Letters of Intent to apply for a Certificate of Need may be submitted to establish an Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Treatment Facility in Central Maryland (Baltimore City and Baltimore, Harford, Howard, and Anne Arundel counties). Additional Letters of Intent should be submitted to the MHCC, 4160 Patterson Avenue, Baltimore, MD 21215, and emailed to by the close of business, July 1, 2024.

Contact: Ruby Potter 410-764-3276




Subject: Public Meeting

Date and Time: June 5, 2024, 3 — 5 p.m.

Place: Howard Community College, 10901 Little Patuxent Pkwy., Rouse Company Foundation Student Services Hall (RCF) 400, Columbia, MD 20144; Parking: Parking Lot A,

Add’l. Info: Join from a PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone, or Android device:

     Join the Meeting Online at

     Or join by phone:

     Dial (for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):

     US: +1-669-254-5252 or +1-646-964-1167 or +1-646-828-7666 or +1-415-449-4000 or +1-551-285-1373 or +1-669-216-1590

     Webinar ID: 161 916 7053

Contact: Darla Henson 410-767-2408
