Capitol Building Maryland Register

Issue Date:  July 12, 2024

Volume 51  •  Issue 14  • Pages 665 — 698





Special Documents

General Notices

Pursuant to State Government Article, §7-206, Annotated Code of Maryland, this issue contains all previously unpublished documents required to be published, and filed on or before June 24, 2024 5 p.m.
Pursuant to State Government Article, §7-206, Annotated Code of Maryland, I hereby certify that this issue contains all documents required to be codified as of June 24, 2024.
Gail S. Klakring
Administrator, Division of State Documents
Office of the Secretary of State


Information About the Maryland Register and COMAR


   The Maryland Register is an official State publication published every other week throughout the year. A cumulative index is published quarterly.

   The Maryland Register is the temporary supplement to the Code of Maryland Regulations. Any change to the text of regulations published  in COMAR, whether by adoption, amendment, repeal, or emergency action, must first be published in the Register.

   The following information is also published regularly in the Register:

   • Governor’s Executive Orders

   • Attorney General’s Opinions in full text

   • Open Meetings Compliance Board Opinions in full text

   • State Ethics Commission Opinions in full text

   • Court Rules

   • District Court Administrative Memoranda

   • Courts of Appeal Hearing Calendars

   • Agency Hearing and Meeting Notices

   • Synopses of Bills Introduced and Enacted by the General Assembly

   • Other documents considered to be in the public interest


   The Maryland Register is cited by volume, issue, page number, and date. Example:

• 19:8 Md. R. 815—817 (April 17, 1992) refers to Volume 19, Issue 8, pages 815—817 of the Maryland Register issued on April 17, 1992.


   COMAR is the official compilation of all regulations issued by agencies of the State of Maryland. The Maryland Register is COMAR’s temporary supplement, printing all changes to regulations as soon as they occur. At least once annually, the changes to regulations printed in the Maryland Register are incorporated into COMAR by means of permanent supplements.


   COMAR regulations are cited by title number, subtitle number, chapter number, and regulation number. Example: COMAR refers to Title 10, Subtitle 08, Chapter 01, Regulation 03.


   Incorporation by reference is a legal device by which a document is made part of COMAR simply by referring to it. While the text of an incorporated document does not appear in COMAR, the provisions of the incorporated document are as fully enforceable as any other COMAR regulation. Each regulation that proposes to incorporate a document is identified in the Maryland Register by an Editor’s Note. The Cumulative Table of COMAR Regulations Adopted, Amended or Repealed, found online, also identifies each regulation incorporating a document. Documents incorporated by reference are available for inspection in various depository libraries located throughout the State and at the Division of State Documents. These depositories are listed in the first issue of the Maryland Register published each year. For further information, call 410-974-2486.


An Administrative History at the end of every COMAR chapter gives information about past changes to regulations. To determine if there have been any subsequent changes, check the ‘‘Cumulative Table of COMAR Regulations Adopted, Amended, or Repealed’’ which is found online at This table lists the regulations in numerical order, by their COMAR number, followed by the citation to the Maryland Register in which the change occurred. The Maryland Register serves as a temporary supplement to COMAR, and the two publications must always be used together. A Research Guide for Maryland Regulations is available. For further information, call 410-260-3876.


   For subscription forms for the Maryland Register and COMAR, see the back pages of the Maryland Register. Single issues of the Maryland Register are $15.00 per issue.


   Maryland citizens and other interested persons may participate in the process by which administrative regulations are adopted, amended, or repealed, and may also initiate the process by which the validity and applicability of regulations is determined. Listed below are some of the ways in which citizens may participate (references are to State Government Article (SG),

Annotated Code of Maryland):

   • By submitting data or views on proposed regulations either orally or in writing, to the proposing agency (see ‘‘Opportunity for Public Comment’’ at the beginning of all regulations appearing in the Proposed Action on Regulations section of the Maryland Register). (See SG, §10-112)

   • By petitioning an agency to adopt, amend, or repeal regulations. The agency must respond to the petition. (See SG §10-123)

   • By petitioning an agency to issue a declaratory ruling with respect to how any regulation, order, or statute enforced by the agency applies. (SG, Title 10, Subtitle 3)

   • By petitioning the circuit court for a declaratory judgment

on the validity of a regulation when it appears that the regulation interferes with or impairs the legal rights or privileges of the petitioner. (SG, §10-125)

   • By inspecting a certified copy of any document filed with the Division of State Documents for publication in the Maryland Register. (See SG, §7-213)


Maryland Register (ISSN 0360-2834). Postmaster: Send address changes and other mail to: Maryland Register, State House, Annapolis, Maryland 21401. Tel. 410-260-3876. Published biweekly, with cumulative indexes published quarterly, by the State of Maryland, Division of State Documents, State House, Annapolis, Maryland 21401. The subscription rate for the Maryland Register is $225 per year (first class mail). All subscriptions post-paid to points in the U.S. periodicals postage paid at Annapolis, Maryland, and additional mailing offices.

Wes Moore, Governor; Susan C. Lee, Secretary of State; Gail S. Klakring, Administrator; Mary D. MacDonald, Senior Editor, Maryland Register and COMAR; Elizabeth Ramsey, Editor, COMAR Online, and Subscription Manager; Tami Cathell, Help Desk, COMAR and Maryland Register Online.

Front cover: State House, Annapolis, MD, built 1772—79.

Illustrations by Carolyn Anderson, Dept. of General Services


     Note: All products purchased are for individual use only. Resale or other compensated transfer of the information in printed or electronic form is a prohibited commercial purpose (see State Government Article, §7-206.2, Annotated Code of Maryland). By purchasing a product, the buyer agrees that the purchase is for individual use only and will not sell or give the product to another individual or entity.


Closing Dates for the Maryland Register

Schedule of Closing Dates and Issue Dates for the
Maryland Register .....................................................................  669


COMAR Research Aids

Table of Pending Proposals ...........................................................  670


Index of COMAR Titles Affected in This Issue

COMAR Title Number and Name                                                  Page

09        Maryland Department of Labor .........................................  685

10        Maryland Department of Health ................................  676, 678

13A     State Board of Education ...........................................  678, 690

14        Independent Agencies ...............................................  676, 678

20        Public Service Commission ...............................................  684



Individuals with disabilities who desire assistance in using the publications and services of the Division of State Documents are encouraged to call (410) 974-2486, or (800) 633-9657, or FAX to (410) 974-2546, or through Maryland Relay.



The Governor

EXECUTIVE ORDER 01.01.2024.21

Declaration of a State of Preparedness — Extreme Heat
.  673

EXECUTIVE ORDER 01.01.2024.22

Renewal of Executive Order 01.01.2024.09 (Declaration of a
   State of Emergency) ..............................................................

EXECUTIVE ORDER 01.01.2024.23

Rescission of Executive Order 01.01.2024.21 (Declaration of
   a State of Preparedness — Extreme Heat) ............................


The Judiciary




Emergency Action on Regulations



Definitions ................................................................................  676

General Regulations .................................................................  676

Certifying Providers .  676

Patient and Caregiver Registry .  676

Written Certifications .  676

Patient and Caregiver Identification Cards .  676

New Condition Approval Process .  676

Medical Cannabis Grower  676

Medical Cannabis Grower Agent  676

Medical Cannabis Grower Premises .  676

Medical Cannabis Growing Controls .  676

Inventory Control by Grower  676

Medical Cannabis Shipment Packaging .  676

Licensed Grower Dispensary Facility .  676

Medical Cannabis Grower Quality Control  676

Independent Testing Laboratory Registration .  676

Complaints, Adverse Events, and Recall  676

Registration of Ancillary Businesses and Security Guard
.  676

Medical Cannabis Processor License .  676

Medical Cannabis Processor Agent  676

Medical Cannabis Processor Premises .  676

Medical Cannabis Processor Operations .  676

Medical Cannabis Concentrates and Medical Cannabis-
   Infused Products
.  676

Medical Cannabis Finished Products Packaging .  676

Medical Cannabis Dispensary License .  676

Registered Dispensary Agent  676

Licensed Dispensary Premises .  676

Licensed Dispensary Operations .  676

Licensed Dispensary Packaging and Labeling for
.  676

Dispensing Medical Cannabis .  676

Licensed Dispensary Clinical Director  676

Records .  676

Inspection .  676

Discipline and Enforcement  676

Fee Schedule ............................................................................  676

Academic Research .  676

Edible Cannabis Products .  676



Definitions .  676

General Regulations .  676

Social Equity .  676

Medical Cannabis Program ..  676

Application Process and Issuance of Licenses .  676

Standard Cannabis Licenses .  676

Micro Licenses .  676

Laboratory Registration and Operations .  676

Other Cannabis Businesses .  676

Cannabis Grower Operations .  676

Cannabis Processor Operations .  676

Cannabis Dispensary Operations .  676

Cannabis Products .  676

Complaints, Enforcement, Record Keeping, and
   Inspections of Cannabis Businesses ......................................

Cannabis Business Agents .  676

Cannabis Business Owners .  676

Receivership .  676

Finished Product Packaging .  676

Cannabis Research .  676

Prohibited Acts .  676

Fees .  676

Hearing Procedures .  676


Final Action on Regulations



Procedural Regulations for Health Care Facilities and
   Services .................................................................................

User Fee Assessment on Payers, Hospitals, and Nursing
.  678



General Regulations .  678



Definitions .  678

General Regulations .  678

Certifying Providers .  678

Patient and Caregiver Registry .  678

Written Certifications .  678

Patient and Caregiver Identification Cards .  678

New Condition Approval Process .  678

Medical Cannabis Grower  678

Medical Cannabis Grower Agent  678

Medical Cannabis Grower Premises .  678

Medical Cannabis Growing Controls .  678

Inventory Control by Grower  678

Medical Cannabis Shipment Packaging .  678

Licensed Grower Dispensary Facility .  678

Medical Cannabis Grower Quality Control .............................  678

Independent Testing Laboratory Registration .  678

Complaints, Adverse Events, and Recall  678

Registration of Ancillary Businesses and Security Guard
.  678

Medical Cannabis Processor License .  678

Medical Cannabis Processor Agent  678

Medical Cannabis Processor Premises .  678

Medical Cannabis Processor Operations .  678

Medical Cannabis Concentrates and Medical Cannabis-
   Infused Products
.  678

Medical Cannabis Finished Products Packaging .  678

Medical Cannabis Dispensary License .  678

Registered Dispensary Agent  678

Licensed Dispensary Premises .  678

Licensed Dispensary Operations .  678

Licensed Dispensary Packaging and Labeling for
   Distribution ...........................................................................

Dispensing Medical Cannabis .  678

Licensed Dispensary Clinical Director  678

Records .  678

Inspection .  678

Discipline and Enforcement  678

Fee Schedule .  678

Academic Research .  678

Edible Cannabis Products .  678



Definitions .  678

General Regulations .  678

Social Equity .  678

Medical Cannabis Program ..  678

Application Process and Issuance of Licenses .  678

Standard Cannabis Licenses .  678

Micro Licenses .  678

Laboratory Registration and Operations .  678

Other Cannabis Businesses .  678

Cannabis Grower Operations .  678

Cannabis Processor Operations .  678

Cannabis Dispensary Operations .............................................  678

Cannabis Products .  678

Complaints, Enforcement, Record Keeping, and Inspections
   of Cannabis Businesses
.  678

Cannabis Business Agents .  678

Cannabis Business Owners ......................................................  678

Receivership .  678

Finished Product Packaging .  678

Cannabis Research .  678

Prohibited Acts .  678

Fees .  678

Hearing Procedures .  678


Withdrawal of Regulations



Small Generator Facility Interconnection Standards ...............  684


Proposed Action on Regulations



General Regulations .................................................................  685

Mortgage Lenders ....................................................................  685

Mortgage Loan Originators ......................................................  685

Shared Appreciation Agreements ............................................  688



Graduation Requirements for Public High Schools in
   Maryland ...............................................................................


Special Documents



Actions Taken at the June 13, 2024 Meeting .  692

Projects Approved for Consumptive Uses of Water  693


Water Quality Certification 23-WQC-0050 .  694

Water Quality Certification 24-WQC-0006 .  695

Water Quality Certification 24-WQC-0008 .  695

Water Quality Certification 24-WQC-0027 .  696


.........................  696


General Notices


Public Hearing on Regulations ................................................  698


Public Meeting .........................................................................  698


Public Hearing .  698


Public Meeting .  698

Notice of Request for Proposed Project Change to
   Approved Exemption Request


Public Meeting .  698



COMAR Online

        The Code of Maryland Regulations is available at as a free service of the Office of the Secretary of State, Division of State Documents. The full text of regulations is available and searchable. Note, however, that the printed COMAR continues to be the only official and enforceable version of COMAR.

        The Maryland Register is also available at

        For additional information, visit, Division of State Documents, or call us at (410) 974-2486 or 1 (800) 633-9657.


Availability of Monthly List of
Maryland Documents

        The Maryland Department of Legislative Services receives copies of all publications issued by State officers and agencies. The Department prepares and distributes, for a fee, a list of these publications under the title ‘‘Maryland Documents’’. This list is published monthly, and contains bibliographic information concerning regular and special reports, bulletins, serials, periodicals, catalogues, and a variety of other State publications. ‘‘Maryland Documents’’ also includes local publications.

        Anyone wishing to receive ‘‘Maryland Documents’’ should write to: Legislative Sales, Maryland Department of Legislative Services, 90 State Circle, Annapolis, MD 21401.






and Proposed


5 p.m.*

Notices, etc.

10:30 a.m.



10:30 a.m.


July 26

July 8

July 15

July 17

August 9

July 22

July 29

July 31

August 23

August 5

August 12

August 14

September 6

August 19

August 26

August 28

September 20

August 30**

September 9

September 11

October 4

September 16

September 23

September 25

October 18

September 30

October 7

October 9

November 1

October 11**

October 21

October 23

November 15

October 28

November 4

November 6

December 2***

November 8**

November 18

November 20

December 13

November 25

December 2

December 4

December 27

December 9

December 16

December 18

   Please note that this table is provided for planning purposes and that the Division of State Documents (DSD) cannot guarantee submissions will be published in an agency’s desired issue. Although DSD strives to publish according to the schedule above, there may be times when workload pressures prevent adherence to it.

*   Also note that proposal deadlines are for submissions to DSD for publication in the Maryland Register and do not take into account the 15-day AELR review period. The due date for documents containing 8 to 18 pages is 48 hours before the date listed; the due date for documents exceeding 18 pages is 1 week before the date listed.


** Note closing date changes.

***    Note issue date changes.

The regular closing date for Proposals and Emergencies is Monday.



Cumulative Table of COMAR Regulations
Adopted, Amended, or Repealed

   This table, previously printed in the Maryland Register lists the regulations, by COMAR title, that have been adopted, amended, or repealed in the Maryland Register since the regulations were originally published or last supplemented in the Code of Maryland Regulations (COMAR). The table is no longer printed here but may be found on the Division of State Documents website at

Table of Pending Proposals

   The table below lists proposed changes to COMAR regulations. The proposed changes are listed by their COMAR number, followed by a citation to that issue of the Maryland Register in which the proposal appeared. Errata and corrections pertaining to proposed regulations are listed, followed by “(err)” or “(corr),” respectively. Regulations referencing a document incorporated by reference are followed by “(ibr)”. None of the proposals listed in this table have been adopted. A list of adopted proposals appears in the Cumulative Table of COMAR Regulations Adopted, Amended, or Repealed.



08 DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES • 51:10 Md. R. 532 (5-17-24) (ibr) • 51:10 Md. R. 533 (5-17-24),.26,.27 • 51:10 Md. R. 534 (5-17-24) • 51:10 Md. R. 535 (5-17-24),.10 • 51:10 Md. R. 536 (5-17-24) • 51:12 Md. R. 621 (6-14-24),.09,.12 • 51:11 Md. R. 581 (5-31-24) • 51:10 Md. R. 534 (5-17-24) • 51:11 Md. R. 581 (5-31-24)—.06 • 51:1 Md. R. 30 (1-12-24) • 51:13 Md. R. 649 (6-28-24)


09 MARYLAND DEPARTMENT OF LABOR,.04,.09—.13 • 51:14 Md. R. 685 (7-12-24),.04,.06,.16 • 51:14 Md. R. 685 (7-12-24),.07 • 51:14 Md. R. 685 (7-12-24)—.05 • 51:14 Md. R. 688 (7-12-24) • 51:9 Md. R. 444 (5-3-24),.53 • 50:24 Md. R. 1046 (12-1-23)—.09 • 50:25 Md. R. 1100 (12-15-23) • 50:17 Md. R. 772 (8-25-23) • 50:25 Md. R. 1101 (12-15-23)




     Subtitles 01—08 (1st volume)—.65 • 51:6 Md. R. 272 (3-22-24)



     Subtitle 09 (2nd volume) • 51:1 Md. R. 36 (1-12-24),.08 • 51:2 Md. R. 78 (1-26-24) • 51:2 Md. R. 79 (1-26-24)—.06 • 51:2 Md. R. 82 (1-26-24),.07,.12 • 51:2 Md. R. 79 (1-26-24) • 50:18 Md. R. 814 (9-8-23) • 51:3 Md. R. 161 (2-9-24),.04 • 51:4 Md. R. 203 (2-23-24) • 50:18 Md. R. 814 (9-8-23),.06 • 50:24 Md. R. 1049 (12-1-23),.13 • 51:2 Md. R. 79 (1-26-24),.15,.21,.23 • 51:3 Md. R. 162 (2-9-24) • 51:4 Md. R. 204 (2-23-24) • 51:4 Md. R. 205 (2-23-24),.05 • 51:4 Md. R. 206 (2-23-24),.04,.10,.14—.17,.19,.21,.22 • 51:4 Md. R. 207 (2-23-24)—.09 • 51:3 Md. R. 164 (2-9-24),.05,.08 • 51:1 Md. R. 37 (1-12-24) • 51:4 Md. R. 210 (2-23-24),.05 • 51:1 Md. R. 38 (1-12-24)


     Subtitles 10—22 (3rd volume)—.06 • 51:1 Md. R. 39 (1-12-24),.02,.04—.26 • 51:5 Md. R. 234 (3-8-24),.03,.05,.10,.11 • 51:2 Md. R. 82 (1-26-24) (ibr)—.03 • 51:3 Md. R. 166 (2-9-24),.08,.10 • 51:3 Md. R. 166 (2-9-24)—.20 • 51:4 Md. R. 211 (2-23-24)


     Subtitles 23—36 (4th volume) • 51:2 Md. R. 83 (1-26-24),.03,.07,.10 • 51:10 Md. R. 537 (5-17-24)—.03 • 51:2 Md. R. 84 (1-26-24) • 51:5 Md. R. 247 (3-8-24)


     Subtitles 37—52 (5th volume)—.04 • 50:16 Md. R. 738 (8-11-23),.02,.04 • 50:16 Md. R. 738 (8-11-23),.03,.05,.06 • 50:16 Md. R. 738 (8-11-23),.02,.06,.08 • 50:16 Md. R. 738 (8-11-23)—.07 • 50:16 Md. R. 738 (8-11-23),.02,.06,.08,.11,.12,.14 • 50:16 Md. R. 738 (8-11-23) • 50:16 Md. R. 738 (8-11-23)—.10 • 50:16 Md. R. 738 (8-11-23),.04 • 50:16 Md. R. 738 (8-11-23)—.39 • 50:20 Md. R. 911 (10-6-23)—.12 • 50:24 Md. R. 1051 (12-1-23) • 50:20 Md. R. 918 (10-6-23),.04—.06,.08—.15 • 50:20 Md. R. 918 (10-6-23)—.04 • 51:2 Md. R. 85 (1-26-24)


     Subtitles 53—68 (6th volume) • 50:17 Md. R. 773 (8-25-23)—.04 • 50:17 Md. R. 773 (8-25-23),.05 • 50:18 Md. R. 816 (9-8-23),.09 • 50:25 Md. R. 1102 (12-15-23)—.05 • 50:25 Md. R. 1102 (12-15-23),.03,.05,.11 • 51:3 Md. R. 173 (2-9-24),.09 • 51:2 Md. R. 86 (1-26-24)—.09 • 51:2 Md. R. 86 (1-26-24)—.06 • 51:2 Md. R. 86 (1-26-24)—.04 • 51:2 Md. R. 86 (1-26-24),.02 • 51:2 Md. R. 86 (1-26-24)—.06 • 51:2 Md. R. 86 (1-26-24) • 51:3 Md. R. 164 (2-9-24) • 50:24 Md. R. 1049 (12-1-23) • 51:3 Md. R. 164 (2-9-24) • 50:24 Md. R. 1049 (12-1-23)




     Subtitles 01—10 • 51:11 Md. R. 585 (5-31-24)


     Subtitles 11—23 (MVA)—.06 • 51:12 Md. R. 622 (6-14-24) • 50:15 Md. R. 698 (7-28-23)


12 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND CORRECTIONAL SERVICES • 51:13 Md. R. 650 (6-28-24),.22 • 51:12 Md. R. 628 (6-14-24)




13A.03.02.12 • 51:14 Md. R. 690 (7-12-24)

13A.07.02.01 • 51:11 Md. R. 585 (5-31-24)

13A.08.01.17 • 51:11 Md. R. 587 (5-31-24)

13A.16.08.03 • 51:2 Md. R. 95 (1-26-24)

13A.16.10.02 • 51:2 Md. R. 95 (1-26-24)

13A.17.10.02 • 51:2 Md. R. 95 (1-26-24)


14 INDEPENDENT AGENCIES • 51:11 Md. R. 591 (5-31-24) • 51:11 Md. R. 591 (5-31-24) • 51:11 Md. R. 591 (5-31-24) • 51:11 Md. R. 591 (5-31-24)—.03,.09,.11,.13—.16 • 51:13 Md. R. 650 (6-28-24),.05—.11 • 51:13 Md. R. 650 (6-28-24)—.03 • 51:13 Md. R. 650 (6-28-24),.03,.06,.07 • 51:13 Md. R. 650 (6-28-24)—.06 • 51:13 Md. R. 650 (6-28-24),.03 • 51:13 Md. R. 650 (6-28-24)—.32 • 51:6 Md. R. 308 (3-22-24) (ibr),.02 • 51:13 Md. R. 654 (6-28-24)


15 MARYLAND DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE • 50:25 Md. R. 1103 (12-15-23)


20 PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION • 51:13 Md. R. 655 (6-28-24),.05 • 51:13 Md. R. 655 (6-28-24)


21 STATE PROCUREMENT REGULATIONS • 51:13 Md. R. 656 (6-28-24)



(No changes effective since April 2023)—.11 • 51:13 Md. R. 657 (6-28-24)




     Subtitles 01—07 (Part 1),.01-1,.20,.31 • 51:6 Md. R. 309 (3-22-24) (ibr)


     Subtitles 08—12 (Part 2) • 51:8 Md. R. 374 (4-19-24)—.06,.09—.11 • 51:10 Md. R. 538 (5-17-24) • 51:8 Md. R. 375 (4-19-24) (ibr)


     Subtitles 19—28 (Part 4)—.03 • 50:25 Md. R. 1104 (12-15-23) (ibr)—.05 • 50:25 Md. R. 1104 (12-15-23),.02 • 50:25 Md. R. 1104 (12-15-23)—.03 • 50:25 Md. R. 1104 (12-15-23)


29 DEPARTMENT OF STATE POLICE • 51:10 Md. R. 542 (5-17-24)




33 STATE BOARD OF ELECTIONS,.07 • 51:8 Md. R. 375 (4-19-24)—.03 • 51:8 Md. R. 375 (4-19-24)


34 DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING—.11,.13 • 51:11 Md. R. 593 (5-31-24)




The Governor

EXECUTIVE ORDER 01.01.2024.21

Declaration of a State of Preparedness — Extreme Heat Anticipated


WHEREAS, The State of Maryland is subject to a variety of hazards and disasters, including an impending emergency as defined in Section 14-101(c) of the Public Safety Article of the Maryland Code;


WHEREAS, Pursuant to Executive Order 01.01.2023.20, the Governor may declare a State of Preparedness when he determines that there is a significant risk of a public emergency as defined in the Maryland Emergency Management Act, Md. Code, Public Safety Article § 14-301;


WHEREAS, The declaration of a State of Preparedness ensures a proactive, collaborative and forward-leaning State response to potential or actual emergencies;


WHEREAS, Having been advised and informed by the Maryland Department of Emergency Management that there is a significant risk of prolonged extreme heat that will impact the State, causing near-record high temperatures and heat indices approaching heat advisory levels in all areas of Maryland from Friday June 21st through at least Sunday June 23rd;


WHEREAS, Action is needed to prepare to protect the lives and property of Maryland residents and visitors that may be impacted by the extreme heat;


WHEREAS, Transportation, power utility, water utility, and other critical infrastructures may be negatively affected by the impacts of extreme heat; specifically, prolonged extreme heat can overwhelm the power grid, increase water demand, and increase heat-related illness resulting in capacity issues at healthcare facilities;


WHEREAS, State and local government agencies may require additional resources and support to implement proactive actions and meet the public safety and welfare needs of Maryland residents who may be negatively impacted by the prolonged extreme heat and require sheltering needs due to possible loss of power.



A. The Maryland Department of Emergency Management is hereby directed to coordinate the State preparedness and response to the impacts of the extreme heat anticipated to begin on June 20th.

B. All other appropriate State authorities are hereby authorized to activate their emergency preparedness plans and engage, deploy, use, and coordinate available resources in furtherance of those plans.


GIVEN Under My Hand and the Great Seal of the State of Maryland, in the City of Annapolis, this 20th Day of June 2024.




Secretary of State



EXECUTIVE ORDER 01.01.2024.22

Renewal of Executive Order 01.01.2024.09

(Declaration of a State of Emergency)


WHEREAS, I, Wes Moore, Governor of the State of Maryland, issued Executive Order 01.01.2024.09 declaring a State of Emergency due to the significant infrastructure damage to the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore on March 26, 2024;


WHEREAS, The declaration of the State of Emergency was renewed on May 24, 2024, by Executive Order 01.01.2024.17;


WHEREAS, Because of the on-going impact of this incident, emergency conditions continue to exist Statewide;


A. The Maryland Department of Emergency Management is hereby directed to continue to coordinate the State preparedness and response to impacts of this incident.

B. All other appropriate State authorities are hereby authorized to activate their emergency preparedness plans and engage, deploy, use, and coordinate available resources in furtherance of those plans.

C. The Maryland National Guard remains on regular duty.


GIVEN Under My Hand and the Great Seal of the State of Maryland, in the City of Annapolis, this 21st Day of June, 2024.




Secretary of State



EXECUTIVE ORDER 01.01.2024.23

Rescission of Executive Order 01.01.2024.21

(Declaration of a State of Preparedness — Extreme Heat)


WHEREAS, I, Wes Moore, Governor of the State of Maryland, issued Executive Order 01.01.2024.21 (Declaration of a State of Preparedness – Extreme Heat) on June 20, 2024, due to the impending threat of prolonged extreme heat across the State of Maryland; and


WHEREAS, Having been advised and informed by the Maryland Department of Emergency Management and the Maryland Department of Health that the threat of prolonged extreme no longer exists as of Thursday, June 27, 2024 and the related risks to Maryland residents have diminished;




GIVEN Under My Hand and the Great Seal of the State of Maryland, in the City of Annapolis, this 28th Day of June 2024.





Secretary of State




The Judiciary



     This is to certify that by an Order of this Court dated June 17, 2024, KELLEE GENEAN BAKER (CPF# 0706110008), as of June 17, 2024, Kellee Genean Baker has been indefinitely suspended by consent, effective immediately, and her name has been stricken from the register of attorneys in this Court. Notice of this action is given in accordance with Maryland Rule 19-761(b).




Emergency Action on Regulations

Symbol Key

   Roman type indicates text existing before emergency status was granted.

   Italic type indicates new text.

   [Single brackets] indicate deleted text.


Emergency Regulations

Under State Government Article, §10-111(b), Annotated Code of Maryland, an agency may petition the Joint Committee on Administrative, Executive, and Legislative Review (AELR), asking that the usual procedures for adopting regulations be set aside because emergency conditions exist. If the Committee approves the request, the regulations are given emergency status. Emergency status means that the regulations become effective immediately, or at a later time specified by the Committee. After the Committee has granted emergency status, the regulations are published in the next available issue of the Maryland Register. The approval of emergency status may be subject to one or more conditions, including a time limit. During the time the emergency status is in effect, the agency may adopt the regulations through the usual promulgation process. If the agency chooses not to adopt the regulations, the emergency status expires when the time limit on the emergency regulations ends. When emergency status expires, the text of the regulations reverts to its original language.


Title 14


Notice of Emergency Action


The Joint Committee on Administrative, Executive, and Legislative Review has granted emergency status to the repeal of the following existing regulations under COMAR 10.62 Natalie M. LaPrade Medical Cannabis Commission:

(1) Regulation .01 under COMAR 10.62.01 Definitions;

(2) Regulations .01—.05 under COMAR 10.62.02 General Regulations;

(3) Regulations .01—.03 under COMAR 10.62.03 Certifying Providers;

(4) Regulations .01—.06 under COMAR 10.62.04 Patient and Caregiver Registry;

(5) Regulations .01 and .02 under COMAR 10.62.05 Written Certifications;

(6) Regulations .01—.07 under COMAR 10.62.06 Patient and Caregiver Identification Cards;

(7) Regulations .01—.06 under COMAR 10.62.07 New Condition Approval Process;

(8) Regulations .01—.14 under COMAR 10.62.08 Medical Cannabis Grower;

(9) Regulations .01—.09 under COMAR 10.62.09 Medical Cannabis Grower Agent;

(10) Regulations .01—.08 under COMAR 10.62.10 Medical Cannabis Grower Premises;

(11) Regulations .01—.04 under COMAR 10.62.11 Medical Cannabis Growing Controls;

(12) Regulations .01—.09 under COMAR 10.62.12 Inventory Control by Grower;

(13) Regulations .01 and .02 under COMAR 10.62.13 Medical Cannabis Shipment Packaging;

(14) Regulations .01 and .02 under COMAR 10.62.14 Licensed Grower Dispensary Facility;

(15) Regulations .01—.07 under COMAR 10.62.15 Medical Cannabis Grower Quality Control;

(16) Regulations .01—.06 under COMAR 10.62.16 Independent Testing Laboratory Registration;

(17) Regulations .01—.04 under COMAR 10.62.17 Complaints, Adverse Events, and Recall;

(18) Regulations .01—.10 under COMAR 10.62.18 Registration of Ancillary Businesses and Security Guard Agencies;

(19) Regulations .01—.12 under COMAR 10.62.19 Medical Cannabis Processor License;

(20) Regulations .01—.09 under COMAR 10.62.20 Medical Cannabis Processor Agent;

(21) Regulations .01—.07 under COMAR 10.62.21 Medical Cannabis Processor Premises;

(22) Regulations .01—.06 under COMAR 10.62.22 Medical Cannabis Processor Operations;

(23) Regulations .01—.06 under COMAR 10.62.23 Medical Cannabis Concentrates and Medical Cannabis-Infused Products;

(24) Regulation .01 under COMAR 10.62.24 Medical Cannabis Finished Products Packaging;

(25) Regulations .01—.13 under COMAR 10.62.25 Medical Cannabis Dispensary License;

(26) Regulations .01—.09 under COMAR 10.62.26 Registered Dispensary Agent;

(27) Regulations .01—.10 under COMAR 10.62.27 Licensed Dispensary Premises;

(28) Regulations .01—.06 under COMAR 10.62.28 Licensed Dispensary Operations;

(29) Regulations .01 and .02 under COMAR 10.62.29 Licensed Dispensary Packaging and Labeling for Distribution;

(30) Regulations .01—.10 under COMAR 10.62.30 Dispensing Medical Cannabis;

(31) Regulation .01 under COMAR 10.62.31 Licensed Dispensary Clinical Director;

(32) Regulations .01—.03 under COMAR 10.62.32 Records;

(33) Regulations .01—.08 under COMAR 10.62.33 Inspection;

(34) Regulations .01—.09 under COMAR 10.62.34 Discipline and Enforcement;

(35) Regulation .01 under COMAR 10.62.35 Fee Schedule;

(36) Regulations .01—.06 under COMAR 10.62.36 Academic Research; and

(37) Regulations .01—.21 under COMAR 10.62.37 Edible Cannabis Products.

Also at this time, the Joint Committee on Administrative, Executive, and Legislative Review has granted emergency status to the following new regulations under a new subtitle, COMAR 14.17 Maryland Cannabis Administration:

(1) New Regulation .01 under a new chapter, COMAR 14.17.01 Definitions;

(2) New Regulations .01—.04 under a new chapter, COMAR 14.17.02 General Regulations;

(3) New Regulations .01—.04 under a new chapter, COMAR 14.17.03 Social Equity;

(4) New Regulations .01—.09 under a new chapter, COMAR 14.17.04 Medical Cannabis Program;

(5) New Regulations .01—.08 under a new chapter, COMAR 14.17.05 Application Process and Issuance of Licenses;

(6) New Regulations .01—.10 under a new chapter, COMAR 14.17.06 Standard Cannabis Licenses;

(7) New Regulations .01—.08 under a new chapter, COMAR 14.17.07 Micro Cannabis Licenses;

(8) New Regulations .01—.07 under a new chapter, COMAR 14.17.08 Laboratory Registration and Operations;

(9) New Regulations .01—.04 under a new chapter, COMAR 14.17.09 Other Cannabis Businesses;

(10) New Regulations .01—.09 under a new chapter, COMAR 14.17.10 Cannabis Grower Operations;

(11) New Regulations .01—.19 under a new chapter, COMAR 14.17.11 Cannabis Processor Operations;

(12) New Regulations .01—.11 under a new chapter, COMAR 14.17.12 Cannabis Dispensary Operations;

(13) New Regulations .01—.11 under a new chapter, COMAR 14.17.13 Cannabis Products;

(14) New Regulations .01—.06 under a new chapter, COMAR 14.17.14 Complaints, Enforcement, Record Keeping, and Inspections of Cannabis Businesses;

(15) New Regulations .01—.05 under a new chapter, COMAR 14.17.15 Cannabis Business Agents;

(16) New Regulations .01—.05 under a new chapter, COMAR 14.17.16 Cannabis Business Owners;

(17) New Regulations .01—.07 under a new chapter, COMAR 14.17.17 Receivership;

(18) New Regulations .01—.07 under a new chapter, COMAR 14.17.18 Finished Product Packaging;

(19) New Regulations .01—.05 under a new chapter, COMAR 14.17.19 Cannabis Research;

(20) New Regulations .01 and .02 under a new chapter, COMAR 14.17.20 Prohibited Acts;

(21) New Regulations .01 and .02 under a new chapter, COMAR 14.17.21 Fees; and

(22) New Regulations .01—.12 under a new chapter, COMAR 14.17.22 Hearing Procedures.

Emergency status began: June 7, 2024.

Emergency status expires: August 31, 2024.

Estimate of Economic Impact

The emergency action has no economic impact.

Economic Impact on Small Businesses

The emergency action has minimal or no economic impact on small businesses.


     Editor’s Note: The text of this document will not be printed here because it appeared as a Notice of Proposed Action in 51:9 Md. R. 444—496 (May 3, 2024), referenced as [24-034-P].

Maryland Cannabis Administration



Final Action on Regulations


Symbol Key

   Roman type indicates text already existing at the time of the proposed action.

   Italic type indicates new text added at the time of proposed action.

   Single underline, italic indicates new text added at the time of final action.

   Single underline, roman indicates existing text added at the time of final action.

   [[Double brackets]] indicate text deleted at the time of final action.



Title 10


10.24.01 Procedural Regulations for Health Care Facilities and Services

Authority: Health–General Article, §§19-109(a)(1) and (8), 19-116(b), 19-118(d), 19-120, 19-120.1, and 19-126, et seq., Annotated Code of Maryland

Notice of Final Action


On June 20, 2024, the Maryland Health Care Commission adopted amendments to Regulation .12 under COMAR 10.24.01 Procedural Regulations for Health Care Facilities and Services. This action, which was proposed for adoption in 51:8 Md. R. 372—373 (April 19, 2024), has been adopted as proposed.

Effective Date: July 22, 2024.




10.25.03 User Fee Assessment on Payers, Hospitals, and Nursing Homes

Authority: Health-General Article, §19-111, Annotated Code of Maryland

Notice of Final Action


On June 20, 2024, the Maryland Health Care Commission adopted amendments to Regulation .02 under COMAR 10.25.03 User Fee Assessment on Payers, Hospitals, and Nursing Homes. This action, which was proposed for adoption in 51:7 Md. R. 337 (April 5, 2024), has been adopted as proposed.

Effective Date: July 22, 2024.



Title 13A

Subtitle 08 STUDENTS

13A.08.01 General Regulations

Authority: Education Article, §§2-205, 7-101, 7-101.1, 7-210, 7-301, 7-301.1, 7-303—7-305, 7-305.1, 7-307, 7-308, and 8-404, Annotated Code of Maryland; Ch. 273, Acts of 2016; Federal Statutory Reference: 20 U.S.C. §§1232g and 7912

Notice of Final Action


On June 25, 2024, the State Board of Education adopted the repeal of existing Regulation .02-3 and new Regulation .02-3 under COMAR 13A.08.01 General Regulations. This action, which was proposed for adoption in 51:7 Md. R. 337—338 (April 5, 2024), has been adopted as proposed.

Effective Date: July 22, 2024.

State Superintendent of Schools


Title 14

Subtitle 17 Maryland Cannabis Administration

Notice of Final Action


On June 24, 2024, the Maryland Cannabis Administration adopted the repeal of the following existing regulations under COMAR 10.62 Natalie M. LaPrade Medical Cannabis Commission:

(1) Regulation .01 under COMAR 10.62.01 Definitions;

(2) Regulations .01—.05 under COMAR 10.62.02 General Regulations;

(3) Regulations .01—.03 under COMAR 10.62.03 Certifying Providers;

(4) Regulations .01—.06 under COMAR 10.62.04 Patient and Caregiver Registry;

(5) Regulations .01 and .02 under COMAR 10.62.05 Written Certifications;

(6) Regulations .01—.07 under COMAR 10.62.06 Patient and Caregiver Identification Cards;

(7) Regulations .01—.06 under COMAR 10.62.07 New Condition Approval Process;

(8) Regulations .01—.14 under COMAR 10.62.08 Medical Cannabis Grower;

(9) Regulations .01—.09 under COMAR 10.62.09 Medical Cannabis Grower Agent;

(10) Regulations .01—.08 under COMAR 10.62.10 Medical Cannabis Grower Premises;

(11) Regulations .01—.04 under COMAR 10.62.11 Medical Cannabis Growing Controls;

(12) Regulations .01—.09 under COMAR 10.62.12 Inventory Control by Grower;

(13) Regulations .01 and .02 under COMAR 10.62.13 Medical Cannabis Shipment Packaging;

(14) Regulations .01 and .02 under COMAR 10.62.14 Licensed Grower Dispensary Facility;

(15) Regulations .01—.07 under COMAR 10.62.15 Medical Cannabis Grower Quality Control;

(16) Regulations .01—.06 under COMAR 10.62.16 Independent Testing Laboratory Registration;

(17) Regulations .01—.04 under COMAR 10.62.17 Complaints, Adverse Events, and Recall;

(18) Regulations .01—.10 under COMAR 10.62.18 Registration of Ancillary Businesses and Security Guard Agencies;

(19) Regulations .01—.12 under COMAR 10.62.19 Medical Cannabis Processor License;

(20) Regulations .01—.09 under COMAR 10.62.20 Medical Cannabis Processor Agent;

(21) Regulations .01—.07 under COMAR 10.62.21 Medical Cannabis Processor Premises;

(22) Regulations .01—.06 under COMAR 10.62.22 Medical Cannabis Processor Operations;

(23) Regulations .01—.06 under COMAR 10.62.23 Medical Cannabis Concentrates and Medical Cannabis-Infused Products;

(24) Regulation .01 under COMAR 10.62.24 Medical Cannabis Finished Products Packaging;

(25) Regulations .01—.13 under COMAR 10.62.25 Medical Cannabis Dispensary License;

(26) Regulations .01—.09 under COMAR 10.62.26 Registered Dispensary Agent;

(27) Regulations .01—.10 under COMAR 10.62.27 Licensed Dispensary Premises;

(28) Regulations .01—.06 under COMAR 10.62.28 Licensed Dispensary Operations;

(29) Regulations .01 and .02 under COMAR 10.62.29 Licensed Dispensary Packaging and Labeling for Distribution;

(30) Regulations .01—.10 under COMAR 10.62.30 Dispensing Medical Cannabis;

(31) Regulation .01 under COMAR 10.62.31 Licensed Dispensary Clinical Director;

(32) Regulations .01—.03 under COMAR 10.62.32 Records;

(33) Regulations .01—.08 under COMAR 10.62.33 Inspection;

(34) Regulations .01—.09 under COMAR 10.62.34 Discipline and Enforcement;

(35) Regulation .01 under COMAR 10.62.35 Fee Schedule;

(36) Regulations .01—.06 under COMAR 10.62.36 Academic Research; and

(37) Regulations .01—.21 under COMAR 10.62.37 Edible Cannabis Products.

Also at this time, the Maryland Cannabis Administration adopted the following new regulations under a new subtitle, COMAR 14.17 Maryland Cannabis Administration:

(1) New Regulation .01 under a new chapter, COMAR 14.17.01 Definitions;

(2) New Regulations .01—.04 under a new chapter, COMAR 14.17.02 General Regulations;

(3) New Regulations .01—.04 under a new chapter, COMAR 14.17.03 Social Equity;

(4) New Regulations .01—.09 under a new chapter, COMAR 14.17.04 Medical Cannabis Program;

(5) New Regulations .01—.08 under a new chapter, COMAR 14.17.05 Application Process and Issuance of Licenses;

(6) New Regulations .01—.10 under a new chapter, COMAR 14.17.06 Standard Cannabis Licenses;

(7) New Regulations .01—.08 under a new chapter, COMAR 14.17.07 Micro Cannabis Licenses;

(8) New Regulations .01—.07 under a new chapter, COMAR 14.17.08 Laboratory Registration and Operations;

(9) New Regulations .01—.04 under a new chapter, COMAR 14.17.09 Other Cannabis Businesses;

(10) New Regulations .01—.09 under a new chapter, COMAR 14.17.10 Cannabis Grower Operations;

(11) New Regulations .01—.19 under a new chapter, COMAR 14.17.11 Cannabis Processor Operations;

(12) New Regulations .01—.11 under a new chapter, COMAR 14.17.12 Cannabis Dispensary Operations;

(13) New Regulations .01—.11 under a new chapter, COMAR 14.17.13 Cannabis Products;

(14) New Regulations .01—.06 under a new chapter, COMAR 14.17.14 Complaints, Enforcement, Record Keeping, and Inspections of Cannabis Businesses;

(15) New Regulations .01—.05 under a new chapter, COMAR 14.17.15 Cannabis Business Agents;

(16) New Regulations .01—.05 under a new chapter, COMAR 14.17.16 Cannabis Business Owners;

(17) New Regulations .01—.07 under a new chapter, COMAR 14.17.17 Receivership;

(18) New Regulations .01—.07 under a new chapter, COMAR 14.17.18 Finished Product Packaging;

(19) New Regulations .01—.05 under a new chapter, COMAR 14.17.19 Cannabis Research;

(20) New Regulations .01 and .02 under a new chapter, COMAR 14.17.20 Prohibited Acts;

(21) New Regulations .01 and .02 under a new chapter, COMAR 14.17.21 Fees; and

(22) New Regulations .01—.12 under a new chapter, COMAR 14.17.22 Hearing Procedures.

This action, which was proposed for adoption in 51:9 Md. R. 444—496 (May 3, 2024), has been adopted with the nonsubstantive changes shown below.

Effective Date: July 22, 2024.

Attorney General’s Certification

In accordance with the State Government Article §§10-113, Annotated Code of Maryland, the Attorney General certifies that the following changes do not differ substantively from the proposed text.  The changes could have been reasonably anticipated by interested parties, do not substantially change the intended benefits of the regulation, and do not increase the burdens of the regulations as proposed. The specific changes are as follows:

COMAR To correct a drafting error and conform with its intent to permit adult-use consumers to purchase infused non-edible cannabis products, the Maryland Cannabis Administration (the Administration) will remove infused non-edible products from the definition of a high potency product.

COMAR To clarify the infused non-edible cannabis product category, the Administration will specify that these products are not intended for human consumption by inhalation as well as oral ingestion.

COMAR To correct a drafting error, the Administration is removing children of an adult-use consumer from the definition of the term “visitor”.

COMAR To correct a drafting error, the Administration is correcting a reference to requirements for the conditional license period.

COMAR To clarify requirements for management companies, the Administration is changing the term “registered” to “approved” in its description of requirements for those entities.

COMAR The Administration is correcting a grammatical error by changing the term “greater” to “greatest”.

COMAR To conform with its intent to eliminate vehicle registration requirements, the Administration is deleting a requirement for independent testing laboratories to register their vehicles with the Administration.

COMAR To conform with its intent to eliminate vehicle registration requirements, the Administration is deleting a requirement for cannabis registrants to provide proof that each secure transport vehicle has been inspected by the Administration.

COMAR The Administration is specifying that a grower, whether indoor or outdoor, must install lighting fixtures to ensure proper surveillance of the perimeter of the cultivation area, which clarifies prior language that lighting requirements do not apply to areas used for cannabis cultivation.

COMAR The Administration is deleting this section in its entirety to eliminate duplicative text.

COMAR The Administration is clarifying that the visitor policy applies to guests to areas of the licensed premises used for cannabis operations.

COMAR  The Administration is clarifying that if a licensee detects a discrepancy between the inventory of stock and the seed-to-sale tracking system outside of normal weight loss, they must commence an internal investigation of the discrepancy within 1 business day. If the discrepancy cannot be resolved within 30 business days, a licensee must report the unresolved discrepancy to the Administration.

COMAR The Administration is clarifying that the visitor policy applies to guests to areas of the licensed premises used for cannabis operations.

COMAR The Administration is clarifying that if a licensee detects a discrepancy between the inventory of stock and the seed-to-sale tracking system outside of normal weight loss, they must commence an internal investigation of the discrepancy within 1 business day. If the discrepancy cannot be resolved within 30 business days, a licensee must report the unresolved discrepancy to the Administration.

COMAR and (b): The Administration is correcting a drafting error to clarify that dispensaries are required to use video surveillance to capture activity at areas and entrances to areas where cannabis is packaged, stored, or dispensed.

COMAR The Administration is deleting this text to consolidate it under COMAR Hours of Operations.

COMAR The Administration is clarifying that a dispensary’s drive-through system may be arranged in such a way that an agent is dispensing cannabis through a window built in either the service area or the operations zone.

COMAR and (4): The Administration is correcting typographical errors in these subsections.

COMAR The Administration is consolidating hours of operations provisions under a single regulation by replacing text that was deleted from COMAR

COMAR To align with Alcoholic Beverages and Cannabis Article, §36-401(g), Annotated Code of Maryland, the Administration is clarifying that after June 30, 2025, only a licensed micro dispensary may deliver cannabis to qualifying patients, registered caregivers, and adult use consumers.

COMAR The Administration is clarifying that if a licensee detects a discrepancy between the inventory of stock and the seed-to-sale tracking system outside of normal weight loss, they must commence an internal investigation of the discrepancy within 1 business day. If the discrepancy cannot be resolved within 30 business days, a licensee must report the unresolved discrepancy to the Administration.

COMAR To correct a drafting error, the Administration is deleting a provision that would reserve vape cartridges containing more than 1 gram of vape liquid for patients and caregivers, where cannabis vaporizing devices are not categorized as a concentrated cannabis product and therefore are not subject to the 1g product weight limit for adult-use consumers.

COMAR To correct drafting errors and conform with its intent to remove potency limits on infused non-edible cannabis products for adult-use consumers, the Administration is removing infused non-edible products from the definition of high potency product and eliminating potency restrictions for infused non-edible products sold to adult-use consumers.

COMAR The Administration is correcting a drafting error by deleting duplicate language.

COMAR To correct a drafting error, the Administration is renumbering §E(2)—(6).

COMAR To conform with Alcoholic Beverages and Cannabis Article, §36-801(a), Annotated Code of Maryland, the Administration is clarifying that registrants, as well as licensees, must submit an annual report on minority owners and employees.

COMAR The Administration is deleting the definition of a secured creditor because it is not used substantively in the chapter.

COMAR The Administration is correcting a drafting error in this subsection.


14.17.01 Definitions

Authority: Alcoholic Beverages and Cannabis Article, §36-101, Annotated Code of Maryland

.01 Definitions.

A. (proposed text unchanged)

B. Terms Defined.

(1)—(24) (proposed text unchanged)

(25) High Potency Product.

(a) (proposed text unchanged)

(b) “High potency product” includes:

(i) (proposed text unchanged)

(ii) An edible cannabis product, capsule, or tincture[[, or infused non-edible product]] that exceeds 10 milligrams THC per serving and 100 milligrams THC per package.

(26)—(29) (proposed text unchanged)

(29) “Infused non-edible cannabis product” means ointment, salve, suppository, dermal patch, cartridge, or any other product containing cannabis that has been processed so that the dried leaves and flowers are integrated into other material that is not intended for human consumption by inhalation or oral ingestion.

(30)—(56) (proposed text unchanged)

(57) Visitor.

(a) (proposed text unchanged)

(b) “Visitor” does not include:

(i) A qualifying patient, registered caregiver, adult-use consumer, or any children who accompany a qualifying patient[[,]] or registered caregiver[[, or adult use consumer]] for the sole purpose of purchasing cannabis or cannabis products; or

(ii) (proposed text unchanged)

(58) (proposed text unchanged)


14.17.05 Application Process and Issuance of Licenses

Authority: Alcoholic Beverages and Cannabis Article, §§36-202, 36-401, 36-404, and 36-505, Annotated Code of Maryland

.05 Issuance of a License or Rescission of a Conditional License.

A. (proposed text unchanged)

B. Rescission of a Conditional License. The Administration may rescind a conditional license if a conditional licensee, or any individual or entity included in the supplemental license application:

(1)—(6) (proposed text unchanged)

(7) [[Violates §A(5)]] Fails to comply with §A(4) and (5) of this regulation;

(8)—(9) (proposed text unchanged)

C.—F. (proposed text unchanged)


14.17.06 Standard Cannabis Licenses

Authority: Alcoholic Beverages and Cannabis Article, §§36-202, 36-203, 36-401, 36-405—36-407, 36-503, and 36-802, Annotated Code of Maryland

.05 Management Agreements.

A. (proposed text unchanged)

B. A management company shall be:

(1) [[Registered]] Approved by the Administration, in a manner prescribed by the Administration; and

(2) (proposed text unchanged)

C.—G. (proposed text unchanged)

H. A management agreement may constitute a transfer of control if it conveys to a management company:

(1) (proposed text unchanged)

(2) The right or authority to make major marketing, production, and financial decisions, including:

(a)—(b) (proposed text unchanged)

(c) The right to or actual payment from the licensee over the course of a calendar year exceeding the [[greater]] greatest of:

(i)—(iii) (proposed text unchanged)


14.17.08 Laboratory Registration and Operations

Authority: Alcoholic Beverages and Cannabis Article, §§36-202—36-204[[,]] and 36-408, Annotated Code of Maryland

.03 Standards of Care.

A. The independent testing laboratory shall:

(1)—(9) (proposed text unchanged)

(10) Make any security video surveillance recording available to the Administration or law enforcement agency for just cause as requested within 48 hours; and

[[(11) Conspicuously display its laboratory registration at the registered premises; and]]

[[(12)]] (11) (proposed text unchanged)

B. (proposed text unchanged)

.06 Transportation of Products Containing Cannabis.

A. (proposed text unchanged)

B. A registered independent testing laboratory shall transport samples of cannabis and products containing cannabis:

(1) With oversight by at least one independent testing laboratory employee registered with the Administration; and

(2) Using a vehicle that[[:

(a) Meets]] meets the criteria specified in COMAR[[; and

(b) Is registered with the Administration]].


14.17.09 Other Cannabis Businesses

Authority: Alcoholic Beverages and Cannabis Article, §§36-202, 36-203, 36-401, and 36-409, Annotated Code of Maryland

.02 Cannabis Registrants.

A.—G. (proposed text unchanged)

H. The business may renew its registration by submitting to the Administration:

(1) A copy of the registration form; and

(2) Proof that fingerprints have been submitted to CJIS and the FBI for every cannabis agent[[; and

(3) Proof that each secure transport vehicle has been inspected by the Administration]].

I. (proposed text unchanged)


14.17.10 Cannabis Grower Operations

Authority: Alcoholic Beverages and Cannabis Article, §§36-202, 36-203, 36-401, 36-402, and 36-410, Annotated Code of Maryland

.02 Cannabis Grower Premises.

A.—D. (proposed text unchanged)

E. Security Lighting.

[[(1)]] The grower shall design and install lighting fixtures to ensure proper surveillance of the perimeter of the cultivation area.

[[(2) This provision does not apply to lighting in areas of a grower’s premises that are used to cultivate cannabis.]]

F.—H. (proposed text unchanged)

[[I. Visitor to the Premises.

(1) When a visitor is admitted to the licensed premises, a registered agent shall:

(a) Log the visitor in and out;

(b) Retain with the log a photocopy of the visitor’s government-issued identification;

(c) Continuously, physically supervise the visitor while they are on the premises; and

(d) Ensure that the visitor does not touch any cannabis.

(2) An Administration investigator is not subject to the visitor requirements established in §I(1) of this regulation.

(3) The grower shall maintain a log of all visitors for 2 years.

J. Micro growers may not operate a facility greater than the limits established in Alcoholic Beverages and Cannabis Article, §36-401(c)(2)(i), Annotated Code of Maryland.]]

[[J.]] I. (proposed text unchanged)

.07 Visitor to the Premises.

A. When a visitor is admitted to an area of the premises used for cannabis operations, an agent shall:

(1)(4) (proposed text unchanged)

B.—C. (proposed text unchanged)

.08 Discrepancy, Theft, and Diversion Reporting.

A. Discrepancy Reporting.

(1) If a grower discerns a discrepancy between the inventory of stock and the seed-to-sale tracking system outside of normal weight loss due to moisture loss and handling, the grower shall [[commence]]:

(a) Commence an investigation of the discrepancy within 1 business day; and

(b) If the grower cannot resolve the discrepancy within 30 business days, report the discrepancy to MCA.

(2) Failure to report [[a]] an unresolved discrepancy [[within 1 business day]] may be used as evidence of diversion.

B. (proposed text unchanged)

C. Within 30 business days of discovering the theft, diversion, or unresolved discrepancy, the grower shall:

(1)—(3) (proposed text unchanged)

14.17.11 Cannabis Processor Operations

Authority: Alcoholic Beverages and Cannabis Article, §§36-202, 36-203, and 36-401, Annotated Code of Maryland

.17 Visitor to the Premises.

A. When a visitor is admitted to an area of the premises used for cannabis operations, a registered agent shall:

(1)(4) (proposed text unchanged)

B.—C. (proposed text unchanged)

.18 Discrepancy, Theft, and Diversion Reporting.

A. Discrepancy Reporting.

(1) If a processor discerns a discrepancy between the inventory of stock and the seed-to-sale tracking system outside of normal weight loss due to moisture loss and handling, the processor shall [[commence]]:

(a) Commence an investigation of the discrepancy within 1 business day; and

(b) If the processor cannot resolve the discrepancy within 30 business days, report the discrepancy to MCA.

(2) Failure to report [[a]] an unresolved discrepancy [[within 1 business day]] may be used as evidence of diversion.

B. (proposed text unchanged)

C. Within 30 business days of discovering the theft, diversion, or unresolved discrepancy, the processor shall:

(1)—(3) (proposed text unchanged)


14.17.12 Cannabis Dispensary Operations

Authority: Alcoholic Beverages and Cannabis Article, §§36-202, 36-203, 36-401, and 36-410, Annotated Code of Maryland

.02 Standard Cannabis Dispensary.

AK. (proposed text unchanged)

L. Video Surveillance Requirements.

(1)(3) (proposed text unchanged)

(4) A surveillance camera shall capture activity at each:

(a) Entrance to an area where cannabis is [[processed, tested,]] packaged, [[or]] stored, or dispensed; and

(b) Area where cannabis is [[processed,]] packaged, [[or]] stored, or dispensed.

(5)(7) (proposed text unchanged)

M. Standard Dispensary Premises Organization.

(1) (proposed text unchanged)

(2) Public Zone.

(a)—(b) (proposed text unchanged)

[[(c) The dispensary’s hours of business shall be displayed at the entrance to the public zone.]]

(3)(8) (proposed text unchanged)

N. (proposed text unchanged)

O. To provide drive-through dispensing services, a standard dispensary shall:

(1)(2) (proposed text unchanged)

(3) Meet all other requirements for a dispensary service area, including:

(a)(b) (proposed text unchanged)

(c) Displaying the licensed dispensary’s license and hours of operation [[shall be displayed]] at the entrance to the drive-through dispensing zone; and

(d) [[Doors]] Secured doors and other access points between public and operations zones [[shall be secured]]; and

(4) Adhere to its standard operating procedures and requirements for dispensing cannabis established in [[COMAR]] Regulation .04 of this chapter.

P. (proposed text unchanged)

.08 Online, Telephone, or Other Remote Ordering.

A.E. (proposed text unchanged)

F. [[Only]] Effective July 1, 2025, only a micro dispensary may deliver cannabis to qualifying patients, registered caregivers, or adult-use consumers in accordance with Regulation .03 of this chapter.

.09 Hours of Operations.

A. A dispensary may not conduct sales before 8 a.m. or past 11 p.m.

B. A dispensary shall display its hours of operation at the main entrance to the premises.

.10 Discrepancy, Theft, or Diversion.

A. Discrepancy Reporting.

(1) If a dispensary discerns a discrepancy between the inventory of stock and the seed-to-sale tracking system outside of normal weight loss due to moisture loss and handling, the dispensary shall [[commence]]:

(a) Commence an investigation of the discrepancy within 1 business day; and

(b) If the dispensary cannot resolve the discrepancy within 30 business days, report the discrepancy to MCA.

(2) Failure to report [[a]] an unresolved discrepancy [[within 1 business day]] may be used as evidence of diversion.

B. (proposed text unchanged)

C. Within 30 business days of discovering the theft, diversion, or unresolved discrepancy, the dispensary shall:

(1)—(3) (proposed text unchanged)


14.17.13 Cannabis Products

Authority: Alcoholic Beverages and Cannabis Article, §§36-202, 36-203, and 36-203.1, Annotated Code of Maryland

.08 Cannabis Vaporizing Devices.

A.B. (proposed text unchanged)

[[C. A cartridge that contains more than 1 gram of a concentrated cannabis product may only be sold to qualifying patients or registered caregivers.]]

[[D.]] C. (proposed text unchanged)

.09 Infused Non-Edible Products.

[[A.]] A dispensary [[shall only sell or]] may dispense infused non-edible products [[that contain more than 10 milligrams tetrahydrocannabinol per serving and 100 milligrams tetrahydrocannabinol per package, including the allowable permitted in the Technical Authority,]] to qualifying patients [[or]], registered caregivers, or adult use consumers.

[[B. Infused non-edible products containing more than 10 milligrams tetrahydrocannabinol per serving or 100 milligrams tetrahydrocannabinol per package shall be labeled in accordance with COMAR]]


14.17.14 Complaints, Enforcement, Record Keeping, and Inspections of Cannabis Businesses

Authority: Alcoholic Beverages and Cannabis Article, §§36-202, 36-203, and 36-901, Annotated Code of Maryland

.01 Complaints, Adverse Events, and Recall.

A.B. (proposed text unchanged)

C. Complaint Investigation Process.

(1) After notifying the Administration about a complaint as required in §B of this regulation, a licensee or certifying provider shall:

(a) (proposed text unchanged)

(b) Investigate the production of the batch or lot to determine if there was a deviation from the standard operating procedure in the production of the batch or lot [[to determine if there was a deviation from the standard operating procedure in the production of the batch or lot]];

(c)(d) (proposed text unchanged)

(2)(4) (proposed text unchanged)

D. (proposed text unchanged)


14.17.15 Cannabis Business Agents

Authority: Alcoholic Beverages and Cannabis Article, §§36-202, 36-203, 36-501, and 36-1001—36-1003, Annotated Code of Maryland

.05 Training.

A.—D. (proposed text unchanged)

E. Responsible Vendor Training Program.

(1)(2) (proposed text unchanged)

[[(2)]] (3)[[(5)]] (6) (proposed text unchanged)


14.17.16 Cannabis Business Owners

Authority: Alcoholic Beverages and Cannabis Article, §§36-202, 36-501—36-504, and 36-801, Annotated Code of Maryland

.03 Annual Report on Minority Owners and Employees.

On or before August 1 of each year, each licensee and registrant shall submit a report in a manner determined by the Administration regarding the licensee’s or registrant’s minority owners and employees.


14.17.17 Receivership.

Authority: Alcoholic Beverages and Cannabis Article, §§36-202, 36-203, and 36-503, Annotated Code of Maryland

.01 Definitions.

A. In this chapter, the following [[terms have the meanings]] term has the meaning indicated.

B. [[Terms]] Term Defined.

[[(1)]] “Licensee” means a licensed grower, processor, or dispensary.

[[(2) “Secured creditor” means a lending institution defined under Financial Institutions Article, §1-101, Annotated Code of Maryland, that has been approved by the Administration to obtain a security interest in the proceeds from an Administration -approved sale of a grower, processor, or dispensary license.]]


14.17.22 Hearing Procedures

Authority: Alcoholic Beverages and Cannabis Article, §36-202, Annotated Code of Maryland

.10 Final Determination.

A.B. (proposed text unchanged)

C. The notice of final determination shall summarize:

(1)—(3) (proposed text unchanged)

(4) In the case that the Administration orders a suspension or revocation of a license as a result of a hearing, the reason for the Administration's action.

D. (proposed text unchanged)

Maryland Cannabis Administration


Withdrawal of Regulations

Title 20


20.50.09 Small Generator Facility Interconnection Standards

Authority: Public Utilities Article, §§2-113, 2-121, 5-101, 5-303, and 7-306, Annotated Code of Maryland

Notice of Withdrawal


The Public Service Commission withdraws the proposal to amend Regulations .02, .06, .09, .10, and .12—.14, repeal existing Regulation .07, and adopt new Regulation .07 under COMAR 20.50.09 Small Generator Facility Interconnection Standards, as published in 51:7 Md. R. 340—346 (April 5, 2024).

Executive Secretary



Proposed Action on Regulations


Title 09


Notice of Proposed Action


The Commissioner of Financial Regulation proposes to:

(1) Amend Regulations .01 and .04 and adopt new Regulations .09—.13 under COMAR 09.03.02 General Regulations;

(2) Amend Regulations .02, .04, .06, and .16 under COMAR 09.03.06 Mortgage Lenders; and

(3) Amend Regulations .02 and .07 under COMAR 09.03.09 Mortgage Loan Originators.

Statement of Purpose

The purpose of this action is to modernize Maryland’s non-depository licensing system as a result of the Legislature’s adoption of Ch. 567 (H.B. 686), Acts of 2023, which amended Maryland’s branch licensing, assessment, and bond laws (Business Regulation Article, §§7–101, 7–206, 7–301(c), 7–302(b), (d), and (e), 7–302.1(b), 7–302.2(a), 7–304(c)(1), 7–305, 7–306.1(a) and (c), and 7–308(c), 7–302.2(c) and 7–304(j); Commercial Law Article, §14–1216(d) and (e); Financial Institutions Article, §§2–120, 2–121, 11–203.1(b), 11–203.3(c), 11–206(d), 11–208, 11–211, 11–402.1(c), 11–408, 11–411, 11–501(f–1) and (f–2), 11–503.2(c), 11–508(c), 12–104.1(c), 12–110, 12–113, 12–401(k) and (l), 12–404(c), 12–407(b)(1), 12–415(a), 12–905(c), 12–914(f), 11–201, 11–203.3(a), 11–204(a) and (c)(2), 11–206(a)(2) and (c)(3)(i), 11–210(b)(1) and (c), 11–401, 11–402.1(a), 11–403(b), 11–404(a)(2), 11–406(a), 11–410(b)(1) and (c), 11–414, 11–503.1(b), 11–503.2(a), 11–505, 11–506.1(b)—(e), 11–507, 11–508(a) and (e)—(g), 11–511(a), (c), and (d), 11–512, 11–512.1(a) and (c), 11–513, 11–601(f), 11–602(c), 11–612.1, 12–101, 12–104.1(a), 12–105(b), 12–106, 12–108(a)(2), 12–112(b)(1) and (c), 12–114(c), 12–118, 12–401(c) and (k–1), 12–404(a), 12–406(a)(3), 12–407(b)(2), 12–410, 12–412(a) and (d), 12–424, 12–901, 12–904, 12–905(a), 12–906(b), 12–908(b)(1) and (2), 12–911, 12–914(b)(2)(i), 12–915, 12–923(b)(1), 12–924(a), (c), and (d), and 12–1007(a); Annotated Code of Maryland) and eliminated the requirement for certain non-depository financial institutions to maintain separate licenses for branch locations and authorized them to conduct business at multiple licensed locations under a single license.

This action enhances the Office of Financial Regulation’s (OFR’s) licensing regulations by adding:

(1) Definitions for certain undefined terms used in licensing and assessing non-depository businesses;

(2) A description of the information required to be maintained by regulated persons;

(3) A description of the process to add, change, or delete a trade name;

(4) Procedures for the assessment of regulated entities;

(5) Provisions for locations including mobile units for a check casher;

(6) Procedures for locations including kiosks for a money transmitter;

(7) A requirement for the Commissioner to provide a list of licensed locations upon request; and

(8) Procedures for licensing of mortgage lenders.

Estimate of Economic Impact

I. Summary of Economic Impact. The economic impact of the proposed action is expected to be low.

II. Types of Economic Impact.

Impacted Entity

Revenue (R+/R-)

Expenditure (E+/E-)


A. On issuing agency:



B. On other State agencies:



C. On local governments:








Benefit (+)

Cost (-)


D. On regulated industries or trade groups:



Non-depository licensees



E. On other industries or trade groups:



F. Direct and indirect effects on public:



III. Assumptions. (Identified by Impact Letter and Number from Section II.)

D. The proposed action imposes no additional fees or charges, though it does address the process of imposing the assessments authorized under Financial Institutions Article, §2-120, Annotated Code of Maryland, based on the cost to regulate the industry. The authority to assess licensed entities was added in the Legislature’s adoption of Ch. 567 (H.B. 686), Acts of 2023, with the elimination of branch licenses. The proposed action will permit the Office of Financial Regulation to annually adjust the fees it charges licensees, and those adjustments will result in a variable, yearly assessment on licensees. Annual assessment adjustments may, in some years, result in some regulated entities paying an amount that is overall greater or lesser for that year than if the prior branch licensing system had been in effect. The Commissioner, however, cannot provide exact estimates of any future assessment level.

Economic Impact on Small Businesses

The proposed action has minimal or no economic impact on small businesses.

Impact on Individuals with Disabilities

The proposed action has no impact on individuals with disabilities.

Opportunity for Public Comment

Comments may be sent to Amy Hennen, Director of Legislative Response and Special Projects, Office of Financial Regulation, 1100 Eutaw St., Ste. 611, Baltimore, MD 21201, or call 410-230-6094, or email to Comments will be accepted through August 12, 2024. A public hearing has not been scheduled.


09.03.02 General Regulations

Authority: Business Regulation Article, §2-105; Financial Institutions Article, §§2-105.1, 11-203, 11-503, 12-104, and 12-403; Annotated Code of Maryland

.01 [Definition] Definitions.

A. In this chapter, the following [term has the meaning] terms have the meanings indicated.

B. [Term] Terms Defined.

(1) “Assessment” means the annual assessment authorized under Financial Institutions Article, §2-120, Annotated Code of Maryland.

(2) “Commissioner” has the meaning stated in Financial Institutions Article, §1-101(g), Annotated Code of Maryland.

(3) “Licensed location” means any location listed by the licensee in NMLS.

(4) “Licensed person” has the meaning stated in Financial Institutions Article, §2-120, Annotated Code of Maryland.

(5) “Mobile unit” has the meaning stated in Financial Institutions Article, §12-101, Annotated Code of Maryland.

(6) “NMLS” has the meaning stated in Financial Institutions Article, §1-101, Annotated Code of Maryland.

(7) “Regulated person” has the meaning stated in Financial Institutions Article, §2-120, Annotated Code of Maryland.

.04 Books and Records of Certain Regulated Persons.

A. Definition.

(1) In this regulation the following term has the meaning indicated.

(2) Term Defined. “Loan” means:

(a) A loan as defined in Financial Institutions Article, §11-201, Annotated Code of Maryland;

(b) An installment loan as defined in Financial Institutions Article, §11-301, Annotated Code of Maryland;

(c) An installment sale agreement as defined in Financial Institutions Article, §11-401, Annotated Code of Maryland;

(d) A retail credit account transaction as defined in Commercial Law Article, §12-501, Annotated Code of Maryland; and

(e) A transaction that deals with home improvement, as defined in Business Regulation Article, §8-101, Annotated Code of Maryland, made between other parties, if collateral security is required by and given to the contractor as a condition to the transaction.

B. Each [licensed office] regulated person required to hold a license issued under Financial Institutions Article, Subtitles 2, 3, and 4, Annotated Code of Maryland, shall maintain the following records:

[A.] (1)—[G.] (7) (text unchanged)

[H.] (8) Credit Life Claim Register. Each licensee shall maintain a register of death claims showing the following minimum information:

[(1)] (a)—[(9)] (i) (text unchanged)

[I.] (9) Accident and Health Claim Register. Each license shall maintain a register of claims involving accident and health insurance showing the following minimum information:

[(1)] (a)—[(8)] (h) (text unchanged)

.09 Approval for Addition, Deletion, or Change of Location or Trade Name.

A. Approval to Add, Delete, or Change a Licensed Location.

(1) A regulated person who wishes to add, delete, or change the address of a licensed location shall provide the Commissioner notice of the addition, deletion, or change of address through NMLS.

(2) Any addition, deletion, or change of address of a licensed location will be deemed approved by the Commissioner no less than 30 days after it is provided through NMLS unless the Commissioner has either requested additional information or denied the addition, deletion, or change of address.

(3) A regulated person  may not delete or change the address of its principal executive office as designated within the person’s NMLS Form MU1 except by amending the address within the person’s NMLS Form MU1, or such form as NMLS may prescribe to replace Form MU1 for this purpose, in the manner prescribed by NMLS.

(4) The licensee has 15 days after the Commissioner requests any additional information to provide that information or the regulated person’s application to add, delete, or change an address may be deemed withdrawn.

B. Approval to Add, Delete, or Change a Trade Name.

(1) A regulated person who wishes to add, delete, or change a trade name shall provide the Commissioner with notice of the addition, deletion, or change  through NMLS and comply with the provisions of Financial Institutions Article, §2-121, Annotated Code of Maryland.

(2) No later than 30 days after the information is provided through NMLS, the Commissioner shall respond to the regulated person with an approval, denial, or request for additional information.

(3) The licensee has 15 days after the Commissioner requests any additional information to provide that information or the regulated person’s application to add, delete or change a trade name may be deemed withdrawn. 

.10 Non-Depository Licensee Assessment.

A. Timing of Assessment.

(1) The Commissioner shall notify licensed persons of an assessment no earlier than May 1 or later than June 1 of each year regardless of whether any sum is due.

(2) The assessment shall be based on information available to the Commissioner at the time of the assessment.

B. Information Included in the Assessment Notice. The Commissioner shall include the following information in each notice of Assessment:

(1) The amount of the assessment, if any, due that year;

(2) The means the Commissioner used in calculating the licensed person’s assessment; and

(3) How the licensee can dispute the amount of assessment if they believe it was calculated incorrectly.

C. Impact of License Surrender Prior to Assessment.

(1) A licensee incurs an obligation to pay an assessment on January 1 of the year in which the assessment is imposed or on the date in which the licensee becomes licensed, if not licensed on January 1.

(2) Surrender of a license does not relieve a licensee of their obligation to pay an assessment.

D. Information on Assessment. In conjunction with the assessment, the Commissioner shall provide licensees with information regarding the manner in which the assessment was calculated.

.11 Licensees Providing Check Cashing Services.

A. Definition.

(1) In this regulation, the following term has the meaning indicated.

(2) Term Defined. “Licensee” has the meaning stated in Financial Institutions Article, §12-101, Annotated Code of Maryland.

B. Any licensee listing a mobile unit as a licensed location shall provide information identifying the geographic area the mobile unit will serve.

C. The Commissioner shall deem a licensee compliant with §B of this regulation if the person makes a reasonable and good faith effort to identify the Maryland counties or cities the mobile unit will serve.

.12 Licensees Providing Money Transmission Services.

A. Definitions.

(1) In this regulation, the following terms have the meanings indicated.

(2) Terms Defined.

(a) “Licensee” has the meaning stated in Financial Institutions Article, §12-401, Annotated Code of Maryland.

(b) “Self-service financial kiosk” has the meaning stated in Financial Institutions Article, §12-401, Annotated Code of Maryland     .

B. Any licensee listing a self-service financial kiosk as a licensed location shall provide information identifying the geographic area the self-service financial kiosk will serve.

C. The Commissioner shall deem a licensee compliant with §B of this regulation if the person makes a reasonable and good faith effort to identify the Maryland counties or cities the self-service financial kiosk will serve.

.13 Availability of List of Licensed Locations.

Upon written request by any person the Commissioner shall provide the list of Licensed Locations that any Licensed Person has provided. 


09.03.06 Mortgage Lenders

Authority: Business Regulation Article, §2-105; Financial Institutions Article, §§2-105.1, 11-503, 11-503.1, 11-505, 11-506(a) and (c)(1), 11-507, 11-508(g), 11-511, 11-511.1, 11-513(a), and 11-515(c); Real Property Article, §3-104.1; Annotated Code of Maryland

.02 Definitions.

A. (text unchanged)

B. Terms Defined.

(1)—(23) (text unchanged)

(24) “Licensed location” means any location listed by the licensee in NMLS.

[(24)] (25)[(43)] (44) (text unchanged)

.04 Licensing and Application Requirements.

A. Scope.

(1)—(2) (text unchanged)

(3) For purposes of Financial Institutions Article, [§11-506(b)(1)] §11-506, Annotated Code of Maryland, an individual is considered to have at least 3 years of experience in the mortgage lending business if:

(a)—(b) (text unchanged)

(4) (text unchanged)

(5) For purposes of Financial Institutions Article, [§11-506(b)(4)] §11-506, Annotated Code of Maryland, a “principal officer” includes:

(a)—(d) (text unchanged)

B.—C. (text unchanged)

[D. Change of Location. If a licensee changes the location of a licensed office and commences business at the new location without obtaining approval by the Commissioner, an application for a new license shall be filed with all application and investigation fees.]

[E.] D.—[H.] G. (text unchanged)

[I.] H. NMLS.

[(1)] Fingerprinting and Criminal Background Checks. Notwithstanding any provision of Financial Institutions Article, Annotated Code of Maryland, in connection with an initial application for a license, and at any other time that the Commissioner requests, an applicant or licensee shall provide fingerprints for use by the Federal Bureau of Investigation to conduct criminal history record checks.

[(2) Principal Executive Office.

(a) A person applying for an initial or a renewal license through NMLS shall comply with NMLS procedures by obtaining a license from the Commissioner for the applicant's principal executive office location by filing NMLS form MU-1.

(b) A person holding a license for its principal executive office subject to NMLS form MU-1 may apply to the Commissioner for one or more licenses for additional locations by filing NMLS form MU-3.]

[J.] I. (text unchanged)

[K. Trade Names.

(1) Prior to a licensee's use of a trade name to engage in mortgage lending business in Maryland, the licensee shall:

(a) Register the trade name with the Maryland Department of Assessments and Taxation; and

(b) Obtain the approval of the Commissioner for the use of the trade name by:

(i) Designating on an original license application or license renewal application through NMLS, any trade name under which the licensee will engage in mortgage lending business in Maryland; and

(ii) Specifying on an original license application or license renewal application through NMLS, which licensed locations will utilize the trade name.

(2) At all times subsequent to obtaining the approval of the Commissioner for the use of the trade name, a licensee shall maintain registration of the trade name in accordance with the requirements of Corporations and Associations Article, §1-406, Annotated Code of Maryland, and accompanying regulations.

(3) A licensee shall immediately notify the Commissioner if the licensee amends, cancels, or otherwise fails to renew the registration of a trade name which the Commissioner has approved previously.]

.06 Advertising and Solicitation.

A. (text unchanged)

B. Licensee Name and Address.

(1) A licensee may not advertise under any name or address other than a name or address that:

(a) [Appears on its license] Is listed as a licensed location in NMLS; or

(b) Has been approved by the Commissioner pursuant to [Regulation .04L of this chapter and is listed as a trade name on the licensee's NMLS record] COMAR

(2) (text unchanged)

(3) Notwithstanding §B(1) of this regulation, a licensee may use an e-mail address or website address that is different from the name or website address that appears on the licensee's license, provided that the content of any e-mail correspondence, or of the website itself, uses only a name that appears on the licensee's license or has been approved by the Commissioner pursuant to [Regulation .04L of this chapter] COMAR and is listed as a trade name on the licensee's NMLS record.

(4)—(7) (text unchanged)

.16 Bonds, Letters of Credit, and Trust Accounts.

A. The required amount of a bond, letter of credit, or trust account established to meet the requirements of Financial Institutions Article, §11-508, Annotated Code of Maryland, shall be subject to recalculation at the time a license is renewed.

[B. The Commissioner shall use information provided by the licensee as well as the licensee's last four quarterly call reports filed with NMLS to recalculate the required amount of the bond, letter of credit, or trust account.]

[C.] B.—[F.] E. (text unchanged)


09.03.09 Mortgage Loan Originators

Authority: Business Regulation Article, §2-105; Financial Institutions Article, §§2-105.1, 11-602, 11-603.1, 11-605, 11-606, 11-609, 11-612, 11-612.1, and 11-613(b); Annotated Code of Maryland

.02 Definitions.

A. (text unchanged)

B. Terms Defined.

(1)—(7) (text unchanged)

(8) “Licensed location” means any location listed by the licensee in NMLS.

[(8)] (9) (text unchanged)

[(10)] (11)[(13)] (14) (text unchanged)

.07 Locations.

A. A mortgage loan originator may not conduct mortgage lending business at any location different from [the address] a licensed location that [appears on the license or licenses of] is listed for the mortgage loan originator or the mortgage loan originator's employer on NMLS.

B. Notwithstanding §A of this regulation, a mortgage loan originator may take a loan application or offer or negotiate terms of a mortgage loan at a location other than [the address that appears on the license or licenses of] the licensed location of the mortgage loan originator or the mortgage loan originator's employer if neither the mortgage loan originator nor the mortgage loan originator's employer:

(1)—(6) (text unchanged)




09.03.15 Shared Appreciation Agreements

Authority: Financial Institutions Article, §§2-105.1, 12-926, and 12-1030, Annotated Code of Maryland

Notice of Proposed Action


The Commissioner of Financial Regulation proposes to adopt new Regulations .01—.05 under a new chapter, COMAR 09.03.15 Shared Appreciation Agreements.

Statement of Purpose

The purpose of this action is to modernize Maryland’s consumer lending laws as a result of the Legislature’s adoption of Ch. 568 (H.B. 1150), Acts of 2023, which confirmed shared appreciation agreements are subject to the Maryland Mortgage Lender Law (Commercial Law Article, §§12–901(a), 12–1001(a), 12–901(g) and (g–1)—(l), 12–913.1, 12–922, 12–1001(j) and (k–1)—(m), 12–1013, 12–901(n), 12–926, 12–1001(o), and 12–1030; Financial Institutions Article, §§11–501(a), 11–501(h–1)—(q), and 11–501(r); Annotated Code of Maryland) and aligning Maryland with other states already regulating shared appreciation agreements.

This action enhances the Office of Financial Regulation’s (OFR’s) licensing regulations by adding:

(1) Definitions for certain undefined terms used in shared appreciation agreements;

(2) A description of the required disclosures in shared appreciation agreements;

(3) Procedures for the calculation of a property value; and

(4) A description of the ability to repay standard.

Estimate of Economic Impact

I. Summary of Economic Impact. The economic impact of the proposed action is expected to be low.

II. Types of Economic Impact.

Impacted Entity

Revenue (R+/R-)

Expenditure (E+/E-)


A. On issuing agency:



B. On other State agencies:



C. On local governments:







Benefit (+)

Cost (-)


D. On regulated industries or trade groups:



Non-depository licensees



E. On other industries or trade groups:



F. Direct and indirect effects on public:






III. Assumptions. (Identified by Impact Letter and Number from Section II.)

D. The proposed action imposes no additional fees or charges. The proposed action may, in some cases, increase record-keeping and compliance costs for regulated entities. The Commissioner cannot provide exact estimates of these costs; however, in most instances, it is expected that the aggregate impact on any licensee is unlikely to be significant.

F. It is expected that the public will directly benefit from the proposed disclosures and clarity they provide regarding these types of transactions as well as by establishing an ability to repay standard.

Economic Impact on Small Businesses

The proposed action has minimal or no economic impact on small businesses.

Impact on Individuals with Disabilities

The proposed action has no impact on individuals with disabilities.

Opportunity for Public Comment

Comments may be sent to Amy Hennen, Director of Legislative Response, Office of Financial Regulation, 1100 Eutaw St. Ste. 611, Baltimore, MD 21201, or call 4102306094, or email to Comments will be accepted through August 12, 2024. A public hearing has not been scheduled.


NOTE: Click here for the Appendix A referenced in the chapter .

.01 Definitions.

A. In this chapter, the following terms have the meanings indicated.

B. Terms Defined.

(1) “Actual change in value” means, with respect to each scenario included on the disclosure form found in Appendix A of this chapter, the average annual change in value for homes in the State of Maryland over the most recent number of years used in that scenario.

(2) “Annual percentage rate” has the meaning stated in 12 CFR §1026.22(a), as amended from time to time.

(3) “Annualized cost” means a measure of the cost of credit, expressed as a yearly rate, provided to allow a borrower to compare the cost of a shared appreciation agreement with the cost of other forms of credit.

(4) “Arms-length sale” means a transaction for the sale of property between two unrelated and unaffiliated parties of equal bargaining power acting independently and in their respective self-interests.

(5) “Automated valuation model” or “AVM” means a statistically based estimate of a property’s value based on publicly available information such as comparable sales, property characteristics, and price trends.

(6) “Borrower” means a person who receives funds under a shared appreciation agreement.

(7) “Broker price opinion” or “BPO” means an estimate, provided by a real estate broker licensed by the State or another qualified professional, of the price for which a property is likely to sell.

(8) “Commitment” has the meaning stated in Commercial Law Article, §12-922, Annotated Code of Maryland.

 (9) “Estimated fair market value” means:

(a) An estimate of value determined through either the use of an appraisal from an appraiser licensed by the State or the use of an automated valuation model or broker price opinion; or

(b) An estimate of value provided by the borrower, if a disclosure is provided before the lender obtains an appraisal, automated valuation model, or broker price opinion.

(10) “Final payment amount” means the amount a borrower will be required to pay the lender at the termination of the shared appreciation agreement.

(11) “Final value” means the value of the property at the termination of the shared appreciation agreement as calculated using the estimated fair market value of the property, or, in an arms-length sale, the sale price of the property.

(12) “Financing agreement” has the meaning stated in Commercial Law Article, §12-922, Annotated Code of Maryland.

(13) “Lender” means a person who makes a mortgage loan under a shared appreciation agreement.

(14) “Share based repayment amount” means the lender’s share of the property’s appreciation or value at the termination of the shared appreciation agreement as calculated without regard to any contractual limit on the repayment amount.

(15) “Shared appreciation agreement” has the meaning stated in Financial Institutions Article, §11-501(r), Annotated Code of Maryland.

(16) “Starting value” means the estimated fair market value of a property minus any discount applied by the lender.

(17) “Truth in Lending Act” refers to 15 U.S.C. 1601, et seq., and its implementing regulations under 12 CFR 1026.

.02 Required Disclosures.

A. Financing Agreements and Commitments.

(1) In addition to providing any other disclosures required by Commercial Law Article, Title 12, Subtitles 9 and 10, Annotated Code of Maryland, a lender receiving an application for a shared appreciation agreement shall, regardless of lien position, provide a borrower with a financing agreement.

(2) The lender shall satisfy the requirement to provide a financing agreement for a mortgage loan made under a shared appreciation agreement in the following manner:

(a) By providing the disclosure form found in Appendix A of this chapter, or a substantially similar form, within 10 business days after the date an application for a shared appreciation agreement is completed; and

(b) By calculating the annualized cost based on the term in each scenario within the form in Appendix A of this chapter using the method prescribed in 12 CFR Part 1026 Appendix J for calculating an annual percentage rate.

(3) If the terms of the disclosure provided by the lender under §A(2) of this regulation are subject to change, a lender offering a shared appreciation agreement, regardless of lien position, shall provide a borrower with a commitment.

(4)  The lender shall satisfy the requirement to provide a commitment for a mortgage loan made under a shared appreciation agreement in the following manner:

(a) By providing the disclosure form found in Appendix A of this chapter, or a substantially similar form, with a statement that the terms therein are not subject to change, at least 72 hours before the settlement time agreed to by both parties; and

(b) By calculating the annualized cost based on the term in each scenario within the form in Appendix A of this chapter using the method prescribed in 12 CFR Part 1026 Appendix J for calculating an annual percentage rate.

B. Compliance with Disclosures in Appendix A of this Chapter.

(1) A form will be considered substantially similar to the one in Appendix A of this chapter if it includes all information provided in Appendix A of this chapter.

(2) A lender shall disclose the following information regarding the estimated fair market value of the property:

(a) The method used to calculate the estimated fair market value;

(b) The amount, if any, by which the lender is discounting the estimated fair market value in establishing the property’s initial value;

(c) The estimated fair market value of the property and any discount applied to that value in determining the starting value; and

(d) The potential impact of that discount on their repayment amount.

C. Compliance with Applicable Law. Compliance with this regulation shall constitute compliance with any requirements under Commercial Law Article, §12-922 or 12-1022, Annotated Code of Maryland, to provide a financing agreement or a commitment.

.03 Calculation of Property Value.

A. Means of Calculating the Property Value.

(1) The lender shall use the estimated fair market value to determine the starting value of the property.

(2) The starting value may represent a discount of the estimated fair market value at the time the shared appreciation agreement is executed.

(3) Except as provided in §B of this regulation, the lender shall use the same method for calculating the estimated fair market value in connection with determining the starting value and the final value.

(4) An appraisal, AVM, or BPO used to determine fair market value shall be obtained by the lender from an unaffiliated third-party.

(5) In complying with the requirements of Regulation .02A(2) of this chapter, a lender may use a value stipulated by the borrower as the estimated fair market value if the lender has not yet obtained an appraisal, BPO, or AVM and the terms of the disclosure provided under Regulation .02 of this chapter are subject to change.

(6) In complying with the requirements of Regulation .02A(4) of this chapter, a lender shall use an appraisal, BPO, or AVM.

B. Sale of Property.

If a shared appreciation agreement terminates with the sale of the property, the final value may not exceed the sale price if:

(1) The sale was an arms-length sale;

(2) The property was not sold as part of a foreclosure; and

(3) The borrower did not retain an interest in the property, including an interest as a life estate.

.04 Calculating Values in Appendix A of this Chapter.

A. Actual Appreciation. Actual change in value shall be calculated using the All-Transactions House Price Index as published by the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis unless this index becomes unavailable, in which case the Commissioner may designate an alternate index.

B. Final Payment Amount. The final payment amount shall be the lender’s share of appreciation or equity, plus, if applicable under the terms of the agreement, any other amounts payable by the borrower at termination, minus any amount over any repayment limit to which the lender and the borrower have agreed.

.05 Ability to Repay.

A lender offering a shared appreciation agreement is deemed to have given due regard to a borrower’s ability to repay if disclosures are provided by the lender to the borrower in compliance with Regulation .02 of this chapter, provided that:

A. The shared appreciation agreement does not require periodic payments prior to termination of the agreement; and

B. The term of the shared appreciation agreement is no less than 5 years.



Title 13A


13A.03.02 Graduation Requirements for Public High Schools in Maryland

Authority: Education Article, §§2-205, 7-203, 7-205, 7-205.1, and 8-404, Annotated Code of Maryland

Notice of Proposed Action


The State Board of Education proposes to amend Regulation .12 under COMAR 13A.03.02 Graduation Requirements for Public High Schools in Maryland. This action was considered by the State Board of Education at their April 30, 2024, meeting.

Statement of Purpose

The purpose of this action is to align regulations with Education Article, §7-205, Annotated Code of Maryland, regarding application of locally established graduation requirements to homeless students.

Estimate of Economic Impact

The proposed action has no economic impact.

Economic Impact on Small Businesses

The proposed action has minimal or no economic impact on small businesses.

Impact on Individuals with Disabilities

The proposed action has no impact on individuals with disabilities.

Opportunity for Public Comment

Comments may be sent to Mary L. Gable, Assistant State Superintendent, Maryland State Department of Education, 200 West Baltimore Street, Baltimore, MD 21201, or call 410-767-0472, or email to Comments will be accepted through August 12, 2024. A public hearing has not been scheduled.

Open Meeting

Final action on the proposal will be considered by the State Board of Education during a public meeting to be held on September 24, 2024, at 9 a.m., at 200 West Baltimore Street, Baltimore, MD 21201.

.12 General Provisions.

A. (text unchanged)

B. Graduation Requirements for Transfer Students.

(1) (text unchanged)

(2) Maryland Comprehensive Assessment Exemption Requirements.

(a)—(c) (text unchanged)

(d) A student who transfers from a nonpublic school or from a school out of State into a local school system after the first semester of [his or her] their senior year is exempt from the Maryland Comprehensive Assessment Requirements.

(e) (text unchanged)

(3) Local Graduation Requirements.

(a) A student who enters a local school system in [his or her] their senior year shall be granted a waiver from locally established graduation requirements unless the student chooses to fulfill the requirements.

(b) A student in foster care or a homeless student who enters a local school system in their junior year shall be granted a waiver from locally established graduation requirements unless the local school system makes a finding that the student is reasonably able to complete the locally established graduation requirements in time to graduate from high school. 

(4) (text unchanged)

State Superintendent of Schools



Special Documents




Actions Taken at the June 13, 2024 Meeting


AGENCY: Susquehanna River Basin Commission


ACTION: Notice.


SUMMARY: As part of its regular business meeting held on June 13, 2024, in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, the Commission approved the applications of certain water resources projects and took additional actions, as set forth in the Supplementary Information below.


DATES: June 13, 2024.


ADDRESSES: Susquehanna River Basin Commission, 4423 N. Front Street, Harrisburg, PA 17110-1788.


FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Jason E. Oyler, General Counsel and Secretary, telephone: (717) 238-0423, ext. 1312, fax: (717) 238-2436; e-mail: Regular mail inquiries may be sent to the above address. See also the Commission website at


SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: In addition to the actions taken on projects identified in the summary above, these actions were also taken: (1) elected Commission officers for FY2025; (2) reconciled and adopted the FY2025 budget; (3) adopted Policy 2024-01, “SRBC Procurement Procedures”, (4) adopted a resolution to allow the Commission to use a reserve fund as a line of credit, (5) adopted the 2025-2027 Water Resources Program; and (6) actions on 19 regulatory program projects.


Project Applications Approved

Project Sponsor: Berwick Enterprises, Inc. Project Facility: The Bridges Golf Club, Berwick Township, Adams County, Pa. Application for renewal of consumptive use of up to 0.249 mgd (30-day average) (Docket No. 19950102).

Project Sponsor and Facility: BKV Operating, LLC (Meshoppen Creek), Washington Township, Wyoming County, Pa. Application for renewal of surface water withdrawal of up to 2.160 mgd (peak day) (Docket No. 20190602).

Project Sponsor and Facility: BKV Operating, LLC (Susquehanna River), Washington Township, Wyoming County, Pa. Application for renewal of surface water withdrawal of up to 2.914 mgd (peak day) (Docket No. 20190603).

Project Sponsor and Facility: BKV Operating, LLC (unnamed tributary to Middle Branch Wyalusing Creek), Forest Lake Township, Susquehanna County, Pa. Application for renewal of surface water withdrawal of up to 0.648 mgd (peak day) (Docket No. 20190604).

Project Sponsor: Byler Golf Management, Inc. Project Facility: Iron Valley Golf Club, Cornwall Borough, Lebanon County, Pa. Applications for renewal of consumptive use of up to 0.300 mgd (30-day average) and groundwater withdrawals (30-day averages) of up to 0.300 mgd from Well Lb-814 and 0.140 mgd from Well B (Docket No. 20200902).

Project Sponsor: Cowanesque Valley Recreation Association. Project Facility: River Valley Country Club, Westfield Township, Tioga County, Pa. Application for renewal of consumptive use of up to 0.099 mgd (30-day average) (Docket No. 20020602).

Project Sponsor and Facility: Dillsburg Area Authority, Carroll Township, York County, Pa. Application for renewal of groundwater withdrawal of up to 0.280 mgd (30-day average) from Well 5A (Docket No. 19980703).

Project Sponsor and Facility: EQT ARO LLC (Pine Creek), McHenry Township, Lycoming County, Pa. Application for renewal of surface water withdrawal of up to 1.500 mgd (peak day) (Docket No. 20190601).

Project Sponsor and Facility: Keystone Clearwater Solutions, LLC (Lycoming Creek), Lewis Township, Lycoming County, Pa. Application for renewal of surface water withdrawal of up to 1.250 mgd (peak day) (Docket No. 20190608).

Project Sponsor and Facility: Lear Corporation Pine Grove, Pine Grove Borough, Schuylkill County, Pa. Application for renewal of consumptive use of up to 0.160 mgd (30-day average) (Docket No. 19940501).

Project Sponsor: Londonderry Township. Project Facility: Sunset Golf Course, Londonderry Township, Dauphin County, Pa. Application for renewal of consumptive use of up to 0.181 mgd (30-day average) (Docket No. 20190613). Located in an Environmental Justice area.

Project Sponsor and Facility: Lycoming County Water and Sewer Authority, Fairfield Township, Lycoming County, Pa. Application for groundwater withdrawal of up to 0.216 mgd from Well PW-2 (30-day average).

Project Sponsor and Facility: Mount Joy Borough Authority, Mount Joy Borough, Lancaster County, Pa. Application for renewal of groundwater withdrawal of up to 1.020 mgd (30-day average) from Well 3 (Docket No. 20070607), and modification of Docket Nos. 20110617, 20110617-1, and 20110617-2 for Wells 1 and 2 by adding conditions related to Well 3 and proposed operations.

Project Sponsor: Pennsylvania - American Water Company. Project Facility: Philipsburg/Moshannon District, Rush Township, Centre County, Pa. Applications for renewal of groundwater withdrawals (30-day averages) of up to 0.600 mgd from Cold Stream Well 1, 0.432 mgd from Cold Stream Well 2, and 0.374 mgd from Cold Stream Well 3 (Docket No. 19890302).

Project Sponsor and Facility: Seneca Resources Company, LLC (Tioga River), Richmond Township, Tioga County, Pa. Application for surface water withdrawal of up to 3.000 mgd (peak day).

Project Sponsor and Facility: Shippensburg Borough Authority, Southampton Township, Franklin County, Pa. Application for renewal of groundwater withdrawal of up to 1.900 mgd from Well 2 (Docket No. 19940504).

Project Sponsor and Facility: SWN Production Company, LLC (North Branch Mehoopany Creek), Forkston Township, Wyoming County, Pa. Application for surface water withdrawal of up to 2.500 mgd (peak day).

Project Sponsor and Facility: Tower City Borough Authority, Porter Township, Schuylkill County, Pa. Applications for renewal of groundwater withdrawals (30-day averages) of up to 0.086 mgd from Well 5 and 0.070 mgd from Well 6 (Docket No. 19920301). Located in an Environmental Justice area.

Project Sponsor and Facility: Town of Erwin, Steuben County, N.Y. Applications for renewal of groundwater withdrawals (30-day averages) of up to 1.700 mgd from Well 4 and 0.634 mgd from Well 6 (Docket Nos. 19990503 and 20070602, respectively). Located in an Environmental Justice area.


AUTHORITY: Public Law 91-575, 84 Stat. 1509 et seq., 18 CFR parts 806, 807, and 808.


DATED: June 17, 2024

General Counsel and Secretary to the Commission




Projects Approved for Consumptive Uses of Water


AGENCY: Susquehanna River Basin Commission.


ACTION: Notice.


SUMMARY: This notice lists Approvals by Rule for projects by the Susquehanna River Basin Commission during the period set forth in DATES.


DATES: May 1 - 31, 2024.


ADDRESSES: Susquehanna River Basin Commission, 4423 North Front Street, Harrisburg, PA 17110-1788.


FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Jason E. Oyler, General Counsel and Secretary to the Commission, telephone: (717) 238-0423, ext. 1312; fax: (717) 238-2436; e-mail: Regular mail inquiries may be sent to the above address.


SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This notice lists the projects, described below, receiving approval for the consumptive use of water pursuant to the Commission’s approval by rule process set forth in 18 CFR §806.22 (f) for the time period specified above.


Water Source Approval - Issued Under 18 CFR 806.22(f)

RENEWAL - Chesapeake Appalachia, L.L.C.; Pad ID: Herbert Drilling Pad; ABR-201404001.R2; Harford and Lenox Townships, Susquehanna County, Pa.; Consumptive Use of Up to 7.5000 mgd; Approval Date: May 6, 2024.

Pennsylvania General Energy Company, L.L.C.; Pad ID: COP Tract 726 Pad F; ABR-202405001; Plunketts Creek Township, Lycoming County, Pa.; Consumptive Use of Up to 4.0000 mgd; Approval Date: May 12, 2024.

RENEWAL - Beech Resources, LLC; Pad ID: Premier Well Site; ABR-201905002.R1; Lycoming and Old Lycoming Townships, Lycoming County, Pa.; Consumptive Use of Up to 3.0000 mgd; Approval Date: May 12, 2024.

RENEWAL - Chesapeake Appalachia, L.L.C.; Pad ID: Freed; ABR-201204014.R2; Albany Township, Bradford County, Pa.; Consumptive Use of Up to 7.5000 mgd; Approval Date: May 12, 2024.

RENEWAL - Chesapeake Appalachia, L.L.C.; Pad ID: Molly J 2; ABR-201905001.R1; Monroe Township, Bradford County, Pa.; Consumptive Use of Up to 7.5000 mgd; Approval Date: May 12, 2024.

RENEWAL - Chesapeake Appalachia, L.L.C.; Pad ID: Reilly; ABR-201204015.R2; Colley Township, Sullivan County, Pa.; Consumptive Use of Up to 7.5000 mgd; Approval Date: May 12, 2024.

RENEWAL - Coterra Energy Inc.; Pad ID: PetersenH P1; ABR-201205002.R2; Dimock Township, Susquehanna County, Pa.; Consumptive Use of Up to 5.0000 mgd; Approval Date: May 12, 2024.

RENEWAL - Seneca Resources Company, LLC; Pad ID: PHC 4H; ABR-20090501.R3; Lawrence Township, Clearfield County, Pa.; Consumptive Use of Up to 4.0000 mgd; Approval Date: May 12, 2024.

RENEWAL - Seneca Resources Company, LLC; Pad ID: PHC 5H; ABR-20090502.R3; Lawrence Township, Clearfield County, Pa.; Consumptive Use of Up to 4.0000 mgd; Approval Date: May 12, 2024.

RENEWAL - SWN Production Company, LLC; Pad ID: Gaylord Pad; ABR-201204020.R2; Jackson Township, Susquehanna County, Pa.; Consumptive Use of Up to 4.9990 mgd; Approval Date: May 12, 2024.

RENEWAL - SWN Production Company, LLC; Pad ID: Glover Pad; ABR-201204019.R2; Thompson Township, Susquehanna County, Pa.; Consumptive Use of Up to 4.9990 mgd; Approval Date: May 12, 2024.

RENEWAL - SWN Production Company, LLC; Pad ID: Page Pad; ABR-201204021.R2; Jackson Township, Susquehanna County, Pa.; Consumptive Use of Up to 4.9990 mgd; Approval Date: May 12, 2024.

RENEWAL - SWN Production Company, LLC; Pad ID: Preston-Perkins; ABR-201204025.R2; Stevens Township, Bradford County, Pa.; Consumptive Use of Up to 4.9990 mgd; Approval Date: May 12, 2024.

RENEWAL - SWN Production Company, LLC; Pad ID: Seamans Pad; ABR-201204022.R2; Harford Township, Susquehanna County, Pa.; Consumptive Use of Up to 4.9990 mgd; Approval Date: May 12, 2024.

RENEWAL - SWN Production Company, LLC; Pad ID: Walker Pad; ABR-201204023.R2; Jackson Township, Susquehanna County, Pa.; Consumptive Use of Up to 4.9990 mgd; Approval Date: May 12, 2024.

RENEWAL - Chesapeake Appalachia, L.L.C.; Pad ID: Blanchard Drilling Pad; ABR-201405002.R2; McNett Township, Lycoming County, Pa.; Consumptive Use of Up to 7.5000 mgd; Approval Date: May 16, 2024.

RENEWAL - Inflection Energy (PA) LLC; Pad ID: TLC Pad; ABR-201405004.R2; Eldred Township, Lycoming County, Pa.; Consumptive Use of Up to 4.0000 mgd; Approval Date: May 16, 2024.

RENEWAL - Repsol Oil & Gas USA, LLC; Pad ID: BENSE (01 025/070) B; ABR-20090509.R3; Troy Township, Bradford County, Pa.; Consumptive Use of Up to 6.0000 mgd; Approval Date: May 16, 2024.

RENEWAL - Repsol Oil & Gas USA, LLC; Pad ID: CEASE (01 005/008) R; ABR-20090506.R3; Troy Township, Bradford County, Pa.; Consumptive Use of Up to 6.0000 mgd; Approval Date: May 16, 2024.

RENEWAL - Seneca Resources Company, LLC; Pad ID: PHC 9H; ABR-20090503.R3; Lawrence Township, Clearfield County, Pa.; Consumptive Use of Up to 4.0000 mgd; Approval Date: May 16, 2024.

RENEWAL - Chesapeake Appalachia, L.L.C.; Pad ID: Black Unit #1H; ABR-20090517.R3; Burlington Township, Bradford County, Pa.; Consumptive Use of Up to 7.5000 mgd; Approval Date: May 23, 2024.

RENEWAL - Chesapeake Appalachia, L.L.C.; Pad ID: Harper Unit #1H; ABR-20090515.R3; West Burlington Township, Bradford County, Pa.; Consumptive Use of Up to 7.5000 mgd; Approval Date: May 23, 2024.

RENEWAL - Chesapeake Appalachia, L.L.C.; Pad ID: Hart; ABR-201205009.R2; Wyalusing Township, Bradford County, Pa.; Consumptive Use of Up to 7.5000 mgd; Approval Date: May 23, 2024.

RENEWAL - Chesapeake Appalachia, L.L.C.; Pad ID: Maris; ABR-201205010.R2; Auburn Township, Susquehanna County, Pa.; Consumptive Use of Up to 7.5000 mgd; Approval Date: May 23, 2024.

RENEWAL - Seneca Resources Company, LLC; Pad ID: Wilcox Pad F; ABR-20090505.R3; Covington Township, Tioga County, Pa.; Consumptive Use of Up to 4.0000 mgd; Approval Date: May 23, 2024.

RENEWAL - EQT ARO LLC; Pad ID: Little Fawn Pad A; ABR-201905004.R1; Cascade Township, Lycoming County, Pa.; Consumptive Use of Up to 4.0000 mgd; Approval Date: May 26, 2024.

RENEWAL - Seneca Resources Company, LLC; Pad ID: DCNR 100 Pad P; ABR-201205011.R2; Lewis Township, Lycoming County, Pa.; Consumptive Use of Up to 4.0000 mgd; Approval Date: May 26, 2024.

RENEWAL - SWN Production Company, LLC; Pad ID: TONYA EAST; ABR-201204012.R2; Great Bend and New Milford Townships, Susquehanna County, Pa.; Consumptive Use of Up to 4.9990 mgd; Approval Date: May 26, 2024.

RENEWAL - EQT ARO LLC; Pad ID: David C Duncan Pad B; ABR-201905005.R1; Cascade Township, Lycoming County, Pa.; Consumptive Use of Up to 4.0000 mgd; Approval Date: May 28, 2024.

Seneca Resources Company, LLC; Pad ID: Bechtel 674; ABR-202405002; Richmond and Covington Townships, Tioga County, Pa.; Consumptive Use of Up to 4.0000 mgd; Approval Date: May 28, 2024.

RENEWAL - Chesapeake Appalachia, L.L.C.; Pad ID: Hannan; ABR-20090520.R3; Troy Township, Bradford County, Pa.; Consumptive Use of Up to 7.5000 mgd; Approval Date: May 31, 2024.

RENEWAL - Chesapeake Appalachia, L.L.C.; Pad ID: Isbell; ABR-20090521.R3; Burlington Township, Bradford County, Pa.; Consumptive Use of Up to 7.5000 mgd; Approval Date: May 31, 2024.

RENEWAL - Chesapeake Appalachia, L.L.C.; Pad ID: Ward; ABR-20090519.R3; West Burlington Township, Bradford County, Pa.; Consumptive Use of Up to 7.5000 mgd; Approval Date: May 31, 2024.


AUTHORITY: Public Law 91-575, 84 Stat. 1509 et seq., 18 CFR parts 806 and 808.


DATED: June 17, 2024.

General Counsel and Secretary to the Commission




Water Quality Certification 23-WQC-0050


ESC Stephens, L.C. (Elm Street Development)

1355 Beverly Road, Suite 240

Mclean, VA 22101

Attn: Jude Burke


Add’l. Info: Pursuant to COMAR, The Maryland Department of the Environment is providing notice of its issuance of a Water Quality Certification 23-WQC-0050.


Location: 14001 Mattawoman Drive, Brandywine in Prince George’s County, Maryland 20613


The purpose of the project is to construct a mixed-use development with associated utilities, roads, stormwater management facilities, and amenities.


Description of Authorized Work:

The project will permanently impact 1,215 square feet (0.03 acres) of emergent nontidal wetlands, 105,120 square feet (2.41 acres) of forested nontidal wetlands, 80,105 (1.84 acres) of the 25-foot nontidal wetland buffer, 560 linear feet (4,707 square feet) of intermittent streams, and 35,047 square feet (0.80 acres) of the 100-year nontidal floodplain.  The project will temporarily impact 3,298 square feet (0.08 acres) of forested nontidal wetlands, 4,816 (0.11 acres) of the 25-foot nontidal wetland buffer, 171 linear feet (1130 square feet) of intermittent streams, and 12,802 square feet (0.29 acres) of the 100-year nontidal floodplain.


The WQC and its attachments may be viewed at the following link:


Appeal of Final Decision. This Water Quality Certification is a final agency decision. Any person aggrieved by the Department’s decision to issue this WQC may appeal such decision in accordance with COMAR A request for appeal shall be filed with the Department within 30 days of publication of the final decision and specify in writing the reason why the final decision should be reconsidered. A request for appeal shall be submitted to: Secretary of the Environment, Maryland Department of the Environment, 1800 Washington Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21230. Any request for an appeal does not stay the effectiveness of this WQC.


Contact: Gailynn Milligan at or 410-537-4178.




Water Quality Certification 24-WQC-0006


American Sugar Refining, Inc.

C/o Whitney, Bailey, Cox & Magnani

Attn: John Tyszkiewicz

300 E Joppa Rd; Ste 200

Towson, Maryland 21286


Add’l. Info: Pursuant to COMAR, The Maryland Department of the Environment is providing notice of its issuance of a Water Quality Certification 24-WQC-0006


Location: 1100 Key Highway, East; Baltimore Maryland 21230


·     Remove 5,586.70 square feet of existing relieving platform and construct 320 square feet of new relieving platform;

·     Construct 620 linear feet of replacement king pile-supported sheet pile bulkhead extending a maximum of 7 feet and 1 inch channelward of the existing bulkhead;

·     Construct four 16.5-foot long by 18-inch diameter underwater intake pipes each with 6-foot by 4-foot screens;

·     Construct four stormwater outfalls that include one 12-inch diameter, two 18-inch diameter and one 24-inch diameter pipe discharging at the bulkhead;

·     Construct 4,856 square feet of pipe supports for the water intake system and steel grating walkway, that includes 184 linear feet of 30-inch diameter pipe.

     All work and structures extending a maximum of 31.5 feet channelward of mean high water line.


The WQC and its attachments may be viewed at the following link:


Appeal of Final Decision. This Water Quality Certification is a final agency decision. Any person aggrieved by the Department’s decision to issue this WQC may appeal such decision in accordance with COMAR A request for appeal shall be filed with the Department within 30 days of publication of the final decision and specify in writing the reason why the final decision should be reconsidered. A request for appeal shall be submitted to: Secretary of the Environment, Maryland Department of the Environment, 1800 Washington Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21230. Any request for an appeal does not stay the effectiveness of this WQC. 


Contact: Matt Wallach at or 410-207-0893




Water Quality Certification 24-WQC-0008


Rockhold LLC

453 Deale Rd

Deale, MD 20751


Add’l. Info: Pursuant to COMAR, The Maryland Department of the Environment is providing notice of its issuance of a Water Quality Certification 24-WQC-0008.


Location: 453 Deale Rd., Deale, MD 20751


The purpose of the project is to improve navigable access and stabilize an eroding shoreline

1. Replace 413 linear feet of bulkhead within 18 inches channelward of existing; and,

2. Reconfigure an existing marina by removing 15 existing finger piers, and: constructing seven 40-foot long by 4-foot wide finger piers, four 35-foot long by 4-foot wide finger piers, four 37-foot long by 4-foot wide finger piers, constructing a 21-foot long by 4-foot wide pier extension, replace-in-kind two travel lift piers measuring 48-foot long by 5-foot wide and 49-foot long by 5-foot wide, and constructing thirty-four boat lifts with associated pilings and vinyl coverings, with all work within a maximum of 144 feet channelward of the mean high water line; and,

3. Hydraulically maintenance dredge a 200-foot long by 40-foot wide area to a depth of 7 feet at mean low water, with 732 cubic yards of dredge material; and to provide for periodic maintenance dredging for six years; and,

4. Hydraulically dredge 37,300 square feet irregularly shaped area to a depth of 7 feet at mean low water, with 3,591 cubic yards of dredge material, and to provide for periodic maintenance dredging for six years.

5. A total of 4,323 cubic yards of dredged material will be deposited on an approved upland disposal site located at 370 Deale Rd, Deale, MD 20751.


The WQC and its attachments may be viewed at the following link:


Appeal of Final Decision: This Water Quality Certification is a final agency decision. Any person aggrieved by the Department’s decision to issue this WQC may appeal such decision in accordance with COMAR A request for appeal shall be filed with the Department within 30 days of publication of the final decision and specify in writing the reason why the final decision should be reconsidered. A request for appeal shall be submitted to: Secretary of the Environment, Maryland Department of the Environment, 1800 Washington Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21230. Any request for an appeal does not stay the effectiveness of this WQC.


Contact: Mel Throckmorton at or 410-375-2803.




Water Quality Certification 24-WQC-0027


Eastern Shore Natural Gas Company

500 Energy Lane, Suite 200

Dover, Delaware 19901


Add’l. Info: Pursuant to COMAR, The Maryland Department of the Environment is providing notice of a scheduled Public Hearing for Water Quality Certification 24-WQC-0027.


Location: 0.9 miles along Sussex Highway (US-13), in the Delmar area of Wicomico County, Maryland. Intersection of Line Road and US-13 to approximately 790 feet south of Foskey Lane.


Eastern Shore Natural Gas Company has requested a Water Quality Certification (WQC) for proposed construction of approximately 0.9 miles of 10-inch pipeline in the Delmar area of Wicomico County, Maryland. This project, the Worcester Resiliency Upgrade - Delmar Loop, will use Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) to install the proposed natural gas pipeline. The project will use HDD to cross one intermittent stream and nine ephemeral ditches draining to the Wicomico River watershed, a Use I waterway.

The purpose of this notice is to solicit comments from the public about the proposed work and to announce the date of a Maryland Department of the Environment public informational hearing on the subject application. At this time, no decision has been made as to whether a certification will be issued. A virtual public informational hearing has been scheduled for the referenced project on Tuesday, August 27, 2024. The hearing will begin at 7:00 P.M. and end no later than 9:00 P.M. To participate in the public informational hearing, please use the following link: or dial (US) +1 774-345-9953 PIN: ‪611 833 716#. Written comments will be accepted until September 10, 2024. All project information and updates will be available on the following page:


Contact: Alex Vazquez at or 410-537-3541.





The Baltimore City Department of Social Services (BCDSS), through Executive Director Brandi Stockdale, filed a proper petition to the Department of Human Services (DHS) for waiver of fifteen COMAR regulations that, in all relevant aspects, met the requirements established in COMAR for such petitions for purposes of a pilot or demonstration program.  The Secretary of Human Services is required to publish the petition or its summary in the Maryland Register for 30 days.


Under additional flexibility authorized by the Final Federal Rule at 88 FR 66700 effective November 27, 2023, Title IV-E agencies may claim title IV-E federal financial participation (FFP) on behalf of otherwise eligible children placed in relative or kinship licensed or approved foster family home when the agency uses different licensing or approval standards for relative or kinship foster family homes and non-relative/non-kinship foster family homes.


Consistent with such authority, BCDSS requested Department of Human Services approval for waivers of existing non-safety related COMAR licensing regulations for kinship households. Such waiver requests are consistent with the new Federal Rule related to kinship and comply with existing statutory directives that DHS ensure that “all children [in its custody] shall have similar protection in terms of health, safety, and quality of care” and “to protect minor children whose care has been relinquished to others by the children’s parent.”  Fam. Law §§ 5-506, 5-502(a)(1).


The BCDSS requests waiver of the following COMAR regulations:


1. COMAR (a) (b) Physical exam -TB testing

Waiver of COMAR (D)(3)(a) and (b) would not have a negative impact on the safety of children in kinship care because TB testing is not required or recommended by the national model standards nor is it currently a national practice in most jurisdictions.


2. COMAR (D)(4) (5) Additional Medical Examination Requirements

Waiver of COMAR (D)(4) and (5) will not have a negative impact on the safety of children in kinship care because the medical examination is part of the comprehensive caregiver suitability assessment reflected in the “Kin-Specific Foster Home Approval: Recommended Standards of National Organizations.”


3. COMAR (D)(6) Providers over age 60

Waiver of (D)(6) will not have a negative impact on the safety of children in kinship care because the caregiver suitability assessment will screen for kinship caregiver’s strength regardless of age.


4. COMAR (F) Child Support Clearance

Waiver of (E)(4)(b) will not have a negative impact on the safety of children in kinship care because, while it may be a concern, child support arrearages should not prevent placing a child with kin. BCDSS’s assessment of caregiver suitability can determine if there is something that needs to be addressed regarding child support.


5. COMAR Resource Family Home and Equipment Sections (1) Health & Sanitary Approval (2) Lead Paint (3) General Safety Requirements (4) Window Coverings

Waiver of (G)(1)-(4) will not have a negative impact on the safety of children in kinship care because each of these are addressed as part of the comprehensive caregiver suitability assessment reflected in the “Kin-Specific Foster Home Approval: Recommended Standards of National Organizations.”


6. COMAR Financial stability

Waiver of (H) will not have a negative impact on the safety of children in kinship care because this are is addressed as part of the comprehensive caregiver suitability assessment reflected in the “Kin-Specific Foster Home Approval: Recommended Standards of National Organizations.”


7. COMAR 07.02.04(I) Fire Safety

Waiver of (I) will not have a negative impact on the safety of children in kinship care because the safety and needs assessment in the kin-specific model standards contains recommended comprehensive fire safety provisions.


8. COMAR Pets

Waiver of (K) will not have a negative impact on the safety of children in kinship care because the new safety and needs assessment will focus on ensuring the pets are safe to be around and do not pose a health or safety threat. Rabies is predominantly found in wild animals like bats, raccoons, skunks, and foxes and is exceedingly rare per the CDC.


9. COMAR Transportation

Waiver of (L) will not have a negative impact on the safety of children in kinship care because the new kin caregiver suitability assessment will determine if they have access to an automobile, public transportation, friends or others who can assist or if BCDSS needs to support transportation. Requirements related to vehicle registration and maintenance are monitored by law enforcement.


10. COMAR Safety Requirements for Swimming pools

Waiver of (M) will not have a negative impact on the safety of children in kinship care because this provision can already be waived on a case-by-case basis and will follow local zoning, building or health codes and/or ordinances as included in our safety and needs assessment tool.


11. COMAR (A)(B)(C)(D)

Waiver of (A)-(D) will not have a negative impact on the safety of children in kinship care because these sections are applicable to non-kin Resource Homes only and are not applicable to kinship caregivers.


12. COMAR Training

Waiver of (E)(2)(C) will not have a negative impact on the safety of children in kinship care because, while training and orientation are helpful, requiring 27 hours of training is an undue burden. Although the new federal guidance does not require training for kinship families, BCDSS will develop a kin-specific training curriculum with assistance from The Annie E. Casey Foundation and A Second Chance Inc. targeted to meet kin families’ strengths and needs.  The curriculum will include these topics: navigating and understanding the child welfare system; roles and commitments of kinship care families; child and adolescent development; attachment and the impact of trauma; self-care, advocacy and obtaining services and supports and permanency and the kinship triad. These trainings will be offered as a support to caregivers, but not required for licensing.  


13. COMAR (i) Fire Inspection

Waiver of (I) will not have a negative impact on the safety of children in kinship care for the same reasons as indicated in #7 above.


14. COMAR Pre-service

Waiver of (J) will not have a negative impact on the safety of children in kinship care for the same reasons as indicated in #11 above.


15. COMAR (k) Child Support

Waiver of (K) will not have a negative impact on the safety of children in kinship care for the same reasons as indicated in #4 above.



General Notices


Notice of ADA Compliance

   The State of Maryland is committed to ensuring that individuals with disabilities are able to fully participate in public meetings.  Anyone planning to attend a meeting announced below who wishes to receive auxiliary aids, services, or accommodations is invited to contact the agency representative at least 48 hours in advance, at the telephone number listed in the notice or through Maryland Relay.



Subject: Public Hearing on Regulations

Date and Time: July 29, 2024, 10 a.m.

Place: Via Microsoft Teams — please see details below.

Add’l. Info: Joining info:

     Public call-in number:+1 667-262-2962

     Conference ID: 592 657 54#.

     The Board will hear the following case:

     Docket Number: #434

     (Single-Family Dwelling at 529 Queenstown Road, Severn, MD 21144)

     Mr. Joseph Whitehouse is proposing to construct a single-family dwelling at 529 Queenstown Road, Severn MD 21144. This location is approximately 1.1 miles southeast of the arrival end of Runway 33L at Baltimore Washington Thurgood Marshall International Airport (BWI Marshall). The proposed structure is to be located within the 65 LDN Noise Zone for the BWI Marshall Airport. The proposed land use at this location is found to be incompatible with the certified Airport Noise Zone. The Maryland Airport Noise Control Program Regulations (COMAR 11.03.03) enables the proponent to seek a variance from the Board of Airport Zoning Appeals to this regulation. The petition for the case has been received from the appellant. Therefore, the Maryland Aviation Administration anticipates requesting to present this case to the Board of Airport Zoning Appeals in July 2024 or soon thereafter.

     For additional information, please contact Sharese Ricks, Board of Airport Zoning Appeals Secretary at 410-865-1233.

     Appropriate auxiliary aids and services for qualified individuals with disabilities will be provided upon request. Please call 410-865-1233 (voice) or MD Relay (TTY Users).

Contact: Sharese Ricks 410-865-1233




Subject: Public Meeting

Date and Time: July 24, 2024, 9 a.m.

Place: Via Google Hangouts and Meet and in person at 1800 Washington Blvd., Baltimore, MD 21230

Add’l. Info: A portion of this meeting will be held in closed session.

Contact: Amanda Redmiles 410-537-4466




Subject: Public Hearing

Date and Time: July 24, 2024, 10 a.m.

Place: Maryland Dept. of Housing and Community Development, 7800 Harkins Rd., Lanham, MD

Add’l. Info: A public hearing will be held to solicit comments on the Department’s FFY2025—FFY2026 Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) State Plan and projected reductions in CSBG funding for FFY2025. Written comments must be submitted no later than 4 p.m., August 23, 2024, to Angela Fraser, Assistant Director, Poverty Solutions Team, Division of Homeless Solutions. Comments may be emailed to

Contact: Angela Fraser (301) 429-7516




Subject: Public Meeting

Date and Time: July 18, 2024, 1 — 4 p.m.

Place: 4160 Patterson Ave., Baltimore, MD

Add’l. Info: Meeting will hybrid. Please register to attend virtually at

Contact: Valerie Wooding 410-764-3570




Subject: Notice of Request for Proposed Project Change to Approved Exemption Request

Add’l. Info: On June 27, 2024, the Maryland Health Care Commission (MHCC) received a notice and a request for approval of project changes under COMAR from University of MD Medical Center Child and Adolescent Unit (18-24-2429).

     UMMC is requesting to increase the capital costs associated with the project by $429,657, bringing the total capital cost to $9,808,657, and the total project cost with other cash requirements to $9,863,657.

     Please refer to the Docket No. listed above in any correspondence on this request. A copy of the Request for Project Change is available for review, in the office of the MHCC, during regular business hours by appointment, or on the Commission’s website at

     All correspondence should be addressed to Jeanne Marie Gawel, Acting Chief, Certificate of Need, MHCC, 4160 Patterson Avenue, Baltimore, MD 21215.

Contact: Deanna Dunn 410-767-6177




Subject: Public Meeting

Date and Time: July 19, 2024, 9:30 a.m. — 12 p.m.

Place: Via Google Hangouts

Add’l. Info: Health Occupations Article, Title 10, Annotated Code of Maryland, and COMAR 10.46 amendments, additions, and revisions, including fee changes, may be discussed/voted on. Budget information may also be discussed. It may be necessary to go into executive session. Sign language interpreters and/or appropriate accommodations for qualified individuals with disabilities will be provided upon request. Please call 1-800-735-2255.

Contact: Lauren Murray 410-402-8556
