Capitol Building Maryland Register

Issue Date:  February 21, 2025

Volume 52  •  Issue 4  • Pages 185 — 226


General Assembly


Regulatory Review and Evaluation



General Notices

Pursuant to State Government Article, §7-206, Annotated Code of Maryland, this issue contains all previously unpublished documents required to be published, and filed on or before February 3, 2025 5 p.m.
Pursuant to State Government Article, §7-206, Annotated Code of Maryland, I hereby certify that this issue contains all documents required to be codified as of February 3, 2025.
Gail S. Klakring
Administrator, Division of State Documents
Office of the Secretary of State


Information About the Maryland Register and COMAR


   The Maryland Register is an official State publication published every other week throughout the year. A cumulative index is published quarterly.

   The Maryland Register is the temporary supplement to the Code of Maryland Regulations. Any change to the text of regulations published  in COMAR, whether by adoption, amendment, repeal, or emergency action, must first be published in the Register.

   The following information is also published regularly in the Register:

   • Governor’s Executive Orders

   • Attorney General’s Opinions in full text

   • Open Meetings Compliance Board Opinions in full text

   • State Ethics Commission Opinions in full text

   • Court Rules

   • District Court Administrative Memoranda

   • Courts of Appeal Hearing Calendars

   • Agency Hearing and Meeting Notices

   • Synopses of Bills Introduced and Enacted by the General Assembly

   • Other documents considered to be in the public interest


   The Maryland Register is cited by volume, issue, page number, and date. Example:

• 19:8 Md. R. 815—817 (April 17, 1992) refers to Volume 19, Issue 8, pages 815—817 of the Maryland Register issued on April 17, 1992.


   COMAR is the official compilation of all regulations issued by agencies of the State of Maryland. The Maryland Register is COMAR’s temporary supplement, printing all changes to regulations as soon as they occur. At least once annually, the changes to regulations printed in the Maryland Register are incorporated into COMAR by means of permanent supplements.


   COMAR regulations are cited by title number, subtitle number, chapter number, and regulation number. Example: COMAR refers to Title 10, Subtitle 08, Chapter 01, Regulation 03.


   Incorporation by reference is a legal device by which a document is made part of COMAR simply by referring to it. While the text of an incorporated document does not appear in COMAR, the provisions of the incorporated document are as fully enforceable as any other COMAR regulation. Each regulation that proposes to incorporate a document is identified in the Maryland Register by an Editor’s Note. The Cumulative Table of COMAR Regulations Adopted, Amended or Repealed, found online, also identifies each regulation incorporating a document. Documents incorporated by reference are available for inspection in various depository libraries located throughout the State and at the Division of State Documents. These depositories are listed in the first issue of the Maryland Register published each year. For further information, call 410-974-2486.


An Administrative History at the end of every COMAR chapter gives information about past changes to regulations. To determine if there have been any subsequent changes, check the ‘‘Cumulative Table of COMAR Regulations Adopted, Amended, or Repealed’’ which is found online at This table lists the regulations in numerical order, by their COMAR number, followed by the citation to the Maryland Register in which the change occurred. The Maryland Register serves as a temporary supplement to COMAR, and the two publications must always be used together. A Research Guide for Maryland Regulations is available. For further information, call 410-260-3876.


   For subscription forms for the Maryland Register and COMAR, see the back pages of the Maryland Register. Single issues of the Maryland Register are $15.00 per issue.


   Maryland citizens and other interested persons may participate in the process by which administrative regulations are adopted, amended, or repealed, and may also initiate the process by which the validity and applicability of regulations is determined. Listed below are some of the ways in which citizens may participate (references are to State Government Article (SG),

Annotated Code of Maryland):

   • By submitting data or views on proposed regulations either orally or in writing, to the proposing agency (see ‘‘Opportunity for Public Comment’’ at the beginning of all regulations appearing in the Proposed Action on Regulations section of the Maryland Register). (See SG, §10-112)

   • By petitioning an agency to adopt, amend, or repeal regulations. The agency must respond to the petition. (See SG §10-123)

   • By petitioning an agency to issue a declaratory ruling with respect to how any regulation, order, or statute enforced by the agency applies. (SG, Title 10, Subtitle 3)

   • By petitioning the circuit court for a declaratory judgment

on the validity of a regulation when it appears that the regulation interferes with or impairs the legal rights or privileges of the petitioner. (SG, §10-125)

   • By inspecting a certified copy of any document filed with the Division of State Documents for publication in the Maryland Register. (See SG, §7-213)


      Maryland Register (ISSN 0360-2834). Postmaster: Send address changes and other mail to: Maryland Register, State House, Annapolis, Maryland 21401. Tel. 410-260-3876. Published biweekly, with cumulative indexes published quarterly, by the State of Maryland, Division of State Documents, State House, Annapolis, Maryland 21401. The subscription rate for the Maryland Register is $225 per year (first class mail). All subscriptions post-paid to points in the U.S. periodicals postage paid at Annapolis, Maryland, and additional mailing offices.

      Wes Moore, Governor; Susan C. Lee, Secretary of State; Gail S. Klakring, Administrator; Tracey A. Johnstone, Editor, Maryland Register; Tarshia N. Neal, Subscription Manager; Tami Cathell, Help Desk, COMAR and Maryland Register Online.

      Front cover: State House, Annapolis, MD, built 1772—79.

Illustrations by Carolyn Anderson, Dept. of General Services


     Note: All products purchased are for individual use only. Resale or other compensated transfer of the information in printed or electronic form is a prohibited commercial purpose (see State Government Article, §7-206.2, Annotated Code of Maryland). By purchasing a product, the buyer agrees that the purchase is for individual use only and will not sell or give the product to another individual or entity.


Closing Dates for the Maryland Register

Schedule of Closing Dates and Issue Dates for the
Maryland Register ................................................................  188


COMAR Research Aids

Table of Pending Proposals .......................................................  189


Index of COMAR Titles Affected in This Issue

COMAR Title Number and Name                                               Page

03       Comptroller of the Treasury ...........................................  218

10       Maryland Department of Health .....................................  218

11       Department of Transportation .........................................  219

13A     State Board of Education ...............................................  219

14       Independent Agencies ...................................................  220

20       Public Service Commission ...........................................  221

21       State Procurement Regulations ......................................  221

25       Office of the State Treasurer .........................................  222

29       Department of State Police ............................................  224



Individuals with disabilities who desire assistance in using the publications and services of the Division of State Documents are encouraged to call (410) 974-2486, or (800) 633-9657, or FAX to (410) 974-2546, or through Maryland Relay.

General Assembly

House Bills . 192

Senate Bills . 206


The Judiciary


DISCIPLINARY PROCEEDINGS...................................... 216


Regulatory Review and Evaluation



Notice of Opportunity for Comment 217


Final Action on Regulations



Motor Fuel Inspection . 218



Home and Community-Based Services Waiver for Individuals with Brain Injury   218


Continuing Education . 218



Leave Benefits . 219



Purple Star Schools Program .. 219


Programs for Professionally Certified Personnel 219

Incentive Program for Certification by the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards 219


General Regulations . 219


General Provisions . 220

Teachers . 220

Professional and Technical Education and Specialized Areas for Fine Arts   220

Specialists . 220

Administrators and Supervisors . 220

Teachers . 220


Outdoor, Nature-Based Child Care License Pilot Program .. 220



Cost Review Study Process . 220


Freedom to Read Act 220



Pilot Program .. 221

Pilot Program Administration; 221

Pilot Program Study . 221

Consumer Protection . 221


Terminology . 221

Board of Public Works . 221

Electronic Transactions . 221

Procurement by Competitive Sealed Proposals....................... 221

Small Procurement Regulations ($100,000 or Less) 221

Mandatory Written Solicitation Requirements . 221

Procurement of Human, Social, Cultural, and Educational Services   221

Proof of Concept Procurement 221

Mandatory Contract Provisions 221

Mandatory Construction Contract Clauses . 221

Mandatory Terms and Conditions for Purchase Orders Over $50,000   221

Prohibited Provisions . 221

Protests . 221

Prompt Payment of Subcontractors 221

Small Business Procurements . 221

Minority Business Enterprise Policies . 221

Procurement from Maryland Correctional Enterprises, Blind Industries and Services of Maryland, and the Employment Works Program .. 221

Reporting Requirements . 221


Minority Business Enterprise Policies . 221


Proposed Action on Regulations



Local Government Investment Guidelines and Reporting Requirements   222

Policy Regarding the Investment of Public Money by the State of Maryland   222


FIRE PREVENTION COMMISSION................................. 224



COMAR 03.03.05 . 225

COMAR 32.02.01 . 225

COMAR 32.02.02 . 225


General Notices


Public Meeting . 226


Public Hearing . 226



COMAR Online

        The Code of Maryland Regulations is available at as a free service of the Office of the Secretary of State, Division of State Documents. The full text of regulations is available and searchable. Note, however, that the printed COMAR continues to be the only official and enforceable version of COMAR.

        The Maryland Register is also available at

        For additional information, visit, Division of State Documents, or call us at (410) 974-2486 or 1 (800) 633-9657.



Availability of Monthly List of
Maryland Documents

        The Maryland Department of Legislative Services receives copies of all publications issued by State officers and agencies. The Department prepares and distributes, for a fee, a list of these publications under the title ‘‘Maryland Documents’’. This list is published monthly, and contains bibliographic information concerning regular and special reports, bulletins, serials, periodicals, catalogues, and a variety of other State publications. ‘‘Maryland Documents’’ also includes local publications.

        Anyone wishing to receive ‘‘Maryland Documents’’ should write to: Legislative Sales, Maryland Department of Legislative Services, 90 State Circle, Annapolis, MD 21401.


December 2025



and Proposed


5 p.m.*

Notices, etc.

10:30 a.m.



10:30 a.m.

March 7

February 14**

February 24

February 26

March 21

March 3

March 10

March 12

April 4

March 17

March 24

March 26

April 18

March 31

April 7

April 9

May 2

April 14

April 21

April 23

May 16

April 28

May 5

May 7

May 30

May 12

May 19

May 21

June 13

May 23**

June 2

June 4

June 27

June 9

June 16

June 18

July 11

June 23

June 30

July 2

July 25

July 7

July 14

July 16

August 8

July 21

July 28

July 30

August 22

August 4

August 11

August 13

September 5

August 18

August 25

August 27

September 19

August 29**

September 8

September 10

October 3

September 15

September 22

September 24

October 17

September 29

October 6

October 8

October 31

October 10**

October 20

October 22

November 14

October 27

November 3

November 5

December 1***

November 10

November 17

November 19

December 12

November 24

December 1

December 3

December 26

December 8

December 15

December 17

   Please note that this table is provided for planning purposes and that the Division of State Documents (DSD) cannot guarantee submissions will be published in an agency’s desired issue. Although DSD strives to publish according to the schedule above, there may be times when workload pressures prevent adherence to it.

*   Also note that proposal deadlines are for submissions to DSD for publication in the Maryland Register and do not take into account the 15-day AELR review period. The due date for documents containing 8 to 18 pages is 48 hours before the date listed; the due date for documents exceeding 18 pages is 1 week before the date listed.


**      Note closing date changes due to holidays.

***   Note issue date changes due to holidays.

The regular closing date for Proposals and Emergencies is Monday.


Cumulative Table of COMAR Regulations
Adopted, Amended, or Repealed

   This table, previously printed in the Maryland Register lists the regulations, by COMAR title, that have been adopted, amended, or repealed in the Maryland Register since the regulations were originally published or last supplemented in the Code of Maryland Regulations (COMAR). The table is no longer printed here but may be found on the Division of State Documents website at

Table of Pending Proposals

   The table below lists proposed changes to COMAR regulations. The proposed changes are listed by their COMAR number, followed by a citation to that issue of the Maryland Register in which the proposal appeared. Errata and corrections pertaining to proposed regulations are listed, followed by “(err)” or “(corr),” respectively. Regulations referencing a document incorporated by reference are followed by “(ibr)”. None of the proposals listed in this table have been adopted. A list of adopted proposals appears in the Cumulative Table of COMAR Regulations Adopted, Amended, or Repealed.






07 DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES—.23 • 52:2 Md. R. 71 (1-24-25)—.24 • 51:19 Md. R. 861 (9-20-24)


08 DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES • 52:1 Md. R. 21 (1-10-25) • 52:1 Md. R. 21 (1-10-25) • 51:10 Md. R. 534 (5-17-24) • 52:1 Md. R. 21 (1-10-25) • 52:1 Md. R. 21 (1-10-25) • 52:1 Md. R. 25 (1-10-25),.02 • 52:1 Md. R. 27 (1-10-25)


09 MARYLAND DEPARTMENT OF LABOR,.04 • 52:1 Md. R. 27 (1-10-25),.04 • 52:2 Md. R. 79 (1-24-25) (corr),.06,.16 • 51:14 Md. R. 685 (7-12-24) • 51:15 Md. R. 713 (7-26-24),.02,.07—.09 • 52:2 Md. R. 79 (1-24-25) • 51:19 Md. R. 871 (9-20-24)—.10 • 51:24 Md. R. 1084 (12-2-24) 51:19 871 (9-20-24) •51:19 Md. R. 871 (9-20-24)—.03 • 51:21 Md. R. 929 (10-18-24)—.10 • 51:21 Md. R. 932 (10-18-24)—.10 • 51:21 Md. R. 933 (10-18-24)—.12 • 51:21 Md. R. 937 (10-18-24)—.05 • 52:1 Md. R. 28 (1-10-25)



     Subtitles 01—08 (1st volume) • 52:2 Md. R. 80 (1-24-25)—.65 • 52:2 Md. R. 82 (1-24-25)


Subtitle 09 (2nd volume) • 51:25 Md. R. 1148 (12-13-24), .08 • 51:25 Md. R. 1148 (12-13-24) • 52:3 Md. R. 162 (2-7-25),.04—.06 • 52:3 Md. R. 164 (2-7-25),.07,.12 • 52:3 Md. R. 162 (2-7-25),.13 • 52:3 Md. R. 164 (2-7-25)—.07 • 51:26 Md. R. 1192 (12-27-24),.05 • 51:4 Md. R. 206 (2-23-24)

10.09.58 .05, .06 • 51:25 Md. R. 1150 (12-13-24),.04—.07,.09 • 51:26 Md. R. 1194 (12-27-24)

10.09.66. 01—.1152:3 Md. R. 166 (2-07-25) • 51:25 Md. R. 1151 (12-13-24),.05 • 51:1 Md. R. 38 (1-12-24),.12 • 52:2 Md. R. 119 (1-24-25) • 51:25 Md. R. 1151 (12-13-24),.21 • 52:2 Md. R. 81 (1-24-25),.09—.12 • 51:24 Md. R. 1086 (12-2-24)—.04,.08,.10,.13,.14 • 51:24 Md. R. 1088 (12-2-24),.18 • 51:26 Md. R. 1196 (12-27-24)


Subtitles 37—52 (5th volume) • 52:2 Md. R. 121 (1-24-25)(ibr) • 51:17 Md. R. 779 (8-23-24),.05 52:3 Md. R. 168 (2-7-25) • 52:2 Md. R. 119 (1-24-25)


     Subtitles 53—68 (6th volume)—.05 • 51:26 Md. R. 1200 (12-27-24) 52:3 Md. R. 166 (2-7-25),.08 • 51:26 Md. R. 1200 (12-27-24),.18,.19 • 51:26 Md. R. 1202 (12-27-24)

10.67.05. .05-1 • 51:26 Md. R. 1202 (12-27-24) 52:3 Md. R. 166 (2-7-25) • 51:26 Md. R. 1202 (12-27-24) • 51:26 Md. R. 1202 (12-27-24) • 51:25 Md. R. 1150 (12-13-24)




     Subtitles 01—10 • 52:1 Md. R. 33 (1-10-25) • 52:3 Md. R. 169 (2-7-25)—.03 • 52:2 Md. R. 126 (1-24-25)(err)—.03,.04 • 51:24 Md. R. 1094 (12-2-24)




13A.15.01.02 • 51:25 Md. R. 1154 (12-13-24)

13A.15.03.03 • 51:25 Md. R. 1158 (12-13-24)

13A.15.04.03 • 51:25 Md. R. 1154 (12-13-24)

13A.15.09.01 • 51:25 Md. R. 1158 (12-13-24)

13A.15.13.09 • 51:25 Md. R. 1154 (12-13-24)

13A.15.16.01—.10 • 51:25 Md. R. 1154 (12-13-24)

13A.16.03.03 • 51:25 Md. R. 1158 (12-13-24)

13A.16.08.03 • 51:2 Md. R. 95 (1-26-24)

13A.16.09.02 • 51:25 Md. R. 1158 (12-13-24)

13A.16.10.02 • 51:2 Md. R. 95 (1-26-24)

13A.17.03.03 • 51:25 Md. R. 1158 (12-13-24)

13A.17.09.01 • 51:25 Md. R. 1158 (12-13-24)

13A.17.10.02 • 51:2 Md. R. 95 (1-26-24)

13A.18.03.03 • 51:25 Md. R. 1158 (12-13-24)

13A.18.09.02 • 51:25 Md. R. 1158 (12-13-24)




14.01.01, .01,.06 • 52:1 Md. R. 33 (1-10-25) 51:25 Md. R. 1140 (12-13-24)—.07 • 51:26 Md. R. 1204 (12-27-24)—.09 • 52:1 Md. R. 33 (1-10-25) • 51:26 Md. R. 1206 (12-27-24) • 51:26 Md. R. 1206  (12-27-24)—.09 • 51:26 Md. R. 1206 (12-27-24) • 51:26 Md. R. 1206 (12-27-24),.04,.11 • 52:2 Md. R. 122 (1-24-25) • 51:26 Md. R. 1206 (12-27-24) • 51:26 Md. R. 1206 (12-27-24) • 52:2 Md. R. 122 (1-24-25)—.05 • 51:26 Md. R. 1206 (12-27-24) • 51:26 Md. R. 1206 (12-27-24),.03,.08 • 51:26 Md. R. 1206 (12-27-24) • 52:2 Md. R. 122 (1-24-25),.18 • 51:26 Md. R. 1206 (12-27-24) • 52:2 Md. R. 122 (1-24-25),.04,.10 • 51:26 Md. R. 1206 (12-27-24) • 52:2 Md. R. 122 (1-24-25),.12 • 51:26 Md. R. 1206 (12-27-24),.06 • 51:26 Md. R. 1206  (12-27-24) • 51:26 Md. R. 1206 (12-27-24) • 51:26 Md. R. 1206 (12-27-24)—.06 • 52:2 Md. R. 122 (1-24-25) • 51:26 Md. R. 1206 (12-27-24) • 51:26 Md. R. 1206 (12-27-24) • 52:2 Md. R. 122 (1-24-25)

14.17.22. 01, .02, .06, .07, .09, .10,.12 • 51:26 Md. R. 1206 (12-27-24),.04 • 51:17 Md. R. 789 (8-23-24) • 51:23 Md. R. 1046 (11-15-24)




15.01.21. .01—.10 • 52:3 Md. R. 170 (2-7-25) 51:22 Md. R. 984 (11-1-24) (ibr)—.28 51:22 Md. R. 985 (11-1-24)—.28 52:2 Md. R. 126 (1-24-25) (err)


25 OFFICE OF THE STATE TREASURER—.06, .09 52:4 Md. R. 222 (2-21-25)—.03 52:4 Md. R. 222 (2-21-25)




     Subtitles 01—07 (Part 1),.01-1,.20,.31 • 51:6 Md. R. 309 (3-22-24) (ibr)




29.06.01. .02, .05—.09, .14 • 52:3 Md. R. 172(2-7-25)(ibr)


32 MARYLAND DEPARTMENT OF AGING,.22,.23,.36 • 51:25 Md. R. 1168 (12-13-24),.10,.14,.16,.17,.31 • 51:25 Md. R. 1168 (12-13-24)


33 STATE BOARD OF ELECTIONS • 52:1 Md. R. 40 (1-10-25) • 52:1 Md. R. 40 (1-10-25) • 52:1 Md. R. 41 (1-10-25) • 51:26 Md. R. 1214 (12-27-24)—.12 • 51:26 Md. R. 1215 (12-27-24) • 52:1 Md. R. 41 (1-10-25)


36 MARYLAND STATE LOTTERY AND GAMING CONTROL AGENCY—.06 • 51:24 Md. R. 1099 (12-2-24)—.06,.08 • 51:24 Md. R. 1099 (12-2-24) • 51:24 Md. R. 1099 (12-2-24)—.10 • 51:24 Md. R. 1099 (12-2-24),.02 —.05, .06 —.15 • 51:24 Md. R. 1099 (12-2-24)—.07,.08 • 51:24 Md. R. 1099 (12-2-24)—.04 • 51:24 Md. R. 1099 (12-2-24)

36.02.07, .01,.02 • 51:24 Md. R. 1099 (12-2-24)—.09 • 51:25 Md. R. 1170 (12-13-24)

36.02.09, .01—.05 • 51:24 Md. R. 1099 (12-2-24)

36.03.10,.07,.12,.14,.20,.28,.38 • 51:23 Md. R. 1059 (11-15-24) • 51:24 Md. R. 1118 (12-2-24) • 51:23 Md. R. 1059 (11-15-24) • 51:24 Md. R. 1118 (12-2-24) • 51:23 Md. R. 1059 (11-15-24) • 51:23 Md. R. 1059 (11-15-24)—.04,.06 • 51:23 Md. R. 1059 (11-15-24),.03 • 51:23 Md. R. 1059 (11-15-24) • 51:23 Md. R. 1059 (11-15-24),.01—.06 • 51:23 Md. R. 1059 (11-15-24—.07 • 51:23 Md. R. 1059 (11-15-24)—.07 • 51:23 Md. R. 1059 (11-15-24)—.03 • 51:23 Md. R. 1059 (11-15-24) • 51:23 Md. R. 1059 (11-15-24),.37,.40,.45 • 51:23 Md. R. 1059 (11-15-24) • 51:24 Md. R. 1118 (12-2-24) • 51:23 Md. R. 1059 (11-15-24),.05 • 51:23 Md. R. 1059 (11-15-24)


The General Assembly

For additional up-to-date information concerning bills introduced in the General Assembly, log on to and click on Bill Information and Status.  You may then enter a specific bill number for information about that bill.  You may also click on Senate Synopsis or House Synopsis for the most recent synopsis list for each house, or click on Synopsis Index for a listing of all bill synopses since the beginning of the legislative session.



House Bills


HB0649  Del Szeliga, et al.  Family Law - Children in Foster Care - Background Information.

HB0650  Del Pippy, et al.  Maryland Fair and Agricultural Education Promise Fund - Establishment (Maryland Fair and Agricultural Education Promise Act).

HB0651  Del Pippy, et al.  Public Service Commission - Membership - Alterations.

HB0652  Del Pippy, et al.  Department of Juvenile Services - Employees - Prohibited Convictions.

HB0653  Del Szeliga, et al.  Correctional Services - Transfers to Federal Authorities - Undocumented Immigrants (Protecting Marylanders From Violent Crime Act of 2025).

HB0654  Wicomico County Delegation.  Wicomico County - Sunday Hunting Time Restrictions - Repeal.

HB0655  Wicomico County Delegation.  Wicomico County - Alcoholic Beverages - Temporary To-Go Event Permit and Class C Per Diem Municipal To-Go Beer, Wine, and Liquor License.

HB0656  Wicomico County Delegation.  Wicomico County - Alcoholic Beverages Licenses - Athletic and Event Facility License.

HB0657  Del Pippy, et al.  Public Utilities - Alternatives to Construction of New Transmission Lines.

HB0658  Del Ebersole.  Juvenile Services Education Board - Alterations.

HB0659  Del Cullison.  Health Insurance - Utilization Review - Exemption for Participation in Value-Based Care Arrangements.

HB0660  Del Terrasa, et al.  Estates and Trusts - Register of Wills - Admission of Copy of Executed Will.

HB0661  Del Foley, et al.  State Personnel - Collective Bargaining - Faculty.

HB0662  Del Tomlinson, et al.  Procurement - Master Contracting - Authorization.

HB0663  Del Lopez, et al.  Civil Actions - Sexual Deepfake Representations and Revenge Porn.

HB0664  Del Terrasa.  Health Occupations - Licensed Direct-Entry Midwives - Disciplinary Actions.

HB0665  Del Woods, et al.  Maryland Medical Assistance Program and Health Insurance - Annual Behavioral Health Wellness Visits - Coverage and Reimbursement.

HB0666  Del Woods, et al.  Maryland Medical Assistance Program and Health Insurance - Required Coverage for Calcium Score Testing.

HB0667  Del Woods, et al.  State Government - Legal and Employee Holiday - Maryland Emancipation Day.

HB0668  Del M. Morgan, et al.  Victims of Communism Memorial Day.

HB0669  Del Williams.  Law Enforcement Officers - Body-Worn Cameras - Requirements.

HB0670  Del Lopez, et al.  Civil Actions - Unsolicited Obscene Material.

HB0671  Del Stein.  Environment - On-Site Sewage Disposal Systems - Climate Vulnerable Areas.

HB0672  Dels Cullison and Palakovich Carr.  School Health and Wellness Personnel Assessment and Maryland Council on Advancement of School-Based Health Centers.

HB0673  Del Terrasa, et al.  Condominiums and Homeowners Associations - Governing Documents - Electric Vehicle Recharging Equipment.

HB0674  Del Kaufman, et al.  Criminal Law – Concealment of Death and Disturbing and Dismembering Human Remains.

HB0675  Del Bartlett, et al.  Public Safety - Rape Kit Testing Grant Fund - Alterations.

HB0676  Del Schmidt, et al.  Boating Accidents - Duty to Remain at the Scene, Render Assistance, and Provide Information - Penalties.

HB0677  Del Toles, et al.  Criminal Procedure - Out of Court Statements - Vulnerable Adult Victims and Witnesses.

HB0678  Del Spiegel, et al.  Maryland Deaf Culture Digital Library - Funding and Budget Submission.

HB0679  Del Grammer.  Maryland Transportation Authority - Patapsco River Toll Bridge - Design.

HB0680  Del Grammer, et al.  Municipal Elections - Voter Registration - List and Qualifications.

HB0681  Del Toles, et al.  Child Support - Driver's License Suspension for Arrearages and Court Orders.

HB0682  Del Grammer, et al.  Public Safety - Persistent Aerial Surveillance.

HB0683  Del Grammer, et al.  Criminal Law - Criminal or Delinquent Act of a Child - Liability of a Parent, Guardian, or Custodian.

HB0684  Del Hinebaugh.  State Lakes Protection and Restoration Fund - Alteration and Extension.

HB0685  Del Hinebaugh.  Garrett County Alcoholic Beverages Act of 2025.

HB0686  Del Solomon, et al.  Victims and Witnesses - U Nonimmigrant Status - Certification of Victim Helpfulness.

HB0687  Del Grammer, et al.  Public Safety - Law Enforcement - Quotas (Community-Oriented Policing Act).

HB0688  Del Solomon.  Education - High School Graduation Requirements - Financial Aid Application.

HB0689  Del Atterbeary.  Maryland Medical Assistance Program – Use of Reimbursement Funds by Schools.

HB0690  Del J. Long.  Overdose Awareness Day.

HB0691  Del Patterson, et al.  Tax Relief and Pensions Equality for Service Members Act.

HB0692  Del Harris, et al.  Maryland Transportation Authority - Video Toll Facilities - Study on Image Capture of License Plates.

HB0693  Del Fraser-Hidalgo.  Commercial Financing - Small Business Truth in Lending Act.

HB0694  Del Kaufman, et al.  Public Schools - Individuals With Disabilities - Main Entrance Accessibility and Emergency Planning.

HB0695  Del M. Morgan, et al.  Repair the Transportation Trust Fund Act.

HB0696  Del Woods, et al.  State Boards, Committees, Commissions, Task Forces, and Workgroups - Elimination of Citizenship Requirements and Establishment of Diversity Requirements.

HB0697  Del Woods, et al.  Health Insurance - Artificial Intelligence, Adverse Decisions, and Grievances - Reporting Requirements.

HB0698  Del Allen, et al.  Local Government - Development Impact Fees, Surcharges, and Excise Taxes - Reporting.

HB0699  Del Allen, et al.  General Provisions - Veterans Benefits - Honorable Discharge.

HB0700  Del Allen, et al.  Gaming - Problem Gambling - Prevalence Study and Fund Revenue.

HB0701  Del Foley, et al.  Gasoline-Powered Leaf Blowers - Purchase, Use, and Sale - Prohibitions (Clean Air Quiet Communities Act).

HB0702  Del Kaufman, et al.  County Boards of Education - Special Education Service Delivery Models - Publication Requirement.

HB0703  Del Kaufman, et al.  Criminal Procedure - Diagnosis of Developmental Disability or Intellectual Disability - Evidence.

HB0704  Del Wivell, et al.  Higher Education - Maryland Graduate and Professional Scholarship Program - Eligible Institutions.

HB0705  Del Valderrama.  Real Property - Short-Term Rentals.

HB0706  Del Grammer.  Intercepted Communications - Statute of Limitations and Penalties.

HB0707  Del Wilkins, et al.  Vehicle Laws - Licenses, Identification Cards, and Moped Operator's Permits - Notation of Nonapparent Disability (Eric's ID Law).

HB0708  Del Wilkins.  Earned Income Tax Credit - Individuals Without Qualifying Children - Eligibility.

HB0709  Del Wilkins, et al.  Landlord and Tenant - Residential Leases and Holdover Tenancies - Local Good Cause Termination (Good Cause Eviction).

HB0710  Del Wilkins.  Election Law - Incarcerated Individuals - Voter Hotline and Voting Eligibility (Voting Rights for All Act).

HB0711  Del Simmons, et al.  Office of Cemetery Oversight - Study of Deathcare and Funeral Practices.

HB0712  Harford County Delegation.  Harford County - Alcoholic Beverages - Multiple Licenses - Golf Simulator Facilities.

HB0713  Del Simmons, et al.  Public Safety - Distribution of Literature to Purchasers of Firearms and Ammunition.

HB0714  Harford County Delegation.  Harford County - Alcoholic Beverages - Performing Arts Nonprofit Organization License - Record-Keeping Requirements.

HB0715  Harford County Delegation.  Harford County - Alcoholic Beverages - Alteration of License Quota.

HB0716  Chr ENT (Dept).  Housing and Community Development - Statewide Rental Assistance Voucher Program Eligibility - Alterations.

HB0717  Chr ENT (Dept).  Natural Resources - Public Lands - Acquisition, Staffing, Operations, and Funding.

HB0718  Dels Rosenberg and Pena-Melnyk.  Maryland Health Insurance Coverage Protection Commission - Established.

HB0719  Chr ENT (Dept).  Natural Resources - State Boat Act - Alterations.

HB0720  Chr ENT (Dept).  Natural Resources - Repeal of Somers Cove Marina Commission and Improvement Fund and Alteration of Operations.

HB0721  Dels Addison and Young.  Family Law - Grandparent Visitation.

HB0722  Del Rosenberg.  Maryland Department of Health - Report on Oversight of Substance Use Disorder Treatment Programs and Recovery Residences.

HB0723  Del Kerr.  State Board of Dental Examiners - Applicants Licensed or Certified in Another State.

HB0724  Del Simmons, et al.  Commission on Abandoned and Neglected Maryland Cemeteries - Establishment.

HB0725  Del Wivell, et al.  Institutions of Higher Education - Dually Enrolled Students - Alterations.

HB0726  Del Wivell, et al.  Homestead Property Tax Credit - Eligible Properties - Alteration.

HB0727  Del M. Morgan, et al.  Motor Vehicles - Driving Records - Disclosure of Medical Diagnosis (Safeguarding American Families Everywhere Act).

HB0728  Del Rosenberg.  Opioid Restitution Fund - Authorized Uses.

HB0729  Del Rosenberg.  Public Health - Use of Opioid Restitution Fund and Training Under the Overdose Response Program.

HB0730  Del M. Morgan.  Election Law - Online Platforms and Qualifying Paid Digital Communications - Alterations.

HB0731  Del Ruth, et al.  Wildlife - Protections and Highway Crossings.

HB0732  Del Miller, et al.  Public Schools - Career Ladder - Teacher Classroom Teaching Time.

HB0733  Del Miller, et al.  Elections for County Boards of Education - Party Designation or Affiliation - Certificates of Candidacy and Ballots.

HB0734  Del Buckel, et al.  Real Time for Violent Crime Act.

HB0735  Del Grammer, et al.  Certificate of Need - Psychiatric Health Care Facilities and Psychiatric and Mental Health Services - Exemption.

HB0736  Del Ghrist, et al.  School Construction - Local Cost-Share - Alterations.

HB0737  Del Bagnall.  Public Health - Nonopioid Advance Directives.

HB0738  Del Kaiser, et al.  Department of Information Technology - Reporting Guidelines.

HB0739  Del Ghrist, et al.  Public Utilities - Solar Energy Generating Stations - Local Approval.

HB0740  Del Kaiser, et al.  Election Law - Campaign Materials - Disclosure of Use of Synthetic Media.

HB0741  Del Allen, et al.  Hunting - Nonlead Ammunition, Fox Chasing, and Deer Management.

HB0742  Del Ghrist, et al.  Public Utilities - Solar Energy Generating Stations - Eminent Domain.

HB0743  Del Bagnall.  Public Health - Health Care Quality Fund for Community-Based Behavioral Health Programs - Establishment.

HB0744  Del Wims, et al.  Motor Vehicles - Reckless, Negligent, and Aggressive Driving.

HB0745  Del Guyton.  State Board of Professional Counselors and Therapists - Behavior Analysts - Licensure Applications.

HB0746  Del Guyton.  Baltimore County - Alcoholic Beverages Licenses - Transfers.

HB0747  Del Guyton.  Environment - On-Site Wastewater Systems - Requirements for Inspection and Pumping Services.

HB0748  Del Schindler, et al.  Municipalities - Enforcement Officers - Body-Worn Cameras.

HB0749  Washington County Delegation.  Washington County - Public Safety - Buildings Used for Agritourism.

HB0750  Washington County Delegation.  Washington County - Property Tax Credit - Economic Development Projects.

HB0751  Del Schindler.  Municipalities - Annexed Land - Land Use and Density.

HB0752  Del Schindler, et al.  Commission on State and Local Government Real Property Bearing Confederate Names.

HB0753  Del Edelson.  Comptroller - Baby Bond Account Program Study.

HB0754  Harford County Delegation.  Harford County - Alcoholic Beverages - Hearing Notice.

HB0755  Del Foley.  Common Ownership Communities - Recreational Common Areas - Sensitive Information as Condition for Access.

HB0756  Del J. Long.  Petition for Guardianship of the Property of Alleged Disabled Person - Stay of Civil Actions and Proceedings.

HB0757  Del Kaiser, et al.  Professional and Volunteer Firefighter Innovative Cancer Screening Technologies Program - Funding.

HB0758  Del Guyton, et al.  Motor Vehicles - Speed Monitoring Systems - Stolen Vehicles or Registration Plates.

HB0759  Del Grammer, et al.  Baltimore County - Speed Monitoring Systems - Funding for Traffic Calming Devices.

HB0760  Del Ghrist, et al.  Counties and Municipalities - Approval of Projects Denied by Maryland Historical Trust - Authorization.

HB0761  The Spkr (Office of the Comptroller).  Maryland Uniform Disposition of Abandoned Property Act - Revisions.

HB0762  Chr APP (Dept).  Maryland Higher Education Commission - Higher Education Goals - Revisions.

HB0763  Del S. Johnson, et al.  Education - Sexual Abuse and Assault Awareness and Prevention Program - Human and Sex Trafficking.

HB0764  Del Ivey.  Prince George's Gateway Development Authority - Sunset Repeal.

HB0765  Del Ivey.  Hospitals - Medical Debt Collection - Sale of Patient Debt.

HB0766  Del Otto, et al.  Wildlife Advisory Commission - Membership - Alterations.

HB0767  Del Terrasa, et al.  Real Property - Landlord and Tenant - Procedures for Failure to Pay Rent, Breach of Lease, and Tenant Holding Over (Tenant Possessions Recovery Act).

HB0768  Del S. Johnson, et al.  Municipal Incorporation - County Commissioners or County Council - Required Approval of Referendum Request.

HB0769  Del D. Jones, et al.  Real Property – Residential Foreclosures – Materially Delinquent Mortgages.

HB0770  Del Szeliga, et al.  Baltimore County - Alcoholic Beverages - Sale or Delivery for Off-Premises Consumption.

HB0771  Del Harrison.  Student Health - Program for Student Dental Health - Established.

HB0772  Del Roberson.  Education - Career Counseling Program for Middle and High School Students - Alterations.

HB0773  Del Hartman, et al.  Public Middle and High Schools - Student Discipline (Right to Teach Act of 2025).

HB0774  Del Davis.  Higher Education - Hunger-Free Campus Grant Program - Alterations.

HB0775  Del Otto, et al.  Correctional Services - Death of Incarcerated Individual - Notification.

HB0776  Del Pena-Melnyk.  Maryland Medical Practice Act and Maryland Physician Assistants Act - Revisions.

HB0777  Del Grammer.  Criminal Procedure - Expungement - Effect.

HB0778  Chr JUD (Md Jud Conf).  Circuit Court Judges - Selection and Retention Elections.

HB0779  Chr JUD (Dept).  Correctional Services - Medication Review Committee - Administration of Psychotropic Medication to an Incarcerated Individual.

HB0780  Del Kerr.  Urban State Highways - Speed Limits - Exemptions.

HB0781  Del Roberts, et al.  Election Law - Polling Place Procedures - Voting by Elderly Voters and Voters With Disabilities (Accessible and Expedited Voting Act of Maryland).

HB0782  Del Atterbeary.  Study on Detecting Deadly Weapons in Public Middle and High Schools.

HB0783  Del Pena-Melnyk, et al.  Health Occupations - Structural Racism Training.

HB0784  Del Clippinger, et al.  Baltimore City - 46th Alcoholic Beverages District - Licenses.

HB0785  Del Feldmark, et al.  Common Ownership Communities and Zoning Authorities - Operation of Family Child Care Homes - Limitations.

HB0786  Chr JUD (Md Jud).  Appellate Court of Maryland - Sessions at Educational Institutions.

HB0787  Chr JUD (Md Jud).  Courts - State Reporter - Publication of Cases.

HB0788  Chr JUD (Md Jud Conf).  Judiciary Department - Commission on Judicial Disabilities - Temporary Appointment.

HB0789  Chr JUD (Md Jud).  Courtroom Security - Minimum Adequate Security Standard.

HB0790  Del Atterbeary.  Property Tax - Payment Plans - Notice to Taxpayers.

HB0791  Del Otto, et al.  Somerset County - Property Tax - Emergency Services Tax.

HB0792  Del Griffith, et al.  Income Tax - Subtraction Modification - Public Safety Employee Retirement Income.

HB0793  Chr APP (Dept).  University System of Maryland - Academic Facilities Bonding Authority.

HB0794  Chr APP (Dept).  Maryland Commission on Indian Affairs - Indian Heritage and Culture Grant Program and Fund.

HB0795  Del Spiegel, et al.  Federal Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program - Employee Certification and Awareness Materials.

HB0796  Del J. Long, et al.  Real Property – Filing Fee for Residential Mortgage Foreclosure – Increase.

HB0797  Dels Buckel and Wilkins.  Sports Wagering - Licenses and Application of Minority Business Enterprise Program Requirements.

HB0798  Del Lehman, et al.  Opioid Restitution Fund - Interactive Dashboard.

HB0799  Dels Vogel and Buckel.  Economic Development - Maryland Innovation Initiative University Partnership Extension Program - Establishment.

HB0800  Del Griffith, et al.  Income Tax - Subtraction Modification for Military Retirement Income - Individuals Under the Age of 55.

HB0801  Del Spiegel, et al.  Maryland Financial Empowerment Center Network Pilot Program - Establishment.

HB0802  Del R. Lewis, et al.  State Designations - State Carnivorous Plant - Purple Pitcherplant.

HB0803  Del Pippy, et al.  Criminal Law - Revenge Porn - Computer-Generated Visual Representation.

HB0804  Del Wu, et al.  Multifamily Dwellings - Smoking Policies.

HB0805  Del Solomon, et al.  Criminal Law - Mail and Package Theft.

HB0806  Chr HGO (Atty Gen Ofc).  Public Information Act - Frivolous, Vexatious, or Abusive Requests - Remedies.

HB0807  Chr HGO (Dept).  Information Technology - Modernizing Data Governance - Office of Enterprise Data and Council for Open Data Advancement.

HB0808  Howard County Delegation.  Columbia Association - Lease Requirements and Governing Documents Ho. Co. 14-25.

HB0809  Del Griffith, et al.  Out-of-Home Placement Providers - Maximum Number of Children - Exemption.

HB0810  Del Grammer, et al.  Public Safety - Lethality Assessment Protocol.

HB0811  Del Terrasa, et al.  Counties – Construction of Sidewalks and Crosswalks – Safe Alternative Routes to Public Schools.

HB0812  Del Guzzone, et al.  Electronic Health Networks and Electronic Medical Record Vendors of Nursing Homes - Release of Records - Enforcement.

HB0813  Dels S. Johnson and A. Johnson.  Pharmacy Benefits Administration - Maryland Medical Assistance Program and Pharmacy Benefits Managers.

HB0814  Del Taylor.  Department of Juvenile Services - Report on Youth Service Bureaus.

HB0815  Del Stein.  Income Tax - Subtraction Modification - Public Safety Volunteers.

HB0816  Del Feldmark, et al.  Election Law - Petitions and Ballot Questions - Contents, Plain Language Requirement, and Procedures.

HB0817  Dels Palakovich Carr and Stewart.  Residential Leases - Use of Algorithmic Device by Landlord to Determine Rent - Prohibition.

HB0818  Del Ruff, et al.  Award of Attorney's Fees and Expenses - Violation of Maryland Constitutional Right.

HB0819  Del Guzzone, et al.  Procurement - Employee Stock Ownership Plan Preference - Pilot.

HB0820  Del Hill, et al.  Health Insurance - Utilization Review - Use of Artificial Intelligence.

HB0821  Chr HGO (Atty Gen Ofc).  Public Information Act - Denials - Pending Litigation.

HB0822  Del Hill, et al.  Declaration of Rights - Religious Freedom, Religious Tests, and Oaths and Affirmations.

HB0823  Del Wu, et al.  Generative Artificial Intelligence - Training Data Transparency.

HB0824  Del Stewart.  Family and Medical Leave Insurance Program - Covered Individuals - Alternatively Qualified Individuals.

HB0825  Del Pena-Melnyk.  Maryland Small Business Retirement Savings Board - Membership - Alteration.

HB0826  Chr HGO (Dept).  State Government - Interdepartmental Advisory Committee on Small, Minority, and Women Business Affairs - Repeal.

HB0827  Del Clippinger, et al.  Solar Energy - Distributed Generation Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity, Ground-Mounted Solar, and Small Solar Siting Workgroup.

HB0828  Del Kipke.  Health Care Facilities - Rights of Comprehensive and Extended Care Facility Residents - Hospice Comfort Care.

HB0829  Del Charkoudian.  Public Utilities - Transmission Lines - Advanced Transmission Technologies.

HB0830  Del D. Jones, et al.  Health Insurance - Genetic Testing and Cancer Imaging - Required Coverage and Prohibited Cost-Sharing.

HB0831  Carroll County Delegation.  Carroll County - Prospective Employees and Volunteers - Criminal History Records Check.

HB0832  Carroll County Delegation.  Carroll County - Natural Resources - Sunday Hunting.

HB0833  Carroll County Delegation.  Carroll County - Public Facilities Bond.

HB0834  Del Terrasa, et al.  Agriculture - Confinement of Egg-Laying Hens in Commercial Egg Production - Prohibitions.

HB0835  Charles County Delegation.  Charles County - Alcoholic Beverages - Baseball Stadium License - Alterations.

HB0836  Del Davis.  County Police Accountability Boards - Investigation of Complaints of Police Misconduct.

HB0837  Del Mireku-North, et al.  Task Force to Study Forced Infant Separation From Incarcerated Individuals.

HB0838  Del Cullison.  Health Occupations - Licensed Direct-Entry Midwives - Revisions.

HB0839  Del Roberson.  Election Law - Provisional Ballots - Nonpartisan Board of Education Contests.

HB0840  Del McCaskill, et al.  Public Senior Higher Education Institutions - Pregnant and Parenting Students - Plan Requirements (Pregnant and Parenting Student Support Act).

HB0841  Charles County Delegation.  Gaming - Charles County Gaming Permit Review Board - Repeal.

HB0842  Del Hornberger, et al.  Consumer Protection - Right to Repair - Farm Equipment.

HB0843  Del Hornberger, et al.  Consumer Protection - Motor Vehicles - Right to Repair.

HB0844  Del Otto, et al.  Somerset County - Salaries of Local Officials - Increase.

HB0845  Del Pena-Melnyk, et al.  Public Health - Overdose and Infectious Disease Prevention Services Program.

HB0846  Del R. Lewis, et al.  Transportation Access and Revenue Act.

HB0847  Del McCaskill, et al.  Criminal Procedure - Domestic Violence Offender Registry.

HB0848  Del Pena-Melnyk, et al.  Health Insurance - Adverse Decisions - Reporting and Examinations.

HB0849  Dels Lopez and Kaufman.  Maryland Commission to Study the Dental Hygienist Shortage - Establishment.

HB0850  Del Williams, et al.  Procurement - Public Work Contracts - Data Dashboard (Maryland Public Works and Apprenticeship Transparency Act).

HB0851  Carroll County Delegation.  Carroll County - Office of Permits and Inspections - Denial of Commercial Permit or License for Unpaid Personal Property Taxes.

HB0852  Del Vogel, et al.  Educational Institutions - Opioid Overdose-Reversing Medications - Policy Requirements (Protecting Our Kids From Overdoses Act).

HB0853  Del Pasteur, et al.  Criminal Procedure - Petition to Reduce Sentence (Maryland Second Look Act).

HB0854  Del Hornberger.  Hunter Safety Education - Issuance of Identification Number.

HB0855  Del Hill.  Workgroup on Establishing a Science and Technology Best Practices and Innovation Network - Alterations.

HB0856  Cecil County Delegation.  Horse Racing - Distribution of Racetrack Facility Renewal Account Funds - Alterations.

HB0857  Del Hornberger, et al.  Natural Resources - Pursuing Wounded Deer After Legal Hunting Hours - Authorization.

HB0858  Del Hill, et al.  Mattress Stewardship Program - Establishment.

HB0859  Del Solomon, et al.  Access to Health Insurance for Child Care Professionals - Outreach and Qualifying Nonprofit Satellite Organizations.

HB0860  Del Buckel.  Public Nuisance - Common Carriers - Damage to Public Infrastructure.

HB0861  Del Stewart.  Transportation Network Companies - Itemized Receipts and Operator Data Reporting.

HB0862  Del Solomon, et al.  Child Care Affordability Commission - Establishment.

HB0863  Del D. Jones.  Libraries - State Policy - Alterations.

HB0864  Chr JUD (Md Jud Conf), et al.  St. Mary's County - Judgeships - Circuit Courts.

HB0865  Del D. Jones.  Catastrophic Event Account - Transfer of Funds - State Disaster Recovery Fund.

HB0866  Frederick County Delegation.  Frederick County - Alcoholic Beverages - Class C (Theater) Beer, Wine, and Liquor License.

HB0867  Del Cullison.  State Board of Physicians - Naturopathic Doctors - Prescriptive Authority and Administration of Medication.

HB0868  Del Rosenberg, et al.  Estates and Trusts - Interpretation of Wills - Evidence of Intent (Granny's Law).

HB0869  Del Pena-Melnyk, et al.  Preserve Telehealth Access Act of 2025.

HB0870  Del Rosenberg.  Tobacco Product Manufacturers - Escrow Act - Alterations.

HB0871  Del Bagnall, et al.  Health Services Cost Review Commission - Community Benefits - Community Health Worker Workforce Program.

HB0872  Del Stewart.  Residential Real Property - Tenants' Right of First Refusal.

HB0873  Del Rosenberg.  Juvenile Law - Juvenile Court Jurisdiction - Theft of a Motor Vehicle.

HB0874  Del Acevero, et al.  Property Tax - Special Use Assessment of Country Clubs and Golf Courses - Repeal.

HB0875  Del Acevero, et al.  Commission on History, Culture, and Civics in Education.

HB0876  Del Rosenberg.  Access to Counsel in Evictions - Special Fund - Alteration.

HB0877  Del Amprey.  Prison Education Delivery Reform Commission - Reporting and Sunset Extension.

HB0878  Del Hill, et al.  Department of the Environment - Water Resources - Protection of Vernal Pools (Vernal Pool Wetlands Protection Act of 2025).

HB0879  Del Smith, et al.  Task Force to Improve Attendance and Reduce Chronic Absenteeism in Schools.

HB0880  Dels Smith and J. Lewis.  Cannabis - Prohibition on Outdoor Advertising - Repeal.

HB0881  Del Shetty, et al.  Family Investment Program and Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Benefits - Child Support.

HB0882  Del Valderrama.  Prince George's County - Natural Resources - Sunday Deer Hunting and Archery Hunting Safety Zones.

HB0883  Del Wims.  Criminal Law - Motor Vehicle or Vessel - Criminal Negligence.

HB0884  Del Vogel.  Public Health - Sale of Diet Pills to Minors - Prohibition.

HB0885  Del Hornberger, et al.  Public Safety - Police Accountability - Investigation Records Relating to Unfounded and Exonerated Complaints.

HB0886  Del Forbes (Chr Jt Com on Pnsns).  State Retirement and Pension System – Deferred Vested Former Members – Return to Service.

HB0887  Del Valderrama, et al.  Accountants - Reciprocal Licenses - Qualifications.

HB0888  Del Fair, et al.  Education - Initial Teacher Certification - Qualifications.

HB0889  Del Jacobs, et al.  Fisheries - Striped Bass or Rockfish - Juvenile Survey.

HB0890  Dels Bouchat and Hornberger.  Election Law - Primary Elections - Change of Political Party Affiliation.

HB0891  Dels Vogel and Foley.  Income Tax - Local Newsroom Tax Credit.

HB0892  Del Jacobs, et al.  Natural Resources - Canada Geese - Bag Limits.

HB0893  Del Jacobs, et al.  Tidal Fish Licenses - Oyster Authorizations - Administrative Penalties.

HB0894  Del Jacobs, et al.  Endangered and Threatened Species - Incidental Taking - Bats.

HB0895  Del Rogers.  Employment and Insurance Equality for Service Members Act.

HB0896  Del Stewart.  Human Relations - Discrimination in Housing - Income-Based Housing Subsidies.

HB0897  Del Moon.  Maryland Department of Transportation - Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Expansion - Plans and Programs.

HB0898  Dels Smith and Wells.  Transportation - Vehicle Excise Tax - Rental Vehicles.

HB0899  Dels Wolek and Solomon.  General Provisions - Commemorative Months - Muslim American Heritage and Jewish American Heritage Months.

HB0900  Del Wilson.  Electricity - Data Centers - Rate Schedule and Requirements.

HB0901  Del Wells (BCA).  Baltimore City - Highway User Revenues Capital Grants - Calculation.

HB0902  Del Lehman, et al.  Environment - Coal Combustion By-Products - Fees, Coordinating Committee, and Regulations.

HB0903  Del Buckel, et al.  Courts - Global Warming and Climate Change - Prohibited Actions (Ratepayer Protection Act of 2025).

HB0904  Del Moon.  Department of Planning - Study on Solar Energy Project Sites.

HB0905  Del White Holland, et al.  Hospitals - Clinical Staffing Committees and Plans - Establishment (Safe Staffing Act of 2025).

HB0906  Del Palakovich Carr.  Campaign Finance - Political Organizations - Disclosures on Solicitations (Stop Scam PACs Act).

HB0907  Del Roberson.  Property Tax Credit - Urban Agricultural Property - Alterations.

HB0908  Dels Foley and Roberson.  Montgomery County and Prince George's County - Distracted Driving Monitoring System Pilot Program.

HB0909  Del Stein.  Sewage Sludge Utilization Permits - Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances - Concentration Limits.

HB0910  Del Wolek, et al.  Property Tax - Exemption for Blind Individuals - Alteration.

HB0911  Del Guyton, et al.  Real Property - Landlord and Tenant - Family Child Care Homes.

HB0912  Del Guyton, et al.  Institutions of Higher Education - Instructor Training - Accommodations for Students With Disabilities.

HB0913  Del Wells (BCA).  Baltimore City - Speed Monitoring Systems - Interstate 83.

HB0914  Dels Vogel and Wolek.  State Employees - Cancer Screening - Paid Leave.

HB0915  Del Foley.  Motor Vehicles - Out-of-State Drivers - Enforcement (Out-of-State Driver Accountability Act).

HB0916  Del Amprey.  Criminal Law - Weapon Crimes - Transporting Firearm in Checked Bag on Public Transportation.

HB0917  Del Amprey.  Corporations and Associations - Maryland Securities Act - Filing Fees.

HB0918  Del Clippinger.  Estates and Trusts - Registers of Wills - Salary.

HB0919  Del Palakovich Carr.  State Tax Credits, Exemptions, and Deductions - Alterations and Repeal.

HB0920  Del Spiegel, et al.  Institutions of Postsecondary Education - Institutional Debt - Report.

HB0921  Del J. Lewis.  State Employees - Colleague Bereavement Leave.

HB0922  Del Ebersole.  Sports Wagering - Independent Evaluation of Sports Wagering Content - Required.

HB0923  Del Ebersole, et al.  State Board of Education - Membership - Educational Support and Administrator Members.

HB0924  Del Wilson.  Family Law - Child Custody Evaluators - Qualifications.

HB0925  Del Fisher.  Amendments Convention Called Under Article V of the U.S. Constitution - Delegation to the Convention.

HB0926  Del Williams, et al.  Health Care Malpractice Claims - Health Care Provider - Definition.

HB0927  Del Pena-Melnyk, et al.  General Assembly - Fiscal Notes - Impact of Reduction in Health and Community Support Services.

HB0928  Del Crosby.  Estates and Trusts - Wills - Married Couples and Registered Domestic Partnerships.

HB0929  Del Simpson, et al.  Family Law - Permanent Protective Orders - Consent.

HB0930  Del Lopez, et al.  Public Health Abortion Grant Program - Establishment.

HB0931  Del Stein.  Environment - Covered Electronic Device Recycling Program - Establishment (Electronics Recycling Health and Safety Modernization Act).

HB0932  Dels Korman and Boyce.  Public Ethics - Conflicts of Interest and Blind Trust - Governor.

HB0933  Del Martinez.  Nursing Homes - Direct Care Wages and Benefits and Cost Reports.

HB0934  Del Lopez.  Center for Firearm Violence Prevention and Intervention - Resources, Tools, and Educational Materials.

HB0935  Del Roberts, et al.  Public Schools - Venue-Specific Emergency Action Plans - High School Football Games.

HB0936  Del Shetty, et al.  Health Insurance - Cancellation and Nonrenewal of Coverage - Required Notice.

HB0937  Dels Young and Mireku-North.  Sales and Use Tax - Firearms, Firearm Accessories, and Ammunition - Rate Alteration.

HB0938  Del Stein, et al.  Continuing Care Providers - Governing Bodies - Membership.

HB0939  Del Pena-Melnyk, et al.  Maryland Commission for Women - Maryland Collaborative to Advance Implementation of Coverage of Over-the-Counter Birth Control.

HB0940  Del Kaufman, et al.  Criminal Procedure - Probation Before Judgment - Defendants Diagnosed With Autism or Intellectual Disabilities.

HB0941  Del Toles, et al.  University of Maryland Eastern Shore - Land-Grant Institution - Funding (Land-Grant Equity and Accountability Act).

HB0942  Del Schindler.  Economic Development - Tax Increment Financing - Noncontiguous Areas.

HB0943  Del Toles.  Criminal Law - Crimes of Malicious or Fraudulent Burning - Prohibitions and Penalties.

HB0944  Del Toles.  Family Law - Children in Need of Assistance and Termination of Parental Rights.

HB0945  Del Wilkins.  Election Law - Gubernatorial Primary Election - Date.

HB0946  Del Wilson.  Motor Vehicle Administration - Breathalyzer Technology - Uniform Standards.

HB0947  Del Toles, et al.  Local Government - Charges for Paper Carryout Bags - Limitation.

HB0948  Del Fair, et al.  City of Frederick, Montgomery County, and Prince George's County - Noise Abatement Monitoring Systems - Authorization and Extension.

HB0949  Calvert County Delegation.  Calvert County - Payment in Lieu of Taxes Agreements - Qualified Data Centers.

HB0950  Del Wilson.  Child Abuse and Neglect - Disclosure of Reports and Records.

HB0951  Del Griffith, et al.  School Systems - Reportable Offenses - Alterations.

HB0952  Del Griffith, et al.  Juvenile Sex Offender Registry - Qualifying Offenses and Access.

HB0953  Del Kaiser, et al.  Tax Sales - Homeowner Protection Program - Funding and Alterations.

HB0954  Del Grammer, et al.  Public Safety - State and Local Governments - Use of Unmanned Aircraft.

HB0955  Del Wilson.  Forged Digital Likenesses - Distribution - Prohibition.

HB0956  Del Wilson.  Consumer Protection - Workgroup on Artificial Intelligence Implementation.

HB0957  Del Wilson.  State Procurement - Worker Residency Requirements.

HB0958  Del Stein, et al.  Railroads - Safety Requirements (Maryland Railway Safety Act of 2025).

HB0959  Del Mireku-North.  School Psychologist Interstate Licensure Compact.

HB0960  Del A. Johnson, et al.  Investor-Owned Electric, Gas, and Gas and Electric Companies - Cost Recovery - Limitations and Reporting Requirements (Ratepayer Freedom Act).

HB0961  Del Embry, et al.  Commissioned Public Art - Artist Rights.

HB0962  Del Pena-Melnyk.  Public Health - Pediatric Hospital Overstay Patients.

HB0963  Montgomery County Delegation.  Montgomery County - Highways - Maximum Speed Limits MC 1-25.

HB0964  Montgomery County Delegation.  Montgomery County - Task Force on the Displacement of Residents of Emory Grove MC 5-25.

HB0965  Del Guyton, et al.  Transportation - Locally Operated Transit System Grant Program - Equitable Distribution of Funds.

HB0966  Del Cardin.  Courts - Artificial Intelligence Evidence Clinic Pilot Program - Establishment.

HB0967  Del Otto, et al.  Somerset County Code of Public Local Laws - 2025 Edition - Legalization.

HB0968  Del A. Johnson.  Business Regulation – Licensing – Definition of Storage Warehouse.

HB0969  Del A. Johnson.  Property Tax – Valuation of Operating Property of Rural Broadband Service Providers.

HB0970  Del Woods, et al.  Health Insurance - Insulin - Prohibition on Step Therapy or Fail-First Protocols.

HB0971  Del Pruski.  Anne Arundel County Crownsville Hospital Memorial Park Advisory Committee.

HB0972  Del A. Johnson.  Real Estate Commission - Continuing Education Requirements - Alterations.

HB0973  Del Boafo, et al.  Maryland Building Performance Standards - Fossil Fuel Use, Energy Conservation, and Electric- and Solar-Ready Standards (Better Buildings Act of 2025).

HB0974  Del Shetty, et al.  Health Insurance - Preventive Services - Enforcement Authority.

HB0975  Del Arentz, et al.  Queen Anne's County - Circuit Court Judgeships.

HB0976  Del Arentz, et al.  State and Private Wetlands - Nonwater-Dependent Project - Definition.

HB0977  Del Crosby.  Criminal Law - Manslaughter by Vehicle or Vessel - Increased Penalties (Jamari's Law).

HB0978  Del Stein, et al.  Baltimore County - Speed Monitoring Systems - Interstate 695 and Interstate 83.

HB0979  Del A. Johnson, et al.  Maryland Self-Service Storage Act - Sale of Personal Property in Satisfaction of Lien - Notice Requirements.

HB0980  Del Crosby.  Higher Education - Edward T. and Mary A. Conroy Memorial Scholarship Program - Eligibility.

HB0981  Del Ebersole, et al.  State Department of Education and Department of Information Technology - Evaluation on Artificial Intelligence in Public Schools.

HB0982  Del Schmidt, et al.  Gun Theft Felony Act of 2025.

HB0983  Dels Mireku-North and Wilkins.  Election Law - Local Boards of Elections - Language-Related Assistance.

HB0984  Del Crosby.  Public Utilities - Electric Cooperatives - Rate Proceedings.

HB0985  Del Young, et al.  Police Discipline - Administrative Charging Committees - Additional Charging Committee.

HB0986  Del Ebersole, et al.  Primary and Secondary Education - New Teachers - Retention Program.

HB0987  Del Mangione, et al.  Baltimore County - Alcoholic Beverages - Distance From Place of Worship Restriction - Exception.

HB0988  Montgomery County Delegation.  Montgomery County - Speed Monitoring Systems - Maryland Route 200 (Intercounty Connector) MC 10-25.

HB0989  Del Jacobs, et al.  On-Farm Home Processing License - Revenue Limit - Prohibition.

HB0990  Del Watson.  Municipal Appointees and Employees - Financial Oversight - Required Education and Experience.

HB0991  Del Harris.  State Procurement - Minority Business Enterprise Program - Extension and Reports.

HB0992  Del Korman.  Business Regulation - Maryland Franchise Registration and Disclosure Law - Alterations (Franchise Reform Act).

HB0993  Del Conaway.  Education - Public Middle Schools - Course on Consequences of a Felony Murder Conviction.

HB0994  Del Conaway.  Baltimore City - Public Middle Schools - Course on Consequences of a Felony Murder Conviction.

HB0995  Del Pena-Melnyk.  Workgroup to Study the Rise in Adverse Decisions in the State Health Care System - Establishment.

HB0996  Del Bhandari.  Public Health - Phenibut Consumer Protection Act.

HB0997  Del Spiegel, et al.  Admissions and Amusement Tax - Food and Beverages.

HB0998  Calvert County Delegation.  Calvert County - Property Tax Credit - Tobacco Barns.

HB0999  Del R. Lewis.  Opioid-Associated Disease Prevention and Outreach Program Data - Submission to Local Health Departments.

HB1000  Del Simmons, et al.  Criminal Law - Human Remains, Pet Remains, and Cemeteries - Prohibitions.

HB1001  Del Hartman, et al.  State Designations - State Cocktail - Original Maryland Orange Crush.

HB1002  Del Hornberger, et al.  Consumer and Display Fireworks - Regulation and Tax.

HB1003  Dels Simmons and Young.  Relocation of Human Remains - Authorization Process.

HB1004  Del Martinez.  Public Health - Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementias - Information on Prevalence and Treatment.

HB1005  Del Fisher, et al.  Income Tax - Tips or Gratuities - Subtraction Modification (No Income Taxes on Tips Act).

HB1006  Del Wilkins, et al.  Immigration Enforcement - Sensitive Locations - Guidelines and Policies (Protecting Sensitive Locations Act).

HB1007  Del Wells.  Genetic Testing - Prohibition on Disability, Life, and Long-Term Care Insurance (Genetic Testing Protection Act).

HB1008  Del Buckel, et al.  Vehicle-Miles-Traveled Tax and Associated Mandated Devices - Prohibition (Transportation Freedom Act of 2025).

HB1009  Del Wells.  Baltimore City - Ordinance Enforcement - Amount of Fines and Penalties.

HB1010  Del A. Jones.  African American Heritage Preservation Program and Grant Fund - Noncapital Grants and Donations.

HB1011  The Spkr (Atty Gen Ofc).  Correctional Services - Private Detention Facilities - Deprivation of Rights, Privileges, and Immunities.

HB1012  Del Kerr.  Massage Therapy - Continuing Education Requirements.

HB1013  Del Kerr.  Maryland Medical Assistance Program and Health Insurance - Nonopioid Drugs for the Treatment of Pain.

HB1014  Del Palakovich Carr, et al.  Fair Share for Maryland Act of 2025.

HB1015  Del Miller, et al.  Public Middle, High, and Charter Schools - Start Time for Instruction.

HB1016  Del Wells (BCA).  Economic Development - Baltimore Convention and Tourism Redevelopment and Operating Authority - Established.

HB1017  Del Wells.  Public Works Contracts - Apprenticeship Requirements (Maryland Workforce Apprenticeship Utilization Act).

HB1018  Del Pruski.  Financial Institutions - Conventional Home Mortgage Loans - Assumption and Required Disclosures.

HB1019  Del Schmidt.  Human Relations - Protection of the Free Exercise of Religion.

HB1020  Del Palakovich Carr.  Consumer Protection - Credit Reporting - Medical Debt (Fair Medical Debt Reporting Act).

HB1021  Dels Taylor and Holmes.  Real Estate Appraisers - Licensure and Certification - Qualifications.

HB1022  Del Hutchinson, et al.  Oyster Restoration - Use of Federal Funds - Prohibition.

HB1023  Dels Hutchinson and Adams.  Environment - Wetlands - Landward Boundaries.

HB1024  Del Hutchinson, et al.  Agriculture - Catastrophic Damage Caused by Deer.

HB1025  Del Moon.  Local Education Agencies - Educator Screening - NASDTEC Clearinghouse (School Personnel Vetting and Hiring Transparency Act).

HB1026  Frederick County Delegation.  Frederick County - Alcoholic Beverages - Tasting Permits.

HB1027  Del Kerr.  Workgroup to Study Implementation of a Statewide 3-1-1 Nonemergency Telephone System.

HB1028  Del Forbes (Chr Jt Com on Pnsns).  Board of Trustees for the State Retirement and Pension System - Investment Division - Compensation and Staffing Committee.

HB1029  Del Forbes (Chr Jt Com on Pnsns).  Correctional Officers' Retirement System - Membership - Clarifications.

HB1030  Del Fennell, et al.  Transportation Network Companies - Deactivation of Operators - Policy and Appeal Procedure.

HB1031  Del Miller, et al.  Health Insurance - Required Coverage - Prescription Weight Loss Drugs.

HB1032  Montgomery County Delegation.  Montgomery County - Stop Sign Monitoring Systems - Authorization MC 4-25.

HB1033  Del Forbes (Chr Jt Com on Pnsns).  State Retirement and Pension System - Reemployment Earnings Limitations - Maximum Average Final Compensation.

HB1034  Del Forbes (Chr Jt Com on Pnsns).  State Retirement and Pension System – Alterations and Clarifications.

HB1035  The Spkr and Del Wilson.  Public Utilities - Electricity Generation Planning - Procurement, Permitting, and Co-Location (Next Generation Energy Act).

HB1036  Dels Wilson and Crosby.  Public Utilities - Generating Stations - Generation and Siting (Renewable Energy Certainty Act).

HB1037  Del Crosby.  Energy Resource Adequacy and Planning Act.

HB1038  Dels Vogel and Stonko.  Department of Commerce - Complaint Portal and Annual Report.

HB1039  Del Allen.  Department of Agriculture - Public Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment - Registration, Regulation, and Oversight.

HB1040  Dels Rosenberg and Ruff.  Real Property - Insufficient Condominium Reserve Account Grant Fund - Establishment.

HB1041  Del Roberts.  Homeowners Associations - Reserve Funding Requirements - Exemption.

HB1042  Del Roberts.  Election Law - Absentee Ballots - Duly Authorized Agents.

HB1043  Del Smith, et al.  Maryland Voting Rights Act of 2025 - Voter Suppression and Vote Dilution.

HB1044  Del Smith, et al.  Maryland Voting Rights Act of 2025 - Preclearance and Voter Intimidation and Obstruction.

HB1045  Del Pena-Melnyk, et al.  Health Insurance and Family Planning Services - Consumer Protections - Updates.

HB1046  Del Bagnall.  Insurance Protections for Vehicle Service Contracts.

HB1047  Del Wu, et al.  Income Tax - Credit for Employers of Eligible Apprentices - Alterations.

HB1048  Del Buckel, et al.  Sports Wagering - Wagers on Historical Horse Races - Authorization.

HB1049  Del Feldmark.  Behavioral Health Crisis Response Grant Program - Funding.

HB1050  Del Bartlett, et al.  Family Law - Protective Orders - Surrender of Firearms.

HB1051  Del Kaiser, et al.  Morticians and Funeral Directors - Not-For-Profit Funeral Establishments.

HB1052  Del Charkoudian.  Corporations and Associations - Limited Equity Housing Cooperatives - Establishment.

HB1053  Del Buckel.  Developmental Disabilities Administration - Self-Directed Services - Parent Providers.

HB1054  Del Wu, et al.  Higher Education – High Impact Economic Development Activities – Alterations.

HB1055  Del Fair, et al.  Commission on Nondiscrimination - Establishment.

HB1056  Del Conaway.  Local Government - Excise Tax on Plastic and Paper Carryout Bags.

HB1057  Del Roberts, et al.  Family Law - Treatment Foster Care Homes - Child Care Stipends for Private Providers.

HB1058  Del Terrasa, et al.  Emission Standards, Ambient Air Quality Standards, and Solid Waste Management - Local Authority.

HB1059  Del Fair, et al.  Health - Maryland Helping Everyone Afford Life-Saving Treatments and Health Care (HEALTH) Fund and Income Tax Checkoff.

HB1060  Del Crutchfield.  Judicial and Public Safety for Service Members Act.

HB1061  Del Moon.  State-Owned Property - Inventory and Disposition - Housing and Solar Energy Production.

HB1062  Del Harrison.  Department of the Environment - Community Water and Sewerage Systems - Cybersecurity Planning and Assessments.

HB1063  Mont Co Deleg and PG Co Deleg.  Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission - Design and Construction - Alternative Project Delivery and Solicitation Methods MC/PG 102-25.

HB1064  Mont Co Deleg and PG Co Deleg.  Montgomery County Planning Board and Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission - Open Meetings - Live Streaming Requirement MC/PG 101-25.

HB1065  Mont Co Deleg and PG Co Deleg.  Prince George's County - Board of Appeals - Membership MC/PG 106-25.

HB1066  Dels Ruth and Guzzone.  Commission on Behavioral Health Care Treatment and Access - Membership and Workgroups.

HB1067  Del Conaway.  Local Government - Fee for Plastic and Paper Carryout Bags - Prohibition on Charge.

HB1068  Dels J. Long and Stewart.  Maryland Transportation Authority - Tolls - Collection and Use (Maryland Toll Rate Reform Act of 2025).

HB1069  Dels Woorman and Kaufman.  Life and Health Insurance Policies and Annuity Contracts - Discretionary Clauses – Prohibition.

HB1070  Del Woorman, et al.  Maryland Department of Health - Access to Telephones - Study.

HB1071  Del Forbes.  Baltimore County Public Library - Collective Bargaining - Supervisory Employees.

HB1072  Del Forbes (Chr Jt Com on Pnsns).  State Retirement and Pension System - Administrative Fees - Repeal.

HB1073  Dels Toles and J. Long.  Criminal Law - Theft - Mail and Packages (Porch Piracy Act of 2025).

HB1074  Del Toles.  Criminal Law - Gift Card Crimes.

HB1075  Del J. Long.  Calvert County Board of Education - Elections for Members Representing Specific Districts - Alterations.

HB1076  Del Terrasa, et al.  Residential Real Property - Landlord and Tenant - Notice of Landlord Entry.

HB1077  Dels Boafo and Wilkins.  Landlord and Tenant - Residential Leases - Prospective Tenant Criminal History Records Check (Maryland Fair Chance Housing Act).

HB1078  Del Williams, et al.  Prince George's County - Federal Bureau of Investigation Headquarters - Mandated Appropriation.

HB1079  Dels Fraser-Hidalgo and Wilson.  Public Service Commission - Study on the Electric Transmission and Distribution System.

HB1080  Del Griffith.  Local Government - Local Personnel - Leave With Pay.

HB1081  Del Boafo, et al.  Criminal Law - Masked Intimidation - Prohibition (Unmask Hate Act).

HB1082  Del Pena-Melnyk, et al.  Health Insurance - Individual Market Stabilization - Establishment of the State-Based Health Insurance Subsidies Program.

HB1083  Del Woods, et al.  Maryland Department of Health - Workgroup to Implement Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic, and Treatment Requirements.

HB1084  Del Pena-Melnyk, et al.  Correctional Services – Medication–Assisted Treatment Funding.

HB1085  Del Fair, et al.  Housing Authorities - Tax-Exempt Status - Modifications.

HB1086  Del Martinez, et al.  Maryland Medical Assistance Program and Health Insurance - Coverage for Anesthesia - Prohibiting Time Limitations.

HB1087  Dels Bhandari and Woods.  Health Insurance - Step Therapy or Fail-First Protocols - Drugs to Treat Associated Conditions of Advanced Metastatic Cancer.

HB1088  Del Stein, et al.  Coal Transportation Fee and Fossil Fuel Mitigation Fund (Coal Dust Cleanup and Asthma Remediation Act).

HB1089  Del Solomon.  Data Brokers - Registry and Gross Income Tax (Building Information Guardrails Data Act of 2025).

HB1090  Del Solomon.  Food Supplement Benefits - Students - Eligibility.

HB1091  Del Smith.  Baltimore City Sheriff's Office - Collective Bargaining - Compensation.

HB1092  Del Terrasa, et al.  Recycling - Prohibition on the Chemical Conversion of Plastic.

HB1093  Del Roberts.  Landlord and Tenant - Evictions - Tenant's Personal Property and Moving Expenses and Services (Small Landlord Eviction Relief Act).

HB1094  Montgomery County Delegation.  Montgomery County - Voting Methods MC 9-25.

HB1095  Montgomery County Delegation.  Montgomery County - Alcoholic Beverages - Beauty Salon License MC 3-25.

HB1096  The Spkr (Atty Gen Ofc).  Fraud Prevention and Worker Protections - Prohibitions, Penalties, and Enforcement.

HB1097  Del Feldmark, et al.  Workgroup on Mail-In Ballot Accessibility.

HB1098  Dels Fraser-Hidalgo and Wilson.  Insurance - Automobile Insurance - Maryland Automobile Insurance Fund and Affordability Study.

HB1099  Dels Clippinger and Barnes.  Civil Actions - Punitive Damage Awards - Surcharge.

HB1100  Del White Holland, et al.  Public Health - Health Equity Dashboard.

HB1101  Del Hartman, et al.  Corporate Income Tax - Rate Reduction (Economic Competitiveness Act of 2025).

HB1102  Del Griffith.  State Retirement and Pension System - Military Service Credit - Eligibility.

HB1103  Del Atterbeary.  Local Government - Accommodations Intermediaries - Hotel Rental Tax Collection by Comptroller.

HB1104  Chr HGO (Dept).  Maryland Department of Health - AHEAD Model Implementation - Electronic Health Care Transactions and Population Health Improvement Fund.

HB1105  Del Patterson, et al.  Applicants for Positions Involving Direct Contact With Minors - Required Information, Review Process, and Reporting - Alterations.

HB1106  Del Boafo.  Business Regulation - Travel Services - Surety Requirement (Don't You Worry (Wurie) Act).

HB1107  Del Bartlett, et al.  Juvenile Law - Confinement and Restrictive Housing - Limitations.

HB1108  Allegany County Delegation.  Allegany County - Alcoholic Beverages - Minimum Age for Employment of Underage Individuals.

HB1109  Del Pippy.  Public Health - Medetomidine and Xylazine Consumer Protection Act.

HB1110  Del Wilkins.  Election Law - Individuals Released From State Correctional Facilities - Automatic Restoration of Voter Registration.

HB1111  Del Fraser-Hidalgo.  Public Utilities - Solar Energy Generating Systems - Floating Systems and Systems Located on Brownfields.

HB1112  Del Hornberger, et al.  PFAS Chemicals - Civil Actions and Prohibition on Consumer Product Sales.

HB1113  Del Feldmark.  Election Law - Enhanced Automatic Voter Registration System.

HB1114  Del Rosenberg.  Public Service Internship Scholarship Program - Renaming and Funding.

HB1115  Del Rosenberg.  Maryland Pediatric Cancer Fund - Funding.

HB1116  Del Healey.  Public Safety - State Clearinghouse for Missing Persons.

HB1117  Montgomery County Delegation.  Montgomery County - Common Ownership Communities - Disputes, Payments, and Elections MC 11-25.

HB1118  Carroll County Delegation.  Carroll County Board of Education - Vacancy Procedures - Alterations.

HB1119  Del Foley.  Procurement - Advertising - Local News Organizations.

HB1120  Dels Vogel and Schmidt.  Department of Information Technology – Maryland OneStop – Required State, County, and Municipal Information.

HB1121  Del Shetty, et al.  Child Care Scholarship Program - Youth Transitioning From Foster Placement to Successful Adulthood Pilot Program - Establishment.

HB1122  Del Feldmark.  Office of Child Care Advisory Council - Membership - Alterations.

HB1123  Dels Bartlett and Charkoudian.  Correctional Services - Medical and Elder Parole.

HB1124  Dorchester County Delegation.  Dorchester County - Well and On-Site Sewage Disposal Activities - Privatization Program.

HB1125  Del Clippinger.  Workgroup on Home Detention Monitoring - Report Alterations and Data Collection.

HB1126  Del Ruff, et al.  Unemployment Insurance - Child Support Arrearage to Work Pilot Program - Established.

HB1127  Del Toles, et al.  Public Schools - Water Safety and Swimming - Instructional Content, Plan, and Reporting.

HB1128  Del Holmes.  Land Bank Authorities - Powers and Authority.

HB1129  Del D. Jones, et al.  Constitutional Officers - Gender-Neutral Language.

HB1130  Del Rosenberg.  Baltimore City - Speed Monitoring Systems on Interstate 83 - Unpaid and Overdue Citations.

HB1131  Dels Vogel and Tomlinson.  Public Health - Buprenorphine - Training Grant Program and Workgroup.

HB1132  Del Tomlinson, et al.  Public Schools - Student Fights - School Investigation and Discipline.

HB1133  Del Rosenberg.  Common Ownership Communities - Reserve Studies - Annual Revisions.

HB1134  Del Fair.  Sports Wagering - Sports Wagering Facility Licensees - Provision of Services.

HB1135  Dels Rosenberg and Ruff.  Environment - Maryland Clean Water Fund - Authorized Uses.

HB1136  Dels Rosenberg and Ruff.  Community-Based Residential Facilities - Licensing Entities - Provision of Licensing Criteria and Single Point of Contact.

HB1137  Dels Rosenberg and Ruff.  Maryland Transit Administration - Baltimore East-West Corridor - Property Acquisition.

HB1138  Del Fair.  Higher Education - Private Career Schools - Advertising.

HB1139  Del Allen.  Motor Vehicles - Intelligent Speed Assistance System Pilot Program - Establishment.

HB1140  Del Ebersole.  Gaming – Prohibition of Online Sweepstakes Games and Revenue From Illegal Markets.

HB1141  Del Ebersole.  Baltimore County - Alcoholic Beverages - Change of Location.

HB1142  Del Bagnall.  Public Health - Maryland Interested Parties Advisory Group - Establishment.

HB1143  Del Bagnall, et al.  Dental Services - Dental Hygienists in Schools and School-Based Health Centers and the Maryland Collaborative to Improve Children's Oral Health Through School-Based Programs.

HB1144  Dels Addison and Lehman.  State Public Transit Service and Stations - Exclusion for Assault and Bodily Injury.

HB1145  Del Ebersole.  Baltimore County - Alcoholic Beverages - Waiting Period After License Denial.

HB1146  Del White Holland.  Maryland Behavioral Health Crisis Response System – Integration of 9–8–8 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline Network and Outcome Evaluations.

HB1147  Del Embry.  Correctional Services - Maryland Parole Commission - Improvements in Transparency and Equity.

HB1148  Del Wivell, et al.  Property and Casualty Insurance - Lapses in Coverage - Prohibition on Denial.

HB1149  Del Adams.  Public Service Commission - Full Costs and Benefits Analysis of Sources of Electricity Generation.

HB1150  Del Martinez, et al.  Criminal Law - Personal Identifying Information and Images of Individuals - Dissemination.

HB1151  Del Taylor, et al.  Residential Real Property Sales – Appraisals.

HB1152  Del Stein.  Real Property - Residential Rental Property - Pet Policy Disclosure (Pet Policy Transparency Act).

HB1153  Del Adams, et al.  Maryland Estate Tax - Unified Credit.

HB1154  Del R. Long, et al.  Correctional Services - Home Detention - Removal.

HB1155  Del Stein.  Department of the Environment - Ecological Restoration.

HB1156  Del Phillips.  Correctional Services - Maryland Parole Commission - Members and Hearing Examiners.

HB1157  Del Phillips.  Correctional Services - Assessment of State Correctional System.

HB1158  Del Phillips.  Civil Actions Against Firearm Industry Members - Private Right of Action.

HB1159  Del Wivell, et al.  Insurance - Property and Casualty Insurance - Minimum Acceptable Loss Ratio and Premium Refunds.

HB1160  Del Fisher.  Calvert County - Personal Property Tax - Exemption.

HB1161  Calvert County Delegation.  Calvert County - CalvertHealth Medical Center.

HB1162  Del Stein.  Heating, Ventilation, Air-Conditioning, or Refrigeration Contractors - Equipment Sales.

HB1163  Del Patterson, et al.  Task Force to Study Fencing for Bodies of Water and Playgrounds - Established.

HB1164  Del Feldmark.  Counties and Municipalities - Homelessness - Local Laws (Right to Rest Act).

HB1165  Del Phillips, et al.  Family Law - Child Custody and Visitation - Visitation Reevaluations and Remedies.

HB1166  Dels Adams and Hutchinson.  State Finance and Procurement - Retention Proceeds.

HB1167  Mont Co Deleg and PG Co Deleg.  Montgomery County - Municipal Authority to Regulate Structures - Alterations MC/PG 116-25.

HB1168  Mont Co Deleg and PG Co Deleg.  Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission – Service Charges MC/PG 112–25.

HB1169  Montgomery County Delegation.  Montgomery County - Board of Education - Mandatory School Holidays MC 6-25.

HB1170  Del Adams, et al.  Maryland Home Improvement Commission - Residential Solar Power System Installation - Contractor License Required.

HB1171  Del Amprey.  Corporations and Associations – Revisions.

HB1172  Del Amprey.  Baltimore City – Alcoholic Beverages – Authorizations and Revisions.

HB1173  Montgomery County Delegation.  Montgomery County - Speed Monitoring Systems - High-Risk Highways MC 17-25.

HB1174  Montgomery County Delegation.  Montgomery County - Alcoholic Beverages - Class BD-BWL Licenses - Multiple Licenses MC 18-25.

HB1175  Del Stein.  Nutrient Management - Tidal Buffer - Vegetative Buffers and Restriction on Fertilizer Application.

HB1176  Del Foley, et al.  Motor Vehicles - Plug-In Electric Drive Vehicles in HOV Lane - Termination Date.

HB1177  Del Hill, et al.  Landlord and Tenant - Tenant Repair and Maintenance Complaint Hotline - Establishment.

HB1178  Del Young, et al.  Baltimore City - Property Taxes - Authority to Set Special Rates.

HB1179  Montgomery County Delegation.  Montgomery County - Board of Education - Student Cellular Phone Policy MC 13-25.

HB1180  Del Fisher, et al.  Education - Primary and Secondary Schools - Alternative School Options (Right to Learn Act).

HB1181  Del Baker.  Task Force on the Establishment of a State Park Dedicated to Veterans' Care.

HB1182  Del Fisher, et al.  Corporations and Associations - Methodist Church Trust Requirement - Repeal.

HB1183  Del Fisher.  Vehicle Laws - Drivers' Schools and Driver Education Programs - Age of Instruction Vehicles.

HB1184  Del Reilly, et al.  Port of Deposit State Historical Park - Size and Scope.

HB1185  Del Nkongolo, et al.  Homeschool Students in Maryland - Right to Play.

HB1186  Del Miller, et al.  Criminal Law - Causing Ingestion of an Abortion-Inducing Drug - Prohibition (Women's Freedom From Coercion Act).

HB1187  Del Nkongolo, et al.  Health Insurance - Scalp Cooling Systems - Required Coverage.

HB1188  Del Miller, et al.  Public Safety - Immigration Enforcement - Cooperation.

HB1189  Del Young, et al.  Baltimore City - Property Tax - Authority to Establish a Subclass and Special Rate for Property No Longer Used for Nonprofit Purposes.

HB1190  Del Crutchfield, et al.  Criminal Law - Youth Accountability and Safety Act.

HB1191  Del McComas, et al.  Family Law - Child Custody - Determinations.

HB1192  Del R. Long, et al.  Income, Sales and Use, and Property Taxes - Rescission of Exempt Status for Nonprofit Organizations for Supporting Terrorist Organizations.

HB1193  Del Wolek, et al.  Housing Development Permits - Local Reporting Requirements (Maryland Housing Data Transparency Act).

HB1194  Del Tomlinson, et al.  Public Schools - Injury Incidents - Requirements for Tracking and Reporting.

HB1195  Mont Co Deleg and PG Co Deleg.  Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission - Membership, Transparency, Billing, and Planning (WSSC Transparency and Reform Act of 2025) MC/PG 105-25.

HB1196  Mont Co Deleg and PG Co Deleg.  Prince George's County - Utility Services - Master Meters MC/PG 115-25.

HB1197  Frederick County Delegation.  Frederick County - Sheriff - Salary.

HB1198  Del Crutchfield, et al.  Correctional Services - Comprehensive Rehabilitative Prerelease Services - Female Incarcerated Individuals (The Monica Cooper Prerelease Act).

HB1199  Del Hill, et al.  Physicians - Licensing - Internationally Trained Physicians.

HB1200  Del Valentine, et al.  Property Tax - Credit for Law Enforcement Officer or Rescue Worker - Expansion to Judicial Officer.

HB1201  Del Valentine, et al.  Vehicle Emissions Inspection Program – Exemptions – Individuals With Disabilities and Older Drivers.

HB1202  Del Valentine, et al.  Criminal Law - Drug Trafficking Crime - Definition.

HB1203  Del R. Long.  Maryland Transportation Authority - Replacement for the Francis Scott Key Bridge - Suspension of Tolls.

HB1204  Del Patterson, et al.  Public and Nonpublic Schools - Student Elopement - Notice and Reporting Requirements.

HB1205  Del Wivell, et al.  Family Law - Prospective Foster Care Parents and Out-of-Home Placements.

HB1206  Montgomery County Delegation.  Montgomery County - Silver Spring Purple Line Construction Zone Parking Improvement Grant Program MC 16-25.

HB1207  Montgomery County Delegation.  Montgomery County - Board of Education - Compensation MC 7-25.

HB1208  Del Alston, et al.  Public Health - Prohibited Ingredients in Food.

HB1209  Dels McComas and Grammer.  Child Abuse and Neglect - Reports and Records - Disclosure.

HB1210  Del McComas, et al.  Workers' Compensation - Evaluation of Permanent Impairments - Licensed Certified Social Worker-Clinical.

HB1211  Del R. Long, et al.  Education - Reporting Arrests of Students - Alterations.

HB1212  Del McComas.  Criminal Law - Obscene Material - Device Filters.

HB1213  Del R. Long.  Baltimore County - Alcoholic Beverages - Class A Licenses - Self-Checkout Machines Prohibited.

HB1214  Dels R. Long and Hornberger.  Property Tax - Homestead Property Tax Credit - First-Time Homebuyer.

HB1215  Del Hartman, et al.  Common Ownership Communities - Time to Attain Reserve Funding Level - Extension.

HB1216  Del Acevero, et al.  Vehicle Registration - Fee Exemptions - Military Honorees.

HB1217  Del Buckel, et al.  Natural Gas Generating Facilities - Authorization.

HB1218  Del Buckel, et al.  Construction and Expansion of Transmission Lines and Task Force to Develop a Realistic Electricity Plan for Maryland.

HB1219  Del Miller, et al.  Maryland Co-Location Energy Innovation and Reliability Act.

HB1220  Del S. Johnson, et al.  Human Remains - Transportation Protection Agreements.

HB1221  Del Feldmark.  Common Ownership Communities - Online Publication of Resale Disclosures.

HB1222  Del Williams, et al.  Public Safety - Immigration Enforcement (Maryland Values Act).

HB1223  Del Rose, et al.  State Board of Cosmetologists - Licensing - Eyelash Extensions.

HB1224  Del Rose, et al.  Forest Conservation Act - Linear Projects - Alteration.

HB1225  Del Qi, et al.  Public Utilities - Electric Distribution System Plans - Establishment (Affordable Grid Act).

HB1226  Del Young, et al.  Baltimore City - Stop Sign Monitoring Systems - Authorization.

HB1227  Montgomery County Delegation.  Montgomery County - Vehicle Control and Monitoring Systems - Distribution of Contested Traffic Fines, Application, and Implementation MC 8-25.

HB1228  Montgomery County Delegation.  Department of Commerce - Montgomery County Agricultural Reserve Study MC 15-25.

HB1229  Montgomery County Delegation.  Montgomery County - Alcoholic Beverages Licenses - Health and Safety Regulations MC 21-25.

HB1230  Mont Co Deleg and PG Co Deleg.  Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission - System Development Charge - Exemptions MC/PG 107-25.

HB1231  Mont Co Deleg and PG Co Deleg.  Montgomery County and Prince George's County - Qualifying Municipal Corporation - Land Use MC/PG 114-25.

HB1232  Del Conaway.  Local Government - Fees, Receipts, and Penalties for Plastic and Paper Carryout Bags.

HB1233  Dels A. Johnson and S. Johnson.  Community Solar Energy Generating Systems - Subscription Eligibility.

HB1234  Montgomery County Delegation.  Montgomery County - Prohibited Restrictions on Use - Accessory Dwelling Units MC 2-25.

HB1235  Del Arentz, et al.  Queen Anne's County - Licensed Cannabis Dispensary and Processor Locations - Distance Requirements.

HB1236  Del Arentz, et al.  Queen Anne's County - Municipalities - Speed Limits.

HB1237  Del Feldmark.  Department of the Environment - Public Comment Period - Requirement.

HB1238  Del Otto, et al.  Somerset County - Alcoholic Beverages - Liquor Tasting License.

HB1239  Del Taveras, et al.  Fair Housing and Housing Discrimination - Regulations, Intent, and Discriminatory Effect.

HB1240  Del Wilson.  Health Care Providers and Health Insurance Carriers - Use of Artificial Intelligence in Health Care Decision Making.

HB1241  Del Amprey.  Other Tobacco Products and Electronic Smoking Devices - Seizure and Wholesaler Licensure Requirements.

HB1242  Del Hill, et al.  Primary and Secondary Students - Vision and Hearing Studies and Evaluations.

HB1243  Del S. Johnson.  Health Insurance - Coverage for Specialty Drugs.

HB1244  Dels Guyton and Bagnall.  Maryland Developmental Disabilities Administration Waiver Advisory Council - Establishment.

HB1245  Del Wims.  Blueprint for Maryland's Future - Alterations.

HB1246  Del S. Johnson.  Health Benefit Plans - Calculation of Cost Sharing Contribution - Requirements.

HB1247  Del Otto.  Correctional Services - Parole, Commutation of Sentence, Pardon, and Remission of Sentence - Notification.

HB1248  Del Woorman, et al.  Revenge Pornography and Intimate Visual Depictions - Prohibition and Removal.

HB1249  Del Jacobs, et al.  Natural Resources - Blue Catfish - Population Control.

HB1250  Del Stonko, et al.  State Retirement Agency - Report on Employer Contribution Rate Impact of Teacher Salary Increases.

HB1251  Del Toles, et al.  Health Care Facilities and Medical Professional Liability Insurers - Obstetric Services Policies (Doula and Birth Policy Transparency Act).

HB1252  Del A. Johnson, et al.  County Boards of Education - Appointed Members in Leadership Positions - Prohibition.

HB1253  The Spkr.  Maryland Department of Social Equity - Established.

HB1254  Del Palakovich Carr, et al.  Community Eligibility Provision Expansion Program - Establishment.

HB1255  Dels McComas and Buckel.  Land Use - Historic Preservation Commission - Right of Appeal.

HB1256  Del Ziegler, et al.  Vehicle Laws - Fully Autonomous Vehicles.

HB1257  Del Vogel, et al.  Landlord and Tenant - Residential Leases - Fee Disclosures.

HB1258  Del Arikan, et al.  Consumer Goods - Restrictions Based on Energy Source - Prohibition (Energy Equality Act of 2025).

HB1259  Del Howard.  Anne Arundel County - Alcoholic Beverages - License and Permit Distance Requirements.

HB1260  Del Arentz, et al.  State Boat Act - Abandoned or Sunken Recreational Vessels - Identification and Removal.

HB1261  Del Boafo.  Employment Discrimination - Intent.

HB1262  Del Wilkins.  County Boards of Education – Post College and Career Readiness Pathways – Payment of Costs.

HB1263  Del Adams, et al.  Natural Resources - Public Clam Fishery Area - Establishment.

HB1264  Del Rose, et al.  Public Schools - Mathematics Credit - College Preparatory Computer Science or Computer Programming Course.

HB1265  Chr W&M and Chr JUD (Dept).  Juveniles - Arrests for Reportable Offenses.

HB1266  Mont Co Deleg and PG Co Deleg.  Montgomery County and Prince George's County - Zoning and Land Use - Fairness in Zoning MC/PG 117-25.

HB1267  Del Howard, et al.  Public Schools - Veterans' Day - Authorized Public School Holiday.

HB1268  Del Howard, et al.  Health Insurance - Lyme Disease and Related Tick-Borne Illnesses - Long-Term Antibiotic Treatment.

HB1269  Del Howard.  School Bus Transition - Propane-Powered School Buses - Grant Program, Fund, and Purchase.

HB1270  Del Hinebaugh.  Natural Resources - Wildland Areas - Overhead Transmission Lines.

HB1271  Del Ciliberti, et al.  Health - Abortion - Ultrasound and Wait Time.

HB1272  Del Woorman, et al.  Youth Sports Safety Advisory Commission.

HB1273  Chr ECM (Dept).  Maryland Strategic Energy Investment Fund and Customer-Sited Solar Program - Alterations.

HB1274  Del A. Johnson.  Consumer Protection - Third-Party Litigation Financing.

HB1275  Del Howard.  Anne Arundel County Board of Education - Constituent Services Liaison - Establishment.

HB1276  Del Howard, et al.  Income Tax - Credit for Long-Term Care Premiums.

HB1277  Del Hinebaugh.  Department of Natural Resources - Savage River Lodge - Hotel Rental Surcharge.

HB1278  Del Hinebaugh.  Garrett County - Hotel Rental Tax - Alterations.

HB1279  Del Howard, et al.  State Agencies – Adoption of Regulations – Required.

HB1280  Del Qi, et al.  Election Law - Affiliating With a Party and Voting - Unaffiliated Voters.

HB1281  Del Kipke.  Anne Arundel County - Alcoholic Beverages - Limited Cultural Event Permit.

HB1282  Del Tomlinson.  Criminal Law - Uploading Criminal Activity on Social Media Application - Prohibition (MaKenzi's Law).

HB1283  Charles County Delegation.  Charles County - Off-Highway Recreational Vehicles - Regulation and Enforcement.

HB1284  Charles County Delegation.  Charles County - Governing Bodies of Common Ownership Communities - Member Training.

HB1285  Del R. Long.  Baltimore County - Property Tax - Homeowners Property Tax Credit.

HB1286  Del R. Long.  Tax Exemptions - Individuals Detained or Taken Hostage Abroad.

HB1287  Del Williams, et al.  Criminal Law - Firearm Crimes - Convertible Pistols.

HB1288  Del Rose.  Labor and Employment - Noncompete and Conflict of Interest Provisions.

HB1289  Del Howard, et al.  Drug and Alcohol Treatment Programs - Discharge of Patients and Referral Services - Standards.

HB1290  Del Stonko.  General Provisions - Full-Year Daylight Saving Time.

HB1291  Del Wims.  Health Facilities - Assisted Living Programs - Family Councils.

HB1292  Del Kaiser, et al.  Health Insurance - Provider Directory - Required Updates.

HB1293  Del Smith, et al.  Baltimore City - Office of the Sheriff - Neighborhood Services Unit.

HB1294  Del Wilson.  Commercial Law - Credit Regulation - Earned Wage Access and Credit Modernization.

HB1295  Del R. Long.  Baltimore County - Transfer Tax - Exemption for First-Time Home Buyers.

HB1296  Del Pruski.  Environment - Managed Aquifer Recharge Pilot Program - Establishment.

HB1297  Del Hornberger, et al.  Public Ethics - Local Government and School Boards - Requirements.

HB1298  Del Martinez.  Health Occupations - Practice of Audiology - Definition.

HB1299  Dels Hornberger and Ciliberti.  Natural Resources - Western Maryland - Elk.

HB1300  Del Rosenberg.  Baltimore City - Cigarettes and Other Tobacco Products - Public Notice of Application for County License.

HB1301  Del Rosenberg.  Maryland Medical Assistance Program, Maryland Children’s Health Program, and Health Insurance – Transfers to Special Pediatric Hospitals – Prior Authorizations.

HB1302  Dels Rosenberg and Ruff.  Housing and Community Development - Housing Counseling.

HB1303  Dels Mireku-North and Wims.  Child Care Centers - Teacher Qualifications - Alterations.

HB1304  Del Wilson.  Department of Legislative Services - Data Collection - Violent Crimes.

HB1305  Dels Miller and Buckel.  Maryland Consortium on Coordinated Community Supports - Workgroup and Study.

HB1306  Del Patterson, et al.  Public Health - Sickle Cell Disease - Specialized Clinics and Scholarship Program for Medical Residents.

HB1307  Del Chisholm, et al.  Public Safety - Immigration Enforcement - Cooperation.

HB1308  Del Alston, et al.  Crime of Violence - Medical Facilities and Places of Worship - Penalty (Sacred Places Safety Act).

HB1309  Del Wu.  Cybersecurity – Standards, Compliance, and Audits – Alterations.

HB1310  Del Bhandari.  Prescription Drug Repository Program - Out-of-State Pharmacies.

HB1311  Howard County Delegation.  Howard County - Speed Monitoring Systems - Authorization Ho. Co. 9-25.

HB1312  Del Reilly, et al.  Real Property - Partition of Property - Liens.

HB1313  Del R. Long.  Education - Student Behavior - Parent and Guardian Notice and Required Counseling (Parent and Guardian Accountability Act).

HB1314  Del Miller, et al.  Health Care - Prior Authorizations - Prohibiting Fees and Use of Artificial Intelligence.

HB1315  Del Guzzone, et al.  Health Insurance - Coverage for Child Wellness Services - Immunizations.

HB1316  Del Wolek, et al.  Primary and Secondary Education - Student Technology and Social Media Resource Guide.

HB1317  Del Wu, et al.  County Superintendents - Contracts - Required Provisions (Superintendent Buyout Limit).

HB1318  Del A. Johnson, et al.  Alcoholic Beverages - Premium Cigar Lounge License - Establishment (Maryland Premium Cigar Lounge Act of 2025).

HB1319  Del Rose, et al.  Criminal Law - Theft - Redeemable Credit Points.

HB1320  Del Valderrama.  Law Enforcement Officers' Pension System - Forest Heights Police Department - Membership.

HB1321  Del Rose, et al.  Income Tax - Credit for Cybersecurity Measures Undertaken by Small Businesses.

HB1322  Del Pena-Melnyk, et al.  Natural Resources - Vessels - Carbon Monoxide Warning Labels.

HB1323  Dels Valderrama and Wu.  Education - Public Schools - Asian American History Curriculum Requirement.

HB1324  Del Spiegel, et al.  Hospitals - Medical Debt Collection - Sale of Patient Debt to Nonprofit Organizations.

HB1325  Del Miller, et al.  Substitute Child Care Provider Pool Pilot Program - Established.

HB1326  Del Wivell.  Prekindergarten Savings Account Program - Establishment.

HB1327  Del Wivell.  Natural Resources - Maryland Heritage Areas Authority - Funding and Grants.

HB1328  Del Hill, et al.  End-of-Life Option Act (The Honorable Elijah E. Cummings and the Honorable Shane E. Pendergrass Act).

HB1329  Del Reilly, et al.  Public Utilities - Energy Generation and Transmission.

HB1330  Del R. Long.  Baltimore County - Residential Real Property - Moratorium on Assessment Increases and Review of Assessment Practices and Methodology.

HB1331  Del Qi.  Consumer Protection - Artificial Intelligence.

HB1332  Del Qi, et al.  Property Tax - Exemption - Glenstone Foundation, Inc..

HB1333  Washington County Delegation.  Washington County - Property Tax Credit for Disabled Veterans - Eligibility.

HB1334  Del Hinebaugh.  Garrett County - Bids and Contracts - Advertisement Exceptions.

HB1335  Caroline County Delegation.  Caroline County - Alcoholic Beverages - Multiple Event Licenses.

HB1336  Del Cullison.  Hospitals - Financial Assistance - Medical Bill Reimbursement.

HB1337  Del Mangione, et al.  Real Property - Condemnation - Damages Awarded for Lost Profits.

HB1338  Del Valderrama.  Public Utilities - Certificates of Public Convenience and Necessity - Energy Storage Devices.

HB1339  Del Valderrama.  Employees' Pension System - Town of Forest Heights Employees - Membership.

HB1340  Del Rose, et al.  Labor and Employment - Unpaid Parental Leave - Definition of Employer.

HB1341  Del Woods, et al.  Health Insurance - Appeals and Adverse Decisions - Call Centers, Notification Requirements, and Required Survey.

HB1342  Del Lehman, et al.  Pesticide and Pest Control - State-Owned Property - Pesticide Use Restrictions and Pollinator Habitat.

HB1343  Del D. Jones, et al.  Anne Arundel County - Property Tax - Day Care Centers and Child Care Centers.

HB1344  Del D. Jones, et al.  Department of General Services - Assessment of State-Owned Facilities - Child Care Centers.

HB1345  Del Jacobs, et al.  Consumer Protection - Agricultural Equipment Warranties.

HB1346  Del Amprey, et al.  Criminal Procedure - Evidence - Protecting the Admissibility of Creative Expression (PACE Act).

HB1347  Del Adams.  Cannabis Agents - Registration - Security Guards.

HB1348  Del Amprey.  Consumer Protection - Solicitation Following a Disaster - Prohibition.

HB1349  Del Tomlinson, et al.  Criminal Law - Unmanned Aircraft Systems - Trespass and Surveillance.

HB1350  Del Arikan, et al.  Criminal Law - Fourth Degree Sexual Offense - Out-of-State Convictions.

HB1351  Del Ghrist.  Health Insurance - Provider Panels - Credentialing for Behavioral Health Care Professionals.

HB1352  Del Patterson, et al.  Sickle Cell Disease - Institutions of Higher Education - Policies, Procedures, and Educational Campaigns.

HB1353  Del Boafo.  Commercial Law - Uniform Commercial Code - Controllable Electronic Records.

HB1354  Del Simmons.  Business Regulation - Cemeteries - Requirements for Sale or Transfer or Government Acquisition.

HB1355  Del Reilly, et al.  Health Insurance - Required Coverage - Hearing Aids.

HB1356  Del Reilly, et al.  Criminal Procedure - Pretrial Release - Bail.

HB1357  Del Reilly, et al.  Public Health - Reproductive Health Care Data - Report.

HB1358  Del Reilly, et al.  Criminal Procedure - Home Detention - Time Served Credits.

HB1359  Charles County Delegation.  Charles County - Student Bus Transportation Providers - Provider Displacement.

HB1360  Del Qi, et al.  Environment - Road Salt - Outdoor Storage.

HB1361  Del Bhandari.  Public Safety - Law Enforcement Agencies - Standardized Report Writing System (Maryland Statewide Law Enforcement Report Writing Standardization Act).

HB1362  Del Mangione, et al.  Eminent Domain - Just Compensation - Fees and Costs.

HB1363  Del Bhandari.  Places of Public Accommodation - Captioning for Motion Picture Houses - Alterations.

HB1364  Del Qi.  Office of Social Equity - Community Reinvestment and Repair Fund - Advisory Board and Modifications.

HB1365  Del Harrison.  Commercial Law - Online Data Privacy - Limits on Data Collection.

HB1366  Del Ruff, et al.  Health Insurance - Testing for Ovarian and Cervical Cancers - Required Coverage and Prohibited Cost Sharing.

HB1367  Del Rosenberg.  Lead Testing and Inspections - Falsifying Information - Penalty.

HB1368  Del Martinez, et al.  Certificates of Birth, Licenses, and Identification Cards - Sex Designation (Birth Certificate Modernization Act).

HB1369  Del Wims.  Education - Minimum Wage for Education Support Professionals.

HB1370  Del Spiegel, et al.  Transportation - Regional Transportation Authorities.

HB1371  Del Terrasa.  Vehicle Laws - Driver's Licenses - Electronic Credentials (Maryland Mobile ID Enhancement Act).

HB1372  Washington County Delegation.  Washington County - Notice of Tax Sale - Alterations.

HB1373  Del Ghrist, et al.  Education - Virtual Schools - Operation by For-Profit Entities.

HB1374  Del Ghrist, et al.  Prekindergarten - 3-Year-Olds - Private Providers (Parental Choice for Prekindergarten Act).

HB1375  Del Stein.  Vehicle Equipment - Portable Variable Messaging Signs - Authorization.

HB1376  Del Pena-Melnyk.  Maryland Department of Health - Provision of Health Care Services - Study.

HB1377  Del Amprey.  Cannabis - Advertising - Prohibited Locations (Equity in Cannabis Advertising Act).

HB1378  Del Wilson.  Child Sexual Abuse Claims Against the State - Time Limitation.

HB1379  Del Amprey.  Alcoholic Beverages - Class A License - Retail Establishments (Alcoholic Beverages Modernization Act of 2025).

HB1380  Del Pena-Melnyk, et al.  Health Care Facilities - Hospitals and Freestanding Birthing Centers - Perinatal Care Standards.

HB1381  Del J. Long.  House of Delegates - Renaming.

HB1382  Del Bagnall.  Public Health - Human Immunodeficiency Virus - Repeal of Prohibition on Transfer and Study.

HB1383  Del Miller, et al.  State Board of Education - Online Special Education System - Technical Requirements.

HB1384  Howard County Delegation.  Howard County - Study on Detecting Deadly Weapons in Public Middle and High Schools Ho. Co. 15-25.

HB1385  Del Miller, et al.  Children - Parental Rights - Educational Rights.

HB1386  Howard County Delegation.  Howard County - Board of Education - Mandatory School Holidays Ho. Co. 10-25.

HB1387  Howard County Delegation.  Howard County - Alcoholic Beverages - Class D Licenses - Delivery.

HB1388  Del Barnes.  Employees' Pension System and Teachers' Pension System - Deferred Retirement Option Program - Establishment.

HB1389  Del Young.  Strategic Bitcoin Reserve Act of Maryland.

HB1390  Del Vogel.  Income Tax - Subtraction Modification - Losses From Theft or Fraud.

HB1391  Del Young, et al.  Education - Artificial Intelligence - Guidelines, Professional Development, and Task Force.

HB1392  Del R. Long, et al.  Vehicle Laws - Cannabis Use in Motor Vehicle With Minor Occupant - Prohibition.

HB1393  Del Hill, et al.  Youth Sports Programs - Registrations, Personnel, and Policy.

HB1394  Del Acevero, et al.  Civil Actions - Nonprofit Organizations - Unauthorized Support of Israeli Settlement Activity (Not On Our Dime Act).

HB1395  Dels Metzgar and McComas.  County Boards of Education - Volunteer Aides - School Chaplain.

HB1396  Del Rose, et al.  Property Rights Protection Act of 2025.

HB1397  Del Tomlinson, et al.  Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity - Overhead Transmission Lines - Grid Enhancing Technologies.

HB1398  Del Tomlinson, et al.  Criminal Law - Distribution of Heroin or Fentanyl Causing Serious Bodily Injury or Death (Victoria, Scottie, Ashleigh, and Yader's Law).

HB1399  Del Arikan, et al.  Health Occupations - Cross-Sex Hormone Therapy for Minors - Prohibition (Protect the Kids Act).

HB1400  Del Boafo, et al.  No Tax on Tips Act.

HB1401  Calvert County Delegation.  Calvert County Commissioners - Prohibited Gatherings and Events.

HB1402  Del Grammer, et al.  Maryland Department of Health and Department of Human Services – Public Benefits – Prevention of Waste, Fraud, and Abuse.

HB1403  Del Rose, et al.  Primary and Secondary Education - Full-Time Equivalent Enrollment Count - Alterations (Truancy Reduction Act of 2025).

HB1404  Del McComas.  Workers' Compensation - Rehabilitation Practitioners - Licensed Certified Social Worker-Clinical.

HB1405  Del Allen.  Commercial Law - Vehicles Towed or Removed From Parking Lots - Statutory Liens and Administrative Hearings.

HB1406  Del Behler, et al.  Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity - Environmental Impact Analysis and Existing Burden Report.

HB1407  Dels Amprey and Boafo.  Commercial Law - Voice and Visual Likeness - Digital Replication Rights (Nurture Originals, Foster Art, and Keep Entertainment Safe Act - NO FAKES ACT).

HB1408  Del Boafo.  Employment Discrimination - Fire and Rescue Public Safety Employees - Use of Medical Cannabis.

HB1409  Dels Woorman and McComas.  Health - Medical Care Facilities - Electronic Monitoring Devices.

HB1410  Del R. Long, et al.  State Transfer Tax - Exemption for First-Time Home Buyers - Alterations.

HB1411  Dels Rosenberg and Ruff.  Real Property - Insufficient Condominium Reserve Account Grant Fund - Establishment.

HB1412  Del Alston, et al.  Business Regulation - Retail Stores - Carryout Bags.

HB1413  Dels Behler and J. Lewis.  Labor and Employment - Employer Communications During Nonworking Hours - Right to Disconnect.

HB1414  Del Hartman, et al.  Building Energy Performance Standards - Public Safety, Emergency, and Public Utility Buildings - Exclusion (Safe Solutions Now Act of 2025).

HB1415  Del Wivell, et al.  Environment - Building Energy Performance Standards and Energy Use Intensity Targets - Exemptions.

HB1416  Del Amprey.  State Department of Assessments and Taxation - Expedited Document Processing and Fees.

HB1417  Del Adams, et al.  Department of General Services - Clean Energy Procurement Program - Establishment.

HB1418  Del Miller, et al.  Criminal Law - Gaming - Online Gambling and Betting.

HB1419  Del Fraser-Hidalgo.  Electric Distribution System Support Services - Cost Recovery and Energy Storage.

HB1420  Del Woorman, et al.  Registers of Wills - Identity Verification Without Government-Issued Identification.

HB1421  Del Miller.  Accountability and Implementation Board - Scope of Authority.

HB1422  Del McCaskill, et al.  State Government - Maryland Reparations Commission.

HB1423  Del Crutchfield.  Commission to Review and Assess Racial Disparities in the State Criminal Justice System - Establishment.

HB1424  Del J. Lewis, et al.  Catastrophic Event Account and Federal Government Shutdown Employee Assistance Loan Fund - Alterations (Protect Our Federal Workers Act).

HB1425  Del Wilson.  Criminal Law - Identity Fraud - Artificial Intelligence and Deepfake Representations.

HB1426  Del Rose, et al.  Carroll County - Board of Health and Health Department.

HB1427  Del Miller, et al.  Maryland Zero Emission Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Council - Revisions.

HB1428  Dels Boafo and Amprey.  Sale of Residential Property - Taxes and Offers to Purchase (End Hedge Fund Control of Maryland Homes Act of 2025).

HB1429  Del Holmes.  Youth Services Bureaus - Criminal History Records Checks - Employees, Volunteers, and Interns.

HB1430  Del Miller, et al.  Teachers - Career Ladder Compensation and National Board Certification Study (Maryland Educator Stipend Reform Act).

HB1431  Del Charkoudian, et al.  State and Local Agencies - Enforcement of Federal Immigration Law - Restrictions on Access to Information (Maryland Data Privacy Act).

HB1432  Del Wilson.  Minority Business Enterprises - Coordination of Resources.

HB1433  Del Toles, et al.  Juvenile Court - Jurisdiction.

HB1434  Del Amprey.  Food Deserts Workgroup - Establishment.

HB1435  Del Acevero, et al.  Public Safety - Maryland Police Training and Standards Commission - Prohibition Against Certain Affiliation or Support by Police Officers.

HB1436  Del Miller.  Public School Construction - Projections and Funding - Inflationary Adjustments.

HB1437  Del Arentz.  Catastrophic Health Emergency - Immunity for Health Care Providers - Repeal.

HB1438  Del Behler.  Labor and Employment - Exemptions From Overtime Pay - Administrative, Executive, or Professional Capacity.

HB1439  Del Qi, et al.  Better Small Business Employee Benefit Act of 2025.

HB1440  Del R. Lewis.  Courts - Parental Accommodations.

HB1441  Del Rogers, et al.  Business Regulation - Electronic Smoking Devices Manufacturers - Certifications.

HB1442  Del Edelson.  Juveniles - Truancy Reduction Pilot Programs - Report.

HB1443  Del Griffith, et al.  Local Government - Hiring and Promotion Preferences for Veterans and Spouses of Service Members and Veterans (Families Serve Act).

HB1444  Del Terrasa, et al.  Local Government - Moderate Income Housing Unit Requirements - Prohibition Against Fee-in-Lieu.

HB1445  Del Qi.  Licensed Funeral Establishments - Provision of Fact Sheet on Real Property Ownership.

HB1446  Del Amprey.  Income Tax - Credit for Businesses Relocating From Another State (Come to Maryland Act).

HB1447  Del Vogel.  Education - Maryland STEM Program - Established.

HB1448  Del Cullison.  Animal Testing and Research - Alternative Nonanimal Test Methods.

HB1449  Del Szeliga, et al.  Public Health - Milk Products - Direct-to-Consumer Sale of Raw Milk for Human Consumption.

HB1450  Del Qi.  Maryland Small Business Innovation Research and Technology Transfer Incentive Program - Alterations.

HB1451  Del Chisholm, et al.  Climate Solutions Affordability Act of 2025.

HB1452  Del Vogel.  Hate Crimes and Hate Bias - Definitions of Sexual Orientation and Hate Bias Incident.

HB1453  Dels Behler and J. Lewis.  Social Media Platforms - Vloggers and Video Content Featuring Minors (Child Influencers Protection Act).

HB1454  Del Qi.  Maryland Department of Aging - Continuing Care Retirement Communities and Continuing Care At-Home Providers Licensing and Regulation - Study.

HB1455  Del Arentz.  Workers' Compensation - Average Weekly Wage - Multiple Employers.

HB1456  Del Metzgar.  Hospitals and Tissue Banks - Autologous and Directed Blood Donations - Requirements.

HB1457  Del Solomon, et al.  Alternative Fuel, Fuel-Efficient, and Electric Vehicles - Highway Use Fees.

HB1458  Del Boafo, et al.  Declaration of Rights - Right to Minimum Wage for Tipped Workers.

HB1459  Del Buckel, et al.  Economic Development - Western Maryland Economic Future Investment Board and Senator George C. Edwards Fund - Alterations.

HB1460  Del Young, et al.  State Procurement - Prohibited Certifications - Boycotts of Foreign Countries.

HB1461  Del Miller.  Blueprint for Maryland's Future - Alterations.

HB1462  Del Solomon, et al.  Higher Education - Antihate and Antidiscrimination Policies and Workgroup (Maryland Campus Accountability and Modernization to Protect University Students Act).

HB1463  Del Edelson, et al.  Transportation - Maryland Transit Administration - Funding (Transit Safety and Investment Act of 2025).

HB1464  Del Stewart.  Motor Vehicles – Rental Fleet Vehicles – Registration.

HB1465  Del Stewart.  Transportation-Related Fines and Tolls - Income-Based Installment Payment Plans.

HB1466  Del Stewart.  Land Use and Real Property - Accessory Dwelling Units - Requirements and Prohibitions.

HB1467  Dels Howard and Hornberger.  Local Finance - Special Taxing Districts - Erosion Prevention Projects and Erosion Control Projects.

HB1468  Del Forbes.  Cyber Maryland Program – Revisions.

HB1469  Dels Shetty and Pena-Melnyk.  Taxes - Sugary Beverage Distributor Tax (For Our Kids Act).

HB1470  Mont Co Deleg and PG Co Deleg.  Prince George's County - Chesapeake and Atlantic Coastal Bays Critical Area Protection Program - Cutting or Clearing Trees MC/PG 113-25.

HB1471  Del Amprey.  Innovative Financial Product or Service Certification Program.

HB1472  Dels Metzgar and McComas.  State Government - State House Trust - Ten Commandments Monument Display Act.

HB1473  Del Acevero, et al.  State Government - Equal Access to Public Services for Individuals With Limited English Proficiency and Individuals With Disabilities.

HB1474  Del Kaiser, et al.  Licensed Professional Counselors - Telehealth - Students Enrolled in Institutions of Higher Education.

HB1475  Del Feldmark.  Office of Child Care Advisory Council - Publicly Funded Prekindergarten - Analysis and Report (Mixed Delivery Model Viability Act).

HB1476  Del Woorman, et al.  Labor and Employment - Disclosure of Employee's Immigration Status - Prohibition.

HB1477  Del Hill.  Consumer Protection - Consumer Reporting Agencies - Use of Algorithmic Systems.

HB1478  Del Hill, et al.  Public Health - Home Health Care Providers - Directory.

HB1479  Del Miller.  Education - Procurement Contracts and Memoranda of Understanding - Reporting.

HB1480  Del Cardin, et al.  Child Advocacy Centers - Continuity of Care Standards for Health Care Professionals and Reports of Violations.

HB1481  Del Hill, et al.  Disability Services - Adapted Vehicle Access Pilot Program - Established.

HB1482  Calvert County Delegation.  Calvert County - Procurement - Long-Term Contracts for Infrastructure and Asset Management.

HB1483  Del D. Jones, et al.  Public Schools - High School Sports Officiating Services - Procurement Requirements.

HB1484  Del J. Lewis.  Environmental Permits - Requirements for Public Participation and Impact and Burden Analyses (Cumulative Harms to Environmental Restoration For Improving Shared Health - CHERISH Our Communities Act).





Senate Bills


SB0494  Sen Ellis.  Procurement Contracts and Public-Private Partnerships - Project Labor Agreements, Community Benefit Agreements, and Use of Registered Apprentices.

SB0495  Sen Ellis.  Opioid Restitution Fund - Authorized Uses.

SB0496  Sen Ellis.  Department of Commerce - Complaint Portal and Annual Report.

SB0497  Sen Ellis.  Department of Information Technology - Maryland OneStop - Required State, County, and Municipal Information.

SB0498  Sen Ellis.  Motor Vehicles - School Buses - Seat Belts.

SB0499  Sen McCray (BCA).  Baltimore City - Highway User Revenues Capital Grants - Calculation.

SB0500  Sen McCray (BCA).  Baltimore City - Speed Monitoring Systems - Interstate 83.

SB0501  Sen McCray (BCA).  Baltimore City - Speed Monitoring System Citations - Late Fees.

SB0502  Sen Corderman, et al.  Property Tax - Credit for Law Enforcement Officer or Rescue Worker - Expansion to Judicial Officer.

SB0503  Washington County Senators.  Washington County - Board of License Commissioners - Membership.

SB0504  Washington County Senators.  Hagerstown Community College Police Force - Jurisdiction.

SB0505  Sen Zucker.  Local Government - Municipal Annexation - Petition and Referendum.

SB0506  Sen Henson.  Maryland Medical Assistance Program - Use of Reimbursement Funds by Schools.

SB0507  Sen Henson.  Criminal Procedure - Diagnosis of Developmental Disability or Intellectual Disability - Evidence.

SB0508  Sen Henson.  Maryland Medical Assistance Program and Health Insurance - Required Coverage for Aesthetic Services and Restorative Care for Victims of Domestic Violence (Healing Our Scars Act).

SB0509  Sen Henson.  Prohibited Possession of Firearms - Assisted Outpatient Treatment Respondents.

SB0510  Sen Henson.  Excess Ownership of Single-Family Residences Excise Tax (End Hedge Fund Control of Maryland Homes Act of 2025).

SB0511  Sen Henson.  Public Senior Higher Education Institutions - Pregnant and Parenting Students - Plan Requirements (Pregnant and Parenting Student Support Act).

SB0512  Sen Henson.  Custodial Interrogation of Minors - Admissibility of Statements.

SB0513  Sen Henson.  Real Property - Unlawfully Restrictive Covenant Modifications - County or Municipality Notice Requirements.

SB0514  Sen Henson.  Landlord and Tenant - Residential Leases - Prospective Tenant Criminal History Records Check (Maryland Fair Chance Housing Act).

SB0515  Sen King.  Public Libraries - State Library Resource Center - Funding.

SB0516  Sen King.  Property Tax - Day Care Centers, Child Care Homes, and Child Care Centers.

SB0517  Sen King.  Primary and Secondary Education - Public School Employees - Salaries.

SB0518  Sen Charles.  Health Insurance - Screening for Ovarian Cancer - Required Coverage and Prohibited Cost Sharing.

SB0519  Sen Charles.  Prostate Cancer Care Access Grant Program and Fund - Establishment.

SB0520  Sen Charles.  Motor Vehicles - Speed Monitoring Systems - Safety Corridors.

SB0521  Sen Charles.  Child Custody - Rebuttable Presumption of Joint Custody.

SB0522  Sen Charles.  Home Builders - New Home Sales - Notice of Appliance Warranty Registration.

SB0523  Sen Charles.  State Employees - Cancer Screening - Paid Leave.

SB0524  Sen Charles, et al.  Higher Education - Religious Educational Institutions - Certificate of Approval.

SB0525  Sen Charles, et al.  Illegal Dumping and Litter Control Law - Video Evidence and Reward Programs.

SB0526  Sens Ellis and Lewis Young.  Counties - Construction of Sidewalks and Crosswalks - Safe Alternative Routes to Public Schools.

SB0527  Sens Carozza and Mautz.  City of Salisbury - Fire and Explosive Investigator - Authority.

SB0528  Sen Brooks, et al.  Sales and Use Tax - Tax-Free Day - Veterans' Day.

SB0529  Sen Brooks.  Business Occupations and Professions - Professional Engineers - Examination.

SB0530  Sen Brooks, et al.  Vehicle Laws - Speed Monitoring Systems - Residential Districts.

SB0531  Sen Folden, et al.  Juvenile Law - Custodial Interrogation (Juvenile Justice Restoration Act of 2025).

SB0532  Sen Folden, et al.  Police Discipline - Order to Show Cause.

SB0533  Sen Folden, et al.  Public Safety - Police Accountability - Time Limit for Filing Administrative Charges.

SB0534  Sens Kagan and Gallion.  Election Law - Election Judges - Compensation.

SB0535  Sen Kramer.  Research Facilities and Testing Facilities That Use Animals - Licensing and Regulations.

SB0536  Sen Kramer.  Research Facilities and Testing Facilities That Use Animals - Regulation.

SB0537  Sen Kramer.  Research Facilities and Testing Facilities That Use Animals - Adoption and Reporting Requirements.

SB0538  Sens Kramer and Hershey.  Interstate Dental and Dental Hygiene Licensure Compact.

SB0539  Sen Charles, et al.  Health Occupations - Prescriptions for Children Subject to Shared Custody or Visitation Schedules.

SB0540  Sen Charles, et al.  Common Ownership Communities - Recreational Common Areas - Sensitive Information as Condition for Access.

SB0541  Sen Charles, et al.  State Lottery - Instant Ticket Lottery Machines - Veterans' and Fraternal Organizations.

SB0542  Sen Charles, et al.  Alcoholic Beverages Industry - Study.

SB0543  Sen Kagan.  Election Law - Provisional Ballots - Nonpartisan Board of Education Contests.

SB0544  Sen Bailey.  Food Establishments - Portable Chemical Toilets.

SB0545  Sen James.  Criminal Law - Child Pornography - Prohibitions and Penalties.

SB0546  Sen James.  Municipal Incorporation - County Commissioners or County Council - Required Approval of Referendum Request.

SB0547  Sen James.  Commission to Study Health Insurance Pooling - Establishment.

SB0548  Sen James.  Family Law - Child Custody - Determinations.

SB0549  Sen Love, et al.  Civil Actions - Immunity - Disclosure of Allegations of Sexually Assaultive Behavior (Stop Silencing Survivors Act).

SB0550  Sens McCray and Hayes.  Baltimore City - Property Tax - Authority to Establish a Subclass and Special Rate for Property No Longer Used for Nonprofit Purposes.

SB0551  Sen Bailey, et al.  Private Passenger Motor Vehicle Insurance - Collisions With Wild Animals - Prohibited Actions by Insurers.

SB0552  Sen Augustine.  Education - High School Graduation Requirements - Financial Aid Application.

SB0553  Sen Augustine.  Victims and Witnesses - U Nonimmigrant Status - Certification of Victim Helpfulness.

SB0554  Chr Education, Energy, and the Environmen.  Public Information Act - Frivolous, Vexatious, or Abusive Requests - Remedies.

SB0555  Chr Education, Energy, and the Environmen.  Public Information Act - Denials - Pending Litigation.

SB0556  Sen Ready.  Real Property - Fraudulent Possession and Unauthorized Lease or Listing - Prohibition and Removal.

SB0557  Sen Ready, et al.  Vehicle-Miles-Traveled Tax and Associated Mandated Devices - Prohibition (Transportation Freedom Act of 2025).

SB0558  Sens Ready and Gallion.  General Assembly - Fiscal Notes - Family Impact Statement.

SB0559  Sen Benson.  Transportation - Study on Speed Limits - Interstate 495 and Connected Highways.

SB0560  Sens M. Washington and Lam.  Public Health - Maryland Commission on Health Equity - Membership and Purposes.

SB0561  Sens Hershey and Mautz.  Corporations and Associations - Electric Cooperatives - Nonescheat Capital Credits.

SB0562  Sen Hershey, et al.  State Designations - State Cocktail - Original Maryland Orange Crush.

SB0563  Sen Hester, et al.  Maryland Fair and Agricultural Education Promise Fund - Establishment (Maryland Fair and Agricultural Education Promise Act).

SB0564  Sens Hester and Salling.  Catastrophic Event Account - Transfer of Funds - State Disaster Recovery Fund.

SB0565  Sen Charles, et al.  Motor Vehicles - Accidents - Required Testing for Impaired Driving (Mateo's Law).

SB0566  Sen Sydnor.  Real Property - Filing Fee for Residential Mortgage Foreclosure - Increase.

SB0567  Sen Sydnor.  Criminal Procedure - District Court Commissioners.

SB0568  Anne Arundel County Senators.  Anne Arundel County - Board of License Commissioners - Part-Time Deputy Chief Inspector - Compensation.

SB0569  Anne Arundel County Senators.  Anne Arundel County - Public Schools - School Schedule Options.

SB0570  Anne Arundel County Senators.  Anne Arundel County - Board of License Commissioners - Chief Inspector - Compensation.

SB0571  Anne Arundel County Senators.  Anne Arundel County - Class A (Off-Sale) and Class D (Off-Sale) Licenses - Population Ratio Quota.

SB0572  Anne Arundel County Senators.  Anne Arundel County - Development Impact Fees.

SB0573  Sen McCray (BCA).  Baltimore City - Ordinance Enforcement - Amount of Fines and Penalties.

SB0574  Howard County Senators.  Howard County Board of Education - Board Member Terms and Compensation Commission Ho. Co. 2-25.

SB0575  Howard County Senators.  Howard County - Public Campaign Financing - Board of Education Ho. Co. 3-25.

SB0576  Sen Lam, et al.  Labor and Employment - Mandatory Meetings on Religious or Political Matters - Employee Attendance and Participation (Maryland Worker Freedom Act).

SB0577  Sen Lam.  Public Safety - Distribution of Literature to Purchasers of Firearms and Ammunition.

SB0578  Sen Lam.  Business Regulation - Home Improvement Guaranty Fund - Alterations.

SB0579  Sen Corderman.  Local Government Tort Claims Act - Hagerstown Multi-Use Sports and Events Facility, Inc..

SB0580  Washington County Senators.  Washington County - Public Safety - Buildings Used for Agritourism.

SB0581  Sen Henson.  Civil Actions - Tortious Injury to or Death of Pet - Compensatory Damages.

SB0582  Sen Henson.  Sale of Residential Property - Taxes and Offers to Purchase (End Hedge Fund Control of Maryland Homes Act of 2025).

SB0583  Sen Henson.  Legislative Scholarship Programs - Eligibility and Use - Real Estate Appraisal Program.

SB0584  Sens Waldstreicher and Smith.  Civil Actions - Noneconomic Damages - Personal Injury and Wrongful Death.

SB0585  Sens Waldstreicher and Smith.  Criminal Law - Exception to Armed Trespass Prohibition - Retired Law Enforcement Officials.

SB0586  Sen Muse.  Corporations and Associations - Methodist Church Trust Requirement - Repeal.

SB0587  Sen Muse.  State Government - Maryland Reparations Commission.

SB0588  Sen Carozza, et al.  Education - Interscholastic and Intramural Junior Varsity and Varsity Teams and Sports - Designation (Fairness in Girls' Sports Act).

SB0589  Sen Augustine.  Opioid Restitution Fund - Interactive Dashboard.

SB0590  Sen King.  Motor Vehicles - Reckless, Negligent, and Aggressive Driving.

SB0591  Sen Augustine.  Environment - Covered Electronic Device Recycling Program - Establishment (Electronics Recycling Health and Safety Modernization Act).

SB0592  Sen Augustine.  Public Health - Health Care Quality Fund for Community-Based Behavioral Health Programs - Establishment.

SB0593  Sen Ellis (JtCMPF).  Municipalities and Special Taxing Districts - Annual Audit Waiver - Threshold Increase.

SB0594  Sen Ellis.  Public Health - Use of Opioid Restitution Fund and Training Under the Overdose Response Program.

SB0595  Sen Rosapepe.  State Lottery Fund - Laurel Race Course - Local Impact Aid.

SB0596  Washington County Senators.  Washington County - Property Tax Credit - Economic Development Projects.

SB0597  Sens Corderman and McKay.  Higher Education - Maryland Graduate and Professional Scholarship Program - Eligible Institutions.

SB0598  Sen Hettleman.  Property Tax – Low–Income Housing Tax Credit – Valuation of Property.

SB0599  Sens Hettleman and Augustine.  Behavioral Health Crisis Response Grant Program - Funding.

SB0600  Sen McCray.  Baltimore City - Stop Sign Monitoring Systems - Authorization.

SB0601  Sen Brooks.  Education - Dependent Children of Service Members - Advance Enrollment Procedures.

SB0602  Sen Brooks, et al.  County Boards of Education - Special Education Service Delivery Models - Publication Requirement.

SB0603  Sen Zucker, et al.  University of Maryland, College Park Campus – TerpsEXCEED Program – Funding.

SB0604  Sens Waldstreicher and Ready.  Criminal Law - Distribution of Heroin or Fentanyl Causing Serious Bodily Injury or Death (Victoria, Scottie, Ashleigh, and Yader's Law).

SB0605  Sen Zucker.  Digital Advertising Gross Revenues Tax - Assessments - Appeals and Corrections.

SB0606  Sen West.  Residential Real Property - Tenants' Right of First Refusal.

SB0607  Sen West.  Human Remains - Transportation Protection Agreements.

SB0608  Sens Augustine and Smith.  Criminal Procedure - U Nonimmigrant Status Petitions.

SB0609  Sens Love and Hester.  Residential Leases - Use of Algorithmic Device by Landlord to Determine Rent - Prohibition.

SB0610  Sen King.  Growing Family Child Care Opportunities Program - Funding.

SB0611  Sen King.  Access to Health Insurance for Child Care Professionals - Outreach and Qualifying Nonprofit Satellite Organizations.

SB0612  Sen Jackson (Chr Jt Com on Pnsns).  State Retirement and Pension System - Deferred Vested Former Members - Return to Service.

SB0613  Sens Jackson and Waldstreicher.  Montgomery County and Prince George's County - Distracted Driving Monitoring System Pilot Program.

SB0614  Sen Lam.  Consumer Protection - Credit Reporting - Medical Debt (Fair Medical Debt Reporting Act).

SB0615  Sen Kagan.  Election Law - Petitions and Ballot Questions - Contents, Plain Language Requirement, and Procedures.

SB0616  Sen McKay.  Criminal Law – Human Remains, Pet Remains, and Cemeteries – Prohibitions.

SB0617  Sen Gile.  State Board of Cosmetologists - Licensing - Eyelash Extensions.

SB0618  Sen Smith.  Vehicle Laws - Licenses, Identification Cards, and Moped Operator's Permits - Notation of Nonapparent Disability.

SB0619  Chr JPR (Md Jud Conf).  Judiciary Department - Commission on Judicial Disabilities - Temporary Appointment.

SB0620  Chr JPR (Md Jud Conf).  St. Mary's County - Judgeships - Circuit Courts.

SB0621  Chr JPR (Md Jud).  Courtroom Security - Minimum Adequate Security Standard.

SB0622  Chr JPR (Md Jud).  Courts - State Reporter - Publication of Cases.

SB0623  Sen Bailey.  St. Mary's County - Public Facilities Bond.

SB0624  Sen Lam.  Relocation of Human Remains - Authorization Process.

SB0625  Sen Folden.  Public Safety - Police Accountability - Investigation Records Relating to Unfounded and Exonerated Complaints.

SB0626  Sen Folden.  Frederick County - Sheriff - Salary.

SB0627  Sen Smith.  Vehicle Laws - Bicycles - Operation at Intersections.

SB0628  Chr JPR, et al.  Estates and Trusts - Registers of Wills - Salary.

SB0629  Chr JPR (Md Jud Conf).  Appellate Court of Maryland - Sessions at Educational Institutions.

SB0630  Chr JPR (Md Jud Conf).  Circuit Court Judges - Selection and Retention Elections.

SB0631  Sen M. Washington.  Commission on Abandoned and Neglected Maryland Cemeteries - Establishment.

SB0632  Sen M. Washington.  Correctional Services - Comprehensive Rehabilitative Prerelease Services - Female Incarcerated Individuals (The Monica Cooper Prerelease Act).

SB0633  Sen Kagan.  Campaign Finance - Political Organizations - Disclosures on Solicitations (Stop Scam PACs Act).

SB0634  Sen Lewis Young, et al.  Hunting - Nonlead Ammunition, Fox Chasing, and Deer Management.

SB0635  Sens Lewis Young and Rosapepe.  Wildlife - Protections and Highway Crossings.

SB0636  Sen Folden.  Frederick County - Alcoholic Beverages - Tasting Permits.

SB0637  Sens Hershey and Bailey.  State and Private Wetlands - Nonwater-Dependent Project - Definition.

SB0638  Sen McKay.  Department of Natural Resources – Savage River Lodge – Hotel Rental Surcharge.

SB0639  Sen McKay.  Garrett County - Bids and Contracts - Advertisement Exceptions.

SB0640  Sen Gallion.  Public Utilities - Solar Energy Generating Stations - Eminent Domain.

SB0641  Sen Gallion.  Health Insurance - Required Coverage - Hearing Aids.

SB0642  Sen Gallion, et al.  Courts - Prohibited Liability Agreements - Indoor Trampoline Parks.

SB0643  Sen Gallion, et al.  Public Utilities – Energy Generation.

SB0644  Sen Jennings, et al.  Public Schools - School Resource Officers - Firearms Required.

SB0645  Sen Kagan.  Election Law - Gubernatorial Primary Election - Date.

SB0646  Sen Muse.  Health Insurance - Insulin - Prohibition on Step Therapy or Fail-First Protocols.

SB0647  Sen Muse.  Election Law - Incarcerated Individuals - Voter Hotline and Voting Eligibility (Voting Rights for All Act).

SB0648  Sens Muse and Charles.  Correctional Services - Medical Parole - Life Imprisonment.

SB0649  Sen Muse, et al.  Criminal Procedure - Expungement - No Finding and Case Terminated Without Finding.

SB0650  Sen Muse, et al.  Criminal Procedure - Domestic Violence Offender Registry.

SB0651  Sens Muse and Lam.  Landlord and Tenant - Residential Leases and Holdover Tenancies - Local Good Cause Termination (Good Cause Eviction).

SB0652  Sen Jennings.  Local Government – Local Personnel – Leave With Pay.

SB0653  Sen McCray.  Procurement - Employee Stock Ownership Plan Preference - Pilot.

SB0654  Sen Rosapepe.  Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission - Raw Water Pipeline Project - Audit.

SB0655  Sen Hester.  Courts - Artificial Intelligence Evidence Clinic Pilot Program - Establishment.

SB0656  Sen Sydnor, et al.  Baltimore County Board of Education - Alterations of Elected Member Districts and Establishment of Redistricting Process.

SB0657  Sen Ready, et al.  Eminent Domain - Just Compensation - Fees and Costs.

SB0658  Sen Ready.  Labor and Employment - Noncompete and Conflict of Interest Provisions.

SB0659  Sen Ready, et al.  Consumer Protection - Electronic Funds Transfers - Regulations (Elder Fraud Prevention Act of 2025).

SB0660  Sen Ready.  Family Law - Child Support Guidelines - Agreement Between Parents.

SB0661  Sen Ready, et al.  Real Property - Condemnation - Compensation for Farm and Agricultural Property (Protect Maryland Farm Lands Act).

SB0662  Sen Ferguson.  Baltimore City - 46th Alcoholic Beverages District - Licenses.

SB0663  The Pres (Office of the Comptroller).  Earned Income Tax Credit - Notice of Eligibility - Alteration.

SB0664  The Pres (Office of the Comptroller).  Business Regulation - Miscellaneous State Business Licenses - Enforcement and Penalties.

SB0665  The Pres (Office of the Comptroller).  Maryland Uniform Disposition of Abandoned Property Act – Revisions.

SB0666  Sen Guzzone.  Maryland Community Action Agencies - Funding.

SB0667  Sen Guzzone.  Gaming - Slot Machines - Skills-Based Amusement Devices.

SB0668  Sen Guzzone.  Earned Income Tax Credit - Individuals Without Qualifying Children - Eligibility.

SB0669  Sen Hettleman, et al.  Public Safety - Rape Kit Testing Grant Fund - Alterations.

SB0670  Frederick County Senators.  Frederick County - Alcoholic Beverages - Class C (Theater) Beer, Wine, and Liquor License.

SB0671  Sen M. Washington.  Office of Cemetery Oversight - Study of Deathcare and Funeral Practices.

SB0672  Sen M. Washington (BCA).  Economic Development - Baltimore Convention and Tourism Redevelopment and Operating Authority - Established.

SB0673  Sens Hettleman and Attar.  Education - Maryland STEM Program - Established.

SB0674  Sen Hettleman.  Maryland Commission for Women - Maryland Collaborative to Advance Implementation of Coverage of Over-the-Counter Birth Control.

SB0675  Sen Carozza, et al.  Public Service Commission - Full Costs and Benefits Analysis of Sources of Electricity Generation.

SB0676  Sen Gile.  Health Care Facilities - Hospitals and Freestanding Birthing Centers - Perinatal Care Standards.

SB0677  Sen Gile.  Human Relations - Discrimination in Housing - Income-Based Housing Subsidies.

SB0678  Sen Rosapepe.  Electronic Health Networks and Electronic Medical Record Vendors of Nursing Homes - Release of Records - Enforcement.

SB0679  Sen Rosapepe.  Nursing Homes - Direct Care Wages and Benefits and Cost Reports (Nursing Home Care Crisis Transparency Act).

SB0680  Sen Carozza.  Real Estate Commission - Continuing Education Requirements - Alterations.

SB0681  Sen Charles.  Health Care Malpractice Claims - Health Care Provider - Definition.

SB0682  Sen Charles.  Real Property - Residential Foreclosures - Materially Delinquent Mortgages.

SB0683  Sen Charles, et al.  Catastrophic Event Account and Federal Government Shutdown Employee Assistance Loan Fund - Alterations (Protect Our Federal Workers Act).

SB0684  Sen Augustine.  Public Health - Health Equity Dashboard.

SB0685  Sen Augustine.  Election Law - Local Boards of Elections - Language-Related Assistance.

SB0686  Sen Augustine.  Environment - Extended Producer Responsibility for Batteries and Battery-Containing Products (Battery Stewardship Act).

SB0687  Sen Benson.  Child Care Scholarship Program - Youth Transitioning From Foster Placement to Successful Adulthood Pilot Program - Establishment.

SB0688  Sen Benson.  Public Works Contracts - Apprenticeship Requirements (Maryland Workforce Apprenticeship Utilization Act).

SB0689  Sen Gile.  Financial Institutions - Conventional Home Mortgage Loans - Assumption and Required Disclosures.

SB0690  Sens Bailey and Smith.  Higher Education - Scholarships for Correctional Officers.

SB0691  Sen Hester.  Cybersecurity - Healthcare Ecosystem.

SB0692  Sen Jackson (Chr Jt Com on Pnsns).  State Retirement and Pension System - Alterations and Clarifications.

SB0693  Sen Jackson (Chr Jt Com on Pnsns).  State Retirement and Pension System - Reemployment Earnings Limitations - Maximum Average Final Compensation.

SB0694  Sen Love, et al.  Correctional Services - Assessment of State Correctional System.

SB0695  Sen Beidle.  Labor and Employment - Uninsured Employers' Fund Board - Membership and Reserves.

SB0696  Sen Beidle.  Public Health - Pediatric Hospital Overstay Patients.

SB0697  Sen Beidle.  Maryland Automobile Insurance Fund - Premium Discounts - Methodology.

SB0698  Sen Corderman.  Washington County - Sales and Use Tax Exemption - Target Redevelopment Area.

SB0699  Sen Ready.  Forest Conservation Act - Linear Projects - Alteration.

SB0700  Sen Ready.  Notarial Acts - Reasonable Accommodations.

SB0701  Sen Ready.  Public Health - Cottage Food Products - Nonpotentially Hazardous Foods and Refrigerated Baked Goods.

SB0702  Sen Love, et al.  Correctional Services - Restrictive Housing.

SB0703  Sen McCray.  Family Investment Program and Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Benefits - Child Support.

SB0704  Sen Hester.  State Department of Education and Department of Information Technology - Evaluation on Artificial Intelligence in Public Schools.

SB0705  Sen Hester.  Department of Information Technology - Reporting Guidelines.

SB0706  Sens Zucker and Guzzone.  Gaming - Problem Gambling - Prevalence Study and Fund Revenue.

SB0707  Sen Zucker.  Vehicle Laws - Medical Exemption for Enhanced Tinted Windows - Repeal of Time Limitation.

SB0708  Sen Zucker.  Sports Wagering - Independent Evaluation of Sports Wagering Content - Required.

SB0709  Sens Waldstreicher and Jackson.  Criminal Law - Masked Intimidation - Prohibition (Unmask Hate Act).

SB0710  Sen King.  Criminal Law - Motor Vehicle or Vessel - Criminal Negligence.

SB0711  Sen McKay.  Off-Highway Recreational Vehicle Recreation Oversight Board - Establishment.

SB0712  Sen Brooks.  State Board of Education – Membership – Educational Support and Administrator Members.

SB0713  Sen Brooks.  Institutions of Higher Education - Mandatory Disclosures for New and Prospective Students (Informed Enrollment Act).

SB0714  Sen Brooks.  Public Schools - Discipline-Related Data - Collection and Publication.

SB0715  Sens Brooks and Watson.  Student Service Hours - Financial Literacy Course.

SB0716  Sen Brooks, et al.  Public Utilities - Nuclear Energy - Renewable Energy Portfolio Standard and Procurement (Decarbonization Infrastructure Solutions Act of 2025).

SB0717  Sen Carozza.  Somerset County - Salaries of Local Officials - Increase.

SB0718  Sen Carozza.  Somerset County Code of Public Local Laws - 2025 Edition - Legalization.

SB0719  Sen Carozza.  Somerset County - Property Tax - Emergency Services Tax.

SB0720  Sens Augustine and Lam.  Hospitals - Clinical Staffing Committees and Plans - Establishment (Safe Staffing Act of 2025).

SB0721  Sen Henson.  Family Law - Permanent Protective Orders - Consent.

SB0722  Sens Henson and Augustine.  Department of the Environment - Ecological Restoration.

SB0723  Sens Feldman and Kagan.  Public Ethics - Conflicts of Interest and Blind Trust - Governor.

SB0724  Sen McCray.  Baltimore City - Tax Sales - Heir-Occupied Property and Registry.

SB0725  Sen Ellis.  Charles County - Gaming - Video Lottery Operation License and Video Lottery Terminals.

SB0726  Sen Ellis.  Cannabis Licensees - Bona Fide Labor Organizations and Labor Peace Agreements.

SB0727  Charles County Senators.  Charles County – Student Bus Transportation Providers – Provider Displacement.

SB0728  Charles County Senators.  Charles County - Governing Bodies of Common Ownership Communities - Member Training.

SB0729  Charles County Senators.  Special Police Officers - County Government - Protection of Employees and Public Officials.

SB0730  Charles County Senators.  Gaming - Charles County Gaming Permit Review Board - Repeal.

SB0731  Charles County Senators.  Charles County - Alcoholic Beverages - Baseball Stadium License - Alterations.

SB0732  Sen Love.  Sewage Sludge Utilization Permits - Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances - Concentration Limits.

SB0733  Sen King.  Constitutional Officers – Gender–Neutral Language.

SB0734  Sen McKay.  Business Regulation - Licensing - Definition of Storage Warehouse.

SB0735  Sen Folden, et al.  Real Time for Violent Crime Act (Geri's Law).

SB0736  Sen Folden.  Natural Resources - Wildlife Damage Prevention and Reimbursement Fund - Establishment.

SB0737  Sen Folden.  Property Rights Protection Act of 2025.

SB0738  Sen Folden.  Frederick County – Barbershop and Beauty Salon Beer and Wine License – Alterations.

SB0739  Sen Folden.  Domestic Violence - Warrantless Arrests and Victims.

SB0740  Sen Folden.  Health Care Facilities - Warrior Community Members (SFC Matthew Fast Act for Warrior Healthcare).

SB0741  Sens Lam and Augustine.  Forensic Mental Health Treatment.

SB0742  Sen Smith.  Vehicle Laws - Inspection Requirement.

SB0743  Sen Smith.  Civil Actions - Maryland Transit Administration - Limitation of Tort Liability.

SB0744  Sen Gallion.  Harford County – Alcoholic Beverages – Hearing Notice.

SB0745  Sen Gallion.  Harford County - Alcoholic Beverages - Performing Arts Nonprofit Organization License - Record-Keeping Requirements.

SB0746  Sen Gallion.  Harford County - Alcoholic Beverages - Multiple Licenses - Golf Simulator Facilities.

SB0747  Sens Kramer and Lam.  Transportation Network Companies - Deactivation of Operators - Policy and Appeal Procedure.

SB0748  Sen Kramer.  Public Health - Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementias - Information on Prevalence and Treatment.

SB0749  Sen Kramer.  State Board of Dental Examiners - Applicants Licensed or Certified in Another State.

SB0750  Sen Kramer.  State Personnel - Collective Bargaining - Faculty.

SB0751  Sen Henson.  Health Facilities - Assisted Living Programs - Family Councils.

SB0752  Sen Kramer.  Unemployment Insurance Modernization Act of 2025.

SB0753  Sen Kramer.  Offshore Wind Turbines and Accessory Installations - Aircraft Detection Lighting Systems.

SB0754  Sen Kramer.  Commercial Financing - Small Business Truth in Lending Act.

SB0755  Sen A. Washington.  Higher Education - Student Financial Assistance - Students in Informal Kinship Care Relationships.

SB0756  Sen A. Washington.  Electric Companies, Gas Companies, Gas and Electric Companies, and Water Companies - Periodic Audits.

SB0757  Sen A. Washington.  Genetic Testing - Prohibition on Disability, Life, and Long-Term Care Insurance (Genetic Testing Protection Act).

SB0758  Sen Kagan.  Condominiums and Homeowners Associations - Elections, Financial Statements, and Enforcement.

SB0759  Sen Kagan.  Income Tax - Subtraction Modification - Public Safety Employee Retirement Income.

SB0760  Sen Feldman.  Better Small Business Employee Benefit Act of 2025.

SB0761  Sen McCray (BCA).  Motor Vehicles - Installment Payment Plans - Automated Enforcement.

SB0762  Sen McKay.  Law Enforcement - Records of Administrative Investigation - Expungement.

SB0763  Sen McKay.  Garrett County - Hotel Rental Tax - Alterations.

SB0764  Sen Zucker, et al.  State Designations - State Mineral - Chromite (State Mineral Act).

SB0765  Sen Zucker, et al.  Out-of-Home Placement Providers - Maximum Number of Children - Exemption.

SB0766  Sen Jackson.  Department of General Services - Maryland Capitol Police - Jurisdiction.

SB0767  Sen Jackson.  Calvert County Sheriff - Deputy Sheriffs and Correctional Deputies - Collective Bargaining.

SB0768  Sen Jackson (Chr Jt Com on Pnsns).  Correctional Officers' Retirement System - Membership - Clarifications.

SB0769  Sen Guzzone.  Community Eligibility Provision Expansion Program – Establishment.

SB0770  Sen Gile.  Applicants for Positions Involving Direct Contact With Minors - Required Information, Review Process, and Reporting - Alterations.

SB0771  Sen Gile.  Peer-to-Peer Car Sharing Programs - Insurance and Liability.

SB0772  Sen Gile, et al.  Higher Education - Edward T. and Mary A. Conroy Memorial Scholarship Program - Eligibility.

SB0773  Sen Hershey.  Health Benefit Plans – Calculation of Cost Sharing Contribution – Requirements.

SB0774  Sens Hershey and Zucker.  Property Tax - Valuation of Operating Property of Rural Broadband Service Providers.

SB0775  Sens Kagan and Jackson.  Workgroup to Study Implementation of a Statewide 3-1-1 Nonemergency Telephone System.

SB0776  Sen Beidle.  Workgroup to Study the Rise in Adverse Decisions in the State Health Care System - Establishment.

SB0777  Howard County Senators.  Howard County - Common Ownership Communities - Funding of Reserve Accounts and Preparation of Funding Plans Ho. Co. 4-25.

SB0778  Sen Gallion.  Environment - Building Energy Performance Standards - Agricultural Buildings.

SB0779  Sen Gallion, et al.  Climate Solutions Now Act Affordability Act of 2025.

SB0780  Sen Gallion, et al.  Prekindergarten - 3-Year-Olds - Private Providers (Parental Choice for Prekindergarten Act).

SB0781  Sen Corderman.  Task Force on the Establishment of a State Park Dedicated to Veterans' Care.

SB0782  Sen Corderman.  Criminal Procedure - Verdict of Not Criminally Responsible - Eligibility for Evaluation for Discharge.

SB0783  Sen Carozza, et al.  Public Schools – Student Fights – School Investigation and Discipline.

SB0784  The Pres (DLS).  Annual Corrective Bill.

SB0785  Sen Ready.  Labor and Employment - Unpaid Parental Leave - Definition of Employer.

SB0786  The Pres (Atty Gen Ofc).  Correctional Services - Private Detention Facilities - Deprivation of Rights, Privileges, and Immunities.

SB0787  Sen Jennings.  Cooperative Housing Corporations and Condominiums - Funding of Reserve Accounts and Timing of Reserve Studies.

SB0788  Sen M. Washington.  Baltimore City - Alcoholic Beverages - 43rd Alcoholic Beverages District - Class B-D-7 Licenses.

SB0789  Sen M. Washington.  Higher Education - Hunger-Free Campus Grant Program - Alterations.

SB0790  Sen Augustine.  Maryland Department of Health - Workgroup to Implement Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic, and Treatment Requirements.

SB0791  Sen Carozza, et al.  Public Schools - Career Ladder - Teacher Classroom Teaching Time.

SB0792  Sen Mautz.  State Board of Dental Examiners - Expanded Function Dental Assistants - Education and Reinstatement.

SB0793  Sen Mautz.  Public Health - Opioid Overdose Reversal Drugs.

SB0794  Sen Mautz.  Maryland Home Improvement Commission - Residential Solar Power System Installation - Contractor License Required.

SB0795  Sen Mautz.  State Procurement Preferences - Blind Industries and Services of Maryland - Packaging and Repackaging.

SB0796  Sen Mautz.  Dorchester County - Sunday Hunting - Repeal of Time Restriction.

SB0797  Sen Mautz.  Dorchester County - County Property Leases - Notice Exemptions.

SB0798  Wicomico County Senators.  Wicomico County - Alcoholic Beverages - Temporary To-Go Event Permit and Class C Per Diem Municipal To-Go Beer, Wine, and Liquor License.

SB0799  Wicomico County Senators.  Wicomico County - Alcoholic Beverages Licenses - Athletic and Event Facility License.

SB0800  Dorchester County Senators.  Dorchester County – Alcoholic Beverages – Arts Beer and Wine License.

SB0801  Dorchester County Senators.  Dorchester County – Alcoholic Beverages – Issuance of License Near a Place of Worship or School.

SB0802  Dorchester County Senators.  Dorchester County - Alcoholic Beverages - Venue Beer, Wine, and Liquor License.

SB0803  Talbot County Senators.  Talbot County - Hotel Rental Tax - Time of Penalty for Nonpayment.

SB0804  Sen Brooks, et al.  Maryland Building Performance Standards - Fossil Fuel Use, Energy Conservation, and Electric- and Solar-Ready Standards (Better Buildings Act of 2025).

SB0805  Sens Jackson and Brooks.  Public Safety - 9-1-1 Emergency Telephone System - Definition of First Responders.

SB0806  Sen Kramer.  Agriculture - Confinement of Egg-Laying Hens in Commercial Egg Production - Prohibitions.

SB0807  Sen Kramer.  Environment - Local Building Energy Performance Standards - Authorization.

SB0808  Sen Augustine.  Prince George's County - Stop Sign Monitoring Systems - School Bus Stops.

SB0809  Sen McCray.  Declaration of Rights - Right to Minimum Wage for Tipped Workers.

SB0810  Sen Jackson (Chr Jt Com on Pnsns).  Board of Trustees for the State Retirement and Pension System - Investment Division - Compensation and Staffing Committee.

SB0811  Sen James.  Task Force on the Creation of a Division of Returning Citizens and Expanded Reentry Services - Extension of Report Deadline and Task Force.

SB0812  Sens Bailey and Jackson.  Law Enforcement Officers' Pension System and State Police Retirement System - Line-of-Duty Catastrophic Injury Disability.

SB0813  Howard County Senators.  Howard Community College - Board of Trustees, Meetings, and Contracts - Alterations Ho. Co. 1-25.

SB0814  Sen Watson, et al.  Local Government - Development Impact Fees, Surcharges, and Excise Taxes - Reporting.

SB0815  Sen Watson, et al.  Occupational Licensing and Certification - Criminal History - Prohibited Disclosures.

SB0816  Sen Watson, et al.  Public Service Commission - Membership - Alterations.

SB0817  Sen Watson.  Common Ownership Communities - Candidate or Proposition Signs - Display Period.

SB0818  Sens Watson and Rosapepe.  Education - School Building Energy Usage - Monthly Report.

SB0819  Sens Watson and Attar.  Public Schools - Open Enrollment - Policies and Funding.

SB0820  Sens Watson and Rosapepe.  Municipalities - Enforcement of Ordinances and Resolutions.

SB0821  Sen Watson, et al.  Primary and Secondary Education - Student Immunization - Temporary Admission Period.

SB0822  Sen Jennings.  Property Tax - Tax Credit for Nonprimary Residence.

SB0823  Sen McCray.  No Tax on Tips Act.

SB0824  Sen McCray.  Alcoholic Beverages - Prohibition on Class A Licenses for Chain Stores, Supermarkets, and Discount Houses - Repeal.

SB0825  Sen McCray (BCA).  Baltimore City - Assault of Special Enforcement Officers - Penalties.

SB0826  Sen McKay.  Garrett County Alcoholic Beverages Act of 2025.

SB0827  Sen Love, et al.  Juvenile Law - Confinement and Restrictive Housing - Limitations.

SB0828  Sen Smith.  Immigration Enforcement - Sensitive Locations - Guidelines and Policies (Protecting Sensitive Locations Act).

SB0829  Sen Hayes.  State Procurement - Minority Business Enterprise Program - Extension and Reports.

SB0830  Sen Hayes.  Workers' Compensation - Claims Application Form - Authorization for Release of Information.

SB0831  Sen Charles.  Credit Regulation - Reverse Mortgage Loans - Escrow Accounts.

SB0832  Sen Charles.  Prince George's County - District Council Zoning Laws - Override by Municipal Corporation.

SB0833  Sen Charles.  Family Law - Treatment Foster Care Homes - Child Care Stipends for Private Providers.

SB0834  Sen Waldstreicher.  Vehicle Laws - Manufacturers and Dealers - Prices Listed on Dealer Websites.

SB0835  Sens Mautz and Bailey.  State Finance and Procurement - Retention Proceeds.

SB0836  Sen Mautz, et al.  Corporate Income Tax - Rate Reduction (Economic Competitiveness Act of 2025).

SB0837  Sen Mautz, et al.  Oyster Restoration - Use of Federal Funds - Prohibition.

SB0838  Sen Mautz, et al.  Election Law - Absentee Ballots - Signature Requirements and Verification.

SB0839  Dorchester County Senators.  Dorchester County – Alcoholic Beverages – Beer, Wine, and Liquor Tasting License.

SB0840  Sen Mautz.  Medicaid Management Information System - Surveillance and Utilization Review Subsystem - Publication of Procurement Schedule.

SB0841  Sen Mautz.  Natural Resources - Public Clam Fishery Area - Establishment.

SB0842  Sen Beidle.  Other Tobacco Products and Electronic Smoking Devices - Seizure and Wholesaler Licensure Requirements.

SB0843  Sen Hershey.  School Construction - Local Cost-Share - Alterations.

SB0844  Sen Hershey.  Maryland Self-Service Storage Act - Sale of Personal Property in Satisfaction of Lien - Notice Requirements.

SB0845  Sen Hettleman.  Local Education Agencies - Educator Screening - NASDTEC Clearinghouse (School Personnel Vetting and Hiring Transparency Act).

SB0846  Sen Hettleman.  Business Regulation - Cellular Phone Carriers - Service Contract Requirement.

SB0847  Sen Hettleman.  Higher Education - Antihate and Antidiscrimination Policies and Workgroup (Maryland Campus Accountability and Modernization to Protect University Students Act).

SB0848  Sen Guzzone.  Public Health Abortion Grant Program - Establishment.

SB0849  Sen Guzzone.  Professional and Volunteer Firefighter Innovative Cancer Screening Technologies Program - Funding.

SB0850  Sen Zucker.  State Lottery - Ticket Purchase and Delivery by Third-Party Entity - Authorization.

SB0851  Sen Zucker, et al.  Public Schools - Individuals With Disabilities - Main Entrance Accessibility and Emergency Planning.

SB0852  Sen Lewis Young.  Blueprint for Maryland's Future - Alterations.

SB0853  Sen Lewis Young, et al.  Public Service Commission - Transmission Line Siting - Limitations.

SB0854  Sen Lewis Young.  Health Occupations - Licensed Direct-Entry Midwives - Revisions.

SB0855  Sen Ellis, et al.  Railroads - Safety Requirements (Maryland Railway Safety Act of 2025).

SB0856  Sen Henson.  Mold - Landlord Requirements and Regulations (Maryland Tenant Mold Protection Act).

SB0857  Sen Henson.  Child Care - Prekindergarten Expansion Grant Modifications and Workgroup.

SB0858  Sen Henson.  State Public Transit Service and Stations - Exclusion for Assault and Bodily Injury.

SB0859  Sen Hettleman, et al.  Fair Share for Maryland Act of 2025.

SB0860  Sen Corderman.  Gaming - Prohibition of Online Sweepstakes Games and Revenue From Illegal Markets.

SB0861  Sen Corderman.  Economic Development - Western Maryland Economic Future Investment Board and Senator George C. Edwards Fund - Alterations.

SB0862  Sen Jackson (Chr Jt Com on Pnsns).  State Retirement and Pension System - Administrative Fees - Repeal.

SB0863  Sen Muse.  Motor Vehicles - Rental Fleet Vehicles - Registration.

SB0864  Sen Muse.  Employees' Pension System - Town of Forest Heights Employees - Membership.

SB0865  Sen Muse.  Law Enforcement Officers' Pension System - Forest Heights Police Department - Membership.

SB0866  Sen Muse, et al.  Common Ownership Communities - Ombudsman Unit, Governing Document Database, and Local Commissions.

SB0867  Sen Hester.  Cyber Maryland Program - Revisions.

SB0868  Sen Henson.  Substitute Child Care Provider Pool Pilot Program - Established.

SB0869  Sen Mautz.  Dorchester County - Alcoholic Beverages Licenses - Fees.

SB0870  Sen Mautz.  Boating - Migratory Waterfowl Season - Prohibited Acts.

SB0871  Sen Hester.  Department of the Environment - Community Water and Sewerage Systems - Cybersecurity Planning and Assessments.

SB0872  Sen Jennings.  Local Government - Hiring and Promotion Preferences for Veterans and Spouses of Service Members and Veterans (Families Serve Act).

SB0873  Sen Smith.  Criminal Law - Assault in the Third Degree.

SB0874  Sen Folden.  Criminal Law - Gift Card Crimes.

SB0875  Sen Folden.  Public Health – Medetomidine and Xylazine Consumer Protection Act.

SB0876  Sens Hershey and Mautz.  Maryland Medical Assistance Program - Coverage for the Treatment of Obesity.

SB0877  Sen Hershey.  Queen Anne's County - Circuit Court Judgeships.

SB0878  Sen Hershey, et al.  Oil and Natural Gas - Hydraulic Fracturing - Authorization.

SB0879  Sen Carozza, et al.  Institutions of Higher Education - Dually Enrolled Students - Alterations.

SB0880  Sen Guzzone.  Governor's Office for Children - Boys and Girls Clubs of Maryland - Grant Funding.

SB0881  Sen Rosapepe.  Transportation - Regional Transportation Authorities.

SB0882  Sen Rosapepe.  Coal Transportation Fee and Fossil Fuel Mitigation Fund (Coal Dust Cleanup and Asthma Remediation Act).

SB0883  Sen James.  Commercial Law - Statutory Liens - Motor Vehicles Towed or Removed From Parking Lots.

SB0884  Sen Ready.  Commercial Driver's Licenses - Out-of-State Residents - School Buses or Passenger Vehicles.

SB0885  Carroll County Senators.  Carroll County Board of Education - Vacancy Procedures - Alterations.

SB0886  Sen Ready.  Amendments Convention Called Under Article V of the U.S. Constitution - Delegation to the Convention.

SB0887  Sen King.  County Boards of Education - Reappointment of Incumbent County Superintendent - Authorization.

SB0888  Sen Henson.  Anne Arundel County - Alcoholic Beverages - License and Permit Distance Requirements.

SB0889  Sen Henson.  Criminal Law - Distribution of Students' Personal Information - Prohibition.

SB0890  Sen M. Washington.  Housing and Community Development - Division of Just Communities - Establishment.

SB0891  Sen M. Washington.  Land Use and Real Property - Accessory Dwelling Units - Requirements and Prohibitions.

SB0892  Sen Zucker.  Education - Minimum Wage for Education Support Professionals.

SB0893  Sen Charles.  Insurance - Enforcement, Impaired Entities, Homeowner's Insurance Policies, and Unfair Claim Settlement Practices - Revisions.

SB0894  Sen M. Washington.  Office of Social Equity - Community Reinvestment and Repair Fund - Advisory Board and Modifications.

SB0895  Sen Love.  Employment - Wages - Deductions for Public Employees.

SB0896  Sen Love.  Real Property - Residential Rental Property - Pet Policy Disclosure (Pet Policy Transparency Act).

SB0897  Sen Love.  Primary and Secondary Education - Student Technology and Social Media Resource Guide.

SB0898  Sen Love.  Nutrient Management – Tidal Buffer – Vegetative Buffers and Restriction on Fertilizer Application.

SB0899  Sen Augustine.  Education - High School Class Rankings and Guaranteed Admissions to Public Senior Institutions of Higher Education.

SB0900  Sen Augustine.  Maryland Behavioral Health Crisis Response System - Integration of 9-8-8 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline Network and Outcome Evaluations.

SB0901  Sens Augustine and Love.  Environment - Packaging Materials - Producer Responsibility Plans.

SB0902  Sen Augustine.  Health Insurance - Access to Nonparticipating Providers - Referrals, Additional Assistance, and Coverage.

SB0903  Sen Hester.  Data Centers - Fast Track Pass for Co-Location and Sales and Use Tax.

SB0904  Sen Hester, et al.  Data Brokers - Registry and Gross Income Tax (Building Information Guardrails Data Act of 2025).

SB0905  Sen Hester.  Criminal Law – Identity Fraud – Artificial Intelligence and Deepfake Representations.

SB0906  Sen Hester.  Education - Artificial Intelligence - Guidelines, Professional Development, and Task Force.

SB0907  Sen Hester.  Cybersecurity - Standards, Compliance, and Audits - Alterations.

SB0908  Sen Hester.  Public Utilities - Electric Distribution System Plans - Establishment (Affordable Grid Act).

SB0909  Sen Hester.  Energy Resource Adequacy and Planning Act.

SB0910  Caroline County Senators.  Caroline County - Alcoholic Beverages - Multiple Event Licenses.

SB0911  Sen Attar, et al.  Property Tax - Exemption for Blind Individuals - Alteration.

SB0912  Charles County Senators.  Charles County – Off–Highway Recreational Vehicles – Regulation and Enforcement.

SB0913  Sen Hettleman.  Department of Agriculture - Public Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment - Registration, Regulation, and Oversight.

SB0914  Sen Hettleman.  Baltimore County Public Library – Collective Bargaining – Supervisory Employees.

SB0915  Sen Hettleman.  Baltimore County - Vehicle Laws - Private Roadways in Residential Subdivisions and Communities.

SB0916  Sen Kramer.  Education - Curriculum Standards - Requirements (Educate to Stop the Hate Act).

SB0917  Sen Kramer.  Electronic Payment Transactions - Interchange Fees - Calculation and Use of Data.

SB0918  Sen Gile.  Business Regulation - Electronic Smoking Devices Manufacturers - Certifications.

SB0919  Sen Gile.  Health Occupations – Practice of Audiology – Definition.

SB0920  Sen Gile.  Public Health - Maryland Interested Parties Advisory Group - Establishment.

SB0921  Sen Gile.  Health Insurance - Step Therapy or Fail-First Protocols - Drugs to Treat Associated Conditions of Advanced Metastatic Cancer.

SB0922  Sen Gile.  Business Regulation - Travel Services - Surety Requirement (Don't You Worry (Wurie) Act).

SB0923  Sen Gile.  Public Schools - High School Sports Officiating Services - Procurement Requirements.

SB0924  Sen Smith.  State Government - Office of the Correctional Ombudsman - Juvenile Justice Monitor - Appointment.

SB0925  Sen Smith.  Criminal Law - Controlled Dangerous Substances and Firearms.

SB0926  Sen Smith.  End-of-Life Option Act (The Honorable Elijah E. Cummings and the Honorable Shane E. Pendergrass Act).

SB0927  Sen Smith.  Corporations and Associations - Limited Equity Housing Cooperatives - Establishment.

SB0928  Sen Smith.  Veterans Benefits Matters – Claim Servicers – Prohibitions and Requirements.

SB0929  Sen Brooks, et al.  Workgroup on Mail-In Ballot Accessibility.

SB0930  Sen Gile.  Environment - Managed Aquifer Recharge Pilot Program - Establishment.

SB0931  Sen Feldman.  Public Utilities - Generating Stations - Generation and Siting (Renewable Energy Certainty Act).

SB0932  Sen Lewis Young.  Pesticide and Pest Control - State-Owned Property - Pesticide Use Restrictions and Pollinator Habitat.

SB0933  Sen Carozza, et al.  Criminal Law - Causing Ingestion of an Abortion-Inducing Drug - Prohibition (Women's Freedom From Coercion Act).

SB0934  Sen Watson.  Alcoholic Beverages – Premium Cigar Lounge License – Establishment (Maryland Premium Cigar Lounge Act of 2025).

SB0935  Sen Benson.  Transportation - Regional Authorities - Established.

SB0936  Sen Hester, et al.  Consumer Protection - High-Risk Artificial Intelligence - Developer and Deployer Requirements.

SB0937  The Pres and Sen Feldman.  Public Utilities - Electricity Generation Planning - Procurement, Permitting, and Co-Location (Next Generation Energy Act).

SB0938  The Pres (Atty Gen Ofc).  Fraud Prevention and Worker Protections - Prohibitions, Penalties, and Enforcement.

SB0939  Sen Hayes.  Baltimore City - Alcoholic Beverages - Authorizations and Revisions.

SB0940  Sen Hayes.  Health Insurance and Family Planning Services – Consumer Protections – Updates.

SB0941  Sen Sydnor.  Transportation-Related Fines and Tolls - Income-Based Installment Payment Plans.

SB0942  Sen Sydnor.  Correctional Services - Medication-Assisted Treatment Funding.

SB0943  Sen Hettleman, et al.  Family and Law Enforcement Protection Act.

SB0944  Sen Hettleman.  Housing Development Permits - Local Reporting Requirements (Maryland Housing Data Transparency Act).

SB0945  Sen Hettleman, et al.  Community-Based Residential Facilities - Licensing Entities - Provision of Licensing Criteria and Single Point of Contact.

SB0946  Sen Carozza, et al.  Endangered and Threatened Species - Incidental Taking - Bats.

SB0947  Sens Ready and West.  Maryland Co-Location Energy Innovation and Reliability Act.

SB0948  Sen Ready.  Children - Parental Rights - Educational Rights.

SB0949  Sen Love, et al.  Vehicle Laws - Fully Autonomous Vehicles.

SB0950  Sen West, et al.  Natural Gas Generating Facilities - Authorization.

SB0951  Sen West, et al.  Investor-Owned Electric Companies - Generating and Transmission Facilities - Authorization.

SB0952  Sen West, et al.  Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity - Overhead Transmission Lines - Grid Enhancing Technologies.

SB0953  Sen West, et al.  Construction and Expansion of Transmission Lines and Task Force to Develop a Realistic Electricity Plan for Maryland.

SB0954  Sen West, et al.  Circuit Court Judges and District Court Judges – Selection and Tenure.

SB0955  Sen West.  Overhead Transmission Lines - Eminent Domain.

SB0956  Sen West.  Health Insurance - Medicare Supplement Policies - Broker Commission.

SB0957  Sen Waldstreicher.  Morticians and Funeral Directors - Not-For-Profit Funeral Establishments.

SB0958  Sen Mautz.  Agriculture - Catastrophic Damage Caused by Deer.

SB0959  Sen Mautz, et al.  Environment - Wetlands - Landward Boundaries.

SB0960  Sen Mautz.  Natural Resources - Blue Catfish - Population Control.

SB0961  Sen Mautz.  Maryland Medical Assistance Program and Health Insurance - Pharmacogenomic Testing - Required Coverage.

SB0962  Sen Mautz.  Municipalities - Legislative Audit - Exemption.

SB0963  Sen Mautz.  Abandoned and Neglected Cemeteries Fund - Establishment and Income Tax Checkoff.

SB0964  Dorchester County Senators.  Dorchester County - Well and On-Site Sewage Disposal Activities - Privatization Program.

SB0965  Sen Carozza, et al.  Public Health - Women's Health Care Data - Report.

SB0966  Howard County Senators.  Howard County - Ambient Air Quality Control - Permit Applications, Permit Holders, and Property Tax Credit Ho. Co. 6-25.

SB0967  Howard County Senators.  Howard County - Noise Abatement Monitoring Systems - Authorization.

SB0968  Howard County Senators.  Howard County - Patuxent River Wildland - Use of Motor Vehicles and Motorized Equipment Ho. Co. 5-25.

SB0969  Howard County Senators.  Howard County - Department of Fire and Rescue Services - Current and Prospective Employee Medical Cannabis Use.

SB0970  Howard County Senators.  Howard County - Department of Planning and Zoning - Parking Space Requirements for New Construction Ho. Co. 13-25.

SB0971  Sen Lam (Commission on Public Health).  Maryland Department of Health and Health Officers - Revisions.

SB0972  Sen Lam.  Anne Arundel County - Board of License Commissioners - Alterations.

SB0973  Sen Lam.  Aviation Oversight - BWI Thurgood Marshall Airport Master Plan.

SB0974  Sen Lam.  Maryland Medical Assistance Program and Health Insurance - Nonopioid Drugs for the Treatment of Pain.

SB0975  Sen Lam.  Health Insurance - Coverage for Specialty Drugs.

SB0976  Sen Lam.  Collective Bargaining - Local Government Employees and Public Employee Relations Act.

SB0977  Sen Lam.  State and Local Agencies - Enforcement of Federal Immigration Law - Restrictions on Access to Information (Maryland Data Privacy Act).

SB0978  Sen Lam.  Environmental Permits - Requirements for Public Participation and Impact and Burden Analyses (Cumulative Harms to Environmental Restoration for Improving Shared Health - CHERISH Our Communities Act).

SB0979  Sen Guzzone.  Local Government - Accommodations Intermediaries - Hotel Rental Tax Collection by Comptroller.

SB0980  Sen Corderman.  Natural Resources - Maryland Heritage Areas Authority - Funding and Grants.

SB0981  Sen Hershey.  Hospitals - Financial Assistance and Collection of Debts - Policies.

SB0982  Sen Corderman, et al.  Sports Wagering – Wagers on Historical Horse Races – Authorization.

SB0983  Sen Brooks.  Solar Energy - Distributed Generation Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity, Ground-Mounted Solar, and Small Solar Siting Workgroup.

SB0984  Sen A. Washington.  Private Passenger Motor Vehicle Insurance - Use of Telematics Systems.

SB0985  Sen A. Washington.  Consumer Protection - Third-Party Litigation Financing.

SB0986  Sen A. Washington.  Maryland Department of Health - Patient Navigation Services - Study.

SB0987  Sen Lam.  Artificial Intelligence - Health Software and Health Insurance Decision Making.

SB0988  Sen Lam.  Dental Services - Dental Hygienists in Schools and School-Based Health Centers and the Maryland Collaborative to Improve Children's Oral Health Through School-Based Programs.

SB0989  Sens Charles and Watson.  Real Property - Unauthorized Occupants - Sheriff's Property Registry and Removal.

SB0990  Sen Gallion.  Consumer Protection - Agricultural Equipment Warranties.

SB0991  Sen Watson.  Election Law – Pretrial Detainees – Absentee Ballots.

SB0992  Sens West and Waldstreicher.  Corporations and Associations - Revisions.

SB0993  Sen Folden.  Motor Vehicles - Intelligent Speed Assistance System Pilot Program - Establishment.




The Judiciary 




This is to certify that by an Order of this Court dated January 27, 2025, STEPHEN LAWRENCE SNYDER (CPF# 7012010176), as of January 27, 2025, Stephen Lawrence Snyder has been temporarily suspended, effective immediately, and his name has been stricken from the register of attorneys in this Court. Notice of this action is given in accordance with Maryland Rule 19-761(b).


*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *


This is to certify that by an Order of this Court dated January 27, 2025, BRUCE ALLEN JOHNSON, JR. (CPF# 9212160098), as of January 27, 2025, Bruce Allen Johnson, Jr. has been disbarred effective immediately, and his name has been stricken from the register of attorneys in this Court. Notice of this action is given in accordance with Maryland Rule 19-761(b).


         *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *


This is to certify that by an Order of this Court dated January 27, 2025, PHILIP ALLEN DAVIS (CPF# 1512030002), as of January 27, 2025, Philip Allen Davis has been suspended for 150 days, effective immediately, and his name has been stricken from the register of attorneys in this Court. Notice of this action is given in accordance with Maryland Rule 19-761(b).


*    *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *


This is to certify that by an Order of this Court dated January 27, 2025, BRYAN KEITH MARSHALL (CPF# 9712170206), as of January 27, 2025, Bryan Keith Marshall has been indefinitely suspended by consent, effective immediately, and his name has been stricken from the register of attorneys in this Court. Notice of this action is given in accordance with Maryland Rule 19-761(b).


*    *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *


This is to certify that by an Order of this Court dated February 3, 2025, CRAIG W. STEWART (CPF# 0106200263), as of February 3, 2025, Craig W. Stewart has been disbarred by consent, effective immediately, and his name has been stricken from the register of attorneys in this Court. Notice of this action is given in accordance with Maryland Rule 19-761(b).





Regulatory Review and Evaluation

Regulations promulgated under the Administrative Procedure Act will undergo a review by the promulgating agency in accordance with the Regulatory Review and Evaluation Act (State Government Article, §§10-130 — 10-139; COMAR 01.01.2003.20). This review will be documented in an evaluation report which will be submitted to the General Assembly’s Joint Committee on Administrative, Executive, and Legislative Review.  The evaluation reports have been spread over an 8-year period (see COMAR 01.01.2003.20 for the schedule).  Notice that an evaluation report is available for public inspection and comment will be published in this section of the Maryland Register.


Title 11


Notice of Opportunity for Comment


In accordance with the Regulatory Review and Evaluation Act, State Government Article, §§10-130 – 10-139, Annotated Code of Maryland, the State Highway Administration (SHA) is currently reviewing and evaluating the following chapters:

11.04.01 Permits for Oversize and Overweight Vehicles

11.04.02 General Conditions for Movement of Oversize and Overweight Vehicles

11.04.03 Specific Conditions for Movement of Certain Oversize and Overweight Vehicles

11.04.04 Oversize and Overweight Vehicles—Escort Vehicles, Signing, and Lighting

11.04.05 Commercial-Industrial or Subdivision Street Permits (All Entrance Permits other than Residential)

11.04.06 Residential Entrance Permits

11.04.07 Control and Use of Rest Areas

11.04.08 Junkyard Licensing and Control

11.04.09 Bicycles

11.04.10 Specific Information or Business Signs

11.04.11 Overweight Vehicle Permits for Certain Containerized Cargo Hauling

11.04.12 Local Delivery Truck Routes

11.04.13 Smart Growth [Complete Streets]

11.04.14 Traffic Control Signal Monitoring Systems —Duration of Yellow Signal Indications

11.04.15 Work Zone Speed Control Systems

11.04.16 Mobile Seafood and Produce Vendors

11.04.17 Heavy Weight Port Corridor Permit

11.04.18 Joint Trenching of Broadband

The purpose of this review and evaluation is to determine whether existing regulations continue to accomplish the purposes for which they were adopted, clarify ambiguous or unclear language, and repeal obsolete or duplicative provisions.  Pursuant to this work plan, SHA will evaluate the need to retain, amend, or repeal the regulations based on whether the regulations:

·  Continue to be necessary for public interest;

·  Continue to be supported by statutory authority and judicial opinions;

·  Are obsolete or otherwise appropriate for amendment or repeal;

·  Continue to be effective in accomplishing the intended purposes of the regulations.

SHA would like to provide interested parties with an opportunity to participate in the review and evaluation process by submitting comments on the regulations.  The comments may address any concerns about the regulations.  If the comments include suggested changes to the regulations, please be as specific as possible and provide language for the suggested changes.  Comments must be received by December 6, 2025. 


Comments should be directed to Zachary Mohler, SHA COMAR Coordinator, State Highway Administration, 707 North Calvert Street, C-412, Baltimore MD, 21202-3601 or by email at or call 410.545.5691




Final Action on Regulations


Symbol Key

   Roman type indicates text already existing at the time of the proposed action.

   Italic type indicates new text added at the time of proposed action.

   Single underline, italic indicates new text added at the time of final action.

   Single underline, roman indicates existing text added at the time of final action.

   [[Double brackets]] indicate text deleted at the time of final action.


Title 03

Subtitle 03 MOTOR FUEL TAX

03.03.05 Motor Fuel Inspection

Authority: Business Regulation Article, §10-202 and Title 10, Subtitle 4; Tax General Article, §2-103; Annotated Code of Maryland

Notice of Final Action


On February 4, 2025, the Comptroller of the Treasury adopted Regulation .01-1 under COMAR 03.03.05 Motor Fuel Inspection. This action, which was proposed for adoption in 51:25 Md. R. 1144—1145 (December 13, 2024), has been adopted as proposed.

Effective Date: March 3, 2025.

Comptroller of the Treasury

Title 10


10.09.46 Home and Community-Based Services Waiver for Individuals with Brain Injury

Authority: Health-General Article, §§2-104(b), 15-103, and 15-105, Annotated Code of Maryland

Notice of Final Action


On December 10, 2024, the Secretary of Health adopted amendments to Regulation .12 under COMAR 10.09.46 Home and Community-Based Services Waiver for Individuals with Brain Injury. This action, which was proposed for adoption in 51:4 Md. R. 204—205 (February 23, 2024), has been adopted with the nonsubstantive changes shown below.

Effective Date: March 3, 2025.

Attorney General’s Certification

In accordance with State Government Article, §10-113, Annotated Code of Maryland, the Attorney General certifies that the following changes do not differ substantively from the proposed text. The nature of the changes and the basis for this conclusion are as follows: The changes could have been reasonably anticipated by interested parties, do not substantially change the intended benefits of the regulation, and do not increase the burdens of the regulations as proposed. The specific changes are as follows.

.12 Payment Procedures.

A.—B. (proposed text unchanged)

C. Payments.

(1) (proposed text unchanged)

(2) The Program shall pay according to the following fee-for-service schedule:

(a) (proposed text unchanged)

(b) Day habilitation reimbursed at:

(i)—(ii) (proposed text unchanged)

(iii) [[$168.84]] $168.94 from October 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023, then effective July 1, 2023 at $174.01 per day for Level 3;

(c) Supported employment reimbursed at:

(i)—(ii) (proposed text unchanged)

(iii) [[$168.84]] $168.94 from October 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023, then effective July 1, 2023 at $174.01 per day for Level 3; and

(d) Individual support services (ISS): reimbursed at the maximum rate of [[$8.3440]] $8.3500 per 15 minutes from October 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023, then effective July 1, 2023 at $8.6000 per 15 minutes.

(3)—(4) (proposed text unchanged)


Secretary of Health


10.44.22 Continuing Education

Authority: Health Occupations Article, §4-205(a) and (b), Annotated Code of Maryland

Notice of Final Action


On February 11, 2025, the Secretary of Health adopted amendments to Regulations .02, .04—.06, and .08, new Regulations .09 ,.10, and .14, the recodification of existing Regulations .09—.11, and .13 to be Regulations .11—.13, and .15, and the repeal of existing Regulations .12, and .14 under COMAR 10.44.22 Continuing Education. This action, which was proposed for adoption in 51:26 Md. R. 1197—1200 (December 27, 2024), has been adopted as proposed.

Effective Date: March 3, 2025.

Secretary of Health

Title 11


11.02.03 Leave Benefits

Authority: State Personnel and Pensions Article, §§9-1106 and 9-1108; Transportation Article, §§2-102 and 2-103.4;
Annotated Code of Maryland 

Notice of Final Action


On February 7, 2025, the Secretary of Transportation adopted amendments to Regulation .07, new Regulations .08 and .20, amendments to and recodification of existing Regulation .10 to be Regulation .11, and the recodification of existing Regulations .08, .09, and .11—.18 to be Regulations .09, .10, and .12—.19 under COMAR 11.02.03 Leave Benefits. This action, which was proposed for adoption in 51:25 Md. R. 1152—1153 (December 13, 2024), has been adopted as proposed.

Effective Date: March 3, 2025.

Secretary of Transportation


Title 13A


13A.06.10 Purple Star Schools Program

Authority: Education Article, §§2-205 and 7-129, Annotated Code of

Notice of Final Action


On January 28, 2025, the State Board of Education adopted amendments to Regulation .02 under 13A.06.10 Purple Star Schools Program. This action, which was proposed for adoption in 51:24 Md. R. 1095—1096 (December 2, 2024), has been adopted as proposed.

Effective Date: March 3, 2025.

State Superintendent of Schools



13A.07.06 Programs for Professionally Certified Personnel

Authority: Education Article, §§2-205, 6-120, 6-121, 6-704, and 11-208, Annotated Code of Maryland

Notice of Final Action


On January 28, 2025, the State Board of Education adopted amendments to Regulations .02 and .08 under COMAR 13A.07.06 Programs for Professionally Licensed Personnel. This action, which was proposed for adoption in 51:20 Md. R. 902—903 (October 4, 2024), has been adopted as proposed.

Effective Date: March 3, 2025.

State Superintendent of Schools

13A.07.08 Incentive Program for Certification by the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards

Authority: Education Article, §§6-1001, 6-1012 and 6-1013, Annotated Code of Maryland

Notice of Final Action


On January 28, 2025, the State Board of Education adopted amendments to Regulations .01—.06 and repealed existing Regulations .07 and .08 under COMAR 13A.07.08 Incentive Program for Certification by the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards. This action, which was proposed for adoption in 51:20 Md. R. 903—904 (October 4, 2024), has been adopted as proposed.

Effective Date: March 3, 2025.

State Superintendent of Schools

Subtitle 08 STUDENTS

13A.08.01 General Regulations

Authority: Education Article, §§2-205, 7-101, 7-101.1, 7-301, 7-301.1, 7-303—7-305, 7-305.1, 7-307, 7-308, and 8-404, Annotated Code of Maryland; Ch. 273, Acts of 2016; Federal Statutory Reference: 20 U.S.C. §§1232g and 7912

Notice of Final Action


On January 28, 2025, the State Board of Education adopted amendments to Regulation .17 under COMAR 13A.08.01 General Regulations. This action, which was proposed for adoption in 51:24 Md. R. 1096 (December 2, 2024), has been adopted as proposed.

Effective Date: March 3, 2025.

State Superintendent of Schools


Notice of Final Action


On January 28, 2025, the State Board of Education adopted:

(1) New Regulation .05, amendments to and recodification of existing Regulation .05 to be Regulation .06, and the recodification of existing Regulation .06 to be Regulation .07 under COMAR 13A.12.01 General Provisions;

(2) Amendments to Regulations .06 and .07 under COMAR 13A.12.02 Teachers;

(3) Amendments to Regulation .05 under COMAR 13A.12.03 Professional and Technical Education and Specialized Areas for Fine Arts;

(4) Amendments to Regulations .02, .06, .07, .13, and .15 under COMAR 13A.12.04 Specialists; and

(5) Amendments to Regulations .06—.08, .10, and .15 under COMAR 13A.12.05 Administrators and Supervisors.

This action, which was proposed for adoption in 51:21 Md. R. 942—944 (October 18, 2024), has been adopted as proposed.

Effective Date: March 3, 2025.

State Superintendent of Schools

13A.12.02 Teachers

Authority: Education Article, §§2-205, 2-303(g), 6-701—6-708, 8-3A-03 and 8-701—8-708, Annotated Code of Maryland

Notice of Final Action


On January 28, 2025, the State Board of Education adopted amendments to Regulation .03 under COMAR 13A.12.02 Teachers. This action, which was proposed for adoption in 51:21 Md. R. 944—945 (October 18, 2024), has been adopted as proposed.

Effective Date: March 3, 2025.

State Superintendent of Schools


13A.14.15 Outdoor, Nature-Based Child Care License Pilot Program

Authority: Education Article, §§2-205 and 9.5-1101—9.5-1104, Annotated Code of Maryland

Notice of Final Action


On January 28, 2025, the State Board of Education adopted new Regulations .01—.09 under a new chapter, COMAR 13A.14.15 Outdoor, Nature-Based Child Care License Pilot Program. This action, which was proposed for adoption in 51:22 Md. R. 973—978 (November 1, 2024), has been adopted as proposed.

Effective Date: March 3, 2025.

State Superintendent of Schools


Title 14


14.01.04 Cost Review Study Process

Authority: Health-General Article, §§21-2C-03(f)(1), 21-2C-08(b), 21-2C-09, Annotated Code of Maryland

Notice of Final Action


On January 27, 2025, the Maryland Prescription Drug Affordability Board adopted amendments to Regulation .05 under COMAR 14.01.04 Cost Review Study Process. This action, which was proposed for adoption in 51:22 Md. R. 978—979 (November 1, 2024), has been adopted as proposed.

Effective Date: March 3, 2025.

Executive Director


14.38.02 Freedom to Read Act

Authority: Education Article, §§4-142, 23-101, 23-102.1, 23-105-106, 23-202-202.1, 23-205, 23-406, 23-503 and 23-506-507,
Annotated Code of Maryland

Notice of Final Action


On February 11, 2025, the Maryland State Library Agency adopted new Regulations .01—.04 under a new chapter, COMAR 14.38.02 Freedom to Read Act. This action, which was proposed for adoption in 51:26 Md. R. 1212—1213 (December 27, 2024), has been adopted as proposed.

Effective Date: March 3, 2025.

Maryland State Librarian

Title 20


Authority: Public Utilities Article, §§2-113, 2-121, 7-306, 7-306.1, and 7-306.2, Annotated Code of Maryland

Notice of Final Action


On February 4, 2025, the Public Service Commission adopted amendments to:

(1) Regulations .01—.03 under COMAR 20.62.01 General;

(2) Regulations .01—.04, .06, .07, and .09—.11 under COMAR 20.62.02 Pilot Program;

(3) Regulations .02—.09 under COMAR 20.62.03 Pilot Program Administration;

(4) Regulations .01—.03 under COMAR 20.62.04 Pilot Program Study; and

(5) Regulation .01 under COMAR 20.62.05 Consumer Protection.

This action, which was proposed for adoption in 51:25 Md. R. 1160—1167 (December 13, 2024), has been adopted as proposed.

Effective Date: March 3, 2025.

Executive Secretary

Title 21

Notice of Final Action


On January 29, 2025, the Board of Public Works adopted:

(1) Amendments to Regulation .01 under COMAR 21.01.02 Terminology;

(2) Amendments to Regulation .04 and .05 under COMAR 21.02.01 Board of Public Works;

(3) Amendments to Regulation .02 under COMAR 21.03.05 Electronic Transactions;

(4) Amendments to Regulation .01 under COMAR 21.05.03 Procurement by Competitive Sealed Proposals;

(5) Amendments to Regulation .06 under COMAR 21.05.07 Small Procurement Regulations ($100,000 or Less);

(6) Amendments to Regulation .07 under COMAR 21.05.08 Mandatory Written Solicitation Requirements;

(7) Amendments to Regulation .02 under COMAR 21.05.12 Procurement of Human, Social, Cultural, and Educational Services;

(8) New Regulations .01—.05 under new chapter, COMAR 21.05.16 Proof of Concept Procurement;

(9) Amendments to Regulations .08, .26, and .31 under COMAR 21.07.01 Mandatory Contract Provisions;

(10) Amendments to Regulations .05-2 and .10 under COMAR 21.07.02 Mandatory Construction Contract Clauses;

(11) Amendments to Regulations .06, .26, and .27 under COMAR 21.07.03 Mandatory Terms and Conditions for Purchase Orders Over $50,000;

(12) New Regulations ,.01 and,.02 under a new chapter, COMAR 21.07.04 Prohibited Provisions;

(13) Amendments to Regulation .02 under COMAR 21.10.02 Protests;

(14) Amendments to Regulations .01—.08 under COMAR 21.10.08 Prompt Payment of Subcontractors;

(15) Amendments to Regulations .01, .02, .05, and .06 under COMAR 21.11.01 Small Business Procurements;

(16) Amendments to Regulations .03 and .17 under COMAR 21.11.03 Minority Business Enterprise Policies;

(17) Amendments to Regulations .04,.06, and .08. under COMAR 21.11.05 Procurement from Maryland Correctional Enterprises, Blind Industries and Services of Maryland, and the Employment Works Program;

(18) Amendments to Regulation .03 under COMAR 21.13.01 Reporting Requirements; and

This action, which was proposed for adoption in 51:23 Md. R. 1047—1059 (November 15, 2024), has been adopted as proposed.

Effective Date: March 3, 2025.

Executive Secretary


21.11.03 Minority Business Enterprise Policies

Authority: State Finance and Procurement Article, §§12-101 and 14-30 -14-308, Annotated Code of Maryland.

Notice of Final Action


On January 29, 2025, the Board of Public Works repealed Regulation .16 under COMAR 21.11.03 State Procurement Regulations. This action, which was proposed for adoption in 51:25 Md. R. 1168 (December 13, 2024), has been adopted as proposed.

Effective Date: March 3, 2025.

Executive Secretary


Proposed Action on Regulations


Title 25


Notice of Proposed Action


The Office of the State Treasurer proposes to amend:

(1) Regulations .01—.06 and .09 under COMAR 25.03.03 Local Government Investment Guidelines and Reporting Requirements; and

(2) Regulation .01—.03 under COMAR 25.03.04 Policy Regarding the Investment of Public Money by the State of Maryland.

Statement of Purpose

The purpose of this action is to:

(1) Ensure that public money that is invested will provide the highest interest return with the maximum safety and security;

(2) Ensure that public money is invested in accordance with all State laws governing the investment of all public money; and

(3) Specify the asset classes and thresholds for maximum investments.

Estimate of Economic Impact

The proposed action has no economic impact.

Economic Impact on Small Businesses

The proposed action has minimal or no economic impact on small businesses.

Impact on Individuals with Disabilities

The proposed action has no impact on individuals with disabilities.

Opportunity for Public Comment

Comments may be sent to Laura Atas, Deputy Treasurer, State Treasurer's Office, 80 Calvert Street, Annapolis, MD 21401, or call 410-260-7292, or email to  Comments will be accepted through March 24, 2025. A public hearing has not been scheduled.

25.03.03 Local Government Investment Guidelines and Reporting Requirements

Authority: [Article 95, §22F] Local Government Article, Title 17, Subtitle 2; State Finance and Procurement Article, §6-222; Annotated Code of Maryland

.01 Purpose.

This chapter requires local government units to adopt policies to be followed when investing public [funds, to submit] money and submitting the adopted policies to the State Treasurer for [acceptance, and certain local government units to submit periodic reports on investment activities to the State Treasurer] acceptance.

.02 Definitions.

A. (text unchanged)

B. Terms Defined.

(1) (text unchanged)

(2) “Adopted policy” means a local government investment policy which has been properly adopted by the local government unit in accordance with the requirements of [both] local law, [and] Regulation .05 of this chapter, and COMAR 24.03.04.

[(3)“Bankers’ acceptances” means an order to pay a sum certain on a certain day to the holder which is drawn on and accepted by the bank that assumes responsibility to make payment to the holder.]

[(4)](3)[(5)](4) (text unchanged)

[(6) “Certificate of deposit” means an interest-bearing negotiable instrument of fixed maturity issued by a commercial bank.

(7) “Chief Executive” has the meaning stated in Article 95, §22F, Annotated Code of Maryland]

(8) “Commercial paper” means an unsecured promissory note with a fixed maturity of 270 days or less.]


[(9)](5) “Community college” [has the meaning stated in Article 95, §22F, Annotated Code of Maryland] means a community college other than the Baltimore City Community College and a regional community college established under Education Article, Title 16, Subtitle 2, Annotated Code of Maryland.

[(10) “Direct federal obligation” means a security issued by the United States Treasury, the principal and interest of which are guaranteed by the full faith and credit of the United States.

(11) “Federal agency obligation” means securities issued by entities that are United States government agencies or by a federal instrumentality created by Congress to advance federal policy through the issuance of securities, such as the Government National Mortgage Association, the Federal National Mortgage Association, the Federal Home Loan Bank, the Federal Farm Credit Bank, and the Student Loan Marketing Association.]

(6) “Financial officer” has the meaning stated in Local Government Article, §17-201, Annotated Code of Maryland.

[(12)](7) (text unchanged)

[(13)](8) “Governing body” has the meaning stated in [Article 95, §22F,] Local Government Article, §1-101, Annotated Code of Maryland.

[(14) “Investment manager” has the meaning stated in Article 95, §22F, Annotated Code of Maryland.

(15) “Local government investment pool” has the meaning stated in Article 95, §22G, Annotated Code of Maryland.]

[(16)](9) “Local government unit” [has the meaning stated in Article 95, §22F, Annotated Code of Maryland] means a county, a municipality, a community college, the Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission, a public corporation authorized to issue debt, and an authority of the State authorized to issue debt.

[(17)](10) (text unchanged)

[(18)](11) “Money market mutual [funds] fund” means a mutual fund registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission under the Investment Company Act of 1940, 15 U.S.C. [§80(A)] §80a-1 et seq., as amended, and operated in accordance with Rule 2A-7 promulgated under the Investment Company Act of 1940, 17 CFR §270.2A-7, as amended.

[(19) “Municipal securities” means debt issued by state and local governments and their agencies.

(20) “Municipal Treasurer’s Association” means the Municipal Treasurers’ Association of the United States and Canada.

(21) “Net asset value” means the bid price of a mutual fund share.]

[(22)](12) “Public [funds] money” has the meaning stated in [Article 95, §22F, Annotated Code of Maryland] COMAR 25.03.04.

[(23)  “Repurchase agreement” means an investment in which an investor buys a security from a broker for a specified period at an agreed rate of interest and the broker agrees to repurchase the security at a specific time for the original purchase price plus the interest accrued.

(24)”Reverse repurchase agreement” means a method of borrowing using a security as collateral for a loan when the owner sells the security for a stated term with an agreement to repurchase the security at the sales price and an agreed-upon interest rate.]

[(25)](13) (text unchanged)

.03 General Requirements for Adoption of Local Government Investment Policy.

A. The governing body of each local government unit shall adopt by resolution a written investment policy that:

(1) Complies with State and local law, including:

(a) State Finance and Procurement Article, §6-222, Annotated Code of Maryland; [and]

(b) [Article 95, §22F] Local Government Article, §17-201 et seq., Annotated Code of Maryland; and

(c) COMAR 25.03.04; and

(2) (text unchanged)

B. The State Treasurer recognizes the standards published by the following nationally recognized financial management organizations:

(1) (text unchanged)

(2) [Municipal Treasurer’s Association] Association of Public Treasurers of the United States and Canada.

C. (text unchanged)

.04 State Law Requirements for Adoption of Local Government Investment Policy.

A. At a minimum, each adopted policy shall:

(1) Allow local government units to invest in only those types of securities authorized by:

(a) State Finance and Procurement Article, § 6-222(a), Annotated Code of Maryland[, or];

(b) [Article 95, 22—22N] Local Government Article, §17-201 et seq., Annotated Code of Maryland; and

(c) COMAR 25.03.04;

(2) Require that investments made by local government units comply with the standards of [State Finance and Procurement Article, §6-222(d)] COMAR 25.03.04;

(3) (text unchanged)

(4) Require that the local government unit’s [investment manager] financial officer not invest public [funds] money of the local government unit in a manner inconsistent with its adopted policy.

B. (text unchanged)

[C. In addition to A and B of this regulation, the adopted policy of a board of education or a board of library trustees shall comply with the provisions of the adopted policy for the county in which the board of education or board of library trustees is located.]

.05 Adoption of Local Government Investment Policy and Submission for Acceptance.

A. [By September 1, 1995, the] The governing body of each local government unit shall adopt by resolution a written local government investment policy that:

(1) (text unchanged)

(2) Satisfies the requirements of Regulations .03 and .04 of this chapter and COMAR 25.03.04; and

(3) (text unchanged)

B. (text unchanged)

.06 Check by State Treasurer of Local Government Investment Policy.

A. Upon receipt, the State Treasurer shall have each adopted policy checked for compliance with this chapter and COMAR 25.03.04, and shall either:

(1)—(2) (text unchanged)

B. (text unchanged)

.09 Enforcement.

[A.] The State Treasurer shall notify a local government unit to seek compliance if the:

[(1)] A. Local government unit has not sent the State Treasurer an adopted policy in accordance with Regulation .05B of this chapter; [or]

[(2)] B. State Treasurer determines that the adopted policy is not an accepted policy in accordance with Regulation .06A of this chapter[.]; or

C. State Treasurer determines that an accepted policy is no longer in compliance with the provisions of:

(1) State Finance and Procurement Article, §6-222, Annotated Code of Maryland;

(2) Local Government Article, §17-201 et seq., Annotated Code of Maryland; or

(3) COMAR 25.03.04.

[B. The State Treasurer periodically shall send a written list of the local government units which have failed to comply with this chapter to the Joint Committee on the Management of Public Funds, which may take further action in accordance with Article 95, §22F, Annotated Code of Maryland.]

25.03.04 Policy Regarding the Investment of Public Money by the State of Maryland

Authority: State Finance and Procurement Article, §6-222, Annotated Code of Maryland

.01 Purpose.

The purpose of this Policy is to set requirements and thresholds for the investment of public money by the State and each local government unit to ensure that public money is invested in a manner that will:

A. Provide the highest investment return with the maximum security while meeting the anticipated daily cash flow requirements of the State and each local government unit; and

B. Conform to all State laws governing the investment of public money[; and

C. Specify the asset classes, thresholds for maximum investment in each asset class, and other requirements for the investment of public money by the State].

.02 Definitions.

A. (text unchanged)

B. Terms Defined.

(1) “Investment officer” means:

(a) With respect to the State, the State’s Chief Investment Officer and any other person authorized by the State Treasurer to invest unexpended or surplus money over which the State Treasurer has custody; and

(b) With respect to a local government unit, the treasurer or other financial officer of a local government unit who is responsible for the investment of public money or the issuance and management of debt of the local government unit.

(2) “Local government unit” means a county, a municipality, a community college, the Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission, a public corporation authorized to issue debt, and an authority of the State authorized to issue debt.

[(2)](3) (text unchanged)  

[(3)](4) [“Public money”] Public Money.

(a) With respect to the State, “public money” means unexpended or surplus money over which the State Treasurer has custody; and

(b) With respect to a local government unit, “public money” has the meaning stated in Local Government Article, §17-201, Annotated Code of Maryland.

[(4)](5)—[(5)](6) (text unchanged)


.03 Requirements for Investment Officers.

A. An investment officer shall employ the “prudent person” standard when making investments. Specifically, an investment officer shall:

(1)—(3) (text unchanged)

(4) Consider the context of the assets [in the Treasurer’s] available for investment as a whole and as part of an overall investment strategy that incorporates reasonably suitable risk and return objectives;

(5)—(7) (text unchanged)

(8) [In] Act in a manner designed to diversify investments unless, under the circumstances, it is reasonably determined to be in the best interests of the State or local government not to do so;

(9)—(11) (text unchanged)  

Chief Deputy Treasurer


Title 29


Notice of Change to Opportunity for Public Comment




The Notice of Opportunity for Public Comment which appeared at 52:3 Md. R. 173 (February 7, 2025) has been corrected.  The deadline for public comment is March 10, 2025, not January 13, 2025, as originally published. The corrected notice follows:


Opportunity for Public Comment


Comments may be sent to F/Sgt. Brandon Gosnell, Regulations Coordinator, Maryland State Police, 1201 Reisterstown Road, Pikesville, MD 21208, or call 410-653-4375, or email to Brandon.Gosnell@Maryland.Gov. Comments will be accepted through March 10, 2025. A public hearing will be scheduled.



Secretary of State Police





COMAR 03.03.05


At 51:25 Md. R. 1144 (December 13, 2024), column 2, lines 19—31 from the top:




(4) (text unchanged)

[* An allowance of +/- 15 days will be permitted to accommodate

the receipt of new product and disbursement of old stock from the fixed

change-over date, with the following exceptions: product required for

the volatility period beginning May 1 is acceptable up to 45 days

before May 1; product for the volatility period beginning September

16 shall be acceptable only on or after September 16.]

(c)—(f) (text unchanged)

(3) Evaporation — May through September 15

(a) (text unchanged)

(b) 50 percent—[66°C]77°C [150 °F](170°F) minimum

(c)—(g) (text unchanged)

(4) (text unchanged)




(4) Evaporation — September 16 through September 30

(a)—(g) (text unchanged)

[* An allowance of +/- 15 days will be permitted to accommodate the receipt of new product and disbursement of old stock from the fixed change-over date, with the following exceptions: product required for the volatility period beginning May 1 is acceptable up to 45 days before May 1; product for the volatility period beginning September 16 shall be acceptable only on or after September 16.]


COMAR 32.02.01


At 51:25 Md. R. 1170 (December 13, 2024), column 1, lines 4—6 from the top:


For: [A person] An applicant for, or a holder of, a feasibility study approval, preliminary certificate, initial certificate, or renewal certificate that is aggrieved by a denial of a certificate of registration,


Read: [A person] An applicant for, or a holder of, a feasibility study approval, preliminary certificate, initial certificate, or renewal certificate that is aggrieved by a denial of a certificate of registration,


COMAR 32.02.02


At 51:25 Md. R. 1170 (December 13, 2024), column 2, lines 22—24 from the top:


For: [A person] An applicant for, or a holder of, a feasibility study approval, preliminary certificate, initial certificate, or renewal certificate that is aggrieved by a denial of a certificate of registration,


Read: [A person] An applicant for, or a holder of, a feasibility study approval, preliminary certificate, initial certificate, or renewal certificate that is aggrieved by a denial of a certificate of registration,



General Notices


Notice of ADA Compliance

   The State of Maryland is committed to ensuring that individuals with disabilities are able to fully participate in public meetings.  Anyone planning to attend a meeting announced below who wishes to receive auxiliary aids, services, or accommodations is invited to contact the agency representative at least 48 hours in advance, at the telephone number listed in the notice or through Maryland Relay.



Subject: Public Meeting

Date and Time: March 20, 2025, 10 a.m.—12 p.m.

Place: Google Meet Teleconference. Please see the Board's website for details.

Contact: Lenelle Cooper 410-764-4733




Subject: Public Hearing

Date and Time: Tuesday March 11, 2025, 1—4p.m.

Add’l. Info: The Maryland Insurance Administration will conduct a public hearing on specific rate increase requests being made by certain Long-Term Care Insurance carriers operating in Maryland. The hearing will focus on rate increase requests before the Maryland Insurance Administration.  In the individual long-term care market, this include a requests from Bankers Life and Casualty Insurance Company, John Hancock Life Insurance Company (U.S.A.), and Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company.  The purpose of the hearing is for insurance company officials to explain the reasons for the rate increases and for the MIA to consider whether the proposed rate increase complies with Maryland's laws and regulations relating to long-term care insurance. Interested stakeholders will also have the opportunity to provide comments at the hearing. Prior to the hearing, copies of each company's actuarial memorandum will be posted to the Maryland Insurance Administration's website. 


The hearing will be held via Zoom.

Zoom Gov link:

Dial-In: (646) 828-7666 

Webinar ID: 161 028 6713

Information about the Maryland Relay Service can be found at

If you wish to provide oral testimony, please RSVP to Nancy Muehlberger. Testimony will only be heard from those who have RSVP’d in advance of the public hearing. Written comments and RSVPs should be sent to Nancy Muehlberger by March 7, 2025, either by email to or by mail to 200 St. Paul Place, Suite 2700, Baltimore, Md. 21202 or by fax to 410-468-2038.

Any questions regarding this matter should be directed to Nancy Muehlberger, Analyst, by March 7, 2025 by email to 

For more information on the hearing, please see the following link:

Contact: Nancy Muehlberger, 410-468-2050
