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Maryland Register
Issue Date: March 21, 2025 Volume 52 • Issue 6 • Pages 257 — 312
General Assembly Judiciary Regulations Errata Special Documents General Notices
Pursuant to State Government Article, §7-206, Annotated Code of Maryland, this issue contains all previously unpublished documents required to be published, and filed on or before March 3, 2025 5 p.m.
Pursuant to State Government Article, §7-206, Annotated Code of Maryland, I hereby certify that this issue contains all documents required to be codified as of March 3, 2025. Gail S. Klakring Administrator, Division of State Documents Office of the Secretary of State |
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Information About the Maryland
Register and COMAR
The Maryland Register is an official State publication published every
other week throughout the year. A cumulative index is published quarterly.
The Maryland Register is the temporary
supplement to the Code of Maryland Regulations. Any change to the text of
regulations published in COMAR, whether
by adoption, amendment, repeal, or emergency action, must first be published in
the Register.
The following information is also published regularly in the Register:
• Governor’s Executive Orders
• Attorney General’s Opinions in full text
• Open Meetings Compliance Board Opinions in full text
• State Ethics Commission Opinions in full text
• Court Rules
• District Court Administrative Memoranda
• Courts of Appeal Hearing Calendars
• Agency Hearing and Meeting Notices
• Synopses of Bills Introduced and Enacted
by the General Assembly
• Other documents considered to be in the public interest
The Maryland Register is cited by volume, issue, page number, and date.
• 19:8 Md. R. 815—817 (April 17,
1992) refers to Volume 19, Issue 8, pages 815—817 of the Maryland Register
issued on April 17, 1992.
COMAR is the official compilation of all regulations issued by agencies
of the State of Maryland. The Maryland Register is COMAR’s temporary
supplement, printing all changes to regulations as soon as they occur. At least
once annually, the changes to regulations printed in the Maryland Register are
incorporated into COMAR by means of permanent supplements.
COMAR regulations are cited by title number, subtitle number, chapter
number, and regulation number. Example: COMAR refers to Title 10,
Subtitle 08, Chapter 01, Regulation 03.
Incorporation by reference is a legal device by which a document is made
part of COMAR simply by referring to it. While the text of an incorporated
document does not appear in COMAR, the provisions of the incorporated document
are as fully enforceable as any other COMAR regulation. Each regulation that
proposes to incorporate a document is identified in the Maryland Register by an
Editor’s Note. The Cumulative Table of COMAR Regulations Adopted, Amended or
Repealed, found online, also identifies each regulation incorporating a
document. Documents incorporated by reference are available for inspection in
various depository libraries located throughout the State and at the Division of State Documents. These depositories are
listed in the first issue of the Maryland Register published each year. For
further information, call 410-974-2486.
Administrative History at the end of every COMAR chapter gives information
about past changes to regulations. To determine if there have been any
subsequent changes, check the ‘‘Cumulative Table of COMAR Regulations Adopted,
Amended, or Repealed’’ which is found online at http://www.dsd.state.md.us/PDF/CumulativeTable.pdf.
This table lists the regulations in numerical order, by their COMAR number,
followed by the citation to the Maryland Register in which the change occurred.
The Maryland Register serves as a temporary supplement to COMAR, and the two
publications must always be used together. A Research Guide for Maryland
Regulations is available. For further information, call 410-260-3876.
For subscription forms for the Maryland Register and COMAR, see the back
pages of the Maryland Register. Single issues of the Maryland Register are $15.00
per issue.
Maryland citizens and other interested persons may participate in the process by which
administrative regulations are adopted, amended, or repealed, and may also
initiate the process by which the validity and applicability of regulations is
determined. Listed below are some of the ways in which citizens may participate
(references are to State Government Article (SG),
Code of Maryland):
• By submitting data or views on proposed
regulations either orally or in writing, to the proposing agency (see
‘‘Opportunity for Public Comment’’ at the beginning of
all regulations appearing in the Proposed Action on Regulations section of the
Maryland Register). (See SG, §10-112)
• By petitioning an agency to adopt, amend,
or repeal regulations. The agency must respond to the petition. (See SG
• By petitioning an agency to issue a
declaratory ruling with respect to how any regulation,
order, or statute enforced by the agency applies. (SG, Title 10, Subtitle 3)
• By petitioning the circuit court for a
declaratory judgment
the validity of a regulation when it appears that the regulation interferes
with or impairs the legal rights or privileges of the petitioner. (SG, §10-125)
• By inspecting a certified copy of any
document filed with the Division of State Documents for publication in the
Maryland Register. (See SG, §7-213)
Register (ISSN 0360-2834).
Postmaster: Send address changes and other mail to: Maryland Register, State
House, Annapolis, Maryland 21401. Tel. 410-260-3876. Published biweekly, with
cumulative indexes published quarterly, by the State of Maryland, Division of
State Documents, State House, Annapolis, Maryland 21401. The subscription rate
for the Maryland Register is $225 per year (first class mail). All
subscriptions post-paid to points in the U.S. periodicals postage paid at
Annapolis, Maryland, and additional mailing offices.
Wes Moore, Governor; Susan C. Lee, Secretary of State; Gail S. Klakring, Administrator; Tracey A. Johnstone, Editor,
Maryland Register; Tarshia N.
Neal, Subscription Manager; Tami
Cathell, Help Desk, COMAR and Maryland Register Online.
Front cover: State House,
Annapolis, MD, built 1772—79.
Illustrations by Carolyn Anderson, Dept. of General Services
Note: All
products purchased are for individual use only. Resale or other compensated
transfer of the information in printed or electronic
form is a prohibited commercial purpose (see State Government Article,
§7-206.2, Annotated Code of Maryland). By purchasing a product, the buyer
agrees that the purchase is for individual use only and will not sell or give the
product to another individual or entity.
Closing Dates for the
Maryland Register
Schedule of Closing Dates and
Issue Dates for the
Maryland Register ..................................................................... 261
COMAR Research Aids
Table of Pending Proposals ........................................................... 262
Index of COMAR Titles Affected in
This Issue
Title Number and Name Page
02 Office of the Attorney General .......................................... 270
09 Maryland Department of Labor ................................. 267, 271
10 Maryland Department of Health ................................ 267, 277
11 Department of Transportation .................................... 268, 287
14 Independent Agencies ....................................................... 288
20 Public Service Commission ............................................... 290
30 Maryland Institute for Emergency Medical
Systems (MIEMSS) ....................................................... 291
33 State Board of Elections .................................................... 268
with disabilities who desire assistance in using the publications and services
of the Division of State Documents are encouraged to call (410) 974-2486, or
(800) 633-9657, or FAX to (410) 974-2546, or through Maryland Relay.
Disciplinary Proceedings....................................................... 266
Temporary Permits and Reciprocity
Professional Competency
Medicaid Managed Care Program: Non-Capitated Covered Services
Toll Collection and Toll Violation
Definitions; General Provisions
Post-Election Verification and Audit
Action on Regulations
with the Maryland Commission on
Civil Rights
Against the Home Improvement Guaranty Fund
Health Crisis Services
Medical Assistance Provider Participation
of All-Inclusive Care for the
Elderly (PACE)
Education Requirements
Vehicle and Low Emission Vehicle Excise
Tax Credit
Offenses and Seriousness Categories
Projects Approved for Consumptive Uses of Water
Grandfathering Registration Notice
Water Quality Certification 24-WQC-0034
Water Quality Certification 24-WQC-0047
Additions to Handgun Roster and Notice of Right to Object or Petition
of Portion of Wicomico River (Charles County) — Effective 2/3/2025
Opening of Joes Lumps and
Wicomico Lumps Oyster Bars (Charles County) — Effective 2/3/2025
Atlantic Ocean Commercial Striped Bass Transfer Rules — Effective 1/17/2025
2025 Atlantic Coast
Recreational and Charter Boat Striped Bass Fishery — Effective 1/17/2025
Requested Redesignation of a Primary Stroke Center
Requested Redesignation of a Thrombectomy
Capable -
Primary Stroke Center
Requested Re-designation of an Eye Trauma Center
Requested Redesignation of Freestanding Emergency
Medical Facility
Requested Redesignation of a Perinatal and Neonatal
Referral Center
The Code of Maryland
Regulations is available at www.dsd.state.md.us as a free service of the Office
of the Secretary of State, Division of State
Documents. The full text of regulations is available and searchable. Note,
however, that the printed COMAR continues to be the only official and
enforceable version of COMAR.
The Maryland Register is
also available at www.dsd.state.md.us.
For additional
information, visit www.dsd.maryland.gov, Division of State Documents, or call us at (410) 974-2486 or 1 (800)
of Monthly List of
Maryland Documents
The Maryland Department of
Legislative Services receives copies of all publications issued by State
officers and agencies. The Department prepares and distributes, for a fee, a
list of these publications under the title ‘‘Maryland Documents’’. This list is
published monthly, and contains bibliographic information concerning regular
and special reports, bulletins, serials, periodicals, catalogues, and a variety
of other State publications. ‘‘Maryland Documents’’ also includes local
Anyone wishing to receive ‘‘Maryland Documents’’ should write to: Legislative Sales, Maryland Department of Legislative Services, 90 State Circle, Annapolis, MD 21401.
December 2025†
Issue |
Emergency and
Proposed Regulations 5
p.m.* |
etc. 10:30
a.m. |
Final Regulations 10:30
a.m. |
April 4 |
March 17 |
March 24 |
March 26 |
April 18 |
March 31 |
April 7 |
April 9 |
May 2 |
April 14 |
April 21 |
April 23 |
May 16 |
April 28 |
May 5 |
May 7 |
May 30 |
May 12 |
May 19 |
May 21 |
June 13 |
May 23** |
June 2 |
June 4 |
June 27 |
June 9 |
June 16 |
June 18 |
July 11 |
June 23 |
June 30 |
July 2 |
July 25 |
July 7 |
July 14 |
July 16 |
August 8 |
July 21 |
July 28 |
July 30 |
August 22 |
August 4 |
August 11 |
August 13 |
September 5 |
August 18 |
August 25 |
August 27 |
September 19 |
August 29** |
September 8 |
September 10 |
October 3 |
September 15 |
September 22 |
September 24 |
October 17 |
September 29 |
October 6 |
October 8 |
October 31 |
October 10** |
October 20 |
October 22 |
November 14 |
October 27 |
November 3 |
November 5 |
December 1*** |
November 10 |
November 17 |
November 19 |
December 12 |
November 24 |
December 1 |
December 3 |
December 26 |
December 8 |
December 15 |
December 17 |
† Please note that this table is provided for
planning purposes and that the Division of State Documents (DSD) cannot
guarantee submissions will be published in an agency’s desired issue. Although
DSD strives to publish according to the schedule above, there may be times when
workload pressures prevent adherence to it.
* Also
note that proposal deadlines are for submissions to DSD for publication in the
Maryland Register and do not take into account the
15-day AELR review period. The due date for documents containing 8 to 18 pages
is 48 hours before the date listed; the due date for documents exceeding 18
pages is 1 week before the date listed.
** Note closing date changes due to holidays.
*** Note
issue date changes due to holidays.
The regular closing date for
Proposals and Emergencies is Monday.
Cumulative Table
of COMAR Regulations
Adopted, Amended, or Repealed
This table, previously printed in the Maryland Register lists the regulations, by COMAR title, that have been adopted, amended, or repealed in the Maryland Register since the regulations were originally published or last supplemented in the Code of Maryland Regulations (COMAR). The table is no longer printed here but may be found on the Division of State Documents website at www.dsd.state.md.us.
Table of Pending
The table below lists proposed changes to COMAR regulations. The proposed changes are listed by their COMAR number, followed by a citation to that issue of the Maryland Register in which the proposal appeared. Errata and corrections pertaining to proposed regulations are listed, followed by “(err)” or “(corr),” respectively. Regulations referencing a document incorporated by reference are followed by “(ibr)”. None of the proposals listed in this table have been adopted. A list of adopted proposals appears in the Cumulative Table of COMAR Regulations Adopted, Amended, or Repealed.
02.06.04 .01—.06 •
52:6 Md. R. 270 (3-21-25)
HUMAN SERVICES—.23 • 52:2 Md. R. 71 (1-24-25)—.24
• 51:19 Md.
R. 861 (9-20-24)
NATURAL RESOURCES • 51:10 Md. R. 534 (5-17-24)
DEPARTMENT OF LABOR,.04 • 52:1 Md. R. 27 (1-10-25),.04 • 52:2 Md. R. 79 (1-24-25) (corr),.06,.16 • 51:14 Md. R. 685 (7-12-24), .19 • 52:6 Md. R. 271 (3-21-25), .03 • 52:6 Md. R. 271 (3-21-25) • 52:6 Md. R. 271 (3-21-25) • 51:15 Md. R. 713 (7-26-24),.02,.07—.09 • 52:2 Md. R. 79 (1-24-25), .15 • 52:6 Md. R. 273 (3-21-25), .05 • 52:6 Md. R. 273 (3-21-25)—.10
• 51:24 Md. R.
1084 (12-2-24)—.13 • 52:6 Md. R. 274 (3-21-25)—.03 • 51:21 Md. R. 929 (10-18-24)—.10 • 51:21 Md. R. 932 (10-18-24)—.10 • 51:21 Md. R. 933 (10-18-24)—.12 • 51:21 Md. R. 937 (10-18-24)—.05 • 52:1 Md. R. 28 (1-10-25)
Subtitles 01—08 (1st volume)
• 52:2 Md. R. 80
(1-24-25)—.65 • 52:2 Md. R. 82 (1-24-25)
Subtitle 09 (2nd
10.09.02 .07 • 52:5 Md. R. 241 (3-7-25) (ibr) • 52:3
Md. R. 162 (2-7-25),.04—.06 • 52:3
Md. R. 164 (2-7-25) • 52:6 Md. R. 277 (3-21-25),.07,.12
• 52:3 Md. R. 162 (2-7-25)
10.09.24 .03-1 •
52:5 Md.
R. 242 (3-7-25)
• 52:6 Md. R. 278
.03, .04, .08 • 52:6 Md. R. 279 (3-21-25)
10.09.37 .03 • 52:5 Md. R. 242 (3-7-25),.13 • 52:3 Md. R. 164 (2-7-25)
10.09.44 .01, .03—.09, .11, .12, .15, .16,
.18,.20—.24 • 52:6 Md. R. 279 (3-21-25)—.07
• 51:26 Md. R.
1192 (12-27-24),.05 • 51:4 Md. R. 206 (2-23-24),.04—.07,.09
• 51:26 Md. R.
1194 (12-27-24)
01—.11• 52:3 Md. R. 166 (2-07-25)
10.09.76 .04,.05 • 52:5 Md. R. 243 (3-7-25),.05 • 51:1 Md. R. 38 (1-12-24)
Subtitles 10—22 (3rd
volume),.12 • 52:2 Md. R. 119 (1-24-25)
• 51:25 Md. R.
1151 (12-13-24),.21
• 52:2 Md. R. 81
Subtitles 23—36(4th
• 51:24 Md. R.
1086 (12-2-24)—.04,.08,.10,.13,.14
• 51:24 Md. R.
1088 (12-2-24)
10.27.01 .02 • 52:5 Md. R. 244 (3-7-25), .03, .05 • 52:6 Md. R. 286 (3-21-25)
Subtitles 37—52 (5th
volume) • 52:2 Md. R. 121 (1-24-25)(ibr) • 51:17 Md. R. 779 (8-23-24),
.04, .11• 52:5
Md. R. 245 (3-7-25),
.05 • 52:3 Md.
R. 168 (2-7-25) • 52:2 Md. R. 119 (1-24-25)
Subtitles 53—68 (6th volume)—.05
• 51:26 Md. R.
1200 (12-27-24) • 52:3 Md. R. 166 (2-7-25),.08
• 51:26 Md. R.
1200 (12-27-24),.18,.19 • 51:26 Md. R.
1202 (12-27-24)
.05-1 • 51:26 Md.
R. 1202 (12-27-24) • 52:3 Md. R. 166 (2-7-25)
• 51:26 Md. R.
1202 (12-27-24)
• 51:26 Md. R.
1202 (12-27-24)
Subtitles 01—10
Subtitles 11—23 (MVA) • 52:3 Md. R. 169 (2-7-25)—.03 • 52:2 Md. R. 126 (1-24-25)(err), .03, .04,.05 • 52:6 Md. R. 287 (3-21-25)
13A.15.01.02 • 51:25 Md. R. 1154 (12-13-24)
13A.15.04.03 • 51:25 Md. R. 1154 (12-13-24)
13A.15.13.09 • 51:25 Md. R. 1154 (12-13-24)
14.01.01, .01,.06 • 52:1 Md. R. 33 (1-10-25)
• 51:25
Md. R. 1140 (12-13-24)—.09 • 52:1 Md. R. 33 (1-10-25)
• 51:26 Md. R.
1206 (12-27-24)
• 51:26 Md. R.
1206 (12-27-24)—.09
• 51:26 Md. R. 1206
• 51:26 Md. R.
1206 (12-27-24),.04,.11 • 52:2 Md. R. 122 (1-24-25)
• 51:26 Md. R.
1206 (12-27-24)
• 51:26 Md. R.
1206 (12-27-24) • 52:2 Md. R. 122 (1-24-25)—.05
• 51:26 Md. R.
1206 (12-27-24)
• 51:26 Md. R.
1206 (12-27-24),.03,.08
• 51:26 Md. R.
1206 (12-27-24) • 52:2 Md. R. 122 (1-24-25),.18
• 51:26 Md. R.
1206 (12-27-24) • 52:2 Md. R. 122 (1-24-25),.04,.10
• 51:26 Md. R.
1206 (12-27-24) • 52:2 Md. R. 122 (1-24-25),.12
• 51:26 Md. R.
1206 (12-27-24),.06
• 51:26 Md. R.
1206 (12-27-24)
• 51:26 Md. R.
1206 (12-27-24)
• 51:26 Md. R.
1206 (12-27-24)—.06 • 52:2 Md. R. 122 (1-24-25)
• 51:26 Md. R.
1206 (12-27-24)
• 51:26 Md. R.
1206 (12-27-24) • 52:2 Md. R. 122 (1-24-25)
01, .02, .06,
.07, .09, .10,.12 • 51:26 Md. R. 1206 (12-27-24) • 52:6 Md. R. 288 (3-21-25) • 52:6 Md. R. 288 (3-21-25),.04 • 51:17 Md. R. 789 (8-23-24)
• 51:23 Md. R.
1046 (11-15-24)
15.01.21. .01—.10 • 52:3 Md.
R. 170 (2-7-25)
COMMISSION • 52:6 Md. R.
290 (3-21-25) • 52:6 Md. R. 290 (3-21-25)
20.53.07 .07,.15 • 52:5 Md. R. 246 (3-7-25)
20.59.07 .07 • 52:5
Md. R. 247 (3-7-25) • 52:5 Md. R. 248 (3-7-25),.02 • 52:5 Md. R. 248 (3-7-25)
• 52:4 Md. R. 222 (2-21-25)—.03 • 52:4 Md. R. 222 (2-21-25)
Subtitles 01—07 (Part 1),.01-1,.20,.31 • 51:6 Md. R. 309 (3-22-24) (ibr)
.02, .05—.09, .14 • 52:3 Md. R. 172(2-7-25)(ibr)
SERVICES • 52:6 Md. R. 291 (3-21-25) • 52:6 Md. R.
291 (3-21-25)—.09
• 52:6 Md. R. 291
INSURANCE ADMINISTRATION, .08 • 52:5 Md. R. 248 (3-7-25)
33.14.02 .14 • 52:5 Md. R. 249 (3-7-25)
• 51:24 Md. R.
1099 (12-2-24)—.06,.08 • 51:24 Md. R. 1099
(12-2-24) • 51:24 Md. R. 1099 (12-2-24)—.10 • 51:24 Md. R. 1099 (12-2-24),.02 —.05, .06 —.15 • 51:24 Md. R. 1099 (12-2-24)—.07,.08 • 51:24 Md. R. 1099 (12-2-24)—.04 • 51:24 Md. R. 1099 (12-2-24)
36.02.07, .01,.02 • 51:24 Md. R. 1099 (12-2-24)—.09 • 51:25 Md. R. 1170 (12-13-24)
36.02.09, .01—.05 • 51:24 Md. R. 1099 (12-2-24)
• 51:23 Md. R.
1059 (11-15-24) • 51:24 Md. R. 1118 (12-2-24)
• 51:23 Md. R.
1059 (11-15-24) • 51:24 Md. R. 1118 (12-2-24) • 51:23 Md. R. 1059 (11-15-24) • 51:23 Md. R. 1059 (11-15-24)—.04,.06
• 51:23 Md. R.
1059 (11-15-24),.03 • 51:23 Md. R. 1059 (11-15-24) • 51:23 Md. R. 1059 (11-15-24),.01—.06
• 51:23 Md. R.
1059 (11-15-24—.07 • 51:23 Md. R. 1059 (11-15-24)—.07 • 51:23 Md. R. 1059 (11-15-24)—.03 • 51:23 Md. R. 1059 (11-15-24) • 51:23 Md. R. 1059 (11-15-24),.37,.40,.45
• 51:23 Md. R.
1059 (11-15-24)
• 51:24 Md. R.
1118 (12-2-24) • 51:23 Md. R. 1059 (11-15-24),.05 • 51:23 Md. R. 1059 (11-15-24)
For additional up-to-date
information concerning bills introduced in the General Assembly, log on to http://mlis.state.md.us and click on Bill Information and Status. You may then enter a specific bill number for
information about that bill. You may
also click on Senate Synopsis or House Synopsis for the most recent synopsis
list for each house, or click on Synopsis Index for a
listing of all bill synopses since the beginning of the legislative session.
HB1526 Del Phillips. Business Occupations and Professions -
Professional Engineers - Examination.
HB1527 Del Roberts. Illegal Dumping and Litter Control Law -
Video Evidence and Reward Programs.
HB1528 Del Roberts. Task Force to Study Student Athlete Name,
Image, and Likeness Programs in Maryland - Establishment.
HB1529 Del McCaskill. Baltimore County Board of Education -
Alterations of Elected Member Districts and Establishment of Redistricting
HB1530 Del McCaskill. Publicly Funded Prekindergarten - Eligible
Prekindergarten Provider Data Dashboard.
HB1531 Dels Simmons and Pruski. Anne Arundel County - Actions to Repossess for Failure to Pay Rent - Summons.
HB1532 Del Howard. Vehicle Emissions Inspection Program -
Testing and Inspection - Grounds for Failure.
HB1533 Del Wells (BCA). Motor Vehicle Administration Records - Access
to Digital Photographic Images and Signatures - Baltimore City.
HB1534 Del Holmes. Condominiums and Homeowners Associations -
Elections, Financial Statements, and Enforcement.
HB1535 Del Szeliga, et al. Electric Companies and Gas Companies -
Customer Bill Surcharge - Repeal.
HB1536 Del Szeliga, et al. Residential and Commercial Utility Taxes and
Fees - Tax- and Fee-Free Period.
HB1537 Del Wims. Real Property - Implied Warranties -
Incomplete or Missing Improvements.
HB1538 Del Woods.
Maryland Medical Assistance Program - Maternal Health Monitoring Pilot
HB1539 Del Woods.
Transportation - Identification Cards - Issuance to Minors.
HB1540 Calvert County Delegation. Calvert County - Payment in Lieu of Taxes
Agreements - Emergency Services.
HB1541 Del Holmes. Condominiums - Mandatory Insurance Coverage.
HB1542 Del Terrasa, et al. Maryland Public Ethics Law - Regulated
Lobbyists - Reporting Requirements.
HB1543 Del Stein.
Gaming - Sports Wagering Facilities - Request for Relocation.
HB1544 Del Bhandari, et al. Public Safety - Maryland Law Enforcement
Public Service Medal and Key Bridge Collapse Victims Memorial Tribute.
HB1545 Del Moon, et al. Board of Public Works - Comptroller -
Delinquent Federal Funds.
HB1546 Del Moon, et al. Board of Public Works - Central Collection
Unit - Delinquent Federal Funds.
HB1547 Del A. Jones. Barbers and Cosmetologists - License
Qualifications - Domestic Violence Awareness Training.
HB1548 Del Conaway. Employment - Harassment and Intimidation -
HB1549 Del Conaway. Departments of Public Works - Water Main
Breaks - Publication Requirement.
HB1550 Del Conaway. Criminal Procedure - Sexual Assault Evidence
Collection Kits - Testing and Reporting.
HB1551 Del McCaskill. Alcoholic Beverages - Class 5 Breweries -
On-Premises Consumption.
HB1552 Del Wims. Maryland Commission for Men's Health -
HB1553 Del Fair.
Commercial Law - Broadband Access - Low-Income Consumer Programs
(Maryland Broadband Opportunity and Fairness Act).
HB1554 Del Moon.
Sales and Use Tax - Taxable Business Services - Alterations.
HB1555 Del Bhandari, et al. Funeral Establishments, Crematories, and
Reduction Facilities - Oversight (Ensuring Dignity and Accountability in
Crematory and Funeral Home Operations Act).
HB1556 Del Stein.
Environment - Advanced Clean Cars II Program and Advanced Clean Trucks
Regulation - Application and Enforcement.
SB1037 Baltimore City Senators. Baltimore City - Sales Tax - Authorization.
SB1038 Sen Charles. Family Law - Child Support - Multifamily
SB1039 Sen Sydnor. Alcoholic Beverages - Class 5 Breweries - On-Premises
SB1040 Sen Hester. Department of Budget and Management -
Expedited Hiring Program (FEDERAL Jobs Act of 2025).
SB1041 Sen Kramer. Property Tax - Charter Counties - Application
of County Tax Limitation on Public Safety Budget.
SB1042 Sen Benson. Prince George's County - Property Tax Credit
for Grocery Stores - Alterations.
SB1043 Sen Benson. Transportation Trust Fund - Revenue and
Distribution (Maryland Mobility Act of 2025).
SB1044 Sen Attar.
State Board of Education - Student Transportation - Alternative School
SB1045 Sen Hettleman. Sales and Use Tax - Taxable Business Services
- Alterations.
SB1046 Sens McKay and Smith. Correctional Officers - Body-Worn Digital
Recording Devices.
This is
to certify that by an Order of this Court dated March 5, 2025 GARY PISNER
(CPF# 8906140178), as of March
5, 2025, Gary Pisner
has been disbarred effective immediately, and his name has been stricken from
the register of attorneys in this Court. Notice of this action is given in
accordance with Maryland Rule 19-761(b).
* * * * * * * * * *
Symbol Key
• Roman type
indicates text already existing at the time of the proposed action.
• Italic
type indicates new text added
at the time of proposed action.
• Single underline, italic indicates new text added at the time of final
• Single
underline, roman indicates existing text added at the time of final action.
• [[Double
brackets]] indicate text deleted at the time of final
Title 09
09.19.08 Temporary Permits and Reciprocity
Authority: Business Occupations and Professions Article, §§16-216(2), 16-220, 16-305, and 16-507, Annotated Code of Maryland
Notice of Final Action
On February 26, 2025, the Commission of Real Estate Appraisers, Appraisal Management Companies, and Home Inspectors adopted amendments to Regulation .02 under COMAR 09.019.08 Temporary Permits and Reciprocity. This action, which was proposed for adoption in 51:19 Md. R. 871 (September 20, 2024), has been adopted as proposed.
Effective Date: March 31, 2025.
Executive Director
Notice of Final Action
On February 11, 2025, the Commission of Real Estate Appraisers, Appraisal Management Companies, and Home Inspectors adopted:
(1) Amendments to Regulation .01 under COMAR 09.36.06 Code of Ethics; and
(2) Amendments to Regulation .02 under COMAR 09.36.08 Continuing Professional Competency.
This action, which was proposed for adoption in 51:19 Md. R. 871—872 (September 20, 2024), has been adopted as proposed.
Effective Date: March 31, 2025.
Executive Director
Title 10
Authority: Health-General Article, §§2-104(b), 15-103, 15-103.1, 15-105, 15-118, and 15-148, Annotated Code of Maryland
Notice of Final Action
On February 26, 2025, the Secretary of Health adopted amendments to Regulations .04—.05 under COMAR 10.09.03 Pharmacy Services. This action, which was proposed for adoption in 51:25 Md. R. 1148 (December 13, 2024), has been adopted as proposed.
Effective Date: March 31, 2025.
Secretary of Health
10.09.10 Nursing Facility Services
Authority: Health-General Article, §§2-104(b), 15-103, 15-105, 19-14B-01, and 19-310.1, Annotated Code of Maryland
Notice of Final Action
On February 28, 2025, the Acting Secretary of Health adopted amendments to Regulations .07 and .08 under COMAR 10.09.10 Nursing Facility Services. This action, which was proposed for adoption in 51:25 Md. R. 1148—1149 (December 13, 2024), has been adopted as proposed.
Effective Date: March 31, 2025.
Acting Secretary
Notice of Final Action
On February 28, 2025, the Acting Secretary of Health adopted:
(1) Amendments to Regulations .05 and .06 under COMAR 10.09.58 Family Planning Program; and
(2) Amendments to Regulation .03 under COMAR 10.67.08 Maryland Medicaid Managed Care Program: Non-Capitated Covered Services.
This action, which was proposed for adoption in 51:25 Md. R. 1149—1150 (December 13, 2024), has been adopted as proposed.
Effective Date: March 31, 2025.
Acting Secretary
Authority: Health-General Article, §§2-104(b), 15-103, and 15-105, Annotated Code of Maryland
Notice of Final Action
On February 26, 2025, the Secretary of Health adopted an amendment to Regulation .05 under COMAR 10.09.77 Urgent Care Centers. This action, which was proposed for adoption in 51:25 Md. R. 1151 (December 13, 2024), has been adopted as proposed.
Effective Date: March 31, 2025.
Title 11
11.07.07 Electronic Toll Collection and Toll Violation Enforcement
Authority: Courts and Judicial Proceedings Article, §§7-301 and 7-302; Transportation Article, §§4-205, 4-312, 21-1414, 21-1415, 26-401, and 27-110; Annotated Code of Maryland
Notice of Final Action
On March 10, 2025, the Maryland Transportation Authority adopted amendments to Regulation .05 under COMAR 11.07.07 Suspension or Termination of E-Zpass Account Privileges. This action, which was proposed for adoption in 52:1 Md. R. 33 (January 10, 2025), has been adopted as proposed.
Effective Date: March 31, 2025.
Executive Director
Title 33
Authority: Election Law Article, §§2-102(b)(4) and 2-202(b), Annotated Code of Maryland
Notice of Final Action
On February 27, 2025, the State Board of Elections adopted amendments to Regulation .02 under COMAR 33.07.04 Order and Decorum. This action, which was proposed for adoption in 52:1 Md. R. 40—41 (January 10, 2025), has been adopted as proposed.
Effective Date: March 31, 2025.
State Administrator
33.08.01 Definitions; General Provisions
Authority: Election Law Article, §§2-102(b)(4), 2-202(b), 11-201, 11-301, and 11-302, Annotated Code of Maryland
Notice of Final Action
On February 27, 2025, the State Board of Elections adopted amendments to Regulation .02 under COMAR 33.08.01 Definitions; General Provisions. This action, which was proposed for adoption in 52:1 Md. R. 41 (January 10, 2025), has been adopted as proposed.
Effective Date: March 31, 2025.
State Administrator
33.08.05 Post-Election Verification and Audit
Authority: Election Law Article, §§2-102(b)(4), 2-202(b), 9-403, 11-201, and 11-309(f), Annotated Code of Maryland
Notice of Final Action
On February 27, 2025, the State Board of Elections adopted amendments to Regulation .05 under COMAR 33.08.05 Post-Election Verification and Audit. This action, which was proposed for adoption in 52:1 Md. R. 41 (January 10, 2025), has been adopted as proposed.
Effective Date: March 31, 2025.
State Administrator
Authority: Criminal Procedure Article, §11-722; Election Law Article, §§1-101, 2-102(b)(4), 2-202(b), 2-303.1 and 10-101, Annotated Code of Maryland
Notice of Final Action
On February 27, 2025, the State Board of Elections adopted amendments to Regulation .02 under COMAR 33.15.03 Polling Places. This action, which was proposed for adoption in 51:26 Md. R. 1214—1215 (December 27, 2024), has been adopted as proposed.
Effective Date: March 31, 2025.
State Administrator
Authority: Election Law Article, §§2-102(b)(4), 2-202(b), 2-206, 9-106(a), 11-308(a), and 11-303.2, Annotated Code of Maryland
Notice of Final Action
On February 27, 2025, the State Board of Elections adopted the repeal of existing Regulation .02, new Regulations .02—.11, and the recodification of existing Regulation .03 to be Regulation .12 under COMAR 33.15.04 Warehouses. This action, which was proposed for adoption in 51:26 Md. R. 1215—1216 (December 27, 2024), has been adopted as proposed.
Effective Date: March 31, 2025.
State Administrator
Authority: Election Law Article, §§2-102, 9-501, 9-502, 9-506, and 11-302, Annotated Code of Maryland
Notice of Final Action
On February 27, 2025, the State Board of Elections adopted amendments to Regulation .02 under COMAR 33.21.07 Canvassing. This action, which was proposed for adoption in 52:1 Md. R. 41—42 (January 10, 2025), has been adopted as proposed.
Effective Date: March 31, 2025.
State Administrator
Proposed Action on Regulations
Title 02
02.06.04 Cooperation with the Maryland Commission on Civil
Authority: State Government Article §20-1048(a), Annotated Code
of Maryland
Notice of Proposed Action
The Office of the Attorney General proposes to adopt new
Regulations .01—.06 under a new chapter, COMAR 02.06.04 Cooperation
with the Maryland Commission on Civil Rights.
Statement of Purpose
The purpose of this action is to follow State Government Article, §20-1048(a), Annotated Code of Maryland, that requires “In areas of overlapping jurisdiction, the Attorney General and the Commission shall coordinate and make referrals to minimize and eliminate duplication of effort and promote collaboration.”
Estimate of Economic Impact
The proposed action has no economic impact.
Economic Impact on Small Businesses
The proposed action has minimal or no economic impact on small businesses.
Impact on Individuals with Disabilities
The proposed action has no impact on individuals with disabilities.
Opportunity for Public Comment
Comments may be sent to Jonathan Smith, Chief, Assistant Attorney General, Office of the Attorney General, 200 St Paul Place, or call 410-576-7844, or email to jsmith@oag.state.md.us. Comments will be accepted through April 21, 2025. A public hearing has not been scheduled.
.01 General.
These regulations are
promulgated pursuant to State Government Article, §20-1048(a), Annotated Code
of Maryland, to promote cooperation between the Attorney General and the
Maryland Commission on Civil Rights in areas in which the agencies have
overlapping jurisdiction.
.02 Definitions.
A. In this chapter, the following terms have the meanings
B. Terms Defined.
(1) “Attorney General” means the Attorney General of Maryland as
established by Article V of the Constitution of the State of Maryland.
(2) “Maryland Commission on Civil Rights” or “MCCR” means the
State agency established by State Government Article, §20-201, Annotated Code
of Maryland.
.03 Jurisdiction of MCCR
and the Attorney General Not Disturbed.
A. The Commission and the Attorney General retain all
authorities granted to them by law.
Nothing in these regulations limits either MCCR
or the Attorney General from taking an enforcement
action within its authority.
B. MCCR shall retain jurisdiction to:
(1) Investigate individual complaints filed with MCCR;
(2) Require a respondent to answer charges of a certified
complaint at a public hearing before an administrative law judge, pursuant to State
Government Article §§20-1008 and 20-1027; Annotated Code of Maryland.
(3) Assert claims of an unlawful discriminatory practice in
employment, housing, public accommodations, commercial leasing, State
contracts, health services, and health facilities pursuant to State Government
Article Title 20; Annotated Code of Maryland
(4) Assert claims of an unlawful employment practice arising
from a certified complaint in a civil action pursuant to §20-1012; Annotated
Code of Maryland.
(5) Assert claims of an unlawful housing practice arising from a
certified complaint in a civil action pursuant to State Government Article, §20-1032;
(6) Investigate discriminatory acts by a unit, officer, or
employee of the State, a county, or a municipality; and
(7) Initiate a Commission complaint of discrimination pursuant
to State Government Article, §§20-1004(d) and 20-1036, Annotated Code of
C. The Attorney General shall retain jurisdiction to
investigate, prosecute, and remediate acts of discrimination prohibited under
the U.S. Constitution, the Maryland Constitution, state law or federal law.
.04 Information Sharing.
A. To the extent necessary and appropriate to facilitate the
shared mission of enforcing civil rights laws, MCCR and the Attorney General
shall share information regarding potential civil rights violations.
B. MCCR and the Attorney General shall maintain an
agreement delineating the requirements of information sharing.
C. MCCR and the Attorney General shall maintain the
confidentiality of joint investigations pursuant to State Government Article, §20-1101,
Annotated Code of Maryland.
D. MCCR will not disclose information to the Attorney General
regarding claims against entities represented by the Attorney General other
than through its ordinary case processing procedures or pursuant to legal
E. MCCR and the Attorney General shall meet no less than three
times each year to share information concerning observed patterns of civil
rights violations and enforcement actions.
.05 Referral of Cases Between MCCR and the Attorney General.
A. If MCCR determines that complaints of civil rights violations
may fall within the jurisdiction of the Attorney General, MCCR may refer the
complaints to the Attorney General. The
Attorney General may investigate, prosecute, and remediate civil rights
violations referred by MCCR, but is not required to do so.
B. Pursuant to State Government Article, §20-1041(b)(1), Annotated
Code of Maryland, the Attorney General does not have the authority to
investigate, prosecute, and remediate civil rights violations on behalf of an
individual. The Attorney General may
refer these matters to MCCR.
C. The Attorney General may advise the claimant that it is declining the matter and provide information
regarding the process for filing a complaint with MCCR.
D. The Attorney General may provide the information received
from the claimant directly to MCCR.
E. MCCR will address all referrals in accordance with its
ordinary complaint processing procedures.
.06 Coordination in
Areas of Overlapping Jurisdiction.
A. MCCR and the Attorney
General may jointly investigate, prosecute, and remediate conduct that
constitutes a civil rights violation when it serves the public interest.
B. Parallel investigations
are permitted in appropriate circumstances after conferral between the Attorney
General and MCCR.
Chief, Assistant Attorney
Title 09
Notice of Proposed Action
The Home Improvement Commission proposes to amend:
(1) Regulations .04 and .19 under COMAR 09.08.01 General Regulations;
(2) Regulations .02 and .03 under COMAR 09.08.03 Claims Against the Home Improvement Guaranty Fund; and
(3) Regulation .02 under COMAR 09.08.06 Civil Citations.
This action was considered by the Home Improvement Commission at a
public meeting on October 3, 2024.
Statement of Purpose
The purpose of this action is to make the Home Improvement Commission's regulations consistent with statutory amendments, formalize existing policy, clarify ambiguities, and improve procedures.
Estimate of Economic Impact
The proposed action has no economic impact.
Economic Impact on Small Businesses
The proposed action has minimal or no economic impact on small businesses.
Impact on Individuals with Disabilities
The proposed action has no impact on individuals with disabilities.
Opportunity for Public Comment
Comments may be sent to David Finneran, Executive Director, Home Improvement Commission, Department of Labor Home Improvement Commission, 100 S Charles St., Tower 1, Baltimore, MD 21201, or call 410-230-6231, or email to DLOPLMHIC-LABOR@maryland.gov. Comments will be accepted through April 21, 2025. A public hearing has not been scheduled.
09.08.01 General Regulations
Authority: Business Regulation Article, §§8-207(a), 8-212(a)(1) and (2), 8-309, 8-311(a)(11)—(13), 8-501(c)(1)(ix), and 8-616, Annotated Code of Maryland
.04 Corporate or Partnership Licensure.
A. (text unchanged)
B. [In order to] To obtain and maintain a corporate or partnership home improvement license, the corporation or partnership shall employ one individual licensed contractor who shall be in responsible charge of the corporation's or partnership's home improvement work.
C. (text unchanged)
D. For purposes of applying the [$100,000] limitation in Business Regulation Article, §8-405(e)(2), Annotated Code of Maryland, on [Guaranty] Fund awards on account of the conduct of any one licensed contractor, the combined liability of a licensed corporation or partnership and the individual in responsible charge of the corporation's or partnership's work may not exceed [$100,000] the limitation in the aggregate.
E. (text unchanged)
.19 [Credit Reports] Financial Solvency.
A. An applicant for an original contractor's license shall submit to the Commission with the application a credit report from an approved credit reporting agency and a statement of all outstanding judgments and pending civil actions against the applicant.
B. (text unchanged)
C. An applicant that does not demonstrate a net worth equal to
the maximum Fund award available to one claimant for acts of omissions of one
contractor under Business Regulation Article, §8-405(e)(1), Annotated Code of
Maryland, must obtain a 2-year surety bond for that amount.
D. A licensee that obtains a surety bond to satisfy the
financial solvency requirement must maintain a surety bond for an amount equal
to the maximum Fund award available to one claimant for acts of omissions of
one contractor at all times unless the
licensee demonstrates a sufficient net worth and the Commission authorizes the licensee to cancel
the bond.
E. At any time, the Commission may require a licensee to
demonstrate financial solvency and may revoke a license if the licensee fails to do so.
F. The fact that an applicant or licensee holds a surety bond
does not preclude the Commission from denying an application or revoking or
suspending a license under Business Regulation Article, §8-311(a)(9, Annotated
Code of Maryland.
09.08.03 Claims Against the Home Improvement Guaranty Fund
Authority: Business Regulation Article, §§8-207 and 8-405, Annotated Code of Maryland
.02 Processing of Claims.
A. Filing of Claims. A claimant who seeks compensation from the Home Improvement Guaranty Fund (“Fund”) shall file a claim with the Commission on a claim form prepared by the Commission. This claim form shall contain at a minimum:
(1) (text unchanged)
(2) The facts and circumstances giving rise to the claim; [and]
(3) The address of the home where the claimant resides;
(4) The address of each residential property, whether located
within or outside of Maryland, owned by the claimant at any time from the date
of the contract giving rise to the claim through the date of filing the claim,
and the number of dwelling units at each property; and
[(3)](5) (text unchanged)
B.—D. (text unchanged)
E. Compulsory Binding Arbitration. When a contract between a claimant and a contractor requires that all contract disputes be submitted to binding arbitration, the claimant shall either:
(1) (text unchanged)
(2) Provide evidence to the Commission that the claimant has made good faith efforts to bring the dispute to binding arbitration which the contractor has either rejected or not responded to. The Commission shall then give the contractor written notice that, if the contractor does not demonstrate to the Commission within 10 days of the date of the letter that it has engaged in the arbitration process and has paid its share of any fees necessary to commence the arbitration process [agree to binding arbitration], the Commission will [consider] deem the contractor to have waived the right to enforce the compulsory arbitration clause [to be void] and process the claimant's claim pursuant to this chapter.
F.—G. (text unchanged)
H. An owner is ineligible to make a claim against the Fund under
Business Regulation Article, §8-405(f)(2)(ii), Annotated Code of Maryland, if
they do not reside in the home as to which the claim is made and they
simultaneously owned more than three residences or dwelling places, whether
located within or outside of Maryland, at any time from the date of the
contract underlying their claim through the date the claim was filed.
.03 Adjudication of Claims.
A. (text unchanged)
B. Measure of Awards from Guaranty Fund.
(1) The Commission may not award from the Fund any amount for:
(a)—(c) (text unchanged)
(d) Court costs; [or]
(e) Interest[.];
(f) Payments made to a person who does not hold a contractor
license to correct or complete a deficient home improvement unless the work
performed by the unlicensed person did not require a contractor license or was
performed by a person who was not required to hold a contractor license under
Business Regulation Article, §8-301(c)(4)-(6), Annotated Code of Maryland; or
(g) Estimated costs to correct or complete a deficient home
improvement based on the estimates of a person who does not hold a contractor
license unless the estimated work did not require a contractor license or the
unlicensed person was not required to hold a contractor license under Business
Regulation Article, §8-301(c)(4)-(6), Annotated Code of Maryland.
(2) (text unchanged)
(3) Unless it
determines that a particular claim requires a unique measurement, the
Commission shall measure actual loss as follows:
(a) (text unchanged)
(b) If the contractor did work according to the contract and the claimant is not soliciting another contractor to complete the contract, the claimant's actual loss shall be the amount which the claimant paid to the original contractor less the value of any materials [or] and services provided by the contractor.
(c) If the contractor did work according to the contract and the claimant has solicited or is soliciting another contractor to complete the contract or correct the contractor’s poor work, the claimant's actual loss shall be the amounts the claimant has paid to or on behalf of the contractor under the original contract, added to any reasonable amounts the claimant has paid or will be required to pay another contractor to repair poor work done by the original contractor under the original contract and complete the original contract, less the original contract price. If the Commission determines that the original contract price is too unrealistically low or high to provide a proper basis for measuring actual loss, the Commission may adjust its measurement accordingly.
(4) The Commission may not award from the Fund an amount in excess of the amount paid by or on behalf of the claimant to or on behalf of the contractor against whom the claim is filed.
C. (text unchanged)
D. Payments.
(1) (text unchanged)
(2) The Commission may not award from the Fund:
(a) To any one claimant more than [$20,000] the amount authorized in Business Regulation Article, §8-405(e)(1), Annotated Code of Maryland, for acts or omissions of one contractor; or
(b) More than [$100,000] the amount authorized in Business Regulation Article, §8-405(e)(2 Annotated Code of Maryland) to claimants on account of the conduct of any one licensee, unless, after the Commission has paid out [$100,000] that amount on account of the conduct of one licensed contractor, that contractor has repaid the full [$100,000] amount.
(3) If the aggregate amount of the approved claims to be paid from the Fund involving one contractor exceeds [$100,000] the maximum payout amount authorized in Business Regulation Article, §8-405(e)(2) Annotated Code of Maryland, the Commission may either:
(a) Pay the approved claims in the order filed until the [$100,000] maximum payout is reached; or
(b) Prorate the approved claims by awarding each claimant the same percent of their approved claim which [$100,000] the maximum payout amount is of the total amount of the approved claims.
(4) For purposes of this regulation, the term "approved claim" means the amount which the Commission has approved to be paid from the Fund which cannot exceed [$20,000 per claim] the amount authorized in Business Regulation Article, §8-405(e)(1), Annotated Code of Maryland.
09.08.06 Civil Citations
Authority: Business Regulation Article, §§8-207(a) and 8-620(c)(1), Annotated Code of Maryland
.02 Violation.
A.—H. (text unchanged)
I. Acting as a contractor [or subcontractor] or selling a home improvement under a name other than that under which the person is licensed:
(1)—(2) (text unchanged)
J.—S. (text unchanged)
T. Failure to [initial] obtain owner’s initials on a mandatory arbitration clause [on] in a contract:
(1)—(2) (text unchanged)
U.—Y. (text unchanged)
Z. Reserved. [Offering to act or acting as a subcontractor without a license from the Commission:
(1) First violation $500; and
(2) Second or subsequent violation
AA.—CC. (text unchanged)
DD. Failure to maintain a surety bond that a licensee is
required to hold to satisfy financial solvency requirements under Business
Regulation Article, §8-305, Annotated Code of Maryland:
(1) First violation—$2,000; and
(2) Second or subsequent violation—$5,000.
Assistant Attorney
Notice of Proposed Action
The Board of Cosmetologists proposes to amend:
(1) Regulations .04 and .15 under COMAR 09.22.01 General Regulations, and
(2) Regulations .03 and .05 under COMAR 09.22.02
Beauty Salons.
Statement of Purpose
The purpose of this action is to implement the expanded definition of esthetic services enacted by the General Assembly in SB1044 in April 2024 by defining specific esthetic services authorized by the legislation.
Estimate of Economic Impact
The proposed action has no economic impact.
Economic Impact on Small Businesses
The proposed action has a meaningful economic impact on small
businesses. An analysis of this economic impact follows:
The proposed amendments will benefit businesses by allowing beauty salons to provide additional services, which may result in additional revenue.
Impact on Individuals with Disabilities
The proposed action has no impact on individuals with disabilities.
Opportunity for Public Comment
Comments may be sent to Nicole Fletcher, Executive Director, Board of Cosmetologists, Department of Labor, Board of Cosmetologists, 100 S Charles St. Tower, Suite 9200, Baltimore, MD 21201, or call 410-230-6190, or email to barber.cos@maryland.gov. Comments will be accepted through April 21, 2025. A public hearing has not been scheduled.
Open Meeting
Final action on the proposal will be considered by the Board of Cosmetologists during a public meeting to be held on April 7, 2025 at 10:00 am, at https://meet.google.com/hfy-umgk-iyo.
09.22.01 General Regulations
Authority: Business Occupations and Professions Article, §5-205(a), Annotated Code of Maryland
.04 Esthetician License.
A. An esthetician license authorizes the licensee to engage in providing esthetic services as defined in Business Occupations and Professions Article, [§5-101(l)] §5-101(o), Annotated Code of Maryland.
B. The term “massaging”, as used in Business Occupation and Professions Article, [§5-101(l)] §5-101(o), Annotated Code of Maryland, means contact with the skin limited to the beautification, cleansing, and embellishment of the skin during the application and removal of skin care products.
C. The term “exfoliating” as used in Business Occupation and
Professions Article, §5-101(o), Annotated Code of Maryland, means to remove
dead skin cells, dirt, bacteria, and excess oil from the skin.
D. The term “cosmetic microneedling” as used in Business
Occupation and Professions Article, §5-101(o), Annotated Code of Maryland,
means the use of cosmetic, non-medical devices that pierce the skin with
needles no longer than .5 mm.
E. The term “toning” as used in Business Occupation and Professions Article, §5-101(o), Annotated Code of Maryland, means the cleaning, manipulating and stimulating of skin by use of facials, face masks, and wraps.
.15 Citations to Licensees.
Unless otherwise indicated, the following civil penalties are applicable to the following violations of the laws and regulations of the Board of Cosmetologists discovered by a Board inspector during an inspection of a beauty salon:
A.—C. (text unchanged)
D. Unauthorized services:
(1)—(3) (text unchanged)
[(4) Glycolic acid—formal hearing;]
[(5)] (4) Chemical peels by the use of acids comprised of greater than 20 percent concentration with a pH value of less than or equal to 3.0, or unbuffered—formal hearing;
[(6)] (5)—[(7)] (6) (text unchanged)
E.—F. (text unchanged)
09.22.02 Beauty Salons
Authority: Business Occupations and Professions Article, §5-205(a), Annotated Code of Maryland
.03 Prohibitions.
The following activities are prohibited in any full service or limited practice salon or in regard to any salon-sponsored services:
A.—I. (text unchanged)
J. Unless an individual possesses a valid and appropriate health occupation license issued by the Maryland Department of Health:
(1) The use of lasers, microdermabrasion equipment, or any other mechanical device used to remove one or more layers of skin; [and]
(2) The use of any product or method that causes tissue destruction or penetrates the blood fluid barrier [, including:];
[(a) Chemical peels; and
(b) Glycolic acids.]
(3) Chemical peels by the use of acids
comprised of greater than 20 percent concentration with a pH value of less than
or equal to 3.0, or unbuffered;
(4) Mechanical tissue alteration, including, but not limited to:
(a) Microdermabrasion; and
(b) Electrotherapy;
(5) Contouring or sculpting using cryotherapy, radio frequency,
or liposuction;
(6) Any procedure causing ablation of the dermis or hypodermis;
(7) Any form of skin injections.
.05 Sanitation Requirements—Estheticians.
A. (text unchanged)
B. Sanitation Requirements.
(1)—(5) (text unchanged)
(6) [Blood] Extraction lancets shall be [wrapped and discarded] cleaned and disinfected immediately after each use.
(7) An EPA-registered disinfectant effective against HIV and hepatitis viruses or a hospital-grade tuberculocidal disinfectant shall be:
(a) (text unchanged)
(b) Changed [every 1 to 2 hours, or immediately upon becoming dirty, cloudy, or contaminated with blood] after each use.
(8) (text unchanged)
(9) Microneedling.
(a) New needles must be used for each
(b) Needles must be discarded into a sharps container.
(c) Reusable equipment must be cleaned and disinfected after each client.
Assistant Attorney
09.36.07 Minimum Standards of Practice
Authority: Business Occupations and Professions Article, §§16-208(a)(2) and 16-216(2), Annotated Code of Maryland
Notice of Proposed Action
The Commission of Real Estate Appraisers, Appraisal Management
Companies, and Home Inspectors proposes to amend Regulations .01—.13
under COMAR 09.36.07 Minimum Standards of Practice. This action was considered at a public
meeting of the Commission of Real Estate Appraisers, Appraisal Management
Companies, and Home Inspectors held on February 8, 2025.
Statement of Purpose
The purpose of this action is to amend Regulations .01—.13 under COMAR 09.36.07.
Estimate of Economic Impact
The proposed action has no economic impact.
Economic Impact on Small Businesses
The proposed action has minimal or no economic impact on small businesses.
Impact on Individuals with Disabilities
The proposed action has no impact on individuals with disabilities.
Opportunity for Public Comment
Comments may be sent to Todd Blackistone, Executive Director, Maryland Department of Labor, 100 South Charles Street, Tower 1,Suite 3300, Baltimore, MD 21201, or call 410-230-6165, or email to todd.blackistone@maryland.gov. Comments will be accepted through April 21, 2025. A public hearing has not been scheduled.
Open Meeting
Final action on the proposal will be considered by the Commission of Real Estate Appraisers, Appraisal Management Companies, and Home Inspectors during a public meeting to be held on April 8, 2025 at 10:30 a.m., at Maryland Department of Labor, 100 South Charles Street, Tower 1, Third Floor, Baltimore, Maryland 21201.
.01 Definitions.
A. (text unchanged)
B. Terms Defined.
(1) (text unchanged)
(2) Additional Inspection Services.
(a) (text unchanged)
(b) “Additional inspection services” includes, but is not limited to[,]:
(i) [services] Services to detect the presence of a wood-destroying insect or organism; and
(ii) Inspection and testing to evaluate the functional ability
of septic system including drain and sewage lines.
(c) “Additional inspection services” includes environmental testing that includes, but is not limited to, tests to determine:
(i) (text unchanged)
(ii) Well water potability; and
[(iii) Functional ability of septic system including drain and sewage lines; and]
[(iv)](iii) (text unchanged)
(3) “Adversely affect” means to constitute, or potentially constitute, a negative or destructive impact on the durability or soundness of a system, component, or structure.
(4)—(8) (text unchanged)
(9) “Describe” means to include
in the written report:
(a) [a] A description of a system or component by its type or other observed significant characteristics to distinguish it from other systems or components;
(b) The condition of the inspected item and indicate its proper
operation or function; and
(c) A statement of recommended corrective action, if
(10)—(15) (text unchanged)
(16) “Household appliance” means [a] an installed kitchen or laundry apparatus designed to perform a particular task or function[, whether installed or freestanding].
(17) “Inspect” means to examine readily accessible systems and components of a building in a non-invasive manner and in accordance with the standards of practice set forth in this chapter, using normal operating controls and opening readily openable access panels.
(18)—(20) (text unchanged)
(21) “Readily accessible” means available for visual inspection
without requiring moving of personal property, dismantling, destructive
measures, or any action that will likely involve risk to a person
or property and does not include opening an access panel or cover that
is sealed and cannot be returned to its existing condition.
(22)—(28) (text unchanged)
(29) “Structural component” means a component that supports [nonvariable] non-variable forces or weights and variable forces or weights.
(30)—(34) (text unchanged)
.02 General.
A.—D. (text unchanged)
E. Representative Number. For the purpose of making a finding or conclusion as a result of a home inspection, a home inspector may consider [for] a representative number of:
(1)—(2) (text unchanged)
[(3) Exterior shutters];
[(4)] (3)—[(5)] (4) (text unchanged)
(5) Exposed attic and floor, including attic and floor framing.
F. Report. A home inspection report:
(1) (text unchanged)
(2) Shall contain a description of systems and components in accordance with §D of this regulation;
[(2)](3)—[(3)](4) (text unchanged)
.03 Limitations and Exclusions.
A.—D. (text unchanged)
E. A home inspector is not required to operate [any system or component that] or activate:
(1) [Is] A system or component that
(a) [shut] Is shut down or otherwise inoperable; or
[(2)] (b) Does not respond to normal
operating controls[.];
(2) Shut off valves and manual stop valves;
(3) Automatic safety controls;
(4) Remote controlled devices via WiFi,
Bluetooth, RF, or other electronic means; and
(5) Any Smart Home System and associated device.
F. A home inspector is not required to enter:
(1) (text unchanged)
(2) Under-floor crawl spaces [or], attics, or other unfinished areas that are not readily accessible.
G. A home inspector is not required to inspect any of the following:
(1)—(5) (text unchanged)
(6) Recreational facilities;
[(6)] (7)—[(7)] (8) (text unchanged)
H. A home inspector is not required to:
(1)—(2) (text unchanged)
(3) Dismantle any system or component, except as explicitly
required by the standards of practice set forth in this chapter; [or]
(4) Include in a written report any information from any source concerning previous:
(a)—(b) (text unchanged)
(c) Information contained in a consumer protection bulletin of
(5) Anticipate or speculate about possible future events or
conditions, including but not limited to:
(a) Decay, deterioration, or damage that may occur after the
(b) Deficiencies from abuse, misuse, or lack of use;
(c) Changes in performance of any component or system due to
changes in use or occupancy;
(d) The consequences of the inspection or its effects on current
or future buyers and sellers;
(e) Common household accidents, personal injury, or
(f) Water intrusion; or
(g) The future performance of any system or system component;
(6) Provide additional inspection services not specifically set
forth in this chapter and in accordance with COMAR and Regulation
.02 of this chapter.
.04 Structural System.
A. A home inspector shall visually inspect the accessible
structural system, including the structural components [including
foundation and framing].
B. A home inspector shall describe the visible types and
materials of the structural system, including the:
(1) Foundation including a reference to
the location of access and methods used to inspect the under-floor crawl spaces
and basements;
(2) Floor structure;
(3) Wall structure;
(4) Ceiling structure;
(5) Roof structure, including a reference to the location of access
and methods used to inspect the attic; and
(6) Conditions that adversely impact the structure.
[B.] C. (text unchanged)
A home inspector shall describe the structural system, including the:
(1) Foundation, and report the methods used to inspect the under-floor crawl spaces and basements;
(2) Floor structure;
(3) Wall structure;
(4) Ceiling structure; and
(5) Roof structure, and report the methods used to inspect the attic.]
D. (text unchanged)
.05 Exterior.
A. A home inspector shall visually inspect the [home] accessible exterior components, including:
(1)—(2) (text unchanged)
(3) Attached decks, balconies, stoops, steps and stringers, porches, and their associated railings and balusters;
(4)—(6) (text unchanged)
B. A home inspector shall describe [the]:
(1) The exterior:
(a) [wall] Wall covering [,flashing
and trim.];
(b) Flashing;
(c)Trim; and
(d) Doors;
(2) Deck components, including the absence of flashing at the
ledger board;
(3) Eaves, soffits, and facias;
(4) Walkways, patios, driveways, including trip hazards; and
(5) Grading and surface drainage that may adversely affect the
C. A home inspector is not required to inspect any of the following:
(1) (text unchanged)
(2) Fences, including each fence gate;
(3)—(7) (text unchanged)
.06 Roof System.
A. A home inspector shall visually inspect the accessible roof system, including:
(1) (text unchanged)
(2) Roof drainage [system] components;
(3) [Flashings] Flashing; and
(4) Skylights, chimneys, and [exterior and] roof penetrations.
B. A home inspector shall describe the roof covering including the type and material and report the methods used to inspect the roof.
C. A home inspector is not required to:
(1) Inspect:
(a) Antennae and lightning arrestor
(b) Interiors of flues or chimneys that are not accessible; [or]
(c) Solar
panels; or
[(c)] (d) Other installed accessories;
(2)—(4) (text unchanged)
.07 Plumbing System.
A. A home inspector shall visually inspect the accessible plumbing system, including:
(1)—(8) (text unchanged)
B. A home inspector shall describe the type and material of the plumbing system, including:
(1) Water supply, drain, waste, and vent piping materials, including waste cleanout access location;
(2) (text unchanged)
(3) The location of the main water and [main fuel] hose bib shut-off valves; [and]
(4) The location of the main fuel shut-off valve; and
[(4)] (5) (text unchanged)
C. A home inspector is not required to:
(1) (text unchanged)
(a)—(d) (text unchanged)
(e) Solar, geothermal, or other renewable energy water heating systems;
(f)—(g) (text unchanged)
(2) Determine:
(a) Whether water supply and waste disposal systems are public or private; [or]
(b) The quantity or quality of the water supply; or
(c) The function of expansion tanks, anti-siphon devices, and water circulating systems;
(3) Operate or activate safety valves or shut-off valves[.]; or
(4) Test shower pans or other fixtures for leaks.
.08 Electrical Systems.
A. A home inspector shall visually inspect [an] the accessible electrical system, including:
(1)—(4) (text unchanged)
(5) System bonding;
[(5)] (6) Interior components of service panels and [subpanels] distribution panels;
[(6)] (7)—[(10)] (11) (text unchanged)
B. A home inspector shall describe the type and materials of the electrical system, including the:
(1) (text unchanged)
(2) Location of:
(a) [main]
Main disconnect;
(b) Service equipment;
(c) Distribution [and subpanels] panels;
(3) Wiring methods.
C. If applicable, a home inspector shall [include in a written report] describe the:
(1) (text unchanged)
(2) [Absence] Presence or absence of:
(a) [smoke detectors] Smoke alarms;[and] or
(b) Carbon monoxide alarms; and
(3) Presence of:
(a) Non-arc-resistant CSST gas piping with the recommendation that the bonding of the CSST be reviewed by a licensed master electrician[.]; and
(b) Alternative energy systems, including disconnect locations.
D. (text unchanged)
.09 Heating System.
A. A home inspector shall visually inspect accessible:
(1)—(2) (text unchanged)
(3) [Heating distribution] Heat Sources.
B. A home inspector shall describe [energy sources and cooling methods by distinguishing characteristics and means of distribution.]:
(1) The type of system;
(2) Energy sources; and
(3) Heating methods by distinguishing characteristics and means
of distribution.
C. A home inspector shall operate the heating system using
normal operating controls, including emergency or auxiliary modes, if
[C.] D. (text unchanged)
.10 Air-Conditioning System.
A. A home inspector shall inspect the accessible installed central and through-wall cooling equipment.
B. A home inspector shall describe [the energy sources and
hearing methods by distinguishing characteristics and means of distribution.]:
(1) Permanently installed cooling equipment;
(2) Energy sources;
(3) Cooling methods by
distinguishing characteristics and means of distribution; and
(4) Condensate drainage system.
C. A home inspector shall operate the cooling system using
normal operating controls and describe that the system was operated.
[C.] D. A home inspector is not required to:
(1) Inspect electronic air filters; [or]
(2) Determine the adequacy of the cooling system or the distribution balance[.]; or
(3) Operate the cooling equipment if it may damage the system or
.11 Interior.
A. A home inspector shall visually inspect accessible:
(1) (text unchanged)
(2) Ramps, [Steps] steps, stairways, landings, and railings;
(3) Countertops and [a representative number of] installed cabinets;
(4) [A representative number of doors] Doors and windows,
including safety glazing; [and]
(5) Garage doors and garage door operators[.]; and
(6) Household appliances including
installed ovens, ranges, surface cooking appliances, microwave ovens,
dishwashing machines, and food waste grinders by using normal operating
controls to activate the primary function.
B. A home inspector shall describe a condition that presents, at the time of the inspection, an unsafe condition.
[B.]C. A home inspector is not required to inspect:
(1)—(2) (text unchanged)
(3) Window treatments, including window glass types or coatings;
(4) (text unchanged)
[(5) Household appliances; or]
[(6)] (5) Recreational facilities[.];
(6) Appliances not listed in section §A(6) of this regulation;
(7) Each control or feature of an inspected appliance; or
(8) Microwave radiation leakage.
.12 Insulation and Ventilation.
A. A home inspector shall visually inspect accessible:
(1)—(3) (text unchanged)
B. A home inspector shall describe:
(1) Insulation and vapor retarders or barriers in accessible unfinished spaces; [and]
(2) If applicable, the absence of insulation in unfinished spaces
at conditioned surfaces[.]; and
(3) The presence or absence
of a moisture barrier in a crawlspace.
C. A home inspector is not required to:
(1) Disturb insulation, [or vapor] retarders,
or barriers; or
(2) (text unchanged)
.13 Fireplaces and Solid Fuel Burning Appliances.
A. A home inspector shall visually inspect accessible:
(1)—(2) (text unchanged)
B. (text unchanged)
C. A home inspector is not required to:
(1) Inspect any of the following:
(a) (text unchanged)
(b) [Firescreens]Fire Screens and doors;
(c)—(d) (text unchanged)
(e) [Mantles]Mantels and fireplace surrounds;
(f) Combustion make-up air devices; [or]
(g) Gravity-controlled and
fan-assisted heat distribution assists; or
(h) Detached chimneys or solid fuel or gas burning appliances;
(2)—(4) (text unchanged)
Title 10
10.09.16 Behavioral Health Crisis Services
Authority: Health-General Article, §§2-104(b), 2-105(b), 15-103, and 15-105, Annotated Code of Maryland
Notice of Proposed Action
The Secretary of Health proposes to amend Regulation .07
under COMAR 10.09.16 Behavioral Health Crisis Services.
Statement of Purpose
The purpose of this action is to update the listed provider reimbursement rate to the 3 percent increased rate, effective for Fiscal Year 2025, in accordance with the Fiscal Year 2025 Budget.
Estimate of Economic Impact
I. Summary of Economic Impact. The budget for Fiscal Year 2025 includes a 3 percent reimbursement rate increase for behavioral health crisis services. For Mobile Crisis Team (MCT) services, this represents an estimated $354,424 increase in expenditures. For Behavioral Health Crisis Stabilization Center (BHCSC) services, this represents an estimated $82,921 increase in expenditures. The Department estimates a total fiscal impact on Medicaid of $437,345
II. Types of Economic Impact.
Impacted Entity |
(R+/R-) Expenditure
(E+/E-) |
Magnitude |
A. On issuing agency: |
Maryland Department of Health |
(E+) |
$437,345 |
B. On other State agencies: |
C. On local governments: |
(+) Cost
(-) |
Magnitude |
D. On regulated industries or trade groups: |
(1) Maryland Medicaid BHCSC Providers |
(+) |
$82,921 |
(2) Maryland Medicaid MCT Providers |
(+) |
$354,424 |
E. On other industries or trade groups: |
F. Direct and indirect effects on public: |
III. Assumptions. (Identified by Impact Letter and Number from Section II.)
(1) The Department’s previous projection for Fiscal Year 2025 MCT services expenditures was $33,754,656.
(2) The Department assumes that 35 percent of the individuals utilizing mobile crisis services will be Medicaid recipients, resulting in a projected total Medicaid cost of $11,814,130.
(3) Incorporating the 3 percent reimbursement rate increase, the Department anticipates an increase in projected expenditures for MCT to be $12,168,553. This reflects a difference of $354,424 with 85 percent federal funds ($301,260) and 15 percent general funds ($53,164).
(4) The Department’s previous projections for Fiscal Year 2025 BHCSC services expenditures was $7,897,250.
(5) The Department assumes that 35 percent of the individuals utilizing BHCSC services will be Medicaid recipients, resulting in a project total Medicaid cost of $2,764,037.
(6) Incorporating the 3 percent reimbursement rate increase, the Department anticipates an increase in projected expenditures for BHCSC to be $2,846,958. This reflects a difference of $82,921 with 65.6 percent blended federal funds ($54,396) and 34.4 percent general funds ($28,442).
D(1). See A above.
D(2). See A above.
Economic Impact on Small Businesses
The proposed action has a meaningful economic impact on small
businesses. An analysis of this economic impact follows:
To the extent that MCT and BHCSC providers are small businesses and are eligible to enroll in Maryland Medicaid to provide these services, providers are estimated to receive approximately $437,359 in additional revenue.
Impact on Individuals with Disabilities
The proposed action has no impact on individuals with disabilities.
Opportunity for Public Comment
Comments may be sent to Jordan Fisher Blotter, Director, Office of Regulation and Policy Coordination, Maryland Department of Health, 201 West Preston Street, Room 534 Baltimore, Maryland 21201, or call 410-767-0938, or email to mdh.regs@maryland.gov. Comments will be accepted through April 21, 2025. A public hearing has not been scheduled.
.07 Payment Procedures.
A.—B. (text unchanged)
C. [Rates] For dates of service June 1, 2024 through June 30, 2024, rates for the services outlined in this chapter shall be as follows:
(1) For services [outlined in this regulation as] delivered through a mobile crisis team:
(a)—(b) (text unchanged)
(2) For services [outlined in this regulation as] delivered through a behavioral health crisis stabilization center:
(a)—(b) (text unchanged)
D. For dates of service beginning July 1, 2024, rates for the
services outlined in this chapter shall be as follows:
(1) For services delivered through a mobile crisis team:
(a) Mobile crisis team services — $115.15 per 15-minute unit increment;
(b) Mobile crisis follow-up outreach — $115.15 per 15-minute
unit increment.
(2) For services delivered through a behavioral health crisis
stabilization center:
(a) Behavioral Health Crisis Stabilization Center — $742.85 per
diem; and
(b) Office-based evaluation and management services, according
Secretary of Health
10.09.35 Hospice Care
Authority: Health-General Article, §§2-104(b), 15-103, and 15-105, Annotated Code of Maryland
Notice of Proposed Action
The Secretary of Health proposes to amend Regulation .08
under COMAR 10.09.35 Hospice Care.
Statement of Purpose
The purpose of this action is to provide for a two-tier routine home care rate in accordance with federal regulation 42 CFR §418.301—302. This action allows for enhanced reimbursement rates during the first 60 days of hospice care and last 7 days of a participant’s life to reflect enhanced care needs during these periods.
Estimate of Economic Impact
I. Summary of Economic Impact. The total fiscal impact is estimated to be $18,397 for Fiscal Year 2025 due to the increased reimbursement rates during the first 60 days of hospice care and the last 7 days of a participant’s life.
II. Types of Economic Impact.
Impacted Entity |
Revenue (R+/R-) Expenditure
(E+/E-) |
Magnitude |
A. On issuing agency: |
Maryland Department of Health |
(E+) |
$18,397 |
B. On other State agencies: |
C. On local governments: |
Benefit (+) Cost (-) |
Magnitude |
D. On regulated industries or trade groups: |
Maryland Medicaid Hospice Providers |
(+) |
$18,397 |
E. On other industries or trade groups: |
F. Direct and indirect effects on public: |
III. Assumptions. (Identified by Impact Letter and Number from Section II.)
(1) The average length of stay for hospice is 180 days. It is expected that the increased rate for the first 60 days is offset by the reduced rate for the remaining days in Hospice Care. Therefore, there is no economic impact associated with the increase rate for the first 60 days.
(2) The average unit cost for the service intensity-add on is $16.32.
(3) The number of recipients in Fiscal Year 2025 of the service intensity add-on is 128.
(4) The estimated average number of units of the service intensity add-on required by a single participant in Fiscal Year 2025 is 8.807.
(5) The anticipated cost for the service intensity add-on in Fiscal Year 2025 is $18,397. $16.32 (average unit cost) x 128 (number of recipients) x 8.807 (average number of units) = $18,397 (anticipated cost).
D. See A. above.
Economic Impact on Small Businesses
The proposed action has minimal or no economic impact on small businesses.
Impact on Individuals with Disabilities
The proposed action has an impact on individuals with disabilities as follows:
The proposed rate changes and service intensity add-on will result in individuals with disabilities receiving more frequent and higher quality medically necessary services from Hospice providers.
Opportunity for Public Comment
Comments may be sent to Jordan Fisher Blotter, Director, Office of Regulation and Policy Coordination, Maryland Department of Health, 201 West Preston Street, Room 534 Baltimore, Maryland 21201, or call 410-767-0938, or email to mdh.regs@maryland.gov. Comments will be accepted through April 21, 2025. A public hearing has not been scheduled.
.08 Payment Procedures.
A. Reimbursement Principles.
(1) The Program shall pay the provider at one of four [rates] rate categories for each day that the participant is under the provider's care, subject to the conditions, limitations, and exceptions set forth in this chapter.
(2) The payment rates for providers shall be those established by the [Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA)] Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services for hospice care under a Medical Assistance Program.
(3) (text unchanged)
B. Categories of Hospice Care for Reimbursement.
(1) Routine Home Care.
(a)—(b) (text unchanged)
(c) The routine home care rate is paid at one of the following
levels, whichever is applicable:
(i) An enhanced rate for the first 60
days in which the participant is enrolled in hospice; or
(ii) A lesser rate for day 61 and thereafter.
(2)—(4) (text unchanged)
C. (text unchanged)
D. Service Intensity Add-On.
(1) In addition to the routine home care rate paid under §B(1)
of this regulation, the provider shall be paid for visits made by a social
worker or a registered nurse, when provided during routine home care in the
last 7 days of the participant’s life.
(2) The service intensity
add-on payment is equal to the continuous home care hourly rate divided by
(3) The provider shall be
paid in 15-minute increments for a maximum of four hours daily.
[D.] E—[G.] H. (text unchanged)
Secretary of Health
10.09.36 General Medical Assistance Provider Participation Criteria
Authority: Health-General Article, §§2-104(b), 15-103, and 15-105, Annotated Code of Maryland
Notice of Proposed Action
The Secretary of Health proposes to amend Regulations .01, .03,
.04, and .08 under COMAR 10.09.36 General Medical Assistance
Provider Participation Criteria.
Statement of Purpose
The purpose of this action is to:
(1) Align regulations with current policy requiring providers to obtain an appropriate State Department of Assessments and Taxation (SDAT) identification number;
(2) Clarify that providers may not seek payment from participants for covered service claims denied by the Department for any reason;
(3) Require providers who bill the public behavioral health system for certain services to provide certain data elements;
(4) Align regulations with current policy requiring providers to obtain an individual National Provider Identification (NPI) number for each service location;
(5) Clarify prohibition on billing the Program or participants for certain activities;
(6) Prohibit providers from requesting that participants waive Medicaid coverage as a condition for receiving services; and
(7) Indicate the Department’s reporting requirements when providers are terminated from the Program for failure to comply with applicable law.
Estimate of Economic Impact
The proposed action has no economic impact.
Economic Impact on Small Businesses
The proposed action has minimal or no economic impact on small businesses.
Impact on Individuals with Disabilities
The proposed action has no impact on individuals with disabilities.
Opportunity for Public Comment
Comments may be sent to Jordan Fisher Blotter, Director, Office of Regulation and Policy Coordination, Maryland Department of Health, 201 West Preston Street, Room 534 Baltimore, Maryland 21201, or call 410-767-0938, or email to mdh.regs@maryland.gov. Comments will be accepted through April 21, 2025. A public hearing has not been scheduled.
.01 Definitions.
A. (text unchanged)
B. Terms Defined.
(1)—(21) (text unchanged)
(22) “State Department of Assessments and Taxation (SDAT)” means
the State Department of Assessments and Taxation as described in COMAR Title
[(22)] (23) (text unchanged)
.03 Conditions for Participation.
A. To participate in the Program, the provider shall:
(1)—(2) (text unchanged)
(3) Obtain and maintain in good standing the appropriate SDAT
identification number in accordance with §I of this regulation;
[(3)] (4)—[(24)] (25) (text unchanged)
B.—D. (text unchanged)
E. If the Program denies payment [due to late billing,] for covered services for any reason, the provider may not seek payment for the denied service from the participant [may not be sought].
F.—G. (text unchanged)
H. For services that are funded under the Substance Abuse and
Mental Health Services Administration and related federal funding sources,
specifically for providers that bill the public behavioral health system for
specialty mental health services described in COMAR 10.09.59 and
community-based substance use disorder services described in COMAR 10.09.80
shall provide data elements per Federal requirements set forth in 42 U.S. Code
§300x–9 and 42 USC 300x-35, to the State in the frequency required by the Department.
I. State Department of Assessments and Taxation (SDAT)
Identification Number. A provider shall obtain an SDAT identification number
(1) Identifies their organizational structure as either:
(a) An individual provider, classified with a prefix of the
letter L; or
(b) A business entity; and
(2) Is maintained in good standing as described in COMAR
J. Each provider practice location shall:
(1) Be individually enrolled with the Program;
(2) Have an individualized
provider agreement as described under §A(6) of this regulation;
(3) Maintain a unique NPI number as described under §K of this
K. National Provider Identification (NPI) Number.
(1) Unless specifically excepted under §K(2) of this regulation,
each provider shall maintain a unique NPI number that:
(a) Correctly classifies the provider as either:
(i) An individual provider with a Type
1 NPI number; or
(ii) An organizational provider with a Type 2 NPI number; and
(b) For Type 2 organizational providers, is
individualized to a specific service or practice location.
(2) The following enrollment
types are exempt from the individualized Type 2 NPI number requirement in
§K(1)(b) of this regulation:
(a) Skilled nursing facility therapy groups with an affiliated
nursing facility provider;
(b) Pharmacies with an affiliated
durable medical equipment and disposable medical supplies provider; and
(c) Hospitals.
L. Providers may not request or require that a participant
waive, revoke, or otherwise forgo Medicaid coverage as a condition for
receiving covered services.
.04 Payment Procedures.
A.—G. (text unchanged)
H. Providers may not bill the Department [or], the Program, or participants for:
(1)—(2) (text unchanged)
(3) [Professional] Covered professional services rendered by:
(4) (text unchanged)
I.—K. (text unchanged)
.08 Cause for Suspension or Removal and Imposition of Sanctions.
A.—B. (text unchanged)
C. The Department may report to the federal Secretary of Health
and Human services any providers removed from
participation with the Program for failure to comply with applicable federal or
State laws and regulations in accordance with 42 CFR §455.416.
[C.] D.—[D.] E. (text unchanged)
Secretary of Health
10.09.44 Programs of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE)
Authority: Health-General Article, §§2-104(b), 15-103, and 15-105, Annotated Code of Maryland
Notice of Proposed Action
The Secretary of Health proposes to amend Regulations .01, .03—.09,
.11, .12, .15, .16, .18, and .20—.24
under COMAR 10.09.44 Programs of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE).
Statement of Purpose
The purpose of this action is to update the annual provider rates to be paid to Program All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) providers pursuant to the State Plan Amendment approved by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), update the state regulations to comport with federal regulations, and bring them current with other MDH regulations and policy.
Estimate of Economic Impact
I. Summary of Economic Impact. This proposal has an estimated economic impact of $391,311 based on anticipated additional enrollment in the PACE Organizations in Calendar Year 2024. This impact is subject to a federal match, utilizing 50 percent federal match and 50 percent general funds.
II. Types of Economic Impact.
Impacted Entity |
(R+/R-) Expenditure
(E+/E-) |
Magnitude |
A. On issuing agency: |
Maryland Department of Health |
(E+) |
$391,311 |
B. On other State agencies: |
C. On local governments: |
(+) Cost
(-) |
Magnitude |
D. On regulated industries or trade groups: |
PACE Organizations |
(+) |
$391,311 |
E. On other industries or trade groups: |
F. Direct and indirect effects on public: |
III. Assumptions. (Identified by Impact Letter and Number from Section II.)
A. (1) Estimated magnitude is based upon estimated enrollment in Calendar Year 2024 in three PACE organizations:
(a) The current PACE Organization currently operating in the Baltimore region of Maryland with a total of 166 individuals;
(b) A new PACE Organization opening in the Baltimore region of Maryland October 1, 2024 with a total of 15 individuals, estimated at the highest rate cell; and
(c) A new PACE Organization opening in the Washington Metro region of Maryland November 1, 2024 with a total of 10 individuals, estimated at the highest rate cell.
(2) The difference between the Calendar Year 2023 and Calendar Year 2024 rates for this estimated enrollment is $391,311.
(3) This amount is subject to a federal match, utilizing 50 percent federal match ($195,655.50) and 50 percent general funds ($195,655.50).
D. See A above.
Economic Impact on Small Businesses
The proposed action has minimal or no economic impact on small businesses.
Impact on Individuals with Disabilities
The proposed action has an impact on individuals with disabilities as follows:
The proposed rate increase and more robust reporting requirements will result in individuals with disabilities receiving higher quality services through the PACE Program.
Opportunity for Public Comment
Comments may be sent to Jordan Fisher Blotter, Director, Office of Regulation and Policy Coordination, Maryland Department of Health, 201 West Preston Street, Room 534 Baltimore, Maryland 21201, or call 410-767-0938, or email to mdh.regs@maryland.gov. Comments will be accepted through April 21, 2025. A public hearing has not been scheduled.
.01 Definitions.
A. (text unchanged)
B. Terms Defined.
(1)—(4) (text unchanged)
(5) “Capitation payment” means the sum of money paid in advance on a monthly per capita basis to a PACE provider by the Department on a PACE participant's behalf for the PACE provider benefit package specified in the PACE [program agreement] Program Agreement.
(6)—(11) (text unchanged)
(12) “Emergency services” means health care services that are:
(a) (text unchanged)
(b) Provided to a PACE participant with an emergency medical condition;
(c) (text unchanged)
(d) Provided in a hospital emergency facility or a free-standing urgent care center as defined in COMAR
(13)—(15) (text unchanged)
(16) “Medicaid Provider Agreement” means the agreement between
Medicaid providers, including PACE providers, and the Department that allows
providers to provide services to Medicaid participants.
[(16)] (17)—[(21)] (22) (text unchanged)
(23) “PACE Organization Provider Agreement” is the agreement
between the PACE Provider and the Department that contains provisions to
provide additional protections to PACE participants.
(24) “PACE participant” means an eligible person who voluntarily
enrolls and enters into an agreement with a PACE provider or an eligible person
who is enrolled by a legal representative.
[(22)] (25) (text unchanged)
[(23)] (26) “PACE [program agreement]
Program Agreement” means a written, signed agreement between the
Department, CMS, and the PACE provider, which specifies the terms of the
relationship between the Department and the PACE provider and authorizes the
PACE provider to operate in the State.
[(24)] (27)
“Participant” means [an eligible person who voluntarily enrolls and
enters into an agreement with a PACE provider or an eligible person who is
enrolled by a legal representative] an individual who is certified by
the Department as eligible to receive Medical Assistance Program benefits.
[(25)] (28) (text unchanged)
[(26)] (29) “Primary care provider” means a practitioner who provides a PACE participant's primary care services and is the primary coordinator of all other health care services for the PACE participant, responsible for providing or assuring access to continuous, comprehensive, and coordinated health care services covered in the PACE benefit package.
[(27)] (30)—[(28)] (31) (text unchanged)
[(29)] (32) “Programs of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE)” means a jointly administered capitated Medicare/Medicaid program providing medical and long term care services to nursing home eligible, frail, elderly [recipients] participants.
[(30) “Provider” means a PACE provider.
(31) “Provider agreement” is the agreement between the PACE
provider and the Department.]
[(32)] (33) (text unchanged)
[(33) “Recipient” means an individual who is certified by the Department as eligible to receive Medical Assistance Program benefits, as stated in COMAR 10.09.36.]
(34)—(39) (text unchanged)
.03 PACE Provider.
A. The PACE provider shall comply with:
(1)—(2) (text unchanged)
(3) The Medicaid provider agreement and the PACE Organization Provider Agreement signed with the Department;
(4)—(7) (text unchanged)
B.—D. (text unchanged)
E. Professional and Administrative Standards. The PACE provider shall have the professional and administrative ability and staffing to carry out its [provider agreement] duties and responsibilities according to the PACE Program Agreement and PACE Organization Provider Agreement, which shall include the following:
(1)—(3) (text unchanged)
(4) A management information system, which shall:
(a) (text unchanged)
(b) Maintain medical and financial records for [6] 10 years;
(5) An acceptable PACE participant grievance and appeals procedure and system for reporting the disposition of grievances and appeals to the Department, as specified in Regulation .19 of this chapter;
(6) A procedure established to provide PACE participants an ability to participate in matters of policy and operation; and
(7) (text unchanged)
F. (text unchanged)
G. Provision of Services and Health Care Delivery. A PACE provider shall provide:
(1) (text unchanged)
(2) Written notice to PACE participants if there is a significant change in the nature, location, or provider of services provided.
H.—L. (text unchanged)
M. If the PACE Program Agreement exempts the PACE provider from financial responsibility for any services available under the State Plan, the PACE provider shall be required by the PACE [provider agreement] Organization Provider Agreement to provide for these services.
N. Liability.
(1) (text unchanged)
(2) The [department] Department may not make additional payment for services under this section.
(3) The PACE provider may not collect any payment from a PACE participant except as specified in Regulation .05 of this chapter.
(4) The PACE provider is solely responsible for ensuring that it does not issue payments for services for which it is not liable in its [provider agreement] PACE Organization Provider Agreement, and the Department may not accept responsibility for refunding to the PACE provider any excess payments made by the PACE provider.
.04 Term of the PACE Organization Provider Agreement.
A. The duration or term of the agreement between the Department and the PACE provider is specified in the [provider agreement] PACE Organization Provider Agreement.
B. The [provider agreement] PACE Organization Provider Agreement shall provide for automatic amendment, renegotiation, or termination, or all of the above, of the [provider agreement] PACE Organization Provider Agreement by either party if any part of the [provider agreement’s] PACE Organization Provider Agreement's provider benefit package is changed under the State Plan.
C. Termination.
(1) The Department may terminate immediately the [provider agreement] PACE Organization Provider Agreement upon notification:
(a)—(b) (text unchanged)
(c) That the owners or managers of the PACE provider, or other persons with substantial [provider agreement] Medicaid Provider Agreement relationships with the PACE provider, have been convicted of certain crimes or received certain sanctions as specified in §1128 of the Social Security Act.
(2) The Department may, at its sole discretion, offer to renegotiate any provision of the [provider agreement] PACE Organization Provider Agreement if renegotiation would remove any of the causes of termination specified in §C(1) of this regulation. This offer is not a waiver of the Department's right of immediate termination.
(3) The [provider agreement] PACE Organization Provider Agreement may be terminated by either the Department or the PACE provider if the other party fails to meet a provision of:
(a) (text unchanged)
(b) The [provider agreement] PACE Organization Provider Agreement; or
(c) Applicable laws, rules, regulations, or guidelines effective as of the date of the [provider agreement] PACE Organization Provider Agreement or enacted or established during the [provider agreement’s] PACE Organization Provider Agreement's term.
(4) A [provider agreement’s] PACE Organization Provider Agreement's termination is effective only after the terminating party has notified the breaching party in writing of the cause or causes of termination and has allowed 60 days for the correction or alleviation of the cause or causes by the breaching party.
(5) Termination of Agreement by PACE. The PACE provider may terminate an agreement after timely notice to CMS, the Department, and PACE participants, as follows:
(a) (text unchanged)
(b) To PACE participants, 60 days before termination.
D. Default by PACE.
(1) The Department may immediately terminate the [provider agreement] PACE Organization Provider Agreement if the PACE provider defaults, as specified in §D(3) of this regulation.
(2) If the PACE provider defaults, the Department may recover any capitation payments issued to the PACE provider for periods after the termination effective date of the [provider agreement] PACE Organization Provider Agreement.
(3) (text unchanged)
E. Nonexclusivity of Remedy.
(1) This regulation's provisions supplement, rather than replace, any other sanctions or remedies available to the Department under the provisions of Regulation .24 of this chapter, the [provider agreement] PACE Organization Provider Agreement, the Medicaid Provider Agreement, or applicable law or regulations.
(2) If the [provider agreement] PACE Program Provider Agreement is terminated under this regulation, the PACE provider shall furnish to the Department, within 45 days of the termination's effective date, all information necessary for the reimbursement of any outstanding claims for services rendered to the PACE provider's participants, including claims of its contractors.
.05 PACE Participant Eligibility.
A. An eligible person shall:
(1)—(2) (text unchanged)
(3) Be able to be maintained in a community-based setting with the assistance of PACE at the time of enrollment without jeopardizing the PACE participant's health or others' health or safety;
(4) (text unchanged)
(5) Be willing to abide by the provision that requires PACE participants to receive all health and long-term care services exclusively from the PACE provider and its contracted or referred providers.
B. Medical Assistance Eligibility Services.
(1)—(2) (text unchanged)
(3) Optionally Categorically Needy.
(a)—(e) (text unchanged)
(f) If the applicant or [recipient] participant is not aged, blind, or determined disabled by the Social Security Administration, the Department of Human Services shall determine whether the applicant or [recipient] participant is technically eligible for Medical Assistance as a disabled person, in accordance with COMAR []
(g) All provisions of COMAR 10.09.24 which apply to an aged, blind, or disabled individual who is institutionalized are applicable to applicants and PACE participants under this chapter who are considered optionally categorically needy, with the following exceptions in full or in part:
(i) COMAR [—(3)] and E;
(ii) COMAR [];
(iii) (text unchanged)
(iv) COMAR [];
(v) COMAR [];
(vi)—(viii) (text unchanged)
(h) Home Exclusion. The home, as defined in COMAR [], is not a countable resource under §B(3) of this regulation if it is occupied by the applicant or PACE participant, the applicant's or PACE participant's spouse, or any one of the following relatives who are medically or financially dependent on the applicant or PACE participant:
(i)—(iii) (text unchanged)
(i) Medical Assistance eligibility shall be determined by the Department within 45 days after the Department or its representative receives a signed application according to COMAR [—(10)]
(4) Post-Eligibility Determination of Available Income for Optionally Categorically Needy.
(a) (text unchanged)
(b) For individuals eligible under §B(3) of this regulation who reside in a licensed assisted living facility, the Department shall calculate a client contribution towards the cost of services under this chapter, based on the amount remaining after deducting from the individual's countable monthly income the following amounts in the following order:
(i) (text unchanged)
(ii) A spousal or family maintenance allowance in accordance with COMAR []; and
(iii) Incurred medical expenses as specified in COMAR [ and (e)] and (g).
(c) For individuals who reside in an assisted living facility whose contribution toward the cost of service is calculated under §B(4)(b) of this regulation, the provider shall collect the PACE participant's available income. The amount collected under this paragraph may not exceed the monthly capitation amount under this chapter for the PACE participant.
(d) For individuals eligible under §B(3) of this regulation who reside in a long-term care facility, the Department shall calculate a client contribution towards the cost of services under this chapter, based on the amount remaining after deducting from the individual's countable monthly income the following amounts in the following order:
(i) A personal needs allowance in accordance with COMAR [];
(ii) A spousal or family maintenance allowance in accordance with COMAR [];
(iii) A residential allowance in accordance with COMAR []; and
(iv) Incurred medical expenses as specified in COMAR [ and (e)] and (g).
(e) For individuals who reside in a long-term care facility whose contribution toward the cost of service is calculated under §B(4)(d) of this regulation, the provider shall collect the PACE participant's available income.
C.—D. (text unchanged)
.06 PACE Participant Enrollment.
A. (text unchanged)
B. The PACE provider shall enter into an enrollment agreement with [a qualified recipient] an eligible participant on the form approved by the Department.
C. The PACE provider shall enroll eligible [recipient] participants in the order in which they apply, and may not discriminate on the basis of health status in its enrollment, re-enrollment, or disenrollment procedures.
D. Signature on Enrollment Forms.
(1) Except as indicated under §D(2) of this regulation, a [recipient] participant 55 years old or older shall sign and submit the enrollment form;
(2) (text unchanged)
E. Because the PACE provider is responsible for ensuring that [recipient] participants whose primary language is not English understand the benefits and restrictions associated with enrollment in PACE, the PACE provider shall give to such a [recipient] participant at the time of enrollment a:
(1)—(2) (text unchanged)
F. Subject to verification of eligibility,
enrollment [shall be effective at 12:01 a.m., local time, on the 10th
day after the participant signs the enrollment agreement] shall be
effective on the first day of the calendar month following the date the PACE
organization receives the signed enrollment agreement.
G. An individual eligible for enrollment under Regulation .05 of this chapter, may enroll at any time during the term of the PACE Organization Provider Agreement, unless:
(1) Enrollment under the [provider agreement] PACE Organization Provider Agreement has been suspended pursuant to Regulation .23 of this chapter; or
(2) The PACE provider exceeds the enrollment limit established [in the provider agreement] by the Department.
H. (text unchanged)
I. The PACE provider shall provide to each PACE participant an identification card, clearly indicating the bearer is enrolled with the PACE provider.
J. The PACE provider shall provide in writing and explain to a new PACE participant, at a minimum, the following:
(1) Notification of the PACE participant's right to terminate enrollment, the time frame required, and explanation of the required process; and
(2) (text unchanged)
.07 Termination of PACE Participant's Enrollment.
A. Termination of a PACE participant's enrollment may be initiated by the:
(1)—(2) (text unchanged)
(3) [Participant] PACE participant; or
(4) [Participant's] PACE participant’s legal guardian or legal representative.
B. (text unchanged)
C. General Requirements for Processing Disenrollments.
(1) The Department shall establish a [monthly cut-off date] timeline for the receipt of disenrollment forms as follows:
(a) [Disenrollments received by the monthly cut-off date
shall be processed the next payment processing date and disenrollment is
effective the first day of the following month and;] A PACE
participant’s involuntary disenrollment occurs after the PACE provider meets
the requirements set forth in 42 CFR §460.164 and is effective on the first day
of the next month that begins 30 days after the day the PACE organization sends
notice of the disenrollment to the PACE participant; or
(b) [Disenrollments received after the monthly cut-off date
shall be processed the following month's payment processing date and
disenrollment is effective the first day of the following month.] A
PACE participant’s voluntary disenrollment is effective on the first day of the
month following the date the PACE organization receives the PACE participant’s
notice of voluntary disenrollment.
(2) Disenrollment requests shall be submitted to the Department by the PACE provider within 3 working days from completion, except if the PACE participant requests that the form be mailed to the PACE participant's home address for completion.
(3) The PACE provider shall send the PACE participant a copy of the completed disenrollment forms, regardless of who initiated the disenrollment process.
D. Voluntary Disenrollment by PACE Participant.
(1) In general, PACE participants may disenroll from the PACE provider at their discretion at any time without cause, by completing or having completed by a legal guardian or legal representative a disenrollment form provided by the Department.
(2) The PACE provider shall act to facilitate disenrollment, including mailing disenrollment request forms to PACE participants desiring to disenroll but having difficulty accessing the PACE provider's office.
(3) The PACE provider shall date-stamp PACE participants' disenrollment requests upon receipt.
[(4) A disenrollment request completed by a PACE participant before or on the Department's monthly cut-off date shall be submitted by the PACE provider to the Department before that month's processing date for capitation payments.
(5) A disenrollment request completed by a PACE participant and received by the PACE provider by the monthly cut-off date, but which the PACE provider submits to the Department after the payment processing date, may not be processed until the following month's payment cycle and shall be retroactive to the first day of that month.
(6) When the PACE participant completes the disenrollment form by the monthly cut-off date, but the PACE provider does not receive the form until after the cut-off date, the disenrollment may not be processed until the following month, and the PACE provider shall promptly notify the PACE participant in writing that the disenrollment will not be processed until the end of the next month and that the PACE participant shall continue to receive all services from the PACE provider.
(7) A participant who moves out of the service area shall be processed as a voluntary disenrollment.]
E. Disenrollment Initiated by the PACE Provider.
(1) The PACE provider shall have a written policy regarding termination of a PACE participant's enrollment by the PACE provider which shall address, at a minimum:
(a) Under what conditions a PACE participant is to be disenrolled by the PACE provider; and
(b) (text unchanged)
(2) (text unchanged)
(3) A disenrollment may not occur because of an adverse change in the PACE participant's health status.
(4) The PACE participant's complete medical and utilization history shall be provided by the PACE provider to the Department, upon request, in order to determine an appropriate disenrollment date.
(5) The PACE provider shall notify the PACE participant within 14 days of when the disenrollment is approved, and the PACE participant may appeal the decision under the terms of COMAR 10.01.04.
(6) Disenrollment may be requested by the PACE provider by providing to the Department acceptable documentation that the:
(a) [Participant’s] PACE participant's domicile was relocated outside the PACE provider's service area;
(b) [Participant] PACE participant is no longer eligible in accordance with Regulation .05 of this chapter;
(c) [Participant] PACE participant is discovered to be an individual for whom there existed legal documentation at the time of enrollment that the individual was mentally incompetent, but the PACE participant signed the enrollment form;
(d) [Participant] PACE participant commits fraudulent or illegal acts, such as permitting use of the PACE participant's medical identification card by others, altering a prescription, theft or other criminal acts committed in any provider's or PACE provider's premises;
(e) [Participant] PACE participant fails to complete and submit consents, releases, or assignments and other documents reasonably requested by the PACE provider in order to obtain or assure payment by Medicare, Medicaid, or other third party payers; or
(f) [Participant] PACE participant has died.
(7)—(8) (text unchanged)
F. Disenrollment by the Department. The Department shall disenroll a PACE participant if the:
(1) PACE Organization Provider Agreement between the PACE provider and the Department is terminated;
(2) [Participant] PACE participant dies;
(3) [Participant] PACE participant becomes ineligible for enrollment in accordance with Regulation .05 of this chapter; or
(4) [Participant] PACE participant loses eligibility for Medical Assistance Program benefits or changes to a category of assistance not eligible for enrollment in PACE.
G. Effective Date of Termination.
[(1) Except as specified in §H of this regulation or unless the Department specifically authorizes an earlier effective date, a disenrollment initiated by the PACE participant or the PACE provider before the monthly cut-off date established by the Department, if approved, shall be effective on the first day of the month following the respective cut-off date.]
[(2)] (1)—[(4)] (3) (text unchanged)
[(5)] (4) A disenrollment resulting from the PACE participant's loss of Program eligibility shall be effective on the day following the PACE participant's last date of eligibility.
[(6)] (5) The Department may recover any capitation payments made on behalf of the PACE participant for periods following the effective date of the PACE participant's termination of enrollment or loss of eligibility, but not for a retroactive period greater than 3 months except in the case of:
(a) The PACE participant's death; or
(b) The PACE participant's relocation of domicile outside the PACE provider's service area.
[(7)] (6) (text unchanged)
.08 PACE Participant Rights.
(text unchanged)
.09 Covered Services.
A. (text unchanged)
B. The PACE benefit package for all PACE participants, regardless of the source of payment, shall include the following:
(1)—(9) (text unchanged)
(10) Other services determined necessary by the multidisciplinary team to improve and maintain the PACE participant's overall health status.
C. (text unchanged)
.11 Authorization Requirements.
The PACE provider shall obtain approval by the Department before any changes in the following:
A.—D. (text unchanged)
E. PACE [provider agreement] Organization Provider Agreement; or
F. (text unchanged)
.12 Marketing and Information.
A. The PACE [provider agreement] Organization Provider Agreement shall specify the methods by which the PACE provider will assure the Department that its marketing plans, procedures, and materials are accurate and do not mislead, confuse, or defraud the Department or potential PACE participants.
B. (text unchanged)
C. The PACE provider may not participate in:
(1) (text unchanged)
(2) Face-to-face or telephone contact with a [recipient] participant, or otherwise soliciting a [recipient] participant who is not a PACE provider’s participant [of the PACE provider], unless authorized by the Department or initiated by the [recipient] participant.
D. Subject to prior approval by the Department, a PACE provider may engage in marketing activities designed to make [recipient] participants aware of the PACE provider's availability as well as any special services offered. Addressee-blind informational mailings to an entire zip code may be used.
E. Enrollment Agreement and PACE Participant Enrollment Materials.
(1) (text unchanged)
(2) At a minimum the information in the enrollment agreement shall contain the following [elements] PACE participant enrollment materials which shall remain with the PACE participant:
(a)—(l) (text unchanged)
(m) How to obtain copies of the PACE participant's records;
(n)—(q) (text unchanged)
(3)—(4) (text unchanged)
.15 Reports and Data Collection.
A. (text unchanged)
B. Encounter data submitted by PACE providers under §A of this regulation shall include, at a minimum:
(1) [Participant] PACE participant and provider identifying information;
(2)—(4) (text unchanged)
C. (text unchanged)
D. The PACE provider shall immediately notify the Department if it has knowledge of a PACE participant's death.
E. The PACE provider shall have an effective procedure for reporting to the Department the following information:
(1) (text unchanged)
(2) Health status of PACE participants; and
(3) Appeals and grievances made by PACE participants.
F. Quarterly Reports. A PACE provider shall submit to the Department quarterly, within 30 days of the close of each calendar quarter, and in a format designated by the Department:
(1)—(2) (text unchanged)
(3) Grievance reports, including emergency room based grievances, as specified in Regulation .19 of this chapter that contain at a minimum:
(a) An analysis of PACE participant appeal and grievance records;
(b)—(d) (text unchanged)
(4)—(5) (text unchanged)
G.—H. (text unchanged)
.16 Confidentiality.
A. Subject to the requirements of 42 CFR Part 431 Subpart F, the PACE provider and its contractors may not release or disclose any information concerning a PACE participant to anyone other than the Department except with the written permission of the:
(1) [Participant] PACE participant; or
(2) [Participant’s] PACE participant's attorney, legal representative, or legal guardian.
B. (text unchanged)
.18 Subcontractual Relationships.
A.—E. (text unchanged)
F. If the Department determines that termination or expiration of a PACE provider's contractual relationship materially affects the PACE provider's ability to carry out its responsibilities under the PACE [provider agreement] Organization Provider Agreement, the Department may terminate the PACE [provider agreement] Organization Provider Agreement.
G.—H. (text unchanged)
.20 Third-Party Liability.
A. The PACE provider shall identify and collect money [owing] owed from responsible third parties liable for the cost of health care services furnished by the PACE provider to its PACE participants.
B.—D (text unchanged)
.21 Payment Rates and Procedures.
A. The Department shall:
(1) Pay the PACE provider for each PACE participant based on the fixed capitation payment or payments specified in §E of this regulation; and
(2) (text unchanged)
B. Calculation of PACE Capitation Payments.
(1)—(5) (text unchanged)
(6) [No adjustments for administrative costs associated with PACE are included, and certain] Certain categories of costs not associated with a PACE-eligible, nursing facility-certified population are excluded from the claims data.
C.—D. (text unchanged)
E. For services provided on or after [January 1, 2023] January 1, 2024, the Department shall pay the PACE provider at the following per-member per-month capitation rates:
Category/Region |
Baltimore |
Washington |
Rural |
55—64 Medicaid only |
[$8,570] $8,754 |
$7,883 |
$7,305 |
55—64 full dual |
$5,093 |
[$4,865] $4,682 |
[$3,518] $4,339 |
65+ Medicaid only |
[$6,263] $6,331 |
$5,821 |
[$4,463] $5,394 |
65+ full dual |
[$4,492] $5,805 |
$4,676 |
[$3,201] $4,333 |
F. The capitation rate paid by the Department to the PACE provider for a participant shall be accepted as payment in full for the PACE provider benefit package provided by the PACE provider according to its [provider agreement] PACE Organization Provider Agreement, and additional charge may not be made to the participant, the Department, or any other entity except as provided under Regulation .05 of this chapter.
G.—J. (text unchanged)
K. Program Changes.
(1)—(2) (text unchanged)
(3) Refusal of an adjustment in the PACE provider's capitation payment by the other party shall, at the discretion of the party making the request, be grounds for termination of the [Provider agreement] PACE Organization Provider Agreement.
.22 Payment for Emergency Services.
A. The PACE provider shall be responsible for prompt payment for all emergency services received by PACE participants.
B. If a claim is submitted to the PACE provider within 9 months of the date of service, the PACE provider shall reimburse a hospital emergency facility and provider or free-standing urgent care center, without requiring prior authorization or approval for payment from the PACE provider, for:
(1)—(2) (text unchanged)
(3) Medically necessary and appropriate services if:
(a) The PACE provider authorized, referred, or otherwise allowed the PACE participant to use the emergency facility; and
(b) The services are related to the condition for which the PACE participant was allowed to use the emergency facility.
.23 Cause for Suspension or Removal and Imposition of Sanctions.
A. (text unchanged)
B. If the Department determines that a provider, any agent or employee of the provider, or any person with an ownership interest in the provider or related party of the provider has failed to comply with applicable federal or State laws or regulations, the Department may:
(1) (text unchanged)
(2) Suspend the PACE provider’s ability to enroll new PACE participants.
.24 Appeal Procedures.
A.—B. (text unchanged)
C. PACE participant appeals are set forth in COMAR [] 10.01.04.
Secretary of Health
10.28.02 Continuing Education Requirements
Authority: Health Occupations Article, [§§11-205] §§1-225, 11-101, 11-205, 11-308(c), and 11-309, Annotated Code of Maryland
Notice of Proposed Action
The Secretary of Health proposes to amend Regulations .02, .03,
and .05 under COMAR 10.28.02 Continuing Education Requirements. This action was
considered by the Board of Examiners in Optometry at a public meeting held on May
29, 2024, notice of which was given by publication on the Board’s website at
https://health.maryland.gov/optometry/Pages/index.aspx pursuant to General
Provisions Article, §3–302(c), Annotated Code of Maryland.
Statement of Purpose
The purpose of this action is to
(1) Amend certain definitions;
(2) Update and clarify first-time renewal requirements;
(3) Update continuing education requirements;
(4) Amend continuing professional education trainings to allow for in-person, virtual synchronous or asynchronous attendance; and
(5) Make other revisions and technical corrections as needed.
Estimate of Economic Impact
The proposed action has no economic impact.
Economic Impact on Small Businesses
The proposed action has minimal or no economic impact on small businesses.
Impact on Individuals with Disabilities
The proposed action has no impact on individuals with disabilities.
Opportunity for Public Comment
Comments may be sent to Jordan Fisher Blotter, Director, Office of Regulation and Policy Coordination, Maryland Department of Health, 201 West Preston Street, Room 534 Baltimore, Maryland 21201, or call 410-767-0938, or email to mdh.regs@maryland.gov. Comments will be accepted through April 21, 2025. A public hearing has not been scheduled.
.02 Definitions.
A. (text unchanged)
B. Terms Defined.
(1)—(3) (text unchanged)
(4) “Diagnostic
Pharmaceutical Agents (DPA) certified optometrist” means a licensed optometrist
who has fulfilled the requirements of the Board and is certified by the Board
to use diagnostic pharmaceutical agents in the practice of optometry and
provides diagnostic services to patients in Maryland.
[(4)] (5) (text unchanged)
(6) “Therapeutic
Pharmaceutical Agents (TPA) certified optometrist” means a licensed optometrist
who has fulfilled the requirements of the Board and is certified by the Board
to use therapeutic pharmaceutical agents in the practice of optometry and
provides therapeutic services to patients in Maryland.
.03 Registration Renewal.
A. (text unchanged)
B. First-Time Renewal Requirements. Licensees eligible for
(1) From another state licensed for less than 2 years, may earn
credit hours which may be prorated for first-time renewal based on the license
issuance date;
(2) That did not apply within a year of graduation and has been
licensed for less than 2 years, may earn credit hours which may be prorated for
first-time renewal based on the license issuance date;
(3) That have applied for renewal within 1 year of graduation
from an accredited school or college of optometry may have continuing education
requirements waived by the Board; and
(4) Are required to complete Implicit Bias Training and CPR
[B.] C.—[D.] E. (text unchanged)
.05 Required Credit and Other Course Credit.
A. (text unchanged)
B. General Requirements.
(1) TPA certified optometrists shall:
(a) Document 50 hours of continuing professional education every
2 years, with 30 of the 50 hours focused on therapeutic topics; and
(b) Provide proof of CPR certification every renewal which may
count as 3 credit hours.
(2) DPA certified optometrists shall:
(a) Document 36 hours of continuing professional education,
every 2 years, with 6 of the 36 hours focused on diagnostic pharmaceuticals;
(b) Provide proof of CPR certification every renewal which may
count as 3 credit hours.
(3) Non-Certified licensed optometrists shall:
(a) Document 36 hours of continuing professional education every
2 years; and
(b) Provide proof of CPR certification every renewal which may
count as 3 credit hours.
(4) The Board accepts:
(a) Only accredited or Board-approved continuing education
programs; and
(b) Therapeutic courses that fall within the Ocular Disease and
related Systemic Disease categories.
[B.] C. [In-Person] Trainings.
(1) Except for those identified in [§H] §I of this regulation, an optometrist who is issued a license by the Board [shall] may complete [a minimum of 10 hours of] continuing professional education [per renewal cycle] by attending in-person, virtual synchronous, or asynchronous trainings with post-test assessments conducted [in Maryland] by an accredited administrator. The [in-person] trainings may include:
(a)—(b) (text unchanged)
(c) Other continuing professional education activities given by:
(i)—(ii) (text unchanged)
(iii) [A nonprofit organization approved by the Board]
Any organization approved by the Board, solely on whether
or not it constitutes improvement, advancement, and extension of one’s
professional skill and knowledge relating to the practice of optometry.
(2)—(3) (text unchanged)
[C.] D. Other than those required in [§B] §C of this regulation, credit hours may be approved for the following:
(1)—(4) (text unchanged)
(5) Courses, seminars, and lectures prepared and given by Maryland licensed optometrists for which credit will be awarded at the rate of 2 hours for preparation and 1 hour for lecture, up to a maximum of [16] 24 hours per renewal cycle;
(6) (text unchanged)
[(7) Courses given in optometric or other professional journals with a post test, or online courses with a post test, up to a maximum of 30 hours per renewal cycle; however, these courses are subject to approval by the Board;]
[(8)] (7)—[(9)] (8) (text unchanged)
[(10)] (9) Pro bono work providing patient eye care as outlined in [§I] §J of this regulation;
[(11)] (10) Public board meeting attendance as outlined in [§J] §K of this regulation;
[(12)] (11)—[(13)] (12) (text unchanged)
[D.] E. (text unchanged)
[E.] F. [Credit] Unless Board or COPE approved, credit may not be allowed when a specific product, technique, procedure, or company is promoted or promulgated for the economic benefit of a particular person, company, group, etc.
[F.] G.—[H.] I. (text unchanged)
[I.] J. Pro Bono Work.
(1) Pro bono work shall earn [1] 2 credit [hour] hours for each 3 hours of approved continuing education activity, up to a maximum of [6] 12 credit hours per renewal cycle.
(2)—(4) (text unchanged)
[J.] K. (text unchanged)
Secretary of Health
Title 11
11.15.40 Electric Vehicle and Low Emission Vehicle Excise Tax Credit
Authority: Transportation Article §§12-104(b), 11-103.4, [and] 13-815, and 13-956, Annotated Code of Maryland
Notice of Proposed Action
The Motor Vehicle Administration proposes to amend Regulations .01, .03,
and .04 and adopt new Regulation .05 under COMAR 11.15.40
Electric Vehicle and Low Emission Vehicle Excise Tax Credit.
Statement of Purpose
The purpose of this action is to update regulations to require the owners of eligible plug-in electric drive vehicles to pay an annual surcharge in addition to the annual registration fee pursuant to Ch. 717 (S.B. 362), Acts of 2024.
Estimate of Economic Impact
The proposed action has no economic impact.
Economic Impact on Small Businesses
The proposed action has minimal or no economic impact on small businesses.
Impact on Individuals with Disabilities
The proposed action has no impact on individuals with disabilities.
Opportunity for Public Comment
Comments may be sent to Tracey C. Sheffield, Regulations Coordinator , MVA, 6601 Ritchie Highway N.E., Room 200, Glen Burnie, MD 21062, or call 410-768-7545, or email to tsheffield@mdot.maryland.gov. Comments will be accepted through April 21, 2024. A public hearing has not been scheduled.
.01 Purpose.
This chapter applies to [applications for excise tax credits issued for eligible] plug-in electric drive vehicles and zero-emission plug in electric drive vehicles:
A. Applications for excise tax credits; and
B. Annual surcharge fees.
.03 Definitions.
A. (text unchanged)
B. Terms Defined.
(1)—(6) (text unchanged)
(7) Plug-in Electric Drive Vehicle.
(a) “Plug-in electric drive vehicle” has the meaning stated in Transportation
Article, §21-1003.2, Annotated Code of Maryland; and
(b) “Plug-in electric drive vehicle” is not a zero-emission plug
in electric drive vehicle e.
[(7)] (8) Zero-Emission Plug-in Electric Drive
(a) “Zero-emission plug-in electric drive vehicle” has the meaning
stated in Transportation Article,
§13-815, Annotated Code of
Maryland[.]; and
(b) “Zero-emission
plug-in electric drive vehicle” is not capable of producing tailpipe emissions.
.04 Electric Vehicle Excise
Tax Credit Eligibility.
A. For determining eligibility of a zero-emission plug-in electric drive
vehicle, fuel cell electric vehicle, zero-emission electric motorcycle, or
zero-emission autocycle for a vehicle tax credit, the Administration shall use
the base purchase price of the vehicle.
B.—C. (text
.05 Annual Surcharge Fee.
A. In addition to the registration fee, a surcharge fee shall be assessed for plug-in electric drive vehicles and zero-emission plug-in electric drive vehicles pursuant to Transportation Article, §13-956, Annotated Code of Maryland.
B. Beginning
August 1, 2026, this surcharge shall be adjusted annually for inflation. The inflation adjustment shall correspond to
the growth in the Consumer Price Index, rounded to the nearest whole dollar, for all urban consumers as determined by the
Comptroller in accordance with Tax General Article, Section §9-305, Annotated
Code of Maryland.
Notice of Proposed Action
The Maryland State Commission on Criminal Sentencing Policy proposes to:
(1) Amend Regulation .05 under COMAR 14.22.01 General Regulations and;
(2) Amend Regulation .02 under COMAR 14.22.02 Criminal
Offenses and Seriousness Categories.
Statement of Purpose
The purpose of this action is to update the list of common departure reasons to more accurately reflect the reasons for departing from the sentencing guidelines that are most frequently cited by circuit court judges. Additionally, the purpose of this action is to modify the table of seriousness categories to include:
(1) One previously unclassified offense (EL, §16-205);
(2) One reclassified offense (CR, §3-708); and
(3) Minor, non-substantive edits to two offenses.
Estimate of Economic Impact
The proposed action has no economic impact.
Economic Impact on Small Businesses
The proposed action has minimal or no economic impact on small businesses.
Impact on Individuals with Disabilities
The proposed action has no impact on individuals with disabilities.
Opportunity for Public Comment
Comments may be sent to David Soule, Executive Director, Maryland State Commission on Criminal Sentencing Policy, 4511 Knox Rd, Suite 309, College Park, MD 20740, or call 301-403-4165, or email to dsoule@umd.edu. Comments will be accepted through April 21, 2025. A public hearing has not been scheduled.
14.22.01 General Regulations
Authority: Criminal Procedure Article, § 6-211, Annotated Code of Maryland
.05 Sentences Outside the
A. (text unchanged)
B. Common reasons for departure under the guidelines range include, but are not limited to, the following:
(1)—(2) (text unchanged)
(3) [The offender was influenced by coercion or duress] The offender is or was suffering from a mental or physical condition that reduces culpability for the offense;
(4) [The offender had diminished capability for judgment] The offender’s age/health;
(5) The offender is amenable to
probation or other community supervision;
[(5)](6) (text unchanged)
[(6) The victim's participation in the offense lessens the offender's culpability;]
(7) The offender’s criminal history is
less severe than represented by offender score;
[(7)](8)—[(8)](9) (text unchanged)
C. Common reasons for departure over the guidelines range include, but are not limited to, the following:
(1)—(4) (text unchanged)
(5) [The offender committed a "white collar" offense] The offender’s criminal history is more serious than represented by offender score;
(6) [The offender had significant participation in a major controlled substance offense] The parties reached a plea agreement that called for an increased sentence;
(7)—(8) (text unchanged)
14.22.02 Criminal Offenses and Seriousness Categories
Authority: Criminal Procedure Article, §6-211, Annotated Code of
.02 Seriousness Categories.
Offense Literal |
Source |
Felony or |
Max |
Min |
Offense Type |
Ser. Category |
Fine |
1—128 (text unchanged) |
129 |
Disturbing the Peace, Disorderly Conduct,
and Related Crimes |
1-0671 |
[CR, 10-704(a)] CR, §10-704 |
Misd. |
1Y |
Property |
$1,000 |
129-1—136-8 (text
unchanged) |
136-9 |
Election Offenses |
1-1484 |
EL, §16-205 |
Misd. |
1Y |
3M |
Person |
V |
$50-$1,000 |
136-10 |
Election Offenses |
1-1484 |
EL, §16-205 |
Misd. |
1Y |
3M |
Property |
VI |
$50-$1,000 |
137—141 (text unchanged) |
142 |
Extortion and
Other Threats |
1-0477 |
CR, §3-708 |
Misd. |
3Y |
Person |
[VI] V |
$2,500 |
143—210 (text unchanged) |
211 |
Influencing or Intimidating Judicial Process |
1-1571 |
CR, §9-305(c)(1) |
Misd. |
10Y |
Person |
IV |
$5,000 |
212—421 (text unchanged) |
Executive Director
Title 20
Notice of Proposed Action
The Public Service Commission proposes to:
(1) Amend Regulation .02 under COMAR 20.31.01 General Regulations; and
(2) Amend Regulation .04 under COMAR 20.31.03 Restrictions on Terminations.
This action was considered by the Public Service Commission at a
scheduled rulemaking (RM 86) meeting held on January 22, 2025, notice of which
was given under State Government Article, §3-302(c), Annotated Code of
Statement of Purpose
The purpose of this action is to increase the time period when residential electric or gas utility customers are restricted from termination practices by the utility during summer extreme weather periods. The previous COMAR language defining a “summer extreme weather period” restricted termination practices if the air temperature during a 3-day forecast period is expected to be 95 degrees Fahrenheit or above. The changes to this COMAR language include the consideration of “heat index” temperatures and direct that during a “summer extreme weather period” restricted termination practices will occur if the air temperature or heat index temperature during a 3-day forecast period are expected to be 95 degrees Fahrenheit or above.
Estimate of Economic Impact
I. Summary of Economic Impact. The proposed action will limit the number of days during the summer that an electric or gas utility can terminate residential customers’ service which could lead to increased levels of arrearages for residential customers (i.e. the amount of money the customer owes to the utility.) This increased level of arrearages can lead to eventual termination of a customer’s utility service due to non-payment in which case the arrearage amount accrued gets shifted into an uncollectible expense for the utility. This uncollectible expense is eventually recovered in a distribution utility rate case and thus paid for by all utility customers and could lead to increased utility distribution rates. The amount of this increase in utility distribution rates is currently unknown and difficult to determine because it depends on numerous factors such as weather, customer activity, etc.
II. Types of Economic Impact.
Impacted Entity |
Revenue (R+/R-) Expenditure (E+/E-) |
Magnitude |
On issuing agency: |
On other State agencies: |
On local governments: |
Benefit (+) Cost (-) |
Magnitude |
On regulated industries or trade groups: |
Electric and Gas distribution
utilities |
(-) |
Unknown |
On other industries or trade groups: |
Direct and indirect effects on public: |
III. Assumptions. (Identified by Impact Letter and Number from Section II.)
D. This action could lead to an increase in utility uncollectible expenses. Utility uncollectible expenses are eventually recovered in a distribution utility rate case and thus paid for by all utility customers and could lead to increased utility distribution rates. The amount of this increase in utility distribution rates is currently unknown and difficult to determine because it depends on numerous factors such as weather, customer activity, etc.
Economic Impact on Small Businesses
The proposed action has minimal or no economic impact on small businesses.
Impact on Individuals with Disabilities
The proposed action has an impact on individuals with disabilities as follows:
This action will reduce the number of days that a customer can be terminated by a utility during the summer and specifically restrict a utility from conducting terminations during extremely hot temperatures. By restricting terminations during extremely hot temperatures, residential customers and specifically individuals with disabilities will be less likely to experience heat-related illnesses or other adverse health affects because they will be afforded vital electric service (such as air conditioning) that would have otherwise been disconnected. This action should protect individuals with disabilities from experiencing adverse health impacts associated with high-temperatures and the disconnection of electricity.
Opportunity for Public Comment
Comments may be sent to Andrew S. Johnston, Executive Secretary, Public Service Commission, 6 St. Paul Street, 16th Floor, Baltimore, MD 21202, or call 410-767-8067, or email to psc.rmcomments@maryland.gov. Comments will be accepted through April 21, 2025. A public hearing has not been scheduled.
20.31.01 General Regulations
Authority: Public Utilities Article, §§2-113, 2-121, 5-101, and 7-307, Annotated Code of Maryland
.02 Definitions.
A. (text unchanged)
B. Terms Defined.
(1)—(8) (text unchanged)
[(9) “Extreme weather period” means a period of 72 hours beginning at 6 a.m. on any given day comprised of three consecutive 24-hour segments during any one of which the temperature, as forecast, is not expected to exceed 32 degrees Fahrenheit or is expected to be 95 degrees Fahrenheit or above during the segments. Determination of the possible existence of an extreme weather period must be repeated every 24 hours at 6 a.m.]
(9) “Extreme weather period” has the following two meanings:
(a) “Winter
extreme weather period” means a period of 72 hours beginning at 6 a.m. on any
given day comprised of three consecutive 24-hour segments during any one of
which the temperature, as forecast, is not expected to exceed 32 degrees
Fahrenheit during the segments. Determination of the possible existence of a
winter extreme weather period must be repeated every 24 hours at 6 a.m.
(b) “Summer extreme weather period” means a period of 72 hours
beginning at 6 a.m. on any given day comprised of three consecutive 24-hour
segments during any one of which the heat index, as forecast, is expected to be
95 degrees Fahrenheit or above, or the air temperature, as forecast, is
expected to be 95 degrees Fahrenheit or above during the segments.
Determination of the possible existence of a summer extreme weather period must
be repeated every 24 hours at 6 a.m.
(10) (text unchanged)
(11) “Heat index” means the temperature when relative humidity
is combined with the air temperature as calculated by the U.S. National Weather
Service. Forecasts, calculation tables, and other material related to the
calculation of Heat Index values are available on the National Weather Service
[(11)] (12)—[(23)] (24) (text unchanged)
20.31.03 Restrictions on Terminations
Authority: Public Utilities Article, §§2-113, 2-121, 5-101, and 7-307, Annotated Code of Maryland
.04 Temporary Residential [Summer] Weather Restriction.
A. A utility may not terminate service because of nonpayment to
any customer if the utility's designated weather station area for that customer
is in a winter extreme weather period.
B. A utility may not terminate, either gas service that is
used for cooling if the customer has notified the gas utility of that usage, or
electric service, because of nonpayment, for any customer occupying a
residential building, [for which the temperature forecast made for]
if the utility's weather station area for that customer [at 6
a.m. is 95 degrees Fahrenheit or above in that weather station area during an
extreme weather period.] is in a summer extreme weather period.
Executive Secretary
Title 30
Authority: Education Article §13-516, Annotated Code of Maryland
Notice of Proposed Action
The Maryland State Emergency Medical Services Board proposes to amend:
(1) Regulation .02 under COMAR 30.01.01 Definitions;
(2) Regulation .01 under COMAR 30.02.01 Definitions; and
(3) Regulations .02—.09 under COMAR 30.02.02 Licensure and Certification.
This action was considered by the State EMS Board at its regular
meeting held on December 10, 2024.
Statement of Purpose
The purpose of this action is to update Maryland's EMS clinician licensure and certification process to reflect best practices and to make the initial and renewal application processes clearer and more concise for the clinicians and provide MIEMESS with a better ability to regulate.
Estimate of Economic Impact
The proposed action has no economic impact.
Economic Impact on Small Businesses
The proposed action has minimal or no economic impact on small businesses.
Impact on Individuals with Disabilities
The proposed action has no impact on individuals with disabilities.
Opportunity for Public Comment
Comments may be sent to Aaron Edwards, Director, Office of Clinician Services, MIEMSS, 653 West Pratt Street, Baltimore, MD 21201, or call 410-706-3993, or email to aedwards@miemss.org. Comments will be accepted through April 21, 2025. A public hearing has not been scheduled.
Subtitle 01 GENERAL
30.01.01 Definitions
Authority: Education Article §13-516, Annotated Code of Maryland
.02 Definitions.
A. (text unchanged)
B. Terms Defined.
(1)—(13) (text unchanged)
(13-1) “EMS clinician” means an individual
licensed or certified by the EMS Board to provide emergency medical services.
(14)—(21) (text unchanged)
Authority: Education Article §13-516, Annotated Code of Maryland
30.02.01 Definitions
.01 Definitions.
A. (text unchanged)
B. Terms Defined.
(1) “Basic telecommunicator course” means a course specified by the [Emergency Number Systems] Maryland 9-1-1 Board dealing with the basic skills required to function as a call taker or call allocator in a communications center.
[(2) “Certified physician assistant” means an individual certified by the State Board of Physicians or its predecessor to perform delegated medical acts under the supervision of a physician in Maryland.]
[(3)] (2)—[(6)] (5) (text unchanged)
[(7) “Emergency Numbers Systems Board (ENSB)” means the Board established by Public Safety Article, §1-305, Annotated Code of Maryland.]
[(8)] (6) (text unchanged)
[(9)] (7) “Licensed physician” means an individual holding a current and valid license issued by the State Board of Physicians [or its predecessor] to practice medicine in Maryland.
(8) “Maryland 9-1-1 Board”
means the Board established by the Public Safety Article, §1-305, Annotated
Code of Maryland.
[(10)] (9) (text unchanged)
(10) “Physician assistant”
means an individual licensed by the State Board of Physicians to practice
medicine with physician supervision.
(11)—(13) (text unchanged)
30.02.02 Licensure and Certification
Authority: Education Article §13-516, Annotated Code of Maryland
.02 Fees.
A. The fee for licensure or certification, renewal of licensure or certification, examination, and reexamination is waived for an applicant who, on the date of application, is a member or employee of a fire, rescue, public safety, or EMS agency of a unit of State or federal government or political subdivision of the State, or a volunteer fire, rescue, or ambulance company, association, or agency[.], or an employee of a commercial ambulance service licensed under Education Article, §13-515, Annotated Code of Maryland.
[B. The fee for the emergency medical responder written examination and each reexamination is $25.]
[C.] B. The fee for the emergency medical responder, emergency medical technician, and paramedic written [examination] examinations and each reexamination [is $25] are established by the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians.
[D.] C. The fee for the practical examination for emergency medical technician is [$60] $65.
[E. The fee for the CRT and paramedic written examinations and each written reexamination is $25 per examination.
F. The fee for the health care provider to emergency medical technician program examination and each reexamination is $25.]
[G.] D. (text unchanged)
.03 Requirements.
A.—B. (text unchanged)
C. In addition to the requirements of §B of this regulation, an applicant for emergency medical responder certification shall:
(1) (text unchanged)
(2) [Have successfully
completed the practical certification examination administered in conjunction
with the emergency medical responder course; and] Submit to MIEMSS evidence
of current active status registration as an emergency medical responder with
the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians, including:
(a) Successfully completing
the practical certification examination administered in conjunction with the
emergency medical responder course; and
(b) Passing an emergency medical responder cognitive certification examination administered by the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians.
[(3) Have passed an emergency medical responder written certification examination administered by an EMS educational program approved by the EMS Board.]
D. In addition to the requirements of §B of this regulation, an applicant for emergency medical technician certification shall:
(1)—(2) (text unchanged)
(3) [Have passed an
emergency medical technician written certification examination approved by
MIEMSS;] Submit to MIEMSS evidence of current active status registration as an
emergency medical technician with the National Registry of Emergency Medical
Technicians, including:
(a) Successfully completing
the emergency medical technician practical certification examination
administered by MIEMSS; and
(b) Passing an emergency medical technician cognitive certification examination administered by the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians; and
[(4) Have successfully completed the emergency medical technician practical certification examination administered by MIEMSS; and]
[(5)] (4) (text unchanged)
[E. In addition to the requirements of §B of this regulation, an applicant for initial CRT licensure shall:
(1) Have successfully completed:
(a) A CRT course approved by the EMS Board;
(b) If the applicant is a licensed nurse, licensed physician, or certified physician assistant, the health care provider to CRT program;
(2) Have successfully completed immediately before application for licensure:
(a) At least 12 full months of experience in providing patient care as an emergency medical technician with an EMS operational program; or
(b) At least 150 documented ambulance responses providing patient care, including patient assessment, with an EMS operational program;
(3) Submit evidence of Current active status registration as an EMT-I/99 with the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians;
(4) Successfully complete a Maryland protocol review session approved by MIEMSS;
(5) Be currently affiliated with an ALS EMS operational program; and
(6) Have passed a written CRT licensure examination approved by MIEMSS.]
[F.] E. In addition to the requirements of §B of this regulation, an applicant for initial paramedic licensure shall:
(1)—(3) (text unchanged)
(4) Successfully complete a [Maryland protocol review session approved by MIEMSS;] MIEMSS-approved protocol orientation; and
(5) Be currently affiliated with an ALS EMS operational program[; and].
[(6) Have passed a written paramedic licensure examination approved by MIEMSS.]
[G.] F. In addition to the requirements of §B of this regulation, an applicant for EMD licensure shall:
(1) Have successfully completed:
(a) The basic telecommunicator course or an equivalent course approved by the [Emergency Number Systems] Maryland 9-1-1 Board; or
(b) (text unchanged);
(2) Have successfully completed an EMD training program approved by the EMS Board; and
(3) Be affiliated with an EMD operational program which has been approved by the EMS Board[;].
[(4) Have:
(a) Successfully completed the EMD written examination of an approved EMD training program; or
(b) Passed an EMD written licensure examination approved MIEMSS; and
(5) Submit with the application evidence of:
(a) Successful completion within the previous 18 months of a health care provider level cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) curriculum or equivalent approved by the EMS Board; or
(b) For applicants for EMD licensure with a disability which prevents the performance of the practical portion of a CPR training course, successful completion of the didactic portion of the CPR training course and the CPR course written exam within the previous 18 months.]
[H.] G.—[I.] H. (text unchanged)
.04 Reciprocity.
A.—B. (text unchanged)
C. In addition to the requirements of §A of this regulation, an applicant for emergency medical technician reciprocal certification shall:
(1) Submit evidence of current:
(a) Certification as an emergency medical technician, advanced emergency medical technician, or paramedic in another state if that state follows the national educational standards; or
(b) Registration with the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians as an emergency medical technician, advanced emergency medical technician, or paramedic; and
[(c) Registration with the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians as an Emergency Medical Technician-Intermediate; or
(d) Registration with the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians as a paramedic; and]
(2) Successfully complete a:
(a) [12-hour skills refresher course approved by MIEMSS] MIEMSS-approved protocol orientation; [or] and
(b) [Protocol review and system orientation, including skills check-off, as approved by MIEMSS.] MIEMSS-approved technical proficiency verification.
[D. In addition to the requirements of §A of this regulation, an applicant for reciprocal CRT licensure shall:
(1) Submit evidence of either:
(a) Current active status registration in an EMT-I/99 with the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians;
(b) Both:
(i) Current registration or licensure as an EMT-I/99 in a state that follows the national standards; and
(ii) Previous registration as an EMT-I/99 with the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians; or
(c) Registration with the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians as paramedic;
(2) Successfully complete a Maryland protocol review session approved by MIEMSS; and
(3) Pass a written CRT protocol examination approved by MIEMSS.]
[E.] D. In addition to the requirements of §A of this regulation, an applicant for reciprocal paramedic licensure shall:
(1) Submit evidence of [current] active status registration as a paramedic with the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians; and
(2) Successfully complete a [Maryland protocol review session; and] MIEMSS-approved protocol orientation.
[(3) Pass a paramedic protocol examination approved by MIEMSS.
F. In addition to the requirements of §A of this regulation, an
applicant for EMD reciprocal licensure shall submit evidence of certification
or licensure as an EMD by an EMD training program approved by the EMS Board.]
E. Expiration Date.
(1) For an EMR or EMT who is
issued a certificate by reciprocity:
(a) Between February 1 and
July 31, the expiration date shall be July 31 plus 1 year; or
(b) Between August 1 and
January 31, the expiration date shall be January 31 plus 1 year.
(2) For a paramedic who is issued a license by reciprocity, the expiration shall be 30 days after the individual’s current National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians certification expires.
.05 Examination and Reexamination.
A. (text unchanged)
B. [If an applicant for paramedic or CRT fails the written Maryland Protocol Review licensure examination, the applicant may retest once within 90 days of the initial written examination.] An applicant for emergency medical technician certification or paramedic licensure is subject to the examination and reexamination policies and procedures of the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians.
[C. If an applicant for paramedic or CRT fails a second written certification or licensure examination, the applicant may retake the written examination one additional time within 12 months of the second written examination, with documentation of a protocol review under the most recent protocols.
D. If an applicant for paramedic or CRT fails a fourth written licensure examination, the applicant shall successfully complete a Maryland protocol review session approved by MIEMSS.
E. If an applicant for emergency medical technician has passed the practical examination but fails the third written examination, the applicant may take the emergency medical responder examination within 1 year of successful completion of the emergency medical technician practical certification examination.]
[F.] C. (text unchanged)
[G.] D. If an applicant for
emergency medical technician certification fails the third practical
certification examination, the applicant shall successfully complete [another
approved emergency medical technician training course in its entirety and pass
an emergency medical technician written certification examination approved by
MIEMSS before taking another emergency medical technician practical
certification examination.] a minimum of
9 hours of remedial education, which shall include technical skills, and pass
the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians certification
examination, after which the applicant may attempt the practical certification examination
three more times, consistent with the procedure in §C of this regulation.
E. If an applicant for
emergency medical technician certification fails the fourth, fifth, and sixth
practical certification examination authorized under §D of this regulation,
then the applicant shall successfully complete an approved emergency medical technician
course in its entirety and pass the National Registry of Emergency Medical
Technicians certification examination before taking another emergency medical
technician practical certification examination.
.06 Issuance of License or Certificate.
A. (text unchanged)
B. The license or certificate shall bear the emergency medical service [provider’s] clinician’s name, identification number, the effective date of the license or certificate, and the [date of] expiration date of the license or certificate.
C. An applicant may not provide patient care as an EMS [provider] clinician until the applicant has received a current license or certificate from the EMS Board, except under supervision and in the course of participating in an [approved EMS training program or approved EMS course.] education program that has been approved by the EMS Board.
D. An EMS [provider] clinician shall, whenever possible, carry the identification card issued by MIEMSS showing the [provider] clinician is licensed or certified by the EMS Board while performing the EMS [provider’s] clinician’s duties.
E. MIEMSS shall maintain a registry of licensed or certified EMS [providers] clinicians.
F. An EMS [provider] clinician shall notify the MIEMSS Office of [Education, Licensure and Certification] EMS Clinician Services in writing within 30 days of any change in:
(1) Name;
(2) Address; [or]
(3) Email;
(4) Phone number; or
[(3)] (5) Affiliation with an EMS operational program.
G. (text unchanged)
H. Unless the certificate is the initial certificate issued under COMAR or is extended, revoked, or suspended, the certificate of an emergency medical responder or emergency medical technician is valid:
(1) In the initial certification period for at least 36 months, but not more than 42 months, as follows:
(a) Applicants for emergency medical responder and emergency medical technician certification who successfully complete the certification [examinations] requirements between [January 1] February 1 and [June 30] July 31 are issued a certificate which is effective from the date of successful completion of all [required] certification [examinations] requirements and expires on [June 30] July 31, 3 years from the year of issuance; or
(b) Applicants for emergency medical responder and emergency medical technician certification who successfully complete the emergency medical technician [examination] requirements between [July 1] August 1 and [December 31] January 31 are issued a certificate which is effective from the date of successful completion of all [required] certification [examinations] requirements and expires on [December 31] January 31, 3 years from the year of issuance; and
(2) In each subsequent certification period, for a period of 3 years from the previous expiration date.
I. Unless the license is extended, revoked, or suspended, the license of a CRT is valid[:
(1) In the initial licensure period, from the date of successful completion of all required licensure examinations until April 30 of the year the individual’s registration with the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians expires;
(2) In each subsequent licensure period, for 2 years from the previous expiration date;
(3) If issued under a CRT update program, through which the candidate becomes an EMT-I/99 with the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians:
(a) Until April 30 of the second year after issue;
(b) In each subsequent licensure period,] for 2 years from the previous expiration date.
J. Unless the license is extended, revoked, or suspended, the license of a paramedic is valid:
(1) In the initial licensure period, from the date of successful completion of all [required] licensure [examinations] requirements until [April] 30 days after the expiration of [the year] the individual's registration with the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians [expires]; and
(2) In each subsequent licensure period, [for 2 years from the previous expiration date.] until 30 days after the expiration of the individual’s registration with the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians.
K. Unless the license is extended, revoked, or suspended, the license of an EMD is valid:
(1) In the initial licensure period, [from the date of registration to the date of expiration of the
individual's registration with a proprietary EMD program; and] for
at least 24 months, but not more than 32 months, as follows:
(a) Applicants for EMD
licensure who register with a national organization approved by the EMS Board
between January 1 and June 30 are issued a license that is effective from the
date of successful completion of all required certification examinations and expires
on June 30, 2 years from the year of issuance; or
(b) Applicants for EMD
licensure who register with a national organization approved by the EMS Board
between July 1 and December 31 are issued a certificate that is effective from
the date of successful completion of all required certification examinations
and expires on December 31, 2 years from the year of issuance; and
(2) (text unchanged)
.07 Renewal.
A. [At least 8 weeks before] Prior to the expiration date of each license or certificate, MIEMSS shall [mail] send renewal notices to each EMS [provider] clinician whose license or certificate is expiring[. The renewal notice shall be sent to the EMS provider's most recent address on file with the MIEMSS Office of Education, Licensure, and Certification, based on the initial application or information as updated by the EMS provider] using the clinician’s contact information required under Regulation .06F of this chapter.
B. The renewal notice shall state the date the current [licensure] license or [certification] certificate expires.
C. An EMS [provider] clinician who wishes to renew a license or certificate [before the expiration date] shall submit [a completed] an application and any required supporting materials as specified in each applicable part of this chapter to MIEMSS on a form approved by MIEMSS at least 2 weeks before the expiration date [together with verification of any required affiliation including verification of protocol currency].
D. [If] For an emergency medical responder whose certificate, including any extension, expires after July 31, 2025, and is applying for renewal as an emergency medical responder, the individual shall submit to MIEMSS evidence of:
(1) Current active status registration as an emergency medical responder or higher with the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians; or
[(2) Successful completion a 12-hour refresher course; or]
[(3)] (2) [Successful] Documentation of the successful completion of:
(a) [A 6-hour or greater
skills proficiency course; and] 8 hours of continuing education in
categories designated by the State EMS Medical Director during the clinician’s
current certification cycle;
(b) [Two hours of:] Three of the most recent years of Annual EMS Protocol Updates; and
[(i) Medical knowledge training;
(ii) Trauma knowledge training; and
(iii) Affiliation optional training;]
(c) A MIEMSS-approved
technical proficiency verification.
E. [If] For an emergency medical technician whose certificate, including any extension, expires after July 31, 2025, and is applying for renewal as an emergency medical technician, the individual shall submit to MIEMSS evidence of:
(1) [Current active status registration as an emergency medical technician or higher with the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians] Affiliation with an EMS operational program;
(2) [Successful completion of a 24-hour refresher course] Completion of the 3 most recent years of Annual EMS Protocol Updates; and
(3) [Successful completion of] Either:
(a) [An approved skills competency evaluation and] Current active status registration as an emergency medical technician or higher with the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians; or
(b) [12 hours of approved continuing education content, including online competency-based courses, or traditional classroom content; or] Successful completion of 24 hours of continuing education in categories designated by the State EMS Medical Director during the clinician’s current certification cycle, of which a minimum of 1 hour up to a maximum of 9 hours may be devoted to technical skills, including MIEMSS-approved technical proficiency verification.
[(4) Successful completion of:
(a) A 12-hour or greater skills proficiency course; and
(b) Four hours of:
(i) Medical knowledge training;
(ii) Trauma knowledge training; and
(iii) Affiliation optional training.]
F. [If] For a CRT whose license, including any extension, expires after July 31, 2025, and is applying for renewal as a CRT the individual shall submit to MIEMSS evidence of:
(1) [Current active status registration as an EMT-Intermediate 99 or higher with the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians; or] Affiliation with an EMS operational program;
(2) [If applying for renewal as a CRT who has completed the CRT update program but does not have current active NREMT-I99 status, documentation of completion of all continuing education and skills proficiency verification requirements equivalent to the standards required for renewal as a Paramedic with the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians.] Completion of the two most recent years of Annual EMS Protocol Updates; and
(3) Either:
(a) Current active status
registration as a paramedic with the National Registry of Emergency Medical
Technicians and completion of any MIEMSS-assigned ALS education; or
(b) Documentation of
successful completion of:
60 hours of continuing education equivalent to the requirements of a paramedic
renewing with the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians including
any MIEMSS-assigned ALS education during the clinician’s renewal cycle; and
(ii) A MIEMSS-approved technical proficiency verification.
G. [If] For a paramedic whose license, including any extension, expires after July 31, 2025, and is applying for renewal as a paramedic, the individual shall submit to MIEMSS evidence of: [current active status registration as a paramedic with the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians.]
(1) Affiliation with an EMS
operational program;
(2) Completion of the two
most recent years of Annual EMS Protocol Updates;
(3) Completion of any
MIEMSS-assigned ALS education during the clinician’s current renewal cycle; and
(4) Current active status registration as a paramedic with the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians.
H. If applying for renewal as an EMD the individual shall submit evidence of:
(1) [Continued, active status registration with an approved national EMD program; or] Affiliation with an EMS operational program; and
(2) [Successful completion of 24 hours of approved EMD-related continuing education offered by an approved EMD educational program.] Either:
(a) Continued, active status
certification as an EMD by a national organization approved by the EMS Board;
(b) Successful completion of 24 hours of approved EMD-related continuing education offered by an approved EMD educational program.
[I. Approved online or distributive learning may be utilized to achieve the continuing education requirements.]
[J.] I.—[K.] J. (text unchanged)
.08 Inactive Status.
A. The EMS Board may place an EMS [provider] clinician on inactive status if the EMS [provider] clinician:
(1) (text unchanged)
(2) [Requests to be placed on] Applies for inactive status by submitting an application on a form the EMS Board requires; [or]
(3) In the case of a paramedic [or a CRT initially licensed after June 30, 2001], fails to maintain continuous, active status registration with the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians [as a provider], unless the [provider] paramedic has requested and received an extension of the individual's license from MIEMSS[.]; or
(4) Fails to complete a
MIEMSS-approved technical proficiency verification for renewal.
B. An EMS [provider] clinician on inactive status may not provide emergency medical services in this State except in rare instances at the scene of a medical emergency.
C. An EMS [provider] clinician on inactive status may apply for active status if the individual:
(1)—(3) (text unchanged)
(4) If the individual has been on inactive status for a period
greater than 1 year, [attends a
skills review session approved by MIEMSS, or conducted by an approved ALS
training program.] completes the most recent protocol update
course and a MIEMSS-approved technical proficiency verification.
D. A clinician whose license
is on inactive status, as specified in §A, may apply for renewal if all other
requirements for renewal are met.
[D.] E. Except in the instance of an EMS [provider] clinician on active military duty, inactive status does not affect the term of an EMS [provider's] clinician’s license or certificate.
[E.] F. An EMS [provider] clinician on active military duty may be granted an extended inactive status[.] that shall end 1 year after the date of deactivation from active military duties that otherwise prevent the clinician from completing the requirements to maintain certification or licensure.
[F.] G. (text unchanged)
.09 Reinstatement.
A. An individual whose license or certificate has expired and who has failed to renew the license or certificate may be reinstated as an EMS [provider] clinician if all requirements for reinstatement are met.
B. An applicant for reinstatement as an EMS [provider] clinician shall apply for reinstatement:
(1) As an emergency medical responder [or emergency medical technician], not later than 3 years after the expiration of the applicant’s emergency medical responder [or emergency medical technician] certification[;], or at any time if the applicant has current active status registration as an emergency medical responder with the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians;
(2) As an emergency medical
technician, not later than 3 years after the expiration of the applicant’s
emergency medical technician certification, or at any time if the applicant has
active status registration as an emergency medical technician with the National
Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians;
[(2)] (3) As an EMD, not later than 2 years after the expiration of the applicant’s EMD licensure[;], or at any time if the applicant has current active status registration with a nationally-recognized EMD program;
[(3)] (4) As a CRT, not later than 2 years after the expiration of the applicant’s CRT licensure[; or], or at any time if the applicant has current active registration as a paramedic with the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians; or
[(4)] (5) (text unchanged)
C. An applicant for reinstatement as an EMS [provider] clinician shall:
(1) Successfully complete all requirements for renewal; [and]
(2) If applying for reinstatement as an EMD, emergency medical
technician, CRT, or paramedic, be affiliated with an EMS operational program[.]; and
(3) If applying for
reinstatement as an emergency medical technician, CRT, or paramedic,
successfully complete a MIEMSS-approved EMS protocol orientation.
[D. If applying for reinstatement more than 1 year after the expiration of the individuals licensure or certification, in addition to the requirements of §C of this regulation, within 6 months of completion of the required continuing education, an applicant for reinstatement shall, if applying for reinstatement as:
(1) An emergency medical responder, pass the emergency medical responder:
(a) Practical certification examination administered by the approved training program, and
(b) Written certification examination approved and administered by MIEMSS;
(2) An emergency medical technician, pass the emergency medical technician written and practical certification examinations approved by MIEMSS;
(3) A CRT:
(a) Successfully complete a Maryland protocol review session approved by MIEMSS; and
(b) Pass a CRT licensure examination approved by MIEMSS;
(4) A paramedic:
(a) Successfully complete a Maryland Protocol Review class, and
(b) Pass a paramedic licensure examination approved by MIEMSS; or
(5) An EMD, pass an EMD written licensure examination approved and administered by MIEMSS.
E. Upon completion of the requirements for reinstatement, if the application for reinstatement was:
(1) More than 1 year from the date of expiration, the individual shall receive a license or certificate which is valid for the appropriate license or certificate period; or
(2) 1 year or less from the date of expiration, the individual shall receive a license or certificate which is valid for the appropriate license or certificate period minus the period of expiration.]
D. Upon fulfilling the
requirements for reinstatement of a certificate or license, the date of
expiration of the new certificate or license shall be:
(1) The date of expiration of
the certificate or license had not lapsed; or
(2) The date of an initial certificate or license under Regulation .06 of this chapter if the expiration date of the lapsed certificate or license has passed.
Executive Director
For: (2) Regulations .01—.04, .06, .07, and .09—.11
under COMAR 20.62.02 Pilot Program;
Read: (2) Regulations .01—.04, .06, .07, and .09—.11
under COMAR 20.62.02 Program;
For: (3) Regulations .02—.09 under COMAR 20.62.03 Pilot
Program Administration;
Read: (3) Regulations .02—.09 under COMAR 20.62.03 Program
For: (4) Regulations .01—.03 under COMAR 20.62.04 Pilot
Program Study; and
Read: (4) Regulations .01—.03 under COMAR 20.62.04 Program
Data; and
For: A. The Appeals Board
may award an interested party the reasonable costs of filing and pursuing a
protest, including reasonable attorney’s fees, if:
(1) The interested party
appeals the final action of an agency on a protest;
(2) The Appeals Board
sustains the appeal; and
(3) The Appeals Board finds
that there has been a violation of law or regulation.
B. A request for award of
costs incurred by the interested party in filing and pursuing a protest shall
be made by written motion filed within 15 calendar days of the decision by the
Appeals Board finding a violation of law or regulation. The motion shall
specify all costs being requested, shall be sustained by documented evidence,
and the interested party shall certify under oath or affirmation its costs in
filing and pursuing a protest. Upon request of a party or on its own
initiative, the Appeals Board may conduct a hearing to determine the
reasonableness of the cost and fees claimed.
Read: A. The Appeals
Board may award an interested party the reasonable costs of filing and pursuing
a protest, including reasonable attorney’s fees, if:
(1) The interested party
appeals the final action of an agency on a protest;
(2) The Appeals Board
sustains the appeal; and
(3) The Appeals Board
finds that there has been a violation of law or regulation.
B. A request for award of
costs incurred by the interested party in filing and pursuing a protest shall
be made by written motion filed within 15 calendar days of the decision by the
Appeals Board finding a violation of law or regulation. The motion shall
specify all costs being requested, shall be sustained by documented evidence,
and the interested party shall certify under oath or affirmation its costs in
filing and pursuing a protest. Upon request of a party or on its own
initiative, the Appeals Board may conduct a hearing to determine the
reasonableness of the cost and fees claimed.
Approved for Consumptive Uses of Water
AGENCY: Susquehanna River Basin
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: This notice lists Approvals by
Rule for projects by the Susquehanna River Basin Commission during the period
set forth in DATES.
DATES: January 1 – 31, 2025.
ADDRESSES: Susquehanna River Basin
Commission, 4423 North Front Street, Harrisburg, PA 17110-1788.
E. Oyler, General Counsel and Secretary to the Commission, telephone: (717) 238-0423, ext. 1312; fax: (717) 238-2436; e-mail: joyler@srbc.net.
Regular mail inquiries may be sent to the above address.
INFORMATION: This notice lists the projects,
described below, receiving approval for the consumptive use of water pursuant
to the Commission’s approval by rule process set forth in 18 CFR §806.22 (e) and (f) for the time period specified above.
Approvals By Rule
- Issued Under 18 CFR 806.22(e):
1. Harrisburg Cooling LLC; ABR-202501001; City
of Harrisburg, Dauphin County, Pa.; Consumptive Use of Up to 0.1250 mgd;
Approval Date: January 22, 2025.
Approvals By Rule
- Issued Under 18 CFR 806.22(f):
1. RENEWAL - Chesapeake Appalachia, L.L.C.;
Pad ID: S.A. Wilson Drilling Pad; ABR-201411001.R2; Overton Township, Bradford
County, Pa.; Consumptive Use of Up to 7.5000 mgd; Approval Date: January 22,
2. RENEWAL - Chesapeake Appalachia, L.L.C.;
Pad ID: Teel Unit #1H; ABR-20091115.R3; Springville Township, Susquehanna
County, Pa.; Consumptive Use of Up to 7.5000 mgd; Approval Date: January 22,
3. RENEWAL - Coterra Energy Inc.; Pad ID: BrooksW P1; ABR-20090701.R3; Springville Township,
Susquehanna County, Pa.; Consumptive Use of Up to 5.0000 mgd; Approval Date:
January 22, 2025.
4. RENEWAL - Coterra Energy Inc.; Pad ID:
Gesford P2; ABR-20090705.R3; Dimock Township, Susquehanna County, Pa.;
Consumptive Use of Up to 5.0000 mgd; Approval Date: January 22, 2025.
5. RENEWAL - Coterra Energy Inc.; Pad ID: HullR P1; ABR-20090702.R3; Springville Township,
Susquehanna County, Pa.; Consumptive Use of Up to 5.0000 mgd; Approval Date:
January 22, 2025.
6. RENEWAL - Coterra Energy Inc.; Pad ID: LaRueC P1; ABR-20090706.R3; Dimock Township, Susquehanna
County, Pa.; Consumptive Use of Up to 5.0000 mgd; Approval Date: January 22,
7. RENEWAL - Coterra Energy Inc.; Pad ID: SmithR P2; ABR-20090707.R3; Springville Township,
Susquehanna County, Pa.; Consumptive Use of Up to 5.0000 mgd; Approval Date:
January 22, 2025.
8. RENEWAL - Coterra Energy Inc.; Pad ID: Teel
P7; ABR-20090704.R3; Springville Township, Susquehanna County, Pa.; Consumptive
Use of Up to 5.0000 mgd; Approval Date: January 22, 2025.
9. RENEWAL - Coterra Energy Inc.; Pad ID: WeissM P1; ABR-201407003.R2; Gibson Township, Susquehanna
County, Pa.; Consumptive Use of Up to 5.0000 mgd; Approval Date: January 22,
10. RENEWAL - Pin Oak Energy Partners LLC; Pad
ID: Gulf USA 67H - 68H; ABR-201406006.R2; Snow Shoe Township, Centre County,
Pa.; Consumptive Use of Up to 3.0000 mgd; Approval Date: January 22, 2025.
11. RENEWAL - Repsol Oil & Gas USA, LLC;
Pad ID: DCNR 587 (02 002); ABR-20090811.R3; Ward Township, Tioga County, Pa.;
Consumptive Use of Up to 6.0000 mgd; Approval Date: January 22, 2025.
12. RENEWAL - Repsol Oil & Gas USA, LLC;
Pad ID: DCNR 587 (02 004); ABR-20090812.R3; Ward Township, Tioga County, Pa.;
Consumptive Use of Up to 6.0000 mgd; Approval Date: January 22, 2025.
13. RENEWAL - Repsol Oil & Gas USA, LLC;
Pad ID: DCNR 587 (02 017); ABR-20090932.R3; Ward Township, Tioga County, Pa.;
Consumptive Use of Up to 6.0000 mgd; Approval Date: January 22, 2025.
14. RENEWAL - SWN Production Company, LLC; Pad
ID: Carrar Pad Site; ABR-20090725.R3; Liberty
Township, Susquehanna County, Pa.; Consumptive Use of Up to 4.9990 mgd;
Approval Date: January 22, 2025.
15. RENEWAL - Coterra Energy Inc.; Pad ID: ColwellA P1; ABR-201408004.R2; Jackson Township,
Susquehanna County, Pa.; Consumptive Use of Up to 5.0000 mgd; Approval Date:
January 24, 2025.
16. RENEWAL - Coterra Energy Inc.; Pad ID: GrimsleyJ P1; ABR-20090805.R3; Dimock Township, Susquehanna
County, Pa.; Consumptive Use of Up to 5.0000 mgd; Approval Date: January 24,
17. RENEWAL - BKV Operating, LLC; Pad ID:
Procter & Gamble Mehoopany Plant 2 1H; ABR-20091104.R3; Washington
Township, Wyoming County, Pa.; Consumptive Use of Up to 5.0000 mgd; Approval
Date: January 25, 2025.
18. RENEWAL - BKV Operating, LLC; Pad ID:
Procter and Gamble Mehoopany Plant 1V; ABR-20091014.R3; Washington Township,
Wyoming County, Pa.; Consumptive Use of Up to 5.0000 mgd; Approval Date:
January 25, 2025.
19. RENEWAL - Repsol Oil & Gas USA, LLC;
Pad ID: Bear Claw; ABR-202001002.R1; McIntyre Township, Lycoming County, Pa.;
Consumptive Use of Up to 6.0000 mgd; Approval Date: January 25, 2025.
20. RENEWAL - Repsol Oil & Gas USA, LLC;
Pad ID: Kipferl 261-1H; ABR-20090732.R3; Jackson Township, Tioga County, Pa.;
Consumptive Use of Up to 6.0000 mgd; Approval Date: January 25, 2025.
21. RENEWAL - Repsol Oil & Gas USA, LLC;
Pad ID: Palmer 112; ABR-20091006.R3; Canton Township, Bradford County, Pa.;
Consumptive Use of Up to 6.0000 mgd; Approval Date: January 25, 2025.
22. RENEWAL - Seneca Resources Company, LLC;
Pad ID: 212 1H; ABR-20090727.R3; Charleston Township, Tioga County, Pa.;
Consumptive Use of Up to 4.0000 mgd; Approval Date: January 25, 2025.
23. RENEWAL - Seneca Resources Company, LLC;
Pad ID: 235A 1H; ABR-20090728.R3; Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pa.;
Consumptive Use of Up to 4.0000 mgd; Approval Date: January 25, 2025.
24. RENEWAL - Seneca Resources Company, LLC;
Pad ID: Courtney 129 1H-2H; ABR-20090729.R3; Richmond Township, Tioga County,
Pa.; Consumptive Use of Up to 4.0000 mgd; Approval Date: January 25, 2025.
25. RENEWAL - Seneca Resources Company, LLC;
Pad ID: Courtney H 255-1H; ABR-20090730.R3; Richmond Township, Tioga County,
Pa.; Consumptive Use of Up to 4.0000 mgd; Approval Date: January 25, 2025.
26. RENEWAL - Beech Resources, LLC; Pad ID:
Douglas C. Kinley Pad A; ABR-201903001.R1; Lycoming Township, Lycoming County,
Pa.; Consumptive Use of Up to 3.0000 mgd; Approval Date: January 29, 2025.
27. RENEWAL - Chesapeake Appalachia, L.L.C.;
Pad ID: Kuziak B Drilling Pad; ABR-201409004.R2; Elkland Township, Sullivan
County, Pa.; Consumptive Use of Up to 7.5000 mgd; Approval Date: January 29,
#1001H & #1002H; ABR-20090821.R3; Noyes Township, Clinton County, Pa.;
Consumptive Use of Up to 4.0000 mgd; Approval Date: January 29, 2025.
29. RENEWAL - EQT ARO LLC; Pad ID: Tx Gulf B
#1H; ABR-20090822.R3; Beech Creek Township, Clinton County, Pa.; Consumptive
Use of Up to 4.0000 mgd; Approval Date: January 29, 2025.
30. RENEWAL - Seneca Resources Company, LLC;
Pad ID: D09-M; ABR-202001003.R1; Jones Township, Elk County, Pa.; Consumptive
Use of Up to 4.0000 mgd; Approval Date: January 29, 2025.
31. RENEWAL - Coterra Energy Inc.; Pad ID: DysonW P1; ABR-201408010.R2; Springville Township,
Susquehanna County, Pa.; Consumptive Use of Up to 5.0000 mgd; Approval Date:
January 30, 2025.
32. RENEWAL - Coterra Energy Inc.; Pad ID: FontanaC P1; ABR-201408009.R2; Bridgewater Township,
Susquehanna County, Pa.; Consumptive Use of Up to 5.0000 mgd; Approval Date:
January 30, 2025.
33. RENEWAL - Coterra Energy Inc.; Pad ID:
Heitsman P1A; ABR-20090703.R3; Springville Township, Susquehanna County, Pa.;
Consumptive Use of Up to 5.0000 mgd; Approval Date: January 30, 2025.
34. RENEWAL - Seneca Resources Company, LLC;
Pad ID: Smith 253 1H; ABR-20090825.R3; Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pa.;
Consumptive Use of Up to 4.0000 mgd; Approval Date: January 30, 2025.Approvals
By Rule - Issued Under 18 CFR
806.22(f) For December 2024—Corrections:
5. Repsol Oil & Gas USA, LLC; Pad ID:
Lovell (08-707); ABR-202412003; Liberty Township, Tioga County, Pa.;
Consumptive Use of Up to 6.0000 mgd; Approval Date: December 4, 2024.
6. Seneca Resources Company, LLC; Pad ID:
Gamble Pad Y; ABR-202412002; Gamble Township, Lycoming County, Pa.; Consumptive
Use of Up to 4.0000 mgd; Approval Date: December 4, 2024.
8. RENEWAL - Range Resources - Appalachia,
LLC; Pad ID: Ogontz 3H, 7H, & 9H;
ABR-20090606.R3; Mifflin Township, Lycoming County, Pa.; Consumptive Use of Up
to 4.0000 mgd; Approval Date: December 13, 2024.
Authority: Public Law 91-575, 84 Stat. 1509 et seq.,
18 CFR parts 806 and 808.
Jason E. Oyler,
General Counsel and Secretary to the Commission.
Dated: March 7,
AGENCY: Susquehanna River Basin
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: This notice lists General
Permits approved by the Susquehanna River Basin Commission during the period
set forth in DATES.
DATES: January 1-31, 2025
ADDRESSES: Susquehanna River Basin
Commission, 4423 North Front Street, Harrisburg, PA 17110-1788.
E. Oyler, General Counsel and Secretary to the Commission, telephone: (717)
238-0423, ext. 1312; fax (717) 238-2436; e-mail: joyler@srbc.gov.
Regular mail inquiries may be sent to the above address.
notice lists General Permits for projects, described below, pursuant to 18 CFR
§ 806.17(c)(4), for the time period specified
Selinsgrove Municipal Authority – Well 5, General Permit Approval of Coverage
No. GP-02-20250109, Borough of Selinsgrove, Snyder County, Pa.;
emergency/maintenance or fire suppression activities approved up to 0.860 mgd
(30-day average); Approval Date: January
6, 2025.
Authority: Public Law 91-575, 84 Stat. 1509 et seq.,
18 CFR parts 806 and 808.
March 7, 2025.
Jason E. Oyler,
General Counsel and Secretary to the
Grandfathering Registration Notice
AGENCY: Susquehanna River Basin
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: This notice lists
Grandfathering Registration for projects by the Susquehanna River Basin
Commission during the period set forth in DATES.
DATES: January 1-February 28, 2025.
ADDRESSES: Susquehanna River Basin
Commission, 4423 North Front Street, Harrisburg, PA 17110-1788.
E. Oyler, General Counsel and Secretary to the Commission, telephone: (717) 238-0423, ext. 1312; fax: (717) 238-2436; e-mail: joyler@srbc.gov.
Regular mail inquiries may be sent to the above address.
notice lists GF Registration for projects, described below, pursuant to 18 CFR
Part 806, Subpart E, for the time period specified
1. Heidelberg
Materials Northeast LLC – Milton Quarry, GF Certificate No. GF‑202501287,
Liberty and Limestone Townships, Montour County, Pa.; consumptive use; Issue
Date: January 30, 2025.
2. Commonwealth University of Pennsylvania – Mansfield University, GF
Certificate No. GF‑202502288, Borough of Mansfield, Tioga County,
Pa.; Corey Creek Reservoir and consumptive use; Issue Date: February 14, 2025.
3. Hershey
Entertainment & Resorts Company – Hershey Country Club, GF Certificate No.
GF-202502289, Derry Township, Dauphin County, Pa.; King Gap Well, Spring Creek,
and consumptive use; Issue Date:
February 18, 2025.
Authority: Public Law 91-575, 84 Stat. 1509 et seq.,
18 CFR parts
806 and 808.
March 7, 2025.
Jason E. Oyler,
General Counsel and Secretary to the Commission.
Water Quality Certification
DNR - Elk Neck State Park-NorthBay
Shoreline Restoration
Elk Neck State Park
4395 Turkey Pt Rd
North East, MD 21901
Add’l. Info: Pursuant to COMAR, The Maryland Department of the Environment is providing notice of its issuance of a Water Quality Certification 24-WQC-0034.
Location: NorthBay within Elk Neck State Park; 11
Horseshoe Point Lane North East, MD 21901
The purpose of the
project is to restore the natural accretion and erosion of sediments along the
1) Remove 12,640 square feet of stone breakwaters.
2) Emplace 3,639 square feet of stone creating a single breakwater.
3) Construct a 241-foot long by 33-foot-wide groin.
4) Construct a 180-foot long by 12-foot-wide stone revetment.
5) Hydraulicly dredge 30,390 square feet to a depth of 3.5 at mean low
6) Hydraulicly dredge 31,985 square feet to a depth of 0.0 at mean low
7) Restore 110,797 square feet of historic beach using dredge material.
8) Restore 132,762 square feet of SAV’s; all actives within a maximum of
552 feet channelward of the
mean high water line.
The WQC and its
attachments may be viewed at the following link:
Appeal of Final Decision: This Water Quality Certification is a final
agency decision. Any person aggrieved by the Department’s decision to issue
this WQC may appeal such decision in accordance with
COMAR A request for appeal shall be filed with the Department
within 30 days of publication of the final decision and specify in writing the
reason why the final decision should be reconsidered. A request for appeal shall be submitted to: Secretary of the Environment,
Maryland Department of the Environment, 1800 Washington Boulevard, Baltimore,
MD 21230. Any request for an appeal does not stay the effectiveness of this
Contact: Matt Godbey at matt.godbey@maryland.gov or 410-901-4033.
Water Quality Certification
NVEST Holdings LLC
300 Mylander Lane,
Stevensville, MD 21666
Add’l. Info: Pursuant to COMAR, The Maryland Department of the Environment is providing notice of its issuance of a Water Quality Certification 24-WQC-0047.
Location: Alonge the shoreline of 300 Mylander Lane, Stevensville, MD 21666
The purpose of the
project is to restore the natural accretion and erosion of sediments along the
Construct a 150-foot long by 6-foot wide timber with a 10-foot long by 20-foot wide “T”
shaped platform, one boat lift with associated piles, two PWC lifts with
associated piles, and one mooring pile extending a maximum of 130 feet
channelward of the mean high water line;
Construct seven segmented stone
breakwater structures; four 100 feet in length, one 105 feet in length, one 130
feet in length, and one 153 feet in length, all 18.5 feet wide;
Fill and grade with 1,850 cubic
yards of sand along approximately 790 linear feet of shoreline, and plant with
8,131 square feet of spartina alterniflora, 21,975 square feet of spartina
patens, and 7,075 square feet of American beach grass, all within a maximum of
78 feet channelward of the mean highwater line.
The WQC and its
attachments may be viewed at the following link:
Appeal of Final Decision: This Water Quality Certification is a final
agency decision. Any person aggrieved by the Department’s decision to issue
this WQC may appeal such decision in accordance with
COMAR A request for appeal shall be filed with the Department
within 30 days of publication of the final decision and specify in writing the
reason why the final decision should be reconsidered. A request for appeal shall be submitted to: Secretary of the Environment,
Maryland Department of the Environment, 1800 Washington Boulevard, Baltimore,
MD 21230. Any request for an appeal does not stay the effectiveness of this
Contact: Matt Godbey at matt.godbey@maryland.gov or 410-901-4033.
Proposed Additions to Handgun
Roster and Notice of Right to Object or Petition
following is a list of handguns that the Handgun Roster Board proposes to add
to the official handgun roster. These handguns will be officially
placed on the Handgun Roster if no timely objection is received or if all
timely objections are dismissed.
the Public Safety Article, §5-405, Annotated Code of Maryland and COMAR and .14, any person may object to the placement of any of those
handguns on the Handgun Roster. Objections must be filed within 30
days after March 21, 2025. In addition, any
person may petition for the placement of an additional handgun on the Handgun
Roster. Forms for objections or petitions may be obtained from:
Rachel Rosenberg, Administrator, Handgun Roster Board, 1201 Reisterstown
Road, Baltimore, Maryland 21208 (Phone: 410-653-4247).
Make |
Model |
Caliber |
Comments |
ESP-85A |
32 S&W Long Wadcutter |
Caliber addition |
Palmetto Dagger Micro C-1 |
9 mm |
Model addition |
MCX Rattler Pistol |
300 BLK |
Model addition |
2K11 Target |
9 mm |
Model addition |
CSP Dynamic
Classic Sports Pistol |
22 LR |
Model addition |
1873 GREAT
357 Mag |
Model addition |
Division 77
Project 1 |
9 mm |
Model addition |
Balistik Defence (GFORCE ARMS) |
1911 Adam 45S |
45 ACP |
Model addition |
Witness2311SC Brat |
9 mm |
Model addition |
Coyote |
380 ACP |
Model addition |
FX2 |
45 ACP, 9 mm |
Model addition |
380 ACP |
Caliber addition |
1858 New Army Conversion |
45 LC |
Model addition |
9 mm |
Model addition |
20X Bobcat |
22 LR |
1911 Night Stalker SF |
9 mm |
Model addition |
GL-1911 |
9 mm, 45 ACP |
Talisman |
45 ACP, 9 mm, 38
Super |
Model addition |
58 |
380 ACP |
Model addition |
1911 EDC 5” |
9 mm |
Model addition |
DT47 |
45 COLT/410 BORE |
Model addition |
Ultra Shadow LE II |
45 ACP |
Model addition |
19 “1989 Inaugural
Model” |
9 mm |
Model addition |
Alien Remus |
9 mm |
Model addition |
MTR-8 |
357 Mag, 38 Spl |
Model addition |
96 D |
40 S&W |
Model addition |
MC 1911 S Gold Lux |
45 ACP |
Model addition |
9 mm |
Model addition |
VP9K A1 |
9 mm |
Model addition |
VP9F A1 |
9 mm |
Model addition |
357 Mag |
Model addition |
GX2 |
9 mm |
Model addition |
SAS II Ultralight G2 |
9 mm |
Model addition |
9 mm |
Model addition |
2K11 Target |
45 ACP |
Caliber addition |
357 Mag, 38 Spl |
Model addition |
Influencer X |
10 mm, 38
Super, 45 ACP, 9 mm |
Model addition |
MC 14T X |
380 ACP |
Model addition |
MC9 Disruptor X |
9 mm |
Model addition |
Regard MC X |
9 mm |
Model addition |
Witness2311S Match X |
9 mm |
Model addition |
Match |
9 mm |
Model addition |
Witness2311SC Brat |
45 ACP |
Caliber addition |
2K11 |
45 ACP, 9 mm |
Model addition |
45 ACP |
Caliber addition |
AF1911 Romulus |
9 mm |
Model addition |
XD-9 Sub-Compact |
9 mm |
Model addition |
5.7 Rock Compact |
5.7X28 mm |
Model addition |
FX-19 Patriot LT Compact Pistol |
9 mm |
Model addition |
Full Size |
9 mm |
Model addition |
PDP Pro-E Compact |
9 mm |
Model addition |
Radikal (GFORCE ARMS) |
RPX9 Exodus |
9 mm |
Model addition |
GL-1911DS Synergy |
9 mm |
Model addition |
9 mm |
Model addition |
9 mm |
Model addition |
Apollo 11 Sub-Compact |
9 mm |
Model addition |
FXS-9 |
9 mm |
Model addition |
Mete MC9 Prime |
9 mm |
Model addition |
9 mm |
Model addition |
Kral Arms
9 mm |
Model addition |
Kral Arms (TRISTAR) |
Protege X Sub Compact |
9 mm |
Model addition |
INC. |
P320 NRA |
9 mm |
Model addition |
43 NRA |
9 mm |
Model addition |
9 mm |
Caliber addition |
9 mm |
Model addition |
6mm ARC, 30-30 Win, 22-250 Rem |
Caliber addition |
ZIG M9 / 1911 Aviator |
9 mm |
Model addition |
Staccato HD P4 |
9 mm |
Model addition |
PR57 |
5.7X28 mm |
Model addition |
AF2011-A1 “Second Century” |
45 ACP |
Model addition |
R7 Mako
Carbon Compact |
9 mm |
Model addition |
MAC Duty 9 Double Stack |
9 mm |
Model addition |
MAC 9 Double
Stack Comp |
9 mm |
Model addition |
1911 A1 Service |
45 ACP |
Model addition |
Staccato HD P4.5 |
9 mm |
Model addition |
9 mm |
Model addition |
Grim Reaper |
9 mm |
Model addition |
45 ACP |
Model addition |
Reflex XL MRD |
9 mm |
Model addition |
TWC Hex |
9 mm |
Model addition |
Retay Arms (Banshee Brands/Retay USA) |
RXP-22 |
22 LR |
9 mm |
Model addition |
9 mm |
Model addition |
Performance Center
M&P 9 M2.0 METAL HD Spec Series V |
9 mm |
Model addition |
UMAREX (Hammerli Arms) |
Forge H1 22 NRA |
22 LR |
Model addition |
Prime Elite Carry |
45 ACP, 9 mm |
Model addition |
STR-9 Combat SX |
9 mm |
Model addition |
STR-9 Thinline |
9 mm |
Model addition |
Balistik Defence/Balistik Savunma (Dickinson
Arms) |
Adam 1911 |
45 ACP, 9 mm |
Model addition |
350 LEGEND |
Model addition |
10 mm |
Caliber addition |
Roscoe |
38 Spl |
Oriskany Arms Inc. |
350FP |
45 ACP, 9 mm, 10 mm |
Oriskany Arms Inc. |
425FP |
45 ACP, 9 mm, 10 mm |
Arms Inc. |
500FP |
45 ACP, 9 mm, 10 mm |
SAS II Ultralight |
9 mm |
Model addition |
SAS II Ultralight Pro |
9 mm |
Model addition |
9 mm |
Model addition |
MC P35 PI Match |
9 mm |
Model addition |
M&P 9 M2.0
9 mm |
Model addition |
Bad Boy |
10 mm |
K1911 |
38 Super, 45 ACP |
Model addition |
92XI SAO Gara |
9 mm |
Model addition |
Ares |
9 mm |
Model addition |
A01-LD |
357 Sig |
Caliber addition |
32 ACP |
Model addition |
32 ACP |
Model addition |
The Department of
Juvenile Services (DJS) is dedicated to creating safer communities, providing
prevention and rehabilitation services to vulnerable youth and safe, healthy,
appropriate environments for youth unable to remain in their family home. DJS is issuing this Statement of Need (SON)
for the establishment of a Residential Child Care (RCC) program to respond to
the increased need for staff secure placement, resources and support for
female, transgender, intersex and gender non-confirming youth involved in the
juvenile services system. This SON is
issued pursuant to COMAR to solicit prospective licensees to alter
DJS that they plan to apply to the Request for Proposals (RFP) for the RCC
program described herein and in accordance with COMAR 14.31.02 and the RFP once
it becomes available.
Offeror(s) are
invited to apply to host additional classifications of residential programs as
part of a continuum of services for youth stepping down from staff secure
congregate care programs or in lieu of staff secure congregate care, i.e., therapeutic foster care, kinship care,
semi-independent and independent living.
Offeror(s) are not required to propose any of
these additional services but need to propose appropriate after-care planning
for youth leaving staff secure congregate care. These services can be proposed by one or more vendors.
Background and Purpose
In general, most
youth who interact with DJS remain in the community for the duration of their
involvement with the juvenile services system.
In some situations, however, juvenile courts may order that a youth receive out-of-home placement upon adjudication and
disposition of their case. Currently,
girls and gender-expansive young people make up a very small proportion of this
population. The average daily population
for girls in committed programs had been about 10 for the past three fiscal
Girls and gender
expansive youth may enter out-of-home care for a variety of complex reasons,
many of which are related to the vulnerabilities, challenges and possible past
trauma they have faced in their communities.
The national trend of detaining and committing girls and gender
expansive youth for minor offenses that pose little public safety risk is
consistent with Maryland’s current landscape.
In FY 2023 33.3% of girls placed into a committed treatment placement
were placed for misdemeanors, compared to 26.6% of boys. Girls and gender
expansive youth often become involved with DJS not because they pose a threat
to public safety, but because of scarce community resources, family dynamics,
parental abuse or unavailability of a home the courts feel comfortable
returning the girl to, trauma and emotional challenges, educational needs,
and/or the need for protection and prevention of physical, sexual and emotional
Based on consultation
with national experts, the Justice + Joy National Collaborative and review of
contemporary research, an effective program should be rooted in the following
Gender-responsive, trauma-informed,
healing-centered approaches: recognizing that girls and gender expansive youth
have specific needs and experiences that should be met with specialized
approaches, providers are expected to approach all aspects of the model through
these principles.
Positive Youth Development: although youth in the
juvenile services system face many challenges, each youth’s skills, strengths,
and positive qualities need to be acknowledged and supported in the program.
Public Safety: consistent with the juvenile
court’s determination that returning home following disposition is contrary to
the welfare of the youth and that an RCC program is the safest, most
appropriate, least restrictive placement level, intensive, caring supervision
and monitoring shall be provided by certified, attentive, well-trained staff
without hardware secure locks, bars or correctional-style fences.
Educational achievement: all youth shall be
afforded supportive educational services, consistent with their individual
Community and family engagement: supporting
youths’ positive ties in their homes and neighborhoods is crucial to ensuring
they thrive and do not reengage with the juvenile services system. As such, providers will bolster these
relationships by offering family and group therapy; encouraging visits (both to
the facility by family members and home visits by girls); providing robust
aftercare services for the girls upon their return home; and arranging
transportation. Providers should have a
vehicle(s) that complies with COMAR for this purpose.
Currently, Maryland
has one State owned and operated facility-based program for girls and gender
expansive youth that provides a total of 6 beds for girls committed to DJS for
out-of-home placement. The State seeks to
close the current State owned and operated program in favor of a more home-like
DJS is interested in
providing services for girls and gender expansive youth coming from all
geographical regions in the State of Maryland.
Provider Program Requirements:
DJS is seeking an
eight (8) bed program, that would eventually need to be certified as a
Qualified Residential Treatment Program (QRTP).
Although a new provider will not be able to be certified as a QRTP
immediately, we expect the following criteria to be accommodated so that the
provider can apply for and become a QRTP. A QRTP must meet the following
Provides a trauma-informed model of care designed
to address the needs, including clinical needs, of youth with serious emotional
or behavioral disorders or disturbances or disturbances as identified in the
required 30-day assessment facilitated by the DJS Qualified Health Care
Has registered or licensed nursing staff and
other licensed clinical staff who provide care within the scope of their
practice as defined by state law, who are on-site consistent with the treatment
model, and who are available 24 hours/7 days a week (need not solely be direct
employees of the QRTP).
Facilitates family participation in a youth’s
treatment program (to the extent appropriate, and in accordance with the
youth’s best interest).
Facilitates and documents family outreach and
maintains contact information for any known biological family and fictive kin
of the youth.
Documents how the youth’s
family is integrated into the youth’s treatment, including post discharge, and
how sibling connections are maintained.
Provides discharge planning and family-based
aftercare supports for at least 6 months post
discharge; and
Is licensed in accordance with Title IV-E of the
Social Security Act requirements and nationally accredited by the Commission on
Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF), the Joint Commission on
Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (the Joint Commission), the Council
on Accreditation (COA), or another independent, not-for-profit accrediting
organization approved by the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and
Human Services. NOTE: Two additional
accrediting organizations have been approved by the Secretary of DHHS:
Educational Assessment Guidelines Leading toward Excellence (EAGLE) and
Teaching-Family Association.
If the provider is
not already certified as a QRTP a detailed time-line
for qualifying as a QRTP shall be provided.
The projected need
for placements has been determined based on the number of girls and gender
expansive youth who have been placed
previously and the most recent data concerning requested placements. Should the provider offer family foster care,
kinship care, semi-independent or independent living
those placement beds would be in addition to the eight (8) bed congregate care
home and will also require separate proof of insurance.
Education shall be
provided in an on-grounds school, or the provider
shall provide detailed transportation plans for transporting youth to an
on-grounds school located on another licensed RCC operated by the provider, or
in partnership with another licensed RCC provider.
Target Population
Providers should
demonstrate the ability to provide placements, education and resources for
females and gender-expansive youth from ages 13 to 20. In addition, the target population includes
youth who may have co-occurring treatment needs and/or history of neglect,
sexual and physical abuse and may be co-committed to the Maryland Department of
Human Services/Local Department of Social Services or the Maryland Health
Providers shall
maintain a no eject, no reject policy for all youth placed by DJS. Ejections will be permitted only in
exceptional circumstances after all reasonable efforts to accommodate the youth
have been exhausted, and in coordination with DJS policies.[1]
This will be the highest level of care for girls and gender expansive youth in
Maryland – as such, the provider is expected to be prepared to work through
challenging behaviors with youth in accordance with COMAR
Provider Capacity to Serve
Providers are
required to categorize residents based on congruent gender identification, age
and phase of rehabilitation or recovery.
Furthermore, they must possess the capability
to accommodate eight (8) beds in a small, home-like environment and stand to
derive greater advantages from a more compact, family-like environment. Beds and other living arrangements need to
meet the requirements of COMAR 14.31.06 regulation standards.
Facility Security
Providers must
maintain 100% compliance for Child Protective Services
(CPS) clearances and Criminal Background checks for all employees, volunteers,
sub-contractors and prospective employees.
Each employee shall meet COMAR standards for indicated child abuse and criminal
To ensure the safety
of both the youth and staff, the program should utilize security cameras (not
inside youth’s rooms or bathrooms/shower/changing areas), alarm systems,
24-hour staffing and on-site security.
DJS is seeking
providers with the ability to provide ongoing intensive services to up to eight
(8) female and gender expansive youth.
Providers must collaborate with DJS to provide all the service needs in
one setting. Those services must include
the following:
Basic needs (i.e., food, shelter, clothing,
toiletries, appropriate to sleep)
Intensive case management
Individual trauma therapy; group therapy; victim
advocacy; mental health counseling and treatment (e.g., cognitive behavior
therapy (CBT); dialectical behavior therapy (DBT); family therapy; substance
abuse treatment and therapy)
Medical screening and routine medical care
Development programming such as:
o Youth Sports
o Arts and Creative
o Community Service
and Volunteer Programs
o Cultural and
Diversity Programs
o Career
Development and Job Training Programs
o Health and
Wellness Programs
o Academic
Enrichment Programs
Family involvement and reunification services
Educational Services on grounds certified by the Maryland
State Department of Education
Services and support that address runaways,
trafficking, and substance abuse
Services to a population of girls and gender
expansive youth ages 13 – 20 with the following treatment needs that may be
o Inappropriate
sexual behavior (to include victims and/or offenders)
o Violence and
o Autism Spectrum
o High elopement
o Developmental
o Learning
o Self-injurious
o Physical
Ensure that the program’s Certified Program
Administrator, as outlined in COMAR, shall have experience
providing individualized services that may include individual, group, milieu,
family, educational, and behavioral treatment approaches as applicable.
Program Staffing
It is crucial for
staff working with juvenile services-involved girls
and gender-expansive youth to be well-prepared and trained in key areas. This is a breakdown of the essential
components of such training:
A. Trauma-Informed Care
should be trained in recognizing and addressing the physical and psychological
impact of trauma on youth.
Understanding trauma-responsive care principles,
such as creating safe and empowering environments and avoiding
re-traumatization, is vital.
B. Boundaries and
Healthy Relationships
Maintaining appropriate boundaries is crucial to
ensure the safety and well-being of both staff and youth.
Staff should receive training on ethical conduct
and professional boundaries, while still maintaining empathy.
Staff should be familiar with the legal and
ethical considerations related to working with juvenile services-involved
youth, including issues related to confidentiality, informed consent, and child
abuse reporting requirements.
Cultural competence is crucial, as youth come
from diverse backgrounds. Staff should
be trained to be culturally sensitive and responsive to the unique needs and
experiences of survivors from different cultural backgrounds. Staff must be available to accept referrals
24 hours a day, 7 days a week and every day of the year.
C. Transition
Planning: Reintegrating into their
families or communities after being in out-of-home
placement can be challenging.
Partnership with DJS case management is crucial to development
of a transition plan that prepares the youth for return to the community.
D. Positive Youth
Development: Staff should be prepared to
build on youth’s strengths as opposed to focusing exclusively on their
E. Crisis
Staff must be trained and available for immediate
crisis intervention and post incident processing.
Both clinical and program management remain on
call 24 hours a day for emergencies and crisis management.
Staff and administration must be trained in DJS Incident Reporting Policy to ensure the safety and
well-being of youth.
Program Location
The provider is
expected to accommodate youth from all Maryland jurisdictions, including
transportation of youth to court appearances, off grounds activities, family
visits, educational services and other prosocial activities.
Rate Setting
The provider will
create a budget for the first two years of the program operations. After that point, the vendor would be
expected to apply for a rate through the Interagency Rate Committee which would
fund the program after that point.
Priority Selection Criteria
The provision of high-intensity services for
girls and gender expansive youth.
The availability of the required beds in a
facility that meets all core regulation requirements and is ready to receive
youth as expeditiously as possible following the execution of a contract.
A facility for girls and gender expansive youth.
Previous experience operating a high intensity,
small, home-like program serving this population.
Expressing Interest
Interested vendors
should email Juanita.Heaggans@Maryland.gov notifying her of their intent to apply to the
RFP when it becomes available. Interested vendors need to notify Ms. Heaggans
by April 7, 2025.
Licensure does not ensure a Contractor will be awarded a contract by the
Closure of Portion of Wicomico River (Charles County)
— Effective 2/3/2025
The Secretary of the Maryland
Department of Natural Resources announces that a portion of the Charles County
side of the Wicomico River is closed to all oyster harvest until further
notice. This notice supersedes all notices effective
prior to February 3, 2025.
Except as described below,
all of the waters of Wicomico River (Charles County) enclosed by a line
beginning at a point on shore defined by Lat. 38°16.702' N, Long 76°50.287' W;
then running 69° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°16.927' N, Long. 76°49.547'
W; then running 330° True to the green "7W" defined by Lat.
38°17.855' N, Long. 76°50.217' W; then running 340° True to the green
"9W" defined by Lat. 38°19.023' N, Long. 76°50.747' W; then running
344° True to the green "11W" defined by Lat. 38°19.406' N, Long.
76°50.885' W; then running 321° True to the green "13W" defined by
Lat. 38°19.833' N, Long. 76°51.328' W; then running 323° True to the red
"14W" defined by Lat. 38°19.975' N, Long. 76°51.466' W; then running
20° True to the red "16W" defined by Lat. 38°20.810' N, Long.
76°51.082' W; then running 22° True to the green "17W" defined by
Lat. 38°21.605' N, Long. 76°50.684' W; then running 299° True to the green
"19W" defined by Lat. 38°21.907' N, Long. 76°51.380' W; then running
280° True to a point on shore defined by Lat. 38°21.942' N, Long. 76°51.642' W;
then following the shoreline, including all creeks and coves, back to the point
of the beginning.
The areas described in the
notice listed below are the exceptions to the closed area. Details of the
opening are in the notice.
Opening of Joes Lumps
and Wicomico Lumps Oyster Bars (Charles County) —
Effective 2/3/2025
This closure is necessary due
to concerns about spat-on-shell plantings, small-sized oysters and slow growth
of the oysters in the specified area. By delaying the opening of this area,
smaller oysters will be given additional time to reach market size. This
closure was requested by the Charles County Oyster Committee.
This closure applies to all
individuals who catch oysters recreationally or commercially.
This notice is effective at
12:01 a.m. February 3, 2025. The area is closed until further notice. A new
notice will be issued if the area or portion of the area is opened to harvest.
Code of Maryland Regulations
Fishing and Boating Services
at 410-260-8302
Josh Kurtz
Secretary of Natural Resources
The Maryland Department of Natural
Fishing and Boating Services
of Joes Lumps and Wicomico Lumps Oyster Bars (Charles County) — Effective
The Secretary of the Maryland
Department of Natural Resources announces that effective at 12:01 a.m.,
February 3, 2025, portions of Joes Lumps and Wicomico Lumps oyster bars in
Charles County are open to all shellfish harvest. This notice supersedes all previous
public notices opening or closing the described areas.
Joes Lumps
All the waters of Wicomico
River enclosed by a line beginning at a point defined by Lat. 38°19.406' N,
Long. 76°51.010' W; then running 0° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°19.505'
N, Long. 76°51.010' W; then running 135° True to a point defined by Lat.
38°19.406' N, Long. 76°50.885' W; then running 270° True to the point of
Wicomico Lumps
All the waters of Wicomico
River enclosed by a line beginning at a point defined by Lat. 38°20.443' N,
Long. 76°51.716' W; then running 0° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°20.546'
N, Long. 76°51.716' W; then running 90° True to a point defined by Lat. 38°20.546'
N, Long. 76°51.586' W; then running 180° True to a point defined by Lat.
38°20.443' N, Long. 76°51.586' W; then running 270° True to the point of
The following rules supersede
the recreational and commercial harvest days and the commercial catch limits
established by the public notices effective July 3, 2024, titled “2024-2025 Commercial
Oyster Rules — Effective 7/3/2024”
and “2024-2025
Recreational Oyster Rules — Effective 7/3/2024”.
harvesters may only harvest from these areas on
Monday, Wednesday, or Friday.
Limit: A licensee who harvests from either of these areas may harvest up to 8
bushels per licensee per day, not to exceed 16 bushels
per boat per day.
Days: An individual may catch oysters for commercial purposes from these areas
only on Monday, Wednesday, or Friday.
This area is being opened to
allow the harvest of market-sized oysters. This opening was requested by the
Charles County Oyster Committee. Based on Department
survey work, there are enough market-sized oysters to support this opening.
This opening applies to all
individuals who catch oysters or clams recreationally or commercially.
Code of Maryland Regulations
Fishing and Boating Services
at 410-260-8302
Josh Kurtz
Secretary of Natural Resources
The Maryland
Department of Natural Resources
Fishing and Boating Services
2025 Atlantic Ocean Commercial Striped
Bass Transfer Rules — Effective 1/17/2025
The Secretary of
the Maryland Department of Natural Resources announces the following rules for
the Atlantic Ocean commercial striped bass temporary
and permanent transfer processes for the 2025 quota year:
· A Striped Bass Atlantic Ocean Fishery
permit or allocation may be temporarily transferred during the quota year from
January 17, 2025, through December 15, 2025.
minimum allocation increment for an allocation transfer is 460 pounds, or the
entire remaining allocation if the transferor has less than 460 pounds.
each increment of 460 pounds transferred, the transferor must return 50 tags to
the Department. If the transfer is less than 460 pounds, all remaining
tags assigned to the transferor must be transferred to the transferee.
each increment of 460 pounds received, the transferee will be issued 50 new
tags by the Department.
A Striped
Bass Atlantic Ocean Fishery permit or share may be permanently transferred
during the quota year from January 17, 2025, through October 15, 2025.
minimum share increment for a share transfer is 460 pounds, or the entire
remaining share if the transferor has less than 460 pounds.
each increment of 460 pounds transferred, the transferor must return 50 tags to
the Department. If the transfer is less than 460 pounds, all remaining tags
assigned to the transferor must be transferred to the transferee.
· For each increment of 460 pounds received,
the transferee will be issued 50 new tags by the Department.
This action is
necessary to ensure Maryland’s compliance with the Atlantic State Marine
Fisheries Commission Interstate Fishery Management Plan for Atlantic Striped
This applies to
all individuals who are permitted to participate in the commercial striped bass
fishery in the Atlantic Ocean.
This notice is
effective at 12:01 a.m. January 17, 2025.
Code of Maryland
Fishing and Boating Services at 410-260-8293
Josh Kurtz
Secretary of Natural Resources
The Maryland Department
of Natural Resources
Fishing and Boating Services
2025 Chesapeake Bay Commercial Striped
Bass Permanent Permit Transfers and Transfers of Shares — Effective 1/17/2025
The Secretary of
the Maryland Department of Natural Resources announces the rules for the
permanent transfer of permits or shares associated with permits registered in
the Chesapeake Bay commercial striped bass fishery for the 2025 quota year:
This action is
necessary to ensure Maryland’s compliance with the Atlantic State Marine
Fisheries Commission Interstate Fishery Management Plan for Atlantic Striped
This applies to
all individuals who are permitted to participate in the commercial striped bass
fishery in the Chesapeake Bay.
This notice is
effective at 12:01 a.m. January 17, 2025.
Code of Maryland
Fishing and Boating Services at 410-260-8293
Josh Kurtz
Secretary of Natural Resources
The Maryland Department of Natural Resources
Fishing and Boating Services
Atlantic Coast Recreational and Charter Boat Striped Bass Fishery — Effective
The Secretary of the Maryland
Department of Natural Resources announces changes to the recreational striped
bass size and catch limits for the Atlantic Ocean, its coastal bays and their
tributaries. Effective 12:01 a.m. January 17, 2025:
Anglers may keep one striped bass
per person per day from
the Atlantic Ocean, its coastal bays, and their tributaries.
The minimum size for striped bass is
28 inches.
The maximum size is 31 inches.
This action is necessary to
implement the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission’s Interstate Fishery
Management Plan for Atlantic Striped Bass.
This applies to all
individuals who catch striped bass recreationally in the Atlantic Ocean, its
coastal bays and the coastal bay tributaries. It does not apply to individuals
fishing in the Chesapeake Bay or the Chesapeake Bay tidal tributaries.
Code of Maryland Regulations
Josh Kurtz
Secretary of Natural Resources
of ADA Compliance
The State of Maryland is committed to
ensuring that individuals with disabilities are able to fully participate in
public meetings. Anyone planning to
attend a meeting announced below who wishes to receive auxiliary aids,
services, or accommodations is invited to contact the agency representative at
least 48 hours in advance, at the telephone number listed in the notice or
through Maryland Relay.
Date and Time: April 22, 2025, 10 a.m.—2 p.m.
Place: Morgan State University, Baltimore, MD.
Contact: Christopher Dorsey 410-230-6318
Date and Time: April 8, 2025, 2—3 p.m. Thereafter, the public meetings will take place on the second Tuesday of every month, accessed via the Google Meet information below.
Place: Google Meet joining info: Video call link: https://meet.google.com/ahz-mgnk-jsu Or dial: ‪(US) +1 530-738-1353‬ PIN: ‪815 799 863‬# More phone numbers: https://tel.meet/ahz-mgnk-jsu?pin=1097700804795Add'l. Info: If necessary, the Board will convene in a closed session to seek the advice of counsel or review confidential materials, pursuant to General Provisions Article, Maryland Annotated Code §3-305.
Contact: Ayanna Daugherty 410-230-6019
Subject: Public Hearing on Regulations
Date and Time: March 31, 2025, 10 a.m.
Place: Laurel Municipal Center, Council Chambers, 8103 Sandy Spring Road, Laurel, MD.
Add'l. Info: Public hearing on proposed amendments to COMAR 29.06.01 State Fire Prevention Code. Check Commission website for changes and information. https://mdsp.maryland.gov/organization/pages/statefirepreventincommission.aspx
Contact: Heidi Ritchie 877-890-0199
Date and Time: April 17, 2025, 10 a.m. —
Place: Laurel Municipal Building, Council Chambers, 8103 Sandy Spring Road, Laurel, MD.
Add'l. Info: Portions of the meeting may
be held in closed session Check the
Commission's website for any changes: https:///mdsp.maryland.gov/organization/pages/statefirepreventioncommission.aspx
Contact: Heidi Ritchie 877-890-0199
Date and Time: May 1, 2025, 9 a.m.—1 p.m.
Add'l. Info: Please be advised that on May 1, 2025, the Pharmacy and Therapeutics (P&T) Committee public meeting will be conducted virtually via a Webinar. As soon as available, classes of drugs to be reviewed, speaker registration guidelines, and procedure to register to attend the virtual meeting will be posted on the Maryland Pharmacy Program website at: https://health.maryland.gov/mmcp/pap/Pages/Public-Meeting-Announcement-and-Procedures-for-Public-Testimony.aspx Contact: Sierra Roberson 410-767-1455
Subject: Requested Redesignation of a Primary Stroke Center
Date and Time: None
Add'l. Info: Pursuant to COMAR 30.08.02 (C), the Maryland Institute for Emergency Medical Services Systems gives notice that the following hospital has requested Redesignation of a Primary Stroke Center:1. Adventist White Oak Hospital 2. Doctors Community Hospital3. UM Capital Region medical CenterAny person with knowledge of any reason why any of the above listed hospital should not be re-verified and re-designated is requested to submit a written statement of the reason to MIEMSS by April 21, 2025.In addition, pursuant to COMAR (C), hospitals not designated who wishes to be considered for designation as a Primary Stroke Center should submit a written letter of intent to the office listed above. Letters of intent are due to MIEMSS by April 21, 2025. For more information contact Kenny Barajas, Chief, Office of Care Integration at (410) 336-1629 or email kbarajas@miemss.org.
Contact: Kenny Barajas DNP, RN, CEN (410) 336-1629
Subject: Requested Redesignation of a Thrombectomy Capable - Primary Stroke Center
Date and Time: None
Add'l. Info: Pursuant to COMAR 30.08.02 (C), the Maryland Institute for Emergency Medical Services Systems gives notice that the following hospital has requested re-designation of a Thrombectomy Capable - Primary Stroke Center:1. Johns Hopkins – Bayview Any person with knowledge of any reason why any of the above listed hospital should not be re-verified and re-designated is requested to submit a written statement of the reason to MIEMSS by April 21, 2025.In addition, pursuant to COMAR (C), hospitals not designated who wishes to be considered for designation as a Thrombectomy Capable - Primary Stroke Center should submit a written letter of intent to the office listed above. Letters of intent are due to MIEMSS by April 21, 2025. For more information contact Kenny Barajas, Chief, Office of Care Integration at (410) 336-1629 or email kbarajas@miemss.org.
Contact: Kenny Barajas DNP, RN, CEN (410) 336-1629
Subject: Requested Redesignation of an Eye Trauma Center
Date and Time: None
Add'l. Info: Pursuant to COMAR 30.08.02 (C), the Maryland Institute for Emergency Medical Services Systems gives notice that the following hospital has requested Re-designation of an Eye Trauma Center:1. The Johns Hopkins Wilmer Eye Trauma CenterAny person with knowledge of any reason why any of the above listed hospital should not be re-verified and re-designated is requested to submit a written statement of the reason to MIEMSS by April 21, 2025.In addition, pursuant to COMAR (C), hospitals not designated who wishes to be considered for designation as an Eye Trauma Center should submit a written letter of intent to the office listed above. Letters of intent are due to MIEMSS by April 21, 2025. For more information contact Elizabeth Wooster, Director, Trauma and Injury Specialty Care Program, at (443) 467-7361 or email ewooster@miemss.org.
Contact: Elizabeth Wooster PhD, MSN, CEN (443) 467-7361
Subject: Requested Redesignation of Freestanding Emergency Medical Facility
Date and Time:
Add'l. Info: Pursuant to COMAR 30.08.02
(C), the Maryland Institute for Emergency Medical Services Systems gives notice
that the following hospital has requested Re-designation of Freestanding
Emergency Medical Facility
1. Adventist HealthCare Germantown Emergency
Any person with
knowledge of any reason why any of the above listed hospital should not be
re-verified and re-designated is requested to submit a written statement of the
reason to MIEMSS by April 21, 2025.
In addition, pursuant
to COMAR (C), hospitals not designated who wishes to be considered
for designation as an Freestanding Emergency Medical Facility should submit a
written letter of intent to the office listed above. Letters of intent are due to MIEMSS by April
21, 2025. For more information contact Elizabeth Wooster, Director, Trauma and
Injury Specialty Care Program, at (443) 467-7361 or email ewooster@miemss.org.
Contact: Elizabeth Wooster PhD, MSN, CEN (443) 467-7361
Subject: Requested Redesignation of a Perinatal and Neonatal Referral Center
Date and Time: None
Add'l. Info: Pursuant to COMAR 30.08.02 (C), the Maryland Institute
for Emergency Medical Services Systems gives notice that the following hospital
has requested Re-designation of a Perinatal and Neonatal Referral Center:1. Luminis Health Anne Arundel Medical Center
2. MedStar Franklin Square Medical Center 3. Mercy Medical Center Any person with knowledge of any reason why any of the above listed hospital should not be re-verified and re-designated is requested to submit a written statement of the reason to MIEMSS by April 21, 2025. In addition, pursuant to COMAR (C), hospitals not designated who wishes to be considered for designation as a Primary Stroke Center should submit a written letter of intent to the office listed above. Letters of intent are due to MIEMSS by April 21, 2025. For more information contact Abby Butler, Director Perinatal and Neonatal Referral Centers, Office of Care Integration at (443)531-3311 or email abutler@miemss.org.
Contact: Abby Butler MSN, RNC-OB (443)531-3311
[1] The DJS placement policy is available