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advisory0.2024.01498581/31/2025 5:23:10 PM15https://dsd.maryland.gov/advisoryopinions/Pages/Forms/AllItems.aspxhtmlFalseaspxTHERE WERE NO ADVISORY OPINIONS IN 20240120242024.01
advisory0.2023.01465621/22/2024 5:29:17 PM494https://dsd.maryland.gov/advisoryopinions/Pages/Forms/AllItems.aspxhtmlFalseaspxTHERE WERE NO ADVISORY OPINIONS IN 20230120232023.01
advisoryo.2022.01465651/22/2024 6:47:25 PM376https://dsd.maryland.gov/advisoryopinions/Pages/Forms/AllItems.aspxhtmlFalseaspxAdvisoryO.2022.00 THERE WERE NO ADVISORY OPINIONS IN 20220120222022.01
advisoryo.2021.01.aspx25552/13/2024 4:24:34 PM644https://dsd.maryland.gov/advisoryopinions/Pages/Forms/AllItems.aspxhtmlFalseaspx Advisory0.2021.01 OPINION NO. 21-01 STATE ETHICS COMMISSION An opinion has been requested concerning the extent to which the post-employment provision of §5-504(d) of the Public Ethics Law limits the activities of a former Maryland Department of Health ("MDH") employee now providing services through a private consulting business. This request is presented on behalf of a former Wicomico County Health Department ("WCHD") Deputy Health Officer (the "Reque...0120212021.01
advisoryo.2020.01.aspx465531/22/2024 5:31:15 PM387https://dsd.maryland.gov/advisoryopinions/Pages/Forms/AllItems.aspxhtmlFalseaspxAdvisoryO.2020.01 THERE WERE NO ADVISORY OPINIONS IN 20200120202020.01
advisoryo.2019.01.aspx255410/12/2022 2:37:44 AM366https://dsd.maryland.gov/advisoryopinions/Pages/Forms/AllItems.aspxhtmlFalseaspx AdvisoryO.2019.00 THERE WERE NO ADVISORY OPINIONS IN 2019 0120192019.01
advisoryo.2018.01.aspx255310/12/2022 2:37:44 AM352https://dsd.maryland.gov/advisoryopinions/Pages/Forms/AllItems.aspxhtmlFalseaspx AdvisoryO.2018.00 THERE WERE NO ADVISORY OPINIONS IN 2018 0120182018.01
advisoryo.2017.01.aspx255210/12/2022 2:37:43 AM350https://dsd.maryland.gov/advisoryopinions/Pages/Forms/AllItems.aspxhtmlFalseaspx AdvisoryO.2017.00 THERE WERE NO ADVISORY OPINIONS IN 2017 0120172017.01
advisoryo.2016.01.aspx255110/12/2022 2:37:42 AM357https://dsd.maryland.gov/advisoryopinions/Pages/Forms/AllItems.aspxhtmlFalseaspx AdvisoryO.2016.00 THERE WERE NO ADVISORY OPINIONS IN 2016 0120162016.01
advisoryo.2015.01.aspx255010/12/2022 2:37:41 AM354https://dsd.maryland.gov/advisoryopinions/Pages/Forms/AllItems.aspxhtmlFalseaspx AdvisoryO.2015.00 THERE WERE NO ADVISORY OPINIONS IN 2015 0120152015.01
advisoryo.2014.01.aspx254910/12/2022 2:37:40 AM360https://dsd.maryland.gov/advisoryopinions/Pages/Forms/AllItems.aspxhtmlFalseaspx AdvisoryO.2014.00 THERE WERE NO ADVISORY OPINIONS IN 2014 0120142014.01
advisoryo.2013.01.aspx254810/12/2022 2:37:39 AM360https://dsd.maryland.gov/advisoryopinions/Pages/Forms/AllItems.aspxhtmlFalseaspx 13.00 THERE WERE NO ADVISORY OPINIONS IN 2013 0120132013.01
advisoryo.2012.01.aspx260510/12/2022 2:37:38 AM418https://dsd.maryland.gov/advisoryopinions/Pages/Forms/AllItems.aspxhtmlFalseaspx 12.01 OPINION NO. 12-01 An employee of the State Highway Administration (“SHA”) has requested an advisory opinion pursuant to §15-501(b)(ii) of the Maryland Public Ethics Law, Md. Code Ann., State Gov’t Title 15 (Supp. 2011) to allow his participation in matters involving a utility provider and contractor (hereinafter “Provider”) that employs his brother. Based on the facts presented, the remoteness of the situation, and the SHA’s policies and procedures, we advise t...0120122012.01
advisoryo.2011.01.aspx260410/12/2022 2:37:37 AM346https://dsd.maryland.gov/advisoryopinions/Pages/Forms/AllItems.aspxhtmlFalseaspx 11.00 THERE WERE NO ADVISORY OPINIONS IN 2011 0120112011.01
advisoryo.2010.01.aspx260310/12/2022 2:37:36 AM367https://dsd.maryland.gov/advisoryopinions/Pages/Forms/AllItems.aspxhtmlFalseaspx 10.00 THERE WERE NO ADVISORY OPINIONS IN 2010 0120102010.01
advisoryo.2009.02.aspx260210/12/2022 2:37:35 AM378https://dsd.maryland.gov/advisoryopinions/Pages/Forms/AllItems.aspxhtmlFalseaspx 09.02 OPINION NO. 09-02 An engineering manager (hereinafter "the Manager") for the Maryland Transportation Administration (hereinafter "MdTA") has requested an advisory opinion pursuant to Maryland Public Ethics Law, §15-501(b)(ii), Annotated Code of Maryland, State Government Title 15 (2008 Supp.) to allow his participation in matters involving an engineering firm (hereinafter "the Engineering Firm") that employs the Manager's mother. Based on the facts presented, the remotenes...0220092009.02
advisoryo.2009.01.aspx260110/12/2022 2:37:35 AM372https://dsd.maryland.gov/advisoryopinions/Pages/Forms/AllItems.aspxhtmlFalseaspx 09.01 OPINION NO. 09-01 The Finance Director of the Maryland Transit Administration ("MTA") has requested an advisory opinion pursuant to §15-501(b)(ii) of the Maryland Public Ethics Law, Md. Code Ann., State Gov't Title 15 (2008 Supp.) to allow his participation in matters involving a passenger rail carrier (hereinafter "Carrier") that employs the Finance Director's brother. Based on the facts presented, the remoteness of the situation, and the MTA's contract negotiations and revi...0120092009.01
advisoryo.2008.01.aspx260010/12/2022 2:37:34 AM691https://dsd.maryland.gov/advisoryopinions/Pages/Forms/AllItems.aspxhtmlFalseaspx 08.01 Opinion 08-01 STATE ETHICS COMMISSION A nonprofit organization comprised of State and local procurement and purchasing government employees (the "Organization") has requested advice regarding the application of the provisions of the Maryland Public Ethics Law (Md. Code Ann., State Gov't Title 15 (Supp. 2008)) (hereinafter "The Ethics Law") to its members who are State employees. Specifically, the Organization has asked about State employee participation in various act...0120082008.01
advisoryo.2007.05.aspx259910/12/2022 2:37:33 AM401https://dsd.maryland.gov/advisoryopinions/Pages/Forms/AllItems.aspxhtmlFalseaspx 07.05 OPINION NO. 07-05 As part of our review of secondary employment requests by employees of the Department of Human Resources ("DHR"), we received a request from an employee at a local Department of Social Services ("DSS") inquiring whether she may have secondary employment as a contractual social worker with a private adoption agency that facilitates international adoptions. 1 We advise the Requestor and DHR, based on the information provided, that the secondary employment is ...0520072007.05
advisoryo.2007.04.aspx259810/12/2022 2:37:33 AM403https://dsd.maryland.gov/advisoryopinions/Pages/Forms/AllItems.aspxhtmlFalseaspx 07.04 OPINION NO. 07-04 We received a request for advice from a Family Services Caseworker at a local Department of Social Services ("DSS") inquiring whether she may continue to have secondary employment as a psychiatric unit technician with a hospital located in the same county as her State employer. We advise the Requestor and the Department of Human Resources ("DHR"), based on the information provided, that the secondary employment is allowable under the provisions of the Maryla...0420072007.04
advisoryo.2007.03.aspx259710/12/2022 2:37:32 AM401https://dsd.maryland.gov/advisoryopinions/Pages/Forms/AllItems.aspxhtmlFalseaspx 07.03 OPINION NO. 07-03 STATE ETHICS COMMISSION The Lieutenant Governor has requested our advice on the application of the Maryland Public Ethics Law, Md. Code Ann., State Gov't Title 15 (Supp. 2007) to his and his wife's interest in becoming foster parents through the Maryland Department of Human Resources' ("DHR") foster care program. After reviewing the request with Departmental officials, we conclude, for the reasons set forth below, that the Ethics Law does not prohibit ...0320072007.03
advisoryo.2007.02.aspx259610/12/2022 2:37:31 AM408https://dsd.maryland.gov/advisoryopinions/Pages/Forms/AllItems.aspxhtmlFalseaspx 07.02 OPINION NO. 07-02 STATE ETHICS COMMISSION The Administrator of the State Highway Administration ("SHA") has requested an advisory opinion pursuant to Maryland Public Ethics Law, §15-501(b)(ii), and State Government Article, Title 15 (Supp. 2006), Annotated Code of Maryland, to allow the Deputy Director/Design Manager ("Deputy Director") of the Office of the Intercounty Connector ("OICC") to participate in matters involving Intercounty Connector ("ICC") design-build co...0220072007.02
advisoryo.2007.01.aspx259510/12/2022 2:37:30 AM430https://dsd.maryland.gov/advisoryopinions/Pages/Forms/AllItems.aspxhtmlFalseaspx 07.01 OPINION NO. 07-01 STATE ETHICS COMMISSION The Executive Director ("Requestor") of the PenMar Development Corporation ("PMDC" or "the Corporation") requested an advisory opinion related to the application of the post-employment provisions of the Ethics Law to his possible employment with a publicly traded real estate development trust ("the Developer") that purchased Ft. Ritchie from the PMDC in October 2006. The purchase was pursuant to a 2004 Purchase and Sale Agreemen...0120072007.01
advisoryo.2006.03.aspx259410/12/2022 2:37:29 AM400https://dsd.maryland.gov/advisoryopinions/Pages/Forms/AllItems.aspxhtmlFalseaspx 06.03 OPINION NO. 06-03 STATE ETHICS COMMISSION June 29, 2006 We have received a request from a recently hired employee of the Maryland Institute for Emergency Medical Services Systems ("MIEMSS") inquiring whether she may have secondary employment as a weekend driver or ambulance attendant with a commercial ambulance service. We advise the Requestor and MIEMSS, based on the information provided, that the activity is allowable subject to the restrictions proposed by the E...0320062006.03
advisoryo.2006.02.aspx259310/12/2022 2:37:28 AM394https://dsd.maryland.gov/advisoryopinions/Pages/Forms/AllItems.aspxhtmlFalseaspx 06.02 OPINION NO. 06-02 STATE ETHICS COMMISSION June 9, 2006 The Executive Director of the Maryland Health Care Commission (MHCC) has requested our advice regarding the application of Section 15-508 of the Maryland Public Ethics Law, Md. Code Ann., State Gov't Title 15 (Supp. 2005) to members of the Primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention Data Work Group in regard to a pending MHCC procurement to establish and operate a Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (PCI) Data Ce...0220062006.02
advisoryo.2006.01.aspx259210/12/2022 2:37:27 AM596https://dsd.maryland.gov/advisoryopinions/Pages/Forms/AllItems.aspxhtmlFalseaspx 06.01 OPINION NO. 06-01 STATE ETHICS COMMISSION February 17, 2006 The President of a Board of County Commissioners (hereinafter "President" or "Requestor"), in his capacity as an elected member of the Board, has requested an advisory opinion regarding his County's Ethics Ordinance. He has asked whether the conflict of interest provisions of the County's Ethics Ordinance are similar to the conflict of interest provisions in Subtitle 5 of the Maryland Public Ethics Law, ...0120062006.01
advisoryo.2005.02.aspx259110/12/2022 2:37:26 AM380https://dsd.maryland.gov/advisoryopinions/Pages/Forms/AllItems.aspxhtmlFalseaspx 05.02 OPINION NO. 05-02 The Executive Director of the Maryland Port Administration ("MPA") has requested an advisory opinion pursuant to §15-501(b)(ii) of the Maryland Public Ethics Law, Md. Code Ann., State Gov't Title 15 (2005 Supp.) to allow the MPA's Director of Operations to participate in matters involving an international shipping carrier (hereinafter "Carrier") that employs the Director of Operation's older brother. Based on the facts presented, the remoteness of the situat...0220052005.02
advisoryo.2005.01.aspx259010/12/2022 2:37:25 AM403https://dsd.maryland.gov/advisoryopinions/Pages/Forms/AllItems.aspxhtmlFalseaspx 05.01 OPINION NO. 05-01 STATE ETHICS COMMISSION October 27, 2005 We have been asked by the Secretary of the Department of Transportation to review the application of the nonparticipation provisions of §15-501 of the Public Ethics Law (Md. Code Ann., State Gov't Title 15 (Supp. 2005)) to him in regard to two Fortune 500 companies who are vendors of the Department. Each vendor employs one adult child of the Secretary in locations outside of Maryland and in divisions or pr...0120052005.01
advisoryo.2004.02.aspx244310/12/2022 2:37:25 AM388https://dsd.maryland.gov/advisoryopinions/Pages/Forms/AllItems.aspxhtmlFalseaspx 04.02 OPINION NO. 04-02 MARYLAND TRANSIT ADMINISTRATION September 23, 2004 The Maryland Transit Administration ("MTA"), by its General Counsel, has asked the Ethics Commission to allow the MTA Chief of Environmental Programs (hereinafter "Employee") to participate in project matters where a party to those matters is a Vendor, under general task order contracts or subcontracts that employs the Employee's adult son. Based on the specific circumstances of this situation and...0220042004.02
advisoryo.2004.01.aspx244210/12/2022 2:37:24 AM372https://dsd.maryland.gov/advisoryopinions/Pages/Forms/AllItems.aspxhtmlFalseaspx 04.01 OPINION NO. 04-01 The Chair of the State Information Technology Board (hereinafter "Board" or "SITB") has asked whether he may remain a member of the Board if an information technology corporation he established in 1992 is a subcontractor on a recently awarded information technology contract with the State Department of General Services. For the reasons set forth below, the Requestor's continued service on the Board is not permissible under §15-502(b) of the Maryland Public E...0120042004.01
advisoryo.2003.02.aspx244110/12/2022 2:37:23 AM440https://dsd.maryland.gov/advisoryopinions/Pages/Forms/AllItems.aspxhtmlFalseaspx 03.02 OPINION NO. 03-02 The Commission has been asked to advise whether an Assistant to the Governor for Public Safety Affairs may continue to serve on the Board of Directors of a county lodge of the Fraternal Order of Police (hereinafter "lodge" or "county lodge of the FOP"). For the reasons set forth below, the Requestor's continued service on the Board is not permissible under the Maryland Public Ethics Law, Md. Code Ann., State Gov't Title 15 (Supp. 2003) while he is employed b...0220032003.02
advisoryo.2003.01.aspx244010/12/2022 2:37:22 AM476https://dsd.maryland.gov/advisoryopinions/Pages/Forms/AllItems.aspxhtmlFalseaspx 03.01 OPINION NO. 03-01 The Deputy Communications Director in the Governor's Press Office has requested an advisory opinion as to whether he may continue to produce the in-stadium broadcast of Baltimore Ravens' home football games. Prior to joining the Governor's staff this year, the Requestor had worked for a television and video production company and for the past five years had produced the game day in-stadium video broadcast of Ravens' home games. The Commission advises the Req...0120032003.01
advisoryo.2002.02.aspx243910/12/2022 2:37:22 AM428https://dsd.maryland.gov/advisoryopinions/Pages/Forms/AllItems.aspxhtmlFalseaspx 02.02 OPINION NO. 02-02 We have received an advice request from the Director of the Department of Social Services in a small rural county asking whether her continued service on the boards of directors of two community organizations is permissible under the State's Ethics Law. She has also inquired if she may have a private mediation practice, as a sole proprietorship in the county in which she is employed and surrounding counties. We advise that she may not continue on the board...0220022002.02
advisoryo.2002.01.aspx243810/12/2022 2:37:21 AM368https://dsd.maryland.gov/advisoryopinions/Pages/Forms/AllItems.aspxhtmlFalseaspx 02.01 OPINION NO. 02-01 This request for advice arose as a result of the newly appointed Acting Director of the Mental Hygiene Administration's (MHA or Administration) asking us to review the circumstances of his limited private practice of psychiatry in order to ensure conformance with the law. He further requested that we review our previous opinions regarding limitations on the private practices of State mental health professionals in light of the Administration's implementation...0120022002.01
advisoryo.2001.04.aspx243710/12/2022 2:37:20 AM362https://dsd.maryland.gov/advisoryopinions/Pages/Forms/AllItems.aspxhtmlFalseaspx 01.04 OPINION NO. 01-04 In 1999, the County Attorney for Baltimore County questioned whether deputy sheriffs and deputy and assistant State's Attorneys were subject to the County's Ethics Law and in fact whether they were more properly subject to the State Ethics Law. Historically, this Commission had taken the view that elected State's Attorneys and Sheriffs were State officials as defined by the State Ethics Law but other employees of their agencies were subject to local ethics l...0420012001.04
advisoryo.2001.03.aspx243610/12/2022 2:37:20 AM396https://dsd.maryland.gov/advisoryopinions/Pages/Forms/AllItems.aspxhtmlFalseaspx 01.03 OPINION NO. 01-03 An opinion has been requested by a private engineering firm as to whether it is barred by §15-508 from bidding on a State Highway Administration (SHA) Invitation for Bids (IFB) by virtue of its review of a SHA's draft storm water management on behalf of the Maryland Department of Environment which was later included in the "Detail Build" IFB. We advise on the information provided and a careful review of the total circumstances of this request that the reques...0320012001.03
advisoryo.2001.02.aspx243510/12/2022 2:37:19 AM385https://dsd.maryland.gov/advisoryopinions/Pages/Forms/AllItems.aspxhtmlFalseaspx 01.02 OPINION NO. 01-02 A consulting firm in commercial aviation has requested advice from us as to whether it may participate as a bidder on a contract with the Maryland Aviation Administration (MAA) in view of its employment of a former MAA senior management employee.1 We advise after a careful review of the information provided by the requestor, the MAA, and the former employee, that the former employee's actions while employed by MAA constituted assistance in the drafting of s...0220012001.02
advisoryo.2001.01.aspx243410/12/2022 2:37:18 AM464https://dsd.maryland.gov/advisoryopinions/Pages/Forms/AllItems.aspxhtmlFalseaspx 01.01 OPINION NO. 01-01 Ethics Commission advice has been requested as to whether an employee of the Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) may also serve as a part time elected council member in a local municipality (the City) should he be elected in the general election. We advise based on the information provided regarding the interaction between DHCD and the City that his service with the City would be inconsistent with the employment limitations of the Ethics L...0120012001.01
advisoryo.2000.07.aspx243310/12/2022 2:37:18 AM391https://dsd.maryland.gov/advisoryopinions/Pages/Forms/AllItems.aspxhtmlFalseaspx 00.07 OPINION NO. 00-07 Advice has been requested as to whether a Maryland State Police Trooper who serves as a duty sergeant in a State Police Barrack may also serve as the part-time elected Commissioner of Public Safety in a local municipality (the City). We advise based on the information provided regarding the interactions between the Maryland State Police and the City that the Trooper's service with the City while he remains at the Barrack would be inconsistent with the employ...0720002000.07
advisoryo.2000.06.aspx243210/12/2022 2:37:17 AM403https://dsd.maryland.gov/advisoryopinions/Pages/Forms/AllItems.aspxhtmlFalseaspx 00.06 OPINION NO. 00-06 Ethics Commission advice has been requested as to whether a consultant who assists clients in various Executive Branch matters (the Requestor) is required to register as a lobbyist pursuant to the provisions of Subtitle 7 of the Public Ethics Law (State Government Article, Subtitle 7, Annotated Code of Maryland). We advise that while registration does not appear to be required as the circumstances of her activities are now described, the lobbying law require...0620002000.06
advisoryo.2000.05.aspx243110/12/2022 2:37:16 AM461https://dsd.maryland.gov/advisoryopinions/Pages/Forms/AllItems.aspxhtmlFalseaspx 00.05 OPINION NO. 00-05 An advisory opinion has been requested by a forester in DNR's Forest Service (the Requestor) regarding proposed service as a member of a local planning and zoning commission, an entity that has duties relating to site plan approval and forestry management activities. We advise, given the nature of the interaction between the forester's agency and the local planning commission, that this affiliation is barred by the employment provisions of the Public Ethics ...0520002000.05
advisoryo.2000.04.aspx243010/12/2022 2:37:15 AM369https://dsd.maryland.gov/advisoryopinions/Pages/Forms/AllItems.aspxhtmlFalseaspx 00.04 OPINION NO. 00-04 The question has been presented as to whether a chaplain in a State prison facility (the Chaplain) may be involved in establishing and otherwise affiliated with a private entity in connection with a program to provide transitional housing and related services to released inmates. We advise that this activity is only allowed if the Chaplain does not serve on the governing board for the program and as long as he has no role in the pre-release process or in adv...0420002000.04
advisoryo.2000.03.aspx242910/12/2022 2:37:15 AM383https://dsd.maryland.gov/advisoryopinions/Pages/Forms/AllItems.aspxhtmlFalseaspx 00.03 OPINION NO. 00-03 Ethics Commission advice has been requested as to whether a conflict of interest results from the employment by an individual (the Requestor) as an Industrial Development Representative in the International Trade unit of the Department of Business and Employment Development in view of the Requestor's recent election to the Presidency of the Baltimore City Council. We advise that as the City and its citizens have substantial and significant interactions with ...0320002000.03
advisoryo.2000.02.aspx242810/12/2022 2:37:14 AM417https://dsd.maryland.gov/advisoryopinions/Pages/Forms/AllItems.aspxhtmlFalseaspx 00.02 OPINION NO. 00-02 Two individuals who are members of two local Property Tax Assessment Appeals Boards on Maryland's Eastern Shore have requested advice as to whether they may also serve as elected members of their respective county party central committees. We advise that as a general matter, persons involved in this sensitive property tax adjudicative function may not also hold elective political office in their jurisdiction. In view of the particular circumstances of these ...0220002000.02
advisoryo.2000.01.aspx248310/12/2022 2:37:13 AM393https://dsd.maryland.gov/advisoryopinions/Pages/Forms/AllItems.aspxhtmlFalseaspx 00.01 OPINION NO. 00-01 An opinion has been requested by the Department of Human Resources as to whether a private consulting company may participate as a bidder on a monitoring contract procurement for the Department's child welfare information system (MD CHESSIE) in view of the company's previous involvement as a contractor in the planning part of the project. We advise based on the information provided and a careful review of the total circumstances of this project that the Cont...0120002000.01
advisoryo.1999.08.aspx248210/12/2022 2:37:13 AM440https://dsd.maryland.gov/advisoryopinions/Pages/Forms/AllItems.aspxhtmlFalseaspx 99.08 OPINION NO. 99-08 Ethics Commission advice has been requested regarding application of the Ethics Law, including the Time of Appointment and other exemptions, to a member of the Maryland Aviation Commission who is a principal in an investment banking firm that has a variety of dealings with State financial transactions relating to airport facilities that are within the responsibility of the Aviation Commission. We advise that the Time of Appointment Exemption provided for in ...0819991999.08
advisoryo.1999.07.aspx248110/12/2022 2:37:12 AM437https://dsd.maryland.gov/advisoryopinions/Pages/Forms/AllItems.aspxhtmlFalseaspx 99.07 OPINION NO. 99-07 An opinion has been requested by a member of the Board of Morticians regarding application of the Ethics Law to his services as an officer and board member of the International Conference of Funeral Service Examining Boards (the Conference). An issue has also been raised as to his Board service in view of his recent change in employment to a funeral service establishment whose owner/officer is also a member of the Board of Morticians. We advise that the Memb...0719991999.07
advisoryo.1999.06.aspx248010/12/2022 2:37:11 AM394https://dsd.maryland.gov/advisoryopinions/Pages/Forms/AllItems.aspxhtmlFalseaspx 99.06 OPINION NO. 99-06 Ethics Commission advice has been requested from an individual (the Requestor) involved with the Department of Business and Economic Development's Business License Information System as to whether she may have a private business collecting and marketing permit and licensing inventory information relating to other states. We advise that this secondary employment and business activity is allowable within certain constraints designed to ensure that the activity...0619991999.06
advisoryo.1999.05.aspx247910/12/2022 2:37:10 AM402https://dsd.maryland.gov/advisoryopinions/Pages/Forms/AllItems.aspxhtmlFalseaspx 99.05 OPINION NO. 99-05 A request for advice has been submitted as to whether and how the post-employment and procurement ethics provisions of the Law apply to the possible employment by the Chief of Special Projects in the Department of General Services with an Energy Service Company that is a bidder on and possibly a vendor under an indefinite delivery contract in the energy performance program. We advise that as described and assuming the Requestor properly disqualifies himself ...0519991999.05
advisoryo.1999.04.aspx247810/12/2022 2:37:10 AM422https://dsd.maryland.gov/advisoryopinions/Pages/Forms/AllItems.aspxhtmlFalseaspx 99.04 OPINION NO. 99-04 The Mass Transit Administration has requested Ethics Commission advice as to whether a former Director of Planning and Programming for the Administration (the Former Employee) may be employed by and act on behalf of an agency contractor on a preconstruction planning project for the Federal Railroad Administration-sponsored (FRA) Magnetic Levitation Deployment Program (Maglev). We advise based on the information provided regarding this project and its history...0419991999.04

