
Executive Orders by Year


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Note:​ The Administrative Procedure Act requires that “[e]ach executive order that is generally permanent in nature” be printed in the Code of Maryland Regulations (State Government Article, §7-205, Annotated Code of Maryland). Therefore, this title contains only those executive orders considered to be generally permanent. However, all executive orders promulgated since 1969 are listed in the following Table of Contents. Prefactory material to executive orders, generally in the form of “whereas” clauses, is not included in this compilation. Only the current effective language of executive orders is printed. This language may represent a single executive order or be the product of two or more orders. The full text of executive orders promulgated before July 1, 1974 can be found in the Hall of Records, Annapolis, Maryland, while the full text of executive orde​​rs promulgated since July 1, 1974 can be found in the Maryland Register. Citations to the Maryland Register for executive orders not printed in this volume are given in the Table of Contents.


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