
 Executive Orders by Year


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Note:​ The Administrative Procedure Act requires that “[e]ach executive order that is generally permanent in nature” be printed in the Code of Maryland Regulations (State Government Article, §7-205, Annotated Code of Maryland). Therefore, this title contains only those executive orders considered to be generally permanent. However, all executive orders promulgated since 1969 are listed in the following Table of Contents. Prefactory material to executive orders, generally in the form of “whereas” clauses, is not included in this compilation. Only the current effective language of executive orders is printed. This language may represent a single executive order or be the product of two or more orders. The full text of executive orders promulgated before July 1, 1974 can be found in the Hall of Records, Annapolis, Maryland, while the full text of executive orde​​rs promulgated since July 1, 1974 can be found in the Maryland Register. Citations to the Maryland Register for executive orders not printed in this volume are given in the Table of Contents.


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01.01.1971.11.aspx155010/11/2022 8:28:52 PM694https://dsd.maryland.gov/executiveorders/Pages/Forms/AllItems.aspxhtmlFalseaspx 01.01.1971.11 EXECUTIVE ORDER 01.01.1971.11 Maryland Environmental Service 1. The Maryland Environmental Service is hereby directed to assume responsibility for the operation and maintenance of all State-owned sewage treatment and solid waste disposal facilities; 2. Each agency of the State which presently has responsibility for operating such facilities is hereby directed to consult with the Maryland Environmental Service to develop plans for the transfer of such respons...1111.00000000000001971.000000000000101
01.01.1972.03.aspx155210/24/2022 6:47:05 PM659https://dsd.maryland.gov/executiveorders/Pages/Forms/AllItems.aspxhtmlFalseaspx 01.01.1972.03 EXECUTIVE ORDER 01.01.1972.03 Governor's Representative for Highway Safety 1. The Executive Order, dated August 29, 1969, is hereby rescinded. 2. Pursuant to §§2-101, 2-102 and 2-103 of Article 66-1/2 of the Annotated Code of Maryland (1970 Replacement Volume), and for purposes of the Federal Highway Safety Acts of 1966 and 1970, the Secretary of Transportation, is hereby designated as the Governor's Representative for Highway Safety. 3. There is hereby...33.000000000000001972.000000000000101
01.01.1973.04.aspx155310/11/2022 8:28:53 PM582https://dsd.maryland.gov/executiveorders/Pages/Forms/AllItems.aspxhtmlFalseaspx 01.01.1973.04 EXECUTIVE ORDER 01.01.1973.04 State Emergency Medical System 1. A State Emergency Medical System is hereby established, to be implemented in accordance with this Executive Order. 2. The Division of Emergency Medical Service is created within the State Department of Health and Mental Hygiene. The Division shall be headed by a Director of Emergency Medical Services appointed by the Governor, with the advice of the Secretary of Health and Mental Hygiene, said D...44.000000000000001973.000000000000101
01.01.1978.05.aspx155410/11/2022 8:28:54 PM513https://dsd.maryland.gov/executiveorders/Pages/Forms/AllItems.aspxhtmlFalseaspx 01.01.1978.05 EXECUTIVE ORDER 01.01.1978.05 Coastal Zone Management 1. The Maryland Coastal Zone Management Program developed in accordance with plans prepared under Article 88C(2)(b) of the Code, enumerates the objectives and policies of the State with respect to coastal resources. 2. To the extent consistent with statutorily prescribed responsibilities and authorities, all State governmental agencies shall: (a) Conduct their activities in a manner consistent with t...55.000000000000001978.000000000000101
01.01.1980.06.aspx155510/11/2022 8:28:55 PM520https://dsd.maryland.gov/executiveorders/Pages/Forms/AllItems.aspxhtmlFalseaspx 01.01.1980.06 EXECUTIVE ORDER 01.01.1980.06 Commission on State Debt 1. Revocation of Prior Executive Order Executive Order 01.01.1969.08, dated October 17, 1969, establishing a Commission on State Debt to replace the former Committee to Study the State Debt is hereby revoked and rescinded. 2. Creation of Commission; composition; organization (a) There is a Commission on State Debt. This Commission replaces the former Committee to Study the State Debt. (b) ...66.000000000000001980.000000000000101
01.01.1981.10.aspx155610/11/2022 8:28:55 PM667https://dsd.maryland.gov/executiveorders/Pages/Forms/AllItems.aspxhtmlFalseaspx 01.01.1981.10 EXECUTIVE ORDER 01.01.1981.10 Employee Release Under Emergency Conditions A. Definitions. As used in this Order, the following terms have the meanings indicated: (1) "Emergency Conditions" means circumstances that would expose State employees to harm or unsafe conditions. Examples of potential emergency conditions may include, but are not limited to: (a) Extreme weather conditions such as flooding, icing conditions, blizzards, hurricanes, and tornadoes;...1010.00000000000001981.000000000000101
01.01.1983.17.aspx155710/11/2022 8:28:56 PM629https://dsd.maryland.gov/executiveorders/Pages/Forms/AllItems.aspxhtmlFalseaspx 01.01.1983.17 EXECUTIVE ORDER 01.01.1983.17 Intergovernmental Review of Federal Programs and Activities Section 1. Maryland Intergovernmental Review and Coordination Process (a) In order for Maryland to secure the benefits of intergovernmental cooperation and coordination, and in order to provide a simple, uniform, and consistent mechanism for State, regional, and local public officials to learn about and comment on proposed federal financial assistance and direct federal...1717.00000000000001983.000000000000101
01.01.1983.18.aspx155810/11/2022 8:28:57 PM771https://dsd.maryland.gov/executiveorders/Pages/Forms/AllItems.aspxhtmlFalseaspx 01.01.1983.18 EXECUTIVE ORDER 01.01.1983.18 Privacy and State Data System Security 1. Purpose — The purpose of this Executive Order is to direct adherence by State agencies to the following principles of information practice: (a) There should be no personal record system whose existence is secret; (b) Personal records should not be collected unless the need for the information has been clearly established; (c) A personal record should be appropriate and relevant...1818.00000000000001983.000000000000101
01.01.1984.10.aspx155910/11/2022 8:28:57 PM510https://dsd.maryland.gov/executiveorders/Pages/Forms/AllItems.aspxhtmlFalseaspx 01.01.1984.10 EXECUTIVE ORDER 01.01.1984.10 Housing Policy for the State of Maryland 1. It is the policy of the State of Maryland to cooperate with the federal government, local governments, non-profit organizations, and the private sector to assure that every citizen of the State enjoys without discrimination the use of safe and decent housing, the cost of which does not place an unreasonable financial burden upon the individual or family. 2. To the extent not inconsiste...1010.00000000000001984.000000000000101
01.01.1985.02.aspx156010/11/2022 8:28:58 PM549https://dsd.maryland.gov/executiveorders/Pages/Forms/AllItems.aspxhtmlFalseaspx 01.01.1985.02 EXECUTIVE ORDER 01.01.1985.02 Governor's Council on the Chesapeake Bay 1. The Governor's Council on the Chesapeake Bay is hereby created to provide advice to the Governor on matters related to the management of the Chesapeake Bay and surrounding areas and to promote interagency coordination and integration of Chesapeake Bay related programs. 2. The Council shall consist of the Secretary of Natural Resources, Secretary of Health and Mental Hygiene, the Secret...22.000000000000001985.000000000000101
01.01.1985.04.aspx156110/11/2022 8:28:59 PM479https://dsd.maryland.gov/executiveorders/Pages/Forms/AllItems.aspxhtmlFalseaspx 01.01.1985.04 EXECUTIVE ORDER 01.01.1985.04 Martin State Airport 1. Executive Order 01.01.1975.05 naming the "Glenn L. Martin State Airport" is hereby rescinded. 2. The State owned airport facility at Middle River, Maryland, is hereby renamed "Martin State Airport." 3. The Martin State Airport official designation for aeronautical purposes will be known as "MTN." Effective date: February 19, 1985 (12:6 Md. R. 570) 44.000000000000001985.000000000000101
01.01.1985.34.aspx156210/11/2022 8:28:59 PM495https://dsd.maryland.gov/executiveorders/Pages/Forms/AllItems.aspxhtmlFalseaspx 01.01.1985.34 EXECUTIVE ORDER 01.01.1985.34 Militia—Oaths of Enlistment or Appointment The Adjutant General may authorize any federally recognized officer of the Armed Forces present at a Military Entrance Processing Station to administer oaths of enlistment or appointment to individuals entering the organized militia of this State. Effective date: November 16, 1985 (12:25 Md. R. 2451) 3434.00000000000001985.000000000000101
01.01.1986.12.aspx156310/11/2022 8:29:00 PM495https://dsd.maryland.gov/executiveorders/Pages/Forms/AllItems.aspxhtmlFalseaspx 01.01.1986.12 EXECUTIVE ORDER 01.01.1986.12 Developmentally Disabled Persons 1. (a) The Maryland Disabilities Law Center, Inc., a private, non-profit corporation incorporated under Maryland law, is designated as the official agency, for purposes of Public Law 94-103, responsible for the implementation of the State system for the protection and advocacy of the rights of the developmentally disabled. (b) The Maryland Disabilities Law Center, Inc., shall perform the function...1212.00000000000001986.000000000000101
01.01.1987.08.aspx156410/11/2022 8:29:01 PM561https://dsd.maryland.gov/executiveorders/Pages/Forms/AllItems.aspxhtmlFalseaspx 01.01.1987.08 EXECUTIVE ORDER 01.01.1987.08 Maryland State Planning Council on Developmental Disabilities [Amended COMAR 01.01.1973.08] A. There is a Maryland State Planning Council on Developmental Disabilities within the Office for Handicapped Individuals in the Executive Branch of the Government B. Staff support for the Maryland State Planning Council on Developmental Disabilities shall be provided by the Office for Handicapped Individuals. Supervision of staff wi...88.000000000000001987.000000000000101
01.01.1987.11.aspx156510/11/2022 8:29:01 PM592https://dsd.maryland.gov/executiveorders/Pages/Forms/AllItems.aspxhtmlFalseaspx 01.01.1987.11 EXECUTIVE ORDER 01.01.1987.11 Maryland Emergency Response Commission A. The Maryland Emergency Management Advisory Council, established under Section 5 of Article 16A of the Annotated Code of Maryland, is hereby designated to serve as the Maryland Emergency Response Commission under Title III of the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 (Public Law 99-499). B. The Maryland Emergency Response Commission shall have all duties and responsibilitie...1111.00000000000001987.000000000000101
01.01.1987.19.aspx143911/8/2022 3:47:01 PM610https://dsd.maryland.gov/executiveorders/Pages/Forms/AllItems.aspxhtmlFalseaspx 01.01.1987.19 EXECUTIVE ORDER 01.01.1987.19 Maryland State Agency for Surplus Property [Rescinded COMAR 01.01.1977.09] A. The Maryland State Agency for Surplus Property, including but not limited to its allocated positions, inventory, working capital reserve, real and personal property and surplus property trust fund, is hereby transferred from the University of Maryland to the Department of General Services. B. The Department of General Services shall have all dutie...1919.00000000000001987.000000000000101
01.01.1987.22.aspx144010/11/2022 8:29:03 PM569https://dsd.maryland.gov/executiveorders/Pages/Forms/AllItems.aspxhtmlFalseaspx 01.01.1987.22 EXECUTIVE ORDER 01.01.1987.22 Asbestos Oversight Committee A. Asbestos Oversight Committee. (1) There is an Asbestos Oversight Committee in the Executive Branch. This Committee is tasked to define the status of the asbestos situation in the State with respect to its employees and facilities and to develop and implement an asbestos management plan and appropriate policies to effectively address and resolve any related asbestos issues. (2) The Asbestos Ov...2222.00000000000001987.000000000000101
01.01.1988.15.aspx144110/11/2022 8:29:04 PM640https://dsd.maryland.gov/executiveorders/Pages/Forms/AllItems.aspxhtmlFalseaspx 01.01.1988.15 EXECUTIVE ORDER 01.01.1988.15 Maryland's Infants and Toddlers Program A. The Maryland Infants and Toddlers Program is established within the Executive Department. Its purpose is to plan, develop, and implement a comprehensive and statewide, interagency system of early intervention services in Maryland which will incorporate the policies and procedures for the required components. B. The Subcabinet for Children and Youth shall monitor the Infants and Toddlers...1515.00000000000001988.000000000000101
01.01.1988.16.aspx144210/11/2022 8:29:04 PM607https://dsd.maryland.gov/executiveorders/Pages/Forms/AllItems.aspxhtmlFalseaspx 01.01.1988.16 EXECUTIVE ORDER 01.01.1988.16 Chesapeake Bay Communications Coordinating Office A. There is a Chesapeake Bay Communications Coordinating Office within the Executive Department. B. The Office shall be responsible for: (1) Coordinating State communication plans as outlined in the Maryland Chesapeake Bay Communication Plan; (2) Promoting public information, education, and participation activities designed to involve citizens in cleaning up the Chesape...1616.00000000000001988.000000000000101
01.01.1989.15.aspx144310/11/2022 8:29:05 PM683https://dsd.maryland.gov/executiveorders/Pages/Forms/AllItems.aspxhtmlFalseaspx 01.01.1989.15 EXECUTIVE ORDER 01.01.1989.15 State Employees Risk Management Administration A. There is a State Employees Risk Management Administration. B. The State Employees Risk Management Administration shall be located as a program of the Maryland State Accident Fund, ("The Fund"), an independent agency which will coordinate its efforts with the Office of the Governor. C. The Fund will be responsible for planning, designing, implementing,...1515.00000000000001989.000000000000101
01.01.1989.18.aspx144410/11/2022 8:29:06 PM596https://dsd.maryland.gov/executiveorders/Pages/Forms/AllItems.aspxhtmlFalseaspx 01.01.1989.18 EXECUTIVE ORDER 01.01.1989.18 Drug and Alcohol Free Workplace (Non-State Entities) A. General Policy. The State of Maryland is committed to encouraging all non-State entities that do business with the State or that otherwise receive funds from the State to make a good faith effort to eliminate illegal drug use and alcohol and drug abuse from their workplaces. B. Definitions. In this Executive Order, the following words have the meanings indicated. (1) "...1818.00000000000001989.000000000000101
01.01.1990.13.aspx144510/11/2022 8:29:06 PM722https://dsd.maryland.gov/executiveorders/Pages/Forms/AllItems.aspxhtmlFalseaspx 01.01.1990.13 EXECUTIVE ORDER 01.01.1990.13 Maryland Main Street Designation Program A. The "Maryland Main Street Designation" Program is hereby established within the Department of Housing and Community Development and will provide recognition and designation of certain commercial areas within the State as "Maryland Main Street" areas, and the Secretary of Housing and Community Development is hereby directed to consult with the Secretaries of Transportation, Natural Resources...1313.00000000000001990.000000000000101
01.01.1991.02.aspx144610/11/2022 8:29:07 PM514https://dsd.maryland.gov/executiveorders/Pages/Forms/AllItems.aspxhtmlFalseaspx 01.01.1991.02 EXECUTIVE ORDER 01.01.1991.02 State of Maryland Emergency Management Policy A. The Maryland Emergency Management Agency (MEMA) is the agency of State government with primary responsibility and authority for: (1) The planning and execution of disaster and emergency preparedness, response, and recovery; (2) The coordination of disaster and emergency response between State agencies and political subdivisions; (3) The coordination and liaison with rela...22.000000000000001991.000000000000101
01.01.1991.18.aspx144810/11/2022 8:29:08 PM625https://dsd.maryland.gov/executiveorders/Pages/Forms/AllItems.aspxhtmlFalseaspx 01.01.1991.18 EXECUTIVE ORDER 01.01.1991.18 Office of Administrative Hearings [Amended COMAR 01.01.1989.21] A. Exemptions Relating to Federal Approval Process. (1) The following contested cases of the following departments are temporarily exempted from the provisions of Chapter 788 of the Acts of 1989 until 15 days after their receipt of the necessary federal approvals or waivers: (a) Maryland Occupational Safety and Health hearings within the Department of Lice...1818.00000000000001991.000000000000101
01.01.1991.19.aspx144910/11/2022 8:29:09 PM600https://dsd.maryland.gov/executiveorders/Pages/Forms/AllItems.aspxhtmlFalseaspx 01.01.1991.19 EXECUTIVE ORDER 01.01.1991.19 40 Hour Work Week [Amended COMAR 01.01.1991.01 and 01.01.1991.15] A. The normal work week for State employees shall be 40 hours effective as follows: (1) Contract payroll employees, July 3, 1991; (2) Regular payroll employees, July 10, 1991; and (3) University payroll employees, July 14, 1991. B. The Secretary of Personnel and the appointing authorities shall take all actions necessary or desirable to impleme...1919.00000000000001991.000000000000101
01.01.1991.20.aspx145010/11/2022 8:29:09 PM626https://dsd.maryland.gov/executiveorders/Pages/Forms/AllItems.aspxhtmlFalseaspx 01.01.1991.20 EXECUTIVE ORDER 01.01.1991.20 Conservation of Paper by Units of State Government A. To the greatest extent practicable, within State agencies, photocopied and printed reproductions of original multi-page documents should be made utilizing both sides of a sheet of paper. B. The head of each unit of State government shall develop and implement approved plans outlining procedures designed to achieve this goal. These plans shall also include other reasonable pro...2020.00000000000001991.000000000000101
01.01.1992.11.aspx145110/11/2022 8:29:10 PM600https://dsd.maryland.gov/executiveorders/Pages/Forms/AllItems.aspxhtmlFalseaspx 01.01.1992.11 EXECUTIVE ORDER 01.01.1992.11 Building Performance Standards for State Buildings All State agencies shall utilize and apply the building performance standards set forth in the State's Model Performance Code at COMAR 05.02.01 and the State Fire Prevention Code at COMAR 12.03.01 promulgated pursuant to Article 38A, §3, of the Annotated Code of Maryland, as amended, for all construction, alteration, remodeling and renovations of all buildings that are owned, leased,...1111.00000000000001992.000000000000101
01.01.1992.20.aspx145210/11/2022 8:29:11 PM564https://dsd.maryland.gov/executiveorders/Pages/Forms/AllItems.aspxhtmlFalseaspx 01.01.1992.20 EXECUTIVE ORDER 01.01.1992.20 Executive Agency Policy on Smoking A. Smoking Policy. To provide a healthful environment in buildings and vehicles occupied by State of Maryland agencies and employees, all employees, clients, and visitors are expected to comply with the following: (1) Smoking Prohibited. Except as provided in §A(3)(a), smoking or carrying any lighted tobacco product is prohibited in all State buildings and facilities, in all space leased or ren...2020.00000000000001992.000000000000101
01.01.1993.12.aspx145310/11/2022 8:29:11 PM500https://dsd.maryland.gov/executiveorders/Pages/Forms/AllItems.aspxhtmlFalseaspx 01.01.1993.12 EXECUTIVE ORDER 01.01.1993.12 Regulatory Reform to Support Manufacturing and Technology-Related Industries A. The purpose of this Executive Order is: (1) To establish general policy guidelines for Executive agencies regarding the enforcement and enactment or modification of regulations affecting manufacturing and technology-related industries. (2) To provide accountability mechanisms that apply to State agencies to ensure that these general policy guide...1212.00000000000001993.000000000000101
01.01.1993.20.aspx145410/11/2022 8:29:12 PM587https://dsd.maryland.gov/executiveorders/Pages/Forms/AllItems.aspxhtmlFalseaspx 01.01.1993.20 EXECUTIVE ORDER 01.01.1993.20 Alternative Fueled Vehicles A. Purchase of Alternative Fueled Vehicles. (1) To the greatest extent practicable, and consistent with operational requirements and the provisions and requirements of this Executive Order, the State shall purchase vehicles that operate on alternative fuels in order to meet the requirements of the National Energy Policy Act of 1992. (2) In consultation with the Alternative Fuels Work Group, the D...2020.00000000000001993.000000000000101
01.01.1993.22.aspx185110/11/2022 8:29:13 PM503https://dsd.maryland.gov/executiveorders/Pages/Forms/AllItems.aspxhtmlFalseaspx 01.01.1993.22 EXECUTIVE ORDER 01.01.1993.22 State Postsecondary Review Entity A. The Maryland Higher Education Commission is designated as the State Postsecondary Review Entity (SPRE) under Sections 494 through 494C of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as added by the Higher Education Amendments of 1992, Pub. L. No. 102-325, 20 U.S.C. §1099a to 1099a-3, and shall perform all of the functions described therein on behalf of the State of Maryland. B. The Commission and the S...2222.00000000000001993.000000000000101
01.01.1993.24.aspx185210/11/2022 8:29:13 PM534https://dsd.maryland.gov/executiveorders/Pages/Forms/AllItems.aspxhtmlFalseaspx 01.01.1993.24 EXECUTIVE ORDER 01.01.1993.24 Maryland Statewide Independent Living Council A. There is a Maryland Statewide Independent Living Council (hereafter referred to as Council), established in accordance with the requirements of Chapter I of Title VII of the Federal Rehabilitation Act, as amended (hereafter referred to as Act). The Council shall: (1) Work in conjunction with the Maryland State Division of Rehabilitation Services in submitting, monitoring, and eva...2424.00000000000001993.000000000000101
01.01.1993.28.aspx185310/11/2022 8:29:14 PM648https://dsd.maryland.gov/executiveorders/Pages/Forms/AllItems.aspxhtmlFalseaspx 01.01.1993.28 EXECUTIVE ORDER 01.01.1993.28 State Employee Payroll Deductions [Amended COMAR 01.01.1986.14] A. General Limitations on Voluntary Deductions. (1) Voluntary deductions are provided by the State for the benefit of a reasonable number of employees. Voluntary deductions must be within the capacity of the Central Payroll Bureau's system that serves the employees and must conform to the Central Payroll Bureau's forms and procedures. When the net amount paya...2828.00000000000001993.000000000000101
01.01.1993.33.aspx185410/11/2022 8:29:15 PM483https://dsd.maryland.gov/executiveorders/Pages/Forms/AllItems.aspxhtmlFalseaspx 01.01.1993.33 EXECUTIVE ORDER 01.01.1993.33 Alcohol and Tobacco Advertising on Property Owned or Leased by the Mass Transit Administration of the Maryland Department of Transportation A. Advertising Policy. The Mass Transit Administration of the Maryland Department of Transportation may not permit or contract for any advertising or promotions of any kind which encourage the public to use or consume alcoholic beverages or tobacco products or any similar advertisement on any p...3333.00000000000001993.000000000000101
01.01.1994.06.aspx185510/11/2022 8:29:15 PM699https://dsd.maryland.gov/executiveorders/Pages/Forms/AllItems.aspxhtmlFalseaspx 01.01.1994.06 EXECUTIVE ORDER 01.01.1994.06 State Agencies—Internal Audits A. The appointing authority of each agency that currently performs internal audits shall: (1) Designate an individual to act as a chief internal auditor; (2) Implement an effective program of internal audits that includes, as the agency head determines to be necessary, professional and support staff that have the technical proficiency and educational background appropriate for the performance ...66.000000000000001994.000000000000101
01.01.1994.12.aspx185610/11/2022 8:29:16 PM469https://dsd.maryland.gov/executiveorders/Pages/Forms/AllItems.aspxhtmlFalseaspx 01.01.1994.12 EXECUTIVE ORDER 01.01.1994.12 Fetal Alcohol Syndrome A. The Maryland State Department of Education will work with local health curriculum supervisors to increase the number of school systems that are using educational resources through organizations including, but not limited to, Blue Cross/Blue Shield, the Association of Retarded Citizens and the March of Dimes to address the growing need for staff development inservice training and classroom instruction to pre...1212.00000000000001994.000000000000101
01.01.1994.25.aspx185710/11/2022 8:29:17 PM502https://dsd.maryland.gov/executiveorders/Pages/Forms/AllItems.aspxhtmlFalseaspx 01.01.1994.25 EXECUTIVE ORDER 01.01.1994.25 Grievance Procedure—State Employees A. The DOP may be made a party in a grievance when the appointing authority, in its decision at the conclusion of the first step of the grievance proceeding, pursuant to State Personnel and Pensions Article, §10-207(c), states that the DOP has taken an action adverse to the employee. B. In cases where the DOP has been named as a party by the appointing authority under paragraph A, the employee...2525.00000000000001994.000000000000101
01.01.1995.20.aspx185810/11/2022 8:29:17 PM555https://dsd.maryland.gov/executiveorders/Pages/Forms/AllItems.aspxhtmlFalseaspx 01.01.1995.20 EXECUTIVE ORDER 01.01.1995.20 Potomac River Fisheries Commission NOW, THEREFORE, I, PARRIS N. GLENDENING, GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OF MARYLAND, PURSUANT TO THE AUTHORITY VESTED IN ME BY CHAPTER 589 OF THE ACTS OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF 1994, HEREBY PROCLAIM THAT CHAPTER 589, AS CODIFIED IN SECTION 4-306 OF THE NATURAL RESOURCES ARTICLE, IS VALID AND EFFECTIVE. Effective date: July 19, 1995 (22:16 Md. R. 1209) 2020.00000000000001995.000000000000101
01.01.1995.25.aspx185910/11/2022 8:29:18 PM505https://dsd.maryland.gov/executiveorders/Pages/Forms/AllItems.aspxhtmlFalseaspx 01.01.1995.25 EXECUTIVE ORDER 01.01.1995.25 Consolidation of Chesapeake Bay Communications A. The Chesapeake Bay Communications Coordinating Office, its positions, appropriations, and assets now located in the Executive Department are hereby transferred to the Department of Natural Resources. B. The Department of Natural Resources shall: (1) Coordinate State communication plans as outlined in the Maryland Chesapeake Bay Communication Plan; (2) Cooperate with the...2525.00000000000001995.000000000000101
01.01.1996.07.aspx186010/11/2022 8:29:19 PM505https://dsd.maryland.gov/executiveorders/Pages/Forms/AllItems.aspxhtmlFalseaspx 01.01.1996.07 EXECUTIVE ORDER 01.01.1996.07 Maryland Charity Campaign for State Employees and Retirees [Amended COMAR 01.01.1993.01] A. Administration. (1) The Maryland Charity Campaign for State Employees and Retirees ("the Campaign") shall be administered on an annual basis by the Secretary of State in conformity with the provisions of Executive Order No. 01.01.1983.03 issued on January 24, 1983, as may be amended, which are not inconsistent with this Order. (...77.000000000000001996.000000000000101
01.01.1996.13.aspx186110/11/2022 8:29:19 PM619https://dsd.maryland.gov/executiveorders/Pages/Forms/AllItems.aspxhtmlFalseaspx 01.01.1996.13 EXECUTIVE ORDER 01.01.1996.13 Procedures for Labor-Management Relations in the Executive Branch of State Government A. Except as provided in paragraph B., this Executive Order applies to all employees of: (1) The principal departments within the Executive Branch; (2) The Maryland Insurance Administration; (3) The State Department of Assessments and Taxation; and (4) The State Lottery Agency. B. This Executive Order does not apply to emplo...1313.00000000000001996.000000000000101
01.01.1998.04.aspx186210/11/2022 8:29:20 PM515https://dsd.maryland.gov/executiveorders/Pages/Forms/AllItems.aspxhtmlFalseaspx 01.01.1998.04 EXECUTIVE ORDER 01.01.1998.04 Smart Growth and Neighborhood Conservation Policy A. Purpose. This Executive Order establishes the Smart Growth and Neighborhood Conservation Policy, as defined in this Executive Order and effectuates the State Economic Growth, and Resource Protection and Planning Policy mandated and adopted by the General Assembly in 1992 (Chapter 437 of the Acts of 1992). B. Smart Growth and Neighborhood Conservation Policy. The Policy provide...44.000000000000001998.000000000000101
01.01.1998.06.aspx186310/11/2022 8:29:21 PM556https://dsd.maryland.gov/executiveorders/Pages/Forms/AllItems.aspxhtmlFalseaspx 01.01.1998.06 EXECUTIVE ORDER 01.01.1998.06 The Governor's Committee on Employment of People With Disabilities [Amended COMAR 01.01.1996.15] A. There is a Governor's Committee on Employment of People with Disabilities within the Office for Individuals with Disabilities in the Executive Branch of the government. B. The Governor's Committee on Employment of People with Disabilities is affiliated with the President's Committee on Employment of People with Disabilities l...66.000000000000001998.000000000000101
01.01.1998.07.aspx186410/11/2022 8:29:21 PM1101https://dsd.maryland.gov/executiveorders/Pages/Forms/AllItems.aspxhtmlFalseaspx 01.01.1998.07 EXECUTIVE ORDER 01.01.1998.07 Debt Issued by State Entities [Rescinded COMAR 01.01.1989.13] A. Definitions. In this Executive Order the following words have the meanings indicated: (1) "Board" means the Board of Public Works; (2) "Department" means the Department of Budget and Management; (3) "Secretary" means the Secretary of the Department of Budget and Management; (4) "State entity" means any agency or instrumentality of the State othe...77.000000000000001998.000000000000101
01.01.1998.25.aspx186510/11/2022 8:29:22 PM474https://dsd.maryland.gov/executiveorders/Pages/Forms/AllItems.aspxhtmlFalseaspx 01.01.1998.25 EXECUTIVE ORDER 01.01.1998.25 Domestic Violence and the Workplace A. That each department and agency of the State of Maryland shall within the next year adopt policies and procedures which: (1) Clearly direct that State agencies will not tolerate domestic violence; (2) Instruct employees on how to offer assistance to domestic violence victims in an expedient, meaningful and confidential manner; (3) Provide for the conspicuous posting of information...2525.00000000000001998.000000000000101
01.01.1999.30.aspx186610/11/2022 8:29:22 PM749https://dsd.maryland.gov/executiveorders/Pages/Forms/AllItems.aspxhtmlFalseaspx 01.01.1999.30 EXECUTIVE ORDER 01.01.1990.30 PROTOCOL FOR THE MARYLAND STATE FLAG (Amends COMAR 01.01.1999.05) Note: The following protocol provides guidelines for the proper display of the Maryland flag. Those provisions followed by a reference to the Annotated Code of Maryland are based on statutes, and violations of them may carry legal penalties. DESCRIPTION AND CARE: 1.01 The Maryland flag was adopted as the State flag by an Act of the General Assembly in 19...3030.00000000000001999.000000000000101
01.01.2001.02.aspx170210/11/2022 8:29:23 PM782https://dsd.maryland.gov/executiveorders/Pages/Forms/AllItems.aspxhtmlFalseaspx 01.01.2001.02 EXECUTIVE ORDER 01.01.2001.02 Sustaining Maryland's Future with Clean Power, Green Buildings and Energy Efficiency A. Clean Energy Procurement Goal. (1) For purposes of this Executive Order, "Green Energy" is defined as energy generated from the wind, solar photovoltaic, solar thermal, biomass, landfill gas and the combustion of municipal solid waste. (2) For the procurement of electricity for use within State owned facilities, the State of Maryland has...22.000000000000002001.000000000000101
01.01.2001.06.aspx170310/11/2022 8:29:24 PM702https://dsd.maryland.gov/executiveorders/Pages/Forms/AllItems.aspxhtmlFalseaspx 01.01.2001.06 EXECUTIVE ORDER 01.01.2001.06 Water Conservation by State Agencies A. Water Conservation Goal. (1) State agencies, through water conservation measures, shall reduce water consumption by at least seven percent (7%) by the year 2003, at least eight percent (8%) by the year 2005, at least nine percent (9%) by the year 2007, and at least ten percent (10%) by the year 2010, relative to baseline water use in the year 2000. (2) For the purposes of this Executi...66.000000000000002001.000000000000101
01.01.2001.18.aspx170410/11/2022 8:29:25 PM548https://dsd.maryland.gov/executiveorders/Pages/Forms/AllItems.aspxhtmlFalseaspx 01.01.2001.18 EXECUTIVE ORDER 01.01.2001.18 Maryland State Rehabilitation Council [Amends Executive Order 01.01.1993.25] A. There is a Maryland State Rehabilitation Council, hereafter referred to as the Council. B. Membership and Procedures. (1) The membership of the Council shall be appointed by the Governor after soliciting recommendations from representatives of organizations representing a broad range of individuals with disabilities and organizations intere...1818.00000000000002001.000000000000101
01.01.2001.22.aspx170510/11/2022 8:29:25 PM418https://dsd.maryland.gov/executiveorders/Pages/Forms/AllItems.aspxhtmlFalseaspx 01.01.2001.22 EXECUTIVE ORDER 01.01.2001.22 Stormwater Management on State Lands A. All State agencies shall: (1) Establish an Institution/Agency Management Plan in accordance with the "Maryland Stormwater Management Guidelines for State and Federal Projects," issued by the Maryland Department of the Environment, July 1, 2001. (a) Identify existing developed State owned lands (e.g., all pervious and impervious surfaces) by December 31, 2002. (b) Identify the sto...2222.00000000000002001.000000000000101

