

EXECUTIVE ORDER 01.01.1991.19 40 Hour Work Week [Amended COMAR 01.01.1991.01 and 01.01.1991.15]

A. The normal work week for State employees shall be 40 hours effective as follows:

(1) Contract payroll employees, July 3, 1991;

(2) Regular payroll employees, July 10, 1991; and

(3) University payroll employees, July 14, 1991.

B. The Secretary of Personnel and the appointing authorities shall take all actions necessary or desirable to implement this directive.

Effective date: January 8, 1991 (18:2 Md. R. 79)

Amended effective February 27, 1991 (18:6 Md. R. 660); June 24, 1991 (18:15 Md. R. 1691)