.10 Method of Delivery of Required Forms and Other Written Materials.

A. Mailing Address. The official mailing address of the Secretary for delivery and receipt of any mail, information, filings, registrations, applications, or other material required by the Act or regulations promulgated by the Secretary of State pursuant to §6-204 of the Act is: Office of the Secretary of State, Charitable Organizations Division, 16 Francis Street, Annapolis, MD 21401.

B. Electronic Submission. The Secretary may accept forms or other written materials required by the Act or regulations promulgated by the Secretary of State pursuant to §6-204 of the Act, by electronic transmission. The Secretary may specify or adopt additional forms or electronic filing requirements.

C. The signature of a person signing forms or other materials required by the Act or regulations promulgated by the Secretary of State pursuant to §6-204 of the Act shall be an original or electronic signature acceptable to the Secretary under Commercial Law Article, §21-117, Annotated Code of Maryland.