.13 Penalties and Interest.

A. Penalties.

(1) If a person fails to file an IFTA report and schedules when due, a penalty shall be assessed in the amount of 10 percent of the tax due, with a minimum assessment of $50.

(2) A penalty of $50 shall be assessed when an IFTA report and schedules are not filed when due, even if taxes are not due.

(3) If a person files an IFTA report and schedules timely but, for whatever reason, underpays the proper tax due an IFTA jurisdiction, a penalty shall be assessed in the amount of 10 percent of the additional tax due, with a minimum assessment of $50.

B. Interest.

(1) If a person fails to file a return when due, interest shall be assessed as prescribed in Tax-General Article, Title 13, Annotated Code of Maryland.

(2) Interest on unpaid tax assessments shall be assessed as prescribed in Tax-General Article, Title 13, Annotated Code of Maryland.