.08 Wildlife Damage Control Permits — Species List.
The applicant shall provide, from the following list, the species that the applicant seeks authority to control:
A. The following mammals:
(1) Bats;
(2) The following furbearing mammals:
(a) Beaver;
(b) Bobcat;
(c) Coyote;
(d) Fisher;
(e) Fox;
(f) Mink;
(g) Muskrat;
(h) Nutria;
(i) Opossum;
(j) River otter;
(k) Raccoon;
(l) Skunk; and
(m) Weasel;
(3) Rabbits; and
(4) The following rodents:
(a) Chipmunk;
(b) Gray squirrel;
(c) Eastern fox squirrel;
(d) Red squirrel;
(e) Southern flying squirrel; and
(f) Woodchuck;
B. Reptiles and amphibians; and
C. The following birds:
(1) Unprotected birds:
(a) European starling;
(b) Feral pigeon; and
(c) House sparrow; and
(2) Migratory birds.