.04 Qualifying Continuing Education Programs and Methods.

A. The overriding consideration in determining whether a specific program or method qualifies is that it shall be a program or method of learning which contributes directly to the professional competence of an individual after this individual has been licensed to practice certified public accountancy.

B. Group Continuing Education Programs.

(1) A group continuing education program will qualify only if it meets §A of this regulation.

(2) Types of group continuing education programs would include:

(a) Professional development programs of recognized national and state accounting organizations and their chapters;

(b) Technical sessions at meetings of recognized national and state accounting organizations and their chapters;

(c) Non-credit courses at universities and colleges;

(d) In-firm education programs; and

(e) Programs offered by other recognized professional or industrial organizations.

(3) An individual who reports participation in a qualifying group continuing education program to satisfy the continuing education requirements of this chapter shall provide, upon the Board’s request, the following documentation:

(a) A certificate of completion; or

(b) A certificate of attendance.

C. University and College Courses.

(1) University and college courses taken for academic credit at an institution of higher education that meets the requirements of Business Occupations and Professions Article, §2-303(c), Annotated Code of Maryland, will qualify only if §A of this regulation is met.

(2) Credit towards the continuing education requirement will be calculated as follows:

(a) 15 hours for each semester hour credit; and

(b) 10 hours for each quarter hour credit.

(3) An individual who reports completion of a university or college course to satisfy the continuing education requirements of this chapter shall provide, upon the Board’s request, an official transcript that includes the course.

D. Other Programs.

(1) A program other than a group program will qualify only if the program meets the requirements of §A of this regulation.

(2) An individual who reports participation in a program other than a group continuing education program to satisfy the continuing education requirements of this chapter shall provide, upon the Board’s request, the following documentation:

(a) A certificate of completion; or

(b) A certificate of attendance.

(3) Electronic Self-Study. In order to qualify, an electronic self-study program of 10-minute duration must include:

(a) At least one stated learning objective; and

(b) Require the participant to correctly answer at least two final assessment questions at the end of the program.

E. Peer Reviews.

(1) A peer review shall qualify if conducted in accordance with Business Occupations and Professions Article, Title 2, Subtitle 4A, Annotated Code of Maryland, and COMAR 09.24.06.

(2) Calculation of Credit for Peer Reviews.

(a) Only an individual in a firm that receives a “passing” peer review report with no deficiencies may receive credit.

(b) The peer reviewer shall allocate the credit hours among the engagement personnel in attendance at the exit conference for the peer review.

(c) The peer reviewer shall allocate a maximum of:

(i) 12 hours for an engagement review; and

(ii) 16 hours for a system review.

(d) Peer review credit hours may not exceed 16 credit hours per individual for any license period.

(3) An individual who reports participation in a peer review to satisfy the continuing education requirements of this chapter shall provide, upon the Board’s request, a written certification signed and dated by the peer reviewer indicating the following:

(a) The name of the individual receiving credit;

(b) The name of the reviewed firm;

(c) The permit number of the reviewed firm;

(d) The type of peer review performed; and

(e) The number of credit hours awarded to the individual.

F. Continuing Education Publications.

(1) An individual may receive continuing education credit for authoring or contributing to a continuing education publication that:

(a) Meets §A of this regulation; and

(b) Has been reviewed prior to publication by a qualified independent party.

(2) Credit Hours.

(a) The Board shall determine the number of credit hours to be awarded to an individual for authoring or contributing to a continuing education publication based on the time spent by the individual:

(i) Performing research associated with the continuing education publication; and

(ii) Writing the continuing education publication.

(b) An individual may be awarded a maximum of 10 credit hours for each continuing education publication.

(c) Continuing education publication credit hours may not exceed 40 credit hours per individual for any license period.

(3) Documentation. An individual who reports authoring or contributing to a continuing education publication to satisfy the continuing education requirements of this chapter shall provide, upon the Board’s request, the following documentation:

(a) For printed media, the individual shall provide a copy of the published work.

(b) For digital media, the individual shall provide a copy of the published work.

(c) For online media, the individual shall provide:

(i) The complete uniform resource locator of the published work;

(ii) The title of the published work; and

(iii) The date of the published work.

(d) For all types of media, the individual shall, on a form provided by the Board:

(i) Certify the hours spent by the individual researching and writing the continuing education publication; and

(ii) Identify the independent party who reviewed the continuing education publication.

G. Services as a Teacher, Lecturer, or Discussion Leader.

(1) An individual may receive continuing education credit for services as a teacher, lecturer, or discussion leader that meet §A of this regulation.

(2) Credit Hours.

(a) An individual who provides services as a teacher, lecturer, or discussion leader will be awarded credit hours for a presentation of a course or program in the following amounts:

(i) For a university or college course offered at an institution of higher education that meets the requirements of Business Occupations and Professions Article, §2-303(c), Annotated Code of Maryland, the individual shall receive 15 hours of continuing education for each semester hour credit of the course and 10 hours of continuing education for each quarter hour credit of the course; or

(ii) For any other course or program, the individual shall receive three times the credit hours of the course or program.

(b) Credit hours for services as a teacher, lecturer, or discussion leader may not exceed 45 credit hours per individual for any license period.

(c) An individual may only be awarded credit hours for the first time presentation of a course or program within a 2-year license term.

(3) Documentation. An individual who reports services as a teacher, lecturer, or discussion leader to satisfy the continuing education requirements of this chapter shall provide, upon the Board’s request, the following documentation:

(a) The professional credentials of the individual;

(b) The name of the course or program;

(c) The group or institution offering the course or program;

(d) An outline or syllabus of the subject matter presented;

(e) The date of the presentation;

(f) The location of the presentation; and

(g) The duration of the presentation.