.06 Participant Eligibility — Level II — Moderate Care Coordination.

The participant as described in Regulation .03A of this chapter shall meet three or more of the following conditions:

A. The participant is not linked to behavioral health services, health insurance, or medical services;

B. The participant lacks basic supports for education, income, food, or transportation;

C. The participant is homeless or at-risk for homelessness;

D. The participant is transitioning from one level of intensity to another level of intensity including transitions out of the following levels of service:

(1) Inpatient psychiatric or substance use services;

(2) RTC; or

(3) 1915(i) services under COMAR 10.09.89;

E. Due to multiple behavioral health stressors within the past 12 months, the participant has a history of:

(1) Psychiatric hospitalizations; or

(2) Repeated visits or admissions to:

(a) Emergency room psychiatric units;

(b) Crisis beds; or

(c) Inpatient psychiatric units;

F. The participant needs care coordination services to obtain and maintain community-based treatment and services;

G. The participant:

(1) Is currently enrolled in Level III Care Coordination services under this chapter; and

(2) Has stabilized to the point that Level II is most appropriate;

H. The participant:

(1) Is currently enrolled in Level I Care Coordination services under this chapter; and

(2) Has experienced one of the following adverse childhood experiences during the preceding 6 months:

(a) Emotional, physical, or sexual abuse;

(b) Emotional or physical neglect; or

(c) Significant family disruption or stressors.