.02 Fees.

A. The fees listed in this regulation are not refundable.

B. Licensure by examination fees are as follows:

(1) Registered nurse licensure — $100;

(2) Licensed practical nurse licensure — $100; and

(3) An examination fee for registered nurse and licensed practical nurse licensure shall be paid by the candidate directly to the testing service.

C. Licensure by endorsement fees are as follows:

(1) Registered nurse licensure — $100; and

(2) Licensed practical nurse licensure — $100.

D. Temporary registered nurse or licensed practical nurse licensure fee — $40.

E. Advanced practice registered nurse certification fees are as follows:

(1) Initial advanced practice certification — $50; and

(2) Each additional initial advanced practice certification — $25.

F. Specialty nursing practice certification fees are as follows:

(1) Initial forensic nurse examiner certification — $25; and

(2) Initial workers' compensation medical case manager certification — $25.

G. Biennial renewal fees are as follows:

(1) Renewal of a registered nurse license — $110;

(2) Renewal of a licensed practical nurse license — $110;

(3) Renewal of a registered nurse or licensed practical nurse volunteer license — $40;

(4) Renewal of an inactive license for a registered nurse or licensed practical nurse — $40;

(5) Renewal of each advanced practice registered nurse certification is in addition to the registered nurse license renewal fee and is — $10; and

(6) Renewal of certification for specialty nursing practices regulated by the Board is in addition to the registered nurse license renewal fee and is as follows:

(a) Forensic nurse examiner certification — $10; and

(b) Workers' compensation medical case manager certification — $10.

H. Health Care Practitioner User Fee.

(1) In addition to a license fee, each registered nurse shall pay a non-refundable health care practitioner user fee assessed by the Maryland Health Care Commission in accordance with Health-General Article, §19-111(b)(4), Annotated Code of Maryland.

(2) The health care practitioner user fee shall be:

(a) Included in the licensing fee paid to the Board; and

(b) Collected with the application for an initial or renewal license.

(3) The amount of the assessed health care practitioner user fee shall be double the amount of the annual health care practitioner user fee for biennial licensure.

(4) The Board shall:

(a) Account for the user fees; and

(b) Transfer the fees to the Maryland Health Care Commission on a quarterly basis.

I. Nurse Practitioner Preceptorship Tax Credit Fund.

(1) This fee applies only to nurse practitioners.

(2) The Board shall assess a separate $15 fee for the renewal of a nurse practitioner, regardless of the number of certifications held by the nurse practitioner.

(3) The Board shall:

(a) Account for the fees collected under this section; and

(b) Transfer the fee to the Nurse Practitioner Preceptorship Tax Credit Fund.

J. Other fees are as follows:

(1) Verification of licensure — $25;

(2) Copies of transcripts or duplicate test scores — $25;

(3) Duplicate certificate of initial licensure — $15; and

(4) Returned check fee — $25. ​