
.10 Alternatives to 4-year Enrollment Requirement.

A. In recognition of the fact that 4-year enrollment in a public high school may not serve the best interests of some students, the alternatives in §§B and C of this regulation shall be made available.

B. Early College Admission Program. A student may receive a Maryland High School Diploma through acceptance in the early college admission program, if:

(1) The student is accepted for early admission to an accredited college before high school graduation;

(2) All Maryland Comprehensive Assessments and student service requirements have been met;

(3) A written request by the student and parent or guardian is made to and approved by the local superintendent of schools certifying the early admission acceptance;

(4) The student's program for the first year of college is approved by the local superintendent of schools if this program is included toward the issuance of a diploma; and

(5) At the conclusion of the program or after 1 year, a written request for a Maryland High School Diploma is submitted to the superintendent together with a transcript or letter from the college to the high school principal indicating that the student has successfully completed a year of college work.

C. Early Admission to Approved Vocational, Technical, or Other Postsecondary School Program. A student may receive a Maryland High School Diploma through acceptance in an early admission program of an approved vocational, technical, or postsecondary school program if:

(1) The student is accepted for early admission by an approved vocational, technical, or postsecondary school program before high school graduation;

(2) All Maryland Comprehensive Assessments and student service requirements have been met;

(3) A written request by the student and parent or guardian is made to and approved by the local superintendent of schools certifying the early admission acceptance;

(4) The student's program for the first year of the postsecondary program is approved by the local superintendent of schools if this program is included toward the issuance of a diploma; and

(5) At the conclusion of a full year of study, a written request for a Maryland High School Diploma is submitted to the superintendent together with a transcript or letter from the postsecondary school to the high school principal indicating that the student has successfully completed a year of postsecondary school work.