
.07 Educational Program.

A. Program.

(1) The educational program of a school shall operate consistently with its statement of purposes.

(2) Based on the classification specified on the Certificate of Approval of a school, a school shall maintain at the school a written curriculum of its educational program for the following areas of instruction:

(a) English, language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies for kindergarten and each grade; and

(b) Secondary school courses for which credit is issued.

(3) A school shall implement its written curriculum as specified in §A(2) of this regulation.

B. Instructional Materials and Equipment.

(1) A school shall maintain at the school instructional materials and equipment required to implement the written curriculum of the school as specified in §A(2) of this regulation.

(2) A school shall own the instructional materials and equipment required to implement the written curriculum of the school.

C. Library Media Collection.

(1) A school shall maintain at the school a library media collection to support and supplement the implementation of the written curriculum of the school as specified in §A(2) of this regulation.

(2) A school shall own the library media collection required to support and supplement the implementation of the written curriculum of the school.

D. Ratio of Students to Teachers or Average Class Size.

(1) A school shall have a written statement of its ratio of students to teachers or its average class size for the implementation of its educational program.

(2) A school shall give annually to parents or legal guardians of prospective and enrolled students the written statement of its ratio of students to teachers or average class size.