.07 Health, Fire Safety, and Zoning.
A. Before issuance of an approval document, a legal authority shall submit documentation on Department forms from the responsible approval or licensing authorities that verifies that the location and facilities to be used by the school are in compliance with applicable health, fire safety, and zoning regulations.
B. For continued approval, a school shall maintain valid documentation of compliance with applicable health, fire safety, and zoning regulations for the location and facilities used by the school.
C. A school that operates at a location licensed by another unit of State government to provide care or treatment, or both, shall meet the following requirements:
(1) For initial approval, a legal authority shall submit a copy of the valid license issued by another unit of State government for the location and facilities to be used by the school; and
(2) For continued approval, a school shall maintain a copy of the valid license issued by another unit of State government for the location and facilities used by the school.
D. A school that operates at a location other than the location licensed by another unit of State government to provide care or treatment, or both, shall meet the following requirements:
(1) For initial approval, and as a condition of occupancy of a facility used by a school, a legal authority shall submit written documentation on Department forms from the responsible approval or licensing authorities that verifies that the location and facilities to be used by the school are in compliance with applicable health, fire safety, and zoning regulations; and
(2) For continued approval, a school shall maintain valid documentation of compliance with applicable health, fire safety, and zoning regulations for the location and facilities used by the school.
E. Private Residence. A school may not be approved to operate in a private residence.