
.14 Evaluation and Review Process for Transfer of Courses and Credits.

A. Purpose. The purpose of the evaluation and review process is to maximize the courses and credits accepted for transfer by a receiving institution.

B. Transfer Evaluation Request by Student.

(1) A current or prospective transfer student who desires to transfer courses or credits from a prior institution of higher education to a receiving institution shall submit to the receiving institution a request to conduct an evaluation of official transcripts and other relevant materials.

(2) The request shall be in the form and manner required by the receiving institution and shall identify each completed course and each credit awarded for prior learning that the student desires to transfer to the receiving institution.

C. Timing of Evaluation by Receiving Institution.

(1) Except as set forth in §C(2) of this regulation, in response to a complete request submitted under §B of this regulation, a receiving institution shall conduct and complete an evaluation of the student’s official transcripts and other relevant materials no later than 20 business days after receipt of the official transcripts.

(2) If the official transcripts are received more than 30 business days before the start of the student’s first semester at the receiving institution, the evaluation shall be conducted and completed no later than 10 business days prior to the start of the student’s first semester.

D. Evaluation of Course and Credit Transfer by Receiving Institution.

(1) In accordance with §D(2) and (3) of this regulation, a receiving institution shall evaluate each completed course or credit in a transfer evaluation request to determine:

(a) First, if the course or credit is transferable; and

(b) Second, the academic program requirement(s) to which a transferable course or credit will be applied.

(2) Transferability.

(a) The transferability of the course or credit shall be evaluated by determining:

(i) If the transferability of the course or credit has been established in a Program Transfer Agreement, other transfer agreement, course equivalency list, or other institutional publication;

(ii) If the course fulfilled a general education course at the sending institution;

(iii) If, under the standard in Regulation .10 of this chapter, as determined by an appropriate academic staff member, the course is equivalent to a course at the receiving institution; or

(iv) If, under the standard in Regulation .11 of this chapter, as determined by an appropriate academic staff member, the credit is equivalent to credit for prior learning at the receiving institution.

(b) A course that is not transferable under §D(2)(a) shall be denied.

(3) Application of Credit.

(a) In accordance with Regulation .08C of this chapter, and consistent with the standards set forth in this chapter and the institutional policies and procedures established under Regulation .03 of this chapter, each course or credit accepted for transfer shall be evaluated to determine if it fulfills:

(i) A general education requirement;

(ii) A requirement of the student’s academic program;

(iii) An elective requirement;

(iv) Any other institutional or program requirement; or

(v) Two or more of the requirements in §D(3)(a)(i)—(iv) of this regulation.

(b) If the number of credits assigned to all transferable courses and credits exceeds the limits set forth in Regulation .08 of this chapter, the courses that are not accepted for transfer shall be:

(i) Determined after evaluating the application of credit under §D(3)(a) of this regulation; and

(ii) Selected to minimize the number of courses a student will need to take at the receiving institution to complete a degree.

E. Transfer Evaluation Report.

(1) No later than the applicable deadline set forth in §C of this regulation, a receiving institution shall issue a Transfer Evaluation Report to inform a student in writing of the outcome of the evaluation.

(2) The Transfer Evaluation Report shall include, for each course and credit requested for transfer:

(a) If the course or credit has been accepted for transfer or denied;

(b) For each course and credit accepted for transfer:

(i) The basis for transferability; and

(ii) The program requirement(s) it fulfills under §D(3) of this regulation;

(c) For each course or credit denied because it is not transferable, a clear and detailed explanation of the reason for the denial;

(d) For each course or credit denied because the total number of transferable credits exceeded the limits set forth in Regulation .08 of this chapter, a clear and detailed explanation of the basis for the determination of which transferable course(s) or credit(s) were denied;

(e) If any course or credit is denied, a statement explaining that all course and credit transfer denials will be reviewed by the sending institution, in conjunction with the receiving institution, without further action on the part of the student; and

(f) The name, title, email address, and phone number of the individual at the receiving institution whom the student can contact with questions.

(3) A copy of the Transfer Evaluation Report shall be provided to all sending institutions simultaneously with the issuance of the report to the student.

F. Receiving Institution Transcript. As soon as possible after acceptance of a course or credit for transfer, the receiving institution shall ensure that the student’s transcript reflects the credits awarded.

G. Review of Denials by Sending Institution.

(1) If any course or credit is denied, the sending institution, in conjunction with the receiving institution, shall conduct an evaluation to review each denial of a course or credit.

(2) The transfer coordinator or institutional designee of the sending institution shall conduct the evaluation in accordance with §D of this regulation.

(3) The evaluation shall be completed, and a copy of the sending institution’s analysis shall be provided to the receiving institution, no later than 20 business days after receipt of the Transfer Evaluation Report.

(4) The sending institution’s analysis shall indicate, for each course or credit denied by the receiving institution, whether the sending institution agrees or disagrees with the receiving institution’s evaluation and rationale.

(5) Meeting Between Sending and Receiving Institutions.

(a) The sending and receiving institutions shall meet to discuss the analyses no later than 20 business days after the sending institution’s analysis is provided to the receiving institution.

(b) During the meeting, the institutions shall review and discuss each course or credit denial determination with which the sending institution disagrees.

(c) The meeting may be held via phone or video conference.

(d) Waiver.

(i) For good cause, a sending institution may request that the Secretary waive the meeting requirement for any individual review.

(ii) A request for a waiver shall be made, in writing, with a copy to the receiving institution, no later than 5 business days of providing the analysis to the receiving institution.

(iii) The Secretary shall approve or deny a request for a waiver of the meeting within 10 business days of receipt.

(6) No later than 10 business days after the meeting, a sending institution shall provide to the receiving institution:

(a) A revised version of the sending institution’s analysis; or

(b) Written notification that no revisions to the sending institution’s analysis are necessary.

H. Final Determination by Receiving Institution.

(1) No later than 10 business days after receipt of a revised analysis from the sending institution or a notification under §G(6) of this regulation, the receiving institution shall provide to the student:

(a) A Revised Transfer Evaluation Report; or

(b) Written notification that the review process has not resulted in any changes to the Transfer Evaluation Report.

(2) The decision arising out of the review process regarding the transferability of courses and credits under §D(2) constitutes the final decision of the receiving institution and is not subject to appeal.

I. Records.

(1) A receiving institution shall keep records of all denied courses and credits, including but not limited to, the Transfer Evaluation Report, the sending institution analysis, any revisions to the sending institution analysis, and any Revised Transfer Evaluation Report, for at least 5 years after the student ceases enrollment at the institution or 2 years after the student completes a bachelor’s degree, whichever is earlier.

(2) An institution shall annually report to the Commission, in a form prescribed by the Commission, each denial of a course or credit transfer, including the reason for each denial.