.03 Definitions.

A. In this chapter, the following terms have the meanings indicated.

B. Terms Defined.

(1) “Act” means the Public Information Act, General Provisions Article, §§4-101—4-601, Annotated Code of Maryland.

(2) “Applicant” has the meaning stated in General Provisions Article, §4-101(b), Annotated Code of Maryland.

(3) “Copy” means any form of reproduction using a photocopying machine or other reproduction technology, including a paper copy, an electronic copy, a printout, or an image.

(4) “Custodian” has the meaning stated in General Provisions Article, §4-101(d), Annotated Code of Maryland.

(5) “Executive Director” means the Executive Director of the Board as provided in Health-General Article, §21-2C-03, Annotated Code of Maryland.

(6) “Indigent” has the meaning stated in General Provisions Article, §4-206(a)(2), Annotated Code of Maryland.

(7) “Metadata” has the meaning stated in General Provisions Article, §4-205(a), Annotated Code of Maryland.

(8) “Official custodian” has the meaning stated in General Provisions Article, §4-101(f), Annotated Code of Maryland.

(9) “PIA coordinator” means the Board employee who is responsible for accepting requests for public records.

(10) “Public Access Ombudsman” means the official appointed under General Provisions Article, Title 4, Subtitle 1B, Annotated Code of Maryland, to resolve disputes under the Act.

(11) “Public record” has the meaning stated in General Provisions Article, §4-101(j), Annotated Code of Maryland.

(12) “Reasonable fee” has the meaning stated in General Provisions Article, §4-206(a)(3), Annotated Code of Maryland.

(13) “Sociological information” means personal phone number, personal email address, and personal home address.