.05 Sentences Outside the Guidelines.
A. The judge shall document on the guidelines worksheet the reason or reasons for imposing a sentence outside of the recommended guidelines range.
B. Common reasons for departure under the guidelines range include, but are not limited to, the following:
(1) The parties reached a plea agreement that called for a reduced sentence;
(2) The offender had a minor role in the offense;
(3) The offender was influenced by coercion or duress;
(4) The offender had diminished capability for judgment;
(5) The offender made restorative efforts after the offense;
(6) The victim's participation in the offense lessens the offender's culpability;
(7) The offender's commitment to substance abuse treatment or other therapeutic program; or
(8) Recommendation of the State's attorney or Division of Parole and Probation.
C. Common reasons for departure over the guidelines range include, but are not limited to, the following:
(1) The offender had a major role in the offense;
(2) The level of harm was excessive;
(3) Special circumstances of the victim;
(4) The offender exploited a position of trust;
(5) The offender committed a "white collar" offense;
(6) The offender had significant participation in a major controlled substance offense;
(7) The vicious or heinous nature of the conduct; or
(8) Recommendation of the State's attorney or Division of Parole and Probation.