.02 Programs and Activities Covered by this Chapter.

A. The Department, in consultation with State, regional, and local officials, shall issue and from time to time revise lists of federal and State financial assistance programs that are covered by the notification and intergovernmental review requirements of this chapter as a result of federal or State statutes or regulations. The Department shall maintain current lists on its website of the covered federal and State financial assistance programs.

B. Except as stated in §E of this regulation, each application by a State agency for federal financial assistance is covered by the notification requirements of Regulations .04 and .08, even if the application is made under a program that is not listed in Regulation .11 of this chapter.

C. All federal plans and direct federal development activities are covered by the notification and intergovernmental review requirements of this chapter. This includes proposed activities that require federal and State review under the following laws:

(1) The Coastal Zone Management Act;

(2) The National Historic Preservation Act; and

(3) The National Environmental Policy Act.

D. The following applications or activities that require State or local government review are covered by the notification and intergovernmental review requirements of this chapter:

(1) Municipal annexation public notice and outline for extension of services and public facilities is covered by Regulations .05 and .06;

(2) Power plant transmission line applications submitted to the Public Service Commission;

(3) Requests to the Board of Public Works for authority to grant easements or rights-of-way over State real property, to make substantial changes in the use of State real property, or to transfer or dispose of excess or surplus State real property; and

(4) Environmental assessment forms and environmental effects reports prepared in accordance with the Maryland Environmental Policy Act.

E. An application by a State agency for a federal instructional contract, instructional grant, research contract, or research grant is covered by Regulations .04C(3) and .08B of this chapter, but is otherwise not covered by this chapter.